FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis

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Page 1: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis




Page 2: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Contents Introduction: ........................................................................................................................................... 4

Year 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

Alphabet .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Name ................................................................................................................................................... 5

Greetings ............................................................................................................................................. 5

Numbers .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Age ...................................................................................................................................................... 5

Colours ................................................................................................................................................ 5

Days of the week ................................................................................................................................. 6

Culture ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Year 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Numbers .............................................................................................................................................. 7

Age (revision) ...................................................................................................................................... 7

Recognise and pronounce................................................................................................................... 7

Animals ................................................................................................................................................ 7

Emotions ............................................................................................................................................. 7

Weather 1/2 ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Parts of the body ................................................................................................................................. 8

Hour 1/2 .............................................................................................................................................. 9

Instructions (used during the weekly lessons by the teacher and revised) ........................................ 9

Culture (new and revision) .................................................................................................................. 9

Year 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 10

Numbers ............................................................................................................................................ 10

Parts of the head ............................................................................................................................... 10

Vocabulary from the story “Les 4 amis” (the 4 friends) ................................................................... 11

Places ................................................................................................................................................ 11

Family members ................................................................................................................................ 12

Rooms of the house .......................................................................................................................... 12

Months of the year ........................................................................................................................... 12

Objects in the classroom ................................................................................................................... 13

Culture (new and revision) ................................................................................................................ 13

Year 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 14

Numbers ............................................................................................................................................ 14

Page 3: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Playground activities ......................................................................................................................... 14

Fruits ................................................................................................................................................. 14

Cloths ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Beverages .......................................................................................................................................... 16

Cutlery to eat .................................................................................................................................... 16

Culture (new and revision) ................................................................................................................ 17

Year 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 18

Numbers ............................................................................................................................................ 18

Classroom activities .......................................................................................................................... 18

Hour 2/2 (revision and new vocabulary) .......................................................................................... 18

Weather 2/2 (revision and new vocabulary) .................................................................................... 19

Cardinal points .................................................................................................................................. 19

Where does it hurt? .......................................................................................................................... 20

Seasons ............................................................................................................................................. 20

Food .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Culture (new and revision) ................................................................................................................ 22

Year 6 .................................................................................................................................................... 23

Numbers ............................................................................................................................................ 23

The routine ........................................................................................................................................ 23

School’s subjects ............................................................................................................................... 23

Countries ........................................................................................................................................... 24

Nationalities and languages .............................................................................................................. 25

Shops ................................................................................................................................................. 25

Directions: ......................................................................................................................................... 26

Culture (new and revision) ................................................................................................................ 26

Page 4: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis



This document has been created in order to inform the parents/carers of what their

children are learning in French at Gonville Academy. Parents/carers can use it in many different

ways. They can ask their children which topic they are studying, read and learn about the

vocabulary and:

- Practice and revise with their children what has been taught during the last lessons or

the whole scholar year to help them to be more confident and remember the vocabulary.

- Give the document to their children and encourage them to work independently and

revise what has been taught during the last lessons or the whole scholar year.

- Look if ICT links are available to let their children revise using the computer, playing

games, listening to a song or reading a lesson online.

You will find also bellow a key showing which type of fonts are used in the document in

order to help yourself to understand it:

- Colours: help to understand the construction of the sentences

- Bold: French articles (Eg: “les” / “the” for plural) to do not forget

- Italic: grammar reference

- Highlighted text: link for ICT (games, songs, lessons…)

- (word): optional words that can be taken off without changing the meaning of the


- (sentence): English translation in the examples

Be aware that the information and/or the content and order of this document may change

and be different according to the numbers of lessons and the learning of the children.

Page 5: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Year 1


-a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

-spell your name in French

ICT - Song: go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85f0dS003jI


-comment t’appelles-tu? / What is your name?

-je m’appelle + nom / my name is + name

Example: “je m’appelle Hugo” (my name is Hugo).


-comment ça va? / How are you ?

-ça va très bien / I am feeling very well

-ça va comme ci comme ça / I am feeling so so

-ça va mal / I am feeling bad

-merci / thank you


-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

ICT - Game : go to


ICT – Game : go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Numbers


-quel âge as-tu? / How old are you?

-j’ai + numéro + ans / I am + number + years old

Example: “j’ai 6 ans” (j’ai 6 ans).

-et toi? / and you?

ICT - Lesson: go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/french/all_about_me/how_old/


-c’est de quelle couleur? / What colour is it?

-(c’est) bleu / (it is) blue

-(c’est) rouge / (it is) red

-(c’est) jaune/ (it is) yellow

-(c’est) marron/ (it is) brown

Page 6: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


-(c’est) rose / (it is) pink

-(c’est) violet / (it is) purple

-(c’est) orange / (it is) orange

-(c’est) noir / (it is) black

-(c’est) blanc / (it is) white

-(c’est) gris / (it is) grey

-(c’est) vert / (it is) green

-(c’est) beige / (it is) beige

ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Colours

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Colours => Games

Days of the week

-(c’est) lundi / (it is) Monday

-(c’est) mardi / (it is) Tuesday

-(c’est) mercredi / (it is) Wednesday

-(c’est) jeudi / (it is) Thursday

-(c’est) vendredi / (it is) Friday

-(c’est) samedi / (it is) Saturday

-(c’est) dimanche / (it is) Sunday

ICT - Game: go to



-locating of France in a map (hexagon shape)

-recognise the French flag (vertical bands; blue, red and white)

-pastry : macaroons (when learning about colours)

Page 7: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Year 2


-11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

ICT games: go to


Age (revisions)

-quel âge as-tu? / How old are you?

-j’ai + numéro + ans / I am + number + years old

Example: “j’ai 6 ans” (j’ai 6 ans).

-et toi? / and you?

ICT - Lesson: go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/french/all_about_me/how_old/

Recognise and pronounce

-the sound “-on”.

Example: “ballon” (balloon)


-un chien / a dog

-une souris / a mouse

-un chat / a cat

-un poisson / a fish

-un oiseau / a bird

-une tortue / a turtle

-as-tu des animaux? / Do you have a pet?

-non, je n’ai pas d’animaux / No, I don’t have a pet

-oui, j’ai + nombre + animal + couleur / yes, I have + number + animal + colour

Example: “oui, j’ai deux poissons blancs” (yes, I have two white fish).

In French, the colours have to be added after the noun.

ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Animals

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Animals => Animals – Pets => Games


-je suis content(e) / I am happy

-je suis excité(e) / I am excited

-je suis triste / I am sad

Page 8: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


-je suis en colère / I am angry

-je suis malade / I am sick

-je suis fatigue(e) / I am tired

(Greetings) + Emotions

-salutation + car + emotion / greeting + because + emotion

Example: “ça va très bien car je suis content(e)” (I am feeling very well because I am

happy) ; “ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis fatigue(e)” (I am feeling so so because I

am tired) ; “ça va mal car je suis en colère” (I am feeling bad because I am angry).

Weather 1/2

-quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui ? / What is the weather like today?

-il fait mauvais / It is bad

-il fait froid / It is cold

-il fait beau / It is beautiful

-il fait chaud / It is hot

-…car… / …because…

Example: “il fait beau car il fait chaud” (It is beautiful because it is hot) ; “IL fait

mauvais car il fait froid” (it is bad because it is cold).

Parts of the body

-la tête / the head

-l’épaule / the shoulder

-le ventre / the stomach

-le genou /the knee

-le pied / the feet

-la main / the hand

-le doigt / the finger

-la jambe / the leg

-le dos / the back

-le bras / the arm

-j’ai + nombre + partie du corps / I have + number + part of the body.

Example: “j’ai deux mains” (I have two hands).

ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => The human body

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Body => Body – parts of the body =>


Page 9: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Hour 1/2

-quelle heure est-il (Monsieur Loup)? / What time is it (Mister Wolf) ?

-il est X heures / it is X o’clock

ICT games:


ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Time => Time – what time is it? => Games

Instructions (used during the weekly lessons by the teacher and revised)

-silence / silence

-taisez-vous / be quiet

-asseyez-vous / sit down

-levez-vous / stand up

-regardez / look

-écoutez / listen

Optional (can be taught in KS2)

-découpez / cut

-collez /stick

-écrivez / write

Culture (new and revision)

-locating of France in the map (hexagon shape)

-recognise the French flag (vertical bands; blue, red and white)

-pastry : macaroons, croissants

-name of the French capital: Paris

Page 10: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Year 3


-21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

ICT – Game: go to


ICT – Games : go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Numbers => Stage 2

Parts of the head

-des yeux / eyes

-des cheveux / the hair

-des dents / teeth

-une bouche / the mouth

-des oreilles / ears

-un nez / the nose

Adjectives & colour of the hair

-court / short

-long / long

-blond(s) / blond

-roux / ginger

To add after the noun.

-j’ai + partie de la tête (incluant l’article) + couleur et/ou adjectif / I have + part of the

head (including the article) + colour and/or adjective

Example : j’ai des yeux bleus (I have blue eyes) ; j’ai des cheveux blonds (I have blond

hair) ; j’ai des cheveux courts et roux (I have short ginger hair).

ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => The human body

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Body => Body – the head => Games

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Body => Body – hair colour and style =>


ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => People => People – portraits => Games

Page 11: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Vocabulary from the story “Les 4 amis” (the 4 friends)

-le cheval / the horse

-la souris / the mouse

-le lapin / the rabbit

-le mouton / the sheep

-la pomme / the apple

-le pommier / the apple tree

-la maison / the house

-le soleil / the sun


-petit(e) / small

-grand(e) / big


-le / “the” for masculine

-la / “the” for feminine

-les / “the” for plural

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Grammar => Grammar – adjectives =>



-où habites-tu? / Where do you live ?

-j’habite… / I live…

-…dans une maison… / …in a house…

-…dans un appartement… / in a flat…

-…à la mer / …by the beach

-…à la montagne / …by the moutain

-…à la campagne / …by the coutryside

-…en ville / …in the city

(-à Londres) / (in London)

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Place => Place – where I live => Games

Possessives adjectives

-mon / « my » for masculine

-ma / « my » for feminine

Page 12: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


(-mes) / « my » for plural

Family members

-avec qui habites-tu? / Who do you live with ?

-j’habite avec… / I live with…

-…mon père / …my father

-…ma mère / …my mother

-…mon frère / …my brother

-…ma sœur / …my sister

-…mon grand-père / …my grand-father

-…ma grand-mère / …my grand-mother

-…mon cousin / …my cousin (boy)

-…ma cousine / …my cousin (girl)

-…mon oncle / …my uncle

-…ma tante / …my aunt

ICT - Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => My family

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Family => Family – members => Games

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Family => Family – my siblings => Games

Rooms of the house

-dans ma maison, il y a… / in my house, there is/are…

-dans mon appartement, il y a… / in my flat, there is/are…

-…une cuisine / …one kitchen

-…un salon / …one living room

-…une salle à manger / …one dining room

-…une salle de bains / …one bathroom

-…une,deux chambre,s / …one, two bedrooms

-…un garage / …one garage

-…un jardin / …one garden

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Home => rooms in the house => Games

Months of the year

-Janvier / January

-Février / February

-Mars / March

-Avril / April

Page 13: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


-Mai / May

-Juin / June

-Juillet / July

-Aout / August

-Septembre / September

-Octobre / October

-Novembre / November

-Décembre / December

- aujourd’hui c’est + jour de la semaine + numéro + mois de l’année + année / today it is +

day of the week + number + month of the year + year

Example: “aujourd’hui c’est lundi 6 Mars 2017” (today it is Monday 6th March 2017)

Objects in the classroom

-qu’est-ce que c’est ? / what is that ?

-c’est… / it is…

-…une trousse / …a pencil case

-…un stylo / …a pen

-…une gomme / …a rubber

-…une règle / …a ruler

-…une ardoise / …a whiteboard

-…une colle / …a stick of glue

-…un livre / …a book

-…un cartable / …a school bag

-…ce sont… / …they are

-…des ciseaux / …scissors

-…des crayons de couleur / …colour pencils

ICT - Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => The classroom

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => School => classroom objects => Games

Culture (new and revision)

-locating of France in the map (hexagon shape)

-recognise the French flag (vertical bands; blue, red and white)

-pastry : macaroons, croissants

-name of the French capital: Paris

-famous monuments : Tour Eiffel, Mont Saint Michel

Page 14: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Year 4


-31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Numbers => Stage 2

Playground activities

-j’aime… / I like…

-je n’aime pas… / I don’t like…

-…sauter à la corde / …to skip

-…lire un livre / …to read a book

-…jouer à la marelle / …to play hop scotch

-…jouer à cache-cache / …to play hide and seek

-…jouer aux billes / …to play marbles

-…jouer au ballon / …to play with a ball


-un / “a/an” for masculine

-une / “a/an” for feminine

-des / “some” for plural


-une pomme / an apple

-une banane / a banana

-une poire / a pear

-des raisins / graps

-un kiwi / a kiwi

-une orange / an orange

-une fraise / a strawberry

-une framboise / a rasberry

-une cerise / a cherry

-une pêche / a peach

-un abricot / an apricot

Page 15: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


-un citron / a lemon

-tu aimes les fruits? / Do you like fruits?

-j’aime les + nom de fruit(s) / I like + name of fruit(s)

-je n’aime pas les + nom de fruit(s) / I don’t like + name of fruit(s)

Example : “j’aime les cerises et les pommes” (I like cherries and apples).

In French, after “j’aime” (I like) and “je n’aime pas” (I don’t like) we have to add “les” (the)

before introducing the name of the fruit(s).

-je voudrais X kilo(s) de + nom de fruit(s) / I would like X kilo(s) of + name of fruit(s)

Example: “je voudrais 5 (cinq) kilos de citrons” (I would like 5 (five) kilos of lemons)

-ça fera X euros / it will be X euros

-voila! / here you have!

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Food => Food – fruit => Games


-un pantalon / a trousers

-un tee-shirt / a T-shirt

-des chaussures / shoes

-des lunettes / glasses

-des chaussettes / socks

-un voile / a veil

-un pull / a jumper

-des collants / tights

-un pyjama / a pyjama

-une jupe / a skirt

-une robe / a dress

-une chemise / a shirt

-qu’est-ce que tu portes ? / what are you wearing ?

-je porte + nom de vêtement (avec l’article) + couleur(s) / I am wearing + name of the

cloth (with the article) + color(s)

Example: “je porte un pull noir et bleu” (I am wearing a black and yellow jumper).

In French, the colours have to be added after the noun.

Gender of the colours

In French, some colours are different depending of the gender of the noun, masculine or feminine.

If the noun is feminine, we have to add an “e” at the end of the word.

Page 16: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


-bleu => bleue / blue

-noir => noire / black

-gris => grise / grey

-vert => verte / green

Exceptions :

-violet => violette / purple

-blanc => blanche / white

For the plural, we have to add an “s” at the end of the word. Example: “noirs” (black).

Example: ”Je porte une chemise noire [feminine] et des chaussures rouges [plural]” (I

am wearing a black shirt and some red shoes).

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => People => People – cloths 1 => Games

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => People => People – cloths 2 => Games


-qu’est-ce que tu voudrais boire ? / What would you want to drink ?

-je voudrais (boire)… / I would like (to drink)…

-…une tasse de thé / …a cup of tea

-…une tasse de café /…a cup of coffee

-…une tasse de chocolat chaud / …a cup of hot chocolate

-…un verre de limonade / …a glass of lemonade

-…un (verre de) coca-cola / …a (glass of) coke

-…un (verre de) jus de pomme / …a (glass of) apple juice

-…un (verre de) jus d’orange / …a (glass of) orange juice

-…un verre d’eau / …a glass of water

-…une menthe à l’eau / …a mint with water

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Food => Food – drinks and snacks =>


Cutlery to eat

-qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la table ?

-sur la table, il y a… / on the table, there is or there are…

-…un verre / …a glass

-…une tasse / …a cup

-…un couteau / …a knife

-…une fourchette / …a fork

Page 17: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


-…une assiette / …a plate

-…une cuillère / …a spoon

-…une nappe / …a tablecloth

Culture (new and revision)

-locating of France in the map (hexagon shape)

-recognise the French flag (vertical bands; blue, red and white)

-pastry : macaroons, croissants

-name of the French capital: Paris

-famous monuments : Tour Eiffel, Mont Saint Michel

-currency in France : euros

Page 18: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Year 5


-41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50

ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Numbers => Stage 2

Classroom activities

-j’aime… / I like…

-je n’aime pas… / I don’t like…

-j’adore… / I love…

-je déteste… / I hate…

-…lire un livre / …to read a book

-…réaliser des posters / …to make posters

-…chanter / …to sing

-…réciter une poésie / …to say poetry

-…écrire / …to write

-…jouer pendant la recréation / …to play during break time

-…dessiner / …to draw

-…faire du sport / …to do sport

-…être avec des amis / …to be with friends

-…compter les numéros / …to count numbers

Hour 2/2 (revision and new vocabulary)

-quelle heure est-il? / what time is it ?

-il est X heures… / it is X o’clock…

-… et quart / quarter past…

-… et demie / half past…

-… moins le quart / quarter to…

-…du matin / in the morning

-… de l’après-midi / in the afternoon

-… du soir / in the evening

Page 19: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


Example: “Il est deux heures et quart de l’après-midi” (it is quarter past two in the


ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Time => Time – what time is it? =>Games

ICT - Game: go to


Weather 2/2 (revision and new vocabulary)

-quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui ? / What is the weather like today ?

-il fait mauvais / It is bad

-il fait froid / It is cold

-il fait beau / It is beautiful

-il fait chaud / It is hot

-il y a du soleil / it is sunny

-il y a des nuages / it is cloudy

-il y a de l’orage / there is thunder and lightening

-il y a du vent / it is windy

-il y a du brouillard / it is foggy

-il pleut / it is raining

-il neige / it is snowing

-…car… / …because…

Example: “il fait beau car il y a du soleil” (it is beautiful because it is sunny) ; “il fait

mauvais car il pleut” (it is bad because it is raining).

-A (ville), il… / In (city), …

Example : “à Paris, il y a du vent” (In Paris, it is windy) ; “à Marseille, il fait beau car il

y a du soleil” (in Marseille, it is beautiful because it is sunny) ; “à Marseille, il fait beau car

il y a du soleil et il fait chaud” (in Marseille, it is beautiful because it is sunny and it is hot).

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => World => World – weather => Games

Cardinal points

-au centre / in the centre

-au nord / in the north

-au sud / in the south

-à l’ouest / in the west

-à l’est / in the east

Page 20: FRENCH CURRICULUM OVERVIEW GONVILLE … · -spell your name in French ICT - Song: ... // Name -comment t’appelles-tu? / What is ... ça va comme ci comme ça car je suis


-nom de ville + se trouve + point cardinal + de la France / name of the city + is located +

cardinal point + of France.

Example : “Lyon se trouve au centre de la France” (Lyon is located in the centre of


ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Transport

Where does it hurt?

-ou as-tu mal ? / Where does it hurt ?

-j’ai mal… / I have pain…

-…à la tete / …in my head

-…aux oreilles / …in my ears

-…aux yeux / …in my eyes

-…au genou / …in my knee

-…à la jambe / …in my leg

-…aux dents / …in my teeth

-…au pied / …in my foot

-…au doigt / …in my finger

-…à la main / …in my hand

-…au ventre / …in my stomach

-…au dos / …in my back

-…au nez / …in my nose

-docteur / doctor

-patient / patient

-voyons voir / let us see

-voici un traitement / here you have a treatment

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => People => People – Health problems =>



-en été / during summer

-en automne / during autumn

-en hiver / during winter

-au printemps / during spring

Link the vocabulary to the weather vocabulary.

Example: “En hiver, il neige” (In winter, it is snowing).

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ICT - Games: go to http://www.bonjourdefrance.com/exercices/contenu/apprendre-les-saisons-francais-


ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Time => Time – spring and summer =>


ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Time => Time – autumn and winter =>



-tu as faim ? / are you hungry ?

-oui, j’ai faim / yes, I am hungry

-qu’est-ce que tu veux manger ? / what do you want to eat ?

-je voudrais manger… / I would like to eat…

-…de la salade / …salad

-…des tomates / …tomatoes

-…de la viande / …meet

-…du poulet / …chicken

-…du fromage / …cheese

-…des œufs / …eggs

-…du poisson / …fish

-…du riz / …rice

-…des pâtes / …pasta

-…des carottes /…carrots

-…des frites / …fries

-…un yaourt / …a yoghurt

-…une glace / …ice cream

-…du gâteau au chocolat / …chocolate cake

-j’aime manger… / I like eating…

-je n’aime pas manger… / I don’t like eating…

-j’adore manger… / I love eating…

-je déteste manger… / I hate eating…

Example: “j’aime manger des frites” (I like eating fries).

-…car… / …because…

-…c’est délicieux / …it is delicious

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-…c’est dégoutant / …it is disgusting

Example: “j’aime manger des frites car c’est délicieux” (I like eating fries because it is


ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Food => Stage 1

ICT – Games: go to Purple Mash => Topics => Languages => 2SimpleFrench => Food => Stage 2

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Food => Food – vegetables => Games

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Food => Food – restaurant => Games

Culture (new and revision)

-locating of France in the map (hexagon shape)

-recognise the French flag (vertical bands; blue, red and white)

-pastry : macaroons, croissants

-name of the French capital: Paris

-famous monuments : Tour Eiffel, Mont Saint Michel

-currency in France : euros

-big cities : Paris, Marseille, Lyon

-French celebrations: Christmas, New Year Eve, pancakes day, Easter, Bastille day…

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Year 6


-from 51 to 100

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Numbers => Numbers – to 100 (1) =>


ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Numbers => Numbers – to 100 (2) =>


The routine

-je me réveille / I wake up

-je me lève / I get up

-je me douche / I have a shower

-je m’habille / I get dressed

-je prends mon petit-déjeuner / I have my breakfast

-je me brosse les dents / I brush my teeth

-je vais à l’école / I am going to school

-je rentre à la maison / I go home

-je fais mes devoirs / I do my homework

-je dîne / I have my dinner

-je vais me coucher / I am going to bed

-à + hour, + expression avec la routine / at + hour, routine’s expression

Example : “à 7 (sept) heures du matin, je me réveille” (at 7 (seven) o’clock in the

morning, I wake up).

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Activity => Activity – Daily Routine =>


School’s subjects

(-qu’est-ce que tu étudies à l’école? / What do you study at school?)

-à l’école, j’étudie… / in the school, I study…

-…les mathématiques / …mathematics

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-…les sciences / …science

-…l’informatique / …ICT

-…l’anglais / …English

-…le français / …French

-…l’art / …art

-…l’histoire / …history

-…la géographie / …geography

-…je fais du sport / …I have PE

-à + heure, + j’étudie + matière / at + hour, + I study + subject

Example: “à 9 (neuf) heures du matin, j’étudie les mathématiques” (at 9 (nine) o’clock

in the morning, I study mathematics).

-j’aime + matière… / I like + subject…

-je n’aime pas + matière… / I don’t like + subject…

-j’adore + matière… / I love + subject…

-je déteste + matière… / I hate + subject…

-…car… / …because…

-…c’est intéressant / …it is interesting

-…c’est important / …it is important

-…c’est ennuyant / …it is boring

Example: “j’aime l’anglais car c’est important” (I like English because it is important).

ICT - Games: go to


ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => School => School – subjects => Games



-…à + ville…

-…en France / …in France

-…en Espagne / …in Spain

-…aux Etats-Unis / …in United State of America

-…au Royaume-Uni / …in United Kingdom

-…au Maroc / …in Morocco

-…en Pologne / …in Poland

-…au Pakistan / …in Pakistan

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-…en Afghanistan / …in Afghanistan

-…en Inde / …in India

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => World => World - European countries =>


Nationalities and languages

-quelle est ta nationalité ? / What is your nationality ?

-je suis… / I am…

-…français(e) / …French

-…espagnol(e) / …Spanish

-…américain(e) / …American

-…anglais(e) / …English

-…marocain(e) / …Moroccan

-…polonais(e) / …Polish

-…afghan(e) / …Afghan

-…pakistanais(e) / … Pakistani

-…indien(ne) / …Indian

-quelle(s) langue(s) parles-tu ? / Which language(s) do you speak ?

-je parle… / I speak…

-…français / …French

-…espagnol / …Spanish

-…anglais / …English

-…arabe / …Arabic

-…polonaise / …Polish

-…hindi / …Hindu


-je vais… / I am going…

-…au marché… / …to the market…

-…au supermarché… / …to the supermarket…

-…à la boulangerie… / …to the bakery…

-…à la patisserie… / …to the cake shop…

-…à la boucherie… / …to the butcher…

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-…acheter + vocabulaire [nourriture et boissons] / to buy + vocabulary [food and


Example : “je vais au supermarché acheter des pommes et du Coca-Cola” (I am going

to go to the supermarket to buy some apples and coke)

-je vais… / I am going…

-…à la pharmacie / …to the chemist

-…à la piscine / …to the swimming pool

-…au cinéma / …to the cinema

-…au théâtre / …to the theatre

-…au restaurant / …to the restaurant

-…chez le coiffeur / …to the hair dresser

-…chez le médecin / …to the doctor

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Place => Place – shops => Games

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Place => Place – meeting places => Games


-quel est la direction pour aller…? / what is the direction to go to…?

-ou se trouve…? / where is located the …?

-allez tout droit / go straight ahead

-allez jusqu’à / go until you reach

-tournez à droite / turn right

-tournez à gauche / turn left

-traversez sur le passage piéton / cross over at the zebra crossing

-en face de / in front of

-au milieu de / in the middle

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Go => Go – Which way? => Games

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Grammar => Grammar – prepositions (1)

=> Games

ICT - Games: go to http://www.french-games.net/frenchtopics => Grammar => Grammar – prepositions (2)

=> Games

Culture (new and revision)

-locating of France in the map (hexagon shape)

-recognise the French flag (vertical bands; blue, red and white)

-pastry : macaroons, croissants

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-name of the French capital: Paris

-famous monuments : Tour Eiffel, Mont Saint Michel

-currency in France : euros

-big cities : Paris, Marseille, Lyon