Future MCA Intro

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  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    Jenni er AspKate Mue er

    Series Consultants

    eatriz B. Daz

    Ronna Magy

    Federico Salas-Isnardi



  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    Future Intro Multilevel Communicative ActivitiesEnglish for Results

    Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording, or otherwise, with out the prior permissionof the publisher.

    Pearson Education, 10 Bank Street, White Plains, NY 10606

    Staff credits: The people who made up the Future Intro MCAteam,representing editorial, production, design, and manufacturing, are RheaBanker, Elizabeth Carlson, Nancy Flaggman, Irene Frankel, Margot

    Gramer, Michael Kemper, Michael Mone, Liza Pleva, and Barbara Sabella.

    Cover design:Rhea BankerText design:Wanda EspaaText composition: TSI GraphicsText font:13 pt. MinionIllustrations: Steve Attoe, pp. 29, 79; Seitu Hayden, pp. 49, 87; Stephen

    Hutchings, pp. 19, 39, 107; Andr Labrie, pp. 69, 71; Neil Stewart, pp. 51,97, 101; Anna Veltfort, pp. 9, 59, 77, 99, 119.

    ISBN-13: 978-0-13-240877-6ISBN-10: 0-13-240877-5


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  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    NTENT iii

    nit 1 Nice to meet you.

    ctivity Activity Pages tudent Booaster

    1 Survey: Whats your name? 23 Lesson 2, pages 1011

    2 Information Gap: Whats your phone number? 45 Lesson 3, pages 1213

    3 Build a Sentence: I am a new student. 67 Lesson 4, pages 1415

    4 Picture-based Story: he is from Cambodia. 89 Lesson 5, pages 1617

    5 Board Game: Personal Information 1011 Review, pages 2425

    nit 2 Welcome to class!

    6 Matching: Do you have a book? 1213 Lesson 1, pages 2829

    7 Build a Sentence: Classroom Instructions 1415 Lesson 2, pages 3031

    8 Information Gap: Where is the room? 1617 Lesson 4, pages 3435

    9 Picture-based Story: How does she study English? 1819 Lesson 6, pages 3839

    10 Board Game: In the Classroom 2021 Review, pages 4243

    nit 3 On Time 11 Drawing: What time is it? 2223 Lesson 1, pages 4647

    12 Information Gap: Office Hours 2425 Lesson 2, pages 4849

    13 Interview: When do you work? 2627 Lesson 4, pages 5253

    14 Picture-based Story: Late for Wor esson , pages 5557

    15 Board Game: On Time 3031 Review, pages 5859

    nit 4 Family and Friends

    16 Questions and Answers: Who makes dinner? 3233 Lesson 3, pages 6667

    17 Find Someone Who: When is your birthday? 3435 Lesson 4, pages 6869

    18 Matching: Whats the date? 3637 Lesson 5, pages 7071

    19 Picture-based Story: oberto does the laundry. 3839 Lesson 7, pages 7475

    20 Board Game: Talk about Your Family 4041 Review, pages 7677

    nit 5 How much is it?

    21 Matching: Do you have change for a five? 4243 Lesson 2, pages 8283

    22 Information Gap: Where is the aspirin? 4445 Lesson 3, pages 8485

    23 Questions and Answers: How much is it? 4647 Lesson 4, pages 8687

    24 Picture-based Story: s shampoo on sale? 4849 Lesson 6, pages 9091

    25 Board Game: Money 5051 Review, pages 9293

    nit 6 Lets eat!

    26 Questions and Answers: Do we need vegetables? 5253 Lesson 2, pages 9899

    27 Find Someone Who: She likes fruit. 5455 Lesson 3, pages 100101 28 Mix and Match Conversations: a a out oo 5 57 esson , pages 7

    29 Picture-based Story: He likes cereal. 5859 Lesson 7, pages 108109

    30 Board Game: What food do you like? 6061 Review, pages 110111


  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    iv NTENT

    Unit 7 Apartment for Rent

    ctivity Activity Pages tudent Booaster

    31 Drawing: My Apartment 6263 Lesson 2, pages 116117

    32 Interview: Is there a stove? 6465 Lesson 3, pages 118119

    33 Information Gap: Reading an Apartment A 6667 Lesson 4, pages 120121

    34 Picture-based Story: Peters parents are here. 6869 Lesson 6, pages 124125

    35 Board Game: Talk about the Apartment 7071 Review, pages 126127

    Unit 8 Lets go shopping.

    36 Build a Sentence: Do you have these pants? 7273 Lesson 2, pages 132133

    37 Survey: What color is your shirt? 7475 Lesson 3, pages 134135

    38 atc ng: Whats the problem? 7 77 esson , pages 7

    39 Picture-based Story: He needs new clothes. 7879 Lesson 6, pages 140141

    40 Board Game: Shopping for Clothes 8081 Review, pages 142143

    Unit 9 Our Busy Lives

    41 Find Someone Who: What do you do in your free time? 8283 Lesson 2, pages 148149

    42 Matching: re you walking the dog? 8485 Lesson 3, pages 150151

    43 Picture-based Story: Where is Max? 8687 Lesson 4, pages 152153

    44 Information Gap: Writing a Message 8889 Lesson 5, pages 154155

    45 Board Game: What are they doing? 9091 Review, pages 158159

    nit 10 Wheres the bus stop?

    46 Drawing: Our City 9293 Lesson 2, pages 164165

    47 Find Someone Who: ow do you get to school? 9495 Lesson 3, pages 166167

    48 Map Game: Giving and Following Directions 9697 Lesson 4, pages 168169

    49 Picture-based Story: Is there a gas station near here? 9899 Lesson 6, pages 172173

    50 Board Game: Places in the Community 100101 Review, pages 174175

    n t 11 et well soon!

    51 Miming: Medical Instructions 102103 Lesson 2, pages 180181

    52 Questions and Answers: Whats the matter? 5 esson , pages

    53 Picture-based Story: Whats your emergency? 106107 Lesson 4, pages 184185

    54 Matching: eading Directions on a Label 108109 Lesson 5, pages 186187

    55 Board Game: Medical Instructions 110111 Review, pages 190191

    Unit 12 What do you do?

    56 Matching: What do you do? 112113 Lesson 2, pages 196197

    57 Interview: Applying for a Job 114115 Lesson 4, pages 200201

    58 Role Play: d like to apply for a job. 116117 Lesson 5, pages 202203

    59 Picture-based Story: What are your job skills? 118119 Lesson 6, pages 204205

    60 Board Game: Job Skills 120121 Review, pages 206207

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    elcome to the Future Intro Multilevel

    Communicative Activities Book.

    Te Future Intro Multilevel CommunicativeActivities Bookcontains 60 communicative

    ready-to-use reproducible activities. Eachactivity corresponds to a lesson in the StudentBook and recycles the vocabulary, languagestructures, and themes o that lesson. Teactivities are a valuable addition to the class,ocusing on un and communication and

    elping students internalize the new targetlanguage.

    Each activity is accompanied by detailedeac er notes t at step t e teac er t roughe activity and provide suggestions or

    adapting the activity to multilevel studentsin the same classroom. Very little teacherpreparation time is needed, and the onlyadditional materials needed are a photocopierand a pair o scissors.

    hat makes the activities in the book


    ll o the activities require students to

    communicate effectively to accomplish a task.Te task may be to share inormation with a

    artner to complete a bus schedule or to walkaround the classroom to ask their classmatesabout their weekend plans. Te activitiesare highly structured ensuring that studentsa ways now w at t ey nee to o an owclose they are to accomplishing the task.

    hat makes the activities multilevel?

    dult Ed ESL classrooms are by naturemultilevel. Many actorsincluding thestudents age, educational background, andliteracy levelcontribute to the studentsevel. In act, the same student may be at level

    in one skill, butpre-levelorabove-levelin

    another. Te greatest challenge or a teachero a multilevel class is to keep all the studentsengaged all the time, drawing on theirstrengths and supporting them through their

    weak areas.

    Te teacher notes include Multilevel Optionsso teachers can adapt the activities orpre-level and above-level learners. Tey offerspecic ways to provide the pre-level studentswith additional scaffolding or extra supportand to challenge the above-level learners towork more independently and to extend theactivity.

    How do the activities engage all thestudents?

    Te activities in this book engage learnersin a number o ways. First, nearly all theactivities integrate all our language skills:speaking, listening, reading, and writing.Second, the activities involve differentearning modalities. For example, many

    activities have students move as they learnand will appeal to kinesthetic learners. Many

    activities require students to interpret graphs,maps, game boards, and pictures and willappeal to visual learners. Tird, the activitiesencourage students o all levels to contribute.Te responsibilities or a task are distributedso that everyone must participate andeveryone must give eedback. No studentsare lef out. All learners contribute what theycan based on their strengths and receive themultilayered scaffolding support to help themin their weaker areas. Because the activities

    are highly interactive and dynamic, theyprovide learners with many opportunities tonegotiate meaning and check comprehension.Tis keeps the class humming with energyand purposeul communication.


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    Activity Grouping Task

    Board Game Small Groups Students play a board game that reviewsunit theme, grammar structures, and


    Build a Sentence Pairs Students assemble words and phrases intomeaningful sentences.

    Drawing Game Pairs One partner describes a scene as the otherpartner listens and draws the scene. Tenthey switch roles.

    Find Someone Who Whole-Class Mixer Students ask their classmates questions inorder to complete a series of sentences.

    Give and ake Game Whole-Class Mixer Students barter items so everyone in theclass can get what they need.

    Information Gap Pairs Students ask and answer questions inorder to nd missing information ineveryday print formats such as receipts,bus schedules, weather maps, and jobapplications.

    Interview Pairs In sustained conversation, students askeach other a series of questions and reporttheir ndings to the class.

    Matching Game Whole-Class Mixer Students ask and answer questions abouttheir cards to nd the correct match.

    Miming Game Pairs Students give clues to words by acting outtheir meaning.

    Picture Match Whole-Class Mixer Students ask and answer questions abouttheir pictures to nd their match.

    Picture-based Story Whole Class and Pairs ogether the class composes a story basedon a picture that reects on one of theunits themes.

    Question andnswer Game

    Small Groups or Pairs Students ask and answer questions usingvisual cues such as a map or realia in the

    classroom.Survey Whole-Class Mixer Students ask their fellow classmates a

    question and report the results.

    Overview of Activity Types

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    Teacher Notes

    Teacher Notes appear on the page facing each Activity Master and provide comprehensiveinstructions and lesson planning ideas.

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 12, one for each pair of students.

    Cut each copy in half to make a Student A card and aStudent B card. Clip together both parts.


    1. Put stu ents in i e-a i ity pairs. Give a copy oStu ent As car to Stu ent A an give a copy oStu ent Bs car to Stu ent B.

    2. Expain t at stu ents are going to comp ete

    opening an c osing times o p aces y as ing eacother for the information.

    3. On t e oar write When is the library openen write The library is open from to

    .Draw a picture of a library sign next tothe sentences with the hours 10:00 . . : . .

    4. P ay t e part o Stu ent A. Ca on an a ove-evestudent to play the part of Student B. Then modelthe activity:

    : W en is t e i rary open?

    B: [Looks at library sign.]The library is open

    rom 10:00 to 5:00.

    5. Instruct a Stu ent As to write 1 : an : in t eblanks on their cards. Practice reading the questions

    wit Stu ent As an practice in ing t e i raryours in t e sign wit Stu ent Bs. T en ave

    Student Bs practice answering with the correct times.

    6. Mo e writing t e times in t e sentence aninstruct a Stu ent As to write t e correct timesin the blank spaces in the answer.

    7. Continue to mo e t e activity or Stu ent Bs.Reverse t e ro es an mo e questions orNumber 2. Complete this number with thestudents as directed above.

    8. Have pairs continue the activity. Partners shouldta e turns as ing questions an i ing in t etimes. Tell stu ents not to show each other

    their signs.

    9. Circu ate uring t e activity to e p stu ents wittheir question and answer formations.

    10. When pairs have filled in their answers, have themcompare t eir papers. T e times in t e answersshould match the times on the signs.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve : Assign a pre- eve stu ent to wor wit anabove-level student. Together they will play the part o

    Student A to provide more support for the pre-levelstu ent.

    Above-level: If some pairs finish before the rest of the

    class, have them write complete sentences under thesigns using t e rom o structure.


    Complete the activity as a class. Call on individualstu ents to as t e questions an to answer t equestions to allow for teacher feedback onpronunciation.


    Give students another copy of the Activity Master.Reverse the roles so Student A becomes Student B andStu ent B ecomes Stu ent A.

    Unit 3 Lesson 2 Future Intro pages 4849

    Information Gap: Office Hours

    rouping Pairs

    Target Language from/to, places Mater als Activity Master 12 Class Time 20 minutes

    About the Teacher Notes

    cross-reference to the tudent

    ook indicates after which page in

    the Student Book the activity should

    e one.

    Multilevel Options

    suggest s mp e ways

    teacher can adapt

    n activity for

    pre-level and/or

    bove-level students.

    Extension provides

    he teacher with

    t ona eas

    or extending the



    n alternative

    approac to t e

    act v ty.

    eachers can see at

    a glance how to set

    up t e c ass an

    p an t e esson.

    Teacher Preparation

    lists what the teacher

    nee s to o efore

    the class.

    Procedureguidesthe teacher, step-

    by-step through the

    act v ty.

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    2 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 1, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Give a copy of Activity Master 1 to each student.

    2. Exp ain t at t e stu ents are going to wa arounthe classroom, asking one another their namesand spellings of their first and last names in orderto complete the chart on Activity Master 1. Tellthe students they will have 20 minutes for theactivity.

    3. Write the ollowing on the oar :

    hats your name?

    Spell your first name.

    Spell your last name. 4. Have students look at the survey and follow along

    as you play the part o Stu ent A. Wal arounthe classroom and stop at the desk of an above-level stu ent. As him or her to play the part o

    tu ent B. Then mo el the conversation:

    A: Whats your name?

    B: [Says his/her first and last name.]

    A: Spell your irst name.

    B: [Spells his/her irst name an writes the name on the line.]

    A: pell your last name.

    B: [Spells his/her last name and writes thename on the line.

    5. Continue to play the role o Stu ent A. Walaroun the classroom. Stop at the es o apre-level student. Ask him or her to play the parto Stu ent B. As the stu ent the same questions,

    ut give additional support as needed.

    6. Circulate during the activity to help students asan answer the questions an to ma e sure theyare writing in the appropriate column.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level:During the activity, help pre-level stu entsrite the information in the correct place. Help

    stu ents give the instructions or write in names i theyare having difficulties.

    Above-level: Challenge above-level students to do theactivity without rea ing the questions on their papers.


    Have stu ents stan in a circle an ask an answer thequest on W at s your name?

    Unit 1 Lesson 2 Future Intro pages 1011

    Survey: Whats your name?

    Grouping Whole-class mixerTarget Language Spelling names Materials Activity Master 1

    Class Time 30 minutes

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    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 3Co




    Unit 1 Lesson 2 Act v ty Master

    Survey: Whats your name?

    First Name Last Name







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    4 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Unit 1 Lesson 3 Future Intro pages 1213

    Information Gap:Whats your phone number?

    Grouping Pa rsTargetLangua ge Phone num ers Materials Activity Master 2

    Class Time 20 minutes

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 2, one or eac pair o stu ents.

    Cut each copy in half to make a Student A card and aStudent B card. Clip together both parts.

    Procedure 1. Put students in like-ability pairs. Give a copy of

    Student As phone number card to Student A, andgive a copy o Stu ent B s phone num er car to

    tu ent B.

    2. Explain that students are going to fill in phonenum ers y as ing each other W at s your p onenumber?

    3. On the board write hats your phone numberay t e part o Stu ent A. Ca on an a ove- eve

    student to play the part of Student B. Then modelthe activity:

    : W at s your p one num er?

    : 731-555- 484.

    Instruct all Student As to write the phone numberon the line next to num er 1.

    4. Continue to mo el the activity. Choose anotherabove-level student to play the role of Student B.

    A: Whats your phone number?

    : 57-555- .

    5. Have pairs continue the activity. Partners shouldta e turns as ing questions an illing in thephone numbers. Tell students not to show eachother their phone num ers.

    6. Circulate uring the activity to help stu ents withtheir num er ictation an question ormationand to make sure students do not show theirpartners their phone num ers until the en o theact v ty.

    7. When pairs have completed their phone numbercar s, have them compare their phone num ercards. Both phone number cards should be the

    m .

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level:Complete a few of the phone numberstogether with pre-level stu ents so they have ewerquestions to ask.

    Above-level: If some pairs finish before the rest of theclass, stu ents can ma e up more phone num ers todictate to each other or practice with their own phone

    num ers.


    Give students another copy of the activity. Reverse theroles so Stu ent A ecomes Stu ent B an Stu ent B

    ecomes Stu ent A.

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    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 5Co




    Unit 1 Lesson 3 Act v ty Master

    Information Gap:Whats your phone number?

    Student A

    Whats your phone number?

    . . - -

    2. 7. 212-555-4970

    3. 8. 708-555-6356

    4. 9. 415-555-5720

    5. 10. 323-555-4673

    Student BWhats your phone number?

    1. 731-555-9484 6.

    2. 957-555-3320 7.

    3. 630-555-8712 8.

    4. 518-555-6150 9.

    5. 320-555-8819 10.

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    6 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy t e top a o Activity Master 3, one or eacair of students.

    Cut each copy into twelve cardsone set of whitecar s an one set o gray car s. Clip each set o car sogether.


    1. Put stu ents in cross-a ility pairs. Give each pair aset of car s.

    2. Tell Student A to shuffle the white cards andtell Stu ent B to shu le the gray car s. Haveeach student put his/her cards face up on his orher es .

    3. Exp ain t at t e stu ents are going to wor

    together to make six correct sentences with thecar s.

    4. Tell stu ents that the white car s are sentenceeginnings and the gray cards are sentence

    en ings.

    5. Mo el the correct grammar structure o amanyou are. Explain to students that an amgotogether an you an arego together. Then mo elthe contracte forms of Im an you re so that

    stu ents may use these orms later when they copy

    completed sentences in their notebooks. 6. Model the activity. Assemble a white card and a

    gray car into a correct sentence an rea it alou :I am a new student.

    7. Write the sentence on the boar . Tell stu ents toassem le the same sentence with their car s.

    8. Tell stu ents to continue to assem le correctsentences. When students have finished, havethem write the sentences in their note oo s usingcontractions.

    9. Circulate uring the activity to ma e surestu ents matche sentences are correct.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level:Cut out and distribute sentences 1 to 4 tolimit the num er o options. Have stu ents complete

    the sentences.Above-level: Challenge above-level students to createmore sentences using the ottom hal o the activitysheet. Have the students cut up the individual wordcar s an use all o the wor s to ma e six correctsentences. Explain to students that one sentence has acontraction an one oes not. For extra support,explain that students should look for the capital lettersor perio s to help them now i car s go at the

    eginning o the sentence or at the en .

    Answer Key

    Possi e sentences:

    I am/Im a new student.

    You are/Youre my English teacher.

    I am/Im in the classroom.


    Have students write additional sentences using I amandyou areconstruct ons.

    Build a Sentence: I am a new student.

    Grouping PairsTarget Language entence formation with am/You are Materials ct v ty Master

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 1 Lesson 4 Future Intro pages 1415

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    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 7Co




    Unit 1 Lesson 4 Act v ty Master 3

    Build a Sentence: I am a new student.

    I am a new

    student. You are my

    English eacher. I m

    in he classroom. re

    1. I am a new student.

    2. You are the teacher.

    3. You are in the classroom.

    4. I am from China.

    5. You are my classmate.

    6. I am from Mexico.

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    8 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 4, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Give each student a copy of Activity Master 4.

    2. Exp ain to stu ents t at t ey wi e matc ing t enumber from the picture to the sentence that

    escribes where the student is from.

    3. Mo el the activity: Write Sentence A on the oar .

    He is rom Russia.

    4. Instruct stu ents to loo at the picture an pointto the stu ent from Russia. Ask stu ents whatnum er they see next to the person in the picture.

    5. Mo el writing the num er 5 next to the sentence

    written on the boar . Instruct stu ents to writethe num er next to the sentence on their paper.

    6. Mo el the activity again. Write Sentence B on theoar an follow the same instructions from

    a ove.

    She is rom Cambodia.

    7. Have stu ents wor in pairs to comp ete t ematching activity. Circulate during the activity toma e sure stu ents are matching the correctpictures to the sentences.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve :Have stu ents copy t e sentences in t eirnotebooks.

    Above-level: Have students write a story about the

    eople in the picture or about their own class.

    Picture-based Story: She is from Cambodia.

    Grouping Whole class an then pairsTarget Language He is/She is,coun ry names Materials ct v ty Master 4

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 1 Lesson 5 Future Intro pages 1617

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    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 9Co




    A. He is from Russia.

    B. She is from Cambodia.

    C. He is from Peru.

    D. She is from Somalia.

    E. He is from Haiti.

    Unit 1 Lesson 5 Act v ty Master

    Picture-based Story: She is from Cambodia.






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    10 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 5, one or every our stu ents.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Each pair is a

    team. Put two teams toget er to p ay t e game.Give each group of four a copy of Activity Master 5,a coin, an two mar ers.

    2. Explain that stu ents are going to play a oargame. Here are the rules:

    Pair 1 flips a coin to move. Heads means theteam moves its mar er ahea two squares;tails means the team moves its marker aheaone square.

    Pair 1 moves the mar er to a square. Stu ent Area s the question alou . Stu ent B answers thequestion using true information. Pair 2 listens toma e sure Pair 1 s answer is correct.

    I Pair 1 s answer is correct, Pair 2 ta es a turn.

    If Pair 1s answer is incorrect, Pair 1 moves themar er ac one square an Pair 2 ta es a turn.

    I a pair an s on a square t at a rea y as amarker on it, the pair gets to move forward onesquare.

    The irst pair to reach FINISH wins.

    3. Circulate uring the activity to ma e surestu ents answers are correct.

    Board Game:Personal Information

    Grouping Groups o ourTarget Language umbers, letters, and personal information. Materials Activity Master 5, a coin, two mar ers or each group

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 1 Review Future Intro pages 2425

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    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 11Co




    Whats your name? Spell your first name. Spell your last name?

    Say a classmatesname.

    Whats the teachersname?

    Whats yourstudent ID number?

    here are you from?

    Are you a newstudent?

    ow do you sayhello?

    Whats yourarea code?

    Whats yourphone number?

    Unit 1 Review Act v ty Master 5

    Board Game:Personal Information






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    Unit 2 Lesson 1 Act v ty Master

    Matching:Do you have a book?

    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 13

    ackpack book cell phone

    dictionary eraser notebook

    en pencil piece of paper

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    14 uture ntro Multilevel Communicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy t e top a o Activity Master 7, one or eacair of students.

    Cut each copy into twelve cardsone set of whitecar s an one set o gray car s. Clip each set o car sogether.


    1. Put stu ents in cross-a ility pairs. Give each pair aset of car s.

    2. Tell Student A to shuffle the white cards and tellStu ent B to shu le the gray car s. Have eachstudent put his/her cards faceup on his or her

    es .

    3. Exp ain t at t e stu ents are going to wor

    together to make six correct sentences with thecar s.

    4. Tell stu ents that the white car s are sentenceeginnings and the gray cards are sentence

    en ings.

    5. Mo el the activity. Assem le a white car an agray card into a correct sentence and read it aloud:Turn on t e ig t .

    6. Write t e sentence on t e oar . Te stu ents toassemble the same sentence with their car s.

    7. Tell students to continue to assemble correctsentences. When stu ents have inishe , havethem write the sentences in their notebooks.

    8. Circulate uring the activity to ma e surestu ents matche sentences are correct.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level:Cut out an istri ute sentences 1 to 4 tolimit the num er o options. Have stu ents complete

    the sentences.Above-level: Challenge a ove-level stu ents to createmore sentences using the ottom hal o the activitysheet. Have the students cut up the individual wordcar s an use all o the wor s to ma e as manysentences as they can. For extra support, explain thatstu ents shoul loo or the capital letters or perio s tohelp them know if cards go at the beginning of thesentence or at t e en .

    Answer Key:Possible sentences:

    Turn on the light.

    Dont turn on/off the light.

    Take out your pencil/book/dictionary.

    Put away your book/pencil/dictionary.

    Dont open your book/dictionary.

    Close your dictionary/book.

    Unit 2 Lesson 2 Future Intro pages

    Build a Sentence:Classroom Instructions

    Grouping PairsTarget Language Follow classroom comman s

    Materials ct v ty Master 7

    Class Time minutes

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    Unit 2 Lesson 2 Act v ty Master

    Build a Sentence:Classroom Instructions

    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 15

    1. Turn on the light.

    2. Dont turn off the light.

    . a e out your pencil.

    . ut away our dictionary.

    5. Dont open your book.

    6. Close your book.

    Turn off Dont turn

    the light. he light. Take out

    your pencil. Put away our book.

    Dont open our book. Close your d ct onary.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    16 uture ntro Multilevel Communicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 8, one or eac pair ostu ents.

    Cut each copy of the maps and questions. Clipogether Stu ent A an Stu ent B parts.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Give a copy ofStu ent As map an questions to Stu ent A, angive a copy of Student Bs map and questions toStu ent B.

    2. Explain that stu ents are going to ill in theirmaps by asking each other Where is the

    3. On the board write Where is the Play thepart o Stu ent A. Ca on an a ove- eve stu ent

    to play the part of Student B. Then model theactivity:

    : W ere is t e i rary?

    : It s across rom t e oo store.

    Instruct all Student As to write in the wordi rary in the correct place on their maps.

    4. Continue to mo el the activity. Choose anotherabove-level student to play the role of Student B.

    : W ere is t e mens room?

    : Its next to the testing room.

    5. Have pairs continue the activity. Partners shoulta e turns as ing questions an illing in therooms on their maps. Tell students not to showeach other their maps. Circulate uring theactivity to help students with their spelling andquestion ormation.

    6. When pairs have complete their maps, have themcompare their maps. Both maps should be the

    m .

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level:Complete a few of the rooms together withpre-level stu ents so they have ewer questions to as .


    If some pairs finish before the rest of the class, havestu ents write sentences a out places in their school.Remin them to use across froman next to.

    Information Gap:Where is the room?

    Grouping PairsTarget Language Rooms in the school, across from, nex o Materials ct v ty Master

    Class Time minutes

    Unit 2 Lesson 4 Future ntro pages 4

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    20 uture ntro Multilevel Communicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 10, one or every our stu ents.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Each pair is a

    team. Put two teams toget er to p ay t e game. Giveeach group of four a copy of Activity Master 10,a coin, an two mar ers.

    2. Explain that the stu ents are going to play a oargame by answering questions. Here are the rules:

    Pair 1 flips a coin to move. Heads means theteam moves its mar er ahea two squares; tailsmeans the team moves its marker ahea onesquare.

    Pair 1 moves t e mar er to a square. Stu ent

    reads the question aloud. Student B answers thequestion with true in ormation. Pair 2 listens tomake sure Pair 1s answer is correct.

    I Pair 1 s answer is correct, Pair 2 ta es a turn.

    I Pair 1 s answer is incorrect, Pair 1 moves themarker back one square and Pair 2 takes a turn.

    If a pair lands on a square that already has amar er on it, the pair gets to move orwar onesquare.

    The first pair to reach FINISH wins.

    3. Circulate during the activity to make surestu ents answers are correct.

    Board Game:In the Classroom

    Grouping Groups o ourTarget Language es/no an Wh-questions with be,yes/no questions with simple present

    Materials Activity Master 10, a coin, two mar ers or each group

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 2 Review Future Intro pages 4 4

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 21Co




    Unit 2 Review Act v ty Master 1

    Board Game:In the Classroom

    Do you have acell phone?

    Look at the map.here is the library?

    Do you have abackpack?

    Look at the map.

    Where is theca eteria?

    Look at the map.

    Where is thecomputer lab?

    ow do you studynglish?

    Look at the map.Where is the office?

    Look at the map.Where is thebookstore?

    o you have aneraser?

    Look at the map.here is the

    testing room?

    Do you have anotebook?






  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    22 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 11, one copy or every sixstu ents.

    Cut up the two sets of clocks, keeping the blankcloc s an complete ones separate.


    1. Put students in like-ability pairs. Give eachstu ent two lan cloc s an two completeclocks.

    2. Explain that the students are going to ask eachother what time it is. They respon y using thetime on their clocks. Their partner listens to theresponse an then raws the han s on the cloc

    ased on the time they hear.

    3. Model the activity. Draw a blank clock on theoar . Play the role o Stu ent A. Call on an

    above-level student to play the role of Student B.

    A: What time is it?

    B: [Looks at one of his completed clocks.]It s 7:15.

    : 7:15 Draw the han s on the cloc .

    4. Continue modeling the activity. Call on anotherstu ent to p ay t e ro e o Stu ent A. Have t estu ent as you what time it is. Stu ent A

    raws the hands on the clock based on the timeyou rea .

    5. Give pairs ten minutes to as each other the timeand draw the hands on their clocks.

    6. Circulate uring the activity to help stu ents reathe times on the car s an raw the correct timeson their clocks.

    Multilevel Option

    Pre- eve : ave pre- eve stu ents wor wit an a ove-level stu ent.


    ave stu ents wor in groups o our instea o pairs.


    Hand out additional copies of the clocks to students.a e sure t ey switc ro es.

    Unit 3 Lesson 1 Future Intro pages 4647

    Drawing: What time is it?

    Grouping Pa rsTargetLangua ge Time Materials Activity Master 11

    Class Time 15 minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 23

    Unit 3 Lesson 1 Act v ty Master 1

    Drawing: What time is it?

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    24 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 12, one or eac pair o stu ents.

    Cut each copy in half to make a Student A card and aStudent B card. Clip together both parts.

    Procedure 1. Put students in like-ability pairs. Give a copy of

    Student As card to Student A and give a copy oStu ent B s car to Stu ent B.

    2. Explain that students are going to completeopening and closing times of places by asking eachother or the in ormation.

    3. On the boar write hen is the library openThen write The library is open from to

    Draw a picture o a i rary sign next to

    the sentences with the hours 10:00 A.M. 5: P. .

    4. Play the part of Student A. Call on an above-levelstu ent to play the part o Stu ent B. Then mo elthe activity:

    A: When is the library open?

    B: [Loo s at li rary sign.] T e i rary is open rom 10:00 to 5:00.

    5. Instruct all Stu ent As to write 1 : an 5: in thean s on t eir car s. Practice rea ing t e questions

    with Stu ent As an practice in ing the li raryhours in the sign with Student Bs. Then haveStu ent Bs practice answering with the correct times.

    6. Mo el writing the times in the sentence aninstruct all Student As to write the correct timesin the lan spaces in the answer.

    7. Continue to mo el the activity or Stu ent Bs.Reverse the roles and model questions forNum er 2. Comp ete t is num er wit t estu ents as irecte above.

    8. Have pairs continue the activity. Partners shoulta e turns as ing questions an illing in thetimes. Tell students not to show each othertheir signs.

    9. Circulate uring the activity to help stu ents withtheir question and answer formations.

    10. When pairs have ille in their answers, have themcompare t eir papers. T e times in t e answersshould match the times on the signs.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve : ssign a pre- eve stu ent to wor wit anabove-level student. Together they will play the part oStu ent A to provi e more support or the pre-levelstu ent.

    Above-level: If some pairs finish before the rest of the

    class, have them write complete sentences un er thesigns using the rom to s ruc ure.


    Complete the activity as a class. Call on in ivi ualstudents to ask the questions and to answer thequestions to allow or teacher ee ac on



    Give stu ents another copy o the Activity Master.Reverse the roles so tu ent A becomes tu ent B anStu ent B ecomes Stu ent A.

    Unit 3 Lesson 2 Future Intro pages 4849

    Information Gap: Office Hours

    Grouping PairsTarget Language from/to, places

    Materials ct v ty Master 12

    Class Time minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 25

    Unit 3 Lesson 2 Act v ty Master 1

    Information Gap: Office Hours

    Student A



    Testing Room

    9:00 A.M. 1:15 P.M.

    2. 3.


    8:30 A.M. 9:30 P.M.Open



    Computer Lab


    Computer Lab

    7:00 9:00Open

    . 6.



    10:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M.

    2. 3.

    4. 5. 6.

    Student B

    Testing Room

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    26 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 13, one or eac stu ent.

    Cut the Survey sheet on each copy. Cut out enough cardsso that each student in the class has a schedule card.

    Procedure 1. Give each student a copy of the survey and a

    schedule card at random. Have students read thein ormation on their car s.

    2. Explain that students are going to interview sixstudents about their work schedule. After theyinterview each classmate, they will ill out theInterview sheet with the name of their classmatean the ays an times they wor . Tell stu entsnot to show their cards to anyone. They will have

    20 minutes or the activity. 3. Write the ollowing question on the oar :

    hen do you work

    4. Write the following work schedule on the board:


    We nes ay

    5. Play the role of Student A. Call on an above-levelstu ent to play the role o Stu ent B.

    A: W en o you wor ?

    : (Looks at his card and responds). work onWe nes ay rom 9 to 5.

    6. Write the line rom the Interview sheet on theoar :

    wor s on rom

    o .

    7. Write the name o the stu ent on the appropriateline on the oar an complete the sentence.

    8. Have students begin their interviews and circulateto help them write the answers.

    9. When all stu ents have complete theirinterviews, have a few students read theirsentences/in ormation alou .

    Multilevel Option

    Pre- eve :Have stu ents wor wit an a ove- evestudent to do the activity.


    Use the overhea projector to recor the results o thestudents interviews. Have an above-level student report

    ac his or her in ings as you write on the InterviewActivity Master on the overhead.


    Have stu ents use the sche ule car s to createsentences using on, from, and to.

    Interview: When do you work?

    Grouping Whole-class mixerTarget Language ays of the week,from, to,an

    Materials ct v ty Master 13

    Class Time minutes

    Unit 3 Lesson 4 Future Intro pages 5253

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 27

    Unit 3 Lesson 4 Act v ty Master 13

    Interview:When do you work?


    Name Day Hours

    . works on from o

    2. works on from o .

    3. works on from o .

    . works on from o .

    . works on from o

    6. works on from o .

    Work Schedules





    Tuesday and Friday






    Monday and Thursday






    Friday and Saturday


  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    28 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 14, one or eac pair o stu ents.


    1. Give a copy of Activity Master 14 to each student.

    2. Exp ain t at stu ents are going to write t esentences next to the correct picture.

    3. Make sure stu ents un erstan the scene: Billusually goes to wor at 8:00. He usually wor srom 8:30 to 4:30. But today Bill oversleeps. Today

    he gets up at 8:20. Its late. He gets dressed quicklyan gets to wor at 9:15, ut the o ice isn t open.Its a holiday.

    4. Point out to students that c ose is the opposite oopen. You may a so want to point out t e meaning

    of the wor holiday.Remind students of anyholi ays that may have recently passe or explaino students that when there is a holiday, schools

    an an s may e close , an there is no mail, etc.

    5. As the ollowing questions to get stu ents to talabout the picture.

    What time is it? (to elicit 8:20) Is it morning ornig t? (to e icit morning) Is Bi ate? W at timedoes he usually go to work? What time is it today?Is e ate or wor ? W at time oes e get to wor ?

    Is the office open? What happens next? 6. Have students report their ideas to the class.

    Encourage them to explain what they see inhe picture.

    7. Have stu ents wor in cross-a ility pairs tochoose which sentences go with each picture.Then have them write the sentences next to thecorrect picture.

    Multilevel Options

    re-level: Have students copy the sentences into theirnote oo s.

    Above-level:Have stu ents wor with a partner towrite a story about the pictures.


    Use an overhea projector transparency to match thesentences to each picture.


    Above-level students can write a story about whathappens next.

    Picture-based Story:Late for Work

    Grouping Whole class an then pairsTarget Language Daily activities, time, third person singular Materials Act v ty Master 14

    Class Time 25 minutes

    Unit 3 Lesson 6 Future Intro pages

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 29




    Write the sentences next to the correct pictures.

    Today he gets up at 8:20.

    He works from 8:30 to 4:30.

    The office is closed. Its a holiday.

    Bill goes to work at 8:00.

    He gets to wor at 9:15.

    Unit 3 Lesson 6 Act v ty Master 1

    Picture-based Story: Late for Work

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    30 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 15, one or every our stu ents.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Each pair is a

    eam. Put two teams together to play the game. Giveeach group of four a copy of Activity Master 15, acoin, an two mar ers.

    2. Explain that the stu ents are going to play a oargame. Here are the rules:

    Pair 1 flips a coin to move. Heads means theteam moves its mar er ahea two squares; tailsmeans the team moves its marker ahea one

    ua e.

    Pair 1 moves the mar er to a square. Stu ent A

    rea s the question alou . Stu ent B answers thequestion with true in ormation. Pair 2 listens toma e sure Pair 1 s answer is correct.

    Board Game: On Time

    Grouping Groups o ourTarget Language Time, days of the week, daily schedules Materials Activity Master 15, a coin, two mar ers or each group

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 3 Review Future Intro pages 5859

    I Pair 1 s answer is correct, Pair 2 ta es a turn.

    I Pair 1 s answer is incorrect, Pair 1 moves themarker back one square and Pair 2 takes a turn.

    If a pair lands on a square that already has amar er on it, the pair gets to move orwar onesquare.

    The first pair to reach FINISH wins.

    3. Circulate during the activity to make surestu ents answers are correct.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    32 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 16, one or eac pair ostu ents.

    Cut each copy into six picture cards. Clip each set ofcar s together.


    1. Put students in like-ability pairs. Give a set ocar s to oth partners.

    2. Explain that students are going to ask questionsabout the household chores on the cards. Theywill answer the question a out who oes thechore in their homes. Tell students they will havei teen minutes to o the activity.

    3. Have stu ents s u e t e car s an p ace t em

    face own in front of them. Stu ent A chooses acar irst.

    4. Mo el the activity. Play the part o Stu ent A. Forexample:

    A: [Looks at picture card] Who makes dinner in your ami y?

    : My gran mot er ma es inner.

    5. When students have finished with all the cards,ave t em s u e t em again an switc ro es.

    This time Stu ent B as s the questions.

    6. Circulate during the activity to help students withquestion ormation. Ma e sure stu ents a stothe ver orm.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve :Have pre- eve pairs wor toget er to ormquestions first. Have them list the family members asa review.

    Above-level: When the pairs inish the questions a outthe pictures, have them come up with a few morehousehol chores an as each other a out them.


    fter the class has finished the activity, have pairsescri e who oes the househol chores in theirartners home: Carlas father makes dinner, e c.


    Do the activity in groups o our or six.

    Unit 4 Lesson 3 Future Intro pages 6667

    Questions and Answers: Who makes dinner?

    Grouping Pa rsTargetLangua ge Househol chores Materials Activity Master 16

    Class Time 25 minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 33Co




    Unit 4 Lesson 3 Act v ty Master 1

    uestions and Answers: ho makes dinner?

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    34 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Unit 4 Lesson 4 Future Intro pages 6869

    Find Someone Who: When is your birthday?

    Grouping Whole-class mixerTarget Language Months, irth ays Materials Activity Master 17

    Class Time 20 minutes

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 17, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Give a copy of Activity Master 17 to each student.

    2. Exp ain t at stu ents are going to wa aroun t eclassroom. They will ask and answer When is your

    irt ay? in order to complete the chart. Tellstu ents they will have 15 minutes or the activity.

    3. Write the following question and answer onthe board:

    hen is your birthday

    My birthday is .

    4. Mo el the activity. Play the role o Stu ent A.

    Choose an above-level student to play the role oStu ent B.

    : W en is your irt ay?

    : My irt ay is Marc 14. [A ter the worMarch in the chart, write the name of thatstu ent an the num er 14.]

    5. Wa aroun t e c assroom as ing stu ents W enis your irt ay?until you complete the activity.

    6. Circulate during the activity to help students formquestions an answers correctly.

    Multilevel Option

    Pre- eve :Have pre- eve stu ents wor wit an a ove-level stu ent to ask their classmates When is your

    irt ay?


    Have students write the birthday months of differentamily mem ers on the chart.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 35Co




    Unit 4 Lesson 4 Act v ty Master 1

    Find Someone Who: When is your birthday?

    onth ame Date













  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    36 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 18. I t e c ass as more t anwenty-four students, make a second copy. Make surehat you use a calen ar an correspon ing gray ate

    car .

    Cut the copy into 24 cards12 calendars and 12numerical ates.


    1. Give each student a card either a calendar or anumerical ate) at ran om. Have stu ents reathe ates on their car s.

    2. Explain that students are going to walk around theclassroom. Have stu ents as one another whatthe date on their cards is. They will match a

    calen ar ate to a ate in numerical orm. Tellstudents not to show their cards to anyone. Theywi ave 15 minutes or t e activity.

    3. Write the ollowing question on the oar :

    hats the date

    4. Mo el the activity. Play the role o Stu ent A anas W at s t e ate? Choose an a ove-level stu entto play the role o Stu ent B. For example, he/shemay respond withApril 15, 2004. Continue askingthe question until you in the matching car .

    5. Draw a calen ar or the month o January on theoar . Circle the tenth o January. Write the ate

    January 10, 19 4on the board. Explain tostu ents that these two ates are a match sincethey are the same date.

    6. Have students walk around the classroom and askwhat the ate is until they in their match.

    Multilevel Option

    Pre-level:Before doing the activity, have students worin pairs to write out the ates rom the calen ars.


    Cut up the Activity Master for a pair of students or asmall group. Have stu ents wor together to match

    the ates.


    ave stu ents use t e ates in numerica orm topractice writing out the dates.

    Matching: Whats the date?

    Grouping Whole-class mixerTarget Language ates Materials ct v ty Master 18

    Class Time minutes

    Unit 4 Lesson 5 Future Intro pages 7071

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    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 37Co




    Unit 4 Lesson 5 Act v ty Master 1

    Matching: Whats the Date?

    1984 1976 1950 1947

    1985 1961 2000 2005

    1997 1977 2004 1999

    /10/84 2/18/76 3/23/50 4/1/47

    5/8/85 6/15/61 7/3/00 8/21/05

    9/28/97 10/7/77 1/12/04 12/30/99

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    38 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 19, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Give a copy of Activity Master 19 to each student.

    2. Exp ain t at stu ents are going to p ace sentencesunder the correct picture.

    3. Make sure stu ents un erstan the scene: Robertois rom Peru. In his country, his mother coo s

    inner. She does the laundry. Now Roberto liveswith his brother. They do all of the householdchores.

    4. Ask the following questions to get students to talkabout the picture.

    W ere is Ro erto in Picture 1? W o is t e womanW at oes s e o? Does s e coo inner? Does s eo the laundry? Does she clean the house? Where

    is Ro erto in Picture 2? W o oes e ive wit ?Who cooks dinner? Who cleans the house? Who

    oes t e aun ry?

    5. Have stu ents report their i eas to the class.Encourage them to explain what they see in thepicture.

    6. Have stu ents wor in cross-a i ity pairs to p acethe sentences under the correct picture.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve :Have stu ents copy t e sentences in t eirnotebooks.

    Above-level: Have students work with a partner to

    rite a story about Roberto.


    Write the sentences on an overhead projectortransparency.


    A ter the class has inishe the activity, have stu entstalk about the story. Have above-level students writesentences a out Ro erto on the oar or stu entso copy.

    Picture-based Story: Roberto does the laundry.

    Grouping Whole class an then pairsTarget Language ousehold chores, family members Materials ct v ty Master 1

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 4 Lesson 7 Future Intro pages 7475

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    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 39Co




    Write the sentences next to the correct picture.

    Robertos brother cooks dinner.

    In the U.S. Roberto lives in an apartment with his brother.

    In Peru Roberto lives with his family.

    Roberto does the laundry.

    Robertos mother cooks dinner.

    Unit 4 Lesson 7 Act v ty Master 1

    Picture-based Story: Roberto does the laundry

    In Peru


    n the U.S.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    40 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 20, one or every our stu ents.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Each pair is a

    team. Put two teams toget er to p ay t e game. Giveeach group of four a copy of Activity Master 20,a coin, an two mar ers.

    2. Explain that the stu ents are going to play a oargame. Here are the rules:

    Pair 1 flips a coin to move. Heads means theteam moves its mar er ahea two squares; tailsmeans the team moves its marker ahea onesquare.

    Pair 1 moves t e mar er to a square. Stu ent

    reads the question aloud. Student B answers thequestion with true in ormation. Pair 2 listens tomake sure Pair 1s answer is correct.

    I Pair 1 s answer is correct, Pair 2 ta es a turn.

    I Pair 1 s answer is incorrect, Pair 1 moves themarker back one square and Pair 2 takes a turn.

    If a pair lands on a square that already has amar er on it, the pair gets to move orwar onesquare.

    The first pair to reach FINISH wins.

    3. Circulate during the activity to make surestu ents answers are correct.


    Have above-level stu ents write five sentences abouttheir amily.

    Board Game:Talk about your family.

    Grouping Groups o ourTarget Language ates, family members, question formation with o you ave an How many? Materials Activity Master 20, a coin, two mar ers or each group

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 4 Review Future Intro pages 7677

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 41Co




    Unit 4 Review Act v ty Master 2

    Board Game:Talk about your family.

    o you have anyrothers?

    Do you have anychildren?

    Do you have anysisters?

    Whats todays date? What class areyou in?

    Whats your favoriteonth?

    Do you have anygrandchildren?

    When is yourirthday?

    Who cleans thehouse?

    ho makes dinner? ho vacuums atyour house?




  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    42 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 21. Ma e enoug copies sohere will be one question or response card for each

    stu ent.

    Cut the copy into sixteen car seight question car sand eight response cards.


    1. Shu le the car s an han out one question caror one response card to each student. Make surethat there is a correspon ing response car oreach question card.

    2. Explain that students are going to walk around theclassroom an as stu ents i they have thecorrect change. One student will ask the question.

    The other stu ent will respon . 3. Mo el activity. Hol up the picture o the quarter

    or draw a quarter on the board (with 25 in themi le o a circle). Write o you have change ora quarter?on the boar .

    4. Draw one ime an three nickels on the boar .

    5. Play the role of Student A. Choose an above-levelstu ent to play the role o Stu ent B.

    : Do you ave c ange or a quarter

    : No, I on t.

    6. Continue to ask students until you find a match.Have the stu ent with the correct change reahis/her response: Yes, I o. I ave one ime anthree nickels.

    7. Have stu ents wal aroun the class as ingquestions. When stu ents have ma e a match,

    ave them sit down.

    8. A ter all o the matches have een oun , hanout the car s again, this time giving questioncards to those who had response cards before.

    Multilevel Option

    Pre-level:Be ore eginning the activity, have stu entsrite the question and the names of the coins and bills.


    Cut up the Activity Master or a pair o stu ents or asmall group. Have students work together to match themoney.


    Have students find and say the sum of the coinamounts on each car . When stu ents are inishe ,have all of the students holding cards totalling one

    ollar stan on one si e o the room an have all o thestudents holding cards totalling one quarter stand ont e ot er si e o t e room. T e c ass cou eresponsible for checking the accuracy.

    Unit 5 Lesson 2 Future Intro pages 8283

    Matching:Do you have change for a five?

    Grouping Whole-class mixerTarget Language U. . money,yes no questions with simple present Materials Activity Master 21

    Class Time 25 minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    Unit 5 Lesson 2 Act v ty Master 2

    Matching:Do you have change for a five?

    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 43

    Question Card Response Card

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    44 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 22, one or eac pair ostu ents.

    Cut each copy of the directories. Clip togetherStu ent A an Stu ent B parts.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Give a copy ofStu ent As irectory to Stu ent A an give a copyof Student Bs directory to Student B.

    2. Explain that students are going to fill in theirirectories y as ing each other questions with


    3. On the board write here is the aspirin?Play thepart o Stu ent A. Ca on an a ove- eve stu ent

    to play the part of Student B. Then model theactivity:

    : W ere is t e aspirin?

    : Ais e 4.

    Instruct all tu ent As to write in the number 4 inthe lan .

    4. Continue to mo el the activity. Choose anotherabove-level student to play the role of Student B.

    A: Where are the lightbulbs?

    : Aisle 3.

    5. Have pairs continue the activity. Partners shouldta e turns as ing questions an illing in the aislenumbers on their irectories. Tell stu ents not toshow each other their irectories.

    6. Circulate uring the activity to help stu ents withtheir question ormation.

    7. When pairs have completed their directories, havethem compare their irectories. Both irectoriesshoul e the same.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level: Complete a ew o the aisle num erstogether with pre-level stu ents so they have ewerquestions to ask.


    I some pairs inish e ore the rest o the class, havestudents write sentences about the locations of other

    rugstore items using their irectory.

    Unit 5 Lesson 3 Future Intro pages 8485

    Information Gap:Where is the aspirin?

    Grouping PairsTarget Language rugstore items and questions with here is/are

    Materials ct v ty Master 22

    Class Time minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    Unit 5 Lesson 3 Act v ty Master 2

    Information Gap:Where is the aspirin?

    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 45

    Student A


    Ais e 5

    Aisle 4


    Aisle 2


    Aisle 4


    Aisle 2

    Ais e 4

    Ais e 4


    Ais e 4

    Aisle 3


    Ais e 4


    Ais e 2

    Aisle 2


    Corner Drugstore

    Corner DrugstoreStudent B

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    46 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 23, one or eac group o our.

    Cut the bottom half of the Activity Master into 10cards.

    Procedure 1. Give each group of students a copy of the receipt.

    Shuffle the word cards and put them in a pileace own.

    2. Explain that one by one students will pick a cardfrom the pile, read the name of the item on theircar , an as a question with How muc . Theother students will look at the receipt together toin how much it costs. They will have 15 minutes

    for the activity.

    3. Write the following on the board:


    ow much is the ow much are the)

    4. You may want to point out that for plural itemsthe question is How muc are...?You coulun erline is an are on the oar to point out the


    5. Mo e t e activity. P ay t e part o Stu ent A. Caon an a ove-level stu ent to play the part oStudent B.

    A: [Pic up a car an rea ] S ampoo. Howmuc is t e s ampoo?

    : [Student looks at the receipt until he/she findsthe correct amount or shampoo.] 4.59.

    6. Explain to the stu ents that they will continue theactivity until there are no more car s in the pile.

    7. When all students have finished, have them readtheir prices alou .

    Multilevel Option

    Pre-level:Put pre-level stu ents an a ove-levelstudents in pairs and have them do the activity.


    Have stu ents o the activity as a game. Divi e the classinto teams of four. The first team to finish finding theprices o all the items wins.


    Have pairs of students make up new receipts withi erent items an i erent prices an as each other

    questions about the prices.

    Questions and Answers:How much is it?

    Grouping Groups o ourTarget Language rugstore items, prices and ow much...? Materials ct v ty Master 23, sc ssors

    Class Time minutes

    Unit 5 Lesson 4 Future Intro pages 8

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 47Co




    Unit 5 Lesson 4 Act v ty Master 23

    uestions and Answers:How much is it?

    Shampoo $4.59

    Date: 09/08/08


    Tissues 2.891

    Deodorant 3.291

    CZ Drugs

    Batteries 5.191

    Toothpaste 3.791

    Shaving Cream 3.591

    Aspirin 4.291

    Soap 2.501

    Paper Towels 3.791


    Transaction Total

    10 Items Subtotal







    shampoo aspirin

    deodorant batteries

    tissues shaving cream

    toothpaste paper towels

    soap lightbulbs

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    48 uture ntro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 24, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Give a copy of Activity Master 24 to each student.

    2. Exp ain t at stu ents are going to put t equestions and answers in the correct spaces belowthe pictures.

    3. Ma e sure stu ents un erstan the scene: Elenaonly buys things on sale. She goes to one store forher favorite shampoo, Sunny Day Shampoo, butit s not on sale. She goes to another store an in sout that it is on sale there.

    4. To get students talking about the pictures, ask theo owing: ere s E ena W at oes s e want to

    uy? Is t e s ampoo on sa e at t e irst store (inPicture 1)? How muc is it? Does s e uy t eshampoo (in Picture 2)? Where does she go (inPicture 3)? W at oes s e as t e sa es assistant? Isthe shampoo on sale at the second store? o yout in s e uys t e s ampoo? How muc is it?

    5. Put stu ents in cross-a ility pairs to iscuss whereto put the questions and answers of theconversat on.

    6. A ter the stu ents have inishe , have them

    practice the conversation together.

    Multilevel Option

    Pre- eve : ave pre- eve stu ents copy t econversation in their notebooks.

    Above-level: While pre-level students are copying thestory, have a ove-level stu ents write questions a outthe pictures to ask the class.


    Write the conversation on an overhea projectortransparency. This way you can photocopy the storyor the ollowing class an have stu ents rerea the

    conversation again in pairs.

    Picture-based Story: Is shampoo on sale?

    Grouping Whole class an then pairsTarget Language hopping for bargains Materials ct v ty Master 2

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 5 Lesson 6 Future Intro pages

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    uture ntro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 49

    Is Sunny Day Shampoo on sale

    lena buys things on sale. She needs shampoo. Write the conversation under the correct pictures.One line will be used twice.

    No, it isnt.

    Is Sunny Day Shampoo on sale?

    Its $3.89.

    Yes, it is.

    How much is it?

    Unit 5 Lesson 6 Act v ty Master 2

    Picture-based Story: Is shampoo on sale?

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    50 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 25, one or every our stu ents.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Each pair is a

    team. Put two teams toget er to p ay t e game. Giveeach group of four a copy of Activity Master 25,a coin, an two mar ers.

    2. Explain that the stu ents are going to play a oargame. Here are the rules:

    Pair 1 flips a coin to move. Heads means theteam moves its mar er ahea two squares; tailsmeans the team moves its marker ahea onesquare.

    Pair 1 moves t e mar er to a square. Stu ent

    reads the instruction and question aloud.Stu ent B loo s at either the oo store lyer orthe picture of the coin and answers the question.Pair 2 listens to ma e sure Pair 1 s answer iscorrec .

    If Pair 1s answer is correct, Pair 2 takes a turn.

    I Pair 1 s answer is incorrect, Pair 1 moves themar er ac one square an Pair 2 ta es a turn.

    If a pair lands on a square that already has amar er on it, the pair gets to move orwar onesquare.

    The first pair to reach FINISH wins.

    3. Circulate during the activity to make sure

    stu ents answers are correct.

    Board Game:Money

    Grouping Groups o ourTarget Language Coin names, asking for change Materials Activity Master 25, a coin, two mar ers or each group

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 5 Review Future Intro pages

    Answer Key

    1. $2.80

    2. $5.65

    . 1

    4. $1.05

    5. 25

    6. $3.45

    7. $1.99

    8. 10

    9. $4.50

    1 . 5

    11. $5.99

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 51Co




    Unit 5 Review Act v ty Master 25

    Board Game:Money

    Look at the ad.ow much is thedeodorant?

    Look at the ad.How much is the


    Look at the coin.How much is it?

    Look at the ad.

    How much are thebatteries?

    Look at the ad.

    How much is thesoap?

    Look at the coin.How much is it?

    Look at the coin.How much is it?

    Look at the ad.How much is theshaving cream?

    Look at the coin.ow much is it?

    Look at the ad.How much is the

    toilet paper?

    Look at the ad.How much is the





  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    52 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 26, one or every pair.

    Cut each Activity Master copy into ten food picturecards and two recipe cards.

    Procedure 1. Put students in like-ability pairs. Give each pair at

    random two food cards and one recipe card.Shu le the remaining oo car s an place themface own.

    2. Students take turns looking at their food cards.Then they loo at their recipe car to see i theynee the foo .

    3. Write the following questions and answers on theoar :

    Do we need

    Yes. We need .

    Do we nee

    No. We dont need .

    4. Model the activity. Play the role of Student A. Callon an a ove- eve stu ent to p ay t e ro e oStudent B. Use the recipe card for chicken soup.For example:

    A: [Chooses a car an loo s at it. Its a picture ocarrots. o we nee carrots s s tu ent

    B: [Checks recipe card.] es. We need carrots.

    A: [Loo s at his secon car . It s a picture opeppers.] Do we nee peppers?

    B: [Checks recipe card]No. We dont neee ers.

    5. Have pairs continue the activity until they havechec e o all the oo items.

    6. When students are finished with the first recipecar , shu le the oo car s an give the pairs a

    i erent recipe car an new oo car s.

    Multilevel Option

    Pre-level:To simpli y the activity, put pre-level stu entsan a ove-level stu ents in pairs.


    I some stu ents inish e ore the rest o the class, havethem sit together in a groups o two or our stu ents.Have them write shopping lists for both recipes.

    Unit 6 Lesson 2 Future Intro pages 9899

    Questions and Answers: Do we need vegetables?

    Grouping Pa rsTargetLangua ge Vegeta les, ave, nee Materials Activity Master 26

    Class Time 20 minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 53Co




    Unit 6 Lesson 2 Act v ty Master 2

    uestions and Answers: Do we need vegetables?

    Chicken Soup


    po a oes





    Vegetable Soup

    carro s





  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    54 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Unit 6 Lesson 3 Future Intro pages 100101

    Find Someone Who: She likes fruit.

    Grouping Whole-class mixerTarget Language Fruit, i es/ oesn t i e Materials Activity Master 27

    Class Time 20 minutes

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 27, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Give a copy of Activity Master 27 to each student.

    2. Exp ain t at stu ents are going to wa aroun t eclassroom. They will ask and answer Do you like

    in or er to complete as many sentenceson the Activity Master as possi le. Tell stu entsthey will have fifteen minutes for the activity.

    3. Write the following question and answer on theoar :

    Do you like apples?

    likes apples.

    4. Then model the activity. Walk around theclassroom as ing stu ents Do you i e app es?until you find a student who likes apples. Writethe stu ent s name in the lan to complete thesentence. Write the name in the example on the


    5. Continue to mo el the activity. Write theollowing question an answer on the oar :

    Do you like bananas

    doesnt like bananas.

    6. Circulate during the activity to help studentsormulate questions correctly.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve :Be ore as ing stu ents to comp ete t eactivity, read through all of the sentences together forextra practice.


    Have students write sentences about the fruits they likean on t li e.


    Have students do the activity in groups of 4. After5 minutes, have stu ents report to the class what theylearned about their group members.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 55Copyright2010byPearsonEducation,Inc.Per



    Unit 6 Lesson 3 Act v ty Master 2

    Find Someone Who: She likes fruit.


    likes apples.

    doesnt like apples.

    likes bananas.

    doesnt like bananas.

    likes pears.

    doesnt like pears.

    likes mangoes.

    doesnt like mangoes.

    likes grapes.

    doesnt like grapes.

    likes cherries.

    doesnt like cherries.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    56 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    Copy Activity Master 28, one or eac pair ostu ents.

    Cut each copy into twelve cardsone set of whitecar s an one set o gray car s. Clip each set o car sogether.


    1. Put stu ents in li e-a ility pairs. Give each pair aset of car s.

    2. Tell Student A to shuffle the white cards and tellStu ent B to shu le the gray car s. Have eachstudent put his/her cards faceup on his/her desk.

    3. Explain that students are going to work togetherto ma e six i erent conversations wit t e car s.

    Tell students that Speaker A always begins theconversation (white car s).

    4. Mo el the activity. Pull out the irst Spea er Awhite card marked #1 and read What do wenee rom t e store?As the class to loo or theresponse in the Speaker B cards (gray cards): enee a ga on o mi an a oa o rea . When astudent finds it, have the student call it out soeveryone can in it.

    5. Tell stu ents to continue in pairs y choosing thenext question or Spea er A.

    6. Circulate during the activity to make surestu ents matche ialogues are correct.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level:Have pre-level stu ents wor with only oneconversation at a time. In addition, have them copy

    own the complete (uncut) conversations e ore tryingto put them together.


    I some pairs complete the activity e ore the rest o theclass, have partners take turns picking up card with aquestion on it. T e ot er partner respon s in is or er

    own wor s.

    Mix and Match Conversations: Talk about Food

    Grouping PairsTarget Language Talk about food shopping, likes and dislikes, ordering at a restaurant Materials ct v ty Master 28

    Class Time minutes

    Unit 6 Lesson 6 Future Intro pages 106107

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 57Copyright2010byPearsonEducation,Inc.Per



    Unit 6 Lesson 6 Act v ty Master 2

    Mix and Match Conversations: Talk about Food

    1. A: What do we need from the store?

    B: We need a gallon of milk and a loaf of


    2. A: Do we need any vegetables? B: Yes. We need carrots and peas.

    3. A: Do we need eggs? B: No. We have eggs.

    . A: Good morning. Can I take your

    order?B: Hi. Id like cereal and coffee.

    . A: Do you like fruit? : e app es an ananas. on t epears.

    6. A: Do you like vegetables? B: Yes. I like carrots and peas.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    58 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 29, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Give a copy of Activity Master 29 to each student.

    2. Exp ain t at stu ents are going to i in t emissing words.

    3. Make sure stu ents un erstan the scene: Amother an son are sitting at a ta le in the

    itchen. The son has a owl of cereal in front ofhim. He eats cereal for breakfast, lunch, and

    inner. He oesn t li e anything else.

    4. Ask the following questions to get students to talkabout the picture:

    at oo s on t e ta e to e icit cerea y ist e mot er un appy?(to elicit er son eats cereaor break ast, lunch, and dinner) What oodsoesn t t e son i e?(to elicitpanca es,

    hamburgers, tacos hat does he eat for lunch?W at oo oesnt e i e? W at e se oesnt e i e?

    5. Have stu ents report their i eas to the class.Encourage them to explain what they see in thepicture.

    6. Have stu ents wor in cross-a i ity pairs to i inthe missing words in the story. Then have them

    practice rea ing the story together.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve :Have stu ents copy t e story in t eirnotebooks.

    Above-level: Have students work with a partner to

    rite about what foods they like and dont like.


    Write the story on an overhead projector transparency.This way you can photocopy the story for the followingclass an have stu ents rerea the text in pairs.


    Above-level students can write a new story about achil who only eats one oo .

    Picture-based Story: He likes cereal.

    Grouping Whole class an then pairsTarget Language Foods, ikes/doesnt like Materials ct v ty Master 2

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 6 Lesson 7 Future Intro pages 108109

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 59Co




    Jack usually eats for breakfast.

    He doesnt like .

    He usually eats for lunch.

    e doesnt like .

    e usually eats for dinner.

    He doesnt like .

    He eats for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    Unit 6 Lesson 7 Act v ty Master 2

    Picture-based Story: He likes cereal.

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    60 uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 30, one or every our stu ents.


    1. Put students in cross-ability pairs. Each pair is a

    team. Put two teams toget er to p ay t e game.Give each group of four a copy of ActivityMaster 30, a coin, an two mar ers.

    2. Explain that the stu ents are going to play a oargame. Here are the rules:

    Pair 1 flips a coin to move. Heads means theteam moves its mar er ahea two squares; tailsmeans the team moves its marker ahea onesquare.

    Pair 1 moves t e mar er to a square. Stu ent

    puts the words in the correct order to form aquestion. Stu ent B answers the question withtrue information. Pair 2 listens to make surePair 1 s answer is correct.

    I Pair 1 s answer is correct, Pair 2 ta es a turn.

    I Pair 1 s answer is incorrect, Pair 1 moves themarker back one square and Pair 2 takes a turn.

    I a pair lan s on a square that alrea y has amar er on it, the pair gets to move orwar ones ua e.

    The irst pair to reach FINISH wins.

    3. Circulate uring the activity to ma e surestu ents answers are correct.

    Answer Key

    Answers to questions will vary.

    1. Do you like apples?

    2. What do you eat for lunch?

    3. Do you like onions?

    4. What do you need from the store?

    5. Do you like peppers?

    6. Do you like vegetables?

    7. What do you eat for breakfast?

    8. Do you like hamburgers?

    9. What do you eat for dinner?

    10. Do you eat chicken?

    11. Do you like coffee?

    Board Game:What food do you like?

    Grouping Groups o ourTarget Language egetables, fruits, o/dont, does/doesnt, need Materials Activity Master 30, a coin, two mar ers or each group

    Class Time 5 minutes

    Unit 6 Review Future Intro pages 110111

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    uture Intro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 61Co




    Unit 6 Review Act v ty Master 3

    Board Game:What food do you like?

    apples? / you /Do / like

    or lunch? / eat /What / you / do

    ike / you /Do / onions?

    like / coffee? /o / you

    from the store? / do /What / need / you

    eat / Do /chicken? / you

    peppers? / like /you / Do

    What / or dinner? /you / do / eat

    hamburgers? / you /Do / like

    eat / or break ast? /you / What / do

    Do / vegetables? /ike / you




  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    62 uture ntro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 31, one or eac stu ent.


    1. Put students in like-ability pairs. Give a copy of

    Activity Master 31 to eac stu ent.

    2. Explain that students are going to draw a pictureof their apartment or an imagined apartment andthen escri e it to their partner. Stu ents will irst

    raw the rooms of their own apartment in theempty ox using the wor ox at the top o thepage. Then they will describe the apartment totheir partner.

    3. Mo el the activity. Play the part o Stu ent A. Forexample:

    A: There are three rooms. It has a large kitchen.

    B: Point to a room. Is this the living room?

    : Yes, an t e itc en is ere. Points to a room.

    : It as one e room?

    A: Yes.

    4. Give stu ents 5 minutes to p an an raw t eirown apartment. Then have them begin describingtheir apartment to their partners.

    5. Circulate uring the activity to help stu ents toescribe their drawings, for example, The bedroom

    is next to t e itc en.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre- eve :Put pre- eve stu ents an a ove- evestudents in pairs to do the activity.

    Above-level: Have students draw their partnersapartments on a lan piece o paper. Then have themcompare drawings to see if they match.


    I some pairs inish e ore the rest o the class, havethem write sentences about their partners apartment.For example:

    T ere is a ig itc en, a sma iving room, abathroom, and a bedroom.

    Unit 7 Lesson 2 Future Intro pages 116117

    Drawing: My Apartment

    Grouping Pa rsTargetLangua ge Rooms o the house, t ere is, t ere are, it as Materials Activity Master 31

    Class Time 25 minutes

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro






    uture ntro Multilevel ommunicative Activities 63

    Unit 7 Lesson 2 Act v ty Master 3

    Drawing: My Apartment

    Rooms of the House

    itchen bathroom dining room bedroom closet living room

    My Apartment

  • 8/13/2019 Future MCA Intro


    64 uture ntro Multilevel ommunicative Activities

    Teacher Preparation

    opy Activity Master 32, one for each student.


    1. Put stu ents in cross-a ility pairs. Give a copy o

    Activity Master 32 to each student.

    2. Explain that the students are going to interviewtheir partners, as ing what urniture they have intheir home.

    3. Write the following on the board:

    Is there a stove Yes No

    Yes, there is.

    No, there isn t.

    Explain that Stu ent B nee s to answer thequestion with true information about his or her

    ome. Stu ent A wi put a c ec in t e Yes or Nocolumn.

    4. Have students look at the paper and follow alongas you play the part o Stu ent A. Wal arounthe classroom and stop at the desk of ana ove-level stu ent. As him or her to play thepart of Student B. Then model the dialogue:

    A: Is there a stove?

    : Yes, there is.


    : o, t ere isn t.

    A: Put a chec mar un er either es o.

    5. Continue to play the role of Student A. Walkaround the classroom. Stop at the desk of apre- eve stu ent. As im or er to p ay t e partof Student B. Ask the student the same question,an give a itional support as nee e .

    6. Explain that a ter Stu ent B answers all o thequestions Student A asks, they reverse roles.Stu ent A will now answer the questions an

    Student B will ask the questions.

    7. Circulate during the activity to help students asan answer the questions. Ma e sure they arechecking the correct column.

    Multilevel Options

    Pre-level:During the activity, have pre-level stu entsrefer to the model dialogue on the board for support.

    Above-level:Challenge above-level students to writesentences a out their partner s home.


    Have students create additional questions using otherurniture. Have them write their true answers a outurniture in their notebooks.

    Unit 7 Lesson 3 Future Intro pages 118119
