Freedom of the will Freedom of the will is a very much important factors in the field of ethics. Because any action of a man could not be evaluated as good or bad if he did not act under the freedom of the will or freewill. Man is responsible for his behavior only the acts freely. Whenever freedom of action is limited man will no responsible for what he did. As it appea teachings man is not responsible for the results of his action without the mediation of the mind. Everything must ba mind and thoughts. You are not responsible for what you did in because there is no mediation of mind. For example, if tree falls on a man and kills him there will be no responsible for the death of the man because the tree did not fall upon the man willingly. The behaviour of a lunatic is also not evaluated as he does not act freely. This proves that there is no action could be evaluated without the mediation mind. Even the mind is free to act but one has to behave under given instruction. The doer is not responsible for his action. Even if the mind is free to act but has to behave under a restriction environment the doer is not responsible for action. Buddhism rejects all kinds of teachings that obstructs to freedom of the will. The Buddha rejected the teachings of Makkalo Kosala(determinism), purana Kassapa(akiriyav t h e o r y o f n o n a c t i o n . A j j i t a K e s a k a materialism. Because their teachings has restricted the free action of people. Freedom of the man to act is emphasized in teachings. If a man performs a bad action with his freedom to act he is responsible for the results of his behavior, and he should face the consequence. While the Buddha has expounded the abilities of being to enjoy their freedom of the will i n s t r u c t e d c r i t e r i a t o s t r e n g t h e n

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Freedom of the willFreedom of the will is a very much important factors in the field of ethics. Because

any action of a man could not be evaluated as good or bad if he did not act under the freedom of the will or freewill. Man is responsible for his behavior only the acts freely.

Whenever freedom of action is limited man will not be responsible for what he did. As it appears in Buddhist teachings man is not responsible for the results of his action without the mediation of the mind. Everything must base on mind and thoughts.

You are not responsible for what you did in a dream because there is no mediation of mind. For example, if tree falls on a man and kills him there will be no responsible for the death of the man because the tree did not fall upon the man willingly.

The behaviour of a lunatic is also not evaluated as he does not act freely. This proves that there is no action could be evaluated without the mediation mind. Even the mind is free to act but one has to behave under given instruction. The doer is not responsible for his action.

Even if the mind is free to act but has to behave under a restriction environment the doer is not responsible for his action. Buddhism rejects all kinds of teachings that obstructs to freedom of the will. The Buddha rejected the teachings of Makkalo Kosala(determinism), purana Kassapa(akiriyavada) the theory of non action. Ajjita Kesakambala (ucchedavada), materialism. Because their teachings has restricted the free action of people.

Freedom of the man to act is emphasized in Buddhist teachings. If a man performs a bad action with his freedom to act he is responsible for the results of his behavior, and he should face the consequence.

While the Buddha has expounded the abilities of human being to enjoy their freedom of the will. Buddhism has instructed criteria to strengthen their free thinking. Buddhism instructed to look into yourself before you performed anything or called introspection.

Buddhism advised that man has to value himself and respect himself (Attadhipateyya). Man has to respect the right of the others and respect the opinion of the Public (Lokadhipateyya). But to gain such things, man need to have a compassion mind or (Dhammadhipateyya)

Here Freedom of the will is a very much important factors in the field of ethics. Because any action of a man could not be evaluated as good or bad if he did not act under the freedom of the will or freewill. Man is responsible for his behavior only the acts freely. Whenever freedom of action is limited man will not be responsible for what he did.