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    Logic To Magic - All rights reserved. You may redistribute brief quotations from this book for review and sharing purposes - on the condition that the content remains

    inclusive and that credit is given to the author. Please feel free to share the book itself with the world.


    Cover Image: Marilyn Voland - www.dreamstime.com. RF

    book cover and web design license bought and used in accordance with the Dreamstime Terms of Use.

    | Published 2012 by Logic To Magic |

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    Chapter 1: Re-awakened Memories.........................................11

    Chapter 2: The Mind-Matrix.....................................................19

    Chapter 3: Universal Truth.......................................................29

    Chapter 4: A Journey into the Past...........................................34

    Chapter 5: Science, Religion and Extraordinary Experiences...38

    Chapter 6: Purpose and Intention............................................50

    Chapter 7: A Healing Session in Chalice Garden.......................56

    Chapter 8: Evolutionary History................................................61

    Chapter 9: The Gods and the Omniverses................................70

    Chapter 10: A School for Creator Gods.....................................75

    Chapter 11: Mother and FatherEarth and Sun......................79

    Chapter 12: The Verse of Light.................................................84

    Chapter 13: ..............................................................................91

    Chapter 14: Masters of Deception...........................................93

    Chapter 15: HollywoodFrom Fact to Fiction........................102

    Chapter 16: The Fall of the Matrix-Wall..................................108

    Chapter 17: The Shift..............................................................119

    Chapter 18: The Triumph of Existence...................................124

    Chapter 19: Allowing Heaven on Earth...................................132

    Chapter 20: Fear is Nothing but fear......................................139

    Chapter 21: The Balance Point of Integration.........................144

    Chapter 22: The Return of the Goddess.................................148

    Chapter 23: The Field of Love.................................................154

    Chapter 24: A Magical Miracle...............................................160

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    I would like to thank my soul-friend Randy, who helped me edit

    the first parts of my bookwhich led me to understand and

    express the English language in a more comprehensible way. You

    have great skills, a wonderful spirit and a big heart.

    Gratitude goes out to my spiritual brother and 3D-work-

    companion Patrik, who has helped me with my websites

    (including fromlogictomagic.com). Not only do you have practical

    and significant skills that manifest in the external world, but a

    powerful internal vibration of wisdom and loving-kindness that

    affects us all.

    I want to thank my kindred spirit Hannah, for her encouraging

    interest and engagement in my writings, and for her generous

    participation in editing. You are a being of great wisdom that

    knows how to tap into the power of Love.

    I feel appreciation and gratefulness towards my parents (today

    more than ever), family and many other friends who have been

    supportive in various ways throughout my life. You have helped

    create my human experienceand you have all helped me

    become the person that I am in this day and age.

    Last but not least, I want to thank my beloved wifeDea. Your

    Wisdom, Truth and Love flow through many pages of this book.

    You are my shining Star and you have shown me Heaven on Earth.

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    A group of graduates, now highly established in their careers, got

    together to visit their old university professor one evening. Their

    conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and

    life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen

    and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups

    porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive,

    some exquisitetelling them to help themselves to the coffee.

    When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor

    said: "If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups have been

    taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is

    normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the

    source of your problems and stress. Be assured that the cup itself

    adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive

    and in some cases even hides what we drink. What all of you really

    wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the

    'best' cupsand then you began eyeing each other's cups."

    Now consider this: The coffee in this case represents lifethe life

    that flows through all Humans and all living things, no matter our

    differences or our physical possessions. The cups represent our jobs,

    money and positions in society. They are just tools and vehicles to

    hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have neither defines

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    nor changes the quality of the coffeenor of the life we live.

    Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the

    coffee. So savor the coffee, not the cups!

    The short story above was written by an anonymous person,

    whom I feel shares wisdom common to us all. While it is our

    intention and ambition to experience the coffee, we also get an

    opportunity to experience the cupthe very tool that makes the

    experience of coffee possible in the first place. Similar to how the

    cup facilitates the experience of coffee, one could say that the

    physical body and the physical world facilitate our life-experience as

    Human beings on planet Earth. Because of our strong identification

    with the physical world, many fail to explore the formless dimension

    of consciousness that also experiences life through the physical as

    an integral part of who we are. This formless dimension of ourselves

    seems to be forgotten, which inspires me to pose the following

    question: What really lies at the core of a Human being?

    The core-essence of our being is most often referred to as the

    heart, soul or spirit, although there are many different perceptions

    of what those words actually entail among us Humans. The greater

    majority of Humanity has come to accept the definitions of soul and

    spirit that are passed down by age-old belief systems. As a result of

    our perception being primarily guided by today's social order, we

    have been conditioned to search for the identity of ourselves in the

    external society before exploring the internal society within our

    deeper selves.

    I see the foundation of a Human being similarly to how I see the

    foundation of a fruit. At the core of the fruit, underneath its flesh

    and pulp, there exist seeds that carry the potential of rebirthing the

    same fruit. Beneath the physical layers of our Human bodies there

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    also exists a seed that plants us into existence, which we have

    always carried within our deeper selves. Our seed represents a

    greater part of who we are, it is an eternal force of life that gives

    birth to our human experience. It is through re-connecting to our

    inner seed and by allowing ourselves to explore our inner society,

    that we are able to answer the question of what really lies at the

    core of our being.

    I am glad you have chosen to read my work. It is an honor to share

    my thoughts and feelings with you and I would like to thank you for

    taking the time to read them. I have had a series of mind-opening

    experiences, memories and insights, that have given me a deeper

    and more profound understanding of life in the greater scheme of

    thingsand how we Humans fit perfectly into this bigger picture.

    In this concise handbook I intend to describe what is now taking

    place around and within us, as a species on planet Earth. Some may

    perceive my understandings as being no more than fiction, which in

    many ways overestimates and overvalues human life in the

    Universe. To others, they may act as a mirror that reflects the truth

    that is profoundly recognized within their own heart and soul. I trust

    that From Logic To Magic will serve as a steppingstone, guiding who

    ever reads it towards a greater expansion of consciousness. I feel

    my words merely point to the truth that is ready to awaken from

    inside each of us.

    Life in the greater scheme of things is a grand subject to explore,

    so before we continue any further I will summarize the most

    important concepts of my discoveries with a few statements:

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    We are all immortal and infinite beings of Love and Light. Life is

    infinite in all directions and nothing exists beyond us as

    Omniversal Beings.

    We orchestrate our lives from a greater and higher aspect of our

    Human Selves. We are here because of a choice we made, to

    experience life, to learn and to evolve.

    Our Universe is based on the construct of light, frequency and

    polarity, and it is made up of many dimensions of which we get to

    experience simultaneously. Within this construct we purposely

    disconnect ourselves from the higher aspects of our

    multidimensional identity through a journey of vast separation

    and this is all a part of our evolutionary process.

    In the lower dimensions of our Universe the construct of light,

    frequency and polarity is condensed into extreme duality (good

    and evil, light and dark, Love and fear, + and -). As beings in these

    realms we get to experience a playground of conditions and

    limitations where we form egoic aspects that create a false image

    of self.

    We all exist as galaxies, stars and planetary bodies and we all

    manifest inside one another to experience our different vibratory

    expressions. By experiencing each other in this way we all embody

    the oneness of life, while at the same time we are all so very

    unique and special in our own way of expressing life. One for All

    and All for One.

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    The concept of linear time and space only exists in the lower

    dimensions of our Universe. What we perceive as quantifiable

    locations in time of past and future all exist in one singular

    moment of Now.

    The essence of infinite Love is a force that permeates through

    every Universe and Omniverse in Creation. As a Human being on

    planet Earth we can only experience this force by being the force

    itselfas a being of unconditional Love. The return to

    unconditional Love is the balance point for the integration with

    our greater selves, and one shall now more than ever ask one's

    self the question: 'To Be or not to Be'?

    These statements certainly claim to explain a broad spectrum of

    Creation and our role in it. As I share with you my perspective on

    life, I will state that this is the way it works and that this is the way it

    is. The way I share it with you is the way I feel, and I am well aware

    that many people hold a different understanding of life. If you

    decide to read this book I ask for you to have an open mindand an

    open heartand to discern for yourself what you resonate with.

    Within our collective experience we as individuals choose to

    follow our own unique path and we are all entitled to our own

    beliefs and opinions. The set of values we choose to identify with

    becomes our reality and is what ultimately determines our

    perception of what life is and who we are. I respect everyone's

    individual path and I know that we all play an important role simply

    by existing here on our planet Earthregardless of the direction we

    choose to walk.

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    While I respect and honor our individual paths within our current

    reality, I must place emphasis on my personal experiences and

    understandings of the hidden world, which exists beyond this

    reality. By recognizing the journey we have all taken from higher

    planes of awareness, to our fragmented state of disagreement and

    separation, I will affirm that there are greater truths about life that

    belong to us all. Our evolutionary process is a journey through a

    multidimensional Universe, the structure of which I will explain as a

    universal playground that has facilitated and made possible our

    human and spiritual experiences.

    What I have chosen to share might spark within you an interest to

    discover more of your greater self. I encourage you to do so and to

    continue your own inner and outer pursuit for truth, wisdom and

    knowledge. I see us all as members of a never-ending journey

    through a cosmic dance of life, and perhaps I might help you on

    your way of re-membering into your eternal member-ship of the

    Universe of Light.

    Furthermore, this book explores the riddle of life and establishes

    that when we fully comprehend the composition of the riddle, we

    re-discover that the answer lies within our deeper selves. As I delve

    deeper into our spiritual core and explain how powerful and

    magnificent we all really are, I encourage you to acknowledge this

    magnificence within yourself and become truly self-empowered as a

    Human being. A hidden magical world exists beyond the limited

    perception of the logical mind. It is my intention to help you

    discover this magical reality and to explore it as an essential part of

    who you are.

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    Discoveries of other realities are not new to mankind. Such

    discoveries are in fact very ancient and are known to a greater part

    of us, for travels beyond the borders of our mind-paradigm are truly

    all about re-discovering our greater selves.

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    Re-awakened Memories

    What I call the magical world is not a world excluded to 'spells and

    curses'. It is everything the logical mind terms 'supernatural' or

    'unexplained'. My deeper understanding of a greater reality began

    to become clear when I opened up to the concept that in order to

    understand the external world, I first must understand what is

    happening within me.

    A few years ago I started to take an interest in spiritual wisdom

    that truly empowered me as an individual. After reading a few

    books and listening to some interviews, I began to feel that the

    knowledge, wisdom and Love that I resonated with already existed

    inside the depth of my own being. I became aware that true

    spiritual teachings are not made up of beliefs or rules of conduct

    and that they all originate from the same source of truth that is

    inside each and every one of us. When we learn to see through that

    which separates us from the deeper truth of who we are, we get to

    see ourselves in the mirror of life, not only as Human, but also as

    eternal spirit that is ever present and alive. A new and broader

    perspective of our human experience opened up to me.

    I began to realize, with my 'real eyes', that the eternal and

    formless essence of who we are does not age in time and space, and

    that if we allow ourselves we are able to find an everlasting present

    momenthere and Nowwithin this reality. Our eternal self simply

    exists beyond the concepts of time and space, and whether we are

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    aware of it or not, we are all here as spiritual beings to learn and

    evolve through the human experience.

    As I began to find my way back to this truth of who and what we

    all are, feelings rose from a place within my heart that I had not

    been very connected to since I was around eight years old. At that

    time I had visions of myself from past lifetimes and I used to dive

    deeply into these memories without talking to anyone about them.

    One of the strongest recollections I had of a previous life was of

    myself walking the Earth in total peace and harmony. I walked in

    simplicity, being no more or less than who I Am, without conditions

    and judgments from others or myself, and therefore I was able to be

    and to express a state of pure and unconditional Love.

    When I re-experienced this Love through my memories, I knew

    without a doubt that such a state of grace exists and that we all

    have the ability to find it within our deeper selves. However, the

    memories and feelings I had as a young child did not blend well with

    the contrasting ideals of society. By the age of ten I had forgotten

    my inner revelations, as I unconsciously adopted the mindset of the

    very different world around me.

    As I reflected on the visions I had during my childhood, I began to

    recall even more of my past lifetimes. Behavioral patterns in my

    current lifetime seemed to mirror patterns from my previous

    lifetimes. I recognized vibrations and characteristics that were

    unique to me, not only as a Human being, but also a spiritual

    beingor a soul.

    When I felt into the energetic vibrations of people around me, I

    was able to recall scenarios I had together with them in past lives.

    These scenarios again seemed to be mirrored in my current lifetime.

    Getting to know a greater aspect of myself and others, I understood

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    that whatever manifests in our lives has a greater purpose and

    meaning. It is from this greater aspect that we all orchestrate our

    soul-contract agreements that are to be fulfilled through our human


    As we incarnate into this world of illusion we allow ourselves to

    experience not only Love, but also fear, and we succumb to the idea

    of mortality and separation, forgetting all about the intention and

    purpose of our higher self. Through this extreme polarization of

    Love and fear life is in many ways turned into a serious game with

    all kinds of dramatic scenarios.

    I have come to understand that there is nothing inherently wrong

    with dramatic scenarios as all experiences are essential parts of our

    evolutionary journey; which in the end is about learning and gaining

    wisdom from different experiences. Our spirit is a keeper of time

    and knowledge, and it is through the process of reintegrating with

    Spirit that we gain access to the records of our previous experiences

    and memories.

    Forgetting who we are as spiritual beings is nothing but a

    temporary disconnection from our greater aspects. By once again

    re-membering ourselves into the truth of who we are from within

    the human experience, we reconnect with these higher aspects.

    This has been my big revelation. We Humans have long searched for

    answers and recognition from outside of ourselves. I had clearly

    begun to realize that we have had it all wrongit is all to be

    rediscovered from within.

    Can you imagine what it would be like if we all remembered that a

    part of our eternal essence has manifested into this world of form in

    order to learn, and to experience the many different expressions of

    life as a Human being? What would happen to our fear and hatred if

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    we would realize that we exist infinitely beyond our body and our


    A revolution of perception would take place all over the world if

    our subjective minds would realize not only the intellectual idea, but

    also the universal truth that we are all the same underneath the

    different cultures and identities in our society.

    Out of the many people who get to have abnormal experiences such

    as remembering past lives, talking to spirits or traveling to other

    realms, I am certain that there are many who do not speak about

    them openly. The current mindset of our world over-rides anything

    that is outside the norm and, just as I did when I was ten years old,

    many deny having these experiences. In many cases it is easier to

    deny rather than try to explain them.

    It is a fact that the logical-oriented mainstream institutions deny

    the practical study of spiritual experience to be valid as a context of

    understanding the existence of a greater human and spiritual

    reality. In what most of us believe to be the greatest era of scientific

    and physiological evolution, the human mind perceives a world

    exclusively occupied with materialism and the five-sense-reality.

    Therefore, those who share their spiritual experiences openly are

    often ridiculed and perceived by mainstream society as outcasts

    with fantastic ideas. Due to the fact that the logical mind-set still

    maintains a strong grip around our collective state of consciousness,

    many Humans who are presented with staggering evidence of a

    greater spiritual reality, still refuse to accept and embrace it as true.

    It is safe to say that many of us are in a state of denial.

    However, in spite of all the ridicule, many people are now more

    than ever finding the courage within to venture down the

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    challenging path of sharing their discoveries. Whether it be near

    death experiences, contact with beings from other realms, astral

    travel or even journeying with one's pure consciousness; these

    phenomena are increasingly being spoken of around the world.

    Spiritual healing practices, past life regression therapies, workshops

    and forums where people can share their experiences, have all

    become everyday occurrences that are a part of our society.

    Since I began remembering more past lives, I have further

    explored and developed my capacity to recall aspects of my greater

    self. Now, I often wake up in the mornings remembering vibrations,

    surroundings and beings I have interacted with on other levels of

    life. I am able to explore realities I never knew existed before which

    has given me deep insights about the infinite possibilities we all

    possess as Humanand spiritualbeings.

    As a result of my experiences and insights, the world I live in has

    become much bigger than what I could previously imagine. I have

    come to understand that life truly becomes a riddle when we forget

    that we are the orchestrators of life in the first place. Yet my

    understanding also made me ponder upon how we, as orchestrators

    of life, have composed the journey in the greater scheme of things. I

    felt certain that there must be a greater purpose to our cycles of

    experiences in these different planes of creation. While

    contemplating the composition of the riddle I concluded that we are

    all a part of an evolutionary process, divinely planned, with an

    intended outcome.

    Is there really such a thing as a divine plan? Throughout the course

    of my book I intend to help answer this question, that I know we all,

    as eternal members of this Universe, carry within.

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    After having recalled extraordinary experiences it is my

    understanding that when we experience higher dimensions we get

    to re-connect with the higher aspects of ourselves that exist

    simultaneously with our earthly incarnation. Imagine us all living

    inside a world that has walls built up around it. From here a

    doorway exists that is able to lead us beyond the walls we currently

    reside in. Leaping beyond this world into the unknown can be

    frightening for the mind. Most of us are so comfortable running

    around in circles within this world, like hamsters in a spinning

    wheel, that we fail to notice that a doorway even exists. Those who

    truly allow themselves to explore beyond the boundaries of our

    mentally constructed paradigm discover that we are the key to the

    doorway, and that what was thought of as 'unknown' is already

    known to us.

    Discoveries of other realities are not new to mankind. Such

    discoveries are in fact very ancient and are known to a greater part

    of us, for travels beyond the borders of our mind-paradigm are truly

    all about re-discovering our greater selves.

    When we connect with higher aspects of ourselves we are actually

    interacting in dimensions where we all exist together. Through our

    human experience we have each managed to create an expression

    of individuality that is truly unique, and in which we are separated

    from each other. At the same time we are all so intimately

    connected to our greater aspects and to each other. We truly are

    universal and multidimensional beings in a multidimensional


    As we exist on multiple levels, I will continue to utilize a

    multidimensional perspective in order to properly explain the

    nature of our whole existence. Considering this perspective, let us

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    examine the 'surface-world' of today and explore the ways we keep

    ourselves inside the walls of what I refer to as the current mindset.

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    If we could seek society within ourselves, before seeking ourselves

    within society, we have a chance to discover our own unique spirit,

    which ultimately holds the truth about life beyond that which our

    current mainstream society portrays.

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    The Mind-Matrix

    The understandings held within the mainstream establishment

    regarding the known Universe and Humanity's role in it is very

    narrow when compared with the multidimensional perspective.

    Religion and science, along with the academic institutions and the

    mainstream media, have for a very long time portrayed a limited

    perspective of life. As such, the greater concepts I present may

    seem radical to many people. In this chapter, it is my intention to

    clarify how the human mind becomes deeply entrenched into a

    limited reality through a process of self-deception.

    I define the mind-matrix to be a virtual reality overlay that keeps

    us within a limited paradigm of perception. Within this paradigm,

    we are taught to perceive and recognize only that which is

    presented to us through our five senses as being all there is to

    experience. What we learn to accept as reality is only the outermost

    layer of perception. It is nothing more than the physical surface-

    level of what we are capable of perceiving, but since we become so

    identified with this five-sense-reality it becomes our whole world.

    We have become so identified with the physical world that we

    have forgotten that all of us, beneath the details of this world, are

    intimately connected to the whole. Being brought up within such

    conditions we automatically develop an egoic personality-driven

    aspect. Our identification with the physical world and our ego-

    aspect creates an image of self that does not represent who we are

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    in our entirety. This aspect only cares about itself and is incapable of

    acting with compassion.

    The ego sees everything as separate and judges others by their

    outward physical features and appearances. We are so focused on

    material requirements that we often forget to feel and acknowledge

    the being inside of us. We have an idea of how other people will

    perceive us and we are constantly trying to create a character

    through the material requirements that will fulfill this false idea of

    self. Through our desperation to form this character we forget that

    it is only a game on the surface-world and that there is so much

    more to life.

    The development of our ego in a world of separation is the vehicle

    for the process of forgetting our true nature as pure soul-

    consciousness. Inside of our being is a deeper dimension, ready to

    be explored by our mind and heart, but it cannot be found through

    any external means.

    The behavioral patterns of the ego are perhaps most apparent

    throughout our world of media and entertainment. In news

    programs, TV-shows and the political world we get caught up in

    drama between the different characters that are playing the game

    of the surface-world, and for many people this is all they ever focus


    No matter what paradigm we choose to engage ourselves in, our

    ego is often present with a judgmental and conditional perspective.

    By only focusing on the game of the surface-world, we may satisfy

    the needs of the ego, but we fail to see the bigger picture of what is

    going on. Because of this narrow perspective we have developed

    very destructive behavioral patterns within our society. Our ego-

    aspect has been entrained with the notions that we must fight for

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    peace with war and sustain freedom with security. Somehow we fail

    to notice the inherent paradox of the approach.

    When a conflict arises we get so caught up in drama and

    differences of opinions, that we don't recognize the fact that we are

    all really one organism at war with itself. The ego-aspect is simply

    not aware of the self-destructive behavioral patterns of our society

    because it does not recognize the essence of who we are

    underneath our attachments to identities and opinions.

    Through different incarnations we have all played roles in

    different cultures with different identities. For instance, let us say

    that a soul incarnates as a woman somewhere in Africa. This woman

    has previously experienced life as a Jewish woman who died in

    Auschwitz during the second world war. She will have carried the

    wounds of her previous lifetime with her, while engaging in a

    completely different life experience in her present incarnation in


    The Jewish people of today may carry wounds from the holocaust

    as a collective identity of the culture itself. But the souls who

    incarnated into the experience of the holocaust are not necessarily

    the same souls that have incarnated as the Jewish people of today.

    If we would all realize here and now, that the essence of who we

    are is not defined by one religion, culture or skin color; we would

    end the destructive cycles of the 'blame-game' and victimhood, to

    understand life from a greater and more inclusive soul-perspective.

    Though the media is an integral part of propagating destructive

    cycles like the ones mentioned above, it is not my intention to

    portray news and entertainment as being entirely negative. Neither

    is it my intention to claim that we should never enjoy our physical

    possessions or explore the expressions of our ego. My intention is

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    simply to look at the current surface-world and reveal how far

    removed we are in our everyday lives from the deeper

    understanding of what lies beyond it. We have forgotten the

    presence of our formless spiritour souland therefore forgotten

    the eternal magnificence of our being. If we could seek society

    within ourselves, before seeking ourselves within society, we have a

    chance to discover our own unique spirit, which ultimately holds the

    truth about life beyond that which our current mainstream society


    Everything around us is energy expressing itself through a network

    of interconnected consciousness. The fact that we operate together

    as a single organism is understood and explained today by both

    science and spirituality. However, because the greater majority of

    the people in our world are programmed into a robotic society that

    only plays on the surface-world, today's mainstream perception is

    diminutive compared to the deeper understanding of who we are

    and how alive everything is around us.

    Let us explore how our fundamental nature is one with the living

    nature of our planet Earth. When we look deep into the nature of

    our plant and animal kingdoms, we are able to find ourselves in

    them. Nature tells the truth; it teaches us about being in the

    moment, about stillness and silence, and about the balance of life.

    The re-discovery of our inner eternal space is the re-discovery of the

    inner eternal space that is reflected in All Living Things.

    Imagine yourself communicating with the consciousness of a tree

    from the depth of your own being. If you were to stand and have a

    conversation with a tree, how would those who passed by react to

    such a sight? Because of how disconnected most people are to the

    living nature around us, they would likely stare at you with

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    bewilderment as if you were doing something wrong. Whether it be

    a tree, a stone or a waterfall, the truth is that nature speaks to us all

    the time and in the presence of our stillness, we can learn a lot from

    it. This feeling of interconnectedness is accessible to us right now,

    but we as individuals have to experience it from deep within if we

    are to truly know the essence of it.

    Through our human experience there are two states of being from

    which we express ourselvesthe mental state and the emotional

    state. In our process of developing a false image of self, the

    identification with our thoughts in the mind becomes strong and we

    let our true feelings from the heart come second. Our mind works

    as a mental software program that manages the thought patterns

    within our brain. We use our mind to think, and it is an important

    tool for our body vehicle in order to function and communicate.

    Through the left-brain programming in our robotic society we are

    trained to be rational according to the paradigm of the logical mind.

    This indoctrination is what builds a partition between our minds and

    our hearts, hence the label mind-matrixit exists within our minds

    and not our hearts. Our mind is able to grasp and understand

    concepts of the heart and soul, but it is not the aspect that

    represents the essence of the heart itself. Through our strong

    identification with the mind we often become led by our thoughts,

    thoughts that may not always be of our own making, and we fail to

    acknowledge the feelings within our hearts.

    Our hearts are one with our spirit as a keeper of time and

    knowledge. By re-connecting with our hearts we re-open the doors

    to our cosmic and universal soul-journey, and thus we are able to

    move far beyond the logical mind into the deep and magical core of

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    our eternal selves. To speak from the heart is to express one's true

    nature and while doing so the essence of who we are has the

    opportunity to be acknowledged by the mind-aspect. By getting to

    know our true hearts we get to know our true eternal selves that

    exist infinitely beyond our limited minds.

    By following the programs of the mind rather than the truth of our

    own heart, we simply lead ourselves away from our true nature. It is

    not difficult to deceive ourselves if we give in to the manufactured

    systems of this world. Our mental and physical aspects are far more

    important to the eyes of the surface-world than what our emotional

    and spiritual aspects will ever be. Let me put this into context.

    When Princess Diana was asked in a BBC Panorama interview why

    the establishment doesn't want her to be Queen, she responded;

    "Because I lead from the Heart and not the head." This is why she

    was 'removed' by the monarchs and their heartless cult.

    Despite the strong influence from controlling factions of our

    society we all have the ability, like Princess Diana, to follow the

    deeper wisdom of our hearts. No matter how the mind-matrix

    desires to program us, we are ultimately the ones who decide if we

    are to become someone that is not who we truly are.

    When we understand and become aware of how the two methods

    of expression operate, it becomes easier to differentiate between

    them. If we can allow ourselves to let go of the identifications with

    the mind, we can more easily see the pathway to the heartour

    most sacred aspect of Self.

    By restricting our attention and awareness to the construct of the

    mind and the physical world, we purposely keep ourselves within a

    limited reality. Most of us believe ourselves to be a short-lived

  • 26

    entity that only experiences a single lifetime and feels the need to

    conform to the current mindset of the world. The current mindset

    operates as a collective lens, which I refer to as the eyes of the

    surface-world. As we accept the eyes of the surface-world we can

    only perceive through the collective lens that identifies with the

    physical human experience.

    When we connect with our formless spiritual self we are able to

    explore the world that exists beyond the perception of the lens,

    beyond our physical world. As spiritual beings in our essence, we

    are fully capable of journeying beyond the five-sense-wall of the

    mind-matrix, to discover realities beyond our current one. However,

    because of norms that are created within our society, we are

    discouraged to explore beyond the collective lens that everyone

    seems to look through.

    Norms are the unwritten laws of the mind-matrix that fortify its

    boundaries. Their job is to contain us within this paradigm of limited

    perception. If one were to step out of the norms and break these

    unwritten laws, one could be exposed to extreme ridicule. If we

    don't employ the eyes of the surface-world we have no real eyes to

    perceive with because we are blinded by our own madness.

    Because of this ridicule and judgment the energy of fear enters our


    Fear is another creation of the mind-matrix. Because of fear we

    give into the norms and we allow something external to answer our

    questions and formulate our reality. By giving into fear we become

    completely dependent upon the mind-matrix to provide for us. Our

    fear-based minds are not capable of questioning the current

    mindset itself. We are simply programmed to remain within the

    walls of the mind-matrix, without deviating from the norms, and

  • 27

    through this process we are hypnotized into a trance state of


    Living in the trance state of the mind-matrix is like living in a small

    box floating in an infinite ocean of possibilities, unable to see that

    we are prisoners in our own corrupted minds. Consider the

    commonly used expression 'thinking outside the box'. By staying

    inside the box the human race keeps itself in ignorance of what

    exists outside of it.

    From within the mind-matrix we align ourselves with various

    doctrines and belief systems, which are inherently closed

    perspectives, creating limited paradigms themselves. These limited

    paradigms are far from representing the multidimensional

    perspective, and far from revealing the truth that we all have

    aspects that exist beyond the perception of the five-sense-reality. It

    is in fact these greater aspects that have brought us here in the first

    place, and have orchestrated our lives in physical form. From the

    multidimensional perspective, we created the mind-matrix in order

    to learn from it through the human experience.

    Our minds may not prefer a complex world of judgments,

    conditions and differences of opinion, but there is purpose for us to

    live in it, to learn from it and to be itwhatever we experience.

    When we become aware of our multidimensional identity it is easier

    for us to understand how, and more importantly, why we deceive

    ourselves in the ways that we do.

    Most people are shrouded in a state of ignorance as to what lies

    beyond what I have referred to as the mind, the lens or the box. At

    present, these people may closely associate with teachings of

    religion, science, educational institutions and the mainstream

  • 28

    media, which I call the four pillars of the mind-matrix. These

    paradigms covertly funnel people into limited states of awareness

    a process we will explore in the next few chapters.

    While the majority of people are in a state of ignorance, a

    revolution of perception is clearly emerging where millions on the

    planet are expressing similar discoveries to the ones I share. A

    gigantic wave of awareness is breaking through the walls of the

    mind-matrix as people are freeing themselves from the mindset of

    the surface-world to see a brighter and broader reality open up.

    Those who have a greater awareness beyond the mainstream

    understandings are not superior to individuals whose journey it is,

    at this time, to fully engage in the mind-matrix. There is no

    judgment in saying that some are attached to the mind-matrix while

    others have broken free from itit is simply a distinction between

    different levels of awareness.

    We all have different soul-paths that are unique to each individual

    and by understanding the multidimensional perspective we can

    embrace the different levels of awareness and honor everyone's

    individual journey through the human experience. No matter what

    path we have chosen in life, we all have the opportunity to go

    within ourselvesto understand life beyond what any guideline of

    society has taught us to believe. It is within our human core, beyond

    the illusion of separation, that we reintegrate with the universal

    truth that has been carried within our deeper selves all along.

  • 29


    Our heart and soul stores all the experiences that have led us to the

    path we now find ourselves walking upon and therefore WE are

    keepers of universal truth.

  • 30

    Universal Truth

    Here on Earth we often say that we all have our own truths. We

    have our own filter where we analyze surroundings and we

    formulate our perception of reality based upon our subjective

    beliefs and opinions. The truths we hold in our subjective beliefs are

    all relative and, of course, we are all entitled to our own relative

    truths. However, the differences of opinion separate us from seeing

    a common bigger picture in the greater scheme of life. Therefore,

    most people choose to carry the very same 'we all have our own

    truth' mindset while contemplating the bigger questions on life and

    creation. Many think that there is no one great truth that tells us

    how it all works and the way it is. Of course, these individuals also

    believe we are not capable of discovering timeless knowledge and

    wisdom from our eternal spirit within.

    Throughout the ages, people have been searching for answers to

    the bigger questions through various doctrines and dogmas. When

    we set out on a quest to search for truth within the various

    paradigms of religion and science, we are adhering to guidelines and

    keeping ourselves within the limited perspective of the mind-matrix.

    This identification with truth belonging to one or another

    dogmatized belief-system, counteracts our process of finding the

    universal truth that can be felt and re-membered from inside all of


  • 31

    Our heart and soul stores all the experiences that have led us to

    the path we now find ourselves walking upon and therefore we are

    keepers of universal truth. We will never discover the greater truths

    from a scientific book on our physical Universe or from a religious

    manuscript that was written some hundreds of years ago, but it can

    be felt and expressed here and now, from inside every Human

    being. Our human experience becomes a riddle when we limit our

    perception of reality, but to learn that we are the answer to the

    riddle of life will turn our world inside out. We all carry the answer

    to the riddle of life, and re-membering into that truth is the very

    freedom from the limiting paradigms we have kept ourselves within.

    The answers to the bigger questions, to the universal truth, are now

    being expressed by many people who's intention it is to remind us

    of that freedom. Those who have re-connected with what is already

    here, within us, are all speaking the same language regarding what

    life is all about.

    The manmade religions and philosophies, when followed blindly,

    lead their followers away from the truth that inside each Human

    being a divine spirit resides that is sovereign and eternal. Science

    also follows guiding principles, as it needs to have everything

    proven according to the laws of its paradigm. No matter what

    Humans choose to identify with, when we accept a paradigm as

    being our only reality, we limit our perception of what truth is and

    we forget that our eternal, infinite and boundless selves cannot

    possibly be contained inside anything.

    I have met scientifically minded people who perceive the notion of

    universal truth existing inside a Human being to be part of a new

    religion or dogma, and say that no one knows the whole story

    except what science can prove. I have met people within the

  • 32

    paradigms of religion, who defend their doctrines, saying that the

    notion of a human consciousness existing beyond 'the almighty

    creator' is outrageous. Science and religion are both the same in

    that they both require external sources of validation.

    When we discover that universal truth emanates from within, we

    learn that there is no need to prove it according to the laws of

    physics or to seek it through worshipwe only need to

    acknowledge the existence of truth within ourselves. The

    understanding of our essence as spiritual beings is vital if we are to

    understand that we all carry the same truth within. Knowledge of

    our eternal nature may have been suppressed and long forgotten in

    the mainstream teachings of our society, however it is the key to

    unlocking and activating the truth within our own being. Through

    this inner core-essence of ourselves, we reintegrate not only with

    the records of our human experiences, but also with the universal

    library, commonly known as the Akashic recordswhich is an

    archive of all thoughts and experiences from our planet, our galaxy,

    our Universe and beyond. Throughout our journey as eternal

    members of this Universe, we have all helped to create these

    Akashic records, and therefore we all have access to them from


    Since the logical rational mind inherently operates through a limited

    perception, it is impossible for those who exclusively identify with it

    to fully understand life in the greater scheme of things. I can only

    suggest to the limited logical mind that we all carry the same truth

    within our deeper selves and that we must integrate with our hearts

    in order to re-discover it. I know that along with our mind-identified

    attachments, each of us has a longing for a truth and Love that lies

  • 33

    deeper than the aspects of the mind. If we can allow ourselves to go

    within our hearts and perceive beyond the constraints of the logical

    mind, we will come to realize that the truth and Love we have been

    longing for already exists inside of us.

    Truth is here and now, and it is you. You created the riddle from a

    higher aspect of yourself and you are the answer to it. Your heart is

    intimately connected to the universal library of experiences that is

    always present and ready for you to explore. If you want to

    understand universal truth, go and look in the mirrorfor you are

    truly the one you have been waiting for.

  • 34


    We are at a time of great spiritual change and through these

    moments of multidimensional interconnection, we play an

    important part in anchoring new energies that will help rebalance

    and transform our earthly domain.

  • 35

    A Journey into the Past

    In July of 2011, I experienced a profound past life recollection

    together with my beloved Dea. I felt guided to take her to a place in

    a nature reserve not far from our home. I grew up in the southern

    parts of Sweden, and I knew that I had been to this place some

    years ago, but I did not recognize the surroundings as we entered

    the hills and the woods.

    We felt guided to follow a particular path that brought us up to a

    beautiful little valley with a lake at the center of it. As we entered

    the valley we felt an energetic shift take place in the atmosphere.

    The Sun shined beautifully from the sky, birds were singing and

    hundreds of little bees were out collecting pollen from the flowers.

    We felt a calling and a greeting from a familiar vibration which we

    turned towards and realized was a huge standing rock, vibrating a

    strong male energy. I felt him communicating with me and I went

    over to give him a big hug. As I physically connected with the rock I

    felt a very old and friendly connection between us. "Good to see

    you old friend," I said, recognizing his vibration to represent a wise

    old general I once knew. In an instant, a deep knowing came to me

    that if I would place both of my hands on him he would help

    transmute an energetic charge that I carried from a past life I once

    had around this area. Placing my hands upon this ancient stone , I

    felt a powerful vibration surge up my hands. Memories of previous

    scenarios that had taken place in southern Sweden flowed into my

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    mind and through my heart. I realized that my old stone friend was

    here to help me remember and heal some of the painful chapters

    from a past lifetime.

    After my communication with the rock, we walked towards the

    lake gazing upon an arrangement of stones forming a half circle

    around it. Dea and I looked at each other and acknowledged how

    beautiful it was. We realized that the valley setting itself did not

    exist at the time of our incarnation, but we knew we had been

    together in the area during a past lifetime.

    After a while our gaze turned towards another huge rock on the

    opposite side of the lake facing the half circle of stones. I felt guided

    to go over and stand on top of the rock and speak to the other

    stones. Facing the half circle of stones I intuitively connected with

    my past life and began to visualize the surroundings of that time. I

    gave a speech to acknowledge my return and to salute and honor

    the warriors who had fought bravely here once upon a time. Deep

    in my heart I knew I was returning to a place similar to one where I

    had spoken many times before.

    At this sacred site we both allowed joyful and painful memories to

    resurface and be transmuted. I had healed wounds carried from the

    past with my old friend the rock, and I now had a deep feeling of

    peace and harmony within. In these moments of reconnection to

    the formless and timeless magical world, our multidimensional

    identity emerges through our human experience. Dea and I had a

    deep knowing that by being here together we were activating, and

    facilitating, an interplay of energetic exchange on multiple levels.

    Whether or not those who constructed and arranged the stone

    setting were aware of it, we knew that the valley was created for a

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    great purpose with deep spiritual intention. We knew this intention

    was for the sacred stone memorial to serve as an energetic portal

    creating a doorway for souls to reconnect with the pastas it

    served this purpose for us.

    Similarly to Humans, stones are also keepers of time and

    knowledge. They serve a unique role as they are intimately

    connected to the crystal heart in the center of the Earth, which

    holds all experiences that have ever taken place. Therefore, when

    returning to a location of a previous lifetime a soul is able to access

    memories from the vibration of the stones that are unique to the

    soul's journey and past experiences. An energetic portal is what

    facilitates the interplay of energetic exchange throughout our

    multiple levels and lifetimes. As our multidimensional identity

    emerges the portal transcends the boundaries of linear space-time,

    creating a singular moment of Now.

    As I will cover throughout the book, we are at a time of great

    spiritual and earthly transformation, and through these moments of

    multidimensional interconnection we play an important part in

    anchoring new energies that will help rebalance and transform our

    earthly domain. Energetic portals are now being activated around

    the world by all of us, whether we are aware of it or not. In a

    process of transformation we are changing our future by healing our

    past, welcoming a brighter present moment of re-awakened


  • 38


    Although they are limited paradigms, mainstream science and

    religion help facilitate challenging experiences that, from the

    multidimensional perspective, assist the learning process and

    evolution of our soul.

  • 39

    Science, Religion and Extraordinary Experiences

    Science has developed a lot during the last two centuries and is

    what I callthe modern truth-holder of the surface-world. What is

    released and taught in mainstream science defines what is true and

    what is not true, according to concrete evidence that is available. It

    has become a paradigm of conditions that serves the logical and

    rational thinking mind, and disregards everything that cannot be

    quantified. Therefore, those who have experiences beyond what

    can be physically measured, might just have a few questions

    regarding what is contained and accepted by mainstream science.

    On the other hand, how many within the scientific paradigm are

    aware that many supernatural phenomena can be explained

    through scientific method? Out of body experiences, mind over

    matter and life after death, are all examples of such phenomena.

    The fact is that most of the mainstream science community denies

    that we can prove any of these occurrences, and even if they could

    be validated within scientific method, they are swept under the


    Astrology, quantum physics and consciousness-studies, are other

    examples of significant areas that have been excluded from

    mainstream science. The simple fact that many areas of studies are

    excluded is a clear indication that a limited paradigm is created and

    sustained by a set of guidelines. Because the overwhelming majority

    of people within the scientific community strictly adhere to these

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    guidelines, they overlook the fact that as science develops its scope

    it continuously disproves its previous models of understanding.

    Mainstream science is a controlled paradigm, dictating to those

    within it what is possible and impossible in our reality. When we

    exclusively identify with such a paradigm, we are unable to discover

    that we exist infinitely beyond all paradigmseven beyond that

    which is contained within the full spectrum of scientific

    understanding. In fact, the higher aspects of our multidimensional

    identity cannot be explained and understood within quantifiable

    mathematical constructs and therefore the full magnificence of our

    being will forever remain unsolved from within the paradigm of


    If science is the modern truth-holder of the surface-world then

    religion is what I call the old world truth-holder that has for a very

    long time been part of the human psyche. Many religious teachings

    that were created during the last 6000 years have developed into

    what we today know as the five big religions: Christianity,

    Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and Islam. Their teachings are

    primarily based upon stories of men who have walked the Earth at

    different times. They have passed through hundreds of human

    generations and each religion has more or less claimed to represent

    the one and only truth. Therefore many people have come to

    believe that the one truth can only be found within churches,

    synagogues, mosques and temples. Because these main outlets

    have great influence during an individual's upbringing, they appear

    to be the only options available for those who seek God and

    spirituality. Hence, this involuntary indoctrination creates a lack of

  • 41

    encouragement to seek society within ourselves, before seeking

    ourselves in society.

    In religions such as Christianity, Islam and Judaism the central

    focus has always been the worship of a male god. It has most often

    been referred to as "the one creator of all things" known as the holy

    father, the holy allah and the holy yahweh. The concept of a single

    male god may not be the foundation of every religion, but it is clear

    that the male energy has a dominant influence in most of them.

    Even in eastern philosophies that do not promote the suppression

    of feminine energy, there is still a male influence dividing the sexes.

    The Dalai Lama for example, who is the religious head of eastern

    Buddhism, has historically been a male figure. Such traditions have

    suppressed the feminine by robbing her of an authoritative voice. In

    every religious structure there always seems to be a pervading

    common themethe female being undermined by the male. This

    lack of balance is a lack of acknowledgment and respect for the

    whole of Life.

    Even though the acknowledgement and respect of the female is

    more present today than ever before, the tradition of suppression

    will remain intact as long as the foundational constructs of male

    dominance are sustained through age old scripture and ritual. We

    must always acknowledge the bigger picture if we wish to

    fundamentally change the destructive patterns that are engrained

    within the structures of our society.

    Some religions may present teachings of a spiritual essence within

    Humanity. But there are no religious teachings that present the

    multidimensional role in the Universe and therefore there are no

    religions that can tell us who we are in our entirety. Because our

    eternal and multidimensional spirit is not acknowledged, the

  • 42

    worship of external entities becomes a required condition for many


    When we fail to recognize that each of us carries our own source

    of Godliness, we seek externally for a substitute source of authority.

    Even the New Age movement that promotes radical ideas and

    freethinking is still a religious paradigm that involves the

    externalization of power to controlling authorities. It may seem as

    though the New Age movement is all about self-empowerment, but

    the use of external energies according to the teachings of so called

    enlightened masters is still a practice of externalizing power.

    Knowing who and what we all are, one can easily state that any

    teaching or being that promotes and propagates the externalization

    of power to any degree, is one who helps sustain the process of

    giving our own divine power away.

    Different aspects of worship have developed throughout history

    within the various religions and many of them have evolved from

    fundamentalist-worship of god, into a more relationship-oriented

    connection to god. This modern relationship-oriented practice does

    not necessarily identify with a single religion, nor does it need to

    strictly adhere to literary doctrine.

    Through my personal experience of religion I feel that it has

    mainly been rooted in respect, common sense and good will. I know

    many who are closely involved with the Christian church in Sweden

    and other religious practices in the world. They are all wonderful

    people who share much wisdom and Love through their religious

    practice, which I feel anyone could relate to. They have certainly

    helped me acknowledge the authentic human values that can exist

    within religious institutions and I feel that none of these individuals

    intend to deceive others into any kind of disempowerment. If all

  • 43

    religious institutions would share a similar sense of self-

    empowerment, the manipulative network that is at the core of

    these institutions would fail to sustain the deceptive 'house of

    cards', which inherently seeks to remain its power over Human


    When we fully realize the eternity of our existence carried within

    our deeper selves, a bigger picture emerges. The foundational

    construct of any religious paradigm inherently involves the

    externalization of power to hidden authorities. Regardless of the

    intentions and good will of anyone contained within such a

    paradigm, the foundational construct of the religion itselfbeing

    limiting and controlling in its very natureoverrides the intentions

    and good will of those contained within it; and therefore they

    unknowingly participate and propagate a limited perspective.

    There is however, no doubt in that unconditional Love and

    wisdom pervades the Human spirit, regardless of culture or religion.

    What I wish to emphasize is that the general teachings of every

    manmade religion shares a limited scope of knowledge that

    misleads us from understanding the totality of life. The worship of

    something we believe to be greater than ourselves is the very

    concept that limits the paradigm of religion. We are the Godly,

    spiritual beings that co-create everything we experience in this

    Universe; but when we put our trust and faith into something

    external we forget that we carry all the power within ourselves. It is

    one thing to believe in the 'beyond' and what it means to our

    existence hereand an entirely different matter to experience this

    reality for ourselves, and thus rediscover our true nature.

    In truth, there have been many beings that have walked the Earth

    sharing wisdom that reflects the Godly and spiritual nature within

  • 44

    all of us. There is no doubt that the original teachings of these

    individuals have been cleverly restructured into stories of teachings

    that endorse worship rather than self-empowerment. These stories

    that have formed the foundation of religious teachings have

    managed to be propagated as historical and factual events.

    Therefore, without the awareness of most people, the true meaning

    behind the stories have been completely misinterpreted. The

    intention behind the religious teachings, which have been practiced

    and sustained by the masses throughout the ages, has always been

    to divert human consciousness away from the self-empowering

    truth of our inner eternal spirit.

    If we would interpret religious stories from books such as the Bible

    and the Torah, as stories rather than factual and historical events,

    and with true spiritual understanding rather than intellectual

    understanding, we would discover that significant patterns exist

    behind literary interpretations of religious teachings. Stories from all

    influential religions of today can be traced back to ancient

    mythology that formed the base structure of these patterns. The

    literary versions of Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed,

    who are key figures of the five big religions, all perpetuate ancient

    mythology in some capacity. Because our intellectual minds have

    become so caught up in examining every literal detail, most of us

    fail to acknowledge how many of these recurring stories fit into a

    bigger picture.

    The foundational patterns for many myths and religious stories are

    directly connected to astrological symbols and cycles that, from our

    earthly point of view, are the position and movements of different

    celestial bodies. The best examples of this connection between

  • 45

    astrology and religious teachings may be the allegorical myths

    involving the Sun's movement in the sky. The birth sequences and

    lifecycles of beings that we have come to know as Horus, Jesus,

    Krishna, Dionysus, Mithra and many more are all one and the same

    mythology. Their lifecycles all include a virgin birth on December

    25th, a star in the east, three kings, 12 disciples or followers and

    have all experienced a death lasting three days before being


    By examining astrological events and cycles we are able to

    establish that the recurring mythology of the Sun God is completely

    astrological in its origin. On December 24th the brightest star in the

    east, Sirius, aligns with the three brightest stars in the constellation

    Orion's Belt. The three stars of Orion's belt are called today what

    they were called in ancient times 'the three kings'. On December

    25th, these three stars, together with the brightest star in the east,

    all point to the location on the horizon where the Sun rises. From

    this significant alignment comes the myth of three kings following

    the brightest star in the east to get to the new born son of God.

    The concept of a virgin mother such as Isis or Mary also carries

    significant meaning that has been hidden and unrecognized. Virgin

    is the English translation of the Latin Virgo and refers to the Zodiac

    constellation Virgo. The ancient glyph for Virgo is an altered M

    which correlates to the M of the Virgin Mary along with other virgin

    Mothers such as Myrrha and Maya in Greek and Buddhist

    mythology. The Sun travels through the constellation from August

    23 through to September 22 which is the time of harvest. Therefore

    the constellation is often referred to as the 'house of bread' and is

    symbolized by a virgin holding a bundle of wheat. Bethlehem, the

    assumed birthplace of Jesus, in fact literally translates from Hebrew

  • 46

    to 'house of bread'. The virgin and Bethlehem symbolize the

    constellation of Virgo, and Jesus the son of God symbolizes the Sun.

    Therefore, the story of a virgin giving birth to a son of God in the

    city of Bethlehem is nothing more than a myth created from the

    Sun's travel through the constellation of Virgo.

    Another interesting phenomenon that occurs around the winter

    solstice is the symbolic crucifixion and resurrection of the Sun. From

    the perspective of the northern hemisphere, between the summer

    and winter solstice the Sun appears to move south. According to

    many ancient civilizations, this approach towards the winter

    solstice, creating colder and shorter days, symbolizes the death of

    the Sun. By December 22nd the Sun's southern descent is fully

    realized as it has reached its lowest point on the horizon. The Sun is

    perceived to have stopped its travel, residing for three days in the

    vicinity of the constellation Crux, which translates from Latin and is

    commonly known as the Southern Cross. On December 25th, the

    Sun starts to move north welcoming a spring of warmer and longer

    days. When we take these astrological observations into

    consideration it becomes apparent that the crucifixion, the three

    days of death and the resurrection of Jesus and other versions of

    the Sun God; are all stories based upon the movements of the Sun

    during the time of the winter solstice.

    Although different beings have been depicted in stories based

    upon the recurring astrological movement of the Sun, they all in fact

    represent the same beingwhich is the Sun itself. The hidden

    universal truth is that the consciousness of the Sun embodied these

    different incarnational aspects with the intention of guiding human

    consciousness throughout the ages. This guidance is what I

    previously referred to as the original teachingsthe wisdom that

  • 47

    reflects our true spiritual essence and encourages self-

    empowerment rather than worship. Through the journey of the

    divine feminine the consciousness of the Earth has also embodied

    multiple incarnational aspects with the same intentions. The role of

    these two beings has been significant to our evolutionary process

    and I will cover more of their journey throughout the book.

    The concept of 12 disciples or followers is one of many fractals of

    12 that repeat itself throughout Creation. Similar to the Sun God,

    the concept of 12 disciples also correlates with astrological

    phenomena. The most significant astrological relationship to the

    fractal of 12 is represented by the 12 constellations of the Zodiac.

    This celestial coordinate system is a key tool in decoding myths and

    to revealing their astrological and scientific significance. If you are

    interested to learn more about religious and astrological

    correlations I encourage you to further explore the Zodiac and

    related topics presented by various authors, speakers and

    filmmakers who have made their work available on the Internet.

    Having explored the relationships between religious stories and

    astrological phenomena we find that we are able to decode and

    acknowledge them with both spiritual and scientific understanding.

    It is by combining religious literary perspectives and scientific

    astrological perspectives that we are able to perceive how ancient

    mythology has evolved into the widely practiced religions of today.

    The conclusion is that astrological mythology, being scientific in

    nature and established within the foundation of religions, creates a

    bridge between the two paradigms of science and religion. We have

    been exploring the taste of two different 'fruits of understanding',

    which ultimately grow from the same 'tree of life' that is sustained

    by roots that are one with the roots of our own eternal soul.

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    Although they are limited paradigms, mainstream science and

    religion help facilitate challenging experiences that, from the

    multidimensional perspective, assist the learning process and

    evolution of our soul. This is what our human experience is all

    aboutto learn and to evolveand the exploration of different

    paradigms from within our mind-matrix is what our soul benefits

    from the most.

    From the multidimensional perspective, we become aware that it

    is the choice of our soul to venture through the human experience

    into the limiting paradigms of science and religion. A part of our

    global awakening is the recognition of this evolutionary process

    acknowledging that there is more to us as Humans than what the

    doctrines of modern society portray. People all over the world are

    gaining this wider perspective through what today's society

    considers supernatural and extraordinary experiences.

    Extraordinary experiences are today's doorway into the unknown,

    and serve as bridges between our spiritual and material worlds.

    Those who have had experiences and past-life insights similar to my

    own share the realization that we are not mortal Humans having

    spiritual experiences, but eternal spiritual beings having human


    As the realization of our eternal self is not shared by mainstream

    science and religion we can conclude that identifying exclusively

    with these limited paradigms misguides us from understanding who

    and what we are in the greater scheme of life. Rediscovering that

    we are all the same as eternal beings in our core is returning to the

    truth that we need no external sources of validation to understand

    life. Understanding that universal truth emanates from our own

  • 49

    heart and spirit, is about understanding our Godly self from within,

    which is a concept that does not conform to either mainstream

    science or religion. As infinite consciousness-awareness we all have

    the opportunity to explore our eternal selves from within. As it is

    our choice to incarnate on Earth, we also have the choice within our

    human experience to either exclusively identify with a limited

    paradigm or to begin to embrace our eternal selves in a much bigger


  • 50


    The moment we seek the intention with everything that we have

    manifested in creation we are inspired to search not only for HOW,

    but WHY it has all been created.

  • 51

    Purpose and IntentionThe Educational Process

    Throughout our upbringing, when we become immersed into

    dogmatized programming that does not acknowledge the full

    magnitude of who we are, we fail to recognize that we have a

    greater self-fulfilling purpose and intention with our lives. While

    contemplating the big questions most of our focus is centered on

    how life works rather than why life works. We often ask the

    questions: How does the Universe work? How is it possible for us to

    exist here as Humans? How did we end up here on Earth? Because

    the dogmatized programming maintains a strong grip through our

    social order many of the people awakening around the world still

    fail to recognize the greater purpose and intention with our


    Today there are many active groups of people who have the

    intention of exposing the limiting and deceiving views of life

    portrayed by our mainstream society. Subjects including suppressed

    scientific discovery, occult esoteric spiritual knowledge and

    conspiratorial drama are brought to the mainstream surface as

    more and more people begin to see the world from wider

    perspectives. In many grassroots movements people encourage

    others to realize how we all carry a divine human spirit that is

    constantly being suppressed by controlling factions of our society.

    Even though many people understand that there is a bigger

    picture to our existence, a great majority of these awakened

  • 52

    individuals still operate from a 'how-mindset'. With this mindset

    they are unable to see that there's an intention with everything we

    have created in the greater scheme of life. The answers to how we

    have managed to lead ourselves down a path where we have

    accepted a limited state of being, forgetting the essence of who we

    are, will not give us the answers to why we have led ourselves down

    such a path. The moment we seek the intention with everything

    that we have manifested in creation we are inspired to search not

    only for how, but why it has all been created. Why does the

    Universe work? Why is it possible for us to exist here as Humans?

    Why did we end up here on Earth?

    When examining the different perspectives of the mind and heart

    we notice that our limited egoic minds want to ask how this world

    has come to be as it is, while our all-encompassing eternal hearts

    already know how and why it has all been created. An open mind

    will satisfy our intellectual thirst for wider perspectives. However,

    the widest perspective which encompasses the meaning, purpose

    and intention with our lives, can only be acquired through a deep

    resonance and knowing from within our hearts.

    It is not through our thoughts, but through our feelings that we

    open our heart and spirit to truly connect with the all-knowing

    source of truth that exists within each and every one of us. Whether

    it be recollections from past lives and extraordinary experiences,

    access to the Akashic records or subtle peaceful feelings while

    having a nice cup of tea on the porch; those of us who awaken all

    have unique points of reference that help us gain perspective on the

    purpose and intention behind our lives. No matter what experiences

    we have that facilitate our awakening, it is by acknowledging the

  • 53

    greater Love and knowledge gained from such experiences that we

    now come together, emanating the same truth from within.

    In order to recognize our journey and our roles in the greater

    scheme of life we must see through the mist and understand the

    mess that we have co-created. By seeing through the mist I mean

    seeing through the deceptions that limit us, to reveal the truth that

    we as infinite beings are all playing a part in an evolutionary process

    that has an intended outcome. Understanding the mess means

    understanding that there is an intention with not only the positive

    but also the negative experiences we have in our lives. To fully learn

    and prosper from all our experiences we must acknowledge and

    accept the different polarities of life, and realize that both joy and

    pain are essential to experience along our spiritual path. This is our

    process of freeing ourselves from the attachments to negative and

    painful experiences that we are unable to fully comprehend when

    we use a judgmental perspective.

    By realizing that greater aspects of ourselves orchestrate both

    positive and negative experiences, we create an opportunity to rise

    above the two polarities within our human experience and achieve

    a state of balance. In this centered state of being we do not play the

    game of polarization, attaching ourselves to positive and negative


    The concept of stepping out of duality may seem inconceivable to

    the conditional egoic mind. But if we want to be free from our self-

    destructive behavior we must go beyond it and acknowledge the

    judgments and conditions we unconsciously apply within the game

    of duality. While becoming conscious of our destructive thoughts,

  • 54

    emotions and actions we are able to step back from all the drama

    and consciously choose an unconditional state of being.

    To be balanced is simply to be unconditional in whatever we

    experience. The process of detaching from our self-destructive

    behaviors, to embrace our true unconditional selves, allows us to

    merge with the greater purpose and intention with our existence.

    We then free ourselves from a limiting state of uncertainty

    regarding what exists beyond our 'small world'. The realization of

    the truth of who and what we are is what shall set us free from our

    self-imposed suffering. We shall delve deeper into this process of

    inner freedom throughout this book.

    From the multidimensional and universal perspective, the purpose

    and meaning with our life is to live it to the fullest and to learn from

    our experiences without judgment or discrimination. In order to live

    life fully we must endow life with meaning, regardless of its

    manifestations. The greater intention with our current existence as

    Humans on Earth is for us to grow intoand becomeall that we

    have learned from experience.

    We are now at a time where the virtual reality overlay, commonly

    referred to as the veil, is lifting to uncover the full spectrum of our

    existence. We are in the final stages of ascension. The term

    ascension signifies our journey back to unity, back home to the

    ultimate source of ourselves. As a part of this process, an increasing

    number of us are able to explore life beyond our current reality. All

    facets of life are about to change rapidly and the outcome of what

    was long ago intended is finally being achieved by those who feel

    they are part of the occurring earthly and spiritual shift.

    As each individual's essence is an infinite all-knowing

    consciousness, we have consciously disconnected from the

  • 55

    awareness of our greater selves in order to fully experience life

    within the playground of duality. We have done so by fragmenting

    our individual essences into multidimensional expressions, which

    comprise many aspects on many levels. When a being has

    experienced all there is to experience on the different levels of life

    in the Universe its intended outcome is finally achieved. This is the

    multidimensional journey that we have all collectively embarked on,

    where along the way each individual creates its own unique path of

    experiences. Our multidimensional journey of evolution is an

    educational process, which we graduate from when we have

    experienced all possible scenarios in the Universe of Light.

    Imagine yourself taking the journey of becoming a doctor in our

    matrix. You would first have to attend medical school to learn what

    is required if you are to responsibly serve as a graduated member of

    the medical profession. As eternal members of this Universe we

    learn all there is to know about life in order for us to become that

    which we have experienced and educated ourselves in for so long.

    Similarly to how we educate ourselves in society with the intention

    of becoming responsible members of a profession, our souls

    experience a multidimensional educational process with the

    intention to graduate as responsible Creators of Light on a universal


    In summary, our purpose and meaning is to live our lives to the

    fullest, and to learn from whatever it is we have chosen to

    experience. The intention with our purpose and meaning is for us to

    become that which we were always meant to learn and

    experiencea Universe that embodies the expression of Light.

  • 56


    We often heal our painful memories when we come together and

    remind each other that all is okay, acknowledging that the things we

    did were simply experiences to learn from.

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    A Healing Session in Chalice Garden

    Long ago we all promised to come together with our soul family on

    planet Earth, at the time before the great shift. We promised to re-

    unite in human form here to experience the shift together and all

    over the world gatherings of ancient soul families are now taking

    place. Some of our kindred spirits may already be incarnated into

    our blood line family and have known us since we were born.

    Others are contracted to meet with us later on along our journey

    through life. Similar to the energetic work Dea and I did at the stone

    settings, we are together unlocking and healing ancient memories,

    while creating doorways for new energies to enter our earthly


    A very ancient soul-friend of mine, with whom I have worked with

    in recent times, has facilitated many gatherings in which I have

    taken part. In the spring and early summer of 2011 I helped

    organize seminars for my spiritual brother George in Europe. When

    we gathered for George's seminars in Glastonbury and Salisbury in

    May 2011, I had the chance to reunite with many kindred spirits and

    I experienced deep healing on many levels. I have had many

    incarnations in western England that have been both painful and

    joyful, thus returning to the ancient city of Avalon was indeed a

    powerful experience for me. It felt important to return to western

    England in this lifetime and there is a healing session that took place

    in Glastonbury that I wish to share.

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    Together with Dea and our two friends, Mateya and Grega, I

    arrived to Glastonbury in the early afternoon on Friday the 20th of

    May. We immediately decided to enter the sacred Chalice Garden

    to connect with the Chalice Well and the spirits of ancient Avalon.

    When we entered the Chalice Garden my friend Grega felt a surge

    of pain in the right side of his lower stomach. We rested a while,

    until he was able to carry on with us through the garden. After

    visiting the Chalice well Grega and I walked up on the highest hill of

    the garden to connect with the Earth. After only a few minutes I felt

    a vibrant sensation in the right side of my lower stomach, the same

    as Grega. A lot of energy started to move around and the aching

    became so powerful that I had to lie down for a few minutes. While

    sitting on the hill, both of us with stomachaches, we understood

    that a spiritual healing had taken place between us.

    While Grega and I were walking, Dea and Mateya had sat down by

    the Lion Head Fountain some distance away. When returning from

    our stroll through the garden Dea told me that she ha