From The Commodore – DCYC Mar 1, 2020 PG. 1 ccounting Changes Starting March 1st. Our accounting department is excited to announce the release of our new on-line payments portal. It solves for all the problems that we’ve been experiencing while also providing the features that many of us have requested for quite some time. By creating an account, you will be able to: View all of your invoices and payments over the past 18 months. Setup your payments for either an ACH Bank Transfer or a Credit Card. Setup Automatic Payments for a date of the month that is best for you. Setup additional email addresses to have your notices sent. What to Expect Expect Confidence! This system has been fully tested by your Flag Officers, the Board of Governors, and several long time members at DCYC. The opinion was unanimous that this on-line portal is much easier and simpler and we’ve had no complaints. Over the next couple of days, you can also expect two emails sent from Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club <[email protected]>. The first of these emails is an invite to create a Bill & Pay user account for paying your DCYC Member Statements. The invitation email will look something like the image at the left. The sender/return address is [email protected] and the link within the message will take you to a safe on-line portal provided by Bill & Pay.com where you will create your own account with user name and password. After creating your account, you will instantly have access to your outstanding balance, invoices, and past payments. Setting up automatic payments has also been a big hit. You can use either credit cards or ACH bank transfers. We prefer the ACH payments because they are free to DCYC, but the choice is still yours. Remember, it’s your club and important to keep your account paid up. We use the money you pay to make payments on our new docks, refinish the swimming pool, and complete many more projects that help make our club both beautiful and safe. The second email you will receive is the actual MARCH 1 st Invoice from DCYC. It will also have a link to creating an account if you have not already done so. There is an option to pay the invoice without creating an account, but you will not have access to your account history. The old Quickbooks portal that we were using before was just not getting the job done, so I say, “good riddance”. A

From The Commodore DCYC · 2020-03-01 · From The Commodore – DCYC Mar 1, 2020 PG. 3 ee changes starting on March 1st and April 1st. Our BOG approved a couple of fee increases

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From The Commodore – DCYC Mar 1, 2020

PG. 1

ccounting Changes Starting March 1st. Our accounting department is excited to announce the

release of our new on-line payments portal. It solves for all the problems that we’ve been experiencing while also

providing the features that many of us have requested for quite some time. By creating an account, you will be able to:

View all of your invoices and payments over the past 18 months.

Setup your payments for either an ACH Bank Transfer or a Credit Card.

Setup Automatic Payments for a date of the month that is best for you.

Setup additional email addresses to have your notices sent.

What to Expect Expect Confidence! This system has been fully tested by your Flag Officers, the Board of Governors, and several long

time members at DCYC. The opinion was unanimous that

this on-line portal is much easier and simpler and we’ve

had no complaints. Over the next couple of days, you

can also expect two emails sent from Dallas Corinthian

Yacht Club <[email protected]>. The first of these emails

is an invite to create a Bill & Pay user account for paying

your DCYC Member Statements.

The invitation email will look something like the image at

the left. The sender/return address is [email protected]

and the link within the message will take you to a safe

on-line portal provided by Bill & Pay.com where you will

create your own account with user name and password.

After creating your account, you will instantly have

access to your outstanding balance, invoices, and past

payments. Setting up automatic payments has also

been a big hit. You can use either credit cards or ACH

bank transfers. We prefer the ACH payments because

they are free to DCYC, but the choice is still yours.

Remember, it’s your club and important to keep your

account paid up. We use the money you pay to make

payments on our new docks, refinish the swimming

pool, and complete many more projects that help make

our club both beautiful and safe.

The second email you will receive is the actual MARCH

1st Invoice from DCYC. It will also have a link to creating

an account if you have not already done so. There is an

option to pay the invoice without creating an account,

but you will not have access to your account history.

The old Quickbooks portal that we were using before was just not getting the job done, so I say, “good riddance”.


From The Commodore – DCYC Mar 1, 2020

PG. 2

allas Corinthian Yacht Club Contacts. Our webmaster, Paul Bell, has been busy setting up our email

system in order to simplify the ability to contact the right person at DCYC when you have questions, suggestions, or a

problem that you need help with. Going forward all email addresses have a dcyc.org email address. Below is a list of

valid emails that never change. No matter who is doing our accounting or filling our flag officer positions, the Song

Remains the Same. (That was for our Led Zeppelin fans out there.)

[email protected] , Financial Fitness is our current accounting office. If you have questions about your bill or

you need to get reimbursed for expenses that were paid on behalf of DCYC, this is the place to send it.

[email protected] is a special address that goes to every member of the current Board of Governors. When you

want to comment on the club’s operations or express an opinion about upcoming decisions and cannot make it

to the board meeting, send an email to that one address.

[email protected] Currently held by Tim Johnson, send me a note when you need to get something on the

agenda for the next board meeting, or have questions about recent decisions.

[email protected] , Dave Lorenat is in charge of our caretaker and dealing with delinquent members.

He also makes a fabulous meal and fills in for the commodore when he can’t be located.

[email protected] , the one and only John Pherson, mostly in charge of greeting people and helping

become new members at DCYC.

[email protected] , Laura Grether has been our accountant in charge for the last couple of years helping to

keep the important stuff straightened out.

[email protected] , Pat Hock has been keeping our meetings on track and ensuring that changes are

documented correctly and stored in the appropriate repository. Pat can also help you with new agenda items.

[email protected] , Andrew Theisman can answer any question you have about upcoming races,

registration, and other regattas.

[email protected] goes straight to Paul Bell, our webmaster. If you have a problem setting up an event or want

to see something new on our website, he will take care of it. Paul also sets up member logins for new members

on the DCYC site, so that they can gain access to special sections and sign up for events.

[email protected] , currently chaired by Michele Ditmer, for opportunities to volunteer at the next event or

sending suggestions for future events. Events are what makes our club special and they are always the best!

[email protected] is for John Lusk, you have a concern about your boat or need to schedule an

appointment for getting access to something at DCYC. The harbor master can also help you with trading slips

and scheduling time on the jib crane.

[email protected] is a special address that is routed to each participant on the membership committee, so

that someone wishing to join DCYC is certain to reach someone that can help, especially when John is not


There are others, mostly for special operations, but that’s the main list. Which brings me to the next part. If you

interested in having your own dcyc.org email address, send me a note and we will get you set up for just $10 / year. For

example, I have [email protected] which gets forwarded to my outlook address – pretty cool, huh? To qualify, your

account needs to be in good standing and you will need a valid email to connect it to. Paul Bell took

[email protected] (which is the award he won at the last member’s meeting). What would yours be?


From The Commodore – DCYC Mar 1, 2020

PG. 3

ee changes starting on March 1st and April 1st. Our BOG approved a couple of fee increases at the

recent February board meeting.

The first of these is an increase in the Annual Trailer Storage Fee, to $100.00 per year, per trailer. This is an

annual charge that appears on the March invoices. The list of charges is maintained by our dry storage manager

and was recently updated in order to be included on the current round of member statements.

The second increase is for Dry Slip Storage, which is billed monthly. The fee is increasing from $20.00 per month

to $30.00 per month, per boat. This change will take effect on the April 1st billing cycle.

he January and February Board of Governors Meetings. Our BOG also approved a change in

the easement at the end of Yacht Club Rd. concerning the turn-around circle in front of the gate. The is a lot of

technical and legal stuff in the documents that were executed, but the essence of it is this:

DCYC sold an easement for the area in front of the gate to the city of Oak Point.

The City of Oak Point has plans to widen and pave the turn-around circle, so that the school buses, garbage

trucks, firetrucks, and other essential utility vehicles have adequate support and room to make a safe turn at the

end of Yacht Club Rd.

The schedule for these improvements is currently not set, but expected to begin sometime this year.

Approved By-Law changes from the Annual November Member Meeting have also been published and

implemented. The most significant of these being the changes to the Associate Member class, which now

includes ages up to 30 years of age and a dues decrease to $30.00 per month. (So get the word out!)

Final note about the Annual Regatta, May 22nd through May 24th. The annual Heritage

Cup and Corinthian Cup Regatta is quickly approaching. There is plenty of opportunity to volunteer to help makes

this a good regatta. If you’re looking for an opportunity to help, send a note to the [email protected] and let Paul

know you are available.

This year we are expecting a very large turn-out, building on the combined participation from last year’s regatta that

included the fleets from Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club along with the Hobie Cat Fleet’s annual Mid-Americas

Championship. Last year the regattas were flooded out of their regularly scheduled weekends and postponed until July

in a combined regatta that had an amazing turn-out. When we met to consider this year’s regatta date(s), it was a very

one-sided and enthusiastic response during the proposal to combine them on the same weekend again.

That is all for now, and I look forward to hearing from you,

Timothy Johnson Your 2020 Dallas Corinthian Yacht Club Commodore