Gaming 90 Outcomes Welcome! Go over course outline. Remember our course mentality and expectations. I'll try to provide game suggestions Expect daily quizzes “Gaming” tends to include video games, but we will extend to board games as well. G9. 1 G9. 2 G9. 3 G9. I CAN explore options to pursue a career in gaming. I CAN become familiar with different game-designing programs and software. I CAN challenge stigma associated with gaming while critiquing its influence. I CAN state a basic history of video games and understand related vocabulary.

Gaming 90 Outcomes Welcome! Go over course outline. Remember our course mentality and expectations. I'll try to provide game suggestions Expect daily quizzes

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Gaming 90 Outcomes


Go over course outline.

Remember our course mentality and expectations.

I'll try to provide game suggestions

Expect daily quizzes

“Gaming” tends to include video games, but we will extend to board games as well.


I CAN explore options to pursue a career in gaming.I CAN become familiar with different game-designing programs and software.I CAN challenge stigma associated with gaming while critiquing its influence.I CAN state a basic history of video games and understand related vocabulary.I CAN create an idea and plan for the creation of a new game.

What do video games do for you? /5

What are your “beliefs” on video games?

Why are they good?

Why are they bad? Are they bad?

Petlak's beliefs

Games foster creativity.

Provide a great means for stress relief and social connectedness.

Can consume your lives and time. Keep a balance and limitations. “Moderation”

Online gaming and the associated communication has serious social risks.Game suggestion: “Journey” avoids this.

Creates bonds, memories and evokes emotion that represent significant parts of our lives.


Video Game





Don’t worry about these below.




What are video games? Using your phone,

define: Video Games – an electronic game that involves human interaction. Electronic program that projects a game onto a display screen.

Game Genre – used to categorize games based on type of challenge and what the story is about (gameplay).

Game Platform – specific combination of electronics that allow a game to run (or a system that is capable of running games).

Game Console – a system designed specifically to play a game – typically complete with a controller.

Moderation – avoiding extremes or excessive – not playing a certain game fro more than two hours per day.

Convert it to your own words so it makes sense to you.

What all is required to make a video game?

List off at least 10 parts of creating a video game.

- storyline - storyboard- graphics - drawings- programming – coding and scripting- audio - music/sound- server - network- controls – means to manipulate the game – design how it works.- software

Dynamics, Mechanics, Aesthetics

Making Your First Game - Extra Credit

Making Your First Game: Basic – How To Start Your Game Developmenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z06QR-tz1_o

Reflection: Take Away PointsStart small (plan for less than a month)Build around your talentsAsk internet (use tutorials)Don’t give up

Making Your First Game - Extra Credit

Making Your First Game: Practical Rules and Goal Settinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHMNeNapL1E

Reflection: Take Away Points (/3)

Genres of Games

List as many genres of games as you can:

What is your favourite genre of game? Why?

What is your favourite game? Why?

Genres of Games

RPG - mmoRPGs


Strategy – RTS, turn-based, Tower Defence

Puzzle -

Action – hack n' slash, fighting (party brawlers), platform

Shooter – FPS, shoot 'em up

Adventure – requires less reflexes – graphic, text, movie

Simulation – vehicle, building design, life

Gaming Platforms

List as many platforms of games as you can:

What is your favourite platform? Why?

What is your least favourite platform? Why?

Gaming Platforms

Handheld (PSP, 3DS, Game Gear, Game Boy)

Mobile (Apps – Clash of Clans, Candy Crush)

PC (Personal Computer – Starcraft, Smite, LoL)

Console (PS4, Xbox One)

Board Games (Twilight Imperium, Monopoly, Werewolves)

Extra Credit - Youtube

Aesthetics of Playhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uepAJ-rqJKA Pre-VocabMechanicsDynamics Aesthetics

Reflection:What points stood out?

What did I not understand (and when approximately)?

Core Aesthetic

Sense Pleasure – how a game stimulates your senses Fantasy – a role you can’t live in real life Narrative – game as drama Challenge – game as obstacle course Fellowship – working with others Competition – expression of dominance Expression – identify Discovery – uncovering the new (new territory) Abnegation – game as pastime - zoning out - disengage

What are some games that fulfill these for you?Journey, Magic the Gathering, WoW, Puzzle

What will be your game’s core aesthetics?

Rules for Responsible Gaming

As a group – comprise a list of rules you think is necessary for “responsible gaming”

Rules for Responsible Gaming

Petlak's List:

Set a time limit on a gaming session. Get regular sleep hours, don't skip meals. It should be a bonus to a healthy life, not a necessity.

Separate game from reality. Think about the game and the messages it sends.

Avoid profanity and abuse online ('mute' is your friend). Don't hide behind anonymity.

Avoid spending money needlessly.

ExtraCredit – Responsible Gaming

Game Design - Behaviours

The power of coding and behaviours – Mario AIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AplG6KnOr2Q

Society and Gaming

Discussion/Debate:1. Is gaming good for society? Why and why not?

Write out at least five points defending your viewpoint for each question (be prepared to defend either). (/5


Yes No

Facts and Myths

Video Games increase grey matter in brain“Playing video games can boost brain volume”

Video games increase cognitive skills “Gaming improves your brain power”

Gamers are better learners“Study finds gamers are better learners”

Violent video games make people violent

Facts and Myths

Playing video games increase grey matter in brain. - TRUE, but can decrease other areas if overplayed.

Video games increase cognitive (quick-thinking) skills – TRUE, but it is limited to that specific activity.

People who play games are good learnersTRUE, but

Violent video games make people violent.FALSE, but long term playing can alter the brain in the location that help control violent thoughts and behaviours.

Extra Credit –Effects of Gaming

A Question of Empathy - Are There Positive Effects from Gaming? - Extra Credits


Are Games Good For You?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOsqkQytHOs

TED Talks: Your brain on video gameshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FktsFcooIG8

History of Console Game SystemsUsing your phones – look up the details and time of release


NES/Commodore 64



GameCube/Playstation 2/Xbox

Wii/Playstation 3/Xbox 360

Xbox One/Wii U/Playstation 4

History of Games - summarized


Create a timeline of no less than three game consoles.

Board Games -

Board Game Informationhttp://www.nerdsandnomsense.com/diy-2/10-tips-for-making-your-own-board-game/  


Careers in Gaming

Game Design Game Programmer Game Production/Producer – marketing and game

delivery Software Developer Graphic Design/Animator Tester Audio Engineer Professional Gaming - Twitch Extra Credit – Careers in Gaming

Reflection – what career is most appealing to you and why?

Project – Study a Career in Gaming – Where to take it

See assignment sheet

Making Your First Game - Extra Credit

Making Your First Game: Minimum Viable Product - Scope Small, Start Righthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvCri1tqIxQ

Reflection: Take Away PointsMinimum viable product

Game Design Program –RPG Maker 2000

Basic RPG creation with preset graphics and battle systems.

Game Design Program –Stencyl

Free Accounts Available – Limited Usage

“Make iPhone, iPad, Android and Flash Games without Code”

Game Design Program –Play Canvas

Free Accounts Available – Limited Storage

Game Engine using code – HTML5