Friends Journal June/July 2012 Classifieds

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  • 7/31/2019 Friends Journal June/July 2012 Classifieds


    54 June/July2012 Friends Journ

    C ppr o our wbt t.

    Classified ad deadlines:augut u: Ju 11, 2012sptmbr u: Juy 16, 2012

    Submit your text to: orAdvertising Manager, Friends Journal, 1216 Arch Street, 2A,Philadelphia, PA 19107-2835.

    For information call (215) 563-8629.Classified rate is 94 per word. Minimum charge is $29.70.Logo is additional $20. Add 10% if boxed. 10% discountfor three consecutive insertions, 25% for six. Appearanceof any advertisement does not imply endorsement by Friends Journal.


    Trvg th Wt Cot? Visit Ben Lomond Quaker Center inthe redwood forest, near Santa Cruz, Calif. Personal retreatsand an annual schedule of Quaker programs. (831) 336-8333..

    Rutc coutry hom th woo has a room available fortravelers and a large room for meetings. Less than an hour fromWashington, D.C., close to BWI Airport. Exchange and length ofstay are negotiable. Contact us: , orcall (410) 531-5610.

    Comg to loo? Friendly B&B. A block from British Muse-um, 10 minutes walk to Friends House. Centrally located. Conve-nient for most tourist attractions. Direct subway from Heathrow.Easy access to most other transport links. Quiet, safe, secure.Ideal for persons travelling alone. Full English Breakfast included.Complimentary wireless connection. +44 (20) 7636-4718., .

    st fCharming, affordable adobe guest apartment withkitchenette at our historic Canyon Road meetinghouse. Convenientto galleries and downtown. Pictures at .Reservations: or(505) 983-7241.

    Qukr Hou Mgu, ncrgusimple hospitality,dorms, kitchen, laundry, Wi-Fi, library, meeting space forindividual travelers, volunteers, groups., +011 (505) 2266-3216.

    Cvsimple, short-term accommodations at theMeeting House located in University Circle, Clevelandscultural, educational and health services hub. Off-streetparking, access to public transportation. Contact Walter Money,(216) 633-8283.

    skg sprtu Commuty?Bco H fr Hou,Boto, accepting applications: 14 years, Quaker-based multi-generational community. All welcome. Guest rooms < 2 weeksalso available. Information: , (617) 227-9118,.

    seaTTle QUaKeR HOUse/Uvrty fr Mtg. Self-service overnight accomodations. Free parking/Wi-Fi. Microwave/refrigerator/teapot. Near University Washington/Trader Joes/downtown buses. Minimum donation: $40/one$50/two.(206) 632-9839. .

    Pgto fr Hou: New York City. Quaker-based com-

    munity for long- and short-term sojourners. A unique placewhere you can find hospitality, shared meals, and simple living.Many ages and many cultures. Shared facilities. Wireless. Threeblocks from Union Square Subway. .E-mail . Call (212) 673-1730.

    ah, Org.Friendly place in southern Oregon for out-standing theater, rafting, fishing, birding, quiet time.

    Anne Hat haways B&B a nd Gard en Suites .; (541) 488-1050.


    Lodging; groups, individuals, families inWashington, DC. Workcamps seminars.Internships, gap year program. (202) 543-5560; ;.

    Com to P H

    June 2224: iqurr Wk: a itroucto Qukrm, with Emma Churchman and Paul RickettsJune 2428: Wom Wvg Work Worhp, wSara Knisely BixlerJuly 812: Wrtg Your sprtu autobogrphy, wDan WakefieldJuly 1519: Crtg Potry sog: Wrt now! wDavid LaMotteJuly 2729: Th actor ar Cg o You: sprtuRourc or lvg l Powruy, with Amanda KeJuly 29August 2: Th scr art o sprtu dcr

    mt, with Nancy BieberAugust 35: fg Your Voc, with Cheryl Chamblee aTamara KissaneAugust 510: Byo dvrty 101, with Niyonu Spann aBD101 Associates

    Pendle Hill338 Plush Mill RoadWallingford, PA 19086-6023(800) 742-3150, extension 3

    fRiend in ResidenCe. 6 week to 6 month terms. Ben lOMQUaKeR CenTeR, st Cruz Cor rwoo. Memof Friends meetings come live, worship and share hospitaon-call duties with our small staff community. ParticipatQuaker Center programs. Call Kathy or Bob Runyan, Direc(831) 336-8333. .

    Connect with like-minded Friends.Forums, Photos, Private Messaging, and more

    Its Friendly, Its Free, Its FabulousContact: , (336) 303-0514.

    links socially conscious singles who care about peace, socjustice, race/gender equity, environment. Natio nwide/ intnational. All ages. Since 1984.Free sample: Box 444-FJ, Lenox Dale, MA 01242.(413) 243-4350; .

    Poto Vct

    fr RcBurtt Hou fr Ctr, ithnY. Available August 2012. Person or couple to oversee nourish the spirit of cooperation within intentional living cmunity of residents, sojourners. Shared kitchen/dining. Swalk to Cornell. 227 N. Willard Way, Ithaca, NY 14850. Con.

    R ettThr Grov eco Vg is a multigenerational co-houcommunity walking distance to West Grove, PA energy homes, perma culture landscaping and gardens. us! (610) 643-4411, .

    Rt & Rtrt

    Burgto (nJ) Mtg Hou Corc C(25 minutes from Philadelphia) offers meeting rooms of var

    sizes for groups of up to 200 for day use and/or modern, overnaccommodations for groups of up to 88 adults or school childat $32pp; large commercial kitchen and adjacent restored 1Meeting House; all ADA handicapped accessible; (609) 387-3.

    Pcu rg-top ctury hosting workshops with Qer-related themes, group retreats and individual sojourns.our website for a full program listing. Woom H QuRtrt Ctr, 107 Keets Road, Deerfield, MA 01342; (774-3431; .

    Bubrry Cottg on organic lavender, blueberry, and dgoat farm in the mountains of N. Carolina. Pond, mounviews, protected river. Sleeps 8+. Family farm visit or romagetaway. Near Celo Friends Meeting. By week or day., or (866) 212-2100.

    C L A S S I F I E D Book &

    Rare and out-of-print Quaker jour nals, history, religion. VintageBooks, 181 Hayden Rowe St, Hopkinton, MA 01748.Email: .

    Western Friend (formerly Friends Bulletin), a magazine by andabout Western Friends, supporting the spiritual lives of Friendseverywhere. Subscription: $30, 8 issues. 5 month intro subscription

    just $10. Email for free sample copy. .Western Friend, 833 SE Main St. Mailb ox #138, Portland, OR 97214.

    Visit for news, books, and more.

    P H Pmpht, insightful essays on Quakerlife, thought, and spirituality, about 9,000 words each.Subscribe: five pamphlets/year/$25 (U.S.). Also avail-able: every pamphlet published by Pendle Hill. (800)742-3150 ext. 2, ,



    lrhp stu t esROrganizational LeadershipLeadership FormationFiscal and Resource StewardshipQuaker Process

    Take these courses and others! For more information:, (800) 432-1377, .

    lot stor o fth. An exciting peace exhibit for your con-gregation, school or organization. Available in banner or panelforms for a modest loan fee.For info contact: ..

    Th Trct aocto o fr

    (founded: 1816)

    Offers Friends Calendar, pamphlets, and books on Quaker faithand practice. 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102-1403.; phone (215) 579-2752;email .

    Cot Rc stuy Tour: Visit the Quaker community inMonteverde. For information and a brochure contact SarahStuckey: +011 (506) 2645-7090; write: Apdo. 46-5655, Monte-verde, Costa Rica; email : ;; or call in the USA (937) 728-9887.

    Th schoo o th sprt Mtry has under its care a

    program ofSilent Retreats in the man ner of Friends. In orderto expand our offerings we are seeking a Friend or pair ofFriends who are called to the ministry of Silent Retreat fa-cilitation. This Friend(s) will be mentored by our current fa-cilitators, Linda Chidsey and Carolyn Moon, as they preparefor a silent retreat in Cincinnati, Sept. 27-30, 2012. Attendanceat this retreat is expected. For more information, includingqualifications, expectations, and application (first review ofapplications May 25), visit .Upcomg 2012May 25: Application deadline for On Being a Spiritual Nurturer.Late applications reviewed at our discretion.June 8 11:A Contemplative Retreat, at Powell House, Old Cha-tham, NYSept. 2730: A Silent Retreat in the manner of Friends, Trans-figuration Spirituality Center, Cincinnati, OHMore information at , or call MikeGreen at (919) 929-2339.

    e Vy llC is looking for a part-time organic, small plotintensive farmer and groundskeeper. Housing available as anexchange. Country home in the woods less than an hour fromWashington, D.C., near Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting. Contactus: or call (410) 531-5610.

    do you cr bout th uturo th Rgou socty o fr?

    Support growing meetings and a spiritually vital Quakerismfor all ages with a deferred gift to Friends General Conference(bequest, charitable gift annuity, trust).

    For information, please contact Larry Jalowiec atFGC, 1216 Arch Street, 2-B, Philadelphia, PA 19107;(215) 561-1700; ..

  • 7/31/2019 Friends Journal June/July 2012 Classifieds
