Foundations of Network Foundations of Network and Computer Security and Computer Security J John Black Lecture #14 Oct 1 2009 CSCI 6268/TLEN 5550, Fall 2009

Foundations of Network and Computer Security J J ohn Black Lecture #14 Oct 1 2009 CSCI 6268/TLEN 5550, Fall 2009

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Foundations of Network and Foundations of Network and Computer SecurityComputer Security

JJohn Black

Lecture #14Oct 1 2009

CSCI 6268/TLEN 5550, Fall 2009

Next Up: SSL

• Next we’ll look at how to put all this together to form a network security protocol

• We will use SSL/TLS as our model since it’s ubiquitous

• But first, we’ll digress to talk about OpenSSL, and our first part of the project (a warm-up)


• Was SSLeay• Open Source• Has everything we’ve talked about and a lot

more• Most everything can be done on the command

line• Ungainly, awkward, inconsistent

– Mostly because of history– Have fun, it’s the only game in town

• http://www.openssl.org/

Brief Tutorial

• This is a grad class; you can figure it out from the man page, but…– Syntax is

% openssl <cmd> <parms>– cmd can be ‘enc’, ‘rsautl’, ‘x509’, and more– We’ll start with the ‘enc’ command (symmetric

encryption)– Let’s look at the enc command in more detail

OpenSSL enc command

• openssl enc -ciphername [-in filename] [-out filename] [-pass arg] [-e] [-d] [-a] [-K key] [-iv IV] [-p] [-P]

• -ciphername can be– des-ecb (yuk!), des-cbc (hmm), des (same as des-cbc), des-ede3-cbc, des3

(same), aes-128-cbc, bf, cast, idea, rc5– Can omit the ‘enc’ command if specifying these… kind of hokey

• If you don’t specify filenames, reads from and writes to stdin/stdout– Looks like garbage, of course

• If you don’t specify a password on the command line, it prompts you for one– Why are command-line passwords bad?– You can use environment variables but this is bad too– You can point to a file on disk… less bad

• What does the password do?– Password is converted to produce IV and blockcipher key

enc (cont)

% openssl aes-128-cbc –Penter aes-128-cbc encryption password:

• salt is a random number generated for each encryption in order to make the key and iv different even with the same password– Begins to get confusing… didn’t we just change the IV before?– Use this mode only when deriving a new key for each encryption

• Eg, when encrypting a file on disk for our own use

– If key is fixed, we specify it and the iv explicitly% openssl aes-128-cbc –K FB7D6E2490318E5CFC113751C10402A4 –iv


salt=39A9CF66C733597Ekey=FB7D6E2490318E5CFC113751C10402A4iv =6ED946AD35158A2BD3E7B5BAFC9A83EA

Understanding Passwords vs. a Specified IV and Key

• So there are two modes you can use with enc– 1) Specify the key and IV yourself

• This means YOU are in charge of ensuring the IV doesn’t repeat

– Use a good random number source or

– Use a counter (which you have to maintain… headache!)

– 2) Use a passphrase• OpenSSL uses randomness for you by generating a salt

along with the IV and AES key• Passphrases are less secure (more guessable) in general

• Either way, we get non-deterministic encryption

Passphrase-Based encPassphrase

hash function


iv, key (128 bits each)


salt ciphertext

Things to think about:• How to decrypt? Is the IV needed in the ciphertext?• Is the passphrase safe even though the salt and iv are known?


So How to Encrypt

• Let’s encrypt the file ‘test’% cat test

hi there

% openssl aes-128-cbc -in test

enter aes-128-cbc encryption password:

Verifying - enter aes-128-cbc encryption password:


• What’s up with the garbage? – Of course the AES outputs aren’t ASCII!– Use –base64 option


• This is an encoding scheme (not cryptographic)– Translates each set of 6 bits into a subset of ASCII

which is printable– Makes ‘garbage’ binary into printable ASCII

• Kind of like uuencode

– Of course this mapping is invertible– For encryption we want to do this after we encrypt– For decryption, we undo this before we decrypt– This is the –a flag for ‘enc’ but –base64 works as well

and is preferable

Example: base64

• Let’s encrypt file ‘test’ again, but output readable ciphertext

% openssl aes-128-cbc -in test -base64

enter aes-128-cbc encryption password:

Verifying - enter aes-128-cbc encryption password:


• We’ll always use this option when dealing with portability issues– Like sending ciphertext over email


• The command to decrypt is once again ‘enc’ – This makes no sense; get used to it– Use the –d flag to tell enc to decrypt– Let’s decrypt the string U2FsdGVkX1/tdjfZnPrD+mSjBBO7InU8Mo4ttzTk8eY=

which I’ve placed into a file called ‘test.enc’% openssl enc -d -in test.enc



• It just gave back the ciphertext?!– We didn’t specify an encryption algorithm– Default is the identity map (get used to it)– Let’s try again

% openssl aes-128-cbc -d -in test.enc

enter aes-128-cbc decryption password:

bad magic number

• Ok, now what’s wrong?

Error messages not useful

• We forgot to undo the –base64– The error msg didn’t tell us that (get used to it)– One more try:% openssl aes-128-cbc -d -in test.enc -base64

enter aes-128-cbc decryption password:

hi there

– It was all worth it, right?– Now it’s your turn

Project #0

• I’ll give you a ciphertext, you find the password– Password is a three-letter lowercase alpha

string– Main purpose is to get you to figure out where

openssl lives on your computer(s) – Don’t do it by hand– Full description on our web page

• Due Oct 14th, in class

Back to SSL/TLS

• SSL– Secure Socket Layer

• Designed by Paul Kocher, consulting for Netscape

• TLS– Transport Layer Security

• New version of SSL, and probably what we should call it (but I’m used to SSL)

• Used for web applications (https)– But also used many other places that aren’t

as well-known

TLS – Sketch

• Let’s start by trying to design TLS ourselves and see what else we’ll need– This will end up being only a sketch of the very

complex protocol TLS actually is

• We want:– Privacy, authentication– Protection against passive and active adversaries

• We have:– Symmetric/asymmetric encryption and authentication– Collision-resistant hash functions

A First Stab

• First we need a model– Client/Server is the usual one– Client and Server trust each other– No shared keys between client and server

• Assuming a shared key is not realistic in most settings

– Adversary is active (but won’t try DoS)

• Server generates RSA key pair for encryption– pkS, skS

– S subscript stands for “Server”

A First Stab (cont)

• Now client C comes along and wants to communicate with server S– C sends SSL HELLO to initiate session– S responds by sending pkS

– C sends credit card number encrypted with pkS

– S decrypts credit card number with skS and charges the purchase

• What’s wrong here?

Our First Protocol: Problems

• There are tons of problems here– We don’t know how to encrypt {0,1}*, only how to

encrypt elements of Zn*

• Ok, say we solve that problem (there are ways)

– It’s really SLOW to use RSA on big messages• Ok, we mentioned this before… let’s use symmetric

cryptography to help us

– There is no authentication going on here!• Adversary could alter pkS on the way to the client

• We’d better add some authentication too

• Let’s try again…

Second Stab

• C says Hello• S sends pkS to C• C generates two 128-bit session keys

– Kenc, Kmac, used for encryption and MACing

• C encrypts (Kenc, Kmac) with pkS and sends to S

• S recovers (Kenc, Kmac) using skS and both parties use these “session keys” to encrypt and MAC all further communication

Second Stab (cont)

• Problems?– Good news: we’re a lot more efficient now

since most crypto is done with symmetric key– Good news: we’re doing some authentication

now– Bad news: Man-in-the-Middle attack still

possible– Frustratingly close

• If we could get pkS to the client, we’d be happy

Man in the Middle

• Let’s concretely state the problem– Suppose an adversary A generates pkA and skA

– Now S sends pkS to C, but A intercepts and sends pkA to C instead

– C responds with (Kenc, Kmac) encrypted under pkA and sends to S

– A intercepts, decrypts (Kenc, Kmac) using skA and re-encrypts with pkS then sends on to S

• A doesn’t have to use (Kenc, Kmac) here… any keys would do

– Idea is that A proxies the connection between C and S and reads/alters any traffic he wishes

MitM Attack


hello hello


(Kenc, Kmac) under pkA (Kenc, Kmac) under pkS

“Welcome” under (Kenc, Kmac)

CC# under (Kenc, Kmac)

“Welcome” under (Kenc, Kmac)

CC# under (Kenc, Kmac)

How do we Stop This?

• Idea:– Embed pkS in the browser

• A cannot impersonate S if the public key of S is already held by C

• Problems:– Scalability (100,000 public keys in your browser?)

– Key freshening (if a key got compromised and it were already embedding in your browser, how would S update?)

– New keys (how do you get new keys? A new browser?)

– Your crypto is only as reliable as the state of your browser (what if someone gets you to install a bogus browser?)

• (Partial) Solution: Certificates

Certificates: Basic Idea

• Enter the “Certification Authority” (CA)– Some trusted entity who signs S’s public key

• Well-known ones are Verisign, RSA• Let’s assume the entity is called “CA”

• CA generates keys vkCA and skCA

• CA signs pkS using skCA

• CA’s vkS is embedded in all browsers– Same problem with corrupted browsers as before, but

the scaling problem is gone

New Protocol

• C sends Hello

• S sends pkS and the signature of CA on pkS

– These two objects together are called a “certificate”

• C verifies signature using vkCA which is built in to his browser

• C generates (Kenc, Kmac), encrypts with pkS and sends to S

• S decrypts (Kenc, Kmac) with skS

• Session proceeds with symmetric cryptography

SSH (A Different Model)

• SSH (Secure SHell)– Replacement for telnet– Allows secure remote logins

• Different model– Too many hosts and too many clients– How to distribute pk of host?– Can be done physically– Can pay a CA to sign your keys (not likely)– Can run your own CA

• More reasonable, but still we have a bootstrapping problem

SSH: Typical Solution

• The most common “solution” is to accept initial exposure– When you connect to a host for the first time you get

a warning:• “Warning: host key xxxxxx with fingerprint xx:xx:xx is not in

the .ssh_hosts file; do you wish to continue? Saying yes may allow a man-in-the-middle attack.” (Or something like that)

• You take a risk by saying “yes”• If the host key changes on your host and you didn’t expect

that to happen, you will get a similar warning– And you should be suspicious

Key Fingerprints

• The key fingerprint we just saw was a hash of the public key– Can use this when you’re on the road to verify

that it’s the key you expect• Write down the fingerprint on a small card and

check it• When you log in from a foreign computer, verify

the fingerprint

– Always a risk to log in from foreign computers!

X.509 Certificates

• X.509 is a format for a certificate– It contains a public key (for us, at least), email

address, and other information– In order to be valid, it must be signed by the

CA– In this class I will be the CA