. Xff rfttf" -- . UPprwppar- - "'fr'" mv " ll&",?p ,- -- " vjtWVF JfTj "Jr,7T "ta ( 'YTf,.-'- ' v .i nn"SfW.! w J'Ff?p',B,,'riW'""--ir-T'"rT'pB- r A) ST s ,X,"ul,i'HM4wKMt yBesr tldverllhfig Medium. I j w Am' AVarf r wW cvpMiMr: BULLETIN f Evening Paper Published 'yon Don't Get ALL the News. o wi - -' on Use Hawaiian Islands. terc ALL the Tcople. Subscription 75c. a month. JMMMMMMMMaOl WtMI))Wttt((t))lllll)IIHl Vol. III. No. 593. HONOLULU, H. I., SATUItDAY, APHIL 24, 1897. Piuok 5 Cknts, t THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published overy day except Sunday at 210 King Strcot, Honolulu, II. I. v SUllSCltll'TION RATJC9. Per Mouth, nu;wliere in Ihu Ha- waiian Islands $ 76 Per Year. ;.... 8 00 Per Yonr. postpaid to America, Canndn, or Mexico 10 IX) Per Year, postpaid, wShor Foreign Oountrlos 13 00 Payable Invariably la Advnuoo. Telophone 250. V. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Dhom M19 is tho soil in which roots life, health, strength, happiness. Tho soil of tho blood Can Ubuu.iiu'd in impoverished liko any other soil, and can be fertil- ized and nourished in nidiiiilur way. You can get back tho oul spring and snap. You can ciijy labor by day and Bleep by night. You can cat your food with tho Hearty ' Appetite of health, if you only supply tho blood with its lacking nutriment; vitalize it, .or If ynn like, fortiHrn it. A largo number of so called tonic remedies are disguised stimulants. Ayer'a Sursnpniill.i is not a stiinu. hint but a nourishment. It feeds tho blood and so enriches it, as well as purifies it. That is why physi- cians recommend d&i'SilihSilllli CswAiti! of ImHutlrtna. Tlie nnmo Ayor'a 6nraiiparllla U prominent on the wrappvr od h'own la lit rU ot each boltlo AYER'S PILLS FOR INDIGESTION. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Agents for tho Ilepnblic of Hawaii. THIS SPACE -- 18, RESERVED FO- R- f.ltf.gcSniidionj! Von Holt Block, King Street. EC. G. J3TAJRT, 404 Fort Streot. Jeweler ar,d Yatcrimacr ' Hitvlni; lnuiulil out tho entire atock of J B. (1 'iiifx I am rnp to furnl-- h First olasn Jewelry ut rea- sonable- price. Valite-iD- anl REpairlCi, a Spec:alt7. HaT N'invt Work nl all kinds. Also "NV i re OniHiiiHiiH. FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent KSl. Ofllco: 305 Fort stroot, ByrockolH' Block, lloom fl, BEAUTIFUL MASQUERADE h::.lani yacht and iioat ci.im KtoitE a rmu.upir. tienrly u Iluudrrd In Con- - iuiuo Much i;Ickiic ami Vnr- - Icty J.lat of Hunker. Last night's masquorado ball of tho Healnni Yacht aud Boat Ohib came off in delightful style, well exeeoding tho most sanguine expectations of tho inanugomont. For the tiino of four dances masks were kept on by nearly a hundred promenaders. There- wore few duplicates of characters assumod, oxcepting in tho cqbo of a largo party of uniform dominoes, but this waB really a feature of unity in itself. Mirny of tho costnmos of both sexes wore elegant in a high do-pre- Mr. Phillips mado n great hit by narrowly escaping ono of tho ladies' piizes. His dross was a modiste's dream. Mrs. Board-m- an wore a gown sixty years old, recalling tho fashion of our grandmothers' days. It was of rich silken stuff, and was sur- mounted by a inautua in keoping. There was n general in tho decision ot the judges, although many thought Mr. Moore's ropresouta tion was worthy of an award. Fancy was tho prevailing charac- teristic of the cosluming,but thoro were a few historical allusions. The first book ever printed in English a treatise on the gamo of chess was illustrated with chebaboard diagrams on Caxton'a costume. Mr. McChesney made a grand Uncle Sam. But spaco will not permit particularizing further. Cake, iced Russian tea and lemoundo wero available on tho boat floor throughout the evening. Tbo Quintotte club furnished ex- cellent music for dancing. It was clobe on 2 o'olook this morrJing when the pleasant event ended. Among thoso prosont bosides the maskers were noticed the fol- lowing: Mr T F Lansing, presi- dent li Y & li C,uiid MisLuiising, Miss J King, Mrs Peuhullow, Mn-- s Grjco, tho Missos Smith, Mips J i.es, Captain Mikkels.in, Clin's Weight, Juinoa Spencer, Mr Mikkels'in, MrTruvis, Mr Osbomo of II II S TV Id Swan, Bert Peter- son, C K Hyde, II G Morse. Cap- tain uud Mrs Wticden, Frank Wcodtn, Miss Bertha Smithies, H Levy, Fruuk Sheehau, Mr Day, Harry Wilder, Judge Perry, Miss Perry, O F Horrick, Mr and Mrs H K Gares,0 von Ilomro, Mr and Mrs John Luoas, W H Coney, B IngelHlieo, J McKay, Mr and Mis 0 B Reynolds, G H Gere, Mrs R Weir, K B Porter, It W Shingle. Miss bloggott, Mr and Mrs F Kiuger, Aiiss H Wicke, Mr and Mrs Gartenberg, J H Drew, C F Sehermerhoiu, Miss Long, J V Wiuter, Mr aud Mrs Wngener, Vr Rawlins, Mr and .Mrs Vieriek, II S Ewing, .Mr uud Mrs J W Pratt, Misses May and Margaret Roberts, W H Bough, Edwin Paris, Miss II Wlcuo, Mrs Fied Turner, R D Bronsou, Cap- tain and Mrs Taylor, Oiiiitain Balcer, Ciiptiiin und Mis. W. B. Godfrey, Mrs Ledoror, G plain uud Mih Calhoun, Miss P.irmeloe, Miss U'ilholm A H Juckson, Messi-- Ttiolliii-- r nd Stiwoll, O S H l.owny, M 83 Lizzie Wicke.Mrs IlrriB, Mis PattHison, Clms Crane, Mr and Mrs J S .Martin, Dr WT Monsiirrat, Mrs Zib.iftz, Mrs Kay, Mr und Mrs J MortOut, Mm H W Soliniidt, J A Low, O A Davis, Fnd Dnuoii, Walter K Wnl', Geo il Pans, Mr and H Poiihal-lot- v. Below is n full list of thoso in mimic: Mrs G E Boarduian, Dross of CO years ago. Mrs Sunders and MisuNeill, tho Two Orphans, Miss Weir, Night. Continued on 6th 1'aye, MOST HORRIBLE AFFAIR ATiMii'rr.ii nu it ot. is ANn smctiiK IN JAI'AKKHE TOWN. Voiiwii' Tlirout Cut Truin i:r li, f.Br uud tho Jinn IIMemliuucleil llulli MiT I ' If. A most horrible ocourronco in Japanese town was brought to light a little before 9 o'clock this morning when tho polico wero hur- riedly summoned to a house on tho cornor of Pauahi and Mauna-ke- a street in response to a tele- phone message from Dr. Kobaya-sh- i. Captain Parkor responded in person, taking with him two or three officers. On reaching tho locality tho officors went to a room in the second Btory of tho Japa- nese lodging house on tho south comer und directly opposito No. 5 Engine House, whore u horriblo sight mot their eyes. Stretched across the bed was a Japanese woman with her throat cut from ear to ear. There wore two distinct cuts, ono extending clear across tho throat, the othor being a semi-circula- r wound under tho chin. Tho woman was cover- ed with blood from hoad to foot and entirely unconscious. Iu ad- dition to the horriblo wounds in tho throat tho womau was cut about tho arms aud body, the wounds being too numerous to mention. Two Japaaeso doctors wero bonding ovor tho womau aud sewing up tho wounds in her throat. In another part '51 tho room Dr. Kobayashi was working ovor tho body of a man who was also cut up in a fearful manner. His worst wounds were in tho abdo- men and through them tho intes- tines protruded in & horrible way, making a sickoning sight that turned oven the polico captain faint, used as ho is to thoso sceuos. Besides the wounds in the abdo-fa- en tho man was also badly cut about the arms and nock. Tho man waB perfectly conscious, though at times suffering severoly under the doctor's manipulations, and said several times that ho did all the cutting aud that a man named Tetsumura was the causo of the affair. Ho gavo his name as Himai, and said the womun waB his wifjo. Her name was Okatso. After getting what he could out of tho man, Captain Parker ques- tioned Dr. KobayuBhi as to how be came to bo called. He suid that a little before 9 o'clook a man named Santos had rushed into his office, telling him that two people had been murdered. Ho called two other Japanoso physicians to his assistance and at once went with the man to the room. Santos was still about tho house aud was soon found by the polico. Inter- viewed by Captain Parkor, he told tho following story: "Between 8 and 9 o'clock this morning ho was sitting iu a house on Smith street noar Kaumaka-pi- li church when Tetsumura came in and told him there had been tronblo in Himai's room and for him to go down aud seo about it. As he was a friend of Himai ho wont down at ouco. He found the door looked and knock- ed and kicked agaiust it. It was opened by tho womau who stood beforo him with tho blood spurt- ing out from tho wounds in her throat. Without saying a word Santos turned and ran down the stairs, mukiug Btruight for Dr. Knbayashi's office, ou Beretatiia stroot. That wus all ho knew about tho mattor, except that thero had boon trouble between Himai and his wifo, who too freely ac- cepted tho attentions of Tetsu- mura. Ouptain Parker lost no ttmo iu hunting up Tetstunurn and soon hnd him behind the bars. Ho had not boon questioned at II o'clock, uud is held to await fur-th- or investigation iu tho oaso, As nothing more could bu done Captain Parkor plaund a guard over the house to kenp out tlio ourioiiri crowd which Jlouknd around and left the doctors' busi- ly engaged iu their ghastly work. Dr. Kobayashi stated that he did not seo how it waB possible-tha- t either of tho victims could survivo thoir wounds. At noon police captain Hooka-n- o roturuod to tho polico station from tho houso with tho report ' that both tho wounded pooplo were resting easily and doing as well nB can be oxpected. No de- finite opinion could bo givou aa to tho chances of their recovery. -- :.t iay PAitrv. To n 1Ivpm liy tho lllonnrr Next Ntturilitjr ut V. a. CuKllo'i. Ono weok from this afternoon, tho Glenuors will welcome nil thoir friunds to a May Day lawn party, on tho cool and spacious grounds of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Castle, cornor of Victoria aud Kinau straots. The usual admis- sion fee of twouty-fiv- o cents will be charged. Thero will bo soven booths, ns follow a: fancy articles, candy, tea, Boda water, soap bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages will bo invit- ed to join tho blowing brigade at tho soap bubble booth. Five conts will secure a pipe. IJabies' dainty things will bo on sale at tho fancy table, while the babies theiuBolvos will bo ono of the greatest attraction. of the aftornoon. Thiity-fiv- o babies, ranging in ago from six mouths to threo years, will in turn bo shown, for a few inomonts, behind a handsome picture framo, whilo tho audience gucssos who thoy uro. A correct list of names of children will bo read at tho close. Tho first prosoutatiou will begin at four o'clock. Thero will bo no chargo to boo this moving pano- rama of babies, aud no prizes will bo given. mi: nuiiitKiiF.R captdked. Nnrtemterixl ly HeUtlvcs for the Snke ut lliu Itetraril. Officer Opuuai arrived on tho Mokolii last night, having in chargo Noa, tho Molokai murderer who escaped from Sheriff Trimble. Aftor escaping ho went straight to tho houso of somo relatives at Po-leku- nu. They kopt him for a fow days until they heard of tho re- ward of $300 for his capture. On Tuesday last thoy told him thoy, woro going to give him up and did so. Ho was taken to Pukoo on Wodnesday and locked up in jail until tho Mokolii loft yester- day afternoon. Doputy-Mars- hal Hitchcock will probably roturu tomorrow morn-i"- B- . m Original ICuck. Tho Warrimoo that is expected hero April 10 from Victoria will bring n large consignment of Original Bock Beer for tho Au-ch- or Saloon. Whilo thero has been Bock Beor on the Honolulu market, it does not begin to com-pu- ro with the consignment that the Anchor will have ou tap after tho arrival of the Warrimoo. Tho reason for this is that the Hock that has already arrived is too fresh. The Book Beor in the States is made at tho first of tho vnnr imil ...... -- . Irnnf ,.. (ill .... ....... Muv 1 -- . . Tim .w ...... mm. Biginnont to arrive is somo of tho original beer aud is guaranteed to bo bettor thau nny Bock ovor im- ported. Wait for it. It will be ou tap at tho Anchor aftor the arrival of tho Warrimoo. Jluit oh Ilitnmll. D. Howard Hitchcock tho artist, who lately returned from Hawaii, Hiiyn that tho bifr island is very dusty and that u emmittoo Iihr soiit n coffee b g full of the dust to the Uihttop MihO'iiii as a stand-in- g protest to thoao Honolulu ieo-jil- who continually put forward flint htnndiird joko in regard to Hawaii's ruin uud mud. ii ii m A largo number ot society peo- ple attended the reception on tho U. H, ii. Marion yusturday, 'tAilKf'J-- GOINGS ON IN KOHALA I'LKANANT K.VrMtTAINOTF.Mr ItY THE I.IIKKAUY NOCIErV. Whilo WlnifCil Unco tu the CokM-A- c- cldcuttu n l.u:in-i:ut- tur ftllllllHjr. Tho Kohula Literary Society met at tho residoucoof John Hind on Monday evening of this week. Thoro wero present about 23 or 30 mombor8 of, the society. After Bpoudiiig a ts in social chtt tho program vas opined with a solo rendered in a very charming mannor by Mrs. Harriot Brown, tho Kobaln nifihtiugalf. Solos were also rendered by Miss Lottie Alexander and Mr. Schoeu aud woro heartily applauded. Duet, by Mrs. Brown anil Alr.Old- - mg, also a quurtet by Mesdames Hind and Browu and Messrs. Hopping aud Olding wero well recoived. A select reading by John Hind was very amusing and kept his audfouco in uu uproar Geo. Ronton, tho elocutionist of tho evening, recited in a voiy pleasant manner. A paper by Rev. Mr. Ostrum wob appreciated by all present. Tho "Sun" was read by Mr. King, tho editor, and was as usual very well written. Aftor refreshments a fow of tho Into songs wero sung, whon tho guests departed for their lespective homes, with best wishos and many thanks to the host and hostess who had prepared such a splendid oveniug's ontortaiumont. Raiu haB beou a very scarce articlo for tho past mouth and the fields are dryer than they imc boon for a long time. The skippers of tho schooner Muriol and tho brigantiuo Johu D. Spreckols each claim to bo master of tho faster boat aud much intorost is taken in what wo will term a race up to 'Frisco. Tho Muriel loft Houoipu ou April 15 about 7:30 p. m. and tho John D. loft Mahukona on April 17 jufltl forty-eig- hours after her. Christiansen, master of the Johu D., has implicit coufidoiico in the sailiug qualities, of his vessel aud says ho will bo iu 'Frisco less than 48 hours after tho Muriel has arrived at the Golden Gate. He is willing to back his vessel against the Muriel for a raco on timo or oven start for anything from ono dollar to five hundred. I guoss it is "put up or shut up." Mrs. John S. Smithies, wifo of postmaster at Mahukona, is much improved in health, being' well on the way to recovery. A very sad accident happonod at Kolmia Mill on Monday. Hen ry Wise, a luna, fell from tho flume atxl was quite badly shnken up aud had to bo carried to bin homo on a stretcher. Dr. lioud attended the raau and Bays he will bo out soon. No bones were brokeu. Survoyor Loobonstoin roturnod to Ililo overland on Saturday after a fow days' stay in the din triot. Ho has boon very buy lately staking tho Awini coffeo lands. Hou. G. P.Tulloch spent Easter Sunday at Wiiiinen, tho guost of Vredonborg,tho"jam mau." Practical jokes are all tho rupo. W. P. McDougall I Ihiiik pad C. O. D. charges 25o. for a photo graph. The Mahukona post in as tor was a victim of poiuo "joe her" who pictured him CO years ago. Captain Christiauspn is also worrying about a bill for S21 which ho roctiived a few days ago, but thinks ho can beat it on a technicality. Shipping is now quiot, as tho both ports aro without vessels. The J. D. Spreokols from Mahu- kona loft on Saturday and tho Muriel from Uonoipu left on Thursday of last week. Tho J. D. North and tho Consuolo aro ex pouted about the 1st. Very pretty Easter Borvices woro held iu all tho churches in tho district and all woro well Rov, Ostruin'u church was very prettily oceorntod uud tlio singing was otcollent. LAST NIGHT'S MEETING jAi'AMtsn tiATiirrt to uomik nn.viHrnt siu.tiAjiniA. l'ri-tetifr- hy n Coin mitt or With n ICiiiidviittii- - Souvenir Ciiiiv Tho AIilrf.i' TeuUrrtil. As already intimated thero was a large uUonduuco at the Slinra-kukwa- u over Luce' auction room last night. At 7:30 there was nearly 20J present. During the proceedings people continued to im in ''11 t)' plar-- was chock full. Mr. Meta, who was asked by tho committoo to pre&ido over tho mt,etlug, rooQ and addressed tho meeting somewhat in tho fol- lowing language. "We have met here to colobrote the oceasiou of our Legation hav- ing been established hero. This uet of our government must be due to tho fact that the import- ance of our colony heto has been recognized, so whilo congratulat- ing Minister Shimamura, wo ought at the same time to congra- tulate ourselves. Now ns a token of tho high esteem wo entertain towards our now Minister and the heartfelt congratulations wo fool towards the central figure Minis- ter Shimnmura on this import- ant occasion, we huvo prepared nn address to bo presented to His Excellency, as well as ouo to Mr. S. Hirai, tho former to be accom- panied by a preseut. Both ad- dresses will be read by ouo of the commit too." Wheroupou the two addresses were read, which there is no need to say wero couohedjin tho most complimentary and ardent words. Then folio wetl' 'speeches by Messrs. Ukita,Suiumngo, Mid-zuu- o uud I'ruya; the Inst two, es- pecially Mr. Fruyn, made long and eloquent speeches. At the . conclusion of the speeches tho chairman intimated that tho committee would bo sent to tho Legation to present tho ad- dresses aud present, tho latter consisting of a magtiincout coffeo tree stick, mounted with gold, with te inscription, "Souvouir to His Excellency H. Shimamura, Minister Resident, from Japaneso It sideuts, Honolulu, II. I., April, 1897," aud three baxkets of flowers, all of which wore shown round to those proseut. The committoo numbering six then went iu two hacks with the addresses and pro-so- uts to tho Minister's residonco. Whilo they wero awny thero woro dances Japaneso style by pretty girls of 8 to 9 years and another lady ou the stago erected specially for the occasiou. After a while tho rommitteo returned and repotted to tho chairman that the addresses and preoutfl wore duly presented to His Excellency Miuistor Shi- mamura and Mr. Hirai, both of whom expressed their high appre- ciation aud thuuks for tho loyalty aud kiuduoriri of the ruaidout Japanese, whiuh wero con veyed to the meeting by tho chair- man. Three cheers for tho Em- peror aud one for Minister Shi- mamura then rent the air, after which thero wero sword doners and comical thoatricals, until 10:30 when the meeting dispoised, ull highly satisfied., Tho rooms woro decorated not olaborutely but very artistically. Thoro were occasionally seen two policeraou. Thoso piesent wero chiefly thoso who did not tuko part in tho lust occasiou, though thoro wero several who wero prosont at tho Natvai hotel diuuor party. Appreciative t'liliifno. The Chinese Company controll- ing the launches i mining on tho river Mill oilers free pusmto to all missionaries traveling on its bouts. Tho Fooehow K.dio says as this iu douo without solicitation on tho part of tho missionaries il may bo accepted as indicative of appreciation of their work ou tho part of tho Directors of tho Com- pany, Kobe Horuld. I .h M ' . x 2 1 U r1 m 'Hi

fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages

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Page 1: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages

. Xff rfttf" -- . UPprwppar- - "'fr'" mv " ll&",?p ,---

" vjtWVF JfTj"Jr,7T "ta ( 'YTf,.-'- ' v .i nn"SfW.! w J'Ff?p',B,,'riW'""--ir-T'"rT'pB-r

A)ST s,X,"ul,i'HM4wKMt

yBesr tldverllhfig Medium. I

j w Am' AVarf r wW cvpMiMr: BULLETIN f Evening Paper Published'yon Don't Get ALL the News.

o wi - -' on Use Hawaiian Islands.terc ALL the Tcople. Subscription 75c. a month.

JMMMMMMMMaOl WtMI))Wttt((t))lllll)IIHl

Vol. III. No. 593. HONOLULU, H. I., SATUItDAY, APHIL 24, 1897. Piuok 5 Cknts,



Published overy day except Sunday at210 King Strcot, Honolulu, II. I.


Per Mouth, nu;wliere in Ihu Ha-waiian Islands $ 76

Per Year. ;.... 8 00Per Yonr. postpaid to America,

Canndn, or Mexico 10 IX)

Per Year, postpaid, wShor ForeignOountrlos 13 00

Payable Invariably la Advnuoo.Telophone 250. V. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.


is tho soil in which roots life, health,strength, happiness. Tho soil of thoblood Can Ubuu.iiu'd in impoverishedliko any other soil, and can be fertil-ized and nourished in nidiiiilur way.You can get back tho oul spring andsnap. You can ciijy labor by dayand Bleep by night. You can catyour food with tho

Hearty' Appetite

of health, if you only supply thoblood with its lacking nutriment;vitalize it, .or If ynn like, fortiHrn it.A largo number of so called tonicremedies are disguised stimulants.Ayer'a Sursnpniill.i is not a stiinu.hint but a nourishment. It feedstho blood and so enriches it, as wellas purifies it. That is why physi-cians recommend

d&i'SilihSilllliCswAiti! of ImHutlrtna. Tlie nnmo Ayor'a

6nraiiparllla U prominent on the wrappvrod h'own la lit rU ot each boltlo


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Agents for tho Ilepnblic of Hawaii.


-- 18,


FO- R-

f.ltf.gcSniidionj!Von Holt Block, King Street.

EC. G. J3TAJRT,404 Fort Streot.

Jeweler ar,d Yatcrimacr' Hitvlni; lnuiulil out tho entire

atock of J B. (1 'iiifx I am rnpto furnl-- h First olasn Jewelry ut rea-sonable- price.

Valite-iD- anl REpairlCi, a Spec:alt7.

HaT N'invt Work nl all kinds. Also"NV i re OniHiiiHiiH.


Architect and Superintendent

KSl. Ofllco: 305 Fort stroot,ByrockolH' Block, lloom fl,


h::.lani yacht and iioat ci.imKtoitE a rmu.upir.

tienrly u Iluudrrd In Con- -

iuiuo Much i;Ickiic ami Vnr- -

Icty J.lat of Hunker.

Last night's masquorado ballof tho Healnni Yacht aud BoatOhib came off in delightful style,well exeeoding tho most sanguineexpectations of tho inanugomont.For the tiino of four dances maskswere kept on by nearly a hundredpromenaders. There- wore fewduplicates of characters assumod,oxcepting in tho cqbo of a largoparty of uniform dominoes, butthis waB really a feature of unityin itself.

Mirny of tho costnmos of bothsexes wore elegant in a high do-pre-

Mr. Phillips mado n greathit by narrowly escaping ono oftho ladies' piizes. His dross wasa modiste's dream. Mrs. Board-m- an

wore a gown sixty yearsold, recalling tho fashion of ourgrandmothers' days. It was ofrich silken stuff, and was sur-mounted by a inautua in keoping.There was n general

in tho decisionot the judges, although manythought Mr. Moore's ropresoutation was worthy of an award.Fancy was tho prevailing charac-teristic of the cosluming,but thorowere a few historical allusions.The first book ever printed inEnglish a treatise on the gamoof chess was illustrated withchebaboard diagrams on Caxton'acostume. Mr. McChesney made agrand Uncle Sam. But spaco willnot permit particularizing further.

Cake, iced Russian tea andlemoundo wero available on thoboat floor throughout the evening.Tbo Quintotte club furnished ex-cellent music for dancing. It wasclobe on 2 o'olook this morrJingwhen the pleasant event ended.

Among thoso prosont bosidesthe maskers were noticed the fol-lowing: Mr T F Lansing, presi-dent li Y & li C,uiid MisLuiising,Miss J King, Mrs Peuhullow,Mn-- s Grjco, tho Missos Smith,Mips J i.es, Captain Mikkels.in,Clin's Weight, Juinoa Spencer, MrMikkels'in, MrTruvis, Mr Osbomoof II II S TV Id Swan, Bert Peter-son, C K Hyde, II G Morse. Cap-

tain uud Mrs Wticden, FrankWcodtn, Miss Bertha Smithies,H Levy, Fruuk Sheehau, Mr Day,Harry Wilder, Judge Perry, MissPerry, O F Horrick, Mr and MrsH K Gares,0 von Ilomro, Mr andMrs John Luoas, W H Coney,B IngelHlieo, J McKay, Mrand Mis 0 B Reynolds, G HGere, Mrs R Weir, KB Porter, It W Shingle.Miss bloggott, Mr and Mrs FKiuger, Aiiss H Wicke, Mr andMrs Gartenberg, J H Drew, C FSehermerhoiu, Miss Long, J

V Wiuter, Mr aud MrsWngener, Vr Rawlins, Mr and.Mrs Vieriek, II S Ewing, .Mr uudMrs J W Pratt, Misses May andMargaret Roberts, W H Bough,Edwin Paris, Miss II Wlcuo, MrsFied Turner, R D Bronsou, Cap-tain and Mrs Taylor, OiiiitainBalcer, Ciiptiiin und Mis. W. B.Godfrey, Mrs Ledoror, G plainuud Mih Calhoun, Miss P.irmeloe,Miss U'ilholm A H Juckson,Messi-- Ttiolliii--r nd Stiwoll, O SH l.owny, M 83 Lizzie Wicke.MrsIlrriB, Mis PattHison, ClmsCrane, Mr and Mrs J S .Martin,Dr WT Monsiirrat, Mrs Zib.iftz,Mrs Kay, Mr und Mrs J MortOut,Mm H W Soliniidt, J A Low,O A Davis, Fnd Dnuoii, WalterK Wnl', Geo il Pans, Mr and

H Poiihal-lot- v.

Below is n full list of thoso inmimic:

Mrs G E Boarduian, Dross ofCO years ago.

Mrs Sunders and MisuNeill, thoTwo Orphans,

Miss Weir, Night.

Continued on 6th 1'aye,


ATiMii'rr.ii nu it ot. is ANn smctiiKIN JAI'AKKHE TOWN.

Voiiwii' Tlirout Cut Truin i:r li, f.Bruud tho Jinn IIMemliuucleil

llulli MiT I ' If.

A most horrible ocourronco inJapanese town was brought tolight a little before 9 o'clock thismorning when tho polico wero hur-riedly summoned to a house ontho cornor of Pauahi and Mauna-ke- a

street in response to a tele-phone message from Dr. Kobaya-sh-i.

Captain Parkor respondedin person, taking with him two orthree officers. On reaching tholocality tho officors went to a roomin the second Btory of tho Japa-nese lodging house on tho southcomer und directly opposito No. 5Engine House, whore u horriblosight mot their eyes.

Stretched across the bed was aJapanese woman with her throatcut from ear to ear. There woretwo distinct cuts, ono extendingclear across tho throat, the othorbeing a semi-circula- r wound undertho chin. Tho woman was cover-ed with blood from hoad to footand entirely unconscious. Iu ad-

dition to the horriblo wounds intho throat tho womau was cutabout tho arms aud body, thewounds being too numerous tomention. Two Japaaeso doctorswero bonding ovor tho womau audsewing up tho wounds in herthroat.

In another part '51 tho roomDr. Kobayashi was working ovortho body of a man who was alsocut up in a fearful manner. Hisworst wounds were in tho abdo-men and through them tho intes-tines protruded in & horrible way,making a sickoning sight thatturned oven the polico captainfaint, used as ho is to thoso sceuos.Besides the wounds in the abdo-fa- en

tho man was also badly cutabout the arms and nock. Thoman waB perfectly conscious,though at times suffering severolyunder the doctor's manipulations,and said several times that hodid all the cutting aud that a mannamed Tetsumura was the causoof the affair. Ho gavo his nameas Himai, and said the womun waBhis wifjo. Her name was Okatso.

After getting what he could outof tho man, Captain Parker ques-tioned Dr. KobayuBhi as to howbe came to bo called. He suidthat a little before 9 o'clook a mannamed Santos had rushed into hisoffice, telling him that two peoplehad been murdered. Ho calledtwo other Japanoso physicians tohis assistance and at once wentwith the man to the room. Santoswas still about tho house aud wassoon found by the polico. Inter-viewed by Captain Parkor, hetold tho following story:

"Between 8 and 9 o'clock thismorning ho was sitting iu a houseon Smith street noar Kaumaka-pi- li

church when Tetsumuracame in and told him there hadbeen tronblo in Himai's roomand for him to go down aud seoabout it. As he was a friend ofHimai ho wont down at ouco. Hefound the door looked and knock-ed and kicked agaiust it. It wasopened by tho womau who stoodbeforo him with tho blood spurt-ing out from tho wounds in herthroat. Without saying a wordSantos turned and ran down thestairs, mukiug Btruight for Dr.Knbayashi's office, ou Beretatiiastroot. That wus all ho knewabout tho mattor, except that therohad boon trouble between Himaiand his wifo, who too freely ac-

cepted tho attentions of Tetsu-mura.

Ouptain Parker lost no ttmoiu hunting up Tetstunurn andsoon hnd him behind the bars.Ho had not boon questioned at IIo'clock, uud is held to await fur-th- or

investigation iu tho oaso,As nothing more could bu done

Captain Parkor plaund a guardover the house to kenp out tlioourioiiri crowd which Jlouknd

around and left the doctors' busi-ly engaged iu their ghastly work.Dr. Kobayashi stated that hedid not seo how it waB possible-tha- t

either of tho victims couldsurvivo thoir wounds.

At noon police captain Hooka-n- o

roturuod to tho polico stationfrom tho houso with tho report

' that both tho wounded pooplowere resting easily and doing aswell nB can be oxpected. No de-finite opinion could bo givou aa totho chances of their recovery.


:.t iay PAitrv.

To n 1Ivpm liy tho lllonnrr NextNtturilitjr ut V. a. CuKllo'i.

Ono weok from this afternoon,tho Glenuors will welcome nilthoir friunds to a May Day lawnparty, on tho cool and spaciousgrounds of Mr. and Mrs. W. It.Castle, cornor of Victoria audKinau straots. The usual admis-sion fee of twouty-fiv-o cents willbe charged. Thero will bo sovenbooths, ns follow a: fancy articles,candy, tea, Boda water, soapbubble, flower, and refreshment.Tho ilowor booth will ofTer Maybaskets as a specialty. Childrenof all sizes aud ages will bo invit-ed to join tho blowing brigade attho soap bubble booth. Fiveconts will secure a pipe.

IJabies' dainty things will bo onsale at tho fancy table, while thebabies theiuBolvos will bo ono ofthe greatest attraction. of theaftornoon. Thiity-fiv- o babies,ranging in ago from six mouthsto threo years, will in turn boshown, for a few inomonts, behinda handsome picture framo, whilotho audience gucssos who thoyuro. A correct list of names ofchildren will bo read at tho close.Tho first prosoutatiou will beginat four o'clock. Thero will bo nochargo to boo this moving pano-rama of babies, aud no prizes willbo given.

mi: nuiiitKiiF.R captdked.

Nnrtemterixl ly HeUtlvcs for the Snkeut lliu Itetraril.

Officer Opuuai arrived on thoMokolii last night, having inchargo Noa, tho Molokai murdererwho escaped from Sheriff Trimble.Aftor escaping ho went straight totho houso of somo relatives at Po-leku- nu.

They kopt him for a fowdays until they heard of tho re-

ward of $300 for his capture. OnTuesday last thoy told him thoy,woro going to give him up anddid so. Ho was taken to Pukooon Wodnesday and locked up injail until tho Mokolii loft yester-day afternoon.

Doputy-Mars- hal Hitchcock willprobably roturu tomorrow morn-i"- B-


Original ICuck.

Tho Warrimoo that is expectedhero April 10 from Victoria willbring n large consignment ofOriginal Bock Beer for tho Au-ch- or

Saloon. Whilo thero hasbeen Bock Beor on the Honolulumarket, it does not begin to com-pu- ro

with the consignment thatthe Anchor will have ou tap aftertho arrival of the Warrimoo. Thoreason for this is that the Hockthat has already arrived is toofresh. The Book Beor in theStates is made at tho first of thovnnr imil...... -- .Irnnf,.. (ill.... .......Muv 1-- .. Tim.w ......mm.Biginnont to arrive is somo of thooriginal beer aud is guaranteed tobo bettor thau nny Bock ovor im-

ported. Wait for it. It will beou tap at tho Anchor aftor thearrival of tho Warrimoo.

Jluit oh Ilitnmll.D. Howard Hitchcock tho artist,

who lately returned from Hawaii,Hiiyn that tho bifr island is verydusty and that u emmittoo Iihrsoiit n coffee b g full of the dustto the Uihttop MihO'iiii as a stand-in- g

protest to thoao Honolulu ieo-jil-

who continually put forwardflint htnndiird joko in regard toHawaii's ruin uud mud.

ii ii m

A largo number ot society peo-ple attended the reception on thoU. H, ii. Marion yusturday,




Whilo WlnifCil Unco tu the CokM-A- c-

cldcuttu n l.u:in-i:ut- tur


Tho Kohula Literary Societymet at tho residoucoof John Hindon Monday evening of this week.Thoro wero present about 23 or30 mombor8 of, the society. AfterBpoudiiig a ts in socialchtt tho program vas opinedwith a solo rendered in a verycharming mannor by Mrs. HarriotBrown, tho Kobaln nifihtiugalf.Solos were also rendered by MissLottie Alexander and Mr. Schoeuaud woro heartily applauded.Duet, by Mrs. Brown anil Alr.Old- -mg, also a quurtet by MesdamesHind and Browu and Messrs.Hopping aud Olding wero wellrecoived. A select reading byJohn Hind was very amusing andkept his audfouco in uu uproarGeo. Ronton, tho elocutionist oftho evening, recited in a voiypleasant manner. A paper by Rev.Mr. Ostrum wob appreciated byall present. Tho "Sun" was readby Mr. King, tho editor, and wasas usual very well written. Aftorrefreshments a fow of tho Intosongs wero sung, whon tho guestsdeparted for their lespectivehomes, with best wishos andmany thanks to the host andhostess who had prepared such asplendid oveniug's ontortaiumont.

Raiu haB beou a very scarcearticlo for tho past mouth and thefields are dryer than they imcboon for a long time.

The skippers of tho schoonerMuriol and tho brigantiuo JohuD. Spreckols each claim to bomaster of tho faster boat audmuch intorost is taken in what wowill term a race up to 'Frisco.Tho Muriel loft Houoipu ou April15 about 7:30 p. m. and tho JohnD. loft Mahukona on April 17jufltl forty-eig- hours after her.Christiansen, master of the JohuD., has implicit coufidoiico in thesailiug qualities, of his vessel audsays ho will bo iu 'Frisco lessthan 48 hours after tho Murielhas arrived at the Golden Gate.He is willing to back his vesselagainst the Muriel for a raco ontimo or oven start for anythingfrom ono dollar to five hundred.I guoss it is "put up or shut up."

Mrs. John S. Smithies, wifo ofpostmaster at Mahukona, is muchimproved in health, being' well onthe way to recovery.

A very sad accident happonodat Kolmia Mill on Monday. Henry Wise, a luna, fell from thoflume atxl was quite badly shnkenup aud had to bo carried to binhomo on a stretcher. Dr. lioudattended the raau and Bays hewill bo out soon. No bones werebrokeu.

Survoyor Loobonstoin roturnodto Ililo overland on Saturdayafter a fow days' stay in the dintriot. Ho has boon very buylately staking tho Awini coffeolands.

Hou. G. P.Tulloch spent EasterSunday at Wiiiinen, tho guost ofVredonborg,tho"jam mau."

Practical jokes are all tho rupo.W. P. McDougall I Ihiiik padC. O. D. charges 25o. for a photograph. The Mahukona post in astor was a victim of poiuo "joe her"who pictured him CO years ago.Captain Christiauspn is alsoworrying about a bill for S21which ho roctiived a few days ago,but thinks ho can beat it on atechnicality.

Shipping is now quiot, as thoboth ports aro without vessels.The J. D. Spreokols from Mahu-kona loft on Saturday and thoMuriel from Uonoipu left onThursday of last week. Tho J.D. North and tho Consuolo aroex pouted about the 1st.

Very pretty Easter Borvicesworo held iu all tho churches intho district and all woro well

Rov, Ostruin'u churchwas very prettily oceorntod uudtlio singing was otcollent.


jAi'AMtsn tiATiirrt to uomiknn.viHrnt siu.tiAjiniA.

l'ri-tetifr- hy n Coin mitt or With nICiiiidviittii- - Souvenir Ciiiiv Tho

AIilrf.i' TeuUrrtil.

As already intimated thero wasa large uUonduuco at the Slinra-kukwa- u

over Luce' auction roomlast night. At 7:30 there wasnearly 20J present. During theproceedings people continued toim in ''11 t)' plar-- was chockfull. Mr. Meta, who was askedby tho committoo to pre&ido overtho mt,etlug, rooQ and addressedtho meeting somewhat in tho fol-

lowing language."We have met here to colobrote

the oceasiou of our Legation hav-ing been established hero. Thisuet of our government must bedue to tho fact that the import-ance of our colony heto has beenrecognized, so whilo congratulat-ing Minister Shimamura, woought at the same time to congra-tulate ourselves. Now ns a tokenof tho high esteem wo entertaintowards our now Minister and theheartfelt congratulations wo fooltowards the central figure Minis-ter Shimnmura on this import-ant occasion, we huvo prepared nnaddress to bo presented to HisExcellency, as well as ouo to Mr.S. Hirai, tho former to be accom-panied by a preseut. Both ad-

dresses will be read by ouo of thecommit too."

Wheroupou the two addresseswere read, which there is no needto say wero couohedjin tho mostcomplimentary and ardent words.

Then folio wetl' 'speeches byMessrs. Ukita,Suiumngo, Mid-zuu- o

uud I'ruya; the Inst two, es-pecially Mr. Fruyn, made long andeloquent speeches.

At the . conclusion of thespeeches tho chairman intimatedthat tho committee would bo sentto tho Legation to present tho ad-dresses aud present, tho latterconsisting of a magtiincout coffeotree stick, mounted with gold,with te inscription, "Souvouir toHis Excellency H. Shimamura,Minister Resident, from JapanesoIt sideuts, Honolulu, II. I., April,1897," aud three baxkets of flowers,all of which wore shown round tothose proseut. The committoonumbering six then went iu twohacks with the addresses and pro-so- uts

to tho Minister's residonco.Whilo they wero awny thero

woro dances Japaneso style bypretty girls of 8 to 9 years andanother lady ou the stago erectedspecially for the occasiou.

After a while tho rommitteoreturned and repotted to thochairman that the addressesand preoutfl wore duly presentedto His Excellency Miuistor Shi-mamura and Mr. Hirai, both ofwhom expressed their high appre-ciation aud thuuks for tho loyaltyaud kiuduoriri of the ruaidoutJapanese, whiuh wero conveyed to the meeting by tho chair-man. Three cheers for tho Em-peror aud one for Minister Shi-mamura then rent the air, afterwhich thero wero sword donersand comical thoatricals, until 10:30when the meeting dispoised, ullhighly satisfied.,

Tho rooms woro decorated notolaborutely but very artistically.Thoro were occasionally seen twopoliceraou. Thoso piesent werochiefly thoso who did not tukopart in tho lust occasiou, thoughthoro wero several who weroprosont at tho Natvai hotel diuuorparty.

Appreciative t'liliifno.The Chinese Company controll-

ing the launches i mining on thoriver Mill oilers free pusmto toall missionaries traveling on itsbouts. Tho Fooehow K.dio saysas this iu douo without solicitationon tho part of tho missionaries ilmay bo accepted as indicative ofappreciation of their work ou thopart of tho Directors of tho Com-pany, Kobe Horuld.



M' .




Ur1 m


Page 2: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages






Kort unciTKLcrnoKE 223.

J?W "

ifUflnfUmyi iipiiijm7phiii ftiifH. HPFr'"'

isvrrn itufpik, apiul 21 ism.

The Manufacturing Harness

OUli ISFine Hazzdinade Harness,

r.U cIi. "We keep in stock


MUSIC.. f . , For Everybody:The only complete Hue of


Iu the Inlands. A few ofour specialties ....

Kingsbury Pianos !

The perfection of art inPiano milking. ....


Iu tone, beauty uml con-struction.-.

REOINA MUSIC BOXES, the Kingof nil, (iluys over one thousandttineB.

AUTOHARP3, everybody's Instru-ment, a child can play it.

GUITARS, wo carry tho celebratedHenry F. Mason, Harwood andother malte!', from $4 up.

BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbanks &Uiiio and oilier wellknowumakes.

ACCORDEON3, the celebrated "Im-perial" and other good lines.

tdf And a thousand aud one othersmaller Instruments too numerous tomention.

Our celobrated Wall, Nichols Co--.

"sStaii" Brand of


Are tho best made. Use no other.

Sheet Music,Music Books,

INSTRUCTION BOOKSFor all instruments.

Our stock Is the most varied to bofound thin side of 'Frisco, anil theprices the same as you pay in theStates.

All Instruments sold ou easy month-ly payments.

WALL, NICHOLS CO.,The money cavers for you.



I ac "32:? is" 5"

f P 335 Jo M&xevtlrr h

is, " && !

JffBfa.-- l S":3




ICing Stroota.P. O. Box 322.

and soil no goods oxcopt



Crockery, Garden Tools


Kitohea Utensils


Recent arrivals from Eng-land and tho United Stateshave brought us everythingnecessary for the kitchen anddining room in tho lino ofUtensils, Crockery and Glass-ware.


Tho quality of our goods can-not bo questioned.

Stock is Complete.

Wo have all kinds of Toolsand Agricultural Implementsused on the lawn or in thogarden. Competition amongthe manufacturers and tho ab-sence of trusts enables us tosell at 25 percent less thanlast year.

Let's Have Your Custom.


Queen Street.

Mechanics and Teamsters.

Anyone needing tho eorvlco' ofFlrst-olu- ss Mechanic, Teamster",Lunas, etc., can lo Hiipplled by apply-In)- ;

lo J, Alfred Muuoon, or to theHawaiian Hacey I- Rtlmt. Telephone700 F. WILBUR I ON,

582 lm Manager.

The Honolulu Sanitarium103S King Btreot.

A Q n lot, Homelike I'JncH, where TrainedNnrwiH, Mhwmum, "Swedish Movement,"llulh. Klectrlcitv mid I'liyslcd Trulmuguiuy lm obtained.

I. H. KULLOOO. M. I) ,Tikpbouo (MO, Superintendent.


vmin Hi:i'i'uit:.

Unliloln Niiillli'n Account t linnIt Wurlis In America.

Mr. Goldwin Smith writoa iotho Louclou Titnca as follows:

Tho cnblo tolls us that Mr.Hogg's feuinle Suirrnyo Bill tinspassed its second reading in thoHouso of Coninioiis. Wo nrotold that thoro it is to Rtop, andthat tho dubtito was "jocular."Jokors, Buroly, aro pluying withfiro when tho quostion concornstho most vital interests, not onlyof tho commonwealth, but of thohomo. A Horions subject, nt least,this will bo deemed by nil thought-ful women.

Siuco the issuo was last beforeyou, wo havo had an exporiencoon this side of tho wnter. Thothree States in which femalesuffrage prevailed, Wyoming,Utah and Colorado, all voted forBryan and repudiation. Idaho,which has now adopted womansuffrage, wont the same way.

Bryau's appeals to sentimenttook so much nt first that my Am-erican frionds trembled for theissuo. Suppose all the women intho United States had voted, whatwould have been tho probable re-

sult to the ilepublic? Wouldsound currency or would sonti-me- nt

have prevailed ?

In Utah they havo carried fe-m- alo

suffrage to its logical conso-quenc- es.

A woman has stoodagainst her husbaud for tho Stntesouutorship aud boateti him. Aroporter who interviewed herfound that buo was iu favor ofpolygamy as well as of femalesuffrage.

The movement, however, spemBto make little way in the UnitedSlates. Wyoming is a far westernStato, still iu the frontier stago.Utah is wilder than Wyoming.Colorado is n mining State. IuCalifornia, woman suffrage wasdefeated by a large majority, inspito of the moit streuuous effortsof ils promoters. A very trust-worthy observer tells me that "inthe older and bettor settled States,political suffrage for wo.nen is inless iavor than ever." The sameobserver tells mo that "except inwildernesses like Wyoming andUtuh, tho mass of women declineto take any interest in tho suffragequestion, and that all wo hear orsee comes from tho abnormalities."Such is the net result of on agita-tion which has beou cointr on formore than thirty years.

Muuicipal suffrage, my friendsays, 1ms not been snlficontlyworked to boo what is iu it. ItIiib been sufficiently worked inToronto to bIiow that it is in favorof sentimental legislation aud op-posed to practioul reform. Astrenuous effort modo somo yearsago by our leading mon of busi-ness and our principal ratepayersto put a stop to the course of maladministration wus defeated bvthe women's vote. Tho activityof tho women in canvassing, par-ticularly that of the "abnormali-ties," is extreme.

Wo aro seeing here, ns tboy aro6eomg in Utah, the logical out-come of tho movement, which isclearly patt of a goneral revoltagainst tho limitations of sex.Women have just been admittedhere to the bar, and we may bedestined iu time to enjoy the spec-tacle of u female advocate brow-beating witnesses and cajoling ajury, to the manifest honor of hersex, nnd the furtherauco of thoends of justice.

It is not tho inferiority of in-

tellect in woman that mnkes itdangerous to put the governmentinto her hands, though tho dif-ference between the sexes in prac-tical intellect, or at least in prac-tical trainiuc, is a fact which noone who has respect for facts candisregMid. It is a woman's irresponsibility, which no legislationcau remove, i'ut tho power whereyou will, tho responsibility mustrest on man; and where the res-ponsibility is, tho power ought tobo.

The o nest ion. as has been saidboforo, is uotabstrnot. or the samefor nil communities. Enuliind isnot Australasia, or Utah. Ayoung democracy with little pressure irom sooiai oron ems andnone from external dnuaer, mavventure ou oxporimeut, uuil ovenon escapades, which would boruinous to un old country lull nfdisturbing inilueuos within, andunoircieci ny penis without. Hupposo a great European crisis tooccur, will the inoht foiu- i-nibt vt ii I u io to say that the coun-try would be safe iu the hands ofthe women? Would wimiblnwomen Uihi tleslie to him thecountry in tho hands of tliolr box?

Our shipment

of the


Garland and


Ranges and

Cook Stoves

from the


Stove Co.

of Detroit

have arrived.

Q In a few days wo will

be prepared to show tho public

tho finest line of this class of

goods ever brought to thismarket.

NOTICE.PrttroiH are rtsp-o- i fully requested

to order their nupply of Ice before. 5o'clnfU p. m., on Wf eh av, avl liefur 13 nulii-- noun un KmnluyH nodHoIIiIiuh. In CHS- - of luemav he obtained lifter above hours,nt No, 897 Iio'etanla Htreet, or at theCold Rtonige R'"m of the HawaiianKlentilo Co, between Hie hour of0 oVli'Ck p. in. ami 11 o'clock p. in,lnr ch-- Ii on'yPKOI'LB'ij ICE & R'F G CO , Ltd.

C. H HWTMANN, MailHL't-- r

OflbiH No. 001 Rerei !! B reef,Tel No 153 10 Bos 307. 680 31


HI I nntI on the nmiiUa fide of Proi-pe- nt

Hlreet, wM of Harllfeld ir et,thoroiiKhly e aded i wiilleil,

hii HiOi ol 23,710.73 HpiHr feetand 7000 Huro fret rep mively,I'lii'He Ij'Ih coiuiihomI the llnent vb w

oMIim cliy, liur'Mir mid oi'ean xf uny

m-lt- f ll'ilVoiW

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

Btenmers of tliu nbovo Liuo runuiiiK iu oonticctiou with tlid '

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. 0., nnd Sydney, N. H. W., nnd calling nt Viotorin. B. 0.

Uonolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

ABE 3DTJE jJJ?On or about tbo dates below stated, viz.:

Prom Sydney and 8ni fur Vlelnrln nml I From Viotorin nint Vniiroiirer, II. O,, t.Vnncouver. II O.l Buvn nml Sydn.yt

Stair "MIOWKItA" April 2t Stmr "MI0WEHA" May IB"Strar "WAHHIMOO" Slay 21 Stmr "WAllltlMOO" Juno 10Htmr"MIOWIiIlA" Juuo 24 Btmr"MIOWEltA" Jnly 16Btmr "WAltlUMOO" July 24 Stinr "WAltltlJIOO'' AngnBt 16

Through Tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada,United States nml Kuropc.


D. MoNicoll, Montrenl, Cnnnda.ItoiiRiiT Kr.wi, AVinnipeR, Canada.

M. M. Stkiin, Snn Frnncisco, Cnl.O. TilaL. Bhown, Vnncouver, B. C.

Oceanic Mm Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:

The Now and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"Alameda"Of the Ocennio Steamship Compnny willbe due nt Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

A.pril 29, 1897.And will loavo for the above port withMails and PasseDgors on or about thatdate.

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New nnd Fino Al Stee Steamship

" Moana "

Of tbo Ocennio Steamship Company willoo uue nt uonoium irom unn n rancisooon or about

May 6, 1897.And will havo prompt despntch withMails nnd Passengers for the nbovo ports.

Tho undersigned nro now preparedto issue

ThroiiRh Tickets to All Tointsin tho United States.

HT"For further particulars regardingFreight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,Genernl Agents.

Oceanic uteaiii

Tlxxxo TaloloLOCAL LINE

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrivo Honolulu Lcavi Honolulu

from 8. F. for S. F.April 27. 1897. ...May 0,1807My2S, 18U7.. ..JuneS, 1897

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive flonqlulu. Ltave lTonutulu.

Moaua. Mny 6. '07 I Alnmeila, Ap 29. '97Alameda, June 3, '97 I Mariposa.My 27,'97

J0S, ,-- rr-i &U

YES!I Always Get

My Clothes


Madoirosft Decker'sThe Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Fit Guttruntcod.

' rfa Vi

t& For Freight nnd PassaRO and nilQenernl Informntion, apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAuents for the navniinn Islands.

Wife's Steamship Go's


dipt. J. A. KING, PortSopt.

Stmr. KXNATJ,CLARKE; Commander,

WilllflAVn TTnnnlnln ., in . w , f

Lahaina, SInalnoa Bay and Makena the8nnieil.iy; Mahukons, Kawnllino and Lau.fboehoe tho following day, arriving atHilo the samo ovonlog.

I.AVg UON0LOI.TT. AEBtVta nosoLCtO.Tnesday... .Apiil 27 I Friday.. ...AnrllM


'"'"y Jlay 7 May 4'''O- - May IS I Fridayf. . . .May 14Iri(iny May i!3 I Tuesday.. ..May 25

Beturning win ieavo nilo at 1 o'clockP. M., toueliiug nt Lnupnbochoo, Mahn-kon- aaud Knwalhao same

..Mnnljin.i linn -- -J T. ,..,.. .." . .r'",?Jnl,v Iluu uuuuiub me lollowmodavj nrrlvlnn o tli..i.. ,.of Yucsday ahndFridayF a

' JliU cal1 ot 1'oboiki, Pnna.No Freight will be received after12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday nt Sr.Mitouching at Kahului, liana, Hamoa andKipahu u, Maul, itetumlng arrives atHonolnln Sunday mornings.

of Yachmonth.

UU' Knp' D Be00nd WPNo rreight will be received afterP. M. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the riant tomake changes iu the time of doparture andarrival of its steamers without notice andIt will not bo responsible for any conse-quenr-

nrising thorofroni.Consignees must bo at tho Lnndinm toreceive their Freightj this Compnny willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.Live Stook only nt ownor's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Money or Valuables of passengerunless placed in tho care of Pursers.

Passengers are requostod to purchasetickets boforo embarking. Those failing todo so will be snbject to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per cent.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Morohant Street.

FOB SHE.Houso and Lot, 75x155 ., on No. 71Yonug strcctj parlor, 3 bodrooratr, kitchen

dining-room- , etcLot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft , fenced.Lots on Kiuau nml Plikol streets.

TO LET.Famished Booms within five mlnntos

walk from tho Post Office. Also otherBooms.

Houso on Borotanla street, near Piikolstreet! 4 rooms, diniug room, kitchen, bath-room nnd an empty lot to keep a horse.

HouBe on School street! parlor, severalbedrooms, kitchen, pimtry, outhouses andstable formerly occupied by Hon. W. U,Bice.


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Orders attended to with dispatch.

All work carefully nnd promptly executed.

HP" OmcK: Smith street, with SamuelKaholookalaui l'ua. Bcsidencei Palaina.


Hawaiian Soda Worksare piopored to furnish Prlvato Fami-

lies with a really Good, Pure SodaId tho New Bottles.

Belfast Ginger Ale.Ci. Telo( bono 032, nt South.

6C3 lm

C1IAS.HUSTACE,Jii.,Real Estate and Commission Agent,

Stock Broker. I'lra and Life

Campbell Block, 200 Mordant Street,

Page 3: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages



flf 1"

ew todsKDBA.TA & CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

US7 Cheapest in tho City. jf

MUR ATA & CO., 301

Claus SrnECKELs. Wm. G. IltWIN,



San lYanciKo Agent "The Nevada Bank orBan Fiiancisco.

DRAW EXOnAKOX 0!Saw Fiiancisco Tho Nevada Dank of San

Francisco,London Tho Union Dank of London, Ltd.Nhw Yohk American Eicbanxo National

Bank.Chicago Merchant National Bank.Pahis Comptolr National d'Escompt do

l'arls.Bkrlin Drcsdncr Bank:HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong it

Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australi a Bank of New

Zealand.Tictohia and Vancouver Bank of Mont-


Traisact a General Banking andEicnangeBoslness

Dcpoltts Received, Loans made on Ap-proved Security. Commercial and TrmelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections rnoMrrLT Accounted For.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-able in all tho principal citiesof the world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Sts.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on bund.

Estimates given for house wir-ing and Eloctrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,82-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIK1K1 on car lino and on

ROAD near FertilizingPlant.

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Aero Tracts near tho city andother Properties (or sale.

BRUCE, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Btreot, uenr King.G07. P. O. Box 821.

W. C ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers


Er We will Bay or Bell Roal Estate Inall parts of tho group.

liiT We will tioli Properties on Reason-able Commissions.

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'fl

Esplanade,Comer Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Now Lovo's Building, Fort Strooti


f r

ffffcaariiTTi wj r

Nuuanu & 2 Hotel Streets.

Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain ListFino Straw Hats, 25c up.Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, C5cLadies Kimonos, SI up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather PurseB, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BankLIMITED,

Subscribed Capitol Ton 12,000,000Paid Op Capital Yon 4.FOO.O0OReseno Fund Ton 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Eong,

Transacts a Gonorol Bonking and Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetie BankNew Republic Bellilug, ill King St, Honolulu

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors and Provisions, BakI a specialty.

103 Eoknanaoa Street. Telephone 703.

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best materials and in tho verylatest Btylo. , , ,

A. Perfect JPit


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


Just ReceivedCrockury ond Ivorywaro,Embroidered Funs,Shawls, ejoroens,"Wicker und Stonmer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnnonu Street, Honolulu.

si-ruis-r LOY,623 Fort Street, Yeo SiDg Tai Building,

LadlBs Dress MakBr(ST" Fine work a specialty. Also, very

flue Underwear made to order. All workguaranteed. 447-O-

TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Blioes to order. I uso tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted towear well. 143- -


A.ttornev at Law14 Kaahnmanu Street.

Telopbone No. 632, 493-6-

EOBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, II. I,

Over Hawaiian Nowb Company'sBook Store my 18,


Just Liko Gold Coin.

For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainBt .all remedies preparedw eradicate pam, nuu toanystands at the head of the listamong tho medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho homo.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its uso.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will certainly givo relief. You cannotattord to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is now and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

B& Tho now 35c. size con-tains over doublo tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Inlands.

New EwaPlantation Co.


In Blocks to suit pur-chasers. Will deliverafter January 2, 1897.

K Inquiro of

The Hawaiian Safo Doposit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Btreot Honolulu


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistic Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited. - -

The Latest Applicnnops for FineWork portaimng to Photography

52UFortSt. - - Tel. 151

:. mi

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polUhing nud assortingcoffeo, wo are prepared to buy and cleancoffee in the parohweut.


Coffee!" Apply to



fainter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly dono. All work promptly nnd care-fully attended to, Telophouo 810. Itubldeuce, Kunklnl street. C28-G-

21, 181)7. ' ' '8


rHrnHiri.jT:ti r 'If. l"r Vim Mfr!

Ktirm Tlv Ft ill i in confined to t)irolors new)' resembling natural v. oodLut of Into nil colors nro used.

The most fuehiouablo stain at prrsoutfor furniture is green not a sage grevn,but u good, old fashioned regular groonwhich, when rubbed well into the poresof tho wood and then polished, is reallybeautiful. Tho two trunsparout oolorn,Prussian blno and raw sienna, make,when mixed together, an excellentgreen, or if n brighter tint is desiredgamboge and prnssiau blue. A very lit-tl- o

of tho hitter goes a great way. Instaining it should be borne in mind thatit Is not paint, bnt stain, and thnt avery II t tlo should bo used, a pound be-

ing suffloiont to stain a whole sot of fur-niture.

To got n good color tho wood muit bolight. Oak, jellow or whlto pluo, ma-ple, any of those is suitable and thomoro grained tho bettor, tho nioiro ef-

fect of blrdsoyo xuaplo, tho hoavy mark-ings of oak nnd tho plcturcsquo knot sooften seen In yellow pino nil owning outparticularly well through tho translu-cent color.

By sending a special order to tho manu-facturers it is easy to got sots of furuiturawithout point or varnish, but if it is nnold piece that is to be renovated It mustbo thoroughly scrnpod. After staining, acoat of hurd oil finish nmy bo nppliod03 a filler, and then, after it is dry, itshould bo rubbed all over with the pre-pared beeswax thnt comes in cans forfloors and thon rnbbod with a flanuolcloth until it is quite shiny and bright.After the wax is rubbed on it should boallowod to harden boforo polishing it.Prussian bluo alone makes a very prettypeacock blue stain, raw slouna a yollowor orango, according to tho amount ofcolor used, crimson lnko a lovely red,and burned sieuna an nlmost exaot imi-tation of new niuhugimy. All theso arowhat aro culled transparent colors andaro, therefore, especially ndnpted forstains. But oven opnquo colon, if put onthin enough to show tho grain of thewood, produco somotitnes very protty

Whlto on certain woods has amilky, opnlesquo coloring thnt is veryharmonious with dolic.ite chintzes.

now to Make riocalUU.Strow salt on a peck of green toma-

toes and let remain ovoruight, thenturn off tho brino and add u cup horserudish, 3 cups sugar, a tentspoouful cin-namon, a teaspoonful of black pepper, atablcspoonf al wholo cloves, 0 siloed on-ions, 0 boll green peppors and vinegarto cover the whole. Chop horse radishnnd peppers togothcr, slice onions andtomatoes, mix all together nud boil 80minutes.


Citizen Attention.

Theso aro days of considorabloanxiety and porploxity to nil whohave possessions or other interestsin tho Republio of Hawaii, and itis time that our citizens came to amutual understanding on severalimportnut issues. The prospectsfor Anuoxntion appear at presontvague and indistinct, and ourdestiny cannot bo foretold withcertainty. Thoro aro those, also,who still fondly cling to tho hope-o-f

a roturn to tho old ordor ofthings, and who cannot bo por-sund-

othorwiBO, yot this out-look npponis far moro hazy thanthat of Annexation evon to themost hopoful disoiploB of thoMonarchy. 13ut, fortunately, intho midst of all this uncertaintythoro is solace in tho fact thntBuffalo Boer has catno to stay andthat patrons of all sorts andopiuious may equally sharo thebonelits of its invigorating andsustaining properties. AVo aromoreover nssured that this fnvoritobrow will coutinno to bo dispens-ed ns heretofore at tho Royal,Pacific and Cosmopolitan Sa-



BEUL1N The Helchsar-'- ofll-clnl- ly

announces thnt Prt ) Diaz,of Mexico, bus been decora... o Em-

peror Wllllum with the grann .ross of"Itnlnlcr." President Diaz issued anedict to the effect that no beer exceptthe sparkling "Itninicr" bo served Inpublic places, or on stnto occasions.

On tap or In bottles at tho Criterion.m

That picture in Kiug Bros',window which has attracted somuch attontion is not tho portraitof anyouo hero.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, wook or month. Torms: 25and CO conls por night. $1, and$1.25 nor weok.

Storliug, tho pnintor, is pro-pare- d

to quoto prices on roofpainting. Ho uses a composition ofconl tnr and cement. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-


Printed ducks nro just as good,if not bettor than nn thing olsofor boys' shirt wnista. They washand weur well, two very importantconsiderations. Korr has thorn ina lnrgo variety of patterns atoiphtyards for ono dollar.




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after tho OriginalKccipo from tho Purest Ingredients.



527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

Tho. H. Bims $ Co,




Commission .. Agents I

Dry Goods,Hardware and




Ecmi, Cattle, Shesp,

The Marvelous Hair Bemedy which prevents


Sole Agent, Honolulu.tV Neat pamphlet free on application, P. O. Box 292, Telephone 28.

Honolulu, April 21, 1690.Mr. C. W. Mactarlane: It Affords m pleasure to recommeud, to any one wUoo haht

is falling out, the use of Dlt. I'OTTIE'.N II A 1 KOI L. My hair was coming out at sucha rate as led me to (where that I would soon beoome bald. After using tho oil for five weeksthis censed entirely; none whatever in now falling ont. I consider It the host nnd onlyworthy remedy for this trouble and aUo recommend it as a stimulant to new urowth.

605 tf Yourstruly, J, B. DANIELS.


Dogs, Swlae, and

and Dealors in- -

H. HACKFELD & CO.--Importers



Plantation Supplies.

H, HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Street.

TKLKl'HONK OS P. 0. 110X iH. E. McINTYRE & BRO.,


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Received by Every Taeket from the Eastern Btates and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER!All Ordern faithfally attended to and Goods Delivered to any

tart of the City FREE,









Page 4: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages


'I,1- -




Foreign Office Notice.

This day hul sud-onc- o of thel'reaidout Mr. H. yhimnmura, IliaImperial Jupuuoso Miijeaty's Dip-lomatic Ayout and CoiihuI Geucral, who presented his credentialsfrom Ilia Majesty tlio Emperornocreditiug linn in tlio capacity ofMinister Ue.sii.eut in tlio Republicof Hawaii.

In presenting tho nutogrnphletter of tlio Emperor, Mr. Shima-tuu- rn


Mil. Phesidust: The ConsulatoGoncnil of Japan in Hawaii huabeen raised to tbo rank of Liga-tion, nnd it lma pleased ilia 1mpt rial Majos-ty- , My August Master,to deai(,'iia'o tin as ilia MinisterIteaitletit, to reaido in tbo Itopublie of Hawaii.

Permit mo, Mr. President, inpresenting my credentials, to express my sincere appreciation oftbo peraonal and olliciul courtusiea,b.tborto oxtonded to me, both byjouroelf and by tbo ollicinla ofyour government, in my capucityas Consul General oud DiplomaticAont; and 1 expresa the hopennd heMcf tbnt th-.'sf- pl"T'nt per-aoiin- l

and ollieial amemtiea may bocontinued in my new uud moreextended relations witb your goveminent.

1 nv.iil myself of this occasionto uaauie you of my sincere desiretor your future health and wel-fare.

To which the President replied:It is gratifying to me, Mr. .Mi-

nister, that your Government, invi-M- of th lan-- e number of yourcouutiyineu who are resident heie,luu seen tit to raise the ConsulateGeneral uf Jipan i,i ILuvuii totbo rank of Legation. And it iavery acceptable to mo and thisGovernment that Uia ImperialMnjeaty has designated yourself,whom wo haw t,o lonu ami h,,favorably know n both ollicially andsocially, a the one to receive thisliij'h appointment.

I thank you for your expresBi'ons of good will to mysolf persoually, and 1 ask youto convoyto your government our satisfac-tion over its uctiou in increasingthe importance of the oflico repro-penti- ng

it in this eouutry, and toHis Imperial Majesty my goodwishes for bin continued healthand for tbo pro-tporit- of thenation over which ho so ably prebides.

I congratulate you, Mr. Minis-ter, upon your promotion.

Tbo aulogroph Letter of HisMnjesty tbo Emporor is bb fol-lows:

MUTSUHITO,By tho Graco of Heavon Emperor

of Japan and seated on theThrone occunied bv thn nnmoDynasty from time immemorial,To Mr. Sinford B. Dole, Pre-anie- nt

of the lic of Hawaii,Our Great and Good Friend.Greeting !

Being animated by tho desireto maintain and promote tli relations of friendship and good understauding ao happily existingbetween our respective countries,We do hereby appoint Shimamura,' Hitachi, Jugoi, Fourth claasot tue imperial order of the ItisingSuu. who is at uresent residing inTour country, in the capacity ofunr oontui ueuerul ami L plo-ma- tic

Agent, to be our MinisterItoaident, to resido in tho llo-pub- lio

ot Hawaii.From a knowledge of his fideli-

ty, assiduity and intelligence, Wobavo entlro confidence that howill render himself acceptableto You and We requestthat you will give fullcredence to whatever ho shall snyin Our name.

We take this opportunity to as-

sure VOU of our moot ninnurnfriendship, aud of Our aulontwishes for l'our health und wdfare.

Given at our Palnco in Tokio,this Gth day of the 4tb Mouth oftbo 30th year of tho Meiji, corres-ponding to the two thiiiwiud fivehundred nnd fifty. seventh ytarfrom the Coronation of tho Em-peror Jimmu.

Seal of tho EmpireSign iMauual

Countersigned:Count Okuma SmaBNoiiu,

Minister for Foreign Affairs.S. .M. DAMON,

Minister of Foreign AfT.tira ndiutoiiui.

Foreign Ofiice, Honolulu, April3i, 1807. fisM-- u

V ji .

Salo cf Government Lots on Thurston

Avenus, South Slops PunchbowlHill, Honolulu, Oahu.

On TUESDAY, May 23, 1897,at 12 o'clock noon, at tbo frontentranco of tho Executive Building, will bo Bold at Public Auc-tion Five Govornmout Lots,situato on tbo makai side ofThurston avenue, opposite tboreaidenco of H. D. Jobuaon andnear Wilder avenue, South SlopePunchbowl Hill, Honolulu, Oahu,and numbered from 020 to C21.

Upot Price: Lot 020, $400;Lot 621. S750: Lot 022. S750: Lot(523. $500; Lot 624, S400.

These lota have a frontngo of100 to 120 feet on Thurstonavenue and depth of 175 to 300feet according to location.

1'he conditions of salo of tbesoLots aro as follows:

One fourth of tho purchaseprice to be paid at tho fall of thohammer and tbo balance iu equalpayments iu one, two and threoyears, witb interest, at the rate ofsix per cent por annum.

The purchaser to join with thoMinister of tbo Interior in anAgreement of sale, containing tbofollowing conditions aud stipula-tions:

1. Tbo purchaser to bavo imme-diate rigiu or puoaeaiiion.

2. To build a residence on thopromises aud to live therein beforetlio expiration of threo years fromdate of Agreement.

3. To pay tuxes on the premisesfrom tbo date of the Agreouiout,upon tlio full value thereof.

4. Tbo agreomout not assign-able.

5. Purchase price may bo paidin full at anv tinio durincr thesaid three years, thoieby stoppinginterest.

G. At tho expiration of threoyears from tho date of tbo ngreoment, if tho conditions of themime shall bavo been performed,a Land Patent ahall bo deliveredto the purchaser or bis heirs.

Map showing tbo abovo lotacan be seen at tho Iuterior Do- -

partmout, Houolulu, Oahu.J. A. KING,

Minister of tbo Interior.Interior Office. April 21, 1897.

590 3t

Irrigation Notice.

Holder of water privileges, or thoseinking water rutes, are hereby noti-

fied t hut tlio hours for irrigation pur-pose ure from 6 to 8 o'clock a. si. uudfront 4 to 6 o'clock l. M.

ASOIIEW BROWN,Snot. Honolulu Waier Works.

Approval: J. a. Kino, Minister ofiiMrior.

Honoluu, H. r., April 6, 1897.fi77-- tt

OFKiOK OK ItoAKI) OK HKALTir,)Ho.MiMJUJ, H I., April HI, P97. )

At u ineellnn'if tlio Board, held tillsdate, William O. Smith, K-- ij , wasuleeled President of tlio Board ofHe tit h, vice Henry E. Cooper, E?(j.,reslgntd.

CHARLES WILCOX,See.returj of Board of Health.

fi'Jl 3i

51? Evet)T)t) BulletinDANIEL LOGAN, Editor.

SATUItDAY, APRIL 24, 1897.


Attorney General Smith plowswith onthuaiat-r-a when betrayedinto a description of the UnitedStates capital. Washington ia abeautiful city, and, well known nathe fact ia, testimony to its beau-ties is always fresh when comingfrom a recent visitor. One thingin particular Mr. Smith almostravos about. Thero is not a pub-lic building in Washington on-clo- sed

by a feuco. Fences aro outof date in that, as in other largeAmeneau cities, also upon private(lemesnoa. Mr. Smith is eager toImvo the roform, already initiatedby a few residents of Honolulu,proceed uutil it shall 'becomo theuniversal rule. Ho sees a goodopportunity for tho Governmentto fall into lino, in the necessityof removing tho fonco sur-rounding the Judiciary builtliiiL'yard, for tbo widoning of Mnlu-lau- i

street. When it ia takendown he would bavo it left down,and tho rest of tho foncoalso razed to tho ground.Iu ils placo Mr. Smith would have

cTfHrlulSQMIHHlBMIIHIHIIfllBMHflHWpQ1 VM V Mfc .flflMtoff4M0IWi'YJfltfflMHB91flHMiBNWrW?0r' '"'JippBVi'NfNn BULLETIN, APRIL 34, IH!7.

MauMKuiU nA wwv hHMTW OTfcOW CfcTUrf1 w mtMimn w wi.mCsimply a low atone curbing. TheAttorney General ia right in thisraattor. There is uoither beautynor utility iu tho fence, nnd it is aroguhir bill of oxpenso for ropairaand paint. Surely his colleaguesin the Govornmont will ngreo withtho Attorney General in this matter, ao that tbo photographora maybo warned to prcaervo thoir nega-tives of tbo placo, as it haa beenaud now is, so as to bo ablo to sup-ply future demands for relics ofthe ante-progresa- ivo oia. Actiouiu this mattor by tho Governraontwould no doubt give a decided im-

petus to tho private movement forabolishing fences, at lenst iu urbanquarters, as they nro only n uselessexpouso to people of moderatemeans, aud, in oven their beatstyleB, an oruamont of question-able taato to tho manorial groundBof the alliuent.

THIHTY yi:mis a pki.ntkk.

llnllrllii Dtlllnr Anions tlio Ink Ilnr-retv- H

Ueiicriitlon.Today is tho thirtieth anni-

versary of the initiation of thopresont editor of tho Bulletin,whoso namo appears, accordingto law, "in a conspicuous part oftho paper," to tho printing buai-nos- s.

In tho first nearly oightyears in which he waa confinedexcluaivoly to the "art preserva-tive of all arts," tho subject oftheao autobiographic reminis-cences handled tho "leaden mea- -seugers of thought," aud manipu-lated hand, treadle and steampres-e- s iu several printing offices-o- f

Nova Scotia, besides ono of theleading book aud job printinghouaea ofNow England.

Begiuniug to write for tho pa-pers, first in alight correspondenceand next bv reoucst of tiin mlStnremploying him, twenty-thr- ee yearsauo. he entered resnonsihlH rdi- -torial work on the first of Janua- -rv. 1875. and ha nnvnr ununnnr- l-ed it aiuco excepting while traveling to mo Hawaiian Islands in1884. Chief editor of two wooklypapers in Nova Scotia, ono ofwhich tho Eastern Chioniolobaa been a leading j'ournal formore than fifty years, ho j'oinodtho editorial staff of tho MontrealDaily Witness in 1880, and is stillan occasional contributor to thatpaper. Part of tho timo he wasthero ho waa editor, bosidos, oftwo WOeklv rmniirn iunnnrl mtt nftlio Witness ofiice.

The writer has in his timo beentho tolegraphio correspondent oftwo daily papers in tho city ofHalifax, and tho pnid contributor,under either permanent or specialarrangeraonta, of the HalifaxMorning Chronicle, tbo NewYork Herald, tho Now YorkWorld. tllR Los AlinnlnoTimea, tbo San Frnucisco Bulletin,the Louisville Courier-Journ- al,

tbo Sydney, N. S. W., Bulletin,mo japan uozetto, the Pans L'lllustration and tbo Hawaiian Star.Abo editor of tho Houolulu Bul-letin, under aovornl ilintinfl nu-- . ..

ships; tho Honolulu Daily Herald,hia own property; tho HawaiianDaily Gazette, tho Pacific Com-mercial Advortiaer, on this asso-ciate and manammr nditnr nii.lHminitial series of the Independent.

It is in no vain or egotisticalspirit that this outline of an ardu-ous career amidst tho ink barmlsis given. But the day that marksthe completion of tho periodof a whole generation, inemployment briuging the sub-ject into iutiinnto relations withtho public of many lands,is more than a birthday. Theemotion it chiefly produces is oneof profound gratitude for thomeasure of health that haa enabledone who, to use a homely down-ea- st

expression, was not "nouriustrong" at tho outset to not onlywork nam for all tbeso thirtyyears, with fow aud slight inter-ruptions of illness and uono ofnccident. but to bold bin nwn in

i. . . .a measurable degree, with manycontemporaries who had moreeducational advantagea than woroafforded by the old gray school-houe- ,

hiddon among the sprucewoods, from which lie graduatedin midterm, accompanied by kindtokens of roward from a weo bitof a scboolm'am, when tho suows...... .i.'.t..'K til win Hilling "l1807, beforo thorn waa a Dominion i

ot uauadH, in the uikol whose poli-tics bo first imbrued his handsand whose olec'toral suffrages hofirst exercised.

No concert nt Emnm Rnimrnthis afternoon, ns Hio baud plays '

for tbu baseball game. t

. Health Officers Speak.City, State and National Authorities report the

Royal Baking: Powder in every waySuperior to ail others.

STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA: The Royal fulfils all therequirements. Our tests show it has greater leaveningpower than any other.

STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON: There is no question butthe Royal is the strongest, purest and most wholesomebaking powder in the market.

U. S. GOVT FOOD REPORT: Royal Baking Powder 'isshown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest' of all inleavening strength.

CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS: Royal Baking Powder iscommended as of highest excellence, and shown to begreatest of all in leavening strength.

SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH: We cordially ap-prove and recommend the Royal Baking Powder.It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the bestingredients, of the highest strength and character.

BOARD OF HEALTH, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON: Finding inanalysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, weheartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder for itsgreat strength, purity and wholcsomeness.

BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA, WASHINGTON: In our judg-- ,,ment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powderbefore the public.

BOARD OF HEALTH, SPOKANE: Certainly there is no bakin-pow- der

known to us equal to the Royal. &

DR. BINSWANGER, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON: It is also myopinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger bakingpowder than the Royal. I confidently recommend it.

Do not permit the slanderous stories of interested partiesto influence you in using; any other than

The Best, The Royal.

Kiaa.asEMaiaiaHiojcii,ra,iii5tqrj1 seaiaa

Still They

Come XT28F&.

Each day adds a number ofmembers to our popular

Watch ClubsClub ono and two drew last

Saturday. Club three ia rapid-ly filling up. Tho sarao en-thusiasm na of old exists, allclasses aro niixinun in inin lmcause it is a cloar saving of


I The Dollar1 You Throw Away

k Every Week.Besides another vital point

adds to tho popularity, and thatia that wo do not mnkn ifobligatory to take a watch, butallow you to select any one ormore articles in tbo etore, nomatter in what lino. Couldanytbiug bo fairer to you?

Wo want to 8ay right here,that wo will back up any andovory article eelectod iu ourclub with tho eatno full andcoraploto guarantee which goeBwith eyory pieoe of goods soldin tho store. You take no riskwbatovor. Wo tako it all.



Notioe.Notion is hfruiiy nlvon that nil

the unilt-rrtlmiu- of KOUUMONTIIri or louKfrHiHtnllii): will tiniilaui'il Iu tilt IiktiiIn nf mir iiltoriit'jhfur eiilleittlou, iiiiIi'Ht Immuillutu ut

- ni'iileHAWAIIAN H MtDWAltU CO,

5b() UV

Universal Stoves 0 Ranges !

The Best and the Cheapest 1

Dandy Cook, No. 7, 4- -7 inch Holes. Oven 15x17. Price. . . . S 8 00Wksteun.No. 7, 4- -7 inch Holes, Oven 10 4x17. " 15 00PniZE Kanoe, No. 7-- 18, 6- -7 inch Holes, Oven 18x18 inchesFrico on rinWelcome Banoe, No. inch HleV, oVeu'isiis'iucbeVi rico Q7 nftArrotLO Banqe, No. 7-- 18, 0-- 7 inch Holes, Oven lSiw'i'nVbeV.

Suiehb BanqeV No.' 7-- 18,' G- -Y inch' Hoi,' b'ou3

18x18. Price 35 0Q


Pacific Hardware Co, Ltd

I W WZ& WCSEIECTED rJ pActH . N ,t CAN!. ARE 1RltfWsJ; r-- contain none Jl.11 I HJU-- "- nv.Tfnc.Tu...

I reliable ? WMl($$C&ttLJzU0(S' S L


Scotch Tweeds.... AND

Blue 'SergesIn Suiilrig-- s forSummer "Wear.

A Perfeut Fit Guaranteed.


J. P. ROORIGUES'142 IPort Ptvoot.CtTTBLEl'HONK 1 .,J3

Removal Notice.On and nftr l 1h, D'm. ronimrKitjnionl will upy Hi,, uill ,(

Dr Mi:UreW"ii Un 01 hlrcei. (lllleohours (rem 8 30 10 10 u in , 1 ;10 n, aauu 7 to 8 ji. in. e i.hunoNo. 151.

67(1 lm

ttie Critepiori

Barber gopUA8 THE

Best Tonsorial ArtistsI TOWN.



A. V. GEAR.STotary --ulTdIjoTolcpUonoSsO, t 1 No. 810 Kl0g8t.

.'All xf

Ami AnaMha tmttmmjmmimmuatK


Page 5: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages

yiyfp mm





Chicken soup for dinner tomor-row at Popplotou'a.

Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Harrisonhavo a card of thanks olsowhoro.

Stnr3 vs. First ltegiroont at 3:30today with tho band in atten-dance.

The James iiMakeo roports thathalf tho cane bnrned at Eleolomay be utilized. Tho rest is a loss.

Odd Follows will colobrato tho78th anniversary of tho institu-tion of tho order on Monday oven-in- g.

Tho storoopticon oxhibition inaid of tho 8t. Louis baseball teamcomes oil at St. Louis College thisevening.

J. W. Borgstrom, tho pianotuner, loft yesterday for NorthKoua. ilo will bo gono for aboutton daye.

ltnv. Dr. Hydo's Bible classesat Y. M. 0. A. hull on Sundayafternoons have boon discontinuedfor a time.

Chicken cooked family stylo atPopploton's for dinner tomorrow.Don't miss it if you want a first-cla- ss

dinner.King Bros, havo just received a

pow lot of tissuo papor, windownolod, sash rods, artists' materials,picture frames, etc.

An umbrella was found in thoHealani dunco hall last night.Owner can find tho same at thebusiness oftico of this papor.

Ministor Shitnamura mado hisfirst official call biiico his promo-tion on Prosidont Dole this morn-ing and was recoived with appro-priate honors.

Minister and Mrs. Damon willgive a chowder party to a largonumber of invited guests at thoirMaumilua homo today.

Tho Hawaii Tandems at thoFort Street Cyclory, oppositeLowers & Cooke's,aro proving im-

mensely popular with tho youngpeople.

Two desertors from the BhipIroquois aro supposed to bo stow-aways on the barkSemiuolo,whiohleaves for Pugot Sound on Tues-day next.

Willie Solomon was sentencedto eiuht mouths at hard labor byJudgo de la Vorgno this morningon a conviction for larceny in thosecond degree.

Tho many attractions at thoTemple of Fashion still continuoto draw a largo crowd daily. Thoreduction of 25 per cent on thoactual cost Btill prevails.

Ladies' underwear, children'sdreewes and robes will bo tho spe-cial offering at Jordan's next week.A reduction of 75 per cout on thofonner prico will bo given.

The crop of drunks for todaybids fair to bo large, as throe ofthem wore under arrest beforonoon. Ouo native was also lockedup for nonpayment of taxes.

Court Camoos, A. O. F., willthis eveniug colobrato its foutthaauivorsary at Lusitana hall,Alopai street. There will bo somoBpeeohes and a general good time.

Tho G:30 p. m. services at jhoY. M. 0. A. hall tomorrow even-ing will bo led by ChaplainEdmonstou of the Philadelphia.Subject: "The Unfailing Help-er."

Tomorrow morning at theChristian church Rev. J. M.Monroe will speak on "AppliedChristianity." In tho eveninghis topic will bo "What Must IDo to bo Saved."

Messrs. Jardine, Mathioson &Co.'s waste silk mill at ShanghaiIiuh boen destroyed by firo. Tholocal insurance companies lost soheavily that there has been a bigdecline in the prico of shares.

Go homo early from tho bnso-ba- ll

game and got ready for thoSt. Louis club's entertainment attho collego. Fiuo lautern viewsand good music will bo produced,and the proceeds aro for tho club'sfunds.

How long will it takevou to find out whetherSchilling's Best

lex hlklnr powdercnltr flitvoimr, cxilictiKxla nn urs

are good enough for you ?

iiEAUiirm. ;riAsiuKiiAii:.

Continued from let Page.

C. von Damm, French Boss.Miss Dayton, Highland Lass.MiBs McGuire, May Queen.W B Godfroy, Irishman. Takes

booby prizo.Mrs M N Konnody, Negro

woucb.Clara Gurnoy, tho Press.Archio Smithios, Chinaman.Goo Martin, Groek.J L Logan, Yellow Jacket.Frod B Oat, Clown. Prizo for

bost sustained comical.Miss Lizzio Gurnoy, Moonlight.Miss McCarthy, Popcorn.Miss Maggio Kennedy, Queen

of Butterflies.MrB T J Higgius, Snowball.H J Sanders, Topsy.Mrs T A Simpson, P 0 Adver

tiser.Mrs Wharton, Quarantine at

Waikiki. Prizo for most originallady's.

1 Lovingston, Newsboy.E 0 Moore, Zulu girl.F W McChesney. Uncle Sam.MisB Bossie Beynolds, Sun-

flower.Miss Emma Harris, Shoperdoss.Miss Beckio Harris, Gipsy.Mrs Daniel Logan, Red Riding

Hood.Mjbb Lida West, Skirt dancer.Miss Leo Martin, Sunflowers.Miss Vina Dollix and 0 Kaiser,

Snowballs.Miss Sullivan, Angel.W. Thompson, Queen's page.HO Bickerton, Zouave.Miss Lemon, Summer. Prizo

for most beautiful.Dr A C Wall, Robinson Crusoe.

Prizo for most original men's.T E Wall, Demosthenes.Clifton Tracy, Hamlot.Miss Jennio Murray, Popcorn.Miss Wilhelm, Fancy dress.Miss L S Long, tho Widow.Mrs Melauphy, Crossing sweep-o- r.

A F Clark, Whito domino.Dr G H Huddy, Bloomer girl.Ed Dokum, Captain Ktuhane.Miss Alice Lishtnau, Spanish

dancer.Mrs Isabella Creighton, Night.Miss Kate Jjisuman, Manila

Washington.Miss Daisy Lishman, Flower

Girl.D Logan, Caxton.l'reu Angus, Ballet dancer.Mrs S J Devlin, Hawaiian lady.Mrs F W MoOhoaney, Nurso.Henry Giles, Girl of the

Period.David Dayton Jr, Cowboy.Emil Dreior, H E Murray, Mr

Hollander, E A Elliott, variouscharacters.

Party of dominoes: Mr andMrs G A Sohuman, Mrand Mrs Gorman, Mr aud MrsBowen, Mr aud Mrs Riley, MissesCushiugham, Carroll, Jones, Sul-livan and Woodward; 0 H Belli-u- a,

and G Schwartz.Judge Porry,juat beforo tho un-

masking at tho last of a set oflancers, announced tho winnersof the prizes by characters. Theyproved to be as follows, the prizoin each case being fitated:

Miss Hepsie Lemon, tho pret-tiest costume. Prizo, a goldmounted purse and card case. Thowinning dress was of pink withtrimmings of flowers.

Mrs. Wharton, tho most origi-nal of the ladies, in the characterof "Quarantine at Waikiki."Prize, a silver button hook.

Dr. A. 0. Wall, most originalof tho gentlemen, in the characterof "Robinson Ciusoe." Prize, asilver shoe horn. Tho winnerwas covered, with garmoutsof ti leaves, a gun packedon his back, and anumbrolla of loaves in his hand.

Fred. B. Oat, tho best sustainedcharacter, that of "Clown." Prize,a silver mounted tortoiso shellcomb. Mr. Oat had a fiuo rig audhis identity was kopt a secret un-

til tho unmasking, whilo ho keptboth tho promonadors and thospectators iu constant morrimontby his antics.

Wm. IS. Godfrey Jr. won tnobooby prizo, a dressed doll, by alino poreouation of a gonteol Pad-dy dressed iu brilliant emerald.

Card of Thanks

Mr. unri Mr. Fred Harrison desireto tender tlieir mo-- t htartMt (hunkslo ihohe wdo bo kindly floral

on tliu oecuolou of ttio dentil oftheir clillil. 503 H



OrridKi 20S Merchant Htrcot, CampbellWoe reiir of J. O. Ourtul'ii offlco. P, O,liox 330

"'VJS ' W w - "l J T



Nm Jtcmoved friun More -Pound ttiioiirnci!.

Tho Kealia store on Kridnymorning was found to havo boeubrokon open by some unknownpersons. Upon examination itwas discovered that tho safe hadbeen romoved from tho sloro andcarriod to the beach somo fiftyyards away. There it was foundto be unopened but badly cut upwith a hatchet, which was foundlying close to tho Bafe. No clueto tho perpetrators had beenfound up to late Friday night.

Col. Z. S. Spalding is makinghis annual visit to his plantation.

Mr. Dukouo Cnrbottonmo verynaturally by his loqimoity. Mr.Guswoll -- How bo? Mr. Dukatio

Ho nsod to bo a bunk clerk, andeverybody knows thut muneytalks.

Jlmdy Jopi65

THE NATIONAL FEED BOXis a perfect device for slowfeeding in the stables or onthe road and is a boon bothto the horse and his owner.It is the best device yet in

vented for feeding all kinds ofgrain, chopped food, bran,N- - Y-- . before September 1,

mash, water or medicine.It is made of steel, practical-

ly indestructible. The follow-

er slides on a malleable ironrod, riveted to the box, ourlatest invention. Finely galvanized. Easily Cleaned. Pureand Odorless. Light and Port-

able. The only box foi cam-

paigning. .Used and approvedby owners and drivers of thefastest horses in the world.Especially adapted to the useof fire and police departments,stock farms, and public andprivate stables.

Owners and drivers of horsesentered for the 11th of Juneraces should see that theiranimals are provided withthese feed boxes. They willbe sure winners if they do.Betting men should not investa dollar on a horse that hasnot been fed from the Nation-al Feed Box. They will be

sure losers if they do.Horsemen generally and

every man, woman or childwho owns a horse is invitedto call "and see them at

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.


NO..307 FORT STREET,Opposite Sprocket' Bank.

It'slike playingleapfrog withworry andanxietyHoppingovor both toreachthocomfort andplnasutooffittingundorgarmonts;legs not toolong or short;arms ditto.That's how wo fit.

"The Kasli."9 Hotel Street : : WaVCrlcy ElCC'l

Vo Mako Shirts to Order.




$2,853 00 to be GivenAway in 130 Frizes.

The Ensttnan Kodak Com-

pany have decided to award'the above prizes to amnteurphotographers for the bestPictures and Lantern Slidesnindo from their TransparentFilm.

Something'All kodakers aro entitled to

compete for the prizes. Thepictures will be exhibited andtho competition will be decidedin London.

ForAll persons desirous of en-

tering the competition musthave specimens at Rochester.


Nothing.ftsy For further information

call on us, and we shall bopleased to serve you.

Hollister Drug Co.,


Eastman Kodak Company





Housekeepers, Attention !



Extraordinary ValueIn Bed Spreads

A Full Sized Bod Spread, hemmed, readyfor use, at $1.25.

Extra Quality at $1.50 and $1.75.

E These aro now fresh goods, just opened and boughtdhect from headquarters.

N. S. SACHS,5QO Fort Sr.root .lHLon.olu.lu

Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

tTnst Opened "Up anInvoice of . . .



Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give them a trlil. Monoy Inok If you don't lllcn ths-n- . Alio, just recolvod

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamory Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Boof,CJioico Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc,'

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington.



Children's Dresses,

Children's Robes,


Per Cent. Below

Former Price !








', r.V"(f!, ' : . &t - u ,


tat '

iT i 1 . nfekjfctoi ....

Page 6: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages



ML Glistening on

H. i. H ill Those " Orange Rims,"








AND- -


Scientific Remedy

Thoroughly Tested by


(?(o Suffering TDuring Treat-


&o Injurious Afier Effects.

Up Loss of Time from "Busi-


Improved physical condition,

absolute frccdmn fiom anydesire for Alcoholic stimu-


Length of time required fortreatment Three w celts.

Fees charged $100 fur Alco-


$40 for Tobncco.

Institute located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Street,Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further particulars, ad'dress,

Secretary TTngoy Institute,Honolulu.

but uufortunatoly for us it isnot glisteuiug on thorn iu thiscountry, as our shipment ofSTEARNS wheels was put ontho"W. H.Dimond," so is notdue Lore for a weok. OurCOLUM13IAS also aro stillout of wheeling range, ns thoygot to S. F. tho day boforotlio steamer sailed, and nomoro froight would bo re-ceived, but they will comealong soon, and in tho mean-tim- o

wo want you to kuowthat wo recoived 97 RAM-BLERS by yestoarday'sBtonmer, and can fit you outwith either a '90 or '97 wheel,and wo know wo can suit you.Tho 1896 RAMBLER is thobargain of tho year and thochauco to buy a well knownhigh prado whool for 875 and

80 will not last long, as woaro informed by tho makersthat this is tho last lot of '90wheols thoy can furnish, for,as thoy write, "our sales havoboon phenomenal, and youtook tho last '96 wheels wo hadin stock."

B We KENT bicycles by thohour, day, week or mouth, and worent high grade now wheols, suchas RAMBLERS, STEARNS,and COLUMBIAS, so if youwant a short rido or a loug rido,want to rido singlo or want to ridodouble, drop in and boo how nicelywo can fit you out. You will getjust as good a mount if you tolo-phon- o

us, and wo will Bond yourwhool to your door. Your chancoto buy a '96 RAMBLER cheapwill only last a fow days, don tmiss it.

E. 0. HALL & SON,Cornor Fort and King Sts.

Eagle --: HouseNUUAKU AVENUE.

Mrs. Harry KlanunB, - - Prop

New Management.Commodious Rooms.


Palatable German Dishes.

Real Estate Transactions

Subscribers are famished with from fiveto six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord of all defds, mortgnges, leasos, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc, eta, whichure placed on record. Also a list of alldistrict court judgments.

Subscription Trice, $12.00 per Month.

A V. GEAR,210KlncSt, Honolulu


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

C. B. DWIGHTTakes contracts for all kinds of STONE

WORK, monument work, ' cement nndstniie nlilewnlks uml curbing. I have onhund the best Hawaiian Btone, Ghinoegrunlto, eto. Fino stone for monumentalwork. Estimates given and lowest pricorUhbiired. Telephone SH3.



Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu,


'Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


Doalora in Lumbor and Coa1ind Building Materials of allkinds.

Quoon Btioot, Honolnln,

prwrwniyr y(flii ?l' Wi W


All About tlir mVhI Cnrr -- Srvcrnl OMirrSuccessful Itcmeillc.

Yo nono of u?, oven tho most fastidi-ous, mind n slight tiugu of ollvo of nbecoming slmdo to our checks, but wliouthis color dcopons into mahogany, why,vre feel vre must tako nctivo measures torid oursolves of tills tmwolcoino visitant.

Ono of tho most successful things totry is tho venl cure. When wo como infrom a long drive or jaurnoy iu tho hcutnnd son, when our faces smart with sun-burn, if wo ut onco apply this euro soonnil tho discomfort will ceaso. Voumustprovido yourself with ono or two vealcutlets and then hnvo these, cut into thinslices. Thcso raw slices must then bocarefully laid all over tho faco nndlightly kept in pluoo. You must rctirointo n perfectly darkened room and Heon a sofa or bed on your back for halfnn hour or longor. When tho veal seemshot, it should bo turned on to tho othersido nnd. applied ngnin. When tho facohas coascd to burn, tho veal may bo re-

moved and tho faco gontly wnshed witholder flower water, nnd it must not boexposed to tho sun again that day. Bocareful to uso no soap on it for a day ortwo. This is, however, n euro that can-not always bo ready at hand. Iu thiscaso you must try tho magnesia euro,which is very easy and very successful.It is specially handy after yachting andboating.

Tako very finely pounded calcinedmagnesia and mix it with milk to amoist pasto ; thcu paint it over tho facowith n camel's hair brush, or npplywith n sponge. Lot it dry on and re-

main for flvo minutes or so. Thon verygontly brush off tho powder with a softflanuol and wash tho faco iu warmmilk and water till it is qalto clean.At night rub a littlo cocoa oil into thoskin, or smear it with very thin coldcream, nnd wipo off with a soft towel.Besides thcso cures, howevor, thero aromauy most useful and valuable washesthat will bo found of uso. Somo skinswill not bo nlTected by remedies thateuro others, and in this ca.se. wo musttry first ono thing nud then tho othertill wo finally hit on tho one that suitsour own particular caso.

Fresh cucumbers may bo cut up intotho very smallest slices and soaked iumilk for many hours ; this must then boapplied as water would bo to tho face.Buttermilk is often useful when thosunburn is very slight, but if tansyroots nro boiled with it, it will bo foundto bo of very much moro valuo.

Women who livo in grapo bearingcountries havo an infallibio remedy forBunburn. Thoy gnthor the grapes whengreen, nnd after first sprinkling with alittlo alum, thoy cook them in nu opendish in tho oven. When tender, theysqucezo tho juioo out by straining thograpes through a coarso picco of muslin.Then four times a day the faco is washedwith this.

Another remedy is to beat up thowhite of on egg nnd apply; lot it dry ontho faco nnd remain for a quarter of auhour, nnd then wash off nnd powderwell with flno rico powder nnd let thisremain on for a fow minutes longer.Water in which parsley has been boiledwill also bo found of uso. Plain lemonjuice and rosewater will also suit somopkins very well indeed. It should beborno in mind that if any of tiieso rem-edies aro applied at onco after tho facohas been caught by tho sun, thero ismoro chanco of a successful remedy thanif tho sunburn is left severely nlouo forsomo days.

A Hint For the Ijiuiitlrjr.Never let tho laundress, in her

desiro to giro a gloss to tablelinen, starch it To prodnco u high, satiny polish on damask it should first bethoroughly dampened nnd then ironodwith a heavy ilitiron until it is nlno-latel-

dry. Tablecloths and napkinsBhould never leave tho ironing board ina limp condition. If they nro at allmoist, they will not only look dull nndlusterlcss iu tho beginning, but thoywill soon looso tho shapo and triinnesswithout which thoy nro untidy andslovenly looking, says au exchange.


Local interest in tho crHet gamesas reilected from the "bleachers" is in-

creasing. During Saturday's gamesthe "bleachers" were particularly vo-

ciferous and kept the players under arunning 'Ire of good natnred banter.One small boy brought down thecrowd by advising the batsman to "gobuy a case of Rainier Beer and getsome life in you." The crowd applaud-ed the remark, knowing that RainierBeer Is celebrated for lt-- i.ivl oratingand stren-rth-gl- i mg propensities.

On tap or In 'jottles at the Criterion.WW

King Bros, havo just filled anorder for 200 colored Hawaiianpliotoa for a party in America.

Now suitings and pants patternsaro arriving by evpry mail sloara-erf- or

L. B. Korr. Ho sells a singloyard at wholosalo prices.

City Oarriago Co., J. S. And.rado, manager. If you want o

hnok with good horso and onro-(- ul

drivor ring np Tolupbnno 1 13,oornor of Fort and Merchantstreets. Hack at all hours.

Kroogor Pianos,Bwcptest iu tone,Jas.W. Borgstrom, sole agent, cashor installments. Warorooms atQ. "West's, Masonic Tcmplo. Of-fic- o

at Thrum's Book Storo. Tim-in- tr

and repairing. tiff" Tolo-phou- o


. S. Walker,

I - Mate - Broker



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sale and Lease on

Liberal Terms.


1. Large Lot, Maldkl street, fenced, 228feet frontage,

2. Lot on Kinau street botwocn Alapaiand Knpiolnni streets 140 feet frontage.

3. Lot on Luualilo street between Alapaiand Ilackfcld streets.

4. 3 largo Lots on Prospect street.5. House and Lot on Qrccn stroot bo-

twoen Kapiolani and Victoria.0. Tho Building known asThomaB'Block,

2 stories and ombraclng G (routed) Btorcson Icasod ground,

7. Lot corner of Kinnu and I'iikoi Btreots.S. Rico Land at Walkane, Koolau.0. Lot on corner of Boulu and Roeau-uiok- u

street, between resldcnco of W. A.Uowen and lot of W. M. GifTard, havingfrontago on Heulu streot SCO feet.

10. Lots 6 and 7 with House, Kalia,Woikiki road.

11. Half Acre Lot in Hilo Town.


1 . 3 Cottages on Queen streot near Punch-bowl street.

2. 3 Cottages nt Old Waiklkl.3. Store and Dwelling, corner Wyllio

and Nuuanu, ready for occupanoy.4. Lot corner Merchant and Richards


Properties Managed, Collec-tion of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckeh Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 339. Tel. 331.

John Aloft,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Stroot.


My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with bestquulity, No. 10 zino, C in. Pipe, Chain andring, with wood lini till complete. Otheidealers are duuifonuded, and resort to tellmauuer of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, these Bath Tubs havebeen sold for $14 until I reduced the prioe.

I am prepared to do all work in my lineand guarantee satisfaction: Estimates fur-nished.

If yon want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am youimam

JAS. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith A Plumber


Carriage Manufactory013 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage Builderand iiEFAinnn.

BlacksmiiMng in AH Us Branches.

W. W. WllKlHY, Proprietor.(Suoeessor to Q. West)

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Comer Merchant and Rlcbarda Bta.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.I3T" Carriages, Surrey and Hacks at all

hours. TELEPHONE m.



HOLLISTER & CO.From tho Factories of

La Intimidad,La JDspanola,La .A-frican-


Henry Olav & IBock & Co.

Corner Fort &jrvvoCJUDiflvvmuuMp

Patent - Shaft - Springs


Inveuted" and Patented

It Obliterates AU Horse Motion.This device can bo attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts

C3i. For 'ull particulars, call on or nddress

656-t- f


Merchant Sts.trmwzKamxmituwjnmMK


by "W. W.



ire Store.

Proprietor Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, Fort streot, abovo Hotel.

CLUB STABLES,ITozt Street, - - - - Tel. --4t7

BOARDING, -:- - SALE -- : AND -:- - LIVERY.



A specialty.



Tho best of attention given to animals left with us. Carefulattendants, promptness, flacks, Barries, Brakes. Buggles.Phaetons. WagnneTteg.




(Corntr of Fort and lli'.retanki streets.)AN ASSORIMEFT

ItEEJL I? U X IS Xrr UjtfcE.H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)

Undortiiker nnd Embnlme

Main Offlco Telephouo No. 03. P. O. Hox No. 222 Branch Office Telephone No. 836.

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.Lumber Merchants, CcmtractorB & Builders.


Doors, Sashes, Paints, Cils, Builders' Il.irdwnro, Wall Papers anilMntting, Eto. Mauufaolure All Kinds oC Moulding.Office, Leleo, King street. Brunch Ofllce and Planing Mill, corner aniBethel streets. Lumber lurcls, Leleo and Lot near It. 11. Deiot. Pnvnte track conneol.ing with O. It. & L. Co. U. It. runs through our jards to It. It. whurf and any i.artofEwa and Walauae stations. 183-- tt

Bulletin, 75c, der MonthJAS. F. MORGAN,


No. 15 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement o RealEfltato and Furniture,

The Evening Bulletin, 76 centsper vonth.




Main Klnc



Hotel St.. nnnr Fort, Tel. J1C2.

Bubporibe Tor tho Evening Bniflktin 70 oonta per month.

jX. "'





V itVi



Page 7: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages



p .PW jr yrfftf&air wr-- Jryrjr t-- & ifpp . , , viflpwjijii-T- r' . ip tfpvimr







Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry


Fresh Salmon


Mefoopolifan Beirt do.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nouanu Street.

For Your OlioicoOrders

The finest--OF

ReMgeMed .-

-, Mentis

Always on Hand. Orderspromptly aud carefully attend-oi- l

to. .

HERBERT GARES,Soln Proprietor.

Fresh. GroceriesBy Ench Stoomor.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & 0.'S,20 Borotania Strcot, Warlnr; Blook.

4tf? Telephone G80 iSa

H. fllA,Y CO.,"Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telephones 2'2 P.O. Box 470

Commissioner of Deeds

--FOU THE- -

Stats of California.

Having been appointed and commissioneda Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Cal-

ifornia, I am preparedTo administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and affid-

avit.To take and certify tUo acknowledgment or

proof of powers of attorney, mortgages,trtnsfers, grants, dteds or other Instrumentsoi record.

A. V. GEAR,Ttlcphouo 250. 811) King Btreet

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1896, $10G MB. IB

Uoney Loaned on Approved Soonrity.AHuvlngs IUnk for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on tho Mouthly Iustullinent

Plan.Tuirteouth Series of StDclt now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GUAR. Secretary.Chamber of Conimcroo Iloouis.Office hours, 12:10- -1 ;30 P.M. 373-t- f

J. S. WALKER,Oenkiui. Aoent oh Hawaiian Islands.

Boval Insnranco Company.Alliance Assurance ( ouipnny.AUiuuco Munue mid Uuuuful Assuranco

CompanyFnn Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilheluin of Mudgeburg Insurance Com-pan-

Hoottlsli Union and National InsuranceCompany.

Room 12 Bpreckels lllock, Honolulu, 11. 1.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of i

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the Dnltcil State for Iho HawaiianIslands.

Owcvti Merchnut street, Honolulu:


Valuablo Businoss Properly on

Nuuanu street, bringing a good


Sovoral Lots near Funohbowl

and at Mukiki, tbo Choicest Resi-

dence Proporty in tho city. A

porfeot view from Diamond Hoadto Ewa, Honolulu and Harbor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punch-

bowl stroot, only fivo minutes

walk from tho Post Office

Wo also havo Comfortablo

Houses for salo on easy torms si-

tuated on tho following Btreots;

Lunalilo, Kinau, Kuktii, Has-sing- er,

Berotania, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avonuo,

Punahou, Liliha and Nuuanu.

Building LoU in all parts of the

city on the instalment plan.

Sovoral woll ostaljlishod Lodg-

ing Housos.

CofToo Lands on Hawaii and a

Pinoapplo RanoU with liraojand

othor fruit troos near Honolulu.


. Agency,

210 King Street.


Business Agency

A. V. Gear & Co,

Oince: Sin King Street.


general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade,

Stooks Bought and Sold.

Books Antlited and Acconnts Adjusted.

Hills Bouftht andNntBBniBCDUiitsd, ' i

Fife and Life Insurance Agenty


ciumoii sKitvins.

Where Ilonultilu l'coplo .11 a) Wor-ship 'loinorrow.

Central Union Ohuiich. Cor-no- rBerolnuia and Riohuids street,

Douglas P. Birnio, minister. Sorvi-ce- s

Sunday, April 25th: At 9:55, n.m. Sunday School aud Bibloclass; Ha. m., public worship andsormon; 3:30 p. m., Junior r;

GiHO p. m., Y. P. S. C. 13.

prnyer mooting; 7:30 p. m.,fiublic worship and Bermon,

Chapel Uov. J. M. Lewisin charge At 9:45 a. m., Sundayschool; 7:15 p. m., gospolsorvico. Sunduy schools Japa-nese in Lyooutn at 10 a. in.,Portuguese on Punchbowl strootand Hotel Btreot mission at 2'30p. m. Prnyor meotiugs: Wed-nesday, 7:30 p. m., at tho church,and Friday, 7:15 p. m., at PnlatnaOhapol. A cordial welcome forall at evory sorvico.

First Methodist EpiscopalChurch. Cornor of Borotania andMiller stroots. Rev. II. W. Pock,pastor. Sunday, April 25th:At 10 a. m., Sunday School audpastor's Biblo class; 11 a. m.,address to children; 11:10 a.m.,Bermon by pastor; 6:30 p. m.,Young Pcoplo's Epworth Loaguo;7:30 p. m., sormon by pastor.Pearl City: 2:45 p. m., SundaySchool; 3:30 p. m., sormon by pus-to- r.

Ewa Plantation: 3:15 p. m.,Sunday School; 3:45 p. m., Bor-m- on

and song service. Wod-nosd- ny,

2:30 p. m., JuniorEpworth Lo.iguo; "Wedno-day- ,

3 p. m., junior probitionor'sclass; Wednesday, 7 p. m., classmeeting; "WVdnondny, 7:30 p. m.,nrnyor sorvico; Friday, 7 p. m"Potitocostal Meeting." A cordialwolcomo to all services.

Christian CiiURon. Alakoastieot near King. J. M Monroo,pastor. Services for Lord's D.ty,April 25th: Preaching at 11 a.ni., and 7:30 p. m , by the pis-to- r;

morning themo, "AppliedChristianity;'' ovoning subj-c- t,

"What Must I do to be Saved?" sun-dry school at 9:45 a. m.; com- -

Imunion service ut 12 tn.; SmithSt. MiBsion at 3 p. m.; young poo-pl- o's

meeting, G:30 p. m.; prayermooting, Wednesday oveuing;Li dies prayer meeting Friday at2:30 p. ra. Tho ordinanco of bap- -

bstn will bo administered Sundiyevening after tho sormon. A cor-di- nl

invitation to all to attend thoservices.

Roman Catholic CathedralServices will bo as follows: G and7 a in, Low .Mass with Hily Com-munion; 9am, Mass with Englishinstruction; 10:30 a m, High Musswith native sormon; 2 p m, Ronryand native instruction; 4:30 p in,uativo instruction and Bonudio-tio- n:

Weokdaya, Low Muss at 0and 7 am.

Latter Day Saints Reorga-nized Church of Jtnus Christ ofLatter-Da- y Saints; Mililani Hall,rour of Onora Houso. Serviceswill he held on Sunday ns fnllowB;10 a. m., Biblo ol'h-- ; 11:15 a.m.and 6:30 p. m proaching.

Y. M. O. A. Sunday, 11 n. m.,service at O.ihti jail;3 p. ra., boys'meeting in Association Hull;prais sorvico in Y. M.C. A. Hullat 6:30 p. m.

Reason AV'lijr.

Thero aro two reasons whypeople aro now paying car fareall the way from Waikiki to thoPalama Grocery aud back. Reason1. It is tho only placo ou thoIblauds whore tho celebrated Sal-vation Army tea is sold. Reason2. After paying car fare bothways patrons find they are moneyin pocket by doaliu at this "livennu lot live" establishment. WouIho deliver uoods Imtwin Dinmond Head and Moanalua freo.

Harry Cannon,Palama Grocory.

OppoBito Railway depot, Kingstreet. Tel. 755.

Portraits enlarged from smallphotoB and handsomely framodfor S10 at King Hros.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular Houso, 154 Fort street,from $1.00 per wook up.

Torohon and Valoncinnnes lacesare Biill in groat demand. L. B.Kerr has a choice lot, which ho iasoiling at lowest poBsiblo rates.

Singers lead tho world. Over18,000,000 mado aud Bold, n gh-ost awards nt tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,eiiBO of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso ofiiiiiming and convenionco of ar-rangement. B. BorgorBen, noont,1GJ Bothol BtreotB.


Pen Pictures of tho IJIhlo fromGenesis to UeVf lit l i. . .

152 Beautiful Illuatraticno.Topographical Map? of Palestine

from recent ami accurate survoysmailo hy The Palestine ExplorationFund of London, glvlngeveryjotirueymade liy tho rjuviotir from the flluhtInto Egypt to the Ascension. Thebest alii to Hible slutly ever offeredthe public. For salo at tha


BAZAARW We are now prepared to do

all kinds of

Copperplate EngravingWedding Invitations in tho verylatent ft j Ie, anil Calling Cards aopeclalty

J. M. WEBB,No. 316 Fort Street.W4yi .. AJtJjkjkJk.AjA rfjk



New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

jEtna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Ont and Split (rendy (or the Stovo).Also,



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any port oftho City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Strcot.

p&to&ii&n Fertilizing

COMPNTrTIs prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1898.

In Quantities to Suit:

tW Orders solicited for a faturo de.tivery.

A. F. COOKE. Manager.


Contractor and Builder.

OOlccsnnd Stores fitted up andEstimates Klun on


VST Olllee and Pimp: No. OKI Fort street.adjoining Y. V. Wright's CurrlaKu Shop.

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Convoj'aiicing In

all its Branches, Collectingand all Business Mnttors

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill rocoivo Prompt and CarefulAttention. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As n result of 15 year's oxpori-enc- o

in tho Abstract Business, Iam proparod to make Abstracts ofTitlo in a most thorough, accurateand oomploto mnnnor, and 011short noliuo.

F. "W. Makinnky.In W. O. Smitii's Ollico, 318

Fort Strcot. 315-t- f



LUMBERBxild.ers'lEaCsLicl-wa- X

Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Btreet, Telephone 20.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(uurid).

Wra. G. Irwin, Presidont and ManagerClans Spreckols, - - -W. MS Glffard, - Secretary aud TreasnreiTbeo. O. Porter, - . . Auditor

Sugar FactorsAHD

Commission Agents.AOKNTS OF THH




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomea SurarCompany, Ilonomu Suear Comnanv. WalliiVnSugar Company, Waltice Sucar Company, MakeeauirWrapiny, uaitakaia Ranch Company, Ka.napala Ranch. -- Planteri' Line San Krancljcoi, "' urewcr wi bine of UoilonPacket! Boston Board of Underwriter!.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or omentalPC Jonos. Prosident; Qeorgo H Hobertson,

,""6' c m: umuop, i reoanrer ana sec-retary; Col. W F Allen, Anditori CM Cooke,n Waterhonse, A W Carter, Directors.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeesat alii nocits.


Cigars and TobaccoAIWATB ON HAND.


O?. ICroiiao, -- -- Xroj5.Per Day $ 2.00Per Week 12.OO

Tho Best of Attendnueo, tho BeBt Sitno-tie-n

nnd the Finest Menls in this Oity

SINGER'S -:- - BAKERYEetabllehcd 1874.

King St. noar Thomos Bquaro

Kome-Mad- e BREAD,Cakes : and : Pies

J" Served Frosu Every Day.

H. F. SliNQER,Tolophono 872. Solo Prop'r.

Oyster CocktailsHHfiH

....AT....The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

V. HOKNB j&-- mZ E3 S3 "ST I

Hotel strcot, near Fort

BREAD, PrES and CAKESUfallUnda,

f 5T" 1 he Finest Imported and Homcimailo Conltctiouery,

r uiiuiniiipjRy

7 . '$M

Real Estate

lor Salo.1 T o Stores on Nuunnu street.2 Lot ou Hill. l'0i2'Jl feet.

commanding an eicellent view oftb cityand harbor.

3 Lot on llackfcld street, 80x100.4 -- A Choice KeMdcnce on Lunalilo street,

havliiL' nil modern Improvements.b Four llousi aud Lots uu Punchbowl

street, alt rented ut a mouthly rtulal of (10).This property I !J4n feet on Punchbowl atrce.with a diptb ot 122 feet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on tamefor 4 or A more cottajtis. The central loca-tion of the property maU it must available.

C A Fine Kcitdeucu centrally located,containing '..' rooms. Lot l'.'ilx.'iR) ft. Titssmall iottaj;cs on tho lot brlulni; In goodrental.

7 AGotrtnodlous Kcsldcnce on HanlnRorstreet, fitted utth alt modern comcnlcnccs. Orwill trade lor suburban properly.

8. A House and Lot on Yuunj! street.l House nnd Lot corner Victoria and

llcntnula struts, opposite Thomas eijuate,houre contains fl rooms.

10 House and Lot on Young street nearthe residence ot the Iter. Mr. ll)dc. Lot110x110. House contains cllil roams.

11 Pearl City Property.12 Desirable Tract of Cotkc Land on no-w- all

1.1 A most Deiri0lo Home on Thurstonavenue, Large grounds and beautiful llowcrgirdon; house fttrtilihed throaghontinhard wood with all latest ituprovoioenta,Eicellout view ot tho city nnd ocean, andone which cannot bo cat off.

14 Litrge Lot and CommodloUB Dwel-ling on Oreon Street, commnndini; an nnobstructed view of tho city nnd harbor. Kachoicer residence is to bo had In tho cityoven by tho most mitidiouR.

IS A New House4 ol seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent VfC, serants' quartern nnd stables. One blockfrom car line at I'uuahou.

If--- Only 4 of those Lots left near Kameha-mel- iaschool.

17 Two Houses and Lots on I.lllha street.IS A House and Lot ou Alakca street.1U- -A lleautlful llulldiin: Lot at Kallhl,

UMx'Oil, cleared, leuced and water laid on.120 A Gently riloptng Lot on Thurston

avenue, 310x1, ha lug n frontage on Greenstreet of Kij feet, and commanding a bird's-ey- e

view of the cltv and harbor.21 F.lenant Ileaeh Properly at Walklkl.2J Hmisuand Lot on Peterson Lane, Pa-

lama. House contains rt r"om. Lot7Sxll0!it Dwelling House of Uronmr, lilted wit

all modem Lot 125x111Situated at Palama.

Lot on Walklkl Iload, lOOxllo.1U House uud Lot on Nuuanu street.

House contains elht furnlslud rooms.Ver conveulintly located near the businesscenter nf the city.

'I Klci;unt lteldcncoat Punahou. Houseof 7 rooms with all modern conveniences,lt looxioo, nicely planted with fruit audornamental trees.

27-- 12 Stilts of rarnilnrn eomploto andthe rental of tho most desirable uud cen-tral y looted Lodging Houe in lb- - city.

23 Pineapple Jtinch 25,000 fruitingplants, 500 lima trees, SO Avocado jpeartro-s- , peach trees aud Alfalfa crop. TwoDwellings Imrn, etc. Au A I investment.

"I-- A Lodging House on Fort street g

of twenty furnished ronmt., all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargulu for the rightperson

U Houso and Lot, corner Wilder avenueand Kcwiilo street, beautiful grounds, welllaid out, an excellent view of the mountains.The lot Is HO ftet front on Wilder avenue bya depth oflSufe-e-t on Kcwnlo street. Housecontains eight rooms und outbuilding.

Notice: Can Negotiate Loans on anyolthe uboie propert) lor purchutcrs desiringsome at from SO to 75 per cent of tho value.

Hawaiian Business Agency,210 King street.

To Kj Patrons:It gives me muoh pleasure

to nnnouncu that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of the mostskilled vrntolimukors evor inthose Islunda, is now managingrny repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo per-fect satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watches arohojr. Watches nre delicatethings to handlo. Wo guaranteethat they will recoivo no injurynt.our hands nnd will leaveour ptoro in perfect rojmir.


E. A. JAOOBSON,607 Fort Stroeti


For tho Eiiiiinn Tnblo in thoway of nil kinds First Class

HAY, GRAIN 0 FEEDAro on salo by tho


18 Fort St. To!. 422.

mi mi i im.uHill Kill a v rvlumiuiftnin mu


Tho cclcbni'tocbENTEUPitiSEBkkh on Draught and inBottlos



.225 Queen strcot, Honolulu, II, I,











Page 8: fr' JfTjJr,7T ST cvpMiMr: BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...bubble, flower, and refreshment. Tho ilowor booth will ofTer May baskets as a specialty. Children of all sizes aud ages

By' -B-- ' ' 8IH 2t imji mi ii ii r irr rimrm it r"i if-










mmmwrmmmmmmaamamm-- wypvufw "''"'''nHPft'' t. .

rn;-- . rn' isjpjrMTvrwfr- r

BULLETIN, APRIL 24, 1897.mmmm ) W aV.Uirtf.jejn. jwV&t-- tWMtw

People Know a G-oo- d Thine"When Thev See It!




Biggest Bargain Sale Ever Offered in Honolulu

25 Percent Discount

. On the Actual Cost!

This Means 50 Percent Less Than You Pay Elsewhere !

Tlie Stock Must Be Closed Out Regard-

less of Our Loss !

25 Percent Discount on the ctual Cost.

S3? You can got any piece of goods in tho store at this discount.

This discount applies to all lines.

Advertising a single leador in order to draw a crowd and then sell othercheap goods at a big profit don't go this store.


g37 Every article in my stock is a leader and you are allowed a reduction of 25per cent, on actual cost.

EST. Everything marked in plain figures.

B3T Don't got mixed. The TemTle of "Pnsllion is the onlyplace in Honolulu where you can get good quality for a little money. Yours forbusiness only.


ml e. siilttb.


3F"oart JSJtroo-- t



the sn:A.m:it kinmj i'huu Ha-


Tho I'otrcl Nulla Other IttmaMatliereil Along the Pocka


Tho U 8 8 Petrol sailed thismorning for Yokohama.

Tho bnrk Albert and barkontinoArchor nro loading.

Captain Mickkolson of thoFortuna will givo a boating partythis aftornoon.

Tomorrow, high tide largo ....pm; high tide small 0:20 pm; lowtido largo 5:47 am; low tide small5:25 pm.

Tho Kanla will loavo on Mon- -

tiny at 9 am for Kahuku andPunnluu, and tho Kaeua at thosome timo for Waialua ports.

Tlio bark Sorainolo will likelysail on Monday for tho Sound, inballast. Mato Trim likes ourclimate, and may return soino dayto stay.

Tho ofiicors of tho U S S Mari-on hold a reception aboard theirvcbsoI yoatorday afternoon. Alarge number of society peopleworo present.

An item in tho Advortiser thismorning to tho offoot that BL GMorso had taken tho positiou ofmarine reporter on tho Bulletinin incorrect. Tho "irrepressible"is still tho marine scribe. MrMorso will shortly return to thoStates.

HUMS Wild Swan willleavo tomorrow or Monday for acruiso in tho South Seas, callingat Fanning Island, Palmyra Islmid, Christmas Island, PitcairnIsland and other places. Showill probably return to Honoluluinside of two mouths.

Some of tho "boys" aboard thoJames Mukoo woro so elated ovortho fact that they arrived in timoto spond Saturday and SundayaBhoro that they played a jollyjoke. Tho jokers started a reportthat ono of thoir shipmates hadbeen badly hurt, and had boonremoved to the hospital. A youngman who leoks after sugar on thowaterfront hearing tho roport,wont up town and spread it to thowinds, bolieving it to bo quitestraight. When ho returned to thowharf and found that it was all ahoax, ho folt sore. Ho noversmiled again.


From Kauai, per stmr JamesMitkee, April 21 P T Phillipsand 4 deck.

From Molokai, Maui and Lanai,per stmr Mokolii, April 21 Mrand Mrs W Auld and 2 children,and G dock.

From Hawaii and Maui, perptmr Kinau, April 21 Volcano:Howard Hitchcock, Miss J Tanor,Miss Newell, Miss L L Gliafft'p, R D Jenkins, E L Fitzgerald,E M Greou, J F Brown, W HHoogs, Mrs Avery, Mrs Harrison.Way ports: L 0 Lyman, 0 SDpMky, W W Goodale, J A 8cott,P Peck, E Wery and daughter,Mrs M .Milup, Miss Annie Parke,T Wolff, H Smith, Mrs A Moir,J G Low, F Scott, H P Walton,Mrs H L Achilles and 3 children,W Lutiz, 0 L Browu, H MWhitney Jr, Geo Robertson,Judo W A Whiting, SamuelParker, Godfroy Hrown, 0 JFit Ik, S Mahuka, wifo and child,Mrs Pritchard, Miss J Bond, MissL Doiru, Miss M R Forbes, L ISAiuflworth, wife and child, MrsAh Fook, child and sorvant, II 0Hong, S Ah Mi, E J.diusou, RevII Kihaia and (12 deck pussongors.



Fhiiuy, April 23.

Stmr Mokolii, lleiinctt, frum Molokai,Maul ufiil Lanul.

Batuhiiat, April, 81,

Stmr Kinau, Clarke, from Hawaii andMaul

ritmr James Mukee, Tullctt, from Kauai,Stmr Kaeua, Wilson, frum ports on



Satiiriut, April Si.VJ S 8 1'utrcl, Wond, for C'lilna nation.Stmr Wttlalcale, l'drkur, for Kllauca.


Ex almr Kinau 11,828 tki sugar, 170 ilapotatoes, let) tkk corn, 178 koa boards, 7bonis, UM lildvi, 175 tiki; sundries.

Ex stmr Jumua MaLte 205'J bags sugar,117 lulls hltlen.

rx t in r Kncim 515 tags sugar, 120 bagsjiuilil).

Kx stmr Mokolii 770 bags sugar,

iciMr.it(iAiirM:its r.NTi:itrAi.i:i.

IHrccinrnto of Ach'Iuoii Olvo nI'xrlf tu Iho Wiirlicri,

Tho beautiful Child Gaidon onBorotania Stroot was tho sottingfor many pleasant groups yaste- r-

dny afternoon. Tho ofiicors oftho Froo Kindorgurten Associa-tion recoived those who aro carry-ing on thoir work in tho variouskindorgartens, and tho committeeswho suporviso that work. Thobuilding londs itself easily todecoration, and tho droopingbranches of tho giuceful poppertree gavo a festive appearance tutho room, whioh was also bright-ened by flowors. MrB. C. M. Hydo,Mrs. T. It. Walker, Mrs. S. M.Damon and Miss Margaret IIop-p- or

received tho guests, who worothou prosontod to tho mumbors oftho training olass and to tho otheroflioial members of tho Association.Tho Indies hud folt v ry stronglythat sumo social reognitioushould bo accorded to thoir touch-ers, who woro working so faithful-ly to further tho outls of the As-

sociation. Accordingly, tho en-

deavor was inado to introduceevery commlttoo woman to evorykindorgartnor.

Refreshments woro sorvod fromtho spacious lanai by chaimingwaitresses in thoir muslin gowns,Bossio Hoppor, Daisy and JttliotteCooko and Margaret Petorsou.Although the cards werosout onlto tho touchers, thn graduated oftho training school and thosooflicially connected with thoBoard of Supervisors at any timo,mora thun uinoty invitations wereissued.

Tho Training School was ropro-sento- d

by tho Director, MissLiwrenco; its graduates, MissPires, Mios Aikuo, Mise NolHoKahuiln, Miss Ella Thrum, Mrs.Mildrod Kinnoy Wells, MissOarolino Snow and Mrs. Tarbcll,and by tho following students:Miss Carrio Bray, Miss HnttioAyau, Miss Anuio Forbes, MissMuhol Gilbert, Miss Fui Jiu, MissHnpo Kinnoy, Miss Violet Lima,Miss Jessio Noill, Miss Linda Par-monte- r,

Miss Cathorine Scritngor,Miss Mury Seoug, Mrs. So, MissSchmidt, Mips Morris, MissThrum, Miss Sloggott, Miss Kel-logg, Miss Huzel Jennings. MissBttckoy, of the Pulamn Kindorgurten, una Miss Alexander woroalso present, as were nourly alltho mombers of the Board ofTriuteoa.

ICrplIon ou (he Marlon.Tho TJ. S. S. Marion was beau-

tifully decorated yesterday after-noon, tho occasion being a recep-tion given by tho captain and oflicers. Tho band from tho Phila-delphia, also the Quintotto olub,played for dancing, which waskept up till six o'clock, aftor whichsupper was served.

Among thoso who woro presentworo Mrs Gunn, Mrs Wight, thoMisses Kitchon, Miss Damon, MrsWiddifield, tho Misses Widdi-fiel- d,

Mrs McGrow, Mrs Higgins,Mrs Ghus Potter, tho MissesAfoug, Miss King, Miss Angus,Miss Grace, Mrs Focko, MrsPonnhallow, Mrs McKeo, MissDowsett, Miss Roth, Miss Vida,tho Misses Cornwall, Miss Fuller,Miss Campbell, Miss Lauders,Miss Palmer, Mrs Lansing, MissBuckie, Miss Mooro, Mrs A B lug-all- s,

Mrs Hutchinson, Mihs TuseuJones; Bert Peterson, Ohas KHyde, Capt Chis Potter, Dr Mau-sarr- att

A H Norton, A J Hen-riqn- os,

E Henriques, Mr Itiiuie,W H Babbitt, Piof A B lngalls,C H Brown, Consul GeneralMills, O S Holloway, J C Hen-derson, and a number of others.


I'rournm fur IIki (lunci'it to hollttiidereil rumorruu' Alivriitxin,

Tho following selections havobeen mado by Professor Borgorfor tho concort at Makea Islandtomorrow aftornoon, commencingat 3 o'clook:

I'AltX I.

The Old Hundred.Festival March I'rcddeut Dole

Kasoiil UenoitOvtrtnrc Ivun (JunternoOaiotto Dodo Duel;Urand Belectlou Mai tha Flototv

TAUT II.Overture Hit nzl (new ) , . . . . U'nxncrl.argo Xerxes HumidCoruet eolo Love's Old dwect Soug ...Moll)

Mr, CUarlts Kreutcr.Finale Awakening ot thu Lion KontzM

Uawall I'tmol.

Superior broakfast sausago is'aopooialty at tho Coutral Markot.Ring up 101.

Have YouAn Account?

This is a serious question,one at which some folks takeoffense, yet salesmen are undertho necessity of asking it.Some folks deal near homo,scttlo infrequently, nover in-

vestigate to see whether theypay moro than they should andtoo often allow their accounts togo long over due. If you don'tcare what tho family expensesaro it's a poor way to do if youwant to leave your children inaflluent circumstances wheuyou aro gone. Now it is quitoan advantage to have an openaccount at a well-know- n house, '

who can execute your orderpromptly. Often persons saythey don't want an account andwill pay in a few days. Butwe cannot keep memoranda ofcharges; it isn't safe or goodbusiness. Tho stock found inordinary stores is usually stale,uninviting and inferior, whiletho stock in our store is turnedso frequently and so caiefullywatched that it is at all timesfresh. Our stock in trado con-

sists of the luxuries and deli-

cacies from every civilized na-

tion. Send for our catalogueand prices and noto tho variety '

offered. Telephone us 240.We supply all nationalities.

LEWIS & CO., importersand exportors of table luxuries,wholesalers and retailers con-tractors to tho U. S. Navy,supplying U. S. and other na-

tions' Men-of-w- ar on the Paci-fic Station.


Ntitmnu Valley, Knllhl ami Plnltndully 10:30 A M uml 2:30 i. si.

Walktkl Mondays and Thur-tl- y

2.301'. r. ,,'

JJET Mail orders promptly 1


Lewis & Co.,GKOOERS.,

F"ort Street. Honolulu.

Brass Linens

We havo just received a linoof GRASS LINENS ofEX-TREMEL- Y

FINE QUAL-ITY and aro safo in sayiugthey aro tho finest over im-

ported horo.


is much superior to silk-- iuappenranco and there is n)comparison whatever in thawear. We have them in

White and Colors

L L GAWSan Francisco and Yoko-

hama TransportationCompany.

The First Steamer

Haknsan MaruOf llie Hbovo lino will be tine from

Kobe, Juuu, ou or uliout thu

30th OH1 A.PKILAnil will have tllapatoh (or Sau


5T For particulars, Inrjulro of

G. E. BOARDMAN,681-S- Agent,

Evening Bulletin 75c per month,

iiiimanin i - "i i"fr rftaU.




