FRAGILE : HANDLE WITH CARE. PROGRAM NORMS All participants need to be in the class by 9:00 a.m. sharp No side conversations Avoid religious and

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  • PROGRAM NORMS All participants need to be in the class by 9:00 a.m. sharp No side conversations Avoid religious and political views No absences allowed Put your phones on silent mode Penalty in case phone rings or even a message beeps
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  • WHAT IS DIFFICULT BEHAVIOR? A person whose behavior causes difficulties - for you and others difficult behaviors Dealing with difficult people simply means dealing with difficult behaviors
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  • REACTIONS TOWARDS DIFFICULT BEHAVIORS Difficult Behavior Rude Obnoxious Loud Rigid Crazy Demanding Arrogant Reaction Defensive Loud Withdraw Superior Confused Crazy
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  • Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
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  • 30 and above Doing Great! 20-29 - Doing good. You can be helped by increasing your self esteem. Review your strengths and areas of improvement. Put your best foot forward in relationships 10-19 Believe in your strengths. Give yourself credit for what you know and what you do right. Build your areas of improvement. Talk to a mentor for feedback. < 10 Seek counseling. Your low self esteem is hampering the way you work and impacting the way you deal with people. You can achieve much more in life from building your self confidence.
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  • LESSON OF THE FIST Whenever we force someone to change, they either resist us or resent us or both and as a result become more motivated to defend their position
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  • KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND Stay Calm, balanced, and think things through Work to change your negative self-talk Avoid blaming and labeling - Focus on problem solving Focus on positive outcomes Think big picture-think long term
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  • ARE YOU HOOKED? Physical Emotional Mental
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  • ARE YOU HOOKED? Are You Hooked Physically? Clenched Teeth Stiff Neck Tension Headaches Tight Chest Chills Stomach pain or nausea Shortness of Breath Tingling arms Backaches Muscle spasms Facial Twitches Insomnia Fatigue Are You Hooked Emotionally? Anger Fear Panic Anxiety Embarrassment Confusion Depression Repulsion Helplessness or despair
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  • UNHOOKING AT A GLANCE Unhook Physically Unhook Mentally Unhook Verbally
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  • Difficult Behaviors Negativity, Sarcasm & Criticism Manipulative Behavior Aggressive Behavior Non-cooperative or Passive Aggressive behavior
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  • UNHOOKING THE FOUR DS Detect: Identify that you are caught in a toxic relationship that is causing you pain Detach: Accept that you arent going to change the other person Depersonalize: Learn to take the other persons behavior less personally Deal: Devise a plan for protecting yourself and managing the relationship using Unhooking Technique
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  • THE AVOIDER Exhibit fearfulness of interaction that could generate uncomfortable feelings in them or around them. They notice wrong behavior, but the fear of confrontation prevents them from stepping in to address the situation. Instead they do the office version of putting his or her head in the sand. Although authorized to intervene, this boss takes no action. Such people may say I will look into it or I will get to that. Then nothing happens.
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  • UNHOOKING - FROM AN AVOIDER Unhook physically: Indulge in some form of relaxation Unhook mentally: Take a mental inventory of the situation Whats happening here? What are the facts? Whats their part? Whats your part? What are your options? Unhook verbally: Converse with the Avoider and ask them to show up for a meeting to discuss the issues bothering you
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  • THE SACRED COW They are those people in position of authority whove been promoted because of longevity, loyalty, connections, or family ties Since they never cause any trouble, dont make waves, comply with company policies, there is never a reason to fire them Eventually they reach positions of incompetence. They dont know how to perform their own jobs effectively, never mind managing the people below them If you work for this kind of boss, you probably feel extremely frustrated Sacred cows resist any kind of change due to fear of being found out. They do their best to maintain the existing systems with thats how its always been done
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  • UNHOOKING - THE SACRED COW Unhook physically: Indulge in a game or some form of sports to release pent-up frustration Unhook mentally: Take a mental inventory of the situation Whats happening here? What are the facts? Whats their part? Whats your part? What are your options? Unhook verbally: Converse with the sacred cow to learn about them & their accomplishment.
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  • THE CONTROLLING EGOMANIAC They make it clear that the company or department they oversee is their show. Their huge egos require large doses of admiration, and total control They often project themselves as a self-made man or woman They have an insatiable hunger for fame, respect, and status Their personality is charismatic and engaging. These are the original micromanagers. They dont know how to delegate and cant handle criticism Initiatives that dont originate from them get disabled and sidetracked If you work for them, expect to be battered with questions, overridden in your decision making, and reprimanded for every mistake you make.
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  • UNHOOKING - THE CONTROLLING EGOMANIAC Detect: Learn to recognize that you are being controlled Detach: Learn to relax, and accept that your boss cannot tolerate the thought of anyone, including an expert taking charge of his organization Depersonalize: Remind yourself of facts and that such behaviors are learned and ingrained overtime; cannot be helped. They are compelled to control, manipulate, override, and belittle the people who work below him Deal: Accept the fact that these behaviors can be caused by psychological affliction. Be no longer surprised or insulted when being criticized or when suggestions get shot down
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  • THE CREDIT STEALERS A special employer that delights in taking credit for other peoples ideas This workplace robber will tell you that you are a part of his or her team; that your contributions are crucial for the teams success They will share your ideas, proposals, and suggestions with others, claiming those to be theirs. When approached, they either justify or deny their actions and you end up feeling used, manipulated, and infuriated
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  • UNHOOKING THE CREDIT STEALER Detect: Learn to recognize that a credit stealer shall continue to do this and yet feel no remorse. You may feel physically depleted and confused Detach: Realize that such types will never give credit to your ideas, there will be no guarantee even if they promise Depersonalize: such behavior will continue; any ideas that emerge in their environment will be considered theirs; taking it personally will never help Deal: Work on getting the credit you deserve, withholding ideas never help, before proposing a new idea get assurance of getting credit for it
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  • Serenity Prayer accept the things change change the things difference. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
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