1 Fourth Sunday in advent December 20, 2020 8:00 and 11:00 WELCOME GUESTS If you’re looking for a church home, we hope you’ll consider Redeemer. Check out the faith-strengthening resources on the information cart, the library in the narthex, or www.redeemer-lutheran.net. If you have questions about this congregation or about the Lutheran Church, feel free to ask an usher or the Pastor. Please fill out a fellowship card (found in this worship bulletin or the pew racks) and drop it in today’s coll ection plate, providing a phone number and e-mail address so that we may serve you better. To offer a special public prayer for those in need or thanksgiving, please fill out a blue “Prayer of Mercy/Thanksgiving” card found in the pew rack. Give the completed card to an usher or place it in the offering plate. Large print versions of this bulletin are available upon request at the Ushers’ station. Thank you for worshiping with us and, again, welcome! Prayer upon Entering We humbly ask, Father, that You pour your grace upon us so that with the Mother of Our Lord we may heed the message of the angels-the Good News of your Son’s incarnation, passion and death-and with her, be brought to the glory of his resurrection. In the name of Christ I pray. Amen. THE ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD (Luke 1:26-38) It is Saint Luke who records in the Gospel the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary. In this amazing encounter, Mary’s fears and uncertainty before a holy messenger from heaven are replaced by humble submission to her calling to be the mother of the Savior of the world. “Let it be to me according to your Word”, she replies. How will we respond to the announcement by holy angels that to us a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord? How can we, in our human weakness, respond to the advent of our Savior in a God-pleasing way? The promise is for Mary and for each of us: “With God, nothing is impossible”. (Luke 2:37). The same Lord who blessed Mary with faith says to us, “Let it be according to my Word”. To the seemingly foolish announcement that a virgin will conceive and bear the Son of God, Luther writes: True, we Christians might say that according to reason it seems ridiculous that a virgin should conceive, become a mother, and give birth to a son who would not only be her natural son, but also God’s true Son. But here I must shove human reason and wisdom under the bench and not listen to what reason has to say, but what God in his Word has to say. For he who is in heaven above, Creator of all wisdom, surely knows a bit more than all of human reason. That is why we should be held captive by God’s Word and not try to speculate beyond it. God announces in his Word that this child is true God and true man, born from eternity by the Father, and born on earth of a true, human lineage, out of the body of a woman, like any other child, from a mother who nurtures him like any other mother, except that this conception and birth take place in a supernatural way and this son is born of a virgin. We must envelop ourselves in this Word of God, because with our reason we cannot fathom it. Prelude

Fourth Sunday in advent December 20, 2020 8:00 and 11:00

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Page 1: Fourth Sunday in advent December 20, 2020 8:00 and 11:00


Fourth Sunday in advent December 20, 2020

8:00 and 11:00

WELCOME GUESTS If you’re looking for a church home, we hope you’ll consider Redeemer.

Check out the faith-strengthening resources on the information cart, the library in the narthex,

or www.redeemer-lutheran.net. If you have questions about this congregation or about the

Lutheran Church, feel free to ask an usher or the Pastor. Please fill out a fellowship card (found

in this worship bulletin or the pew racks) and drop it in today’s collection plate, providing a

phone number and e-mail address so that we may serve you better. To offer a special public

prayer for those in need or thanksgiving, please fill out a blue “Prayer of Mercy/Thanksgiving”

card found in the pew rack. Give the completed card to an usher or place it in the offering plate.

Large print versions of this bulletin are available upon request at the Ushers’ station. Thank

you for worshiping with us – and, again, welcome!

Prayer upon Entering

We humbly ask, Father, that You pour your grace upon us so that with the Mother of Our

Lord we may heed the message of the angels-the Good News of your Son’s incarnation,

passion and death-and with her, be brought to the glory of his resurrection. In the name

of Christ I pray. Amen.

THE ANNUNCIATION OF OUR LORD (Luke 1:26-38) It is Saint Luke who records

in the Gospel the announcement by the angel Gabriel to Mary. In this amazing encounter,

Mary’s fears and uncertainty before a holy messenger from heaven are replaced by humble

submission to her calling to be the mother of the Savior of the world. “Let it be to me

according to your Word”, she replies. How will we respond to the announcement by holy

angels that to us a Savior has been born, who is Christ the Lord? How can we, in our human

weakness, respond to the advent of our Savior in a God-pleasing way? The promise is for

Mary and for each of us: “With God, nothing is impossible”. (Luke 2:37). The same Lord

who blessed Mary with faith says to us, “Let it be according to my Word”. To the

seemingly foolish announcement that a virgin will conceive and bear the Son of God, Luther

writes: True, we Christians might say that according to reason it seems ridiculous that a

virgin should conceive, become a mother, and give birth to a son who would not only be her

natural son, but also God’s true Son. But here I must shove human reason and wisdom

under the bench and not listen to what reason has to say, but what God in his Word has to

say. For he who is in heaven above, Creator of all wisdom, surely knows a bit more than all

of human reason. That is why we should be held captive by God’s Word and not try to

speculate beyond it. God announces in his Word that this child is true God and true man,

born from eternity by the Father, and born on earth of a true, human lineage, out of the

body of a woman, like any other child, from a mother who nurtures him like any other

mother, except that this conception and birth take place in a supernatural way and this son

is born of a virgin. We must envelop ourselves in this Word of God, because with our

reason we cannot fathom it.


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Opening Verse Pastor: This is the day the Lord has made.

Cong.: Let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

T Preparation T Pastor: O Lord. Open my lips,

Cong.: and my mouth will declare Your praise.


“Savior of the Nations, Come” [LSB hymn 332]

5 God the Father was His source,

Back to God He ran His course.

Into hell His road went down,

Back then to His throne and crown.

6 For You are the Father’s Son

Who in flesh the vict’ry won.

By Your mighty pow’r make whole

All our ills of flesh and soul.

7 From the manger newborn light

Shines in glory through the night.

Darkness there no more resides;

In this light faith now abides.

D 8 Glory to the Father sing,

Glory to the Son, our king,

Glory to the Spirit be

Now and through eternity.

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Stand Confession and Absolution The sign of the cross may be made by all in remembrance of their Baptism

Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Cong.: Amen. (Matthew 28:19b)

Pastor: Beloved in the Lord! Let us draw near with a true heart and confess our sins unto

God our Father, beseeching Him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to grant us

forgiveness. (Hebrews 10:22)

Pastor: Our help is in the name of the Lord,

Cong.: who made heaven and earth. (Psalm 124:8)

Pastor: I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord,

Cong.: and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. (Psalm 32:5)

Silence for reflection on God's Word and for self-examination

Pastor: O almighty God, merciful Father,

Cong.: I, a poor, miserable sinner, confess unto You all my sins and iniquities

with which I have ever offended You and justly deserved Your

temporal and eternal punishment. But I am heartily sorry for them and

sincerely repent of them, and I pray You of Your boundless mercy and for

the sake of the holy, innocent, bitter sufferings and death of Your beloved

Son, Jesus Christ, to be gracious and merciful to me, a poor, sinful being.

Pastor: Upon this your confession, I, by virtue of my office, as a called and ordained servant

of the Word, announce the grace of God unto all of you, and in the stead and by the

command of my Lord Jesus Christ I forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father

and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Cong.: Amen. (John 20:19-23)

T Service of the Word T Introit (Psalm 19:1, 4c, 5-6; antiphon: Isaiah 45:8a, b)

Pastor: Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness;

let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Cong.: In them he has set a tent for the sun,

which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,

and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.

Pastor: Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them,

and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

All: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit;

as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Pastor: Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness;

let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit.

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Kyrie (Mark 10:47)

Salutation (2 Timothy 4:22)

Pastor: The Lord be with you.

Cong.: And with your spirit.

Collect of the Day

Pastor: Stir up Your power, O Lord, and come and help us by Your might, that the sins which

weigh us down may be quickly lifted by Your grace and mercy; for You live and reign

with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

Cong.: Amen.

Sit Readings from Holy Scripture Elder: The Lord be with you.

Cong.: And also with you.

Old Testament Reading (page 259 in the pew Bibles) 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16

Now when the king lived in his house and the LORD had given him rest from all his

surrounding enemies, the king said to Nathan the prophet, “See now, I dwell in a house of

cedar, but the ark of God dwells in a tent.” And Nathan said to the king, “Go, do all that is in

your heart, for the LORD is with you.”

But that same night the word of the LORD came to Nathan, “Go and tell my servant David,

‘Thus says the LORD: Would you build me a house to dwell in? I have not lived in a house since

the day I brought up the people of Israel from Egypt to this day, but I have been moving about

in a tent for my dwelling. In all places where I have moved with all the people of Israel, did I

speak a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd my people

Israel, saying, “Why have you not built me a house of cedar?”’ Now, therefore, thus you shall

say to my servant David, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, I took you from the pasture, from

following the sheep, that you should be prince over my people Israel. And I have been with you

wherever you went and have cut off all your enemies from before you. And I will make for you

a great name, like the name of the great ones of the earth. And I will appoint a place for my

people Israel and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and be disturbed no

more. And violent men shall afflict them no more, as formerly, from the time that I appointed

judges over my people Israel. And I will give you rest from all your enemies. Moreover, the

LORD declares to you that the LORD will make you a house. Continues on next page

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And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be

established forever.’”

Elder: This is the Word of the Lord.

Cong: Thanks be to God.

Epistle (page 951 in the pew Bibles) Romans 16:25-27

Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus

Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but has now

been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations,

according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith— to the

only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen.

Elder: This is the Word of the Lord.

Cong: Thanks be to God.

Stand Alleluia

Pastor: The Holy Gospel according to St. Luke, the first chapter.

Holy Gospel (page 855 in the pew Bibles) Luke 1:26-38

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth,

to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s

name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with

you!” But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and tried to discern what sort of greeting this

might be. And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with

God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name

Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give

to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of

his kingdom there will be no end.” And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a

virgin?” And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of

the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son

of God. And behold, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son, and this is

the sixth month with her who was called barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.” And

Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” And

the angel departed from her.

Pastor: This is the Gospel of our Lord.

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Nicene Creed

I believe in one God,

the Father Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth

and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the only-begotten Son of God,

begotten of His Father before all worlds,

God of God, Light of Light,

very God of very God,

begotten, not made,

being of one substance with the Father,

by whom all things were made;

who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven

and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary

and was made man;

and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate.

He suffered and was buried.

And the third day He rose again according to the Scriptures

and ascended into heaven

and sits at the right hand of the Father.

And He will come again with glory to judge both the living

and the dead, whose kingdom will have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Spirit,

the Lord and giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and

glorified, who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe in one holy Christian and apostolic Church,

I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins,

and I look for the resurrection of the dead

and the life T of the world to come. Amen.

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Sit Hymn of the Day

“The Angel Gabriel From Heaven Came” [LSB hymn 356]


“O Favored One” (Pastor Jim Toma)

Offertory (Psalm 51:10-12)

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Stand Prayer of the Church (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Pastor: Let us pray for the whole Church of God in Christ Jesus and for all people according

to their needs.

O Most High, You have favored us in the incarnation of Your Son, our Lord Jesus

Christ, Son of Mary. In everything, let it be to us according to Your Word. Give us faith

to believe that nothing is impossible with You, and so to pray boldly in childlike

confidence. Lord, in Your mercy,

Cong.: hear our prayer.

Pastor: O Most High, You have revealed in Christ Jesus the mystery kept secret for long ages,

now made known to all nations through the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures.

According to Your eternal command, give us faithful preachers of Your Gospel to bring

about the obedience of faith. Bless Matthew, our Synod president, our district president,

our circuit visitor; and all pastors in Christ. Strengthen Your Holy Church in every

place. Lord, in Your mercy,

Cong.: hear our prayer.

Pastor: O Most High, hear our prayers on behalf of our nation, its president, all legislators and

judges, and those newly elected to serve. Preserve their lives and guide their actions for

the good of our people. Give peace among the nations of the earth, and preserve us from

pestilence and famine, war and bloodshed, sedition, rebellion and every evil. Lord, in

Your mercy,

Cong.: hear our prayer.

Pastor: O Most High, grant all women with child and all mothers with infant children increasing

happiness in their blessings. Look with compassion on the lonely, the depressed and the

despairing. Grant healing to the sick, and give peace to the anxious and dying. Comfort

all who mourn and keep safe all who are traveling… Lord, in Your mercy,

Cong.: hear our prayer.

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Pastor: O Most High, grant that all who receive Your Son’s holy body and precious blood may

do so in repentance and faith and in the unity of a true confession. Work in us this

Christmas a love and desire for Your blessed Sacrament. Lord, in Your mercy,

Cong.: hear our prayer.

Pastor: Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy;

through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Cong.: Amen.

T Service of the Sacrament T


(2 Timothy 4:22)

(Colossians 3:1)

(Psalm 136)

Proper Preface Pastor: It is truly meet, right, and salutary … evermore praising You and singing:

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Sanctus (Isaiah 6:3; Matthew 21:9)

Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

Pastor: Lord, remember us in Your kingdom and teach us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

give us this day our daily bread;

and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory

forever and ever. Amen.

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Words of Our Lord (Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25)

Pastor: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night when He was betrayed, took bread, and when

He had given thanks, He broke it and gave it to the disciples and said: "Take, eat;

this is My T body, which is given for you. This do in remembrance of Me."

In the same way also He took the cup after supper, and when He had given thanks,

He gave it to them, saying: "Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in

My T blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as

you drink it, in remembrance of Me."

Pax Domini (John 20:19)

Agnus Dei (John 1:29)

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The Lord’s Supper is celebrated at this altar in the confession and glad confidence that our Lord

gives into our mouths not only bread and wine, but His very body and blood to eat and to drink for

the forgiveness of sins and to strengthen our union with Him and with one another. Our Lord

invites to His table those who trust in His words, repent of all sin, and set aside any refusal to

forgive and love as He forgives and loves us, that they may show forth His death until He comes.

Because those who eat and drink our Lord’s body and blood unworthily do so to their great harm

and because Holy Communion is a confession of the faith which is confessed at this altar, any who

are not yet instructed, are in doubt, or who hold a confession differing from that of this

congregation and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and yet desire to receive the Sacrament,

are asked first to speak with the pastor of this congregation. For further study, see Matthew 5:23ff,

10:32ff, 18:15-35, 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.

Prayer before Communing

Almighty Lord Jesus Christ,

as often as I shall come

to Your holy table to refresh my spirit,

I pray You to make me,

unworthy as I am, worthy through Your grace;

impure as I am, to make me clean;

naked as I am, to clothe me,

so that Your body, so full of divine power,

and Your most precious blood may not become for me, Your servant,

the occasion for judgment or punishment,

but a memorial of the death You underwent for me,

a strengthening of my faith,

a proof of the taking away of my sins,

a bond of closer union with You and Your people,

an increase of holiness,

the basis of a glad resurrection,

and a pledge of everlasting life. Amen.

Sit Distribution

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“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” [LSB hymn 357:1, 4, 5]

“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence” [LSB hymn 621]

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“My Soul Rejoices” [LSB hymn 933]

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Stand Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2:29-32)

Thanksgiving (Psalm 107:1)

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Pastor: We give thanks to You, almighty God, that You have refreshed us through this salutary

gift, and we implore You that of Your mercy You would strengthen us through the

same in faith toward You and in fervent love toward one another; through Jesus Christ,

Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now

and forever.

Salutation and Benedicamus

(2 Timothy 4:22)

(Psalm 103:1)

Benediction (Numbers 6:24-26)

Pastor: The Lord bless you and keep you.

The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and T give you peace.

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“Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love” [LSB hymn 900]

5 Jesus! Only name that’s giv’n

Under all the mighty heav’n

Whereby those to sin enslaved

Burst their fetters and are saved.

Sit Announcements

Dismissal Pastor: Let us bless the Lord.

Cong.: Thanks be to God. (Psalm 103:1)


6 Jesus! Name of wondrous love,

Human name of God above;

Pleading only this, we flee

Helpless, O our God, to Thee.

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Serving Our Lord and His People Today 8:00 Service 11:00 Service

Acolyte: Ava Keller EJ Lesniewski

Ushers: Klinton Keller Michael Brooks

Sharon White Mitchell Flores

Ron Smith

Reader: Adam Volkert Brian Viers

Elder: Adam Volkert Tom Miller

Organist: Matt Laub

Altar Guild: Alisa Duffey, Jan Flores, Lana Fossum, Doris White


HEALING Those dealing with cancer, Nancy Smith; Bree Shrimpton; Mary (Tom

Miller’s sister); Miranda Reddy (friend of Spengler’s); Cathy Jellison (sister-in-law of Vicki

Taylor); Margaret (Cheryl Lesniewski’s aunt); Paul (Victor Lee’s brother); George

Lundergan (friend of the Prior’s); Shelly (James Blanton Jr’s mom); Dann and Rose Diaz

(recovering from pneumonia and COVID); Thom (laser eye surgery, complications); Jeffrey

Heiner (bone infection); Angie (Jill Seeger’s daughter, COVID); Joan Harris (foot needs to

heal); Ashley (Ana Stewart’s granddaughter, side effects).

THANKSGIVING Alexandra and Lucas Bissett, Kacie Onak, Natalie Zurawski

(First Communion); Bruce Toma (improving); Barbara (Dick and Sally Erickson’s daughter);

Erwin Fluegge (recovering); Mike (friend of Pietila’s, back surgery);

COMFORT FOR THOSE WHO MOURN Family of Wayne Pereboom; Doreen

Zike; Georgia Curlette; Venora Marie Lee (mother of David Dunlop’s friend, Steve);

Barbara Rineer’s mother.

Assurance/encouragement John Saggiani (friend of Pastor, depression).

SAFETY DURING TRAVEL Karen Miller’s Dad (returned home to Kentucky).

THIS WEEK’S BIRTHDAYS: Felix Aube 12/20; John Aube 12/21; Vicki Taylor 12/25;

Vona Dodge 12/26; Richard Erickson 12/26; Gloria Venlet 12/26.



Divine Service, Setting Three from Lutheran Service Book © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Reprinted with permission.

Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a

division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Created by Lutheran Service Builder © 2006 Concordia Publishing House.

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News and notes

December 20, 2020

Opportunities This Week To Serve Our Lord And Our Neighbor

20 Sunday

Fourth Sunday in Advent

Divine Service

Sunday School and Confirmation Classes

Adult Bible Study “Joining Jesus on His Mission”

(in the Sanctuary with Pastor Toma)

Online Sunday School

8:00 & 11:00 AM

9:30 AM

9:30 AM

11:00 AM

21 Monday Preschool Chapel

Boy Scouts

9:30 AM

7:00 PM

22 Tuesday Sanctuary Choir 7:00 PM

23 Wednesday

24 Thursday Preschool Closed

Service of Lessons and Carols (live stream)

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (live stream)

(with Holy Communion)

7:00 PM

11:00 PM

25 Friday Christmas Day Worship Service (masks required)

(with Holy Communion)

Church Office and Preschool Closed

10:00 AM

26 Saturday Oratio, Meditatio, Tentatio Prayer group 9:00 AM

27 Sunday First Sunday after Christmas

Service of the Word

Sunday School and Confirmation Classes

Adult Bible Study “Joining Jesus on His Mission”

(in the Sanctuary with Pastor Toma)

Online Sunday School

8:00 & 11:00 AM

9:30 AM

9:30 AM

11:00 AM

For Further Information Please Call the Church Office at 714-846-6330

Church Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM / 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Preschool Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM


“Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ” (Romans 10:17)


“Joining Jesus on His Mission” (9:30 AM with Pastor Toma in the Sanctuary)

Friday bible STUDY: Coffee, Women, and Scripture (10:00 AM)

“Romans - God’s Abiding Word” (with Deaconess Pat Anderson on Zoom)

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Last Sunday’s Attendance: 86

God has given each of us gifts and calls us in 1 Peter 4:10,11 to

"use them to serve one another that God may be glorified through Jesus Christ".

Spotlight on Stewardship 2 Samuel 7:4 “But that same night the word of the LORD

came to Nathan. . .” Nathan thought David’s idea was great, so he blessed it with the Lord’s

name. But, later that night, the Word of the Lord set him straight. The Word of the Lord must

be the basis for what we think, say, and do in God’s Kingdom – not our own desires or whims.


Worship Services at redeemer will be offered in our Sanctuary on Sundays and

available online at 8:00 AM on www.facebook.com/RedeemerLutheranHB/ as a Facebook live

stream, and accessible from www.redeemer-lutheran.net. Join us in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30

AM or on Zoom at 11:00 AM for Sunday School.

Today in Sunday School the children studied “The Birth of Jesus”.

Private Confession and Absolution and communion is by appointment.

Please call the church office to arrange a date and time.

Preschool News

Help a Child go to SchooL The Redeemer Lutheran Preschool Board has established

a Preschool Scholarship Fund. We have had families visit our school who simply cannot afford

the tuition and were not approved for governmental assistance. We would like to offer these

families a good Christian education for their children. To donate to this fund, please make your

check payable to Redeemer Lutheran Church with “Preschool Scholarship Fund” on the memo

line. Thank you for your continued support of Redeemer Lutheran Preschool.

Service opportunities

Want to help but don't know how? How about joining one of our Boards!

Education Oversee Bible Studies, Sunday School, Confirmation. Evangelism Sharing the

Gospel with our community and non-believers. Hospitality Plan events, dinners, and

receptions. Preschool Support our preschool with congregational connections. Trustees Help

with maintaining Redeemer's property. Stewardship Promote the time, talents and treasures of

our congregation. Youth Support our Middle School and High School members with

opportunities to grow. If you have interest or questions regarding how you can help with any of

these boards, please contact Chris White at [email protected] or any of the current board

chairmen, who are listed on our website.

Sunday School Volunteer Needs We are looking for more Sunday School teachers

and/or helpers. Please contact Bonnie Volkert at [email protected] or Brian Viers at

[email protected] if you are interested.

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Missionaries we support

Rev. Dennis & Deaconess Lorna Meeker email at [email protected]

Rev. Daniel & Kathy Conrad for information see https://www.lcms.org/conrad

Rev. Michael and Karen Schempf email at [email protected]

Rev. Ryan and Emily McDermott serving the Lord in Madison, WI

For information on where you can send support, contact the church office.


You can donate Thrivent choice dollars to Nader Hanna’s work with Muslims, “Salaam

Ministries,” which is a 501(C)(3) Lutheran Charity. He is part of “Muslims for the Messiah,”

led by Rev. Hesham Shehab, an LCMS pastor. Please find below short instructions on how

Thrivent members can donate their choice dollars online: 1. Log in to your Thrivent account,

scroll down Thrivent main page. 2. Under “resources,” click on “livegenerously.com.” 3. Scroll

down to “Thrivent choice,” click on “direct choice dollars.” 4. Search with the organization

name; click on “Muslims for the Messiah,” then “log in to direct now.” 5. Under “direct choice

now” click on “direct all” OR “direct this amount” and fill in the amount. You can contact

Nader Hanna at [email protected] or (714) 724-2985. Salaam Ministries brochures are

available in the church office. Salaam: as in shalom “peace and well-being in God.” “I have

said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation.

But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33.

Life Thoughts in the Church Year

“As we look forward to Christmas dinner and the celebration of our Savior’s birth, let us

remember that Christ’s coming into the world began with an unexpected pregnancy. Mary of

Nazareth was unmarried and certainly had reason to be confused and afraid when she was asked

to carry the Son of God. But she courageously let God’s plan unfold for her and her Child and

brought our Savior into this world, despite her uncertain circumstances.” Right to Life of

Michigan – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life • www.lutheransforlife.org



www.redeemer-lutheran.net to find past services posted under Online Services/Video Services

and Bible studies posted under Education/Bible Study Recordings. Archived sermons and

Bible studies are located under the Resources tab.

WE’RE FAIRLY SOCIAL Connect with your church community!

Like us on Facebook: Redeemer Lutheran HB

Follow us on Twitter@RedeemerLCHB

…and Instagram@redeemerlutheranhb

The Lutheran Hour airs every Sunday on KBRT 740 AM at 8:00 AM. A mobile app is

available on Google Play and the App Store on iTunes so you can listen to podcasts at your

convenience. Visit www.lhm.org/apps for more information.

Page 22: Fourth Sunday in advent December 20, 2020 8:00 and 11:00


Talk Radio and Podcasts for the Christmas Season Issues, Etc. is a radio

talk show produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor

Todd Wilken. December 23-January 1 Early Church Fathers on the Birth of Christ Rev.

Will Weedon of “The Word of the Lord Endures Forever”. The Birth of Jesus Foretold in

Micah Dr. Jason Soenksen of Concordia University Wisconsin Holiday Depression Dr.

Beverly Yahnke of Doxology. The New Year Hymn “Now Greet the Swiftly Changing

Year” Dr. Arthur Just of Concordia Theological Seminary. The Top Religion Stories of 2020

Terry Mattingly of GetReligion. Listen at www.issuesetc.org.

Christmas at Redeemer Lutheran church

Thursday, December 24 Service of Lessons and Carols 7:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 11:00 PM (with Holy Communion)

Friday, December 25 Christmas Day Worship Service (masks required) 10:00 AM (with Holy Communion)

Sunday, December 27 First Sunday after Christmas 8 & 11 AM

Thursday, December 31 New Year’s Eve 7:00 PM (with Holy Communion)

Sunday, January 3 Second Sunday after Christmas 8 & 11 AM (with Holy Communion)

Wednesday, January 6 The Epiphany of Our Lord (masks required) 7:00 PM (with Holy Communion)

Page 23: Fourth Sunday in advent December 20, 2020 8:00 and 11:00


Daily, Christ Offers His Rich Blessings Through the Scriptures.

Suggested Readings for the week of December 20, 2020:

Sunday, December 20: Isaiah 40:18-41:10; 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Romans 16:25-27;

Luke 1:26-38

Monday, December 21: Isaiah 42:1-25 & Revelation 9:1-12

Tuesday, December 22: Isaiah 43:1-24 & Revelation 9:13-10:11

Wednesday, December 23: Isaiah 43:25-44:20 & Revelation 11:1-19

Thursday, December 24: Isaiah 44:21-45:13, 20-25 & Revelation 12:1-17

Friday, December 25: Isaiah 49:1-18 & Matthew 1:1-17

Saturday, December 26: Isaiah 49:22-26; 50:4-51:8, 12-16 & Matthew 1:18-25

Sunday, December 27: Isaiah 51:17-52:12; Isaiah 61:10-62:3, Galatians 4:4-7;

Luke 2:22-40

Redeemer Lutheran Church scripture alone grace alone faith alone christ alone


16351 Springdale Street, Huntington Beach, CA 92649-2773

CHURCH: 714-846-6330 Office Hours: Tue-Fri 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM / 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM [email protected] Fax: 714-840-2679

Jim Toma, Pastor [email protected] Pat Anderson, Deaconess [email protected]

SCHOOL: 714-840-7117 Office Hours: Mon- Fri 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Lauren Heckman, Preschool Director [email protected]

Church and Preschool Website: www.redeemer-lutheran.net ‘This is Most Certainly True’ podcasts

Clear Witness T Caring Service

A Congregation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Our mission is to receive God’s gifts of Word and Sacrament, worship Him and

grow in His grace, and to share those holy gifts, by making disciples for Christ,

who reach out joyfully to the world around them.