Speech: “Full Sail University Broke My Glow Stick” Event: Full Sail University Graduation Ceremony (June 2, 2011) Purpose: Advanced Achiever Award President Garry Jones, administrators, professors, family and friends, and fellow graduates‐ thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am truly honored to speak on behalf of my program for this commencement ceremony. I stand before you today prepared to talk about glow sticks. Yes, glow sticks. You see, Full Sail University broke my glow stick and I know that I am not alone because I see the neon light shining forth from my fellow graduates sitting in front of me. During our time spent at Full Sail, we were forced to answer five essential questions: Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? What am I capable of doing? And where am I going? Knowing the answers to these five questions has enlightened us and revealed our true potential. I invite you to review your answers to these questions as I review mine. Who am I? I am an over comer. When I was 12 years old, I was diagnosed with a learning disability known as slow processing speed. The disability is considered a mix between ADD, dyslexia, and irregular neural activity. Basically, my thought process doesn’t play nice with the traditional methods of education. Methods that involve standardized tests as the measure of a student’s success. But thanks to the project based learning and real world education we received at Full Sail, I have been

Full Sail University Broke My Glow Stick

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On June 2, 2011, Ryan graduated from Full Sail University with a Bachelor of Science in Internet Marketing. Ryan received the Course Director Award 13x, earned a 4.0 GPA, was Valedictorian of his class, and received the Advanced Achievement Award. This is the transcript of the speech Ryan gave at the commencement ceremony.

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Speech: “Full Sail University Broke My Glow Stick” Event: Full Sail University Graduation Ceremony (June 2, 2011) Purpose: Advanced Achiever Award   President Garry Jones, administrators, professors, family and friends, and fellow 

graduates‐ thank you for this incredible opportunity. I am truly honored to speak on 

behalf of my program for this commencement ceremony.  


I stand before you today prepared to talk about glow sticks. Yes, glow sticks. You 

see, Full Sail University broke my glow stick and I know that I am not alone because 

I see the neon light shining forth from my fellow graduates sitting in front of me. 

During our time spent at Full Sail, we were forced to answer five essential questions: 

Who am I? Where am I from? Why am I here? What am I capable of doing? And 

where am I going? Knowing the answers to these five questions has enlightened us 

and revealed our true potential. I invite you to review your answers to these 

questions as I review mine.  


Who am I?  

I am an over comer. When I was 12 years old, I was diagnosed with a learning 

disability known as slow processing speed. The disability is considered a mix 

between ADD, dyslexia, and irregular neural activity. Basically, my thought process 

doesn’t play nice with the traditional methods of education. Methods that involve 

standardized tests as the measure of a student’s success. But thanks to the project 

based learning and real world education we received at Full Sail, I have been 

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empowered to overcome my disability. Remember this, when you know who you 

are, you will know what to do! 


Where am I from? 

In early 2010, Carol Cox, one of our course directors, connected me with a Full Sail 

alumni and employee, Gustavo Hernando. Through Gustavo, I rediscovered the 

Kingdom of God and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. I now know that I am an 

ambassador of God sent from Heaven to earth. That’s where I am from.  


Why am I here? 

My purpose in life is to establish the Leadership Branding Academy where I will 

teach high school and college students how to develop, implement, and maintain 

their personal brands based on servant leadership principles. This purpose was 

made apparent and confirmed through the establishment of the Student Branding 

Society here at Full Sail. At this time I would like to recognize course director Rob 

Croll for his unwavering commitment to our newly established club. Mr. Croll is the 

Faculty Sponsor for the Student Branding Society and has been my mentor 

throughout this program. His dedication to his students is immeasurable. Mr. Croll I 

am forever grateful for your support and guidance. Without you, the Student 

Branding Society would never have happened and my purpose in life might not ever 

have been revealed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  


What am I capable of doing? 

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On Tuesday, January 12, 2010 over 500 students, alumni, and faculty gathered in the 

Full Sail parking lot to create the World’s Largest Flashlight Logo Lit By Humans. 

That night, the Full Sail family came together to break a world record and take our 

rightful place in the history books. But something else happened that night. That 

night, I realized the importance of being a part of something that is bigger than 

myself. I decided to start volunteering at the local senior center to give back to our 

community. For over a year now, I have been the computer instructor at the Lake 

Mary Senior Center. It was here that I discovered that I was actually a very talented 

teacher and became zealously dedicated to using this gift in my career endeavors.  


Finally, where am I going? 

Well‐ I’m gonna fly with the eagles! I love our alma mater’s logo because it reminds 

me to be like an eagle. Eagles are the leaders of birds because eagles never flock‐ 

only pigeons flock. No other bird flies higher than the eagle because eagles have the 

capacity to set their pinions into the wind currents to propel them to otherwise 

impossible heights. Eagles actually fly into storms because they can use the storms 

to fly higher than the other birds. When an eagle is at its peak height in flight, it 

never meets another bird‐ except an eagle. I look around this auditorium and see 

nothing but eagles, which tells me we are flying at the right altitude. I would like to 

take this opportunity to thank those eagles closest to me for their love and support 

during this academic adventure. To my parents Rod & Lyra Mickley‐ thank you for 

your investment in my future. To my lovely wife Allison, thank you for being my 

rock. To my lead actor Rush Roberts, thank you for being the star of my creative 

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videos and taking a few lumps along the way. And to my supporting cast and crew in 

the audience, I am forever grateful for your love and support.  


So you might be asking yourself, “Wasn’t he going to talk about glow sticks?” Indeed 

I am. If we take away one thing from our time spent at Full Sail, remember this‐ Full 

Sail University broke your glow stick.  


Glow sticks are useless until they are bent, broken and shaken up. Then and only 

then do they live up to their full potential and light up the night. So Full Sail 

University‐ thank you for breaking my glow stick and revealing the potential that 

once lay dormant inside me.  


Congratulations Class of 2011. Thank you and God Bless.