Four streams of Yoga.ppt

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1. Raja yoga – The path of will power

2. Jnana Yoga – The path of intellect

3. Karma Yoga – The path of action

4. Bhakti Yoga – The path of emotions

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RAJA YOGA1. Opening prayer2. Introduction3. Methods of Raja yoga4. Hurdles and solutions5. Qualities and outcome6. At the time of death7. Goal of Raja yoga8. Closing prayer

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Raja-yoga is the science of controlling the ever-volatile mind

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Raja yoga is the science of controlling modifications of thoughts, continuously rising in the mind.

When the restless mind is brought under control through the practice of medication, it generates tremendous power and releases energy dormant in man.

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His scientific approach, practical guidelines and wonderful techniques of controlling mind are immensely beneficial to the seekers of Truth.

His eightfold path (Astanga Yoga) is a royal way for attainment of spiritual enlightenment.

Regular practice of meditation not only helps us to unfold our divine nature but also helps us in our day to day activities.

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It improves clarity of thinking, power of discrimination, efficiency in work, capacity to take quick decisions, mental strength and vigor, which is very essential to accomplish desired goals in life.

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Freedom Bliss Knowledge Power


Starting of Yoga conscious growth

Total Silence


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BHAKTI YOGA1. Opening prayer2. Introduction3. Kama to Prema4. Bhakti is Prema with surrender5. God realization in form (Saguna

Saksatkara)6. Towards Nirvikalpa Samadhi7. Para Bhakti and God consciousness at the

time of death8. Ultimate Merger9. Closing prayer

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Bhakti or Divine love brings God closest to a spiritual aspirant.

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The emotion to love is a divine gift to man.

Worldly love when directed towards and offered to God becomes devotion.

Sri Krishna says in the Bhagawad Gita: ‘Whoever offers Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I accept that, the pious offering of the pure in heart’ (9/26)

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One attains knowledge as well as vision of God by cultivating a proper longing for them.

In Narada Bhakti Sutras, Narada has mentioned eleven types of such moods.

The gopis of Brindavan and Mirabai practises Madhura Bhava; i.e., they loved Sri Krishna as their husband. Dhruva loved the Lord as his father.

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The sages practise shanta bhava, the peaceful attitude by practising regular and japa. Hanuman found delight in serving his Lord Rama; it is known as Dasya Bhava – the attitude of a servant.

Arjuna towards Krishna – Vatsalya Bhava, and the great devotee Bali is a supreme example of complete self surrender to the Lord.

Selfless love alone will lead us to the Divine.

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(Nirvikalpa Samadhi)

Saksatkara (Saguna)

Freedom Bliss Knowledge Power

Total Silence



Bhakti = Prema + Surrender

Prema = Kama +Sacrifice

DaiveAsura .

Unlimited goal

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KARMA YOGA1. Opening prayer2. Introduction3. Tamas to Rajas and to4. Conflicts5. Secrets 1 to 46. Karma Yogi7. Ultimate Goal8. Closing prayer

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Karma-yoga is the saving mantra for humanity in this age.

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Sri Krishna says in the Gita,

Devoted each to his own duty, man attains the highest perfection.

He from whom is the evolution of all beings, by whom all this is pervaded, worshipping Him with his own duty, man attains perfection.’

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One must consider oneself as a mere instrument in the hands of God. He alone is the doer and we are mere puppets.

Arjuna wanted to run away from the battle-field, giving up his kshatriya dharma.

He wanted to embrace the life of a mendicant. Sri Krishna dissuaded him and exhorted him to follow Arjuna’s own dharma.

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Sri krishna quoted the example of Janaka.

Janaka while discharging his duties as a king, attained rishihood and is therefore called a Rajarshi – a king and rishi in one.

If a person, whether he be a Brahmin or Kshatriya, Vaishya or shudra, does his work with honesty and sincerity, dedicating the fruit of his actions to God and takes recourse to dharma, ultimately attains perfection, which leads to peace, happiness and immortality.

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Freedom Bliss Knowledge Power

Total SilenceTranscend



BEYOND GUNASMastering Region of Siddhis

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JNANA YOGA1. Opening prayer2. Introduction3. Methods of Jnana4. Qualities of Jnana Yogi5. Higher dimensions of Jnana Nistha6. Awareness at the time of death7. Ultimate Goal8. Closing prayer

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Jnana-yoga or the path of knowledge is the shortest but most difficult path

for one to tread

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The path of Knowledge.

Through constant discrimination between the real and the unreal, one has to deny the existence of the body, constantly thinking of the spirit within.

Great sages of India.

Discovered in their deep meditation innumerable spiritual truths about man and the universe.

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Even emperors and kings used to seek their advice and blessings.

Sankaracarya, a great teacher of Advaita, who expounded the path of Knoweldge preached Mayavada.

According to him, the sun of knowledge, that is Atman, is always self-effulgent.

It is the cloud of ignorance or Maya which hides the Self.

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We have Ramana Maharashi, who was always absorbed in the thought of the self.

For him the whole universe appeared like a reflection in a mirror, which is only appearance and not Reality.

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Swami Vivekananda, who carried the thoughts of the Eastern sages to the Western world, in the present age.

He proclaimed the truth of Vedanta first at the Parliament of Religions at Chicago in 1893.

He founded monastic order, the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission, in the name of his Gurudeva, for the spread of the message of Sanatana Dharma throughout the world.

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Freedom Bliss Knowledge Power

Total SilenceTranscend





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