Full Metal Panic! Chapter One Deep Gambit By Steve Edward Based on the original story by Shouji Gatou and the original animation series by Fumihiko Shimo, Koichi Chigira and Shouji Gatou, which these creative geniuses made Kaname Chidori, Sergeant Souska Sagara among the many in Full Metal Panic! come to life. Author’s note: TDD-2 does not exist in the current Full Metal Panic! Universe, but if the name sounds familiar it is of a real person but who is no longer amongst us in this world. The Samuel Eliot Morison TDD-2 is named after famed military historian and author Samuel Eliot Morison (1887- 1976) whose military books among others chronicled military history of many nations. Story Premise: The hand picked combat team chosen by Captain Teletha Testarossa causes Captain Andrew Simms some grief on the Samuel Eliot Morison and things don’t work out well during the course of a mission, then on the way back he gets ambushed too. Then as Testarossa departs Melida Island to seek out the source of a deadly narcotic whose source is somewhere in the Pacific, Captain Andrew Simms meets his new combat team and as the forces of Mithril races to find the underwater drug lab; Commander Drake Ward is reunited with his wife and son who as of yet do not know of his real job until she finds out by accident. Then an old nemesis of Testarossa comes seeking the infamous “Toy Box”, as students of Jendi High School on a field trip are caught in the middle when their favorite teacher puts in an appearance, and a relationship soon blossoms between a man and woman. And just what is that thing wrestling with the tour submarine on top of the Morison?

Full Metal Panic Deep Gambit Ch1

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Author’s note: TDD-2 does not exist in the current Full Metal Panic! Universe, but if the name sounds familiar it is of a real person but who is no longer amongst us in this world. The Samuel Eliot Morison TDD-2 is named after famed military historian and author Samuel Eliot Morison (1887-1976) whose military books among others chronicled military history of many nations. Story Premise: Author’s Forward:

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Based on the original story by Shouji Gatou and the original animation series by Fumihiko Shimo, Koichi Chigira and Shouji Gatou, which these creative geniuses made Kaname Chidori, Sergeant Souska Sagara among the many in Full Metal Panic! come to life.

Author’s note: TDD-2 does not exist in the current Full Metal Panic! Universe, but if the name sounds familiar it is of a real person but who is no longer amongst us in this world. The Samuel Eliot Morison TDD-2 is named after famed military historian and author Samuel Eliot Morison (1887-1976) whose military books among others chronicled military history of many nations.

Story Premise:

The hand picked combat team chosen by Captain Teletha Testarossa causes Captain Andrew Simms some grief on the Samuel Eliot Morison and things don’t work out well during the course of a mission, then on the way back he gets ambushed too.Then as Testarossa departs Melida Island to seek out the source of a deadly narcotic whose source is somewhere in the Pacific, Captain Andrew Simms meets his new combat team and as the forces of Mithril races to find the underwater drug lab; Commander Drake Ward is reunited with his wife and son who as of yet do not know of his real job until she finds out by accident.Then an old nemesis of Testarossa comes seeking the infamous “Toy Box”, as students of Jendi High School on a field trip are caught in the middle when their favorite teacher puts in an appearance, and a relationship soon blossoms between a man and woman. And just what is that thing wrestling with the tour submarine on top of the Morison?As missiles and torpedoes soon fly, Simms and Testarossa have to take gambits. Then it is back to Tokyo, where a strange set of events uncovers tragedies of the past as “Decision Day” looms for the seniors of Jendi High School, and one student has to make a gambit that will seal her future fate, as Captain Simms makes a disturbing discovery of how a “Whispered” can be so easily detected.

Author’s Forward:

Some events portrayed within, may be disturbing to some but this a much darker Full Metal Panic. The time line of this story is set in the mid-2030’s where corporations and not governments are leading the way to make new discoveries; hence the “fictional” testing that takes place within the Japanese educational system. There are some actual historical notations made within the story and if one pays attention to September 5, 1905 one might come to the conclusion that the fictional character, Captain Andrew Simms might just be correct since some historians still argue over the gambit made by a long dead U.S. President. And now Full Metal Panic! “Deep Gambit”.

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Friday, 1000 hours, Melida Island Forward Operating Base

Captain Teletha Testarossa closed the last service jacket that had been displayed upon her monitor, as Lieutenant Commander Andrei Kalinin waited for her response. “So these are the final candidates for the Samuel Eliot Morison?” Commander Kalinin spoke, “Yes Madam Captain they are. It was regrettable that the initial selections failed to meet expectations of both Mithril and that of Captain Simms.”

Captain Testarossa had selected the first team for the Morison against the advisement of Commander Kalinin, who pointed out that the men who had been selected though well trained had never worked as a team, even though every thing that Teletha had read about the individuals indicated that they would be a good mix. The raid on a weapons laboratory in Yemen had proved to be a near disaster as the team after arriving at the objective had disagreements with how to carry out the mission, even though Captain Simms had been very clear on the objective.

Captain Simms finally resorted to launching a Tomahawk cruise missile to destroy the complex, and withdrew the combat team which he then returned to Mithril’s Indian Ocean base. Andrew’s curt report of the mission, ended with a very private message for her, “Tessa you did mean well, however never judge a book by its cover; and listen to your seniors since they may have already read the book.”

Forcing Captain Simms to accept the chosen combat team had been a mistake, and in the two months that has passed, Captain Testarossa had directed that Commander Kalinin conduct a new search and use all means at his disposal, which he had apparently done. The end result, a former Chinese Special Forces solider, a former Royal Australian Marine and a former Norwegian Army specialist, were the final candidates.

Captain Teletha Testarossa departed her office with Commander Kalinin and proceeded to the base dock where the Tuatha de Danaan stood moored. Commander Richard Mardukas greeted the young captain and briefed her as the group boarded the submarine, “”Madam Captain, the Tuatha de Danaan is ready in all respects, however I am concerned that this endeavor would be best served to carry out at a later date.”Tessa spoke, “Commander, I have made my decision. Please prepare to get underway.” Commander Mardukas saluted and replied, “As you wish Madam Captain.”

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Friday, 1330 hours, Samuel Eliot Morison TDD-2

Lieutenant Alice Wren briefly studied the tactical board as the Samuel Eliot Morison entered the navigation channel for Melida Island. All normal, as she turned the command chair to face forward again, the sonar Petty Officer, Cal Larkin bolted upright “Torpedo in the water bearing 165 degrees!”

With no second thought or hesitation, Lieutenant Wren spoke, “Helm hard right rudder, engines to flank speed, down angle 15, starboard counter measures fire! Sound battle stations! Battle Stations Torpedo!”Captain Andrew Simms had felt the rapid change of orientation in the deck and braced as Morison rolled heavily to starboard and plunged. Commander Drake Ward having grabbed Ensign Aryl, before she hit the bulkhead spoke, “Ok! Who’s firing at us!

The helmsman, Petty Officer Kayla Carter yanked the Morison ninety degrees to port as Wren continued issuing orders, ever mindful they had little room to maneuver, “Alice! Canyon entrance bearing 330 degrees!” as Wren replied, “Take us into it; make depth 200 meters, counter-measures stand-by.”

Captain Simms left Commander Ward and Ensign Aryl behind. Between walking on the actual bulkhead and deck he finally entered the bridge, just as Morison nearly corkscrewed into the underwater canyon. Lieutenant Wren spoke, “Captain, single torpedo fired from a starboard quarter bearing; there was no indications of contacts present!

Captain Simms replied, “Very well, maintain current heading, slow us to 1/3 bell, rig for silent running. Larkin? What the hell was fired at us?” Petty Officer Larkin replied, “It was a MK. 48 Sir, it took after the countermeasures and continued past then it detonated 45 seconds later. It was a very low yield sir.” Captain Simms and Lieutenant Wren looked at each other and spoke, “Tessa!”

Captain Teletha Testarossa patiently waited as her sonar sound technician made his report, “Madam Captain, the Morison has been lost. It is likely inside the canyons.”Commander Kalinin replied, “Madam Captain, Captain Simms will by now knows that it was a war game shot that was fired at him, and he knows we are nearby. I recommend turning to the east into the canyons and head towards the plains.” Tessa replied, “No Commander, we will go west. Helm, new course 335, make depth 150 meters. That will keep us above the canyon; Commander.”

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Lieutenant Wren stood to relinquish the command chair, but felt the hand of Captain Simms on her shoulder, “It is still yours Lieutenant. What are you going to do now?”Wren thought a moment then replied, “I need maneuvering room. Helm up angle 5, speed 8 knots, set depth 100 meters, come right to 090.”

As Morison ascended, Petty Officer Larkin reported “Crossing thermocline.” Lieutenant Wren spoke, “Deploy starboard towed-array, set length at 150 meters. Load tubes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Set warhead yield to 1/100th. Open outer doors and flood.” Commander Ward entered the bridge and overhead the command.

Coming to a halt next to Andrew, Drake spoke quietly “Tessa ambushed us?” Andrew nodded “Tuatha de Danaan was masked by the low ridge just south of where we would enter the transit lane. Tessa did a snap shot as we passed; only she forget we still had depth to play with. Wren split S’d us across the transit lane into the canyons. The last countermeasure deployment covered our speed burst up the canyon.”

Commander Ward replied, “Then by rights Tessa should have come about and headed towards the plains. She could be sitting waiting for us to exit the southern end of the canyon.” Lieutenant Wren spoke, “No Commander, she is seeking the high ground above the canyon and is expecting us to follow the canyon route to the plains. You are thinking like Commander Kalinin. Setting an ambush at the exit would be prudent; however Tessa will seek to come from behind, while we concentrate looking for her ahead and to the sides, she will launch another attack from the rear.”

Commander Ward replied, “Lieutenant Wren? You scare me. What’s your spread angle?” Wren mused over that a moment then replied, “1.5 degrees on all tubes.” Captain Simms spoke, “Going for a bracket?” as Petty Officer Larkin spoke, “The tail has an itch.”Lieutenant Wren glanced at the tactical display and replied, “She is above the canyon. Sonar, do you have a solution?”

Petty Officer Larkin replied, “Solution in the computer, recommend new heading 235.” Lieutenant Wren without asking Captain Simms gave the order, “Helm right standard rudder, new course 235. Fire control, prepare to fire on my command.”

Captain Testarossa waited patiently as her own sonar tech spoke, “Still nothing Captain.” Tessa turned her chair to look at Commander Kalinin and Commander Mardukas, “He would have turned?” as the ping echoed off the hull.Lieutenant Wren spoke, “Fire! Tubes 1 and 3. Fire! Tubes 2 and 4.”

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Commander Kalinin replied, “Yes Madam Captain, he did but the other way.” Tessa turned aghast at the sonar man report, “Torpedo’s in the water range 500 meters and closing!”

Friday, 1830 hours, Melida Island Command Center Debriefing

Captain Testarossa was not the only one who had been surprised at who had carried out the counter-attack. Learning it had been Lieutenant Alice Wren had in Andrew’s view staved off any accusations of unfair play. 17 year old verse 17 year old “Whispered” had tempered Teletha’s anger. The Indian Ocean mission had been reviewed thoroughly, and had been pretty much summed up by not having clearly defined leader on the ground, as Captain Testarossa spoke “The combat team selection upon further review should had been conducted differently which likely would have avoided the problems created. However Captain Simms, you were able to carry out the destruction of the facility with minimal loss of life and were able to complete the mission and for that we are grateful.”

Andrew spoke, “I don’t believe any one thing was at fault Madam Captain, but we need to leave it behind us and look forward. All I can say is that we can learn from it.” Commander Kalinin spoke, “Captain, I noted that you did acquire one enlisted soldier from the Indian Ocean Base. How is he working out?”

Captain Simms replied, “Better than I anticipated. He is now the Morison’s Master-At-Arms.” Tessa replied, “Does that have anything to do with Ensign Aryl?” Ensign Aryl, a gifted “Whispered” just 12 years old was stationed onboard the Morison with Lieutenant Alice Wren, who had become her mentor.

Andrew replied, “You might say that Madam Captain.” In the aftermath of the Indian Ocean mission, Ensign Aryl had been on the hanger deck when the Combat Team had returned. The ensign issuing orders to the team to report for immediate debriefing had touched a raw nerve with one of the mercenaries.

The mercenary, looking down at the ensign standing a mere 121 centimeters and weighing all of 31 kilograms had placed his hand on her face then he shoved her out of the way. It would be the last act of insubordination he would do, as a support team member came from behind and promptly lifted the mercenary off the deck and hurled him into a nearby support beam.

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Sergeant Troy Gallium, ex-US Army Ranger standing at nearly 207 centimeters and 127 kilograms was an imposing figure and the mercenary wisely decided that any attempt to retaliate would likely end with him badly hurt or even worse dead. Lieutenant Alice Wren had witnessed the event as Gallium knelt and then aided Aryl to her feet, then he picked her up and perched Aryl on his shoulder and spoke, “If any man or woman decides not to follow the ensign’s orders, you will have to deal directly with me and not the Captain. Is that very clear?”

There was little doubt that the Sergeant was not bluffing and from that point on till the Morison arrived at the Indian Ocean Base, if Aryl issued an order it was carried out because never far from her, was Sergeant Troy Gallium and as Lieutenant Alice Wren would later find out, Gallium would never be far from her either.

Commander Drake Ward had made the offer to the Sergeant and he had accepted. In all likelihood had he returned to the base his “contract” would have been quickly terminated as he was considered a “newbie” and a “hothead”. Instead as the combat team and the remaining support personnel disembarked, Sergeant Troy Gallium was being “interviewed” by Captain Simms, who sealed the deal with giving Sergeant Troy Gallium his badge of authority, a gold Master-At-Arms shield and then having Ensign Aryl pin it to his chest by standing on the Captain’s own desk so she could reach him.

Finishing the debriefing, Captain Simms stood “Madam Captain, if you will excuse me; I have to attend to other matters.” Captain Testarossa replied, “By all means, however I will have some personnel files transmitted to your island quarters for review. I believe you will find them interesting.” Waiting for Captain Testarossa to walk out the door, Andrew turned to Commander Kalinin and spoke, “So you found a Combat Team?”

Commander Andrei Kalinin replied, “Their talents are suitable and as you will see captain, they work well together. If you like you may observe them in training tonight in area six. The details will be enclosed in the report for your reading pleasure.” Andrew studied Tessa as she left, fingering her hair in thought as he replied, “I look forward to the reading material Andrei, thanks.”

Friday, 1900 hours, Tokyo Harbor

Eri Kagurazaka did a double head count to ensure all were present then addressed the crewman of the supply vessel, “All are present and accounted for. You may inform your captain he can leave now.” Kaname Chidori groaned inwardly, “We already left the dock Miss Kagurazaka!” as Kyoko Tokiwa snapped a photograph of the befuddled crewmember.

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

A field trip for her class to an underwater city called Sea-Alpha Pacific which would show case the technology employed so that people could live and work in an underwater environment had been planned for several months. Fully self-contained, it required little outside support and except for mail or critical repair parts and the rare personnel replacement, the supply vessel carried few passengers to a converted oil drilling platform that served as the surface entrance to the growing underwater city. On this trip it was carrying her high school class from Jendi.

Eri Kagurazaka addressed the class, “The purpose of the field trip is to introduce all of you to where future generations of people will likely call home. With many surface areas becoming over populated, humans are turning to the seas, and unlike surface living there are an entirely different set of living and working conditions. Sea-Alpha Pacific sits anchored on a series of underwater plateaus and is connected to the surface via converted oil drilling platforms that serve as a gateway to it and a means of exporting its manufactured material. The central platform contains the elevators that will take us to the city center of Sea-Alpha Pacific. The outer platforms contain elevators as well, but they transport the finished and raw materials that the workers of Sea-Alpha Pacific mine and produce to specially built floating docks that sea-going merchant ships moor at to load. Can anyone tell me what some of their exports are?”

Eri Kagurazaka not getting a volunteer to answer the question chose her own, Souska Sagara. “Mister Sagara, can you please tell the class, what are some of the exports from Sea-Alpha Pacific?”Souska Sagara stood and replied, “Among the metals mined and then refined for export include, Ununhexium used in nuclear research, Gold and Silver both raw ore and finished product jewelry and gems both finished and raw, with the Blue Diamond variant gems being the most sought after and considered more valuable than standard diamonds. Plus they export sea food products and farm products that have been cultivated in underwater domes. Shall I continue Miss Kagurazaka?” Eri, blinked then replied, “No Mister Sagara, I believe you covered the more important items.” Souska felt himself being pulled back to his seat by Kaname who was not smiling, “Souska? How did you know all that?” Sagara replied, “I read it in Jane’s Monthly Miss Chidori.”

Saturday, 0130 hours, Melida Island Training Area Six

Sergeant Major Guan-yin Wu, age 25 had the M9 in the crouched position surveying the targets. All were combat drones, designed to simulate hostile forces in every way including firing live rounds. To her rear and side also in M9’s were Sergeant Graham Jaunay, age 24 a former Royal Australian Marine and Sergeant Olina Pedersen, age 22 formally of Norway.

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Olina spoke, “Urzu 10, Urzu 12, I make seven in all. One is high, with three staggered in a reverse wedge and three staggered in a forward wedge.” Sergeant Jaunay Urzu 11 spoke, “Urzu 10, Urzu 11, I’ll take the two staggered on the left.” Sergeant Major Wu replied, “Good Urzu 11. I’ll take the center. Urzu 12 will take the right.”

Both men were sitting next to a tree, their camouflage battle uniforms concealing them within the woods. Each listened to the conversations and visualized the planned movements. For all apparent purposes, the island forest was empty to their eyes, but in reality with the ECS systems of the M9’s and the battle drones activated it was getting rather crowded.

Commander Kalinin spoke, “The team leader as you know is Sergeant Major Guan-yin Wu formally of the Chinese Special Forces. Her crime in China was the assassination of a high ranking Lieutenant General of the Chinese Military, who committed an atrocity of wiping out a small village after its elders refused to do his illicit bidding. Wu was captured after the assignation and tried then sentenced to death. She was sent to a military prison in Inner Mongolia. It was from there she made her escape. By chance, a Mithril agent encountered her and she accepted the recruitment offer.”

Captain Andrew Simms shifted his position slightly then much to his dismay he noted that Sergeant Major Wu’s M9 near silent servo’s had activated likely sending the head sensors to swivel in his direction as he replied “I read that the village held a very special place in her heart?” Commander Andrei Kalinin said sadly, “Yes Captain it did. It was her home village. She found the remains of her family after the slaughter.”

Sergeant Major Wu glanced at the two observers in passing, one she immediately recognized but the other she did not. The man she did not recognize was studying her movements intently. Had he not moved, she likely would have missed both. Turning her attention back to the matter at hand she spoke, Urzu 10 to Urzu 11 and 12 move out.”

The action lasted precisely 49 seconds. Captain Simms dusted himself off and rose to his feet leaving Commander Kalinin behind on the hillside. Andrew avoided the still burning combat drones and approached the now visible M9’s clustered together in a kneeling position as the range officer issued a red hold on the training field.

Silhouetted by the flaming wreckage behind him, Captain Andrew Simms stepped into the center of the M9’s where Sergeant Major Wu was discussing the last operation with Sergeants Jaunay and Pedersen. Coming into earshot he stopped and listened, “Olina good choice of the chaff, however consider firing a counter-measure for every unit you are facing, instead of one. The likelihood of one maneuvering clear to avoid the disbursement is high and would allow it to acquire you by other means.”

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Sergeant Graham Jaunay spoke after glancing up, “We have company two meters rear quarter.” Sergeant Major Guan-yin Wu pivoted then came to attention and saluted, “Sergeant Major Guan-yin Wu sir!” as Jaunay and Pedersen stood to join her. Captain Andrew Simms returned the salute then he slowly circled the three mercenaries and observed their reactions.

No eyes wavered, no movement. Two women and a man for the combat team, Guan-yin their leader stood at 191 centimeters to Andrew’s 170. Graham a mere 171 and Olina at 176 centimeters rounded out the team’s physical makeup. But the attributes that had impressed Andrew was their coordination in the attack. Returning to the front of Wu, Andrew spoke, “At ease. Guan-Yin, I am impressed. You have an excellent team. I am Captain Andrew Simms of the Samuel Eliot Morison this is an unofficial review but I would like to welcome all of you onboard.” Holding out his hand, he shook Wu’s then Graham and Olina’s in turn, then stepped back as Wu replied, “Captain? How long were you observing?”

Commander Kalinin walking into the circle interrupted, “Long enough Sergeant Major. If you have completed your combat debriefing, return your equipment to the hangers. That is all.” Captain Simms? May I speak with you?”Andrew turned away and walking away from the M9’s joined Commander Kalinin, “Yes Andrei?”

Commander Kalinin spoke, “The Tuatha de Danaan will be getting underway at 0500 hours and I will be sailing with Captain Testarossa to deal with an urgent matter. Commander Lewis Strong will give you a full briefing if you desire, but the Morison should not be needed and that will allow you to get some rest. I am sure you can handle things from here?” Andrew replied, “No problem. Just keep us in mind if you need anything. Have a safe voyage old friend.”

Saturday, 0500 hours, Platform Alfa-1, Gateway Sea-Alpha Pacific

Kaname Chidori shaken awake by Kyoko Tokiwa repeatedly finally suffered the worse wakeup call that she had in a long while, when Kyoko triggered her camera’s flash. The result would not win Kaname any beauty awards and likely could have been used for a poster advertising a fight instead.

Souska Sagara having heard the commotion responded in his usual fashion, but suffered getting nearly punched out by Kaname as she pursued Kyoko out of the female berthing compartment onto the deck of the supply vessel. Intervention by Miss Eri Kagurazaka had saved Souska and Kyoko from making an unscheduled swim in the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Kaname Chidori sitting in the passenger seat of the mammoth elevator as it descended to Sea-Alfa Pacific had fallen half-asleep again as she leaned against Souska Sagara who tuned out her mutterings. Next to Souska, was Kyoko who badly wanted to take a picture of the event, but Miss Eri Kagurazaka wanting to ensure peace and tranquility had taken the camera from her.

Eri spoke, “Ok class your attention. We are 100 meters from the gateway. We will momentarily stop as we pass the pressure locks, then once the pressure is equalized we will continue until we come to a stop at the 275 meter level where we will disembark. Please make sure you have all you personal belongings. The luggage will be taken to our accommodations for us so there will be no need to wait.”

Captain Andrew Simms watched as the Tuatha de Danaan descended into the maneuvering pool and disappeared in a swirl of water and bubbles, then walked off the observation platform with Ensign Aryl who said, “Tessa was in a hurry, she did not waste any time,” as Captain Simms looking back at the dissipating disturbance replied “What ever kind of mission Tessa is going out on, she and Commander Kalinin felt that I did not need to be bothered with the details at this point, so I guess what ever it is Mao and Weber will be able to handle it.”

Parting ways, Andrew headed for the base gymnasium while Ensign Aryl headed for the educational wing for specialized tutoring. In the few short months that Aryl had been with Mithril, her educational level had risen from simple elementary level to third year college education levels, which would have astonished those outside Mithril. But Mithril was used to the ways of the “Whispered” and with previous experience of Teletha Testarossa who at age 13 had designed the Tuatha de Danaan class of submarine; Mithril was satisfied with the progress of the little ensign.

Saturday, 0530 hours, Melida Island Officer Quarters

Captain Andrew Simms exited the Officer Quarters as Commander Drake Ward dressed in civilian clothing finished loading the transport cart with his last baggage. Drake waved as Andrew approached, “Are you sure that Mithril is ok with this?” Andrew replied, “Drake. Everyone needs time off and you need a lot of it. We can’t both go since someone has to help mind the store, besides I think Charlotte and Raymond would be rather disappointed if you did not show up in Tokyo as planned. Besides there is the matter of your cover, as Charlotte thinks you are an executive at a company there. If she saw me with you; well it frankly might set her off and I don’t want to screw up your marriage any more than I have done.”

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Full Metal Panic!Chapter OneDeep Gambit

By Steve Edward

Married life in the military was difficult and stressful. A wife of a military member had to deal with situations that most civilian wives rarely dealt with. Prolonged separations among other things were common and there was of course the uncertainty for the wife when the primary bread winner for the family would deploy. In the US Navy, the term “Secret Service” did not mean being on the Presidential Protective detail. Submarine operations were by their nature secretive. If Ward had ever failed to return home, there would be little recourse for Charlotte and Raymond to find out what happened unless it was made very public.

Andrew’s court-martial had aired the dirty little secrets, but Ward still standing by his former and soon to be future commanding officer once again; had resigned his commission in protest. Andrew recalled the stinging words of Charlotte in the hallway after his small farewell party, “Dam it Andrew, why did you not just sink the bastard!”

Commander Ward offering a lift to Andrew which he accepted spoke, “Andrew, what happened with Charlotte is water through the tunnel. I think she has forgiven you anyway.” Andrew replied, “Well considering the circumstances, I’ll stay well in the background. By the way what are your plans while you are with them?”

The transport cart driver halted at the gymnasium for Captain Simms to exit as Commander Ward replied, “Well, there is that new underwater hotel that just opened at Sea-Alfa Pacific and Raymond wants to experience what is like to live underwater so that is where we are going for a week. Charlotte had a conniption fit over that, but I told her about the domes where they cultivate their food sources and other things, her biology background kicked in so she decided it would be a good educational experience for Raymond too; so that is where we are going.”

Stepping clear of the cart, Andrew waved goodbye as Drake was driven away, “Well enjoy the stay and send a postcard.” Ward waving in reply did not look back. Walking into the gymnasium Captain Simms greeted the other early workouts and seeing Sergeant Major Guan-yin Wu with her team doing their early morning calisthenics decided to join them as Sergeant Troy Gallium working the free weights, greeted the captain as he passed.

“Good morning Captain.” Andrew paused and replied, “Good morning Sergeant. All in order on the Morison?” as Troy set the barbell down he nodded, “In good hands with the dock crew. Is Commander Ward on his way to Tokyo?” as Captain Simms mentally counted the number of crunches by Sergeant Major Wu he replied, “Should be there in two hours or so. Then happy reunion and a well deserved vacation.”

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By Steve Edward

Saturday, 0900 hours, Tuatha de Danaan TDD-1

Captain Teletha Testarossa read the updated intelligence report and spoke “Commander Kalinin, if one was to back track the cases where the drug has been discovered surely it could point to a source?” Commander Kalinin replied, “Yes Madam Captain that has been considered, however there has been no practical way since those that took the drug and overdosed did not survive to tell authorities where they obtained it, and geographically speaking; it has been appearing in regions that normally have low use of illicit drugs, until that is of course very recently.”

Commander Richard Mardukas spoke, “Madam Captain, it was only learned recently that the drug may be being produced in the Pacific region and the drug make up shows it to be an entirely different class of narcotics which contain chemicals never before seen, which of course you know are biological in origin and it is proving difficult to detect as it has no chemical odor when in its distribution form to allow detection by conventional means.” Captain Testarossa replied, “Then we must try to develop a means of detection and we must find the source. If who ever created this narcotic drug was to expand production and distribution, it could have a serious effect on the world economy.”

Saturday, 0930 hours, Sea-Alpha Pacific

The electric tram followed a prescribed course at a sedate 11 kilometers per hour, driverless the automated tram carried Kaname Chidori and the remainder of her Jendi High School class as well as a tour guide who noted points of interest as they passed and answered questions.

Kyoko Tokiwa happily snapping photographs of a distant electric smelter raised her hand to ask a question, “There are obvious problems with operating ore smelters in an underwater environment, what is done to filter the cook off?” The female tour guide tapped a button on the consol bringing the tram to a stop then replied, “Very good question. The cook off as you call it of course contains many hazardous materials and known carcinogens that if released into the atmosphere of Sea-Alpha Pacific would render it quickly uninhabitable. However thanks to a sophisticated array of filters, the chemicals and even the by-product heavy metals are removed and I might add the heavy-metal particles are reclaimed. There are no discharges into the waters of the Pacific.” The tour guide tapped the resume button and the tram motored off.

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By Steve Edward

Eri Kagurazaka turned to address her class, “Students, when we return to the hotel you will receive assignments to where you will be working. These will be rotating, so that you will have a different experience every day. The workers that you will be paired with will be able to answer many more in depth questions about what they do and how technology is making it possible for them to live and work here. Sunday will be an off day for all of us and will allow for independent exploring and of course shopping. Please be mindful of the regulations of Sea-Alpha Pacific. We will all have dinner at the hotel this afternoon together at 1600, so enjoy your free time till then.”

Saturday, 1100 hours, Sea-Alfa Pacific Gateway, Platform Alfa Landing Zone

Drake Ward disembarked from the civilian version of the military Osprey with his wife of 15 years, Charlotte and his son Raymond who was 12. The Ward’s had reunited in Tokyo, less than three hours earlier. Surveying the area, Drake noted the distant platforms that were also serving Sea-Alpha Pacific. Once they had been crude oil drilling platforms but now they served as export and import gateways for materials being sent to and from the city beneath the sea. Feeling the tug of his son’s hand, Drake looked down as Raymond spoke, “Dad! Let’s get going!”