1 GARDEN CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS PROPOSED BUDGET 2014-2015: Budget Adjustments Recommended by the Superintendent April 9, 2014

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PROPOSED BUDGET 2014-2015: Budget Adjustments Recommended

by the Superintendent

April 9, 2014

Tonight’s presentation is the fifth step in the budget review process. The

expenditures discussed are recommendations to the Board of

Education from the administration.


Tonight’s Agenda

Budget summary, by the numbers

Budget adjustments: rationale

Proposed budget adjustments

The impact of GEA and mandates

The issue of community control of its schools

The “property tax freeze”

Q & A


In other words:

Inspiring Minds

Empowering Achievement

Building Community



The Budget Challenge


Proposed overall budget: $109,407,138

Budget to budget increase: $1,804,772 or 1.68%

Projected tax levy increase

(with STAR): 1.57%

Maximum Allowable Tax Levy: 1.57%


2014-15 Proposed Budget 2013-14 Adopted Budget

2014-15 Proposed Budget

$ Change % of Inc. on 13-14 Budget

Personnel Services 58,212,769 57,843,076 (369,693) (0.64)

Equipment 849,361 803,272 (46,089) (5.43)

Contractual 6,418,108 6,961,678 543,570 8.47

Supplies & Materials

1,848,648 1,801,779 (46,869) (2.54)

Tuition 1,718,066 1,835,855 117,789 6.86

Textbooks 441,726 418,250 (23,476) (5.31)

BOCES Services 2,924,938 2,566,933 (358,005) (12.24)

Debt Service 6,778,899 7,042,391 263,492 3.89

Employee Benefits 27,691,851 29,408,904 1,717,053 6.20

Capital Projects 600,000 600,000 - -

Interfund Transfers 118,000 125,000 7,000 5.93

TOTALS 107,602,366 109,407,138 1,804,772 1.68

2014-15 Proposed Budget

Administrative $12,324,446

Program $80,158,638

Capital $16,924,054

TOTAL $109,407,138


2014-15 Proposed Budget Expenditures




Administrative Program Capital


Expenditure Increase in $ Budget Impact %

Tax Impact %

Pension TRS 705,002 ERS 95,769 Subtotal 800,771 0.74 0.82

Other Benefits 916,282 0.85 0.95

Debt Service 133,608 0.12 0.14

Total 1,850,661 1.72 1.91

Budget Drivers 2014-15

Pension contributions alone are responsible

for about half of the tax increase.


Why Are Adjustments Being Proposed?

The school district has 2 main sources of revenue

Property taxes—Approximately 90%

State aid—Approximately 5%

Property tax increases are severely constrained by the tax levy cap

The school district receives relatively little in federal “Title” money

The school district is rarely eligible for consideration for grants due to its demographics

Little revenue is generated by fees and interest on deposits


Why Are Adjustments Being Proposed?

The NYS budget now includes an increase in state aid for Garden City

The enacted State budget drove an additional $125,000 in aid to the district. The two major categories where we realized an increase were Foundation Aid ($31,544) and GEA restoration($91,382)

Overall, there is a net increase of $128,191 or 2.55% in state aid for the 2014-2015 school year

The increased state aid, coupled with a retirement incentive negotiated with GCTA, provide the opportunity to restore of some program reductions contained in the original Superintendent’s Budget while remaining within the tax levy cap. 12

Educational Plan


Recommended Budget Adjustments

Restore 2.0 FTE FLES for grades 4 and 5

Restore .3 FTE elementary psychologist

Restore .5 FTE elementary nurse (to be shared by both buildings)

Restore 1.0 FTE K-12 Coordinator of Music and the Arts

Restore .5 FTE clerical for PE and Athletics Dept.


Reduce HS library media teacher to .5 FTE


Instructional Staffing for 2014-15 Proposed Teacher Reductions Rationale

1.0 teacher at Homestead (gr. 1) Enrollment decrease

1.0 teacher at Locust (gr. 1) Enrollment decrease

1.0 teacher at Stewart (gr. 4 ) Enrollment decrease

2.0 teachers at Stratford (gr. 4 & 5) Enrollment decrease

1.0 teacher at high school Scheduling efficiencies

(.3 English, .2 world language, .2 spec.ed., .2 science, .1 music)

2.0 FLES Teachers Program reduction – FLES will

remain in grades 4 and 5

.5 HS librarian Program can be maintained with 1 .5 FTE

1.0 teacher at Stewart (gr. 2) Increase gr. 2-5 class size max to 26

2.0 teachers at Stratford (gr. 3 & 5) Increase gr. 2-5 class size max to 26

11.5 FTE Total reductions

Proposed Teacher Addition

1.0 grade 6 teacher Enrollment increase

Net Proposed Total Teacher Reductions: 10.5 FTE

The budget also includes 1.0 FTE teacher position in general education and 1.0 FTE teacher position in special education to be held in reserve to address possible enrollment increases at any level.

Staffing Notes for 2014-15 Proposed Administrative Reduction

Elimination of part-time Coordinator of Community Programs (adult ed.)

- Responsibilities will be assumed by the Coordinator of Public Information

Proposed library media teacher reduction

Replacement of full-time HS library media teacher with .5 FTE library media teacher

Proposed School Nurse Reduction

.5 – Reduction of part-time nurse in each elementary school by .25

Proposed Teacher-Aide Reduction

2.0 - Elimination of 1.0 general education teacher aide in each elementary school

Proposed Clerical Reduction

.5 - Elimination of .5 clerical employee in Music and Art Department. Responsibilities will be absorbed by the individual schools.


Improved, But Still A Long Way to Go

Although there has been some improvement, the NYS budget continues to take away from school districts funding to which it is entitled by state aid formulas through the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA).

The GEA takes money for school districts and puts it in the state’s own budget.

The GEA has reduced state aid to Garden City by $3,141,513 in the last 3 years. This does not include an additional $832,634 in reductions projected for the 14-15 school year. These funds could have been used to enhance or save programs for students.


Mandate Relief


The adopted NYS budget leaves intact costly mandates.

The Tax Levy Cap and “Tax Freeze” Threaten the Community

Control That Has Created and Sustained Our High Performing School District


The Tax “Freeze”

Reduces the power of the community’s elected representatives to make decisions about the programs and opportunities available for children

Places the Board of Education in a “no win” situation: Either cut services to students or try to override the cap, appear to “deprive” residents of tax relief, and risk having the budget defeated

Would require about $1 million in cuts from Garden City each year. Cuts would have to be achieved by consolidation or sharing of services with other districts.

Would cost the state treasury about $400 million in 2014-15 and $967 million in 2015-16, funds that could be used instead to save school programs


The 2014-15 Proposed School District Budget…

Is under the cap, and therefore requires only a simple majority for passage

Preserves the robust high school academic program that prepares our students for college

Continues to provide resources for technology upgrades

Maintains the Board’s commitment to FLES

Includes funds for possible security upgrades

Maintains RtI, the continuum of special education services, and opportunities for diverse learners

Reduces personnel costs—Education is a labor-intensive enterprise and controlling expenditures for personnel has the greatest impact on budget


Don’t forget to vote on May 20th