FREE HOME PREPARATION GUIDE - Julie Prewitt · 4. Clean off your outdoor furniture and remove any in poor condition. 5. Clean your air conditioner. 6. Clear out the garage of everything

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Page 1: FREE HOME PREPARATION GUIDE - Julie Prewitt · 4. Clean off your outdoor furniture and remove any in poor condition. 5. Clean your air conditioner. 6. Clear out the garage of everything


Realtor.com and Julie Prewitt


Page 2: FREE HOME PREPARATION GUIDE - Julie Prewitt · 4. Clean off your outdoor furniture and remove any in poor condition. 5. Clean your air conditioner. 6. Clear out the garage of everything



For homeowners who want to generate maximum interest in their homes and add dollars to their bottom line, first impressions are para-

mount. The two most important aspects are “curb appeal” – what you see when you approach the residence – and interior preparation.

Their importance cannot be over stated.

A well-presented home attracts the greatest number of qualified buyers who will identify and connect with the house, resulting in the

highest price and selling quickly. Curb appeal is an important part of that presentation, as buyers begin judging a home the moment

they see it from the street! Once inside, most buyers re-affirm their curbside opinion and continue their evaluation of the interior spaces.

Julie Prewitt is here to help guide sellers through the process of preparing a home for sale. Her techniques are focused on preparations

that will net sellers that extra 10% to 20%, by achieving more buyer attention, delivering the highest sales price for the market and a

quicker sale.

Julie also understands that, some homeowners, Trustees and families may want to sell their homes ‘as is’, with little or no preparation.

When that is the case, she will find the right buyer, negotiate the best price and deliver the best results for their situation.



Our “Preparation Guide” helps you navigate the process by identifying four levels of preparation that can give your property an advan-

tage over the competition, generate a faster sale, and result in a higher net profit. This includes: maintenance, repairs, re-organization,

de-cluttering, painting, upgrades, renovations, curb appeal, landscaping, accentuating the positive aspects of the property, and making

it more appealing to buyers.


We also offer a “Preparation Package” for homeowners who want our help and support throughout the preparation process, making

it easier, manageable and saving them time. We work directly with our clients every step of the way. The first step is the preparation

consultation, where we identify, recommend, and prioritize what work is most important to your bottom line and will show your property

to the best advantage. We go room by room, inside each closet and kitchen cabinet and yes, even underneath the kitchen sink, to make

the house more attractive to the greatest number of buyers. We’ll tell you exactly what to do to de-clutter, hide, move, toss, rearrange,

repair, and replace. You may love that couch or TV, but if we think it’s tired, worn or wrong for the house, we’ll tell you it needs to go.

We’ll help you to depersonalize the space, identify the best repairs, and show off your home as the best on the block. We know what

sells in our marketplace and can make your home look bigger, brighter and cleaner; provide paint color suggestions for the interior and

exterior; generate curb appeal ideas, supply a list of recommended vendors for you to choose from, gather the bids, review the bids with

you, and oversee your contracted work.

“Professional Staging” takes preparation to the next level by creating inviting rooms and spaces with furniture, bedding, art, plants and

accessories that inspire buyers and make it easier for them to visualize their own interior ideas, as well as the placement of all their

belongings. We will share examples with you and invite one or two professional stagers to share their ideas for your home.

Page 3: FREE HOME PREPARATION GUIDE - Julie Prewitt · 4. Clean off your outdoor furniture and remove any in poor condition. 5. Clean your air conditioner. 6. Clear out the garage of everything

Some level of home preparation has always been part of the selling process, including cleaning, organization, landscaping, etc. Yet, in

2005, staging and professional preparations of homes for sale became the fastest growing trend in Los Angeles. Over the past eleven

years the trend has grown and spread.

Statistics tell the whole story, demonstrating that well-presented, prepared, and staged homes attract the largest number of qualified

buyers, shorten the length of time it takes to sell, and sell for 10% to 20% more. This means that how well your home is presented will

make a big difference in your bottom line and how quickly you sell.

According to the renowned Home Stager and Designer Meridith Baer, “Home staging is so important because it can sell a house 80%

faster and for 20% more money than an un-staged home. On average, we see about 20% more money for our staging. The first home

I ever staged sold in less than 30 days to an all-cash offer that was $500,000 over asking price!” It is my opinion that the reason her

staging is so successful is that the homes have also been prepared for the staging.

The National Association of Realtors did their own study and found that staged homes can sell 80% faster and for 11% more money. The

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development found that on average, a staged home sells for 17% higher than a comparable home

that isn’t staged.

According to a National Association of Realtors 2015 Survey, “Nationwide, 96% of brokers who work with buyers believe that staging a

home that is listed for sale has an impact on a buyer’s view of the home.” NAR’s research also concluded that if a homeowner invests 1%

to 3% of the value of their home in staging, updates and repairs, they could make 8% to 10% back.

It is important to note that the preparations for staging are just as important as the actual staging and add to a seller’s bottom line


Whatever preparations fit into a homeowner’s budget should be prioritized based on their impact on the selling price. The following

Preparation Guidelines will assist homeowners in deciding what to do. For homeowners who want to invest in quality preparation and

presentation, but do not time to follow the guidelines themselves, we also offer a turnkey “Home Preparation Package.”




Deciding what preparations you want to undertake and what will fit into your budget is the first step. The following levels of preparation

will help guide you.

Straightforward and manageable, Level 1 and Level 2 involve time and some financial investment. The recommendations in Level 2 and

Level 3 require a greater financial investment. These are best addressed with guidance from qualified and knowledgeable professionals

like myself, who can identify and prioritize which preparations will make the largest impact for your home and neighborhood. Please ask

for a complimentary consultation. Level 4 is the staging, as mentioned earlier.


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Basic reorganization and maintenance tasks are “highly recommended.” The goal is to have very open, light, clean, and larger spaces

so that buyers can envision their possibilities. While buyers might not notice such work when it is done, they’re sure to notice when it

isn’t. This impression of neglect will make it more difficult to them to comfortably visualize their belongings in your home’s living space.


1. Clean and remove litter from the sidewalks and driveway.

2. Remove unnecessary items from the exterior of the house.

3. Power-wash the porch, siding, deck, and patios.

4. Clean off your outdoor furniture and remove any in poor condition.

5. Clean your air conditioner.

6. Clear out the garage of everything but cars and neatly organized miscellaneous items. If your garage has become a storage area,

throw out all unnecessary items, and then thoroughly organize and clean everything that remains. If necessary, rent a storage pod

to hold items until after the sale.

7. If you have a pool, make sure it’s clean and/or functioning well or properly sealed in the off-season.


Your lawn should be very green, evenly mowed, freshly edged, well watered, and its shrubbery well manicured. You should take care of

this before working on the inside, to give your efforts time to show the effects of fertilizing, watering and new plant growth. This is also

true if you elect to re-sod. Adding trees is expensive, and you will probably not recoup that investment.

• If you have a drought-resistant yard and landscape, take care to manicure and clean it.

• Trim hedges, weed and fertilize flowerbeds, and prune trees.

• Keep your driveway clean and free of parked cars, and keep the garage door closed. Repair or replace loose or damaged roof

shingles. Pick up after your pets or neighborhood animals.

• If you have an area for planting flowers or adding potted flowers, they can create a favorable first impression. Especially a large

potted plant on the front porch.

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f you are not residing in the residence, remove everything and thoroughly clean and paint. We have a listed of suggested neutral colors

to select from. Painting can often be your best investment when selling your home; it can cover up old stains and give the home a very

fresh look. It is best to select colors based on what would appeal to the widest possible number of buyers and select tones that are in

demand. Remember that lighter colors make rooms appear larger and that neutral colors help buyers envision their own furnishings and

décor. Julie can offer suggestions or will provide you with a consultation with a professional designer.

If you reside in the home, give each room in the house a thorough cleaning and remove all clutter.

1. Organize kitchen counter tops, removing appliances to make the counters look as spacious as possible. Clear counters of everything

other than perhaps a few decorative items.

2. Check your closets, cabinets and shelves and remove clothes and extra items that you won’t need until after moving. Closets will be

opened, so keep closets, cupboards and even your attic orderly and neat. Since you are anticipating a move anyway, consider holding

a garage sale or boxing and storing unused belongings. Pre-pack and store if needed.

3. Clean and tidy the entrance, stairs, and halls. Remove family photos to “de-personalize” the space.

4. Un-clutter rooms by storing or selling excess furniture. For a spacious look, consider clearing furniture from crowded rooms into

storage. Thoroughly clean everything in and out of sight.

5. Remove all odors and add an air freshener diffuser, etc. for a fresh scent only.

6. Throw out any unnecessary items in an unfinished basement, and then thoroughly organize and clean everything that remains.

For most buyers, a cluttered home tends to appear smaller, lacking of air and light, and somehow requiring more maintenance. Clut-

ter-free homes generally seem brighter, more open and spacious, perhaps cleaner, and appear to require less work. Additionally, clut-

ter-free homes make it easier for buyers to visualize their own interior design ideas, as well as the placement of all their belongings.

While you may have many beautiful and meaningful belongings, they might make it more difficult for you to sell and cost you thousands

of dollars when you do.

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To maximize your chances of getting top dollar, you might want to make some minor upgrades and repairs. The level of upgrades you

select depends on your budget and time. These should be prioritized based on your home and the market.

Leaving aside major structural and functional matters, there are a few relatively minor upgrades and repairs that can go a long way to

improving how buyers perceive your home:


1. Having your home appear clean from the street often means a fresh coat of paint and some added accents. When selecting a color

for the exterior, it should be something that is neutral and light. Freshly painted white trim is a great accent and look. We can guide

you on light, neutral selections to best enhance the curb appeal.

2. Repair any peeling paint or loose caulking on windows or other areas.

3. Minimize cracks or crumbling on walkways, walls or steps, and keep them clean and free of obstructions.

4. Make sure trash cans are cleared from the street.

5. Fix or replace anything damaged or worn, such as the patio and deck, gutters and eaves, windows, shutters, screens, light fixtures,

porch, steps, walkways and fences.

6. Fix doorbells, tighten loose doorknobs, and oil any squeaking hinges.

7. Green-up lawn patches, plant extra flowers for color, place large potted plants on the front porch or beside the front door.


The front door should look as good as possible with fresh paint and polished, gleaming fixtures. A new doormat is a nice touch.

1. Apply a fresh coat of paint to the front door and molding. Red or black front doors are very popular. We have some color selections


2. Polish front door hardware.

3. Consider adding decorative pots and plants on the front porch.

4. Clean cobwebs, doorway area windows, porch lights, and decorative glass.

5. Make sure the lock works easily and the keys fit properly.

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1. Fix or replace cracked molding or floor tiles, leaking taps and toilets, loose door knobs, squeaky door hinges, closet or screen doors

that are off their tracks, bathroom lighting and hardware, toilet seats, loose caulking or grout.

2. Doors and Windows:

Check windows and doors to be sure they open and close easily, and that there are not cracked or broken windowpanes. As buyers

go from room to room, they will open each door so you want make sure the doors open/close properly and that doorknobs turn


3. Clean and polish brass knobs:

Polish and shine sink fixtures so they look shiny and new. If this cannot be accomplished by cleaning, new ones should be purchased

where needed. Make sure all the hot and cold-water knobs are easy to turn and that faucets do not leak.

4. Fix and touch up walls, ceilings, etc.

5. Brighten the interior with a new coat of paint in very light neutral colors. Painting can often be your best investment when selling

your home. It can cover up old stains and give the home a very fresh look. Remember that lighter colors make rooms appear larger

and that neutral colors help buyers envision their own furnishing and décor. Julie and one of her designers can offer suggestions.

6. Shampoo carpets and rugs, or replace them with a light neutral color in a flat woven mat-type carpet…if needed. Ask for recom

mended selections.

7. Make sure major appliances are clean and in good working order.

8. Replace switch and outlet plates and vents with more functional and current trends.

9. Add closet organizers or shelving to make closets more functional and spacious-looking.

10. Add organizers or shelving for the basement and garage.

11. Clean and paint or strip concrete floor and walls.

12. Clean water heater and drain sediment; change furnace filter.

13. Buy furniture you planned for the new house to improve the look of the one you are selling. Be careful here, as you do not want to

have too much furniture in your home. “Less is more.”

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Few homeowners renovate their homes in order to sell, because it is costly and they feel they won’t recoup the full cost of the renovation

in the sales price. The trick is to know which renovations will bring a return on investment and attract the largest number of qualified

buyers while fitting within your budget. What you do is key!

Our complimentary consultation and home evaluation, identifies and recommends which re-organization, maintenance and renovations

will bring you the greatest return. This includes recommendations for Levels I, II and III, including de-cluttering, paint, counters, flooring,

window coverings, landscaping etc. that are in keeping with your home’s style and market demand. Depending on the situation and the

property needs, I will recommend a stager for the finishing touches.

In some cases, minor renovations can really improve the overall impression of a property’s character and quality, and add to the bottom

line. Here are a few market smart makeovers you might consider:

1. Kitchen:

New or refinished flooring, new cabinets, cabinet faces, countertops, appliances, and lighting can be costly, but buyers typically look for

updated kitchens first. A good kitchen update will recover a large percentage of your expenses on resale. Even a minor facelift –– for

instance, new paint, floor covering, cabinet doors, and hardware –– can pay off in a faster sale at a higher price. This is an important area

to seek a professional’s advice on the latest trends and what current buyers prefer.

2. Bathrooms:

As with the kitchen, renovating bathrooms can pay off in terms of both value and marketability, especially in an older home. Opt for good

lighting, large mirrors, attractive fixtures and materials, plenty of storage and neutral colors. Stay in the style of the home. Once again, it

is extremely important to seek a professional’s advice.

3. Energy-efficientimprovements:

With the “going green” trend, energy saving upgrades and repairs that reduce fuel bills can be a selling point. (For example: dou-

ble-paned windows that keep indoor temperatures comfortable year ‘round.) There are many options, so do some research and talk to

a home products professional to find those improvements that best fit your plans and budget.

When considering renovations in anticipation of selling, there are two important rules. Don’t over-renovate, and be careful not to make

renovations that please you personally, but might turn off otherwise interested buyers.



Staging is the finishing touch. Staging professionals bring in furniture, area rugs, curtains, accessories, plants, etc. to create warm and

inviting living spaces. Whether partial or full staging, it adds an extra boost to your bottom line and the time it takes to sell. I provide

several choices for expert staging services. This can make a huge difference in your sales price. We have photos and examples to share.

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We provide hands on support with your Property Preparations


If you are a busy Homeowner, Trustee or Absentee Owner who wants to sell for more, but finds the preparation process daunting, we

offer a “Property Preparation Package.” We work with you “every step of the way” to identify and prioritize what is most important. We

provide you a list of recommended vendors, gather bids for the work, and oversee contracted work. Let us go to work for you!.


The first step is a complimentary property consultation, including: a walk-through of your property and a personalized prioritized list of

recommendations depending on your goals and your property.

• BasicPreparations:Level1–2

Interior and Exterior cleaning; Interior and Exterior painting suggestions; flooring choices in keeping with your home, including:

refinishing or cleaning of old hardwood, matching existing hardwood, addition of new hardwood; selecting or cleaning of carpet.

• EnhancedPreparations:LevelI–4

Depending on the property and goals, you may select specific renovations of kitchen and bath cabinets and counter tops; fixtures,

Lighting, Landscaping and Professional Staging.


You may have your own resources, or we will provide you with a list of recommended tradesmen, vendors or professionals. We will help

you gather the bids and estimates for the preparations you select. Based on those estimates, you decide what will fit in your budget.


If you are interested in Level IV items I will bring in one of my Designers or Stagers to assist you with your selections and recommen-

dations with in the keeping with your home.

Coordination and Oversight of Work

• After you approve of a bid or bids, we will help coordinate and oversee the vendors with which you have contracted.

• You will approve all the work and sign off on the completion before it goes on the market

This Package is offered as part of our Listing contract.

Next, it is time to start the work, enjoy the creation and of course a successful sale! I look forward to working with you.

Warm regards,

Julie Prewitt | 310-927-0360