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Frequency-locked chaotic opto-RF oscillator

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HAL Id: hal-01333412https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01333412

Submitted on 18 Jul 2017

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Frequency-locked chaotic opto-RF oscillatorAurélien Thorette, Marco Romanelli, Marc Brunel, Marc Vallet

To cite this version:Aurélien Thorette, Marco Romanelli, Marc Brunel, Marc Vallet. Frequency-locked chaotic opto-RFoscillator. Optics Letters, Optical Society of America - OSA Publishing, 2016, 41 (12), pp.2839-2842.�10.1364/OL.41.002839�. �hal-01333412�

Page 2: Frequency-locked chaotic opto-RF oscillator

Frequency-locked chaotic opto-RF oscillator

Aurelien Thorette∗, Marco Romanelli, Marc Brunel, and Marc ValletInstitut de Physique de Rennes, Universite Rennes I - CNRS UMR 6251

Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France and∗Corresponding author: [email protected]

A driven opto-RF oscillator, consisting of a dual-frequency laser (DFL) submitted to frequency-shifted feedback, is studied experimentally and numerically in a chaotic regime. Precise control ofthe reinjection strength and detuning permits to isolate a parameter region of bounded-phase chaos,where the opto-RF oscillator is frequency-locked to the master oscillator, in spite of chaotic phaseand intensity oscillations. Robust experimental evidence of this synchronization regime is foundand phase noise spectra allows to compare phase-locking and bounded-phase chaos regimes. Inparticular, it is found that the long-term phase stability of the master oscillator is well transferredto the opto-RF oscillator even in the chaotic regime.

Dual-frequency lasers (DFL) are convenient systemsfor the generation of continously tunable, high spec-tral purity, optically carried radiofrequency (RF) sig-nals. Driven by applications such as microwave-photoniclinks, from radio-over-fibre to antenna feeds [1, 2], orhighly monochromatic THz generation [3], many solid-state DFLs have been investigated recently. This includesfor instance diode-pumped solid-state lasers [4, 5], laserdiodes [6, 7], vertical external-cavity surface-emittinglasers (VECSEL) [8], fiber lasers [9, 10], or dual-axis cav-ities [11, 12]. A general issue concerning DFL-based opto-RF oscillators is the stabilization of their beat frequency,and it has been shown that an optical feedback loop con-taining a frequency-shifting element can be successfullyused to this end [13, 14]. In particular, the DFL beat-notecan be phase-locked to a master RF oscillator, so that thefrequency stability of the master is transferred to the op-tically carried signal. In this context, an interesting syn-chronization regime called bounded-phase has been iso-lated [15, 16], where the phase-locked state loses stabilityvia a Hopf bifurcation. After the bifurcation, the systemdisplays sustained amplitude and phase oscillations. Themaster and slave oscillators are not phase-locked any-more, yet they maintain frequency-locking [17, 18]. Be-ing linked to the existence of a Hopf bifurcation, thisbehavior is rather generic [19–21].

In the present work, we consider a DFL submittedto frequency-shifted feedback, i.e., an opto-RF oscilla-tor, driven in a parameter region where it undergoes asubcritical bifurcation leading directly to a chaotic state,and investigate whether this situation is compatible withbounded-phase dynamics. Synchronization of chaoticlasers has already been studied, e.g. in spatially cou-pled [22, 23] and injection locked [24] Nd:YAG, injection-locked Nd:YVO4 [25], injection-locked diode [26–28], aswell as gas [29], lasers. In those systems each laser’s out-put was chaotic per se, and the coupling had a regular-izing effect, by inducing either phase or complete chaossynchronization. The case studied here is different in thatour opto-RF oscillator is not, in itself, a chaotic oscilla-tor. In the free-running regime, it has a regular behavior;

it is the coupling that is responsible for the outbreak ofchaos. Furthermore, in the cited previous studies, the au-thors were mostly interested in showing that synchroniza-tion occurred, without characterizing and discriminatingphase-locking and bounded-phase regimes. In the presentcase, the heterodyne nature of our source readily offersexperimental access to the phase difference, while in theprevious works the phase had to be retrieved numeri-cally from intensity time series [23, 24, 27]. By measur-ing phase noise spectra, in DFLs it is possible to obtain aprecise experimental characterization and a quantitativecomparison of the different synchronization regimes. Theaim of this letter is to show a regime characterized bychaotic oscillations not only of the amplitude, but alsoof the phase, and to demonstrate experimentally thatfrequency-locking can be maintained, i.e., that bounded-phase synchronization is possible also in the presence ofchaos. Furthermore, we show that, in spite of the chaoticphase oscillations, the beat-note signal still keeps a goodspectral purity at low offset frequencies.

FIG. 1. Experimental setup. The two polarization modes ofa dual-frequency laser produce an optically-carried RF beat-note, which is locked to a master oscillator using frequency-shifted optical feedback. See text for details.

The experimental setup is similar to the one usedin [17] and is described in Fig. 1. We study a solid-state Nd3+:YAG laser oscillating simultaneously on twoorthogonally-polarized modes. An intra-cavity tunablebirefringence, realized using two quarter-wave plates(QWP), generates a frequency difference δν = νy − νx.The interference of the two polarization modes after

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FIG. 2. Map of different regimes of the system. Light gray:bounded phase (existence of at least a stable limit cycle forwhich φ is bounded), black: existence of at least one un-bounded chaotic attractor, red: existence of bounded chaos.Dashed line Γ = 0.91 is the line along which the bifurcationdiagram of Fig. 3 is computed.

a polarizer P produces an optically-carried RF beat-note, which we choose to tune around 180 MHz. Wethen add an external coupling between the two modes,through a reinjection of the field Ex on the other one Ey,achieved using an external arm containing a QWP. Fur-thermore, the reinjected field is frequency-shifted usingan acousto-optic modulator AO driven at the frequencyfAO ≈ 90 MHz by a master RF oscillator. Provided thatνx + 2fAO ≈ νy, injection from Ey into Ex can be ne-glected because the frequency difference between νx andνy + 2fAO is much larger than the cavity bandwith. Theoptical coupling between the two modes is characterizedby its strength (related to diffraction efficiency of themodulator, spatial mode-matching of the external cav-ity and other experimental factors) and by the detuningδν−2fAO between the RF source and the laser beat-note.The laser exhibits relaxation oscillations at a frequencyfR = 65 kHz, which allows to ignore delay effects inall optical paths, as this time scale is much longer thanthe round-trip time in the feedback arm, whose length is70 cm.

We describe the system using the following rate equa-

0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04

Detuning ∆























FIG. 3. (a) Simulated bifurcation diagram of phase extremafor Γ = 0.91. Final state at each point is taken as the initialconditions for the next point, as ∆ is increased. The largestLyapunov exponent is computed for each point and plottedas the solid black line. (b) Projection of the phase spacetrajectory on the {<(ey),=(ey)} = {|ey| cosφ, |ey| sinφ} planefor different regimes encountered (dark: 50000 time units,light: 2000).

tions for the electric fields and populations [30]:


=mx + βmy

1 + β




=my + βmx

1 + β


+ i∆ey + Γex (1b)


ds= 1− (|ex,y|2 + β|ey,x|2)

− εmx,y[1 + (η − 1)(|ex,y|2 + β|ey,x|2)]


Here ex,y are the normalized amplitudes of thetwo complex fields Ex = ex exp(2iπνxt) and Ey =ey exp(2iπ(νx+2fAO)t). According to these equations, exhas a constant phase, and can thus be considered withoutloss of generality as a real quantity, so that only the phaseφ of ey corresponds to the relative phase between the

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two oscillators. The normalized population inversions aremx,y, and the normalized time s = 2πfRt is in units of therelaxation oscillations fR. β accounts for cross-saturationdue to the spatial overlap in the gain medium, ε for thegain medium losses, η is the pump factor, Γ quantifiesthe self-injection strength, and ∆ = (νy− νx− 2fAO)/fRis the detuning between the laser beat-note and the RFdriver. Without loss of generality, we consider ∆ > 0.

Eqs. 1 are numerically integrated using an implicitRunge-Kutta method of order 5. Control parameters are∆ and Γ while the others are fixed to β = 0.6, η = 1.2and ε = 0.097. These values have been previously mea-sured [30] and allow good model-experiment agreement.A mapping of the behavior of this dynamical systemhas been computed, unraveling chaotic, periodic, phase-bounded and phase-unbounded attractors, sometimes ex-hibiting multistability and fractal attraction basins.

Figure 2 shows some of these features in a rich regionof interest. Between the locking range ∆ < Γ, where thesystem reaches an equilibrium, and the unlocked regionfor ∆ � Γ, where the system settles on a limit cycle,various attractors exist and co-exist. It can be notedfrom this mapping that the domains of bounded phasebehavior and of stability of any attractor other than fixedpoint are neither simple rednor connected. It can also benoted that bounded-phase chaos, corresponding to thered points, is present only in small regions of the param-eter space; nevertheless, as we will see, it can be clearlyisolated experimentally.

Figure 3 shows a higher definition slice of the map atΓ = 0.91. On this phase bifurcation diagram, boundedphase regions are clearly seen, and different types of at-tractors are encountered as ∆ changes. Starting fromthe right, for ∆ > 1.02, the system settles on a stableperiodic orbit, which corresponds to the bounded phaseregime (B). As ∆ decreases and approaches the resonancewith the relaxation oscillations, a Neimark-Sacker bifur-cation leads to a torus, which is destabilized by otherbifurcations in the multistable 0.97 < ∆ < 1.01 region,where periodic and chaotic (C) attractors can be found.When ∆ is further decreased away from resonance, thetorus (T) is restored, before its chaotic break-up near thelocking limit ∆ = Γ. In this particular region the phaseremains bounded for a small range of detuning, wherewe witness a robust bounded-phase chaos regime (BC).Ultimately at the locking point, a subcritical Hopf bi-furcation changes the stability of the fixed point, whichbecomes the only attractor in the phase space.

Knowing the parameters where it is supposed to arise,the previously unobserved bounded phase chaos couldbe investigated experimentally. Reinjection strength hasbeen adjusted so that unlocking happens for δν−2fAO =0.9fR, thus ensuring Γ = 0.9. Then detuning has beencarefully set just after unlocking point, so that ∆ ' Γ.Time series of length 100 ms were recorded at a sam-pling rate of 10 MHz with a Rohde & Schwarz FSV sig-

FIG. 4. (a) Experimental phasor plot in the chaotic boundedphase regime (light: 100ms, dark: 10ms). (b) Correspond-ing time series of the intensity (

√I2 +Q2, blue lower trace)

and phase (φ, top red). I and Q are the two quadra-tures of the beat signal Ixy = |Ex + Ey|2 = |ex|2 + |ey|2 +2|exey| cos(2fAOt + φ), demodulated at the reference fre-quency 2fAO, so that I = 2|exey| cosφ and Q = 2|exey| sinφ.The phase φ has the same meaning as the one in Fig 3b.

nal analyzer, performing IQ demodulation at 2fAO, thusallowing for a direct measurement of the quadratures ofthe beat-note signal, and of the relative phase. Resultsare shown in figure 4, where we see a complicated tra-jectory in the IQ plane, corresponding to the projectionof a strange attractor. The important point is that thetrajectory never makes a loop around the origin, so thatthe phase variations, albeit chaotic, are relatively small.

Fig. 4 (b) presents a small portion of the measuredtime series, showing a spiking behavior, similar to theone expected from numerical simulations. The repetitionrate looks quite regular, but the amplitude of the spikesis erratic. The phase, quickly increases during the spikethen decreases before the next one, but as it remainsbounded, the mean frequency of the opto-RF oscillatorremains synchronized to the external RF source.

But it is worth asking if we still have a good oscilla-tor. For instance, it has been previously shown that evenin the bounded phase regime, the quality and long-termstability of the master reference was transferred on theoptical carrier [17]. This can be quantified by computingthe power spectral density (PSD) of the relative phase.Experimental phase spectra extracted from the quadra-

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102 103 104 105 106

Offset frequency (Hz)














FIG. 5. Experimental phase noise for different regimes atΓ ≈ 0.9 (black: unlocked, blue: locked, green: bounded, red:bounded chaos).

ture time series are presented in Fig. 5. It can be seenthat the onset of chaos results in a broadening of the spec-tral peak around 50 kHz, corresponding to the value of∆, and of its harmonic at 100 kHz. A broad peak at low

102 103 104 105 106

Offset frequency (Hz)
















FIG. 6. Simulated phase noise spectrum for different regimesat Γ = 0.9 (black: drifting ∆ = 1.8, blue: locked ∆ = 0.8,green: bounded ∆ = 1.1, red: bounded chaos ∆ = 0.91).Computed by replacing η with η(1 + 0.03ξ(s)), ∆ by ∆(1 +0.03ξ(s)) and Γ by Γ(1 + 0.03ξ(s)) where ξ(s) is the samestochastic Gaussian process.

frequency, around 5 kHz, also appears. Comparing withthe time series in Fig. 4, it can be seen that this peak cor-responds to the average repetition rate of the spikes. Inthis part of the phase spectrum, bounded chaos featuresa higher phase noise level than all other curves, but itstill outperforms clearly the free running laser at low fre-quency. In particular, we see that the low frequency partof the spectrum is flat, leading to a phase noise at 100 Hzfrom the carrier which is comparable to the level of thephase-locking regime, and at least 30 dB lower than theunlocked regime. Comparing with the free-running case,it appears clearly that in bounded-phase chaos the long-term synchronization of the mean value of the phase iswell preserved.

For a qualitative comparison, the phase noise spectrum

was computed from the numerical model, by introducingarbitrary gaussian white noise in the parameters η, ∆and Γ. The results, shown in Fig. 6, are in good qual-itative agreement with experiments. At 100 Hz fromthe carrier, the simulated phase noise is lower for thephase-locking than for bounded-phase chaos, contrary tothe experiments. This suggests that we have reachedthe noise floor of the experimental detection system. Inany case, the simulations confirm the main features ofthe phase noise spectrum in the bounded-phase chaoticregime: a broadening of the peak corresponding to thedetuning frequency, and of its harmonics; the appearanceof a large, continuous component in the region betweenaround 1 kHz and 20 kHz, corresponding to the chaoticoscillations; and, most importantly, a flat spectrum inthe 100 Hz−1 kHz region, with a noise level that is quiteclose to the phase-locking level, and in any case muchlower than for the unlocked case. In short, it is confirmedthat, when bounded-phase chaos occurs, synchronizationis well preserved. A more quantitative agreement withthe experiment would require a precise characterizationof the noise sources of the experimental setup, beyondthe scope of this work.

In summary, we have presented experimental evidenceof bounded-phase chaos in a driven opto-RF oscillatordestabilized by optical feedback. By measuring the phasenoise spectra, we have shown that, in spite of this, thelong-term phase stability of the master oscillator is stillwell transferred to the slave opto-RF oscillator. Thesefeatures are well reproduced using a rate equation model.As it is the case for the non-chaotic bounded-phaseregime [17], we can expect these features to be commonto a large class of systems. In particular, the effects of theHenry factor and of the feedback delay on this regime de-serve to be investigated in opto-RF oscillators using semi-conductor lasers [31], for which chaotic sensing has beenwidely demonstrated [32]. The so-called chaotic lidar [33]takes advantage of broadband chaos to achieve positionsensing with a high resolution. Bounded-phase chaos, byimposing a good phase coherence to the chaotic wave-form, will allow to combine this precise position sensingwith the high resolution velocimetry allowed by phasecoherence [34], i.e. to realize a chaotic lidar-radar.

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