Volume 1, Issue 1 5th August 2015 Remembering Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam 28.7.2015: The school paid a special tribute to the former President by assembling in the play ground honoring his wish not to close school despite his death. Students from Liberty, Harmony & Truth sections shared their reminiscences on meeting him last year at school when his Honor visited us on August 1 st , 2014 and expressed their love and regards towards him. An audio clip of his speech was played and listened with utmost respect towards the leader who mingled with the teachers as well as the students like a friend. 24.7.2015: A special assembly was conducted on account of the founder Prof.V.Madhusudhan Reddy’s birthday on 25th July. Dr.V.Ananda Reddy, Chairman (IHS)addressed the students on this occasion. He counseled the students and said that the founder wanted the students of the school to realize the Divinity within themselves and to carry the principles of Education propounded by The Mother & The Master throughout their lives. Founder’s Birthday Celebrations Inside this issue: Founder’s Birthday 1 Truth Section 2 Competitions 5 Harmony Section 6 Liberty section 7 Tiny tots 8 SAIS got talent 3 25.7.2015: On the inaugural function of New Creation School (Residential) at Champak Hills, Jangaon, on the founder’s birthday, 25th July, Dr.V.Ananda Reddy said that the Dream of his father Prof. V. Madhusudhan Reddy is fulfilled after 25 years . A small cultural program was presented by the students of NC followed by the speech of the Chief Guest, MLA, Janagaon, Sri Muthireddy Yadgiri Reddy. From the Principal’s desk…. We have been periodically sharing experiences of school with all of you by posting information and pictures of events and handwork through our website. We have happily resolved to put it all together in a Newsletter. Its launch in the month of August is auspicious for us being Sri Aurobindo’s birthday on 15 th and our Independence day apart from we celebrating Shakti pooja (Bonalu), Janmashtami, Rakshabandhan and performing Varalakshmi pooja ! Sri Aurobindo’s birthday falling on 15 th August is not merely a coincidence. As he himself mentions, it is a sanction and seal of the Supreme for his work for India. Most people find Sri Aurobindo’s writings difficult to read and understand and hence pay due respect to his writings by keeping a sacred distance. Let me assure you all that now there are many compilations of his works under different headings relevant to our present day life. He had the foresight of a great India ahead , “We do not belong to the past dawns, but to the noons of the future.” So also says the Mother, “The future of India is very clear. India is the Guru of the world. The future structure of the world depends on India. India is incarnating the spiritual knowledge in the world.” We the fraternity of SAIS - parents and teachers need to inspire our children with this noble aim. The Truth is known only when all is seen. -Sri Aurobindo

Founder’s Birthday Celebrations

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Page 1: Founder’s Birthday Celebrations

Volume 1, Issue 1

5th August 2015

Remembering Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam 28.7.2015: The school paid a special tribute to the former President by assembling in the play ground honoring his wish not to close school despite his death. Students from Liberty, Harmony & Truth sections shared their r e m i n i s c e n c e s o n meeting him last year at school when his Honor visited us on August 1st, 2014 and expressed their love and regards towards him. An audio clip of his speech was played and listened with utmost respect towards the leader who mingled with the teachers as well as the students like a friend.

24.7.2015: A special assembly was conducted on account of the founder Prof.V.Madhusudhan Reddy’s birthday on 25th July. Dr.V.Ananda Reddy, Chairman (IHS)addressed the students on this occasion. He counseled the students and said that the founder wanted the students of the school to realize the Divinity within themselves and to car ry the principles of Education propounded by The Mother & The Master throughout their lives.

Founder’s Birthday Celebrations

Inside this issue: Founder’s Birthday 1 Truth Section 2 Competitions 5

Harmony Section 6 Liberty section 7 Tiny tots 8 SAIS got talent 3

25.7.2015: On the inaugural function of New Creation School (Residential) at Champak Hills, Jangaon, on the founder’s birthday, 25th July, Dr.V.Ananda Reddy said that the Dream of his father Prof. V. Madhusudhan Reddy is fulfilled after 25 years . A small cultural program was presented by the students of NC followed by the speech of the Chief Guest, MLA, Janagaon, Sri Muthireddy Yadgiri Reddy.

From the Principal’s desk…. We have been periodically sharing experiences of school with all of you by posting information and pictures of events and handwork through our website. We have happily resolved to put it all together in a Newsletter. Its launch in the month of August is auspicious for us being Sri Aurobindo’s birthday on 15th and our Independence day apart from we celebrating Shakti pooja (Bonalu), Janmashtami, Rakshabandhan and performing Varalakshmi pooja ! Sri Aurobindo’s birthday falling on 15th August is not merely a coincidence. As he himself mentions, it is a sanction and seal of the Supreme for his work for India. Most people find Sri Aurobindo’s writings difficult to read and understand and hence pay due respect to his writings by keeping a sacred distance. Let me assure you all that now there are many compilations of his works under different headings relevant to our present day life. He had the foresight of a great India ahead , “We do not belong to the past dawns, but to the noons of the future.” So also says the Mother, “The future of India is very clear. India is the Guru of the world. The future structure of the world depends on India. India is incarnating the spiritual knowledge in the world.” We the fraternity of SAIS - parents and teachers need to inspire our children with this noble aim.

The Truth is known only when all is seen.

-Sri Aurobindo

Page 2: Founder’s Birthday Celebrations

Beautification Day 1.7.2015: Beautification of the classrooms was held with a theme “One planet, Consume and Care”. . All classrooms had to have four compulsory charts ,time table, wall of kindness, essential agreements and qualities & skills. The presentations were judged on the basis of content, creativity, arrangement, neatness and cleanliness. IX B & VIII A sections bagged the 1st & 2nd prizes in the junior level and XII B & XI secured 1st & 2nd respectively among seniors. ( see more pg 3)

ECO Activities

Truth Section

3.7.2015:Our school has been an active participant in the Husain Sager Lake Project under CEE (Centre for Environment Education). This program is being taken up by Class VIII students. The Telagana Harita Haram a green revolution began in the new born state for a green Telangana. As a part of this HMDA along with CEE launched the Harita Haram program at Sanjeeviah Park on 3rd July. Our school was one of the seventy schools that participated. Plants were distributed. Each student was given two saplings (medicinal or fruit) and had to make a promise to take care of the plant.

Investiture Ceremony

24.6.2015: School Council Members were elected by the students of Truth Sections in a democratic way . Students voted for their leaders online in a secret ballot page created in a computer software.

If you want to gain time, learn to concentrate

Page 3: Founder’s Birthday Celebrations

11.7.2015: Model United Nations otherwise known as MUN is an educational simulation and academic competition in which students learn about Diplomacy and International relations. MUN involves and teaches research, public speaking, debating, writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork and leadership abilities. Our IX class children participated for the first time in MUN on 24th , 25th and 26th of April, 2015. Inspired by the first MUN, 28 children participated in 2nd MUN conducted by P. Obul Reddy Public School, Jubilee hills on 11th and 12th of July, 2015.The children were selected to six different committees as delegates representing each country in respective committees. They debated on different issues raised in the conference and passed resolutions on the next day. (Display Board Competition—news on Pg 5)

Our Students at POPSMUN (Model United Nations)

SAIS got talent….

NATURE'S BOUNTY V. Anvita, XII A I open my eyes to lush green meadows to the following of the river that the hollow echoes to perfect gardens buzzing with bees and butterflies and think to myself, is this what the earth is like ? I hear the voice of the birds as they sing, the rustle of the trees against the early morning wind, I see the waters dance with different colors as they reflect the sunlight, and think to myself, is this what the earth is like? And then it all shatters and reality sets in, the screams of nature as it dies, tears me from within, I rage and fight against the darkness, that is eating away this like, and I know, finally, that this is not what the Earth is like...

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Teacher’s Corner...

A Tribute To Our Soldiers -Sheela Deshpande

Nothing in life comes for free. Everyone has to pay, sooner or later. Life begins and ends with a price. If one doesn’t pay, others have to somehow pay. If you don’t, who must pay? You’re earning income because you had to pay. You’re hopeful after death because God had to pay. You’re secured because the police had to pay. You’re reading this poem because the poet had to pay. My dear Indian’s we enjoy freedom because someone before us had paid the price. We are enjoying good health because someone before us had paid the price. We are here now playing still because someone before us had paid the price. We are living in the world of Technology because someone before us had paid the price.

Let us all come together and work hand in hand and value the price our fighters have paid to bring a smile in our lives. Together let’s hold on that Indian pride and take on challenges with stride.

Global Song -Vijaya Modali

Let’s rejoice the friendship that conquers every heart! Let’s envision others as we look at ourselves! Let’s abandon war, discrimination and unauthorized occupancy! Let’s acquire the greatest knowledge of peaceful co-existence from Nature! The one and only Earth that can fulfill all our desires Be our Mother! The ever-forgiving , kind Almighty is our Divine Father! Let’s learn the art of living with love, cooperation, compassion and mutual help! Let’s reveal the divinity embedded within us! Let’s progress towards greater perfection Let’s pray for the welfare of all beings in this Universe! ( This is a translation of a Sanskrit song given by Sri Chandrasekharendra Mahaswami of Kanchipuram to Smt. M.S Subbulakshmi to sing in the United Nations)

Teacher’s workshop: 24.7.2015:English language teachers have attended a workshop held on 24/7/15 by Oxford University Press. The work shop was taken over by Mr. Rajeevan who has forty years of experience in developing English Language. It was a great learning experience for the teachers as they got an opportunity to upgrade their knowledge. Effective usage of the spoken language, training the learners accordingly was emphasized in the workshop.

A Tribute to Dadaji -Geeta Rajeevan

The Smile on your face is a lasting memory in our Hearts You have always been our hero You have always been our pride You have always given so much love And shown what’s deep inside

Our heart is full of love Our soul is all delight Because you are the one Who made all our dreams come true The Memories we will treasure and keep close to our hearts

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Competitions English Recitation Competition (ISC) 11.7.2015: The students recited the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling. The poem was chosen for its influential and motivational vibes. It was considered apt as the poet had written it for his son, penning down his views of an ideal human being. The judges were Mr. Praveen Kumar(external) and Mrs. Geeta Rajeevan (Headmistress). The criteria for judgment were physical appearance, voice and articulation, effective expression and time management.

Hindi Recitation Competition 21.7.2015: A Hindi Recitation competition was held for students of grades VIII, IX & X. The participants had to select a humorous poem .The students were judged on introduction, expression, correct pronunciation and completion of the poem. Sravya of VIII A stood 1st ,Siddharth of IX bagged 2nd and Yashita of VIII B stood 3rd .

Integral Arts Art & Craft is one of the options of IDA in the middle section. The children learn pottery, murals, terracotta, collage and decorative items like tote bags, coasters and wall hangings .These items are made from waste materials , newspaper, grains, clay, fabrics etc .,

Display board Competition

10.7.2015:The display board competition was held among the four groups-Wisdom, Power, Harmony and Perfection groups. The theme “Yoga” covered the following five aspects-physical flexibility, memory and concentration, self esteem and confidence, mind body coordination and health & happiness. The groups were judged on content, creativity, arrangement, presentation and neatness. Boards decorated by Wisdom and Perfection groups won 1st and 2nd prizes respectively. (See pictures on pg 7)

It is the effort which gives joy….

27.6.2015: Girls Throw Ball Competition was held for the girls of VIII & IX classes. Students played with a competitive spirit and audience in the gallery cheered their respective groups.

Best out of Waste

Girls Throw Ball match

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4.7.2015: ‘Eradication of Social Evils’ was the theme for the assembly program for class VII C. A skit titled “Child Labour.” was put up and they dressed themselves like social reformers and gave inspiring messages in the program.

Harmony Section

Swara Vahini-Solo Singing Competition

26.6.2015:A solo singing competition was conducted for V,VI, and VII students. The themes given to them were songs on Lord Krishna, Mother and Nature respectively. Students participated with an overwhelming enthusiasm and it was really a tough task for the judges to declare the winners.

17.7.2015: Class VI students had a trip to the Nehru Centenary Tribal Museum . It was a great learning experience to the children. They came to know of different kinds of tribes, their life styles, jewellery etc. , The children were spell bound to see the models on display.

Students of Class VI taking notes from the exhibits in the museum.

A Visit to Alliance Franchise 24.7.2015: Children of classes VI and VII had a rendezvous with French language and culture when they were given firsthand experience on French culture, cuisine, movies and literature. The students interacted with the French teachers and shared their views.

‘Srujana Patavam’ (best out of waste) competition

23/7/2015: Children showcased their creative skills and proved that a masterpiece can be created by any available matter from the nature. Children used old CDs, plastic bottles and old greeting cards and transformed them into vases, wall hangings and invitation cards. (See more pictures on page 7)

The true mastery is to be master of oneself. The Mother

One must widen oneself, open the doors

Page 7: Founder’s Birthday Celebrations

Liberty Section

Liberty Section watching School Cinema on their new T.V set

11.7.2015: A book stall cum exhibition is organized for two days in the Unity hall whenever there is a PTM. KidzWorld, Scholastic & Book Point exhibit their publications . Students and Parents are free to browse and buy them.

Psychic education is imparted through moral stories and plays which children enact, thus practically getting a hang of what they have learnt in the class. A group activity which included how children helped each other on various instances was conducted. Parents were requested to write to us about how their children are helping them at home.

Live within; Be not shaken by outward happenings. -Sri Aurobindo

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21.7.2015: A vegetable market is organised and maintained by the tiny tots of UKG.It was so meticulously planned and maintained to make the younger children the dynamics of a market .There were around three counters with two vendors each, stacked with fresh vegetables. Children from various other classes were visiting each of the counters and doing their best to understand the concept of selling, weighing and purchasing the vegetables. One more remarkable thing was these young kids advocating the non-usage of plastic carry bags. It is quite a sense of pride when the younger generation exhibit great responsibility towards the environment and grow to be responsible citizens of the Mother Earth!

11.7.2015: Parents of LKG students had an orientation about the school and its programme for the upcoming year 2015-2016 between 9 and 11 am in the Hall of Aspiration. The programme began by invoking the blessings of the Mother; briefing School’s Motto and Vision and introducing Ms. Uma Raman to the parents, by Ms. Geeta Rajeevan our school Headmistress. Uma Raman didi oriented the parents by talking to them on the importance of Early Childhood Development, methodology adopted in the school and their role as ‘parents’ in supporting the whole programme. It was interesting to know about the brain development in kids of that age and the importance of language development for those young ones. Our enthusiastic teachers presented different areas of development in children and the way it is nurtured at school. It was interesting to see how simple activities like running, hopping, stringing beads, sorting, matching etc lead and prepare the little ones for formal primary education eventually. It was concluded by a brisk and interesting activity for the parents. Young parents discussed

LKG Parent Orientation

Our Tiny Tots In Action....

17.7.2015:K. G classes celebrated Ramzan in their prayer hall . Children recited rhymes connected to the festival. The hall was suitably decorated. Didis spoke about the festival. Children learn to appreciate different cultures. The program ended sweetly with the distribution of dates to all.

to figure out “which activity goes under which area of development”. Finally it was wrapped up, by the parents presenting their views and giving out some valuable suggestions about the whole programme.

In the next issue... Gurupoornima

Independence Day Rakhi

Leadership Camp


In order to be truly happy in life, one must love work.