Gaining traction and propelling change: rubber on the road Adjunct Associate Professor Jeremy Millar Director, Radiation Oncology, Alfred Health, Monash University School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Alfred Health RO Clinical Registry VCR - prostate cancer VCR - Rectal cancer VCR - Bladder cancer Victorian Prostate Cancer Registry School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine Rap sheet

Gaining traction and propelling change Rubber on the road

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Gaining traction and propelling change: rubber on the road

Adjunct Associate Professor Jeremy MillarDirector, Radiation Oncology, Alfred Health, Monash University

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Alfred Health RO Clinical RegistryVCR - prostate cancerVCR - Rectal cancerVCR - Bladder cancer

Victorian Prostate Cancer Registry

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Rap sheet

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Australian Prostate Cancer RegistryVictorian pilot Lung cancer registryBiogrid, esp colorectal, prostateAustralian Plasma cell disordersBreast cancerThyroid cancer registry Alfred Health oesophageal cancer registrProstate seed brachytherapy registry

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Source: Porter ME. What is value in health care? N Engl J Med. 2010 23;363(26):2477–81.

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Source: Porter & Lee. The Strategy That Will Fix Health Care. Harvard Business Review October 2013.

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine


School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on…

-Arab proverb

Individual change


�Opinion Leaders

�Peer-review processes

� Financial

�Ownership of idea and process

�Appeals to ethical professional principles


School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Source: Ham C. Improving the performance of health services: the role of clinical leadership. Lancet. 2003 7;361(9373):1978–80

Organisational change

� Education & training of clinical leaders

� Support of clinical leaders

� Allow time

� Organizational development

� Support teams

� Rapid iterations

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Source: Ham C. Lancet. 2003

Victorian Cancer RegistryAll DiagnosesVictorian Cancer RegistryAll Diagnoses

State and National Death RegistriesState and National Death Registries

5311 cases5311 cases

776 deaths776 deaths

Variation in death rate

Cancer service regions

Victorian Cancer RegistryAll DiagnosesVictorian Cancer RegistryAll Diagnoses

State and National Death RegistriesState and National Death Registries

5311 cases5311 cases

776 deaths776 deaths

Victorian Cancer RegistryAll DiagnosesVictorian Cancer RegistryAll Diagnoses

Link to medical records & patientsLink to medical records & patients

VPCR – what worked well?

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Cumulative & Stacked Accrual by Hospital


Peter Mac


What registries can achieve

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

NCCN risk category at baseline and treatment provided

Source: Prostate Cancer Registry 2012

* Frydenberg, Millar et al MJA 2000; 172:270-274

Treatment patterns

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

What registries can achieve

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%




Big problem

Moderate problem

Very small/Smallproblem

Source: Prostate Cancer Registry 2012

Sexual BOTHER according to primary treatment approach

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Victorian Prostate Cancer Registry

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine


School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

� Concern about “data ownership”

� Pre-existing datasets / registries

� Clinical workload

� Minimal objective dataset

� Funding

� Rapid case-ascertainment

� Unbiased complete case-ascertainment

� Extending the registry

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Accent-u-ate the positive…

Elim -in-ate the negative…

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

� Establishment of higher goal

� Principles based

� Health service administrative champions e.g. Epworth

� Government champions

Organisational influences on clinicians

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

� Establish trust with clinicians

– Communication & consultation– Meet them face-to-face (hopefully with one or more of their own)– Win intellectual argument– Involvement– Identification of influencers. Support them.– Process-driven– Respect– Governance Group– Awareness of clinical sensitivities

� Clinical Champions

� Relieve clinicians of workload

Individual clinicians

Change to clinicians’ environment

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

� Need to demonstrate the registry’s ability to improve patient care

� publish methodology/findings

� Where possible, integrate into clinical practice

� data collection as part of normal clinical process� feedback of results timely and relevant

� Good governance structures

� credibility� maintain independence from government and groups within

specialist areas

� Incentives

� Funded forums to discuss outcomes/research stemming from registries/ability to be involved in publications

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Thanks to

Sue Evans

John McNeil

Joanne Dean

Julie Wood

Fanny Sampurno

Catherine Pound

Catherine Mulvany