VOL. VI. DOVEK,M0EKIS COUNTY, NEW JEESEY, a Mr. i cuilaia ihope Court Scenes. I . ; . ; ; I n h o f n i n o i w f o r i t w > iwlfuil 1-hr J'nsit tn.iti »>il ili-.il uf fin out uf Din hull I'.'iW- hiK h'Jii.ir JIIN- itlipnrduf lin. Ihlrt w e l t , much point (•> a "guak" KllliKtmic.. uf tl.f.hu (wo ill- iliiU'iI in me bv jmrtics I U O 1 1 J - . l i i h t M u i i t l t i v a f l a m c o u , j j u t l o r n o j - f u r n L i i u t i t r i u > youug man, v.bo ahull be •f H B I R 0 N Ef A| = _Bnsiii«ss_C|i ncusiinu i:vniv a ]1EN T J. II. VOG 1 ) illjITUliAsnl'noilIEI OUfceinHJrriiStrmtniKrB TI'llMS Of HVI1NCIIII 1 Isv.tniAtii.i iv Anvv :„,, War, . - - - - .jil Mollllls, - - - - - Tjn'o miiiitlin, - - - - -| - BO PASSAGE TICKfS LiverpoJf ami Quei own, t:i.- r , i ! l i i H - i K K K t e i i i n a ' j l i : iVJIA.V, WHIT 'All, .VATIONAU Slate Roof K. A. UBNKKTT, M. l)~, II OMCEOVA. TBIIO PHYSICIAN &SUKGKON, Cor, Blackwcll & Warren Sts. ( O p j w i l o D o v e r B a n k , ) D O Y I t t l , N . J . , D l d t - a M . . o f W o m e n B n t l C M M r n i , u r n ! . U . I R . n i l E a r n p u i u l t i u H . O l l k e M o u r n : 7 t . i O A . 3 ! . , 1l o J l n i n l 7 l i > H P . SI J. L. £AW11KNCI£, STJRyEYOR. Surveys, Levels mid Grades nuilnlor Piiblinai»a Trivnto luipiovmentH. OJTIOE: SUSSEX HTIiEET, [Xt-arilii?ran.ilUri(ly(T.J 8y DOVEll.x J. . J. M. HAWBETT, Civil Engineer anil Surveyor, I1CCK.1WAV, It. .1. ALL OIIDKIW I'llOJIITLY ATl'liSDKD TO. 10. H r! ' 1 t l !i» l ,rl; a Kimii"("r'nii'lln-i'(T|"">milIli'. A Jt;i»iU\ fuK, jl|ir'r.lrnSllli>l.*l. «J'B ••••. A. . LICENSED AUCTIOXEBII "'•",!"'!"> 'pu'rjiE "v.'rKl MBI* .ml I"""VEVUllami COLUCTGJl orlXmTIlASCIi rl < a".'il'i'K'.ir'li'nli!iinrua'm\lcb'il.|. j IJi:i:nh:N Knuxr, p.nuu, N. J. ^•"""'""i'Z'lS""'"" 0 "''"' Ort,.,,l,.|,.iM.,i.n,<. ,„„., „„„.„,., PIIVSICI.1X "ml Jlor.OS. DOVJili, 1'T. Jon* Counsellof t Law AND/-' .MASTUIt IN C' . N - J - J. J. VREEAND, Ctii'pentoi' aiiflUiilIiler, Jobbing prampilJUendcd lo. bli'.j.s n n M A C K W K L r , / i l !•> n n H L ' l U l u u y ' H l i i u < < » i l > c . i n t j a j l a t n l i o n , l u u l l u p i rt\siii\ iiiu'si:. ' r.irni'riif]lliickm> I.B.JOLLEw>roprletor, flor^H nndC'JBUH lo T Itf T. MUMMl'IY iratLaw, AXD MASTERA CHANOEIil, tfil.-o in the Natioui/uioirBoHit BulUliiiff . DOVEH, N. X iTKHiiiuuun flrfnitTii, '• * ; ' iTTOilHETS i-J0DNSELL0n3 AT 1-Tjr I I U I I M . V S A X D ( I S O A . TV/fOSES BLANOHAED, ATTOltKEYATLAV, ;II MAKfEll IX CHUKllSIIX, DOVER, N. J. > o over A. Winliloii'y ntiiro ami Im plorp, Oounsilor. at Law,. I) Of I ! I t, N. J.i . . .. i.. (lilra nn »,. CoJ floor nf Ilio Ntlton.l DiJ bfcllildl] * "Jli Furnislng Undertaker, . • MfJEKHED j OTJONEEB.AND COM1US-: QE DEEDS,. .'_) All uri» promptly altemlpd tu. P u n m x L i j T n c C T , • • D o v e r , . 1 . J . IR.AC.C00PER, Masoa and Builder. CmitrActntntiitufotnll kiuilu of Kasan ^'orb lO Jobbing.. . , .' )il:i'-t Mj-iii; LIJ1E, I'LABTEIl AND CE1IKST, FiirtilfllicUatBbiirt-tioUco, : ' .- 3fip(!u ytiilur • |t I'lie,I S.J. OF" 11 Oarriies and Sleighs, S.R.OSMUN, -: Dentist, .HpninsTowiy, s. .1., Hulul'rnjiriBtnrrnr Mornii'Cimiity uf P»i»om»j lIGvtry Dcwi-lpilon, , noVKli, s . J . j allaiitloD pahl lit ropniriiip nnd jyiVBlj LAIlim.VTOIIY. ' : •WSJI in Ani1vBd3 of all dcioiintloim of oil tjS ' -'--• - " ' " " CAREFULLY HADE. iliSof^arfMwillbofnrniBliodoilipnUcatiuD. u q.. IUEUWIHTH, Dover Morris C«unty N. .T. Al/ea Palmer & Son, loiitcrs V! • • AND , : . BuIldciH. l)dVBIi',.N. J. ' ing promptly attended to. f. J. PAtaiEK, Architect. I Organs and Melodebns Repaired'and' Tuned i r««ly.liiaii.V[ur.liir.MpfrhO"niity, •• Ad- ... IV. 8. VltiailT, , •u«E"'{.''"'tacntntln'ljicUlltdlii s arat For eignandDomeiJtip!Segars _-M.ivAr3osHASn: ':.'• ao-ir HAiL,pqvia!,K,J. O. B. GAGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, fJirc .)[> llluiJcwcll Sliec(, ; DOVEIt. N. J. L. W. THURBER, L^nixTESirexT OF vvaiAu ncnmmi OF MOllia.S CUUXTV. inn nvcr OEO. llTCnAUDSAra.'R STOHK, DOVEB, N. J. Hll.-L-htl HtllW In INIB 1111 11.11112 I 1 , M. t t F P I C K n l i d J t l S l D K N C i ; I I I I ] K > S I 1 U lliti SCHOOL HOUSE, MIIWH Kli.I,, N. .). il.LB llldUlTLV .ttTT.KPIJ) Tit J'AV (HI HIOHT. 4J-:ini |) • . \IfM. TKKTUHWAV. BRADBURY PIANO S3IITH AMERICAN ORGAN. 'iim vciv |.nr, Cull nl OKO. IIUNUKAHD'K nalnoil, JttuHoVull si., Donr, X- J. *:i-ir CLOTHING HALL . J. W. BABBITT, PJIACT I CAL TAILOR. M AN\ yi>nn> in Die rlnlliliiir biiiln'T.B in moltlllHTdwV, I,,.., tuiill ima hrgo ' i t d d ll ijill I'H all AVool Duiibli; mid r i a l KuU.4 o n l y - - t'UO.OO Good Henry Suits - - OOO C. MABI13, Jr., ATTOBNEr AT LAW, OVJ;i! IIKOWN'SDBCO STOH1' Oor. DlaokwollandSusBexEte, -cm DO\ r I0It, N. J. (io nuM Kifrona UsfiW dan". At-.;'ic,,'.tr. & Grandin House.. L00.YARDS TOpar I>. L. & W. DEPOT T. E i o o I I o n l a « o i n i m ' i 1 a l ! o n n f u r t r a n s t f l n t o r n c r m a u e n t l i o a r i l u r s , a l l u R l l v e r r n i u l h o a n l l t i g ' i b l o n t l a c i i o d I n t L u h u u r i u . P i m s m i L - c r a U t u n a n d f v o i i ) I l u i l d ' t f L a l i a a n . l L n k o l l a | ) a t c o n « r c f t s i m a b l o c l i n r Q C H . ' V G - t f W. S. & li. P. UeCAMP, NEGOTIATOR!: & PROSPECTORS For Iroa 0"G3 ami Uinoral Proiierty, rOWEP.VILLE, N. J. P. O. at EOOKTON, N. J. Wa. *. DuOuif. jm.P. DiP«p 6J.1I".: ••..'•• M.& I. Searing CARPENTERS, "Jobbing, in .Gre&eral. Tobnccoiiist, Sew." BTATIONEB inJ dOKPEOTIONEll, rarrmovci]'tu thn stcfo ritnm tlirc.) cloun li ;" m ^ih,unijU»fflX;.HTIlKE i r. > HariiiR pirrcliasiil or Hr. Morri»on tlie bud- DCHS of this iiUuil, Inotia-say lo lit* old onn- totnora nu'l tlo cGncrnl-piibllo Iliat I BIIDII nirtiirto Jrinrve tlielr p«lmna(tp,'onJ ro- ilfullvBDlli'it Ibo Fnma.' I nlmll hepp nltray* laiid'tlioisualaiiplill'cf fr , ^" Daily and Weekly Papers, MAGAZINES, DOKS, wninso rAi'uns, I'ENS, l'ESCILS, INKS/4C. nd DO5IE.SII0 SEOAI1S, i .ripeHi Sejjft" ndlilcra, PoliulieajAc. . bAIIIIIES, WITS AND FnTJITS, ind a largo \arjrtr uritoTioNB or all kinds. ' ; ' ;i J'' '"HilDSOSPEEn "WJM. XrIA.KItIS, WATCH MAKER and JEWELER. Sussex St., Oover, ~S, J, v,-ULPi\in fuUaii.l*,'l.ii-t Htoi>ktif||'Hi>,«d>nii|irUli WATCHES. CLOCKS, J J i W E L l t V , K O I J I ) ( J O L D H I N O r t , P L A I N , i t i j j m v c c l a n d K i i f t l i K i - l n r i i c c l . I J I I I I C * ' . . - i i t s C l i i i i i i s , K C T H u r J K W J U . i t Y n i l i i n v H i m n i n l p t I ' l j i i H i c l u i u l i l y i m l u o i ' i l i>i ; ( i l U l i i n ' K o u i i J I I K B C S 1 M a r J O I I K H i n u r t - n t v * n - I v . ( ] » ! ( ] m i d i]|nli'(l K I I I I I H S I K I H k - . ' v i < l ! t i l - i i h H . u t n i l i i c n l l i K i i i ' t H . K i l v r r I H I I ^ H H I " l i i i i i l i k ' H , l i i i l . l i i t a m i I t l l ' l m n t ' l i a i i i n f u r I n i l l I I J I ; ( ' 1 1 1 H , A I H I I ' H c l i u i o n a i - l i i ' l u m n t M J A K H T l ' J J ( i O O D S , ( f t h i ' n ' V U h l n n d i n n . f i t i l i f i i l ( i t ^ K i i H f i ' u m l i u f j . ' i R - u . - t ^ l N n v V « i . . f i i P l t i r v , c d i H l H t i n e I I ! C A M T U H S . C : \ K B H A K - H . I H T T t J i l l l l . ' H U K S . l i V I i n i ' C l T l ' S O i l M ) l i H T J I H , f l l f l ' l 1 H T A N I W . T K . \ i ' U T . 4 , L'Vf. S p t i o n 1 I . J 1 . I O I K , H n M r t H , f l r i n k l t i ^ , Xnm-n, Cnll 1MN. i'i.' Knlv<x, NanUn H , H i n n l i i i i u H i IK, K i i l v i - n . F u r k i . . H j m ti-iiH* l i m v f n n i u l F . < r l < B , . W - . A l t m v i . .- ii l i n o n M r t o i t i j i i ' i i l u t M > t o j r \ C L V i A n r n l i u m l n l i n o n M r t o i l u i i Y i ; t i l A S M K H . A I h l n ! k T A Ihi . T i n - ( K IMCTU.UIS ami of HUM) 1'1'XK, l iitnltlll H,L nml iHJ.HlTS U iff \Vati,!u« mid Ji "PEOPLE'S STORE." (ONE 1 J K1CJ!3 / C A R P E T D E I ' A K T M l i X T : A f . r , V o l v r t , D r u M u l i ^ fl-l-l.v, I W i n ' 1 , I V i t H i . l I a a a m i l l i i i i i i ( Jli,a, Oil C'li-illiK. of F.iigliMli am llll' | Hollar > IIDMO ood Wcrk GXtl'tl -- " exlra 1.JS0 PnntK Double soira-A SPECIALTY FBOM.S3 TO largu ntsitrtriionl of FINK CLOTHING MEN, VOUTIIS 1 nml nOYS. OVEU 2,000 PAIR OF Uailtncatlani i be AIIUU.IT1)C»1 at tin «. '• ? tho DAHOAINS •y prlrm fn ,T. \V. BABU1T. I2CO\OMY IS M'BALTH. 'E C.VN BEIiP \'0U SPEND YOUB MONEY WISELY. TTTBC.iN ;oiivli:ra you tlill jou'can nave IT nianuy IUIB SitrtiiitnndHummwby liii.v- K Tour IluiilB nml Klincxat Geo. W, Ilrahu'i ILM[) IIOJI uud Hhoo Siorn. Om m-w nlocti i* in- in »'Jil WHHnever morotinnplftotn cvrnr Hptct tltnn at iirmnt. IJTUI y Soiir.l.k Myli- Indfcn', genlfl'. minuet.', yoittli s »nH clillilion's ittun LiLtiiina CnngrpKii Oa I tent nnd HlnifR iifllBUtly mi Imtni.'' B:O. HURT* IIOCB COM ilimionlyuttJ. W. UIIAKR'S Cli.'op Ho til id tilmoSluro. 0D3T0M'WORlianilj'ibWnn tmiplly all mulct! in. Ono Jonr trata Mulfurit n ACo.'BClatUingBtore. b , H l u d c V i k t u r t - H , L i v e ( I n -Lii, C u r t a i n M H I I T I : * , ft-.-, n i f t h u a - , < l ) B , V C u r - n f , « t i t i m l . i ' o a d I i t t u a S i r a i l n f , a m W- H- SOO, OOO NORTH ItIV3i3B BH.IOK.! REDUCED PRICE. UOVER.N.J. GREAT RlDUCTFo^N T U F . V H I O K M O DENTISTRY S. Xt.. DENTAL OPPICE, x, x. J. iEIiCSENE OIL, LAHTE1INSAND . 131IIITANIA WA11E, Aful nuKoi'lincnt of TIN & JAPAN WARE, PBUIT CANS, &CL, TIN HOOFING, EAVES, TltOUGHS, Bctti or AltTIFIOIAL TEETH, with :imi9 GUMB ttu'lTOUOM'SI'AT- MST IUDaB oltaclica far D E S T I S T O V A T I U I U ) T I 1 I E H l ' l t l C E f l . C n l l w l i i l i ) t m c l i l i n l u c i - n i m i t s a r o o f l c r i ' d . N e v e r k f o r o i n ilit- U w l o i y t - r I b l u c t t y c o u l d » . TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR act of leutli ]»3 had for TEX HOLLARS. S. It. OSMUIJ, Dentist, juonitisToww, N. J. OFFICE ON THEPAHK. ftliru.ry lllli. 1S70. qunrte to luahuildlngnil J3LACKAVELL STUEET, lalHy c c i i p ^ . l . l i ; ' I I . 1 ) . W a i t e r s , I n l i n l l 1 C t o B r c a l t m y o l i l r r i u n i j M I L m y n o n H, t r l i v m n i l U i l i c n a n c i l r u i i t u m i l l T u c i l - OYSTERS 11 n i l s t y l e * , a n i l l>,v I t i c q n a r t u r u n u l . ]>Ar.TiE3, BALLS, etc. aii|>i.llc.l. a l n i l l i o u i P . R U | . | I C M f j r | . i i r ! ! i - n u n i ' h t n l < - > > . 'II1.1 I » i s t b r a m l t i n f PEOPLE'S STORE." ONE PBICE ONLY.) T-\0M GEO. W. DRAKE BOOT and SHOE STORE T o t h o I n n t t , A n n I t n r o T W O U O O H S A B O V K H I S O L D S T A N D . ( I n U ' l y . o r c i i p l i - i l l i yJ . W . T l i c m p m h ) a n i l o n o O n u r f r o m M i l l l o n l , 8 n n A C o . ' f l d i n l i i i i p H l o r o , l y l i n r i ; I m w i l l b , , p l o u a f i l I n l o o a l l I I I M o l j c u H j a m o t B m l i m n ; n o u 1 1 1 1 SOLE A0EST IN.M01U!IST0\TN lOIt THE SALE OP E. C, HURT'S CELEBHATED SHOES. C DEl'AI'.TSIEST: KTtCISi QOlLTi MiSSCtLLEfl, IXET CO«1! AMP flnTCUO); PBISM, OIXOIUUB, "nsi, comis A*D vnMTEO, cinrrx •VVAUT, Li DIES' QESTS' locriis* ASD oniuinr.s'B USUBB- VT. 8. nAltUITT, . N. J. A NEW WOOD nurt COALYAUD inDOVER. T b o B H l i » e i i b c r l m n t i t u m C i l H ' I I O T y n r d 'or tbfl mlo or COAL nnd WOOD, on 1IL,\CK- IVBLL St., nc»t lu GAQIi A, HAtSEY'H Lum- ber Yard) ConBtantly on litnd alt klndi or COAL. LEWS™ dCRANTON AND BITU- MINOUS COAL. UF.L1VEUEO TO ANY 1'AttT, I P DOVKIl Oil VICINITY. WOOD, botli incdanJInn'ir, for Bale at tho yard or delivered. JUB, JLJWhsn, OKWEft 1 , KEKD AND IHAlk OF ALL KINDS. ,-.ina.it«.Itlitiiltopiir/Mthi.owMBPcitIi,aiid all wlia favor m o witb tbolr pnlronigo, mnv n\ywm mil WOisKta, lidiu*t drallnK. LOW ritlCES, ind prowplnrBs In flllitg onlora. . OHICB ^a J. / Y i t i k n l . C»rponiGi- 81inP. IVm. HILL. fer.AngustiHth.mfl. A FINK BILLIARD BOOM, ntlnolioil t TWO tl.o Uwtminint, «ith TABLES, nly-nj's, ltqit ill grpil order. QKO, A. ULANl!fIAllD. Aprl oth, 187S. iT-tr Custom Work and Jobbing ' PROMPTLY ATTESBED.TO. Geo. W. DBAXE. BOILER WORKS, FOSTBB P. EIEOH, Propriotor. DOVER, M. .1. STEAM BOILERS, BMOKE-STACKS, BLAST PIPES, TANKS.and ORE BUCKETS, constantly on hand. I'AlIUNa 1'LOMPTLY ATTENDED TO.. IUU tnMcrrii Count; Maoliino & Iran Cu. SB . . . - • •, Freeman Wood, FIRE! INSURANCE AGENT. , iv. .1. ullii> , i l n it o f Ilii! u H i s t . I O H B o i i n i | i n i i l i i B - t l i i i t i o u t * i n O i l - n u r l i l : LONDON nuil LIVERPOOL anil OLOIIE, Capibil 820,000,000. LANCASHIRE of 'MANCHE3TEH, Oupitul 810,0110,000, STATE FIRE INSURANCE Co., <'upitnl, §300,000. ROYAL OP LIVEBPOOL, Capital $$10,000,000. FHAKKL1N OF PHILADEL1>HIA, Ciipitnl 85,000,000. no>rK, . - " coo.ooo. S'l'All, Jomny City, " 500,000. HUDSON COVNIV, Jtmcy City, ' Cnpitnl $800,000. 8TANDAIID, .Irenlun, " 300,000. PEOPLE'S, Kcwurli, HIBEHN'W, " HTJMBOLT, " U00.OOO. 200,000. a00,0O0, HEAL ESTATE PURCHASED and SOLD Choice Lots in Dover, fur Bnlit diuap, nnd HOUSKS TO LET. . Freeman Wood, h - . i r . y l o i . i i i i i i u i i h c t c M r . J N M H j > U u i l ~]i«1i> nvcr.v niui'liiuj. nj.jj<*ul lo tli" fed- it.l U i i u k c i t i l . y u i u J i o n o r ! ' " ' l m f i c l w n i - " n u t i m l y i l M t l i i s y u u n u m i n i i s k - t i l o u i r c a s i c r l . u t h e r e w o l m v e c l o v e n l i t - n t 4 | .-(,' i i M U i u l i v j tli o u t t i n y r o o H t c i - ! " I t i n , h o w e v e r , t l m t w l i i l o t h t r c w i w n o - 1 i t i u i i i i l i i n i t t l i u r u f u i l e r l i n v i i i K l m o t i n t o - M l u - r u v a R n n p r o o f t h n t l l w i k r v n t b u i l m i l i h n n u i l l . i k I m u o r n l l o w u d t h e i k i f u m l - it t o j , - ( . i r i - c . J . K c w n n l W i l l s f u r d c f w i i l - l e w w - m i i . u i t w n s i,tt ' J ' t n i R i i l i v . " T h o » . n u M I A . C i i M i i i i c A t , J k n j u M l n C . ^ i - m e . W i n . ( . ' a s H i i i i u r i ' , A l l . i T t J l i l l n n d c i i . « D u v i r t ( n o i o u r l » t i t l y t l u c t i - i l n o i i h l i i - l i i w i l d II I M W O w h e r e i n H I P H l u t o , v e r y D j i i M - r l t - . h k - p s i n t o i l H l e u d t l i o c M m a . T l i o •' H U l U U C l l K t r l i l : H fftTil l l C i ' l l h O l l l)f C O l i t i l l i r - H u t ; i i i . t , n m t , i i i i l i n v f u l i i h s t i n b l y e t c . , A c , m i n j u r y o r . M r . H u i i r y I l u l t t r ; n m l t h u .', l i u i i t u l t nl u t i k n i t e r t l i o W L K H I O " f i * - l a p c l i l t t w t l i t i z e i i , u m l c r l t i o k t o [ i m .876. NO. 20 f il tin n.l l'ulipi' ^fu Mnitp. Stoves. Stoves. THE OLD STAND. UNION HALL BUILDING, DlncliwcllHtn-el, D.ivir, Hot Air Furnaces, r ( l i e l n ! r n t a m i i n i i s t i m p n i v i ' i i s t y l e * , f o r n n n i i i f , ' p u b l i c n n d l i r i v n t o I n i i i d i n g n . A l a r g o n H > u i l i n u i i t . u f h t u v p H , c l i c n i ) f u r e n s h . COOK, PA1ILOH, UEATINQ STOVES, RANGES, Ac. AIHII Bvui-ioty of LBAD1-11S, und'nU klndg of Jothlng in 1117 line, •'lino lu U10 fji-st miuinur' u'ml nt tlio utiorUwt utli'o, Higlieit pricon paid tnr olil Irou. Copper toil and pnrctor taken In uxclisD^a ALEXANDER WIGHTON. DfceiiiU-T 24th. 1670. 1-1vr The New Empire JIol-Air, Gns & Ilasc-burn- Ing Cooking SIOTO... ,(l' Drew Theological Seminary. to ho nmnml morliiig of ilio Trustees of tlio J Tlicologlail Hcmfnury was lield on the inut. llislinn Jnncfi -was elected Preei- X, nml I'ror' AVella Socrotary of the >i of Trustees. Tho ptUt of $4^000 from V Ktout fur tho endowment of tho chair fiir.b Preuideut wns accepted irltli llmnka to thetivur. l'rof. Wells a>ld that this uum, Ihcr with tho nnnnnl subuoriptioiiB ul- y inatlo, nraountinff to about MS.OUfl— Ute tlio outlook of Ibo Seminary vety fu- coiblc. and then was no doubt of Iho mw- " " a efforts to rcBtoro tlio endowment le fniluro .or Diinfnl Drew. Tbo , he said, wcro full of. couiiige im to ^QjTature. Thu Beiuuwty wiia crowded t ntudonts, nnd aclass nf nbout 20 wan to bduatod mi l[n.y IB. Application!! hud By boeumailo fovndtulsaiou, to tlie iu- tbo a h' Junior Cltma, Tho reports were nia(V"ifc'i nnfl O'« rnrivnl culhUHiflHin of tha ij. ?b would inaitt) tho Bemlaiiry tlio gnhi- , ber Uim tliu Io3or by tlio liwa of il« eii- "''*ieuL The plan for Widnclinij ilia " T . 01 »nry wna to colled nuiiiud Niibwriul* « I3 I,UUO fur four ycam, to meet Ilio ..„ imi'isiwusoM, utid in Uie mean tiiuo ti> nil- tKii cnttDWtncbt of $300,000. ,, i mm mil cnUtloguo of tlio ' Rominnry, f" 8 . t ma jiut LMQ pnblluhcd, iilimva Ihnt 6""»oully cousiHl« of eight members. ' Tho "ft'W ot filmlaiits ia IUI follows: Senior 'HE fiRSTBUHNO STOVE I Also, » n^rgo A^u-lmcnt u ut CooVmj Hiovci), illM " filOVCB & FOR SUMMER & WINTER US£. : . AUa, »cholro stock or' , •- Hardwhro, CnUery; ' GIU.UK, Woodcu, Copper, Plalo uitl Japanned TISWABB. . ••, .'•.'•, OU Clot ha,' CwpotB, Lunna, Palntt nut Ollt, iir<t Cugeii, Fcafdcri,' l'rutt't Aatrnl Oil (nun, xplnaivo.) Alia, ' Uoolin?, I'luinbing nnd Job ' Work promptly attendedlo. ON.\T.I.]./H PATENT STEAM COOKINO" .vri'Aiuxua. - iiii>tuit(.'n ScalcR at Manufuc- turrit prices; I l n < n , C u f i p c r . V . n * * , L e n d , H u t u a n d c u u l a c U t j k . i i i n n u - l m i i j j u f o r p m u k J A M 1 W H . V M V K S & t i ' . , I t i a > l ; a n - I i y , ) l u r < - 1 t 1 , 1 S 7 . 1 . PROCLAMATION! .' "WATERS, RESTAURANT, BLACKWELti ST.. NEXT TO THEtfJS'IONBASK, DOVEB, N. J., ivitoN ill hia frk-oils ami tho frnni-ml pnlilio tn illunbim.uiiilboronvliiccil tint bo Ima iba nustquartern in tlil-mcrihin, ind la abuwhntly jlunitlihlHlnmcancil lacilit.us totucrt their n.iti and Btttinry their tttti'.uH. JIEAiS AT ,UiLHOOKS, jircpnrcd to order, promptly nnd cheaply. OYSTERS ,r\f<l In ovory utyb, and BUU by tlio humb-e<l or thotikniid. Tbo cbolccit branili of FOKEIQN nntl DOMESTIC SEGAltS, mny alrfiyii bo fonud it my place, u well tr - -vplyuf etc. Pnrticii, Halli, FeatlTila, etc., nupplii'd nilh Ojfltcrn, Crtam, Confoclioctry and other.i ESPECIAL NOTICE! Having been appointed. BOLE AOENT for liiflviclnityfor DATS IOE OREAM, infl liavlnj; fiitca upli»ndsom« parlorstfn.la prlvalo unt.rancB fur lathes, I sball mnLu tlio ialo oi ICE CREAM a epeclaity tlio curuins io*ion, Mi] Trill gnurantco perionul comfort and freedom frutn aunofanco to m* gacili. Dill / fcro wcro M'vcml wllutiWH Hwumuud tisliniouy, prt'lly woll bailed down, yutcil to about tUH:-l*rior lo the ilnit >ril, lloiir^-ltnlinr had been fceomm- u Olil.atlirookJyiii'oiid. On Iho third tby (lit moutli (thin) ho mtivuil lu StuiihoiH llt!.u thu tlie moviiit; WINIHIHMUL' Mm. Ciiw, .••« boiiM, her two IJOJB went down lo Hi- ll)ilfl, which wns near tho n>i«l, wilh tin , i * oruncihl wiinli-buiicr, to i»ick un HO me 0 *»i. On Ilu'ir way to tho womltiilo they meied un tho jjiiiiH with Koiiielhtiij« mid . s n iioim) resL'inliliufj I hut whidi JMim <v meii to ninke whin her 1>OUH uwurmutl kept tin tie ilrumniiiifr until nflor tin mltiiL' i:i wngoiiH) Lad jnHaed. Mennwliih im Ciusiiuoro herself hnd cotnc out ou 1H>L t«l«M>i» with IIU old riuihionuil frjius P"" «r liuiid lo einply Iho wuter inn with _ l i ttlio hnd wiiuhvd it, nnd migUt have ~ i. kuifo inher hnml with which nfie Mil i.riiwHil.ly luiiiiini>ru(l the frj-ingpui „ wnid. lie two hoys, AIUMI Hill uud Prank I)n- qWorq nronml Jlr. Ituhci'H houso while I uruilurc wns boiiic lnadcd nnd filnrted Itinhopo along with Iho moving. After PK Mm. Cnwiimoro's house nnd getting ei p from Hie mmaof (ho tiuw, nud ttt Hdiiio t between thero nud Sliuihono they A>lo im effigy whlth WHH tiistenod to u lnit)ioiiiebotv. Acrowi tho brentit of thin lav itowiwnlniu'] bcuriiiB UIIH iiinuritiliW: i.ik nutt Uiink Bnbor in COIIUUL'," or cll(I Bto Unit otlucL Over Iho rfioulitsr of 'Phi 1111 "' wrlH n l>"rlerl»Ulu lilted wilh wn- pno of Ibo wiliicBxen testifleil that he Tinted it uud knew. Tlie foremost tenm fast'UhoofliBy-tlio others Btopiwd to see irO Dit ivnn nnd whilo tboy wore tlioro theso of tW*' W nml naviH ' we» tUew nlsti, mo of them mid he kucw who put it A; hut would not loll; for wiiioh rcneon tiuii^cro niada oodcfcndnuU lu tho suit, e n a b l e clnimed that It wUB n "put up joh" ieB[.DiiBj)irncy to diHRmco, jniuro, nud biir- .liofottlliieiorHr. Ilnbcr; to lure him B tli© coinmikwioa tif MOIUOcrime by which (ICBOghtboBeiitio limgiiUlt in prison. It "SM»rk pioUo drum Mr. Itiiber out of 1 pmyed liis honor Ihnt tlio Tin- hnicThnmm II. IMsgs. |n <io fmicml serviiies of tlio vctt-n "Jj.or. Tbamos H. RrifgH, took pU inflccasunua in tho M. K. fliurcli, t J'JCUi iu^t. rromjitcd b.v n feolin NonJ Uircst iu tIie U)nn wliosft long life wn liliCated to tho God-Rurviiifj nnd J^jtiDff vocation of teaching, I (,'ivif u j, mid being a tittle curly aecurei harjt iiiKiilc tlie nudienco room, Tin concourao of people iu uttenJnnei every plnco for Hitting, mlditional wcr« i.-rotiglit in, the Blandine 1 rooi II oniuiilod mill tomo fulled to goi !. People were noticed in attend, from Dover, Scliooley's Mouiitaiu I«/I«w,, Bnt-tlpyrills aud Clicster.— 'lio hud formerly deceased. '. of G. T. to wliicl; wns lurguly reprosented, : "ig ix bmlgo uf mouiu y worn prcaont w] Jf iiiBtructctl Uy tho 1 r<po Lodgn of I, O. ( Kev. J. II. Knuyon proiicbed fi llowiug words: "And I heard R from Heaven enying write. Blessed lio dead which die in Ibo Lord from •eforth : Yon, anilb tbo Spirit, thai may rest from their labors, and worlia du follow them."—Itetr. 14, Ho remarked tliat God often tbo wmtli of man to hia praise, and :11s lvlicn John \vm icily bcuish- nyyii, nml pmyed his honor th pinitora isliould be compelled tofjivo very fly bull to niiiH-ar before thoneit Hesaioii pnjc-court at NowLonr there to mmwor to Lt(»ooviir indictment tbotrain! jury might omg ngiuiiHt thcio for tho very lieiuotiH ,0 of which Ibej- bud been guilty. HU ir decided after listening vorj" tnllcntly ^IO tPKtimony nnd clonuent nrgmnotitu of C0l «el ou both Bide, thiit there wna not gb in tbo cneo tovnrrubt hin holfliug iTlidS nnd HOlie lot tlio accused go free. llci 1 1. l\owH for the RUte, J. Seivmd , for derrnilauts. , I). J. • HIP ishmd of PiilmoB for an oUcuce iBt Home. Hia trials wcro wore coiniicii8iifpd for by tho glorious r i»hu wns jiunnittcil to havo of Hea- jiud itsblcsseilnesa The text is ono •Jo most comforting portions of Scrip* i John wns commanded to writs thu tad wui-d* Lbut man of nil nges muy tlicm. Boineseo nothiiiR in tbera iible, and wolcomn life with all its nnd troubles. They jinau lifo'a idary with forebodings of ill while 'ul dreads are upou them. The dy- •'iriatiiiii gU'esuvidonceof happiness "paaaing on to tlio tmporiniV h ntrugfjting in tho embrace of , Two rccontty visited found their joy, their "all nud in nil." decensed brotlior was iu tbia hnpjiy itiou when ho a;iid to onxlnna ids "lot mo alopo ; lot mo die 1" impoituut tjusstiou nddressM itarlf i hero, nnd that fa tvimt mtiat wo do lo in tho Lord. Tlio unawer ia we . L bo IN mil iu life. This is not bib's condition, by birth, by solf insti- \\ reforms or by profession. In or- to be in tbo Lord Ilicro miint boa xough turning away from tinnnd bc- L ingnnew enmture. Kuiiwlcdgc oi fact is im|)ortant ami Slnrlliiir a (Jmrrjord. THE n i t S T IKQTJtST ANDKDNKUAL IN TU IILACK UILLS. Death dcmumled n sucritlce. A. p i t ' . . .vnrd had to bo statted iu Ouster City. No one hnd volunteered to die. and nu riiffiau had offered n «ncriflce. Fate led Charley Holt and Jolm Picket across tho plains from Sioux City, and hope and ambition ledtliem to "drive tbeii stultoa" upun the Boutlieru slopo in UIL suburbs of Ouster. Poor boys I tboy were not yd men, tmd their combined fortune nuil enrllily effceta would uot reach ilvo dollars iuvalue. Tlioy select- ed a town lot upon a gransy knoll, close lo a Bmnli grove of Btrnipht, fall pines, buy timbc babitation, md thi ing unable to (.'hop larger logs or timber with which to construct a ation, dug a cave. Theao bova mado their dead-fall eight foot square, covered it with nine brush, propped it ip with eipht small poles, threw on HOV- :ml Ions of cartl, aud wcut to bed *o iream of home, of mother, of father, ind of tlio fortune they, in their boyisb lualioriH, Jjad already curved out of golden renlma. \Phon morning cnmo(March8),n sail eight wan rovoai- eatotbo youug man who went to the Jug-cut to borrow a uliovel. Tho angel 3f death hnd beoa there ia tho uight, •nd had buried the Bleeping boyo alive. V mint, piteous voico boucatU this Ymua grave twoko tlia icy etiLlness of the fros- *y morning, "In Sod's narao I pull mo >utl lam dying." Tho bov yho had ome to horrnv nshovel fled in linrrnr 'torn thofatnl ejiot, cnlliug loudly for lelp. whWi enmo from all direc'timm, torn fifty cabins iu tlio gulch. A dozen 'couion anna delved down uud tore away ho cruel ea»-tli which hnd alrendyclaap- id anil claimed ono of these hoys na its >wn, aud whioh had hugged and presg- fd inits icy embrnoa, fur eight loiiff lours, tho Blruggling survivor. The 'try told by tho maugled nnd mutilat- youth is a brief poo. Ho told it to IB wliilo gasping in agony aud paio, .retcled npon n eoticli of rino L •i tlio hillside. "WoflniaheU our 'dng-out* yesterday. Au old stager who has benu through tlie mill, given the followingparcutal ad- vice to tho girls: Take lessous on (lie piano ami learn to paiut and fiiug, but let your mother do the aeliL^ I>o worsted irk, nml make nice lit- tle neckties for tliG heathen,but don't ac- quire that mystic art to rook " jjork and benns." Go to boarding-school am] pursue iina Froneh Hjiaiiiali uud Ocvinnn, but neglect your good old mothur J S l i h I'Jatly deny tb ft i h g y r g I'Jatly deny tbc you are ccgnged. ri i r JSnglfc. ft impeachment ibat Treat yoni 1 aa if you were ushiimed noinpliiiioiitnry iiuyhouv, i sprig n of him. It i to tbo young spri u When you laugh, Itiugh licarly. Ictu- aid Ulliugs mny bo fit'L'ii. HIM U care: for tho tlentifit. TL'II peoiilu who are posted, nnd t-un- cnieutly KUOW lictUir, that yon arc ex- actly nniotcLMi luflt or nest eiiininnr, yim "orget which. They'll believe it, you flay naughty tliinga of your rival or neit-door neighbor, nud npuuk dispnr- agingly of WISH Q'snoae. Itiit' entirely -worlookyour own incongruities. By all mt'uus " toto" a nice little d"S iftor you on the street. There is a 1 uco of your being tukeu tov HOUIO one •, wjiile it Hjiciks voluiues—for Iho dog. "Walk fmir ubrciu.1 and lionp tlio cen- tre of tlie hidowitlk, but uover for a mo- ment allow yourself to bu di^uoucertud. It shows coumdenitioii for the Imppi- •";ss of others. Finally, quit being girls by marrying Borne old buld-hoidcd buffer, with loU of "tin," nudl-nthluHsly thrust aside a inmt of bmitis with a becoming enmije- ilunr. l . town to beg for work Wo ha! eaten cp our lost Ciiarllo—that's my partner— tycd nt homo to fix up things aud flu- ih diggiugout tho chimney. I woat to e niiusi^' mocling at Swearocgor's loon, aud came home about too o'clock, ud went to bed. M'lieu I wolto up £ m buried, but I had ono hand with liicli I scralchrd away tbo dirt nnd niEth nud gut nir, llion a\\ wus dnrk guin, anil nfter mvliile I woke up. I t .lould Kco the fitarn and tho moon, and I iTv know ibi mny enjoy it pound uov- heard Charlio calling to inn )(ora known, may hnvo froeilom from 1 tried to move, but tlio dir fJdenination and tho nottl iilleil will] fniils of (he spirit. This is ho- iu the Lord, nml without these ' (8 there is no being In Olin'st Jtmie. 11s tiny wa nro r.ot required to 011- tho tiials tlmt fell to. tli^ lot of itivc christinus, though eiicb on a portion. There nro no more trialn mr departed brother, no inure "of- to secure tho eomforla of Hf« for ilh whom ho wnsaurroiuidL'il and hi l t M a wil whom ho wns V: i-hom his lovo was st ld f il h trong f " will dirt cumo tutu- I i Then i tin v- •• Jgain. Thats all J kuow, sir, till jnst now. I a Charlie dead r Yea, Choi-lie was dead I cptoii, Ha was an old man, nud bo bad a bit of conductor's pasteboard ntuck in bin hut, Ho watliud into tlio dmgatore.anil inquired, "Hnvo yon got any good whin- koj?" "Yfti. sir," replied (ha g,?utlcnmily druggist. •'UiuuuolKil-fiipmt." "Have you gotftdoctor's per/serin* Lion?" "No." "Can't sell it thon, sir. Jury in sus?* ioo I must bo strict." "Whore can I got a doctor?" eadly in- His crushed ana mingled body wiu dragged out of he debris u foiv minul f t d d gled b he debris u foi b d fee JiRcoatiuticd he reciterJ,. 1 rrnP, 7-lelal, 10,". TLrao fil s f t f t ' c r j , 1 2 : i s p c c t m i i i n t * i IUU'B, C5 from the Middle , W - from tlio Bonthoni StnlcH, IS *\ho WcHiorn Slntea, 5 Ironi tho i'flciflc ioi; 1 cncli from Ganiula,' Kugtutid, Fniuro, cheionln ami India, nnd 2 from Ilulgnria. ' aod« the Tucully, tliero am special lcc- " i variouH lopiCK, nmimff tliem llinhon , tten Ilinbop I. W. WOM, tlm llev VDQNC1KHI, tholtcv. JainMll. Kfup, 1). ,ni,lilrfy-iuna oftlio KinduntH nwt foll.'go A Bemorkablo Woman, lli k f l following k from tho JViiMrJL- j a j » - iinw religioua weekly: lives ill Randolph tovrnaliin nu old iindjenrly olghty-ooo yoatn old. Sho VIM fulltu tho.yearl"0a Uerfnther wnsinthe iututioiinryyiir, and lived to bo eighty- -- -''; nnd her mother lived to obout Both were very imioh' re- ifhcr brotlicn nerved in the »ff 8 ffi_ . A\ 1812 and lived lo be vurj. old, as did a lof WI ery , as did .Bbo WHBmarried in 1815, lived within a: radius of ton b4 1 She jwardod for all ho docs for Ooil, Its nro tlio biBis of jiistiOeatiou, "i..... p works do follow Ihom." na they are tboclorieaof Hciivon, which jjlnce iflLflllttivcal tho Rood necompliNuod io lifo now ended ou earth. Jtov. \VhimiB Goid, we linvono ordinary for noordiutuy man is to bo Vn (iW uum lius gone. This ia if;n nged'men hnvo rondo an " Vim Moltlio. Emperor Wil- innny, Tiiion, of Fntnoeand icn, awold men that ig uud !astiii|f improa- nt years. Tho mnu wo ugh compelled to ln- __-..|ios hcinc a- eripplo. this weolhnd noble calling for llyThtbmMd remember that j.ronnathig mncconiffliy | lcro wi, 0 knotf ireo wcro lmioh-Hninllcv, than hut.' ten I thonxponaes pn.porllonably Hiiialt. O ., jeral account tho receipta were 39,705.1'., neuliiflt $10,4JM.00 last year. Tho ceuertL expmuwt huftyeor wore $10,4O[|.Bfl • ihia year they aro $8,017, a reduction of $1,480.90. In short tho council havo pnid out of Us income $2,0»Qi>rthfl mmiicipal hounds, $1,DUOi Oio lire Iiumlfi, niiiMioif a bnlanco on, hnnd i Another Foot Bridge Needed- Tlio building of tho foot bridge last Tear nlotig tlio enst ni3a of UIQ bridgo bii 1 Sunset Htreet ncrota tho uonal and river, mm a long veailcd improvement,• nnd one 1 thnt tha irhalo commnuily htia fdt gmhful for It.onlymmninunow to compltto thowork by Iho erection of ntiather foot bridge on the opposite, or woatsido. .Thera aro saverul an why thia,filiould lo done. Tbo tjen- ppeanmco of tho.Btroet shouhl bo Rreat- iHiiratl, nuil it ivouhl bo but juHtico to tliunww>M «f property wlio luivo flnnged tlmt Hide or (bo Htrcet BO imiKlflomoly, und «ho r tho want of it aro compelled tomnko •o croMiuRBiuorder (o yot totho post office, bantu, mid other parts of town. Uut tho logs. . .__ -Jiv minulea nfto/ward and borno down tlio hillside (ou deserted noldicr's cabin in C'uatur street, nnd "•• ~" iipuu n plunk placed upou two m eame Iho first inquest hold in the Black If ilk It was a queor ucono. fliero stood tho City Marshal, a tall rough, honeat man, with bronze brown- ed inco and tcnr-Blainea eyes, a pair of imyiofl ou his hips, but gentle as a lamb in the mco of death liko this. Tho coroner, a minor with grizzled beard nod hard grimy bmids, ttoou" hv tho body; with n book iu his band. Tm doctors jufit arrived that morning, from Plalto Oouaty, Mo,, looking moi-a like trumps lhau professiotiala, stood by. A reporter, n Jotvis*i clothinff dealer, a Eatoon keeper, a lawyer aud two miuera oouBtitulod the jurj, which Bat itself ui priutipil ; bcr parts 0: MU Utlmt nil town children to and. from bchool cross this bridge, auil these, with tlio largo iimonnt of other travel, often ci-owd [t in an unocipfortablo manner. •-•-• •The Iron Industry. Tho Ei\t}intrr\ntj atul Mining Journal of I hmt week enys; , . . ' Wo nro roporlcd HIIGH, in lola, of ftbont Wo I,«uai bt i pr H, in lola, of nbont f No. 2 foundry Tbomas iron; in exception wo learn f b ncro at onco, iiotifio'1, and when' they o nnd osltod : "Do von.pretend to pekingofSpnin?" "ilotl. 11 "Why, then, did you register your nnine ?" 'Because I wish to travel incognito." What a fountain n[ blensing IB a cow ! .ilin in tho mathcr of beef, tha aourco of butter, the origiml causu of cheese, to Bay nothing of shops, horn, hair, combs, anil nuper leather.: A ffoufle, umiablo, ever-yielding,ereuture, who lias uo joy in liar family afFiirii which tdio <loo3 not Bliaro with mon. Wo rob her of her milk, ami wo only enro for her that the robbery mny bo pcrticttiated. A timid young man, tlie ether uny, banded a well known' Pnris rcsUurnnt keeper, a voluino of Hornco, on tho fly- loaf of wliluh was written : "Ploaso giro tho gentleman who will hnnd yon thiB book a good lunch, nnd oblige yours— Pjum P . " " T h o rGRlanratDDF did ns desired, and in tlio evnuing gave tho book to its owner. *' Whnt .1 pioco of luck 1" cried tho Itilter. "I forgot tho Look nt Bomo cafo, nnd bnd long ago written tliu liiirs.in caso I should loso it." It was (it tlio Astor House thub Web &Lcr,.wisliiug tn buy a newspaper ono morning:, put his hand into IIIB pocket only to find it empty. Uodcclared that lio hndu't a penny, whcicupou one of hissntollitcs siiid to him: "Tou lmist lip miatnten, Wubslcr ; I'saw you have a 3100 bill just wliou you were going ti but, with thin exception, wo learn of no bns- - - * iirticuhira pro giTou. It in ml tbou&ind. torn of, iron. im reported tlmt futility of wliiuh liiw not tiautjpiroJ, liavo -•Mil in riiitoilelphUftLnnnnpreoedei»t- .„,. f ilgnii'. but we nronanhlG tolcftrn ilt (rlimilnrH. Somo of tho Lchigh compn- ^ ,ro carrying vury lurgo_Btooka of iron_ Stimliope where lio met with Out. JJud'd' wlio toolt tho young man to hmlio mo cud gave him nrecommendation to teach at Ilattlctomi (now Alt. Olive) whoro ho cnlercd upon tho calliag ttiat has engaged I: Battention duriunr tlio many years oi B life tlmt followcu, mnliiog his a lifo of activity nnd UBcfulucss. Aflor labor- lug n number of ,\carnin tho first location ' ' lit nt Scliooley'a Mountain; Ger- illey aud natidera. Iu1830 ho g ho taught tnan Vally wont lo Pnternon, again nt Mt. "Olive, nt whichtim ho went lo States Island wheru honerved us Superintendent of schools for three yours. Iu1855 bo received a Stata cer- tifi f N Y k IBt nig] ,1( an he \, anil na you haven't beeu liour, you ooultl hardly have "Irather ihink that's an," a 3100b bed last up haU speut it." _. _ _ _ _.., answered Daniel, reflectively. "I wonder what I could have done with itt By Jupiter, I must hnvc.ffivon it totho boy who blacked tny boots tivo minutes ago1 And that was tUo fact. ' . As (he train stopped for ten minutes, tho Boston OoiiMEncuii BULLETIK, tht idiidl h es aloug tap- hammer nas and that individual who g ping the wheels with hi posting rapidly by tbo the wheels with hia hammer png rapidly by tbo Bmnking-cnr, n of tbo windows woahoisted anil n torrent of tobacco npit was ejected which com- pletely deluged him. Thotnnahihist jinuscd for a moment, and wiping nomo oftbestronma from his person, said to tho offcnJcr : "Mister, wlint part of the t dd f?" "Mt" tho offcnJcr : Mistr, country did yon comof id tb tt k f t "Mot li _ J tho npitter, pucUcring liia lips for nnotlior expectoration, " I como from Kanana." "I tbonght en," said tho ma- chinist, "for if you liatllivcd in Alansa- cliusclts or Connecticut they would hnvo had ii water-wheel in your mouth long ago." Tho ucjst capital for young men to start n log which inaiBtod upon rolling r every two mluutcs. Xho innuest was brief, tho reporter organized tho '•>'T, sworo them in, elioitad tha ovi- J-Ice, inado ihe rerdiot and founded "' firet oflloint nrehivo for the city, verdict waa "Accidontsl death from uboatiou," that wns nil, and tlio mate- I wna ready with vhioli to* start a 'eyard in Ciistor. (•hen camoliumnne hmids and kind C] rta, anil drosacd iho nnfortunato nt ntor. Charles Pnlioy found a wliilo t, tho only onoiu tftocity: n sheet (]J converted into a stroud, aud Obar- ()J|Holt soon lay la a rough pine box W( i a bier of JogB. This was not all: (1, ro wna built in .tho corner of tho It, deserted cabin, Uip roof opened low tho umoko to escapB, wifl. then a dozen iioblo men sot and watched II daylight. "With the rising of the enmo ladies—yes, lidioa; kind- led pioneers who hndwoven a itli of pina twiga, wiutBr ivv, pina ba, aud four little fragments o'f tarla- liuid pieces of (bo blaok silk strings Mrs. Drfigmond's bonnet. This fttli was Inid rovercntinllj upon tho tainted pine box ; ib wns all tlieso uoble-benrted women could do and ' did it well. But ntill the grave- was not inaugurated. Here was a f n neatly shrouded, wreathed nnd [nod, and no graveyard: but a sight [1 city praveyard wna found—n nn- l cemetery alrondy plantfld wilh •03 of trees, and laid out by naturo broad, irregular arenues, all nod- nnd half green. Cascades, oi-na- ted with glittering icicles, lent tlioir to tho frosted ovdrgreen foilago and Jr-wliito grotto of quarlz tbbenutify Inonly-soleotod site for tho city of -1.1—1 * t.« -t ... ll nd iu ISiG ho as nt which' tima ho d h h d tificate from New York. Gorman school for 11 ti After leaching in New York cily, lio wcut to. Oyster Bay, Long Island, where ho taught tenyeara, In 1805 ho returned to New Jersev aud located nt Union Hill in tills county ; tbonco after two years lie wcnE to Clint- hnm nnd tnnght six years In 1873 whnn ho inovod to Succostinna whoro ho resid- ed mid coutinuod tcuchingut McCnias- villo and South Stanhope. At tho tatter place hoeloantl lifo'a work about one yearngo being disnlilcd by &cancer on tha &ido of his bead, nhich did not canso death as ho died of hcsly consumption. Thus closet] an humblo tlimifrli romark- nble Hfo devoted to a useful culling for au uuiisunlly long period. So fur ns ho Hiiceeedet3.il, stamping elements of char- acter upon pupils lio stijl liven. I am informed thnt Hon. J. L. KanoiiED ouce whan in convcrsalinn with Mr. Briggs gave him credit for educating more men that have made a mark in tha world than any other teacher in the public- schools of Now Jersey. Intho days of infirmity tho old rfian would mention with a fool- ing of pride, thoso ho hnd assisted on tho raid to£ronUtcssnmlinflncnco whilo icrving in tlm e.tpneity of n teacher. 'And in my dying himr, When riclict. famo nnd hennr hare up jiuwer To bear the npirit up. Or from my lips Inrn tmide tli acup Tlmt ill muFtarink it Int; O, let mo draw rolrofhmcnt from the pout t c let my aonl run back, W i i l i p o i e i > a n d J n y n t o n ^ m y c n r l l i l j t A n d u r o L l t B l n l l I l i o u c r d s T l m t I l i n v c n c a l d t m l U i o r c i n T i r t n u ' i e s j i n u i g u p n n < l b u r s g l T o n n a O j f m l l H o f s r l i l c h l o t t s l u - l n I I G H T with in life is indastrj, good sense, quired tho agod inebriate. "I'm anhyaician, sir," wiuuinglyro- oudcd the drtiggict, "Can't you givo wo that—what you call it, 'scripliou?" "Woll, I miBbt." And tho doctor wrote out n prescription blauk, calling for BOmauy ouoce.s of spiritus /urmenti, IIo fill led a snug-looking bottlo with tlio articles, pasted a label 011 il, num- bered to correspond with tho paper, and presenting tho bottle to the vcncrablo royateror, remarked, in tho most busi- ucss-liko way iiungiuable, "Adollar and alialf sir" alialf, "A , r. "A dollar and u half 1 nihd t A 1" gaspad his as- Ain't thnt nretty open dead. A Iialf dozen brawny k, with pick and slovd. tore ^^ I virgin noil and mado the crave, -y were generous Gcxtoua, theao nma- iS. nnd fiunka hole liko unto a inin- ["haffc. I It want least tviolvo. teot ^Mhisgravo for tho hall-grown boy. uiio trouble was only Tiulf over. iSoul not as parson ? There is no refix 1 Ouiten nnd a. tiro hours ean- « th/ city fuilod to find a profea- r ' 'Miffion among three hundred eoplrtVorso than that, arioso nenrch iled 1nj ft prayer-uoolt. Tho May- , 11 oi man, appealei to* ono of tho i (iUil1 cit \ v to " fln y ft Iow To, to Id Obrislian-liko fr wastot inliis'lino; doctors wore applied to, e success. -JTIicu catno'a Judfie, Uaytfr nnil Mar- •tflr, Surely a "paper '"'"E nbout funerals; Mayor, "wowant toput a o p Christinn-liko; not Mw.n graveyard hail fl . uu Iue . llini oortego moved on thiouih Ibomnm sf of thQ:cltv. .Ifwa?a picturesqoEi on thin bn ' gllti BUQny ed oofflu, vtwhioh ]oyill0 f^^i """'""'"" theu the TJayoi A VESETIAK BowLrKQ.Au.ET.—Tho Italians, as a rttlo, aro not much ' given to euorgntic athletiu czorciBas. Espec- ial! Iy is this tho casa ia Venice. An ox- ' ception should bo made, in favor of the gondola, which boya seem totnko to as early nad OBnatural ns ducks do to water. The Venetian lias fow games or exor- cises requiring strength, agility, and ac- tion. Ho prefem a quiet seat along tho Hides of the qttayft, or a stroll iu tho E uaro of St. Mark's wbea tho hand *i* lying, or in tho sultry afternoon to iit(jo mvuy lib idlu liourtj, of which ho appears to bavo GO many, iu ouo of iho bowling-nllcys, under the shelter of tti<3 thick, alusterins vines. Io eomo quar- ters of Liie town, tliceo aro very interes- ting places for tho traveler in search of cL&rnoterto visit, from tha diOerout na- tionalities ho will seo gatherod together —Greek nnd Matiresque, Spanish, Egyp- tian and English, all iu tlioir national ' dross, and of all oasts of color, from tha European to tho full-blooded nogru. It ia woll, howovcr, for tha travoler to re- member that tlio sailors and loafers of the-Levant are quick and fiery in tem- per, given also to a rather reckless use of tho kuife, ROhoshould drink hia light winu andtiiuoke his cigarette, ob- servant, but quiet. j , u t h« M Judge, CotiiicipjmiMn^jj,, bluc-sliirtod mtu minen 1 hoots o Bloueb hats. X onor two ra[no] ritsnnilLrgijroogut „„ t , Then a slinlli mnit, ns ono of "chir down lo Hodrock, pontlemofa'; . ' — shows good coloi.' found. All tl walked all tha tho Block Hilli yaz&.~-Kanaai\ courage, and tl rear, and "tbo rfoVmoved ESQUI] O Dn the hilluidL, fmaloursoitonasail, wlmrtho o 4. u(uj Silently tbo bodas taken from the wagon nnd tend laid in the noldon catth upon tltfroolr. Thea every head wns liarodovcry bronzed coun- tennnnboved 3 ono or two BGICC- tions of Scni were read.. The Krave was Booledonda wliito-pino heudatono set i carlh, nnd lUua tho city oi Ouster i iirated its cmvevard IhoBaddest ;-•«--*•>- = - -•'•• " incident is yi letters, imperdcvcii tlio Klightest clciv to bin ho^r frionda havo hcci known is that bo trom Sioux City to lio and start n guve- ofOod. It is bet- lr and u h tonished customer, high, mister?" *'Ils our price—a dollar for tho pro- scription and fitly conta for tho medi- cine." "Yes, well," slowly replied thowicked old duffor, ns ho slowly buttoned up tho half piut in his overcoat-pooket; "I guess, boS3, that I don't want tho 'scrip- tion. Hero's your half a dollar, "and ho stack his tongue in ouo sido of his mouth, winked ironically at him of tlio mortar and pestle, and walked out. If you over havo occasion tobuy physio fit that drug store, bo sura you don't men- tion tliis atory. If yon do, you die. French Duels. A Paris letter says:—"Franco has al- lowed many of. tho gentle, nnd genial chivalries of olden days to slip away from her, and lias tcnociocsly clung to tho foudnlisms and other moat objec- tionablo articles in her codes of honor. Wlieu soldiers fall out they urc not onlv permitted, but nro compelled by their officers to settle tlioir disputes by mor- tal rrbitramont Two privatu soldiers quarreled tho other day nt Dijon, on BOtno trivial question. They would, perhaps, Imvodrowued their tlisnuto in ' 'canon* at tho canteen; hut tbo French Eoldier ia not permitted to mibmit to a peaceful termination of a quarrel. Theso two mon were sent forth to hack and hew each otiiertodaatb,andinafcw minutes tbo youngor soldier w(W killed bv his comrade. Two days p*st young M. Qoruudet, who is now serving in the ranks as a volunteer, was grossly insult- ed bya trooper who has gained much glory in tbo regiment by the frequency of his duels. This spadaisin havingpub- licly outraged SJ. Cornndct, the laws of honor compelled bin to strip to tho waist, and lo stand up and bo slashed by tho nan who had outraged him. Tho, duel took place, and this gentleman, tho grandson of Marshal Sachet, has been 6oriously wounded. Three of his fingers lopped off, and a fearful gas'h in big arm, oro the result*. Thcro aro * mnny regulations in the frocch army worthy of being iutradiicod into oar 'ar- ticles of wnr,'but this flystem of dnel- ling is not one of them. Slnrery in turkey. Although tho slavery of -white women is uominally abolished in Turkey, it still exists hvconuivance and collusion. Tha groat mart whonco whito slaves wore for- merly purchased, tbo regions of tho Cau- casus, is now interfered with by tho ad- vance of tho Russians, and white slaves can no more be brought thenco in flocks, Tho presont system is enid to ba as fol- lows : Tho Turkish trader goes to the region whera parents sell their dnuglitcre and women sell themselves. Ho takes to himself four wives, no n Mahometan is allowed to do, and returns to Constan- tinople with hia wives. In tins guire— ~" wives—tboy jmes unchallenged, whilo Blavos tboy would be contraband. Ho disposes of tho lot, nnd then go>« bneb, somelimci, it is said, ns often nn four times a year, for fresh Jots, to b> similar- ly disposed of. It docs not rcquiro west- ern civilization to teach hov wholesale laws may ho evaded, nnd how next t.» impossible it I'B, by tho mere formality of enacting n ntnttifo, to onforco n reform with which a debauched jmWic opinion docs notaympiithiBe. A slave tritfilo like that referred to shocks every liumano nnd yirtuoiia instinct of a CUristtnii com- munity. Vet ere Bbould be clinrifablo, for it 13 not long since slavery was pro- tected by law in our nwn country, and wo still have tho "twin relic," polygamy in Utnh, condemned by law yet fluurhh- ing iu Bpito of it tor than all tho credit or cash that was over raised.

Freeman Wood,DCHS of this iiUuil, Inotia-say lo lit* old onn-totnora nu'l tlo cGncrnl-piibllo Iliat I BIIDII nirtiirto Jrinrve tlielr p«lmna(tp,'onJ ro-ilfullvBDlli'it Ibo Fnma

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Page 1: Freeman Wood,DCHS of this iiUuil, Inotia-say lo lit* old onn-totnora nu'l tlo cGncrnl-piibllo Iliat I BIIDII nirtiirto Jrinrve tlielr p«lmna(tp,'onJ ro-ilfullvBDlli'it Ibo Fnma


ihope Court Scenes.I . ; . ; ; I n h o f n i n o i w f o r i t w

> iwlfuil 1-hr J'nsit tn.iti»>il ili-.il uf fin out uf Dinhull I'.'iW- hiK h'Jii.ir JIIN-itlipnrduf l in. Ihlrt wel t ,much point (•> a "guak"KllliKtmic.. uf tl.f.hu (wo ill-

iliiU'iI in me bv jmrticsI U O 1 1 J - .

l i i h t M u i i t l t i v a f l a m c o u ,

j j u t l o r n o j - f u r n L i i u t i t r i u >

youug man, v.bo ahull be

•f H B I R 0 N Ef A|=_Bnsiii«ss_C|incusiinu i:vniv a

]1ENTJ. I I . VOG1)i l l j ITUl iAsn l 'no i l IEI

O U f c e i n H J r r i i S t r m t n i K r B


Isv.tniAtii.i iv Anvv

: „ , , War , . - - - • • -.jil Mollllls, - - - - -

Tjn 'o miiiitlin, - - - - - | - BO


LiverpoJf ami Quei own,

„ „ t : i . - r , i ! l i i H - i K K K t e i i i n a ' j l i :


Slate Roof

K. A. UBNKKTT, M. l)~,


Cor, Blackwcll & Warren Sts.( O p j w i l o D o v e r B a n k , )

D O Y I t t l , N . J . ,

D l d t - a M . . o f W o m e n B n t l C M M r n i , u r n ! .

U . I R . n i l E a r n p u i u l t i u H .

O l l k e M o u r n : 7 t . i O A . 3 ! . , 1 l o J l n i n l 7 l i > H P . S I

J . L. £ A W 1 1 K N C I £ ,

STJRyEYOR.Surveys, Levels mid Grades

nuilnlor Piiblinai»a Trivnto luipiovmentH.



8y DOVEll.x J.

. J. M. HAWBETT,Civil Engineer anil Surveyor,

I 1 C C K . 1 W A V , It. . 1 .


r!'1tl!i»l,rl;aKimii"("r'nii'lln-i'(T|"">milIli'. A Jt;i»iU\ fuK,

j l | i r ' r . l r nS l l l i> l . * l . «J'B ••••. A . . LICENSED AUCTIOXEBII"'•",!"'!"> 'pu'rjiE "v . ' rKl MBI* .ml I"""VEVUllami COLUCTGJl orlXmTIlASCIirl<a".'il'i'K'.ir'li'nli!iinrua'm\lcb'il.|. j IJi:i:nh:N Knuxr, p.nuu, N. J.

^•"""'""i'Z'lS""'""0"''"' Ort,.,,l,.|,.iM.,i.n,<. ,„„., „„„.„,.,

PIIVSICI.1X "ml Jlor.OS.DOVJili , 1'T.


Counsellof t LawAND/-'


. N - J -

J. J. VREEAND,Ctii'pentoi' aiiflUiilIiler,

Jobbing prampilJUendcd lo.b l i ' . j . s n n M A C K W K L r , / i l ! • > n n H L '

l U l u u y ' H l i i u < < » i l >

c . i n t j a j l a t n l i o n , l u u l l u p

i rt\siii\ iiiu'si:.

' r.irni'riif]lliickm>

I.B.JOLLEw>roprletor,flor^H nnd C'JBUH lo T

I t f T. MUMMl'IY

iratLaw,AXD M A S T E R A CHANOEIi l ,

tfil.-o in the Natioui/uioirBoHit BulUliiiff .D O V E H , N . X

iTKHii iuuun flrfnitTii, '• * ; '



I I U I I M . V S A X D ( I S O A . •



> o over A. Winliloii'y ntiiro ami Im plorp,

Oounsilor. at Law,.I) Of I ! I t , N . J . i . . .. i..

(lilra nn »,.CoJ floor nf Ilio Ntlton.l DiJb f c l l i l d l ] * "Jli

Furnislng Undertaker, . •MfJEKHED j OTJONEEB.AND COM1US-:

QE DEEDS,. .'_)All uri» promptly altemlpd tu.

P u n m x L i j T n c C T , • • D o v e r , . 1 . J .

IR.AC.C00PER,Masoa and Builder.

CmitrActntntiitufotnll kiuilu of Kasan ^'orblO Jobbing.. . , .' )il:i'-t Mj-iii;

LIJ1E, I'LABTEIl AND CE1IKST,FiirtilfllicUatBbiirt-tioUco, : ' .-

3fip(!u ytiilur •|tI'lie,IS.J.


Oarriies and Sleighs,

S.R.OSMUN,-: Dentist, •

.HpninsTowiy, s. .1.,Hulul'rnjiriBtnrrnr Mornii'Cimiity uf P»i»om»j

l IGvt ry Dcwi-lpilon,

, noVKli, s . J .

j allaiitloD pahl lit ropniriiip nnd

jyiVBlj LAIlim.VTOIIY. ' :

•WSJI in Ani1vBd3 of all dcioiintloim ofoi l tjS ' - ' - - • - " ' " "

CAREFULLY HADE.iliSof^arfMwillbofnrniBliodoilipnUcatiuD.

• u q.. I U E U W I H T H ,Dover Morris C«unty N. .T.

Al/ea Palmer & Son,loiitcrs V! • •

AND , : .

BuIldciH.l)dVBIi',.N. J. '

ing promptly attended to.f. J. PAtaiEK, Architect.

I Organs and MelodebnsRepaired'and' Tuned i

r««ly.liiaii.V[ur.liir.MpfrhO"niity, •• Ad-. . . IV. 8. VltiailT,


•u«E"'{.''"'tacntntln'ljicUlltdlii s arat

ForeignandDomeiJtip!Segars_ - M . i v A r 3 o s H A S n : ' : . ' • ao-ir

HAiL,pqvia! ,K,J .


fJirc .)[> llluiJcwcll Sliec(, ;


L. W. THURBER,L^nixTESirexT OF vvaiAu ncnmmi


inn nvcr OEO. llTCnAUDSAra.'R STOHK,

DOVEB, N. J.H l l . - L - h t l H t l l W I n I N I B 1111

11.11112 I1, M.

t t F P I C K n l i d J t l S l D K N C i ; I I I I ] K > S I 1 U l l i t i

S C H O O L H O U S E ,

MIIWH Kli.I,, N. .).

il.LB llldUlTLV .ttTT.KPIJ) Tit J'AV (HI HIOHT.4J-:ini |) • .

\ I f M . T K K T U H W A V .



nalnoil, JttuHoVull si., Donr, X- J. *:i-ir



MAN\ yi>nn> in Die rlnlliliiir biiiln'T.B inmol t l l lHTdwV, I,,.., tuiill im a hrgo

' i t d d l l i j i l l

I'H a l l AVool Duiibli; m i d

r i a l KuU.4 o n l y - - t'UO.OO

Good H e n r y Su i t s - - OOO

C. MABI13, J r . ,


Oor. DlaokwollandSusBexEte,-cm D O \ r I 0 I t , N. J .


nuM Kifrona UsfiW dan". At-.;'ic,,'.tr. &

Grandin House..L00.YARDS TOpar I>. L. & W. DEPOT


E i o o I I o n l a « o i n i m ' i 1 a l ! o n n f u r t r a n s t f l n t o rn c r m a u e n t l i o a r i l u r s , a l l u R l l v e r r n i u l h o a n l l t i g

' i b l o n t l a c i i o d I n t L u h u u r i u . P i m s m i L - c r a U t u na n d f v o i i ) I l u i l d ' t f L a l i a a n . l L n k o l l a | ) a t c o n «r c f t s i m a b l o c l i n r Q C H . ' V G - t f

W. S. & l i . P . UeCAMP, •


For Iroa 0"G3 ami Uinoral Proiierty,


Wa. *. DuOuif. jm.P. DiP«p6 J . 1 I " . : ••..'••


"Jobbing, in .Gre&eral.

Tobnccoiiist, Sew."BTATIONEB in J dOKPEOTIONEll,

rarrmovci]'tu thn stcfo ritnm tlirc.) clounl i ;"m^ih,unijU»fflX;.HTIlKE ir .>HariiiR pirrcliasiil or Hr. Morri»on tlie bud-

DCHS of this iiUuil, Inotia-say lo lit* old onn-totnora nu'l tlo cGncrnl-piibllo Iliat I BIIDII

nirtiirto Jrinrve tlielr p«lmna(tp,'onJ ro-ilfullvBDlli'it Ibo Fnma.' I nlmll hepp nltray*laiid'tlioisualaiiplill'cf fr ,

" Daily and Weekly Papers,


DOKS, wninso rAi'uns,I'ENS, l'ESCILS, INKS/4C.


i .ripeHi Sejjft" ndlilcra, PoliulieajAc. .bAIIIIIES, WITS AND FnTJITS,

ind a largo \arjrtr uritoTioNB or all kinds.' ; ' ; i J ' ' '"HilDSOSPEEn



Sussex St., Oover, ~S, J ,v,-ULPi\in fuUaii.l*,'l.ii-t Htoi>ktif||'Hi>,«d>nii|irUli

WATCHES. CLOCKS,J J i W E L l t V , K O I J I ) ( J O L D H I N O r t , P L A I N ,• i t i j j m v c c l a n d K i i f t l i K i - l n r i i c c l . I J I I I I C * '

. . - i i t s C l i i i i i i s , K C T H u r J K W J U . i t Y n i l i i n v• H i m n i n l p t I ' l j i i H i c l u i u l i l y i m l u o i ' i l i > i

; ( i l U l i i n ' K o u i i J I I K B C S 1 M a r J O I I K H i n u r t - n t v * n -I v . ( ] » ! ( ] m i d i ] | n l i ' ( l K I I I I I H S I K I H k - . ' v i < l ! t i l -

i i h H . u t n i l i i c n l l i K i i i ' t H . K i l v r r I H I I ^ H H I "l i i i i i l i k ' H , l i i i l . l i i t a m i I t l l ' l m n t ' l i a i i i n f u r I n i l l

I I J I ; ( ' 1 1 1 H , A I H I I ' H c l i u i o n a i - l i i ' l u m n t M J A K• H T l ' J J ( i O O D S , ( f t h i ' n ' V U h l n n d i n n. f i t i l i f i i l ( i t ^ K i i H f i ' u m l i u f j . ' i R - u . - t ^ l N n v V « i . .

f i i P l t i r v , c d i H l H t i n e I I ! C A M T U H S . C : \ K B H A K -

H . I H T T t J i l l l l . ' H U K S . l i V I i n i ' C l T l ' S O i l M )

l i H T J I H , f l l f l ' l1 H T A N I W . T K . \ i ' U T . 4 ,

L ' V f . S p t i o n 1 I . J 1 . I O I K , H n M r t H , f l r i n k l t i ^, Xnm-n, Cnll 1MN. i'i.' Knlv<x, NanUnH , H i n n l i i i i u H i I K , K i i l v i - n . F u r k i . . H j m

t i - i i H * l i m v f n n i u l F . < r l < B , . W - . A l t m v i . . -i i l i n o n M r t o i t i j i i ' i i l u t M > t o j r \ C L V i A n r n li u m l n l i n o n M r t o i l u i i

Y i ; t i l A S M K H . A I

h l n ! k TA I h i. T i n - (


IMCTU.UIS amiof HUM) 1'1'XK,

l i i t n l t l l lH,L nml iHJ.HlTSU iff \Vati,!u« mid Ji


/ C A R P E T D E I ' A K T M l i X T :

A f . r , V o l v r t , D r u M u l i ^ fl-l-l.v, I

W i n ' 1 , I V i t H i . l I a a a m i l l i i i i i i (

Jli,a, Oil C'li-illiK. of F.iigliMli aml l l l '

| Hollar


ood WcrkGXtl'tl - -

" e x l r a 1.JS0

PnntK D o u b l e



largu ntsitrtriionl of FINK CLOTHING f«MEN, VOUTIIS1 nml nOYS.


Uailtncatlani ibe AIIUU.IT1)C»1 at tin

« . ' • • •

? tho DAHOAINS•y prlrm fn

,T. \V. BABU1T.

I 2 C O \ O M Y IS M ' B A L T H .


TTTB C.iN ;oiivli:ra you tlill jou'can naveIT nianuy IUIB SitrtiiitnndHummwby liii.v-K Tour IluiilB nml Klincxat Geo. W, Ilrahu'iILM[) IIOJI uud Hhoo Siorn. Om m-w nlocti i*in- in »'Jil WHH never morotinnplftotn cvrnrHptct tltnn at i i rmnt . IJTUI y Soiir.l.k Myli-Indfcn', genlfl'. minuet.', yoittli s »nH clillilion'sittun LiLtiiina CnngrpKii Oa I tent nnd HlnifRiifllBUtly mi Imtni.'' B:O. HURT* IIOCB COMilimionlyuttJ. W. UIIAKR'S Cli.'op Ho tilid tilmoSluro. 0D3T0M'WORlianilj'ibWnntmiplly all mulct! in. Ono Jonr trata Mulfuritn ACo.'BClatUingBtore.

b , H l u d c V i k t u r t - H , L i v e ( I n

- L i i , C u r t a i n M H I I T I : * , ft-.-,

n i f t h u a - , < l ) B , V C u r - n f , « t i t

i m l . i ' o a d I i t t u a S i r a i l n f , a m

W- H-






T U F . V H I O K M O


S. Xt..


x, x. J.



Aful nuKoi'lincnt of



Bctti or AltTIFIOIAL TEETH, with:imi9 GUMB ttu'l TOUOM'S I'AT-

MST IUDaB oltaclica far

D E S T I S T O V A T I U I U ) T I 1 I E H l ' l t l C E f l .

C n l l w l i i l i ) t m c l i l i n l u c i - n i m i t s a r o o f l c r i ' d . N e v e r

k f o r o i n i l i t - U w l o i y t - r I b l u c t t y c o u l d »

. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARact of leutli ]»3 had for TEX HOLLARS.

S. It. OSMUIJ, Dentist,

juonitisToww, N. J.

OFFICE ON THE PAHK.ftliru.ry lll l i . 1S70.


to lua huildlng nil

J3LACKAVELL STUEET,lalHy c c i i p ^ . l . l i ; ' I I . 1 ) . W a i t e r s , I n l i n l l 1 C

t o B r c a l t m y o l i l r r i u n i j M I L m y n o n

H , t r l i v m n i l U i l i c n a n c i l r u i i t u m i l l T u c i l -

OYSTERS1 1 n i l s t y l e * , a n i l l > , v I t i c q n a r t u r u n u l .

]>Ar.TiE3, BALLS, etc. aii|>i.llc.l.

a l n i l l i o u i P . R U | . | I C M f j r | . i i r ! ! i - n u

n i ' h t n l < - > > . ' I I 1 . 1 I » i s t b r a m l t i n f





T o t h o I n n t t , A n n I t n r o T W O U O O H S A B O V K

H I S O L D S T A N D . ( I n U ' l y . o r c i i p l i - i l l i y J . W .

T l i c m p m h ) a n i l o n o O n u r f r o m M i l l l o n l , 8 n n A

C o . ' f l d i n l i i i i p H l o r o , l y l i n r i ; I m w i l l b , , p l o u a f i l I n

l o o a l l I I I M o l j c u H j a m o t B m l i m n ; n o u 1 1 1 1





KTtCISi QOlLTi — MiSSCtLLEfl,IXET CO«1! AMP flnTCUO); PBISM, OIXOIUUB,"nsi, comis A*D vnMTEO, cinrrx •VVAUT,

Li DIES' QESTS' locriis* ASD oniuinr.s'B USUBB-

VT. 8. nAltUITT,. N. J .

A NEW WOOD nurt COALYAUD inDOVER.T b o B H l i » e i i b c r l m n t i t u m C i l H ' I I O T y n r d

'or tbfl mlo or COAL nnd WOOD, on 1IL,\CK-IVBLL St., nc»t lu GAQIi A, HAtSEY'H Lum-ber Yard) ConBtantly on litnd alt klndi orCOAL. L E W S ™ dCRANTON AND BITU-MINOUS COAL. UF.L1VEUEO TO ANY 1'AttT,I P DOVKIl Oil VICINITY. WOOD, botliincdanJInn'ir, for Bale at tho yard or delivered.JUB, JLJWhsn, OKWEft1, KEKD ANDIHAlk OF ALL KINDS.

,-.ina.it«.Itlitiiltopiir/Mthi.owMBPcitIi,aiidall wlia favor m o witb tbolr pnlronigo, mnvn\ywm mil WOisKta, lidiu*t drallnK. LOWritlCES, ind prowplnrBs In flllitg onlora. •. OHICB a J . / Y i t i k n l . C»rponiGi- 81inP.

IVm. HILL.fer.AngustiHth.mfl.


ntlnolioil t

TWOtl.o Uwtminint , « i th

TABLES,nly-nj's, ltqit ill grpil order.

• QKO, A. ULANl!fIAllD.Aprl oth, 187S. • • iT-tr

Custom Work and Jobbing' PROMPTLY ATTESBED.TO.

Geo. W. DBAXE.


DOVER, M. .1.


TANKS.and ORE BUCKETS,constantly on hand .

I'AlIUNa 1'LOMPTLY ATTENDED TO..IUU tn Mcrrii Count; Maoliino & Iran Cu.

S B . . . - • •,

Freeman Wood,FIRE!


, iv. .1.ullii> , i l n i t o f I l i i ! u H i s t .

I O H B o i i n i | i n i i l i i B - t l i i i t i o u t * i n O i l - n u r l i l :

LONDON nuil LIVERPOOL anilOLOIIE, Capibil 820,000,000.

LANCASHIRE of 'MANCHE3TEH,Oupitul 810,0110,000,

STATE FIRE INSURANCE Co.,< 'upitnl, §300,000.

ROYAL OP LIVEBPOOL,Capital $$10,000,000.

FHAKKL1N OF PHILADEL1>HIA,Ciipitnl 85,000,000.

no>rK, . - " coo.ooo.

S'l'All, Jomny City, " 500,000.


' Cnpitnl $800,000.

8TANDAIID, .Irenlun, " 300,000.P E O P L E ' S , Kcwurli,

H I B E H N ' W , "







Choice Lots in Dover,fur Bnlit diuap, nnd


. Freeman Wood,

— h - . i r . y l o i . i i i i i i u i i h c t c M r . J N M H j > U u i l

~]i«1i> n vcr.v niui'liiuj. nj.jj<*ul lo t l i " fed-

i t . l U i i u k c i t i l . y u i u J i o n o r ! ' " ' l m f i c l w n i -

" n u t i m l y i l M t l i i s y u u n u m i n i i s k - t i l o u i

r c a s i c r l . u t h e r e w o l m v e c l o v e n l i t - n t

4 | . - ( , ' i i M U i u l i v j t l i o u t t i n y r o o H t c i - ! " I t

i n , h o w e v e r , t l m t w l i i l o t h t r c w i w n o -1 i t i u i i i i l i i n i t t l i u r u f u i l e r l i n v i i i K l m o t i n t o -

M l u - r u v a R n n p r o o f t h n t l l w i k r v n t b u i l

m i l i h n n u i l l . i k I m u o r n l l o w u d t h e i k i f u m l -

i t t o j , - ( . i r i - c . J . K c w n n l W i l l s f u r d c f w i i l -

l e w w - m i i . u i t w n s i , t t ' J ' t n i R i i l i v . " T h o

» . n u M I A . C i i M i i i i c A t , J k n j u M l n C . ^ i -

m e . W i n . ( . ' a s H i i i i u r i ' , A l l . i T t J l i l l n n d

c i i . « D u v i r t ( n o i o u r l » t i t l y t l u c t i - i l n o i i h l i i -

l i i w i l d I I I M W O w h e r e i n H I P H l u t o , v e r y

D j i i M - r l t - . h k - p s i n t o i l H l e u d t l i o c M m a . T l i o

• ' H U l U U C l l K t r l i l : H fftTil l l C i ' l l h O l l l ) f C O l i t i l l i r -

H u t ; i i i . t , n m t , i i i i l i n v f u l i i h s t i n b l y e t c . , A c ,

m i n j u r y o r . M r . H u i i r y I l u l t t r ; n m l t h u

.', l i u i i t u l t n l u t i k n i t e r t l i o W L K H I O " f i * -

l a p c l i l t t w t l i t i z e i i , u m l c r l t i o k t o [ i m

.876. NO. 20

f iltin

n.l l'ulipi' fu Mnitp.

Stoves. Stoves.THE OLD STAND.

UNION HALL BUILDING,DlncliwcllHtn-el, D.ivir,

Hot Air Furnaces,r ( l i e l n ! r n t a m i i n i i s t i m p n i v i ' i i s t y l e * , f o r

n n n i i i f , ' p u b l i c n n d l i r i v n t o I n i i i d i n g n . A l a r g on H > u i l i n u i i t . u f h t u v p H , c l i c n i ) f u r e n s h .


STOVES, RANGES,Ac. AIHII B vui-ioty of

LBAD1-11S, und'nU klndg of Jothlng in 1117 line,•'lino lu U10 fji-st miuinur' u'ml nt tlio utiorUwt

utli'o, Higlieit pricon paid tnr olil Irou.Copper to i l and pnrctor taken In uxclisD^a

ALEXANDER WIGHTON.DfceiiiU-T 24th. 1670. 1-1 v r

The New Empire

JIol-Air, Gns & Ilasc-burn-Ing Cooking SIOTO...

,(l' Drew Theological Seminary.to ho nmnml morliiig of ilio Trustees of tlio

J Tlicologlail Hcmfnury was lield on theinut. llislinn Jnncfi -was elected Preei-X, nml I ' ro r ' AVella Socrotary of the>i of Trustees. Tho ptUt of $4^000 fromV Ktout fur tho endowment of tho chair

fiir.b Preuideut wns accepted irltli llmnka tothetivur. l'rof. Wells a>ld that this uum,

Ihcr with tho nnnnnl subuoriptioiiB ul-y inatlo, nraountinff to about MS.OUfl—

Ute tlio outlook of Ibo Seminary vety fu-coiblc. and then was no doubt of Iho mw-

" " a efforts to rcBtoro tlio endowmentle fniluro .or Diinfnl Drew. Tbo

, he said, wcro full of. couiiige im to^QjTature. Thu Beiuuwty wiia crowdedt ntudonts, nnd a class nf nbout 20 wan to

bduatod mi l[n.y IB. Application!! hudB y boeumailo fovndtulsaiou, to tlie iu-

tboah' Junior Cltma, Tho reports werenia(V"ifc'i nnfl O'« rnrivnl culhUHiflHin of thaij. ?b would inaitt) tho Bemlaiiry tlio gnhi-, ber Uim tliu Io3or by tlio liwa of il« eii-"''*ieuL The plan for Widnclini j ilia"T.01»nry wna to colled nuiiiud Niibwriul*«I3I,UUO fur four ycam, to meet Ilio . . „imi'isiwusoM, utid in Uie mean tiiuo ti> nil-

tKii cnttDWtncbt of $300,000., , i mm mil cnUtloguo of tlio ' Rominnry,f"8. t ma jiut L M Q pnblluhcd, iilimva Ihnt6""»oully cousiHl« of eight members. ' Tho"ft 'W ot filmlaiits ia IUI follows: Senior

'HE fiRSTBUHNO STOVE IAlso, » n^rgo A^u-lmcnt u

ut CooVmj Hiovci), illM" filOVCB &

FOR SUMMER & WINTER US£.:. AUa, »cholro stock o r ' , •-

Hardwhro, CnUery; 'GIU.UK, Woodcu, Copper, Plalo uitl Japanned

T I S W A B B . . • ••, . ' • . ' • ,

OU Clot ha,' CwpotB, Lunna, Palntt nut Ollt,iir<t Cugeii, Fcafdcri,' l'rutt't Aatrnl Oil (nun,xplnaivo.) Alia, '

Uoolin?, I'luinbing nnd Job' Work promptly attended lo.

ON.\T.I.]./H PATENT STEAM COOKINO".vri'Aiuxua. -

iiii>tuit(.'n ScalcR a t M a n u f u c -turrit prices;

I l n < n , C u f i p c r . V . n * * , L e n d , H u t u a n d

c u u l a c U t j k . i i i n n u - l m i i j j u f o r p m u k

J A M 1 W H . V M V K S & t i ' . ,

I t i a > l ; a n - I i y , ) l u r < - 1 t 1 , 1 S 7 . 1 .





DOVEB, N. J.,ivitoN ill hia frk-oils ami tho frnni-ml pnlilio tnillunbim.uiiilboronvliiccil t int bo Ima ibanustquartern in tlil-mcrihin, ind la abuwhntlyjlunitlihlHlnmcancil lacilit.us totucrt theirn.iti and Btttinry their tttti'.uH.

JIEAiS AT ,UiL HOOKS,jircpnrcd to order, promptly nnd cheaply.

OYSTERS,r\f<l In ovory utyb, and BUU by tlio humb-e<l

or thotikniid. Tbo cbolccit branili of

F O K E I Q N nntl D O M E S T I C S E G A l t S ,

mny alrfiyii bo fonud i t my place, u well t r- - v p l y u f

etc.Pnrticii, Halli, FeatlTila, etc., nupplii'd nilh

Ojfltcrn, Crtam, Confoclioctry and other.i

ESPECIAL NOTICE!Having been appointed. BOLE AOENT for


DATS IOE OREAM,infl liavlnj; fiitca up li»ndsom« parlors tfn.l aprlvalo unt.rancB fur lathes, I sball mnLu tlioialo oi ICE CREAM a epeclaity tlio curuinsio*ion, Mi] Trill gnurantco perionul comfortand freedom frutn aunofanco to m* gacili.

Dill /fcro w c r o M'vcml wllutiWH Hwum uudtisliniouy, prt'lly woll bailed down,

yutcil to about tUH:-l*rior lo the ilnit>ril, lloiir^-ltnlinr had been fceomm- u

Olil.atlirookJyiii 'oiid. On Iho third tby(lit moutli (thin) ho mtivuil lu StuiihoiH

llt!.u thu tlie moviiit; WIN IHIHMUL' Mm. Ciiw,.••« boiiM, her two IJOJB went down lo Hi-ll)ilfl, which wns near tho n>i«l, wilh tin

, i * oruncihl wiinli-buiicr, to i»ick un HO me0 *»i. On Ilu'ir way to tho womltiilo they

meied un tho jjiiiiH with Koiiielhtiij« mid. s n iioim) resL'inliliufj I hut whidi JMim

<v meii to ninke whin her 1>OUH uwurmutlkept tin t i e ilrumniiiifr until nflor tin

mltiiL' i:i wngoiiH) Lad jnHaed. Mennwliihim Ciusiiuoro herself hnd cotnc out ou 1H>L

t«l«M>i» with IIU old riuihionuil frjius P""„ «r liuiid lo einply Iho wuter inn with_ l i ttlio hnd wiiuhvd it, nnd migUt have~ i. kuifo in her hnml with which nfie

Mil i.riiwHil.ly luiiiiini>ru(l the frj-ingpui„ wnid.l ie two hoys, AIUMI Hill uud Prank I)n-qWorq nronml Jlr. Ituhci'H houso whileI uruilurc wns boiiic lnadcd nnd filnrted

Itinhopo along with Iho moving. AfterPK Mm. Cnwiimoro's house nnd getting

eip from Hie mma of (ho tiuw, nud ttt Hdiiiot between thero nud Sliuihono they

A> lo im effigy whlth WHH tiistenod to ulnit)ioiiiebotv. Acrowi tho brentit of thin lav

itowiwnlniu'] bcuriiiB UIIH iiinuritiliW:i.ik nutt Uiink Bnbor in COIIUUL'," or

c l l ( IBto Unit otlucL Over Iho rfioulitsr of'Phi1111"' wrlH n l>"rlerl»Ulu lilted wilh wn-

pno of Ibo wiliicBxen testifleil that heTinted it uud knew. Tlie foremost tenm

fast 'UhoofliBy-tlio others Btopiwd to seeirO Dit ivnn nnd whilo tboy wore tlioro thesoof tW*' W n m l n a v i H ' w e » tUew nlsti,

mo of them mid he kucw who put itA; hut would not lol l ; for wiiioh rcneon

tiuii^cro niada oodcfcndnuU lu tho suit,e n a b l e clnimed that It wUB n "put up joh"ieB[.DiiBj)irncy to diHRmco, jniuro, nud biir-

.liofottlliieiorHr. I lnbcr; to lure himB tli© coinmikwioa tif MOIUO crime by which

(ICBOghtboBeiitio limgiiUlt in prison. I t" S M » r k pioUo drum Mr. Itiiber out of

1 pmyed liis honor Ihnt tlio

Tin- hnicThnmm II. IMsgs.|n<io fmicml serviiies of tlio vctt-n"Jj.or. Tbamos H. RrifgH, took pUinflccasunua in tho M. K. fliurcli, t

J'JCUi iu^t. rromjitcd b.v n feolinNonJUircst iu t I i e U ) n n wliosft long life wnliliCated to tho God-Rurviiifj nnd

J^jtiDff vocation of teaching, I(,'ivifuj, mid being a tittle curly aecureiharjt iiiKiilc tlie nudienco room, Tin

concourao of people iu uttenJnneievery plnco for Hitting, mlditionalwcr« i.-rotiglit in, the Blandine1 rooiII oniuiilod mill tomo fulled to goi!. People were noticed in attend,from Dover, Scliooley's Mouiitaiu

I«/I«w,, Bnt-tlpyrills aud Clicster.—'lio hud formerlydeceased.

'. of G. T. to wliicl;wns lurguly reprosented,

:"ig ix bmlgo uf mouiu

y worn prcaont w]Jf iiiBtructctl Uy tho

1 r<po Lodgn of I, O. (

Kev. J . II. Knuyon proiicbed fillowiug words: "And I heard Rfrom Heaven enying write. Blessed

lio dead which die in Ibo Lord from•eforth : Yon, anilb tbo Spirit, thai

may rest from their labors, andworlia du follow them."—Itetr. 14,

Ho remarked tliat God oftentbo wmtli of man to hia praise, and:11s lvlicn John \vm icily bcuish-

nyyi i , nml pmyed his honor thpinitora isliould be compelled tofjivo very

fly bull to niiiH-ar before thoneit Hesaioiipnjc-court at NowLonr there to mmwor toLt(»ooviir indictment tbo train! jury mightomg ngiuiiHt thcio for tho very lieiuotiH

,0 of which Ibej- bud been guilty. HUir decided after listening vorj" tnllcntly

^ I O tPKtimony nnd clonuent nrgmnotitu ofC0l«el ou both Bide, thiit there wna not

gb in tbo cneo to vnrrubt hin holfliugiTlidS nnd HO lie lot tlio accused go free.llci11. l\owH for the RUte, J. Seivmd, for derrnilauts. , I). J.

• HIP ishmd of PiilmoB for an oUcuceiBt Home. Hia trials wcro worecoiniicii8iifpd for by tho glorious

ri»hu wns jiunnittcil to havo of Hea-jiud itsblcsseilnesa The text is ono•Jo most comforting portions of Scrip*i John wns commanded to writs thutad wui-d* Lbut man of nil nges muytlicm. Boineseo nothiiiR in tberaiible, and wolcomn life with all its

nnd troubles. They jinau lifo'aidary with forebodings of ill while'ul dreads are upou them. The dy-•'iriatiiiii gU'esuvidonceof happiness

"paaaing on to tlio tmporiniVh ntrugfjting in tho embrace of, Two rccontty visited foundtheir joy, their "all nud in nil."

decensed brotlior was iu tbia hnpjiyitiou when ho a;iid to onxlnna

ids "lot mo alopo ; lot mo die 1"impoituut tjusstiou nddressM itarlfi hero, nnd that fa tvimt mtiat wo dolo in tho Lord. Tlio unawer ia we

. L bo IN mil iu life. This is notbib's condition, by birth, by solf insti-

\\ reforms or by profession. In or-to be in tbo Lord Ilicro miint boa

xough turning away from tin nnd bc-Lingnnew enmture. Kuiiwlcdgc oi

fact is im|)ortant ami

Slnrlliiir a (Jmrrjord.


Death dcmumled n sucritlce. A. p i t ' . ..vnrd had to bo statted iu Ouster City.No one hnd volunteered to die. and nuriiffiau had offered n «ncriflce. Fate ledCharley Holt and Jolm Picket acrosstho plains from Sioux City, and hopeand ambition led tliem to "drive tbeiistultoa" upun the Boutlieru slopo in UILsuburbs of Ouster. Poor boys I tboywere not yd men, tmd their combinedfortune nuil enrllily effceta would uotreach ilvo dollars iu value. Tlioy select-ed a town lot upon a gransy knoll, closelo a Bmnli grove of Btrnipht, fall pines,

buy timbcbabitation,m d t h i

ing unable to (.'hop larger logs ortimber with which to construct aation, dug a cave. Theao bova

mado their dead-fall eight foot square,covered it with nine brush, propped itip with eipht small poles, threw on HOV-:ml Ions of cartl, aud wcut to bed *oiream of home, of mother, of father,ind of tlio fortune they, in their boyisb

lualioriH, Jjad already curved out ofgolden renlma. \Phon morning

cnmo(March8),n sail eight wan rovoai-ea to tbo youug man who went to theJug-cut to borrow a uliovel. Tho angel3f death hnd beoa there ia tho uight,•nd had buried the Bleeping boyo alive.V mint, piteous voico boucatU this Ymua

grave twoko tlia icy etiLlness of the fros-*y morning, "In Sod's narao I pull mo>utl l a m dying." Tho bov yho hadome to horrnv n shovel fled in linrrnr'torn thofatnl ejiot, cnlliug loudly forlelp. whWi enmo from all direc'timm,torn fifty cabins iu tlio gulch. A dozen'couion anna delved down uud tore awayho cruel ea»-tli which hnd alrendyclaap-id anil claimed ono of these hoys na its>wn, aud whioh had hugged and presg-fd in its icy embrnoa, fur eight loiifflours, tho Blruggling survivor. The'try told by tho maugled nnd mutilat-

youth is a brief poo. Ho told it toIB wliilo gasping in agony aud paio,.retcled npon n eoticli of rino L•i tlio hillside."WoflniaheU our 'dng-out* yesterday.

Au old stager who has benu throughtlie mill, given the followingparcutal ad-vice to tho girls: •

Take lessous on (lie piano ami learnto paiut and fiiug, but let your motherdo the aeliL^• I>o worsted • irk, nml make nice lit-

tle neckties for tliG heathen,but don't ac-quire that mystic art to rook " jjork andbenns."

Go to boarding-school am] pursueiina Froneh Hjiaiiiali uud Ocvinnn, but

neglect your good old mothur J S l i hI'Jatly deny tb ft i hg y r gI'Jatly deny tbc

you are ccgnged.ri i

r JSnglfc.ft impeachment ibatTreat yoni1

aa if you were ushiimednoinpliiiioiitnry iiuyhouv,


sprig nof him. It ito tbo young spriu

When you laugh, Itiugh licarly. Ictu-aid Ulliugs mny bo fit'L'ii. HIM U care:

for tho tlentifit.TL'II peoiilu who are posted, nnd t-un-cnieutly KUOW lictUir, that yon arc ex-

actly nniotcLMi luflt or nest eiiininnr, yim"orget which. They'll believe it, you

flay naughty tliinga of your rival orneit-door neighbor, nud npuuk dispnr-agingly of WISH Q'snoae. Itiit' entirely-worlookyour own incongruities.

By all mt'uus " toto" a nice little d"Siftor you on the street. There is a1 uco of your being tukeu tov HOUIO one

•, wjiile it Hjiciks voluiues—for Ihodog.

"Walk fmir ubrciu.1 and lionp tlio cen-tre of tlie hidowitlk, but uover for a mo-ment allow yourself to bu di^uoucertud.I t shows coumdenitioii for the Imppi-•";ss of others.

Finally, quit being girls by marryingBorne old buld-hoidcd buffer, with loUof "tin," nud l-nthluHsly thrust aside ainmt of bmitis with a becoming enmije-


. town to beg for workWo ha! eaten cp our lost

Ciiarllo—that's my partner—tycd nt homo to fix up things aud flu-

ih diggiugout tho chimney. I woat toe niiusi^' mocling a t Swearocgor'sloon, aud came home about too o'clock,

ud went to bed. M'lieu I wolto up £m buried, but I had ono hand withliicli I scralchrd away tbo dirt nndniEth nud gut nir, llion a\\ wus dnrkguin, anil nfter mvliile I woke up. I

t .lould Kco the fitarn and tho moon, and IiTv know ibi mny enjoy it pound uov- heard Charlio calling to inn)(ora known, may hnvo froeilom from 1 tried to move, but tlio dir

fJdenination and tho nottl iilleil will]fniils of (he spirit. This is ho-iu the Lord, nml without these

' (8 there is no being In Olin'st Jtmie.11s tiny wa nro r.ot required to 011-

tho tiials tlmt fell to. tli^ lot ofitivc christinus, though eiicb ona portion. There nro no more trialnmr departed brother, no inure "of-to secure tho eomforla of Hf« for

ilh whom ho wnsaurroiuidL'il andhi l t M

a wil whom ho wnsV: i-hom his lovo was st

l d f il htrong

f" will

dirt cumo tutu-I i Then


t i n v- ™ •• Jgain. Thatsall J kuow, sir, till jnst now. Ia Charliedead r

Yea, Choi-lie was dead I

c p t o i i ,Ha was an old man, nud bo bad a bit

of conductor's pasteboard ntuck in binhut, Ho watliud into tlio dmgatore.anilinquired, "Hnvo yon got any good whin-koj?"

"Yfti. sir," replied (ha g,?utlcnmilydruggist.

•'UiuuuolKil-fiipmt.""Have you got ft doctor's per/serin*

Lion?""No.""Can't sell it thon, sir. Jury in sus?*

ioo I must bo strict.""Whore can I got a doctor?" eadly in-

His crushedana mingled body wiu dragged out ofhe debris u foiv minul f t d d

gled bhe debris u foi

b d

fee JiRcoatiuticd he reciter J,. 1rrnP, 7-lelal, 10,". TLrao fil

s f t f t ' c r j , • 1 2 : i s p c c

t m i i i n t * i

IUU'B, C5 from the Middle, W - from tlio Bonthoni StnlcH, IS

*\ho WcHiorn Slntea, 5 Ironi tho i'flciflcioi; 1 cncli from Ganiula,' Kugtutid, Fniuro,

cheionln ami India, nnd 2 from Ilulgnria.' aod« the Tucully, tliero am special lcc-

• " i variouH lopiCK, nmimff tliem llinhon, tten Ilinbop I. W. W O M , tlm llev

VDQNC1KHI, tholtcv. Ja inMll . Kfup, 1).,ni,lilrfy-iuna oftlio KinduntH nwt foll.'go

A Bemorkablo Woman,l l i k f lfollowing k from tho JViiMrJL- j a j» -

iinw religioua weekly:lives ill Randolph tovrnaliin nu old

iindjenrly olghty-ooo yoatn old. Sho VIMfulltu tho.yearl"0a Uerfnther wnsintheiututioiinryyiir, and lived to bo eighty-

- - - ' ' ; nnd her mother lived to oboutBoth were very imioh' re-

ifhcr brotlicn nerved in the»ff8ffi_ „. A\ 1812 and lived lo be vurj. old, as dida lofWI

ery , as did. B b o WHB married in 1815,lived within a: radius of ton

b 4 1 She

jwardod for all ho docs for Ooil,Its nro tlio biBis of jiistiOeatiou, "i.....p works do follow Ihom." na they aretboclorieaof Hciivon, which jjlncei flLflll ttivcal tho Rood necompliNuodio lifo now ended ou earth. Jtov.

\VhimiB Goid, we linvono ordinaryfor no ordiutuy man is to bo

Vn (iW uum lius gone. This iaif;n nged'men hnvo rondo an" Vim Moltlio. Emperor Wil-

innny, Tiiion, of Fntnoeand

icn, aw old men thatig uud !astiii|f improa-nt years. Tho mnu wo

ugh compelled to ln-__-..|ios hcinc a- eripplo.

this weolhnd noble calling forllyThtbmMd remember that

j.ronnathig m ncconiffliy | l c r o w i , 0 k n o t f

ireo wcro lmioh-Hninllcv, than hut.' tenI tho nxponaes pn.porllonably Hiiialt. O

., jeral account tho receipta were 39,705.1'.,neuliiflt $10,4JM.00 last year. Tho ceuertLexpmuwt huftyeor wore $10,4O[|.Bfl • ihia yearthey aro $8,017, a reduction of $1,480.90. Inshort tho council havo pnid out of Us income$2,0»Qi>rthfl mmiicipal hounds, $1,DUO iOio lire Iiumlfi, niiiMioif a bnlanco on, hnnd i

• Another Foot Bridge Needed-Tlio building of tho foot bridge last Tear

nlotig tlio enst ni3a of UIQ bridgo bii1 SunsetHtreet ncrota tho uonal and river, mm along veailcd improvement,• nnd one1 thnttha irhalo commnuily htia fdt gmhful forIt.onlymmninunow to compltto tho workby Iho erection of ntiather foot bridge on theopposite, or woatsido. .Thera aro saverul

an why thia,filiould lo done. Tbo tjen-ppeanmco of tho.Btroet shouhl bo Rreat-iHiiratl, nuil it ivouhl bo but juHtico to

tliunww>M «f property wlio luivo flnnged tlmtHide or (bo Htrcet BO imiKlflomoly, und «ho

r tho want of it aro compelled to mnko•o croMiuRB iu order (o yot to tho post office,

bantu, mid other parts of town. Uut tho


. .__ -Jiv minulea nfto/ward andborno down tlio hillside (o u desertednoldicr's cabin in C'uatur street, nnd"•• ~" • iipuu n plunk placed upou two

„ m eame Iho first inquest hold inthe Black If ilk It was a queor ucono.fliero stood tho City Marshal, a tallrough, honeat man, with bronze brown-ed inco and tcnr-Blainea eyes, a pair ofimyiofl ou his hips, but gentle as a lambin the mco of death liko this.

Tho coroner, a minor with grizzledbeard nod hard grimy bmids, ttoou" hvtho body; with n book iu his band. Tmdoctors jufit arrived that morning, fromPlalto Oouaty, Mo,, looking moi-a liketrumps lhau professiotiala, stood by. Areporter, n Jotvis*i clothinff dealer, aEatoon keeper, a lawyer aud two miueraoouBtitulod the jurj , which Bat itself ui

priutipil ;bcr parts 0:MU U tlmt nil town children

to and. from bchool cross this bridge, auilthese, with tlio largo iimonnt of other travel,often ci-owd [t in an unocipfortablo manner.

— • - • - ••The Iron Industry.

Tho Ei\t}intrr\ntj atul Mining Journal of Ihmt week enys; , . . '

Wo nro roporlcd HIIGH, in lola, of ftbontWoI,«uaibt i

p r H, in lola, of nbontf No. 2 foundry Tbomas i ron;

in exception wo learn f b

ncro at onco, iiotifio'1, and when' theyo nnd osltod : " D o von.pretend topekingofSpnin?" "ilotl .1 1 "Why,

then, did you register your nnine ?"'Because I wish to travel incognito."

What a fountain n[ blensing IB a cow !.ilin in tho mathcr of beef, tha aourco ofbutter, the origiml causu of cheese, toBay nothing of shops, horn, hair, combs,anil nuper leather.: A ffoufle, umiablo,ever-yielding,ereuture, who lias uo joyin liar family afFiirii which tdio <loo3 notBliaro with mon. Wo rob her of hermilk, ami wo only enro for her that therobbery mny bo pcrticttiated.

A timid young man, tlie ether uny,banded a well known' Pnris rcsUurnntkeeper, a voluino of Hornco, on tho fly-loaf of wliluh was written : "Ploaso girotho gentleman who will hnnd yon thiBbook a good lunch, nnd oblige yours—Pjum P . " "Tho rGRlanratDDF did nsdesired, and in tlio evnuing gave thobook to its owner. *' Whnt .1 pioco ofluck 1" cried tho Itilter. " I forgot thoLook nt Bomo cafo, nnd bnd long agowritten tliu liiirs.in caso I should losoit."

It was (it tlio Astor House thub Web&Lcr,.wisliiug tn buy a newspaper onomorning:, put his hand into IIIB pocketonly to find it empty. Uodcclared thatlio hndu't a penny, whcicupou one ofhissntollitcs siiid to him: " T o u lmistlip miatnten, Wubslcr ; I'saw you havea 3100 bill just wliou you were going ti

but, with thin exception, wo learn of no bns-- • - * iirticuhira pro giTou. It in

ml tbou&ind. torn of, iron.imreported tlmt

futility of wliiuh liiw not tiautjpiroJ, liavo-•Mil in riiitoilelphUftLnnnnpreoedei»t-

.„,. f ilgnii'. but we nronanhlG tolcftrnilt (rlimilnrH. Somo of tho Lchigh compn-^ ,ro carrying vury lurgo_Btooka of iron_Stimliope where lio met with Out. JJud'd'wlio toolt tho young man to hm lio mocud gave him n recommendation to teachat Ilattlctomi (now Alt. Olive) whoro hocnlercd upon tho calliag ttiat has engagedI :Battention duriunr tlio many years oi

B life tlmt followcu, mnliiog his a lifoof activity nnd UBcfulucss. Aflor labor-lug n number of ,\carnin tho first location' ' lit nt Scliooley'a Mountain; Ger-

illey aud natidera. Iu 1830 hog

ho taughttnan Vallywont lo Pnternon,again nt Mt. "Olive, nt whichtim howent lo States Island wheru ho nervedus Superintendent of schools for threeyours. Iu 1855 bo received a Stata cer-tifi f N Y k

IBt nig],1( an he

\, anil na you haven't beeuliour, you ooultl hardly have" I r a t h e r ihink that's an,"

a 3100 bbed lastup haUspeut it." _. _ _ _ _..,answered Daniel, reflectively. " I wonderwhat I could have done with i t t ByJupiter, I must hnvc.ffivon it to tho boywho blacked tny boots tivo minutes ago 1And that was tUo fact. ' .

As (he train stopped for ten minutes,tho Boston OoiiMEncuii BULLETIK,t h t i d i i d l h es aloug tap-

hammer nasand that individual who gping the wheels with hiposting rapidly by tbo

the wheels with hia hammerp n g rapidly by tbo Bmnking-cnr, nof tbo windows woahoisted anil n torrentof tobacco npit was ejected which com-pletely deluged him. Tho tnnahihistjinuscd for a moment, and wiping nomooftbestronma from his person, said totho offcnJcr : "Mister, wlint part of the

t dd f ? " " M t "tho offcnJcr : Mistr,country did yon como f

id tb tt k

f t"Motli_ J tho npitter, pucUcring liia lips for

nnotlior expectoration, " I como fromKanana." " I tbonght en," said tho ma-chinist, "for if you liatllivcd in Alansa-cliusclts or Connecticut they would hnvohad ii water-wheel in your mouth longago."

Tho ucjst capital for young men to start

n log which inaiBtod upon rollingr every two mluutcs. Xho innuest

was brief, tho reporter organized tho'•>'T, sworo them in, elioitad tha ovi-

J-Ice, inado ihe rerdiot and founded"' firet oflloint nrehivo for the city,

verdict waa "Accidontsl death fromuboatiou," that wns nil, and tlio mate-

I wna ready with vhioli to* start a'eyard in Ciistor.

(•hen camoliumnne hmids and kindC] rta, anil drosacd iho nnfortunaton t ntor. Charles Pnlioy found a wliilo

t, tho only ono iu tftocity: n sheet(]J converted into a stroud, aud Obar-()J|Holt soon lay la a rough pine boxW( i a bier of JogB. This was not all:(1, ro wna built in .tho corner of tho

It, deserted cabin, Uip roof openedlow tho umoko to escapB, wifl. then adozen iioblo men sot and watched

II daylight. "With the rising of theenmo ladies—yes, lidioa; kind-

led pioneers who hnd woven aitli of pina twiga, wiutBr ivv, pinaba, aud four little fragments o'f tarla-liuid pieces of (bo blaok silk stringsMrs. Drfigmond's bonnet. Thisfttli was Inid rovercntinllj upon thotainted pine box ; ib wns all tliesouoble-benrted women could do and' did it well. But ntill the grave-

was not inaugurated. Here was af n neatly shrouded, wreathed nnd[nod, and no graveyard: but a sight[1 city praveyard wna found—n nn-l cemetery alrondy plantfld wilh•03 of trees, and laid out by naturo

broad, irregular arenues, all nod-nnd half green. Cascades, oi-na-

ted with glittering icicles, lent tlioirto tho frosted ovdrgreen foilago and

Jr-wliito grotto of quarlz tbbenutifyInonly-soleotod site for tho city of-1.1—1 * t .« -t . . . l l

nd iu ISiG ho asnt which' tima ho

d h h d

tificate from New York.Gorman school for 11 ti

After leachingin New York

cily, lio wcut to. Oyster Bay, LongIsland, where ho taught ten yeara, In1805 ho returned to New Jersev audlocated nt Union Hill in tills county ;tbonco after two years lie wcnE to Clint-hnm nnd tnnght six years In 1873 whnnho inovod to Succostinna whoro ho resid-ed mid coutinuod tcuchingut McCnias-villo and South Stanhope. At tho tatterplace ho eloantl lifo'a work about oneyearngo being disnlilcd by & cancer ontha &ido of his bead, nhich did not cansodeath as ho died of hcsly consumption.Thus closet] an humblo tlimifrli romark-nble Hfo devoted to a useful culling forau uuiisunlly long period. So fur ns hoHiiceeedet3.il, stamping elements of char-acter upon pupils lio stijl liven. I aminformed thnt Hon. J. L. KanoiiED oucewhan in convcrsalinn with Mr. Briggsgave him credit for educating more menthat have made a mark in tha world thanany other teacher in the public- schoolsof Now Jersey. In tho days of infirmitytho old rfian would mention with a fool-ing of pride, thoso ho hnd assisted ontho raid to£ronUtcssnmlinflncnco whiloicrving in tlm e.tpneity of n teacher.'And in my dying himr,When riclict. famo nnd hennr hare up jiuwerTo bear the npirit up.Or from my lips Inrn tmide tli a cupTlmt ill muFtarink it Int;O, let mo draw rolrofhmcnt from the pout t

c let my aonl run back,W i i l i p o i e i > a n d J n y n t o n ^ m y c n r l l i l j t

A n d u r o L l t B l n l l I l i o u c r d s

T l m t I l i n v c n c a l d t m l U i o r c i n T i r t n u ' i

e s j i n u i g u p n n < l b u r s g l T o n

n a O j f m l l H o f s r l i l c h l o t t s l u - l n I I G H T

with in life is indastrj, good sense,

quired tho agod inebriate."I'm anhyaician, sir," wiuuingly ro-oudcd the drtiggict,"Can't you givo wo that—what you

call it, 'scripliou?""Woll, I miBbt." And tho doctor

wrote out n prescription blauk, callingfor BO mauy ouoce.s of spiritus /urmenti,IIo fill led a snug-looking bottlo withtlio articles, pasted a label 011 il, num-bered to correspond with tho paper, andpresenting tho bottle to the vcncrabloroyateror, remarked, in tho most busi-ucss-liko way iiungiuable, "A dollar andalialf s i r "alialf,

"A, r.

"A dollar and u half 1n i h d t A

1" gaspad his as-Ain't thnt nretty

opendead. A Iialf dozen brawnyk, with pick and slovd. tore ^I virgin noil and mado the crave,-y were generous Gcxtoua, theao nma-iS. nnd fiunka hole liko unto a inin-["haffc. I It wan t least tviolvo. teot^Mhisgravo for tho hall-grown boy.

uiio trouble was only Tiulf over.iSoul not as parson ? There is no

refix 1 Ouiten nnd a. tiro hours ean-« th/ city fuilod to find a profea-r ' 'Miffion among three hundred

eoplrtVorso than that, arioso nenrchiled 1nj ft prayer-uoolt. Tho May-, 11 oi man, appealei to* ono of tho

i (iUil1 c i t \v to " f l n y f t I o w

To, to Id Obrislian-likofr wastot inliis ' l ino;

doctors wore applied to,e success. -JTIicu catno'a

Judfie, Uaytfr nnil Mar-•tflr, Surely a "paper'"'"E nbout funerals;

Mayor, "wowant toputa op Christinn-liko; not

Mw.n graveyard hail

fl.uu Iue. l l inioortego moved on thiouihIbomnm sf of thQ:cltv. . I fwa?apicturesqoEion thin b n ' g l l t i B U Q n y

ed oofflu, vt w h i o h ] o y i l l 0 f ^ ^ i

""" ' " " ' " " theu the TJayoi

A VESETIAK BowLrKQ.Au.ET.—ThoItalians, as a rttlo, aro not much ' givento euorgntic athletiu czorciBas. Espec-ial! Iy is this tho casa ia Venice. An ox- 'ception should bo made, in favor of thegondola, which boya seem to tnko to asearly nad OB natural ns ducks do to water.The Venetian lias fow games or exor-cises requiring strength, agility, and ac-tion. Ho prefem a quiet seat along thoHides of the qttayft, or a stroll iu tho

Euaro of St. Mark's wbea tho hand *i*lying, or in tho sultry afternoon toiit(jo mvuy lib idlu liourtj, of which ho

appears to bavo GO many, iu ouo of ihobowling-nllcys, under the shelter of tti<3thick, alusterins vines. Io eomo quar-ters of Liie town, tliceo aro very interes-ting places for tho traveler in search ofcL&rnoterto visit, from tha diOerout na-tionalities ho will seo gatherod together—Greek nnd Matiresque, Spanish, Egyp-tian and English, all iu tlioir national 'dross, and of all oasts of color, from thaEuropean to tho full-blooded nogru. I tia woll, howovcr, for tha travoler to re-member that tlio sailors and loafers ofthe-Levant are quick and fiery in tem-per, given also to a rather reckless useof tho kuife, RO ho should drink hialight winu andtiiuoke his cigarette, ob-servant, but quiet.

j , u th« MJudge, CotiiicipjmiMn^jj,,bluc-sliirtod mtu minen1 hoots oBloueb hats. X o n o r t w o ra[no]

ritsnnilLrgijroogut „„ t ,

Then a slinllimnit, ns ono of"chir down lo Hodrock, pontlemofa';. ' — shows good coloi.'

found. All tlwalked all thatho Block Hilliyaz&.~-Kanaai\

courage, and tl

rear, and "tbo rfoVmoved ESQUI]

O Dn the hilluidL,fmaloursoitonasail,

wlmrtho o „ 4 .u ( u j

Silently tbo bodas taken from thewagon nnd tend laid in the noldoncatth upon tltfroolr. Thea everyhead wns liarodovcry bronzed coun-tennnnboved 3 ono or two BGICC-tions of Scni were read.. TheKrave was Booledonda wliito-pinoheudatono set i carlh, nnd lUua thocity oi Ouster i iirated its cmvevard

IhoBaddest ;-•«--*•>- = - - • ' • • "incident is yiletters, imperdcvcii tlio Klightestclciv to bin ho^r frionda havo hcci

known is that botrom Sioux City tolio and start n guve-

ofOod. It is bet-

l r and u htonished customer,high, mister?"

*'Ils our price—a dollar for tho pro-scription and fitly conta for tho medi-cine."

"Yes, well," slowly replied tho wickedold duffor, ns ho slowly buttoned up thohalf piut in his overcoat-pooket; " Iguess, boS3, that I don't want tho 'scrip-tion. • Hero's your half a dollar, "and hostack his tongue in ouo sido of hismouth, winked ironically at him of tliomortar and pestle, and walked out. Ifyou over havo occasion to buy physio fitthat drug store, bo sura you don't men-tion tliis atory. If yon do, you die.

French Duels.A Paris letter says:—"Franco has al-

lowed many of. tho gentle, nnd genialchivalries of olden days to slip awayfrom her, and lias tcnociocsly clung totho foudnlisms and other moat objec-tionablo articles in her codes of honor.Wlieu soldiers fall out they urc not onlvpermitted, but nro compelled by theirofficers to settle tlioir disputes by mor-tal rrbitramont Two privatu soldiersquarreled tho other day nt Dijon, onBOtno trivial question. They would,perhaps, Imvodrowued their tlisnuto in ''canon* at tho canteen; hut tbo FrenchEoldier ia not permitted to mibmit to apeaceful termination of a quarrel.Theso two mon were sent forth to hackand hew each otiiertodaatb,andinafcwminutes tbo youngor soldier w(W killedbv his comrade. Two days p*st youngM. Qoruudet, who is now serving in theranks as a volunteer, was grossly insult-ed by a trooper who has gained muchglory in tbo regiment by the frequencyof his duels. This spadaisin having pub-licly outraged SJ. Cornndct, the laws ofhonor compelled b in to strip to thowaist, and lo stand up and bo slashed bytho nan who had outraged him. Tho,duel took place, and this gentleman,tho grandson of Marshal Sachet, hasbeen 6oriously wounded. Three of hisfingers lopped off, and a fearful gas'h inbig arm, oro the result*. Thcro aro *mnny regulations in the frocch armyworthy of being iutradiicod into oar 'ar-ticles of wnr,'but this flystem of dnel-

ling is not one of them.

Slnrery in turkey.Although tho slavery of -white women

is uominally abolished in Turkey, it stillexists hv conuivance and collusion. Thagroat mart whonco whito slaves wore for-merly purchased, tbo regions of tho Cau-casus, is now interfered with by tho ad-vance of tho Russians, and white slavescan no more be brought thenco in flocks,Tho presont system is enid to ba as fol-lows : Tho Turkish trader goes to theregion whera parents sell their dnuglitcreand women sell themselves. Ho takesto himself four wives, no n Mahometanis allowed to do, and returns to Constan-tinople with hia wives. In tins guire—~" wives—tboy jmes unchallenged, whilo

Blavos tboy would be contraband. Hodisposes of tho lot, nnd then go>« bneb,somelimci, it is said, ns often nn fourtimes a year, for fresh Jots, to b> similar-ly disposed of. It docs not rcquiro west-ern civilization to teach h o v wholesalelaws may ho evaded, nnd how next t.»impossible it I'B, by tho mere formalityof enacting n ntnttifo, to onforco n reformwith which a debauched jmWic opiniondocs notaympiithiBe. A slave tritfilo likethat referred to shocks every liumanonnd yirtuoiia instinct of a CUristtnii com-munity. Vet ere Bbould be clinrifablo,for it 13 not long since slavery was pro-tected by law in our nwn country, andwo still have tho "twin relic," polygamyin Utnh, condemned by law yet fluurhh-ing iu Bpito of i t

tor than all tho credit or cash that wasover raised.

Page 2: Freeman Wood,DCHS of this iiUuil, Inotia-say lo lit* old onn-totnora nu'l tlo cGncrnl-piibllo Iliat I BIIDII nirtiirto Jrinrve tlielr p«lmna(tp,'onJ ro-ilfullvBDlli'it Ibo Fnma


via- i.ii ' . iuimi liy llii' ikvlioii i i tWiu. I I .•' I Mi-Hiivil Iiiainiir.li mill W. U. LmuWrl

S ^ . ^ i i v . "lliu- Cljairuiiiu .••tiiteil tlio

lira-. LIST o r LETTEU3 HEJIAiKI.NO INn r liolilI THU POST OFFICE AT TOUTol m u n i Olt.'.M, N. J.. UNCALLED FOILHie olil ' " °''' 1k~'

;'..l1;ivila.v, April 2!),

Nrfl > i

1 Lf uld [lulilic.

1)5 Frcbiiloiil," rr.Ulnv. Cnniforiliir.l i.i ciiiucclii.

i \ , i . C!vni, !• ;H. 1

: l \ :i

Ilio tft'l-k.

^;.iuc,' tlii.t '-i:^ i.^m


v.i'tli'H -ni.Uir" c'.lil.-

iidnli . l'.m Iliia

,;, .: f:i. i "ii'Vli

ntijcj 'a

ilartinan; of 11tl jjlve Uu

lU. IIbJolm llva

mith,above U-llu

jous , P. M.iHic.-ia I J bi: elected wt;7-t MouJay, iiiJiio fLi'.iiuTiu - v.-^rDlJlacwl in noininatioi. :

Ilctviiler—Pr. TlKiinsi R. Crittiuulcn..•Iili'iiiir.11—I>a:ic limn-'?-t'..iam..u I'liimiiilmni—Jiw. 11. Brou-n

in. lJ i i ' . ' i i l iC. 1-VIVIT."il, ••.!•< t'i'iUi'iiili'ii uml llimra nro Ifce

.rir.uiilM.UH in II." ' u r n . ' t , i . | | . Winiin.. Jicon 1I,,.VST.I.I. and JIna.M AIIGH: 1'ETFIII. l.ulli nf Siii-caiiiuiir., -N. J .

lU'(i(i-.Mi-fOi:U-A|iiil Bill, 18711, nt IIK-KH-iil.nui; i.r llm bnik-V muilitr. l.y ll.v. II. S.lVui;li:*, HBHisliJ liv tkv. L. W. StnililarJ,Mr KUAH U. llr.in ii[ In ui.i, mi.! MIH. MAII-


• - , . : • . . . . I n

1 ii;-f,,ic.

II i.li.v . .111. - . - . :

II •; !•. 1'. •> ' ! !


Til.i.^ <\

A i- 111-. , ] ! ! .

•ihilt- l i t i,,..!.


,,1 nliiira Mr..;,... .mi- IIIXM.1.t t u di . i lo ufitill ndopl iuiiieiVhy not li:t it

.'iii.ii'ii'.i'l l.'iv.-nlii' Ilii-i wiir-

••T.i 11,

Tli.' nn>v lii'll i'f tliflinn-liurrivilraiTliiimMessrs. 31. A 1. Soarins

in iirtol.


.cm busily CH-UB the oiil linoj iu position.

mm, lirApril I

< t .

I'l... .!i |....ll>.

nl Iniliiiin

!••-: 1). Will

i,ii-piitii' Cuii-t..il ili'l|.|!lltc:in | .W|!r i l I..

Tin1 ('.iliuir-n ,luy ,.]ioii'J.i,iiNiti ('..•!-

It is from I k .voll linoti-u tonndrv i.tJlMii'civ i Kiiubi'il.v, ot Trov, h e wYork, ]'s Ii ll.it in Ion.', Mil m p t a 1,107iioimilii IC» »izo ia tlio mini.! in llmt otll..-!.(.U iiTui.ll.v I.1M.-O,1 in tin, l.elfry ftSt. Miin'»r.linri!li. wliii'li TOlflu l,G30IKI.III.I..1 II livings liy n tovon tout wheel,HIKI iiiphiiliii" mouiili i is. «-ln.i « » t S575.Dit tlio si ik is the i i isni i i t i . in i " l ' l r s t

!l'ii>.l.vli'rian f lmn ' l i . Dovor, S . J . Or .ILMIUHW! April Sid, 183.-1. Oiurcli D « l i -' fated Nov. lfitll, 1^1-- N™* Chi-" 1 -

ii'lu n i l tr ial in tin

|.,T, l,l«»ll I.I

nt nf fnrtlil iii'li

.liuutiol. ntlnili-o'is on Wi'ilncailnvt.l fi.r (iovcrnor.r.iK, of Knox Ciuin-

l the »ji?lf will I'It in i

ns.'.l fur tt 'r m

Tin. oM liMljtutnininTfil w i |iimniils, nud l i r n n tlii» :—••"•

» l ' .mml rv , Wost Tray,N. Y. Pr<>si'iifi:<l liy Alison It. PIICIPH,18-15.V Dll l ins tllirty-oui! JiMU it III"|.,-,Iom,i..l Hi. duty o l c l l i u s tlic |«-o,,IoIo uorr.liili, tolling tin: mournful dirgi:s•If tlio iloail, uml nomnliiig the alunn inlime of ilmiKcr. No.v it goca back tigiuiiIn the Ii)uiulr.y wliere it ims limtie, nullivliav its UHufulne- H will l,o iicriietuuteil,

iioiv lirli.'

A I'iiii' aVi ipr ly .

""' j Mr. ili-nj. Sim rcconll}- Kolil the farm

i s


" "iJri'ir:


n.-L'ti. liil-ln



al.ar^in. IIO1UCE I,. COOKAi»i-n LiC.tli. 1H713. ^ (1 - lw i i

BUILDING LOYS !r i l l l i ; Milis-ril-T »!ll . .II • r.^r « , n WMItn i

i.T.iiHl?.ni"v"ieii>nt.'lil"in"« * ' • ' ' wis].5i.""uil.l.Tin. luiv Infces uf lua l r ra l ami b W r mukv it

|i].lj- Io J. 11. JAt'KHON,EHC rr iml l i i i St . , Niw York

Or J I IUS V . IIASSIT, ll.irkMrn;.-, X..I. i!0-ll»


Mr. llutUT mi llaiul.ilrli avoiiu.:. Aluii.UHid ur. Hiring SI. kn.mii as Ilir r imi '

Notice of Assignment!

SHERIFFS SALE! ' SHERIFF'S SALE!Mini'is' Savings Uaiik

OF l)t!Vi:ll, X. J.

minlitill- lil'Kttl

i thily In.

S 111 .M.U1tl, , ) t>L,Kri-

i , . >i. to 1


V:il .mi ' .AN, I'rr.id.iit.1'IIUAIM L1MWU:V, Vid.I'11-id.nt.

JAY *. TIIKAT, Ti.-n>iir.T.r, IVli. 17,1B7:I. l'.'-tf


.pital, • ,$200,000.linurrifnimll A.?t. to 4 P . H . I'mriipl

i.tn.11 i.l llrmvi. 'rt b b t i . i l i .I..-t rridav, the ro " "

{_.! el*]

ml theyfi-U I., thu ii..ll..i«, liili-iilli oE over UMlov!. Tliri-i; v.-i-.'(:I.il!ijJ, llir- OHIITS la-i;>]]y injiir.-...

vfi>i\ia t*ln» l»m"i-oJiieiii^tlio anlnpy wfU'rflio IsforMim-liiiest t j S2ii,0fH) u yi:ar.

.Sis iLiiinlt'i'i-m wcro liniigrd al i'tn'trimitli in tlic Jwliiiu Tcirilur.y lutl l'ti-

Iiiilians. i)mi it nogro,ilnv.iinU t


o.i.14-. it r^iirlnklxiiMiitfr miKlliwii Mt., rsileiWii, van .Icslro.val byHit* un I-'riiLiyuvoaiin^ of la-it v.Tck, with:>.H id; cu!ituiit>:. The lofa on hiiiUiing;:inl hltck ia i'lilimatcil at iij»vimla ofclrii-VOiiU. 'two iironiL'ii vci-c injiu-cil li.yrallii);; vu!!.'. I'lio fire i:i s«pi»i»>'t«l to]'!iva Lu'en CHHEIMI t>y uti explosiini of!:.-i'oi:L'aa oil.

i' .".l Tcyjioetivo 7 uiul tl years, \iliosoI'urcntfi liv.-» in lioluiont-avenue, JerscjjCil , 'J'hcii- jmrnufs nntltliR [inlice, itftpr

iiicli d( neven IJOIIW, futinri llm «Iiil-j i n a Ijisrn, wliorctlitv ImJ fiutliei-cd

jknown us Ilic Henry Owon place, sitna-I d t I lin n^ideiicii on Alnrriineit In liin

s, to Mr. Quo.f SliillOD

,n Alnr

f NowYin];, fur Slii.DOl), cash, Mr. L. is Bftitito IJC a mnii ol incatis, owning siiiu o Hnoituckiii liursolk'ali, mul will sonu com-!iK'iicc the gnuliug ">f u track for tLo ex-

cfcisL' df lite equine favorites on tlio ILIIOTOi.uivlis.<.o nml wlii.;li ho iiitomla to boIlio Wit iu tliia srvtiini of tlic Htnte.This pu'ptrtv is our <tf thu inuat bcnnli-rully Kiiualcd iu Iho vifitiily of Morris-

Jlicliaol Oliver, from near Clicatcr, e^tInmk upon (lie utruets, on 'Jlmrsilny,«ay iui.tf.tcJ ly Oilioer Wood, uml ro-IcuKi'il ivhon nuarly fiohcr on conditionthat lit: ivonlil Icnvo town. Later tliosame day lio was caiitiiruil by MiirsliLilArntilayt) fur buing butli drunk nnd din-orderly. I t coat liiin rv trifle over 87 U>C"t nwtiy from Justice Wood tliia tinii!.

ntilttr monthly incutiiiB of Piiilec-(ion Hook mid Ladder Company licitIMomliiy evening. A fn'l ntteinliinco inCtJHCHtV-il.

Only oi.L'ii in over thirty years hua tlmLi'L'itiiiliii'Q hml KO IUIIR n scsainn as tlicotivjufiL fhmcil. I n 1KC1 i t a d t l i l l MuylOlli. H lina jjouenillyiKljourncil of ULu

ircond WCBII of April.

inunuiiB t ij:acitl and tfti'ij opeiilug uf

SUN UMBRELLAS oud PAHASOLS,hi unifrfcl? . • . c n i l v i L l n n d i l T c r t



ana upifuril. Siuti) inn KAUI'M'J).JIIHl^XniliTTA CI-OTIIS from furly-slijuiflknj ii])Wirit. tinuu FoUB^nri.Ej.

UL-W-'K AWACAO fiom twcnly cciitB «|mMEND roit BAuru:^.

,'K UltFJIADIXEH from twcntj-tWu »•

IT TO.;i (|iianti!v of crocUory and JJI-UVWOHS, Siuco iho iidoptinu of tha Constitutionmk'mlm;*- i" !ivo to-rctlioi- tlio lent of of JSKi, iL IIIIHitdjouriioil in aovctitecu of>.'.:• !;• ] ; , ! - . the tbiityhvoyciini in Murdi.

iirln H li.jrl)cr*3 i-'lioji in J'.'i-si',v C'il.v, nshel l turns ;i»o, to gut u l inmi . The bar-he:-, Chmf i iw Lni?., neoiiliitifftlly c.ui, i,it. .ni!. .rii:!.eft l«..Riluriii (! tbuniierutinu.

Isi ' l^id' lJii trs ^SOL>'iliiin»F:cP. suit would1-0 lirijuflii.igjiinst him for dottblo tlmtainoii.it. I.iils coinproiuinuil by pa^ing

'i'iit' IVori:1. J'roslivtcryliiia iteelincHl !ojocivtJiIoL1 . !f. Clcndutininfr, formerly<>f Jersey l!i(v, iulu membership. Tliocli.Kvh :il Henry (hreateus (o t-ccwh mid

ri'-WHi-Ji u ill i n u l to Uio Coutentiial n.-:.'cli.i« of ihc L-i'liuder of tliu first nivumi!i];;iiio ..-•it'll in Una country, wliitili wiiaimpculcd fiom Etigi.-tiul in 1703.

Now .Tc;-i'[*vliii»cnlv47 Treasury clcrlf,.wlimi it ja 03titled to'67. Miike n»:ni for

Marrti VtniTtv.

The- fulliiWiiifr lift rit I ' d it Ju ro r s hitsli.'cn drawn for the Miiy ' lYrni :

Ih3iu! Viuil'.iH, J o h n II. YnnDorvPur,Ocorftti P . Kitelicll. Sninnnl S. L.voti,William H. llalibitt , J o b n Cnrrcl, Wil-liam T . Bin1, Frank I I . Lindsluy, CalebIXn61i!iniit l tnl | .h H. Irfw.ii, Jmtcpli .T.Convin, Charica IJ. Norriji, l tolicrt 11.Kiloholl, C'linrlra H . MnlfnrJ, Abruliam(Jiinpor, TI IMI . W. lMuPtiix, Jns. And,lion, UorncnS . VnnWiigiicr. DeAVHt U-Qiiiiubv, SEuriiiH l lnlnnsun, Wm. C. C!:iK-lify, Ciinili's H. Uiilryuiplc. Humntl U.Vonnfi. Henry 1*. Dcl law, Henry J , l lr i t-tin, Gro . U. Itos«, Edwftrd DiekerHonCtmvk'ji O. UoIInrt . Neleon I I . Dnikulluluiil {'irocn. JciopIiKitcl icU. .Tl1.. JulmNmii!t>.Tr>bnWiUiamH, J i imc iW. U n i o i ,.lojepl. H. Unnyiin, Win. Uiyil . Peti-rBinilli, Win. O. Freeman, Thuodoro !>'.Kiup, I V n l o l J . Colo, Daniel II. Lorft,.Trim y. Johnson, Alfred Eagtei. JoinH. Tunia, Himou Misi>], Alnliotis l i . I'ifi1-K-, •', Philip S. \Vino, ])nvnl Hlr,v!;i-r.

'I he following .cases nru on tho I'HIWItier for the Nuy Term :

fiuntciii: COUKT,liutlatm tlnnglnui., v.hu (.ties, fto., vs.

Anson O. P. Scgur.Ik'iiry O. Byram \r. Ceo. AV. Kennc

"KHfii C Duncan vs. Tlimtins Kim.Eltos R. Wllliamn VB. John Mnliur,

el. al." LcwiH Ernrat va. Wm. Tiethowny.

CIRCUIT COUItT.John S. Furrow v». Pliiliii 3 . Lee.llalph H, Lewis vs. Elias It. WilliumsFrancis A. Day and nl. \ s . Murgnrc

Tnnin Crctor vs. Sitnitl 0 . HocliuveiiPrednridt Sliorj', :i»d nl. vs. The High

Hridga llailrond Co.Staala W. Wise, et. nh, vs. Tlio Higb

lliiilgorailronil company.Frodnriclt Slmrp va. Tlio High Bridge

railroad company.Jacob NaughriRlit va. The High

lirtgo railroad eompnny.Tho Morris Comity Macbino anil Ire;

L?wi9 H. Baluicn vs. Charles A. Bight-ei*.

James H.iudvillc vs. Gotltirj I I . Sny-der,

Silas 1>. Cory vs. Jesso B. JfoeisciSolomon lia?rymple v?. Elia* IT.

White.Bridget Bymo vs. Patrick O'Ronrko.Cbarloa B. Dauiol vs. Jna. P . Sullivnu

Ex. etc.Kxefntor*, of J, C. Littcll, IIPR'I], \a

Dntid L. Miller.John J . Hoplcv va. TIico. Kungliriglit

Lt. 111..Tnb.1 P . Cnrr VH. .Tamea P. Sullivan.Ucorgo S. Ward vs. James C. Linda-

lev."Hainut'l Jnncflvp. Thoodoro T. Wood.John D. Courtcr vs. Daniel Peer.David S. Toting, Ex. e tc .^a . Wm. D.


Henry S]-cer vs. I'erdinand W. Bur-hett.

Thu linyo, drnstic, f i n i n g , ^ickon.illc, couutruclcd ut crude, oonrso r _nlhy ingredient:', urn fast being aupor-Jdt'd by Dr. Pieitrr'Hl'lMsnntPiirgutivn'olio!:!, or Hup.nr-O«.ntR.1, Concontrated

iot nnd llu-tal Juicu, Anti-Biliom•annlo.4—'-lio "LHtio Giant" CallinrliojruLTOSt in PAIIVO Physio. Modern

jciuical isrieucc onublca Dr. Pierce toxtr.ict from llio jiiicca of tho most vul-u'olo rontn mid WI ' IH (lieir activo medi-innl principle.1?, which, wliou woiUcilto lilflu relicts n r Graualoi, BcarculjrcL'p tlimi imiHbird se-pJ, reudem each

ittlo Pellet an active nud powerful as aiirgu pill, wliilo Lbc-y mo much morewritable itnd pleasant in ctT^ut.

Dr. I ra A. Tlinyori ot Baccmsburg,3hio, writes: " I rcgnid your Pelletsin'tlio bestroinodj for Iho condition*, forvliich you prescribe them of anything Imvc ever itisetT, so tulld aud certain in:ITpct, imd lotiving tho linWL'Ia in nn ex-icllent condition. I t iseunia to mo theynust tnko flicplnco of idl oilier L-ntharlfo'IIH itud nicdiuincs."Lyon k Mneoinber, ilnigglsts, Vermil<:>n, I), X., says : "Wo think they nroling Io soil liko hot e:ikea na soon QR•oplo got [.equalutml with them and willloil tlio pill trade, na llioso tlmt Im

fsoil tlicm like thorn ninth butter tin,rEc> l > i " £ ^ _ _

Th(! slrikcra for liight-r waged on thoBiHiiiton lirftnoh ot tho Delaware, Lack-itwiumti nnd Western Riilrond roturimlo work ThiiKiday nt. tho old roles—;

" it1 und twenty-tivo cents a diiy.

RHEUMATISM.L !!•• in KillKiim'fl ilniK Biorn nnil pi-t a l.'St-


Sensible Advice.YUM nroaikcJcvcr . r Jiij-thruiifih t l i tcdnrbi ta

if m:,vs[,3pcni nnd Uy your liruR^Idt (oust)(oniilliini; lur Pj-Hjw[iaii mill Liver iwi|>!uuitliat ymi knoiv untbiiij; nlmtit. >uii cut discour-u.,".l KjMimliiif; money nitli b u t litllo &DL'CGUK

.\tij,'ii<tl flower will ritru you of Dyopcptiiiv am'.IVLT II mnl.iim uilti rll iiy cITncts, BUCII as

'XIic extra daily services at Bt. Mary'iclinrcli tliis wcelt, cooductel by the.Mission Tatters, hayo been nightly in-teresting nnd very largely attended, theelmreli boiDE crowded nightly. Tindiseonrsos by Bev. Father Glnekroyciare highly npdton of by those who haveheard them. They nro doing a goDtlTforlc nmong tho pcoplo nnd wo vfislithem Buccesa.

Mrs. "Polly" JForJ oano very nearlieiufl killed on the railroad track, abovethn three-span bridge, yesterday nftcrroon. A hoy ptillodherawiiTfrom dan-ger ju»t us the cngiiio brushed her dross

n. A hoy pju»t us the cngi

erawiiTbrushed her dross.

Tho rcgninr inoolbly meotinBof (lie Y.IS. 0. A. ofDoTor will bo hold nt theirmoms on Tnosdny cvonirt; next, at eighto'clock. Tho members are earnestlyrcuncsfnl (o bo present.


of H

it lifrv. of )

Hinti r Ik

i r .

tU ilnyuflni

lo tin nHn» l « Mr Hi

v.lll.n-n, ivii<l llmt th;liibit tlioir rchincllv

• • • ' •

.nI in"ilir K,,b-lewiualbfm'Jlt'iir"said crtMlili.ci tn

ihiiK nnibriiail]uf lhr<'i>innnlli>

8.1). I1UDD, ABsitjnPdApril l?tli, 1STG. 2<l


COLUM1JUS ltlSACII, l'rca't.B. TltEAT, Casliipr.

1)1 H E C T O R S .IUE IilCtlAllDrt, KnitlAIM LiS'DSLEY,HUNHuAUIiUlU, J*S. W.13ut>inKUTO>HIT 11, KIGGB, CoLuiiiiUB UEACII,








187 0.Agricultural Implemouta,



i aMtK.-ry, 41) d n . ; Mlno Hilt, HO *

inlennio mid retail dealers In








lura may bo uddrciEod tbrongli tlio Post

| Lock Uoi 28, or tuft a t A. llcctncr'i

I iti-cot, licar BUBEGX.EMLH, J .D. riLMEB. U.l.Vi

.MOWINO l lalu*. Hay


IVurb, l takcs, VOUCH,cnoQix-r,Ac. Ori inl i taor i iJ

well cm bit, cucniultcr iiumim, Ar. 1



A full iiKsortmpnt TltnitUUnN'R n.\III»KSj8EI .D3 , LIHTEIt'H nml AI.LIfflTOV.'N lliiXl

viaii Riutio, tlduliln i t fined i i n u ^ i ' l c , ;tlar.rr

&c .Dl lowcit imdojirkcH.

Voorhees Brothers,EAaDWASE MEH0HAST8,


| & G. H. Ross & Breeso,OEHEIUL 11UZ AMI 1ITE

iisuranco Agents,

20-5mmn amitrm IIBTUIIIUT 1JT

atmv^NEOLOTIIUnniIMElfo. to niklio you loiy

HAHD TIMES-ni'itl\ '(] 6TVLES bavo attained tint

id u!zu tbat iiunomt« Tuarltig

p- incdfuai for IcuutliB unJ ulLcsitalo nwoiil order log p iniTfllbocatarraihlnn m a fm IllllU.

ilod Frock Co>H, tliu FritucliingiiBii (iiayonul worsttd ore tliu mint

USINESS SUITS>f rL.viDtt and LUBCK* aro in tosno .

PRINO OVERCOATS, and wado nf Black and Oxfordmiiud (JUgonala. Tlio


lias been iu tlio past, tu givo my c m turn o no iMiltafactioii, both In tbo iltling and inak-if their gsruitntt . , Ktf I l i r a mrnri to order,

- • • - • ' - ,r O E N T H * r u n m m i i N oAIRO a etoA Binortnicnt of



, Aniii i«t, .mo. iu-tr

' Oil Company.123 i 121 MAIDEN LAKE NEW YOKE,


£1.?».'.'!?.1.iS.?..o!.'j:.J'J 'Sfbils for Miners' TJse.ji«l,\y.A.l-ooRl,l,an,l|,.t»BnmPl.]l;,lMol;r.r,iA ENqiKE,


•iitn ri'iiiaia ipnorant at tlio rual casu, T).ctivc nnd valuablii tiriuclnlo orWotmeod U

NOTICE!tfOTICE IB horcbv cUoa that a mtullng ol

— or ilio - . .iik-j Is Santonin, which iro liac «n jialtiog ID such a furm that ' ~'

will loku it ai readily BH otlicr ctvudj-. .".caullGiiB (as they Klioiiid be) nbr

:y give their children; we, tliercfo^"-tn.vn.-t ur tho prcpaiaiiou. Ex per0 ''"*avctl that Adult* soffur iron, ttio --*""'"(1 many cnicn or Intflgcilioti,

•latulency end NcrrouBi:W o - 1 - • ' • - ' •


iciis nn'l BiindinKor tho tcolh wTM ' c eP I'srlcd nppellto; »udJ tn ohsnglnc *° c " u n "cnanci' ci=i><!cla]I> liccomiuc palliwut tlioijiper lip and noun; fover a f t imcinnff t*!*

ilny, irrilabloncsB, nnil otlicr pyrf1" w *"jnli tcli must tnollicri arc familiar0 caret uli n a ttdU for OnoiMt-E'n SANTOSW V COSMM-noss , ami tnlio no other. Hold"" D™R-tistB. I'rico 'Jj cents pfr boi? P " ' 1 ' ! l>rrAMES A. 000DALE, Dovtr, N.


mi*, iinii canbe cm-cd by u»lng I (jnioninm Confections, T.-y'fioral

: S D P W O B I : B I N Cniu>iirj' 'BI1( 'BS '

bent, cleanest and ousleitt *Io B™f tha tIR tuidc. Tlmt t h e ; i r e now s D E G d ^ t t i n

best Kiifrliah Iloinitnls fit r1"1"10 " a i n y:r Truss mado IH iu f i l e io r™" n

1c ° l l a l i o Q

tlem to induce any ona* l s oliliECil to

oho "Hcctflj'i" i l s r d n i F TrnMcii or nili,botli ninKto Mid i\n\^ro k o P ' *>y

ROBERT KjGORE,r Ulli, 1971. 1*0 St., Dover, >;. J .


OU conijli can ha cum a few dat« byliking Dr. lturtoQ'cgcUbla Vouch

Sjrap. I t 1B ppwly YCRO and is onn or tBow*t TtmedifH known for:lnt, Cold a, Bran-:lilUn tiid all nfTuctiona oflhroat or Lungsllmt imy leadtoCoimnmt ItoincofiTerjbcnliii^ nature, 11 catinj to be nt t-reat'lenrdtinaUcuFH vlieroLonsi or 11 run-:hii1 tnl*x » D atTcctcil Tiny CIORC. ]£ob-jrtKillcoro'admgHBtoraMi Bt., Do tor,N.J . • 45-tf

era remain unclaimedin the Post Office Dover, N. J.

„..„ „ m Oooch (3)Mn. P. Darajfoy, |r. Thomtibiw,Mils C»nio Oreon, Ir. Win. Kiuncj,John Modro, ra. Ann I'ct,rc#,Mlsa Uarg»rot Hoflrt^iurii Toy.To obtain i n j of tbo jlellerinar "nd-

crllBCd" and sire d*to) Hit.EEMEIt, V. JT.

FllIDAY, MAY 5ih, 1BT0.TtiotrnunrcrlinokB itIII bo closed from tliii

data notil Suturdity lUe Gilt ult.lMi r J . W. WATKON, Bcen-Marv.

JSTOTIOETl l l annual t lection for Dlrcctom of tlio •

JIT. DOPE M I N K O COMPANYwill bo hold t t tbo office of Iho enmpany a t Mt.Hopo, Now Jersey, on MONDAY, May 1st, 1878.i t tnelyp o'clock, noon. Tliu |iutl» will rcieninipon fur ono hoar .fa-3»T B . V, n A T F I E L D , J r . , Htcrclary.



9-tf Mrs. M. F . HOAQLAND.

OAUTIONITim publfo ai

- • ra ru to of IS „ „lQtU, 1B7H, andj>ayablo la tlio orJer nf DavidItrgcr, nt the First National Sunk t>f Morris-tonn.tbico iDonllifl from date, naot tho (aid note will bo otmtoited,

DAVIDCuoitcr, N. J., April 2ht, 1970.

IOST!1 tho road from Dover to Uorrialo'Ihowaj of Franklin, n.

Ii:VDIEBPAIB OF S H O rJdapatr of SLIPPEK9, wrap ' news

Mpcr. Tho finder mil bo mi irewirilciou luvine thora At Iho

10-2w IKON i'/OFFICE.

NOTICEri'MIt! iml.lic are cantloned not to tako _.X ni'Butiitiu ft nmtkfn nnto dated April IGtli,lH7C,]iayablu to Qcarso Mardonion or bearerfor (50 at right munttii from dato ilgnod bytup, aa inch note was obtaiacil by raisreprticn-*-•' n ' IUI

C1IAIILE3 X ROSE.Mt. Olive, April W.h, 187ft. HtliK lJ-3n p

Notice of Co-partnership.Tlio undersigned baro this d n j fermed t

ii-pir tncnhlp nrnjor ihfi firm n a u o u r I i . M.XatttiLWi t Co., Tor tlio transaction pf thelour, Tred and GMln buiincnii, *t tlm TlnVt-

DnbtTlIlo, April l i t , 1BTB.

i, Old Iron lianl[ Morristown, N. J.

H3, QEO. n.llOHB, STtl'lIEN

COE, Collector,DOVER, N. J.

ylA7.ES REPRESENTED.J.ibtHoB^ Mntnnl Ins. 0o.( et Wawarl

"PiH^Jtj) ABfleUovcr•rolitinU' Mntnal IDS. OO., of Hawor]

II. J., ABsetaoTer 000,000

firemon's Mutual Ini , Co-, of Hewaik,N. J,, AraeU orcr 600,000

Qumianin Mutual Ins. Co., of KewarN.J . , OAPIU), 200,000

i(\ Iusuraaoo Oompauy, of HattfonOonn., Assets, 6,000,000

Continental Inanranoo Oompiny, of HeYork. Capital, 1,000,000

Mutual Benefit Lifa IDS, CO., or Newark..J . , Assets, 26,000,000


IH now ready .v.Mti for tho Fall anil Wint.Trailu with a largely in creased itocli of


LIGHT A2JD HEATY.OdtEpokot , I) l o X 1Iirltorv8pokPf,7-Btollnbi,, 8-5 to l i i . lllma, 7-8 t i 2J, Hhnfi(,1i tandhiMvr. 1'iilen. NCCB YoItuE. BuckUunnoiSltlpli llnnr.orn. Carria),'ir ]!nws; also ThLiclil l u d Hoavy'Wliwilit, ntivhoe) l»etflr jn



' Hnvlnjc liad a long ciporinncu In tbo Carri tgJininci* ;n»lilo« me to !>»• i\ contpotcut judif «ny Bl-lielo eoitiictitcd with tli« * — !

smart m m who HIBIKIR i a HJ*IO (i,00Dr o n a small capital. In conitnfnco in or

. . . . . or tmslootg. lWOFINQ I S A Hl'ECUL'lTlicro is no one in your coun ty who can io il l tobncintsB. YOUcanlcarn ft hi one vii-uki l i i ddng our Inttructioim, whlcli wo sendwho rmk far tln-m. Any m i l ' liLTim: f 101Ital to s t a r t with, can purchase enough m«._t o roof ilircD onlinnry Lousei . The m m t ulEed from salu and proQt a n th is supply, addiIo tlio r cgu l i r pay lur l ibor a s Itoofor, hliouamount tn not l e u tbnn (2041. An expert IUPcnuhl easily do tha work In nlno norkinE do;T n o pentDDi or small means can juin topollito advanUso i ONE c a n m s l n c , whilo tinOTIiHlt at tends to tho work. HunJ for nmhook o f ln i t ruoUoni (frto Ifyou wiilo a t o n c eand itnily I t . . A»V far term*. If yon nra ni"ilc tOBdrancn tho nionoy, prcsont the matto tli* principal utoroktopor In yoar place, a

talk ft o rc r with h im. Ho will bn QLADfarnlNh the a took and DIVIDE tho profll vrron. Wo will guarsntoi* iho territory to«r»t rcBponnlblo applicant. AddressN. Y. BLATE ROOPINQ CO., LIMITED, * Cci'It., New Ynrk, and mcnilou. St)-Jt

Bakery!E. J. BILEY

j ua l opened a nuw B.\KEBY onSUSSEX HTItEET,

o e i t Io Honor's Opera l l a u w , yibcto » call' -? i tcd frnm all old frlondu and cottomi_„(! tho favor or tho Rcncral public. Attiroes a full and fresh supply of


Domcallit Dread & Npocialty and Lotmuffins every tnurnlng. Hpcclal pains will I

' t l l l l U t l i l


12,000 ORNAMENTAL TREEtounuswa


at LOW P n i C E a , and iu nuy desired qnant l

ply on tlio promise.! t o


Partridge CocMns IA cock from J . E . Felcta'i imported lU

mated with my bel t l iens. Eggs a t I'mTrices far t i t l ing, 11.50 per dozen.

A. S. OLNEY.ir School House , MINR 1IIL

In Chmi vcfK. ' i r J t m r y . l ' i . fn. Fur mio of! W l A l i T l i t n

JubnA.F l i a lu f t i . ud Frudoriok II. KUUBO, t ' l -r c u l u n u f Jubn I ;!lalo[[, (IctuabuJ, aru com-plum mils, tmd £ l i»bul l i Jon t i , Job 11 Joneiaud Kiii-Alt lili wife, Ellzaliuih WiiiiUiiM, Wil-liam WliitllelJ, Albert IL i t i ^ g i a n J GcotgeNoruiand arotietiUi'aiili. Iteiuiuablu l o M a jX«rm,A. U 1 8 7 0 . -


BY virlno ot tlit otiuTi; Haled " r i t ot fii-n

oU*ut)heVi:ndur ut H'u Uuii td kuxot H.UJ ,tu Murriirtowii, N . J . , ou

MONDAY, the 29th day of MAY

jscribed, ii:nuBliipuf ItnibuState of Sewt t rurtt-foii

A l b t It J

1 r "-nil day, ull ' tliul truct of

rris, anim k e dis

tant ru r t t fo i r l inU i tlio n n r t l i soF Albert It. JIICL-.I it>':n siorelioiiBO on o coursnorth, ulilv nml »iu-!>alf di'greci went, tlioticus ilirii.oil.-, , , , ; ,-^-! Aii.'-uirt 41h. A. D. l6"-winli cifilM\-:'ii]<! nml a IM dturw* nu»hvi.tity-t-ittlit" l inki; iln'iica I2I nmlli thirlw

f acvcn'unifu half ilren-«-* wust nro clmuid anjtlliH.V.tM'il I:::]!* ; lll.-ri.M (il) "Hill ciglll V-tlV

d c u n ' b n t t U eli^iiiH mid lifiT links ; tliencud i.ne-hnlr JuKro(:H

fl l i k I tlhnlr J K r o (linkH Iu tlic plac

hdlr r tn iwM couv

by dut-d rniuCounlv, y^t-s



n-n d m ins mid Uxnlj-f l '

>ai)l( K 0 or d u d . , fur Mix

PIEH8OX A. IHEUMAN,UalBj JInrdi .'Uil, lt*7(i.

ADJOUIINED iilorrin ('minimi) rit'ax-Cliarli'H I I . CJnhii !S. I I . Ulmli VH. TuiTtni-i' CminoIn. (In l ion . i t t^'i1. On (Uiflirii'il juiUclnriitlihilu .liiiiuary Ti-riu, 1B7.J.

'JVrrcnoH Ciinui'lli-. l'i. Iu. il>' 1>uu. ft lur.On ilothctcil jii^i-tii'iit, itrliiri.1,1.10 JlayT.-rm, 1S75. K. M, W H I T E , Atl 'y.

Mortis Circi.il ( \ ,urt - J u l m niiiin VB. IVm-m(•(nincllv. H . in. do hull, rt Ur. in 1-.11.KulnrniiM.-to M.iv 'iVrin, IS7*i.

U Cuptiiiiiiri I• 11niri-lliv ruiiin'II.V.

m,'li)7.l! " < | ; m





M.hi^rrliisJnfs'.V.'iln'""JIONDAY. MAY 22.1,Uluv i i i tin- Imtirn u r i ' 2 M.a


J l i iSK 1IO1T.MAN'. Sl ini


CIIOIIKII UiMniiliy. •iinsfli.iipio, iiimiiniai'ijiiin'-uiunt ail can JUJ.MCM, Irtii, liy mail, for 25 c t i .tdL'plliur witli n iiiuriln<'D ^uidc, Kgrptimi(irBclc.Ilruaim.Iliii'slDliiilbii.Wutdiiiij-NiKlit

A iiiietr bonk. Adilr

T n l A U f t k. , I'blld.

1776. CENTENNIAL! 1876.

OHBAT laUni ' tU' lOS IX r i . R ' E S AT


Tin- sabscrili.-r li IIVIH2 Jlll-t II'

HTOfK uf


for Spring ami Mu mm IT wear ivill 'itr.T I Horn

ou^tumctH a t Iho LD«nnT ntictiK, i-s tulluns

Moii'n Buitx, - tT.lKl Io fin:

Man's Worsted (,'o:iU «iid VCMIM, 7.MJ 'Mon'HlJlock Cnatc. - - - - - 5.IH) "VmitliB* HiiilH, 0.00 '

Bui 'sSnlta (n hr^u .quant i ty) ^.50 '

Children'* HuilH, iitWJ


" cstrn, 1JW

•A LAiidK QUAanxr i-r

Fui'iiisitinir Goods.

nd n tion .il nil or


"Diagonals, Worsteds, Vostings, &c.

,!.! ti; tbnyiinl ami cut gratix. Ol nth Ing madlordor in tha.beat arid Infcxt fctylo at short

Mnnlfcc. All porHotm ileslrins aujtblnc In the

call and cianntio tills ilotk nnd .concldtr tliopricoR, wllch are run eh'LOW EH than over,bor.>ru BOU in Povcr. So not for yet, the pi;

l i t-nr I l l n c U w e l l .Dover, N. J., April 8M, 1R70. 43-Iy



D O V K n, N. J.linn nmoved to bin netr ami eammodinus ator

BLACKWELL STEEET,nearly opposite tha National Uubn

nCliancerruf New JLTSCV. I i . fa. ToriinortKQKc'd p n - n U . li^lnc-i. Thm. IJttlmid Uuorfje II. ilruwu, Af.,cuniji!i>iU3nt*, amTbo Tort Oram Iruu COUIIIBDV, (Jcfocidi"'lU'turiiitblo Muy Ti-rm, 1873,

K. 11. LrJ.TL.Ii. Sollciti" n y flrluc of tlia abuTo ilttod wril of -.-Y> facia*, I lUll eipoia' fur sale %\ KTUU

ViiKDUK, at the UniUd SUlea Hutol, II "

MON'faAY, the Z9ih day of MAYnext. A. D. 187G, bctwc^D tin Lours of 13 M.

il 6 uVlotk I1. M., Hint ia to aay, nt 2 o.„ tin nllfrnouu or Mid :lay. ill UIOPO Cii'jcrH or piri^cltt of [mid and pFotaiQci, htrulii'giior itaruculnlydcsrnbid, Kltuate, IVIIIK iniU..i>K in tlte luu-tulno of Ibndulpll", iu tinCnumy ur llnnij and Htato of Kew Jrm-ybuiinilt'd mid described nufolluive, lu-wit; Ui:inr.aitn of Ihuii'Bcl nf land ilculutiBted OH K<Iliirlccn (111) iu a deed therefor fmni Willlai(Incit, .!>„ and Lymati Dcnuwoo to Dudley Ul-'ullor, PiticcdcoetisrJ, and Jamoa tiluiTU. ' ~I tip dctu ilio Incnly-lhirit ilay of BentoLci^lili r-u linndrcil and liflj-lhrf o, and rcciiu thr Mtirris Coiinly record uf dootli, bi

'"' i -^. liner Jinx, U-iiig known an tlic IHostrLii-iisec tiiw, and bi-piiinius nt ajiuint iu IItrnlin liim uDlio maiu track of tlio MorriflJiRKct lLitlriKiii, which point in illatant L%'IHchain, nml Ihirlr-ihrco links mi a eon rueliltv-two iWrt ts nnd thirty miiiuti-u VIHI ....lli"'niidil!nofltio raih«ad luiitRo carrying tlicuiil'lii' ivtul K'ndini; fioiti l'urt Oram to Monti!1'k'iiHmt ovtrfaltlrailrni,]; tiiencj niimiiiiT (fton tli thirty uuvun dugnca and thirty minutitrust ul H^lil ni]f;1eti with tbo lailroaiJ, Udinint nud firifcu liitl.a, nioio ur \cur, tu tiniiiidillu "f the Morrii Camil (S) lliunco alun

till U IuturBUcla llm d^'lilli line ur laid fliitci.'iilli tract, nlndi mid liac cruhsea Ibe MurrCanal ftt Hie luad of the piano; tliince(3J alonjaM ciglidi IJiiL- nurili IITUITO dceri'ii)! CBH'1 'us anil nine litikn to tbo t-,-litl) cmi

tiiem-Q (-1) airth tlirvo


imm itill itlinck(7) i l .

thil.nk'ith lltiy-

t l i

j r o f :glliu tixih Ima of tho rune smithrftfl end tliiriy-Hvo miuuloa cn»mi ninutf liulo to tho sulli eurno ; thcue.-.(II) aloiiR Ike JJftli line of tlirlh f(»i ty-tlnoij di'L'ri'i'K rant ti-u link:nimtL-lH the rt-Dtro line of tlic timiIb M ,<c Kwx Kuilmad; Ihout

ro Jiup, thv oonrbothorruwn ivctt o«o chain aud fifi

l f l t l dtliiilviniimteu ivenl oi.f tlialn nnd till* linksilioncn |D) norlli IIfly dit-rnuK uml thirty pu\e* w-JBt one chain and llftv Kitkii; t bonce (Inorth llfli-tiTO drcitPK and thirtv minutes wone cliain and thirty- ljj,U (u (lit place (if IItiiiniug, cniitiinins Ihittr-niDD «crcs and nilMjifiunic-hunilrcdiliMofon *frr, lm till) *tinuiiu nr (cm. The force ding tract U mibJL'dilio l Icht uf xav of tho Jlnrrti & Esect K, iliciiif; fifty ft'ft ividoon earh nidi) of tlio centtine of the main track. Alan, subject to tinlitfht iif way of Iho Morris Canal and HJ " -L'oinimny.

THE BELOXO TIUCT, Uliig known an tl»tier Lot and beginning «l a iiuint in tin clinn ot Uio JJoirla A I^»,e^ llnllioacl, wliklpoint in tliepuiiit orinton.ccti.rn of said liuu olnuid I-Alliuad with IUI- fllti. liuu or said lliir-tconlli tiHiit, (if which thU lot m part u beforegtiitcd, and litiuj; dlnlnlil Uu links norllierl'from tlic liith curuir of ttld lot No. Tliirtri(»tut In tlio sovtiiith L'ortierof tlic above dticriliID L of Ihirty-iiino and (jity-mvi'ii uue-liundn'dtliiacr«H; iheicL-niuniiiRalutig tliccuntr,liti['..(^lJHorJ]8AKttnai liiilrosS track, tint-onrHc thwfor (1) north fifty-one ilegrets ITL'S:one c-liailifttidllltyliuki tn IliBeigLtlicoriii-rotald lot of thlrly-iiiuo md liity-sovmdrodtliH acres ; thencn n|l(nB tlm (JIRIIHI IK. . -I]id .uuio ('2) north furlv-tliteu (lefirreis amlliirty minuioa wri-t ono cbalu «nd Ufl.v llul;fl lithe ninth corner of Iho »amo; thencuftloug tinniiitb liuu (>r Iho BaUl I-., of tbirty-nlutf amrlitv-tcveu bundreillhi acrta (3) north flftjdcKrern and thirty mlmiloi we it ono cliain Bn<tlftT links to the tunlh rttrucr n[ tha sminolljfnco along tlio luuih Ilito nt iurl (4) nurtiilty-tffo (Irgrcm aud thirty miuutoi wcatooclialu and lUij-tlirto Ilukit; Ilicuco (f.) norltivtjiily nliiu dcgrijci aud IIfleeu minutes eainliioiy>t>Tii llnku; ttienco (U) north li fly-livedr(pti'> anil ttn inliiiitti oast nvcnty-nilinks;thence (71 north firty-four dogreci and fortyi!vu niluiilcs cant seu'ntj-flvo linkx; tlinuco IB1

nnrth t.velvo dcRreri tml Torty-flvo inlmileicuxt eifhty-fivo liuta; t lie net '(!)) due uortlHiu-iily-dvi) Jinks; Ihcncfl (10) north ilx do-KICI-* nml thirty mi notes west tort.v-ioven linkn;ihcncu (II) noilh Uvu flcRnwimid IUICAU mutL-soiatrjuocbainaiidsuvantcunlliil<«ithm..Hi) nnrlli eleven drj-rcci nuil thirty mil iu tenoi.Kt ONO cliaiu and ttvtlnlv-tbrte linba ; thenrolilt) n if th six JCLTCCB and thirty mmului dMoue oliilu and tbirty-two liuU ; tbencc (Hiinrlu two dogrcpg aud fifteen minntea tautBixt.v-lwolhilfs; thenco (ir») m,rtli ulovcn do-tTLfg and Bfteuti minnUiH mm Hfty-thr«o lintB;Uiuuce (10) nailh ci(>htooi) decrees and Ihirtuilnatcttrtiatouo cbilu ami tliirtv-flto linksihuncu (17) unrth l.roniy-fuvGU dec reel e»a\ninety linki; Ihciicc (18) norlli thirty di-nrneiand Cfioun minute pait mly^tgl i t tigknIhcneo (111) north forty-Iutirdcgrooiatul tbirt]

challi andiilx 11uk»)lUcne;

ralmitcgmlcuo clulii ami(20) north four dofieoi cant d e h t f - cthuuee (21) north mDntynlnBtk>crocn

mi o l i k t h (99) rll

tlienL liuki

nht rc yon will fiml tlio bust nasorlnicnt

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry,Thu moat Meganl ileiignu of Hilveriraro sufli


FOKKS AND SPOONS,and nrlluln for T. \HtE USD at nUKATLY

AMERICAN WATCHES.scut for the Howard, Elgin, Wallham, and

Springfield wntch movcmenlg.


HAIR JEWELRY,unntahml in leading pattern Uool mailu toordcr


FAIEOHtLD GOLD I?EN,niBdrpasflod Tor liucucy and general excellence.

A|jPiit for tlio DIAMOND


which arc rninnhrturci] from Jlinnto CrysWPrblilcs. united by rimiim aud dcriru their iiamoliamoml on iccoiiut of their lurdnciii aud inil-

BEFAIRIKO A SPECIALTY,and all n-nti-h rcjHiIrinf; warranted.

ENGHAVIMG NE.VTLY DONE.rcr, Apiil 2 M , 18:ti.

Dissolution Notice!Tiie co-pattacnlilplicirtorurufxtiitug un



TH E lioniw im y prcioii

condition and

i-jt Io

>u|l TIOA l

on Slnrriu street,iricc. Xlicl iuniacHieh in , Iu in excellent-•nUtttl nitli kitchen m

sucUi-ut maltl iy locallou, Apply to"""

JAMES E. BEE.MEII,lS-t[ ur, N. j .

To Rer.t!AdiTollIng h o m e , d tnnted un C I I I J H ; I ! a t . ,

anUlnlng SBTCU roouia With all tbo ntDiicrn'taptovemonli. A gnod well of wnlcr. Torparticulars n i l upon or address


ehaln mi l onn link • ihenco'iMJ'uegrotii nod llriy mionk's caat ono chainiiiuotj.foar l ink*; tlicnco (M3, norlli B1S.~.docrtes aril llltecn iniuu.es oait ono cbula am]thirty-ninn linlm; tli euro (SI) nor th nino da-BRJCB and Dricen minutes eaat nlnisty linkstliancc (Sli) north ion dct-rcw and forty-llviminnlvH wost one chain aud utno iintiB [ tlionei(US) north twenty-two desrcoi and furlT-flTiin inn ten west ouu chain and fnrty-uino link),tbctico (27) north twoiny-BOfcti dcgteei antten minutes irest ono chain and ono linkthence (28) north ninotepntleRrecBWCit nlnntj(c»en Jinks; tlionuo (20) uwi t i U«ntT-tlire<(Icj-reea and forty n l n u t c a ' o s t two obiina »m

tvFcnlj-threo llukn, more - - • — T l " 'wet a tbo wont Bgiitborlylrhn r , Iwlnj corner Ih i r ly : lliouee auain fromHold bcRtcnlnff enrnur (30) nor th fortj-tl(ti-ffteci u u t m i e e n ohtvina n n d l a u l l n l i alongthu 11 fib llnoof m i d Thirteenth t r ac t to c o m t rHo. f> of the Ramo ; tlicnco (31) i long tho four Ilino of tho earao north t l i l r ty-cl i l i tdogreia antwenty minutes west eight cb i in s ami thirlslinks Io corner No. i of the tAil Thlrloeiitut r a c t ; thunco (32) nlopc tbo th i rd lino u r IhoHimo due north flva chains and lUty-ntao linksinuro or lcen, to the soutliort; linnU or saidriver j thence (33) up tho intno Ibfl narcn.1o u r a c i and diBtmifng thereof Iu tha Bald ' l ' i 'tietli punier of th is Tract , on t W south biofitaldrivor as abovo dcaorlbad, then cluaiuby [.aid rlvor courses and dintaiiais to thihrginniiiB, containing ninaleen acres, bo tin

e mnro or 1CM. Hold' last ddBCnbod Iranip also nubject to tho nald r l R b t o f w a y o lnali] Blorrla & E i a o i Hal Iron.] Company,it fifty raet wiilo on cacli siilo ol the cent~of Ilia iiiliin track.

''M."Ia'IrV'r^.ribcCT| ***"* k n 0 W n " " "Mmria Cannl ami iiarTo/'iahTxh^rHeth Trnclabovu named, mid beglnnlnff nta earner on thrsouth rldo nr Mount Plesiant atreet nt I'orlOram, as designated on a map of Port OmmlnmlK. and Udnff distant ono tlioasand onoIniuilrii] and twrnty-tlireo feet rrora tho mm tlioust corner of Second street and said MountI'loanant street, nnd ruuultig DICDCO (I) sod tlilliirty-tonrdoKrerHand forty-Hto minulcM «(nttwahimdrcdaiid shty-tilglil feet to a corner•in thoiiortli hide of CiroTo street; tlicnco ajoniftha mirtli eido ol Orovo street m sou tli thirluinu ili^rcf* cnat three hnmlrcd and ninnty-alfeet; HiuncufS) north Ihirty-rour dcemia i irorly-l.ro mimitoa cant Ilireo li mid red »n_L-vuniy-eiglit fict toacornorontbo>.outli sldaif Moimt J'loasnnt mrcct) tlicnct ulciiig "

ri'Hi miu hundred anil sixty feel to a earnhoenii. nonth lino or tho Fame; ibtnco

-long Uio name [5) aorta i-iilj-flvo ilec;rocathirty-uvG minute; noit tno humlrod a^d It irtvfeet to the begdIDing, containing threemore or less.

TUK Foimni LOT, being known nn tbo Hew ToirLot als» a part of tho iald Tlilitcgnth Trieabovu named, an-t Ijlnff houtb-irectaf the ssiillireo acru lot on iho aoatli side uf Qroro itroeand begintitng at tha BOUHVOHBL corner o" .iidTlilnl BlrcetB, and running llionci

urtyihrco flcgrueB and thirty inlnutoa wast onemndrod and. seventy feel; tlmoco (2) lonthhit ty-niuu JcgacB t i l l tvtn liuudrud anil forty

eight foctjthonco (3) norlli brty-tUns andone-half dagrees east ono hundred and na»ontyfret to tho uautb till a of Qrovo itroal: Die peaalone tliu Bstno (4) north tblrly-two degreesand furty-flre miuatei went one hundred KUIIten feet to a coruar h imid line of mid street;thonco Btlll ilftnff tbr. ««mo (5) north forly-slidoercei and thirty minutes weit one hundredand forty fact to tbo beginning, «ontlining oneacro,mnro cr IGIB. Belug the prcmUot riero-toforo eonruyoil to !he I'arl Or*m Iron Coin-panj by two certain daeilg, bolb dated tbaaliteBn.li day of October, ono thouiam) eightliunilredanilMxty-oi/iht, andoiccalcd, ono byJamos CcM.pcrLordftnil Margarnlta H. lite wife,and recorded in Morrii Ooanty Clert's OfQcoI'cutnary tdatoontb, BiRhteon hnndrod and BlxlTnine, in W M 7 of dectla, at pp. Ilfl, Ac ; anflho Dltacr oijcuted by a m m o Taller, HoraCO|V. Puller ami Uliarlca D. Fnllor, Excculow o-

Dndley B. Fuller, daceased, and record.*] iilaid Morris Oonntr Clork'B OIBco, Fobrnar-iixtnciitli. olghleonTinndrcd and slxly-Dlno, fi.iCck II 7 of doocls, at pp. IU. ToL-cUicr withill tub '•ighti. pHvllrgeB, wiyn aniTeasomeals

hj»aid Tho Port Orara Iron Oo inn^ j ' i ua•.ibl«t o thei eonaitloBf, provision8 ind r«cr -

ration.f therein conUlned.Also, «|1 ifaoM.Sn certain loU. pieces i n d

cy, and wblcli aro deaicnated on a maland* of tho said Dmlle* U. JTollcrcB Cud per Lord, mado h r i u c n B t n i J Komi..lit. or Ib.' n™ «1™S3 LoriS

Bio In tlic Morrli Conn l ; Clork'n bSloo


TijtFiuiT to. bCBIDnlnsiit .polnl on Ujeoalliorb line of a street known a . Oautl Bt

ld .n Ufcl i bS'Sucoraar ol> III sola l o T f o t a r i p . O r a n . l l . ' Hwo liuaurod aud forty feet on a coursa lontiiinj-.ix .lesrets ami lfflo»ii mli.olc. . " l ? , o i »

Ilie south cotnoi of Canal ard Sccnd atrcot;tlicmo ritmlog |1) along Uu, aonUi ||ng o | ™ ICanal slrcat ,onil, »nj . . lx ilrerei. a r t urirentninolCB cast ono linmlrw] feet j tboneo (8) ntrlsulantlM u Oinal alrool aomh tliitij-lhreaCcBrrca and fortj-flve minntca neat Iwohnu-

n i r t t l InUs notll,»tlj ling o r . s t r . i l Imo.n-l UDuni I'iMiant itreot on laid map; thenco(3) atouc the northerly lino of aald stroet anilparallel io Canal elroal north Orij-aU tttorccinnd Aftwti minutes woit one hn n dree! in dole b-

iu feot raoro or Icaa, to » point OD the northiterly Ina of tlio afnrcBoiS 1 it .olJ to a iam^UefapolBtto Jl.Ui.t twohnnVrcaaiTd

J QlttfDD ralDnto trotn tho eaitcorncr of Mt.llcawnt and Bccona ilraet; tliriwa (O nJrtJithlrty-pifiht degrcoa .nd lliirlr minntni oa.it«l.iw tho «ilofly llm of •aid lot t l o B S Snd ono font n*o inches to tho potnt oruesiii-IIDR, contaltilDg twnnly-ono l iwmnii ofeLtiiimlrcd ciuaro feet, moro or leu.T n t aropna Lor, bccbnlng at a point on tbo

ontlmr y lino of taid Cwal street dUlant thresinndred foot on a conns worth fgrtj-sli dt^mtaudthlrljr minutw weit flom dtaWrt

lrw.L mm huuil i td V

i l

^U(Sfaloiif; tliu niirilierly lino f.T Hot

:Bn.iiiI Jilrect ou.t pirnllcl l<i Cnnnl uirilii furty-Hii ih'L'if <?Knnd tlitrty miimlci o

u,.o luuflriid fret, thi-iicu (4) at ripht nncto Mount I'lcaiifliit Btreet north Arty-tlti

mil tliii ' . . . . .dusTPLn nrent tu tho' l d

l lliirtvtiiiiiiiti'ii east tmiut oFLefiinuing, i-onl

liuutandHqiure hm.1 n c T D I I I D LOT beginning at tho

r Third m d L'snal s i r e c t ; ihcm-lonn the foullierlv IIno ur Cann!

loath eari-unningstreet SuubloiiQ tl.~ .VUIU^..,. ....^ ...

furlv-iaix dtcrcca and thirty uiiuuiua m ihundrod foot; thuuee (2) at rij^ht ancleCanal btrcul Ronili fortr-tliroo ileKreealliiilT niinuli'i n-uit tno liniulrtd loot IunrarL.iurf v lino nf Tllrni»L l'leauati t Btrurt; tin- • dloiiB tho northerly liuu of U<mul Pk-»

cot ouJ parallel to Cauiil itrcot north I^..h-sn-fJuinltiiirtTmiiiutf.'S wr»l .,iic ldred feet to tht. last ennmr nf Third andrit-ansiit titrttt; thenco (4) »lo»(; »i.. «•*!linoorThird slroul '" ' ' 'nnd tlilrtj inlnutrthe bcfiinnlnc cor,stnd Btiunrc foci.

rce degret « o hundred fcot

ntaUilnBtweDly Iho

ins •! i point on thi?u-f-ldislantonol—

nnd Ihiriy-Uvo miitulca emt from tlio uilerly eoriwr of tho »forc«ai<l Ttirdjnca runiiiDB (l)aloiiK thn southerly Iiinul Rtn't-t tmuMi siity-tlvo Ji-RrieH mid tliD tumults cast DUO humlroil feet; tlieiict

- . ri|,htaii(;li;i tu Canal struct umlli titfour iloertiH and twt-uly-Bvu inliinU-'n «untliuudicii fvut (u the iiurtbt-rly liuu ut MouuricaBint Mtruitt; thence (3) aluiiK Ilio liortberiline ur 3ioiiut 1'lDaKant utrcct and parallel tCum! strcut north oiity-EvuilL^reL'Sand thin,lira minutes went one hundred fcet; thunco [iat ric.hl MIR If a to Mount I'leamnl ntnet iiort'wciity-fivi! IICRIWB and twonty-nvo tniiukant tno liiiiiilrcil feet to tho beginnt[>£ pulnmitaining twenty tbnunaud B^nno fool.Tun F»-ru LOT, l.cj,iuiilti#i.t a puiiit on tb

Dulli.-rly line of llouiit I'lcaeaiil uruet diitaiuu luiudrt'd md tn'Tonlr-clglit fed «u a emir*urth forly-sud'-yrtoi ami (hirlv iiiiiiuii-it vrci

•f Jin Ibo utL'iit comer of Mount rleasnnl atrctend Third nln>et; thenco (1) along tho boutt•rlv lino Uf .Mimut I'loanant nine" nurth Tort

Jxdi'Krei'iand thirty Hiiiiutca wtsl o^o hmiilrtdfuut; Ilicijcc (i) nt rl^tit anRles lojdnuoI'leaunt street ttoiith fortvllirt'o docrfci anIhirt; iniuutun wcit (.TO hundred root to Ihuuithcrly line of a Rtrcet known as Orovo Ijon Hiid inni>; thence (3) ahiiiR tho nurthvrllino of unlil Orov-o slrt-ot mid ii-rallol to Moun"'-—.nt ulreut toiith fiirly-dj; degrees DU

minnlca past ono liundrcdfisut; tlicurright ntiKli!s to Umvoclrcut noith fort

mrro IICKU'O) and thirty mimiloa na.it- lwhundred ffiot to the nnlnt nf lipfllnnirijr, f"laming twenty Iboiniiiid uqiiaro twt,

JAMES VASDKKVEF.R, I.ati- BherilDated March 22il, 1870. 20-


tliirl.vmH) at ri




Stovo, per InnLi:nioir.

ro, {tor ton fD..i


iru delivery, lOcla. j Mine Hill, GO i

nh'jknale atul rtit.ill dnainrit in







Orders way ho aildresunil lltroii(j]i t t icl 'oal

OClco Locb Ilox 28, nr It ft at A. Eceratr'n Gil

' Illaokivdl utreot, iicnr Kneecx.







O additional charge for c i t rnew.t<«tUarDln»€irto(]. Wo

bmutl iul neta or tonlb {ur

t lug wliro n w ma


AI,L 1VOKK WAUKANTKO.Duvcr, th![ilctnljcr 2Slti, W5.


ITaving procured the Agency lor Mnrrls Co,ior iliu talo of tLlv oulcbruled Or^an, I am pre-pared to furtilfirit nl short nnttrii and onibtrat lerraa. 1 am natiBfled !hat no better" . r a n e n t m i c r c r wold in 1)10 conuiy, -

trial will cniiriucci any one nf iti ginslruhat a

lVfllno ai| a muBleal Jnstrnment. Coma i n a ex.ninlno tho Orsan and pnsH your Judgment nponft. No chorBii for shuwliig it.

I uni also Agent for the salu of

WATERS' CELEBRATED PIANOS,..Bidcrcd amciiK tho bent la use. Tor ilir-

rrrt>nt stylo* am] pr lcc i BCIHI or c»ll and got


N. J., abort dliUoonton, April I3tb,187C.

A. .


Bl{.ckweU8t.,iiear Sussex,Dover. X.J.


F0K SAIE.Per (l«Bcri|jiions of Properly flmlpirtlcutn

n a u i l t b f f l

Horses, Mules and Hogs,7OR SALE CHEAP.Tlio anbRcribcr offuri for mlo on hispretuiaci> DRAKEVILLE, a quanti ty of stock coasi i t -

BHorBes, 6 Mules, and2OHogB.AtnonR the horsci and tnnloa arc food roail-crsantl tcmn n l n i l a . Tbey will%o sold tolit purchasers, ma nt very reasonable prices.

ALDBRTII. MOOS.Prahrvllto. H. J., April IStb, 1870. 1S-1W p




idilrou u? mall 3uf


X <H:cuplod as R millinery, illnated la tlia!» • / • !» ! "" "i» 'ill'So ol ClicsKr. 'It Is

cll aaarled for any bnslnGsB,Hunt vtry reasonable

C. G. H0SKIBG.Cli.aHr.N.J., April Btb, 1870. 17-|[



BTBIKER't Co.," * " P I








Cuc«Wr, A|>rll lOlti. 1870, 1U-13W C


D R E S S G O O D S of fasljiiable styles,





Coffees, Canued Fruits and Wjetables.





Fit Livii: cox's



FIRST.])eci\uao the atdck is lurgo at nil tlniCR mi

jtal)m»Bev«rr vi.rirtv nTFi tESn HEATS,SDOAIt CtlllEH HAMS, SALT 1'OIIK,FUESH nud SALT FIM1I, and all kinds ofFmilTSanilVEGETAIlLKSiulUeirBciiiHmu.

SECOND.HCCHUKO eHiwciul piiiiHnro liAeu tlutt thi

itock Kliull ho nlmvii FKMKII, G O O D n mCLEAN, tbo Vi'niittil'lft. l>eiii|; rectiivMl unil

noon un they npiHiiir in the Now \ o r irlictH, nud told H<> nipiilly thnt uu ntnlMIH a rc evnr liuitiil nbout tbo prmnls^H.

THIIID.3i!cau8G conrtcey iu waiting on custiiEier

.„ .1 rulo of tlio ninrkct, all ciutomcrrt bciu(rented uliko, nud purohnsas bolng delivered

of cburge.

FOURTH,..L'CAiiNa tbo prices nro nmdo t o m i l Iho

pockut booka of tlio people i n tbctui t i m e swhen c h e a p ivngeH duinnnd cheap pi tu i len ,it libi'tul i l isfount being niiiilu tu tliuxu win•JUJ- a ijunutity n t a t ime,


FARMERS, HORSEMEN,and all inform toil in horse Ho ah nro notlUe

tliftl I hare jus l rolurncd from tbo West n i t


H O H S B SHtirrAHLE ron • _


r AIID ft

GOOD PAIR OF MULES.TIIB &bove may be at-oa at tbo


D O V ^ R . , 3NT. «T.until aispiHcd of, and nil m e Iniitod to » i *

tliom. L . H . fiALMMaidi l i lh /1870 .


FAMILY BIBLEWITH ItEFEIlKHCES, printed from an «n tlrclynew set or electro,jpo pUiet, eonlniniiip ovur100 piRCB more of ibo text l b * n t a j ordinarvQuarto Biblo publlxhed, and embellisliod withn e a r l j T W E L V l i H U N U l l E I J E N Q l U V I N a a o nWoot l ind Btctl . . Jt is tho e rando i t Bibls l atho world, t n d is « aamplate encyclopedia of

licnl knowledge.anil eoal»liiii»raonV o t h e rii;* a » il lustrated r ronount ing Bible Dic-ary, with 6(10 engn*fnfiD ; CowuretiomU-opi to tlio Btady of tho li ible, t cam pic t olory n r t l i e UooLsof (ho Bible ; Citl . i oTUio

liiblo with Msuniflccnt Vlowa arid DcsrripliTottconui; IMIRIOUH Uonaminalions and Creedsor tho World- jilMiL-tl Natural n.Btorr and«conory ; (Toncol-dance. Marginal Itofcror" -J"1™? ****** i V^t ""^ L?«-"i.if; Anckn t llaunncrlntH; P a r a . . - , _Jlscotinca ol c i i r i a t ; Scrlptnro HifUcnllleij.xptaiued. Maps, and many otbor tliingi., om-


n w r l o n s Btyb'i of binding, rrom (7.60 to 120.Alsua list or large type

QUARTO BIBLESa t pricofl horn U to 87.C0,

contmnins the Comordinco, Tualnn in Mtiirowith tables, Family Uncord, o t c , b<-tt«( IIIOR'trated tltau any other cheap Blbleu.

I km also iblo to pro core tbo

" L I H R A H Y O F P O E T R Y A N D SONG,"ir any other bt J . D. Ford & Co.'a publication!,,ind in fact, a n j ncr l : of any noil known I u t l '

1776. 1876.

FURNITURE STORE!Wo do not sell ITJIlJJITUnE an b n u d m l voars

old, b a t tl»j MOST WODEltN VTVLBJ iugroat vaiiet j i tnd a t LOWER PltlCEH

T H A N E V E n i l E P O I t E O F P E n E D .

Wo open 8PBIKO M A D E with Dniiinat l n .


CHESTER, IM- J.w ni. THE TBieat n o a win BBKK n Tins

Parlor, Mning-Ilooin- A K D _


OFFICE ODTPIT8, Emv EOnBEKEEPEIWADIhtir I1OW lifirrlnii.il^ AH -\j\ xt\lotmt\m X\ *


o trade, andtu confident

7 townnl Ihoia who n q u l n st/cb so r t l " . .T. C. YAWQEIt.

i b l . i p « l « l llallat laturaclojllu,, »Lo !



MRS. A.hEEMMIi noir rosdj »

SPRINGbf 1876.FashionabltMillinery


Latest Styles & N/est DesignsKEAHLV OPPOSITE NAT]


Tlio,l»rcesl and ncry and Fancy Goods to

compriilnglloiiiietn, I ln t i ,

crs, UiliboDSanil imltailoi

uml BuWttLace ana

Gt», Crapes. Moil..aad Iloll

A fliia KBtortn

Chignons, Switchesfcraids, &c.


wcrs, Fenl*' iaces-*renletktlcs


ZEPHTBGbDS,Aud h Hue stoclf

Ladies' Fnrnlshiii Goods.Eforytbing or tliu boat n__...by the morit competent amlil

aud made up


Hardware, Iron ant Steel,N A I L S , 31UILDEBS' HADWABE,HEOHAinCS' AND MHMEIIS' loL« ASH




Wooden Ware and VHousekeeping joods.

PAINTS, onls, GL|SS,and UunfMtDrm 1 ITUCJM B*BOUJ.

Lime, Cement /liter,Boua Dmt , Bnnet PliMphata • / u n n m r l all

etlier Fert l l l icn.010041B K. VOOUnOS, JAMES R. T3DHIU.

HoTristotrn, Sept. 23d, IB7,.

H. P. SAl^DERSO!now ready s » l n far tbo Fall aniWinlTrod* vrltli altfgely inoroiuinl st«x or


LIGHT AND HEAVX.Oak Spokes 11 to a. Hickory 8 p t o > , M u l l .

1, QJ to lO j . I t ims .T -S toS j . ShuflllifUtI C I T J . J ' J I M . Nock Yokes. Jioult l iunui .

Klelph l t uncor t . CarriaKQ B o w i : nJio Tnck.LlRbt i n d HooTy AVbeels, a t wbaol l ictory »tcr

Also, all kinds of


Huritiit bad a long oiperionco In tboCarHg^utincia soablesno tobfinconipotent Juigtof any article connected with the MuJntM, Jany ponuos /norlnB-mo vltli Ibelr onion 1roly upon my fornisTiiDji thorn with ao arlsgftablo to ttioir franU, and at ai »«»™pricci .a « n ba obWDodtt any 0 ,b ,

Orders by letter for Ctrriaga and fiaigh O-nsmenta will be suitably fillwl by •tatins firwhatpnrpsio they are wauled, aad njnillnjmoney emjngh to onier tbo amount.uatrotiaK0'» respectfully RoUctUid.

.- ' H.r.8ANDEHS0.N,33 Opnoitto DanrP i


E. & G. H. Ross & Breeso.OWfSlUt R B I AXD L I N *

Insurance Agents,Offloe, Old Ii«n Bank Jlulldine

Morristown,-N.J.Urnn liosfl, O E O . n , JtoBo, BTSTHKK Baioai

A. J OOE, Collector,DOTEB, M; J.

COMPANIES BSPSSSSKTEB.Aaeriou Uutul Iu . Oo., tt

B.I., AM.UOTOT 51,100.000

KerelMts1 Mnhul I u . Oo., ofH. I., Amtionr .

Finrnra'i Hntu! Ini. Oo., of StwB. J., Asnl toni 600,000

Strmult Mutual Iu , 0o,, of BiwarkH.J., Oipltal, 200,000i& Inronuiofi Oonpuji of HtutfoniOonn., Aaset*. fi,O0O,O0O

Jontioental Insnnnoo Oompony, or So»Toxk. Capital, . .1,000,000taalBflueGt Ijifo IDS. Co.p ofMtn""**K.J., AntU. 39,O00,O0D


T8 non open tor the reeepUan or trsicl^n a n J

X tbo nacs or tlio geuoral pabllc

BOAED by tho DAY. orat very rcatoDsblo rales.

. Tlio D&R will ajvarabo slocked wl'J> ' h s

Ineat WISES and b u t UQOOllS, apl tin[.oloctt brtuidsi oX fi£QAQ8* •AtUohcd to UM boat* aro good *oJ V f kf£i

fiTABLES.wbora hortH mA boirded by ' f,W3£. MEUOK, Proprietor.


Page 3: Freeman Wood,DCHS of this iiUuil, Inotia-say lo lit* old onn-totnora nu'l tlo cGncrnl-piibllo Iliat I BIIDII nirtiirto Jrinrve tlielr p«lmna(tp,'onJ ro-ilfullvBDlli'it Ibo Fnma

THE I f o r court cuk-ut!,,io!li'T n w t t m eiro

0 0 ,


i v J| • Kwto!iUsptt£B,2.UOI'.M ; E J' - ' i 5.33 1*. SI.: ]Minfb«aptQ» £ * ! > ,

T 31.; U«!« iu l««« iE i l» r i iM,7 .WI \M. tJ;itflmsS|WcW.HUOP.U.

I'ltou BCIVEU HOISO KA«r:it rri'Lurfi t-nidul, 4.8(1 -»• « . ; PUVIT Ex-

. uso A.M. I JtoplolNtiran Mall, 7..1U A.lEailwiKHMW. » . « A . M . ; nnRliatnp

. .„ j "0 P. M.; 'rhrauuli ainil, 2.C3 1'. I I . ;

i 1 A" AccoP. Jr.


j l , A.M. P.M.OliCHtcr 7.S5 3.50Horlou B.(fl 4. ISIrnnia

(1.411(i.33C.27 B.U8


Weekly Statement cf Iron OrePASSISO THE K A C K E T T S I O W S StlAJ.ES, VIA

JI, k E . I!- 11- T ° PENNSYLVANIA, YtXh.


April 27, 1870.

I ti,iiif-va]iii*'*iiij-fiTi't!ira btitn i l l"! "!i Itu< furni <

A cowl mid frcifli! ran tnjrfltiirii iliirniK TliurB.glit, t lm

i ^

celebration afJf July.

but ut lalc


ioiift and in.• M I H . H I , , .

not]]<3 go doH mill ilaml

dny L U o Kuvcn boys

would at tempt

liiiniluijili haii&. at O. F., on TVcilncu-y -lisplaytd lUlfttr ntli<.]i..r,.ri!ifn,jnryol ;

(idir, unOratcil llio tiivni byth h ' h l l l l

riirdiT It. It- (Horton "i Cornln'iS u ^ i - i m a , Voiolta >nd Chesl(.rJll*u:!ioiiBtal!oliR,) 1,078 10

. m is

. 2,683 13370 OH

•J.OIJJ 01

Kctiiif! in the k, '•' wliicli mliln-ift•r.ra ti:;ili, |,v Jftigtbinx, of 1'ort Oralii'iotiiNf. ' i

Mr. Miunicl i j l t l i hi* thai-acldisltitrny, hua hcti/» a spk-mlid wurk iergon Htrccl, lil-ip nnd grailhiK siilnlk* in front ijn'vii In

,.ni|)i!rli(norMoIli-iiryCluiu, ami Hie skinnybeautiful of shjfiu Hun . „ .t i t j , ])!•(ncnliiif- dl, clean ipponrniici

S[i*B draiuliu, j Dnvor-4 umnt f»tliUw tlvcs* niaViThiorouBuly ujipterlalIbu ludirs of Dad vicinity, nud mcb la tliodemand for her tn I but nbii (kjiit'n HieaFBiKtnnm or UJiug lailha In nln.tii she*nuM | M r n Ihvim. art. AppUnlloniibould bi' nioiloiliiili-ly al her rooms ou

nO uln»s rl»ll's attl I t .D.ut HID tuouL

ON AND AFTER JAN. 1st, 1876,

Till-: TJlON ERA,WhHIiurilrlivcreil lo gntimibcru al t lufr r rm-

,lrnro or tlmiuBl, tho Past Oilier,






bi'Kitisni-UiUubdi;."loonim t t lbs or in nu luff B KiTorin t l jkel . ,lltsMlilitlic Denvllle llrancli tralti vWiho


.UJOOWiddoginmiioIeoiied i t Pino Brook,n« dny Kconllr.

IluTircliartcr election ni-it Monday, Uomi-w Mnj Din, Horriitown Miy Hlh. 'Viirk iipji tbo foil IKIH Ion or tlin Uoi)iit«n

it baa been com men m l ,

£11 (Mi!Hi1. JAI. II

anted Iinni.tndwil'lira. Miles



Orfliunrv hnjj Auilur lifullbrnliii

n Ilicm, harlr

frum ]!l,.llnrJ« A

am] rnin

llioebatttil to r«oi

»(rand, i

io Kmpitnir i>f Urn ill, will beMorrli l'laliui Lunatic Aay-

bablj da •».

at been niMiohi'til

itjit Bout!tiiiienti tlioer.H.I' .J,

It will now |

" id lh i l r i iO. H.tdr.

\ JolinAlbrlpbtJatMudiiIgbl of UaUock entered by

elotliing iDd tilver to tin

led to inform thitHO younj; menball on tho BsAitmti <m i toihit thrjr will be protceutcd» practice. -, • _ . ;

Jgue of tbo Tiouffib Viiltor-bleliem Incladci tmotip tLem or Henry Rlcbartii, oi *Do-

l*r, or H6rrlslown.

order lor tho good liouite n tbs pinia'pbcbold cr tfarlitod ends, in iniicipatlon orIn fur fractional eorrencj.

will t e ron'tta an icoonnt or'>ofU,elBtoTt.oi-.II.Brl 'tcinboruftbeaii lf , ' lo£


» t r Tlunjonir' i tatlon, will Hliii t i , bait and tt'cMa for flsb-

Mr, EUH, _'crWijrororiH-t.Mi•hi ( lo tah,HHifil paper.

ilwlr connect•«'ion, LMO"riilian whl[«"»i«d imj,


' ! >»>ic i n , ,

"11 DO"**»«. io n«q j mlfnlinn on tlw

'niiiun i t cini

A i u "ue ia»n


** . a»i% & ***•(.

f"*«4toortjMUl-to. !

CCB art' broufilit lo bearlifTuilHlVl-llCKh loa H r c a t

rro Ilic ciincont rated tii-nf th^elmrcl i i s or Jlorrislim-tito bciiin tin- ling Hly-k'H lu Iho

i i fiflliby would. lie tniable loth'ama lilm of IIJi or fnuBU him to Hitil;tbe I w . [';;

Quito a Inrfjnjiniiy ol ([ciitleirmn who<> lirito inimti'ri'BU ut.l-t-iu, tf. V., vit-

iVIIHUN iilVrti ore jtlin ore workingTin. purl; c i |lituastd, ami f|

I Ihoirinti ioibwun:

nmnpiiftlioAldTone, Ititli»rd4

TtctJon by this t,roi:itlmntcln-H us gn);

ilk'lil Will futrddiice

IV. 'f. I/T|Kiit Bin? he Gi


l . -Tho Early History of Uorria Oountj

[ks Aii.i.nnr. -I urn nut vniti "iiniij'li to attutu any B , u H n , i m , u, t\,w » . . l H oriucal h i . .Inrvivlili-li a if m.w ciJIui-tcl Biiilfc.-wlwl aiulntioiiK tit In or "AXSALU L.

*'•" ' —teased a

ir'hUtii«U to colluet tlicao nlnl ultwr ilucwhiiaanuiil form ut a tixitriliutiuti toy ou tlila ConUiiiiinl yc»r.'i'liat a tuunty whk.ii vu* sutb iy

'TC, Bnd uiiicli Uiro HucoiiaiiiLiioiiri tt

V^aVruur^onntry.^iii ihniotlMw)^ml is riclit. Her nuoiilu iu the iicriitd ol I IK

ivclutim) did and BDLJ tliinf;K tvhirii theirdt'liilnnlu should kut|j in ruin umbra HIM?. AIKfironmv nun Immbip bliorof laro In tbii

t i i t d no ttvi lliy BU 1-nlei-jirint I jliul. tinpectbe Bind.

r to

irly jcorn inrnlviB tliu prubaUlity'

i>N, Kuril op tliuy urn I givo tliem tuploora toimlr whk-li wbumrnr I mavLithe blood to llnvr fuiilcr when llx ua'uio

' t l n g _ J . r . T.J

:u towi[to ntiL'blmir uf Jturdn, hut r;•ry nf the OQM tber 1.uiitH imisr i

.; tract*,mada byMr. 1're I. Co nf to rn lurvuyK mads by Mm '

•id Mr.c Olcndoii' Coir

man repi(a ttro chali

, Conrtii] J'op.


ll linen, and tbo buiimlaririarltiiis |jni[H'rtiL'B, and hi

mil shown In it* r t icution,uf tlm fciml «u l a r a tTor

mnjpuncit Proceedings.^ Council, (c

trcctx; hulldiucCauso-axploniou


, ant)Cob, and hot


^proflencjoii; damnconlicbt.. 2d. Jatri l l , IBIQ, UildiiiKlit. l ' rosi-M•Iruut; liadnncd b y d i a i . Wcltflt-; iho build-in ir ind ilenti «era entlruly denlroyri]There tn-lrto lire ciMoro in Ilia vlcinltv tbe"^uHine anJose CumnaniBs enntd nnt rendermy BniricJbu Uook and Ladder Company

J«Jd their tliote to Rpod nJTaDtasomid pro-vcntiO ibei) Tram ij)«ndii)R, Ttio liulldftiRsna cuntenvere valued i t *l,100, Iniurcd for«U0. Cuunotnttcortainad.

3<l. J u t l,lB7u,UlncbwHl9lreot,iaiT-tiilllottnedby in O. Sintio ; caimo, snirkn fromfltiioke t t i Botllng tiro lo tbo roof; cxliu-R.ilxbedn Diitalnnn bclnR L-lvcn. D*niacotrillni)r, ' -

Vli. J i 1*, Wri.VcqunDtiorttitreet, a*r'ol.Hnfr lionf* iiriird by Stri. Caimore; caiife,--iirbi ILM a lite to roor ; oxticgtilihed witli-

ut n l i n o me nlvtiii. Utmaci •HirlTt.Btb. J t 10.18i5, 10 o'clock A.M.,dwel-

linj bon« n roar at rolling mill, ownrd byHorn?Mi rlan, audnccupled by Jon. Bmllb.Caueo, i n i» ftum cli\mooy aaUtng 6IQ to root.

it Otli, 1970, 10 o'clock, r . if.,iipled by N. A. Mu.

'.] bf David H. Mo-g nl igbt : J»tn t

ce Cft

"liolp" wai ITirtnnataly"from drowning tbo trtrapI "Dkk' t l i inki i i t iraann

hoooraraunily.irUlris.'bobnsiiiff uiaot, wbotaa ]ii*t tauv-myiU)rlouB manner on

fholly doBtrojoJ, tngetUerTbo loss 1B parliilly COT-f»l00O

a fact that a gentleman olIpi-to employ^ pain-ma iotirofinu panels

of hii hooiO by the greiauIbo bgad at a jonny reai

n t s H ' - : --'to lii a eanilld«to

_.i tlio Tempcrancoto Ayn-a 1ms bcon placed on'" ' AU tlio Blorrlatowa

m\ to I>M frightened by ttfo

b'ttion,'trpll kcoira fibm(hi iron intemti of tbia

tlie National fliflo Aa-fit :V for 12,M0. ana. have»r idfacillUcB Jcrin'r Iho

I l

Mr. " l i n" >j tft*^ "irijile.Jills brntbtr1-niill/near

InokalorrlblebW be hi,notfhmt tlia • iaw; whluk*Amon([ btlicr lujuricn

i?enilBcnlirolenKlh. ' .

of lbV(liircronVlown.1>tpl

[iiirtet on \\>ilnca<]ay,- '.Way-stes.lo tba Btnio donr

..T-wUch ititUiuiil o-p-NaUcua) ltopnbHnii Cun-lianiboVitliofJnne.

't^nialoircrea bit icrrl-

n;/ a p p m t u s ,ctive/f .City ol Dover EIIRIQO CO., $«. 1, B, 11. Hen-

nott. FciimnD; nnmbci ol membcra 37; ooa-[Utioa rfappimtuiKood ' '

Firo T/otrleni; number cfnMtDbgnD; .Total ncmbft of member* of dcnirtmenl In*

elnJInatb* Board of Enplofer*; 110.

I'in OIloof tbobofBpBHitttion wai'u't »nf-

lljoctto «ii T^atlaylectmo on "O

pb tckcti, nud

|>tor from liar fulttlo'Hatne

b g ibo car vbtipsIDIDU of tbo iruriimon

The now«I, earn, which It double

Neilrk ibop. from wblfh

dby_ . intonanr-tliiHtaciiltooit.nit 10,1870,10 o'clock, P. 31.. Gold

Jinglioiin*, onnod by Dau'l Molluricd T.y Vs ltosenngle. BnmjRo toJU0 no Insurance; damaRo lu luint-mu, fully ininrcd. Cause, ovorbept-iting 11« to rlolitinjt bunt; near it,

Viilng ulotblng •ottlncflru lo wcod-a

itlitiun of tppprititn a" ing to llio departmt

er fs fol-

llook ami Ladder Co., No. 1, F .Forcmau: number of memberi M;uppuritna good.

t Hu»o Co., No. 1, Win, H.Xnmbcri,; number nf ruomlu'ru '11; condilfot , (jnoj j two length a of b do


a l cmbtf tb* Boarduldrigaln cf l

In camcH'fy recommend tho pnr*.hose Tlicnilioiild bsut Icaat

, It 4s sEftutotclJr tn-cessiry l« dryrut-tlcr huso tboroiiRlilT lo' iJreinrvc it. Tliel,OMfottowL(d by- tlia^orJirlmuut must liekept uuon tbo reels ready for immediate uno,

in noark* every {nstaoco irboto tbfl liOMObaa•ii iiM.il'for fbrn witin-ttery foot of it him

^ ^ u ii( tiled.. 1 lino e*llyotir nttentiou to tliouccGiKity of butoi act la river tunk, ni rcmtn-

iiuletl in tny l»lt report, Tbcr« voro time*t^unuiitrff|tiiuUioriver,bOil bplniT Morris

-..•eel wan diyianil if a tiro hwl then lirnlipuout Ihu•conncfiaencc* Inifint linvo been tliiaB-•roim iii Ilia eitrcrao. Jit pulHnff inboxcji 'nro\n linroa »npply or witcrat all timts. '1 nnn'rialioreepcdrallyrecommend Lliopui"-

cliaiD<>ftAn?irb^xtinKnikltorN to bo placedupon tlie HeohandLsduerTniclt.- A great nm-D» flri'B arc illtcoTcrcil in^taa'to ba oxtinculab-hi by a bucket or (n-eoriritcririt waiat iuntl ,UotJolnyin ccttlDjr water nerinlta tlioUrt to(tetbeyunl control and nuuot i tliopowerlalutredra frcm an enslno nooonurf to oillncalflbt t ; tliovetci'tn m*arciaeB ilolnif mars (Um-ago tban tbe ilroitisir. Tbe Fire Ifitlnfjuliti-UFi«cq»il to * numbon ct bacVaU arb i te r . 'and.ln ll|0 batiili of flremoa cannot fall lo bo of

The tiro* flrd: clitcrnB, dne at tlio corner of

.ao corner of OM andly ootnplolod. >Wbcn awater tho.aitixcni lif

t d b t l i l

«tf*et*. »ro iioirlabcdmd-Cllot l witliR in t i e district \irn-

nnot rail to h aloeted by tlieipcli'prni, cannot fall lo hatrcatet'ttnaoof BccoflUftitnlnitllra lhan t,v,ofore,- 1 woni-1 reopestfnllj tasRp Bt llio bpfld-

uif ' it au early day of Hiothroc rtranlningflroclaUrnfl, recommended in a y l " l rc|iort, riat

I One nn Morrii iHMt, ODD on i'tinn ATUUUCI, bad

b» je i r tlie cowpiniei liare titkdnpbtlte rirlor* with preat (at«i indnil i t tuclr own oiponio,

^ U ,1 1 , , J )T |",!B report I avail rajjeif nf II40oppartaniir to Ibank tlia members of tbe do-partmontfortliofrBlncrily «n(l proraptnea* in

On raollon Ibtf report wai accepted ami ro-fcm<lto1he Flro ComoiUlco. ; •

Tbo Annual Import of Wtn. U. Lcmbcrt,Troaiurfr, (paWbhcil claowliere) Kas receirciJ,

•ftil i n d reforrcd to tbo Finance OoramUt*s,Tlie uanal charter .election ardinnncd (pub-

compoud oft Uibed-olitnlicre) w n patsed nflcr tho apiwint-mentor Wm. H. McDivIt, C I U B . U. MunionaiidWm.'fl. CoIUrtl *• Jndgas of Election.

g j l rbakr "Ditboraon, Collector, prtieutcd areport o / tbo«ni jaW U i H o r i 8 7 i , »raonniirigto $373.66, v b l d i ou motion wat referredtbo Fin<in:o Co mm 11 ice. '

ac-fw to me to be Iiiturcslinir midcry cnnmiiinliy h a s a lit.tory whtdi, I' rnhtori, must bu lu l i rco ing mil i'i-i

itnpi rtnnt, nl Io.iul lu tliuio ivlio licinn^ lo it,(n its beginnings and -irogros* it may liavclioriif] a fvrv Lmnlitn p»rt lu tli<* ^raiHl driniafflikli tlio world is Beting, and Jet luimhlc atlli-.tlpn.TL IOOJ l>L',it was firauil \u DIOBOXIIK19ti.1l it, Tlimi in not an old lonmiiniity ci3lmri.'b In any old county in our Klalo wliosclitBtorv lini nut a very con Bide fable ml crest luIliu local antiquary ami liteltirinn. I t mny IIL-V-i3i" IIBVO htld a very promini

bo iioitlitr a Wltlenburn or a Ouueva, llu' con-lei- of moral revolution, 11 Itunynitdo or l'lilla*iJuljihlt, ron.krul IUIDOUH by'icouc, Ibu birlli ..I a Btu^na Cliarli nr tlio ]mb-iuatioQ of a Duclnrnlkm of Iudc-icndt»cc. Illiintoiy sprend out on tlio piif-rH of general hiilory ml^hl eiifui out of |>luvn ct- bo onilpBi'J byIbo raoi-cdlHtiiiRuiHliKl drrds recurdiil 011 tlionto page-", and yet that huinlilu history liasIm meri t ' f bcliiK InnMjvm. IKro \\\a inl'irra of ftucli a roinmnnilyfunglil Iho batlle of life, TVIXBIIPII ivltli lluprobkma nf mural rcsponiihiJiiy, Invi'd Ibiloving, pitied tliu nurrotvriil, helped tliu wiik

u te r the djiiifi; l i tre Ihcy laid Ibo foun-datieiiH ur Ilm social labile UB liont tlity ooukl

in ft rcry blind vet li oil cut metlicd, lire*

ill llii'tn tuHtnl: Into rurf-rtlulnm. /itlioiiKl*ft QR ci'oiit QH luniiy wb'} IIAVO lived tbov arcir furclallierH.enil Iho vrork tbuir did tat us

me rile a Kralcful record at uur bands.Tlio boglimcra of BOCILIJ- In a o n i s Ci unity

irorn plnlu pto'ili.', 'iiaiiy «if nbuui bad v r y lit-(loGilucnlluu. Tlicrecurdfl of llio comity and

il churchcaUioflrvt eitttimi

Ibid. Ilm

ill) back ft"Wliijipanjr lUvtr,

nHpt'iitnot nlil l lo tin andidol t ta (Ii a prtcfso Oatc to (Im fonnditiou ofociuir in Uio counly, but ui lb no marLed itue-CBP. In the your 17G7, the Rev. J icob Orccli,

tlio tMrdpas lo rur the Uancvor Clmrcli, wrote'lint ha called a"lli«lory ot the Hanmcr Fra>-

hylmlin Oliurcli." Thi* in copU'i] from n bookIn wLkii l l r . Oituti recorded Lnpllsnii. In aproraca In tltia manuiciipt record Mr, Orccuirritcs llial "sbnut thu year 1710 a few families

nrcd from N«.wuiU aud UliKuhulu, kc.t andQjnn iho west side uf Iho Ft-'ssaieklliver in

tlmt whlcliiiiiovvHoniiCounty. Mot lonitariero HClilcn crccttil on bocao fur Ibo publlcknelil,-) o r d o d on the bai 'bol (he Whippcnuns

Itivcr (almiil three milta W H I of Iho I'cmnlckn i t e r ) , iibout iino liunCreil rmk LCIO-T thoForgo which IH mnl line lonp been hnon-nljy[ho natno of Tlio Old Iron Worlis. Tlicrc "*sa clmrch notbcied In tlio j ca r 1 7 - . Mr. Kn-tlisniol Uulibcl van ordained and Bcltlcil by tliorros tylerf of Kcir York. About thin tiuio thinplncooblainod tlio nniiiu of Ihnovor and he-a mo a :ovuifliiji, bnl Ilio place wna tnuiit cimviiuulj known by tlin Indian unuidWIiipiioimne.

Ur. UubbolcoiitluuodtuminiflcrliGro till ,when for iciua UROOHIUCRB between him and thopeopls Uo «aa lUsmUecd. Tbis cliurcU tlictilaud no proper look nf H o u n d s And If Mr.Hnbbcl ho?t «,iy churcli rc-cr>rJn o r hla owutboy irtro nut 1<;IV to IIIORO who en mo al inr ."

Mr. Creta UCftan bui ministry in 17J0, wlicuidnjof l i in jiJoiiiHils wcro stilt living, end ho•OHiaiiflVooannyroiiinl Uio*date 0! Boltli'mcntmil f i r t n tlio namcu of Uio Bottlora ami manyncls aflntcreBt, but it 1B too often true tlmt totbano trbo i re near Ilia facts or which li (story-is ooinpoteil, tliosa facia do not doom ol pro i t

1, at least not bnuugb to ccarefully (Irenemd. By 1

0 thorn t o hi

•I'tform UICH

" tor not sccartDS in pnrmaocntu>nuTcliantabto statenicnU aa li

wbo tbo oirly tottlora were and wbeq tboyd wliat they dlil^ all or which wore tbon

nllUin lit-i ca«y ceacli; It may bo allogod Ui-t I10mnu of mnny csllingBt a very bmty man .

n i l salary van small, and bo flays tbU "lod lilmtb tafco more worldly carea and •busiuois tbanbo contd I1AT0 eltoiion," Ilia pcnplo oncnung-td him io tbbj coiirto, inBiirlns bfra "tlint

d lttcountry c<inkai mlniutcn won Id take 1Ido arij liclp aujiport (boll

mlntstciimo ciro lo pro-n famUka." Hi

itqdieJnat) practiced mediclno, bo had a tolioolmilor lila O*ro, of too ivroto and ozacnted willsfor bin patieots and bad a sham both l a a gristmill and a dii t i lkry. 8oma wag is a n d to h\vpdirected'a. letter to him nltb tbls somenrbst

omproiionalva a npu ran rip tlon 1

"To tbo llov, Jacob Or t tu , Proinbcr,And thu Her. JacobOrecn.Teacher , ;To tbe Jlov, Jncob Qrutm, Doctor,Aodi^e l l cv , JacoliGroon, I 'roelor; -T o tbo Iter. Jacob Qrcutj,' Miller,Aud tli* llor. Jacob Qrcon, DiBllllor."

In ri'Kord tn bis nuuicronB avocations, bolid in his autobiography: "When I enteredpou irorldlyseliemeil round (hum In gnneralplngno, «toxation, nnd a anare. If I lorno-

•hat inweased m y worldly c s l i t e . I also In-croascd lorrpiv and incurred blamo In all tblcgsexcept tlie practice or phyBiek.'t

I t la n»t bard ID account lor Bach a man'sneglect to aollcct aud record history wwas tban loo nanco, and yet It ii

in oh import'orj annoying that the good

man wbo as pastor and pbybidaaI ; meotiuR thono nlio coald bavotold h'.ui tbeivery facia VC'BU much dei t ro ' to knnw, jlimildnol na\o inlerrogntotl HID witni-miM airt re-oorded their answers-.

Tlio c«rliLit rcforonco to llorslu Cuuntj- tlintI f i u d , U l n a letter o r David Barclay, ArtlnirForbofi and Qawcn I j iwne, to tbo Scots IVoprl-

of Knit Jurnt'y, iiiidur date of March 20,1G81. In nnawcr lo query Hevcntli, they say :I'Tuoro arc also hillj up in tho CDiiutrey, bu tjowmnch prnnml tboy take up voLnownot .lljcjnrcBaiJ to bantony. aud covered with nootlLIIII bvyotid them U said to ba excellent land,}\ t l l i n t time tha roglontbui mentioned musttiive bseu TKBIU ntoiaxiT.-.. Uav tarly it i taiexplored and (nrrejed, I baTonot with certain:tyatcct lai i ied. Tbo* unTarylng tradition JISBbeen tliat tbo flrnt aottlonicnt wau mmlo atWliippany. and nnoMicr tradition dcclnrei tliat\bra\iam KikhH, t.-ninu*uon of t l o I W T . A W S -

son, Son., or Newark, anil tba ttro bro-then Tiinotby ami Joseph Tnl t l i , wero amongtbo earliest fltttlm, but thi* Is not rariflcd by

lamliutlon or theirdc<n]s,*i*vl)lc!i fix t bodalopf Abraham Kilelid'B rutnoval to Hanover

11J21. at lo* a years' after Iho or Iff I-l I b d_i1 setllcmuut 1B iupposotl to IIITO bcun in*do.

On thoSd of April 1720, Timothy Tut t lo cou-il to his "loving Irotbcr Josoph Tuttlc, ' of Ii rk," certain real oulalo in tlmt placo. I t

..jppiiaed—the ilcciU are now to bo had—that Timothy Tuttlo removed to Morris Connt ;[Uojt 'arhodolilruil cetatu to his brother. Ontho 23d or J anua ry , 1T33-4J John ami BaninolJohnson, of Non-ark, deeded to Juscph Tatt le .

T tbo Birae placo, tame roftl catalo In Neirarlt,_> t h i t l i o i*u then »tiU a, Toiitloat Vboro.Ucanwbllo bo had porcb&xed, in 17JG, a large

>f land on llano rcr Neck, apa r t of irliiohla atill occupied by one o ' hla deaccniliinlB.

Vibo tl-en pip inttlo Brat a t Whip piny, andThen diil thor actllo tboro 1 Jt ii Tory certainthat there hud noun Boma sMUemonl previousto 171B, fur OD tho Bcaand d iy of that your one"John Ulclmrdw, of Whlpanong, In tbo Countyof Huntordtiu, lu tbo Trovinooof New Jcrecy,

. Schoolmaster," was tba uirnur of a traut oriandithleh la now knono a« tho Wblppanj BnryinffVariJ, 111 tho co r thwot "earner of wMcH,Jormany TCDTB, slood tho First Prcib^tcrianClinrcb*. At that date tlio "gchoalmailcr,"L'for anil lu consideration," ta ho salt), "of tlio

Itesvd before' tlio K.' J . UUtmlcol doclutttMny EOtli, 18C3. . ',. tDr. Orcen's Christian Advocate, X G2.

IE, JcrMJ under the Proprietor*, 201.fi A deed ftill in poBsnyion of a [lescontlaiit o[

AUralam Kitohol/dnUtl May 5,1718, and j | i«niby "John I'rnddon, qnoniUm' minlHter," con-

luvc, Koo-1 *iU and affuclion which 1 liato am\do iK'ar tnwnrd wjClirlBtio friends nnd ncifrh-biniin in Wbiiipaniiii^ afuri'inld, 11s aluu fur tbcilL-niiir and M-ganl f liavo I? [m.tnutu ati.l ad-viri'o Hit* iniblii:1! InltTcMt," (juvc Hit- iWcrittedtract nf laud f"r tin; FIIIJ of "a ilcci'iit and wtiit.dblf l-n-i lli.K l.iiii.i- f..r llirj,nlili,-i( wi.ihliij. ufGod," »f ujnii r<>r "u M'liinil-liiiUKr, lSur-iii»Gruiii-.l, Tisiiiiu- n-i«l, uml HIU'II likt- (>iil*.li.kum-*." MIL- IIII .•uiiumud thr. 't uml a lislficiLf. lu tti>' dtiil 1J.- t[» tLi, of Lib lucid (.< Lo-Juy "in tbu tuMtiililp or WlilpuuDUg, on t in t

Ut couinoulr tilk-il Peirpf-nuui;, on thourllK-aitt'ik uidu uf tliu Wlilj.au'itif; Itivu; ."It mfiiir lo inKr thn l coaibK-riblo ]>ir.Httr.!<

lint! bcuu filri.iiilv ui-iU*'! but ut in't.'&t.ii! I canKin u» iuriinnatioii OB lo Ihu ],rcci»c facts. Mjeou'piituro inlUM thacctKUitlioHU-rBmBjbfcVOt^een »(iiiatter»(.innliiiR inm from Hi* Kucca-Bunua iruti urc, rritb the b.mmlksu taranit inthe rcjii,,ii nliidi l iny coovrrlnl iuto coal.Tho 1 radii inn in Mint the oro nun broii^litinloalhcr liags 1111 pack-hDrmn from thu ^reat

" " Dirl tmun MJiif,"

trhich nt tlial liturd <l Vua l

ml Io, y years s'fer-uf ore »bor»

Newark's Water Supply.Xewurk w iit-iiin ttnlalinn ilm (|iK»lioi( u{

liir fuluro WkliT fctiii^lj-. A writrr in theDuilv tunkeM sjivorul olJi'i'tidiiH tn lJi*> jilmijmijiotcd by Gen. Veil, which is to U\;n thnwnler fruiuttlQ Piuiiqiii; Ilttvr nt tho LI-'ii\U Tbottnitolijcctiuninlhnttlic PJIL_..._friiui Cliiitbnin K> thu tuoiilh nf the Pumntnurivi-r, UowrttlirmiKha tm«iu. vhU-U throughil» wli.-lo ioit,;t]i (iil.ont ilfUi-n uiiU-H) is »|.LHKt n deml lurd , havjn,/ n few ftet full | utlmt dibtiiuce, uud on ouch side of tliu riverme low and Bwnmpv lmida from nue lo two

:s iu width. Tiio river frequently over-d thc-bt UutU. «ltJ us there IH go lilile f.ill

u<> inuiiv (lL'[>n.%i(iii» in Ihoio SIIHIIIJISineudi.iVB, irliui th» lloud clibsiiku u

L' amount of wi\Ut in left uliich Htii[;iint>.rfduriiifjtho viirni wftitliiT mid iu HIOHJJ- drtiin-Ull dtV. HUtil IHlutllCr (llililiot EDIIR'R Mill IWOL'fSnut nil the Rtugnnut wntor, nud no tin: -iron^*

L-pcmuil, Tli is ltiitiT iihtn roiituiu* a^3 uiiionnl offk-MjuiK.KiKl Vi gclablo nmU

tir, nml nt tiiiieHlK very impure, us ns-y hertndilj dfitcrlvd l>y nny pcrsini vim viHiU il,piirliciiliirly nt uiyhl, liy ifir? nRonHtvc tfflu-

Stanhope Court Scenes.

wliicl nit.n thi- - , - - . .isll-UlHIld-

ilinew* nf tha wiiter nt Litlio THIIH. Thoprin-cijnil I'mndit-H of the l'lih^iio ulinvD thinnlarc. nro tin; Jtnokinvny, tli.) IVriniiuiinck,ib- nin^ivotul mid lUumno rivm. Tlio.v nil

, tttWfittl fnnu 11 tuuuiitnin ilintriiA, lmve n

hail bicn aurvcvoii in itie iirmunl t'jwtiship of: fcrclii»uiit«. In tho hlinrt dihtimt'o fnnu theirllnrri..* No.L.nbt aumcwluro i-l.ll irnmin tiio ' ' " " " j 1 ; " ' '!i° U , ^«)]« UHW in wA titiH

and Wills, Hindi shall lhi< !ij;li(i n y

hi 17la Jntni-H Will.. .1' Mil! Taut Jw-bcy I'rupri

land in and shout nbat la

i of him-K, in ye

Lilian, |jouBltbrae tract ol

inm called lUlnloii.illc, ttbuut one mile nc»t rjf Moii'lliiin. ID7?1JMIW$ I'itucy bousht IIDII nF bin brulbr.tdiluli hail [laviniiBly IJCCII |iiiirhi-vcil nf IIKVopriL'turt. II in impossible to d.-U tiiiina alImt dato MMKthiNi irsa •elll«-d. i l r tn ll.croiluiate <1»tc of Hie fnundiD^ uf ilul <;|nncl]1 on!; itiluiTi'd UB huiug [iievidUHtd 1730, nhfii;B iiBtuuiHiniiilidiiidlu coimoclion witli Ilic

Prcibytcrj ol Suw I l rumnkk , Dr. Hul i in j .thinlm it 'rr.ii organinod ab'mt 17i)5 or lTSii.ilu VAi Eiliuuiid liuntul miden dot Jo f Its j»r.lud nlio lo DID Muudtiiru Chinch, III nlikli,•itli (iriKlna.1 orlhut'ieiihy. In- HJjlf <a "MJunni IluiniMiit, df K«t

County nr Ktiniuiori't In f-\»t 1

rctfMfun ",\ ii'alrUtn -icea nf paiaelof Landti which Urn uicctinjf lion H HOW HlnmlMh

•Et«t Jcr»ey Rucotd*. Liber 1'. 3, p *2«.flfutlnft ' t M. fi. ou j l endbuu .

SticcRBunnaQuiet reigns .tn usual in Buwaemmii and

Hiziimlnpuilji imlkiicivn tu few, i rony hiduntihrrnabmifRoccaniuiiiiiebnt litlio r<iciit,TiiLiisuro vurv dull but iiuHyithstDiirllnK the

Odd 1-MlunH nnd (lund TrmptarE f.nrly. Tlm latter souloty h ohout

lo plaft a new or^anin Hicirlodgirooiii, whichf«ct ot ftudf iuilU'utfa uniiHiut proapt-rlty. TLt

JKI' u m ne vi r ltcfuru In MR-II an cicelktilid It ion BU to iiiiiiibcrn, harmony and muraljilil.U-iliiii-y C-nwi-il uf American lUchanicBtmi,

during tho jinst Biz or t ight montliB becu grad-illy declining tnd the loir condition of their

Hiiaucfs uiKilu it I't'ci.iBiiry loTaoaic tlinrrooiud accept another placn to meet Iti, which WOB

null ailuplcd to llu fiunt ilitsoluiiuu, every con-vcnk-iico being at hand lor wlliluiff not only tlie

Jetj .nB widi, out of Blifbl; but Cdcli indi-Tidual hcluugliij} to iliilao. Tho Humndcr ofCliarhr wan sorloualy contt mplateil a lew WPUIHngo, l>iil a rally wus iinnllr mailc, a room in llioupper fiAi-l or Mi. T . F . KiiiK'a tture hulliliugnt Drnlicvilic van iccmcd, ami on lnnt Momlay

-tilling, thc21tliliiHt., the Council fur Iheflnsl110 wcuplttl Its nore fiiiAiters, wliicli waiiaid1 bo Hit- htat meeting held liy It for muuyiintlm. Tlio ninnbcrB nro very cntliutiavliotcr lliuiv litight»ul»g prtKiitctR,luis-rbich every thing of ibe Mud h;

bas pttsci], anil Hint licm-clortli Uiclr cournonlll be onvar^ . •

ipIcEuaul thltiga wliicli thmowho ([iPn'tt'i-roro public gi therlngj froquoutly

11 uior It the prm-tica ou the jmit or a kwB.V morlulK cf slultung out of tho building:i Ihe ppalinr m m thonililat ofliis, or htrn'lrjie, norciiiccl U-hiK uhoivti tu pnrgnni,

aaunymg tho c i m l e r and divcrlins tho atttn-tlon of many of iho Ifetrnara from lUo subjeel

* di«c:iHuioii. Jlfnietoru aro annoyed per-hapa moic limn any oilier c l u m f apoatera byllili unmannerly prtcticc, una it 'i 0. ffomlerilirry submit lo it -iltli the potlonco theyI. Tlioro an. eeivrnl.young mtn n b o attend:{\a FuEC&annuit M. E, Church, qulloHundo; cvciiiut'a.und an regularly diBtuih iome

'" in of llio congrcf atimi, (;noeri'ly those Intlio gallery, liy giiing out, after giving all wiih-in ranE1) «f vision a vltw orthcU- not very willlormcil phjBfosiiomii-a. Tbo preacher don'tlito (ori-'buko or rcpdinand Ihepo jounpatih-om tlie pulpit, and no opporlumty Is tlTordtdal oilier times, so a little hint Iii (lie

iy h»vo Kiino mflnuico ia correcting the bidcuBtom. I would IhcrL-foro In thn n«r

'ho rre^icct tho iiauaa dtKlkatcil t a U,oworship of thoAlmlRlity, and the icrflcoiofho house, ask thciio younff men to lay thismughly l ial i t aelJc, and remain until Iho

vil'cu arc orer, or if they can't remain BO longta leave their big boots outside t bo church and

ilx-w, 1 mnrp,

were larcaly nltomleil, ninnya. T. being iireHeut. Mu

m roiircRmited by forty ni_... . , _. . __,11] tho Succiuiiiuu* Xiod^e Iy flfieeii. T h c jiHHtiU'lu^ n ftun looking cu»ipnny, mill inuc

.. well dcBcmd nnd Locaming Uikeu of re'sjinot tn tho i lermed. Rev. D. }V. Pox con-ducted Iho religious tciviccK, aselutcd byHov. 8. K. Doollltlo. " T W y llmt now intenrfl Bhnll renn in Joy," wan the .tort, fromditch tbo blensiiifru "f Borrow wo-e richlyiliQftii. Tlio deroiiBeil lind his share of it,but repined uot ; hla tnwtwnitinhiRfiavioind he diod ns rx Clirlslinn IIIGK. \VorJskiudnces nud »ym)*nthr were nildremed toIha frluuda, uuil ulan tu tha LoOto IhtnournH tha lotm of n brother. Tha dlscoiiw_aa iinpxw&ive nwl ivri^ioprkto, nud I w o n l igiva a p o r t i o n u f tha lUuu^'ht It oontnincdbut for the v a a t of tiire.. Tlia Odd l?ellowiicoaducted tbo s e n i c c s n t the gmve. lit.Cnnboy wno CO yenrs or age, nnd lenvea a wif«nnd ntTenil cliiulren to jnoum liln lews,

htr. Eliiuj Cmtcr recently haudod mo nof Now Jeiuey Colonial acrip which

gRhocldag nolac.

g o out liarofoot, lor they niahoal O


Mt- Freedom.Yutir eorTCPiwudent m colleetlug fur tlio Ceu-

[cnnial of llinJolph ovorlwHed our old CallBOIIOOI houBo. - At my earliest rrcollucllon it

111 old bnlldinc, framed audwfutbor.hoea, nliiiUt 10 foettqnnri ' . I t stood about ann.

milo west or Mt. Freedom PresbytoruDnil, near wlicro Oi'o. D. Coe> honio noirlu. Tlie Interior hail bonnln »niK<\ open

and along tlie wall on thrru "ides for nritlmrdc»Ui. Tbo Hcnlt weremodo nrilalu with liole<iorcd lo amlutiiiKHiiiil tulliM<ir>ir h-fi*: Tint

npy wtul.tillt of tiono with n vci)1 InrgeOrc-plicu in i t . All the ICBIB in iliu liouic weremade In Hicmau t i t r l liaxe ilucrluf-il.

My father raovrd frciu tlin Blala nf Cuunecl-(cut in llio year 1307, and htro 1 lenrncd my K

B C ' H . TboGr rU ever went to actiool naa inthin lirtuo, nml llio icalfl wero m high I bad loclimb up oud turn to wat mvecifjiny f:ot nutreaching tho finer by nlfunt a, foul, Ono of tLi

ngo tnyii tiliovcil ino off on tlio Donr, and Hie•ncticr cnliiil me to lilm 11 ml jjavfl me a;lii^, nhluli frKloucd ilic old tuliool housua oK*«cint(jj ludtlliblyun my memory.\«Ht roriviipowlojiU* in a, *mall prior in re-

sard lo N<>.;, Wohmtdioro Hchm>lbume..TIioi!d Blonu boimc hnilt in 1810 wascot rein ode kdmt llio old hcmscnbniuloiied and n nrff homomilt alMUtnuc-litlfmile went from whuff tlio

1 Ililut your cb

it id niiataucii in r«-Gird to t b d r ever being Bchobl iu theol i lhonwhero l i ra . Albert Dollar; port licci. On tlia

" of Mm. DcHart'a roaidctiH> was a largo oldBQ ownci lby Rylvanun Lamcoce, I t wm

originally li'uilt for a tarcm but a t my earUeitrecolloctioD u r c m i toping wai abandoncJThere w»s 1 krfto room in tbo lionuc tlmt WARnested irlth boards tylzg ncross at lets, nmllliatnaa ono of tlio prcacliiDg plncea of our

oJlbt lirct'nroD in tliulr iiHmiiivo dayi.o'Rntntetingti'neTtutil thnrr. I l in iriotlo

of holding t lo oleeUoniworc ta erect a moilcr-and then vole by lioldjng uj> tho hiuOi;

nml thnrfl never m a & icbool kept in <the borneibrro iU- Itlalio now lirca or my rccollocllnn it

very troachcroqs. A« Oi,n ItctiPEKy.

Newton's Superior Telegraph Facilities-A lelcRtam which una scut from Dover to

rion thn other dny ot U 4 A. St., l>ynho wmtied assistance In t of sickliest.

• nit.iIclivcrcdBt ill On-linallun from th ii>wton offloo till ten o'clnck, nr three and amrter bonn later than It was received them.1 (act, a racEuagc by null would Imvo anH-icrcd10 pnrposn ubont aa woli as lint folegriitn

did, and tvouid liavo (tared tlm icnik'r thlrty-ccuts and canHtdcralite i l iupp«Intm«it .

WatnsgCBt ta tho Wutcrn UolouTeloerapIiCompany that thnio nlio paj for tho luiury ofqnlcl: cinnn-imitalion >r« en Hlh-A ta a llttlo

iiiilerstionat tlio l-inda of 111 cuiplojoci,partlcuhrly Insnch caaLBflflileJ.ncss.aiiJnlicnUiarucel(DETc»Ulu» wltliln tho lloilta or Uio

Tho ewcllon nf tolcftrnjih rate* far aintention tliat doesn't trnvrl faster than

nlno mi leu per boor is a fraud tliat won't, wanli.f Newton owoa Ijio tnlegrnpli coipimpy anyKiuda, find it tnntcs such delay* in order to

got oven with tho [woplc, anoliicr toirn meeting1 on Id bo called at oucc and Iho bond* cnbrcd1I1I. in order that they nlay Itavo tiilc^miihlc1 noil ni railroad fftoilitjei.Wo oomtisod tlio aotkity and prrmplucuit of

llio uptmtor i a t thi* placo im norihy tliolml-"- • - . r thooponlor i In tho So*Ion nfflon.

e W o u l d hemt boforo Ibo adjo

it Emcut of tho Legists.Wht i

jturo tbo petition nf E . If. White, ot

1 Island, N. Y., to bo nud 1 CommiBaioocrof Deeds TnrNtw J i r sc r in tho Btato of New

, nsfl preicntcd. One uf Ibo memberaa end btatcd a gentlcnian or Ibe earnoo bad njyitcrlomily diiisppcHn'd from thooriils creditors In Iho Northern part or

:ho Slate. Wo ba t e sees no announcement of

tliiM NcdiniKiit lu wltlc, nnil nftir it Utid;fii into tin- ni[inil>i]H<Hot conduit it won! 1]

vory iliftioull In rr-mnru it ; i.ml theioiint of HiJH KL'diniont will incrouHK us

iil'iugliL'd luiiilt littrid

Jegnl prnii-i-iliiinH


. . HlillKMlilHhK*}uiliL.,lr,itl,rtHH

Tli«- lir.1 *w» ci•vhurt-ln ilr. Itomscd n cvtttiin.itiini.'K'fiu, oritrtiIT I*IKI»*II •

nl t - In jarl

1.11 liibt MmiJiiy ftfUruixnwuttoriJuy iur j-Uiutiir ft(>D»nt' iiuiii, T.no tjliiill Iitiif; "ured ruoster, couuuou-Junj-hill fowl or doineH|iijdjf

il hi,

, nHtbio hiunnt t o p .

l rc r

Mr. Kr.u.-ijvill, moio tlmu In-r. mid in Im »um•liiiiK »!.]•.•»] lo tbe

•KNiiuilti.VNi]>.ilJivof tlio cdtirt.Jiiht think nl it . j-mir lmii(.r!" lie eic1, "iti.i onlv did tliii vituny iiifiu stcnHI rooMcr Imt hero wu liii'pe clovenlinn iinminl with out nny rooster! '•cms. I IOW«\M, iliivt -wlnle Uu-ro wu,nrelJwi i.l.r.ut thu ruuHlrr lmvinjf lic(>n" " .Hiirj proof that thu dclei

ilbih linnoniUd-redtlio du•••. J . S.-wnnl Wills f<»r dc

ie M-Muiil Mill wiw 1111 Tlmnidiy. "TbStati- va. Sim. t'iu-,iiuLrj, lieiijiiniiii Cnwimiirc. Win. CiiKKininr.-, Alk- i t JJill u uI k D i f t L I l t l

n Hini

XIKHI in Hint i l i t r id .TUe third object if >ii,

importiuit ouc, In miiiiito llio pn-wut wl|>ply

Ui i l th

mil |nrki | in tin- iiumtn r t o tli.it now iimcluifwiitt-r: 'lli:it i t ii

. , _i iiii\hivml ilrahm-ieofPutcrsnn mid Nuivnrlt." On tho I»,insuia

id il(> biaiiL-lirrfnrtMi ^ -ud inuu.v Jnrgcttnvtuid \illiiKCMiind niiiiiy iiiiuiiinifloriea. Tbgur l>muclu>>i iiiL-iiliuiu-d olnndy. afford a

fjreut ivnler jujwer; 'u-ulmbly nut oxceeJutl in*' uiiir nuii iherof Mjiinro miles In- nny di«-

<ni Ilm Alluutic hc;il,oui,l. Within half1l11ry.it is jmitmblfl that this fjrmt water

piiwer. »'ithth<iadvimlngU of rnilroiul funili-iit;H, will lie nil iu iiKp, nud [i largo luauufucluring 'liijinliuion, with towns nnd cities,nil! c i mt lliiTO, uml tlm mine rcKiilt will lnl-low tlmt exint« «n tU« IIWH'T Pnamic.

Kcwark e.Ttuinl.v would nut ccmiuit tlintiiiti'lia of Ukinj, ' i nc'A' water Hiipply fiumdistrict with BO uiau.v -nniiufiid-iriiiu; CHIHIliHluuauU nml KO htrgo n |K>piilnU»ii nn i«likely to occupy the country dniiued \>y thebmiiuhoti of thu Vi\.m\\a. It will bo iiKkud,wluit thtui nm l iodnue? Nut urn fortnnntclvliiiH provided a Hiinply of wnler, mire, abuiuf-imt nud ncuewililF, T l i c f uru tlirue hikes inI'fiwaic nnd MnrrtB rnuuiicfi ndcqiinto nndwithin r i ' i tcl iviz: Grecuwuitd Litto, Greenl'ond nud Lciko Ko|xitroiig, tho f lnl IUIH IL

iullnw, with Uij-hn.Mil voulty Ininke, uml

must bo hUn

(•cr outlet Him

i?Usi l imlnr ," W i t l ,wry pirns wwter midHojmtcong ir '

Tho next,anll«- "

.tti-^er, nud himeither nf the others.ifili'i«nt]y clovatcil 1

lidd-wutor luf-ivoit Kl>od hcatlnud fiill, with.Jilt uuy nx|ioiiHO oT piniipiiiR. Tlm ivntershoihs HurroiiudinU tli^m uro BO nitunted Unittlm drttiiiiifjo towurd I hem in not likely «vto bu injurious to tho puri ty of tlio water.

Tbo water wliicli i s lo be discharged froiH iheso lftkm i s now Msml liy \\\o Mitnitt ('..mil, na well nu by ninny mill owners 011 theI'liseaic uud iUj brUDclieH, and some opposi-tion might bo made by thane parties to its dl-

( b t f ( i r ' • "i n ght bo maderera(on;butf(iflor

tlml tho peoplnk nud f r mu

1 lunch greater impor-

lo dr ink nud fur uiuaiclunl imrnoRCH, tlmt nilullicr intcreHlij wmlt l ho oblijjmi to yield to11K. lucr i t i tbb.

FLANDERS.Mr. John dinkey. <>f IlurlloyvillD. dind liwt

Sabbatli, of eniicer on hia neck. Tlio fime-l b d W l U ibbatli, of eniicerl KerviccH wero fl

ho VrcHbytcrinu Chu

neck. Tlio fmd ou WcilneHtUyin thin 'illi^e, a

f tho I. 0.

flrevv Thwhgicnf Seminary.Tiiu nnuiud moctiug of Ibo TrUBtetH of tliD

Druvf TbcoIogicAl bamlnnry vna held ou tbo2)l inbL lir»uoi)jaiienv[Ui eloclcd 1'rcsi-idoat, and Pro). WelU Socrotavy of thoBotird of Trustees. Tho gift of &4U.0OO fromA. V. Blout fur Uio endovement of tlie thru:of tho l'residout vvt accepted with tbnuky Ittlio giver. Prof- Welbj enid that this mini,

iDco of Now Jerseyay J O W . culohrntd ilnu d ninoii hi rundf

Jtdfound ninoiiB his grandfather's effoolB and iu

in n good aUito of prcscrvntiou, being jmutodupon thick, Btrong paper. On its face, wi th-in tlio bonier ooiwa ono end in printed inteript, " N . J t w e j , Th i r ty SMlUngH. Wi th-in the border across tlio upper Hide "uhil ."lnpn" is found in l i rga cflpituU, and jnnt Vic-icixth are the words nnd figures, "Th i r t r

ahi l l inEn, 'No. 11,000." Tho '•Thirty Shiflinen nro (IIBQ lu litrgo capitnla on the otlie:

I, and lcuutliwoya in pr in ted the fallowimicription :^

'This bil l of TliirtyShilli i iEH.t 'y a JMVIof tho Colony of New Jersey, passed in thefourteenth Yenr of tho Reign of h is Ui\\rn-ty, K i n g GEOItGE tlio Th l r a . Dnteil ifur.25,177C

Thi r ty RhUUuti,llu'uh Binith,

lu JohiiBtqu, ' .: JoliuSniyth."

On tho back, imide rv border on ouo endnra tho words, "lliiTly ShfUtuga. "TiflDeath tn eonutcpfclt." lltimiliig loiigthwnysin the piolara of a tobacco leaf, nntl outimleHID border on the lower end tlio words "Jltir-Unglnn in Nutt* Jewey, printed bylGone Col-linn, 177a!' Tho jvificf is four by two and nquarter inches in mzo nail ban ihunpod inreil, on iU laco, n Bquiro figure about onamid D quarter inches an a Bi<Ie, in . which nroprinted nlottoH j'tihhrovmtions nnd tho liken it onnj- to raid oroverseedistinotly.

riauilera LAG a good outlook for profliwrityhiriuR tho Contonnfnl year,. notwithtiti-.nd-ii^ tho dcprCMlan of tlia times. New houu-iknre being built, anil occupied iwfiiflt IIB

complfjlcil. Tha railroad la ballaxtoil nndreiulv for Uio (mck, which is fast being k i dto Uiia yUco. Ur. AlcDnvit, death!, fromfilitnlinpe, maybe fmnil ©very Friday i n o

11 of the IIOUNO ucutipicd by iho villncoroom ofichool teueher.

linn l o o t e d wJolin Oliver,Flumifnt fnnu

NO upied o y l h o villnco(J. V . Weulwor tb .M. 1).,

Mr. Rnmud llctts. Mr.k i h

A BnuUfut Work.Weliave v u n i i n c d vltli enro C<u«a'a U-

unlmtml fnmily Hi Lie. nud do nut hmitateo-irotiminco it the IIIICKL Hihlo we have OTorcan. I t nonlniii.i a full chronulugicnl btbleif tho wboK> Uibln, witli the Impottimlevents

' between Iho OldTcnlumentnnd thentuiriiiK etween tcoming uf OltribL, u

l l l

u e nnd hea of the four Go*-

T f l N1, ft chronology of tlio haokn of tlia No1

tnment, a Cuuccrclnucc, tohlcs, weighlir,ntanies, lnottsures fiud t ime, ofllceo nmlcrudi t ians of men, with Conccnlnnco of

ropor nnuiOH nnd full innrginnl ro fore aces,nd.beln-c«itwniity-flevcu huudrod ninUliri-o

thousand UluKtratiuus—including views olilitM and locatloiiH meutioiied in tho text,ritIk. jllnntr-ittoiiR o t t b o lnnnuont, cuttoniH

and uiitiir.il produulions of tha Eia t . Thinbook in prmteil in London, imported inHUDHIH and bouud in tliis country.

The vorlc i« noM-boinR cauviiGceid for In[hit- l i m i l>y Mr. II. W. l>uutou. nnd wo' ijifi Hint none will foil lo BCO i t Mv.. •

Tliu flantlfriiSt 'uool.llu. KDITOD :-]>crmit nio tliroujh tiio cal-

mup <>r tbo Fai* tn rppok of tl>u pnlilio tclnulof Uiiuiilace. Tlio ill strict nivitu a due two-utury bnlldluc suitably located and cuy or

KH, but tlio now railrund It graded in IIIimiuedlnlti vicinity aud tlm depot la to he builtiutt hack of the Edacntldual Hall. Being Inaat\ close proximity It will duubtlcus Imvo to

>n rcmiircd, far part-uta "ill not fee Hi It o cipof-iifl their obildren lo tuch ilanctri HE willlalnrall; aecruu ihirlufi tlio cxcltcrnonttvliiliiI play, and uurcly tbttj cannot kcop thctuway «bil« thoy haro inch superior advantages

umlcr tlio instruction o l th»ir mott o&tecmcd[etcher, Prof. O, Ilnnly. The rapid prcgroiimailc by tbo pupils ia dnolu part.to tbg ir own

ccrtiomoa Troll sg tu tin never-tiring efforts: their teacher, who Imn hold of the holm, Sir.

n . (joing a m ! " ' ot c r e " "Pcncnce in IboL^oot,Tm>n- ana iloUrwlotd v\\\ ta malio IIIB

IIUJI locaitd to no other, renders him B manTuliio to tho Haing Generation, fur whichnice) Ilia tnotgro Hilary In but a pittanceimpurad to lhat l-owurd ho will raccivofroni

;1IOEQ vho h i re boen henefltted by hla imtruc-!idn as In their Intcllrctnil ant] moral doralop-mcut ^'tlfy stiall rlno'np liud call him iileited,"

The Ford Mine,Tbo ivork of "mining Rt.tho Ford Mino,opcr-

ini \>j UID Hnifomtcong Compsny, nill beiiCDntinucd next Uonday, Tho pumps, b**r-

evnr, will ho kept going, in order to keep thelino clear of wat Tho ki f

, plino clear of wat:dnucd Bonto

g, pTho working force wai

tbcrcfwre thisg , ptianwill throw but ibcnt thirty men nnt cremployment. Cn Wednciday niabt «n oldpillar In thu n>lnc, which bad beeu partiailjronmved btMuaa it wdP !hoaBbt onMfe, (raveway, blinking dnwn fdnr or fi»e bnndrad totnorore. Mo men hid boon working HMT it foraotno mouths, and the cnlf domsgo raninl bytb« rill VKS ito limkloe ot & Btcam pip*.


ic,v, ri0 llio

bum IdI'CUKll

WHH 111'iisit wherein IIv. uW-i^ in lit ilcluud tliiiitvil pnrtift>WL'Tcnwnt, ruut, iiiikivfuliiNiieinnjury of Sir . l l . ' i i ry ]!iomul M lonk a l te r theKt i-itiwti, under tookim true.

0 HUitcilizt

(lA <lf Lj | y clrt .T ; 11

vcIJiirut.) pn

, vcrn. Tli

TS"ul tlii.r it

ve th

the tcBiiiuony, prelly ux-11 boiled tinluiiounleil lo ubiml thit* ; - l J r i u r (o the firetof April. Himry Rnhnr had been keepin« uhotel id Brooklyn l'mid. On tlie th i rd iluyof thi'l month (thin) he nmvoJ to Sluulionu.WliiltiUio tlio iiioviuKwimpmu.iuy Mi-K.CiuUi-luoce'tt liawhe, licr two btiyn went iluwn lo tliwondpil*, w h i f h w m near tbe roiul, with tipnnH o n m c l d wunh-loi)or, to mck u p BOJHchijiH. D11 their uuy to tho woodnllo theyliimuucrod un tho iMinn with riomeliiiiif; —-'imiilu 11 nuiHu reneuildinu that wliiuh 11

ltnthu tiHi;d to nialcc wht'ti h einn) kopl ii]i tbe drumming until nftor themuviiif,' [if wnfjdiiK) bud 'KIHUGII. SIcmiwliili>

* . Ciuaiinoru herwilf luid eonio out ou heBloop with nn utd fltblifoncfl frying imi

in lior hund to pinpiy tho wnler tmt wit]which him hnd wnbheif it, uud might hnvi'-•• a knifo iu Utr IHKKI wiUi wliiclt Bh

pud ur jtitfuiibly hntmnrrctl tho frj-tugpuiforcMflitl.

The twi

boyri, Albort Hiil imd I 'miik D f t-id Sir. Rubot'H hnmto while

b i I T l d t dbit. furniture wftn being IniuTcil nud dStanhopo along with Iliu moving. After

i R i l r Cuwiiiioro'B l w d l inivny fropoint b

g err B liouiw nud gelt ingof the tiuw, nud ut iiniiio

d S h iy h t ,

point between thuru nud Suuihupo tinenmo to nil t'lHRy vLich WUK tiiHlaind In ..trou HOIIK'IJIHV, AcrobH Ibo }ticmt of l)iin Liyilmiro wnu n Inltfl bearing UIIH iiiNcrlptiou :"I f lok o u t l l l i \nk Uubtr U h "


words to tbnt fllueU Orcr lli Khouldurtlii« era®- van n porter bmtlo lllloif wi th wn-tor—ono of tlifl wilnoj^eH ttHtifiwl tlmt lie

i'd lusted 11 tuid knew. Tho foremost tcnniawud Iho cfllKy—tiio ntlicrn nloppod laImt i t IVIW nnil while they were tliem Ihceo

ivo boys. Hill and Davis, were there u l n ,ml no of them unid lie k u c r who put it

t ld t l l l f l f hf them d lie kucr who put itthere, but would not loll; fo,1 wlifuh i-cnsout h y M'ot do d f d t i th itrthoyTh

l ; , iniado oodefeudnnta i n thol l d t h t i

thoy Moto niado oodefeudnnta i n thoThn State clnlmcd that i t vm n "put u p

n connuirney to cH^rnec injure a n d

itup job"nd lmr-

hi-n con-!])irttcy to cJiHfjraeo, injure, and

lLwthofctlingijorMr. linker; to Uiro himm lo Uio conimiBnion of somo crime by wliicli

bo might boHeiit to hingiiiBh in prison. Itwas a dink ploUo drum Mr. Itnbcr out ofUrouklju; nnd pmyed bin lionor Hint tbocouspinitorunhoulilba compelled togivovurbenvy bull toiipnuar beforo the next Bcwjioiofllnrcuurtnt Nowton, there to answer tiwlmUoover indictment tha grand jury mightbring aguiimt lliem for tho very lieiuouacrime of which they had been guilty. Hishonor decided after listening vary pntionlly.to iho testimony mid eloquent argiiinonlH ofct>\mael ou l>oUi nidr, that there wan uoloiiongh lit tbo cnsti to warrant bis holdingtlm iKirtifes find hi lie lot llio ncunstiil go froo.

Wnltev I. Itort«, for the S" ' ' "

Stiipod or plfiidetl summer cauicl's-linitclotlut, couting from eighty frnm eighty-fivel n a dollar uud Boventy-tlvo r.mtn « vnrd,

"•» »»2d in combiuatitm with de-beige or

l r I. Itori, r t, for clefomliuts.

Ktnto, J. Se-vnrdD. J.

together with tho nmiuid BUburijitioniready luado, mnounting to about #2o,()[H)—raailn tba outlook of tho Seminary very fi>Tomble, aud lucre was no doubt of tho HUO-ccHaof the ofl'urtfl to restore Uio endowmentlout by the failure .of Daniel Drew. T h oTrUHtecs, b e will, v e t o full vf coumgo iw totba future. Tlio Seminary woa orowdedwith HtudoDlH, nnd a CIQKS uf about 20 WOK toba graduntad nit M&y 18. Appltcnlluns badalready lieon indite lo r ni\iolBBiou, to tbc Su-comiufj Jmi ia r Clmw. Tbu roimrtH woro(rrnlifyii%', ami UinrarivnleulliUHiiiHin of theChurch would maVo tho Rfniiufirj' (ho gain-cr r.ithcr t lmu tlio loser by Uio lotts of itit uu-doviuetit. Tlio ]J)OU for conducting thoSeminary wna to cullcclaiinuid KubaiTijJi'of ?a«,O0O for four yearn, to incut thouing oxiHmsos, nud in tlio menu timo to B.I-

iro nn ondovmieut o r S300.OD0.Tliu an nun I cntnlogne of tho Seruiciiry,

which wiiBJUBt been pubUHhed, iiliows thatthoFiiPidty consi.it* of eight meinbeiH. Tho

i\>ot m MndontB is ns follown: Beuior*, 17; initlitlo clftsu, Uli;.Rotihoiiioro clasa

(to bo diRcouttmiGd hereafter},- i'2: ftpec! "coorHP, 7—total, 1UA. Throe BtmTCntH afrom tbo Eastern Slates, C5 from tha MiildloStates, K from Uio Bontlieni States. ISfrom tbo Western titntes, G from tlio Pacific

1 SUiteK, 1 a ioh from Canrvdu, Kuglund, Fn iu rc ,Uiiccilonlu nnd India, und 2 from Uulffuin.

1'iiculty, thcro a m Rpccinl lec-

riimn topicM, luiiouK Uium lliHhonH.H: FiMteK UiHliop 1. W. Wiley, tlin llev.Dr . I. Kelson, t h o l tcv. James J l . Kiiif,', D .D . TliVriy-iiino of iba utnnunti) un* collnga

A fieroarkabla Woman,Tlio following1 i» from llio ,Vci«irJL- Krpo-

rri', a nnw religious weekly :There, IWCH In lhinOolph townahl

.'ady nearly eighty-ono yearn old. _.__ .....born in tlio -year J79C Ucr father wan in IhoRo-volutiaunry vror, nml lived to bo eiflhly-

1'i'nn o l d ; and her mother lived to aboutfsama nge. IJotli wero very inuoh' re -

HTtaatod. Ono of Iwr btotbew netv«il i n ihowar of 1813 nml lived to bo very, old, oa didker lh ico Hifitars. Sho wna married In 1815,and hiu alwayu lived within a nulius of teniiiilen of tbo plitoo where uho wrw born. Sinhail niuachildren—eix HOIIM nnd Ihroadanfih-tem—nil still l iving. Seven of them nromarried. Tlia oldest son IH Fitly yours old,nud tho youn(jest, which nlio rallii her baby,ia forty. W h i t in Romoirhnt renisrlmble, uu-|y ono dentb IUR ocenrred in her family I. &,her ltusbnml nbout Uin»o ywirs nfio. ngedfllghty-lhrnn yoniu. Slio han had thiity-oi^htij tauil-cUldniu, uf. wltlch i\ ' ' ' 'a w now liviii),', nnil three greatdrcn, ofwl i lohtwo n n living. Stniufjo tosny, during her life-time, she hna ucver beenon nr ridden i n n railrond env nud Knysnowshe doii't think uho over will. . Kho with herhutibnnd has been ft member of the Prcuhy-terian Chnrcli for n grent many years. ShonlwnvH delighted U> read, bu t lier eycfiightfor tlia lout tbrca offouryonra has failed, BOtliat now I believe she cnuuot road u t nil,which fnct troubles h e r very much . ITowtitneB have clmugcd ulueo uho w.w y o u n g ;liho can . readily wlL Tho »W lady Bayslhat he r olio tied tlm« In nlmout sjwiit ] uhoJR now very feeble, and GTCU in licr earlierlifa was never very lolmut, nnd tlmt ulia iuwiuting far tlin timo to join her husbandwhere they will part n o more. So mole it bo.

S u e snniiu, Alxrc-h


Thomas Ii. Uriftc*, n member ofEinanuelLoilRoofaooil TeinpLira, nftor along find jinluful illucaj, hnn been callednWRy by fin nil vlso Fiof idtnro thorcfnroItesvlvtd, Tuut by bin ilcatb, Uio society hon

wtnvciipmblonnd worthy in ember. *fitsotvat, Tlint by bin example ns a Icnchcr,

ndhin vohiulilo inHtrucHoiis, bo has douojucli toward HID ranral nnd intclleotua) im-

nrovementof luo nmsscfl of our com muni ties.Jlatotvttl, Tliat wo will ponder well tlm

clenrly uttered convictions uf cur ile*ibrotbsr, who, nfter nn experience of

R lencber of you Hi, gnvotestimony agnluul tko liqnor

being anUtgauistla to tho

balfnunmiatmfflo, IL „ „-.-„ ._ ^of education &ud the eU-valion of tboand we call upon parents, nud all whohaioatraorcgnrd for tin veeKaro of thoAe nboutthom, to givotliQ inofit enraont oonnidorn-Uon to tba qaeslionof tlia rclatinn ot intera-pcrnneu to tlio proper iiwtraction nndtraining af tho vonng.

i«olr«f, Tliat va estend to tbo family ofdeceased brother, our mor-t earnnut nym-

.^Jiies, tntBtinn that ho who IR Iliu "God oftbo widovr and uf tbo futhciiroa" will girothem abundant consolation.

Jlesotvtd, Tliat a ropy of the nbovo rcBolu-

of LoJgc, - a . II. Tlft 'J . EEAHE,II. T

s'.J.t AprilWth, lS7(i.

D Tflfingi,"

Ily onVris.)

Y Com.

nuJbytunhnHobeeiof Wild Clierry

curcil of coughs,t iaIrauchitls, lorotuitut, InQncnia oreduHomp-

Uon. Tha prudent will nt-rayi Ircp tlila stand-ard ranwdy by them. CO eta. and 11 a battle,*• - ittlea much tbe cbenper,.

A VigiJanee Coimmltoo atAu icdigmition lm-^ling wan iivhl jo U11

UuionBcl ioo i l Iunwi i t Jl»|rafconu Jwit wiou Tburtid.iv ,vi;i>»u, tbu result uf pott'Ihieviiig by wv, 1 il .iniividimln IiTiiiu oboi'the kirn, und wh. j . :..>.) become tutolerub]to many nf Ih.- ;•-t.i.l.mti. itcwJuIifjim <ruiwuro wore i«ihsi.l tt|;iiitiBt one Ju in ts Lint,(11 brother of IMOI ' \Aut, who has made binstlf uomowiiat uniorifiiH iu Ibis towu ;) ft

iuv found iii tha uut-huuuj v( a citizen 1lLolnke. Lint bad a ijiuiul jioiuted at binhead 1)T tbo citizen, irhicb causEd liiin to ex-clnfin, '"Hti ld 011, Clinrlic, don't r h w l , R 'I'll no Jiutijc !" Al tliu j n o t i n g n Mniiiulll".v.jii|ijioiuttil to liear toinjdiiiiilN Ttoinpi.011- u ln . Uw MUfcn-il Iniin thitvtK, 11:vntAhtT (•mm.AAi.L- «.>- whd.-.i | d UnliamiulH ufutwoM in imi i^ i . t cirauitnnci'H uml '.'• n-lii;te their WHUIH, that thenny liii no uccc^ity foroiltr.ijre. Tlio p*finti-r liiiN iwin-IiDil many with want, HOC

(iirtwlcd({u of Kevoml lilienil licurlcil citin-i:it tiio luko wbi-re nctiuil «tiuvntiou htared4>nin&ii,ilu-Hlntlia fiieu,lit ion ware immedintcly reliovtil.. Iftliosc

whdlmvt• 111:1.-11 guilty of lhk'via|> lind uiiidekinwn tl»;ir mmlii re lM would Imvo beengiven them IIIMJ. It in desirable that uc'inrsli inuitHiinx \n< Uktn for tliu suppro^iouif ci-rlaiu-parlifti in Ibat region, but if a fuf-lolk-eor M'lirnhig in nol litedt-d hy tlwnhfr iTintt hrr.-ntl-r c-jj.aot tu bu dtmlt withimbablvii litllii man; Nf-rintHly tliim "ucoriliiig tfi linv."

fteligicua Notes-The Millhroiik M. K. S.ibbnlli Kclni:>| hnitli

IWWM In- Ktv. W. II. Jk i t r i du uLd'olLcrellev. Dr. Muniu orcnpi.rtl tiio pulpit of tin

rcHbvliriaii Ulimvli 011 Bubbiith morulngtho EirU timo in hruui! wceku. In tha ovei'ng n union fcervict- of Ihn MetLndUt nuI're&bytcrhui coiifiripitioiiH WOH held in Uinihiircli, nt whitli Ihv. .Mr. Itooney presiilcd.

In tho M. E. (.'hitrrli lust Subbiilh in_.. .ing tlm people pm,unl pledge il about $1,000luwnrd thn pnyim-nt of tbo imstor'u wiliry.

T l i e l ' i s t I'r.'hli.vt.ri'iii Chnruli ofnvn wan nrgiinizL'il in 1740, niacv.1110 liitcfii jiiii.li.i-B hnvu luinifitorcil to it«mgremitiioiiN. Ijwt ytnr Ibis church con-iDulvd S7.ri77.-18 toWuDVuluiit ol-Jocln.Tho following Yncitm-im iu Uio niipoiut-

ieiitn i>F thu liwt M. IJ. Conferouco Lavei-eii HIILII : (liven Vill,iy«, F. U. UUUIMKIJ

Whipiwuy, K It. Jouoh-.Mr. Job

FOR THE LADIES.Tlio nvv centennial hniiilberehief jma a10 »tri])cd border, ntiil Uio figures 1770 cm-

-.•oidertdin tbo coiucni, iu lieu of tho mon-ogram ; l inen coilnrs and raft nra uiula iutho Biuiio way.

Lnco Jackfta and colkriittea, lined v i mright-colored Bilks, nre faaliioiinblc, Theinter, when BO lined, e m bo wtim inler without (1 waist underneath.An odd, bu t decidedly BtyltBh-louiuiiK

' ' " ihito hut of tho old-fashionedAn odd,

"hick and whito hut of tho old-fashionedrougU-nud-ready braid; Imd a hlark mid•vliito croclioted lining, made to fit ilulitly

er tbo brood brim. Tliu onlsido wan nraa-ciitcd with n netted eeiirf, and oMrMi tiiwranged cockado fnaliiou. Anothf-r, the

Jjine stylo was t r i m d ith l d l djlnck.Si

ed cotylo,

aliiou. Anothfr,ed with gnld-wlnr

orgo, uuiko very prully nmluincs.

Tlio Fluur do The ovctJrci^, of Alirciln•ilk, isexcooaiiif-lyBtyliflii, und will bu veriiBhfoiiiiblo for inidnuinnicf w«ir.

Seminary EodowmoutB.Good iloeiTs ns well as bad nro iurcctiotm,

id wo r-o vorj-plad to liear lhat the movin i t innilo by Mr. Stout, of New Vorl

in cnuWinir n clinir atDrew Kbiuinnrr. litI.een followed In thin Htato nml n'tuiitTho lieiru of OeorRQ T. CoLli, of JlorviSown, hnvo mndo n like gift of $10,000 la"10 chair nf Nnw T^tnmont E«B1«,Jld by Itav. II . Huttz, D, V, There in n[tie wora Iicro tlina is Bean iu (bo nioro

innomiCMHnui, fur Dr. Dutlz u m iHwior ofUrorriiitowu 51. }•). Cimn-h for threo

B, wiw very popular thora, nnd IhiH do-nation in pnr t iu ; at lcasl. ft remeiubmucai f ]UHt Rd-vicefl. and of tlio twlccin in which

ii Lohlb 'y UIOIM who know h im best,rho'ltliiir ' Presbyterian Armie'iny Endoiv-

tuent for (tduontioH of ubildron of- MiniK-iow, innnliei-8 of tlin Srwtoti l 'rcsliytcrv,

boen i n r r o t w i by Mr. John 1to S.1C.50O. ]leht iti smiriliefi, hrnr-

,. itfrcwl, weiii (jivun fur the •n.tiioiiut.•Ir. Hlnir pronoun within th r r e yearn, todd to this i-iiilowiiient, ?l;),o00.

A Good Showing. •Tlio nuntial ro|mrt of Iho Towii Tictwurer,

iubliithod th i s week in nnotlier place, dhowsbut our city Fiitbernjiro legiHkUng nnd np-iropriutiug in ucranliini-a with the law ro-miriiip; thorn tu Hvu wltUin limit me&iw. Onn r o Department ucnonnt tho receipts ofoourso wero miiola; Bnmller , t h a n lnst yenr*uil Iho fiipotiHos piviiortiiinably Hiimll. Oufuneral account tho reccipta wero J9.7C5.I2,'ittfuiimt $10,491.0(1 ,lant year. Tbo generalexpanses last year wcro $10,400.90; tbla yenrthayflroS3,i)17, arci iucUonor*l ,489.90. Iu

horL tho cotmoil havo paid out of its iocoron.;2,lHWnftlio iiiunioipul bounds, -J1.000 ofho Uro liuiiiLt, niid*haa a balitnco an Imnii of

-• Atothsr Foot Bridge Needed.Tlio building of llio foot bridge laet year

l o u g t h o e a s t f J - l o o r t h o bridgo on- BIIMOIcct ncrotei tbo caual, nud river, was nig needed improvemen t ,nnd nno- that1 whole eommnuity hna felt grateful for.

t only TCmninfl now to eomphlo tho work>y tlto erection of nnother foot bridge on tlio

UD, o r west nldo. .There nro BovenilIH why tliiB.filiouldbodono. Tho Ran-

ml np]icnruuco of tho Hlroet should bo great-- ochanceil, nnd it would l o bu t justiea lo

0 ownoru nf properly who luivo flagged ilrntIda of tho titrcct no luuidaomcly, und whoi r tho want of it tiro compelled to tnaio

iwo crossliiRs in order to yet to tho imst ofllec,inks , nud other parts of town. Uut tbo•iucipil rcosou w tha t nil town cliildreunud from school cross thia bridgo, tind

cue, with, live Itttgu amount, o ln lhcr liavel,iftflii croud i t iu an nncomforiablo manner.

Tha Iron Industry'Tlio I'ltrjinemnij and Mining Journal of

1st week t n y s : ' •Wo ' amrcpor lcd wdea, in Inta, of vitav^

i,(W0 l o i u . o f J J a '2 foundry Thomas i r o n ;iul , with thin f xticptiou, wo learn of 110 bns-.utss cifnhk'Ii imrliciilnm nro given. I t i sreporlod (Jmt Ktsvewl thouaaiid tona of iron,Uio (jimlitf nf which hiui not trouspircd, havoK'fiit Hold in Philadelphia nl nu tinpreccileat-•dlylow ttpriuv, bu t we a r o o i u b l o t o learn' - prrticnlurH. Sonio of tha Lehigli ooinpn-

. . -Haro eaiTyiug viry im-go Btookn of ironand nro iiicruamnjj thorn. ThiH has a con-tniit tendency to wcakon priced. The Bale

[n iron, roportod in our hut, ifj uaid to... _ joeu niniXa ai $IS, G montha Umo %7itli-)ui intercut. Wo quota No, 1 foundry nt•22 ; No, 2, S2U ; nud forgo, SIS and S1U.

Longwood Valley Railroad Hems-Tho coEo of M. V. BerUioud vs. T i c l o n g .

•om.1 VftUty R . 11., -wiw .tonclmlert i n thelisaex Sujircmo Court on Man tiny. Tho'lourt reserved ita decision.

sBnid tliUrond, as fnrns completed,-ill bo o]«nei l for 1 >us!ni-ra nbout tlio 15th' Juno,

Judge J. I*. Kunotiso, Wm. O. Lathropnnd Win. H. Ilowell, tho Comroissiotioni ap-loinlod tunsoosg tbcdnningo oecanionedby

! -MiBKifio or tho Longwood Valley ltnil-. . . ,d ovor k u d u of Henry linker and Win. FI.lJiilter, met i n Dover on Tuesday nnd ofiercxRWiniuB t h o jiremiBca' ani henrin(r"nrpi-intnlH by II. O. Pitnejr for Iho company nnd11. I). llnlHcy for tbo owueru, ftwarJod theUetwtu Hiikcr 81,100 daBingoH.

Damp Tabor.Tlm TniFttrefl ot tlio M, "B. ( h u p Meeting-unnda nt Dralcuvilb mot there ou Tuomlnv.how wero prosent HoKsru. David Oininbcfl.1. T. King, Ahmm Kloli ami J . JI. ltou-

all, nnd Itevs. II. Van Horn, C. RCnil, J .I. FitZGcmld. J. M. Tuttlu and J. T. Cmno.' 7. Jlr. Coit, wl iovaa ia Dover on Tuo«-

• evening, informn tin that tho groundsnow iiiKplcndidcondilion, thnt throe now

UIRCH Lnvu bocn erected BIUOO their List. Btlnf-.mi.l that bath Icn homeu hnvo be.illod witlt Ice. August 15th wna fixed ns Iho

LIB of (lie oommoticemont of tha next mcot-.-H, wliich \n flvo dnyn Idler tnan last your,(y recent appolntinonlof CoufercDCo Itev.1 r. DaBhiell and Itov. Dr. Bnrliuc will hm

-irgooftln " '

A Desperate Burglar.

OD Tuesday uichtMrs. Kcttio Ualcbler. nwidow trotnan, of rhlllipsburg, was n.wal;cn-ad fnraherulccphyanmuRtaiiuing by. herbcdttiile, who had ono hund 00 her throat,,'htio with tkaotiicr he *<mn endeavoring to re-JIOTO hnr pocket-book fro Blunder her pillow.Sho atUmiiitcil to scrcuni, wlieu tho robberighlenedhiH Braspon lier tlroat and for-udo her malting any nnif 0 at tho peril ofcrlifo. llo tbcu Eccnrcd tho pockct-uook,mtniriing obont $13, anil mndo goddliiB ca-iiw, Tlis tliicf had guinod entrnncft intoLU hoitnoby unlocking thofwrntdoot ^ith1

hkdctou try. BUn. ilrficriiiwhlm as being.lnnjc, pnrtly m«i, with a licaty mena-

iriy $i,im •worth of notca -woro Btolentroni the reaidpneo of Theodora Hnttlon, of

toD, Susses coouty ou Saturday night

Available W&er Power.Mr. C. R. Wcktmnu. ol! McCuiuBville, j «

us a vihit i.ii-Tii«-M(lav. -VoroiiJ wlio has Jt.d,-i'-hly-f(i!ii>iarj,\(i! ia ruiunrJtfibly Lub .LIR memory r^tfntiv.?, nud hifl miiid ctillcltni riMiectiiii,1 Viumii'-ss auvnntagea out} Jo-witious. lu Miiuhiuf; of his roccatmention, in wliicli U- uwi-rk-d that

i-r with a full of bovtuteen feet could boincd Ly tuting iho water from the Ui'

race fit Wiiuhiugtou l-'org* pond uud conduc-ting it to canal plaiu Ifo, 6, he u i d that iohlscpimouaffif lofgixfeet m a n can be ob-tained by taking the water from the poodiUelf, ranking a total full of twenty-threefutt. This ho Bays vouiJ mokco iiiut-elruB

owcr for 11 mauufikclory nt tbo plaue oaoicd,hern then; ia an eicclltut locution. Noroultl tlio power ccaso hero. I t conld l>o

trniiEtnttkii by wiro rope , on rodH, aud fric-tion geur, all through. Dover for manufac-turing purposcw. At tlio Millen wine poweris trouHwiUecl from a little brook in ttfmanucr for acjuarterof nciilB. Thin is fhiiiggoation of on old inon, who hoa hod aou^ mid |iniclieal experience in buiiiiiei

cntcrpritit'N, and is ccriniuly worth curcfiunHidvmtiou.

Capture of an Escaped Prisoner.TJiomns Moore, who escaped from tho iaua-

HOI jail on tlie night of April fitb, vraa (ir-r e s t e i at rn te r soa on Tuesday eveoing byOillccr I'niHck Cluilfbil nud returned to thecus to ly ot Sheriff HOBS, ftt KvwtoB, Thuw-ibiy Jiiornint'. About tho middlo of March,' ' ta oucuped from the Suite Prison, wh

na ttorvhiy n Bentence for barglaryPuten.011. On tho U5th cf Murch ho was n.rented for ft burglnry o t Sparta and conflnnd! u the crrnuty jriil unti l IIIM escape (us ftlwvolut t i i HhoriiT ltona bad offered a reward of

iifty Jolkre, which no* l«iid tu Guilfuil bythe County Collector.

Improvements-J. J. Vreelund, the b a i l o r , hoe contractedr erecting two new ilwcllibgn, one for Clias.

Kmcbiou, on Oniut Street, nnd Iho otherfor John G. MOHC, ou hifl lot near tho ball

-oumRAllen, l'idiiicr & Bon nro hnpi-ovhiu the

refiidouco of M. II. Dickcrson, mi Morris St.,\ty the mlilitloti of n Troucb roof.

I t In fciilil that tho ulato roof of the Preuby-lorin.11 Church has become HO badly broken;biU it-will MIVVO tobor tp tn ieuhy n new ouc.

Off for the We&tMr. Milton IJigolow of Now Foundland,

juorapunied by "Charl io" Sigler of thisilnco, left town 011 Tucfldayfor Falls Cilv,

iibranUa, wlioro (iicy eijujut u> rncfli>o i ni-inrBS. Mr. H.'H fiimily will follow afteri-hile. Mr. IBIUCI Hurd , one of Iho oldesttiiiknta of thin fie ct ion, accompanied this

,-jrty as fur OH Jolict, Illiuoin, wheru ho ox-iiccls lo upend tho TomiiUiler of h i s dayswith liis Hon.

Dedication.3 D. L. k IV, Ituilroud Christian ABBO-

'iutioa niel in Dover ou Tucndiiy to perfect' c rulesgorerniug their organizalion, nud

nirdta nrrnngcnipiits for Iho dedication oft i r new hotiBo ol M-or»uip. Although.to him positively boon ihed it In thought

that Kundiiy, Mny 7tb, will Im ulcabid. Itw cxuei'icd thnt Mr. W. E. Dodgo, of NewVork, und IIou. John Uill, of Boonton, willUike iwrt iu tbo exercises vlionjhey occui-.

Fatal Ilanroad Acoident.Wiilo tUo ore tmin which runs between

'hillipoburg nnd Port Omm' was passingIroadwny on Tuesdny nftcrnoou, n Lnite-11111 nnnied Henry D. Wollaco foil between10 cum nml wax enisled to death iu n frigl-t*.il inniiner. IEo rtFjiden in Phillipsburg,i b n t nc leuveHU wife, but no children.

VicMty A'eit'IA wonniTt immed Dnvcj*. wan Irmtoutly

killed nt Uio zfno mine, near Ogdoncburg,mi Jloudiiy innniiug, Hho WM out Bcnrcb-inyftirliereliihlren, aud whilo etanding'up--n th« trade lending from Iho crashiDg works1 Iho rcfiiuo bank, n cor heavily loadedruck her unawares, nntl, falHnp upon thoHtK, was run uvur. 8uo lived but a Bhorlme. AiieffyttvftB madoto nUractliei- tvl~'ntion .to bev danger, btit witliout avail.—'fjhtcr.

On WntlneRilay inorulup Mr. W. A. TViu-•r, wlillo iu a clouet of H o JJolvideie Dela-KATO I tni lw-d Depol, n t I'liillipHburg, plao-d h is pocltet-book, containing VJ8Q, u p o n n'lelf, nud, on leaving, forRot ii, n o r mlsaed

fur Home Ume nn t r . When lie re turned0 tbu cloiiet tbo wallot nnd monuv wcr«;6uo, and no clue could ho olitnineil nn to"10 finder.

Tlm AjiriV t c n a of ll»e "Wnm-u county-ourls couiuienccd on Tuesday, There a relino cases on tlifl Hnpremo Court Hat, andm-ty-ono ou Ibo Circuft Court Hut A largolumber of criminal C&HCS nro to ba tried, in-huliuf,' Cuuulugbntn for t l o murde r of l i ra .

llnya nt StewarhH-iHe in 18US-The Fourth State Convention of tho Wom-

I'U Chriatiari Touipeianco U n i o n , of New.3rney, will bo held in Backettsluwn, Wed-Mdayauil Thursday, Mav 10th and I l t l i

1870, in tlie Presbyter ian H. S. Honins, com-mencing nt 10:30 a. m.

A-Nowtou cow valued «t JI25, got in to n:clh\r Urn other ilny and dovaared about half1 buKhcl of pickles. Tb.o fumj|y rire" now

buying their milk and bat te r , nn.1 tho hoyaarefinved tlie trouble of driving lier t o the"TflUire.

Tlio J/(icWW</(c)i Ciurf/c wimlfl t o f t t r i ™ ,in PhiladelphiaFireniuu'ii paraao with their

Iwoolil hand engines. F o r ugliness and gon-irnt i^eleemoBH thoy would Buxpass anyth ingit tho Centennial. . "

Tlm Wurrch Journal etatcs ibat tho pon- 'mins CitASE of tho " T a l l Tower" is about

J Inka liU dcnartnra from Helridore. Andro bnil liorte<( no nmcli tliat ho would e ta r






Wu have tUo bent mnorlnunt of

Children's Carriages,

Boys' Wagons,

1 Hobby Horses, Ac.


The Celebrated LISTER BRO.'S

5UFEB FBDSrHATS and SDNS.M*nr»alcJ to eivu Datiifacliou. Also tbo




BUILDERS'HARDWAREr tvnnr unscmnios.

Ttia lailioB nnil gentlemen wilt plcaso boar In

AN C Y G O O D S , &<:,,


Newspapers and Periodicals,






Gilbert's Pure Confectionery.




•tf JIO VEIt, N. J.


JIH0OK9IDE, N. J.ivINK determined to ongago In tlia nmierUV-IR bnaincBu, wonld rcgpffctfuily Inform" ibonbtfe tliat liu bai purchased a

NEW and ILVNDSOAIB HUAItSE,igotlter with borsc*. and all tbc noecsaarr

cqiiipmciits fur tbc Huccc-iiful caiTjing* on of tbobuBinOiB.

METAL GASKETS, COETINS,f i n o u n s , ICE BOXUS, »«a e v e ^ t b l n e V*T-liulBR ta tho trailo. I ilmll make It my bns-icsa to RIVB ray jierconal attention t a ill ca i c ilica cullcil ami will endcftTor ta meet B!fqulrcmciitu lu tlie best manner, at tlio low.it rates.


The Fine Trotting Stallion

Y O U N G B A S H A W !TT71LL stand for the l o i i o m l l i o nttblei DfW tbo mbstriuer, »t rOHT Ol tAl l .N.J .

IOHEE: " Younc BflihawV sire, tbe-_.^ted Mow Eftglinu iJpflh&iv; hii dam a

llioransb-breil mire . " ISow HKTGS DOJ," cora-lilnluB tho choicest trottingsnd thorotiRb-brtdilood. llonouBcoeBramBrknblebeDut^nnlib,

; hii dam.__._»Dollsna tnoroni

t inblabeimbilancoaniltrottinfiictiooj iaa -• - • i r , D v o J e t t r H o ic i , U|luDiUbiefa,

1.05D ponndi; wa* kittrded Firil. _ _ VfoTorly, Now

,873, for lliDraagb-brad idBfliBonrpayab]o In 0U-



iuiilcallonn uldrcficd to tbetbe pronn-im, N. i .

\Woinvjto jour at tenUuufo mi innpoctlci

]Ur itock. OUIi GOODS and PBICE3 ip\

Tor thdmnelTci. We buy our goods direct fro\

10lowest u u r k u t i a n d p a j for tlioin InCABn;

tid have taken unusual pains ttiis lesion t o \

licet A Ktll i i ao r t e j stock of \




Wo huvo just onciicd 1 full line cf



Indies rcudy-iuado SUITS in


For rlclmesB in UEHIGN and VAltlETT ofSTVLE they can't bo beat.

;o :

BAVKitxcEjrEBounsni'xo i toca OP


" tha Tcry beat in tlio world," sllvory in poUiband graceful in ebup* ; alio 1WDEBT8' •



SCISSORS and R A Z O R S ; '






Stove and Tin Ware Store,



E: Babtcritici t k t o pleainro In inrormioj

nntry, tbat he h»B eiUbllihad %&QU tin vtra eit&liUihment at the above I U D S .under the luporriaion of Mr. J . SUITH, wellkDona BB au experienced i to re dealer tna t in-imitti . Tua ttock of gootli coiif i t inc or tlioUtcBt anil moit improved

PABLOE. & KET0HEN ST07ES,IUKGES »nd HEATEnS, hnvo jn» t bcon putin, nod i ro oomcnucntlr tba VERY NEWESTlo DESIGN. HOOFlfcG, PLUMDIhO a n d

u t N d . B t tholowci t HARD-PAN I M C M .Oar itoek or tin trara or otory dcicHption <•

1 also &«w, &nd e t m p , CaU u i a m e oar G00J1before purclianlug efBCwbero.

JOS. J. ooBwm.J., 0=1.21.1,1873. ti-U

Warren Boiler Works,PIIIIXlPSBDliO, N. J.

STEAM BOILERS, TANKS,Staois, Heaters, Euokets,



On Hand and for Sale:Ono 30-II.*F. Itatnrn Fluo Doller.Onol5.&.-r. Uprjgbl Dollar..OncS-H.-r. Oprlsht Boiler.One 1-U..P. nurliootal B«[lor.One!0-ir.-r. l tatnrnTobnlir Dollcr.

BOllHBS RBPAIBED PnOMl'TLYCOIiD-UAND n o n j m s tonaUl or lol lmmlsEloQ. Addrciii


Page 4: Freeman Wood,DCHS of this iiUuil, Inotia-say lo lit* old onn-totnora nu'l tlo cGncrnl-piibllo Iliat I BIIDII nirtiirto Jrinrve tlielr p«lmna(tp,'onJ ro-ilfullvBDlli'it Ibo Fnma



• I 1 ! , , IMI li...*l STOCKOf 7'IECE C1OOD.S W bo hidLIB). I'EDEI'.K, tlm i-tfclimtc-d Tailor. °U




If Vf 1


•'ill l l l".

• ' . I . , i l

fir: ] : .

mild n

DOT™ .

M.-I. !-l

-- II- I••:nl r i i i

i'i!l am

i :



i t . AiU? Uni iliank "M,.

M. H. mncKiiu.vW.VliliEX til'MVil

. . - : . ; r.:i.- •-< ] i.t ; - ' !i liEO. n:i ' i : i : s .-.:iM:slin:tni.

ami rii«|.rat HKAlil'-JIAlli: CI.OTHIXG. (ur Mi

:i, t - I f GKO. m i l F . I r S r..;jt iluor totliu Post Offio

ill lino nf (i K Y I S ' 1 T K S I S H I X G G O O D S u t ! H. u. MCKEIIMH!" ' ' J U I I N HANCE.HLNIiV UAKO, JAMUS 1!. LKWIK,M. C. WIItTLUCi:, O. H. l'AI.MEP..

iOU NEW* I'Oi: TOOK T E O r l X ol Dover anil - - ' - ' • - " •'•'• • - • • — . ' : ' l f S 1 J 0 N ' J 1 I ^ E L

vci-v lu

«L»| . | _

r pilot H nt CEO. FEDER'S, Dour , >'. J.

ty. II yon

y in .:u-- .-.::<] diiMrcn froo from culJ, buy your

7J-.LL an-: TCiTSS CVSBCOJWS aci FULL SUITS,L I T , ; l i M l . ,. : .• : 1 liEO' t 'Knii l l i

I.;-:: .\bu\ i- tlu' -N'aiionul I'liitm Umik, Dover, . \ . J.



Dover Savings Institution,


" I I I C E J.3:

JOHN HASi E'J.OIt^H. I.KvYIS . - .WAi.l.EN.-n.ll. • •

Tl: I'riTIZ Kb:







<_> \ ' J i i t . x . -r. J,iicrj>ool. Qneeustoirii, (jla*-gow, Louilouilerry, London,

' JJristol or Cardiff.r..r TICKETS »n'l I ' .rli.nhj- BIII-II \-

f K. lilXDSLEV & SOX,I)OVEB,.\,J,

•I t i n if , J . -Skt lWiKir .

L'llr^tliywf >hril!,Jiine p l r a l i J D ^

< ttri.1 bsjimn next nftiT! WAIiKKS SKlil'U; i'A'. u , IM7;I,



IliO.N mid Illt.VSS ( .ISTI.N'CiS,



OBAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE,PORT OllAM, N. .1. .

i j i':oai!i :;tw (r;',^!a.ir'.'r';*,,1'i nti.mvF.sT |luTr.^. A!s'i DILUTION (illl:AT lll'.M'AISAND II : I :L\N!) . l e t :

~Td"CAP"lTALIsfsr~ i

A Valuable Properly tor Salo l!

J frum Hover, r lWfur Kil.- liis " [








jTIie Millers'Savings BaiikiMASTEB'SOK I)OYj;it, \ . J. | "*

IAT,,,™™.,,,,,,^,..,,,, ,•„.„„„ I IK A I., K S










UKNKV McrAr.wN, rrcMd. m.

El'HIUIU USUSLfi, Vice PrciiJAY S. TI1EAT, Tnastir-.-r.

linvrr, IVh. 17. IKS.

s o , LiiUiUiiU^ld-scniLlliirl 1't ih-*.Til» .1 iiVan Nils . Mi t , | | l . . l ill.-ilil Wlllijili A. XV "

..(iliiiuKJ .no




Capital, • $200,000.

nil Ijiinj; luniri'lrHr.-.;(.in r-ai.1 vii!aK,.

I i . A t i il Imul <-




Au'iicua UEEUCH.01/.

(ii-lli i l i iny..i !.' l i i i.iJL'ri

Morris Circuit Court.ii..rii limi.

Mi>rrf* ( Winn 75 A-

..uii; " All tlmtl I}

W «K J A C U > OuKur.i r A Pinlil,

i) Hint the nI i

i t l>UT]«>He,.ril, A. 1>. IMtl, »l tlio htiTinwn or tbat J"y.»tj»ut. in Ib t

iHuly (if MurrU ot





A.TAYLOR'S 0 ° " i v J

B L A O K W E L L St. , Orders for Sawing and Planing

13 O V 13 H . .7.

TOWN ().!•• DOVUH.

aw EiiiciinLn IJUILDLNO LOTS !ii i i l i -i-i • '

IMI!I i.tr't^LpibiilrinI ::r.iail. 1 tin IIIIITLVI - |

, Ahi^- i ia i i - l «f i l M-jLcttiJ ttu^L uf



Si!!!«: (mildius i

ti i-nTk.d ui>m . I'ur Icnn

: j i t M 1IIIH.,(

l,:. q.plj'iu

A dim vaii.-tj nr JhtiitiinuiiM. Ulm atmu »ocild.li • , ! . « » lii,| „ lirarj t

** ' " w t ^ 1(jiircp.Oclnler SlBl. 1174.

tiam luilb T.ir nu.l .i,.3-.-y HHIOM anil I!,II

Ilnli^rn,Climnni* Kkl

Oilrt, HiMir Oilliliu nil i:lM Ilull In |,rlto l




MACHINE SHOPS )|Uhish 'Scrantoni&Bitumino

ROCKAWAY, N. J.M.MCITACTT;until »r • \ '

Chill anil Dry SI\IK1 Itolls,mxi nil Ulmhnf


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL SIZES OP



Hoisting Apparatus

l atSliortcst Notice.

Turned and Grooved to Order.




I'rompt attention civou loBEPAIR V.'OIIK.

DLUVULII in nil pnitrt nl th<> Cily uml vill tlm LOW88V HAICKHT l'HIOEH,

i]iiantillc* to milt puiclioaem.


I'm- LniuiiiB in open ^rnlcn. llarni wltli fliwami rr<-<j tram nmoki' and miliilinr. Much

cluaiwr tlinn Cnuui-1 Coal. Alsj



Vllitl 1IIIICK anil OI.AV,


Masons' Material, &i

Bergen Street, near R, R.

BUILDING LOTS POK SALEmi tlin rmil leading from


By M. Sigler,


X X n - l i a ' o resolvei! to reduce the lirlvex> V all crntU In oar lino from thti dnte. Oi

Mori! ol COOKINO ana PAItl/jn STOVES IsIiirce wo lisvo concluded to rtmfoca it wiC A S H 6t LOW PIUCHH, »nd BI x forthironard to t>cr cantomori wo hula n r r i lI'llIZIi Tor t-nch Btovu valued rrom ono(Jollarndcllviir'-a with each nlovo. Among 11k-eJing [latlcrns or l'arlor Blurci oill bo lout


, Triumph, La Belle, Coral,

FURNACES, WITH iiuiisrcni.








"Wood & Willo-w Ware


Iron and Steel,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



'owder, Fnse iinU Miulnj;

Matcrinls constantly on

: hand,

r. Blackwoll and Morris Streets.


A1«O, BOLT. iOHSTI tot


HEATDIO; CALOnlTlu pltmapLi


SHACKtETON'S Steam Heater.TTobavo maJo itcatlDRiritlillot AirFarirseci

anil fctcam a ipceisl itnclj, anil lure irat failoifu snj ill• tanco to giro ciiliro naUifactloD.

in alt Hi faraaclica. HOOI'INO, OtJTTEI»,


ricBty of nlcvancoa given for onj of tJid obo»e

ork in ttlecitr nntl tlirnD|[hoat tfad'eoastj.''

A L L E N & M O N 1 N G T O N ,

""«•. DOVEK.N- J .

jl817©. 1876.


Merchant Tailor,M O J U U S T O J V N , S. J . ,rf !B nltli a ftrut doal of pldnnro Iliat 1

aiiDDUiiCL' io iiij iriondH on:, numi-rnur. i:u-.-Lnuurn, UIIL fur wore Iliun »

QUAHTER OF A CENTUltV,I luve beep alitc tn inini-it.ii- In Itiuir wnntu iii

Cntut I'liuBuiij lo injbelf, and willi iiiyrtiKiJiK

Ii«mlwilli">»fuil'VlLi "rNKW UOOIw'ioKIVPilum better lUUOALNri lhm uvur tiuf.tr.i.

OUOIIII lr« cltcnptr 110* llun 11 icy lave Lfur nar*,»ail vnit hive iinlr In nlon 'nutiO lakea limb *l my 1 INK CLOT 118 and llASDHOilECAHKIM1C1IKH iu iiikliu you turret all »l>uii

HARD TIMES- •The HI'UlNd 8TVL>;S La,,; B(t«l>.r<] ll<»t

liapiiy medium for lunctliB i o J ni»> tliul 110111nottu liosllatfl alioul o rile ring gariiiptitn f.urinjIbny nil! tie out tiffaelilon in » fuw m<utrli«i.

Pur .lonblol'rmMeu frock Ckmli. tbo Krcnclimil English <liat;onal norntml mu UK- uiuilworn, tttid fur . •

BUSINESS SUITSA l l a l^Cil ( i f 1>LAIDJ A n d C1JBCK3 QTO 111 ¥O1£11C

SPUING OVERCOATSire cut inngr, and inatfo or Itlnclt anil Oifuril

tniiod ilingnnala. Tlio

CUTTING DEPARTMENTJ till coutlnniii nnilrr nuown PIRFIOSIL CII.UIOI1,and it will bo my utiuoil t-ndoavor in the rulurn,»s it halt IXJI>O ID Uiapait, togfvc mycuslonicricnliru sst'rfaetion.bulh in tlic fltlmu widmaL-

oftlictrgarments. nUIltTHmauutuurder.__ , a Ml lino at OENTS* FURNIS1IIK0ROODS on l,and. Also a gwO anortmentofitKADY-HADK CLOTHING very cheap.


Morrislnwu, April l»t, 1B7Q. 19-tf

w t i d ' t t i r t of t l i . - .W.iv njiorrli tnad.'furtint iHnrntM", wiliei. TllUItSllAV",*lher'J*tllWiU*j <>1"' " 'iitl, »l tlia hoiirof two o'cliKk In 111.:

nlorc of Horutut L.ll>of it»u(loi|ilt, i inh->( Hew terns, make

MH-*i.imRiiri.ni-*1'> tho liiiCUeiii lildJor, ol all Urn

biul'to all llmVi'llowTii^ j U t ' r l u ' l t m t ' i i f I1111I itul

•if i la nil ol| i)i, In III.' Cuunly of MnrrM and HUlc .ifS t w Jcriey ; br-iiiK |,»rl i»l it curlilii lut of In ml Hint

Kn*a.^"VidliijJo(Tin\i\i|1Ki^tk-luljt-r, lHC'i, nud remnlfit in l*mk C. 0, i n j f :iT r.f•JIFIIN. tun! hum, a M Ihe C-,IIII. r Ff.tlc-n l.-t; nii.l IdcM n i e l n r t ll i it PIIA Cuim-r r.4h-u winvej-i'il todi'iirgc n.l 'otiirr. IVbrimry lillli.lHC.trci'rdcri In 1 I>I|L Ji. 0 of ilceclK. toii'i. JH, SIK] bat Ihe iK'UiuuInu i^riiLr ut Hit wtmli- lut [mlil.l.n »rStiMin.iiitui rind li'ii.lh:[. tu Wiihini 1in tlii; rriKirtHl W M U T I J l ine nf Uio Klrilirldivcy, m J furniTly n C'II-UIT to Kamiicl t \ lli-valine nf Henry (-*• l louud, and nu % cour.o ,twi-niy.ievi.n deuru-i went tix rUiln-i aitd lwUliii-.Uut" frniu • lifith Ktoiio act in tlia ut

LfL-iumilK1 l.nJ.,.1- lr,,m 1).,

UfH31il ]l;llillu]|ili xlr.'1-l I

•1-fKl.t l,.lk, . ...•.•it HIP miti.iii' urul'itiK Ui'MiiiJ.lIc

•!.( the N.1TU.aunt!) .iislily ik-jjru-s anil fi>riy-tlvt' miniih-Hftem iitiii* fliiim uml liltv lilies i m ci.rt.ur of

i ( • 11 on'V>rcl l l rr llniuiil

cb In tint cli.no »M Uoum-r

, ui llile cliaitd l l u of

Minters' Oil Company.1221131 MAIDEN LAKE SEW VOHK,


Lubricating mid Burning,

Oils for Miners' Use.EXTRA KNOTNE,


NATC1QL WEST VIIU1XKU.011« aro cnpcclnlly itla|)tcd lo Blinliia

^anduDBaivrnntoHl lo unit. Siinrni,Vlial*. Oilro, Koaft Foot, tard, Ijib. t CAiU »uJ

Kaniplci fiiminhal on atipJIcotlon, anil qarnUitnpcd in priiuo urdor. 122 ,fc iaj f Huiti.tu Lniio,

. . . . IT 3110 rlli twenty.el gitl ilruri'ia critnii fartr-llTB llnlia to a make Co tbo n:IJO wlinlolot i i cnnvayiitl t o paid PallfL . ...tartu frum • imall b l u t u b ••pl log m i r t c d lor 1jtltneM (0 the u r n e ; then to 3 tlnng i t c Bocnnt

lino aoutli mitr-thteo OtRrcca rant four c lul tn ttn.

. . . . u f Ilin wliolo lol * loath iwi-ntV-untn d e c n eirent (nld bur lny) «lx rLUna ami lyriiulj-iilnt! link.

tbtbegJunlug, tonuin lnc two ane> and forly-

Al»o, tint ilcron>J»iit'« tlRbl, llberiy, mtl prlvilrpit,rRUta and tutereit ornrtnlutf anil drlTlne a tun lid

uf Hid lot of BaldVoHui, OreVtmf Bcrt-flifhtl"t BIJOVU dcicrtbft, t o tbo otlicr landi, and o l

dejttiltlng earth, Uone, crave), TrraUr and rt>m»cmiterlal, ind tl«o Kith full m a anil cujoynn'ni of•uiil tunnel, tnd f nEr*M and cnttM fur all nei-pniry

10 the remaining' portion o f la id lot. " ""Ainu. lh« e i d u a U e Hgtit, libcrljr, . c d privilege (tf

diUKlng.mtiiitiK triil m n J i l n f t u r tbo on», JUIDCI•uU miuerali o n tbo icmUnlng patt of ilia n l dConner F"ll>?ti l o t fureveri for t l i amn, ornriy cvntapt-r ton. willi tint prl»lt«Ho to erect IIUIIIIIIICB.

iT.l.l vrwnlty won

il l ln R tio iinnProury dlntaRpti>pajlog therefnr toiU<I OODMT Fulli-n

n per ton cult ult uiuulln lot iltu orefrom .alJ rem.inju^, art o( .aid wbol,, |,,t,certain Iraia for mluvrais cm Uml of Ham.A f ' ^ t P h w


-Hiifiiic-lmnilrcdtlii a" " certain IwmB for


1 Umlir knrnri

i"bjr one Orrille Urdilieih'ljitf th« IUDD prcniica and ml ting Kivilcucn

Hut vi'N ennvoytd to tlio laid Jaciib CJoeiM, hyd«!<l frnin Ohirki A. Olllon and otbert, Amlltorn,doled Uctutur 1 it, l8Qs.aaa teeorded in tlie Morr.iCoitaty record of decdi In book 19. T p. 4H, JEC, iail

t'ttlieicof u (ball Irankb " ~

irtiie»alJ aitat:l»D«i.C"iGTPWbi)'~li) tlurcc tnrni of «n act *atitled •• An act for llie TtlltjfcrftlltsTH ftKitlnHtaljacotidliifi and alMonttleUtDru.'

A. JDDSON COKAtiillliir.iuio.1« uart-r, Fulimary lOtli, imfl.

Tin' naif) in belialr of tlia abuTDiutmii) parliesitunlu xljourncil Tur four wcyta (tu tiny Itllli]it tliv HBQIU time and p lace '


DitoJ April 20tli, lHTK. ]g.

dm in iinO t.v,l O l t i l l '

•*-*«lil IIx (7) 1.I..11

er line ill tlio 1-31110 h'Jiuil KlXIV.Mi-Vi'n "•'•M one d in in ami r»rtv-tc-vL-n l i n l s |tr uf lun-l nun- i>l jit ram I ' m d . n ; lli-iiL-ii}.'1i IIIIL nr h ; i i J l ' n u k n mirth t i ienl

U 111J Iliii i ilih

Mchmi h

- ID) uluiif; ii


i i l l l 1.111,1 I: illi

U; .»f 'MIM. HoanluiTl: iti.-Nn, (11)l..:i~ a lino ur ll.fe (.aino 'Ih ttv iiiv-^js .1,-

Rrei-i t3Bt fnuikvn i;limim und t.i!iPi.v-tim> links' conttr ol limlHor Jacob lliir.l: tlHinr.' ,12)

B a litio or Uio uamo nurtli mitv-i]ve IIL-B antl iliirtv mijiutci vast llJtotn u-liain?,

iLiw.i l,i luturEpli

r. _Si;n:s7H Tu.*cr,

. - — , . . . T . » . , . . . * . , . . . . , { , | p i , , . 4 I l u l u ) |71 J I" L I U . ] J F L i l

and r..rl5w>ijtlil ami fifty liniii]nj|li« icrc«,tu.lOr^tlVli1 'er ,c"nt i in '"^ 'fif'.r't"'« inJ IHty bun.

THE EIOIITI! TIUCT, 1«-inK in tin- to»iiulii;* of

^.'ri.M-«],kttuati>,l.viiic*atiil litingin HieItik Itf I lirl.I-.U . . . .1. 'xx...x... * » f __

by [k'.-il Iji'irinj dale the m-nt^( pic ..l>fr, Mnlitfi'ii Imiidrttl «rcrrjrtlcil In Hit Mmn» L'lmmy nin IJi'iili U 7 iin<*uH ,12\. At1., am!tliij rctianiil Lv ('UUIMII i'fiii|n nilliichurJi fr)|ii*il:t- li. 11 nflhririi

Ihtl,. A tract of land i-nnvryC'C. Il.irdull, t.v .K-f.l lM-arliiR d.it,--<lay of Oci'i|,',r. >'iJ,t.-L'» tiiimlnine, rei-unli-il,in tin- MorrinCin

bnnk II 7 jiiEP* S7II, Acl i i- iliv r i

rKcI..i-liar(lit fn'' ' t f l



B «iilol; tbi'tx

iht one 1y-m-wn

. ..„ (3|ml a I,,11

imrilnvvntA. Mi. k t r4

d iiuh l Win


>fsMJ .ntT i)f lut VDim-yul IJVI n'it« I.HHir A . M . I I . - A . ,

1*1 ni>riu iii:rty-llvo di-grrp* cpKt i,rii chainBin! li i ivQv*.- lln!i>i to i i i . . HUP ..f IUIHIK ».r tlilifirKiir.silait C u n y , decM. aw) l idnjt i i lmj tliDui-ihwuilei-lvi-iiriicr nt Ihttli it l i n t M!<1 WIIA. Sin In r nnd win- rouvpTi. l v, Msria D i l l oilslito the t ini i l i iast fr ly [•..riiiTi.f Hiotot L-IIUWus Hit, " J l i U L1.1" ut W. A. and E.*Mii<-l«.ii t i t l u J i n - tl,i; l iouml i of this t r a c t ; Ihcucok'Utf Rni<l Mill L'il > r d tlio Im,. ofwaiJ C . w v 'heir* fft) north a n y o n e nml a i .alf <K' B r^wi'Nt Iwn rliiilim nrui eovi'Dtn-ii U'iktS to tlit l t i r t a a u l l l n t of Uukli A. Li |>| . i t , r . ,n'- l . , , , , i .

i W r T f i " ' " " ? ' l l 0 " T " g l U | S 0 " " 'ln'tjiiiuliif.'. ('"ntalnin[{ lour a>

.'i^lit luiiitlrodthii pfdTi nirj .ik-iH^ tun first Im Hitroin Wil

cntymi- clinlns


. Mit-l.-i'r

Tiii> n

rst l tham .V MiHe

i tlii-irl

d Lit iiiflinlis wllliin H

!f! A°ZS i" fciSrmt ami «n» mill J.UU.,

H tho Mm.,, nml Kuid Mill lut •uvnyed tunald U.\\i>\ A.M.i-ktrLv Jol

1:. WIIU>t,m-Mtarucf «r11ieMItl William A. limitend lulwinl M»cktT, Lv d.-.d \mm\g IIKII- tileiitli tin? of May, Hitl/i,.,*.! I.ii.(,lrl-<1 ami alxiitvo.Riifimit yet rii-iinV.'.l. An.i al«), ad m( i i i l t t ml!) l

^ j t j r ^ l i i l t i *"'" luai'liinciy, ii

"- f l eam |;n,WT uii

m!il l lxt lir

ml c

T I I E T C S T I I T I . ._Hgudtilpb, PiH.n<<tt<il M mud lamina l.liioli hviluL'dfi-uiu noiiry MrFiirhu uttJ wifu, b.* ' '

. i)<rtivn|ty Yi'miiirnftliii'irr i'id nixly-sii. anil *J!.'i,rJwf^n "tlio Minil ncrt> n:iii-o ur lu**." KieciitJnK, liunruvi-r, | ftitinty iwonl uf Aau.U, la bitnUT 0 lolii,.,,,,,firm mid M euml tract a ci Main iMrcrl nl Imd i &<!•. anil In BJIJ died Jeicribedjn fullown; All

(.'ouvryed liy Aluxaml.ir Eilmtt ami nifu to tliut a-rtaht troclor piroclur lan.l "•ll™"" •-"•'•""•' which liavy l,rc.i TtliafPil fnmi me* Imrclimritr pariicularlv d.-m-ni.

!>liiiiimil'Biuui^aj,'fi',tt«ru!l(iHB:|]>iUKntidhciiiE iu tlie towiialifi,I.. lib A II | r ..t \9 .. I.. _ —-fc d

ILu lit-ii ut c.1. A tract or linilruiitalriini; fuv

mil ttjnaro l u l , cniivcyi d lo l£<>n.wirlli 1-ydrci] Unrltif,' ilntu ilic ul|Juno. ilelitveD liunaml and hltlorilmlin tliu JlorriB Cuunly rt-cc

2. A tract iiri.iii<lt't-i>[it:iiikinK »i>^

d frtli«

in£si".-pii tliousacd

»-. w.-^.n.... . .. . 1.1. ,. i.uMiiilff uHtl? tnttTlTCIIlV"

niftlit, ri'minliiir.tt lilu Atorrii. (Viunty rwdti ofileeilii in l.ouk I 7 1'BKI-H 1IM, Ac., mil DM thewemiclli .ley of Jauiiarv, i-igbtiirn lintiiirud

xty-nlni>. iclfsnej liv Cunnd I'oijpfiilm-y n , iclMGiln fi-om Iliu lion «f bin

.1. Alroctf.flaiiilrfinlalnfnEqilarc teol, Cfinvrwd '.n Lfuby deed Imnrim; dale tlio lic l l t h d l d l

ai4.AuruO r

ADJOUKSJiD SHERIFF'S SALE!Bwrfu Clnwlt ftmrt. MtUblH 0. Wblttock

id Jinipi Ij; LentR *>,. J thu H. Oitrk andliiuk'r? K. Clark, Fl. fn. c]u lion, ct tor. Inwo. licliiriiahla lo January Term, iH7fi.

Ni^Kmnoim * Burxn, Alt j ' s .HnnU Cinnitt O«ort, Joinns J. Cutlt.r v*.

L'lmrltH E. Olai knud Jnlin K, OlurJt. Fi. fu,do l)fiu. t t tor, In MHO. Itotartiublu lu Juu-nar.v li-nti, 1M7D.

JA3IKJ J . CUTLEH, Atl'jf l'rf.l.

MnrriH Circuit Gnirl. Eilmn Bnsi, GcnrRtII. !!omi and Stonlicii It mow vs. John H. Clarkntitl I'liurli H K, Clnrk. Ft. U. do lion, ct tt-r.In fane. lUliirnal.lo Scjitember 7111, IBJ5.

riTSBt & TuCtiODLflUD, Altj'H.MPITIP Clrmlt Cmirt. OlmrlcB F. OBBO Bnil

"homtM J. Halxi v TH. Churlos tl Clark niitliilmS. Clark, t'i. fa. dt< bon. et l«r. I L.'bt. lli-itirnniitu to (J^toW Torra, 11475.

rrls drcul l Conrt. Malthl.ia C. Wliltlook

trr. In citne. iUiturDivliIti te Uutobor Ttrmv Bairn, Attj'i.

tifknO cnntaliiliiRCrtcrn tlwuianuconvtijtd u Uantul U. Wif!(;lu« hyi: tlatu tlio twe 11 tv-olentil day uf

kti i fauoilrml »»J tJilyuine, n*-

rnluneil by Conrad jop|inili..,vIt^liardx from tlio lieu ul tbuir m


id Uuargu

0. AlraoUiflnnilconititiinRflricCD llmuiandjturtj fuot, CUIIVIVMI U, H«mnrl Tipnot tirwd licaritiB tlalo the Hrnl day or KcfUuint.ur.fghloDD iiuuilrrd aiut ulitv-tiinc, roiiitdL'i) ini« Murritj County rtrnnl of Oceda lit Imuk It 7

)>i>KL'KUi:)..Vc., anil uu Ihu n m o tiny rd«a'«d

(1. A tract f>rl»ndcniilalniti(r{lrti'Ci) tlmtmnndKuanrcfM't, cnnrtj-Dd to Murv Jatio ltlehanlHW]fU ol ltolKirt mtiUrCn, by deed K B J ihtntliu first uoy or t-pplcmurr, fiulitfcn hmidip-.l— ' --'• - ' - . . - - - •• „ , . [ , C o

2 5 , AL-.nd Vnyitlio Uc

7. A tract ot laml notitalnfue llilrtv tlmtifssqtiaro funt, convoy^ tn IHton II. Vmow. wofl'cler K. I'ITTBO, by dnrf bearingdat« I(lr«t day of * • — ' • - • - - • • — • - •- -


— _.—4. — _...»...p n i t 1 ot&to o r ».«,..iltualo in tlio vilhijo i.f Dover, nuil

iusut a aiBko ylauditiK nn tlm imrl'irnur or Wictnil) and Enhti Bindrunning (1) BIOJISJ UIO nurtli tsiito ...

till btrvutaii (jiii;ii>'i.i> bill ui i l ; nurllitlvoof \n vrinlynliiu linLu i Him of

IullLT and I/l id; thenco (2) along said huenorth flirty tlglil tlcKKcs woat I Q W ty-dglitlinks toacoruiTortboKinio: then en (Ul uloucKDolbcrllnQur islil Fuller and Lord seven u<ciglitanda. Iialr dvcrcra irciit ronr etiwtn (nniiollicr corner ot«tliu eanio; thcuco^) alonuanollier liu>f or tbc tame sunth oi^litT-tour andKliairikftncairnliiuvBDcbatniRna'flfty'llimlltiki tn miolnur corner «f ilia same; tbnnco(.-» along •twllit-p lino of tb« same norlb tnmitvciSl't &nd tliroflijtiarltr drttrtS oint I b b

mut-iiiiio, rl r d h

pleniUnr, fiKlitrBn Imnt-iiiiio, rrrunlcil in tbf. MOITIB Con

orcl r d t u h in l»o.,k 11 7 p . . , . , 25, AL-.,Ihoaanin tlaj ro'»micd hy ilonrnd I'mi

IOD and aflorgo t l k l d r tltheir niorlf-a

dnct! Waring dat«ighteen hundred a

i l r i t ' t

y dnct!Slarcli, eighteen hun

rccordi-d fn tlio ilorria t'ounIn bock V 7 pages 323. *<•„ a

y 1-chonrd liv C d I'


p.'\V. 3IKADE,Trcnsub.-P, CBA1G. Agont.




Tho Old Reliable Market in



NEW BUILDINGBUBHBX StlTEET, two tloorn noath r,r tli«old BlftDiJ, will hereafter foni.iili choico




CINCrNNATI HJUVI3,in beat In Uio wartct. "W8 tniki >n«datlvIillUns »U our own meat, and Uierororo knowat It u of Uio beat, All kinds of

Morriit tWimnn rioan. • Aitxindcr Wigliton VB.UliRrfni E. UlNik nnd John H. Olarkf Fl. fn.' - l»ti. «t ler. - On Doc to led Jml-umui..-turnabk to Octolicr Torm, 1B73.

15. M.AYinTK.Airy.

MmrU Circuit Cnner, Itlcliani OnirRc v*. JolinH. CLuk mid Jdtui 0 . Cl.uk- I'i. In. do banut ter. In em\ Hottiriublo to OatnboTrim, Una. TKO»AH ANUKHSOK, Atfy.

uiJ^nrnndV wk^plarp at tU? ulnil-iVugu!Hotel, In aiurrUlown, N. J« on

. MOXDAr, MAVUt,A..n. WO. bntneen tlio houn at 13 M. ...ml ,o'ctockP.31.17-4W JIlSSE HOFFMAN. 8liorilT.

SALE,F0B TAXES !Suttee in luivliy Ckor thit liy \.tlpa;nt a

warrant ftEfucd liy tlio Town CMimnilloe'ottlicTon-nuLIp or Ji-lLmon, lu mrtlieHiouicalii.ilon nnimprirtci. bn j IEBCSKI d to tlm AuioncanMutual Inmirancc Gi., tlio Collector o! anillonrunlilp will soil nt l'UCLia SAUi, tor caslit WOODtORTHOTliL, ou

WEDNESDAY, May 3d,187C, bclwcon llm hours or 13 and 5 o'clock I1.M., FIFTY ACIlliS of hASI>, Hltnulcd near ItnWVtdon Sliun, Itmiitu if tlio J.itiucon lol, for tliiusc i fertile year I87i; umotintof l « fit 50,Inttretit t i OR, and coitp to bo added *u Jar .sale. GR1. W. ALL.ROH, Cdhvlor.i Dated Febmary Mil, 1W70. li-li

ORO. lltobirdt rrora the I.en or U B g f !8. A trnct or taml coBtalnlng; two linmhcd

and forty-Mivcn thousand flvo Lnndrcd wiusrofoot convvyed 10 Itichard George, hy derd uoir-Insdtto tho twcnly-Mcond day or Ftbrnarv,ptebUm linndrwl and ieroi.ty.ouo, recorded iithe Horrtu County rociinl of iiamb in book A apagps 510, Ac., anil on tlic sumo day reUumod by&.nra.lPopncni,u«:tiaiidal'orBul[|i-|Jar(li.rroiiithe lien ol ilicii moMBusin&.nra.lPopn

the lien ol il s0. A tract or land containing tiro t ITen hunilred and Jirt.v-uiuo an-urn fvc

y Decit vasty, rceorclecil* iu Iwok A

d d

Iiunnnnty., and

» t b o M .0o day r,t,v.:-;i"bVi.w 1 F ; , ; ™

liucen rrora tlio lien oi lim mortgagy.

10. A tract uf land containing flftocn tlinti-

BiSSiS.1;:! 'HSi wjordod tn 1L0 Wcrns County rmird of iluctln tnwjfik B 8 |.agi!« lttl, i%c, and on tbi- sainu daylliclmids (rum the Ikn uf llioiMii'tirtKuiiuH"'1'"

11. A Iradoriaiid ruDtiininff aev.a ib'ia'uudfive hundred iqnare reot, conTt-»e:l to Am\j<port, wire or William T. LJ.porl, |»

^• r-«n?UMl2dB I W r 'y" f i™1 r Angual,

rm.ul Jlimi dnrlli Fcvcniv-KiiandK tmlr dcruciwwl ihrasabiluHBtiilllitjllukii; tlienni

(7)imrili tiiirly-anc di-|;i'(-i:H ncyt nil cliaiiiiid llrty linhH; llitun. (-.) north slxlyomBri'eii truat «!VPii cliainH and mity-oiii) finkai-nce (U) nnrtli iliiny Jenrci-u »(.8t ono olmii

andUii[|>-twolinkUu tlio HWVIIIB I " " ' «' t\t*Mmrli Canal 1 tlit-tice (10) ahmg balJ luwiuuJin tli BUIIIII KOTrnty-Hix (U-cnfea WPB, imiochniiiB; tliuneo (II) sou ill Nitvtlirco am] a

u x llnki |u ilio diet Hide orBE*a(!i fltwefj(banco (l'J) ilnns tliu cant iIUo of Bird taseimnctoilj i i t t l lyla],! out •oath Ikrro dPfinicglaatciuu-n diniiiH.ud ninety He I it linkn tu tlicplaci) «.( lM,-|{iiiuliij{, coiitahiiiiK twunty<iRblw n t n i u n tor fa»«; lauptlnD ttierclroin. hSiv-o»ar, a (iertoin lot uf land ui, tlio nnrtli-cnutcoriii-r of USaoiwclt and ]i*H'i streets con-vcytd liy uiil Hunrjr McFirliD io deorccnicliirdt.. l»,v decil orcvon dulo, bcrctntli lielneiwo hnurlrwl ruol on BlncLntll Direct mil run-nliiK back l o tho river one bmtilnd ttat, mureur Inw, .'..nUiliiiiff twenty tlioiwanil uniiaruiriit mure o r ICHB ; eicoptiag, liuvmvur, fioniu i d tcnlii trnct, cortnln parculi of Uud cnn-Yvyiil by Vlciander Elliott and irife In dlsprnput am. R, nlndi iuva IICUII rcUamiil liuin iliulien or ciiraplmiinijt'ii wortB»GOi m follow*;

lei, A tractor land cou tain ing flvo tliomo"-'Uircu liandTCijI and snvenly-Bto aqiiarn rLu.

bntjuff d«l« tliu Blxtuentb ilnyof Beptumboi

7 pnccH l « , Ac, ind on tlio Mimft tlavV-imstiby Coiirnd l'on'oubmwii Iroia tlm lieu vi LinUiorlfiagc.

2'V £ l r a . e t ", ' I a D d coolaiiilna olovan ltlo,,-Rand Dvrj hundred square reel conveved toCliiirlea Watson, hy deed loarttiR .la"to tin,BistoEiitb day ol Keiitoniber, eighteen bundredand ilitj-joTCu, rwordtd hi Uio Slorrla Count,

on tlie sMiio day relunw:huncn frum tbs lieu of hi

"" A tract of land

'agin ttrj, .tc., nml on tlm mtnn day roliy Canml l'oiiponlittscn rrom tbn lien u


4th. A tract of lam] contaiujnire fc«t, RHIVOIHI 'to W»jn» b d d hoarinC ilflto


flvr lillll'll'i'l Equali1 fn't, cullfi-.'i'd If. CitiiKicliiinls. I.v tiicd U'arlUf,'dale Ilu IHU-i-lay <.r l i m mix r. rif>htrcu Jiaudml *wl «i

dutda iii'Loti T 7"jii,Kc't, :KJ7, , \ I " ! nuVl nil'

fn.ni3 tl'ii'licii'I'l/lli'sniurlVa'^'." * ' ' ! 1 > C " ' "SOtli. A tract urhitiJefinlWiiiii"

convt-yid lur imlcuT. U(.lTiiiaii,"hT IIL-I d 1>ins djlc tli» iivtnty-llltli day of June, ficlil

!,' Hvn [liou]|'.?lianlH, tn

ty-flm day otvciny r c i

p g , , , nrwirnd IVpnuilniicfrom tbn li-n nf thti

?8d. A (met of lamI

livdFiil lJ .ai inj ,dat i i | | l t i | 1 . tdjv, i f l ) . i .ciRlili-tti Inm-if.-,! und Hcvt-uty, k-fotdr-lMorriii Cuiinty ri-cird ol'tU-c-tlH in IMIOI

[IURI'H ;',7D, ,Vc, UIHI UU tlio sanut day n-l•yCoiiraill'oiiiHiilm.fii and (ivurjiJ Jtu

IYUII ilit'Iit'tt uMliL-irinuilsafi..!!.

Sttli, A tract of laud roiitaiii.ti;; tl.rtw iai»J sixiiurnlrctl i,[)iiari> fu t , cutivcud IoI1airhiu.rte.ij- i l .nl biuriii« dale tifi- iltirlday r,t May, iiKlite.-[| Imudi-td at,il n-vt-nlrnrili-iliti Hit* JI"ri-isC'.)iiiiti-r.-.-.)nlurdo.l«.i.U A«iU(.c.il!Hl,Ac.,Bi;d uu tbtmmrtlciiMil I n i ' i u u l I ' t l U


i. miuul I||IL- lieu

•i5lli, Alra^ti-f laudml aiinarn lurt n.uu-yt-a |


FOHEiaN inn! I)'



IS, etc.


HATS and »B,



CHOCKKUY. Tin, \\tAVillow War

Ciroceries nml Vv

' ""'tliiiig' i"u t'llu^UiulVfy



Iron, Kiev] mul MiiiiitH Mulorii



Mndo In two inmilliB. A Wall St. onortliun

On.. No. U Wall St., wlm dual in 8lodt M t l .r, linvo jiaitl this uiiarlnr,iiH t l l u i i,. .1 rumunt Uiinujf thin hliot-t upace nf iin,e

. - - - . . . - .'innpiiitnt l»»...-BCl..,r,mid DHHiMuntK. tt Uli tlilnstro.it,' Tore-" thrr ar»uttcii ciiiii[iL'llc(l lo ri'innlti nt llieir work uniiimidnih'lit. Thisi-m-rin'tic tltui well diturv,"

ktiuukdco I ho I tlicy liavi) palabliuhrtl'ibHhiiHiniRi' ill tlit- nhtirt «i»iw ft flvo year*.

Tlicy I.ave ciiKlnnicrri wlm reside In niniu-vni'v Hi ale of ilm Uiiiiiu, lim Doniinluii <,ilanada ; from lli« loland of I'ubn thry rcriive

r and 1 u ^ , H,f:nn midKH, Cu t NHIIX, I l u i l i t . r s ' Ilu

mitt t 'HriK'ii.crit ' T I IUI "indM


n'l r.|,]a>nlinMru

iti; tlalt ilit wrtil v-nccuy, ifi|iuvii lii.udn',1 nft.1 arr

in tlm Murris Cunnly n-purd ih p«f;« tilt ftc, •t./oi. ||,D a

27tli, A trlu»cRxitiK

A,JiKl,on rj• i l l


>f Matult, 1

record'ol dirdu, In bunk- iluy rcleiiB-t

lieiiciiulliiHml t]>«]iiieii-

T.Bimliolll.ydc.u " of April, (' '

i'Jlb. A tIU,<1, «|f,,,rlnUi tlic t\\Ired and m

of land ccijilnioinj: tiro t

1 ilio liia'of ibiT land coiiv.y tltcd beari

Uiiortroir tnorlungeH,yiii to William II.JB dato the tenth

ujnire fc«»jn»» by d e arinC il'lay ur AiiRost, tinluroclsht, ronriktl In tlio M•ned, i i k II 7

inC ilflto Uio iwflonlurou Iiumlrcdl Mrrii C0lmlj




Mechanics'and rermer'Ipols.

AND l'Oi/KKr CUTL!-.!,


IlorKt1 HlmentiiclNiiIln, nnrriftg1



Hay, Sirav/ and Food C urs







Blank K«j-« mm Keys F i


S. H. BEEBY,Blacliwell St., near Morr

IRON IN T H E BLOOD.t'lilllt, isini- Tin., ' . 'Ilillut'llzii 1 , „,, '

ui.'"™!1, '.:?.. •,;•:;«,",•

.-.lil^. III. .rti,,^

ii'iV..i.t'"iit^i'V^.? "•' '""^

»i.i-.iiiy«.,t ,,.,;„,„-.i-ullyciiri'd uj tliL- nui.uf |)r. IVIKIHI'H V,Jml ,nr Wild Clmi'DTwhitli Aon* u<it ilrv un n . , , , , . ,en ]1 kiivt- Itw'vauou l-.Jiii.'l, AH I , ihi-nJv «l7li

i S x i r ^ i S i i s i ^C0NSUIVIP1 ION CAN UE CUBEDliy n tiniH.v K-fitirt Io tbiR .IniiiliuJ rfinedr U s

li provi-d lir liuiidri'dM nf tciimnmala ITiiu.

S u ' l T ' "oti'tiiu^rai'iM'r.11 Gu"clV!SaniiFn!n lli!'Hi-; lari/o Imiili'S Hindi tlm cbt'iniiT M'TI IW. rOtt ' l . l i*SOSS, I'niiirictiirf, £ t a l M...Sold liy dialiTi sonfrally »1»i 1U».

IHCuilen'-rvoM." tVu"'xi'Sifl*l miiS^SSrauarutnii'l'iyid In ailend to their UIIVITIIMIIICaccounts. Tli.'lr fardH may bo read in cvrivUl«t-clflff.iic«'f]mj'i'riiub]inlk-(l | D Uio UiilliilStittcs, Uo thin liny nltribnta ft portinn n!Iliuir im««!,.»i.. Wu ndvinu Ihohu .Wiriii|> topliKc turir biiiiiiK-'Kri with a firm JUIHHUI'KLIIL' thuvtr.v IIIKIIMI rtcord Tor Bpriclitufus, anil irLnwjinlut-l tbHp IJUHHI-M uiHJii fn i .w iiriuH| 1, s,In il'til <vith IhirtliiiiirHi.

Tlitv iimi WHO n w.-ckly ri'nort nf ll.r nnull-tlun ot ntluliH in Wall Hi., wblrh tboj a r c h i l

irHiV"n/ir'iV.-1i^*MraVllILAit,"M1!'y!Nc«' Tork UOUMKIILIAL AUvmilnmt tta%> :"TliclUnkins IluiiHorif Alf*. lrutltiiinhsin

A Co.. So. 12 Wall Ht., bnH In .IH (n.jit.v 1:

Httu'lt iirivlliKPllriiiHWiioi-iiiiiiur'in.uitiiri'f'i.1,his nun, Thin firm have iwlaltlmlied Iliifirmtire. , during itiu hmt tivn yi-uiit,"

v IMILVMIVH MJH :•• flii'Hririi. Alcinncicr Vrotliln^liam A Co. will

fniiiluli <<• Ih'iBf diflihiK to liiVfHt iti Will Bt.,ui]t]aiiaton rliculniH runt anting dotailt-d I'ati •niLiitH mtd iiiinUtioim, und man/ "inilnt*" otLTtBt VR1IIL> lo tbo iniitinlcd. TliPlr nfliou U atSo. 12 Wall mrwt, Kuw York Cttv."

K K W 1'iiiiK GnAiiiKj HIIYB -'-TliisntUi-fllalJtbhcd 1

for • ' " f l

AstiiitirAx.iui'iiNALHaiR: •"TlidRuliulilin^ imiintidd'.nblo WIV|]P(TJ

mi Lalto H],,.rr, l'attilu Mail, Erk', ami A'cst,..,-,!Uiiiidi Trkftrupli, liavc realized lurgt IHPIHNilnrliig last fi'H'davii, Ono I'romlnpmiinenln- itor Hosi'tl D ]»ut on 10,fl») ulinn-M of ivr) Unby |rtrliziiisaprulHofnuurlyf3I>,OI10. Tl>ri«liav>> 'been ilnriiij,' tilni'tn dnyn, |>aid to oTirtu dftirlvihwa over *3,iX)0,(MKj lij various hoWii in <Uin fti'ttt. Wo oro Intulmoil tlmtSlLBHrvFiDtltiitfllmm A Co, paiil tlio Urgent two unf,oiiil that tlicir ciiBtnnient IISTO boon lire nlilrndvlKi-d tliau llmito of ciiy othur Unix J

Auiisv ].vt:»isoroBT Bayn: f

lirv oner rutilUtlca fur rontrollif nbarri^tliotHiK-k iiirukol mom liberal tlii can La

fuund at any ntlivr liotite tu tlie *tri.'V A tie-prnlt nf MO idll Ulslilo a ]wrson tn c iroi fiftyilioroi of any nlock valiial nt t-\m':M thlriydaVH. A larger (Icpoalt Will of coumilnv jnntocoi.troUTarBcr.DumltcrofBli»r.fiAi.opoiiiof fl,DO0 will control ona thottMtUliaroR,valued nl $100,000, for thirty dayi-fbls ar-ranRCimut onnhloi n fiereon of Bmallipltil lacontrol a very largo buelncgn; so tbalbe mmif onbrmr (Bat onca nu ton i levol-irltUie mm>f wealth." AadniHR ,1

ALEX. FROmniaiXAU A CO.JJDVOM12 WAU. ornEBT, New Y l ^


ii aitli, ls,oJ ' l n c t a » " ' r r


«)t on hind AI toon 11 tboj tppeir In tliomitki'li, andioiaalroawLbfBprlcci. . '

Tlm UiBuent tnarhct pricoi paid In c&ati, loroof Uidc.Wal SkiaaMJ UliiopBkini, bought

••'is market. Caitomsra mpplitd by WIG onleiilayi, TbnrsJaji andBatardayi.



THE CHEAPEST.aadiomcit and theB«it.

ALLEN, t . t L U E I i & SON,

iwmepartdnlilt oil™ facilitiei for p-jt-a BUTE ItOOFIKQ In fill tba varloni

nUnationa of it jl«, s nd colon which ma* boline*] or rctinlrcd and irblcb Ilooflnc £Uto ilemlnnitly (juallfltd toproilnce.in bcit quality of 61ato will bo oieil and

• work warrwitei] to nroOaco all tbo good•ctt of & tlglit and dnrablBfoof.

Morris Circuit Court.DAVID GT«KEH. JOIW M. 1 IM CASE ON

I N Ucliracitklttio in It or thtilrykor and John Jt, D. Bat-ncifioodi and l t t l d

and John Jt, D. Batnci aKOihrn Uiofid nd eliattola, monojo and efftott, HKIIUnnd credits, UuiU &tiil Uncbcnti of Uio «aidEilward lUlpatndt, ma i*»aei, ont ot (lid Cir-cuit Coart or tbo sild County or Horri i :rclnrnablc and retoincd on tlm aovcnifintl.day of April. A. D. iflJG, by the HUcrlQTof tlioCuunLj ol Siorrln, ror (ho sum or K.X hundredand nineteen dnlUra and twonty.flve cent*, anilthat A.Juduon Coahaibooa nnnoinlnd Audllortherein. WILUAM UoOAIITV, Clerk.

KEiomioun A Burnt, Attornoja.Dated April SOlb, I117C. 19-8w

toi-ty-cigbt tbounnd m hundred anthflbccjiid, niucly-twotbomaml thr

ir trwuiuFcoli and tlie ijl<r.liiKitKcIvctboitundiK

] Um eighth day of C

^nriiU^'iwnhniiiiiaSIia^Sdlliil llieir uorlgagcB.

- t r a c t of Innd containing rr\

15 tli. A tract or land nan tain in:; Hvn ll.i.iiO"in<"« ' ' ?onill:.v«l 1° Abraliam Sfrno;ft olff Hiinoii. by deL-a bearing ante thu tniiitn day of AuRU»t, rigbifcn lion a red »n(«istj-..lBr.l, rocorded lv tbo Morrii O o u n tvrecord of tfeotia in bm.U H 7 pagei 1^9, *c° »nJ


R 1 " W A T 0 H ElV4I,In«I. ELOIS Si nOWAJlDWilOft

J'ncf. rednecl Imiilj to 11,1,1, p c r C

io oiino day rtloaacdn from tbelieiiorb!i

Olli. A tract or land coiijiiaro r,el, convejod•if«, by do« boirlnB

y Kinraiortc.aco.i i D

.aco. ,taining Dvo tbousand

o Jlktfinl Clin ailI. Iho tlfll, « , "„

7th. A tract or laml containing ten I

ilrodiDdiU,County rrcoiAc, mil in tlia Bioifl day reloa

&J.^t2All Hint .rrtnin |rsc« (.ri.nr

iroitiinen. liurcinaftcr fmrtfcnlItnalf, lyins mid U-ina in t

w " r V ' J u t 1 1 " V"?" 1 ' ° r M " r r 1 8 »«> st>lu or


MONDAY, the 22d day of MAY

SHSErlSSlSi'J?1 »»' datriW „ blton j IMnt pafi

Morris Circuit Court.;rnnAXM LmpsLtr, FSASK n .LinmLcy, partneri, tradingav Ii. LcHDsunr & EOK, VI.Joni(II..Cttinfiao. . [ ATTACUUXST.

on tb&l iv writ of at-

Jt of tbo above namedan»lnit the Roodi and eliattolr

monoyi aud crfecli. WRIIIM and orodili, lam'noil t nemoDlB or lim mid John If. Cnnminiwai lH»ard oat of tlio circnii Conrt ot ll.rConnly or Uorrii, on the alxtli diy ofll.rcb.A. D. 18TC ; rctaruablE »nd relumiil Into courtOnly aiocnted by the Sheriff or aald Ootintr, ontlio thlrteentli <hj or SUreb, A. D..lB7tf. Tor•»•-"— ^ — • ' — ' anu nrty-fiTu dollar

UCCAHTY, Clcrlt.

tec] by trteentb d u

of o n o ftaail iilty.tiro centir,

WltLUM^FIOBl.ocIl*8lIITa,Att. Dated April J71L, 1878.

lOtli. A Iract of land conlainins DUoeo tl,r

12th. A (ram or Und coDtainlnR tirf t1

'nd^qutro^reot, convBj«d tr - ••

u utsltrly bank of a ditch j tl'cnce aloiipnmo (2) north twentyai^ doj-roei 2nS

.wn mlnnl« w»i two linn.lred ,Bnd nlne"vo« , tliopca (U) south fonr dc^n-vK west fonr

1 ) 5 ; , ' , i . ' t i f i ' T " - * ^ """,.f° ' " • • • " " • • • *litiililliii; Ilioncp d l o n i ' (Iiu pamu a t r ip l I. nrllli Ilio IlilrJ lino ft) TOU SJtS 'J i

Morris Circuit Court.

NOTICE la htrehv Ri<, tapUnmutat tlioai

Ciinrt o'ftlio Oor Kovembor.Until d.y oINovamlor ulnu hundred dolh

i. Hiat a writ or _.©fLeri 0. BroiiBon,

-..TCr£.CraadalI,p»-Uniwnod out or tlio ^-Irtnlt

' , ou tbn flrtbfilornaLlo toia.5, fur tbu i


aiV o?M. I). 1B

l A

nrril, o7 5 l l

• . decrees <;a<

lalolDB Bil BCToa, .Mil, i c u i i , . .

]:itli. AtractcnntalnlnfArnint. convrwd to CharlcH F. G_ou , , , u l l l H B X > ,hclo, l.y iWd b o , m 8 Jato Ibo al.ll, a . ; orcbrnary, clpbtMin tiamtrau BQI) BiaU-ii Boccorikd In tEo Morrl. ConDtj rL-cord of dflrUiI

-J bonk Is 7 patBB (la, JC., ina on tbi .am!JIBJ relta.cJ fo ttonratt ropp.nbn. °a Ironi tbo

NKIOnilOUlt Jj BMlTn, Attorney,,.DitcdJanaarJ 201b, 1810. l|).n

Morris Circuit Court.JOHNM. D. DAME. TI. THE) K, CASE,

alisEaaviLLi COAL AXD }Iuo»0u«rAia. \ mitinnarr.

aOTIOE ll h,relij gl.cn Ib.t « »nt el 4 | .1 Uihigrat a lb. mil ar llie abem named

UintilTaKaln.nbn eiuto of" Tbo Minor»i|riial anil fn» Oempan," »,» l.awd ent Vr 1

Cl.enlt Oimrt or Ib. Anutvol Jo,™ o , \ L.evrntudajr»rJannarj,A.b.ie70:ietnr.,bhSo B«6.<;>i>><l>«'1iMi»>7, * . D.1B70. lir


•NEianBOTO* Blirra, A l l o r i 1

D»tcilJanii«rj!0tli;iB71. • • . ••



For Sa'lo by

E. LINDSLEY.&SON,, , .„ Blaokwoll St., Dover, N. J.

Work for the UnemplojiFrTIIETIIISTLE EDITION IB Ibo tlj fully

iHilHtnttoa odillon of H|r Walter 6o>tl^

WAYERLKT JJ0T1Sor Amnrlcnn make, anil In " tbo la'Bt itlon oftho Vest EiiRllRh iioirliBt." The toil are

" ndanl, and will Bell for ell tlmn. an ma-mlcal excoatlun la ot tho I m t . 'Dprioo It

ui illO loWL'rH, AOCNTI WANTED IVEBTliaB, to 'vbotn llburai icrma and cichulva tortiry urn(ifTorcd. Party-ot^bt volume!, aTDrinR 4CUpnec^u l i , and contaiulDR nonrly UK>Hu>-Iratioim will cotni.lotc lliv seriua. , Bijcnburn_ . . >»tlL.b.'l H.I.I. 4*b,i .inluhUn /H ni in ipl wnHk 1

Co., PorUaail, Main






Coughs, Colds, Hoariiess,And AH Throat D!<! r>,



Fur Rilo |>y Drofgiuti gauoi

18-Jw JonssTos, HOLLOWAV & C 'till.. Pa.


AN AQENT Jo.t doired 1109 Sriu l b o i tho '

Anolbeil l80/-flrit ux daTaJw^OWjplea of tbla BTANDAEDUtFEtl'" Votcttd

Explorer aold. 160,000 mow Jded by lh<le. Abooh or nkbh in i ' lKi • f n 0 ;

»w»£LT IIXTJSTRA.TED, andly clirap.roy»l oh&ncs for agents. For p» •n^'orI11

addroti, • , HUBB/0 BROS.,lB-iw 723 Saigon St.; PHdolpbl*. "'

*H*ptKl«iimlJ»i .r.trJjiJt^^l

•——J R " «0ntd.'- a I. n'nUthlTk«Sr»«ri** ara Uw ttMb'

Tho great art failing ^nlctfro! be"* | g .

OUR COUNTRY ^RtSOURCESIUoh >tii bomiileu In *r UirlinS «™gHSJ

iflMycarai «od Er.mffn t l r | Iwf*,!"?

ret, mlnaril.,V>mifBCtir.B,.n«"«J Im ! o i « F l o , l « « . t n r . - s » a j ™ « ' A

»r «it . _ .
