From Solar Rosary - David C.meru-audio.heartscenter.org/2012/1209S/144VirtuesGod-control slides... · By Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet Helios is the God of this solar system

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From Vesta’s Solar Rosary In the name of our Father-Mother God, beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Helios and Vesta, Amen. I AM a sun-center of divine beingness, emanating golden rays of living, liquid-crystal light to all life upon Earth. I AM blessing and inspiring all through my example of pure love, wisdom and power and my mastery of the virtues of God, which flow through my heart and being throughout each day. I AM glorifying my God and magnifying my Lord through my Solar Presence, one with the Source of all. I AM a spirit-spark of the One, sharing my effulgence and grace through my talents and gifts, which I offer as a servant to all. I multiply these daily through my conscious communion with the Sun and many Solar beings who shine in the heavens with radiant beauty, felicity and peace.

OM Helios OM AUM Vesta AUM


God- Control

Control of the Flow of Life through Our Beings from the Great Central Sun Magnet

System II: God-qualities and the Cosmic Clock: “the 12 within the 12”

12 1




7 6






Great Divine Director Capricorn

God-power Crown Saint Germain

Aquarius God-love

Seat of the Soul

Jesus Pisces

God-mastery Solar Plexus

Godfre Taurus

God-obedience Third Eye

El Morya Gemini

God-wisdom Throat

Serapis Bey Cancer God-harmony

Base of the Spine

Goddess of Liberty Leo

God-gratitude Seat of the Soul

Lord Lanto Virgo

God-justice Solar Plexus

Mighty Victory Libra

God-reality Heart

Cyclopea Scorpio

God-vision Third Eye

Lord Maitreya Sagittarius God-victory


Source: Predict Your Future By Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Summit University Press, 2004

Helios Aries

God-control Heart


qualities Chakras Petals Ray/color

*Wisdom Crown Chakra 972 yellow

Vision Third-eye Chakra 96 green

*Power Throat Chakra 16 blue

*Love Heart Chakra 12 pink

Secondary heart chamber 8 peach

Peace Solar plexus chakra 10 purple and gold

Freedom Seat of the Soul Chakra 6 violet

Purity Base of the spine chakra 4 white

*the three-fold flame

Source: The Human Aura, How to Activate and Energize your Aura and Chakras, Kuthumi and Dwal Khul, Summit University Press, 1971

System I: God-qualities and the Chakras

From The Masters and their Retreats: By Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Helios is the God of this solar system and with his twin flame, Vesta, he serves to represent the God-head to those evolving on the planets orbiting the sun. It is their God consciousness that sustains our physical solar system. They are the representatives of the Father-Mother God in the Sun behind the sun of this solar system.

Relief of Helios from temple of Athena at Troy Hellenistic, 300-280 BC Berlin, Pergamon Museum

On the cosmic clock, they represent the hierarch of Aries on the three-o’clock line to the evolutions of this system. This is the line of the Son of God, the only begotten One, and it is on this line that the Sun Presence of Helios and the Great Central Sun messengers focus the quality of God-control, which they amplify by the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet. This Magnet is the God-control of the flow of life through us, the flow of the energy of the Logos, the Word. This is the quality we must outpicture under the hierarchy of Aries.

Copyright© 2009 The Hearts Center®

Beloved Helios has told us: “Just as the tides of the sea flow in and out, so the tides of the eternal sun radiate in ever recurring cycles. When the incoming tide of the Great Solar Light pours into your world, it is God conveying his grace and gifts to you. When the tide goes out, it is a time for you to convey to him your gratitude and your desire to become a very essential part of him.” The initiations of God-control are the test of the Divine Ego versus the human ego, the opportunity to transmute the human ego and develop the Divine Ego, which is your Real Self, the Christ Self as it represents the I AM Presence.

Solar Spirits of the One God, I am reconceiving you in the immaculate image of the sun and of your own Solar Presence that is shining brightly above you now. Often, dearest ones, you forget your divine estate of how supernal you are as Sons and Daughters of the One. Therefore we come again to remind you of this divine estate into which you were born and unto which you will return when you have fully assimilated the solar radiance of your Higher Self through the conscious application of the Law of the One that blends and merges all into the cosmic stream of your divinity.

Beloved Helios David C. Lewis, May 2, 2010 Accept Our Holy Offering of Timelessness and Spacelessness and Live within Your Own Solar Light Always

All true teaching emerges from the stream of light of the living teacher who is God and who is represented through the sun. Therefore if you would be a true teacher of men and women, learn the ways of the sun. Accept the presence of that beingness shining through your mind, blazing through your consciousness, illumining all of your faculties and lending your aura the brilliance of Solar beingness that is that which we experience and know always at our core.

We say look no further than your own heart for the source of all that you require to sustain you, to feed you, to nurture the great God-beingness that is ever present as the effulgence of Solar Selfhood, dearest ones.

Copyright© 2009 The Hearts Center®

We have come for a moment within time and space to effuse the eternality of timelessness and spacelessness here for you, each one. Accept our holy offering and live within your own Solar light always. That is where you will find joy. That is where you will find fulfillment. That is where you will know who you are as God-realized Sons and Daughters of the One. We thank you and send you on your way, victorious in the spirit with Mighty Victory and his legions who know always that the light of God is real and victorious in all ways.

Copyright© 2009 The Hearts Center®

Beloved Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanov Toward a Solar Civilization Chapter 6: Man is Made in the Image of the Sun The sun touches us from afar by means of his rays. And we, who are built on the same pattern as the sun, have powers that reach far beyond the bounds of our physical bodies by means of our thoughts, our soul and our spirit. Just as the sun acts on metals, plants, animals and human beings, just as he penetrates, warms, nourishes them, in the same way, by means of our emanations, we can transform, improve, enlighten and vivify creatures who are far from us.”

In our bodies, the heart represents the sun: it has the same function, the same untiring activity. Without interruption, the heart continues its work even when the other organs of the body relax a little, because it has only one aim: to help, support, feed, build and repair. It seeks nothing else but to give, to be impersonal, generous and full of love.

Copyright© 2009 The Hearts Center®

The stronger you desire to enlighten, instruct and help others, the more light within you will increase and spread until it forms an extraordinary, brilliant, luminous aura all around you. The sun is inexhaustible because in his desire to give he constantly receives. He sends out his rays to us but, at the same time, new energies are given to him, ceaselessly, from the Infinite, the Immense, the Absolute. He gives, projecting his rays outwards to the periphery whilst in his own centre he is constantly absorbing energy from the Absolute.

“I am permanently tuned in to the Infinite, to the Divinity, and as my thoughts and desires are perfectly pure, I attract the purest and most luminous energies. Learn from me how to become perfect, inexhaustible, tireless. Adopt the same aims as I have. Make it your ideal to be like me and to work in the same way and you will verify this: once you spend your energies for the good of others, very quickly you will find yourself filled with new energy.”

David Christopher Lewis January 30, 2011 Livingston Sanctuary of the Heart Livingston, Montana

Shifting into a New Field of Beingness: a Paradigm of Unity We Must Accept These Higher Realms of Beingness as the Present Reality of Our World Now When we awaken to our higher Selfhood in God, knowing that we are divine beings at our core, not lowly sinners made solely of the earth, earthy, but truly created in the beginning in the image and likeness of God, then we can employ, by the avenues of the Spirit, the quintessences of our true virtues and God-qualities in our lives with beauty, alacrity and grace.

And these bode well for us on our spiritual path of adeptship because we are, through this process, entering into a relationship with those who have mastered this plane and are now abiding at a higher vibratory rate in the heaven world. Those of us who aspire to our Buddhahood, our adeptship in God, realize that from the human ego point we will never accomplish this.

1651—Modena, Italy: Mattia Preti’s fresco,Gloria di Angeli Musicanti,

And so there has to be a day-by-day surrender of our selfhood outside of God and a day-by-day acceptance of our Selfhood within the circle of God’s identity. So long as we remain in a flesh body we will have to deal with the elements of the earth, earthy. And so in the human condition, through stagnation and the laws of mortality, we may again sink back into our human selfhood. Yet within the realms of light, from our state of immortality, we may rise again and again into that which and who we truly are.

Giotto: Legend of Saint Francis – Ecstasy of Saint Francis 1297-99

And yet we know that so long as we put our faith and trust in the Divine and change our paradigm to accept the higher laws of superphysics, metaphysics—beyond that which Western scientific thought has accepted now for hundreds of years—and we enter into the physics of divine love, the superphysics of our superconscious, everything that we require is offered unto us.

The universe wraps itself around our beingness to accommodate this new level of feeling, thinking from the mind of God, hearing, seeing, touching, tasting.

This is the dynamic, the complex, the conundrum of living in this plane, where, from the human standpoint and vantage, we seem to engage again and again in the problematic aspects of our lives.

Copyright© 2009 The Hearts Center®

Those of you who have had mystical experiences of oneness with your own God Presence, with the universe, with whatever name you use to describe God, have had this supersensorial feeling of the unity of life, of the sublimity of beingness. And as you remember, reexperience, reengage in that supersensorial divine experience, then the Spirit can again flow through you, and you can move upward, inward again and again into that realm of light and true love that is the realm of the ascended beings, celestial spirits, our divine guardians, guides and friends.

God- Control