THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 15 1909 G I + REULATOR FOR SILVER SERVICE Beard of Trade Takes Action to Se- cure funos At the suggetitlou of Mayor Davis thj Gainesville hoard of Trade have taken up the matter of raiding funds 1 r the purpose of a silver tirvice for the battleship Florida Parties desiring to contribute to tho fund can notify II P Hampton who Is secretary and the amounts will be credited Following is the list of contributions up to last night F Hampton GOO U R Colson 100 Cblelds Warren 100 11 S Chubb 100 E E Cannon 100 H U Arnold 100 W R Thomts 100 W W Hampton Jr 100 E D Turner 100 II P Robinson 100 A R Harper 100 T W Shands W II Anderson 100 It Zetrouer 100- J W Branding 100 E G Baxter 100 Dr Geo S Waldo 100 Phlfcr Bros 100 Goo K Broome 100 Dr H C Spencer 100 lion Frank Clark 100 Geo Glass High Springs 100 ContrlbutlcnB to the above fund will bo received from parties residing at any point in Alachua county A1NCSVILLE CAPITAL SURPLUS 575lfll0i- S25IIIOI OFFICERS W R Thomas President- G K Groome Font E VicePresldent- E D Turner Cashier W B Taor Second VicePresldent DIRECTORS n K Broome Q Padgett H F Dutton j A Maulttby J G Nichols M Venable W R Them W D Tay c 4 Per Cent Paid Savings Department DONT BOTHER With HomeBaking Wlils the Weather Is So Warm M liur U t u la tt iu 4001 yw r umi I H iiy kiwn IM iMMft Mli II ink u l II r MtltM1 Hut try U ju iiiw I i H T a hafer Prop DYSPEPSIA D Lon TUr DUTTOM MMR FLA- t t in 1 Juke I t- muuwr w t I I fiJAKIRV- tn r INDIGESTION- S c a L d a t w ie t I ttti rI r 1NIAIh l I sd ri I try our Isuii1M t11alh haklolt Awry tie your fl > 111 peal MEy p Ns 14L ¬ > > > > > HE WAS NOT A FLIRT Therefore Rcaentsd the Woman Attempts at Familiarity lie was rldlnp homeward coinforta bly seated Iud ills HT He Ins a wilts nntrsl htcd ho was apply- ing himself ovtii more clo to his KI per than other passengers Thus Intent In the days news hv was startled when n woman carne up him and touched him lightly on the shoulder nt the some time casting n longing eye on his sent lie IM a polite man and he got up A woman with that much nerve N entitled to a he muttered tc himself The Wen of n wnmnn il- lllH rat lv uudjcltit a man out of hl eat Othor women xtandlnu nvai by laughed iinrescrriHlly lit hid bl- ptnbarrassiniiit tMliliid MA paper for he felt that his good nature had been Imposed u oii and that the on him By and by there was a vacant seat next to the one he hud Fired up to the woman nnd be sat down once more The woman turned rind looked at him amusedly lie could feel her Raze even though ho bluff at iMIriR Intensely luterostiHl In his paper Pretty mw It seemed to him for a woman deliberately to take the seat of a total stranger and then sit there and Inugh at hint because he was such a mark Then the woman spoke to him Arent you coins to talk to me sin naked Ho could stand her familiarity no longer Well of nil the lie stop pod right there when bo looked around and recognized tier It was his wife Cleveland Lender COOKS SHOPS They the Beginnings of the Modern Restaurant In primitive times the only places- In London whore the public could bo entertained with food had been the cooks shops The famous East Cheap was a great thoroughfare down which the stalls of the butchers alternated with those of the cooks You chow a Joint at the flesh market and you car- ried It next door to be cooked for you by n certain hour If you wished for wine you trust bring that with you for the cooks sold no liquor nl though they seem to have provided as time went on more and more of the natural accompaniments of meat such as bread vegetables and pastry This habit continued until well into the reign of Elizabeth nnd so long as such an Inconvenient custom pre- vailed there could have been no real comfort fur any citizen who chose to dine abroad He must have had as much trouble with porterage and as a country party has today nt a picnic But about the time that Shakespeare came up to Loudoti a remarkable change took place In the Customs of the town nod the practice- of public hospitality and entertain- ment was ulngularly facilitated The nature of this change lay In the sudden development of the tavern nnd the consequent withdrawal of the cookshop The worshipful company of pastelurs as the cooks were called ceased to enjoy the monopoly of pro- viding hot meals Edmund Gout In Harper Magazine Railroads Are Never Finished In one respect H railroad is unlike any other project undertaken by man II Is never finished IIke a cucumber vine says n writer In Popular Me- chanics the lusiani It reuses to grow It begins to wither There must be continuous expansion and enlargement Larger cars require more powerful lo- comotlres and both In turu call for heavier mils bigger roundhouses stronger bridges longer platforms and sidings Increased safety devices whir the tdnilglitiiilng of curves and tin leveling of grades come In for their shore ntteutUni on even the oldest romls Little wonder then with our ntllrmuU fiHumming nearly of 111 our mumifHctuml HI eel and Iron Still fllDV UllOhlllf Of Mil ll lllllllNM untie IM b yi nr that they the un fatms Mirotiivter f the business H- Itlvlty f flit ntnun CASTOR for Infants and Children the Kind You Have Always Bought Dears liv- wiiut do more real MUU- M tkaii all othwr brokers OOh IH fact thoy asset o- Uu tHt that Ittt brokers am Taw kAltlt nf aN wrl8K U IRHI- 1UMMI tH ytw U tin thin will k n i- Ki iHt4r M M m INK flu uu are ll- K and iiro i iuu- M wfe IU M la R fwrnulnNl M M Miy lM4 M J nl l r la He home uln laugh n It Wore lit Are CL E7 rile MI tart ht 8 au U nine kIN r r nailing rely be- side sent war tnndt bas- kets out Irtlf RbnaturI of vrw ails I Uaala flatak rye ti1t1 IedI Ril t 4 wilii- rl a < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > Surprising What Kodol Will DoF- or you when you need But the longer you neg lect Indigestion the more you will suffer before Kodol can restore Digestion it ¬ And of course Indigestion If neg lected long enough brings on sorl ous diseases in which Kodol cannot benefit you Some of these thero Is no help for at all There are in fact very few ail- ments which cannot be traced di- rectly to Impure blood And Im- pure blood Is always duo to a dis- ordered Use Kodol and prevent Nervous Dyspepsia Kodol will effectually assist Na- ture to secure a complete restora- tion of good digestion It does this by at onco digesting nil foul In the stomach and keeping it di- gested until the stomach Is rested and can resumo Its own work Ko dol removes the cnusc and the effect quickly removes Itself When It Is recalled that Heart Disease Cancer and even Consumption are duo to poor digestion and poisons thus transmitted to the blood and throughout the system tho imporj lance of maintaining good diges- tion la at once realized lit Apo- plexy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ We knew what Kodol would do before ever tho first bottle was sold If we did not know just what- it will do we would not guarantee- it the way we do It is easy for you to prove Kodol the next or the first time you have an attack of Indigestion And will certainly be surprised at the results It Is perfectly harm lessThere can be no harm in trying something that may do you a great deal of good when It costs you nothing if It doesnt Our Guarantee Oo to your lr Btlit t niny and noi tar bottle nflrr you writ rntlr euiiliMiU if the If you ran It lias not iloiii ynu Mt y- iriHfel return ih ilioilniireiot niJI- n will rrfuiul Your money without niiff Hun rileiV W will then Ihr ilnijr- pl t Ior the bottle Dont all Irtjrxil kiow that onrpuarnntee good ThUulIrr njpllen ti Uie lartt bottle only niiJ to lint our In n fimllv The larte tot ti ronlnliiASi timer an uiuvtt an the sift cent bottle Kodol Is prepared at the laborar lories of E C DeWitt CoCLIcajo ou it the to a bare hone ty ay that ittUr lie Itatr > + ALL FOR SALE BY DBUGGIE TS Wanted No Trimmings Lit I If Olllo tins much frightened nt n thunder shower mid her father told nor she shouldnt bo s rain was good for the grass und her flowers Looking up through her tears Olllt said Uwell why ccant we have JJUBt plain rraInT Exchange The Intricacies of It Wny dont you study the time ta- ble and then you wouldnt have your train That was the trouble While I was trying to translate tin time table the train pulled out New York Herald At His Cst Illoblis The doctor told Guzzler drinking was the very worst thing tie could do Slobbs I guess that doctor didnt know Guzzler or be would have realized that drinking Is the best thing he docs Philadelphia Record Let a want ad negotiate a trade for something you dont need for something you do DILL FOR DIVORCE In the Circuit Court EJxbth Judicial Circuit Alacbu County KlorkU In Cbincrrr UrowD VH WlllUm Hrowt Order 1iibikuttm Hill for Divorce It i by m lavlt Mlcnded to the bill died In the uruve M ted tbat Uiilam Brown the mlai t therein named IH a rest dent of the Si t n Kl Mt ml that he lu imrr ttian tiUlutH lhl application r tr an darer of too aid thit he IH In thu r vies of i cannot be nude upon M that the no IM ron In the Slate of Hotlia nettle r a uui oenu on whom would bind mid iicreiiilant and I the age uf- iwcntvour ear It m therefore ordered but said r t defendant be and tie I hereby roiuind to HI i ur to the HIU of Com tHalnt lUcti In a i iuvs on or before Mumtuy ho day ol Ombrr A L 19ft ntherwU- eCitlHl of said bill Wli IM luttt a- tf iiy akJ tertnditnl It is furtner onl red that this outer IK d mi e a week for tour cnn tvumr- ks In The ii lne rlHe Sun M- i i nii iUhcd III tuld county and SIlt Tiu i u lids A true coir Seal S B WIKXOKS Clerk Circuit Court lly M S CUKVKS U C H G MASON Solicitor for Complainant the u youof Susie cause ben btoen next ntercnuw pub hlm elf toO over 4th tt pub 11 M e M misst- ep flee Ica c bees UCC him the sari w N- I 1 ash ¬ ¬ > > lULl FOR DIVOKCi In the Circuit Court KUbth JjdiolaCircuit- Alachuti County ft In lInnle Maine vs XV MitneO tier flit llcatlon Ill I for O vorci It uiicarlru by attiavlt aH mlril to I tiled In till shove stated that W tJ- M iintv ntumil is a n ii residents the Slate ot KioiHu hut I its of UVsterly Ithixle I und that lucre no twpxii In tnN Ih ervoe f 11 sub i u niton whom wou l bind al l ileeW ant unit that he IK over the age of tmeityiiic years it thcrcfme ot- nercil that suU ni rc l ent ilefenJutti be and he IH hrrety rcuulrttl to a eur to the 11111 of Comt alct nied In MM rouse on r Momlar the Itb ilav o toner A D I O otherwise the uIlrKMtiorsuf lad will us confev e l by said drfemluni It IH further ordered that this order be tub llshed once a v el for our consecutive celH In The U ine Sun a ncwsravcr- pur nshed In saH cujnty and Sue This August ltb IM1 A true copy of orlelDi S II WIEN KS Clerk Circuit Court IIMS CdKVKS U C J A UlUIAMs Solicitor tor COU li lnani Iu tLc Cicail KUtblh Judlelil Circuit Nashua County hnrlda In Chancery usle Le Weir vs Miter lloyd WeirIll 1 tar Divorce Order lunlcutlon It nf by uMduvlt appended lathe bill tlleil In the above stated cuu e that Miller oyd Weir the defendant therein named IH a nonresident of the State of Kjorida but was u lesldeot of Arueriius lieotbU when he ltsl knew hit whvrvuoouu and he I ore the utfe of twcntyonn years It U therefore ordered that said laent ilefeAdant be and he It hereby required to ai ear to the Jill or Complaint tiled In said cause on or before ItkO other the allegation of all bill will be taken- as confessed by Bald defendant It U fu thcr ordered that thU order be pub- lished once a week for four consecutive week In The Gainesville Sun a In said county and State August 17th I9i S H WIKNGES Clerk Circuit Court A true copy of ortirtnal S II WIKSGES Clerk Circuit Court CAHTKU LA YTON Soles fur Complt 0 0 O 0 0 ADVERTISE 0 0 0 THE SUN 0 0 Theres a RMMM t n i II cu the dtlcldaM hIt I I I I before Ill r ILL ourt all Jlobdaytbe ofOctubcrltU newspaper TIll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IN 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C o o o o o o gar hat r the e a vet stet e sid be- token Feud Folt DIVORCE non 4th day wise Seal 000 > > > > > == = = = === = = = = = = = == = > ===== == = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = = ====== ° = TELEPHONE TALKST- he Long Distance System One of the most valuable features if our service to our subscribers and o the public generally is our connec ion with the extensive long distance mes of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the other a crated Bell Telephone companies We own thousands of miles of long distance lines in the seven Stater in we operate and In addition can annect any telephone In our system with lines extending to any other city which a Bell Telephone system Is Pi ttl These long dlttanu null art of the most modern and Improved construc- tion and are maintained at a high tate of efficiency The poll systems operating In various sections of the country are uniform In thalr equl ment and In their methods of open itin Only by reason of this close trafflo nt between the Bell Tele phone companies Is it possible to go to a Bell Telephone almost anywhere for Long Distance and be put Communication with almost any point m the count Thi network vuir s rnd Ing throughout the nation U uittf dally in commerce and for social pun P es by the banker the farmer citizens In all walks ef life and out plant here Is an Important link In this great chain Southern Bell Telephone- and Telegraph Company I r which an 1 kivias MIIlIftt Raton lJ 1 I I W11Pl1IJU ask > wait nr i Eifclsijt ¬ < BUSINESS DR GEO S WALDO DENTIST Graham Building East Mzln Street h- ell Phone 51 Also Long Distant DR DaVERE B MORRIb DENTIST Office aver Gainesville Nuttoaal Phoae 260 DR J H ALDERMAN D E N T I3 f omce over Duttoa ft Co Phony 2SO CalacBville E BAKK- KATTOIINEVATLAW SOLICITOR I rilANCEKY GAINESVILLE Alaehua Co Office in liaifuiur Hlock ATTORNEY AT LAt OAIKKSTILLB ririiDi Can sell your 104 proved and animiroed J trucking and farming Send hits a list of what you otter for sale 3U3 CARLISLE ATTORNEY AT LAW And Solicitor in Equity Rea Estate ral Praotiee All business prompt to Office nut to GAINIBVILLB FLORIST RANK CLAKK THUS W FIELDING ClAnK FIELDING LAWYERS Practice la all Courts State aai Federal Over Gainesville Natloaa RAnk oaln svtllf Florida Dr A Dolan Magnolia Hotel DR OED S WALDO DENTIST resent Ltcitwn Graham iuiiin- WiN Remave tt East Side Cwrt Nose Sure as som as nmM- M if Hew iffices is The fiRst Materials Latest Metlmls if Practice have cnscienliiusly CM sidered this question anti aim to make my charges as taw as First Class Work will permit VOYLE VOYLE REAL ESTATE Farms Dwellings Lots For Sale iir YOI i I irn i Abstracts of Title Made T l4i 1 Fire M H 41 CANLlS 1k FLd1 FERDINANU city lands J A and ti Ices VETERINARIANRe- sidence 4 FEEI El 1 A lit oil Iftlufance rill t I all hall Fl- aw bYrh Gaines illo cup stet illlVlllf Iltt i A 1 fl- a W Malts M tya l I Il1 t111 > > +

Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-16 [p 6].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01518/00558.pdf · 2009. 8. 3. · G THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-16 [p 6].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01518/00558.pdf · 2009. 8. 3. · G THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER





Beard of Trade Takes Action to Se-

cure funosAt the suggetitlou of Mayor Davis

thj Gainesville hoard of Trade havetaken up the matter of raiding funds1 r the purpose of a silver tirvice forthe battleship Florida

Parties desiring to contribute totho fund can notify II P Hamptonwho Is secretary and the amountswill be credited Following is thelist of contributions up to last night

F Hampton GOO

U R Colson 100Cblelds Warren 10011 S Chubb 100E E Cannon 100H U Arnold 100W R Thomts 100W W Hampton Jr 100E D Turner 100II P Robinson 100A R Harper 100T W ShandsW II Anderson 100It Zetrouer 100-

J W Branding 100E G Baxter 100Dr Geo S Waldo 100Phlfcr Bros 100Goo K Broome 100Dr H C Spencer 100lion Frank Clark 100Geo Glass High Springs 100

ContrlbutlcnB to the above fund willbo received from parties residing atany point in Alachua county






W R Thomas President-G K Groome FontE


E D Turner CashierW B Taor Second VicePresldent


n K BroomeQ Padgett

H F Duttonj A Maulttby

J G NicholsM VenableW R ThemW D Tay c

4 Per Cent PaidSavings Department

DONT BOTHERWith HomeBaking Wlils

the Weather Is So Warm

M liur U t u la tt iu 4001yw r umi I H iiy kiwn IM

iMMft Mli II ink u l II r MtltM1 Hut

try U ju iiiw I i

H T a hafer Prop










Juke I t-

muuwrw t







c a





w ie t I ttti rI r 1NIAIh l I sd

ri I try our Isuii1M t11alh hakloltAwry

tie your

fl > 111 peal

MEy p Ns14L



> >

> >


Therefore Rcaentsd the WomanAttempts at Familiarity

lie was rldlnp homeward coinfortably seated Iud ills HT HeIns a wilts nntrsl htcd ho was apply-ing himself ovtii more clo to his KI

per than other passengersThus Intent In the days news hv wasstartled when n woman carne up

him and touched him lightly onthe shoulder nt the some time castingn longing eye on his sent

lie IM a polite man and he got upA woman with that much nerve N

entitled to a he muttered tchimself The Wen of n wnmnn il-

lllH rat lv uudjcltit a man out of hl

eat Othor women xtandlnu nvaiby laughed iinrescrriHlly lit hid bl-

ptnbarrassiniiit tMliliid MA paper forhe felt that his good nature had beenImposed u oii and that theon him

By and by there was a vacant seatnext to the one he hud Fired up tothe woman nnd be sat down oncemore The woman turned rind lookedat him amusedly lie could feel herRaze even though ho bluff atiMIriR Intensely luterostiHl In his paperPretty mw It seemed to him for awoman deliberately to take the seatof a total stranger and then sit thereand Inugh at hint because he was sucha mark

Then the woman spoke to himArent you coins to talk to me sin

nakedHo could stand her familiarity no

longer Well of nil the lie stoppod right there when bo looked aroundand recognized tier It was his wifeCleveland Lender


They the Beginnings of theModern Restaurant

In primitive times the only places-In London whore the public could boentertained with food had been thecooks shops The famous East Cheapwas a great thoroughfare down whichthe stalls of the butchers alternatedwith those of the cooks You chow aJoint at the flesh market and you car-ried It next door to be cooked foryou by n certain hour If you wishedfor wine you trust bring that withyou for the cooks sold no liquor nlthough they seem to have provided astime went on more and more of thenatural accompaniments of meat suchas bread vegetables and pastry

This habit continued until well intothe reign of Elizabeth nnd so longas such an Inconvenient custom pre-vailed there could have been no realcomfort fur any citizen who chose todine abroad He must have had asmuch trouble with porterage and

as a country party has today nta picnic But about the time thatShakespeare came up to Loudoti aremarkable change took place In theCustoms of the town nod the practice-of public hospitality and entertain-ment was ulngularly facilitated

The nature of this change lay In thesudden development of the tavern nndthe consequent withdrawal of thecookshop The worshipful companyof pastelurs as the cooks were calledceased to enjoy the monopoly of pro-viding hot meals Edmund Gout InHarper Magazine

Railroads Are Never FinishedIn one respect H railroad is unlike

any other project undertaken by manII Is never finished IIke a cucumber

vine says n writer In Popular Me-

chanics the lusiani It reuses to growIt begins to wither There must becontinuous expansion and enlargementLarger cars require more powerful lo-

comotlres and both In turu call forheavier mils bigger roundhousesstronger bridges longer platforms andsidings Increased safety devices whirthe tdnilglitiiilng of curves and tinleveling of grades come In for theirshore ntteutUni on even the oldestromls Little wonder then with ourntllrmuU fiHumming nearly of111 our mumifHctuml HI eel and IronStill fllDV UllOhlllf Of Mil ll lllllllNM

untie IM b yi nr that they the unfatms Mirotiivter f the business H-

Itlvlty f flit ntnun

CASTORfor Infants and Children

the Kind You Have Always Bought

Dears liv-

wiiut do more real MUU-

M tkaii all othwr brokers OOhIH fact thoy asset o-

Uu tHt that Ittt brokers am

Taw kAltlt nf aN wrl8K U IRHI-

1UMMI tH ytw U tin thin will k n i-

Ki iHt4r M M m INK flu uu are ll-

K and iiro i iuu-

M wfe IU M la R fwrnulnNlM M Miy lM4 M J nl l r la


home uln







CL E7rile

MI tartht



U nine

kIN rr









out Irtlf

RbnaturI of vrwails


Uaala flatak

rye ti1t1 IedI Ril t 4 wilii-rl a

< >








> >


SurprisingWhat Kodol Will DoF-

or you when you need But the longer you neglect Indigestion the more you will suffer before Kodolcan restore Digestion

it ¬

And of course Indigestion If neglected long enough brings on sorlous diseases in which Kodol cannotbenefit you Some of these theroIs no help for at all

There are in fact very few ail-

ments which cannot be traced di-

rectly to Impure blood And Im-

pure blood Is always duo to a dis-

orderedUse Kodol and prevent Nervous

DyspepsiaKodol will effectually assist Na-

ture to secure a complete restora-tion of good digestion It doesthis by at onco digesting nil foulIn the stomach and keeping it di-

gested until the stomach Is restedand can resumo Its own work Kodol removes the cnusc and theeffect quickly removes Itself

When It Is recalled thatHeart Disease Cancer and

even Consumption are duo topoor digestion and poisons thustransmitted to the blood andthroughout the system tho imporjlance of maintaining good diges-tion la at once realized












We knew what Kodol would dobefore ever tho first bottle wassold If we did not know just what-it will do we would not guarantee-it the way we do

It is easy for you to prove Kodolthe next or the first time you

have an attack of Indigestion Andwill certainly be surprised at

the results It Is perfectly harmlessThere can be no harm in tryingsomething that may do you a greatdeal of good when It costs younothing if It doesnt

Our GuaranteeOo to your lr Btlit t niny and noi

tar bottle nflrr you writrntlr euiiliMiU if the If you ran

It lias not iloiii ynu Mt y-

iriHfel return ih ilioilniireiot niJI-n will rrfuiul Your money without niiffHun rileiV W will then Ihr ilnijr-pl t Ior the bottle Dont allIrtjrxil kiow that onrpuarnntee goodThUulIrr njpllen ti Uie lartt bottle onlyniiJ to lint our In n fimllv The larte totti ronlnliiASi timer an uiuvtt an the siftcent bottle

Kodol Is prepared at the laborarlories of E C DeWitt CoCLIcajo





hone ty ay thatittUr

lie Itatr




Lit I If Olllo tins much frightened ntn thunder shower mid her father toldnor she shouldnt bo s rain wasgood for the grass und her flowers

Looking up through her tears Ollltsaid Uwell why ccant we haveJJUBt plain rraInT Exchange

The Intricacies of ItWny dont you study the time ta-

ble and then you wouldnt haveyour trainThat was the trouble While I was

trying to translate tin time table thetrain pulled out New York Herald

At His CstIlloblis The doctor told Guzzler

drinking was the very worst thing tiecould do Slobbs I guess that doctordidnt know Guzzler or be would haverealized that drinking Is the best thinghe docs Philadelphia Record

Let a want ad negotiate a tradefor something you dont needfor something you do

DILL FOR DIVORCEIn the Circuit Court EJxbth Judicial Circuit

Alacbu County KlorkU In CbincrrrUrowD VH WlllUm Hrowt Order

1iibikuttm Hill for DivorceIt i by m lavlt Mlcnded to the bill

died In the uruve M ted tbat UiilamBrown the mlai t therein named IH a restdent of the Si t n Kl Mt ml that he lu

imrr ttian tiUlutHlhl application r tr an darer of tooaid thit he IH In thu rvies of i cannot be nude upon Mthat the no IM ron In the Slate of Hotlianettle r a uui oenu on whom wouldbind mid iicreiiilant and I the age uf-iwcntvour ear It m therefore orderedbut said r t defendant be and tie Ihereby roiuind to HI i ur to the HIU of ComtHalnt lUcti In a i iuvs on or before Mumtuyho day ol Ombrr A L 19ft ntherwU-

eCitlHl of said bill Wli IM luttt a-tf iiy akJ tertnditnl

It is furtner onl red that this outer IKd mi e a week for tour cnn tvumr-ks In The ii lne rlHe Sun M-

i i nii iUhcd III tuld county and SIltTiu i u lids

A true coirSeal S B WIKXOKS Clerk Circuit Court

lly M S CUKVKS U CH G MASON Solicitor for Complainant






ben btoen next ntercnuwpub

hlm elf toO









Icac bees

UCC him



w N-I

1 ash






In the Circuit Court KUbth JjdiolaCircuit-Alachuti County ft InlInnle Maine vs XV MitneO tier flitllcatlon Ill I for O vorci

It uiicarlru by attiavlt aH mlril to I

tiled In till shove stated that W tJ-M iintv ntumil is a n iiresidents the Slate ot KioiHu hut I its

of UVsterly Ithixle I und that lucreno twpxii In tnN Ih ervoe f 11 subi u niton whom wou l bind al l ileeWant unit that he IK over the ageof tmeityiiic years it thcrcfme ot-

nercil that suU ni rc l ent ilefenJutti be andhe IH hrrety rcuulrttl to a eur to the 11111 ofComt alct nied In MM rouse on rMomlar the Itb ilav o toner A D I O

otherwise the uIlrKMtiorsuf lad willus confev e l by said drfemluni

It IH further ordered that this order be tubllshed once a v el for our consecutive

celH In The U ine Sun a ncwsravcr-pur nshed In saH cujnty and SueThis August ltb IM1

A true copy of orlelDiS II WIEN KS Clerk Circuit Court

IIMS CdKVKS U CJ A UlUIAMs Solicitor tor COU li lnani

Iu tLc Cicail KUtblh Judlelil CircuitNashua County hnrlda In Chancery

usle Le Weir vs Miter lloyd WeirIll 1

tar Divorce Order lunlcutlonIt n f by uMduvlt appended lathe

bill tlleil In the above stated cuu e that Milleroyd Weir the defendant therein named IH a

nonresident of the State of Kjorida but wasu lesldeot of Arueriius lieotbU when heltsl knew hit whvrvuoouu and he I orethe utfe of twcntyonn years It U thereforeordered that said laent ilefeAdant beand he It hereby required to ai ear to the Jillor Complaint tiled In said cause on or before

ItkO otherthe allegation of all bill will be taken-

as confessed by Bald defendantIt U fu thcr ordered that thU order be pub-

lished once a week for four consecutiveweek In The Gainesville Sun a

In said county and StateAugust 17th I9iS H WIKNGES Clerk Circuit Court

A true copy of ortirtnalS II WIKSGES Clerk Circuit Court

CAHTKU LA YTON Soles fur Complt

0 0 O


0 THE SUN 00 Theres a RMMM

t ni


cuthe dtlcldaM hIt I









Jlobdaytbe ofOctubcrltU



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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C o o o o o o

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sid be-token




4th daywise








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he Long Distance SystemOne of the most valuable features

if our service to our subscribers ando the public generally is our connecion with the extensive long distancemes of the American Telephone andTelegraph Company and the other a

crated Bell Telephone companiesWe own thousands of miles of long

distance lines in the seven Stater inwe operate and In addition can

annect any telephone In our systemwith lines extending to any other city

which a Bell Telephone system Is

Pi ttlThese long dlttanu null art of the

most modern and Improved construc-tion and are maintained at a hightate of efficiency The poll systems

operating In various sections of thecountry are uniform In thalr equlment and In their methods of openitin

Only by reason of this close trafflont between the Bell Tele

phone companies Is it possible to go toa Bell Telephone almost anywhere

for Long Distance and be putCommunication with almost any pointm the count

Thi network vuir s rndIng throughout the nation U uittfdally in commerce and for social punP es by the banker the farmercitizens In all walks ef life and outplant here Is an Important link In thisgreat chain

Southern Bell Telephone-

and Telegraph Company






kivias MIIlIftt RatonlJ 1 I I W11Pl1IJU

ask >

wait nri







Graham Building East Mzln Street h-

ell Phone 51 Also Long Distant



Office aver Gainesville NuttoaalPhoae 260


D E N T I 3 fomce over Duttoa ft Co

Phony 2SO CalacBville




GAINESVILLE Alaehua CoOffice in liaifuiur Hlock


Can sell your 104proved and animiroed Jtrucking and farming Send hitsa list of what you otter for sale 3U3


ATTORNEY AT LAWAnd Solicitor in Equity

Rea Estateral Praotiee All business prompt





Practice la all Courts State aaiFederal

Over Gainesville NatloaaRAnk oaln svtllf Florida

Dr A Dolan

Magnolia Hotel


DENTISTresent Ltcitwn Graham iuiiin-

WiN Remave tt East Side CwrtNose Sure as som as nmM-M if Hew iffices is

The fiRst Materials

Latest Metlmls if Practice

have cnscienliiusly CM

sidered this question anti aim to

make my charges as taw as First

Class Work will permit



Farms Dwellings Lots

For Saleiir YOI i I irn i

Abstracts of Title MadeT l4i 1

FireM H 41








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lit oil

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