G3A- Barkan's Method

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  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method




    1 09.09.07 PSN VDD HARI ICC Issued for Company Comment

    Rev. Date By Chkd Appr. Statu Rev!!"# rea"# $"r !ue de%r!pt!"#

    She&& Pr"'e%t N".( )P*+,,,*-AT U#!t( ,*,,,,

    C"#tra%t"r Pr"'e%t N".( //0

    C"#tra%t"r C"#tra%t N".( PI*,1 Sheet( 2 "$ PC3BS( 44

    C"#tra%t"r #a5e(CB6I


    Or!8. Or8.(

    C"#tra%t"r D"% N"(2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2:

    C"#tra%t"r D"% ID(:;:,

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    Pr"'e%t D"% N"( T*:.2+.9/9 Rev.( 2




  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$ 

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared 000   + >000

    /' Coeffiient of e!asti nonuniform ompression $000

    ' Coeffiient of e!asti uniform s#ear ?000

    d' Coeffiient of e!asti nonuniform s#ear &000

    3 Refer Anne*ure 1 S5et#1 '

    Sr.No @6uipment Part Nameei)#t Mass C. of Ma#ine Stati Moment of Mass

    a> F"r Ma%h!#e "on m m m

    1 Pump ;.,, 0.B .: 2.9 9., &.& 0.$ 1.? Motor  0.9, 0.7 2.1 2.9 9., 1.> 0.9 1.$& 4asep!ate +./, 0.> +.:+ 2.9 2.:+ 1.& 0. 0.B> ,.,, 0.0 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,.,, 0.0 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.0 0.0 0.0

    "ota! Ma#ines 20.,, 2.0+

    (* (y (2

    F"r F"u#dat!"#???? ;./ 9., 2.+, &.>& .> +.:+ 2.9 ,.; 1$.B B.$1 &.>???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00

    ???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.000,.:+ 0.2/ 9:.0: /.10 0.:;

    3Note EEEE, s#a!! /e rep!aed /y F su/tratF , if any area is to /e deduted, for #o!!o8 or aity '

     C"55"# C.G "$ Ma%h!#e 6 F"u#dat!"#

    a' G + &.> m

    /' + 1.? m

    ' + 1.0> m


    Sr.no Item

    a' or Ma#inesump . . . . . .

    ? Motor 1.0 0.00 1.>B 1.B &.? 1.B& 4asep!ate 0.0? 0.00 0.&9 0.1 0.1 0.0

    > 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0

    /' or oundation


    1 0.0? 0.00 0.&9 >.> ??.9 ?>.10.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0


    3 A!! a!ues #i)#!i)#ted in  e!!o8  are input a!ues.'"%m?


     Area at /ase Af +


    or Af  J 10m? , C

    u Va!ues s#a!! /e mu!tip!ied 8it# 10 %A

    Cu+ "%m&


    + ?ECu  + "%m&

    Cr  + 0.EC

    u  + "%m&

    Cs+ 0.7EC

    u + "%m&

    :., Ca&%u&at!"# "$ Ce#ter "$ 8rav!ty a#d Stat!% M"5e#t "$ Ma (*

    m 5m 5 =1./2 m ym m 5m?m 5m?ym 5m?m

    "se?%m "se? "se? "se?

    f  5f  $  =1./2 $  y$  $  5$ ?$  5$ ?y$  5$ ?$ 

    T"ta& 3 Ma#ine Loundation' +



    f E*

    f '%3m


    f '



    f Ey

    f ' %3m


    f '



    f E2

    f ' %3m


    f '

    e e

    y  e








    e e

    y  e




    2f %*

    $ %*y

    $ %*






    4C.. of @6uipment






    Common C.


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

    d> )t "$ ha$t a M"5e#t H y*y a! *My

    My1 * * distane up to enter of )raity + ,.,, ".mMy? ma* ertia! primary moment Q a*is yy + ,., ".mMy& ma* ertia! seondary moment Q a*is yy + ,., ".m

    My + 3 My1LMy? L My&' + ,.,, T.5

    !!!> M"5e#t H * a! * M

    M21 ma* ertia! primary moment Q a*is 2 2 + , ,, " m


    + mm3(y?L(2?'%1? L m



    2?' L m

    f 3(y?L(2?'%1? L m

    f 3e


    2?' 3

    *m L *f'


    + mm3(*?L(2?'%1? L m



    2?' L m

    f 3(*?L(2?'%1? L m

    f 3e


    2?' 3

    ym L yf'


    + mm3(y?L(*?'%1? L m



    *?' L m

    f 3(y?L(*?'%1? L m

    f 3e


    *?' 3

    2m L 2f'



    are Mass Moment of inertia for ma#ine foundation respetie!y Q t#e a*is, Simi!ar for and a*is'

    (* 3(

    y' &%1? + m>

    (y 3(

    *' &%1? + m>


    ., Sta

    a' @* +3(*%? G'%(* +

    /' @y+3(y%? '%(y+

    ;., U#

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared P!t%h!#8 H * a! a#d L"#8!tud!#a& V!

    "#e mass moment of inertia of t#e 8#o!e system Q

    t#e ya*is passin) t#rou)# t#e ommon enter of )raity + ?9.9?

    "#e mass moment of inertia of t#e 8#o!e system Q t#e a*is passin)

    t#rou)# t#e entroid of t#e /ase area

    + + &7.B7

    3 #ere m is e6ua! to sum of mass of ma#ine p!us foundation'

    "#e ratio + 0.79

    0., Che%k $"r Re"#a#%e

    3 A!t#ou)# t#e system /ein) onsidered #as si* de)ree of freedom it may on!y i/rate in four different 8ays or modes. Rotatiot#e GG a*is does not usua!!y ta5e p!ae independent!y of trans!ation a!on) t#e a*isT i.e. Ro5in) and !atera! mode norma!!simu!taneous!y, simi!ar!y pit#in) and !on)itudina! i/ration mode our simu!taneous!y. -t#er t8o modes of t#is system are ei/rations and ya8in) i/rations 3 Unoup!ed modes'.

    f n32'? + Cu Af  f n32' + Cu Af   + se1

    f n32' % ?π =

    -peratin) fre6ueny of ma#ine f m +

    -peratin) fre6ueny of ma#ine fm in ps +f m % B0


    re6ueny Ratio + f n32'

    %f m



    "m se?




    L m * 3'? "m se?

    r 1 + ** % **

      f nK3*'? +

    CK  * Se?


    or trans!ation a!on) a*is f n3y'? + Cr  Af   % m Se?

    Prinipa! natura! fre6uenies f n1  f n? are

    f n>  3f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'f n

    ? L 3f nK3*'?  f n3y'


    r 1   r 1"#erefore f n1  f n? are e6ua! to

    f n1 ?+ f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'? L 3 f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'?  >r 1 f nK3*'

    ?  f n3y'?


    ?r 1f n1 Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n1 % f m

    f n? ?+ f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'? 3 f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'?  >r 1 f nK3*'

    ?  f n3y'?

    Se??r 1

    f n? Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny + f n? % f m


    "m se?


      yy L m * 3'?

    "m se?

    r ? + yy % yy

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared .?' As per Cii! Strutura! Desi)n 4asis 3C!. &.$.B ' + 0 :md' As per CP ?01? i) & + ,  :m 3 Refer Anne*ure1, S5et#?'

    Per5!! R"%k!#8 H * a! a#d Latera& v!

    Due t" e%!t!#8 $"r%e Fy

    * 1000+

    0.00> mm

    Rotationa! Amp!itude

    * 1000 + 0.000& rad

    Due t" e%!t!#8 M"5e#t M

    * 1000 + 0.000> mm

    Rotationa! Amp!itude

    * 1000+

    0.00$B rad

    0.00> L 0.000 + 0.00>9 mm

    0.000& L 0.00$B + 0.00$& rad

    M H i t ! Di ! t t " f f d ti

    r ?

      r ?

    "#erefore f n1

      f n?

    are e6ua! to

    f n1 ?+ f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'? L 3 f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'?'?  >r ? f nK3y'

    ?  f n3*'?


    ?r ?f n1 Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n1

    %f m

    f n?

     ?+ f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'

    ? 3 f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'

    ?'?  >r ? f 

    nK3y'?  f 




    f n? Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n? %f m

    f nK32' +


    2 Se1


    /., Che%k F"r A5p&!tude

    3 AS per C!.&.$. Cii! Strutura! Desi)n 4asis, A!! Natura! fre6uenies /e!o8 1. times t#e operatin) fre6ueny for rotatin)e6uipment s#a!! /e a!u!ated. It s#a!! /e Demonstrated t#at t#e amp!itude of t#e natura! fre6uenies /et8een 0.& and 1. timoperatin) fre6ueny are 8it#in t#e a!!o8a/!e a!ues een assumin) t#at due to differene /et8een t#e atua! struture and t#eassumed mode! resonane does our'


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared & + >.11?7 .SafeB.$ * ?.

    Moment Q G a*is + 3 Ma* of Un/a!aned moment, Dynami Moment' + .?$ ".m

    Moment Q a*is + 3 Ma* of Un/a!aned moment, Dynami Moment' + 0.00 ".m

     A* + 3CK  y  m )   L Cr Af  ?  yy f m

    ?' *

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m



      + Cr  A



    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


     A* + Cr  Af   My

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


     Ay  + 3 Cr Af   m f m?' My

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


    "ota! A* +

    "ota! AKy +

     At + A* L 3# ' * Ay  +

     A/ + A*   * AKy

    Rotation Q , A2 +

      22 3 f nK32'?  f m


     A( + G * AY2 +

     AR + 3(*G' * AY2 +

    1., Ca&%u&at!"# O$ Dy#a5!% F"r%e (*

    Hori2onta! Dynami ore dy

    + Z Cr  Af  A/  +

    Dynami Moment Md* + Z CK  * A* +

    Hori2onta! Dynami ore d* + Z Cr  Af  A/  +

    Dynami Moment Mdy

     + Z CK  y Ay +

    2,., Che%k $"r S.B.C


    "%m? 3 0 of soi! /earin) pressure'


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared 1 O 1. .Hene SafeS!idin) ore

    a!! t#e faes of foundation /!o5.

    22., Sta

    N-"@3 oundation 8idt# is onsidered as per Diretion of Moment, i.e for moment in G diretion foundation 8idt# s#a!! /eonsidered as (y and ie ersa'.

    29., Sta

    Resistin) ore +

    2+., Shr!#ka8e 6 Creep

     As per ACI ?07.?R?1 C!. B.>. No minimum temperature and s#rin5a)e reinforement is re6uired for t#e mem/ers 1.$m or more int#i5ness t#at are onstruted /y t#e prinip!es and praties to ontro! t#e ra5in) of mass onrete.

    2:., M!#!5u5 R=F !# F"u#dat!"# B&"%k

    Ho8eer Proide minimum &0)%m&, i.e Proide 1? dia Q &00 enter to enter, e*tendin) /ot# ertia!!y and #ori2onta!!y near

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared 000   + >000

    /' Coeffiient of e!asti nonuniform ompression $000

    ' Coeffiient of e!asti uniform s#ear ?000

    d' Coeffiient of e!asti nonuniform s#ear &000

    3 Refer Anne*ure 1 S5et#1 '

    Sr.No @6uipment Part Nameei)#t Mass C. of Ma#ine Stati Moment of Mass

    a> F"r Ma%h!#e "on m m m

    1 Pump 9.2, 0.? :. 2.9 9.:2 1.0 0.& 0.? Motor  ;., 0.7 9.20 2.9 9.:2 1.> 0.$ 1.B& 4asep!ate 2.0, 0.? 9./, 2.9 2.:+ 0. 0.? 0.?> ,.,, 0.0 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,.,, 0.0 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.0 0.0 0.0

    "ota! Ma#ines 2,.+, 2.,

    (* (y (2

    F"r F"u#dat!"#???? .;, 9., 2.+, >&.B$ >.> 9./, 2.9 ,.; 1?.>7 .7 ?.$9???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00

    ???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00+.1/ ., 2.+; ;.// .9

    3Note EEEE, s#a!! /e rep!aed /y F su/tratF , if any area is to /e deduted, for #o!!o8 or aity '

     C"55"# C.G "$ Ma%h!#e 6 F"u#dat!"#

    a' G + ?.79 m

    /' + 1.? m

    ' + 0.9 m


    Sr.no Item

    a' or Ma#inesump . . . . . .

    ? Motor 0.B? 0.00 1.>B 1.> 1.7 0.&& 4asep!ate 0.01 0.00 0.>7 0.0 0.0 0.0

    > 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0

    /' or oundation


    1 0.01 0.00 0.&0 &.> 1?.7 1>.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0


    3 A!! a!ues #i)#!i)#ted in  e!!o8  are input a!ues.'"%m?


     Area at /ase Af +


    or Af  J 10m? , C

    u Va!ues s#a!! /e mu!tip!ied 8it# 10 %A

    Cu+ "%m&


    + ?ECu  + "%m&

    Cr  + 0.EC

    u  + "%m&

    Cs+ 0.7EC

    u + "%m&

    :., Ca&%u&at!"# "$ Ce#ter "$ 8rav!ty a#d Stat!% M"5e#t "$ Ma (*

    m 5m 5 =1./2 m ym m 5m?m 5m?ym 5m?m

    "se?%m "se? "se? "se?

    f  5f  $  =1./2 $  y$  $  5$ ?$  5$ ?y$  5$ ?$ 

    T"ta& 3 Ma#ine Loundation' +



    f E*

    f '%3m


    f '



    f Ey

    f ' %3m


    f '



    f E2

    f ' %3m


    f '

    e e

    y  e








    e e

    y  e




    2f %*

    $ %*y

    $ %*






    4C.. of @6uipment






    Common C.


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

    d> )t "$ ha$t a M"5e#t H y*y a! *My

    My1 * * distane up to enter of )raity + ,.,, ".mMy? ma* ertia! primary moment Q a*is yy + ,., ".mMy& ma* ertia! seondary moment Q a*is yy + ,., ".m

    My + 3 My1LMy? L My&' + ,.,, T.5

    !!!> M"5e#t H * a! * M

    M21 ma* ertia! primary moment Q a*is 2 2 + , ,, " m


    + mm3(y?L(2?'%1? L m



    2?' L m

    f 3(y?L(2?'%1? L m

    f 3e


    2?' 3

    *m L *f'


    + mm3(*?L(2?'%1? L m



    2?' L m

    f 3(*?L(2?'%1? L m

    f 3e


    2?' 3

    ym L yf'


    + mm3(y?L(*?'%1? L m



    *?' L m

    f 3(y?L(*?'%1? L m

    f 3e


    *?' 3

    2m L 2f'



    are Mass Moment of inertia for ma#ine foundation respetie!y Q t#e a*is, Simi!ar for and a*is'

    (* 3(

    y' &%1? + m>

    (y 3(

    *' &%1? + m>


    ., Sta

    a' @* +3(*%? G'%(* +

    /' @y+3(y%? '%(y+

    ;., U#

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared P!t%h!#8 H * a! a#d L"#8!tud!#a& V!

    "#e mass moment of inertia of t#e 8#o!e system Q

    t#e ya*is passin) t#rou)# t#e ommon enter of )raity + 1.>9

    "#e mass moment of inertia of t#e 8#o!e system Q t#e a*is passin)

    t#rou)# t#e entroid of t#e /ase area

    + + ?0.1

    3 #ere m is e6ua! to sum of mass of ma#ine p!us foundation'

    "#e ratio + 0.7B

    0., Che%k $"r Re"#a#%e

    3 A!t#ou)# t#e system /ein) onsidered #as si* de)ree of freedom it may on!y i/rate in four different 8ays or modes. Rotatiot#e GG a*is does not usua!!y ta5e p!ae independent!y of trans!ation a!on) t#e a*isT i.e. Ro5in) and !atera! mode nor 

    f n32'? + Cu Af  f n32' + Cu Af   + se1

    f n32' % ?π =

    -peratin) fre6ueny of ma#ine f m +

    -peratin) fre6ueny of ma#ine fm in ps +f m % B0


    re6ueny Ratio + f n32'%f m +


    "m se?


      ** L m * 3'?

    "m se?

    r 1 + ** % **

      f nK3*'? +

    CK  * Se?


    or trans!ation a!on) a*is f n3y'? + Cr  Af   % m Se?

    Prinipa! natura! fre6uenies f n1  f n? are

    f n>  3f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'f n

    ? L 3f nK3*'?  f n3y'


    r 1   r 1"#erefore f n1  f n? are e6ua! to

    f n1 ?+ f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'? L 3 f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'?  >r 1 f nK3*'

    ?  f n3y'?


    ?r 1f n1 Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n1 % f m

    f n? ?+ f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'? 3 f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'?  >r 1 f nK3*'

    ?  f n3y'?

    Se??r 1

    f n? Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny + f n? % f m


    "m se?


      yy L m * 3'?

    "m se?

    r ? + yy % yy

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared R"%k!#8 H * a! a#d Latera& v!

    Due t" e%!t!#8 $"r%e Fy

    * 1000+

    0.00B> mm

    Rotationa! Amp!itude

    * 1000 + 0.000> rad

    Due t" e%!t!#8 M"5e#t M

    * 1000 + 0.000$ mm

    Rotationa! Amp!itude

    * 1000+

    0.0110& rad

    0.00B> L 0.000B + 0.00$ mm

    0.000> L 0.011 + 0.010B rad

    r ?   r ?

    "#erefore f n1  f n? are e6ua! to

    f n1 ?+ f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'? L 3 f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'?'?  >r ? f nK3y'

    ?  f n3*'?


    ?r ?f n1 Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n1 %f m

    f n? ?+ f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'? 3 f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'?'?  >r ? f nK3y'

    ?  f n3*'?

    Se??r ?

    f n? Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n? %f m

    f nK32' +Cs  2 Se1


    /., Che%k F"r A5p&!tude

    3 AS per C!.&.$. Cii! Strutura! Desi)n 4asis, A!! Natura! fre6uenies /e!o8 1. times t#e operatin) fre6ueny for rotatin)e6uipment s#a!! /e a!u!ated. It s#a!! /e Demonstrated t#at t#e amp!itude of t#e natura! fre6uenies /et8een 0.& and 1. tim


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared * 0 + 0.00 "onn1000

    & * $000 * &B.9 * 0 + 0.000 ".m1000

    Net A!!o8a/!e 4earin) pressure at norma! ondition + ?0

    Net A!!o8a/!e 4earin) pressure for Dynami (oads + 10

    "ota! t at /ase of oundation + t of @6uipment L t of oundation + &.9$ "on

    Stati C#e5

     App!ied Pressure on soi! + &.9$ + &.$7 .Safe.B * ?.

    Moment Q G a*is + 3 Ma* of Un/a!aned moment, Dynami Moment' + >.B$ ".m

    Moment Q a*is + 3 Ma* of Un/a!aned moment, Dynami Moment' + 0.00 ".m

     A* + 3CK  y  m )   L Cr Af  ?  yy f m

    ?' *

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m



      + Cr  A



    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


     A* + Cr  Af   My

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


     Ay  + 3 Cr Af   m f m?' My

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


    "ota! A* +

    "ota! AKy +

     At + A* L 3# ' * Ay  +

     A/ + A*   * AKy

    Rotation Q , A2 +

      22 3 f nK32'?  f m


     A( + G * AY2 +

     AR + 3(*G' * AY2 +

    1., Ca&%u&at!"# O$ Dy#a5!% F"r%e (*

    Hori2onta! Dynami ore dy

    + Z Cr  Af  A/  +

    Dynami Moment Md*

     + Z CK  * A* +

    Hori2onta! Dynami ore d*

    + Z Cr  Af  A/  +

    Dynami Moment Mdy

     + Z CK  y Ay +

    2,., Che%k $"r S.B.C


    "%m? 3 0 of soi! /earin) pressure'


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared .7

    S!idin) ore + &.?? "onn

    Resistin) ore + : * + ?1.9 "onn

    -S a)ainst S!idin) + B.7091 O 1. .Hene SafeS!idin) ore

    a!! t#e faes of foundation /!o5.

    22., Sta

    N-"@3 oundation 8idt# is onsidered as per Diretion of Moment, i.e for moment in G diretion foundation 8idt# s#a!! /e

    onsidered as (y and ie ersa'.

    29., Sta

    Resistin) ore +

    2+., Shr!#ka8e 6 Creep

     As per ACI ?07.?R?1 C!. B.>. No minimum temperature and s#rin5a)e reinforement is re6uired for t#e mem/ers 1.$m or more int#i5ness t#at are onstruted /y t#e prinip!es and praties to ontro! t#e ra5in) of mass onrete.

    2:., M!#!5u5 R=F !# F"u#dat!"# B&"%k

    Ho8eer Proide minimum &0)%m&, i.e Proide 1? dia Q &00 enter to enter, e*tendin) /ot# ertia!!y and #ori2onta!!y near

    Darji, Vijay:change formula as=if(G386=Mx,W*Ly/2,W*Lx/2)

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared 000 * 10 %Af + >070

    /' Coeffiient of e!asti nonuniform ompression $1>0

    ' Coeffiient of e!asti uniform s#ear ?0&

    d' Coeffiient of e!asti nonuniform s#ear &0?

    3 Refer Anne*ure 1 S5et#1 '

    Sr.No @6uipment Part Nameei)#t Mass C. of Ma#ine Stati Moment of Mass

    a> F"r Ma%h!#e "on m m m

    1 Pump 9.,, 0.? +., 2., 9.,0 0.7 0.? 0.>? Motor  +.+, 0.& 2.;2 2., 9.,0 0. 0.> 0.7& 4asep!ate ,.1: 0.1 9.+, 2., 2.:, 0.? 0.1 0.1> ,.,, 0.0 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,.,, 0.0 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.0 0.0 0.0

    "ota! Ma#ines ;.9: ,.;:

    (* (y (2

    F"r F"u#dat!"#???? :.;, 9.2, 2.+, &0.1> &.07 9.+, 2., ,.; 7.07 &.?& ?.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00

    ???? ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 ,.,, ,.,, ,.,, 0.00 0.00 0.00+;.+/ +.02 /.: +./1 +.9

    3Note EEEE, s#a!! /e rep!aed /y F su/tratF , if any area is to /e deduted, for #o!!o8 or aity '

     C"55"# C.G "$ Ma%h!#e 6 F"u#dat!"#

    a' G + ?.&0 m

    /' + 1.0 m

    ' + 0.$$ m


    Sr.no Item

    a' or Ma#inesump . . . . . .

    ? Motor 0.B9 0.00 1.19 0. 0.B 0.?& 4asep!ate 0.00 0.00 0.? 0.0 0.0 0.0

    > 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0

    /' or oundation


    1 0.00 0.00 0.?& 1.7 B.0 B.0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.00.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0


    3 A!! a!ues #i)#!i)#ted in  e!!o8  are input a!ues.'"%m?


     Area at /ase Af +


    or Af  J 10m? , C

    u Va!ues s#a!! /e mu!tip!ied 8it# 10 %A

    Cu+ "%m&


    + ?ECu  + "%m&

    Cr  + 0.EC

    u  + "%m&

    Cs+ 0.7EC

    u + "%m&

    :., Ca&%u&at!"# "$ Ce#ter "$ 8rav!ty a#d Stat!% M"5e#t "$ Ma (*

    m 5m 5 =1./2 m ym m 5m?m 5m?ym 5m?m

    "se?%m "se? "se? "se?

    f  5f  $  =1./2 $  y$  $  5$ ?$  5$ ?y$  5$ ?$ 

    T"ta& 3 Ma#ine Loundation' +



    f E*

    f '%3m


    f '



    f Ey

    f ' %3m


    f '



    f E2

    f ' %3m


    f '

    e e

    y  e








    e e

    y  e




    2f %*

    $ %*y

    $ %*






    4C.. of @6uipment






    Common C.


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

    d> )t "$ ha$t a7&1@00 m

    a' U#


    e + ?.>* 1?000%-peratin) speed +


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared P!t%h!#8 H * a! a#d L"#8!tud!#a& V!

    "#e mass moment of inertia of t#e 8#o!e system Q

    t#e ya*is passin) t#rou)# t#e ommon enter of )raity + 7.?B

    "#e mass moment of inertia of t#e 8#o!e system Q t#e a*is passin)

    t#rou)# t#e entroid of t#e /ase area

    + + 10.10

    3 #ere m is e6ua! to sum of mass of ma#ine p!us foundation'

    "#e ratio + 0.7?

    0., Che%k $"r Re"#a#%e

    3 A!t#ou)# t#e system /ein) onsidered #as si* de)ree of freedom it may on!y i/rate in four different 8ays or modes. Rotatiot#e GG a*is does not usua!!y ta5e p!ae independent!y of trans!ation a!on) t#e a*isT i.e. Ro5in) and !atera! mode nor 

    f n32'? + Cu Af  f n32' + Cu Af   + se1

    f n32' % ?π =

    -peratin) fre6ueny of ma#ine f m +

    -peratin) fre6ueny of ma#ine fm in ps +f m % B0


    re6ueny Ratio + f n32'%f m +


    "m se?


      ** L m * 3'?

    "m se?

    r 1 + ** % **

      f nK3*'? +

    CK  * Se?


    or trans!ation a!on) a*is f n3y'? + Cr  Af   % m Se?

    Prinipa! natura! fre6uenies f n1  f n? are

    f n>  3f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'f n

    ? L 3f nK3*'?  f n3y'


    r 1   r 1"#erefore f n1  f n? are e6ua! to

    f n1 ?+ f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'? L 3 f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'?  >r 1 f nK3*'

    ?  f n3y'?


    ?r 1f n1 Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n1 % f m

    f n? ?+ f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'? 3 f nK3*'

    ? L f n3y'?'?  >r 1 f nK3*'

    ?  f n3y'?

    Se??r 1

    f n? Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny + f n? % f m


    "m se?


      yy L m * 3'?

    "m se?

    r ? + yy % yy

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared R"%k!#8 H * a! a#d Latera& v!

    Due t" e%!t!#8 $"r%e Fy

    * 1000+

    0.00>$ mm

    Rotationa! Amp!itude

    * 1000 + 0.000> rad

    Due t" e%!t!#8 M"5e#t M

    * 1000 + 0.000>9 mm

    Rotationa! Amp!itude

    * 1000+

    0.00977 rad

    0.00>$ L 0.000 + 0.00>& mm

    0.000> L 0.009$ + 0.009> rad

    r ?   r ?

    "#erefore f n1  f n? are e6ua! to

    f n1 ?+ f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'? L 3 f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'?'?  >r ? f nK3y'

    ?  f n3*'?


    ?r ?f n1 Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n1 %f m

    f n? ?+ f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'? 3 f nK3y'

    ? L f n3*'?'?  >r ? f nK3y'

    ?  f n3*'?

    Se??r ?f n? Se1

    Ratio of natura! fre6ueny to ma#ine fre6ueny+ f n? %f m

    f nK32' +Cs  2 Se1


    /., Che%k F"r A5p&!tude

    3 AS per C!.&.$. Cii! Strutura! Desi)n 4asis, A!! Natura! fre6uenies /e!o8 1. times t#e operatin) fre6ueny for rotatin)e6uipment s#a!! /e a!u!ated. It s#a!! /e Demonstrated t#at t#e amp!itude of t#e natura! fre6uenies /et8een 0.& and 1. tim


  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared .9 * 9.BB * 0 + 0.00 "onn1000

    & * $1&9.B * 17.0> * 0 + 0.000 ".m1000

    Net A!!o8a/!e 4earin) pressure at norma! ondition + ?0

    Net A!!o8a/!e 4earin) pressure for Dynami (oads + 10

    "ota! t at /ase of oundation + t of @6uipment L t of oundation + &B.&$ "on

    Stati C#e5

     App!ied Pressure on soi! + &B.&$ + &.7BB .Safe>.B * ?.1

    Moment Q G a*is + 3 Ma* of Un/a!aned moment, Dynami Moment' + 1.9B ".m

    Moment Q a*is + 3 Ma* of Un/a!aned moment Dynami Moment' + 0 00 " m

     A* + 3CK  y  m )   L Cr Af  ?  yy f m

    ?' *

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


     Ay  + Cr  Af   *m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


     A* + Cr  Af   My

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


     Ay  + 3 Cr Af   m f m?' My

    m yy 3 f n1?  f m

    ?' 3f n? ? f m


    "ota! A* +

    "ota! AKy +

     At + A* L 3# ' * Ay  +

     A/ + A*   * AKy

    Rotation Q , A2 +

      22 3 f nK32'?  f m


     A( + G * AY2 +

     AR + 3(*G' * AY2 +

    1., Ca&%u&at!"# O$ Dy#a5!% F"r%e (*

    Hori2onta! Dynami ore dy

    + Z Cr  Af  A/  +

    Dynami Moment Md*

     + Z CK  * A* +

    Hori2onta! Dynami ore d*

    + Z Cr  Af  A/  +

    Dynami Moment Mdy

     + Z CK  y Ay +

    2,., Che%k $"r S.B.C


    "%m? 3 0 of soi! /earin) pressure'


    Darji, Vijay:se !oun"u#(cell,$) for% &alues as 'LG()"oes no+ or- for (.)&alue

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared "onn

    Resistin) ore + : * + 1>. "onn

    -S a)ainst S!idin) + $.$$&7 O 1. .Hene SafeS!idin) ore

    a!! t#e faes of foundation /!o5.

    22., Sta

    N-"@3 oundation 8idt# is onsidered as per Diretion of Moment, i.e for moment in G diretion foundation 8idt# s#a!! /eonsidered as (y and ie ersa'.

    29., Sta

    Resistin) ore +

    2+., Shr!#ka8e 6 Creep

     As per ACI ?07.?R?1 C!. B.>. No minimum temperature and s#rin5a)e reinforement is re6uired for t#e mem/ers 1.$m or more int#i5ness t#at are onstruted /y t#e prinip!es and praties to ontro! t#e ra5in) of mass onrete.

    2:., M!#!5u5 R=F !# F"u#dat!"# B&"%k

    Ho8eer Proide minimum &0)%m&, i.e Proide 1? dia Q &00 enter to enter, e*tendin) /ot# ertia!!y and #ori2onta!!y near

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$  

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


     Anne*ure1 & of &$

    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$ 

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


     Anne*ure1 &B of &$

    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$ 

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


     Anne*ure1 &7 of &$

    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$ 

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared

  • 8/17/2019 G3A- Barkan's Method


    C&!e#t ( -ATAR S)ELL 7"< N" ( 2+2+, Pa8e ( "$ 

    DOC N"*2+2+,*,,,*CN*C,9*,,2: Prepared