Four Simple Reasons to Reject Christianity

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Why to Reject Christianity as being inconsistent with the Torah

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God is not man is stated in the Tanak (Jewish Bible) Three Times. The trinity doctrine cannot stand on the Jewish Bible.Genesis states in two places that Joseph is buried in Shechem. The Christian Scriptures (Acts) states Joseph is buried in Machpelah. Genesis states that seventy souls descended down into Egypt. Acts states that Seventy Five souls went descended down into Egypt. The Christian Scriptures cannot be reconsiled with the Torah.The Torah says that every man shall be punished for their own sin (the father shall not be punished for the sin of the son and the son shall not be punished for the sin of the father.) Vicarious atonement cannot be reconsiled with the Torah.The Torah says not to follow a false prophet. Jesus prophesied that he would physically return within the lifetime of his disciples to establish the kingdom of God on Earth. (Islam says that Jesus is a prophet.) Both Christianity and Islam follow false prophets.