FY2016 & FY2017 Application SECTION 5310 ENHANCED MOBILITY OF SENIORS & INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES Applications Due: May 1, 2017 PROJECT TITLE: Ensuring Access to the Community for People with Disabilities DATE: 5/1/2017 APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant’s Legal Name: Ray Graham Association for People with Disabilities Contact Person/Title Tiana Brazzale/Grants Administrator Address: 901 Warrenville Road Suite 500 City: Lisle State: IL Zip code: 60532 Telephone #: 630-628-7185 Email Address: [email protected] DUNS #: 068581396 Applicant Fiscal Year: 7/1/2017-6/30/2018 ORGANIZATION TYPE (check all that apply) Local Government Authority Private Non-Profit Organization Public Operator of Public Transportation Services Private Operator of Public Transportation Services CERTIFICATIONS AND BOARD RESOLUTION (Required of All Applicants) See Appendix B. Please provide an explanation for any documentation not submitted. Certifying Authority Local Share Certification Title VI Plan Certification EEO Certification Single Agency Audit Certification Traditional Project Certification Eligibility-Units of Local Government N/A Private Non-Profit Organizations-Certification Eligibility Approved Board Resolution Note: all documents submitted as a pdf and attached. REQUEST TYPE (check all that apply) Operating Capital Mobility Management Administration PROGRAM DATES March 1, 2017 Call for Projects May 1, 2017 Applications Due July 1-31, 2017 Public Comment Period August 4, 2017 Presentation of Recommended Program of Projects (POP) to CMAP August 24, 2017 Recommended POP Presented to RTA Board SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS (Paper or electronic applications are acceptable - All submitted applications will be published on RTA’s website: http://www.rtachicago.com/index.php/plans-programs/grants-projects/section-5310.html.) Email: [email protected] Mail: Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Application Attn: Grants Management Division Regional Transportation Authority, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1650 Chicago, Illinois 60604 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE If you have any questions, contact Fluturi Demirovski at (312) 913-3239 or [email protected]. For additional information, applicants may refer to the program website http://www.rtachicago.com/index.php/plans-programs/grants- projects/section-5310.html. A complete list of Section 5310 subrecipients and project descriptions are available on RTAMS http://www.rtams.org/rtams/planningProgram.jsp?id=5.

FY2016 & FY2017 Application SECTION 5310 ENHANCED …...RTA FY2016 & FY2017 Section 5310 Application Page 2 OVERVIEW – SECTION 5310 The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors

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PROJECT TITLE: Ensuring Access to the Community for People with Disabilities DATE: 5/1/2017

APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant’s Legal Name: Ray Graham Association for People with Disabilities

Contact Person/Title Tiana Brazzale/Grants Administrator

Address: 901 Warrenville Road Suite 500

City: Lisle State: IL Zip code: 60532

Telephone #: 630-628-7185 Email Address: [email protected]

DUNS #: 068581396 Applicant Fiscal Year: 7/1/2017-6/30/2018

ORGANIZATION TYPE (check all that apply) Local Government Authority Private Non-Profit Organization

Public Operator of Public Transportation Services Private Operator of Public Transportation Services

CERTIFICATIONS AND BOARD RESOLUTION (Required of All Applicants) See Appendix B. Please provide an

explanation for any documentation not submitted.

Certifying Authority Local Share Certification Title VI Plan Certification EEO Certification Single Agency Audit Certification Traditional Project Certification Eligibility-Units of Local Government N/A Private Non-Profit Organizations-Certification Eligibility Approved Board Resolution

Note: all documents submitted as a pdf and attached.

REQUEST TYPE (check all that apply) ☒Operating ☐Capital ☐Mobility Management ☐Administration

PROGRAM DATES March 1, 2017 Call for Projects

May 1, 2017 Applications Due

July 1-31, 2017 Public Comment Period

August 4, 2017 Presentation of Recommended Program of Projects (POP) to CMAP

August 24, 2017 Recommended POP Presented to RTA Board

SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS (Paper or electronic applications are acceptable - All submitted applications will be published on RTA’s website: http://www.rtachicago.com/index.php/plans-programs/grants-projects/section-5310.html.)

Email: [email protected] Mail: Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities Application Attn: Grants Management Division

Regional Transportation Authority, 175 West Jackson Boulevard, Suite 1650 Chicago, Illinois 60604

TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE If you have any questions, contact Fluturi Demirovski at (312) 913-3239 or [email protected]. For

additional information, applicants may refer to the program website http://www.rtachicago.com/index.php/plans-programs/grants-projects/section-5310.html. A complete list of Section 5310 subrecipients and project descriptions are available on RTAMS http://www.rtams.org/rtams/planningProgram.jsp?id=5.

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OVERVIEW – SECTION 5310 The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program aims to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation service and expanding transportation mobility options. This program supports transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities. The RTA’s Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Coordinated Plan (HSTP), as required by FTA, sets forth policies and strategies for the Section 5310 program in Northeastern Illinois. Projects approved by the RTA Board for inclusion in the Section 5310 Program of Projects are incorporated into the HSTP Plan. For a project to be considered eligible for Section 5310 funding it must be included in the locally developed Coordinated Public Transit- Human Services Coordinated Plan (HSTP). The HSTP originally developed in 2007 was updated and approved by the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) Board in October 2013 in accordance with federal requirements. The HSTP for Northeastern Illinois includes the six-county RTA region, comprising Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will counties, plus the urbanized portions of Kendall County, Sandwich Township (DeKalb County), Somonauk Township (DeKalb County), and Aux Sable Township (Grundy County). The HSTP is available for download from the program website: http://www.rtachicago.com/index.php/plans-programs/grants-projects/section-5310.html.

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and the RTA are co-designated recipients for Northeastern Illinois. The co‐designation status has been approved by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Northeastern Illinois. IDOT is responsible for project selection and the award of Section 5310 funded paratransit vehicles IDOT, through its Consolidated Vehicle Program (CVP), selects and awards paratransit vehicles to eligible applicants. For information on IDOT’s Section 5310 CVP program and funding cycle, refer to: http://www.idot.illinois.gov/home/resources/Forms-Folder/p. The RTA is responsible for all other Section 5310 projects. The RTA administers the Section 5310 program by making periodic calls for projects, leading an effort to award funds to eligible applicants, and monitoring activities of active grants. In Northeastern Illinois, the RTA Service Boards (CTA, Metra, and Pace), as FTA Direct Recipients, are allowed to apply for and receive grants directly from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Once the RTA awards a Section 5310 grant to a Service Board, they in turn apply directly to the FTA for those funds. All other applicants receiving an award through the RTA-administered program becomes a grant subrecipient of the RTA. Subrecipients must be able to certify and demonstrate the ability to meet federal requirements regarding these programs during the application process and before expenditures can commence. Subrecipients will also be required to submit invoices and monthly project status reports, indicating performance on project scope and other items required by RTA. All applicants are encouraged to work with other interested parties that may use or be affected by proposed projects. Projects are evaluated, in part, on an applicant's demonstrated efforts to coordinate with other parties such as government agencies, transportation providers, and social service groups. Any coordination aspects of the project should be noted in the project description and evidenced through other appropriate documentation, such as partnership agreements and cooperative operational arrangements. Projects that do not demonstrate coordination will generally not be awarded, unless

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specific circumstances that prevent coordination (such as the need to transport agency clients with specific mobility assistance needs) are clearly outlined in the proposal. Applicants are also encouraged to directly consult with the appropriate Service Board(s) on proposed projects that could affect existing transit operations or transit facilities.

CTA Metra Pace Donald Gismondi Email:[email protected]

Holly Lown Waters Email: [email protected]

Lorraine Snorden Email:[email protected]

PROJECT ELIGIBILITY Eligible projects include those that are planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable. It may also be used for public transportation projects that exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as amended (ADA) that improve access to fixed‐route service and decrease reliance by individuals with disabilities on complementary paratransit, and for alternatives to public transportation that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities. Appendix A includes detailed project eligibility requirements.

FUNDING REQUIREMENTS Applicants are required to provide a reasonable cost estimate for the project and demonstrate the ability to fund the project at the time of applying. An operating project, whether classified as a traditional Section 5310 project or not, must provide a 50% local funding match in accordance with the HSTP. Capital and mobility management projects require a 20% local match. Items classified as administrative activities are funded at 100%, requiring no local match. All of the local match must be provided from sources other than Federal DOT funds. Examples of sources of local match that may be used include the following:

State or local appropriations Other non-DOT Federal funds Dedicated tax revenues Private donations Revenue from human service contracts Net income generated from advertising and concessions

Farebox revenue may not be used as local match. Farebox revenue is considered income and is deducted from total operating cost to determine the net cost of the activity.

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SECTION 5310 TRADITIONAL PROJECTS No less than 55 percent of funds awarded for Northeastern Illinois by fiscal year must be obligated to “traditional” Section 5310 projects. Traditional projects are those public transportation projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable, or inappropriate. In order for a project to receive funding from the traditional category of funds, it must be a capital project related to 5310-funded vehicles and the sub-recipient must either be a non-profit agency or a local unit of government that certifies no non-profit organizations are readily available in the area to provide services. An operating project may also be funded from the traditional category of funds, provided the service is implemented by a non-profit agency, which contracts out services to a third party.

FUNDING AVAILABILITY The funding available for Northeastern Illinois is based on the FY2016 apportionment and FY2017 partial apportionment and estimate. Funding Availability by Fiscal Year

FY2016 (actual) FY2017 (est.)** Total

Northeastern Illinois Apportionment $6,088,906 $ 5,971,815 $12,060,721

Traditional 5310 Projects 55% Minimum Threshold Mark*

$3,348,898 $ 3,284,498 $6,633,396

All Other 5310 Projects 45% Ceiling Mark $2,740,008 $ 2,687,316 $5,427,325

Source: Federal Transit Administration - https://cms.fta.dot.gov/funding/apportionments *A portion of the funds in the Traditional category will be allocated to IDOT for the purchase of paratransit vehicles. The amount will be determined in conjunction with the development of the recommended Program of Projects. **FY2017 includes $3,483,317 in partial apportionments and an estimated $2,488,498 for balance of the year.


All projects will be competitively selected through this open call for projects. Applications submitted will first be reviewed by RTA for eligibility and then referred to a Project Selection Team (PST) for evaluation based on the criteria included in the following section. The PST is made up of five staff: one from Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and two each from RTA and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). Upon completion of the project evaluations, a recommended Program of Projects will be released for public comment. Following the public comment period, the RTA Board will be presented the Program of Projects for approval. Projects may be recommended for approval at a lesser funding amount and reduced scope than originally requested, in order to achieve a fair and equitable distribution of funding and support as many eligible projects as possible for the duration of the programming period (2 years). A consultation will take place with the project applicant when a reduction in project scale is being considered by the PST. RTA staff may also contact the applicant to obtain clarification on the application as appropriate.

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PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA The Project Selection Team will evaluate the projects based on the following criteria taking into account the entire application as submitted.

Eligibility Assessment

1. Proposed project addresses: (a) public transportation projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable; (b) public transportation projects that exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.); (c) public transportation projects that improve access to fixed route service and decrease reliance by individuals with disabilities on complementary paratransit; and (d) alternatives to public transportation that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities with transportation.

Eligible / Not Eligible

2. Project application identifies and addresses an unmet need identified in the Human Services Transportation Plan (HSTP). This should include: (1) a description of the project; (2) identification of the unmet needs (which is/are addressed by the project); (3) how the project will address the unmet need(s), e.g., in terms of serving new riders, a new area, a new day and/or times, a higher frequency, less advance notice, more driver assistance, etc.; and (4) an estimated quantification of benefits. Any additional obligations, e.g., the provision of ADA complementary paratransit as a result of implementing a new fixed bus route in a previously unserved area, should be noted.

Eligible / Not Eligible

3. Local match will be supplied. Eligible /Not


Consistency with the HSTP and CMAP GO TO 2040 Plans Point Value

4. Project employs one or more strategies that:

Improves Service Integration

Improves Accessibility

Improves Productivity

Provides Flexible Transit Services

Improve Education & Workforce Development

Improve Access to Information

Invest Strategically in Transportation

Increase Commitment to Public Transit


5. Project markets to the target population and promotes public awareness. 0-10

Coordination Point Value

6. Project utilizes or coordinates with existing public transportation providers and private human service agencies; or reflects partnerships with non-transit entities and/or private non-profit/for profit organizations.



Point Value 7. Applicant will provide more than required match. 0-15

8. Applicant currently operates a 5310-funded project. 0-15


Point Value 9. Applicant demonstrates ability to implement proposed project and manage federally-funded

grants. 0-10

Performance Measures

Point Value 10. Applicant provides plan for assessing the proposed project’s performance through the

course of the grant. 0-10

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APPLICANT QUESTIONS The following questions should be answered for all projects, unless otherwise noted.

1. Describe the project:

2. People with developmental disabilities, and in some cases physical disabilities and/or mental illness, are supported to access their communities in a variety of ways. The most common mode of transportation used is RGA’s fleet of vehicles driven by trained support team members. These people and the work they do are the most vital component of RGA’s Comprehensive Transportation Program (CTP). No person participating in the program is able to live fully independently. Rather, a set of supports is provided to them so they can safely navigate their communities and take full advantage of life. People participate in many different RGA programs including:

3. 4. Community Living Resources (CLR): RGA operates 20+ residential homes in DuPage County. People

with disabilities receive the support and assistance of trained support team members which allows for the most independent, community-based living possible. Residents are supported to access community services, receive skills training including money management and to create goals to ensure the care they receive is person-centered and meaningful.

5. 6. The Iona Glos Specialized Living Center (SLC): The SLC is home to people with severe and profound

developmental disabilities (DD) including a residence for people with dementia & Alzheimer's disease symptoms or diagnoses. Supports in this Licensed Intermediate Care Facility for People with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD) are provided 24x7x365. Residents have access to professional nursing care and require support for all the activities of daily living.

7. 8. Sunrise Courts (SC): This facility is licensed by the Illinois Department of Public Health and is home

to 20 people with DD. People live semi-independently in an apartment setting and receive staff support. Many people are employed in the community and most attend Community Learning Center (Day) programming. The support team helps residents to learn and hone independent living skills including banking, volunteer work, cooking and housekeeping, shopping and accessing public transportation and managing personal health and wellness.

9. 10. Monarch Academy & Life Coaching (MA/LC): Using the community as the classroom, Monarch

Academy participants experience a wide range of educational opportunities with the focus on independence in adulthood as they transition from high school. Life Coaching is a customized service provided on a 1:1 basis in the participant’s home and in the community. Coaching strategies are designed around the categories of goal identification and life direction, building interpersonal skills and social relationships, decision making and time management.

Is this a new project, an existing project, or an expansion of a project?

RGA’s CTP is an existing project. New program offerings and changes to existing programs and locations are always being considered to meet the needs of people with disabilities and their family members. Some expansion is expected in FY18 including the addition of a new Monarch Academy location.

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Estimated number of individuals to be served by your project annually.

Unduplicated Number of Riders/Users Annually

Total Number of Trips/Users Annually

Existing (Current Operations Only)

Projected* Existing (Current Operations Only)


Seniors 60 years of Age and Over (Projects Serving Seniors)

**see note **see note

Individuals with Disabilities 453 475 275,870 300,870

General Public

Total 453 475 275,870 300,870 Definition of Unduplicated Users/Riders: Unduplicated Users/Riders are counted based on an annual basis. Each user/rider is counted only once annually, no matter how many times he/she utilizes the service or facility. If records are unavailable to accurately count the number of unduplicated users/riders, an estimate is acceptable.

**Note: of the 453 unduplicated people served 96 people are 60 years of age or over.

*Explain how you derived your projections A new location of RGA’s Monarch Academy is expected to open in FY18. Once the program is implemented a new group of program participants will begin to navigate their communities in a variety ways Monday – Friday. Projections shown above are the expected increased number of riders and annual trips.

Provide the temporal and geographic scope of activities in the following table.

Day of Week Operating Hours** Geographic Coverage

Core Service Area

Specify Municipal and County Areas Covered

Special Destination Trips Outside of Core Service Area

(if applicable)

Monday 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. DuPage County ***See note below

Tuesday 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. DuPage County

Wednesday 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. DuPage County

Thursday 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. DuPage County

Friday 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. DuPage County

Saturday 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. DuPage County

Sunday 12:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. DuPage County

**Note: RGA’s vehicle fleet is utilized 24X7X365 **** Special destination trips outside of the core services area include: visits to Great America in Lake County, trips to Chicago to visit Lincoln Park Zoo, Navy Pier, museums and other tourist sites. People visited Joliet to participate in advocacy events for people with disabilities. Many people visit Brookfield Zoo annually. Program activities take place in Will County including restaurant visits, movies and shopping. “Field trips” have been planned in Wisconsin including camping trips and tours of the Jelly Belly factory. People are supported to visit family members for weekend visits and during holidays. Medical and dental appointments are held in the greater Chicago metro area including Rockford.


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11. What is your plan for assessing project performance? The assessment could be based on any number of factors, for example: number of trips; seniors served; individuals with disabilities served; quality of service; on-time performance; outreach; coordination; etc. The RTA will require detailed project status reports with performance information from all projects. Beyond that, subrecipients will be asked to provide additional performance metrics specific to their projects in status reports.

Many factors are used to assess the performance and success of RGA’s CTP. Most critical are the ways in which the program allows people served to access their communities and meet their person-centered goals. Many reporting processes are in place to determine the goals of each person served as they relate to community integration and the program-level goals related to community access. For program leaders it is critical that vehicles are in good condition and available and that the support team is able to coordinate multiple activities concurrently to meet the needs of people served. A well-run transportation program is one of the highest priorities of RGA’s support team. It is impossible to support people without the availability of RGA’s vehicle fleet. Vehicle maintenance and safety are the highest priorities. Out of service vehicles create scheduling hardships and also require shifting vehicles from program to program. This can cause service delays and staffing issues. The right vehicle must be available to transport a particular number of people and accommodate the required number of wheelchair accessible positions. RGA’s Vehicle Capital Improvement Plan is maintained ongoing and captures the following vehicle data: the number and type of vehicles required in total and by program, the expected vehicles to be retired, vehicle safety data, data related to vehicle maintenance, vehicle condition criteria and whether vehicles are being driven optimally and/or whether vehicles should be moved between programs. Geotab reports are maintained and reviewed by RGA’s Human Resources team and benefit the organization in many ways. Motorist Observation Reports (aka “How’s My Driving?” reports) help trainers and program leaders identify driver issues, allow for in-depth research to determine driving patterns and can be researched to determine vehicle locations. This may lead to safety discussions with drivers, driver retraining and/or safety reviews. Information collected from these activities is used to finalize the Motorist Observation Report process. In the coming fiscal year, quarterly reports will be generated for the benefit of supervisory teams and will assist program leaders as they conduct driver safety meetings and to ensure all driving requirements are achieved. Safety Discussions using Geotab data also provide an opportunity to recognize drivers with the best driving history. In the next year rewards for those with exemplary driving history will be considered. In the event of a vehicle accident, a hard stop or other situations, data collected is used to ensure accurate reports are documented; available data allows for the thorough investigation of accidents and vehicle damage. RGA’s Safety Task Force conducts formal reviews of all accidents both preventable and not preventable. The Task Force updates new driver training components including safety vests, accident reporting, safe driver techniques, managing route modifications, marking/flagging driveways to decrease driver errors/vehicle damage, proper use of lockdown equipment and defensive driving (annual recertification). Drivers are encouraged to ask for more training in areas in which they don’t feel confident.

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Pace reports are created and submitted monthly for Pace vehicles using data collected daily as vehicles are driven. Pre/post trip inspection reports are created daily for all non-Pace vehicles. Randomly, Pace requires a vehicle specific usage summary to ensure vehicles are utilized according to Pace requirements including how many miles the vehicles are driven with passengers, without passengers (dead miles), the number of passengers, time of day and addresses of starting and ending points for each trip. A preventative maintenance database includes oil change timing, lube and tire rotation deadlines, timing of safety inspections, license expirations, insurance claims and vehicle safety certifications. IDOT five year reviews are conducted. Annually, the Section 5310 Annual Certification of Use of Project Equipment report is completed for IDOT. There have been no findings in past reviews. RGA must certify the use of IDOT granted equipment and provide data on vehicle mileage and condition, number of trips and riders with/without disabilities, elderly, and non-elderly. The Transportation Coordinator creates new routes, as required, and trains drivers as routes are implemented. Daily, weekly, monthly, annual and five year reporting is conducted internally (Executive Leadership Team) and externally (IDOT, Pace) to review issue resolution, process improvement needs, vehicle inspections/maintenance processes, etc. RGA’s support team will continue to ensure all required tracking mechanisms are maintained to ensure timely and accurate data capture.

12. Who is currently operating the service or who do you plan to have operate the service?

(Operating only)

The CTP is run internally by RGA’s support team led by the leadership team comprised of the Director of Transportation, the Transportation Coordinator and program directors. Support team members in direct support roles drive vehicles as well as work in all other job capacities related to supporting people with disabilities.

13. Specify what unmet needs this project is designed to meet and what strategies will be used to address those needs by checking all applicable boxes below. Please refer to the following website links for assistance:



Select Regional Strategies in CMAP GO TO 2040 Plan



Centralized Information Improve Service Integration Improve Education & Workforce Development

Spatial Limitations Improve Accessibility Improve Access to Information

Temporal Limitations Tools that Improve Productivity Invest Strategically in Transportation

Program Eligibility and Trip Purpose Limitations

Flexible Transit Services Increase Commitment to Public Transit

Service Redundancies

Service Quality and Miscellaneous Issues


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14. Explain how you will utilize the strategies you identified to address your unmet needs?

Centralized Information: While RGA does not create transportation options on a county level, the support team creates a centralized place where people can receive all their transportation needs both in DuPage County and elsewhere. RGA’s CTP supports group and individual needs every day of the year for program needs as well as to meet emergency and unexpected needs. Spatial Limitation: RGA’s CTP meets the transportation needs of all people served. Almost 100% of those served daily required the support of trained professional staff members to safely use transportation to access their communities. The program allows people to fully participate in their life including accessing services across municipal boundaries. RGA does not charge a per ride fare. Temporal Limitations: RGA’s CTP operates every day of the year including 24x7 services for many programs. Program Eligibility and Trip Purpose Limitations: RGA’s CTP is designed with flexibility in mind. Though staff constraints may be a reality, staff members work diligently to ensure those served are able to make personal decisions about when and how to access the transportation program. For example, a person residing in a home operated by RGA may need transport to a worship service; a group of residents may need help getting to a baseball game or cultural event. Another group may wish to participate in a volunteer activity which requires the use of an RGA vehicle. Person-centered activities are a focus of the transportation program. Service Redundancies: RGA’s CTP is run at full capacity Monday – Friday; the fleet is fully utilized. Service Quality and Miscellaneous Issues: RGA’s CTP is able to coordinate transportation needs across the organization’s many facilities and programs and react to last minute changes and emergencies. This centralized approach exceeds the needs of those served and achieves what could not be done in a non-centralized program. Sustainability: RGA continually seeks efficiencies in both services and costs to ensure the CTP remains a long-term, successful component of agency programs. Improve Service Integration: While RGA will continue to have an agency-run transportation program, the organization will continue to bolster current coordination efforts (as evidenced by the working relationship with Ride DuPage, Pace and First Student) and will seek ongoing efficiencies. Tools that improve productivity: RGA supports increased use of technology, less reliance on paper-centric processes and cross training to ensure seamless provision of services. The organization strongly supports collaborative efforts with other agencies/groups and shares knowledge, expertise and resources. For example, RGA works with local school districts, parent groups and other agencies to offer “train the trainer” sessions on the RTA-funded Transportation Safety Training program. In addition, the use of agency-funded Geotab tracking technology has improved reporting, safety, budgeting and many other functions of the transportation program. Flexible Transit Services: RGA’s support team help people to access taxi service to reach job sites. Those served learn about safe transportation options and can receive one-on-one training in using buses, trains and taxis. Improve Education and Workforce Development: Examples of these achievements include: Assistance provided for community members enrolling in Ride DuPage services, Monarch Academy participants accessing educational and employment-related services using Pace-funded vehicles and CLC participants receiving developmental training while participating in a wide variety of community-based activities. RGA runs a robust Employment Services program to support people with disabilities to prepare for, seek and retain community –based employment. Improve Access to Information: RGA welcomes the opportunity to improve data collection tools related to the CTP and share with interested parties. The organization will continue to share information and expertise with agencies and partners to help improve service to those in need and eliminate identified redundancies. As stated above, the use of agency-funded Geotab tracking technology has improved reporting capabilities, driver training, safety, budgeting and many other functions of the transportation program. Program participants use many tools/technology (iPads, GPS systems, smart phones) to access information for trip planning, weather, shopping, navigating their communities and planning activities.

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15. Explain how this project will utilize or coordinate with other human service agencies and/or public transportation providers. If the project will not include coordination, provide detailed explanation for the reasons that coordination cannot occur.

When possible, RGA coordinates with public transportation providers and accesses public transportation though the manner in which interaction occurs varies by program. The Monarch Academy support team assists program participants to access Pace community routes in Naperville and Metra is accessed for train trips and during transportation safety training. Participants are assisted to obtain discount cards for Pace bus and Metra train services. Pace vehicles allow participants to volunteer for Meals on Wheels weekly and access many other community services. RGA’s support teams help people create trip trackers using possible routes on Metra and Pace with the hope of finding feasible options for routes to and from places of employment. RGA’s Transportation Safety Training Program involves accessing Pace fixed bus routes and Metra train routes; participants also learn how to protect their money and identification and respond to emergency situations. Each week day 18 people with profound disabilities are transported from Alden Village, a skilled nursing home, to attend RGA CLC programming. The relationship between RGA and Alden Village creates a seamless process so this group of people can participate in CLC activities. In addition, one person from DuPage Convalescent Nursing Home attends RGA CLC programming daily. RGA’s Human Resources department and the Transportation Coordinator work closely with Pace to ensure that all Pace certified drivers are drug tested and attend Pace certification training. Pace drivers must also complete a physical examination annually. First Student Bus Service, by contract, transports people living at the SLC to a CLC each week day. Buses have required lift equipment to safely transport people with developmental, and in many cases, physical disabilities. First Student is also equipped to respond to RGA during an emergency situation to transport people to a safe location. CLC programs use the vehicle fleet to gain access to Metra so people supported are able to reach Union Station in Chicago to attend various cultural events. RGA’s vehicle fleet is used for volunteering activities in support of many local human services agencies including Meals on Wheels, Phil’s Place, Downers Grove Food Pantry and DuPage PADS. Panera bread donations are sorted and packaged by CLC program participants and are then delivered to many RGA program sites using the fleet. RGA coordinates with Little Friends in Naperville. One person who lives at a home owned by Little Friends is driven to a CLC program every week day. Another person lives at DuPage Convalescent Center in Wheaton and attends a CLC program. In coordination with the ComEd Energy Force program, one person who receives RGA services acts as an Ambassador and receives a stipend from a ComEd grant. He is driven to various ComEd Energy Force events by his Life Coach or Personal Support Worker. Another person supported is driven to a work site for an internship which was coordinated between RGA’s Life Coaching and Employment Services departments and the hiring business. Weekend and off-hours Life Coaching sessions are often conducted using RGA’s vehicles. RGA also coordinates with Pace to ensure an Orland Park resident can take a bus to the Burr Ridge bus depot; she is then driven to Monarch Academy in Burr Ridge using the fleet.

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RGA transports children from other human services providers to its Planjery Respite Home. While children stay at the Respite Home RGA’s fleet is used to ensure children have access to community activities. 16. Explain how this project improves access to other transportation services that go beyond the

project’s geographic boundary.

RGA’s CTP provides life-changing services for people supported by its programs. Pace vans are used to transport people to a dental office in Rockford; this is the only provider available to people supported who require sedation for dental procedures. The Ride DuPage program assists people with rides originating in DuPage and ending at their home address, which may be outside of DuPage County. In the future it is hoped that Ride Will (County) and Ride Kane (County) may open opportunities for people supported by RGA to seek job opportunities in these counties. A few Monarch Academy participants reside in the Will County section of Naperville and receive door to door service from RGA staff. Pace fixed bus routes, Metra and taxi services go beyond DuPage County for work trips and/or CLC community-based activities. The CTP is used so people are able to access Metra trains for trips to Chicago and elsewhere. The fleet is also used to connect people to bus services and to O’Hare airport.

17. Explain how the target population will be given priority on all project activities, if the service is not restricted to the target population.

RGA’s CTP exists to serve the needs of people with developmental and physical disabilities including many people who are also senior citizens. RGA’s Employment Services team may receive referrals from the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS) to assist people with mental illness and military veterans returning from service. In these cases, people may receive assistance and guidance in accessing Ride DuPage services or receive support in accessing public transportation. The CLR program coordinates with area special recreation programs to ensure people have access to community- based recreational and social activities.

18. Explain how the project will be marketed to the target population. Including information on how

populations with Limited English Proficiency will be apprised of the project and whether marketing materials will be available in other languages.

RGA’s CTP is an important component of the array of services offered to potential service recipients. Efforts are made to ensure that people with disabilities and their family members or legal representatives have all the information they need to make informed decisions about RGA programs. As young adults with developmental disabilities graduate from high school they typically enter transition programs. At this time, RGA meets with families to describe available services. For Monarch Academy and Life Coaching, the team describes the available services during the intake process. RGA’s CTP is often the most critical factor in whether a young adult can consider joining the Monarch Academy program. Typically, family members work outside the home so without door to door transportation, young adults would not be able to attend programming. In DuPage County public transportation is not often a viable option for people with disabilities. Monarch Academy newsletters and marketing materials highlight the benefits of using public transportation for people transitioning to adulthood as they seek more independent living skills.

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During high school meetings, staff members describe the importance of person-centered activities based on the individual goals of each CLC participant, with the focus of building interpersonal relationships. From September through April each school year, RGA team members participate in school district resource fairs, parent panels, Town Hall meetings, legislator meetings and conduct presentations with families. RGA’s service offering, including transportation services, is marketed to families and during all other outreach activities. As families indicate interest, they are invited to a bi-monthly RGA site tour to learn more about programs, tour program sites and determine if there is a good fit for their loved one. A screening/evaluation is completed as is a “dry run” (2-3 days) to determine if there is a fit. Finally, RGA executive leaders and senior staff members present at conferences and other public forums and provide consulting services Nearly all RGA service recipients speak and understand English. Adults are referred to RGA after first connecting with Day One Pact, Inc., a local Personal Assistance Services (PAS) agency, and are already assigned an interpreter, if needed. It is more common for RGA service recipients to be non-verbal than to speak a language other than English. In these cases, staff members work with the person served and his or her family members to develop a solution to ensure good communication. This may include using sign language (both American Sign Language and signs the person understands and already uses to communicate), pictures/picture boards/picture cards and/or electronic language adaptive devices of various types. Interpretation services are available internally in many languages including Spanish, Polish, Hindi, Tagalog and American Sign Language. RGA's website informs service recipients of the availability of IL Relay Service (7-1-1). RGA's Cultural and Linguistic Competency Plan is routinely updated to ensure interpreters, languages available and training for staff members remains current. Marketing materials and/or presentations can be made available in other languages based on the needs of potential program participants.

19. Provide a list of federal grants that your agency has administered within the last three years. 2016

DuPage County CDBG ($250K): funding will support a kitchen and one bathroom renovation in five RGA homes.

IDOT: two paratransit vehicles awarded 2015

Naperville CDBG ($26,618): funding covered renovation costs in one RGA home.

IDOT: one minivan and one paratransit vehicle awarded 2014

DuPage County CDBG ($351,886/two year grant period): funding covered the costs of bathroom renovations at RGA’s SLC home (24 bathrooms on the seven building campus)

Naperville CDBG ($59,750): funding covered renovation costs in one RGA home.

IDOT: four paratransit vehicles awarded

20. Project Operating Budget Request: The project operating budget estimate should be based on actual annual expenditures for existing services. Budgets for New Services without an operating history should detail the sources of their estimated budgets. Applicants who are operating their own services shall fill out Items A-D in the Budget Details. Applicants who are contracting for service should only fill out Item E.

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Methodology Explanation RGA will utilize a Direct Cost Allocation (DCA) model to requisition 5310 costs to be reimbursed under the grant. The model uses actual & contractual 5310 costs over a 10 month period to calculate an average direct cost per mile driven. The current RTA approved DCA cost per mile for RGA is $1.69. The DCA will be reviewed for any significant changes prior to the 1st requisition request of this grant and submitted for approval if a change is necessary. Budget Detail Year 1

Estimated Operating Expenses

a. Wages, Salaries & Benefit $634,108.00

b. Maintenance & Repair $119,987.00

c. Fuel $120,946.00

d. Insurance $141,276.00

e.1 Contract Services (specify): First Student Bus Services $188,559.00

e.2 Contract Services (specify): Leases $133,715.00

Total Operating Expenses $1,338,591.00

Less Estimated Revenue $ ( 0 )

Net Operating Cost $1,338,591.00

Total Section 5310 funding request $1,338,591.00

Local Share (50% of net operating cost) $669,295.50

Budget Detail Year 2

Estimated Operating Expenses

a. Wages, Salaries & Benefit $653,131.00

b. Maintenance & Repair $123,587.00

c. Fuel $124,574.00

d. Insurance $145,514.00

e.1 Contract Services (specify): First Student Bus Service $194,216.00

e.2 Contract Services (specify): Leases $137,726.00

Total Operating Expenses $1,378,748.00

Less Estimated Revenue $ ( 0 )

Net Operating Cost $1,378,748.00

Total Section 5310 funding request $1,378,748.00

Local Share (50% of net operating cost) $689,374.00

21. Capital Budget Request:

Federal Request 80% of Total Cost

Local Share 20% of Total Cost

Total Cost

Facility Improvement $ $ $

Computer Software Hardware/Technology (Geotab technology)

$ 21,540.80 $ 5,385.20 $ 26,926.00

Total Capital Request $ 21,540.80 $ 5,385.20 $ 26,926.00

Rolling Stock is not eligible.

22. Mobility Management Budget Request: N/A

Major Activities Federal Request 80% of Total Cost

Local Share 20% of Total Cost

Total Cost

TOTALS $ $ $

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Mobility management consists of short-range planning and management activities and projects for improving coordination among public transportation and other transportation service providers carried out by a recipient or subrecipient through an agreement entered into with a person, including a government entity, under 49 U.S.C. Chapter 53 (other than Section 5309). Mobility management does not include operating public transportation services.

23. Administration Budget Request (itemize) : N/A

Item Cost Federal Request 100% of Total Cost

$ $


All administration expenses must directly support the project and may not exceed 10% of the total federal share requested. Only direct costs are eligible for reimbursement, unless your organization has a cost allocation plan approved by your federal cognizant agency.

24. During the course of the project, do you expect to provide an overmatch? (All operating projects in the traditional category provide an overmatch). If yes, provide the source of the overmatch.

Yes. The overmatch will be funded by operating income.

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Appendix A


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Appendix A ELIGIBILE PROJECTS Note: Rolling stock is not considered eligible for consideration under this RTA call for projects. IDOT is responsible for project selection and the award of Section 5310 funded paratransit vehicles in Northeastern Illinois and the RTA is responsible for all other Section 5310 projects. IDOT, through its Consolidated Vehicle Program (CVP), selects and awards paratransit vehicles to eligible applicants. For information on IDOT’s Section 5310 CVP program, refer to: http://www.idot.illinois.gov/home/resources/Forms-Folder/p (Excerpt – FTA Circular 9070.1G)

13. ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES. Section 5310 funds are available for capital and operating expenses to support the provision of transportation services to meet the specific needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Section 5310(b) provides that of the amounts apportioned to states and designated recipients, not less than 55 percent shall be available for traditional Section 5310 projects—those public transportation capital projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the specific needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable, or inappropriate. Notably, this 55 percent is a floor, not a ceiling—recipients may use more than 55 percent of their apportionment for this type of project.

This means that at least 55 percent of any rural, small urbanized area, or large urbanized area’s annual apportionment must be utilized for public transportation capital projects that are planned, designed, and carried out to meet the specific needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities. It is not sufficient that seniors and individuals with disabilities are merely included (or assumed to be included) among the people who will benefit from the project.

Eligible projects for the required 55 percent of capital projects include the capital cost of contracting for the provision of transit services for seniors and individuals with disabilities and other specialized shared-ride transportation services. The purchase of rolling stock for or the acquisition of ADA-complementary paratransit service are eligible capital expenses that may also qualify as public transportation capital projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the specific needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable, or inappropriate, provided the projects are carried out by eligible subrecipients (see section 5, above) and these projects are included in the area’s coordinated plan.

In addition to the above required capital projects, up to 45 percent of an area’s apportionment may be utilized for additional public transportation projects that:

a. Exceed the ADA minimum requirements,

b. Improve access to fixed-route service and decrease reliance by individuals with disabilities on ADA-complementary paratransit service, or

c. Provide alternatives to public transportation that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities with transportation.

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Such projects must be targeted toward meeting the transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities, although they may be used by the general public. It is not sufficient that seniors and individuals with disabilities are included (or assumed to be included) among the people who will benefit from the project. FTA encourages projects that are open to the public as a means of avoiding unnecessary segregation of services. Recipients must clearly identify the projects that are part of the required 55 percent capital projects as part of the grant activity line item narrative descriptions. Many projects may be eligible under both the required and optional criteria, but a discrete set of projects that meet the required criteria constituting at least 55 percent of the grant amount, exclusive of administrative expenses, must be identified. Alternatively, the grant application may assign less than the required 55 percent to such projects if other grants in the same fiscal year utilize more than the required 55 percent, so long as at least 55 percent of the total annual apportionment will be used for required projects. In such cases, a list of the other grants and the funding amounts must be included within the new grant application.

14. ELIGIBLE CAPITAL EXPENSES THAT MEET THE 55 PERCENT REQUIREMENT. Funds for the Section 5310 program are available for capital expenses as defined in Section 5302(3) to support public transportation capital projects planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, unavailable, or inappropriate. Examples of capital expenses that meet the 55 percent requirement, which must be carried out by an eligible recipient or subrecipient as described in section 5 of this chapter above, include, but are not limited to:

a. Rolling stock and related activities for Section 5310-funded vehicles

(1) Acquisition of expansion or replacement buses or vans, and related procurement, testing, inspection, and acceptance costs;

(2) Vehicle rehabilitation or overhaul;

(3) Preventive maintenance;

(4) Radios and communication equipment; and

(5) Vehicle wheelchair lifts, ramps, and securement devices.

b. Passenger facilities related to Section 5310-funded vehicles

(1) Purchase and installation of benches, shelters, and other passenger amenities.

c. Support facilities and equipment for Section 5310-funded vehicles

(1) Extended warranties that do not exceed the industry standard;

(2) Computer hardware and software;

(3) Transit-related intelligent transportation systems (ITS);

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(4) Dispatch systems; and

(5) Fare collection systems.

d. Lease of equipment when lease is more cost effective than purchase. Note that when lease of equipment or facilities is treated as a capital expense, the recipient must establish criteria for determining cost effectiveness in accordance with FTA regulations, “Capital Leases” 49 CFR part 639 and OMB Circular A–94, which provides the necessary discount factors and formulas for applying the same;

e. Acquisition of transportation services under a contract, lease, or other arrangement. This may include acquisition of ADA-complementary paratransit services when provided by an eligible recipient or subrecipient as defined in section 5 of this chapter, above. Both capital and operating costs associated with contracted service are eligible capital expenses. User-side subsidies are considered one form of eligible arrangement. Funds may be requested for contracted services covering a time period of more than one year. The capital eligibility of acquisition of services as authorized in 49 U.S.C. 5310(b)(4) is limited to the Section 5310 program;

f. Support for mobility management and coordination programs among public transportation providers and other human service agencies providing transportation. Mobility management is an eligible capital cost. Mobility management techniques may enhance transportation access for populations beyond those served by one agency or organization within a community. For example, a nonprofit agency could receive Section 5310 funding to support the administrative costs of sharing services it provides to its own clientele with other seniors and/or individuals with disabilities and coordinate usage of vehicles with other nonprofits, but not the operating costs of service. Mobility management is intended to build coordination among existing public transportation providers and other transportation service providers with the result of expanding the availability of service. Mobility management activities may include:

(1) The promotion, enhancement, and facilitation of access to transportation services, including the integration and coordination of services for individuals with disabilities, seniors, and low-income individuals;

(2) Support for short-term management activities to plan and implement coordinated services;

(3) The support of state and local coordination policy bodies and councils;

(4) The operation of transportation brokerages to coordinate providers, funding agencies, and passengers;

(5) The provision of coordination services, including employer-oriented transportation management organizations’ and human service organizations’ customer-oriented travel navigator systems and neighborhood travel coordination activities such as coordinating individualized travel training and trip planning activities for customers;

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(6) The development and operation of one-stop transportation traveler call centers to coordinate transportation information on all travel modes and to manage eligibility requirements and arrangements for customers among supporting programs; and

(7) Operational planning for the acquisition of intelligent transportation technologies to help plan and operate coordinated systems inclusive of geographic information systems (GIS) mapping, global positioning system technology, coordinated vehicle scheduling, dispatching and monitoring technologies, as well as technologies to track costs and billing in a coordinated system, and single smart customer payment systems. (Acquisition of technology is also eligible as a standalone capital expense).

g. Capital activities (e.g., acquisition of rolling stock and related activities, acquisition of services, etc.) to support ADA-complementary paratransit service may qualify toward the 55 percent requirement, so long as the service is provided by an eligible recipient/subrecipient as defined in section 5, above, and is included in the coordinated plan.


a. General. Up to 45 percent of a rural, small urbanized area, or large urbanized area’s annual apportionment may be utilized for:

(1) Public transportation projects (capital only) planned, designed, and carried out to meet the special needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities when public transportation is insufficient, inappropriate, or unavailable;

(2) Public transportation projects (capital and operating) that exceed the requirements of ADA;

(3) Public transportation projects (capital and operating) that improve access to fixed-route service and decrease reliance by individuals with disabilities on ADA-complementary paratransit service; or

(4) Alternatives to public transportation (capital and operating) that assist seniors and individuals with disabilities with transportation.

Since the 55 percent requirement is a floor, and not a ceiling, the activities listed in section 14, above, are eligible expenses for all funds available to a recipient under Section 5310. For example, mobility management and ITS projects may be eligible under both categories; the difference to note, in order for the project to qualify toward the 55 percent requirement, is that the project must meet the definition of a capital project, be specifically geared toward the target population, and carried out by an eligible subrecipient, which is limited for this category of projects. The list of eligible activities is intended to be illustrative, not exhaustive. FTA encourages recipients to develop innovative solutions to meet the needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities in their communities and discuss proposed projects with FTA regional staff to confirm eligibility.

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b. Public Transportation Projects that Exceed the Requirements of the ADA. The following activities are examples of eligible projects meeting the definition of public transportation service that is beyond the ADA.

(1) Enhancing paratransit beyond minimum requirements of the ADA. ADA complementary paratransit services can be eligible under the Section 5310 program in several ways:

(a) Expansion of paratransit service parameters beyond the three-fourths mile required by the ADA;

(b) Expansion of current hours of operation for ADA paratransit services that are beyond those provided on the fixed-route services;

(c) The incremental cost of providing same day service;

(d) The incremental cost (if any) of making door-to-door service available to all eligible ADA paratransit riders, but not on a case-by-case basis for individual riders in an otherwise curb-to-curb system;

(e) Enhancement of the level of service by providing escorts or assisting riders through the door of their destination;

(f) Acquisition of vehicles and equipment designed to accommodate mobility aids that exceed the dimensions and weight ratings established for wheelchairs under the ADA regulations, 49 CFR part 38 (i.e., larger than 30″ × 48″ and/or weighing more than 600 pounds), and labor costs of aides to help drivers assist passengers with oversized wheelchairs. This would permit the acquisition of lifts with a larger capacity, as well as modifications to lifts with a 600-pound design load, and the acquisition of heavier duty vehicles for paratransit and/or demand-response service in order to accommodate lifts with a heavier design load; and

(g) Installation of additional securement locations in public buses beyond what is required by the ADA.

(2) Feeder services. Accessible “feeder” service (transit service that provides access) to commuter rail, commuter bus, intercity rail, and intercity bus stations, for which complementary paratransit service is not required under the ADA.

c. Public Transportation Projects that Improve Accessibility. The following activities are examples of eligible projects that improve accessibility to the fixed-route system.

(1) Making accessibility improvements to transit and intermodal stations not designated as key stations. Improvements for accessibility at existing transportation facilities that are not designated as key stations established under 49 CFR 37.47, 37.51, or 37.53, and that are not required under 49 CFR 37.43 as part of an alteration or renovation to an existing station, so long as the projects are clearly intended to remove barriers that would otherwise have remained. Section 5310 funds are eligible to be used for accessibility enhancements that remove barriers to individuals with disabilities so they may access

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greater portions of public transportation systems, such as fixed-route bus service, commuter rail, light rail, and rapid rail. This may include:

(a) Building an accessible path to a bus stop that is currently inaccessible, including curbcuts, sidewalks, accessible pedestrian signals, or other accessible features;

(b) Adding an elevator or ramps, detectable warnings, or other accessibility improvements to a non-key station that are not otherwise required under the ADA;

(c) Improving signage or wayfinding technology; or

(d) Implementation of other technology improvements that enhance accessibility for people with disabilities including ITS.

(2) Travel training. Training programs for individual users on awareness, knowledge, and skills of public and alternative transportation options available in their communities. This includes travel instruction and travel training services.

d. Public Transportation Alternatives that Assist Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities with Transportation. The following activities are examples of projects that are eligible public transportation alternatives.

(1) Purchasing vehicles to support accessible taxi, ride-sharing, and/or vanpooling programs. Section 5310 funds can be used to purchase and operate accessible vehicles for use in taxi, ride-sharing, and/or vanpool programs provided that the vehicle meets the same requirements for lifts, ramps, and securement systems specified in 49 CFR part 38, subpart B, at a minimum, and permits a passenger whose wheelchair can be accommodated pursuant to part 38 to remain in his/her personal mobility device inside the vehicle.

(2) Supporting the administration and expenses related to voucher programs for transportation services offered by human service providers. This activity is intended to support and supplement existing transportation services by expanding the number of providers available or the number of passengers receiving transportation services. Vouchers can be used as an administrative mechanism for payment of alternative transportation services to supplement available public transportation. The Section 5310 program can provide vouchers to seniors and individuals with disabilities to purchase rides, including: (a) mileage reimbursement as part of a volunteer driver program; (b) a taxi trip; or (c) trips provided by a human service agency. Providers of transportation can then submit the voucher for reimbursement to the recipient for payment based on predetermined rates or contractual arrangements. Transit passes or vouchers for use on existing fixed-route or ADA complementary paratransit service are not eligible. Vouchers are an operational expense which requires a 50/50 (federal/local) match.

(3) Supporting volunteer driver and aide programs. Volunteer driver programs are eligible and include support for costs associated with the administration, management of driver recruitment, safety, background checks, scheduling, coordination with passengers, other related support functions, mileage reimbursement, and insurance associated with

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volunteer driver programs. The costs of enhancements to increase capacity of volunteer driver programs are also eligible. FTA encourages communities to offer consideration for utilizing all available funding resources as an integrated part of the design and delivery of any volunteer driver/aide program.

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Appendix B


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Page 43: FY2016 & FY2017 Application SECTION 5310 ENHANCED …...RTA FY2016 & FY2017 Section 5310 Application Page 2 OVERVIEW – SECTION 5310 The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors
Page 44: FY2016 & FY2017 Application SECTION 5310 ENHANCED …...RTA FY2016 & FY2017 Section 5310 Application Page 2 OVERVIEW – SECTION 5310 The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors
Page 45: FY2016 & FY2017 Application SECTION 5310 ENHANCED …...RTA FY2016 & FY2017 Section 5310 Application Page 2 OVERVIEW – SECTION 5310 The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors
Page 46: FY2016 & FY2017 Application SECTION 5310 ENHANCED …...RTA FY2016 & FY2017 Section 5310 Application Page 2 OVERVIEW – SECTION 5310 The Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors