8/8/2019 Future of the Midland Mainline & HSR Link http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/future-of-the-midland-mainline-hsr-link 1/12 FUTURE OF THE MIDLAND MAIN LINE The Case for the Upgrade and Electrification of the Midland Main Line and a link to HS2 City Region S H E F F I E L D S H E F F I E L D

Future of the Midland Mainline & HSR Link

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FUTURE OF THE MIDLAND MAIN LINEThe Case for the Upgrade and Electrification of the Midland Main Line and a link to HS2

City Region


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 This report by Arup with Volterra sets out the main benefits that

would be generated by connecting the Midland Main Line (MML)

to the proposed new high speed rail route (High Speed 2, HS2)

via the Birmingham to Derby Line.

Upgrading and electrifying the Midland Main Line is the

immediate priority for the East Midlands and Sheffield City

Region. Over the longer term there is a strong case for

developing a High Speed Rail network that links London to the

 Three Cities and on to the Sheffield City Region, and beyond to

the Leeds City Region and the North East. The development of 

a High Speed Rail network and the upgrade and electrification

of the Midland Main Line are not mutually exclusive options;

together they can form a coherent long term strategy for the

development of the rail network serving the eastern side of 


 A direct dedicated route to the East Midlands and the Sheffield

City Region is unlikely to be in the first phase of the developmentof a national high speed network. An interim solution could be

to enable High Speed Rail services to access the Three Cities

and Sheffield by running on the proposed first phase of the

network between London and the West Midlands, and then at

conventional speeds on the upgraded and electrified Midland

Main Line.

HS2 will connect London to the West Midlands, significantly

reducing journey times, and this could offer benefits for other

areas too. In order to be connected to HS2, the Midland Main

Line would need to be electrified and upgraded, points which

are discussed in a separate report 1. Furthermore, part of the

Birmingham to Derby Line would also need electrifying and

a junction to link HS2 to the Birmingham to Derby Line. This

would enable high speed services from London, and potentially

Heathrow, to serve the Three Cities area (Derby, Leicester and

Nottingham) and Sheffield. These trains would run from London

towards the West Midlands using a dedicated alignment at

speeds up to 200 mph. Trains would then join the existing

Birmingham to Derby Line and the MML (assuming they have

been upgraded and electrified) and run at speeds up to 125 mph

to Sheffield.

Main Findings

 There would be significant benefits from connecting HS2 to the

MML and running high speed rail services from London to the

 Three Cities and Sheffield.

 Journey time savings• . A link between the upgraded and

electrified MML and HS2 could deliver further journey time

savings (in addition to those delivered through MML upgrade

and electrification) of around 17 minutes between London

and Derby / Sheffield. This would bring these places within

an easier days travel to London for business travellers.Significantly this would bring Sheffield easily within the

economically important threshold of two hours to London.

Capacity relief on existing lines.•  A link to HS2 could free

up capacity on the existing line to enable additional local

services to be introduced as demand grows. This will be of 

particular benefit to intermediate locations closer to London

which may not be directly served by a High Speed line, but

would experience an increased service frequency via the

MML, enabling more people to access higher value jobs.

 There would also be greater capacity on the line for freight


Boosting the economic performance of the Sheffield City •

Region and the Three Cities areas as well as London. A

High Speed link would dramatically reduce journey times to

London from the Sheffield City Region and the Three Cities.

 This would help to improve the strategic connectivity of these

areas. For example, it could play a pivotal role connecting

the creative and digital industries and the advanced

manufacturing sector in the Sheffield City Region to London

and European markets. In addition to substantial standard

transport user benefits, the MML-HS2 link could deliver

productivity gains of around £75 million per annum, or a 60

year Net Present Value of £2.2-3.2 billion, in 2002 prices.

Enhancing the image and profile of Sheffield and the•

Three Cities. Providing access to the High Speed network

and electrifying the MML will enhance the profile and the

image of the main towns and cities on the line, increasing

their attractiveness as locations in which to do business and


 Access to the international gateway of Heathrow.•  A

High Speed link could provide direct access to Heathrow

and Crossrail, providing a step-change in the international

connectivity of the Three Cities and Sheffield City Region.

Establishing the principle of a High Speed route to the•

East Midlands, Yorkshire and North East. By linking up to

HS2 there is a precedent set to extend over the longer term

the High Speed network to the Three Cities, Sheffield City

Region and beyond.

1See, The Case for the Upgrade and Electrification of the Midland Main Line, South Yorkshire

Passenger Transport Executive and East Midlands Development Agency

St Pancras Station


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Electrification and line speed improvements to the MML could

reduce journey times between London and Sheffield. The

conservative estimate of journey time savings is around 12

minutes. However, the scope to deliver further journey time

savings on the Midland Main Line in a way that offers good value

for money is limited. Consequently, alternative ideas and optionsare needed. This section considers the engineering feasibility of 

a connection to the proposed High Speed Rail network, possibly

in the Tamworth area. There are also a number of operational

issues which would need to be addressed.


SYPTE and emda have commissioned Arup with Volterra

to review the potential benefits that could be delivered from

electrification of the MML and part of the Birmingham to Derby

Line, plus a connection to the proposed High Speed Rail

network. This could be a relatively low cost way to spread the

benefits and is being actively considered by HS2. Arup hasexamined the potential journey time reductions that could be

delivered for the MML. A package of line speed improvements

set out in Network Rail’s Business Plan for Control Period 4

(2009-2014) could reduce journey times by around eight minutes

between London and Sheffield. Electrification could reduce

timings by an additional three to four minutes. Based on the

current journey times, these improvements could reduce London

to Sheffield timings to around 116 minutes. These improvements

would generate substantial financial and economic benefits, and

these would exceed the capital costs. Therefore, the package

represents very good value for money.

Once the planned upgrades and the suggested electrification

of the line have been delivered, new methods to reduce journey

times that offer good value for money will be needed. Network

Rail, in conjunction with other stakeholders, has examined

the feasibility of delivering more comprehensive infrastructure

schemes. The scope for introducing tilting electric trains, (similar

to the Class 390 Pendolinos deployed on the West Coast Main

Line), to reduce journey t imes was also examined. However,

these studies failed to demonstrate a sufficient level of benefits

to make them worthwhile. As a result, alternative ideas and

options are needed to achieve further reductions in journey times

between Sheffield and London.

High Speed 1, Temple Mills Depot © Daniel Clements

Sheffield Station


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 There are similar timetabling issues between Derby and Sheffield.

 The relatively high service frequencies, different operating

speeds and stopping patterns affect capacity, particularly on the

approach to Sheffield station. The fastest current journey time

between Derby and Sheffield is about 30-34 minutes, and there

will be a need to ensure these timings can also be achieved

for the High Speed services. In particular, the capacity issues

between Dore and Sheffield will need to be carefully addressed.

 The delivery of improvements at Dore Junction during Control

Period 5 of Network Rail’s Business Plan will help to alleviate

some of these constraints.

Engineering and Operational Feasibility

Engineering Issues

 A new connection from HS2 onto the Birmingham to Derby

Line - possibly in the Tamworth area - could deliver additional

 journey time benefits for both the Three Cities and Sheffield.

 The High Speed Rail development company established by the

Government (HS2 Ltd) is considering the scope for extending

High Speed services beyond the West Midlands using other

High Speed alignments or existing “classic” rail lines. Such a

connection would need to be designed to help minimise theoverall journey times and address possible capacity constraints

which could affect trains using either route.

 This approach has been adopted elsewhere, for instance in

France, where High Speed TGV services run on dedicated High

Speed lines, and then continue at lower speeds on conventional

rail routes shared with other (non High Speed) services.

Operational Considerations

It is understood HS2 will be able to accommodate up to 15

trains per hour (tph) in each direction. This, along with services

diverted from the existing WCML route could provide ample

space in the timetable scope for hourly High Speed services to

 Three Cities and Sheffield. Further work is needed to develop the

service pattern. Figure 3.1 presents the potential measures that

would be needed to create a High Speed rail connection and the

associated journey times that this would generate.

 There are a number of operational issues to consider between

both Tamworth and Derby, and Derby to Sheffield. The section

between Tamworth and Derby is mainly double track, although

there are freight loops in the Burton on Trent area that enable

passenger trains to overtake. There are also freight lines from

Peartree to Derby. In developing a timetable for the High Speed

rail service there will be a need to avoid conflicts with the CrossCountry services to the North East and Scotland via Sheffield,

plus the Birmingham to Nottingham trains. These services are

operated by 125 mph and 100 mph rolling stock respectively,

and there are differences in stopping patterns between

Birmingham and Derby that could affect the timing of the High

Speed Rail service. There are also significant freight flows to

consider, which may themselves increase as a result of the

greater capacity on the line.

Sheffield Station


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 An option for linking the Midland

Main Line to the proposed new

High Speed 2 route

This diagram shows the estimated journey times for 

High Speed Rail services between Sheffield, Three

Cities and London via an upgraded / electrified 

Midland Main Line and a link to High Speed 2

West Yorkshire and the North East


Luton Airport Parkway




Market Harborough






Rotherham (freight only)




Burton on Trent

East Midlands Parkway


Long Eaton

Nuneaton & Birmingham

Beeston Nottingham




Peterborough & Haven Ports

New High Speed

rail corridor,

alignment to be


Line speed


to cut journey

times by 2




delivered by


Not to Scale





Clay Cross



Trent Junction

Freight loops inthe Peartree area

New junction to be constructed

in the Tamworth area

Dore Junction


Total Estimated Journey Time

Estimated Journey Time

Estimated Journey Time

Estimated Journey Time

Figure 3.1: Estimated Journey Times Between London and Sheffield via HSR


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 A separate study has examined the potential journey time

reductions that could be achieved between Sheffield and

London as a result of upgrading the MML. Analysis suggested

a package of line speed improvements and electrification could

reduce timings from the current 127 minutes to 116 minutes.

 The enhanced MML timings provide a useful comparator to

High Speed rail improvements. The following summarises the

estimated journey times, presented for each of the main routesections.

Route Section Estimated Journey Time (mins)

London to Tamworth 50

  Tamworth to Derby 20

Derby station (dwell time) 2

Derby to Sheffield 30

 Total 102

Notes: This dwell time exists to enable people to alight from and board the train

High Speed 1, crossing Medway Bridge

Sheffield Station

Table 3.1: Estimated Journey Times Between London and Sheffield via HSR

 There is ongoing work to identify the likely operating speeds

for the new High Speed route. The indicative timings for the

London to Tamworth section may need to be refined once further

details of the potential High Speed alignment emerge, whilst

the remaining timings are based on line speeds on conventional

routes of up to 125 mph. The timings between Sheffield and

Derby reflect the fastest current journey time, but do not

include the potential line speed improvements. These timing

assumptions reflect the capacity constraints highlighted earlier,

particularly between Dore and Sheffield, that could affect timings.

 The results presented in Table 3.1 suggest there is potential

to cut journey times to 102 minutes between Sheffield and

London. This would save about 14 minutes compared with the

MML upgrade option (102 minutes), and by about 25 minutes

compared with the existing service (127 minutes).

 A High Speed route from London to the West Midlands would

release capacity on the existing West Coast Main Line (WCML),

and this could be utilised for a new Sheffield service. The recent

WCML line speed improvements mean journey times between

London and Tamworth have been reduced to about an hour.

Whilst this option would achieve similar journey time savings

compared with the upgraded and electrified MML, it would also

relieve capacity on the southern part of the route.


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In addition to the journey time improvements between London

and Sheffield that would generate new revenue, the new

service via High Speed Rail could also deliver other benefits.

For example, diverting a Sheffield service via HS2 could enable

the total number of trains between the Sheffield City Region,

East Midlands and London to be increased, enabling overall

capacities to be boosted. The following summarises the likely

change in hourly line capacities in each direction:

Existing capacities per hour, per direction:

248 seats from Derby;•

342 seats from Sheffield;•

457 seats from Nottingham;•

457 seats from Nottingham; and•

 Total 1504 seats.•

Future capacities per hour per direction:

 As above, plus 550-600 seats from Sheffield (estimated);•

and Total 2,054-2,104 seats, equating to a 32-40% increase•

in the number of seats from the East Midlands / South

 Yorkshire to London.

 The additional capacity would help to support future demand

growth on the MML route, and help to generate wider economic

benefits (see section 5 below).

In addition to the extra capacity, there may be scope to modify

the MML timetable, by reducing journey times between the major


 The benefits of releasing capacity onto the enhanced MML for

East Midlands cities and towns are likely to be substantial and

should be included in the wider business case assessment.



Measuring Costs and Benefits

 The methodology to calculate the wider economic benefits

associated with a High Speed Rail service between Sheffield, the

 Three Cities and London is highly complex. None of the business

cases examining High Speed Rail to date have examined the

merits of a Sheffield service via HS2. As a result, many of these

impacts have been examined in a qualitative rather than aquantitative manner.

Wider economic benefits (WEBs) calculations capture the

productivity and labour market benefits from bringing places

closer together. The rationale underpinning this assumption is

that firms which cluster together tend to be more productive. The

largest two contributors to WEBs are:

‘pure agglomeration’, which captures the benefits of bringing•

places and economic activity effectively closer together by

reducing journey times, supporting business growth and the

intertwining of markets. Bringing businesses closer together

in this manner frequently increases their productivity; and‘move to more productive jobs’ that captures the benefits of •

enabling more people to commute to more productive, better

paid jobs, either by reducing journey times and thus making

routes more attractive, or by relieving capacity constraints on

existing congested commuter lines.

Whilst the WEBs methodology captures some of the benefits of 

High Speed Rail it is important to note that it has its limitations.

 The approach evolved to capture the commuter benefits of 

Crossrail and thus focuses upon the benefits of relieving capacity

constraints and the accessibility to a single productive business

area. The potential benefits of transforming the economic

geography of the country which could be achieved through High

Speed Rail are therefore not fully captured.


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Source: Volterra calculation, range of outputs shown in brackets

Source: Volterra calculation, range of outputs shown in brackets

St Pancras Station

Distinguishing between types of Wider Economic


 As detailed above, the two main elements of the WEBs

methodology are ‘pure agglomeration’ and ‘move to more

productive jobs’, and these benefits are examined below. ‘Pure

agglomeration’ and ‘move to more productive jobs’ benefits

value different types of productivity impacts and are therefore

completely additional to one another.

 The savings enabled by linking the MML via the potential HS2 to

London will significantly reduce journey times, thereby makingthe economic centres of Derby, Nottingham, Leicester and

Sheffield closer to the economic hub of London.

It is generally accepted that journey times of under an hour begin

to appeal as commuter routes and journey times up to 2-3 hours

allow businesses to carry out face to face day meetings on a

semi-regular basis. Journey times of over 3 hours are associated

with less frequent business travel, for which air travel begins to


Journeys from Sheffield and the Three Cities to London therefore

fall into the middle category and reductions in these journey

times will make it easier for people doing business and attending

meetings in the capital, rather than those commuting on a daily

basis. This kind of benefit is valued by the ‘pure agglomeration’


In addition to this, a link onto HS2 would divert trains from the

 Three Cities and Sheffield onto this route which would free up

subsequent capacity on the southern part of the route. This

would enable more trains to run on this line, making it a more

feasible option for commuters. This kind of benefit is valued by

the ‘move to more productive jobs’ calculations.

Estimates made in this report of the WEBs for a link from HS2 to

the MML have been based on a series of assumptions. Due to

changes in DfT Guidance and the use of different study areas,

these assumptions are different to those adopted for other

recent work for emda and the Sheffield and Leeds City Regions

on the economic benefits of High Speed Rail. It is therefore not

appropriate to make direct comparisons of the WEBs estimates

across these different reports.

Estimates of ‘pure agglomeration’

 The WEBs methodology on ‘pure agglomeration’ has been used

to estimate the benefits of bringing businesses across the study

area closer together. We have used the latest DfT guidance and

the estimated journey time savings detailed in Section 3 in order

to carry out a high level analysis of these benefits. We estimate

that linking the MML via HS2 will create annual productivity

benefits of £50-70 million, in 2002 prices. The distribution of 

these benefits are shown in Table 5.1.

   Annual Productivity Gains

(£m, 2002 prices) MML &


Sheffield CR 18.7 (15.5-18.7)

Derby HMA 16.6 (15.7-21.6)

Leicester HMA 0.6 (0.6-0.9)

Nottingham HMA 2.7 (2.4-2.8)

London 20.7 (19.1-22.9)

Total 59.4 (53.3-66.9)

Less Sheffield 40.7 (37.8-48.2)

 The largest productivity benefits accrue to the Sheffield City

Region and Derby Housing Market Area (HMA). This is due

to the large time and frequency savings created from these

places. Some benefits also accrue to Leicester and Nottingham

HMAs, as a result of the greater capacity available on the MML,but fewer places in these areas benefit from time savings and

therefore lower productivity gains benefits are estimated.

London also benefits from linking the MML to HS2 as bringing

the UK’s main economic hub closer to businesses in Sheffield.

Hence, London receives around a third of the estimated benefits.

 The annual productivity benefits of £50-70 million equate to a

60 year Net Present Value (NPV) of some £2-2.4 billion. The

distribution of benefits is shown in Table 5.2.

Table 5.1: The Distribution of Annual Productivity Gains

Table 5.2: 60 year NPV of linking the MML to HS2

60yr NPV (£m, 2002 prices)


 Total 2,170 (2,000–2,400)

East Midlands 730 (700–900)

Sheffield City Region 680 (600–700)

 These benefits are additional to any standard transport benefits

from capacity relief, frequency improvements, fewer accidents

etc. The estimates represent the productivity benefit of bringing

businesses closer together. This would include the benefit of 

being able to access and interact with more businesses more

easily, which is a direct consequence of improved connectivity.


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Source: Census 2001 commuting data from NOMIS

Digital Map Data © Collins Barthomolew Ltd 2009 & Crown Copyright © Overview Mapping 2009

Using the difference in GDP created across sectors in London

in comparison to the Three Cities and Sheffield City Regions,

we estimate that increased commuting to more productive jobs

in London could result in £13.5-15 million of annual productivity

gains in 2002 prices, or a 60 year Net Present Value of £0.5-

0.55 billion. This is a significant productivity benefit and it would

accrue partly to businesses in London as a result of having

access to more workers, and partly to the Three Cities and the

Sheffield City Region as these workers take their higher earnings

home and spend more money locally, thus creating knock-on

local benefits. Even these high level illustrative calculations

show that this effect could lead to real and significant productivity


Derby Station Sheffield Station

GVA per worker (2006), £

(in 2002 prices)



Construction Manufacturing Producer Services

Sheffield CR 27,600–32,500 41,200–52,400 40,900–54,100 50,600–71,300

Derby HMA 30,300–32,300 44,500–52,400 53,100–67,800 70,100–71,300

Leicester HMA 33,700–34,000 36,000–50,000 48,000–53,100 55,200–64,400

Nottingham HMA 30,600–33,200 37,700–52,400 51,400–57,300 55,800–71,300

London 42,100–46,000 67,500–80,200 56,000–80,000 57,400–101,900

Figure 5.1: Commuting to London

Table 5.3: 2006 GDP per worker (£, in 2002 prices)

Source: DfT Economic Dataset

Estimates of ‘move to more productive jobs’

 The ‘move to more productive jobs’ aspect of WEBs is additional

to ‘pure agglomeration’ and is intended to capture the benefits

of enabling more people to commute to more productive, better

paid jobs. This would be achieved by either reducing journey

times and thus making routes more attractive, or relieving

capacity constraints on existing commuter routes affected by


 As Figure 5.1 shows, some commuting to London already

occurs from the southern part of the East Midlands Region. A linkonto HS2 would divert trains from the Three Cities and Sheffield

onto this route would help to release capacity to benefit stations

in the southern part of the region. This would enable more trains

to run on this line making it a more feasible option for commuters

in this area.

Illustrative high level estimates have been made based on very

transparent assumptions 2, to give an indication of the potential

extent of benefits from this commuting effect.

 An analysis of productivity across the East Midlands and the

Sheffield City Region in comparison with London highlights the

areas which would be likely to benefit the most from an electrified

MML and a link to HS2. Table 5.3 summarises Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) per worker across the study area in different


2 These are based on additional capacity of 550-600 seats per hour between Sheffield and

London with 50% of this new capacity utilised by new commuters (the remainder could be

represent modal shift from cars) and the peak lasting two hours. We assume that the additional

capacity is taken by people from a range of origin destinations. The results are not very sensitive

to the origin assumptions as the productivity differential across the study area does not vary



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Source: Volterra Calculation

Unquantifiable Potential Benefits

 The nature of the WEBs methodology means that it quantifies

the benefits of improving accessibility to key business areas

and how transport can improve productivity. However, the

principal function of High Speed Rail is transforming the future

development of the country’s economic geography. The

WEBs approach currently does not capture these potential

transformational impacts of transport investment.

 The key limitation of existing techniques is taking a baseline

assumption of the current and planned residents and jobs

across the country. This means that the models do not allow for

a project to shape the types of future development that occur

as a result of investment in High Speed Rail. Therefore, the

models are not fit for the purpose to estimate the impacts of 

investment in wholly new transport links upon location decisions

and the interconnectivity of towns, cities and regions. Hence the

potential benefits estimated in the previous section are likely to

underestimate the impact of High Speed Rail.

 There are a variety of additional factors which might result from

improved access via High Speed Rail. Some are monetised but

difficult to quantify because causation is far from tested and

agreed. Others are unlikely to be quantified in monetary terms,and could include:

Quantifiable / Monetary:

Increased development;•

Increased inward investment; and•

Higher value rents and property values.•

Unquantifiable / Non-monetary:

 Improved image and profile;•

Fostering community pride and cohesion; and•

 Visitor attraction, tourism linked benefits.•

Connectivity to Heathrow Airport

Existing connectivity between South Yorkshire and Heathrow

 Airport is relatively poor. From St Pancras, the Underground link

from central London to Heathrow is relatively slow. The Heathrow

Express does offer a faster journey time, but passengers need to

make a further interchange.

 As part of the wider evaluation, HS2 Ltd is reviewing the options

to serve Heathrow Airport using High Speed Rail. The fast, direct

access to the Airport provided by a High Speed Rail connection

would help to transform connectivity from South Yorkshire. In

2008 there were around 163,000 journeys to Sheffield andaround 650,000 journeys to the Three Cities by passengers

travelling to Heathrow Airport. A High Speed Rail link could

encourage modal shift from car to rail and thus enable a more

feasible lower carbon alternative mode of transport.


 This study has considered the benefits which could be achieved

by linking an enhanced MML to HS2. There is a strong case

for this option as an interim solution prior to the development of 

a national high speed rail network. Other recent studies have

considered the benefits of different options for a dedicated

high speed network to serve the Three Cities, the Sheffield CityRegion, and on to the Leeds City region and North East. These

studies also found strong economic cases. The results of the

three studies should not be directly compared due to revisions

to guidance, different study areas and different methodologies.

 The over-arching finding is that the productivity benefits of high

speed rail serving the economies of the Three Cities, Sheffield

City Region, the Leeds City Region and the North East would be

significant and there is a strong case for a high speed network

serving these locations. This should be considered as part of the

ongoing assessment of the future UK high speed rail network.

Exact routing options will need to be determined in more detail in

the future.

St Pancras Station

Summary of Wider Economic Benefits

 Table 5.4 summarises the WEBs which have been estimated.

 The MML link to HS2 would deliver significant time savings to

London. This could result in pure agglomeration benefits of 

£2-2.4 billion and a further £0.5 billion from potential move-to-

more-productive-jobs. These benefits are very significant and

support the case to investigate the potential to deliver this High

Speed Rail option linking to the East Midlands and Yorkshire.

60yr NPVs(£m, 2002 prices)

Pure agglomeration

Total 2,170 (2,000–2,400)

East Midlands 730 (700–900)

Sheffield City Region 680 (600–700)

Move to more productive


Total 540 (270-800)

Table 5.4: Estimated WEBs benefits


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High Speed 1 © Daniel Clements


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For further information please contact:

Tom Bridges


t: +44 (0)113 242 8498

e: [email protected]

Steve Harley

East Midlands Development Agency

t: +44 (0)115 988 8426

e: [email protected]

Ben Still


t: +44 (0)114 221 1312

e: [email protected]

December 2009

Sylvia Yates

Sheffield City Region

t: +44 (0)114 263 5684

e: [email protected]

City RegionS H E F F I E L DS H E F F I E L D