France Bombards Raqqa

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France bombards Raqqa, the capital of the Islamic state in SyriaFrench President Francois Hollande, yesterday began a feverish round of negotiations to secure allies in air strikes in his country to Syria to weaken the Islamic State (EI) while the Belgian government decided to keep to Brussels on high terror alert .More than 30 civilians have been killed and countless others have been injured on the first day of shelling positions of France against the self-styled Islamic State in Syria. The French air forces began attacking several areas of the Arab country on Sunday and according to local media reports among the dead called "caliphate cubs" were found by the EI recruiting children into their ranks, as well as foreigners who formed the ranks of the militant group.The first attacks were launched in the village of Al Yala (east) of the city of Deir al-Zur, where radicals have a training camp. The president, Francois Hollande, justifies the bombing on the grounds that EI is a direct threat to national security.In parallel, the French aircraft carrier? Charles de Gaulle? he made yesterday in the eastern Mediterranean recent training exercises involving their fighters before potentially starting today against the State Islamic Group (EI) in Syria and Iraq, he revealed the French news agency AFP. Triple Bombing:With this presence in the region, the French Armed Forces will triple its capacity bombing since the 26 aircraft carriers (18 Rafale eight Super Etendard) will be added to the 12 aircraft based in the United Arab Emirates (six Rafale ) and Jordan (six Mirage 2000).The carrier provides a 'higher operating surplus' in the region, said the Chief of Staff of the French Armed Forces, General Pierre de Villiers, told the newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche (JDD).

FEAR, ALLIES AND ATTACKS:The fear of further terrorist attacks continued yesterday in several countries europeos.'Tememos similar to the Paris attacks, several individuals, with offensives in several places at once, against 'crowded places, "explains the Belgian prime minister after announcing that Brussels continue on high alert.Security forces are still looking for several suspects and in particular Salah Abdeslam, who had at least a logistical role in the attacks in Paris claimed by the Islamic State group (EI).Abdeslam, described as 'public enemy number one', remains at large, nine days after the massacre in the French capital, which caused 130 deaths and left over 300 injured.President Obama, yesterday described the EI as 'murderers with good social networks' that will be defeated without fear.Obama stressed that the strategy against EI in Syria and Iraq is to regain territory, disrupt their financing and dismantle the dome of the jihadists.'The best way to combat EI is not to be feared. There are a handful of murderers' he said.The recent bombings in Sinai (Egypt), Paris, Beirut and Bamako (Mali) conditioned the weekend the agenda of the ASEAN summit, which was also attended by leaders from China, Australia, South Korea and India.Obama said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is an obstacle to peace, as he called on Russia to bomb the EI and not the moderate opposition in Syria.'You're stronger, we represent 99% of humanity, so we will win, "he concluded.