SMK TEMERLOH JAYA MAGICAL WORLD OF FRIENDS N-E-V-E-R. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, Never walk behind me; I may not lead. Never walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me , Yes, beside me, When you're down or blue. I'm always there for you… BECAUSE … I am your friend. In thunder and lightning, Here we come ! Ladies and gentlemen, F – R – I – E – N – D – S , Yes, Friends ! Welcome to the magical world of friends ! X2 ( Hi, I’m Fatin ! ) ( Hi, Fatin ! Nice to meet you ! ) ( Hello ! I am Alif ! ) ( Hello there ! How are you ? ) ( Hi , I am Nurul Quratu Aini ! All my friends call me Baby ! ) ( Baby ? Baby ? ) ( Yes, what’s wrong with that ? ) ( Well, okay . Hi, Baby ! ) No one can pinpoint exactly when, A friendship blooms, But many little signs reveal, when a friendship is sealed. Friends talk about everything, YES…. EVERYTHING From homework to play, from teachers to games,


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Choral Speaking

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SMK TEMERLOH JAYA MAGICAL WORLD OF FRIENDSN-E-V-E-R.NEVER, NEVER, NEVER,Never walk behind me; I may not lead. Never walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me ,Yes, beside me, When you're down or blue.I'm always there for you BECAUSE I am your friend.In thunder and lightning,Here we come !Ladies and gentlemen, F R I E N D S ,Yes, Friends !Welcome to the magical world of friends ! X2

( Hi, Im Fatin ! )( Hi, Fatin ! Nice to meet you ! )( Hello ! I am Alif ! )( Hello there ! How are you ? )( Hi , I am Nurul Quratu Aini ! All my friends call me Baby ! )( Baby ? Baby ? )( Yes, whats wrong with that ? )( Well, okay . Hi, Baby ! )

No one can pinpoint exactly when,A friendship blooms,But many little signs reveal, when a friendship is sealed.Friends talk about everything, YES. EVERYTHING From homework to play, from teachers to games, From fashions to boys, from handphones to Facebook, and.The list goes on and on and onThats right, the list goes on and on and on. Friends are like Peanut butter and jelly,Pen and paper.Moon and stars,Socks and shoes,Cows and moos,Hot chocolate in winter, Flowers and spring,SOMEHOW, They just fit.

However,Friendship is not always a bed of roses,There are times when the going gets tough.( Hey, guys ! How could you backstab me ? )( No, I did not ! )( Yes, you did ! )( No ! )( Yes ! ) X 3(I dont want to be friends with you anymore ! )( Fine ! Get lost !)

But the amazing thing in friendship is,Fights never last.Before you know it,They would be exchanging glances and sweet smiles.( telephone ringing )( Hello How are you ? )( Im fine. )( Im so sorry ! )( Me too ! )( Lets go for a movie .)( Sure, why not ? )( Hahahahahah )Ah friendsYou cant live with them,You cant live without them. X2Have you ever wondered how life would be without friends ?Can you imagine life without them ?

F.R.I.E.N.D.S.F Fight for youR Respect youI Include youE Encourage youN- Need youD Defend youS- Stand by you

Friends,You are my sunshine.You send colour to my gray.Friends, When Im in tears,You blow my heartbreak away.Friends,You make me happy when times are down,You turn my world upside and around.

Friends Friends . Friends They love you,But they are not your lover.They care for you,But they are not from your family.They are ready to share your pain,But they are not in your blood relation.They are simply .. FRIENDS !

( Hey guys, do you have many friends ? )( Yes, I have )( I have hundreds of friends )( I have friends from London, Paris and New York )( Wow ! )( I have k-Pop friends from Korea.K-pop friends from Korea ? Oh ! Oppa Gannang Style I have facebook friends too ! Me too ! Me too ! I have many facebook friends !Really ?But are they your true friends ?

True friendsThey dont gossip behind your backThey dont resort to personal attacksThey dont start pointless arguments,They dont interrupt your every word,They dont look down on you for your past, andThey dont get jealous of your success

True friend..Scolds like a DADCares like a MOMTeases like a SISTER,Irritates like a BROTHERAnd finally loves U more than a LOVER.

Here is a simple recipe specially designed for you !

A bowl of sense of humor Two bowls of honesty A pinch of generosity A cup of patience Two slices of trust A bottle of acceptance A packet of understanding And Half a loaf of care Remember thatA friend is one who strengthens you with prayers,Blesses you with loveAnd encourages you with hope.

So friend,If you need to talk,I will listen.If you need to cry, I will hold you.If you feel lost,I will guide you.If you are feeling afraid,I will comfort you.If you need to lean awhile,I will give you a shoulder,If you are feeling unsure, I will be your confidence.

But if one day Yes, if one day you call meAnd there is no answer,Come fast to see me, Perhaps I need you. Perhaps I need you !

Hold on to a true friend and do not let go, For a true friend comes once in a lifetime !

NEVER, NEVER, NEVER,Never walk behind me; I may not lead. Never walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me ,And be my friend.

Just wanna say I LOVE MY FRIENDS !

Thank you !