THE KU KLUX KLAN It's Origin, Meaning and Soope of Operation BY C. LEWIS FOWLER. D. D .. LL D. ATLANTA, GEORGIA

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It's Origin, Meaning and Soope

of Operation



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Lecturer-ChAutauqua and Ly~um Author of "Our Lord's Baptism"

Fonnerly President of Lexington College. and of Cox College

Founder aud Sometim~ President of Lanler University.

Price 50 Cents

Atlanta, Ga.

P. 0. Box 1828

Other Books Now Ready

"Rome-A Menace to Modern Civiliution" "'no Jew-A M~ to Modem Civfllzatlon"

5.ome price a.s "Tbe Ku !Oux Klan"

Page 3: Fowler - Ku Klux Klan


This brochure is alfection•tely dedicated to Klansmen and patriots everywhere and to the one woman who is U1e inspiration of my life.



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The Author wishes to pay a personal tribute to the immOI" tala who rave birth to the Invisible Empire,-Gen. Nathan Bod­ford Forrest and his <»-patrlotL lie also wishes to pay tribute to two others, who though they moy not realize it, have written their names high. on the roster of American patriots and (m,.. mortala-Col. William J03eph Simmons, whose dreams and un· ooltish labors made possible the reincarnation of the Ku Klux Klan, and Edward Young Clarke, the Napoleon or modern or­annizers, the man who through unjust suffering has grown into a rreat Statesman a patriot, friend of men, ~nd gcnha of the hour.

Hlltory will place a wreath QPOn the brow of these. r place mm. now.

- THE Atn'HOR.

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To All One Hund1'Cd Pen~ent Americans:

Crt<>l ing: Thi• brochur~ I• ll\Y penollAI contribution to t he most rttTut.rkable movement or modern times. r wish for my thouunds of fricndJ: in America something of pleasure and in­spiration n:; they read these pruteg, The book is in briefest, gist fonn und i$ written for interpretation and instruction.

T htre are fo.I'Oe1J at work In America whic:b, if allowed to con­tinue, wall undemHne the pillnrs of the temple of our eiviJization. l'hclje fo1'C~ m·c f('d hy encrnics ot popula r, free, government and Pro~glnnt institutiom1. T he Ku Klux Klan is a protest again.st thea forces and a resoh·e to seeure our American fnstitution.t unto our children forexer.

'rile Autho1· Ainoorely hopes t hi$ wo1·k will make a contribu­tion to real Amorlconlom, to American Proti)Otant lsm, and tto.t It may do•'flop U\o po.trioto! in our land.

Youn in the faith, C. LEWIS FOWLER.

Atlant.., GL, July I I. 19"2'.!.

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A n R.itJat• .__.....,~ ., C. LEWI!I POWLBA

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Tullio nf ComcnlS

I, 'J'ht Ku Khut 1\ lll.n .. -··· • . ......... N ...... - . ..... . . .... ..... . . . . . . .... - . . . ... - '1

"" Orig in ~·· - ·- -··~ ·····--- .. ···-· 'l b or.·• IUv..tn.tiTe Stories ----·---- --·· ·- 8 ( • II.$ 1dfo-*li ·n\ , •.. _, .. ,,_, __ ,,,, .... - .................. ,_,,,,.,,.,, ... 10 d. I~« Mlo'lflJeism . .................................. ,_ ........................... -............... .. 11

n . Wbat 1~ nu. Rett13rbWe Ttti.Jt,r! .. ,__ ----·-12 a. l l DK'C... Combinett. ()irerd.8 Pr'Ote$t.a.ntl- ..... -------·-

lJ, E.xt"hHI~ All OU1eNt .............. , ·············-····-:- ---·-·-·"'"'' '"'''" "''''' ' ~- A SJJirlt ua) 1\I<I\'Cn\e:lt......... .. ................... - ....................... , •..•.•••• d. A G~:.\ ('om·ktion --------·-·

UL Stpsraliem vr Church •nd State .. - ... ......... --··- - ------.. ··~·---·····14

IV, H1111 l hP. l ' rV• I~tllAn t., NGti\'e Bom . Wlti:te Manhood or America a Ulr ht ll) OtKanhe l11to• :l tl.f.,vement Such AJt. tM Ku Klux KJ.an ! .. lG

V. s•"' l~ Wbi-te. N• the ~. Pr«e.<~Unt a.:Anbood of Amertea Orl{a!lir;e a McO\·ert.c~nt Such AI the K.v Klux Klan1 .... - .... ,_ ........ 17 a . •rnc N<rnroCJi Are Or golofr.od ...................... ,, .. _, ...... ~ ··-··· ······ · ....... 18 b. The Jew- A~ Organized .,,_.,______ _ ···-·-·· ...... -20

Rmne (hcaniud --· ---- -- -------··-..23 VI. TWo Tl•eoritt (Jf Govt!rnmtnt in Dead))' ContlieL ............. ~ .. -~ ........... 24

n. Tbe Detnl)(: rllotit Theory~.--.......... - .......... - ... , .... _ ......... _ .... _ ._2$

• • F ,...OO... of S)><ffh and P>oa - ---·..2< t. 1'lle C.Utitutioaal Gu.rant.M ..... - ....... ---------·-·---- !:7 d. Jefl'c, ·ton'a Deftnltion.s and Axiom• of Fro~ Sodety ................ 28 o. IJncol•1'• DeftnltiOflt ••. .-.............. _,, .. , ... _ ........................................ 30 t. \\'e.Mel PhilliP'• Ideals ----------------~ a. ~new Kut'• J~ -·----------....... - .. - ....... 31 h. Divo~e of Chun:h and SLo.t.t.. ........................................................... 31 I. Popula r Secula r BdoeaUon ............................... - ........... .._ ......... $;3: J. P rtildtnt Crant'a Jdf:~o<~llJo __ _

VU. ~ ~,. of tht: R.ou\an Cathoolle HierarthT·- --··· .................... _ ,._ .. ..$7 a , Preoclt>m of Cot~~c!en~e. Speeeh, Pro111 and AU6Jnbly ............ 39 b. PIWI IX Ye.tl!WI The ~moera.Ue TbtorY·- ---·-·· _ .... -40 c. ~ Xln Ve.nMU A merica Demouade Ideal ·--- • • d. n.. Podtion e~f Pluto L ... --- ··-·-· .. - ···- ·- ·-.... - ................... 4.2 e. Paroc.ldal Seb~l . ...... - .................................................... -~ .............. 44 f . The Rtal Re~AOD for Their Ettabllahment ____ ___ .. __ u

\ 'Ttl. O.n &ud WUI tb! K v. IUux Klaa Aecomplbh 'lb. TaH: Whiell She Uu Se&. For HerMit! - - - --- -·---·---- - - .. -·-- ·- - --.............. .$1 •· Tbt Cre~t American UnJversity ................... _.,_ .................... ..G3 b. The Lecture BurtllU.---·-------- .. - - --· 6.4

.. -~· " • ...64 4. Ou• Sd»ol Tot lhoob ·--·-·-··--··--·-- -····- -····-·-···--··-·5$

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The Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is the most remarkable movement of modern times. You will observe that I use the term "movement." lllany people are in the habit of thinking of the Ku Klux Klan as a great, mystical, if not mythological fraternity. It is strange and weird. But it is in­finitely more than that: It is an expression of a great nation's thought stirred by a conse:iousness of the presence of wrong. This movement is remarkable for many reasons.

It is remarkable i.n its origin. No movement in the his­tory of the world was ever born as was · this one.. It it an ef .. feet, which, in tum, strange as it may seem, has become a &reat world cause. The Ku Klux Klan was born in the most strenuoaa period of American history, the period of Southern. Reconstruc­tion.

.Let me paint tor you a pieture which wUI at once make clear the origin of the movement, arul also .. t fol'th the logical metll­ods which grew out of it.

1 see them now: General Robel'! E. Lee, than whom no finer gentleman, no braver sOldier. no truer patriot~ no greater man was ever born; and by his side. General Ulysses S. Grant, another soldier, patriot and statesman. The occasion was tbe surrender or I..ee and the Southern Confederacy to the over­powering forces of the Union. The final words had been spoken. the war between the States had eome to an end; swords had been placed in their scabbards never to be drawn 104rain, and iiJDS and other aceoutmnenta of war were now useleS$ except as relica of the strangest struggle of the world's history. General Lee had spoken to his army;. he baCl looked into facea of, thousand• of them as they wept like children, their hear:ta breakinJ ov~ the Lost Cause. Hungry, f~~Q$~, d*"uraged, poverty atricken, these so.ldiers or the Soutb tumed their faees homeward, to their


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mothtn, wh~ and swe~tht:arl$ who had been wre3tlinz with poverty and exhaustion of all rHOUKe&. The« wen nevt r au~ b....U as these in the world's history. They went back to th.etr homea now in po'-ertr. horltl, catUe. sheep. pigs and eve rythlftl'

1011e. and above all, their wealth IOdlt in the freedom of the alaveo. These men who had for four years fought with a bravel'J'

that challenged the admiration or the world now turned their tho.,.hta to the rebuilding of their homes, their farma, their fortunu and their civilization. For a little while everythin,r worked well. And t-hen a dark cloud arose, a carpet-bagger cloud led by political mountebanks and uooked men, eealawap who aol only wished, but dared to crush the life of these noble aouth· ora rMn and women, and to put in their stead for leadenhlp of the people the recently emancipated i!lave..

In a few montha lime all law had been abrogated. TheN was no law. The legiolature of South Carolina was made up wholly of n("groes ; iJ["norant ex-:alaves were made aheritf, COD• otable. magistrate, and we re given entire eontrol of the polltl· cal and legaJ 1ife of various counties. Pandemonium rei.rned everywhere. Obedient. docile, industrious slaves of a few month• before, through the agitation of crooks and demagogueo, and by the use of whiskey Wt!re turned into demon&. These black men who • few months befon~ would have died to protect the wom.,. hood of the southland, men who du.ring the four years of the war did protect the womanhood of the oouthland, were, like rueo­oua beul4 of the jungle, bellowing for blood. Fear and d-ra.­tlon aciJed the people; no home wu oafe; bamlliation, cliagnco and eorrow eovered the earth like the waters cover the au.. 'nle Federal soldier stood guanl ovtr the negro and protected the ear­J>tt.b&Krer and the ocalawag. nope was gone.

It was nt " time like this that the Ku Klux Klan was born.

Tl>o other picture is • • follows: In a beautiful little city of North Carolina the ••·•loves were put into power. The aherll! ot the ~nty was n boi~S:teroua and dangerous nerro: he had around hun a large number of free men who, tired by whlake,J, the cnrpet-banen and acalawap. wen! mad for apoil for po. aition, for dominion and rulenhip. The oheritf and ~ hooeh· meo coneeived the idea of I'OIIallna all the wealth ot tho coUDt,o ao, upoo a <erWn night, he called together hia htDChmen ...d Ia the .,..., &mall houro of the night they assembled 111 the :..n.,


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of a famous old colonial home, a home sold by Coree from under a family of culture and wealth, and then occupied by the sherift'. After leng1hy di&eu51ion these men entered into a solemn oath, ADd bound themselveo to maasacre several of the leading famUiea of the county, with the understanding that all of their property be coo.fiscated and divided among themselves. This solemn oath was written out and signed In their own blood.

It happened. however, that there were klanamen in tb­day•, and their eyes were open to an the mischief maltintr move­menta. One of these noble men was In this seeret conclave in these midn~ht houn.

Before daylight the next morninr the Exalted Cyclope of the county had all the details of that meeting, and by dayllcht couriers were speeding upon the highway u fast u the fleetest footed horaea could carry them. Their message to Klansmen of adjoining countieo was, "Meet at a eertaln ford on the river at sundown tonight!"

Dauntless men rode that day; and by sundown, from tho north., the aouth, the east and f.rom the west came men whOM hearts throbbed with love of home, country and civilization. And u darkne83 came on, hundred& of robed horses whose feet were mutned, fell into line and moved to the city. Ridinr sincle rue these brave men surrounded the toWll ADd the aherill's home. makinll a cln:le complete. Then they rode two abreut, maldnr a circle complete, until they rode four abreast. Then a whlaUe aounded, ADd the hundreds of men were u silent aa death. They iismounted. And In the stillnees of the ~ht and tho solemnltJ ot the hour, ten separate numbers were caUed,- for in the Ku Klux Klan no name was ever called. TheBe ten numbers repr. aented ten noblemen, ten couraroous, truo and tried sons of tho Old South, aons of tho greateat arlstoc:rac:y the world ever !mow, knights, patriots, soldiers, an.

The men responded, and the spokeeman of the occasion gave the following instructions: "Go Into the house, and bring me the aheriff."

They went in and searched the house, but the sheriff was nowhere to be found. They returned and ao reported.

The inatruet:!ona then were: "Go to the !root door, enter it, turn to the flrat door to the ~bt, put back the carpet, open the trapdoor, go into the cellar, and brlnr me the sherllr." ...


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-1'he order wns obeyed, und in five minutes the sheriff atood

befo~ the mo$t my.steJiouJS bod,t of rnen the wot·ld ever eaw.

P.tmemh<r. will you. that there waa no Jaw at that tim•, that _ the COUI't house did not mean anythin~. This man was tried by thesu men. found guitly Uceouse tho docwne.nt was produced which he had •igned in hi• o••n blood declaring that he would lead a mob lo mas.o<re the leadinJr white !an>llies o! the coonty. The next morning a ~he riff dangled (rom a limbo( a t'l'ee in the court hous.c yard. 1;-I'Om that dny until this, peace D.nd safety have ever l'l!f;ned in aU that region of No1·th Carolinn.

Who is l.he man of U1ia age and generation who will say thelf! men did wr(mg! They wouJd not. do more: they could not do legs, 'l'oday the world bows to do them honor.

So ch·ilization hung in the ba.bn~ : chivalry v.·as rece.iving It$ 5upttmest k'st; for howcvtr dark thf! days o! war may have bce.n, these d~iY8 M Reoonst1·ueUon wero the dnrkcst day.s of all i.n tJ1c hifitcwy or ~his ~art.h. Men's soula were tried. Every-thlng that w .. holy, good and worU> wbile in the South was about to be d""troytd. The"" m•n resorted to the only remedy, and the ap­plication of t.he rcn1edy was swift and successful.

I deelnre to you that the •pirit of the Ku Klux Klan In its be&'lnnlnc i$ the oame spirit that predomiDatea It today_ The opirlt and f'\li'POOO of the Ku Klux Klan have always been one; the application ond melhod.t alone are ditrerent .

'l'hb movemont is alJO remarkable for ita IDEAL!$!. It pth.,.. up into ltaclf aU tho holy t>aditlons, hopea, aspirations, dream•, pul"J)C)Se• and the !olth o( the An,So-Saxon and Protes­tant fathers. It iJo not sordid, and it d<Xl8 not work for paltry pelf; Mr will it aell out for gold. Ita idealisln b born in a pa.s­alon to free man from aU wrongs, prejudioes and unriibteous o.surpotlona of power. It works where all others have failed or are fJaillnr ; it l'eoovnit.es God's law as sup~me. 1f God has made a man while the hovil!ible Empire would not make him blatk or haiC-black. II~"" Cod's right to erute tbo raees and to oet their bounda It bows to God'a plano and reverently follows where He loads.

It nloo recognil<l$ the ri;ht of aU men to be free. It protecte with all Ita !SOul apinat any and aD eneroaeluneJ>ta, be they po.. lltical, ocdeoiastical or soelal upon any and all the Institutions o( f,...dom which hovo eome to Hower and glory In the Unil<ld


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States of America. It drerunA ot 0 ,...,. nation in which .. oh and ••<rY iJ'Idlvidual ohall enjoy •litho rirht$ of our aaoffil conaUtu­hon. It will die that men may be tree.

This movement, Kntghta ur the Ku Klux Klan la also remark· able l>ecause ot Ill MYS1'ICISM. IL is hurd for the unlnit.iated to underst.ruo<l or apprtdate iu ~. l l$ myltoriea an only und.,.-stood by tit- on 1"- 1nlld~. lla belmot. &hroud, IIH7 cl'03s, and other emblems and 1ymbola are each prot011Ddl7 alp t\cunt, and is the Ntpression of the hithe&t pntrlotlam, the most aubUme devotion to the rirht •• God ahall lead men to know it and see It, to be found anywhere in the world Somehow It ear­rleo with It an aLtnO«pbere or wamiJ11' to the unrirhtoout and to the l>ad, and to the design!~. It carries with It an intplration to all true and noble men. It is at on«' a cltalleiiJO and a warn­Ina. It cl\allenaH thepUN,JMiriotic,llneere- or America; but It le a eelemn warnlni to the bad, the dcsip inr. the unsc:rupu­lou!S demniOll:uc.

I t It my purpoec now to anawer oa clearly and as deflnltely aa 1 know, severo! questions that 111turally arlit with reference lo t.his movement. The fir~t quHtion I desire to &lk .. and. answer. lo:


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Primarily. I will s;•y that the Invisible Empire Knights 0: the Ku Klux Klon i• a mo,·ement that ELICITS, COMBINES an< DIRECTS the white. n•tiv~bom, Protestant, Gentile manhood 01 America. II not only elicits and eombiue~ these men, but direct! them. It is to be seen, therefore, U1at the membership or this Of\. ,.aniz.ation i• both exclusive and inclusive, aDd that it il militant In its operotion. It elicits, combines and directa Prot.utants.

It includes aU Angi~Saxona who al'(!: native-born, and who are of the Protestant faith. It .. eludes all who are not white nHm. who •~ not natlve--bom, and who are not Protestants.. It ellminatu the negro; and yet the Ku Klux Klan is not anti· nOJrf'C); it •imply eliminates him from Ita membership. It elim­ln•tes all men or eolor, be they men of the African n«, Mon­JOiian race or Malay race. Thia Ia an organization of white meu for pui'J)Ofrf'.t that a~ eonge.nial to white men.

It eliminates the Roman Catholic, beeause all Catholics owe lheir tirat allt'!gianee to a foreip eccltsiastical power. 'nt~y have -and can not have a first aUegianee to our ftag; they are not and ean not be true Catholics and 100 per cent Americans.

The Ku Klux Klan does not deny the riaht to 8:ny man to be A Roman Catholic if he wants to be one, to kiM the toe of the Pope i! he ""'"'• to do that, or pradice any other of the thou­oand unthinkAble thing& accepted by CatholiC~; they have a right to WOI'!;hip no they pleaao. But it refuses to take into Its mem­bel'lhip in a fraternal way such men, believinr that to do so would be detrimental to all 0<1r buUtutiona of liberty, the sub­nmoat aehie\'l'lllents of the human race up to this time.

This movement al8o excludes the Jew, because he fa not an Antlo-Saxon, beeause he does not aeeept the !undamentala of our Protestant faith, becaiiM! he doea not aeeept Jesus Christ as·the Son of Cod. In fael, the Ku Klux Klan excludes from Its mem­ll<!r•hip aU n>cn who arc not in sympathy with and in harmony with those fundarnentallnstitutiona ot liberty whith difterentlate us from all other nationa of the earth. America is a Protestant nation; her institutions are Proteatant institutions, and Protes­tAnt men muot and will dotend them and conserve them unto pOs­terity at any price.

. Tbe Ku Klux Klan Is also a SPIRITUAL movement, for it r>••• expre .. lon to the highest spiritual ideals of the race. It is 1%

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almost a new religion [n the minds of eome. But I haaten to say that it is not a new religion, but is an expre8$lon of the old-time, heaven-born, heartfelt, Holy Spirit IDSpi~ religion of 011r fa. thers. Its spirit was given birth in the old-time Camp meotina;s of the South, in the 8:"""1 rerival.s that ha,·e atirred the nation oln<:e the days of its founding. It is an e~presslon of real, deep, spiritual experiences that have foUDd a place in the lh·es of free men.

The Invisible Empire, Knight.a of the Ku Kl""' Ktau, is also a mighty CONVICTION, a conviction that lies deep In the eon-8Cienecs of tree n'en, a conviction that will take no denial. It iJ a conviction that Protestantism mean& something to the world. It believes that Roman Catholicl1m is both a menace and a curse; it belie,·es Utat 000 has set white men to be t.he leadel'S of this world; it OO.Iie,~ea that it il a crime to mix the races by inte.nnar. riage: it bclievet tllat God set the bounds of tho rnecs, nnd it also believes that the Protestant lnstitutions which differentiate America from any of the otl1er nations or the earth l\re better than othe1'11, and it resolves to give these principles of freroom io all men C\'erywbea'C.


,The Ku Klux Ktou ·has been variously described as a "Tar And Feather" crowd, as ''Mid-nirht Riders," aa "Terrors To All Common Deceney" and many other stranre: and unthlhkblo des. i,gnations.

Let u• now turn the whit.> light or truUI upOn this rc· markble movem~nt, !or the truth must be burnod into the mind of every red-bloodod American citiuo. I make the following atatement unequivoc..'llly, thnt a Klam1man however humble may be his walk in life, io n better citizen and has a higher regw·d for law and 01-der thnn any ot.l10r man in all the world, who hna, not passed through 1hnilar experiences, to those which bnvc l>ecome a part of his life and thought. Now let as pro~ that statement.

t see him no\V, the earne:s.t American cit:izA!n, entering tlle Klavern that he may enter into sacnld nnd holy relationship with his bl'llthren. He approaches an altar as the room ia dark­<mod. Upon this altar the American flag Ia spresd before him, upon this fiag the living Word ot 000 resta. The Holy Book is open at Romans the Xll Chapter. This earnest citizen bows hil


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kntX'S befo1·c thl! nJtnt' and t.hcu looks up into the "low of tllO m)'lteriow "Fiery Croas'' an emhl~n\S at once of the s~rificu and duth or hi• Lord. nnd or tho los:ht or the world. Thl5 ....... glow• with ,. briOianc)' and signitieanee thAt he has not realized bdo·re. To hla: left anothf:r flag is mouoted nnd her Mercd folds. rn.p about him M he places his left hand upon hie: heart and rai.ftiN h.b rhtht h;lnd to he~\\·en and assunloet a thriee bindiDJ' OAih in "'hieh he pledtreo himoeiJ fore\·er to support the laws of the city, the ~tate and the n:ltion. Mortal man hns ne,·er 8.3-aunled a more solemn 01· saercd oath. From lhat moment the k,.n..unan I• bound br hi• oath to •upport the Government and the Constitution or the United States. He has sworn to pl­hla n:lJt, his eountry, his Govcrnmen4 nbo-.·e any government or power. political or ccclcsiMtic"J in all the world. He pledges hi1 life. hiM property, and hi5 tACred honor to forever protect and to perpetuate the Prot:cstant lnstituUons of this country, for all our in81 itution~t in Amcricn nre Protestant. Please do not !ell nh} Umt any mnu who t 1·:Wt.1 l$i thi!J road is not one of the noblt-st, most d"pe-ndnblt'\ tnll'. nnd useful titizen.s to be found m our c:ountf')·.

Again thi~t ssuut.• citiz~n upon his knoos assume~ a tht·ieo binding oath, in which he pfcdge3 himseH Lo the protection of tht American I lome. and the sandily or American won,an.·hood. Thus he would protect the foundations or our civiliZAtion and the OOginninsr of nU law and order. He 3wears that ho wm pro­tcc;t. Am<'l'icnu wonum-hood from U1c advnnccs o-t unscrupulous men, who would '•iolatc her swet"tne.'iS of girl-hood and eha.,ity or mo~r-hood.

A.loroo,·er this Mtne uoblcmnn swcan that he wUI defend tho princiJ>Ieo of ••t11bliolled Liberty; the unhampered ris:hb of wol'llhip: lhe treedom or the preao; juolla"'a; f~ a~; the unhampered freedom or eonsciencc and mind; American public Khool& and nil other Constit.utional rightA, which have been be~ q1wnthcd lo U8 in t-llC blood of our fatheJ'8,

This nobl<'lllan. with milliona of othen like him, belim•e that the inuitutJona of the United States ""' Prot .. tant jJUij. tutiOII$. Our go\'trnrncnt was b«1ueathed to us thJ'Ough the ~-'criliecM And aufferinr of our Protestant lathers. Be pledges blnuclf to protect thil heritage, nnd any and all other of tho -""' in•tilutlons "'hieh ha\'e been handed down to ua from the put. Thuo he tnkeo hla •t.•nd ror those pl'ineiples nnd instltu· ..

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tions '''hieh differtntiates us from any and aH the other nations of the world and from any and all ~~eCret and fraternal ordera i n the world. America, roeked In the cradle of Liberty and ~ Jigioua f,_.jom made by broad minded Protestants, is different r rom ally other country in the world, Md it is a better Go\'orll· mc nt than any other Government dedicated to by the n...-ow vl8ioos of ecelesiastical bigots and popish autocrata.

It Is to these glorious sentiments, these lofty principles, that c&eh and every ·Klansman has sternly pledged his devotion, in an unalterable and serious dete.rminntion, which makes him a. pntdot today and forever.

Klan&mnn beleives that n dual Government is impossible, thnt no individual or body of men within the bounds of our Government ean justly or in any other way take the law into their own hands. A Klansman wUI not take the life of a traitor or of traitors by mob law. A Klan.sman eannot violate the law. He is oath bound to support conot itutional laws. He will help pl'OSOCU~ and will cause to be prosecuted any 11Uln who violates the lnw and wiH cause to be punished a.ny m.an who is a traitor to his country.

Tt is a fact tMt the GO\'Ctnment enn depend upon Kiana· nutn when it cannot depend upon others. Wives may trust their husbands who kneel at the sacred altar and before the Fiery Crose or the Klavern. ~Iothera may trust thelr sons who pasa this way and sweethearts may trust their love·rs who have sut­llclcnt courage. chivalry ancl patriotism to PAS3 this '•tay. Ot auch men naiJons are built. Such men are the hope and the leadcra of the world. Such men beeomo the foundation of all law and order. At this hour they """ the hope of Americs and America is the hope of the world.

Let us mention a few or these fundamental institutions of' P1'0toetant freedom:


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This aacred institution cost the lives ol m.illloos of mea. aad OODturios of sUQule on the pert of the whiu peOple of the earth. It Ia a ehild or Protestantlam. A free ehun:h iD a fiW auu II the oaly ooluUon of the question, and such men aa leffer­oon, Hamilton, Lincoln and Woodrow Wiloon have again aad qaiD ahown to the ..-orld tho pried- value or this poaitlon.

The other Institutions a ... : FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, RI GHT OF PUBLIC ASSEJMBLY AND OP PETITION and FREE UNIVERSAL EDUCATION FOR TilE WORLD. All of tho Institutions which from tho day ·Of tht Dedaration of lndeponde- have ad us aport and djft'e,.. entlate!~>a from other nAtions or the world, are ~acnd to ua. and we will clle for them It I>Hda be.

The Ku Klox Klan btlic, ... that th- instillltiOns COMII• luta the hope of the .... rld. poliUeally. ~Y. morally. and ,.. lftloualy, and they have set themselves to interl)ret them, and ruard thom unto death.

POLITICALLY thla moventent il not n party, but depends upon honest, intelligfllt, infonned men mo,,;t\g In solid pholanx at the ballot box .. the hope or the nation. These men. tho,.. ton, will at the ballot box battle not for party, but !or principle, and they propose to put men who a.. 100 per cent American In chuse or the atr&ira or the nation. and to see that theeo men are true to the principles for which we stand. Thla mo'~t takea the sli.Dd that no man 'll'llo Is not a Protatant. and th~.,.. fore not In favor of our American, Proteatant iDstiwtiona """ be 100 per .. nt American. Otbua may bt loyal men, in a way, and very patriotic: but a 100 per .. nt American ia a man or woman who bdievea io our dlatinct.lve American institution• which ore Protestant bllSIItution•. and aubecribes to thono unto duth.

Fc·om the standPOint of Law thit n<markablo mov•mcnt dooa not pn<sume to be the Law or ever to becon1e the Law. It Ia the ftrat in tho land to -be the La• and dedieata all of Ita pcrorua 1mlo the maintenance of Jaw and order. It alanda baek of tho Pnoaident of tht United Stata, of CoQPtSB. of tht Su· preme Court. of p-emors of the atatH, sheriffs of the counu..,. and POii<lemen. and awura an everiutlor &II~ to them aad loyalty to them in belpior to auwr- tho '""""' and maJntain thori,tcL


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SOCIALLY, this movement is an association of kind. It io a coming together of men who think alike, men who liave like political and religious experiences. They recognize the fact that God has made men different one from another, and has set their bounds, and that it is wrong to break down what God has forever established.

This movement is also a remarkable FRATERNITY. Ita rituaJ is the most beautifol, the most sublime, and the most in· spiring in the world. It has in it all that those who love ritual may enjoy. It bas the element of instruction for all, and an in· spiration that can not be found anywhere else except in a· Klavem, where such noblemen assemble. It satisfies the. social and other instincts of men.

Finally, let me say, with great force, that the Invisible Em· pire Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is not an .. ANTI" organization. It is not "ANTI" -anybody or anything. It is positively and fol' ever a j(PRO" organization. It stands for Ametica, for Ameri­cans, and Americans for America. It does not: work against any one; it works for those who have the first rights in this great land of ours. It has distinctive convictions with reference to immigration, and is jealous of all the sons and daughters of America, deS<:endants of the fathera who purchased this nation with their own blood. It stands for all our distinctive American, Protestant institutions; it stands for them with a deJinltenesa and a po!lltiveneiS/l that the world can not mistake or fail te under­&tand.

The second question l·wish to answer is:


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.My answer to thfe question is that the Constitution of th<r United Statos grants unto aU citizens the right of Public Aa­sembly, Fne Speech, and the right to orranize !or Religioua. Political, Social and Fratemal pu~ Jt also granta the right to all eitl~ns to select the company in the organization& with which they cast their lot. No man has tho right to question or try to hinder tile citizenry of this nation fo religious, political, social o~ fnaternal ol"pDi.zationa. The Ku Klux Klan probably covers more rround than any other political, accial, religious or !111ternal organization in America; for tho movement, while ft is primarily a secret, fraternal order, is at the ume time re­UJIOU3. IClCial and political. The Constitution of the nation Ia therefore back of it, and sustains ft. When the Constitution of tho n11tion speaks, let every tongue forever he silent.

But there are those who contend that the membership of the orpnization is too exclusive, and that for that reason it should he 1uppressed.

~~Y anawer is, that all religious, social, political and fra• ternal organizations In America are both INCLUSIVE and EX· CLUSIVE in their membership. Ma..onry Ia both iocluaive and exclusive, both as to color, faith and moral Quality. The Roman Catholic organization known as the Knights of Columbua, is ex­doaive. Who ever heud of a Proteataot man having mtmhershi,p In the Knigbt:a of Columbus?

The Jewa have thei.r organization, ""crot, military, and all but despotio-the B'nal B'ritb. Do you suppose a Gentile could aaln membership in that organiutlon?

Even our ehurehea are inclusive and exclusive in their mem~ berahip.

The Ku Klux Klan includes all white, native-bam Protea­tant Americana; it exdude.s ail others. In thla the Co111titution, even in ita spirit, is not violated.

But there it another question that b.u Olitated the miDda of a rrut many, and 1 wlah with all eameatoeu and debi~ to answer tW. que•tion once and for all. The qlle8tion Is:


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The aii$Wer to this question Ia of national and even ot world­wide im,portance; hence we ean not deal with the matter light­ly, but ohould all&Wer it with oil oeriousness and honesty. I shall thus try to adswer the question.

But before we take up the ·matter directly of the neeet~sity for thi.s organization, I wish to call your attention to the faot that In this nation of our~~ there are three great segments of our po&>­ulation organbed into powerful and purposeful secret f•·aternl­tiea. These fraternities are clannish, and their aims are definite.

FrRST. Ten millions of our negro people are organized into secret fraternities. They are orranized along definite linea and for definite purposes. I shaD not stop to dweU on the report that they are organized, a IIUI,jority of them, by memben of the Roman Catholic church, who acting in secret, are endoavoring to create (or the eause of Roman Catholicism a great force to be used in the time of need. Thi• n!port is very signilicant. We hope this report is untrue tor only sorrow could come ot it.

Archbishop Ireland said not many years ago, "We can hove the United States in ten years, and I want to give you three poinl3 tor your consideration, the Indians, the Negroes and the common schoolS."

Roman Catholicism In Ame•·iea is obeying its leadership In Ito attempt to organize the negroes of the country in behalf of Rome.

Let ns suppose for a moment that the purposes of theoe netrro organizations of the eountry were carried out. What ,.-ould be the n!8ult t I make baste to aay that if the purposes of these orsranization.s were executed tomorrow our nation would be plunged into min. This i! not a country to be ruled by the nea-ro raee. It is a white man's country, and will forever be so. God haa sot tho bounds of the negro race, and every instinct of his being, and every espaelty thnt he knows do not and can not quali­fy him for leadership of the Anglo-Saxon rac._

For 6000 years the negro walked over the diamonds of Kim­berly and the i<>ld of Ophir, but he never pofisbed a diamond, nor dld be ever convert gold into coin. For 6000 yeara he walked teneath the finest trees of the planet, IUld yet he never produced an lnatrument with whlcb to fell one o( them, or to convert one of them into lumber for the building of a howse. For 6000 yean the nepo awam the great atreaml of the earth, and yet he never produced a canoe or ship with whlch to navigate one of theee


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alnama. He is one of the oldest ,_. of the earth, yet DOt a lingle invention of importance haa he added to the dvlllzatlon o( the world. Rewera of wood, and drawera of water,.-thil Ia hlo destiny.

The Dei1'0 ~ of l.be United States are orpn!Hd for eoclal equality: but ooeial equality 11 impossible.,tor it preaup. po..,. amalgamation of lhe two,...,..._ I know of uo crime a,alnat dvlllution that oould t.. (1Uter than to attempt to destroy the ,_. u Cod Almigbty baa produced them. The glory of the negro raoo i& ond Is to be In its own Identity, and not In Ita m.ix· lure with the other rac~a of the earth. The negro race can not t.. abaorbed by l.lle Angl~on. for one-tighth negro and oeven­el&'htlla AQal~n is otuile to the Angl~on ~. and can not prod-. And even wltb thll proportion of Angl~on blood thne io an inevitable reveralon to type, by which Cod Al­mighl)' uya, "Tbus far abalt l.bou 1'0. and no furtbu.~ Not oaly lo - judgmoot apl...t 1\ld\ a thing, but the IMib>eta of the AnrJo.Saxon race are fore1•er behind 11. Here araln God hu 8ft the bounds. Even the odor of the negro is objoctlonable In all dimateo and at all Urnes to the Anfl~on. All the in­oUnet.o. hopeo, purposes, and racial ambitions are dilferent: there Ia nothing In oommon which oould ever recommend or t urrest socl•l equality.

At U.e dooe of the rreat world war two Dei1'0 iOidMra were retuming from France. When they eame into New York harbor they were thinking serioully and fut, "Will our expe.Woeea at home t.. dilluent from what they han t..en in the -' r They load beta opoiled by the - of the lower world in Fr.- They ....,.. cominr beck to Protestant. Anfl~on. Amuie., and were l'rtAily di$turbtd in thclr thinking. One boy &aid to the other:

"8iU, wh•n Y<>a git olf da here ahip an' set. yore fMt on American ooil, •hat is you JW!ne to do!" Bill replied:

"When I git off dis hCI11l ahlp, nnd sets my feet on American toil, I'm iwlne to buy me a tine wltfle suit, white sockt. white lh-. while tie. white hat, and I'm pine down town an' r!t me a pretty white pl, an' I'm .,.me to walk right down Broadway with her. What you pine do, Sam t" Sam replied:

"\Y.U. whea I pta olf dil here ahlp. an' ...U my feet on AmHican ooil, 1•., pine doWD town an' boar 1M a black ault, block ooclc$. black ohoeo, black tio. blaek hal, git ll<lme crepe an'


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tie il around my ann, an' nino., I'm GWINE TO YORE FU­NERAL."

I W.ten to this negro's "'ply aa it echoes and ..,.ech..,. around this nation, and ask this question, was this lone nerro boy, speakinl for himself only, or was he interpreting a nation'a conscience. The fact is, he was speaking for every white man In America, he was interpreting America's ideals. No, &<>eial equal­ity will never be in this world until crepe hangs on the doorknob of heaven and it is officially announced that God is dead, and tho bounds of the nations have been forever obliterated.

The Ku Klux Klan is not opposed to the negro, but ia the nowed friend of the negro. And in hia place in the nation, it he ia olean. honest and industrious tho ll<lJTO will always 6nd a helP­ing band.

SECOND: The Jews of the nation,-and no man knows 1\ow many there are in America,-have organized into n rreat .. cret and powerful, purpnS<Jful fraternity, B'nsi B'rith. Do you suppose for a moment tfwt this organization operate-s in the in­te.•est of American institutions, Cree speech, free press, free public schools, separation o! church and state? The fact is, the Jewa are not, never have boon, and never will be interested In thou things. But they have a powerful organization thal can touch and direct every Jew in the nation in four boors time. Tbls meana something.

Let na aU])SIOM for a moment that tbo purposes of thia or­pn!zation ue carried out in tbla nation, or let u.s sup- that tho idealiam of the Jewa was carried out in thia country. I can not tbJnk of a greater calamity that could befall our country, for tbe Jew is not inten>sted In civilization aa we have made lt. He baa had but one passion, one goal, and one intere11t,-gold. lie is not int<>reJrted in our instltutJons .


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The leading device of the Jew !or destroying the Gentile civilization is the old fonnula of "divide et impera."

A close study of the Gentile characteristics shows to the lew that they have a passion for liberty, and their rulers are infatu­ated enough to believe that a peopl~ can be ruled ·and allowed liberty at the same time. Rule "of the people, by the people, for the people" is, in the idea of the Jews most appalling nonsense, utterly impracticsble and OPPOsed to all national int~rest. There fore they say, "Let the doctrine of liberty be used to destroy liberty." Preach liberty and liberalism; destroy all authority; bring all Presidents, Kings, Rulers, and all occupying places of authority, into contempt.

Then they discuss the means to attain this end; Preas and money; fomentation ot class hatred ; discord and hatred between nations, districto, POlitical and social organizations; stirring up a world-wide strife, strikea, etc. All the world must be made sick and weary and to cry tor peace and order; then preach general disannament of nations and individuals, retaining only a fair­sized International armed POlice, over which the Jewish domina­tion would obtain the real control.

After a short period of comparative quiet, they plan a' re­newal of outbreaks, of agitation, strikes, etc., leading to shortage of food and ftnally to financial panic and crash. The whole world is to be thrown into unutterable confusion. All business is dis­located; aU national life destroyed; rumors and terror are to be abroad everywhere. Theo by a concerted claque through the press, and by means or mob orators in all countries, an Interna~ tiona! Committee is to be called for to restore order and credit, and the delegates from all countr ies are to be members of Jewish organizations or their nominees. ·

This Jew Committee will assume a dictator-s powers, nomin­ate its own functionaries everywhere, and ruthlessly suppress wery sign of revolt, and inaugurate a reign of. terror against all who oppose its mandates. It is to rapidly, however, ~tore order, credit and national life.

Then comes the Jewish regime. Under it there is to be com­plete order, appsrent prosperity and content. All are to be com­pelled to work, and industry is to be stimulated and production


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lnereaaed. All Ia to be under the organlz.tion and cllrtetion of Jewish control, and Gentiles are to be used aa managers and executive.. but never as diroctora. All real power Ia to rema1a In the hands of the Jews, althouat> it Ia pointed out tbat the&!>­parent power must be left in tbe hands of the Genti.lt$.

About the year 1925 is Indicated for the consummation of this COIUIJ'[r&ey.

Thil il the Jewa' plan, the plan of the "Hidden Hand" In the world today. Beware, Oh, Beware!

I here and now make a charge agalnat the Jews of the world, namely, that the oae dream and the one paasion Is that some­where In the future a great Jewish klnadom shall be estabU..hed, and thRt \he wealth of the world shall be taken into it, and through that kinadom all the nationa of the earth shall he sub. dued and made to serve.

I ch.nrge that through the "Hidden Hand" 800 Jewish lead· '"-s ot the world, forty mlllioRI of men wore killed in the areat wo.rld war; that a hundred billions of money were plundered by them !rom the bleeding and aulferina nations. I am famUiar with the methods whereby they would subjugate America through Pan·Judai8m, Pan-Germanism, Pan-Asiatism, Pan·Ialam· ism. By the "Hidden Hand," Eugland Ia being blackmai.led and whipped into line with deel&rations o! rebellion from EsJpt and India. Japan is whipped Into obedience by Pan-Asiatism and Pan·lslomlsm. Two powera aro lenient to Pan·Jud'llam, Ru8tlia .and the United States. Thla Ia why Ruasia was crushed, and America ia even oow on the brink of a great diaaater. Jewry Ia _now attempting by the "Hidden Hand" to make ,.red., the na~ tions of the earth. Poland, Roumania, Russia, Creeoo, Juro Slavia, Italy, France are even now in the struggle.

After qoshing and dismantling the Slav countries. the reds backed by the "Hidden Hand," the Jews will carry war into Italy: Spain and France. Germany will invade Belgium. Enrland will oeile the Italian and French neets and airships. The "Hidden Hand" will then eompel the Angi<>-Bolahevieo-Germano-JapaDC>o Mexican alliance and will attaek and crush America.

One of the rreat enemlea of America todaY Ia the "Hidden Hand." This "Hidden Hand" m\lat be periliied and destroyed at any cost.

Apln I repeat, suppose the purposes of the now existing ..

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M"CfCt, clannish, Jewish organi!ation.s were to suooeed in Ameria. as they are now actually and powtrfully organiud.

Both Bismarek and Dia"""li once aaid: "The world ia eov• emed by very differtnl forces than those supposed to govern." There is an "Invisible Government" in the world today. General Count Spitidovich has gathered a mnaa of infonnation about Jew­ish operations in the world. He declares that the recent worlct war wu positively produced by the Jews. The Jews do have a doflnlto policy with reference to the Christians of the world. lt. Is written, "All peoples whom Jehovah delivers into the lews• hands must be eJ<terminated." Sidonia L. Rothschild eaid that the rule!'$ or this world are a race that has baffled the Pharaoba, Nebuchadneuer and the feudal ages. 19,000 Jews became mU­Iion&lrea in the United States durins the recent war. Conninp­by porcel.-ed that all who yielded to Sidonia I~ Rothschild. wom> guided by him, and that he has made it a business for yeare to finance wars. Only 300 men. the "Hidden Hand," holds tho fate of Europo. Kahn declared that he stot what he wanted when. he went to the White Hoqse. Paul Warburg revealed to the Sen­ate thnt tho money of Kuhn. Loeb & Company financed the elce... tlon of Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson, and thus secured the support of the White House. Loeb, Roosevelt'• secretary, declared, "'l'h& Presld<>nt will do exactly what I tell him to do." Bernard M. Ba­ruch declared, "I was the most powerful man in America durin~· the war."

The Jews ~tber with the Catho!Jea have laid their hancl.a, upon and are endeavoring to control all the great forceJI of pub­licity, eurrency and politica in America today. They control tho Auoeiated Press, nearly all the great dally papors of America, the great mAga%ines, nesrly all the rreat sehool text hook pub­li&hlng houses. They would dictate the llnanelallife and destiny of tho nation. They ha>·e bound and &'l'gi@d the majority of tho political leaders of our nation and I can not use the sp..., here. to Indicate the methods of the Jews in dictating international· relntlonships and to show how the "Hidden Hand" is back of allo the international entanglement• and world conrusion at tbla hour. They purpoao to mAke the world "red", and at the proper mo­ment to snatch from the nations or tho earth the wealth they -eeso. .

POI'$OnaUy, I stand appalled, u I endeavor to fathom the bot.. tomleas abyss created by Jewry over which the Proteatant all4 Chriatlan world stands today. And tile end is not yet.


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Alain I call your attention I<> the fact that the Roman Cath­oliea of this nation are powerfully organized in their gNAt ~eCnt fraternity, THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Besides this o"' ranlzation there are many other klndnd, secret. Roman Catholic orranizations in America. All of the~ ol'fl&lllzations have but one· purpo~, the supremacy of the Po)Xl in America, the overthrow· and dcatruction of all tree and Proteatant inatitutions. It is a fact. that the Roman Catholic church Ia an enemy of all the aaered' and holy institutions of thia nation. And it is the p- of Catholicism to destroy them forever. Rome is forever oppoeed to American ideals of gove.rnmenL

Rome has in the U. S. only 16,000,000 members out of a population of 110,000,000. And yet she wishes to dominate in :~r National State and 1\funicil>"l life. She is secn1tly workine and Ia succeeding in getting public funda diverted I<> her 011'0 church schools. She is wedging her teachers into our achool rooms. "Site is listtniflo in" in the haU8 of Congress, in the Sen· ate offlcos, in Cabinate offlces and has her ear to the ground listening to everything done or said in America today. Rome hates every distinctly American lnat.itution. She would destroy them tomorrow and she is digging under tho pillars of tho tem· pie of our national life now. And woo be unl<> all Proteotant people and institutions if we let her pemieioos work continue.

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Here are some fundamental facts: Two mighty world theories of government are battling f•

control of this Republic. They are direct opposites, as unlike as day and night, or •

freedom and slavery. Both ca.n not suceeeC. Every American must take his sta•

tor one side or the other.

The issue is clear-cut. On the one hand is the fundament theory of free government voiced in the Declaration of Indepe: dence, in our Federal Constitution, in the Bills of Right in tl various commonwealths, and lum.inously set forth by Thomi Jefferson and other great foundel'$ of our democratic State, • well as amplified in the theory and pract ices of the progressi • statesmen and educators who inaugurated the noblest system , publi~ education the world has even known.

The opposing theory is the time honored claim of the Rom• hierarchy in re-lation to government, POPUlar education, and fre dom of eon.science, speech, press and assembly,-a theory oftt termed clericalism, especially in Europe and Latin America, whi with us it has aptly been characterized as politico-ecclesiastic. Romanism, and will preS<lntly be eonsidered both in its histor: traditional and present attitude and assumption.

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The democratic theory of government holds to certain defi­nite propositions as essential at once to the preservation of free institutions, the peace of society, and the development and hap­piness of the individual.

The fathers we,.. fearless innovators who startled ~he thrones, aristocracies and hierarchies of the world by their bold declarations that the authority of government was derived from the citizens, who were the sovereign power in the State.

Knowing that the ideal of democracy would be assailed by every form of despotism, and titat the triple bulwark of oppres­sion ttad ever been popular ignorance. religious intolerance, and the prohibition of liberty of speech and press, they determined to so safeguard democracy as to render possible the presetvution of the ideals of the Declaration of Independence. To this end they demanded:

1. Freedom of thought, speech, press and assembly.

Z. Absolute divorce of Chureh and Staw. 8. Popular education of free schools in which no sectarian,

creedal or do1matie theories should be taught .


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The buildera of the d<mocrat.ic St.te rea1isecl that tree In ot.ltutions could never long withstood the attoeks o! privilere aD< dtspotism in their ever-changing: !orms. unless the people wen left free to utter their conviction$. unless the press waa w. p..,..t, and the eitiuns .,.,.. pennitted freo.ly to assemble an< ~press their fears, grievances, hopes and aspirations.

They believed that nil fonns or despotism and oppr<!$11011, religious intolerance, bigotry and dangerous reaction eould bt oafely left to plot and plan, 60 long •• the genrnment recoc · ni:r.<d no creed or faith, on the one hand, and while, on the other evory man and every prou wa.• left free to ralao the cry ot alurm and to point out evils as they nrosc.

But the fathers were not content to expnsa their faith LD f.--lorn in words. They determined to make it a pert of the or­aanic: law or tlle nation.


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Hence the Constitution expressly declares that: "Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment

of religion. or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the fl'<!<)dom of speech or of press, or the right of the people peacably to assemble and petition the Government for redress of g_rievanees.."

Later, in resolutions drafted by Jefferson In reference to the Alien and Sedition laws, the author of the Declaration of Inde­pendence, after quoting the above Constitutional provision, polnt­

·ed out that the framers of the Constitution thus gusrded "in the same sentence and under the same. words, the freedom of rel!iion -of speech .and of press, insomuCh as whatever violates either <throws down the sanctuary which covers the other.u


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Jolfuson also luminously stated the democratic theory iD rard to tht 1>ital importance of guaranteeing freedom not o a1 a precious individual right nnd the surest protector of dem ru.r, but u the only woy by which true prorress, odence • pure religion could be !0$\A>rtd and conserved. Thua on one ca•lon he dcclartd that:

"Ruloo and free inquiry are the only elfeetive age •rainst error." • • • They are the natural enemie. of en and of error only. Hnd nol the Romnn g()\fernment pennitf !""' inquiry, Christianity could never have been introduced. H not free inquiry been indulged at the ora of the Reformation, I corrnptions or Christianity could not have been purged away.

• • • lt ta ert'Or alone UHtt needs the support of governm.e:~ Truth con otand by itaelf. Subject opinion to coercion: wb< "ill you make your inquisitors 1 FalUble men; men roverned hnd passjonA, by privnl.e as well as public l'easons. • • • D rtrence of oplnion ia advantageous in religion. The several 5eC

pufonn the offiee of a «h~r moru• over each other. Is w fam1ity atlninablc? llliJlions of innocent men, women and ch dren since the intrnduetion ot Christianity, have been burnt, to tund, fined, impriloned; yet we have not advaoeed one iDI towa.rds uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion T 1 support roguery and error all over the earth. • • • Reut and P<l'lluuion arc the only practicable instrumenta. To mal ny for these free inQuiry must be indulged; and how can ., wit'h othera to indulge it whiJe- we refuae it ourselves.*'

Jelferaon resolutely oppooed every attempt to gar, muul or rutrict freedom of the press, holding that the people, "mo ufely be t""led to hear everything, true and tnlse, and to !on a correct judgment from them."

Washinrton,lilce Jeffenon .and other master state&men, fuD realized that it waa through liberty alone that democracy eoul be maintaiDed, and that only throurb oternal vlallance in JU&lt inr apinat reaetionuy foreirn and undemocratic ideals, coul free institution~ be preserved. Thus, in IUs farewell addre.llll, 111 u obaomnr that "interwoven aa i.s the love of liberty with em: llpment of the heart. no .....,.,.mendation of mine ia necaaar.


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' ' ' '

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to fortify or confinn the attachment," he thus appeals to patriotic Americans.

"Against the insiduous wiles of foreign influences I conjure you to believe me, fellow citizens, the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Ameri~n government."

Jefferson's ideal of freedom was admirably ,set .forth in a letter to Elbridge G<lrry, written in January, 1799, which has been briefiy summarized in these words:

"Freedom of religion; perfect equality of sects before the Jaw; freedom of t-he press; free criticism of government by every­body, whether just or unjust''


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ThE! nuthor of th~ DeclAration of Independence not only ·clurlv voiced the democra\ic lcleals u they l'<!lale to freedom of press -and religion, but his writings were an inspiration .and lode­alar (or tha greatest of h.is presidenUnl successors. TJua we ftn.d Uncolnf in a letter written in answer to nn invltntion to addreu the Republicans o! Boston on JelTenon's birthday in 1859, thus endoninr the ideals of the fathers:

"II I• now no child's piny to snvc the principles of Jeffel'$0n !rom total overthrow in this nalion. The principles of JeiTei'$0G . ... t he defini\ions and axioms of r ..... aoeiely, and yet they "" denied and evaded with no ~mall show of success."


Of the great apostles o! the lar~rer u-eedom no man of the JOCOnd half of the nineteenth century was a more conaisW>t or ocholarly champion than Wendl'll Phillips, one of the fih<st think­era in the history or the Republic, who freely ~rave hie splendid llfe to the urvice of oppressed manhood and lmperitled freed<Hn. From Milton, Locke and Mill, down to lelfenon, and from Jeffer­aon to our day, no thinker has ottered a more vital word in be­half or freedom than did this apostle of PI'Olfr<SSive democracy In this concrete statement of the fundamental freedom that muat underlie a truly democratic state:

"No matter whou the lips that speak, they must be tree and ungancd. Let us believe th1lt t-he whole truth can never do hann to the whole or vhtue; and remember, tbat in order to ret the whole or truth, >~ou must allov.• every man, right or wronr. freely to uttf!r hi A COMcJence and proteet him in so doing. Entire, on· • hneklcd freedom for every man's life, no matter what his doo­trlne: the aafely of f...,. dieeussion, no matter bow wide ila range. The community which does not protect its humblest and most hated metnber in the free utterances of his opinions, no mat­ter how false or hateful, i,s only a aana- of slaves."


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) .


And finally we have the noble utterance of one of the for&­tno.st authorities on American law, on the freedom .of the press. Challeellor James Kent, in his "Commentaries on American Law'', says;

"lt has, accordingly, become a constitutional proposition ln this country, that every citizen may freely speak, write and put).. lish h is ll'!ntiments, on all subjects, being responsible for tho abuse ot that right, and that no law can rightfully be passed to testrain or abridge the freedom o! speech, or of the press." ·


At the time when the patriotic guns at Lexington and Con­"'Ord signalled the da wD of modern democracy, almost all the. na· tions, states and colonies or the world were blighted by a union (;hureh and State, and as a result persecution bom of intol­erant dogmatic theology and unreasoning bigotry cursed the wot·ld.

The history of Christi!Ul Europe for hundreds of years con­stituted one of the most cruel, dark, and bloody pages in the an­nals of mankind.

Whatever dogmatic creed or faith becsme dominant, pers&­cution of di>lsenters followed. The fires of the Inquisition, the horrors of the torture chamber and the ruthless execution of untold thousands of the noblest, purest and most sincere men and women of Europe, because they could not subscribe to the creed& of the dominant church ·in the land of their birth, had given CJ,.ristian Europe an evil eminence among the murderous historic powers of the past.

And the founders of our republic, seeing that whenever and wherever Ch~h and State were united, persecution, oppression and injustice foJlowed, determiped that in the new democratic nation there ·$hould be not only absolute divorce of Cbureh and State, but that this land should be a refuge and asylum for the oppf!'ssed, down-troaden and pel)!eeuted of other lands, whether



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vietims of Church or State. Here every roan should be free to worship G.d according to the dictates of his eolli!Clenee.

They therefore wisely provided for the absolute divorce o Church and State, holding that in a land whose ideal was equalit: of opportunity for all and speeial privileges tor none, the Sta~ must show no favors or partiality to any church, creed or seet.

This broad and wise exhibition of enlightened statesmansbi) has been second only to the guarantees of ft'l!edom of speech press, and assembly in beneficent inftuences on the Republic, and less directly, upon the world.

It is, as we shall see, not only in opposition to the histories and traditional position of the Roman Catholic Church, but I contrary to the positive position of the modern Popes who hav spoken on the subject since 1870, when the Vatican Council pre nounced as a "divinely revealed" dogma, Papal infallibility when ever the Pope speaks ex cathed.ra. Pins IX, Leo XIII, and Pius ~ all stood resolutely for union ot Church and State, where th Catholics were dominant, as we shall show. As the Church a constantly opposed liberty of worship, speech, press and assem bly, so she has held, and doei hold to union of Church and Stat< in direct opposit ion to the American demand for eompleiA! divore between secular and religious authority.

That the hierarchy in Rome heartily approves of the positio: of Pius IX, Leo XIII, and Pius X in reran! to union of Churc: and State is clearly indicated by the fact that on one side of tb catafalque of Pius X is placed this tribute: "Defender of Religiot He repudiated tho Jaw of separation of Church and State."


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At the time the Aroeriean DAtion was born, IIWe attention "'"" given to the general education of the masses throughout the Old World.

Heresy-hunting bad been keen for centuries. The Church had obrogated all kinds of authorit y. '!'he State had as a rule be<>n pitifully sub~~Cn'ient to the Church, especially when it came to plncing the ban on f•·eedom of thought and rcacaJ•ch. But the schoolinJ of the poor, the education o( the masm, had been woe-­!ully nel[lected.

Ocmoeracy propos<!d to remedy nil this. The government of the people demnnded an cleetoraro thal eould read, wi·ito, and reason intelligently on the iMues of the hour. lienee public edu­eat-ion or free achools waa " legitimate and n~ function of • free State.

Jt was held, and rightly held, tlwt in a gove111ment pledged. to dh•o...,.. of Church and State, ond whore reliJion "'"" repre­sented by scores of widel¥ differing creeds and dogmas, public education must be seeular or free from all taint of creedal theol­og)', though the Republic did not f01·bid sectnrinn ll<!hools whore any -~ wished to supplemont the influence of chureh and home with creedal in-Uruction.

Sueh schools, however, were rernrded as unfortunate by many, because th~y tended to fan to flame the narrow seotnrlan spirit and to keep alive the religio>a bigotry that had been a sou- of disoord and a menaoe to the most sacred right. or the individual

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·rhc.re '"'Cts anothe l' rea;;on why public education in a. democ­racy 6hould be secular or fr~e from all dogmatic taint. The fa. thers t·o•lized that if t.he United Stat<>s was to beoome the melt­ing pot. of ci,•ili7..ation in whjch Jew, Gentile, Anglo-Saxon, Teu­ton, Latin', Slav, ~nd indeed all races and .faiths were to meet, it was of paramount impOrtance to discourage the narrow tribal or see~u1·ian spil·it thttt fot" oontul'ics had divided races, tongues and cnM!ds by a wall of hate, bed by blind prejudice, bigotry and intolel'nnce.

'l'hey designed the public schools to be a coronlon meeting ground [of the children of all races, tongues and creeds, where they would grow together in nfnity; and these schools, besides disrx:IHng illit<"r..tC)', have in this respect also splendidly vindi~ wted l1•e wi:;dom of U\eir founders. 1'hey, more than anythJng else, h:we made our mm-ve1ous polyglot people practically a unit. The public sehool does oot~ however, demand amalgamation of the r~c,~. It fo11ters co-o~nttivt~ ft·i<mdlines.s .


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r~at t;Q-...,. s. Crant btll<ld with .,..,, ~hr~ '"'" the aubtle and sinl!ter attempt, C\'tn durin&' hla prYsidtnty, of tho foe• of free Institutions to undormlroe and dutroy thla l>ul­o-ark or d~ocraey. He &lao dearly understood that with \'0 riOWI

wamnr ll<!cls t.eadli.,. their ehurth dogmas and ·-­that often boldly conflicted with the democratic t heories of f.­dom of the individual in religion, ft<>tdom of tl>t«h and preu, and divorce of Cllurth and State-the peue and concord that had nu~rked the Republic during ito nrot century would eome to an end nnd the old ftres of creedal and religious lntoleraoce would lWnt forth, acoompulod by tawi-DeiS and probably by at­tanpta to abri<lp fnedoon of~ aod - Henee In hla la.st annualmesaage he UI'Jod a Conatltulional Amtlldntent to ()TOo

teet nnd safeguard tho public school oystem from the encml .. of demoerncy and our free lnatltutlona. In the following extracts from this rnesaap the p-eal ~ro of the Ci¥11 War thus atatu the cltmoen.tie pomtioo on popular tdu<ation, aod &lao nostates,

" l auarest for your earnest eonAideration, and most efwnca~ly reeommend It, that a Con&titutlonal Amendment be submitted to tbt ie1Uiatu,.. of the ..-.uoJ ttaiAlo for ratiftcalion. makiiiJ it the duty of eKb of tht aevenl ott teo to esttbUtb and forever malntai.n free public lehoolo adequate to the education or all tho ehlldrea in the rudlmeatary brand!• within their respective lim­itt, irrespecll•t of-· color, blribplaco or rellrtooa; forblddllll the teach~.,. i.n &aid echool• of relirtouo, athelttle or P"IIJIA ten­ott ; and probibiU.., the rrantiQI of &DY sehool (undo or school w -. or a111 part thereof, either by logUlAIIV<t, muald,pal or other authority, for the btoellt or In a id, directly or iDd~IIY. or any religiou.a aect or donominat1on, or in ai4 of for tho beotfit of any other objeet of Any naturo or kind whatever. • • •

• J.. thlt will be the la.t annual message wbleh I .. ~all !lave tho boDOr of lllhminlnr to ~ before cny s•I<NtiO• Is ch....,n, 1 will Npent and recapitulate tho queltiona w!JU,h I deem ot vltol Importance whleb may be lcaislatoo upon or •otucd at this oeuloA. FUst. that the stttu thall be required to afford the oppommlt)' of a load~ lehool odueatiol> to..-..,. child within their llmita. Steood, 1>0 l«1ariaD ttneta ahaJl ~ bt .,

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taurht in any ochool supported in whole or in part by tho state, nation, or by the proceed.o of aey tax levied upon the oommunlty.

'"I'hird, deelare Church and State fo~ver separate and clis­tlnet, but eacll free within their proper spheres."

''The public schools have been and are tho g~ateat bulwark of !ree democracy, and they shall be protected from the aaaaulta of the enemies of free institutions.

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The theory of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, though diamet­rically opposed to that broad and progres.&-fostering freedom on which our democratic Republic rests, is consistent and logical from the viewpoint of those who accept the theolC)8'ieal dogmas of the Papacy.

Therefore, at the outset, in the interests of fairness and be­cause it wiU enable us better to understand the irrepressible struggle between the theories of the free democracy of the United States and the fundamental position of the Roman hierarchy, let u.s notice the groond of the Papacy's opposition to freedom of conscience. speech and press.

The Roman Catholic Church resolutely maintains that it is the authorized custodian of the infallible Truth of God on earth.

"As the voice or authorized representative of divine truth, her \\'Ord is paramount and must be binding on all who acknowJ .. edge her claims.

1'As God's representative and the custodian of divine truth. the Church is infallible, and since she embodies truth, and truth is intolerant of error, anything that questions her position, or is in opposition to her theories, must be combatted."

Heresy, for example, imperils the immortal souls of men; hence heresy is to be combatted. In the days when Rome waa supremo in the governments of many nations, she held it to be the duty of the Church to weed out and destroy heretics wher· ever found. Heresy was held to be a most dangerous contagion, far worse than plagues, that merely destroyed men's bodies-, for it robbed men of immortal bliss; hence it should be stamped out, and because of the enonnity of the evil, the most extreme meas. ures to destroy it were justifiable.

In furtherance of this theory of infallibility of the Roman Church, which 'is today, as in the post, a fnndamental claim of the hierarchy, the Papacy today, as it bas throughout the ages, forbids Catholics to read books that criticise lhe Church, that ad· vocate the larger freedom, or that contain scientific, theo'tetieal, philosophical or other matter not in accord with the accepted theories of the Church.

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This denial of the freedom of thought, • • M'<ln in tlte placing ot impot·tant books on the Index is n striking lllustration of the fundamental clifferencc between tho Pro~~tunt nnd democratic ideal of freedom and the iealoualy upheld claim of Rome. Tile latter neeossarily r&tards free inwestigation and trains men and nations to unquestioning subservioney to tho opinions ot men who, while claiming to represent infallible truth , are very fallible in their j udgment, ns has been demonstrat..d time and again when they have condemned great scientifte truths, auell as the Coper­nleian theory, which later have been aeeepted by the en tin civil· iud worl<l The Papal lnde< hss had a papalyzing effect on ..,. ciety and liberal thought throughout the world in all Catholic lands, trom the day of the burning of llruno and the imprliiOn· ment of Galileo. It ha.' fettered God-given re830n and blighted the (ree truth-seeklnr soul of modem civilization in 110 far u lt.a autoeratic PO"''er extends. Yet it wu, and Ia, the logical out­eome of the 8$$Utnption of the infallibility of tho Churth.

Claiming to be 'the infallible receptacle or divine truth , we can understand, though we reject and deplore, the POSition of the Roman hierarehy. ll is logical and eonsistent if one aCC<'ptll their first daim.

But i.s this logical and consistent attitude still maintained by the Churth of Rome? In Protestant and f ree lands where cleri­cals are striving to advance tho POlitical and material POWer of the Cburcll, we often ftnd Jesuit ea&ulstry employed to convey the idea that the Papacy Ia oo longer hostile to freedom of thougnt, SPOeeh and press; that the Church no longer holds to the dogmA of temporal POwer or advocate the union of Church and Stat& and other doctrines that are abhor,..,nt to free nnd fundamental demoera<:y. Ther&fore, we must uarch in the utterance. or mod· em Popes to see if the hierarchY has changed ita POsition in r&­

gard to these vital il!lJues; and though we will constantly fmd our­selves in a bewildering verbal mo.zo, with no end of general plati­tud08 nnd pleasing aphori.snu strewing the pathway, we will find from time to time the clear-cut otatementa which show that be­neath the velvet glo•'O or pleasinr phrasing Ia the mailed hand of Papalautoeraey, while the at-titude nf the Churcll toward fre&­dom of thought, press and worship in Catholic lands, together with the action of Catholics in our own Republic In t'eCellt years, in eases where the Church has been criticised, or when the ra­ligi<>-polltical plans of the clerical element have been unm.uked. wiD oerve to further emphame the official poeition of tho Church as indicated in Ute citations whieh we shall make.


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\Ve ha\'e seen how. under the intelJedu .. 'll hospitalit y of our democra t ic Const.itution and the exerci.l;e of t.ha.t fullo()rbed fr-ee­dom o1' the f~)thers which constitutes the axiom$ and definitions of free society, Amel"ica hQ4 bee:ome the greatest republic known to history,-the. asylum for the oppressed and the victims of the religious and political intolerance of various lands, nces and tongues.

Now, can we find in the Papacy any authoritati"e evidence of thig same full-orbed liberty of speech and press. this same equality of freedom for all religiou• faiths that has oontributed largely to the happiness, the progress and the pence of A.meri­ca? can we, iudeed, find a.ny renunciation on the part of the Church, the Council or the Roman Pontiff speaking tx cathedra. or otherwise, of the historic position of the Church in these *" spects; and regret expressed for the intolerance for t.he days of the inquisition; and frank upholding of freedom of speech, press and as~;c-mbly, such as our Constitution demands; any spe­ci.t\c repudiat-ion of the doctrine of the union of Church and State: any denial of the right of the Papacy to direet the voter or the citizen as to how he may act; any intimation that Protestant& in Catholic countries should be granted freedom of worship such as: Protestant America grants to Catholics-in a word, any denial of the historic and lotieal position of tlle Church on an these questions?

Be-ginning with Pius lX and coming down to the present t ime, while we will find many verbaJ phrasin~ t.ito.t on the sur­face appear as oonecssion.s, the tact is made equally clear that th~ fundamentnl theory of Rome today is t he same as in the­eighteenth century.


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In the Syllabus of Pius IX, published in 1864, we have the condemnation of Rome pronounced through her supreme Pontiff, on what were tenned the "principal errors of our time." Among the ProPOsitions denounced as false are the following:

1'Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion, which, guided by the light of reoson, he shall coll$ider true."

In thus condemning the right of a man to worship God ac­cording to the dictates of his conscience the Pope denies and eon· demns the fundamental claim of Protestant and liberal democ­racy, whieh blossoms out in t-he guarantee of freedom of religion in the Constitntion of the United States.

Again. we find this Pope denying the claim that the Church has not the pewer of defining dogmatically that the religion of the Catholic church is the only t rue religion; that the Church hag not the power of using force. He also condemns the a11ega. tion t.hat she has no temporal power, direct or indirect.

By oondE;'lnning these propositions as false. the authoritative head of the Church neces.'8rily maintains the eoatrnry state­meAts to be true; that is, he holds, as a doctrine of the Church, that it has the pewer to dogmaticlly de<:lare the Catholic Church to be the only true religion; while, in the second case, the right of the Chw'Ch to use force and to hold tempera! pewer is clearly implied.

Again, we have the oondemnation of the claim that tho Church should be separated from the State and the State from the Church. This is tantamount to a declaration by the head of the Church that there should be a union of Chureh and State­another position that is diametrically opposed to our democratic theory of government.

Not only, according to this Pope, should Church and State be united, but it is an error to claim that it is no longer expedi­ent to hold the Catholic as the only religion of the State, to the e.xelusion of other fonns of worship.

He1-e we have the official maintenance of the theory of the onion of Church and State, and the position held that the C•th­olic religion is the only religion of the State to be recogni:red.

While in order to' make it perfectly clear that tlle Holy See was thoroughly out of sympathy with progressive democracy and Liberalism, the Pope closes his Syllabus with a condemnation of the claim that the Roman Pontiff "can and ought to reconcile himself and oome to tenns with progress, liberalism and modern civiliution."

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Pope l.oo XTII~ who succeeded Pius IX, was by man.v re­gart!ed as the most liberal Pope of mode.t't) times. He was a n1as~ te_r ~n turning phrases and in wo~ wizardry. Stil1, he was un­wdhng t? renounce the undemocr~tlc, arrogant, and time-honored a~umphon of the Papacy on potnts that democratic and liberal th1nke~ il_lsist are vital to free institutions, to individual rights and &clenttfic utterances of the fathers of de.moet1'tCY in regard to freedom when he says:

'41t is Quite unlawful to demand, to defend, or to grant un·

oo~ditional freedom of thought, of speech, of writing, of wor­ship."

He holds that to exclude the Chu•-eh from the power of tnak­ing Jaws is a grave and fatal error.

"The liberty of thinking and publishing whatever one likes. wit-hout any hindrance, is not in it~lf.'' he insists, "an advantage over which society can wisely rejoice. On the contntry, it is the fountainhead and origin of many e"ils."

He quotes with approval Pope Gregol'y XVl's reactionary ut· teranees against freedom of speech, and mourns that the Church in these times is often compelled to acquiesce in certain modern liberties, not becau$e she prefers them in themselves, but be­cause she judges it expedient to pennit them.

The right of the Church to supervise the action of the voter. even to the extent o! forbidding hlm to exercise the right or franchise, is maintained; while highly significant is the declara .. tion that:

"It would be very erroneous to draw the eonelus.ion that in · America is to be sought the type of the most desirable status of the Church, or that it would be universally lawful or expedient for State and Church to be. as in America, dissevered and di­vorced. • * • She would bring forth more abundant fruits. if, in addition to liberty, she enjoyed the favor o! the laws and the patronage of the public authority."

Here we have the Pope t.1.king dire-ct issue with the position ot Thomas Jefferson, which Abraham Lincoln declared eonsti~ tuted the .. definitions and axioms of free society," and with the Constitution of the United States in its guarantee (>f freedom of the press, speech, assembly and worship.

And again, in tho assertion of the t·ig-ht of the Church to supervise and control the action of the votet'S and the criticism of our provisions for the divoroe ot Church and State, we have the Pope in direct antagonism with the g-reat tundnmental demo­cratic principles and theories of our government.


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TilE POSI'riO:.. OF l'l US .'\.

rilL~ X doMtriY .!ho~·ed hi3 hostilit).' to the dcmOC"ratic ideals or rr\.~Oru and intclf«tuality on many OCC1\~ions. a.s.. IOI' txample, in hi~ <'ncycl)e;\1, "Noh't' ehat"Ke npostoliqm'.'' f'l( August S. 1~10, i.\Uppt'(•aslng the Cntholic society "It Sillon,n un oxgani2:ntion es. U.bliohed io France by zealous and oamest Cntholics for the pur­pooe of promoting social refonn and frat~"'*l democracy. Ia speaking of the IUppr<$SiOn Of this society through the ahovt encyclical, Rev. William L. Sulliv:~n, the ~;eholariy author of "Let. tere to His Holiness Pius X, by a l'ftoderniRt/' M.ys :

'"This organi.ution, established in France by a ualoua lay . . man, had for its puJ'PC)I\08 sociol reform, the spread or rratemal democ:rac)·, and the amicable uniting of all men of good wiU for the dhscus.~ ion of economic problems, and the duties of conseien· tion• citiz.enship with regard to them. The Pope eondemne it for the followiug reaoons: ItculUvaWI too great and too independent initiaU,·e amonr the Laity; it brought \oiethu Catholics and noD­Catholics in too friendly an intereoune; it aought to break don the barriers of claM distinction, and it dreamed of a future ... ciet:y nobler and kinder than we have now, because based on brotherhood and philanthropy.

~~. condemnstion of all th.ia the Pope declares that even ia worlto or •ocial helpfulness Romnn Catholics must be subservient to the guidance of their bishopa; that it is wrong for Roman CaLholics to mingle with non-Ct~tholics in free diseuss.ion; and that there can be no worthy civiliution not wholly controlled by the Church ('on n' ediJiera paa Ia societe all' eglise n'en jette 1M bases d ne dirigc Jes tra,·aux') ls one word the encycUeal pleads for n theocracy whieh de.man~ automatism from the laity, the supremacy of clcric:llism, and n deepenina of those dlvi.Biou among men which have been crea'-"'1 by the spirit or privil<J< and the spirit ot eecl*~ ·

i'opc Pius X aloo gave a startling ~.xhibition of the hostility or the present-day i 'apacy to all l<>leration shown to Proteatant:l. in Catholic lands when he so bitterly fulminated against the SpeD­ish law granting Protestants and other dl110nting religious d. nominations tho small right of posting no~ of their lei'Vi<s ..

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and of displaying outw:,rd &igns indicating that their meetint ~· were edilioes of publie wonbip.

But it is Hf!t.'dJcas to multiply quotations illu~truting the fact ·tha.t the position of the Holy ~cc Is todny, •• in the pn.st, whut it logJCally must be so lonr as 11 holds tl>Rt the Churc:h is the in­fallible custodian of Divine Truth, and that truth is intolerant of ~rror.

1'he point lh1lt an fl'icnds of free democracy should clenrly rea!!t.e is that we ~re het-e in the presence of two mutually ex­dustve theo1ies of life "nd government battliQS' for sapftm&ey: .and while Catholics should be fully protected in the exer<l•• of their J'C.Iigion, they must be flnnly, bravely and dctctminedly o_p.. posed when they seek U. interfere \\'ith the fund.'\mental dtmo­cratic theory n• it rtlatea to f~m of speech, p~ and ....,.,. bly, to the maintenance of the nbsolutt dlvol't'e of Church and State, And th<l l'efuSill to recognize the •·ight of MU' Church lo toe­ceive aectarictn aid from the State, and whe.n they .. uac:k or tseek to undennine our popular ~;eeufar educational sy&tern whlth hN becornc so magnifkcnl n distin;rui$hing feature of the rrtatest free domoerney the wot•ld has ever known.

CATHOLIC HATRED OF THE lliDLE The Unit-ed Sbat<rs of America aro built. upon lhu opcu Uiblc.

'This book is our g lory nnd strength. But Rome sn)·s: "Cursed be those t.l.lnnin~ and infamous aoeieties e~~Uing

thems.clv~ Bible societies, which gh·e the Bible to inex-~rienced youth."-Popo Pius JX.

u•ro give the Bible to lay people II to ea&l l~arlA before awine.u-CardinaJ Ho.ius.

"'!'he Catholic Church forbida the "'ading oflhe Scriptures by aH without choice. (Jr the public: re..'\ding of tht':m in the \'trn· aeular."-"The Church and tllc Republic." page 267.

"'Vhat auurante ha\·e you that the Book it the inapired woed or God !"-Cnrdinal Gibbons.

" 'rl1c Bible t;OCiety is Uu~ dc~·X!st scheme ever lnid by Satan in order to delude the huma.n family."-Fa·ccmn.n'll Jo\mU\l.

·•J wou1d rather h~lf the people of this nation shot.lld be brought to the ttake and burn«<. than one man should fl"'ad the Bible tlnd fcwm his own judgment from its eontentg:·- B,"hop SpotU!wood.

June 29. J81G, Pope Pius IX . .5ent out. a bull to P~l.utd c;om­manding the common people not to buy OT read th(" Bll)lt". Sept . . s 1819 ·this $llnlC Pope sent hie: cornm:md to Irtlnud not to buy o~ rend Ute Bible. M ay 23, 1824. Pope IAl<> XII l""ued n >lmi­lar bull 3 gainol buying or reading the llibl.. June 26. 1878, Pope Leo X Ill Attempted to pre,-•nl Italians from having or reading the Bible.

In 1914 Roman Cntltolie p>·iests burned 2,fi00 'Bible• 111 Vi­gao in Ute Philippine lslanda In a publle bonfi•·•· Vi)lnn II a ~ion of the United Stoles.


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The Roman Catholic Church has succeeded in recent years in securing a very large proportion of tbe teaching position~~ In the pubtie aehools in our great Ameriean cities for anlent 1\onwl Catholics. 'This hao not, howe,•er, hinderc:d the Church from waging nn aggres&ive war on our pubJic scboola and pushing for-­WArd its aystem of r<llig ious o•· pnrochial s<hooling, which is a part of the hierarchy's plan to substitute the Papal for our free <lemoeratie system.

Of the parochial s<hools, their origin and oigniftcance, Father Jeremiah J. Crowley gives the following intel"esting bets:

.. 'fhc parochit•l school in America owes ita beg[nning1 actord· ing to Bishop Spalding of Peori:>, Illinois, to the C..=an Catho­lics. In his l""ture entitled, "The Catholic Church in the United States," delivered at Ute Church of Notre Dame, Chicago, Janu· ary 4, 1904, befot-e a J·epreseubdive audience, he said : ·

"'f. .. ifty years a~ there wa.s a great difference of opinion amongst Cathoties In this country about the "'ligious School Some of the leading Bishops. some of the most active minds had misjlivinn-were rather in favor of simply aeeepting the sehool as it existed, and of not attemptln~ to create a distinctively re­ligious &ehool. We owe, I think, this great movement, or at least the berinning of this great movement, largely to the German CatholiC$.

" 'It was among the German Catholie& first that insistenee upon the necessity of a religious &ehool was made, and not made wholly from religious motives. The Germans, as you know. are of all people in this country the most tenacious of their mother­tongue. They are a tenacious race. strong, eturdy, perseveriQK, without frivolity, not easily inftueneed by new surroundinp, lov­ing their own eustoms. as weU as the.ir own tongue. -

" 'Now, from a de.sire to perpetuate their lftnguage, as well •• from a desire to instill into the minds and hearts of their chil­dren the faith which they had brought aeroos the ocean with them, they began to establish .. hools, and they showed us how euy It I-.-bow easily a congregatloo of one hundred famillf8 in this country, in villag<!s, esn build and maintain a Cathotic s<hool.

"'And then, attention being attracted to it, it more and more grew upon the eohscienees or the Catholic Bishops, and pri .. ts and people, that this was the one thing that God c:alled us to do, more than anything elae, if we would make our faith abiding here in thia new world, and in this democratic society.' •


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"From the words of Bi1hop Spoldiog it will~ ...,n that the Catholic parochial sebool in Ameri<a is many years younger t han the American public school. The Bishop attributes the adoption and the can-ying out or the German Catholics' parochial sehool ideo to the recognition by Catholic bishops, p.-i.,.ts and people of a cull from Cod. The fact is thnt Catholic bishops and priests we1.·e the ones who seized upon the pal'<lehittl school idea. 'Mu~ Catholic people did not want the pn•-ochiul school. Why did tho prieab and prelates adopt it And why do they c-hampion it to­day? The answer is fou1'-foltl. Fi•·st.: Because they saw, and aee. that there ne\·er can be any union or Church and State in thia Republic as long as its clt.itena are the p.-oduet of public schools. Second: They saw, and .... that the indoetriniution or Catholic children with liberal and P"'lt,..,..i•• ideas is impos.•ible in schoola wholly under Catholic cleric-al inlluenee. Third: They nw, nnd ~ee. that the parochial &chool gh·es nmple opportunity to tt-ain Catholic children to close their eyes, ears and mouth& to clerical drunkenness, grafting nnd hnotOrnl.ity. Fourth: 'l'hcy anw, and see, in the pnroehinl !ChOOI an im.mem;e opportunity for graft .

.. 'fhc C..1.tho)je paroeh, ... 6CMOI in the United Slate$ i! oot founded on loyalty to the Republic, and ll1e ecclesiastics who co•~ trot it would throttle, if they could, the liberties of the Am..-lean people. -

ROME AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS " I !rankly confess that Catholi<8 atand Wore the coun­

try "" enemies or the Public Schooii."-Father Phelan. "Education outside o( the Catholic Church is a damnable

heresy."- Pope Pius IX. "The common schools of this country are sinks. of mornl

pollution ~nd nurseries of hell."- 'l'he Chicago Tablet. "A vieiou.& system of education, which undermine:. the rc­

lirion of youth."-Cat-dinal Gibbons. "It will be a glorious day in this country. when under Ule

Jaws. the sebool system will be shivered to pieces."-Catllollc Telttrnpb.

"Public sebools ba•·e produced nothing but a Godl ... gen· I cri\Uoo of thieves lUid blaelcruardi."- Fathe r Sc.haner . .,

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·•\Ve must take part in tlte elections, move in sol id mas;ses, 'in every stat~! against the party pledY.ed .. to !;UStttin the integ­aity of the public scl\ools."-Cardinai McClosky.

' ' \Vc ean have Uu: U. S. in ten yeal·.s, and I want to gi\'e you three points for your consideration, the fndians. the ne· ·gt-oes, and \he public schools."-Archbishop l t"(!land.

"Education must be controlled by Catholic nuthorities, and ~under E!ducation the opinions of individuAls and utterances of the press nre included-~wen to war and b1oodshed."- Priest Hecker.

"Th~ State has no right to educate.; when i t undertakes the wot·k of education it usut·ps th~ -power of the Chun::h."-Bi.shop McQuade.

' ""l'he public school is n national fraud; it must cease to exist, the day will come when it will cease to exist."- Pl'iest McCarthy •

.. The d~-ty is not far distnnt when Catholics, at the order of the Pope. will refuse to pay the school tax, and will send bullets into the brcaats of the officials who attempt to collect them."­Mngr. Cappel! .

.. Judg<)s of Faith Agaist Godless Schools .. is by a Catholic px-icst. It has the indorsement of Cardinal Gibbons and New­ma-n, and cont.'\ins the rulings of 380 of the highest Catholic Church dignitaries.. All of them ar~ against public schools, cal· .iing them "vicious," "pestilential/• •iscanddalous." "diabolical."

(•No oath must be kept which is against the interests of the Catholic Church.'' (Corpus Juris Canonici, Leipsic Edition. 1839 ·tom. II, p. 1159.

"Catholic public school opponents declare that at leou;t one­·third of the American people favor their POSition. I deny it. l .a.rn morally certain that not five per cent of the Catholic men ot America endorse at heart the pat'OChial school. They may send their childt-en to the parochial schools to keep peace in the fam .. ily nnd to :woid an open rupture with the parish a;eetot; they may be indut.."Cd to pass re!:Ktlut.ions of appJ-ovAI of the p.Orochial $Chool in their lodges and conventions: but if it ever becomes a matte•· <>f blood not one ~r cent of them will be found outside oJ the rnnks of the defenders of the American public school.

.. (f " pet·fectly free ballot could be cast by the Catholic men of Amerien for the perpetuity or suppression or the parochial schoo) it would be suppressed by an astounding majority.

"The plain Cetholic laymen know that the public school is vastly s-uperior to the parochial school in its methods, equipment, and pedagogic . talent. They know, too, that the public •cbool is the poor man's school. They know that the pubJie school pre­pat·es as no other can, their chHdren for the keen struggle ot

. American lile and the stern duties of Ameriean eiti2en$hip . ..

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''Prelates and priests work upon the fears and feelingo of the women and childt·en, and the fathers, to have peace in their fam· Dies, yield and send their children to the paroehlal school."

Already attempts have been made to seeure division of school funds for parochial schools. In Newport, Rhode Island, for ex· ample, a strenuous attempt was made some time since. and was fillBily defeated only by the combined effort of the friends or our free demooratie system of government; but this and other at­tempts show what is in the minds of those who are see-king to replace the demoeratie by the papal theory of government. Thus we have shown that Rome has a very definite position with re.f­erence to our government. ' Let- us here note a few statements by their leaders.

"Roman Catholics must obey their bishops whether right or wrong."-Vicar General Preston on the witness stand in New York City.

"The Pope alone ought to wear the token of imperial dignity:· all princes ought to kiss his fee{: he has the POWer to dePOse emperors and kings, and is to be j udged by nonc."-O.Cree of the Council of Bishops under Pope Gregory VII.

"All Catholics should exert their power to eause the consti­tutions of the states to be modeled after the principles of the Catholic Cburch."- Pope Leo XID Encyclical.

"We can have the United States in ten years, and I want to give you three points for your consideration-the Indians, the Negroes, and the common schools."- Archbishop Ireland.

• 4There has never been a period in American hiatory when the church's opportunity bas been so close to her. To a great extent the ancient antagonisms have died. Protestantism is dis­integrating before our eyes. The moment is ripe to build a Cath· oUe America, and strong men are now Jaying the fouodat.ions."­Tbe World (Catholic).

411 expect to see America classed as a Catholic nation. De­cadent France shows the baneful influence other war again!it the Catholic Church.

"We exhort all Catholics to de•·ote careful attention to pub­lie matters and take part in all municipal affairs and eleetion!J, and all public services, meetings and gatherings. All Catholics must make t~emselves felt as active elements in the daily POliti·

• _ _ _L ,

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eaJ life in the countries where they live. Hence Catholics have just rea..<~on to cuter into the political lif.e. Furthennore. it is gen0rally fitting and salutary t hat Catholics should extend their efforts beyond this restricted sphere and give their attention to national pelitics."-Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, Nov. 7, 1885 .

.. How near at hand do you think is the time when America will be dominantly CathoJic? Things move with rapid strides. and the reeent creation of three American cardinals has brought the Church once more to the forefl'Ont.

We must labor to gain the confidence, love and respect of the !>meriean people. This once gained, the Catholic Church in her •'tJY to claim the American heart may carrY a thousand dogmas or. her back."- The CatholiC Missionary Union.

"The church can never come into ita own until there are more Catholics in Cong-re.c;s. The chul'ch never wHI wield the inftu­encu for good which it should possess until this eomes to pass. D-o not fear that there is any prejudice against Catholics io high pl.ces. There is none. You are not kept back, you arc keeping yourself back/'-Archbishop Ireland. in speech at Detroit, re-­perted in N. Y. Tribune, Jan. 28, 1911.

And it means more than that: it means that the Catholics of the world love the church more than anything else, that CATHOLICS OF THE WORLD LOVE TUE CHURCH MORE THAN THEY DO THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT, MORE THAN THEY DO THEIR OWN NATION, more than they do their own people, more than they do their own fortunes, more than they do their own selves.

Tell us, in the conflict between the Church and the civil gov­ernment we take the side of the church; of course we do. Why, if the government of the United Ststes were at war with the Church we would say tomorrow, TO HELL WITH TUE GOV­ERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES: and if the Church and all the ~overrunents of the world were at war we would say, TO HELL WITH ALL THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD.

"Why is it the Pope. is such a tremendous power? Why, the Pope is the ruler of the world. All the emporers, all the; kinp, all the princes, all the presidents of the world today are ·· as these altar boys of mine. The Pope is the rul0r of the world. Why? Beeause he is th.e ruler of the Catholics of the world, the Catholics of all the world· and the Catholics of all the world would die for the rights of th~ Pope. He Is th~ bead of the Chu.,.h


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and they would dlo for the Church."- Extract or sennon preaclled tn St. Louis, ~lo., June 80, 1912, by Priest D. S. Phelan, editor of the West.em WatA:hman of that ciq..

"The Pope has given t he order to moke Amet·lca Catholic. • • • The first atcp in the mnklng will be the elcctioJl of on., of tbe American Cardinals to the Papacy, the rcmo,·al of Sl Peter's to Washington. Car<linal Cibbono to be pruldeot, ond every non·Catholic will be driven out of the anuy and navy."­Catholic Sun.

"The wiD of the Pope 1$ tho &upremeat law or all land$.·­Archbishop John Ireland, SL Paul, Minn.

"We nre Catholics first,l .. t and all the time. Our career Ia to enlighten Catholica of overy nationality, and to defend the c.hureh arninst e~ery comer., no matter who or what he Ia. \\'then the PoJl<l speaks the Church speaks. Cod opeoks. Though we love our country dcntly we love our Chul'eh rnore." - 1'hc C..'\tholic Weekly, Albsny, N. Y.

Rome hates our public t~chooJs, and IJ definitely orr.tnized to destroy them. It ils all but n <rime to clett Romon Catholics upon our school boanb in America, and to put thern in po.sitlon aa teaehen in our Jl<lblic school& They .uJc us. "Are we not ei\i. •ens of the United States, and have we ..,, the right to our pro­jl<lrtion of ~he teache1'11 and membors of &chool boar<la !" My re­ply is, No, for you have your parochial schools, and you positively refuse to patronize our public &chools wh.,.. you can oupport pa· rochial schools. You would never think of allowinlf a Protestant to be on your school boards or to tueb in your porochlul seboola. You are uow teaehin.r your proportion ot American children,­l>he Roman Catholic children. Moreover, you hate our public achools, and do not. and can not ha,·e a.ny interest in thm~. except to control and destroy them.

Cardinal Cibbona oaid, refen·ing to the AmoYiun public ochools, "An imperfect and vicious system of education whleb undenninea the reli,Jion of youth." The Chic:a10 Tablet said. ''The common schoola of this country are ainka of moral pollution and nuneriea of hell." Syllabus of P9P<l Plus IX, Articles 45-48, aays, "Education outalde the Catholic Church is a damnable hcro­ay." Tbe Catholic Tetorrsph uid, "'t will be a rlorious day Ill this country when under the lawa the ochool syatem will be ahrived to pieces." Bl.shop McQuade uid, ''The atate h ... no right ·


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to educate." Cappel said, ''The day i.s not far distant, when Cath· olies at Ute order of Ute Pope will refuse to pay the school tax, and will send bullets into the breasts of the officials who attempt to collect them." Priest Phelan said, ''The children of the public schools tum out to be horse thieves, scholastic counterfeiters, and well versed in schemes of deviltry:• The Freeman's Journal said, "Let the public school system go to where it came from,-the devil." Catholic parents sending their children to Protestant •chools unless properly excused by the bishop were declared by ArchbiRhop Messmer to be guilty of grievous sin, and arc not allowed to receive the sacraments of the church. Archbishop Ireland said, "We can have the United States in Wn years, and I want to five you three points for your conslderation,- the In­dians, the Negroes, and the eommon schools."

Roman Catholicism is ooposed to free speech and free press, the ftower of American and Protestant civilization. Pope Greg­ory said, "The unrestrained freedom of thinking and of openly making known one's thoughts is not inherent in the rights of citizens."

Roman Catnone~sm ,.. also bitterly opposed to PrctestanUsm. The Western Watchman said, "The most despicable thing out­side perdition is Protestantism, and to speak of it truthfully and properly we should have to use all the superlatives of vitnpera­tion.." The Archbishop or Venice said, ••the Pope is not only the representative of Jesu.s Christ, but he is Jesus Christ himself hidden under the veil of tho fie.•h." The Western Watchman said, "Proteatanti&m is: simply ruffianism orpnized into a religion. Protestantim is not a religion. Protestantism, the murderous haa-. is slowly dyinr of corruption a.nd congenital rottenness, and ahe will not much loneer encumber the earth. Protestantism,­we would draw and qua.rttr it; we would impale it, and hang it up for crowa to eat; we would tear it with pinchers, and tire-it with hot iroM; we would fill it with molten lead, and sink it in a hundred fathoms of hellfire."

Roman Catholicism also insults our American nation in ita marriage laws, and insults every lady and gentleman who has been m•rried in the nation out:&ide Ute Roman Catholic church. The Catholic Watchman said, " Civil marriage in the United Stat.$ i• the ftimsiest and most transparent specimen of legalized concubinage in the world." Guery said, 'Page 837, 'The conjugal contract can not exi$t outaide this sacrament, and has entirely


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to do with the power of the Roman church. Among Christians an.y union of m~n and women outside the sacrament, nnd made on the 5trcngth of eivil Jaw, is nothin_jt el&e but a 1\hamcrul nnd fatal concubinage." The Western Watchman said, uout.&ide the Catholic church, when a man dies, bury him like you would a dog: don't Ullk about the future,-life is mded,-tbe tomb is all that is left or hlm."

So, I might continue for an hour di3Cussing Rome'! attitude towarda Protestantism and towards our &'10rious Amerlcon irnst.i­tutlona of Uberty. But In ench sent.enoo I would simply be rciler­atinr the fact thtt Rome Is an enemy to aU those sacred io.stitu­tious which dilfeftntiate America from the other nations of the world. When we say that the strunle, the sacrifices, of the hu­man race up to the present time have been glorified In Americ:an liberty, Rome frowns and ena,ps and ennrls at us. Tho one pur­pose of Rome is to subjuJalt, to enslave, to dominate, nnd to rule the minds and even the consciences of men. She hates liberty, she deapisea freedom of thought; she deplores the freedom of men whereby they may ch .... for themsel•es; from the cradle to the grave ahe would drar down and humiliate the children of men.

I have clearly demon•trated the fact that thesa three groat groups of our people, tho Negroes, Jewa and Catholics, are now actually and powerfully orpD!zed. For the sake ol dtai'DO$$, let's set uide these three large IJ'>Upo, the Negroes. the Jews and the RoiiWl Catholict. I believe I have made it clear that if these th~ organizations, or either ot them, were to auceeed in thls land, we should be ruined forever as a nation: nnd as a people would be enrulttd in bopelesa !'lin. The hope ol America dOt$ not Ue with tither of these groupo, or with all ol them com­bined. So we mu.st tum to the other peoples of the nation for salvation and oecurity.

But what have we len after we take away theee three groups 1 We have the foreigner and the real American, tho white, native-born Protesunt. In these banda rests the desliny ol Alncr­ica. We cannot depend upon the forcigner-unnaturalized and un­assimDated. but we mual depend upon the sons and daughters of our revolutionary fa then. who thro<tgh unprecedented heroism and saerlllce laid broad and deep the foundations of thls rovem­ment. We Protestant men are alone 100% Amerienn; we be­lieve in our government, in ou.r Constitution.. in the D~ra· tion of Indepeodeace, and we forever aubocribe to thoae lunda-


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mentals of f~e ~:overnment which have become the pride and the joy of the world. We believe in our free institutions, and we will defend them unto death. And if a Dago Pope, sitting U])On the bAnks of the Tiber, presumes to dictate our ecclesiasti­ca~ political and social institutions we fo~ver dedare that he is oversteppi!l.lt his rights, and that we will die to drive him back. We believe the doctrine of the divine right of kings was born in the brajns of selfish and ungodly rulers who did not wish to be answerable to the ruled, but this doctrine enslaved millions for many centuries. Protestant enlightenment has crushed it out or the world. The doctrine of the divine right and succession of the Pope is also an abominable falsehood, and was hom in the brains of selfish and ungodly ecclesiastics, who, mad for ])OWer, wanted to govern the world, and did not wish to be answershle to the governed. Protestants are resolved to reveal this lie to the whole world, and rescue millions from its enslavi!l.lt influ­ences.

The Invisible Empire Knights of the Ku KluK KIM is an organization of the Protestant Jrulnhood of America for these purposes. The Protestant churches of America will never be or­ganized into one great ChristiAn body. If by turning over my hand I could unite all the great Protestant bodies of the world into one body, I would not do it, !or I would deprive no man of his own liberty, of his own right to choose his own religion for himself. But we can unite, and we are uniting, the white Protes­tant manhood of America into a great fraternity, that we may se­cure unto our people these achievements of liberty which have come to us through the struggles of the race.

In closing this phase of the diseuSllion I return to ask the American people if there are not reasons why every white, na­tive-hom Protestant American should join with heart and soul in this movemenl My claim is that no great patriot can see these things and refuse to identify himself with the real men of America for the salvation of America.

But there ia still one other question which the thinkinr man must have answered. The question is:

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Thls, too, is an important question. These problema must be solved, and they must be solved by white, native bom, Protest­ant Ameriet~n manhood. A lallfe number of orpniu.tio"' have attempted solution or these problems. llitherto all have failed. They did not have in them enough elements of &ueeeos; their appeal wna too often to prejudice rather than to reason. They were "ANTI" and not "PRO". The people were told of danl(<'n. and were desperately enraged against thom; bnt nothlnr coo­struetive was Jiven them instead. Jesus oaid: "l will dtotror this temple and build it arnin in three days." When error and wickedness even are deatroycd, righteousness and truth must be established in its stead, and that wit.hin three dan.

Tho Ku Klux Klan is oolving tbes<~ problenl$, and h .. laid out a grtat Mtioo-wide constructive p...,.,..,-a p,..,.ram tbat will appeal to the intellire,.,., the wisdom, the patriotism, and the manhood of America. The first item in this nationa.l pro Jram is:


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\Vhen France had whipped Germany until she bled at every pore, t\le great General Von Stein said, "It is aU right, gent!&. men, we are whipped, but we will take this thing to the school house, and there will come a day."

IVith this thought in mind Germany went to school. From the gymMsium through the great University of Berlin, Ger­many had but one thought,-military perfection and supremacy. The children were taught the goose step; the University became a great training forum for military supremacy. Their arts, sciences, philosophy, literature and oratory moved towards one gre8t e.nd,-nulitary supremacy of th.e wor1d. Chemists, engi~ neers, mechanics, statisticians, philosophers, all the brightest minds of the nation were summoned by the government, and 'bent towards one inevitable end,-military supremacy and do­minion. The-hour came. And what an hou.r it was! The foun· dat.ions of civilization were shaken. Forty million lives were lost.. The course of history was changed, and a world thrown into disruption and suffering.

The Ku Klux Klan will take theae great ideals to sebool; abe will teach the world the meaning of liberty, political, ecelesiasti­eal and moral She will turn on the light. And Rome batea light. Darkness and Ignorance are the middle names of Roman Catholicism. Our hope is in enlightenment.

In my mind the selection of the fiery • .....,. as the sublime emblem of the Ku Klux Klan is not an accident. I see therl now,-thousands· of fiery crosses from Maine to Florida,-em· blems of sacrifice and Ught. I see them around the Great Lakes; 1 see them in the Middle West, ten of thousands of them. I see them on the Pacific shore. And around these fiery crosses I see hundreds of thousands of brave, white, native-born, Protestant, lOO<J. Americans, kneeling in helmet and gown, chanting over and over tbe most solemn oath ever assumed by mortal man; an oath whereby life, truth, righteousness are forever aMured to the people of the nation. I see them as they declare their al­legiance to every Protestant minister, to every Protestant church, to every public school, and to every public school student, to every home, and to every woman in America. Is it possible that such men can do wrong? With God aa their witneaa, and the fiery


I , I

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e~as as their inspiration they declare to the world that the p rio· e1ple.o for which t his nation sl<lnds shall !ere••er be k<-pt sa<red &nd unchanged. Thus uu .... gh <dueation, liJ'ht, truth. ,... will drive away the heathenish practices of Rome, nnd the inOuenc~s of priesthood, that the people may be free.

SECOND. As a great conatructivo fon:e in Amorita tile Ku Klux Klan has established and will mnintain a lecture bure~1u. Through this bureau large numbers of the brainiest. ••ro-~ men of the nation will appear upon the platforms of Amt l'­iea.. Our pulpits, school rooms, chautauqua and lycewn pint­forms will alford an opportunity for uo to d<dare our mes..are; ·rn fnct, who~ver the masses can be gotten together the&e apos­tlea of Protestant freedom will declare our faith. They will, flrat of aU, define Americani•m. that all men nutY koow what A.meri· eanism is, nnd what is reQuired or a man to be 100% Americ-an. Theae a poetics of Protestant freedom will declare our faith. They will ftrst of all interpret Americanism for the m....,., and ~her w ill propagate American iBm to the everh:usting conrusion o"f Rom­manism and Jud&iam.

It is hard tor us to calculate the Jimltless good thi.a force ean aooom,plish, Such an idea has never been conceived of bnfore. 'I1\rough t his foroe a nation will be taurht and inspired.

Again, ns a nation-wide constructive forte, the Ku Klux KlAn will operate a publishin.g house; t.houund:J of tons of lilcr.~ture. books. periodic.-ds, magazines, tmcts and pamphlet& will flow out. thl"''ugh t.hls stream to every city and hnm1et in the nation. Thus the press wUI declare our message or f reedom to men e,·erywhtrt.

The IB.t'lt item& in our nationul progrA.m will have to do •ith. the text books of aU public, primary, high school• Md college• In the nation. We will say to Romt and Jewry, We will publish our own .text books, and we '"ill see that they ore Amcrienn. and that they are saturated in Americanism. We will not nllo"'' our chil­dren to be presumed upon by secret and disloyal roreeo. We will not perrnit Catholic or Jewish propagand1' of any kind whate\'tr to find a place in our l<!l<t bookl. \Ve will not allow our children to be blinded by or to be dteejved by et~Cmies of our ,..public.

Thvo, through oellool, platform, Pnlll, and ~ext book we will Americaniu America and will oabdue .Ill foi'CK which "'ould undermine our dlatine.tive and f\llldament&l Prot .. taDt, aod the,.. t ore ChriatiaD, Ameribul ldaiL


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My closing word to the citizens of America is this:

It is tbe duty of every natiY-e-botn. white, Protestant man in the nation to join himself with this mightiest of all American forces. Our supreme task is to correctly vi2.ua1i.te the magnitude and seope of our task. Did some one say this Ku Klux Klan is a ·•tar and feather" movement? Such a statement is born either in irnontnce or in unpardonable hypocracy. Both Rome and Jewry have declared to the world that such is the membership and such is the spirit of this movement. Sincere Christian men eould hardly expeet more from them, and we dare not express leas. Thi.o is the holiest,-the most honest and sincere Protestant movement of history.

Are you a red blooded, Native born, Protestant, '100'1' Ameri­can? If so show it. Get in. By their fruits you shall know them.

The following is a cort"ect stenographic report of the clOII· lng message of one of the most remarkable campairns ever held in America.


Has Spoken to Tens of Thousands

Urges All to Take Part in Revival of Our ForefaUten' Religious Patriotism.

Sullivan, Ind.- ln his closing address to many thousands of people on the public square at Sullivan, Ind., Dr. C. Lew.is Fowler . of Atlanta, Ga., national lecturer, who is closing a month's lec­ture tour in the State of Indiana, made tJ.le following statem<>nt which has stirred multitudes of hearts.

uWhen I was a young university student I read over. and ov~.r again with ever growing interest the marvelous stories of the rreat English and American revivals held by Whitlleld and th¥. Wesleys. In: my mind I could always """the tens qf thotl&o ands of people as they gathered in the parks and in the fields to 'I, hear the wonderful story of freedom of liberty from the bondap .

1 of night, to he found in 'pure Protestsnt Christianity. I have often wished that th011e daye might eome again. I hoped they would come as they did in the days just mention~. And lo, the day.s haVE• come. But behold the mesage is new, even though ·~t


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la old a.a the human race:. We are el'Cn no"' in the midst of a marvelous awakening that is destined to shake the world .. the revivals nbove mentioned did.

• ._"Tbet'@ is now a great nation-wide revival going on In A.mer­aca. The tr~ is rising to a whelming flood, and millions ano heing IW'ept mto ats current. This time the J'C\•ival ia n religious. cveo deeply spiritWll one. And yet it is not distindly of tlle church. It is a "vival of Protestant Ameriel.ni&m. of arenuine • piritual patriotism, and patriotism really is reHgion •

.. Since eorning to your wonderful st..1.te one month n.go, I have spoken to approxi.matel1 one hundred thou.und of )'Our citizens. I have met you face to face. I have listened to your h eart thl"i)bs, and J have seen the glow or a new onthussin"m upon YOur faees, the g!ow or a new enthusiasm for our counll')', and for our fundamental Protestantism, which is the mud .. sin or our American civilization. I have spoken to multilud~ in parks, where th<'ueands upon thou$nnds have gathered to hear the JlO$­

pel of Ame.ricanL'"'· 1 have spoken to thronsclJ in open flt:ld.s, in ehlllChes, coliseums, halls nnd upon chautauqUA platfomas. to Muncie I had the privilege ot addressing a multitude ••timated to numher from ten lA> fifteen thousand poople. At Kokomo upon the public square at least 10,000 ciUuno stood befo~ me. In New Albany, at leaot 20,000 people pthenod at one ptace lA> hear

• the story of the new revivnl. Time would fnll me to • penk of lilt. Vernon, Bloomill,iton, Terno Haute. Clinton. Rockville. ID­dl&napolia, with hor thouoands, Riehmond, ud IIWIY olller places too numerous to mention. Never in all my txptritnce have I witnessed 3UCh demonstration" or enthusiasm and in· terest, never such honesty of purpoH. ne,;er such detennina­tion of will.

u And why not a great apiritual, yes religious revlvnl of Am.ericaniJJm? Alter a.II is not. our nntion a Christian nation? Are not the dtlti.neth-e: prindples of CHar go,·ernment dtildren of ProtestAnt faith and eoMeeration! This mar.·elous mo'·emeot ia makin.r new eraatures of men, &a jt atin thelr soula and h wnblea their hearU. Here at this new altar I lind thouunds 1mee1iJ11r chdl<atiuf tlmr u ... &DOW to a common ..-. Wtll may the women of America take eo~~ra~ and well ma1 the pa. triot. O'ferywhere njoice aha<>e the liabt hu come and multitudes are nllhl,.. to ita flow.

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" 1 ""' grateful to God tor tho privilege of being an aPOOtle ot this gnat revh·al movemont, in taking this new gospel to the ma88<la everywhere J nm glad I am a member or the Ku Klux Klan . To me it ts the most remarkable mo\·ement of me<k!·m times. the hope of Amerien. and Arncric:.•n instutions. The time has come when for Protestn.nta, native born1 white Arnetlcane to stnnd aloof from this national movement is but to eliminate them .. selvc3 from the rea l current of life, be that in church lite, POlit ical lif<l or basines life. The great mo\•e.ment is one and no forco on ~arth can stop it. It is a Niagara of conviction moving toward a glorious destiny, and that de$tiny is a new Protestant­ism, and the realization of a real democracy such as was the d reaon o rour fathers. I call to you, my follow citi%ens, a.s I esD to tho palriot.s of America to gather about this fiery eroos aod about our· glorious n 3Jr t:b.at we rn.ay interpret BS[ain the meanin.r of Protcstanth;m aitd Americanism-that we may e<>Merve to oul' ehltdt·en ond our childNn's children these glorious doctrines of libCI·ty .

.. The citizens of the lnvisible Empi.t·e, are members oC a most dnuntlcss mce. patriottl. soldiers, all. They were here yesterday. Th cy nr" he>·e tooay, and they will be here forever. They are ded­icated to our common eaust\ to tho&e distinctive and fundamental Pt'Ot e8tant instihllions which differentiate us from the other na­tions of the world-Separation or church and state, troe speech, ft·oo p.....,, liberty, American womanhood, right to worship God aecordinJJ lo the dictates or one~s conscience. free univenal or p ublic I!Chools . • AU these were born in Proteslaot's hearts and bt·ainl!. This nation-wide revival that gathetS.together its tens of thougands is therefore l'eliglous, i8 s piritual. In my meetinp in tho Oclds and parks. in chu•·chcs nnd halls, earnest souls h8\'t! pt·oycd nnd we ha"·e let our bosom8 swell ns we have sung the old-time ruvivni nnd pnll"iotie songs. Sm·cly this is a wonderful day, and may God be praised for it. Let us all take courage nnd b e glnd.

"I bid Indiana farewell reluctantly, tor tens of thousands of your people ha\·esratheted about me and have made me happy whilo in your midst. May God bleas you, all, and sustain rou u ntil the ,;ctory is won."

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