FTS Bulletin, November, 2009 1 | P a g e Faith Theological Seminary, 529 Walker Avenue, Baltimore, MD, 21212, [email protected], www.FaithTheological.org, tel. 410-323-6211 Why America? Norman Manohar, President, Faith Theological Seminary It is still fresh in my mind even though it happened 26 years ago. It was a hot summer day in Madras, India. I was anxiously standing in a long line of visa applicants in front of the U.S. Consulate, waiting to see the result. It was a nail-biting time. Will I get my visa to go to America? You should have seen me when I received my passport back from the consulate with the U.S. visa stamped on it. I was jumping up and down with the pure joy of exhilaration. Why America? Why does everybody from every nation on earth want to come to America? People of the world are dying to get to America. Why America? Is it because of its super power status? Is it because of its wealth? Is it because of its climate? Is it because of its immigration policy? God blessed America. God blessed America with abundant blessings. Blessed people of America blessed the nations of the world through their generosity, compassion, and love for fellow human beings. So America became the attraction for the people of the world. Not only everyone wants to enjoy those blessings but also wants to be a part of America. Why did God bless America abundantly? Why did America become the recipient of God’s abundant blessing? America was founded upon Christianity. Before the Pilgrims set sail for North America, Governor William Bradford stated their motives for re- locating their congregation. He said they had “a great hope . . . for propagating and advancing the Gospel of the Kingdom.” The Pilgrims were all Christians! On the sail is the motto of the Pilgrims, In God We Trust. God with Us.” When the New England settlements finally gathered together in 1643, they formed their bond in what is known as the New England Confederation. They alleged in that document: “Whereas we all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Most people don’t realize what this nation was like at its beginning. Even as late as 1776 150 years after the Pilgrims moved their church to America, we see the population of America as: 98% Protestant Christians, 1.8% Catholic Christians, and .2 of 1% Jewish. An excerpt from the Declaration of Independence states, “All men . . . are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights . . . .George Mason, father of the Bill of Rights stated, “My soul I resign into the hands of my Almighty Creator.” Of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 52 strongly professed the Christian faith and signed at FAITH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Bulletin (Fall, 2009)

FTS November Bulletin.2009

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Faith Theological Seminary Bulletin, November, 2009

FTS Bulletin, November, 2009 1 | P a g e F a i t h T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y , 5 2 9 W a l k e r A v e n u e , B a l t i m o r e , M D , 2 1 2 1 2 ,

f t s @ F a i t h T h e o l o g i c a l . o r g , w w w . F a i t h T h e o l o g i c a l . o r g , t e l . 4 1 0 - 3 2 3 - 6 2 1 1

Why America? Norman Manohar, President,

Faith Theological Seminary

It is still fresh in my mind even though it happened 26 years ago. It was a hot summer day in Madras, India. I was anxiously standing in a long line of visa applicants in front of the U.S. Consulate, waiting to see the result. It was a nail-biting time. Will I get my visa to go to America? You should have seen

me when I received my passport back from the consulate with the U.S. visa stamped on it. I was jumping up and down with the pure joy of exhilaration. Why America? Why does everybody from every nation on earth want to come to America? People of the world are dying to get to America. Why America? Is it because of its super power status? Is it because of its wealth? Is it because of its climate? Is it because of its immigration policy? God blessed America. God blessed America with abundant blessings. Blessed people of America blessed the nations of the world through their generosity, compassion, and love for fellow human beings. So America became the attraction for the people of the world. Not only everyone wants to enjoy those blessings but also wants to be a part of America.

Why did God bless America abundantly? Why did America become the recipient of God’s abundant blessing? America was founded upon Christianity. Before the Pilgrims set sail for North America, Governor William Bradford stated their motives for re-locating their congregation. He said they had “a great hope . . . for propagating and advancing the Gospel of the Kingdom.” The Pilgrims were all Christians! On the sail is the motto of the Pilgrims, “In God We Trust. God with Us.” When the New England settlements finally gathered together in 1643, they formed their bond in what is known as the New England Confederation. They alleged in that document: “Whereas we all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Most people don’t realize what this nation was like at its beginning. Even as late as 1776 – 150 years after the Pilgrims moved their church to America, we see the population of America as: 98% Protestant Christians, 1.8% Catholic Christians, and .2 of 1% Jewish. An excerpt from the Declaration of Independence states, “All men . . . are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights . . . .” George Mason, father of the Bill of Rights stated, “My soul I resign into the hands of my Almighty Creator.” Of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention, 52 strongly professed the Christian faith and signed at


Bulletin (Fall, 2009)

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the end of the Constitution, “Done in the year of our Lord, 1787.” The first President of the United States, George Washington, professed his Christian faith publicly in many of his speeches and writings. Washington said, “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” God blessed America. Because of its biblical foundation and trust in Him, God through His Word transformed the minds and lives of the people. America ended slavery not merely because it recognized the freedom of the Christian man and the priesthood of all believers, but also because it realized that all men, Christian and non-Christian, are created in the image of God, and that no man is naturally the inferior or superior of another. Almost all the Ivy League schools were founded by Christians. The mottos of these schools reflect their Christian heritage. “In God we hope” (Brown University), “In Thy light shall we see the light” (Columbia University), “A voice crying in the wilderness”, (Dartmouth College), “Truth” (Harvard University), “Laws without morals are useless” (University of Pennsylvania), “Under God she flourishes” (Princeton University), “Light and truth” (Yale University). Christian education caused a revolution in thought about the dignity of work, and work became a calling; good works became those tasks done in the pursuit of one’s vocation – not counting beads, lighting candles, or buying indulgences. The result was a spurt of economic activity that transformed America most prosperous, inventive, and the powerful nation on Earth. Just as Christ had promised, in the Sermon on the Mount, “Therefore, do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that

you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”. Early Americans believed the Gospel, seeking first the Kingdom of God and his imputed righteousness, not their own righteousness or prosperity. So God blessed America. All the blessings were added to them because their priorities were straight. Today, America is on a slippery slope. Its priorities got mixed up. “In God We Trust” is just a slogan on the dollar bill. Instead of seeking God and his righteousness first, it is seeking all the other things. Today, America wants blessing without trusting the One who showers the blessing. Slowly God’s Word is being removed from the lives and the minds of the people. The channel of blessing is getting choked because of lack of adherence to God’s Word. Schools founded by Christians have gone astray from their Biblical foundation. Americans are getting frustrated. Wealth is dwindling. Economy is in recession. National debt is growing astronomically. Government’s economic stimulus plan is not working. Health of the people is threatened by mysterious diseases. Corruption, racial tension, bigotry and finger pointing are widespread. This is the direct consequence of moving away from the Lord of life. What is the remedy? How can America continue to enjoy the blessing of God? Our Lord God promises: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

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f t s @ F a i t h T h e o l o g i c a l . o r g , w w w . F a i t h T h e o l o g i c a l . o r g , t e l . 4 1 0 - 3 2 3 - 6 2 1 1

Christians have to wake up from our slumber. We have to do God’s business God’s way. We have to put our trust upon God, not on politics, not on majority, not on legalism, not on philosophies and the rudiments of the world. God’s Word has the power. It has the power to change the hearts of the people. As apostle Paul proclaimed in Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” We have to obey our Master’s Great Commission. We have to preach the gospel and teach God’s Word and teach believers to observe whatsoever Christ had commanded in His Word. Then the Spirit of God will quicken the people those who are dead in trespasses and sin. The Lord will shower His blessings once again when the people repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and obey His Word. Join the family of Faith Theological Seminary and support this God honoring institution for His glory. Remember our students, faculty, staff and board members in your prayers. Please send a generous tax-deductible gift to Faith Theological Seminary today so that we can continue in the work of training and equipping believers of Jesus Christ for the world-wide Christian mission. Have a great Thanksgiving!

Cur Deus Homo? Dr. Robert Zweitzig

The Latin phrase above is the title of the second volume of St. Anselm’s theory of the atonement. It means “Why the Godman?” Since we are asking a series of “Why” questions in these articles from Faith Theological Seminary, we propose that this is the most important question. No matter what queries we make about life, our problems, death and even eternity itself, the preeminently pivotal quest of Anselm (A.D. 1033 – 1109) overshadows all the pursuits of men and nations. This overarching inquiry uniquely answers every longing in the human heart, puts to shame every rebellious challenge against God and allays every gnawing fear arising from the dilemma of our sin. Though Anselm’s theory (as every other theory of the atonement) falls short of explaining how Jesus Christ accomplished a complete and eternal redemption for us in His sin-bearing death, it nevertheless addresses the central theme of the entire Word of God—Genesis through Revelation. Why did our entrapment in sin and separation from God require the intervention of God Himself coming in the flesh to rescue us? Anselm held that Christ’s death gained full satisfaction for our sins and that His merit was more than equal to any obligation which man could ever accumulate toward God (R. Zweitzig, unpublished notes for the course in Christology and Soteriology, 103). He believed that our sin has taken from God the honor due to Him. Man must continually render his life to God. If he does not, there ensues a debt toward God. Man ought to give back to God more than he took away because of the contempt involved in disobeying God’s will (Cur Deus Homo?, Book I, ch. 11, 203). Anselm said, “Here we must observe that as man in sinning takes away what belongs to God

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so God in punishing gets in return what pertains to man…” (Cur Deus Homo?, Book I, 207). Anselm felt that God knew that the punishment of man was not the better solution. It is impossible for sinful man to “pay” God back the honor owed to Him. The smallest of sins is a breach of God’s honor and is so great that it cannot be accounted for by this world or an infinity of worlds (Zweitzig, 104). “By man God suffered loss, by man, also, He may recover His loss…but a sinful man can by no means do this, for a sinner cannot justify a sinner” (Book I, chpt. 13, 232). Thus we have the logical necessity that no one can do this work except God Himself. On the other hand, none but man ought to make satisfaction, since he (man) has offended the honor of God (Book II, chpt. 6, 244-245). Therefore, it is necessary that the Godman should make this atonement. Christ is God and man united into one person, otherwise it would be impossible for this person to be very God and very man (Book II, chpt. 7, 246). Christ’s death was voluntary. Christ gave to God what He did not owe. It was necessary that the Father reward the Son, but it was impossible to bestow anything on Him that was not already His. The reward, therefore, was given to man. The remittance of man’s debt by the death of Christ “has earned a reward greater than all debt” and is bestowed upon those who accept Christ (Book II, chpt. 20, 286). Anselm views what Christ did as a matter of infinite numerical payback for our sins which robbed God of His honor. While no one can ultimately take anything away from

the very nature and glory of God, mankind was lost to God because of sin. The answer for our helpless and hopeless estrangement from God had to come from God Himself. If we were to be saved, God would have to come into this world in the person of His only begotten Son to rescue us from our condemnation (John 3:16). God’s motive is limitless sacrificial love and the bestowment of His grace (unmerited favor) upon us based upon His Son’s once-for-all sin-bearing work on Calvary. Anselm’s “commercial” or “satisfaction” theory does not answer how God achieved redemption for us. This will be studied by the saved for all eternity, but we will never plummet the depth and breadth of God’s redeeming work. Anselm also misses fundamental truths in the Bible about redemption, propitiatory sacrifice, reconciliation, mediation and being joined to Christ (G. Foley, Anselm’s Theory of Atonement, 120). This eleventh century theologian, however, asked the right question to which the Bible alone gives God’s saving response. The Bible is God’s infallible Word and this is where Faith Theological Seminary stands. The “long and short” of Anselm’s question “Why the Godman?” points to the severity of our sin and lost condition and the need of God the Son’s incarnation to come and save us (John 1:1, 12-14 and 14:6). Man’s self-made predicament in sin was answered by God in the sacrificial death of His

eternal Son. Our safety for eternity rests in the Godman. For seventy two years my wife’s brother


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outside of Jesus Christ and His salvation. Through the faithful witness of some of his family, he finally received the Lord into His life—two weeks before he died of cancer. On the edge of eternity, he found that the Godman alone could save him from his sins. Only Jesus Christ could remove sin and He has!

Here and There at Faith Seminary

Roberta Britton When I first met my husband, he was a fairly recent graduate of Faith Theological Seminary which was located at the time in Elkins Park which is just north of Philadelphia. In fact, shortly after we were married in 1973, we had occasion to spend the night at the seminary. Even though we lived in Maryland, both of us were committed to the Seminary.

One day, while driving down Walker Avenue, I saw a sign identifying a building as Faith Theological Seminary. Thinking that this was only a local church, starting a school, I went home and teasingly said, "Guess what! Your Seminary is here in Baltimore." Little did we know that the Seminary had really moved here to Baltimore. About two weeks later, we received a mailing from the Seminary to its alumni which did indeed report that the Seminary had relocated.

My husband contacted Dr. Manohar and began to teach at the Seminary, and I volunteered to help the Seminary with the many little details for which there is usually not very much time. Many changes have occurred since then. The Seminary has grown and expanded. This has required the addition of new faculty, more administrative staff, and even a new Academic Dean. This growth has also necessitated many new improvements to the facilities. One of the first tasks

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was to renovate the foyer to present a fresh welcoming entrance. The opportunity to create a faculty lounge soon presented itself. New curtains for the downstairs hall and for the offices upstairs were added. The John Norris Library was expanded and redesigned with new shelves and study areas complete with computer access for the students. Making the Seminary a comfortable and easily accessible place for the students, necessitated reorganizing and redecorating the student lounge and developing an outside patio area with wrought iron patio furniture. New offices were added for our Administrative Staff, and all the restrooms have been renovated, adding handicapped facilities. Due to growth of our Student Body, more classroom space was added by dividing the Sanctuary area into four classrooms. The Chapel has been redecorated as well to provide a quiet place for Students. The Parking area was resurfaced and divided to maximize parking space. There is handicapped parking available. In addition, a new sign was acquired so that those passing by can easily locate our facility. We are looking forward to more progress and growth in the future.

Deliver Your Soul Dr. John Lepera,

Director of Admissions Who will carry the torch of truth? Who will sound the trumpet of salvation? Who will stand upon the wall and proclaim the Word of God to the people? Yahweh gave a clear mandate in His instructions to Ezekiel. These instructions are relevant today: Ezekiel 33:7-9

“So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die!’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

Many today teach neo-orthodoxy, and other theologies, and do not believe the whole Word of God. Today, we at Faith Theological Seminary seek to hold faithfully to the inerrant Word of God. Students are also encouraged to apply the Gospel to all contemporary situations without compromising the original message, content, and purpose.

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Down through the past two centuries, heresies have appeared and have had to be dealt with by those who contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. Ignatius, early in the second century, was one of the first to realize the importance of properly trained leaders in the church. He knew that correct doctrine must be known and disseminated to the body of believers in order for the Church to survive. Otherwise, false, man-made religion would consume the biblical corpus of belief. It was for this reason that the New Testament canon was recognized and set in place to guide believers into all truth with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Likewise, there have been beneficial attempts to promote the Gospel in new ways and forms to reach new people groups. Today, we have the emerging church movement, and other such, but they often have many theological shortcomings. Therefore, seminaries that hold to the inerrant Word of God, and hold forth the whole counsel of God as trustworthy for life and practice, are needed more today than ever before. We are seeing increasing secularization and the rise of unabashed immorality today. This leads us to prayer and compassion for those who are lost without hope in this world, or the world to come, and also to pray for God’s help in our own endeavors to teach the Word of God. Against that which would hinder the kingdom of God, and prevent a courageous proclamation of God’s Word, each of the students of FTS stands boldly, calling out to the Lord, “Here I am, send me.” We will march in the light of God, carrying the banner of Christ’s truth before us, and we will serve the Lord, Who will say to us, “you have delivered your soul.”

From the Desk of the Business Manager

Susan J. Wood Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I pray that all are in good health and will be blessed abundantly this Thanksgiving and Christmas 2009. It’s hard to believe that 2009 is almost over and a new year

is about to begin. Our fiscal year at Faith Theological Seminary ended on June 30th, 2009. Let me briefly share with you some of what was accomplished in the business office during the year:

Complete review, update and implementation of FTS accounting system using GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) for non-profit organizations.

Re-structure chart of accounts to NACUBO standards. (National Association of College and University Business Officers)

Completed annual audits and Federal Forms 990, FY 6/30/08 and FY 6/30/09.

These reports and forms are available for public inspection as required.

A very special Thank You goes out to our CPA’s – Peters & Woodring LLC.

Along with updating the accounting system, we’ve updated the facility. All of us are happy to see the renovations to the restrooms. The new classroom and office space is also something to be thankful for. Many thanks to Daniel Chung, Anthony Sanza, Terry Turbin and J&L Plumbing & Heating, as well as dozens of FTS volunteers!

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The “Come, Taste & See” program ended with the Fall 2009 semester. Through this scholarship program, we were able to assist students with nearly $150,000.00 in reduced tuition fees. That’s quite an accomplishment! May God bless each student who benefited from this program. It is our hope that the Lord will use each one to fulfill His call to preach, teach and minister the Word. I hope that you have been as moved as I am by the other articles in the Bulletin. In keeping with the general theme running throughout this issue, (and since this article is coming from the business office), I want to address the practical aspects of running a seminary. Do you remember the story about Jesus feeding the five-thousand? (See Luke 9:10-17) Verse 12: When the day began to wear away, the twelve came and said to Him, “Send the multitude away, that they may go into the surrounding towns and country, and lodge and get provisions; for we are in a deserted place here.” That’s where we are right now – here at Faith Theological Seminary we are in a deserted place. I feel like the twelve must have felt when Jesus told them to give the multitude something to eat. But He said to them, “You give them something to eat” (v.13a). What? How? There’s not enough to go around. There’s a multitude of expenses to take care of for the end of 2009, and the baskets are empty. I’ve been doing a lot of praying, and the one thing that keeps coming to mind is ‘you don’t have because you don’t ask.’ (James 4:2b) So – I am asking. Please keep Faith Theological Seminary in mind during the days and weeks ahead as one of your gift recipients. Our needs are basic – keeping a roof over our heads and the lights on – keeping our teachers and staff paid so they can provide for their families – keeping our obligations current as God has commanded us. The education we provide our students for the furtherance of the

Gospel is paramount. Help us to fill the baskets so that we can continue to raise up pastors, teachers and missionaries of the Lord. All gifts are tax-deductible and gift receipt letters will be sent out to all donors. All gifts are welcome and greatly appreciated. God bless our loyal donors who support us throughout the year: Richard & Carol Hinners, the Berean Bible Church, David & Sally Reidenouer, Mr. & Mrs. John A. Clouser, Community Baptist Church, Ms. Helen Mottershead, Genesis Bible Fellowship Church, James & Mary Clough., The Mennonite Foundation, M.A. Henderson, New Covenant Church of Philadelphia, Dr. & Mrs. Zweitzig, Dr. & Mrs. Hall, Backjune Chang, Dr. & Mrs. Britton, Howard Hinson and Dr. Lepera. Thank You!!

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America the Beautiful Jack Briscoe, Chairman of the FTS Board

We are living in a very critical time in our great country. The economic crisis has caused an economic riptide globally and reeked financial havoc throughout the world. Even with all the great expertise that is the hallmark of our society, our experts are

stymied by the financial woes of the wealthy as well as the poor. Socially, our country is in a morass of problems which we cannot seem to properly define and for which we can find no resolution. In the history of society, there has never been a time when there has been such an explosion of high tech inventions which have made our lives easier in many respects. However, at the same time that we sponsor curriculums for our children which would have appeared awesome to our forefathers, we have created a society where the children cannot go to school in safety; where crime runs rampant through the very fabric of our existence; and where in many areas it is unsafe to walk a block away from home to make a simple purchase. The purpose of this very brief message is not to stress negatives since the headlines of every newspaper in the world stress the negativity that I refer to in this article. Before a problem can be solved, we have to be aware of the problem and know its root cause. Our President of Faith Theological Seminary has written an article published in this Bulletin. It is entitled “Why America” and refers to many problems that we currently face. Dr. Manohar, however, does not

stop with the recitation of crises and problems, but goes on to give a basic solution. It is not found on Wall Street or any of the other financial centers of China, India, or any other country. Rather, it is founded on the Word of God. This article concurs completely with Dr. Manohar’s concept of the problems we face and of solutions to these problems. It is not necessary to be an aeronautical scientist to realize that our world is spinning out of control and that the problems defy human intelligence and abilities. The question is what should we do to solve the problems and meet the great needs of humanity that lives on this planet? Ben Franklin, one of the most brilliant men of his era, was a part of the Continental Congress of the United States when it was a fledgling nation. The odds were against the United States with its problems during our colonial times, during the Revolutionary War, and in many critical situations following the War. The situation was desperate at the Constitutional Convention when the much revered and brilliant Dr. Franklin arose and addressed the Convention. He made a motion that they should bring in a clergyman to pray for their deliberations. He stated:

“In this situation of this Assembly, groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when present to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings?. I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs the affairs of men.” (Catherine Drinker Bowen, Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional Convention, May to September 1787. New York: Book-of the Month Club, 1966, pp. 125-126).

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We all know the story of how God did intervene and our Country not only won its integrity, but also prospered beyond the dreams of the Founders of our great Country. Today, our problems as a society are related to the cancer of sin, wickedness and a falling away from basic spiritual truths. Religion has been either banned in our school systems or relegated to a place of no importance. Our main line churches have succumbed to liberal viruses and have attempted to dilute the infallible Word of God, the Holy Bible. Today church attendance has been relegated to a minor role as our fellow citizens devour sporting events on television and in arenas throughout the country. The question comes up as to what we should do to remedy the many problems and critical situations we live day by day. The words of Benjamin Franklin are as applicable today as they were when our Country was founded on the basis of deep religious convictions. Like a clarion call those words are ringing throughout our Country, “Let us pray”. The Holy Bible is replete with revelations of the tremendous power of calling upon the Living God. In this brief message, I will not recite or stack the many verses that are relevant. A typical example of God’s solution to our problems is found in Psalm 50:15. “Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee and thou shall glorify me.” Today if he were present, the distinguished Benjamin Franklin with all the prestige of his ability and position would state a resounding Amen. May all of us who read this message accept the challenge and on our knees commit our many problems corporately and personally to a loving God who has the only solution

The First Thanksgiving

Dr. Michael Britton Many people in America today believe that the first Thanksgiving occurred in 1621 when the Pilgrims invited some Indians to celebrate their first harvest after having suffered a harsh winter. After landing on the shores of America in November 1620 they named their settlement, Plymouth. Most of our knowledge of the Pilgrims is based on information supplied by the governor of Plymouth, William Bradford, in his book, Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647. The first winter in America (1620) was very cruel to the Pilgrims. Half of the colonists died within three months. The Indians were very helpful to the colonists by showing them where to fish, and how to "set their corn." In the fall, there was a "small harvest" supplemented by fish, turkeys, and venison. The colonists celebrated with the Indians for three days. However, this was not the "First Thanksgiving" as many wrongly believe. Governor Bradford does not even mention this event in his history. There is no record of prayers and special thanks as noted in the later Thanksgivings. From 1620-1623, they had been operating as one company in a communistic system where each

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shared and shared alike. Communism had serious drawbacks, as it always must. In The Pilgrim Fathers by John Brown, "it was far from successful, for it led to confusion and discontent, discouraged production, and bestowed a premium upon indifference (page 225)." By early 1623, the Pilgrims faced a famine. In desperation they decided to drastically change their economic system. They "assigned to every family a parcel of land, according to the proportion of their number." Voila! Private Property! Capitalism! According to John Brown, "this arrangement at once infused new life into the community. All now went to work with a will and planted far more corn than under the old system (page 226)." The problem was that by the time the corn was planted their food supply was depleted. It was impossible to tell how they were going to live until the next harvest came. One of the colonists, Edward Winslow, tells us that he saw men staggering at noon for lack of food. To make matters worse, there was a disastrous drought for seven weeks. As John Brown tells us, "the younger maize plants began to wither, and the older to mature abortively." They determined that they should together humble themselves before the Lord with fasting and prayer. This continued for eight or nine hours without intermission. As John Brown says, "they pleaded that the Lord would grant the request of their troubled souls, if their continuance there might in any way stand with His glory and their good (page 227)." God was a ready to hear as they were to ask. When they first met in the morning, the sky was cloudless and there was no sign of rain. Many hours later, the rain began to fall. It continued to fall for many days. A solemn day was set aside for thanksgiving. This was the "First Thanksgiving."

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From the Director of Student Affairs

Tyrone D. Bullock, Sr.

Family and Friends: I greet you in the name above all names that of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I wanted to take this opportunity to address a few specific issues brought to my attention on your behalf by your Student Government Association (SGA). The issues as stated in the form of questions are as follows: QUESTIONS

1) Why do we have to pay a student activity fee and what do we get for it?

2) Why are we paying a technology fee and what do we get for it?

3) Why is the Chapel Service held before most students arrive on Saturday?

4) Are there many more changes to come in the near future of FTS and how will they affect the students?


1) The student activity fee was established to provide funds in the SGA treasury to be used in the payment for goods and services

associated with the planning and holding of student fellowship events at FTS. These fellowship and program opportunities will be provided free of charge at the specific time of the event because the cost was spread over the entire student body for this specific purpose. The goal is to host at least one major event per semester with the initial event to be held during the spring 2010 semester. I encourage you to seek out and speak with your SGA officers, give your input, support and attend the planned events!

2) The technology fee was implemented with the goal of providing and sustaining reliable internet service within the library. In addition there are future plans to place a minimal fee copier and computer lab in the library. We are currently working towards these goals in the most cost effective ways possible.

3) 8:30 am on Saturday mornings is currently the most feasible time to hold Chapel services as the majority of FTS students attend classes on this day. Classes begin at 9am. Chapel currently is voluntary. We are currently exploring other times for Chapel services later in the day on Saturday and ultimately for other days as appropriate. Chapel will also become mandatory for all students at some time in the future. We encourage all of you to come and worship God with us! Do it willingly. Why would you wait until it is required?

4) The short answer is YES and they will be explained and implemented individually as necessary and appropriate. The majority of the coming changes are directly related to our pursuit of accreditation through TRACS. These changes are for the betterment of FTS and all associated with it. They will not

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be optional. I encourage each of you to continue to pray for God’s blessing on FTS as we continue to get things in order as He directs!

In my role as Director of Student Affairs I serve as a liaison between the students and the faculty/ administration. I encourage you to take the opportunity to voice your concerns, give your advice and recommendations to any of the SGA members or to me directly. It would help a great deal if you would provide this input in writing along with the in person conversation.

Why [Faith Theological] Seminary?

Stephen Hague, Academic Dean It appears that serious commitment to theological education may be somewhat on the decline in our day. If this is so, I think it is partly due to the notion that intensive study of the Word is for “professionals” such as ministers and teachers. Nevertheless, the scripture does not divide believers into these two categories of “lay-people” and “professional ministers.” Yes, we have elders/pastors and deacons, but the intentional and rigorous study (and ministry) of God’s Word was never intended only for these leaders in the local church. Needless to say, restricting access to study (and ministry) of the Word was one of the main causes of the Medieval ignorance prior to the Reformation. Blaise Pascal wrote that “There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who believe themselves sinners; the rest, sinners who believe themselves righteous (Pensees, 533). This can apply to the issue of theological education, since there is this widely held belief that theological education is only for the select few who are called into “professional” ministry. All believers in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ know the One who is King and Savior, the One who redeems the soul and body, as well as the earth. All “who believe themselves sinners” are the ones responsible to be equipped to testify to the gospel of righteousness, the greatest of news, to all those “who believe themselves righteous.” It is not the sole responsibility of some elite “priesthood” of pastors to “be prepared” to have an answer for the hope that is within them. If the church is a “priesthood of all believers,” then all believers need theological training, education,

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discipling, and not just a select few. Yes, the leaders and teachers of our churches and mission organizations all benefit from theological education, but this does not mean it should be their exclusive privilege. This is especially important when we consider the “state of the world” we now live in, and the increasing spiritual challenges at all levels to the church, believers, and to biblical faith. In response, many people are striving to return to some “Christian America” through various kinds of “horizontal” activism, trying to stem the tide of evils they feel threatening them. It is indeed a good thing to resist evils and to seek to bring the healing power of Jesus Christ to all aspects of life in this world. Yet, in reality, our times may possibly be no more or less “evil” than much of prior human history. Certainly, many do remember a time some fifty years ago in America (though not abroad) that seemed more peaceful, less violent, corrupt, and less dangerous. Perhaps, all that is true. It was, however, a short-lived period that could be argued was the residual consequence of faithful Christians in prior American history, who were deeply rooted in the Bible, that set the tone of much of our civil, political, and legal lives. The sad reality is, the period of American history following the World Wars marked a transition to Neo-orthodox Christianity for the majority of denominations, resulting in a form of religion without the power of the gospel. It also resulted in the cultural, moral, and spiritual chaos of the sixties and seventies. The power of the gospel depends on the Word of God and the Spirit of God. When the Bible is no longer believed fully, nor taught as a trustworthy whole gospel of redemption, then the strength of the church will fail. For the post WW generation, and their children, Neo-orthodoxy evacuated the gospel of hope for both life and eternity, because it did not speak a clear word from God, but mostly just words

from human points of view. In denying the historical foundation of biblical faith, it removed the Bible from the believer and also created a priesthood of “ministers” with exclusive access to the mysteries of an “upper story” faith removed from reality. (This is being continued today in another form in the Postmodern approaches to the Bible and the Christian faith.) In response to these issues, FTS has had a long history with many challenges along the way. And, today we stand at a significant crossroads. This is a day when theological confusion and ignorance is reaching monumental proportions. Yet, correspondingly, there are countless evangelical churches packed with Christians excited about the gospel of Christ. All the same, persuading Christians of the supreme value of intensive theological education in the scripture is not an easy task, despite the simple fact that the life and health of the church depend on it. Simply put, this is the time for more rigorous study of the Bible, not less. To be motivated to these ends, it is imperative that Christians understand that all of scripture speaks to all of life, that there is nothing outside of the scope of the gospel. In this, there is no sacred/secular divide, priesthood/laity. Will the church of Jesus Christ be prepared to stand in the days ahead? We understand that Christ sustains his church, but he does so through his Word by His Spirit. Thus, when grass-roots believers neglect the weightier matters of the faith, it is at the Church’s peril. Indeed, many churches do fulfill this responsibility, and thus their leadership may feel no need to encourage their people to study in a seminary environment. We would suggest, however, that we want to compliment whatever the local churches are doing. Indeed, our prayer is that God would use our small efforts here to help build and strengthen the local church. Some leaders

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may also feel threatened by an educated “laity,” but this is to the serious detriment of their own labors and to expanding the kingdom of God. The greatest gift a leader in the church can give is increased strength to each believer towards exercising their gifts. That is, to equip them to better know and understand the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The days ahead demand this of us. There is no longer any time to assume that the leaders in the church can do all the work of the church and kingdom. We at FTS pray that we be can a blessing to you, your churches, and to this generation, through our unified labors to teach the inerrant Word of God to those hungry to be strengthened in the faith and the testimony of Jesus Christ. We have been given this precious gift of redemption, the righteousness of God; we have the answers to the pressing questions and needs of the human race; we have the hope of the resurrection and the re-creation . . . . Let us, therefore, partner together boldly to build upon the foundation of scripture, in being equipped and equipping one another, towards the good works of the gospel of Jesus.


The Art of Music in Worship Gloria Hague, Director of Institutional Effectiveness

I was trained in a secular college to do church music. During that training, I became a Christian. With new eyesight, the words of much of the music we were singing took on a deep and profound meaning. What changed everything for

me, and was a point of great relief, was the fact that God had given us written communication. He did not just leave us here without a point of communication. Later, when I was privileged to study theology, one of my favorite theologians, Dr. Allan A. MacRae (former President of FTS and BTS ), used to tell me that God is desperate to communicate with people, that He longs to share His thought with us. The fact that every word God has shared with us is true still awes me all these years later. I had been one of many living without a base or a grid for life. The fact that truth is not a moving target, that there really is something true in a world where we get so tired of being surrounded by lies and trickery should be something for which we continually thank God.

God gave me one of the desires of my heart by letting me study the Old Testament in seminary, particularly letting me study it in the original language. This theological training has crossed over into my music career as I have sought to combine proper exegesis of scripture with church music of the highest caliber. I believe God is pleased if His children demonstrate a good understanding of His thought so that we can sing praises with a deep

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understanding of Him. The wife of the founder of the seminary my husband and I went to, Mrs. MacRae, said she used to put on a recording of Mendelssohn’s Elijah, sit with her Bible open to follow the texts and spend the afternoon in the presence of the Lord. This phrase, spend time in the Lord's presence really struck me. How does one do that? By spending time in the scripture, or with a musical score such as Handel’s Messiah or an art collection depicting creation. The last line of a verse of the hymn “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” speaks of the joy of being lifted up close to God. The words are “for it lifts me up to thee.” Church music should lift us into the presence of the LORD. Remember that we were designed for fellowship with God. The Fall of humanity, having brought death to the human race, destroyed that close communication with God. The decay and death we see around us or when we read or watch the news is the result of that lamentable, grievous separation from God. When we are Christians and we breathe the thought of God into our minds, it is like oxygen, it is life. So, probably the most basic argument for substantial and intelligent music in the church is that it brings us to what we human beings were created for in the first place, for fellowship with God. Bach agreed with Luther that music is a gift from God, a tool to make the listener more receptive to His Word, second only to theology. There are over 400 hand-written notes in the margin of Bach’s Bible which is on display in St. Louis. That is why his music is deeply Christian; he was a student of the Bible.

In sum, to worship genuinely and from the heart rules out a desire to glorify ourselves. It is possible to hear the voice of God and what He is saying to us in excellent church music. Church music can bring about a deep communion with God. Ignorance of who God is stunts worship. Our exaltation of God will be less than what it can be if we do not

understand Him. If God desperately wants to be understood, hymns that lead us to something higher and that are rooted in the rich doctrines of scripture rather than those that just make us feel good, but say nothing, are important in the life of the church. Let us show forth the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.

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Why Build Churches in Africa?

Pastor Joshua Z Wonsia (FTS, 2006)

“And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom,

and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Mt 9:35

The Christians in Zeanlay worship in the open under a tree because they do not have a Church building. This is just one among many villages and towns

along the border region between Liberia and Ivory Coast which do not have a proper place of worship. It all started since 1993 during the course of the civil wars in the both countries when the Lord drew our attention to the towns and remote villages. While preaching and teaching them we also try to meet some of their health needs. Currently, we have twelve such towns and villages on the Liberian side and nine on the Ivory Coast side. Some are house Churches that have over grown their place of worship. Some of the towns are populated but have no large halls that could hold the number coming to Sunday services. Worshiping outdoor under a tree is only possible during the dry season in this region. There are two seasons in West Africa: wet and dry. During the rainy season, the worship services either stop or the size of the congregations shrink in order to fit in a small house. Four of our villages were blessed with outside aid to complete their worship centers. These are dirt brake walls with metal sheet roofing.

Others have built sticks and mud walls with thatch roofing. These can last for a year or two before the bugs can finish them. The cost of completing a sizable village Church building can be reduced to anything between $400 and $600 USD. The people themselves are willing to make the dirt bricks and to provide local materials such as rocks, gravel and, sand for the foundation. The only materials that need to be bought are the roofing sheets ($400), the timbers and nails ($200). The people do the rest of the work. It is our prayer that the Lord will touch your heart to help build one worship center in a village in West Africa and help us cover costs for much needed medicines. I am standing by to give you the name of the villages and you could visit West Africa to dedicate a building or receive pictures of the entire project. Brethren, we covet your prayers in this matter. Note: Gifts sent to Faith Theological Seminary, 529 Walker Ave, Baltimore, Maryland 21212. Phone: 410-323-6211 marked: for Grace Gospel Ministry in West Africa, is tax deductible.

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