Front Cover Analysis Nicole Keating

Front cover Analysis

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Page 1: Front cover Analysis

Front Cover Analysis

Nicole Keating

Page 2: Front cover Analysis

Masthead – the masthead is big and bold which catches the audiences eye. It is using the same fonts and colours as Kerrang always uses in its magazines for the masthead, portraying to the reader it is their magazine. Although the colours are not bright and colourful, the use of these dull colours is to not take the audiences focus off of the main article but still catch their eye. The font used is kind of messy, perhaps portraying the music as loud and crazy, like the masthead.

Sell lines – sell lines are mainly used to let the reader know what is in the magazine without giving too much away, giving them an urge to read what is inside, usually sell lines are short and sweet and articles in the magazine that will apply to the target audience.

Main Cover Line – this cover line is used to engage the readers that are interested in the artist that is presented. If the readers like the artist on the cover they are more likely to enjoy the magazine than if they don’t.

Price – usually on magazines if the price is high it gives us an idea of the target audience. For example, if the price is high and the magazine is issued weekly, typically the magazine is issued to social class’ A,B and C1. Due to that these are the social classes that commonly have loose change in their pockets, therefore will be buying magazines if they are interested.

Freebees – Freebees are often used in magazines to give the reader something to get out of the magazine except for just information, people who love this kind of music will also love the artists therefore wont turn down a free poster of their favourite artist. Also, who doesn’t love a freebee?

Main Image – the main image is of a man with heavy black make up, black long hair and black clothing. This illustrate that he is a goth.

This could appeal to the target audience because they might tend the like the look, and

the artists of the music commonly in Kerrang are usually dressed like this therefore an

advantage to the target audience.

Page 3: Front cover Analysis

Masthead – the masthead is plain yet bold, it is also very big compared to other mastheads, this stands out to the audience, highlighting that the magazine wants to get out there. The magazine also uses the same fonts, continuing its house style through each magazine issue.

Main Image – the main image is one of the most important parts of the magazine because they will use a big artist from the music genre that the magazine is based around. In this case the artist is Rihanna, if the readership like Rihanna and she is the first thing they see on the magazine, due to the fact that the image is spread across most of the page, then they will be interested in the magazine.

Main Cover Line - this cover line is used to engage the target audience about what the main story inside the magazine is. The target audience would already be keeping up with the celebrity gossip therefore will know about this sell line ‘Rihanna&Chris’ therefore will be interested and want to find out more.

Price – usually on magazines if the price is high it gives us an idea of the target audience. For example, if the price is high and the magazine is issued weekly, typically the magazine is issued to social class’ A,B and C1. Due to that these are the social classes that commonly have loose change in their pockets, therefore will be buying magazines if they are interested.

Sell lines – sell lines are mainly used to let the reader know what is in the magazine without giving too much away, giving them an urge to read what is inside, usually sell lines are short and sweet and articles in the magazine that will apply to the target audience.

Page 4: Front cover Analysis

Masthead – the masthead is big and bold, this makes it catch the audiences attention. It uses the same house style eg. Fonts and colours through each issue.

Pull Quote – this pull quote is used to give the readers an insight of what is going to be included in his interview. It is used as a sentence to pull the readers in.

Main Image - the main image is one of the most important parts of the magazine because they will use a big artist from the music genre that the magazine is based around. In this case the artist is Paul McCartney, if the readership like Paul McCartney and he is the first thing they see on the magazine, due to the fact that the image is spread across most of the page, then they will be interested in the magazine.

Price – usually on magazines if the price is high it gives us an idea of the target audience. For example, if the price is high and the magazine is issued weekly, typically the magazine is issued to social class’ A,B and C1. Due to that these are the social classes that commonly have loose change in their pockets, therefore will be buying magazines if they are interested.

Main Cover Line – the main cover line is used to engage the reader with something that they are going to be interested in, in this case for example the sell line is the name of the artist on the cover. In this issue NME have seemed to base it around one of the biggest popstars ever. Sir Paul McCartney. Most people no matter what age, sex or genre they listen to will have probably atleast heard of McCartney and his work in the Beatles. Leaving this issue to not have a particular target audience .

Sell Lines – Sell lines are typically used to let the reader know what is inside the magazine without giving too much still giving the audience a chance to want more, causing them to buy the magazine. For example, interviews, articles and freebees.