Copyright© AgilityHealth® | Confidential & Proprietary Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile Capitalization

Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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Page 1: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | Confidential & Proprietary

Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile Capitalization

Page 2: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

• Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience

• Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideosand EBA Model

• Training Director, Public Speaker, Facilitator• Adventure Sports Enthusiast

Bryan TewEnterprise Business Agility Strategist

Page 3: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

About Me – Jason Molesworth

▪ Passionate about:

- Business Agility & Helping Organizations Grow

- Complex Strategy & Transformation

- Digital Transformation

- Developing People & Teams

- Finding healthier, more sustainable ways of working

- Music (all kinds…)

- My family and exploring new things together…

Professional Experience – COO, Vice President, and Director-Level Positions @:

Page 4: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Today’s Learning Outcomes

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to exploring Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on priority topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

Page 5: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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Group Poll

What percentage of your organization’s Agile investments are you currently capitalizing?

Page 6: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Increased Agile Capitalization: The Case for Change

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to assessing Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on key topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

Page 7: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

A Primer: An Introduction to Agile Capitalization

The Lingering Question:

To Expense or Capitalize Agile Software Development Investments?

Software Expenses

Costs incurred to research,

assess the feasibility, and

support working software.

Capitalized Software Assets

Investments made to purchase

or create long-lived (> 2 years)

software-based assets that will

yield ongoing value for the


Definitions GAAP Guiding Principles

• Objectivity Principle• Materiality Principle• Consistency Principle• Conservativism Principle• Matching Principle

• Treat assets as assets

• Align key stakeholders

• Leverage proven case studies

• Avoid negative incentives for adoption of best practices

Practical Considerations

Page 8: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

The Potential Advantages of Increased Agile Capitalization





OpEx Capacity for

Transformation Efforts

Increased accuracy

of your

financial reporting

Improve & Accelerate

your Agile

Adoption Efforts

Increase the

Transparency of your

Product Investments

Potentially limit overhead

associated with detailed

time tracking

Direct Benefits

“Bonus” Benefits

Page 9: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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The Opportunity: A Direct Impact to Bottom Lines

For every $10 Million of capitalization-eligible Agile Investments1 you choose to expense,

you may be losing out on as much as $10MM of OpEx flexibility

over the next 24 – 36 months…

Base Case: 0% Capitalization Impact of $10MM Capitalized over 3 Years

Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

1 Note: Target Capitalization rates for Agile Teams range from 50% - 75% of total team annual costs.

Page 10: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

And Funding Capacity for Core Transformation Needs

That OpEx Capacity could then

be leveraged to fund a wide

range of transformational

priorities, including:

▪ Digital Transformation

▪ Path to Cloud

▪ New Product Development

▪ Machine Learning & AI

▪ Robotic Process Automation

▪ Enterprise Agility & Agile Maturity

Page 11: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

As well as Improved Accuracy of Financial Reporting

Current Capitalization Rates

present a “Run the Business”-

heavy traditional organization

When most organizations want

to be viewed as


Page 12: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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Agile Capitalization Also Incents: Improved Core Agile Practices










Pragmatic Planning

(based on explicit priority

& team capacity)


Inspect and Adapt





Key Agile Capitalization Enablers = Improved Team Performance & Health

Page 13: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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Improved Product Investment Insights

Product Expenses

▪ Development / Engineering Costs

▪ Platform / Shared Component Costs

▪ Infrastructure Consumption Costs

▪ Other Allocated Expenses

Business Unit Products

Product Expenses

▪ Development / Engineering Costs

▪ Content Licensing Costs

▪ Infrastructure Consumption Costs

▪ Other Allocated Expenses

Platforms / Shared Components

Product Expenses

▪ Development / Engineering Costs

▪ Support Costs

▪ Other Allocated Expenses

Consumption-based Infrastructure

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And Streamlined Administrative Overhead

Are only

60% - 70%


at best


limit innovation

in creative tech


Create overhead,


more efficient

alternatives exist

Time Tracking Practices:

Page 15: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Increased Agile Capitalization: Understand

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to assessing Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on key topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

Page 16: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos
Page 17: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Traditional SW Capitalization Processes Were Designed for “Waterfall” delivery

Governing Accounting Policy:

▪ Software for External Sale or Lease:

- ASC 985-20

- FASB 86

▪ Software for Internal Use:

- FASB SOP 98-1

- FASB ASC 350-40

Source = Journal of Accountancy

Page 18: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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But Agile is Today’s Pre-Dominant Delivery Method (particularly in Tech)

Source = Journal of Accountancy

Page 19: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

A Deeper Look at Capitalize vs Expense for Agile Development

Commit to Funding

Product Enhancement




▪ Maintenance

▪ Support

▪ Data Migration


▪ Salaries: Dev, Test, SM, PO, BA, UX, etc.

▪ Infrastructure and Architecture setup

▪ Defects in new functionality

▪ Requirements & Backlog Refinement

▪ Team and Project Ceremonies



▪ Discovery

▪ Planning

▪ Funding

▪ Staffing

▪ Chartering

▪ Feasibility

Page 20: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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When agile projects are expensed, they take an immediate cost hit. Because of this increased upfront reported cost, agile initiatives look less appealing economically and may be less likely to receive funding

or may receive a lower overall development budget.

Page 21: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Key Agile Capitalization Misconceptions: #1

Agile software is not capitalizable because it’s short-lived in nature and

frequently updated

Agile development delivers valuable long-lived assets

that are frequently and iteratively improved and

therefore should typically be reflected as assets in an

organization’s financial reporting

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Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Key Agile Capitalization Misconceptions: #2

Software capitalization principles can’t be mapped

to Agile development practices

The principles within traditional accounting standards have been

successfully mapped to Agile methods across a wide

range of industries and organizations

Page 23: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Key Agile Capitalization Misconceptions: #3

It is difficult to track and report labor in Agile

development initiatives

Through the utilization of Product Backlog items it is much easier to track and

report labor against specific development efforts

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Key Agile Capitalization Misconceptions: #4

Capitalization of Agile development will increase the risk of future financial restatement of earnings

Agile practices actually decrease the risk of non-

working software and associated financial restatements due to

frequent and iterative delivery cycles

Page 25: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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Key Agile Capitalization Misconceptions: #5

Expensing Agile development costs is the

conservative and cautious approach and safeguards

the organization from undue risk

Expense-only based accounting practices may create negative incentives

for Agile adoption and place your organization at a distinct competitive


Page 26: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Increased Agile Capitalization: Assess

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to assessing Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on key topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

Page 27: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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How Can I Know If My Organization is Ready for Agile Capitalization?

The first step is to assess where

we are today…luckily, we’ve made

it easy for you!

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Agile Capitalization

Discovery Radar

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Instructions for Completing the Assessment

1. Visit this URL and Start Assessment

2. Complete the short survey

3. View results, toggle to benchmark view


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Workshop: Complete the Assessment

How ready are we?

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Your Results

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Increased Agile Capitalization: Evaluate

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to assessing Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on key topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

Page 33: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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The 8 High-Level Steps for a pragmatic Agile Capitalization PoC

Align on the goal


Engage the right

stakeholders to

design the solution*


Agree to a

PoC, Validate,

& Scale approach


Align on test


before jumping in


Review preliminary

CapEx vs OpEx



Align on tracking

method to test


Agree to PoC

scope, timeline, and

target outcomes


Train and support

PoC participants


Page 34: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Increased Agile Capitalization: Methods

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to assessing Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on key topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

Page 35: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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3 High-level Approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts



Story Point

TrackingHeuristic-driven Completed

Story Tracking

Page 36: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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Increased Agile Capitalization: Align

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to assessing Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on key topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

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There are a wide range of Stakeholders & Topics to align on…

Key Stakeholder Groups

▪ Executive Leadership

▪ Product Management

▪ Engineering / Development

▪ Finance

▪ FP&A

▪ HR

▪ Controller Group

▪ Compliance

▪ Investor Relations

▪ Enterprise Solutions - Tools

▪ Internal Audit

▪ External Audit

Priority Alignment Topics

▪ Conceptual Alignment

▪ Target Outcomes

▪ Education & Awareness

▪ Opportunity Size & Scope

▪ Change Management Requirements

▪ Reporting& Tooling Needs

▪ Stable Team Design

▪ PoC Strategy & Engagement

▪ Defensibility Needs / Requirements

▪ Communications Plan

▪ Investor Messaging

▪ Training Needs

Page 38: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

Copyright© AgilityHealth® | www.agilityhealthradar.com | Accelerating Enterprise Business Agility

Increased Agile Capitalization: Implement

▪ The Case for Change: Benefits associated with increased Agile Capitalization

▪ Understand: Key differences between Waterfall and Agile Capitalization

▪ Assess: Your organizational readiness to implement Agile Capitalization

▪ Evaluate: An 8 step PoC approach to assessing Agile Capitalization

▪ Methods: 3 high-level approaches for tracking Agile Capitalization efforts

▪ Align: Your key stakeholders on key topics

▪ Implement: Review a sample implementation roadmap

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A Directional Timeline to Test & Validate

Review opportunity and

proposed approach with

stakeholders and align on

PoC plan.


30-60 Days

Engage stakeholders

and complete all

necessary pre-PoC

prep work.

PoC Prep

30-90 Days

Conduct PoC to:

• Operationalize Agile Capitalization across 2 or more teams

• Engage all stakeholders to identify any concerns, optimize proposed

processes, and gain alignment on the go-forward strategy

• Accelerate Agile Ways of Working efforts for improved performance,

collaboration, innovation, metrics, and P&L clarity.

Proof of Concept

90 Days

Align on go-forward

strategy and


agreed to plan.



Page 40: Fund Your Transformation Efforts through Increased Agile ......2020/06/17  · • Agile Coach/Trainer with 18 years Lean & Agile experience • Key Contributor to AgilityHealth, AgileVideos

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Key Takeaways

If you are capitalizing less than 50-75% of your Agile development efforts, you may be leaving millions or tens of millions of OpEx flexibility on the table

This flexibility could be leveraged to fund your critical Transformation efforts over the next 18-24 months

There is a clear path to increasing your Agile capitalization rates without exposing your organization to undue risk and compelling use cases to leverage

By taking an incremental, POC approach you can engage the full range of stakeholders, align and move forward confidently

Other Benefits of Increased Agile Capitalization may also include:• Removal of negative incentives for broader based Agile adoption• Increased tax efficiency and transparency of Agile based investments• Improved transparency into the true costs of teams and development initiatives• Streamlined administrative overhead

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