Fuel Cell conference 2015 Bertil Wahlund Energiforsk

Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •

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Page 1: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •



Page 2: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •


• History:from1996,partof researchprogramme instationary area

• Focus:transportareaandrelevance forveichle industry

• Aim:follow thedevelopment,maintain theknowledge andidentifyrelevantareasforresearch

• How:tech watch projects,pre-studies,dissemination

• Financing:Energimyndigheten

• Project withinSHC,Energiforskprojectleader

Page 3: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •

TechnologywatchofFuelCellsOpen invitationforproject proposals• Technologywatch• Prestudy• …orsimilar• ”tvåstegsraket”• DeadlineFebruary 10• Projectsfinalised October 15

Contact:BertilWahlund,Energiforsk,[email protected], 08-6772752

Page 4: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •


BertilWahlundStockholm3 december2015

Forsknings- ochkunskapsorganisationUtvecklinggenomsamarbeteHelaenergisystemet

Page 5: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •
Page 6: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •



DevisVigörenergivärlden smartare

Page 7: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •

Vårhistoria• 1968bildasStiftelsenförVärmeteknisk forskning• 1990SvensktGasteknisktCenterbildas• 1993Elforsk bildas• 2006FjärrsynbildassomenforskningssatsninginomSvenskFjärrvärme

• Framtillfusionenhadevipublicerat2846rapporterfördelatpå– Värmeforsk 1263st– SGC300st– Elforsk 1150st– Fjärrsyn133st


Page 8: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •

Energiforsk AB• Energiforsk ärettbranschforskningsorganspecialiseratpå

tillämpadforskning• Tillformenärviettickevinstutdelande aktiebolag• Bolagetsändamålär”attpåaffärsmässigagrunderbedriva



Page 9: Fuel Cell conference 2015 - Microsoft · Fuel Cell conference 2015 Technology watch of Fuel Cells 2013-2016 • History: from 1996, part ofresearch programme in stationary area •
