愛達荷州特色食品介紹 Idaho Specialty Foods

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愛達荷州特色食品介紹Idaho Specialty Foods

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愛達荷州農業Agriculture in Idaho



愛州生產許多的農產品外銷到世界各地的市場。2012年,愛達荷州農產出口量增加10.5%,超過2011年的記錄;2011年則比2008年增加22%。州內主要出口的農產品包括乳製品,如乳清粉(whey)、乳酪、奶粉和奶油;加工馬鈴薯產品如馬鈴薯細粉(potato flakes)、薯條和薯餅。小麥也是愛達荷州高出口量的農作物之一,約有一半的產量外銷至國外市場。此外,新鮮水果、高品質的牛肉和豬肉產品、獲獎無數的葡萄酒及加工處理過的蔬菜及乾草等,皆有外銷到全球的市場。


Ask what Idaho is known for and you will likely hear beautiful scenery and the world famous Idaho potato. But in addition to spectacular mountains, breathtaking whitewater, and world-class skiing, Idaho is also known for its dynamic agricultural industry. With over 185 commodities grown and produced in the state, agricultural production in Idaho is often described as plentiful and diverse. From commodities such as potatoes and grains, to specialty crops such as fresh fruits, mint, and onions, Idaho farmers combine natural resources with state-of-the-art technology and equipment to produce superior quality food and agricultural products. A comprehensive transportation system including railhead, interstate highways, and an inland seaport link Idaho’s agriculture with the nation and the world.

Idaho ranks in the top ten in the nation for 25 different crops and livestock animals, including potatoes, trout, hay, milk, barley, wheat, seeds, onions, and many others. Agriculture is a growing industry in Idaho, setting records for cash receipts in eight of the last ten years. Combined with a robust food processing and manufacturing sector, agriculture in Idaho is strong and remains the state’s leading natural resource-based industry. Idaho produces many agricultural products that are exported worldwide. In 2012, Idaho agricultural exports increased 10.5 percent over the record set in 2011, which was 22 percent more than the former record set in 2008. Top exports include dairy products including whey, cheese, milk powder, and butter, as well as processed potato products such as potato flakes, French fries, and hash browns. Wheat is also one of Idaho’s top exports, with about half of the total crop being sold to foreign markets. Additionally, fresh fruits, high-quality beef and pork products, award-winning wine, processed vegetables, and hay are all exported to customers around the world.

Idaho’s rolling hills, mountain spring water, gentle rains, and warm sunshine, combined with state of the art technology, produce the highest quality agriculture products around.


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Giant Produce 公司

Giant Produce 公司位於西愛達荷州與東俄勒岡州肥沃的蛇河山谷(Snake River Valley)中部,提供包裝、倉儲與銷售愛達荷州、東俄勒岡州的西班牙甜洋蔥和愛達荷州紅、黃金及 Russet 馬鈴薯。透過公司可靠、忠誠的員工在生產品質及對顧客服務方面的堅持,讓公司的業務發展順利。Giant Produce 公司致力於維持乾淨、安全的設備,且與客戶、生產商、託運商及社區建造了緊密的合作關係。

Giant Produce 公司的創辦人 Brent 和 Jada Ishida 重視他們在農場中 的家庭生活,他們認為農場所賦予的生活品質是無法形容的。他 們將事業視為一個能灌輸職場倫理給他們的小孩的機會,並希望 能一直持續他們目前所做的工作。 Giant Produce 公司對於所銷售的洋蔥產品感到驕傲,洋蔥不僅能 調味,且含有可增進健康的植物化學物質及營養。洋蔥不含鈉、 脂肪及膽固醇,有豐富的膳食纖維、維他命C、維他命B6、鉀和 其他重要的營養,能增加許多食品豐富的風味。此外,研究顯示 洋蔥有可能因為含有大量稱之為「槲皮素(quercetin)」的黃酮類(flavonoid)可以幫助人體抵抗許多慢性疾病。茶類和蘋果中也含有槲皮素,但研究顯示人體自洋蔥中吸收「槲皮素」的量是由茶類中吸收的兩倍,比起蘋果中也有超過三倍以上的吸收量;研究結果指出「槲皮素」


Giant Produce 公司於2012年九月推出洋蔥山谷品牌焦糖洋蔥(Onion Valley Caramelized Onions),是最新且附加價值高的產品,可搭配漢堡、三明治、乳酪、餅乾或混合於嫩煎蔬菜料理中也很美味。除了「香醋焦糖洋蔥(Balsamic Caramelized Onions)」,公司最近也開始銷售「洋蔥山谷品牌蔓越莓洋蔥調味醬(Cranberry Onion Valley Chutney)」,是地瓜、烤布里乳酪(brie)的絕妙搭配,也可用於玉米麵包的餡料或作為烤肉的佐料。上述兩樣產品也是搭配餛飩餡料的絕佳選擇。洋蔥山谷的產品都是全天然、不含防腐劑且不含麩質。

Located in the middle of the fertile Snake River Valley of Idaho and Eastern Oregon, Giant Produce, Inc. proudly packages, stores, and markets Idaho Eastern Oregon Spanish onions and Idaho red, gold, and Russet potatoes. Through their dependable, loyal staff they have built their business on quality produce and good customer service. They work hard to maintain clean and safe facilities, and have created strong relationships with customers, growers, fellow shippers, and their community.

Brent and Jada Ishida, owners of Giant Produce, value their family life on the farm and say that the quality of living it provides is immeasurable. They view their business ventures as an opportunity to instill a work ethic in their children, and hope to keep doing what they are doing for a long time.

Giant Produce, Inc. is very proud of the onions they market. Onions not only provide flavor - they also provide health-promoting phytochemicals as well as nutrients. Onions are sodium, fat, and cholesterol free, and provide dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and other key nutrients, while still adding abundant flavor to a wide variety of foods. Also, research shows that onions may help guard against many chronic diseases which is most likely because onions contain generous amounts of a flavonoid called quercetin. Tea and apples are other sources of quercetin, but research shows that absorption of quercetin from onions is twice that from tea and more than three times that from apples. Studies have shown that quercetin protects against cataracts, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

Giant Produce, Inc. introduced its newest value-added item, Onion Valley Caramelized Onions, in September of 2012. They are delicious on burgers and sandwiches, served with cheese and crackers, or mixed in with sautéed vegetables. In addition to the Balsamic Caramelized Onions, Giant also recently began marketing Cranberry Onion Valley Chutney which is great as a topping on sweet potatoes or baked brie, adding to cornbread stuffing, or serving as a condiment for roasted meats. Both products are also great to use with won-ton raviolis. Onion Valley products are all natural, contain no preservatives, and are gluten free.

聯絡資訊 / Contact

Mr. Brent IshidaTel: 208-722-6777 E-mail: [email protected]



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Good Superfoods 公司

Good Superfoods 公司位於愛達荷州,專門研發功能性食品;目前已成功開發出市場上同一類中最好的功能性且有機巧克力。 GOOD CACAO™ 是該公司得獎旗鑑品牌,提供一系列的「功能性巧克力(Functional Chocolate® )」,本產品系列的巧克力條以全天然、非基因改良、全素材料融合厄瓜多(Ecuador)的可可及許多超級食材及經驗證的原料所製成,針對健康訴求。Good Superfoods 公司的最新品牌「AGAMI Superfoods」,最近推出了經美國農業部有機認證的「AGAMI 生馬雅巧克力條(Raw Maya bar)」,是市場上第一種100%生巧克力條。「AGAMI 生馬雅」的產品是由厄瓜多國寶「阿里巴國家可可 (Arriba Nacional cacao)」所製成,產品的甜美味道來自低糖椰漿。Good Superfoods 與許多配料採購公司和世界一流的專業人員合作,如 Michael T. Murray 醫生和著名的登山家 Melissa Arnot,提供全方位服務的產品開發解決方案。Good Superfoods 的團隊致力於利用來自世界各地的原料,開發能讓生活快樂、健康的產品。

Idaho-based functional food development company Good Superfoods LLC has developed a line of best-in-class functional and organic chocolates. GOOD CACAO™, its award-winning flagship brand, is a line of Functional Chocolate® - all-natural, non-gmo, vegan chocolate bars made with Ecuadorian cacao, a long list of added superfoods and evidence-based functional ingredients for targeted health benefits. Its newest brand, AGAMI Superfoods recently launched the market’s first 100% raw chocolate bar with its USDAcertified organic AGAMI Raw Maya bar. AGAMI Raw Maya is made with Ecuadorian Heirloom Arriba Nacional cacao and is sweetened with low-glycemic coconut nectar. Good Superfoods also offers full-service product development solutions, working with a long list of ingredient partners and world-class professionals like Dr. Michael T. Murray and record-holding mountaineer Melissa Arnot. The Good Superfoods team is dedicated to working with ingredients found from around the world to formulate products that promote a happy and healthy life.

聯絡資訊 / Contact

Mr. Bond Hilliard Tel: 877-393-5543 ext. 4 E-mail: [email protected]


Superfood 工廠

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在2006年母親節,由一群媽媽經營、管理的公司,正式推出快樂家庭品牌(Happy Family Brands),並成為最高檔的有機食品的領導品牌,提供最好的營養給每一個家庭。創辦人 Shazi Visram 在看到她的朋友非常費心力為自己小孩選擇健康的食品,靈光一閃,想出了「快樂家庭(Happy Family)」的構想。而 「快樂嬰兒(Happy Baby)」便是第一個產品線 ─ 最初的構想是用最單純、最少加工的方法生產冷凍、有機嬰兒食品來代替瓶裝嬰兒食品,而現在已發展成一家能提供全系列食品供全家所需營養的食品公司。由於產品的經營有母親的參與,今天,Happy Family 能為嬰兒、幼兒、兒童,甚至成年人提供有機食品!所有的產品美味又方便,適合不同年齡在各個階段的需要。

Happy Family 致力於提供家庭最健康、最營養的食品。為 了信守這個承諾,公司研發出一個開放的營養理念,開發 出各種食品的配方,搭配最好且天然的成分並配合您的小 孩在各個階段成長時所需要的營養。Happy Family 了解對 小孩所需的營養「什麼成分」跟「什麼時間」是一樣重要 的。公司產品不但由 100% 有機原料製成,而通過添加額 外養分進一步提高營養價值。公司所使用這些額外養分, 比如永續來源的DHA、益生元、益生菌和超級穀物 SUPER Salba 和藜麥,讓產品線能滿足由嬰兒到幼兒成長的需求。 Happy Family 相信提供給大家的是不一樣的產品。不論是教育家庭對營養的觀念,採購以永續經營方式生產的農產品,或參與我們的花生醬計畫(Project Peanut Butter)及 FEED 的慈善工作,協助需要幫助的人,Happy Family 所作的一切專注於兒童的福祉。畢竟,一個健康的嬰兒才會是一個快樂的嬰兒。 Launched on Mother’s Day 2006, and managed by moms, Happy Family Brands is a leading premium organic food brand delivering optimal nutrition to the entire family. After watching a friend struggle to find healthy food options for her baby, Founder, Shazi Visram, came up with the idea for Happy Family. What began as Happy Baby — a minimally processed frozen, organic alternative to baby food in a jar — has since grown into a comprehensive line of products for the whole family. Today, Happy Family provides organic foods for babies, toddlers, kids, and even adults! It is delicious, convenient and made with a mother’s touch for all ages, all stages.

Happy Family is committed to providing families with the healthiest, most optimal nutrition possible. To deliver on this promise, it has developed an enlightened nutrition philosophy that inspires recipes that match the best ingredients nature has to offer with the individual dietary needs of each stage in a child’s development. Happy Family understands that when it comes to children’s nutrition, “what” matters just as much as “when”. Happy Family not only sources 100% organic ingredients — void of harmful additives — but also works to enhance nutrition by adding extra nutrients whenever possible. It uses these extras, such as a sustainable source of DHA, pre and probiotics, and the supergrains SUPER Salba and Quinoa, to tailor the product line to address each stage of a child’s growth, baby to toddler.

Happy Family believes in making a difference. Whether that difference is in educating families on nutrition, sourcing sustainably farmed goods, or giving to those in need through its partnerships with Project Peanut Butter and FEED, everything Happy Family does focuses on putting the wellbeing of children first. After all, a healthy baby is a happy baby.

聯絡資訊 / Contact

Ms. Amanda AlbersTel: 208-338-6534 ext. 826E-mail: [email protected]


healthy baby is a happy baby.

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Dorothy 食品公司(Homemade by Dorothy)

1986年,Dorothy Baumhoff 在自家中創業,銷售從愛達荷州山區Dorothy 親自採摘的野莓所自製的愛達荷果醬食品。「Dorothy 手工食品(Homemade by Dorothy)」多年來研發更多的產品線,包括手工果醬(jams & jellies)、糖漿、烘培食品和馬鈴薯製品,多種野莓、水果及其他產自愛達荷州或美國西北部的農產品。「Dorothy 手工食品」於自家創業且為家族所有、經營已超過26年,最近榮獲美國小型企業管理局(Small Business Administration, SBA)評選為2011年美國西北地區最佳家庭企業。透過社區參與、培養關係和購買當地食材,同時持續生產「手工自製(Homemade)」的優質產品,是「Dorothy 手工食品」多年發展的基礎。產品簡單、天然且不含防腐劑,保持最原始的風味。

有些「Dorothy 手工食品」的顧客最喜歡的產品是黑果木(huckleberry)的相關產品。野生的黑果木是一種只生長在落磯山脈(Rocky Mountains)的小莓果,與藍莓的外觀和味道極為類似。研究結果指出,一份野生黑果木的抗氧化效果比其他蔬果來得大,因此可幫助人體抵禦老化、癌症和影響健康的疾病。


In 1986, Dorothy Baumhoff started her home-based business selling homemade Idaho preserves made with the wild berries which she hand-picked in the mountains of Idaho. Today, Homemade By Dorothy has an expanded product line of hand-crafted jams, jellies, syrups, baking mixes and potato products, featuring the wide variety of wild berries, fruits and other agriculture products grown in Idaho or the Northwest. Being a family owned and home-based business for over 26 years, Homemade By Dorothy was recently recognized by the SBA (Small Business Administration) as the 2011 NW Region Home-Based Business of the year. Community involvement, fostering relationships and buying local, in tandem with continuing to hand-make “Homemade” quality products is the foundation upon which Homemade By Dorothy has grown over the years. Products are simple and natural with no preservatives, just like they were in the very beginning.

Some of Homemade by Dorothy’s customer favorites are made with huckleberries. The wild mountain huckleberry is a tiny berry that only grows wild in the Rocky Mountains. It is quite similar to a blueberry in appearance and taste. Studies have shown that one serving of wild huckleberries has more antioxidant power than any other fruit or vegetable, thus helping a person to fight against aging, cancer and health diseases.

Each and every berry is hand-picked and used to make Wild Idaho Huckleberry syrup, Huckleberry White Cocoa, Wild Idaho Huckleberry Jelly (or Jam), Huckleberry Fudge, Huckleberry Lemonade and even Huckleberry Tea.

聯絡資訊 / Contact

Ms. Anna BaumhoffTel: 208-375-3720E-mail: [email protected]



* 黑果木是一種很奇妙的莓果,只有野生,無法栽種,且每年生長的地方不一樣。

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Litehouse 食品公司

Litehouse® 食品公司的沙拉醬長期以來在全美廣受好評,公司提供多種相互可搭配的產品,包括優質的蔬菜沾醬、醬料、冷凍乾燥香料、焦糖沾醬、水果沾醬和糖漿。

Litehouse 沙拉醬和蔬菜沾醬是由新鮮且不含防腐劑、高品質的原料製成。這兩種醬料不含反式脂肪、味精、高果糖玉米糖漿且有許多產品不含麩質。為了保持新鮮度及品質,兩種醬料都需冷藏。Litehouse 最受歡迎的口味是藍紋乳酪沾醬(Blue Cheese)、田園沙拉醬(Ranch)、香醋醬(Balsamic Vinaigrette)、凱薩醬和墨西哥辣椒田園醬(Jalapeno Ranch)。

Litehouse 的超鮮香料(Instantly Fresh Herbs)是一種令人驚豔的產品,此產品採用冷乾燥處理技術使該系列產品能及時排出水分,且能維持新鮮度,如同顧客購買新鮮香料時一樣新鮮。香料系列總共有15種不同混搭的口味,他們是廚師最棒的選擇。

Litehouse 食品

創立於50年前,由 Hawkins 家族在愛達荷州 Hope 小鎮上設立的餐廳開始。之後,Litehouse 變成為冷藏沙拉醬、蔬菜沾醬、醬料、冷凍乾燥香料、傳統藍紋乳酪、焦糖沾醬、水果沾醬和糖漿的龍頭。2006年起,Litehouse 變成員工所有制的公司,每名員工/所有人都很驕傲地維持高標準的品質與創新,更秉持著「堅持好味道(Because Taste Matters)」的公司信條。

Litehouse salad dressings and veggie dips are made fresh with high-quality ingredients and no preservatives. They have zero Trans fat, no MSG, no high fructose corn syrup and many are gluten free. To keep the freshness and quality, they require constant refrigeration. Our top flavors include Blue Cheese, Ranch, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Caesar, and Jalapeno Ranch.

Litehouse Instantly Fresh Herbs are an amazing product which uses the freeze drying technology to give a product that instantly rehydrates and is as close to fresh as you can get. Available in 15 flavors and blends, they are a chefs delight….no spoilage, no waste, just an instantly fresh taste.

About Litehouse Foods

Litehouse started in the Hope, Idaho restaurant of the Hawkins family over 50 years ago. Since that time, it has become the leader in refrigerated salad dressings, veggie dips, sauces, freeze-dried herbs, artisan blue cheese, caramel dips, fruit dips and glazes. Litehouse has been an employee-owned company since 2006, and each one of the employee/owners is proud to carry on the high standards of quality and innovation, living up to the slogan… Because Taste Matters.

聯絡資訊 / Contact

Mr. Conrad FrankTel: 206-330-1717 E-mail: [email protected]


Litehouse® Foods, long known for their nationally acclaimed salad dressings, offers a large variety of complementary produce department products, including premium veggie dips, sauces, freeze dried herbs, caramel dips, fruit dips and glazes.complemencaramel dip

超鮮香料 羅勒

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Prosperity 有機食品公司(Prosperity Organic Foods)

「Melt® Organic」是一個全天然又美味的食品沾/塗醬產品線,是為喜愛奶油且在尋找健康替代品的人所創造。Melt 的每一項產品味道香濃且有奶油般的質地,因為使用含最健康且未加工的飽和脂肪的初榨椰子油,

由水果和植物油完美融合而成。Melt 的沾/塗醬產品提供原味和蜂蜜口味的選擇,以完美混合最健康有機油

為特色,包括初榨椰子、亞麻籽、高油酸葵花籽、棕櫚果及油菜籽等。Melt 沾/塗醬用於塗、烤、炒香,就

如同使用真正的奶油一樣,但只有一半的飽和脂肪量且熱量較少。Melt 沾/塗醬不但能維持健康的體重,有益於甲狀腺機能、新陳代謝、腸胃健康、最佳營養的吸收及心臟的健康。

Melt 的每一個產品都經有機、潔淨(kosher)的認證,且使用的原料都是非基因改造且符合環保社會、公平交

易生產的原料。Melt 和Honey Melt®口味的產品是北美洲第一個通過非基因改造計畫認證(Non-GMO Project Verified)的沾/塗醬產品。「奶香沾/塗醬(Rich & Creamy Melt®)」和「蜂蜜沾/塗醬(Honey Melt®)」兩項產品在2010年及2013年都被超市老饕(Supermarket Guru )網站評為「HIT!」。

Prosperity 有機食品公司是 Melt 有機沾/塗醬的製造商,今年計畫推出新產品

「新巧克力沾/塗醬(NEW Chocolate Melt®)」。「巧克力沾/塗醬」綿密的口感

來自於 Melt 調製有機可可和野花蜂蜜的口味而成。「Chocolate Melt」的美味




Melt 有機沾/塗醬無反式脂肪、無麩質、無牛奶、無乳糖且不含大豆原料,也

沒有人工色素、人工香精或添加劑。業界只有 Melt 使用經生命公平貿易(Life Fair Trade)認證的初榨椰子油作為產品的原料。Melt 的產品線也第一次使用創

新、環保、便於儲存、可永續發展的「方形包裝」。「方形包裝才是流行! 」



Melt® Organic is a line of luscious, all-natural spreads for butter lovers seeking a healthier alternative. Each variety of Melt is rich and creamy because it is made with virgin coconut oil – the healthiest unprocessed saturated fat - in a perfect blend of fruit- and plant-based oils. Available in original and honey flavors, Melt features the perfect blend of the healthiest organic oils: virgin coconut, flaxseed, hi-oleic sunflower, palm fruit, and canola. Melt spreads sizzle, drizzle, sauté and bake beautifully just like butter, but with half the saturated fat and fewer calories. In addition to supporting healthy weight, the blend of oils in Melt support thyroid function and metabolism, gastro-intestinal health, optimal nutrient absorption and heart health. Each variety of Melt is certified organic, kosher and made with non-GMO, eco-social and fair trade ingredients that are ethically sourced. Both Melt and Honey Melt® are the first spreads in North America to be Non-GMO Project Verified. Rich & Creamy Melt® and Honey Melt were each rated a HIT! by the Supermarket Guru in 2010 and 2013, respectively.

Prosperity Organic Foods, makers of Melt Organic spreads, debuts NEW Chocolate Melt® Organic this year. Chocolate Melt is a velvety spread made with Melt’s signature blend combined with the rich tastes of organic cocoa and wildflower honey. It is a delectable spread for graham crackers or croissants, a delightful dip for strawberries, or the perfect addition to favorite brownie or cookie recipes. Each serving contains just one gram of sugar versus the 10-gram equivalent in its hazelnut-spread competitors.

Melt Organic spreads are also trans-fat free, gluten free, dairy or lactose free, and soy free with no artificial colors, flavors or additives. Only Melt uses Virgin Coconut Oil that is certified Fair for Life Fair Trade. The Melt line is also the first to be sold in innovative, eco-friendly square packages for easy storage and sustainability. It’s Hip to Be Square!

Rich & Creamy Melt Organic and Honey Melt Organic are sold in 13-ounce packages in more than 3,000 natural-organic, specialty gourmet and conventional retail stores throughout the US and Canada.

聯絡資訊 / Contact

Ms. Cygnia Rapp Tel: 208-639-6913 E-mail: [email protected]



通過非基因改造計畫認證(Non-GMO Project 和「蜂蜜沾/塗醬(Honey Melt®)」站評為「HIT!」。






Fair Trade)認證的初榨椰子油作為產品的原料




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ZZ Foods 食品公司/Zacca Hummus 農場

Zacca Hummus 農場由 Janine Zacca Zenner 以及 Christopher Zenner 創立於2011年三月,公司的鷹嘴豆泥(hummus)優質的傳統風味來 自於傳統與先進農業技術(aka)的融合,也是 Chris Zenner 和 Janine Zacca 婚姻(家族合作)的結合。產品主要的成分是鷹嘴豆(chickpeas 或 garbanzo beans),由在愛達荷州 Genesee 鎮的 Zenner 家族農場所 提供。夫婦二人是家族的第三代經營者,堅持永續發展的農業, 是州內第一家通過愛達荷州食品聯盟(Food Alliance)認證的農場。 Zacca 對改善土壤原有的生產力抱持熱情的態度,且專注於使用永 續的種植方式來改善農場所生產的食品及營養價值。

傳統的地中海料理是 Zacca 家族世代相傳的特色。擁有優質的鷹嘴豆和正統的食譜,Zacca 所生產的鷹嘴豆泥的口味比市面上現有的產品更好。由於 Zacca Hummus 農場已漸茁壯且成功在愛達荷州的市場佔有一席之地,公司相信可以開發重視健康、產地並追求最高品質食材等健康取向的新市場及消費者。

農場新鮮的鷹嘴豆使 「Zacca 鷹嘴豆泥」有格外獨特的味道及口感。產品無添加物、無人工防腐劑且無麩質。「Zacca 鷹嘴豆泥」屬低脂、零膽固醇,也是膳食纖維好的來源,Zacca 目前有三種鷹嘴豆泥產品:傳統、烤紅椒及墨西哥辣椒(Poblano)等口味。

Zacca Hummus was formed in March 2011, by Janine Zacca Zenner and Christopher Zenner. Their great tasting traditional style hummus originated from the blending of heritage and progressive farming, aka, the marriage of Chris Zenner and Janine Zacca. The main ingredient, chickpeas or garbanzo beans, is provided by the Zenner Family Farm, of Genesee, Idaho. The third generation farm is dedicated to sustainable agriculture and is the first farm in Idaho to become Food Alliance certified. Zacca is passionate about improving the inherent productive capabilities of the soil and are committed to improving the nutritional value of the food produced from their farm through sustainable practices.

The traditional Mediterranean recipe has been a Zacca family specialty for many generations. With the superior quality chickpeas and authentic recipe Zacca believes it is a better tasting hummus spread than existing products in the market place. As the company has grown and has competed successfully in the Idaho market, Zacca believes they can branch into newer markets that target health conscious individuals who care about where their food is produced and look for the highest quality ingredients.

Farm fresh garbanzos give Zacca Hummus an exceptionally unique taste and texture. The products have no additives, no artificial preservatives and are gluten free. Zacca Hummus is very low in fat and has zero cholesterol. It is also a good source of dietary fiber. Zacca currently has three varieties of hummus product; Traditional, Roasted Red Pepper and Poblano Pepper.

聯絡資訊 / Contact

Ms. Janine Zacca ZennerTel: 208-850-6782 E-mail: [email protected]


Zacca Hummus 農 的場 目標

Our Goal

「希望提供由兩家族承襲的優質傳統所生產的 的品質好及有傳統風味的鷹嘴豆泥。」

“Provide great tasting traditional style hummus made with the finest quality chickpeas by two families rooted in their dedication to family and tradition.”

:10 oz

產品淨重/Net Weight: 10 oz

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綠色能源產業:地熱、風力、生質能源、太陽能、核能Green Energy Industry: Geothermal Energy, Wind Power, Biomass Energy, Solar Power, Nuclear Energy


美國愛達荷州亞太區辦事處電話: 886-2-2725 2922傳真: 886-2-2725 1248E-mail: [email protected]地址: 11011 台北市信義路五段五號7D15室網址: www.idahoasia.orgFacebook: www.facebook.com/exploreidaho

美國愛達荷州 The Land of

Dream & Opportunity

Contact InformationIdaho - Asia Trade Office Tel: 886-2-2725 2922Fax: 886-2-2725 1248E-mail: [email protected]: Rm. 7D15, No. 5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Road, Taipei, Taiwan 11011Website: www.idahoasia.orgFacebook: www.facebook.com/exploreidaho


Agricultural Products: Potatoes, Fruits (Apple, Peach, Cherry), American Kobe Beef, American Kurobuta Pork, Natural Pork, Dairy Products, Barley, Wheat and Wine

林業:針葉樹建材(松、杉、柏)、原木屋、各種工程建材(LVL、膠合樑、合板、I型樑架及SIP建築系統)Wood Industry: Softwood (Pine, Fir, Cedar), Log House, and Engineered Wood Products (LVL, Glulam, Plywood, I-joist and SIP Building System)

礦產:矽、磷酸鈣、金、銀Minerals: Silicon, Calcium Phosphate, Gold, Silver

高科技產業:整合軟體、無線通訊設備及半導體、LCD及太陽能生產設備High Tech: Integrated Software, Wireless Communication Devices, Semiconductor, LCD, and Solar Power Production Equipment
