Frog Musculature

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Frog Musculature

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Axial Musculature

Head Muscles


TemporalisMid-dorsal linePosterior region of the mandibleRaises the lower jaw

Depressor MandibulaeMid-dorsal lineAngle of the jawLowers the jaw

MylohoidMedian rapheInner surface of the lower jawRaises the floor of the mouth

Trunk Muscles


CoccygeosacralisAnterior lateral surface of the urostyleNeural arch and transverse process of sacral vertebraKeeps coccyx in line with ilium

CoccygeoiliacusPosterior lateral surface of urostyleIlium Supports articulation of coccyx with the ilium

Longissimus dorsiUrostyle Posterior end of the skull, dorsal surface of the vertebraeExtends back and elevates head

External obliqueLumbo-dorsal fasciaBeneath the muscle on the ventral side of the abdomenCompresses the abdomen

Rectus abdominisPubisSternum Flexes the vertebral column

Linea albaLumbo-dorsal fascia, ribsPubis Compresses the abdomen

Inscriptiones tendinaeCompresses the abdomen

Appendicular Musculature

Muscles of the forelimb


Latissimus dorsiFascia of the anterior trunk regionShoulder joint, humerusDraws arm away from the body

Sterno-radialisEpisternum Proximal end of the radioulnaDraws the arms towards the chest

Pectoralis(2) Pectoral girdle, sternum(1) Fascia of the rectus abdominusHumerus Draws the arms towards the chest

DeltoidCoracoidProximal end of the humerusDraws the arms towards the chest

Triceps brachiiScapulo-coracoidDistal end of the humerus, proximal end of the radioulnaStraightens the forearms

Muscles of the hindlimb


Triceps extensor femorisPosterior border of the ilium, anterior border of the acetabulumProximal end of the tibio-fibulaStraightens the shanks, bends the thigh

SemimembranosusIschium Proximal end of the tibio-fibula, back of the knee Draws the thigh medially and bends the shanks

Biceps femorisPosterior margin of ischiumProximal end of tibio-fibulaDraws the thigh medially and bends the shanks

Gracilis majorPosterior margin of the ischiumProximal end of the tibio-fibulaDraws the thigh medially

SartoriusLower end of the iliumBends the leg

Adductor magnusPelvic girdleDistal end of femurAdducts thigh and draws thigh ventrally

Gastrocnemius Small headtop aponeuroses that covers the knee; Big headglistening tendon at the back of the knee connected to the ligament binding the femur and the tibio-fibulaAchilles tendonFlexes leg and extends foot

PeroneusDistal end of the femurDistal end of the tibio-fibula, proximal end of the tarsal bonesStraightens the shank, bends the foot

Tibialis anticusDistal end of the femurTarsals Bends the foot

Tibialis posticusEntire length of the tibio-fibulaProximal end of the tarsalsExtends the foot
