B2B Social Strategy. Social media can be a useful tool to drive not just traffic to your site, but to generate business leads…How do you know which platforms will best serve your company?

GA – Suits and Sandals

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B2B Social Strategy. Social media can be a useful tool to drive not just traffic to your site, but to generate business leads…How do you

know which platforms will best serve your company?

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Who are you? Suits & Sandals – A small, well-planted digital agency in Brooklyn.

With a hand-full of employees, you’ve been

racking up your client list,

networking like a fiend and

making bank in the process.

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Re-realization: Social eyeballs are valuable eyeballs!

Now, how do we keep the momentum going?

�  Putting yourself in your clients shoes, you think about what social platforms they’re checking during the day.

�  You know that if you’re checking your social feeds, so are they.

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Let’s Socialize! �  If a potential client is

checking status updates (or updating their own), envying vacation photos or pics of friends with a dog-face filter, they’re not looking for anything serious.

�  Snap Chat is out. Insta is out. Facebook and Twitter are only kind of out…

What’s left?

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How about some numbers?

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The Numbers Continued… In a recent report from co-innovation company Regalix:

�  “LinkedIn (64%) and Twitter (47%) were the most favoured channels for customer engagement during the pre-sale stage of the buying cycle…”

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More Numbers… �  “…they led the pack for the post-sale stage of the buying cycle too, but

at lower figures with LinkedIn at 51% and Twitter at 42%.”

�  “…Facebook found greater preference among marketers for post-sale customer engagement (30%) than it did for pre-sale (17%).”

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Platform Differences.

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Need More?

�  “…One of the best features for businesses are LinkedIn Groups. Businesses should establish Groups in your target niche or industry and invite others in your target market to join.” – Justin Sachs, Young Entrepreneurs Council and CEO of Motivational Press

�  “…When you add LinkedIn to your marketing strategy, you can build targeted connections, generate higher-quality leads, reinforce relationships with prospects, and greatly improve your brand visibility.” – Aaron Agius, Managing Director/Co-Founder of Louder Online

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Your Potential Clients. �  Small to medium sized businesses looking to

establish their brand or those looking to rebrand their company.

�  From well-funded startups to established, large companies.

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The Page.

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Solutions… �  Add a cover photo of the office.

�  Repurpose blog posts.

�  Link to/repost other respectable Linkedin postings – adding thoughtful commentary as appropriate.

�  Share company and industry news.

�  Share white papers.

�  Add a piece or two from your portfolio.

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The intent is to increase SEO of the company page within Linkedin, but also to lead potential clients to your website…

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KPIs. Track page performance using internal and external analytics:

�  Note which posts: �  A) are clicked the most. �  B) which posts drive traffic to the website.

�  Track clicks off of Linkedin onto website.

�  Start, monitor, and frequently contribute to post-generated discussions (community management).

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Need ownership of: �  Blog posts and reposts

�  White paper/article commentary

�  Real-time discussions/feedback

�  Own and execute posting calendar

�  Daily seek out best practices and new techniques for posting/maintaining page

�  Constantly look at competitors’ pages.

�  Be open to any tactic that adds individuality.

�  Consider a paid Linkedin ad OR Sales Lead Generation campaign.

�  Focus on manual Linkedin SEO, then on growing number of followers.

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In the mean time… Your updated company page is up and running, now you have to wait for the data to accumulate…

In the mean time, it’s time to consider your Facebook and Twitter accounts:

�  What content on LinkedIn may be shared on FB and Twitter.

�  Consider some “fun” postings that are more appropriate for FB and/or Twitter.

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Even further… Retargeting:

�  Consider establishing a retargeting email campaign for past and present clients.

�  Decide on frequency of emails and possibly any feasible promotions or discounts.

�  Ask them to share your work on their social channels and piggy-back off of their posts (symbiosis).


�  Ask previous and current clients to review your work on LinkedIn and Facebook. �  Email survey or verbal request.

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Conclusions about LinkedIn: �  Perfect social starting point for B-2-B.

�  Strong sales lead generation potential – hosts a variety of tools to aid marketers.

�  Specifically tailored to businesses – provides excellent opportunities to qualify leads and research potential clients.

�  Presents company in a professional light – great platform to whet a potential clients appetite and then get them onto the website.

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Thank you!

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Credits. �  B2B/B2C Comparison Chart:


�  LinkedIn Stats Chart: http://www.business2community.com/social-selling/leveraging-linkedin-find-new-prospects-01644253#mRxiozfXwsGwLMCg.97

�  Regalix Findings and Charts:http://www.regalix.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/State-of-B2B-Social-Media-Marketing-2015.pdf