Game Kit For DTS and other things. Hello fellow YWAMer, welcome to your new Game Kit guide! We have specifically chosen these games for you to play with groups while on outreach or other events; whether that is within your own teams or with teams from other nations. These team building activities are designed to help you learn more about relationships with one another, with God, and have some overall fun! If you are in a rush to do a game with a group of children in Asia and are stumped with what to do (been there!), these games are excellent ice breakers and virtually require little to no materials at all! Don’t be afraid to take a risk and learn some of these games. They aren’t as complicated as you may think! You can prep a few days in advance or even five minutes before. These games are simple and easy enough for anyone to learn! If you have been given a material bag, you can find all of your required props inside. Even if you don’t have a bag, you can find these materials at a hardware store and a dollar store. Anytime that you see a game that is labeled as “propless”, you can be sure that these games require nothing . If you don’t see anything at the top of the page, the game will require the use of materials that can be found within your material bags. Materials Needed: Webbing (2) Rubber chicken (1) Blindfolds (20) Straw (1) Cloth squares (16) Small plastic animals (10)

Game Kit For DTS and other things. - YWAM Salem, … · Game Kit For DTS and other things. Hello fellow YWAMer, welcome to your new Game Kit guide! We have specifically chosen

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Game Kit For DTS and other things.

Hello fellow YWAMer, welcome to your new Game Kit guide! We have specifically chosen these games for you to play with groups while on outreach or other events; whether that is within your own teams or with teams from other nations. These team building activities are designed to help you learn more about relationships with one another, with God, and have some overall fun! If you are in a rush to do a game with a group of children in Asia and are stumped with what to do (been there!), these games are excellent ice breakers and virtually require little to no materials at all! Don’t be afraid to take a risk and learn some of these games. They aren’t as complicated as you may think! You can prep a few days in advance or even five minutes before. These games are simple and easy enough for anyone to learn!

If you have been given a material bag, you can find all of your required props inside. Even if you don’t have a bag, you can find these materials at a hardware store and a dollar store.

Anytime that you see a game that is labeled as “propless”, you can be sure that these games require nothing . If you don’t see anything at the top of the page, the game will require the use of materials that can be found within your material bags.

Materials Needed:

Webbing (2)

Rubber chicken (1)

Blindfolds (20)

Straw (1)

Cloth squares (16)

Small plastic animals (10)

Table of Contents

Propless Games

ObservationRock, Paper, Scissors Championship

Switch, change, rotateHuman Knot

Eye Tag/Eye ScreamKey WordWin Win

Games with Props

Human MazeLittle StrawAnimal TossTrust WalkTrust Cars

Chicken TagLily Pads

Trust Circle Trust Fall

Ode to the ChickenMine Field

Stepping StonesTug Of War Lighthouse

Observation (propless)

Materials: None Objective: Ice Breaker, Focus, Fun

Participants: 10+ Time: 5-8 minutes


1. Everyone find a partner 2. Once everyone had found their partners they will stand face to face 3. Each set of partners will take about 10-20 seconds to “observe” one another. 4. Pay close attention to how their partner looks. Ex: shoes, hair, earrings, etc. 5. Once the “observation” time is completed, each pair must turn around 180 degrees; now

facing back to back. 6. Give another 10 seconds or so for each pair to change something about themselves. Ex: Untie

a shoelace, change hair, etc. 7. Finally, each pair must turn and face one another again and discover the change that their

partner made. 8. If you’d like, talk about why or why not this game was difficult and why it can be difficult or easy

to discover both small and big changes

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Championship (propless)

Materials: NoneObjective: Fun, Celebration

Participants: 20+Time: 3-5 minutes


1. 1,2,3 shoot 2. Have each person partner up and play one game of rock , paper, scissors 3. The winner of each competition become the head of the line; the loser goes behind them

(attaching at the shoulders) while chanting the winners’ name. 4. The winner will then approach another winner from another set of plays that person and rule

number 3 is then repeated. 5. The game continues on until there are only two winners left. By this time, there should be two

trains of people chanting each winners’ name. 6. The game is completed after the “sudden death” round. The two winners will play 3 games of

RPS, best two out of three. 7. After the final winner is announced, everyone will line up behind that person and chant their

name while doing a celebration dance

Switch, Change, Rotate (propless)

Materials: None Objective: Listening, Fun, Focus

Participants: 3-60 Time: 10-15 minutes


1. Divide the team into groups of 3 or 4 2. All groups will stand in a line facing the same direction one behind the other. 3. When the facilitator says, “switch”, the front and back players of each line will change places. 4. When the facilitator says, “change”, the line of players will turn around 180 degrees to face the

opposite direction. 5. When the facilitator says, “Rotate”, the player at the front of the line peels off and goes to the

back of the line. 6. Spend a little time practicing while the groups are stationary. 7. Ask the groups to start walking/ running around the room in their line formation, the head of the

line being the leader. 8. Now call Switch, Change, and Rotate as the groups are pacing around. 9. If you have some music to play during the activity it gives the groups some beat to walk to.

Human Knot (propless)

Materials: None Objective: Focus, Fun, Communication

Participants: 8+ Time: 5-15 minutes


1. Form a circle facing in, extend right arms as if to shake someone’s hand. 2. Link hands with another person in the circle that is not standing on either side of you. 3. Extend the right arm and link hands with a different person, again making sure the person is

not standing on either side of you. 4. At this point the group should resemble a large tangle 5. Now the fun begins! 6. Try to untangle the knot to form a circle again, without releasing hands. 7. It is not necessary for everyone to face the same direction in the completed circle, and there

may be more than one circle formed.

Variations: To make it more comfortable, give each participant a bandana. Rather than holding hands, each participant holds an end of the bandana.

Eye Tag or Eye Scream (propless)

Materials: None Objective: Ice Breaker, Fun

Participants: 6+ Time: 3-5 minutes


1. All look down 2. On a given count, everyone looks up at someone 3. If both are looking at each other, both scream and are out. 4. If not, then look down and repeat.

Key Word (propless)

Materials: None Objective: Ice breaker, Fun, Concentration

Participants: 8+ Time: 5- 10 minutes


1. Everyone gets into a circle. 2. Each individual extends their left hand out, palm flat and turned upward. 3. Extend the right hand out with the index finger pointed downward. 4. Once that is done, each person should be connected with the people next to them by their

hands; right index finger resting on the left persons hand and left hand stationary for the right index finger to be rested on.

5. Choose a “Key Word’ and share that word with the group 6. Have a conversation with another facilitator or tell a story involving the use of your “key word”

as often or as little as you’d like. 7. Each time that word is said, each individual must try to move their right hand (to prevent it from

being grabbed by the other person) while trying to squeeze the right finger of the person next to them with their left hand.

8. The challenge is complete one the final pair had finished playing each other.

Win Win (propless)

Materials: None Objective: Ice Breaker, Cooperation, Teamwork

Participants: 10+ Time: 3-5 minutes


1. Everyone gets into partners. 2. Give pair the following instructions:

• Line up toe to toe

• Shake hands with your partner

• The goal of this game is to get as many points as possible. - You get points by getting your partners hand to touch your hip and vice versa.

3. The objective of this game is to “share” of give points to one another. So in the end, everyone wins.

Human Maze (props)

Materials: One blindfold Objective: Fun, Concentration, Trust

Participants: 10+ Time: 10-20 minutes


1. Out of your group ask for two volunteers to pair up. One partner will be blind and the other will not.

2. The rest of the group will take time to form a maze with their bodies standing across from one another, face to face, spaced out, and forming different shapes.

3. Once the maze is satisfactory to the group, the blind partner will be led by the other through the maze.

4. Neither of them will be able to touch anyone while going through the maze, if they do, the will have to start over from the beginning.

5. One the set of partners have successfully gone through the maze, choose another set of partners, change the style of the maze and repeat the same steps until everyone had had the chance to go through a maze successfully.

Little Straw (props)

Materials: A straw, 2 webbing Objective: Fun

Participants: 10+ Time: 5-10 minutes

Procedure: This is a no talking game or giving it away.

1. Create boundaries with the two webbing, preferably a circle. 2. Have everyone stand inside of the circle and close their eyes. 3. Place the little straw somewhere on the ground within the circle. 4. After the straw has been placed, have everyone open their eyes and locate the straw. 5. When the straw has been discovered, have them step outside of the circle. 6. Repeat steps 1-5, placing the straw in a different area within the circle. 7. After this round, do a final round with the same instructions; this time place the straw

somewhere in the air. Ex: In your pocket, behind your ear, tuck in your hair, etc. 8. If you’d like, talk about how long it took to discover the third one and why.

Animal Toss (props)

Materials: Bag of plastic animals Objective: Fun, Participation, Strategy

Participants: 10+ Time: 10-15 minutes


1. Have everyone circle up 2. Start off with one animal from the bag 3. Have the group toss the animal from one person to another, saying the person’s name before

they toss it to them. Have the group remember the order of the people they tossed the animal to.

4. After one animals has been tossed to everyone in the group, add a second animals, the a third, fourth and so on until all of the animals have been used.

5. After all of the animals have been used, increase the challenge by tossing all of the animals to each person consecutively within a specific time limit.

6. Decrease the time limit as the group accomplishes their goal time. 7. See how creative the group can get with consecutively tossing the animals to each person

within a 10- 15 second time limit!

Trust Walk (props)

Materials: Blindfolds Objective: Trust, Listening, Communication

Participants: 8+ Time: 5 Minutes


1. Distribute blindfolds to all participants. 2. Ask someone to step up as a leader or designate someone. 3. Have everyone line up single file, the leader at the front of the line. 4. Have everyone attach like train by placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of

them. 5. Have participants put on their blindfolds with a free hand. 6. a facilitator, have the leader lead the group in a blind walk. You (facilitator) may communicate

with the leader via handclaps, whispers, etc. 7. You may do any variations with this challenge. Ex: Lead groups through obstacles; have them

spin around in circle, rotate leaders, etc.

Trust Cars (props)

Materials: Blindfolds, webbing (optional for boundaries) Objective: Trust, Fun

Participants: 20+ Time: 8-10 minutes


1. Everyone find a partner 2. Decide in your partners who is the “car” and who will be the “driver”. 3. Distribute blindfold to the people who have chosen to be the cars in the group. 4. Discuss that all cars have bumpers, display what they look like: Arms up, palms facing inward.

Hands should not be facing outward toward others or formed into fists. 5. When pairs are ready, put blindfolds on cars and drivers will drive the blinded partner around a

designated space (this can be set up with the webbing). 6. After a few minutes, switch blindfolds; the driver is now the car and the care is now the driver.

Repeat steps 4 and 5 after the participants switch.

Chicken Tag (props)

Materials: 1 rubber chicken Objective: Fun

Participants: 20+ Time: 10-15 minutes


Similar to “Blob Tag” 1. One person starts off with a rubber chicken and attempts to tag someone with it. (Do not allow

people to be slapped in the face with the chicken!) 2. Once someone is tagged, that person links arms with the person that tagged them and

attempts to tag another person with the chicken. 3. After that, a 3rd person is added and then a 4th person and so on. 4. The chicken may be passed on to the two people at the end of the line. If the chicken is

passed along the line, it may never be dropped. 5. If the chicken is dropped at any time while passing it along the line of people, someone is set

free and will have to be tagged again. 6. This game is completed one everyone has been tagged and has formed a “blob” or “line” of


Lily Pads (props)

Materials: 16 cloth squares, 2 webbing Objective: Strategy, Fun, Focus

Participants: 8+ Time: 5-10 minutes


1. Create boundaries with the two webbing, one as a starting line and one as a finish line. 2. Place the cloth squares (8-16 depending on the rate of the challenge) in between the two

boundary lines in linear order. 3. Once everything is set up, have all of the participant’s line up behind the starting line. 4. From time the first person crosses the start line to the last person crosses the finish line, the lily

pads (cloth squares) must be touched at all time. However, they cannot be picked up and moved, they must remain on the ground.

5. If there is a point in which the lily pad isn’t being touched, that lily pad will be lost in the “lake”, it will no longer be usable by the team at that point.

6. For the duration of this game, participants are only allowed to cross the lake using the lily pads; they are not allowed to step on the ground at any point during their crossing. If they do, they will have to begin back again at the starting line.

7. The goal of this game is to get all of the participants across the “lake” safely.

Trust Circle (props)

Materials: 1 15in. webbing with a water knot tied in it Objective: Fun, Trust Participants: 8-14 Time: 10 minutes


1. Have the team stand in a circle and grab onto the webbing with both hands. 2. Have the participants place their feet together and directly under the webbing. 3. Tell the participants to all start leaning back without moving their feet. 4. Find the balance so that everyone is leaning back with their arms extended. 5. On the count of three the team can:

• Start squatting down while still leaning back

• Lower down until they are in a squatting position without touching the ground. 6. Count to three again and have the team slowly stand back up. 7. If anyone will let go while the team is squatting the rest of the team will feel it and probably fall

to the ground. 8. This is a good opening activity to teach on trust.

Trust Fall (props)

Materials: 3in object that can be stood on and that had level ground on one side. Objective: Trust, Conquering

Participants: 10+ Time: 15-20 minutes


1. One at a time, each team member falls into their teammates arms. 2. Be sure to go over proper stance for this exercise before you attempt to catch people:

• Knees apart

• Feet spread apart

• Hands holding the forearms of the person across from them 3. Use wisdom to judge whether or not the size of the group you have can catch the size of the

person who is falling. 4. The person falling should be standing with their back to the group and their arms crossed with

hands on opposite shoulders. 5. When falling they should:

• Remain straight so that the weight is distributed evenly among participants

• Arms should remain crossed

• Hands interlocked - This will prevent the faller from hitting anyone in the face or the head.  

Ode to the Chicken (props)

Materials: 1 rubber chicken, a designated throne (bucket, box, etc.) Objective: Participation, Fun

Participants: 15+ (the more, the merrier) Time: 10-15 minutes

Procedure: This is a strange version of musical chairs, but a lot more fun.

1. Have all, but one participant make a circle, tell each player to remember their designated spot. 2. Participants may need to take a few steps back to expand the circle 3. Place the throne in the center of the circle and the chicken on the throne.

Phase One:

1. The one extra participant (A) comes to the middle and takes the chicken and can “tag” another player (B) standing below the knees with the chicken.

2. Once player A has tagged player B, player A must place the chicken back on the throne and get back to player B’s spot before player B can grab the chicken off the throne and tag player A.

3. If player A makes it to player B’s spot safely, B must then tag someone else and repeat what player A tried to do.

4. If player A does not make it back without being tagged (below the knees), player A must continue being in the middle and tagging other players until he/she gets to an open spot.

Phase Two:

1. Phase one continues to happen but for those players not being tagged now switch places with another player.

2. If a player gets tagged while switching positions he/she now become the tagger. 3. If a player leaves his/her spot unattended, any player can now hop onto it. 4. Same rules apply as phase one.

Phase Three:

1. Both other phase continue on, but for an extra challenge players can 2. Run to the throne. 3. Bow down to the chicken while saying “ode to the chicken!” 4. Bang on it or sit on it 5. Or whichever way they would like to pay their proper respects to the chicken. 6. Same rules apply: If he/she is tagged while off of their spot, he/she becomes the tagger.

Mine Field (props)

Materials: Cloth squares, other random objects, old rope Objective: Focus, Trust, Fun

Participants: 8+ Time: 10-15 minutes


1. Create a large minefield with various objects (the more, the better) 2. Rearrange all of the objects so that they are randomly and equally spaced within a rectangular

shaped area about 15’X40’, or a large circle. 3. Border the area with rope or with tape. 4. Pair up group members in any way you choose 5. Give each pair a blindfold 6. The objective will be for one partner to cross the minefield blindfolded without touching any of

the objects within the mine. 7. The sighted partner, who is standing on the outside of the minefield throughout the activity, is

not allowed to touch the blindfolded partner while he/she is on the field. 8. If you can make a large minefield, all the pairs can go at once; this will cause some

communication difficulty and adds to the processing ability. 9. If a mine is touched, the person has to start over. 10. When everyone has passed through the field, switch the blindfolds and have the previously

sighted partner go through the field.

Stepping Stones (props)

Materials: Cloth squares (16) Objective: Communication, Listening, Strategy, Observation

Participants: 8+ Time: 10-15 minutes


1. Set up your cloth squares in a 4X4 square 2. After set up, memorize a certain pattern that only you as a facilitator know and have

memorized in your head. 3. The goal of this game is for everyone to get through the stepping stone maze using only the

pattern that you have in your head. 4. To begin, give the participants the first “stone” to enter into the maze. After that the group must

figure out the way through the maze themselves. 5. Participants are only allowed to use the squares directly around them; they aren’t allowed to

jump over squares to arrive at their destination. 6. Each time a participant steps on the wrong square in the pattern, respond with a, “thank you”.

The person who was unlocking the pattern will step down and allow someone else to go through and discover the next stones to completing the maze.

7. If the participant steps on a correct square, you may allow them to continue through the maze by giving them a “silent” response.

8. The challenge is complete once everyone had made it through the exact same pattern.

Tug of War (props)

Materials: One webbing Objective: Fun

Participants: 6+ Time: 5 minutes


1. Tie a secure knot with the two ends if the webbing so that the webbing creates a circle. 2. Have everyone stand in a circle and grab the webbing. 3. Feet together, bend forward a bit, bringing the webbing to knee level. 4. Hands must always be on the webbing at all times. 5. Say “GO” when everyone is ready 6. The objective is to pull the webbing out of another person’s hands or to knock them out of their

stance. 7. The challenge is complete when there is one person standing.

Lighthouse (props)

Materials: Webbing (2), bag of small animals, blindfolds Objective: Fun, Communication, Focus

Participants: 9+ Time: 10-20 minutes


1. Stretch out the webbing and set them out about 10’ apart from one another in parallel lines. 2. Divide participants into 3 evenly numbered groups as best as you can. 3. Place each group into separate sections of the webbing; designate the groups as Groups 1, 2

and 3. 4. Group 1 will stand in front of webbing, Group 2 will stand in between the 2 webbings, and

Group 3 will all stand behind the second webbing. 5. Distribute the following to each group separately.

Group 1: You are not allowed to talk for the duration of this game; you may face in any direction, but must never cross the webbing. Group 2: You must always be facing Group 1, you may never at any time turn around to face Group 3 or cross the webbing. Group 3: Everyone in this group will be blindfolded, they must keep their blindfolds on until the challenge has been completed; they may not cross their webbing.

6. After all groups have been given their instructions, and Group 3 has put on their blindfolds, take the bag of small animals and scatter them around/behind participants in Group 3.

7. The goal to have Group 3 retrieve all of the animals and pass them up to Group 1 while maintaining the rules that were given.

8. The challenge is complete once all of the animals have reached Group 1.