The Automated Technology Group has revealed its vision for the future – including a new and distinctive brand image – and the changes have been widely welcomed across the group. The new branding encompasses not only a new logo but also new vehicle liveries, corporate clothing, workspace decoration, web presence, printed materials and business presentations. The rebranding is only one element of a fundamental rethinking of The Automated Technology Group. Explains Andy Robinson, CEO, We are embarking on a new phase in The Automated Technology Group's journey. Our vision for the future demands a unified business that is focused on meeting customers’ evolving needs. We’re excited about our new branding but it is merely an outward sign of significant internal change. With a strong and highly motivated team providing intelligent and future-oriented solutions, we have a bright future ahead.FUTURE VISION UNVEILED Inside this issue: News across the group May 2014 Issue 5 SHOW VISITORS GET SNEAK PEEK OF NEW BRAND IDENTITY FESTIVE FROLICS AT THE GROUP CHRISTMAS PARTY ACADEMY CAR ON SHOW PANEL SHOP FORUM CREATED SPONSORSHIP NEWS www.atg.gb.com SPOTLIGHT ON DARREN ASHFORD

FUTURE VISION UNVEILED · The Cuckoo’s Nest and Quadrophenia, What’s your favourite pastime? I now enjoy riding and restoring Lambrettas. It used to be football but age took over

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Page 1: FUTURE VISION UNVEILED · The Cuckoo’s Nest and Quadrophenia, What’s your favourite pastime? I now enjoy riding and restoring Lambrettas. It used to be football but age took over

The Automated Technology Grouphas revealed its vision for the future –

including a new and distinctive brandimage – and the changes have beenwidely welcomed across the group. The new branding encompasses not onlya new logo but also new vehicle liveries,corporate clothing, workspacedecoration, web presence, printedmaterials and business presentations.

The rebranding is only one element of afundamental rethinking of The Automated

Technology Group. Explains AndyRobinson, CEO, “We are embarking ona new phase in The AutomatedTechnology Group's journey. Our visionfor the future demands a unifiedbusiness that is focused on meetingcustomers’ evolving needs. We’reexcited about our new branding but itis merely an outward sign of significantinternal change. With a strong andhighly motivated team providingintelligent and future-oriented solutions,we have a bright future ahead.”


Inside this issue:

News across the group

May 2014 Issue 5

What brought you into thisindustry?Back in 1988, a friend of a friend offeredme some work in Port Talbot. I said tomyself that I would do this type of work for two years to earn some money. How wrong was I?!

What’s the most exciting thingabout your job?Expecting the unexpected; you neverknow what each day will bring.

Who inspired you most in your career?That’s difficult to say, as I’ve met manygood people throughout the years but Ialways enjoy working with people who gothe extra mile.

If you were an item in awarehouse, what would you be?Probably a fork-lift truck as it’s the fastest thingin there and I like life to be at 100 mph.

If you had to do it all again,what would you do differently?Nothing. I think I’ve been dealt every cardin the pack during my life and I’veenjoyed the way things have developedtoo much to want to change it.

What is the most embarrassingthing that’s ever happened to you?Putting my hand up at school when askedwho believed in Father Christmas…I was11 at the time, ha ha!

Who or what makes you laugh?Anyone who can tell a joke or a funnystory and deliver it well.

Do you have any hidden talents?As a shy and retiring type, ermm…notreally – I think everyone is aware ofanything I do.

If you won the lottery, whatwould you do?I did but the £40 didn’t go very far!

What’s your favourite book of all time?Due to my hectic lifestyle, I don’t have the time to read so this would have to goback to school days and nothing sticks inmy head. Although, I did start reading theKama Sutra but couldn’t get past page 3.

Who would be your perfectparty guest?Male: Lee Evans…crazy, funny man.Female: Cheryl Cole…because she is fit – but she has got to stop stalking me!

What is your guilty pleasure?Honey roast peanuts. If it hadn’t been forthese, I probably wouldn’t have survivedas they have been my balanced eveningmeal for 15 years.

Do you have any secretambitions?It wouldn’t be a secret if I told you…however, I would like to ride Route 66 onmy scooter.

What’s your dream holidaydestination?The Caribbean.

Name your three favouritemovies of all time.The Italian Job (original), One Flew OverThe Cuckoo’s Nest and Quadrophenia,

What’s your favourite pastime?I now enjoy riding and restoringLambrettas. It used to be football but agetook over – the only problem is that I stillthink I can play.






In the latest of our series ofemployee interviews, we turn thespotlight on Darren Ashford,Installations Director for Autotech.

We’ve got a jam-packed calendar ofsocial and sporting activities lined up, soput these dates in your diary now and lookout for more details nearer to each event:

Golf Day, May 2014Another golf day is being planned andwill be held at Mowsbury Golf Course inBedford, with a similar format to lastyear’s successful event.

Football Match, July 2014Another inter-company football matchis planned between two teams withinthe group. The preferred ground is stillbeing considered – watch this space!

ATG vs Mac H Football Match, May 2014Plans are afoot to organise a friendlyfootie match in May against our oldrivals, MacDonald Humfrey. More detailsto follow.

It's a Knockout Fun Day (TBC)We’re planning a fun day for all thefamily with an ‘It's a Knockout’ theme.There will be team-based games foreveryone to have a laugh!

Paintballing, SeptemberWe’ve got our sights set on a grouppaintballing event later in the year – details to follow.


If you have an idea for anevent or feedback on eventsheld to date, please feel free toemail your social committee [email protected]


Page 2: FUTURE VISION UNVEILED · The Cuckoo’s Nest and Quadrophenia, What’s your favourite pastime? I now enjoy riding and restoring Lambrettas. It used to be football but age took over

The brand-new car finally made it onto all fourwheels to feature on the 750 Motor Club standat the Autosport International show in January. It generated a lot of interest, appearing in fournational magazines and a deal has also beenagreed for the car to feature in a monthlyreport on its progress in ‘Kitcar’ magazine. We plan to get it out for testing in April and thenmake its début race at Silverstone in May.

Austen Greenway


XV Championship LeedsCarnegie vs Bedford BluesSunday 2 FebBedford lost 50-6

The Blues suffered a disastrous start whenJonah Holmes' run from deep saw himdissect the entire visiting team andcharge through under the posts withbarely a minute played. Bedford had tomake do with a James Pritchard penaltyto get their first points on the board butHughes responded with a kick through the uprights of his own to hand Leeds a10-3 advantage. Pritchard dissected theposts for Bedford moments later but theBlues' indiscipline was costing them andanother Hughes penalty rounded off thehalf with Leeds 21-6 in front. A miserableafternoon in Yorkshire drew to a close witha nasty injury to Blues man, Tom Jubb,who was carried off.


Autotech-sponsored Dunstable Town FC cutRugby Town’s lead at the top of the Calor GasDivision 1 Central League to just one pointwhen they won 3-0 at Daventry Town. Secondposition in the table means that the Duns faceplay-offs for promotion to the Premier Division.

Paul Baxter


Bedford Blues vs BristolSaturday 8 FebBedford lost again 19-32

After the opening half hour, the Blues were lucky to still be in the game after thevisitors had come firing out of the blocksto score three tries. Bedford found theirrhythm though, with Eoin Sheriff scoring hisfirst Blues try on the 31st minute beforeimpressive youngster, Aaron Morris,crossed twice to see the Blues leading 19-15. It was a tough one to take on thechin, but a hugely improved performancefollowing the disappointment atHeadingley a week earlier.

Kerry Thompson

With only nine games left toplay, Luton are dominatingthe league at 14 pointsclear – let’s hope this formcontinues to promotion.


After a 1-0 win overStockport County at TheAutotech Stadium, Solihull Moors are currently in seventh position in the English ConferenceNorth league, just one point outside the play-offpositions and with only five games left.

Matt Challinor


Senior Panel Shop personnel areleading the way in the integration ofAutotech and Igranic at shop floor leveland beyond with the establishment ofa Panel Shop Forum. ProductionManager, Gavin Lodge, has formed a select team of senior personnel fromeach company to advise on how bestto achieve the CEO’s future vision forThe Automated Technology Group. The Panel Shop Forum will meet bi-weekly to discuss and plan for theimplementation of new systems of work– covering issues such as Panel Shoplayout, new processes and procedures,health and safety, storage, wastemanagement and housekeeping.Gavin says, “Although the initialmeetings will be attended by seniorpersonnel, everyone at shop floorlevel has the opportunity to makesuggestions and be part of theprocess to create a productive,efficient and well managedenvironment for us all to work in.”

Paul Baxter


As another year goes by, so doesanother great Christmas party. We hadan amazing turnout at the Chiltern Hotelat Luton in December. The hotel roomsprovided and the late night bar wentdown a treat for those who wanted toparty for just a bit longer. I’m sure we allagree that the highlight of the night wasDarren Ashford kicking up his moves onthe dance floor, while everyoneknocked back the table wine selection!We hope you all had a great time andwe would like to thank everyone whohelped arrange this amazing night. As the feedback received was verypositive, we are currently planning theparty for Christmas 2014 – details will beconfirmed soon!

Johnny Bangs


Our vision for the future – includingour new brand strategy – has now

been unveiled. I’m pleased to say thatthe reaction has been overwhelminglypositive from staff and clients alike. We’rerenowned for our analytical approach,intelligent solutions and integrity by ourexisting customers; now we need tocommunicate this message in aprofessional way to all players in themarkets we serve.

The new strategy and brand image is a great start…but it is just that: a start. We have a fantastic new set of tools with which to present The AutomatedTechnology Group but it is up to us – all of us – to deliver that message in aconsistent and persuasive manner. We are likely to be perceived by a clientpurely in terms of the success of our latestproject. Delivering what we promise – on time – remains as important as ever. I hope you will take the responsibility tomanage our brand image seriously, as Ibelieve it will have a major impact on our

ability to win the type of key contracts that will ensure future growth – with thediversity, opportunity and challenge thatgrowth brings.

With so many synergies betweenAutotech and Igranic and so manycommon markets and clients for oursolutions, it makes sense to focus on The Automated Technology Group brand.Through one common identity, we aim toleverage fully the scale and competenceof our technical teams in order to supportour clients’ needs more comprehensively,especially when it comes to largerprojects. I see this new branding as a key milestone in the history of the group,solidifying our position as the bestindependent provider of integrated powerand control solutions in the UK.


The first public revelation of The AutomatedTechnology Group’s new branding wasthrough Igranic’s participation in DataCentre World 2014 at ExCeL in London.Dedicated to the needs of the UK’sgrowing number of data centres, theshow attracted thousands of professionalsover two days. Says Nick Reidy, BusinessDevelopment Manager for Igranic PowerSystems, “The new branding helped usto stand out and look reallyprofessional at the exhibition. Wepicked up some valuable leads fromwhat is now an important industrysector for our business and we’re nowin the process of following them up.”


Page 3: FUTURE VISION UNVEILED · The Cuckoo’s Nest and Quadrophenia, What’s your favourite pastime? I now enjoy riding and restoring Lambrettas. It used to be football but age took over

The brand-new car finally made it onto all fourwheels to feature on the 750 Motor Club standat the Autosport International show in January. It generated a lot of interest, appearing in fournational magazines and a deal has also beenagreed for the car to feature in a monthlyreport on its progress in ‘Kitcar’ magazine. We plan to get it out for testing in April and thenmake its début race at Silverstone in May.

Austen Greenway


XV Championship LeedsCarnegie vs Bedford BluesSunday 2 FebBedford lost 50-6

The Blues suffered a disastrous start whenJonah Holmes' run from deep saw himdissect the entire visiting team andcharge through under the posts withbarely a minute played. Bedford had tomake do with a James Pritchard penaltyto get their first points on the board butHughes responded with a kick through the uprights of his own to hand Leeds a10-3 advantage. Pritchard dissected theposts for Bedford moments later but theBlues' indiscipline was costing them andanother Hughes penalty rounded off thehalf with Leeds 21-6 in front. A miserableafternoon in Yorkshire drew to a close witha nasty injury to Blues man, Tom Jubb,who was carried off.


Autotech-sponsored Dunstable Town FC cutRugby Town’s lead at the top of the Calor GasDivision 1 Central League to just one pointwhen they won 3-0 at Daventry Town. Secondposition in the table means that the Duns faceplay-offs for promotion to the Premier Division.

Paul Baxter


Bedford Blues vs BristolSaturday 8 FebBedford lost again 19-32

After the opening half hour, the Blues were lucky to still be in the game after thevisitors had come firing out of the blocksto score three tries. Bedford found theirrhythm though, with Eoin Sheriff scoring hisfirst Blues try on the 31st minute beforeimpressive youngster, Aaron Morris,crossed twice to see the Blues leading 19-15. It was a tough one to take on thechin, but a hugely improved performancefollowing the disappointment atHeadingley a week earlier.

Kerry Thompson

With only nine games left toplay, Luton are dominatingthe league at 14 pointsclear – let’s hope this formcontinues to promotion.


After a 1-0 win overStockport County at TheAutotech Stadium, Solihull Moors are currently in seventh position in the English ConferenceNorth league, just one point outside the play-offpositions and with only five games left.

Matt Challinor


Senior Panel Shop personnel areleading the way in the integration ofAutotech and Igranic at shop floor leveland beyond with the establishment ofa Panel Shop Forum. ProductionManager, Gavin Lodge, has formed a select team of senior personnel fromeach company to advise on how bestto achieve the CEO’s future vision forThe Automated Technology Group. The Panel Shop Forum will meet bi-weekly to discuss and plan for theimplementation of new systems of work– covering issues such as Panel Shoplayout, new processes and procedures,health and safety, storage, wastemanagement and housekeeping.Gavin says, “Although the initialmeetings will be attended by seniorpersonnel, everyone at shop floorlevel has the opportunity to makesuggestions and be part of theprocess to create a productive,efficient and well managedenvironment for us all to work in.”

Paul Baxter


As another year goes by, so doesanother great Christmas party. We hadan amazing turnout at the Chiltern Hotelat Luton in December. The hotel roomsprovided and the late night bar wentdown a treat for those who wanted toparty for just a bit longer. I’m sure we allagree that the highlight of the night wasDarren Ashford kicking up his moves onthe dance floor, while everyoneknocked back the table wine selection!We hope you all had a great time andwe would like to thank everyone whohelped arrange this amazing night. As the feedback received was verypositive, we are currently planning theparty for Christmas 2014 – details will beconfirmed soon!

Johnny Bangs


Our vision for the future – includingour new brand strategy – has now

been unveiled. I’m pleased to say thatthe reaction has been overwhelminglypositive from staff and clients alike. We’rerenowned for our analytical approach,intelligent solutions and integrity by ourexisting customers; now we need tocommunicate this message in aprofessional way to all players in themarkets we serve.

The new strategy and brand image is a great start…but it is just that: a start. We have a fantastic new set of tools with which to present The AutomatedTechnology Group but it is up to us – all of us – to deliver that message in aconsistent and persuasive manner. We are likely to be perceived by a clientpurely in terms of the success of our latestproject. Delivering what we promise – on time – remains as important as ever. I hope you will take the responsibility tomanage our brand image seriously, as Ibelieve it will have a major impact on our

ability to win the type of key contracts that will ensure future growth – with thediversity, opportunity and challenge thatgrowth brings.

With so many synergies betweenAutotech and Igranic and so manycommon markets and clients for oursolutions, it makes sense to focus on The Automated Technology Group brand.Through one common identity, we aim toleverage fully the scale and competenceof our technical teams in order to supportour clients’ needs more comprehensively,especially when it comes to largerprojects. I see this new branding as a key milestone in the history of the group,solidifying our position as the bestindependent provider of integrated powerand control solutions in the UK.


The first public revelation of The AutomatedTechnology Group’s new branding wasthrough Igranic’s participation in DataCentre World 2014 at ExCeL in London.Dedicated to the needs of the UK’sgrowing number of data centres, theshow attracted thousands of professionalsover two days. Says Nick Reidy, BusinessDevelopment Manager for Igranic PowerSystems, “The new branding helped usto stand out and look reallyprofessional at the exhibition. Wepicked up some valuable leads fromwhat is now an important industrysector for our business and we’re nowin the process of following them up.”


Page 4: FUTURE VISION UNVEILED · The Cuckoo’s Nest and Quadrophenia, What’s your favourite pastime? I now enjoy riding and restoring Lambrettas. It used to be football but age took over

The Automated Technology Grouphas revealed its vision for the future –

including a new and distinctive brandimage – and the changes have beenwidely welcomed across the group. The new branding encompasses not onlya new logo but also new vehicle liveries,corporate clothing, workspacedecoration, web presence, printedmaterials and business presentations.

The rebranding is only one element of afundamental rethinking of The Automated

Technology Group. Explains AndyRobinson, CEO, “We are embarking ona new phase in The AutomatedTechnology Group's journey. Our visionfor the future demands a unifiedbusiness that is focused on meetingcustomers’ evolving needs. We’reexcited about our new branding but itis merely an outward sign of significantinternal change. With a strong andhighly motivated team providingintelligent and future-oriented solutions,we have a bright future ahead.”


Inside this issue:

News across the group

May 2014 Issue 5

What brought you into thisindustry?Back in 1988, a friend of a friend offeredme some work in Port Talbot. I said tomyself that I would do this type of work for two years to earn some money. How wrong was I?!

What’s the most exciting thingabout your job?Expecting the unexpected; you neverknow what each day will bring.

Who inspired you most in your career?That’s difficult to say, as I’ve met manygood people throughout the years but Ialways enjoy working with people who gothe extra mile.

If you were an item in awarehouse, what would you be?Probably a fork-lift truck as it’s the fastest thingin there and I like life to be at 100 mph.

If you had to do it all again,what would you do differently?Nothing. I think I’ve been dealt every cardin the pack during my life and I’veenjoyed the way things have developedtoo much to want to change it.

What is the most embarrassingthing that’s ever happened to you?Putting my hand up at school when askedwho believed in Father Christmas…I was11 at the time, ha ha!

Who or what makes you laugh?Anyone who can tell a joke or a funnystory and deliver it well.

Do you have any hidden talents?As a shy and retiring type, ermm…notreally – I think everyone is aware ofanything I do.

If you won the lottery, whatwould you do?I did but the £40 didn’t go very far!

What’s your favourite book of all time?Due to my hectic lifestyle, I don’t have the time to read so this would have to goback to school days and nothing sticks inmy head. Although, I did start reading theKama Sutra but couldn’t get past page 3.

Who would be your perfectparty guest?Male: Lee Evans…crazy, funny man.Female: Cheryl Cole…because she is fit – but she has got to stop stalking me!

What is your guilty pleasure?Honey roast peanuts. If it hadn’t been forthese, I probably wouldn’t have survivedas they have been my balanced eveningmeal for 15 years.

Do you have any secretambitions?It wouldn’t be a secret if I told you…however, I would like to ride Route 66 onmy scooter.

What’s your dream holidaydestination?The Caribbean.

Name your three favouritemovies of all time.The Italian Job (original), One Flew OverThe Cuckoo’s Nest and Quadrophenia,

What’s your favourite pastime?I now enjoy riding and restoringLambrettas. It used to be football but agetook over – the only problem is that I stillthink I can play.






In the latest of our series ofemployee interviews, we turn thespotlight on Darren Ashford,Installations Director for Autotech.

We’ve got a jam-packed calendar ofsocial and sporting activities lined up, soput these dates in your diary now and lookout for more details nearer to each event:

Golf Day, May 2014Another golf day is being planned andwill be held at Mowsbury Golf Course inBedford, with a similar format to lastyear’s successful event.

Football Match, July 2014Another inter-company football matchis planned between two teams withinthe group. The preferred ground is stillbeing considered – watch this space!

ATG vs Mac H Football Match, May 2014Plans are afoot to organise a friendlyfootie match in May against our oldrivals, MacDonald Humfrey. More detailsto follow.

It's a Knockout Fun Day (TBC)We’re planning a fun day for all thefamily with an ‘It's a Knockout’ theme.There will be team-based games foreveryone to have a laugh!

Paintballing, SeptemberWe’ve got our sights set on a grouppaintballing event later in the year – details to follow.


If you have an idea for anevent or feedback on eventsheld to date, please feel free toemail your social committee [email protected]