FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

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Page 1: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries


2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E V I E W

Page 2: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Guideposts helps people from all walks of life

achieve their maximum personal and spiritual potential.

We are committed to communicating positive faith-filled

principles for people everywhere to use in successful daily living.

One Mission.Table of Contents

2 The Power of One

4 One Message

7 One Journey

8 One Promise

11 One Vision

12 Prayers for One

14 Help for One

16 Inspiration for One

18 Comfort for One

20 One Family

22 One Donor

42 Financials

44 One Legacy

45 One Gift

Page 3: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Dear Guideposts Friend:

From the very beginning my parents, and our co-founders, Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, believed the responsibility of the organization was to implement ministries that inspired and helped people and teach how faith and hope can overcome the greatest odds. Because of you, this has been a rewarding year of helping people each and every day... praying for millions... sending over 3,000,000 pieces of inspirational material to those in need all over the world.

We’re grateful for you putting your heart and resources into this ministry. Guideposts is available where and when people need to be

uplifted; from our many magazines, website and devotionals that offer hope-filled, true life stories to enrich one’s faith journey. And with the ever-changing needs of new generations Guideposts is ensuring God’s Word is spread through all forms of digital and social media.

This Annual Report illustrates how the power of one individual can change the lives for many. One donor, one gift, one prayer request, one story, whether it be the individual giving or receiving, we together are touching lives and giving faith and hope to millions. For over 70 years Guideposts has stayed true to this mission, while at the same time finding new ways to spread the message. I know my

parents would be deeply pleased to see the dynamic organization Guideposts has become — continuously reaching out to people in new ways.

With each year the needs become even greater — there is always so much more to do. I am grateful to every one of you. Thank you for your support and I look forward to another fruitful and effective year in reaching millions more who need faith, hope and inspiration.

May God bless you,

Margaret Peale Everett Chair, Guideposts Foundation


Guideposts Foundation Board of Directors

Elizabeth Peale Allen

Judith E. Blankenbaker

Steve N. Brown

Margaret Peale Everett, Chair

Evelyn A. Freed

Roxy Gumlia Klein

Robert L. Leatherman

Debbie Macomber

Thomas O. Putnam

Mary Joy Stead

John F. Temple

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Page 4: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Dear Friends,

You know Guideposts as a magazine with rich stories of individuals overcoming obstacles in their lives through faith, hope and prayer. We are that — and so much more. We are rapidly broadening our reach so that we can provide resources for people in need when they need it. On demand, within communities of like-minded individuals seeking support, an encouraging friend or a lifeline to hope.

We are fortunate that our founders were keen in their foresight to create an organization that connects individuals on a deeply personal level, touching hearts and lifting spirits.

Our dedicated staff, often on the phone with donors and friends, continued the tradition of one-on-one contact woven into the fiber of the organization. As the new CEO of Guideposts, I interviewed every employee to better feel the true heartbeat of the organization.

That personal pulse of hope and faith I know has also been felt by you, our caring and committed donor, and by each of the men, women and young people we served together this year.

We hear from people every day about the impact Guideposts has on their lives. When there were no words left in their heart to pray — Guideposts’ prayer community was there — to lift and encourage. When caregiving for a loved one seemed overwhelming, there is a story written by a person just like them going through the same struggle — sharing the moments of levity and joy when they needed it most. And when the soldier returning from deployment doesn’t know how to make sense of his feelings, there is a video from a veteran who was once in their shoes, giving them hope as they find their new normal.

Your dedication and commitment makes this all possible. Each day millions of people are impacted in life affirming ways. Together with your support, we can help the world believe that anything is possible with faith, hope and prayer.

Be blessed,

John Temple President & CEO


Guideposts Foundation Staff

Karen L. Bauer Manager, Monthly Clubs

Heather Dennis Senior Vice President, Philanthropy

Lisa M. Greco Manager, Direct Mail Fundraising

Janice Hackett Senior Database Analyst

Cathy Halkett Director, Philanthropy

Amy Hosmer Planned Giving Administrator

Samantha Levin Executive Assistant

Sybil E. Light Donor Relations

Bill Morin Director, Development

Amber Newman Philanthropy Assistant

Michelene Murphy-Staib Manager, Philanthropy

David Teitler Treasurer

Meghan Tomaskovic Marketing Assistant

Antoinette Vlad Marketing Associate

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Page 5: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Dear Guideposts’ Friends,

Starting with Guideposts just this past year, I have been learning about our legacy and its impact on the world. Beginning with the Peale Family and their deep belief in faith and hope, the clear and positive faith of our co-founders, Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries. Each person, one-by-one, helping Guideposts to reach others — I like to call it the power of ONE.

The power of ONE… What one prayer, one donation, one story can do to make a huge difference.

These ones, acting individually and collectively, are truly cheering us on, because we are all

committed to carrying on the legacy. All are working together to bring the same vital message of faith and hope today communicated in new ways. I’m grateful for those of you who have engaged in our critical areas of ministry like OurPrayer, Military Outreach, Caregiving, distributing Outreach booklets and magazines, plus reading our websites and social media pages. We are so very grateful for your dedication, caring, and generosity, which helps us to continue on reaching that one who needs faith and hope today.

Be blessed,

Heather E. DennisSenior Vice President, Guideposts Philanthropy


” The more you lose

yourself in something

bigger than yourself,

the more energy you

will have.”

—Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


Page 6: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Dear Guideposts’ Friend,

One soldier whose heart was moved and faith restored by one booklet given from the caring hand of one military chaplain. One hospitalized child whose heart was lifted by a snuggle with Sparkle the Caring Star, who never left her side. One grieving widow whose heart was comforted by one true-life story in Guideposts magazine passed from one loving hand to hers — and so many others. Each sharing a common humanity, and each a life unlike any other.

No one makes it alone, so our Ministries extended a strong and helping hand. A homeless person received a free copy of Guideposts in a soup kitchen. A mother, sheltered from a hurricane, held her baby close with one hand, and in the other a copy of Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled. A prisoner, absorbed in a copy of The Power of Positive Thinking found a glimmer of hope for a restored life.

Our Facebook pages were home to many who found a dwelling place in God through a community of believers. Our Spanish page offered respite, comfort and hope to men and women, families and young people in Latin America and elsewhere whose lives have been ravaged by political upheaval, poverty and natural disaster.

In the simple, beautiful words of the Lord’s Prayer, we thank you for helping thy kingdom come and thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Be blessed,

Pablo DiazVice President of Ministries

One Promise.PABLO DIAz

” Change your

thoughts and you

change your world.”

—Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

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Page 7: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Guideposts reaches millions of people each year with messages of hope, faith and prayer.

7,000,000 magazine & book readers

1,500,000 email subscribers

2,100,000 Facebook fans

750,000 monthly site visits

8,000,000 annual prayer requests

3,300,000 outreach materials distributed

Guideposts makes the world a better place.

We are the trusted organization that reaches millions of people.

We view our work as a calling to make humanity more hopeful and caring.

We are motivated to serve and to be living examples of positive thinking.

We build and support communities that lift-up individuals at their most vulnerable moments and sustain them during their daily struggles.

We inspire through storytelling and provide a supportive environment for individuals to share their journeys of spiritual discovery and healing.

We design Guideposts experiences to connect people and motivate them to change their lives and the lives of others.

We empower people to love more, hate less, and do good in the world.

One Vision.


Page 8: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Prayers for One Person in Need. Prayers for Many.One by one, person by person in need, we pray for healing and help and that the divine presence of our great and good God and his Son Jesus Christ will enter each troubled life.

We continued to open and s t r e n g t h e n O u r P r a y e r ’ s digital portals welcoming all who enter here. Sensitive to the prayer needs of our many less digitally engaged seekers and those for whom computer access is limited. The OurPrayer app is a welcome bridge for many to the OurPrayer fellowship of praying friends.

Guideposts is committed to a vibrant community of prayer, built on connecting to one person, one need, and offering one robust prayer response. Digital media enjoyed a growth of 1.6 million with 158,000 new followers on our Spanish and English Facebook pages. Since its inception in FY 2013, both pages

have enjoyed steady and robust growth. Fast-growing Instagram and Twitter helped expand OurPrayer’s digital presence by more than 20%. Community Prayer Alerts for victims of natural disasters were posted

throughout the year.

We welcomed 25,711 people to 12 online Days of Prayer, including our ever-growing Thanksgiving Day of Prayer and our Good Friday Day of Prayer. We got the word out to more than 54,000 people through our new Facebook live videos.

We energetically pursued a variety of new partnerships to expand our reach to many

for whom the personal power of OurPrayer transformed their lives. With our hand in yours, we have transferred that divine power, one by one, to more than 8,000,000 seekers in urgent spiritual need in a most remarkable year. Thank you.

302,643 web prayer requests

1,600,000 Facebook page likes

20%+ increase in digital presence

” Anytime you offer an

opportunity for others

to pray, and to pray for

others, that is a beautiful

thing. Thank you!”

— bosslady4god

(OurPrayer Instagram)

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Page 9: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Inspiration and Help for One Military Man or Woman. Inspiration and Help for Many.One person at a time, we carried the powerful energy of faith and prayer directly to our military men and women. No matter how remote their deployments, how weary and lonely, or how shaken their faith, we found ways to draw our nation’s brave and selfless military men and women ever closer to the divine source of comfort, courage and love.

The power of one booklet passed from the hand of a Military Chaplain to the grateful hand of a soldier was leveraged with the publication and distribution of Healing and Hope, our 2017 military annual booklet written by a collection of Military Chaplains to 45,542 military sources. Deeply grateful for the power of one brave soldier to safeguard all of our lives, and thanks to our community of steadfast donors, we delivered 56,355 camo-cover Military Daily Guideposts.

More than 500,000 copies of booklets written especially to address the personal

needs of America’s brave military men and women were distributed. In addition to Healing and Hope, titles much in demand

included Financial Readiness, Strength for Relationships, Triumph, Resiliency, What to Do When, Power Your Life with Positive Thinking, and others.

653 ,581 f ree cop ies o f Guideposts, filled with the

true-life stories of faith and hope, were distributed, carrying one powerful message of courage and comfort to many for whom faith had waned and hope faded.

Cont inuing our one-on-one v is i ts to Military Chaplains and bases, we made 17 key military visits. For the third year, we participated in the National Black VA Chaplains Association Conference. We also expanded our partnership with the US Dept. of Veterans Affairs. Our Military Facebook page increased its likes by 128% over last year.

1,100,000 Total military Outreach distribution

56,355 Military Daily Guideposts

628 Military and VA accounts

” Thank you for the great

support you give to our

Veterans with the booklets

you provide to the Charles

George VA Medical

Center in Asheville, NC.

Throughout the week,

I have to restock the

literature racks where

we keep the materials.”

—C Garland Vance

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Page 10: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Inspiration for One. Inspiration for Many.With one booklet, one copy of Guideposts, one audio download, one dynamic partnership, one Facebook connection and one personal visit, we delivered the power of faith, practical help for life’s challenges, and fellowship to more than 3,300,000 people through an array of Guideposts publications.

Guideposts Complimentary Publications pursues every partnership, and brings spiritual guidance for the specif ic challenges faced by men and women of all ages and from all walks of life. As always, we looked and listened and tailored our offerings to deliver maximum spiritual help in the most efficient way.

Our 2017 annual booklet, always eagerly anticipated, was again in high demand. Almost 45,000 copies of Living Longer, Living Better were delivered to seekers nationwide, who found a rich resource for improving lives through faith. Our 2017 Military Outreach booklet, Healing and Hope brought just that to 45,542 military

personnel and those who serve them. Our Spanish language annual booklet, Fortalecido por la Fe was delivered to nearly 31,000 grateful recipients. Our Facebook page reached 19,700 people, expanding its

audience by 13,000.

The power of partnership reached the many we might not otherwise have been able to serve. We continued our fruitful relationship with Refreshing Hope Ministries (RHM) distributing 40,000 digital booklets through the

RHM website. We served many blind and sight-impaired seekers through our partnership with National Federation for the Blind, whose followers enjoyed 46,000 digital audio editions of Guideposts magazine. 1,600 Digital Booklets were made available through Salem Web network, p lus our own OurPrayer and Outreach e-blasts. We partnered with Truckstop Ministries with more than 80 locations nationwide. And we traveled, distributing booklets at several Conferences and rescue missions.

42,000 annual digital distribution

3,300,000 people reached through outreach publications

1,400,000 outreach booklets distributed

” I received 100 booklets

of Joy — gave to friends,

family and put out at

church. The response

was unbelievable! I have

less than 10 copies left.”


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Page 11: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Comfort for One Child. Comfort for Many.Each one of over 20,000 children and their families has known your generosity, your compassion and your love. Thanks to your help, combined with the power of so many caring donors like you, we’ve distributed 20,760 Comfort Ki ts this year, a 3% increase over last year, and the need keeps growing. More than 185,000 Kits have been distributed in the ten short years of this critical Ministry. Children and their families in 38 states nationwide have found the love, peace and happiness that have eased the anxiety, pain and suffering of our nation’s beloved children and their families.

We have many milestones to celebrate together. We added 77 new accounts

to our growing roster of hospitals and treatment centers. Our Comfort Kit Facebook page attracted 70,000 followers

and the Instagram continues to build a loyal following.

The power of each and every one of you — your contributions and prayers -- was present at a Comfort Kit 10th anniversary party at Kamp Courage in Adair, OK. More than 80 children

suffering from life-threatening illnesses gathered to sing Happy Birthday to Sparkle, the Comfort Kit mascot, eat cake and take pictures. One 18-year-old girl, who had received her Kit when she was hospitalized 10 years ago, is doing well now and will return to Kamp Courage as a counselor next year.

20,000 sick and injured kids were positively impacted through Comfort Kits

77 new accounts were generated resulting in a 38% increase

“ My daughter is 9, so the

little booklet allowing her

to write down her feelings

was very helpful. Also she

loved the box as she had

plans to take it home and

fill it with other treasures.

Thank you!”

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Page 12: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Those simple words speak volumes for Bob and Phyllis Leatherman. Their steadfast financial commitment to Guideposts Foundation and its several Outreach Ministries helps ensure that no one in spiritual need who calls on the Ministries for spiritual relief will ever be forgotten. Their personal ministries of caring touch the lives of many who might otherwise never know the power of love and faith.

“We have always felt we belonged to the warm and welcoming Guideposts spiritual family,” Phyllis says. That belongingness translates to a lifetime of service for this devoted couple that includes membership on the Guideposts National Cabinet, the Guideposts Foundation Board, and continuing financial support.

“When we heard about the launch of Guideposts OurPrayer Ministry, now serving millions of people in urgent need of prayer support, we were inspired,” Phyllis says. Their response was immediate in the form of a substantial planned giving commitment to the Capital Campaign foundational to OurPrayer’s early success. Recently they have taken out

a Gift Annuity in Phyllis’s name that will help provide for the Ministries, she says, “after I am gone.”

In their own active faith-based lives, Bob and Phyllis Leatherman leave no spiritual stone unturned. They continue to offer free Guideposts booklets for patrons of the restaurant they own, and local hotels are supplied with copies of A Prayer for Every Need and the condensed version of The Power of Positive Thinking. The couple was instrumental in introducing Guideposts Comfort Kits to local hospitals, and they distribute inspirational cards produced by Guideposts designed to fit in a man’s shirt pocket. The Leatherman’s speak lovingly of their own four children, 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren, all of whom have been gently enfolded into the Guideposts’ family of love, comfort and abiding faith. “This is quite a group to carry on our love for Guideposts,” Phyllis says.“We’ve been at this a long time,” Phyllis and Bob say. “It’s a part of our lives and will always be. Guideposts has been such an inspiration for us, we want to share the joy we’ve known in ensuring that these important Ministries will go on.”


“ Guideposts has been

such an inspiration for us,

we want to share the joy

we’ve known in ensuring

that these important

Ministries will go on.”

— Bob and Phyllis Leatherman

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Leatherman Family

Page 13: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Platinum $1,000,000+The Evelyn FoundationThe Lloyd and Mabel Johnson

FoundationMr. and Mrs. Wayne MacomberPeale FoundationDouglas Pratt

Gold $500,000-$999,999Mr. and Mrs. Robert LeathermanMr. Ian B. and Mrs. Beverly †

MackenzieMae L. McCorkleRon and Joni Pacie ††John and Faye SmithWatkins Christian Foundation

Silver $100,000-499,999Anonymous (6)Mrs. Elizabeth Peale AllenJune H. ArakawaMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ayers ††Ms. Cynthia BarrattMrs. Norma BowlesLouis † and Carolyn BrownMr. and Mrs. Steve N. BrownRhonda Fleming CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Y. K. CheungMs. Christine CoalsonMrs. Ruth E. CollierMr. Marvin CruzanDale K. Dedrick, MDMr. and Mrs. † Richard DeVosMrs. Nancy A. DillJohn and Patricia DilworthMr. † and Mrs. John E. DodgeHarry † and Fran DonovanDr. and Mrs. Charles Drummond, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John A. DukeMr. and Mrs. James W. EggersMr. and Mrs. George Etheridge, Jr.Mr. Ed ForemanJ. Edward French †Mr. † and Mrs. Ronald D. GlosserThe Hamill FoundationThomas † and Melba HarkenMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harris ††

David A. HermannConrad N. Hilton FoundationColgate and Elizabeth HolmesMs. Fae E. JacobsWilma H. JordanF. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.Mrs. Roxy Gumlia KleinRobert † and Gisela KuntzCarl † and Edyth LindnerMrs. Marlyn MurphyReverend Ted and Kathy NaceMr. and Mrs. Carl NelsonMr. † and Mrs. Curtis NewhouseMr. Barry O’ReillyThe PJM Charitable Foundation, Inc.Gary and Ann PalmerMr. Raymond and Mrs. † Edith

PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Gary L. PinkstonRoger and La Rae QuyMrs. Karol S. Reiner †Frank and Merry SchaffMrs. Donna SchneiderMrs. Ruth Schowalter †Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. StalterMr. and Mrs. Jerre SteadMrs. Sharon TedescoRev. Dr. and Mrs. George B. VogelMs. Ruth M. Walker †James K. Wilden Fund at the

Community Foundation, Strengthening Inland Southern California through Philanthropy

Mrs. Dalice B. WilliamsKim H. Zinszer

Bronze $25,000-$99,999Anonymous (47)Bob and Eileen † AbbottMs. Lilita AdamsonMr. and Mrs. James AlbertsMrs. June H. AlexanderElise S. AllenMr. and Mrs. Tony AmaradioMs. Anita AndersonRoger and Paula AnselMr. Frank A. Aten †Mr. Craig AwadMs. Elizabeth BarberaMr. Joseph J. BaroneMr. and Mrs. John R. Barron, Jr.Mrs. Kandice K. BartonLaura L. BatemanBay Area JewelersMr. † and Mrs. Richard D. BeardMr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Benhardt IIMr. and Mrs. James BentleyMs. Marcia L. BernerMr. A. W. BerryDr. Marjorie Blanchard and

Dr. Kenneth Blanchard

We would like to extend our deepest thanks to the following individuals for their extraordinary generosity. The members of the Guideposts Founders Society have cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000+ in contributions and funded planned gifts.

† Deceased

One Donor.Our deepest thanks go to everyone who has

been moved to support Guideposts Outreach

Ministry programs in whatever way they can.



Page 14: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Major General (Ret.) and Mrs. William P. Bland, Jr.

Mr. † and Mrs. Jim BlankenbakerMr. Arthur H. BoccutiMr. and Mrs. William J. BooneMrs. Orville BoroughsMr. David L. BosleyMr. Donald L. BosshardtMr. and Mrs. Bruce BottomleyMarta H. BrooksMr. † and Mrs. Eugene S. BrownMr. Tom L. BrownMrs. Janice M. BrunerMs. Catherine M. BrunsonMrs. Janet Buchen †Mr. and Mrs. Phil BuersterMrs. Helen BunkerMrs. Constance BurkeMrs. Sharen BurtonMrs. Darlene BuyckMs. Leslie CardinalMrs. Helen Carlisle †Mrs. Lita A. CarpenterS. Truett and Jeannette CathyWon Sung CheungMr. and Mrs. Gerhard ChristiansenMr. Anthony W. CoffmanMr. Fred ConeMr. and Mrs. Tim CowartMr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Cozier, Jr.

Valery E. CraaneMr. † and Mrs. David F. CraneMr. John S. CromlishMr. and Mrs. † Robert L. CroweMrs. Agnes Cummings †Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Daniels, Jr.Charlie and Lisa DanielsMs. Susan R. DansbyMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. DavisRoy and Cindy DayMs. Nancy Jean DegeMs. Barbara DeGiaimoMr. and Mrs. Michael T. DickenDonovan Veterans Fund of Akron

Community FoundationMr. and Mrs. John L. DresplingMr. and Mrs. Howard DrewMrs. Marjorie S. DucoteMr. John H. DuncanMr. and Mrs. Joseph DunkleMs. Elizabeth G. DunnaganPamela DupontMrs. Paula K. East-JanickiCol. Carol L. EdgingtonMr. M. E. EngleRev. Paul † and Margaret Peale

EverettMs. Becky Fleming TablerDr. Barbara Rigsby FrankRobert and Joann Frazier

Ms. Christina FriedgenMr. and Mrs. Robert GarlandMr. and Mrs. Jimmy GarrellBob and Marion GarthwaitRoberta GatesLarry and Wilma GiebinkGeorge and Sharon GilesTerry Giles and Kalli O’MalleyMs. Barbara GlanzMr. and Mrs. James A. GnageyLouise P. GooginsGalen and Debbie GoranowskiMs. Trish GrafMs. Jo-Anne K. GrahamMr. and Mrs. Brent R. GrangerJoan GranlundMs. Mildred GreeneMr. and Mrs. Dixon GreerMr. and Mrs. Dennis GreggGuideposts Educational Foundation

LimitedMrs. Gerilee GustasonJohn and Mary Ann HackuMrs. Kate G. HagenahOrvid HalaneWilliam M. Hales FoundationS. Gene HallMs. Sparkle E. HallPamela HanlyMr. † and Mrs. Edward T. Hardin

Robert and Shirley Harris Family Foundation

Dr. Thomas R. HatchMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. HauserMs. Margaret HazlettKenneth and Sue HearonDelores M. HensonHighGround AdvisorsTerry L. HippsMr. Roderick L. HohlKyle HolderJohn B. HornWilliam and Barbara HowellMs. Jeanette IbargoyenMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. JamesMr. and Mrs. James JohnsonMr. and Mrs. M. L. JohnsonMr. Ralph D. JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Steven E. JohnsonWillie and Penny JohnsonMr. and Mrs. † Maurice F. JohnstonCharles † and Gloria JonesMr. and Mrs. Lynn C. JonesMr. and Mrs. Charles J. KallMrs. Donelda KalschMs. Helga R. KarkerWilliam H. P. Kaung and Sinforosa

Tan Kaung, PhD.Mr. and Mrs. William F. KenneyMr. † and Mrs. Ronald E. King

Mrs. Jerry KleppelMrs. Rita M. Knoeller †Mr. and Mrs. Richard KnowltonMrs. Charlotte P. KochMr. John F. KolashMr. Paul L. KottMrs. Georgia Koyl †Gerald La BrakeMr. Thomas LaGrottaMr. Kevin LaneMrs. Thelma W. LapeLA-RED FoundationMr. Mark LarsonDon and Joann LeavenworthMrs. Pamela S. LeeMr. Carl K. LeonardDonald LinesMs. Margaret LiuMr. Gary LoveDr. Roderick LucasAlma M. LunaMs. Dolores R. LuzMs. Grace I. MacDonaldHarvey MackayMrs. Beverly C. MackinMrs. Jean W. MaggsMr. Willie MaierMs. Joyce MangiameliMr. James V. ManginoMrs. Dorothy MarshDr. and Mrs. Earl Marwil

John and Shirley MathsonMr. and Mrs. Bruno J. MauerMs. Susan D. McCleanMr. and Mrs. Ellsworth McKeeWilliam J. McKee FoundationCarl † and Juanita McMahonMr. Raymon McVayMrs. Jennie R. Medlin †Dr. † and Mrs. John MertusDr. Carl D. MillerMr. † and Mrs. Irvin MillerMs. Diane MitchellMs. Joyce MomartsMr. Herbert MoranMs. J. Pat MorganLouise Mak and Nigel D. MorganMr. and Mrs. Carl A. Morris ††Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. MoskalMr. and Mrs. Cruse MossMr. Blair MotternGwyn Myers, Ph.D.Raghu NathanCaroline K. NelsonMr. S. James Nelson, Jr.Mrs. Ethel S. Nichols †Ms. Sheryl S. O’ConnellMr. and Mrs. Steve OedekerkDr. Alfred E. OgdenMr. and Mrs. Rudy OlsonMr. Peter OrmondMrs. Carol A. Oscar

Dr. and Mrs. James J. PappasJody ParkerDianne ParkersonMr. Vijay PatelMr. and Mrs. Edward PavlikDr. John and Lydia PealeMrs. Eleanor W. PenningtonRev. and Mrs. Steven L. PerryPaul Vernon PetersonMrs. James L. PettusMs. Charlotte PettyDonn and Mary PierceStanley and Virginia Johnson PillmanMrs. Catherine M. PlehalMr. Justin R. PooleMrs. Elizabeth R. PorcelloMr. Robert A. PowellLyndle and Barbara PriceMr. Daniel W. PrideauxMr. and Mrs. Keith R. ProvanceCarl † and Kathy PulsChristine PutnamJohn M. QuieMrs. James H. RalstonJerry and Naomi RamseyerMs. Sarah J. RandallMr. † and Mrs. Ray RandolphMrs. Patricia ReavesMr. & Mrs. Hampton C. Redmond, Jr.Curt and Jeanne ReedMr. and Mrs. Jack Reed

Ms. Carol ReifMr. and Mrs. † Dan K. RichardsonMr. John A. RobbinsMs. Pamela A. RobinsonKerry L. RohlandRoberta RoloffMrs. Elizabeth RosenmillerMr. W. K. RossmanMs. Mary R. RozellMr. and Mrs. Kevin RushMrs. Lois RustSaint Paul FoundationMr. Kenneth W. SandersMs. Sonia SantiagoMr. Stephen SayeghMr. and Mrs. Richard SbroccaMrs. Jane H. Schaff †Ms. Martha S. ScheerenMrs. Margaret Schilling †Mr. and Mrs. Karl SchmidtMr. Randall SchoberDion and Shelley SchrackMr. and Mrs. † Robert SchrockSea Striker, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. John SegalDr. Stanley SeligmanMs. Margaret M. ShearmanCarol E. SheldonMrs. Anne SheltonJohn and Donna SimkoMrs. Mary Singstock


† Deceased

Page 15: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Ms. Danielle A. SkokanMrs. Debbie Burton SmithDr. Edward P. Smith and Mary Klein

Smith FundMrs. Jane B. Smith †Mr. † and Mrs. Roger W. SmithMrs. Patricia A. SnyderMr. Marvin Sparks, Jr.†Dr. and Mrs. W. B. SpeerDr. and Mrs. Robert SpitzerThomas P. StefaniakMs. Katharina R. StephanMargaret E. StewartMrs. Elaine StrommeDr. and Mrs. Donald L. SturtzMrs. Louise TeemsDr. + and Mrs. John TempletonLinda and Charlie ThielAnne W. ThompsonMrs. Maxine L. ThorntonMerril TlustyDr. † and Mrs. J. G. Toole Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. TunneyMr. † and Mrs. Charles TyeJoy and Dick UlreyMr. † and Mrs. Gladwin O. UnrauVentura Associates Inc.Mr. † and Mrs. David E. WaddellMrs. Donna J. WagnerMrs. Willard Walker †

Mr. † and Mrs. Keith D. WardMichael E. WatkinsMr. and Mrs. Wayne M. WeedMr. Harvey M. Weitkamp †David and Katherine WesleyMs. Tuleta C. WhiteMr. George E. WhitleyMr. Leroy F. WilhelmDr. Angela R. WilkinsMr. and Mrs.† Thomas WilsonTimothy D. and Sandra J. WindhamMr. Richard A. WingoSharalyn E. WiningerMr. and Mrs. Robert WittmanEdgar S. Woolard, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Bruce YaminiMr. John M. Ziegelbein

Anonymous (1)Mrs. Ruth E. CollierCharles and Rosalie DeckerMs. Elizabeth G. DunnaganMr. Arthur R. GreenMs. Mildred E. GreeneMrs. Minerva GriffithJanice L. HannaMs. Jeanne JacksonMs. Fae E. JacobsMr. Bruce E. JohnsonMs. Christine MaschkeMs. Charlotte PettyMrs. Marjorie M. ThomasMs. Ledung Tran WislerMs. Pearl ZimmermanBequest Intent

Anonymous (8)Ms. Janice D. AllenMr. † George and Mrs. Nellie AmmelMr. and Mrs. Donald L. AndrewWayne and Gloria † AntworthMrs. June H. ArakawaMr. Joseph BauerMs. Martha P. Beach-TrowbridgeMrs. Marjorie BeckerMr. Benjamin BectonMrs. Annette BellmMs. Carole BrockMs. Marta H. BrooksMr. Phydith R. BrownMs. Carol M. BruinsmaMiss Jevaye BrunerMr. Patrick BucherMr. Michael BurchMr. Jon T. CappaMs. Leslie Ann CardinalMrs. Rhonda Fleming CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Patrick J

and Cynthia CarmodyMr. Robert CastosaMr. Anthony L. CervoneMr. and Mrs. William W. CollinsMr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Cozier, Jr.Ms. Elizabeth CrawfordMr. John S. CromlishMr. William D. Cunningham

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Daniels, Jr.Mrs. Sharon Whipple DanteMs. Juanita DawkinsDr. Dale K. DedrickMrs. Beth De HaemersJohn and Patricia DilworthHarry † and Fran DonovanMr. and Mrs. Howard DrewMrs. Pamela J. DupontMs. Kimberly EakinWayne and Dorothy EdesMrs. Becky Fleming TablerMrs. Mary S. FormanThe Evelyn FoundationMr. Edmund FuscoMs. Caroline GainerMr. Johnny D. Gentry, Jr.Mrs. Dorothy M. GibbsMs. Mildred F. GreeneMs. Ruby H. HannahMs. Rita M. HartMs. Nancy HendersonMs. Eva L. HerringMr. and Mrs. Eli HerschbergerMs. Marilyn HonsingerMr. John B. HornMrs. Linda Houk-OlsenMs. Donna HurleyMrs. Suzanne M. Hyatt

Ms. Jean Marie IbarraMs. Irene IsomMrs. Elaine S. JacksonMr. Raymond F. JacobsenMr. and Mrs. James W. JohnsonWillie and Penny JohnsonMr. and Mrs. † Maurice F. JohnstonMs. Ann K. KablerMr. Bill KaminskiGlen † and Kathy KelsoMrs. Roxy Gumlia KleinMs. Lois KlineMs. Terry F. KlineMr. and Mrs. Steve KoopmanMr. and Mrs. Richard LiveseyMr. and Mrs. Douglas B. MarvinJohn and Shirley MathsonMr. and Mrs. Robert McKeonMr. and Mrs. Larry G. McLaughlinMs. Penny Gay MerrittMs. Roberta MessnerMs. Ginger MiddletonMs. Marie L. MihailMrs. Dorothy MooneyMr. and Mrs. Rand and Barbara

MoritzkyMr. and Mrs. John and Joan C.

MuellerMr. Walter Terrill Myers

Mr. † and Mrs. Curtis NewhouseDavid and Gail OrserGary and Ann PalmerMr. and Mrs. Edward and Susan

PavlikMr. Raymond and †Mrs. Edith PhillipsMiss Betty PolsgroveJerry and Naomi RamseyerMs. Judy Ann RauMrs. Patricia ReavesMrs. Virginia RhoadsMr. and Mrs. James and Naomi

RhodeMs. Beverly RicciusMr. John D. RichardsMrs. Roberta M. RoloffMrs. Harriet RoseMr. and Mrs. Richard SbroccaDr. George SchaefferMs. Susan SchnackenbergMrs. Donna SchneiderJohn and Faye SmithMrs. Phyllis Jean SmithMs. Diana SparklinDr. and Mrs. Robert and Delores

SpitzerMr. Nick StemmMr. and Mrs. Wade StoweMs. Frances TaylorMr. and Mrs. John and Joan B. Taylor

Reva M. TaylorMrs. Louise TeemsMrs. Julia E. ThibodeauMrs. Marjorie M. ThomasMrs. Maxine L. ThorntonTony and Wendy TirolloMr. and Mrs. Robert TorreMs. Phyllis A. TrotterMrs. Carolyn A. TugwellMr. † and Mrs. Gladwin O. and Elaine

UnrauMrs. Kitty VollmerMrs. Mary Lou VredenburgMiss Nitza WagonerMr. and Mrs. Gene I. WendtDr. and Mrs. David and Katherine

WesleyMs. Cindy WilliamsMs. Pauline E. WillimanMr. Jim W. WinsteadMr. and Mrs. Robert WittmanMr. and Mrs. Kent J. YoderMs. Marjorie ZieglerBequests ReceivedVirginia Abbitt TrustDede Cummings Andersen †Helen Anderson TrustJacqueline Grace Archer †Mr. Frank A. Aten †

† Deceased

We are pleased to recognize the members of the Guideposts Legacy Circle, individuals who have included Guideposts in their estate plans through a future bequest, a charitable gift annuity, a charitable trust, or other types of deferred gift arrangements.



Page 16: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ayers ††Charlene S. Guymon Ayers Trust Betty Bahret †Cecile Christine Barnes †Ms. Dorothy Bartgis †Edna S. Bidwell TrustLillian Butler †Evelyn Cheatham †Evelyn Cossin Trust Ruth and Delmer Crye EndowmentAgnes O. Cummings †Ernestine Edwardson † Ernest Fort TrustRuth Muriel Garbett †Ruth Lucille Haferbecker †Alpha Jo Haffey † Susan Jean Hendricksen †Jean Marie Ibarra Living Trust*Doris Johnson TrustLong Family TrustFrances Marion TrustKenneth and Shirley Morris Family

TrustRon and Joni Pacie ††Gertrude A. Parramore TrustMrs. Karol S. Reiner †Karol Reiner †Joan Roos † Mrs. Maylee Rose †Marylee R. Rose TrustRuth B. Schowalter †

Lillian SharpeWilliam Horace Sims †Edward P. Smith and Mary Klein

Foundation Louise Sonnenburg †Anthony Tirollo TrustIsabel Toomajan TrustArlene Trambauer †Opal J. Uckele †Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp †Paul B. and Marion C. Wright Trust

Chairman $10,000+Anonymous (6)Mr. Frank A. Aten †Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ayers ††Ms. Cynthia BarrattMr. Marvin CruzanMrs. Agnes Cummings †Mr. and Mrs. † Richard DeVosJohn and Patricia DilworthDonovan Veterans Fund of Akron

Community FoundationMr. and Mrs. George W. Etheridge, Jr.The Evelyn FoundationThe Hamill FoundationDavid A. HermannTerry L. HippsColgate and Elizabeth HolmesThe Lloyd and Mabel Johnson


Wilma H. JordanMrs. Roxy Gumlia KleinMr. Blair MotternRon and Joni Pacie ††Jody ParkerPeale FoundationMr. and Mrs. Gary L. PinkstonMrs. Karol S. Reiner †Mrs. Donna SchneiderMrs. Ruth Schowalter †Dr. Edward P. Smith and Mary Klein

Smith FundJohn and Faye SmithMrs. Elaine StrommeRev. Dr. and Mrs. George B. VogelMr. Harvey M. Weitkamp †James K. Wilden Fund at the

Community Foundation, Strengthening Inland Southern California through Philanthropy

Kim H. Zinszer

President $5,000- $9,999.99Anonymous (4)Mr. and Mrs. James AlbertsMrs. Kathy K. AlemanElise S. AllenMs. Anita AndersonMs. Sandra AngeloDonna M. AshleyMr. Douglas Baughman

Ms. Betsy BlairMr. David L. BosleyLouis † and Carolyn BrownMr. and Mrs. Steve N. BrownMr. Tom L. BrownMrs. Janice M. BrunerPam and Jack BurksMs. Barbara DeGiaimoThe Honorable Robert Dole and The

Honorable Elizabeth DoleCol. Carol L. EdgingtonRev. Paul † and Margaret Peale

EverettFort Hood Chaplains FundMr. and Mrs. Jimmy GarrellTerry Giles and Kalli O’MalleyThe Greehey Family FoundationMs. Sparkle E. HallMs. Fae E. JacobsMr. and Mrs. Thomas D. JamesMr. and Mrs. William F. KenneyMr. Paul L. KottLA-RED FoundationWilliam J. McKee FoundationThe McLean FoundationCarol McNultyMs. Betty MitchellLouise Mak and Nigel D. MorganGwyn Myers, Ph.D.Mr. S. James Nelson, Jr.Mr. Peter Ormond

Lyndle and Barbara PriceMr. and Mrs. Jack ReedFrank and Merry SchaffMr. and Mrs. Dale T. StalterMs. Katharina R. StephanMr. Leroy F. WilhelmZimmerman Family Foundation

Trustee $2,500-$4,999.99Anonymous (10)Karen AndersonMrs. Barbara J. ArbogastMr. Craig AwadDr. Marjorie Blanchard and Dr.

Kenneth BlanchardMr. † and Mrs. Jim BlankenbakerMs. Lisa M. BromMs. Catherine M. BrunsonMr. James O. BuchananPat BurchMr. and Mrs. Gerhard ChristiansenDrew CowlhamValery E. CraaneMr. and Mrs. † Robert L. CroweMs. Christy DaileyMr. and Mrs. Michael T. DickenMrs. Marjorie S. DucoteMrs. Paula K. East-JanickiMr. Ed ForemanIke and Melissa GainesBob and Marion GarthwaitMs. Barbara Glanz

Mr. and Mrs. James A. GnageyLouise P. GooginsMs. Jo-Anne K. GrahamMrs. Denise GuidaJohn and Mary Ann HackuS. Gene HallMs. Gisela HarbsMr. and Mrs. John C. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harris ††Robert and Shirley Harris Family

FoundationDr. Thomas R. HatchMr. and Mrs. George W. HaynesMs. Marcia Lincoln HindsKyle HolderMs. Helen JobesMr. and Mrs. James JohnsonMr. and Mrs. M. L. JohnsonWillie and Penny JohnsonMrs. Eleanor F. JordanMr. and Mrs. Charles J. KallMr. Donald K. KroegerMr. and Mrs. Robert LeathermanMrs. Faye LoganMr. and Mrs. Steven A. ManeriMs. Joyce MangiameliMr. and Mrs. Robert McKeonMary W. MenefeeMennonite Foundation, Inc.Mr. Kyoji MiyazakiMs. Jody M. Moll

H. Victor and Jewelynn Mullins, Jr.Mr. Kevin G. MurrayMrs. Virginia NapierskieMr. † and Mrs. Curtis NewhouseMrs. Elizabeth J. OremMr. Harry L. OwensMr. Vernon PackDr. John and Lydia PealeCarl † and Kathy PulsMs. Dalia Raimo Mr. and Mrs. James and Naomi

RhodeMr. Kester RinehartMs. Pamela A. RobinsonMr. William E. RogersMr. Kenneth W. SandersMrs. Patricia A. SnyderThomas P. StefaniakMargaret E. StewartMs. Elizabeth SummerhillMr. and Mrs. John F. TempleLinda and Charlie ThielMr. Kenneth W. ThrelkeldJoy and Dick UlreyMs. Susan VenutoloMr. † and Mrs. Keith D. WardMs. Barbara WatkinsMichael E. WatkinsMr. and Mrs. Robert J. WedmanDavid and Katherine WesleyMrs. Betsy C. Williams


It is our pleasure to honor our annual Guideposts Benefactors. These generous members have contributed $100 or more from January 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 to help support Guideposts Outreach.


† Deceased

Page 17: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Mr. and Mrs.† Thomas WilsonEdgar S. Woolard, Jr.

Patron $1,000-$2,499.99Anonymous (21)Mr. † and Mrs. Robert J. AdamsMs. Judy AdamsMrs. Joan AkersMr. and Mrs. G. AlcantarMs. Janice D. AllenLani J. AlltonMrs. Karen AndrewMr. and Mrs. Robert C. AndringaMs. Phyllis AubainMrs. Nelda AustinPaul C. BabbittMr. Ben BakerMs. Shirley C. BallardMs. Elizabeth BarberaMr. Joseph J. BaroneMrs. Kandice K. BartonMrs. Marjorie BasemanMr. and Mrs. Paul BeavinMr. Paul BensonMaria BergWilliam and Lelia BerkeyMs. Marcia L. BernerMr. and Mrs. Leon BlackMs. Winnie J. BlackburnMs. Karen BlandMajor General (Ret.) and Mrs. William

P. Bland, Jr.

Mr. David BlochMr.† and Mrs. Matt BoelterMr. and Mrs. Steven BogganMs. Alice BottjeMrs. Mary B. BoutilierMs. Rushelle BowieMr. and Mrs. Al BoxMs. Margie BrannMr. Kenneth BraskampMr. and Mrs. Richard BrillCarole BrockMarta H. BrooksMr. and Mrs. Phil BuersterMr. and Mrs. Dean L. BuntrockMrs. Harriett BuntrockMr. Jack BurnsMs. Eleanor A. BurtonMrs. Robert W. ButlerMs. Mary ByrdMr. F. B. BywaterMs. Jo Ann CahillMs. Cheryl CakeAnne S. CalvoMr. Alan CanadaMs. Rhonda CaraballoRoger and DeAnna CarmanMrs. Barbara M. CarrollBeverly V. CarterThe Honorable Bernadette CastroMs. Kristen CattinTerese Ceruzzi

Mr. and Mrs. Robert ChamMr. Charles ChapmanChrist Church on Quaker HillMs. Charlotte ClarkKenzie J. ClayMs. Deborah G. CleghornMr. William B. CoatneyKim ColeMrs. Lillian ColletteChaplain Paul C. CollinsMs. Debra C. CorleyMs. Carollee CotterMr. and Mrs. Bill CowanMr. Craig CoxMr. and Mrs. Raymond M. CracchioloMr. John S. CromlishMs. Ree Ann CuppMr. and Mrs. Donald C. DavisMr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. DavisMr. and Mrs. Richard H. DayMr. John De Costa, Jr.Mr. Bruce DeanMs. Shirley E. DeeleyMs. Beth De HaemersSylvia J. DeitrickMr. James P. DevineDiane DeWaldRev. Dr. Pablo and Mrs. Elba DiazMs. Gail DiciccoA. DodrillLisa Donnelly

Daniel and Christine DoyleMrs. Joyce M. DubayDimples DunnMr. and Mrs. Leroy EastburnMr. David EdlundMs. Clara F. EdwardsMs. Sabrina EhrenreichMs. Denise EichlerMs. Becky J. EikmeierMr. Lance ElmerMr. M. E. EngleMs. Vicki EvansMr. Bill EylensFaith Community ChurchMs. Ruth L. FerrillMs. Vita FitzpatrickMs. Susan FlemingBob and Nancy FocaretaMr. and Mrs. Greg FockenJames E. Foster, Sr.Mrs. W. L. FrakesDr. Barbara Rigsby FrankRobert and Joann FrazierMr. Ronald J. FreemanMr. Gerald FreierMs. Christina FriedgenMr. W. Richard Fulljames †Mrs. Claire A. GaganMs. Diana GallupMr. and Mrs. Robert GarlandMs. Kaye Gill

Mrs. Barbara GoldringDr. Earl H. GoldsteinGalen and Debbie GoranowskiMr. and Mrs. Brent R. GrangerMr. and Mrs. Dixon GreerMr. and Mrs. Dennis GreggMs. Eyvonne G. GunterMr. Bobby HannaMr. Charles T. HanseMr. Kenneth HansonMargaret L. HansonTerry L. HansonMs. Donna HartMr. Lamar G. HartlineMr. Edward HaydenMr. Rufus L. HaydenMr. and Mrs. John R. HeckMrs. Susan Jean Hendricksen †Mrs. Cindy HennekeMr. and Mrs. James HenrichsMs. Cora HenryMr. Jackson R. HerringMrs. Jean E. HigginsHighGround AdvisorsMr. Rick HindsShirley HokeC.D. HolderW. C. HolmanMs. Linda HoukMr. Doug HouserMr. Robert Hum and Ms. Lori Prince

Ms. Brenda HunterMr. Tim HutchinsMs. Jeanette IbargoyenMr. Robert IngramMs. Pamela JaccoudMrs. Elaine JacksonMrs. Stuart JacobsRay JacobsenMr. Jeffrey H. JeterMs. Diane L. JewettMr. Bruce W. JohnsonMr. Galen J. JohnsonMs. Jody L. JohnsonMr. Michael R. JohnsonMs. Pam JohnsonRobert M. and Joyce A.

Johnson FoundationMs. Sandra JohnstonMr. and Mrs. Bill JungKCM Truck EquipmentMr. and Mrs. Jack W. KeenMrs. Anna W. KerrCarin KirbyMr. Arlen J. KirchoffMr. Joseph KirlinMr. Daniel J. KleckerMrs. Ruth KomarekMs. Rosemary J. KorbaMr. Robert KovacsGertude KropaMr. Mark Kurzynske

Mr. John C. LaffinMr. William K. LancasterPhil LandisMr. Kevin LaneMrs. Thelma W. LapeMs. Jeanette LavoySuzanne L. LawsonJessica J. LeachMrs. Eileen C. LeaheyDon and Joann LeavenworthMr. John H. LeeMr. Norman LeonardShar LilienkampMr. Marvel LindstromMrs. J. C. LiphamMs. Norma J. LisenbyMs. Elaine LockhartMs. Wilma H. LoganMs. Mary Beth LoudBrenda LozierMr. Michael LuebkertMr. Bobby Luffman, Jr.Mr. Kevin LuingAlma M. LunaMr. Stuart S. MadsenMs. Jo Ann MajetichMr. James V. ManginoMs. Kathy ManierMs. Christine MannMrs. Janey B. MarmionMrs. Jane A. Marshall-Wrightsman

Mrs. Gordon MarsonKathleen MartinDr. and Mrs. Earl MarwilMr. Sergio MarxuachMs. Celine MathewJohn and Shirley MathsonMr. and Mrs. Craig MatthiesKelly Mc CarthyMs. Kathleen Mc DanielMs. Tammy McCallumMs. Tana McClainMs. Susan D. McCleanMs. Connie C. McevoyMs. Dorothy M. Mc GeheanMrs. Louise H. MeriwetherMs. Debbie MillerCarol Ann MillsLeila MischerMr. and Mrs. † Howard MizellMr. Danny MoodyMs. Kathy MooreMs. Peg MooreMrs. L. E. MorganMs. Shirley A. MorganMs. Terrie MorganMr. and Mrs. Jack MorrisMrs. Betty L. NelsonMrs. Clifford H. NelsonMs. Edith M. NewMrs. Linda NewcombMr. Allen Nicolaus


† Deceased

Page 18: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Chaplain Billy NixMs. Susan M. NoelMrs. Connie NoragonMs. Linda NovosadJeanette Belen NunezMrs. Lester C. NunnallyMs. Sheryl S. O’ConnellMr. Patrick A. O’DonnellMrs. Llewellyn G. OlsonMr. John OrgonikMiss Nancy OshiroMr. and Mrs. Ronald OssegeMr. and Mrs. † William R. ParkMr. and Mrs. Leslie ParksMrs. Marilyn A. ParsonsRobert E. and Jane Ann PaulgerMs. Deanna PedigoMs. Joelle E. PehrsonMrs. Eleanor W. PenningtonMr. Ronald PerryMr. and Mrs. Daniel PeternelMrs. Kris M. PetroDr. and Mrs. James C. PheroDonn and Mary PierceStanley and Virginia Johnson PillmanMs. Elizabeth PittMrs. Marie PoosThe Pyle Fund of Greater Worcester

Community FoundationMs. Suzanne R. PyronQuailty Air Solutions

John M. QuieMr. and Mrs. Hilton QuineMrs. Beatrice QuinnMr. Paul RadcliffeMary RamirezJerry and Naomi RamseyerMs. Joan C. ReadMartha J. ReddoutMr. Richard ReedMs. Carol ReifMs. Melinda RemingtonMs. Josephine ReszelMs. Kim ReussowMr. John RichardsMr. William L. RitchieMs. Kathleen RittmasterMr. Danny RizzatoMs. Roseann RoazziMr. and Mrs. Thomas RobinsonMs. Deanna Rockefeller and Mr.

Schuyler KayeMr. and Mrs. Pete RodriguezRoberta RoloffMrs. Jean B. RowlandMs. Laura Jean RugalaMrs. Kathleen M. RyanMs. Elliott F. RyderColonel Kenneth L. SampsonMs. Joan SandmannMs. Sonia SantiagoMrs. Janet M. Schaal

Mrs. C. SchaffnerMr. Gary SchaperMs. Martha S. ScheerenDr. and Mrs. John E. ScheubMr. and Mrs. Robert A. SchiermyerMs. Dorothy M. SchleichKathleen K. SchmidtMr. Randall SchoberMr. Ray SchwenkMr. and Mrs. William O. Shaddix IIMary Anne ShemwellMs. Patricia W. ShiresMr. and Mrs. Rusy M. ShroffKatharine SimmonsMr. Chas A. SimpsonMs. Margaret C. SinclairMrs. Iris V. SiroisMrs. Doris SmithMs. Grace M. SmithMs. Jan SmithMrs. Linda R. SmithMs. Mary SmithMrs. Rebecca J. SmithMr. † and Mrs. Roger W. SmithMrs. Sharon SmolickMargaret Aiken SnowMs. Katherine C. SnuggsMr. Mike SnyderMrs. Virginia M. SnyderDr. and Mrs. Robert SpitzerMr. and Mrs. Jim Spuller

Ms. Virginia StainesMs. Kathryn G. StarrMs. Lauren StaytonMrs. Gloria R. SteeleMr. and Mrs. John A. SteffekMs. Christine StenderMr. Glyn M. StewartMs. Susie StewartMiss Thea StidumDavid and Bonnie StimpsonMr. Howard StoneMrs. Elizabeth SturgisMrs. Laura StutzmanMs. Debbie SuttonMr. and Mrs. Robert SwitzerMs. Victoria TaiMrs. Julia TaliaferroMs. Arlene M. TarbetMs. Shirley TatorMs. Cindy ThawleyMrs. Eileen K. ThomasAnne W. ThompsonMs. Rita R. ThompsonMr. Gary H. ThorstensGeorge W. ThrasherMs. Lillian TiemeyerMerril TlustyMr. and Mrs. Brian TracyMs. Susan TruaxMr. Randal TrybulaMrs. Carolyn A. Tugwell

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. TunneyMs. Virginia TylerMr. and Mrs. Jeff UpchurchMarsha Van DorenElizabeth VanderhoekMs. Vickie VanwingerdenMs. Cynthia VeliquetteMs. Andrea Von HerrmannMr. Mark WagnerMr. Michael J. WagnerMs. Rebecca L. WainMrs. Edith WaisJanet WallsMr. Gay C. WalserMr. Bob WaltersMs. Fannie L. WaltersMs. Cherie WardMrs. Verna WardMr. Jim B. Waterfield †Mr. Bill WatsonMr. F. W. WattenbargerMs. Lynne Webber BieglerWesley Freedom

United Methodist ChurchMr. Frederick WhitmoreMs. Elaine WidholmMrs. Jo WiebeThomas F. WietchyDr. Angela R. WilkinsMrs. Burr WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Darrell Williams

Mr. Paul L. WilliamsMs. Yoshiko WilliamsMrs. Brenda WilsonMs. Martha WilsonMrs. Betty L. WoelflinMr. Kirk WoodwardThe Woolard Family FoundationMrs. Sandra WordenMs. Beth WunderlichMs. Carol D. YarbroughMr. Ola YoderMrs. Pamela S. YoungDorothea ZaigerMs. Helene ZarconeMr. John M. ZiegelbeinMr. Robert M. Zion

Partner $500-$999.99Anonymous (20)Mr. and Mrs. John S. AbbottMrs. Marjorie C. AchtonMs. Marilynn AdamsMs. Jennifer AlkemaMr. Robert M. AllanMr. Gay AllbrittonMs. Ruth AllenDr. Virginia T. AllenderMs. Roberta AltreeMrs. Frieda AlutinMrs. Fred AmmermanGladys Anderson

Mr. Marion AndersonMr. Neal B. AndresonMs. Eleanor AngelilliMr. and Ms. Eric W. AnningerRoger and Paula AnselSheri AppleMs. Kristina ArchuletaMs. Susan ArdenMrs. Shirley ArgoMrs. Diane ArguinMs. Lisa ArmentroutMs. Evelyn L. ArmisteadMs. Carolyn ArmstrongMs. Janis ArmstrongJoyce C. AtwoodMs. Nivea AyalaDick and Beverley BadickMr. Robert W. BaeslerMs. Carolea G. BaileyMs. Gladys BakerMr. Roger J. BakkenMr. and Mrs. James BaldwinMrs. Keith BaleMs. Sylvia M. BanasMr. James R. BanksMr. C. Merle BarkerMr. and Mrs. Leon BarnesMr. and Mrs. John R. Barron, Jr.Ms. Lorraine BarryMs. Dorothy Bartgis †Ms. Mary Ann Bartley

Ms. Grace BastedoCornelius BatesSteven BathoryMs. Jerlene BattleMs. Kathleen BaxterMs. Betty BaylyBeach Family Fund FoundationMs. Phyllis BeaveautoM. BeckemeierMs. Elizabeth BeckerMr. Fred BeckerMr. † and Mrs. Robert BeckerMr. Richard H. BeckerMs. Mary S. BegayMs. Sondra BelcherMs. Ellen BelconisMiss Marilyn BellMrs. Annette BellmMr. Nelson BennettMs. Kay BensonMr. Preston BentonMr. Floyd P. BerlinDr. Michael J. BernardLieutenant Colonel and

Mrs. William G. BerryMs. Grace BerryhillMr. Charles W. BesseAllen and Marilyn BetzMs. Leona K. BeyerMr. Edward O. Beyers IIIMs. Ellen Bihler


† Deceased

Page 19: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Ms. Janice M. BilliasMs. Allene P. BlackburnMs. Carolyn BlakeMr. Wesley W. BlanchardMr. Lyle J. BlauseyMs. Pam BloomMr. Elwin BoboMr. Mark BoerwinkleMs. Dorothy R. BohlMrs. Shirley BohlingDian BoisvertMs. Martha BoldtMr. Thomas M. BoltonMarilyn BoneckMs. Lilliana BoskovichMs. Karen BosmanMr. and Mrs. Bruce BottomleyMrs. Joanne BowenMs. Janice BowermanPatricia BoydMr. Reminston H. BrathwaiteMr. Ronald J. BrekkeMr. Richard BrelsfordJ. BrennanMr. Leonard BreureMs. Darcy L. Brewster WallaceMs. Joy P. BriggsMrs. Rowena BrittMs. Delores BrittainMs. Debra BrockwayBetty Brooks

Mr. Garnett T. BrooksMrs. W. L. BrooksP. A. BrooksMr. Bruce D. BrownMs. Dana BrownJane E. BrownMr. Larry P. BrownMrs. Norma J. BrownMs. Percy BrownMs. Sylvia BrownMr. Jerry BrowningBrushy Creek Baptist ChurchRev. Hilton BryantCarolyn BuchananMr. and Mrs. William C. BuchananMs. Patricia BuckMrs. Patti A. BuckleyVeda L. BuckoMr. Sid BungerMary BurtonMs. Rose BurtonMs. Marlene CampMr. Andy CampbellMs. Clementina CampbellMrs. Kathryn CampbellMs. Maxine CampbellMr. Russell CampbellMs. Deanna L. CareyMs. Sharon CarlsonMr. Richard CarrMs. Joyce Carran

Ms. Carol CarsonMr. Jay D. CarterMr. Robert T. CaseDee CastagnoliMr. Victor CastellanosSteve and Ginger CatheyDr. and Mrs. Robert CaulkinsMrs. Kathleen CaverMr. Leland D. ChamnessMs. Cindy ChampionMr. and Mrs. Ernest ChanMrs. Ruth ChanEthel CharlesMs. Elon CherryMs. Shirley ChesbroMs. Margaret J. ChesnekChicken BasketMs. Marie ChowMrs. Sherry L. ChristiansenPatrick A. CiciMr. Rodolfo D. CilentoMs. Barbara ClarkMr. Donald ClarkMs. Dorothy ClarkMs. Martha Ann ClarkMr. and Mrs. Bob ClarksonMr. and Mrs.† George ClevelandBarbara CliffordMs. Christine S. CoatsMs. Sandra J. CochranMs. Esther M. Cohick

Ms. Joyce J. ColajezziGisela CollierMs. Donna CollinsonMrs. Louise P. ColquetteMs. Julie M. ColtonConnelly ChiropracticDr. Kevin M. ConnollyArnetta ConradMrs. S. L. ConradMr. Counte L. CooleyJane CopeMrs. Judy CorbuttMr. Thomas CorneliusMs. Tracey CorneliusMs. Linda CorsettiMr. Thomas J. CotterMs. Cathy L. CowanMr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Cozier, Jr.Mrs. Bonnie CrawfordMs. Haila CrippenMrs. Martha J. CrishockMs. Joyce CromwellDavid B. CroslandMrs. Nancy CrowKathryn CrowellMr. and Mrs. Clyde CrumpMs. Diane CulpepperMr. Jeffrey D. CunningtonMs. Mary L. CuthbertsonMr. William DaltonMs. Madeleine Dani

Ms. Barbara DanielsMs. Crystal S. DanielsMrs. Sherri L. DanielsMr. Dick DavenportMr. Berk C. DavisMs. Carolyn M. DavisMs. Gwendolyn DavisMrs. Joann DavisMs. Shirley DavisGail A. Davis-BabiarzMs. Betty DawsonMr. Neil De VriesMs. Tammy DeasonMr. Michael DeBenedettoMr. Peter DeblasioMs. Cynthia DeckardMs. Kathleen M. DeeMs. Sherri DenningMr. Jake DerksenMs. Brenda DesmoreMs. Jean DevereauxMrs. Norma K. Dewart RobisonMr. Larry DewildeMs. Elizabeth Di BattistaMs. Christine DicksonMrs. Lou Dunn DiekemperMiss D. C. DiemMr. Bruce DiesnerMr. and Mrs. Mark DimasMrs. Roy DinsdaleMr. Chuck Dionise

Mr. and Mrs. Tim DiPieroMs. Jacqueline DixonMs. Suzanne E. DonnerMs. Gay L. DorseyMr. Kip R. DorseyMrs. Ruth DoyleMr. Thurlow D. DreibelbisMrs. Thelma J. DreilingMs. Pam DresselMs. Rose DriskellMs. Kathryn M. DrumhellerDr. and Mrs. Charles D. Drummond,

Jr.Mary DruryMr. and Mrs. V. J. D’SouzaMs. Diane DuboisMr. Tommy DuffyMr. Earl DupasRich DyerMr. Chris EastinMrs. Elva EastonMr. Michael A. EchevarriaMr. Timmy EdmondsonGary and Olivia EdwardsMr. and Mrs. James W. EggersMs. Tinnia C. EisenhowerOkey and Rebecca EkechiMs. Julie ElkingtonMs. Marilyn EllenMr. Gerald P. EllsworthMr. Joseph R. Ender

Mr. and Mrs. Woodson L. EnnisA.E. Rae EricksonMr. Kevin E. ErmanMs. Kathy ErwinMr. Ray Darby EvansDebbie EversonMrs. Joanne Facchini †Ms. Sandy FaderMs. Carol FainMr. Sam FairbairnMs. Virginia D. FaireyMs. Mary J. FayMs. Erin A. Felger, M.D.Mr. Lear FellowsMs. Joyce FennellMrs. Carolyn FiererMs. Terry FierroMs. Mary Ann FinchFiner Homes Inc.Mr. Chuck FinlaysonBen K. FisherDr. Ray F. FitchMr. Lowrey D. FlemingMr. Dennis FooteMs. Molly O. ForceMs. Charlotte G. FordMr. and Mrs. Steve FordDorothy J. FowlerMs. Patricia FowlerJeanne M. FoxMs. Bertha Foxford

Mr. John J. FranceMs. Lisa FrickMs. Ruth FrischeMr. Timothy FullerDorothy FultonMr. Rafael G. GallardoPeggy Anne GannonMr. and Mrs. Chuck GardnerMr. Jerry C. GardnerMs. Joan F. GarrettMr. Jerome H. GassMs. Lois GauMs. Lorraine A. GebhardMs. Christine E. GentryMr. Danny M. GeorgeLinda K. GeorgeMs. William GibbonsMs. Sarah GibsonLarry and Wilma GiebinkMr. Jack GiffordMr. David M. GilbertMr. and Mrs. Allen GillMs. Linda GillespieMr. Fred GobleMr. and Mrs. Don L. GoingMr. Richard O. GoingMr. Louie GomezMs. Janette GonzalezJulio H. GonzalezMiss Margaret L. GoodmanMs. Janice Gordon


† Deceased

Page 20: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Mr. and Mrs. Paul GordonMs. Trish GrafMr. and Mrs. Dale D. GrangerJoan GranlundMr. Pierre GranthaMrs. Betty J. GreenMr. Bryan S. GreenMs. Sarah GreenMs. Deborah GreerE. A. GreerMrs. Sandra L. GriffithThe Griffith Family FoundationMs. Mona GroningerMrs. Georgia L. GroverManuela G. GuerreroChaplain † and Mrs. Gaylord T.

GunhusMs. Rebecca GurbalMs. Martha Rogers HaasMs. Joan M. HadleyMs. Sharon L. HadleyMrs. Lester J. HaenMr. Richard D. HahnOrvid HalaneMr. and Mrs. James W. HallMs. Lori D. HamerMs. Dolores M. HamiltonMr. and Mrs. James S. HamiltonJoyce HamiltonNancy C. HammettMr. Richard W. Haney

Mrs. Nathalia HankinsMr. Carl HansonRenee HappelMr. † and Mrs. Edward T. HardinMr. Donald H. HargisMrs. Betty HarrelsonMr. Joseph H. HartMr. Robert E. HartMs. Patricia HartmanMr. Robert HartzellColonel and Mrs. James HattersleyMr. and Mrs. Dave Haugen-SumnerMr. Elloyd HauserMrs. Alice G. HawesColonel Raymond HawthorneMs. Margaret HazlettMs. Bette L. HeaberlinKenneth and Sue HearonJoan HeathMr. Gerald D. HegadornE. B. HeineMs. Terri A. HemlerMs. Margaret R. HendersonMs. Shirley J. HendricksMr. and Mrs. Robert HendrixMr. Michael C. HenryMrs. Eugene HermesMr. Henry E. HerrMs. Betty HerringFaye HerriottMs. Rita Heslop

Ms. Debbie HessMrs. Kristin HetzerMs. Fe HevenerMrs. Walter HigginsMr. Andy HighfillMr. and Mrs. Thomas E. HillMs. Brenda HillmerMs. Ann HinesMr. Lew HinesMrs. D. M. HinschJoyce HirmanMs. Alberta HoffmanMr. Roderick L. HohlMr. Albert HolandMr. and Mrs. Stephen

W. Holderness, Jr.Charlotte HoldregeBarbara HollandMrs. Carrie M. HollandThe Holland Insurance Group LLCMr. Bradley HolmesMs. Patricia HolmesMrs. Paul HooverMrs. Grace M. HoskingMrs. Lorraine HoulihanJoanne HowardMs. Shirley HowardMs. Martha HudsonMrs. Jessie HuffMelanie HunsakerMs. Kathy Hunt

Hank and Joan HusbyMr. and Mrs. Rod HuskeyMrs. Cynthia HutchinsonMrs. Vickie Hutton ArmstrongMr. Jay HylandMr. Philip IkehornMs. Leslie IlesMs. Verline InessMs. Ruby H. IngoldMs. Linda L. IovenittiMr. Doug IrvinMr. Roy ItoMs. Jacqueline JacksonMr. Richard A. JansenAntoine and Chantal JanssenMs. Joanne B. JelkeMrs. Barbara JenningsMs. Dorothy M. JohnsonMr. Joseph B. JohnsonMs. Mary Jo JohnsonMr. and Mrs. † Murray R. JohnsonMs. Neva JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Gene JohnsonMs. Patricia JohnsonJoseph JonesMrs. Margaret JonesMs. Sarah JonesMs. Sharon JonesMrs. Lee JordanMr. and Mrs. Thomas JurMr. and Mrs. Jess J. Kajiwara

Mrs. Dawn V. KakumbaMs. Janice G. KaliskiMs. Wilma KasllyHisayo KatsumotoMs. Dorothy KaufmanNancy KaufmanMr. and Mrs. Richard G. Kean IIIMs. Paula KeeneyMrs. Florence L. KeithMs. Betty KellenbergerAlice J. KellerErma KellerMs. Martha KelloggMr. and Mrs. Robert KellyMs. Janie H. KempCharlotte KennedyMr. Paul KennedyMs. Emily KershulesRoss KeskitaloMs. Erna KeslerMs. Betty KimblerMs. Nancy H. KimmelLinda F. KingMr. William S. KingMs. Eleanor KingsleyMs. Jeanne L. KinkopfBetty L. KinnardMs. Dorothy KirkpatrickMs. Eleanor KirlinSylvia KlessMr. Ralph Kling

Mr. Donald KliseMs. Mary Beth KnappMs. Linda KnippingL. KnowlesMs. Lisa L. KochMrs. Pat KoenigJ. W. KolakowskiMr. and Mrs. T. A. KolodziejMiss Mary Janet KonowMr. Ronn KoppMr. Kenneth P. KragtMrs. Marlene KroghGary KroneMr. and Mrs. Harry KunimuneMs. Ethel C. KurtzMs. Caren KutchMs. Linda S. KuttMr. David G. KwarcianyMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. LaBelleMiss Janet M. LackemeyerMs. Linda LahmeyerMrs. Teresa LaneMs. Paula J. LannfordMs. Vivian R. LanzerMs. Margaret LarsonShirley and Ronald LashmettMs. Sandra LasterMs. Miriam A. LatshawMs. Anne LaughlinMr. Jose LaureanoMs. Diane Lautrup

Laura LawrenceMs. Susan P. LawrenceMr. Frank D. Leahy, Jr.Ms. Deborah A. LeeMr. Joseph Lee, Sr.Ms. Kathy LeeMr. and Mrs. Robert LeeMs. Bettie LefebvreLarry LeiboldD. LeightonRobert LelmerMrs. Chong A. LemacksKathleen LeonardMrs. Ann LewisMs. Peggy LewisMr. and Mrs. Robert LiauwMs. Greta LindleyMrs. Pamela LingenfelterMs. Vickie N. LivingstonMs. Clara LocascioMs. Linda J. LockeyMr. Ronald J. LodziatoMrs. Audrey K. LoganMr. † and Mrs. Ben LogerquistJudy LohmeyerMrs. W. G. LongMs. Florence C. LozyniakMr. Fred LozzoMrs. Irene E. LutzKris LymMayo J. Lynam

C. L. LyonsMs. Carla Mac MillanMartin MachalaMr. Ted MacholdMs. Denise MackMr. James S. MackeyMr. and Mrs. Wayne MacomberJeanne MacPhailMs. Suzanne L. MacriMr. Ian B. MacrobbieMs. Susanne J. MakayMs. Dana MalicekMrs. Carolyn J. MalionMrs. Patti MalloryMs. Paula ManillaMs. Renee ManningMrs. Louise K. MannionDebbie and Brenda ManryMr. and Mrs. George MarlowMs. Peggy MaroneyMs. Sofia MartinezMs. Christine MasonMr. Mike MathisMr. Dan MatiseMr. † and Mrs. Thomas MatsudaMr. Larry MatthewsMs. Carolyn R. MattocksDr. Pamela Mc EvoyMs. Therese Mc KeenMs. Tammy Mc KinneyMr. Timothy W. Mc Leod


† Deceased

Page 21: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Mr. Kevin Mc WattersCindy McCauleyMs. Malinda McConnellMs. Angela MccuneSally A. McIntoshBarbara McmahanMs. Martha K. McraeThe PJM Charitable Foundation, Inc.Mr. Robert V. MeffanMr. Sunny MehtaMs. Anita MeidlMs. Carol A. MeierMr. Philip R. MelcherMr. and Mrs. K. R. MerrillRetha MerrittDr. † and Mrs. John MertusMs. Heidi MeyerMs. Carolyn M. MianoMs. Marie L. MihailMr. Guy MillerMs. Harriet MillerMs. Margaret M. MillerMr. Maurice MillerMs. Susan MillerMs. Cathy T. MintonMrs. R. D. MithcumMs. Joyce MomartsMr. Martin R. MonteroMrs. Marion MooreMs. Evelyn Moorhead

Ms. Grace MoranMr. Judge W. MorganMs. Norma MortonMr. William MosbaughMr. Dean MoyerMs. Mary MuellerMs. Sandra D. MuellerMr. Ron D. MuhlenbruckAnne MulderMs. Charlotte MullinixMrs. Barbara M. MurphyMrs. Lois C. MurphyMr. Richard J. MurphyMrs. Heather MusclowMrs. Terry E. MussoMs. Carol MutterMr. Anthony MuzereusMr. W. T. MyersMr. James F. NaiveMs. Wanda NarrellMr. William NasmythMrs. Betty NasonMrs. Sheryl NassifMs. Merle M. NaughtonMs. Christine NaylorMs. Becky NeedhamCaroline K. NelsonMs. Dorothy NelsonMr. Randy NessmithMs. Connie L. Newsome

Mrs. D NicewarnerMrs. Ethel S. Nichols †Ms. Marsha A. NicholsMr. Leroy NickelsMs. Doreen NicklinMs. Marilyn NielsenMr. John O’ConnellRuth S. O’ConnorJudy † and Rod OdegaardMr. James G. Oldham, Jr.Tinka OliverMr. Dennis G. OttenMs. Anna M. OverenMrs. Alice B. OwensMs. Ila K. PalmerMs. Kay PalmerMs. Carolyn M. ParkerMs. Roxie ParkerDianne ParkersonMs. Opal R. ParrottMr. Elliott O. Partridge, M.D.Dr. Deborah S. PattMs. Elizabeth L. PatzkeMr. and Mrs. Edward PavlikMrs. Margaret PayneMrs. F. PearsonMs. Martha PegramMrs. Rosemary PekarekMs. Natalie O. PelausaMrs. Nina Pepper

Melinda PesterMrs. Forrest I. PetersMs. Kathy M. PetersMs. Ramona PetersMrs. Judy PetersenDonna PetersonPaul Vernon PetersonMrs. R. E. PetersonHazel PettieMrs. James L. PettusMr. Douglas PfeifferMs. Melody J. PharrisMs. Suzanne S. PhillipsMs. Jennifer PickMs. Shirley PidichMs. Arlene Z. PielemeierMs. Caroline PiersonMr. Thomas J. PisarczykMrs. Thomas A. PitcherMr. William PlennertMs. Diane PlotnerMr. Russell PoirierMr. and Mrs. Duane PorterMs. Melody PorterMs. Donna PovichMr. George C. Powell, Jr.Ms. Jeanette PowellMs. Lynn PowellMs. Vera M. PowellMr. Bobbi J. Price

Mr. and Mrs. Michael ProctorMr. Archie Lee ProfitMr. Steve ProntoMr. and Mrs. Michael R. PuckettMr. Warren PulliamMr. Evan PunchardMr. Gene PutnamMs. Barbara PylandMr. Frank QuintanillaMr. † and Mrs. Ray RandolphMs. Geraldine Lorraine RayMr. P RedecoppMs. Betty J. ReedMr. James ReeseMr. Ross R. ReevesMs. Shirley RegisterMr. and Mrs. Wayne ReifMr. and Mrs. Robert RenardMrs. Larena Renberg GoodmanMs. Ruth B. RentonMs. Kimberly ResslerMrs. Diane R. RevelMs. Sally S. RevereMr. Greynell RichardMs. Jacqueline RichenbackMs. Mary RiedmillerMr. Alonzo R. RitchieMrs. Joan RivenbarkMs. Rocinda RiveraJody RoachMs. Betty Lou Roberts

Ms. Patricia RobichaudMr. Joseph A. RodriguezMs. Becky RogersMrs. Janet K. RogersMs. Margaret J. RogersMr. Adolf RommelMs. M. Jennifer RoneyMs. Janet RookMs. Heidi L. RothMr. and Mrs. Eli N. RoussoMrs. Anna E. RowanMiss Mary Ella RuffMiriam E. RundstromMrs. Peter W. RuppertMs. Virginia A. RuskellMs. Bobbie RussellMrs. Lois RustTom and Pam RyanTraci RynskiJean A. SabatineMs. Joye Sage †Ms. Helen SantosMrs. Peggy Sarjent-RossMr. Richard N. SavageMs. Ethel SavellSuellah J. SavidgeMs. Jo Nel D. SavoyMs. Gail SaylorMr. and Mrs. Bob ScanlonMrs. Myrna Schack-LathamMargaret Schaeffner

Mr. Jim SchellhornMr. and Mrs. Marvin ScherlMs. Betty SchlaepferMrs. Tony SchlechtyKay D. SchloffMs. Jill SchoenmehlMr. and Mrs. Charles SchofieldMr. and Mrs. A. Thomas SchombergMrs. Dorothy E. SchorzmanMrs. Lorraine SchottMs. Pattie SchraderMs. Anita L. SchrumpfMr. Al SchueMs. Carol SchultzMrs. Dolores SchultzMs. Dorothy L. SchultzMr. Karl SchultzMs. Eleanor SchumannMr. Michael J. SchwartzMs. Cheryl ScilingoMs. Leisa T. ScogginsMs. Missouri ScottMr. Tim ScottiMr. Richard A. ScroMr. and Mrs. Walter SemideyMs. Paulette M. SeversMs. Dorla ShafferMrs. Charles J. ShaleMs. Joyce ShartzerMr. and Mrs. Wayne ShawlMs. Margaret M. Shearman

Lorene ShelowMr. Maxey SherrillMs. Cora ShifferMrs. J. ShipesMs. Barbara J. ShirleyDennis G. ShogrenMr. Ron ShoreHelen ShortMs. Laurene ShumakerMr. Thomas H. ShupeChen Chen ShyrMr. Keith SimmonsMrs. Wilma J. SimmonsMs. Nancy W. SimunichMrs. Mary SingstockMrs. Audrey SirochmanMs. Laura SistrunkMrs. Shirley J. SkinnerDorothy SkripakMs. Vera SkulavikMr. and Mrs. Wilifried W. SmakaMs. Virginia SmallwoodMs. Ann D. SmithAudrey SmithCarleen L. SmithMrs. Charles W. SmithMr. Derald K. SmithMrs. Dolly SmithMs. Elizabeth M. SmithMs. Gail L. SmithJames Howard Smith


† Deceased

Page 22: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

Mr. Randall SmithMr. C. A. SmithsonMrs. Richard C. SnavelyMr. and Mrs. Buster SnellgroveMrs. Carol D. SnyderMs. Dorothy L. SolbergMrs. Shirley W. SomersMarilyn SonnMr. Dennis SorensonMs. Patricia SorensonMs. Rhonda SorrowMr. Dave SparksMrs. Shelia R. SparksMr. Scott SpauldingDr. and Mrs. W. B. SpeerMs. Carol N. SpringsMs. Sue A. SroczynskiMs. Kristi StakstonMr. James L. StampMr. Raymond A. StandaertMs. Catherine StankeMs. Mary StanleyMs. Patsy S. StantonDiane C. StaufferMrs. Jane SteeleMs. Sophie StenisMr. Johnston E. StewartMrs. Louise G. StillSusan StilsonMs. Kelley StoddardMs. Clare Stover

Bob StraetzMs. Robin StrahanMr. Charles StrawderMs. Betty J. StrombergMr. Sohny StrongMs. Ida StrotherMs. Allyn SturgisDr. and Mrs. Donald L. SturtzMr. and Mrs. Henry B. Subr, Jr.Ernestine SullivanMs. Anita SundinMr. and Mrs. William SuntrupMs. Susan SurretteMs. Grace SutterleyMr. and Mrs. Donald A. SweetMr. Charles SwinehartMrs. Marlene SymankK. C. TabbMs. Rosemary TamezMr. Richard D. TammsMr. James N. TanseyMs. Muriel M. TateMs. Jean C. TaylorMs. Kim J. TaylorMs. Deedee TerharkMrs. Charla TerrellLieutenant Colonel David H. ThomasMr. Frances V. ThomasMr. James E. ThomasMrs. Marjorie M. ThomasMs. Gwendolyn Thompson

Mrs. J. L. ThompsonPriscilla A. ThompsonMs. Peg ThorntonMiss Janety M. TiedtMs. Susan A. TigheTithe CorporationMrs. Michelle ToddMs. Dorothy TognoliMs. Caren TollnerO. R. ToothmanMs. Jane TosiMr. John P. Trabuchi, Jr.Trinity Tower United MethodistMs. Deborah TripodoMrs. Paula L. TschoppMr. Christopher TurnerMs. Joan W. TurnerJoe and Cathy TurnerMs. Janalee TutwilerMr. Gary TwissMs. Mary TynerMr. Scott TysonMrs. Mary Frances UnderwoodMr. Luan UngerMr. and Mrs. Dennis UptonMrs. Donna UrbainMs. Sherrie UtechMs. Kathleen UtzMr. and Mrs. Richard VacircaMrs. Sue ValdezMs. Barbara Valenti

Mrs. Pearl M. ValutskyMs. Joanne E. Van NattaClaire Van WaesMr. Kirby VanattaMr. Lloyd VancleaveMr. Tom VanRooyenMs. Ida VasquezMs. Dorothy VecheryE. A. Venton, D.D.S.Gloria VergaraMs. Rose M. VoelkerMs. Joy M. VossLinda Wade GettleMr. John WagnerMs. Barbara A. WalkerMs. Dorothy J. WalkerDr. Thomas A. WalkerMrs. Nayda WallaceMr. Kenneth WarbittonMs. Paulett WarrenMs. Christina WashingtonWaterford Baptist ChurchMs. Pamela J. WatkinsMr. Donald E. WeberMrs. Carol M. WeemsMs. Idelle WeierbachMr. Don G. WellonsMs. Audrey A. WessonMs. Joan WestMs. Johnney R. WestMr. Larry E. West

Ms. Sandra WestabyMr. Gary WestbyEileen WhelanMr. Howard WhistonMs. Celia W. WhiteMrs. Mary L. WhiteMr. Randall D. WhiteMrs. Reuben M. WhiteMs. Rita Mae WhiteMr. John WhiteheadMrs. Maureen WieneckeMs. Judy WilfongMr. Andrew D. WilliamsMs. Ann WilliamsMs. Dorothy E. WilliamsMr. Napoleon Williams, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ray WilliamsMs. Elaine H. WilmoreMr. Heyward M. WilsonMs. Rebecca S. WilsonSusan N. WilsonMr. Thomas L. WilsonMs. Sylvia WinderMr. Jack WingardMs. Lois A. WiningerDavid WirtzMrs. Francine WolfeJ. WongMr. Ronald WongMrs. Beth WoodMr. Larry Woodling

Mrs. Georgetta WoodsonMs. Gwynne WorkmanMs. Bonnie WrightMs. Sandra L. WrightMs. Victoria N. WyderMs. Dorothy WygantMrs. Rufus R. WynnMs. Nancy E. YarbroughMr. and Mrs. Ronnie YatesMr. and Mrs. Kent J. YoderMrs. Gloria YorkMr. and Mrs. Benton D. YoungJohanna ZeppMr. Jeff L. ZimmerschiedZion Lutheran Church

Supporter $100-$499.9914,877 Supporters

40 41

† Deceased

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42 43

FOR Fy 2017JULy 1, 2016 — JUNE 30, 2017


Direct Mail Fundraising ................ $3,391,744 ............. 36%Planned Giving ............................. $1,999,324 ..............21%Club Fundraising & PLUS .............. $1,890,136 ............. 20%Major Gifts .................................... $1,234,395 ..............13%Annual Giving ................................... $515,732 ................5%Investment Income ............................. $436,225 ................5%

Total ................................................ $9,467,556 ............100%

Direct Mail Fundraising Planned Giving Club Fundraising & PLUS Major Gifts Annual Giving

Income $9,467,556


Club Fundraising

& PLUS20%

Planned Giving21%

major Gifts13%

Direct mail Fundraising


Annual Giving5%

Investment Income 5%


Complimentary Publications ........... $3,726,496 ..............41%OurPrayer ......................................... $1,513,983 ..............17%Fundraising ...................................... $1,300,839 ..............14%Management & General ................... $1,190,868 ..............13%Military Outreach ................................ $903,060 ..............10%Comfort Kits & Youth Ministries ......... $489,729 ................5%

TOTAL .............................................. $9,124,975 ............100%

FOR Fy 2017JULy 1, 2016 — JUNE 30, 2017

Complimentary Publications OurPrayer Fundraising Management & General Military Outreach Comfort Kits & Youth Ministries

Expenses $9,124,975





military Outreach


Comfort Kits & Youth ministries


management & General


Fundraising14 %

Page 24: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

GUIDEPOSTS was founded in 1945 by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and his wife,

Ruth Stafford Peale. Dr. Peale was one of the foremost motivational speakers

and ministers of the 20th Century. He wrote 46 books, including the inspirational

bestseller, The Power of Positive Thinking, first published in 1952. More than

20 million copies of this acclaimed book have been sold. Mrs. Peale led the

ministries at the Peale Center for Christian Living, now merged with Guideposts,

and served as Chair of the Board of Guideposts. Exemplifying the Peale philosophy

that Positive Thinking is faith in God and belief in oneself, Guideposts moves

forward in its mission of helping people from all walks of life achieve their

maximum personal and spiritual potential.

Through magazines, books and digital assets, Guideposts communicates positive,

faith-filled principles for people everywhere to use in successful daily living.


Every Gift makes A Difference! Thanks to your generosity, Guideposts is able to meet the needs of people who are longing for God’s presence and promises. There are many ways to give your support and make a difference!

Your help supports Guideposts Outreach Ministries with gifts made by cash, check, and credit cards and gifts of appreciated securities such as stock or mutual funds. Special needs and opportunities arise and many donors choose to invest via a major gift to underwrite these types of projects, giving outright or pledging over a number of years. Call us at 203-749-0418 or visit www.Guideposts.org/support.

A Bequest through your will: This is the simplest way to make a gift; you only have to add the following specific language to your Will naming Guideposts Foundation as a beneficiary: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________ (a certain sum, a percentage of the estate, or the remainder

of the estate) to Guideposts Foundation, Suite 27, 39 Old Ridgebury Rd., Danbury, CT 06810. (A specific program may be designated.)

Charitable Gift Annuities: A Guideposts Charitable Gift Annuity is an excellent way to make a gift now, gain tax benefits, and receive payments for life. Guideposts pays a competitive rate and has an outstanding reputation of payment. Upon the death of the named annuitant(s) the remainder is distributed to the ministry programs of Guideposts.

Charitable Trusts: The Guideposts Foundation will serve as trustee of such trusts if they have an initial principal amount of a minimum of $100,000 for charitable remainder trusts, or $250,000 for charitable lead trusts.

Life Insurance: This is an ideal way to make a gift that will be larger than what you paid for it. You only need to make

Guideposts Foundation the owner and beneficiary of the policy and pay any remaining premiums.

Retirement Plans: Retirement plans may create a large income tax problem for children or other heirs. Since charities do not pay income tax, leaving this sum to Guideposts may offer a tax savings to your estate. All you need to do is to name Guideposts as a beneficiary of some, or all, of your retirement plan.

Gifts of Securities: Appreciated securities are an excellent way to give to Guideposts’ Ministries. Through a precise process, you may transfer shares to Guideposts. This may allow you to bypass capital gains tax and increase your charitable deduction. It is important to follow the process exactly, so please contact us, and your financial professional, for further information.


Please call us at 203-749-0418 or visit www.Guideposts.org/support for

more information.

44 45

Page 25: FOUNDATION...Norman Vincent and Ruth Stafford Peale, developed and grew into what Guideposts is today—an organization touching tens of millions through our impactful ministries

FO U N DAT IO N39 Old Ridgebury Road, Suite 27Danbury, CT 06810203-749-0418www.Guideposts.org/support
