Games 4 Warm Up

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  • 7/31/2019 Games 4 Warm Up


    Physical Education Resources

    Warm Up / Small Games

    Switch: Coloured cone at each corner matching the four colours of beanbags used. Everyone has a

    bean bag and travels to music, when switch is called they must change beanbags with someone else.

    When music stops they go to the corner with the matching cone. For upper primary - each corner

    involves a designated exercise.

    Hoop Tag Shuffle: Everyone moves inside a hoop. They must have both feet in the hoop and keep

    the hoop on the ground. Choose one colour to be catchers. When children caught, swap hoops with


    Body Part Game: When body part is called pupils should; put body part on beanbag, in hoop, on

    coloured line or just in group. Can also include a number so four hands in blue hoop etc.

    Trucks and Trailers: In pairs, sitting back-to-back, creating a line of pairs down middle of hall. One

    side are trucks other side are trailers. When truck is called they must run to wall they are facing,

    trailer must stand and try to catch truck before they reach the wall. (belalang belatuk)

    Indian Run: Jogging slowly round the outside of the gym in single file. Person at the back must sprint

    to the front of the line, and when they get there they must remember to slow down. Can add a ball

    to be passed to the front, the person running to the front has to beat the ball.

    Bean Game: Children are travelling whilst listening for type of bean to be called. Different beans

    have different actions. E.g. jelly beans - wobble, baked beans - lie in the sun, chilli beans - brrrrr,

    string beans -stretch up tall, kidney beans - sit back to back with one other, runner beans - sprint onthe spot. Can also be played as egg game.

    Octopus: Game where everyone must run from one side to the other without being caught by the

    octopus. When caught child becomes a tentacle which remains on the spot but can catch people

    passing too close.

  • 7/31/2019 Games 4 Warm Up


    Traffic Lights: Call out colours that have designated actions. Red - stop, amber - jog on spot, green -

    go. Speed camera - slow motion, roundabout - sit and spin etc.

    Freeze Tag: Blue ball carrier can freeze people by touching them with the ball. Yellow ball unfreezes.When the yellow ball is handed to someone that is frozen they defrost and become the yellow ball


    Mix Up Game: Three beanbags start in matching coloured hoops. One team must mix them up as the

    other team tries to keep them in the right hoops. One beanbag at a time, no throwing allowed

    The Incredibles Game: Similar to tag but when caught a child stands in a designated 'incredible' pose.The child can be freed when another child guesses which 'incredible' character they are.

    Band Game: Everyone starts with a band tucked into their shorts. Game is to steal as many bands as

    possible. You can only steal if you have a band tucked in to your shorts. When the child is out (i.e

    they have no band) they keep jogging. (tarik ekor)

    Travelling To Music: Children travel about the hall. When the music gets louder pace increases,

    slower = quieter, and stop when music stops.

    Physical Education Resources

    Partner Tag: Facing a partner try to touch the body part of partner as it is called without themtouching that part on you. For example: If 'elbows' is called each child tries to touch their partners'

    elbows as many times as possible and avoid them touching their own elbows.

    Sticky Parts: Beanbag has to be balanced on body part when it is called.

  • 7/31/2019 Games 4 Warm Up


    Volcanoes and Craters: Divide children into two teams. Start off with all discs/markers placed

    randomly around an area facing upwards and facing downwards. One team must try to get all

    discs/markers the correct way up - volcanoes, and at the same time the other team are turning them

    over - craters. This game is sometimes called domes and dishes. (tutup pasang bom)

    Knee Tag: Divide children into small groups in a set area. It is tag but one person is the catcher and

    must try to touch other peoples knees. This is a good game for encouraging a good body position in

    volleyball and badminton.

    Shadow Partner: Divide children into pairs. Get one of the pair to travel about area making different

    movements. Their partner has to copy not only their actions, but also their pace and direction, and

    try to stick to their partner so that when 'stop' is called the child can reach their partner. Meanwhile

    the person in front is trying to lose their partner.

    Coloured Cones: Follow a path of only one colour of cones introduce specific skill dribbling etc.

    Partner Cardio: Divide children into pairs. Standing across from partner, the class is in two lines. One

    line is all the number ones, the others line are all number twos. Number ones start by running to

    partner and back x2, then the number two go, repeating what partner just did. Introduce other

    exercises e.g. run to partner and jump, run to partner and do 8 high knees etc.

    Wizards, Goblins and Giants: Can be related to Harry Potter. Game is like 'paper, scissor, stone'.

    Wizards zap goblins, goblins nip giants' ankles, giants stomp wizards. Two teams face each other

    after deciding which action they will all do. Winning team has to chase the other team and if any are

    caught before they reach the safe area they swap to the other team.

    Foxes and Squirrels: Nominate some children to work in pairs, approx. 5 depending on class size. All

    pairs stand and hold hands above their heads thus creating 'trees' for the 'squirrels'. Nominate two

    catchers who will be the 'foxes'. Everyone else is a 'squirrel'. A squirrel is only safe from the foxes

    when they are in a tree. However, as there are less trees than squirrels when another squirrel comes

    to your tree the original squirrel has to leave this tree and try to go to another tree without being

    caught by the foxes. When a squirrel is caught they swap places with a tree.

  • 7/31/2019 Games 4 Warm Up


    Snake: For every ten children have a row of at least ten cones. The children must weave in and out

    of the cones. When the first person gets to the 3rd

    cone the next person starts and so on. When the

    first person gets to the end of the cones they turn and come back, snaking in and out of children and

    cones. You can add object control or different travelling movements.

    Bug Catcher: This is tag with a variation. When caught the pupil lies on their back with legs and arms

    in the air until someone comes and touches their hand or foot so they can join back in. Please note

    the safety issues with pupils lying on the ground while others are running.

    Physical Education Resources

    Fitness Tag: This is tag with a variation. Each time a person is caught they have to go to the side. First

    time out they do 1 jack, 1 sit up and 1 burpee. Next time caught they have to do two of each activity

    and so on.

    Scarecrow Tag: This is tag with a variation. When the catcher touches a child they must stand like a

    scarecrow (arms out). To be freed someone must run under both arms.

    Animal Tag: This is tag with a variation. When caught a child must do the actions of an animal - no

    noises. They are only free when someone guesses which animal they are. Keep the animals simple so

    that people can guess.

    Chain Tag: Game starts with one catcher. The first person that is caught links with the catcher by


    hands, and they must stay linked to catch others. Chains can be no longer than 6 people so when it

    gets to 6

    people the chain splits into 2s or 3s. Safety is an issue in this game so only try it with a class you

    know will

    follow the rules.

    Video: Children follow the instructions of a video. Play - walk; Fast-forward - run; Rewind - walk


    Eject - jump; Pause - freeze.

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    Travelling Warm Up: Teacher calls out different travelling movements and pupils change the way

    they travel.

    Try to encourage the pupils to move in different directions

    Tag Games

    Freeze Tag: Blue ball carrier can freeze people by touching them with the ball.Yellow ball unfreezes, yellow ball is given to someone that is frozen they have tothen go and find someone else that has been frozen to give the ball to.

    Bug Catcher: When caught lie on your back with legs and arms in the air untilsomeone comes and touches a hand or foot then join back in. safety issues withpupils lying on the ground while others are running.

    Fitness Tag: Each time a person is caught they have to go to the side and completean exercise (jacks, sit ups, push ups etc). 1

    sttime out they do 1 next time caught

    they have to do 2 and so on.

    Scarecrow Tag: When the catcher touches you stand like a scarecrow (arms out) tobe freed someone must run around you going under both arms.

    Animal Tag: When caught do the actions of an animal - no noises. You are freewhen someone guesses which animal you are. Keep the animals simple so thatpeople can guess.

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    Chain Tag: Game starts with one catcher. The first person that is caught links withthe catcher by holding hands, they must stay linked to catch others. Chains can beno longer than 6 people when it gets to 6 chain splits into two 3s. Safety is an issuein this game only try it with a class you know will follow the rules.

    Hoop Tag Shuffle: Everyone moves inside a hoop. They must have both feet in thehoop and keep the hoop on the ground. Choose one colour to be catchers. Whencaught, swap hoops with catcher.

    Helping Hands Tag: Sit down when caught. Two people need to help the person upby taking a hand each and helping them up. If only one person is holding a hand thisperson cannot be caught.

    Line tiggy- you can only run on the lines, tagger too! With small groups have asmaller area. - game emailed to us by Ennat Urie. Many thanks!!!!

    Here are 4 warm up elementary physicaleducation activities that my students

    really enjoyed and I know yours will too!!

    1. Face to Face

    Scatter formation (possibly in a largecircle) with partners. One odd playerstands in the center and alternates

    between calling "Face to Face" and "Backto Back". The students take the positions


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    When he calls "All change" the studentsmust find new partners and the center

    player tries to get one too. The studentleft without a partner goes to the centerand gives the commands.

    If there was no "odd student" then Iplayed too.

    2. Partner Tag

    All of the students but two hook arms incouples. Of the two that are free one is"it" or the chaser and the other is therunner.

    The runner tries to avoid being tagged bylocking arms with either member of anycouple he chooses. When he does, thethird student of the group becomes therunner and must avoid being tagged.

    If the runner is tagged the runner andchaser change positions. To make theactivity interesting, the couples shouldrun and twist to elude the runner.

    For a large number of students there canbe more than one runner and chaser.

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    3. The Sheep And The Wolf

    Formation: Two lines are drawn 20 to 30

    feet apart. One student is the wolf andthe rest are sheep. The sheep standbehind one line and the wolf stands inthe center.

    Aim: When the wolf claps his hands, the

    sheep try to run from one line to anotherwithout being tagged on the back. If theyare caught, they become wolves. Onlythe original wolf can clap his hands to

    bring the sheep out.

    4. Squirrels In The Trees

    Have the class form a large circle andcount off in three's. Have two students,one being a fox and the other asquirreloutside the circle.

    Have the one's and three's join handsforming an arch (or tree) with thenumber two's in the middle as squirrels.

    To start the activity, the fox chases thesquirrel outside the tree. The squirrelruns into a tree to get away.

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    The squirrel in that tree must now runout of the tree and is chased by the fox.

    If the squirrel is caught, he becomes thefox.

    Have all the squirrels squat down whenthey run into a tree so that all squirrelshave a chance.

    Have the other students that are treeschange places with the squirrels so thateveryone has a turn running.

    Now here are 4 cool down elementaryphysical education activities that my

    students enjoyed as well.

    1. Time Limit

    Place the students in a circle with onestudent in the middle. The student in thecenter counts to ten to himself as a ballis passed around the circle from onestudent to the next.

    When the student reaches ten, he yells"STOP" and the person with the ball isout. The last student is the winner.

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    One variation of this activity is to havestudents bounce the ball to each other

    instead of passing.

    2. Squeeze-O

    Students form a single line standingshoulder to shoulder with hands behindtheir backs. One student chosen to be

    "It" stands in front of the line facing it. Agoal line is set up about 40 to 50 feetaway.

    The line of students moves toward the"It" student as he walks backwards. The

    student at the left end of the lnesqueezes the hand of the person besidehim. The squeeze is transferred all theway down to the last person in the line.The last person then yells "O".

    As soon as he does, everyone runstowards the goal line. The "It" studentchases them trying to tag them. As eachstudent is tagged, they tag any others.

    The first person tagged becomes "It" for

    the next game.

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    3. Frog In The Middle

    This activity can be played in the

    playground, gym, auditorium orclassroom.

    Students form a circle around onestudent sitting cross-legged in themiddle, who is the frog.

    Students in the circle walk forward andbackward from the frog chanting "Frog in

    the middle (sea), can't catch me".

    The frog stays seated and tries to tagone of the students who is teasing him.

    The student who is tagged becomes thefrog. Students need to be quite daring.

    4. Charley Over The Water

    Students hold hands to form a circle

    facing the center. One or more studentsstand in the center of the circle.

    The circle students run or skip in onedirection while chanting "Charley overthe water, Charley over the sea, Charley

    catch the blackbird, you can't catch me".

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    At the word "me", the circle studentsimmediately stop running and stoop with

    both hands touching the floor. At thesame time the center students try to tagcircle students before they can stoop.

    Any tagged player changes places withthe student that tagged him.

    Caution students not to stoop before theword "me".

    These are only a few of the elementaryphysical education activities that my kidsparticipated in during their gym periods.

    Don't be afraid to mix up the warm upand cool down activities.

    The most important thing is to enjoyteaching these elementary physicaleducation activities, because your

    students will love them.

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    1. Catch the Cane

    Have the students form a circle or divide

    the class in two and make two circles.Each student has a number from 1 to theend.

    One student is "It" and stands in themiddle of the circle holding a cane oryard/meter stick with one end on thefloor. This student calls out one of thenumbers and lets go of the cane.

    The student whose number was called,must catch the cane before it falls to thefloor. If he fails he becomes "It".

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    2. Overpass

    Divide the class into 2 even teams ( or 4

    for a large class and run two gamessimultaneously).

    Team 1 forms a circle and each memberof team 2 stands between two membersof team 1.

    A team 1 member holds a ball(volleyball, soccer ball, football, etc.) and

    a member of team 2 holds the same typeof ball (differentiate the balls, colour,etc.).

    On the word "go", each team memberpasses their ball to their team memberon their right (or left). The team thatcompletes the full circle with their ball

    gets a point.

    The teacher can vary the game by callingout, "circle" (the student with the ball

    must run around the circle beforepassing the ball) or "zig-zag" or "bouncethe ball", etc. I'm sure you get the idea.It's great fun.

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    3. Bounce Change

    Have students form two lines (the red

    team and the blue team) behind twoleaders about 15 feet apart. Eachstudent in each line gets a number from1 to the end.

    Place a hula hoop at opposite ends of

    each team's line. Place a blue ball in onehoop and a red ball in the other hoop.

    When the teacher calls out a number,the two students with that number mustrun to a hoop, get their team's colour

    ball and bounce it to the other team'shoop.

    in the meantime, the leader of eachteam, has their team form and sit in a

    circle. Once the student place the ball in

    the other team's hoop, he returns andsits in his team's circle. The first team allsitting gets a point.

    The game continues with the teachercalling out a different number.

    4. Stretched Baseball

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    Play this game on a baseball diamond orline up 4 bases about 10 feet apart with

    the first base being about 25 feet fromhome plate.

    Divide the class into two teams, oneteam at bat and the other in the field.Each player gets a turn at bat instead of3 outs.

    Rather than a baseball, you can use abeach ball or T-ball for primary gradestudents or kick a soccer ball. If the

    fielding player throws the ball past homeplate before the runner reaches home,

    the runner is out.

    Count runs just as in baseball.

    5. The Oyster Shell

    Divide the class into two teams ("X" and"Y") and and have them stand along twoparallel lines with a space of 10 feetbetween the lines. This space is neutralterritory.

    Each team has a goal line some distanceback from their parallel line.

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    The teacher, standing in the neutralarea, tosses the oyster shell (use a bean

    bag with a taped "X" on one side and "Y"on the other) into the air. If it lands withthe "X" side up, the "X" team membersmust run back to their goal line before a"Y" team member tags (captures) them.

    The "Y" team scores a point for each "X"

    team member captured. The first teamto reach a certain score or with the mostpoints after a certain time wins.

    6. Treasure Chase

    Students line up behind a line with handsfolded so that there is a small opening atthe top of their hands.

    One student faces the line with a smalltreasure (stone, piece of chalk, etc.) in

    his folded hands.

    The student with the treasure starts ateither end of the line and puts his handsover each student's hands as if to dropthe treasure into them.

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    One student does get the treasure andwaits until he thinks no one is watching

    him. At that point he runs toward a golaline at the far end of the gym or field.

    If he reaches the goal line without beingtagged hew wins. If he's tagged, thetagger gives out the treasure for thenext game.

    7. The Mouse Trap

    Half of the class join hands and form alarge circle.

    The other half of the class are mice andrun in and out of the circle.

    On a signal from the teacher, the trapcloses (students drop arms and squat).

    All mice caught in the trap are out.

    Repeat until all the mice are caught andthen switch the mice and the studentsforming the trap.

    When choosing and playing thesephysical education games keep these

    things in mind:

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    * the likes and dislikes of your students.

    * the age and number of students in

    your class.

    * the size of the area where your gymclass takes place.

    * the equipment that you have to use.

    Feel free to adapt or change thesephysical education games according tothe needs of your class. Just be surethat you and your students have fun!!!

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