Galatians Introduction & Background

Galatians Introduction & Background. Galatians O Date: Either 48-49 or 53-57 O Author: Paul O Audience: O Either the churches in the Roman province of

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GalatiansIntroduction & Background

GalatiansODate: Either 48-49 or 53-57OAuthor: PaulOAudience:

O Either the churches in the Roman province of Galatia that Paul had founded on his missionary journeys,

O Or the churches in north-central Asia minor that Paul probably visited on his second missionary journey.

Judaizers – Paul’s CriticsO Judaizers were Jewish Christians who

believed, that a number of Old Testament practices were still binding in the New Testament Church.

OThey insisted that Gentile converts abide by these practices (ex: circumcision)

OThey questioned Paul’s authenticity as an Apostle, saying he was trying to make the Gospel more appealing to the Gentiles by removing all legal requirements.

PurposeOTo respond to JudaizersOTo establish his credibilityOTo establish the theological truth that

people are justified by faith in Christ alone—nothing more and nothing less.

OSanctification does not come from following laws, but obeying God out of faith and love.

Protestant ReformationO1517, Martin Luther posts his ninety-five

theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. This sparked the Protestant Reformation

OMartin Luther protested the sale of indulgencesO Indulgences – the remission of sin and

guilt while on earth of in purgatoryO The Catholic Church sold indulgences to

help finance the construction of St. Petersburg Basilica

Protestant ReformationOThe Reformation criticized the

unBiblical aspects of the Roman Catholic doctrines, rituals, and leadership

O It was Luther’s rediscovery of Galatians that helped bring about the Reformation.

O It is often referred to as “Luther’s Book” because he relied heavily on it.

ApplicationOWe all want to be

accepted—by our family, by our friends.

OOften people accept us only if we look or act a certain way: attractive, smart, wealthy, powerful.

OWe work hard to project the right image and to conceal our faults.

ApplicationOSometimes, we transfer

this attitude to our relationship with God.

OWe think we must earn his acceptance. If we could only work harder, live better, pray longer, witness to more people…

ApplicationOPaul challenged this kind of thinking. OHe exposed the futility of trying to

earn God's acceptance.OWe are already accepted in Christ.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”Galatians 5:1