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from EXPRESSION of INTEREST to SELECTION of PROPOSAL. Before Evaluation Evaluation Finalization of Evaluation. BEFORE EVALUATION. Call for Expression of Interest Call for Proposals Pre-proposal Checks Submission of Proposals Acknowledgement of Proposal Receipt Eligibility Check. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A. Before Evaluation

B. Evaluation

C. Finalization of Evaluation


Call for Expression of Interest Call for Expression of Interest Call for ProposalsCall for Proposals Pre-proposal ChecksPre-proposal Checks Submission of ProposalsSubmission of Proposals Acknowledgement of Proposal Acknowledgement of Proposal

ReceiptReceipt Eligibility CheckEligibility Check

a) a) Calls for Expression of InterestCalls for Expression of Interest


- Prepare and set the objectives of work programs- Prepare and set the objectives of work programs - Define the scope of calls of proposals to - Define the scope of calls of proposals to

implement itimplement it


- By consulting research community on:- By consulting research community on:the readiness to prepare proposalsthe readiness to prepare proposalslikely objectiveslikely objectivesrelevance of research actionsrelevance of research actions

N.B.N.B. An EoI is An EoI is notnot a pre-requisite for participation in any future calls or a guarantee for a pre-requisite for participation in any future calls or a guarantee for the selection of a future proposal derived from itthe selection of a future proposal derived from it

b) Calls for Proposalsb) Calls for Proposals

-- submitted under the terms of ‘Calls for Proposals’submitted under the terms of ‘Calls for Proposals’

-- provided for in the work programsprovided for in the work programs

-- published in the Official Journal of EUpublished in the Official Journal of EU

-- may involve a single- or two-stage submission and may involve a single- or two-stage submission and evaluation procedureevaluation procedure

-- in two-stage submissions, only coordinators whose in two-stage submissions, only coordinators whose proposals are evaluated positively in the first stage proposals are evaluated positively in the first stage are invited to submit complete proposalsare invited to submit complete proposals

c) c) Pre-proposal ChecksPre-proposal Checks

AimAim- Advise potential proposers on whether proposals Advise potential proposers on whether proposals

appear to be eligible and within the scope of the appear to be eligible and within the scope of the CallCall

An informal advisory pre-proposal check service may be offered to researcher (esp. for An informal advisory pre-proposal check service may be offered to researcher (esp. for SMEs)SMEs)

d) d) Submission of ProposalsSubmission of Proposals


- via the web-based Electronic Proposal Submission via the web-based Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS)System (EPSS)

N.BN.B. Submission by fax or e-mail is . Submission by fax or e-mail is notnot acceptable acceptable

e) e) Acknowledgement of Proposal Acknowledgement of Proposal ReceiptReceipt

- - sent to proposal coordinator by e-mail, fax or post sent to proposal coordinator by e-mail, fax or post

- contains- containsproposal title proposal title


proposal numberproposal number

date of receiptdate of receipt

time of receipttime of receipt

name of the program and/or activity/research area name of the program and/or activity/research area andand

call identifier to which the proposal was addressedcall identifier to which the proposal was addressed

f) f) Eligibility CheckEligibility Check

• receipt of proposal by the Commission on receipt of proposal by the Commission on or before the deadline date and timeor before the deadline date and time

• minimum number of participantsminimum number of participants• completeness of the proposal completeness of the proposal (all requested (all requested

administrative forms + proposal description)administrative forms + proposal description)

N.B.N.B. Completeness of information is for the expert to evaluateCompleteness of information is for the expert to evaluate Eligibility checks apply to the presence of all appropriate partsEligibility checks apply to the presence of all appropriate parts

EVALUATIONEVALUATION (by independent experts)(by independent experts)

a)a) Briefing of the independent experts Briefing of the independent experts-oral or in writing-oral or in writing

-by representatives of the Commission-by representatives of the Commission-info on general evaluation guidelines-info on general evaluation guidelines-info on objectives of research area under -info on objectives of research area under


b) Individual evaluation of proposalsb) Individual evaluation of proposals-by several experts-by several experts

-evaluated against applicable criteria-evaluated against applicable criteria-give marks-give marks-provide comments-provide comments

c) Consensusc) Consensus

-a consensus report-a consensus report

-reflects views of the independent experts-reflects views of the independent experts

d) Panel evaluationd) Panel evaluation

-convened if necessary-convened if necessary

-examines and compares consensus remarks -examines and compares consensus remarks and and marks in a given areamarks in a given area

-makes recommendations on a priority order, -makes recommendations on a priority order, possible possible clustering or combination of proposalsclustering or combination of proposals

Proposal MarkingProposal Marking

00 - proposal fails to address the issue under examination - proposal fails to address the issue under examination or cannot be judged against the criterion due to or cannot be judged against the criterion due to missing missing or incomplete infoor incomplete info11 - poor - poor22 - fair - fair33 - good - good44 - very good - very good55 - excellent - excellent

N.B.N.B. Where appropriate, half marks may be given Where appropriate, half marks may be given Evaluators are encouraged to ‘look at the larger picture’Evaluators are encouraged to ‘look at the larger picture’

Thresholds and WeightingsThresholds and Weightings

ThresholdsThresholds set for some or all blocks of criteriaset for some or all blocks of criteria if proposal fails to achieve a threshold for a if proposal fails to achieve a threshold for a

block of criteria, evaluation may be stoppedblock of criteria, evaluation may be stopped

WeightingsWeightings depend on the type of instrument and Call depend on the type of instrument and Call

blocks blocks of criteria may be weightedof criteria may be weighted

applicable weightings are set out in the Callapplicable weightings are set out in the Call

Feedback to ProposersFeedback to Proposers

-- coordinator receives the evaluation report coordinator receives the evaluation report (ESR)(ESR)

-- comments recorded must give sufficient comments recorded must give sufficient and clear reasons for the scoresand clear reasons for the scores

-- any recommendations for modifications any recommendations for modifications are givenare given


a) a) Commission Ranked ListCommission Ranked List

.. in priority orderin priority order

.. marks received and advice from independent marks received and advice from independent experts experts

are taken into accountare taken into account

.. program priorities program priorities (e.g. coverage of program objectives)(e.g. coverage of program objectives) + + compatibility of proposal with stated community compatibility of proposal with stated community

policy policy objectives + available budget are decisive objectives + available budget are decisive elementselements

.. ranking may foresee conditions for negotiationranking may foresee conditions for negotiation-adjustment of budget-adjustment of budget


-merging with other proposals-merging with other proposals-funding up to a certain milestone -funding up to a certain milestone (with the possibility to grant complementary(with the possibility to grant complementary

funding following a subsequent Call)funding following a subsequent Call)

b) b) Commission Reserve List Commission Reserve List

- failure of negotiations on projects- failure of negotiations on projects- withdrawal of proposal- withdrawal of proposal- saving to be made during contract negotiation- saving to be made during contract negotiation

N.B.N.B. Coordinators of any proposals held in reserve, receive info about the Coordinators of any proposals held in reserve, receive info about the possiibility of the possiibility of the offer of a contract preparation if further funding becomes offer of a contract preparation if further funding becomes availableavailable

When the budget has been used up, proposals in the reserve list are When the budget has been used up, proposals in the reserve list are rejected and rejected and their their coordinators are informedcoordinators are informed

c) c) Commission Rejection DecisionsCommission Rejection Decisions

-- ineligibleineligible

-- out of scopeout of scope

-- failing any of the individual thresholdsfailing any of the individual thresholds-- due to budgetary reasons due to budgetary reasons (those proposals (those proposals that fall below that fall below a certain ranking)a certain ranking)

Coordinators of these proposals are informed in Coordinators of these proposals are informed in writing with an explanation of the reasons for writing with an explanation of the reasons for rejectionrejection

Negotiation of ProposalsNegotiation of Proposals

Coordinators of successful proposals Coordinators of successful proposals (acceptable + (acceptable +

available funding)available funding) are invited to begin negotiations are invited to begin negotiations Further administrative info may be requestedFurther administrative info may be requested Any technical changes Any technical changes (proposed during evaluation)(proposed during evaluation)

may be requestedmay be requested A deadline for replying to these requests may be A deadline for replying to these requests may be


Negotiation may cover :Negotiation may cover :

a)a) Scientific aspectsScientific aspectsrevisions to the workprogramrevisions to the workprogram

adjustments to itadjustments to it

b)b) Legal aspectsLegal aspectsreview of any special contractual clauses or conditionsreview of any special contractual clauses or conditions

c)c) Financial aspectsFinancial aspectsnegotiations of the EU contributionnegotiations of the EU contribution

amount of initial pre-financingamount of initial pre-financingtiming of reporting and paymentstiming of reporting and paymentsany financial security any financial security (may be requested by the Commission)(may be requested by the Commission)

d)d) Any other aspectsAny other aspectsdate of start of projectdate of start of project

timing of reportstiming of reports


Pre-proposal checks are not obligatory, however, Pre-proposal checks are not obligatory, however, they help a lotthey help a lot

Go through the checklist before submitting your Go through the checklist before submitting your proposalproposal

Even if your proposal fails, your Evaluation Even if your proposal fails, your Evaluation Summary Report will help you a lot because it is Summary Report will help you a lot because it is a good indicator showing what is expected by the a good indicator showing what is expected by the evaluatorsevaluators

You can submit your proposal twice or even You can submit your proposal twice or even three times after modifying it three times after modifying it

Thank you...Thank you...

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