GATE Computer Networks Book

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  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Syllabus Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, KeshavaKrupa (third Floor), 30thCross, 10thMain, Jayanagar 4thBlock, Bangalore-11 080 65700750 i f @th t d C i ht d W b th t d

    Syllabus for Computer Networks

    ISO/OSI stack, LAN technologies (Ethernet, Token ring), Flow and error control techniques,

    Routing algorithms, Congestion control, TCP/UDP and sockets, IP(v4), Application layer

    protocols (ICMP, DNS, SMTP, POP, FTP, HTTP); Basic concepts of hubs, switches, gateways, and


    Analysis of GATE Papers

    (Computer Network)


    Percentage of marks

    Overall Percentage




    2012 9.00



    2010 8.00

    2009 3.33











    2003 5.33

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Contents Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d Page i

    C O N T E N T S

    Chapters Page No

    1 Introduction

    1 32

    CCoommppuutteerrNNeettwwoorrkk 11

    GGooaallss//AAddvvaannttaaggeessooffNNeettwwoorrkkiinngg 1133

    CCoommppoonneennttssooffNNeettwwoorrkk 33

    CCrriitteerriiaaooffaaNNeettwwoorrkk 33

    CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonnooffaaNNeettwwoorrkk 33

    TTyyppeessooffNNeettwwoorrkkCCoonnnneeccttiioonn 44

    NNeettwwoorrkkTTooppoollooggyy 4466

    TTrraannssmmiissssiioonnMMooddeess 6677

    DDaattaaaannddDDaattaaCCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn 77

    TThheeMMooddeell 772200

    NNeettwwoorrkkssCCoonnnneeccttiinnggDDeevviicceess 22002244

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 2255


    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 2299

    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 3300

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 33003322

    2 Physical Layers (Data rate, Digital transmission)

    33 47

    IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 3333

    TTrraannssmmiissssiioonnIImmppaaiirrmmeenntt 33333344

    DDiiggiittaallttrraannssmmiissssiioonn 33443388

    TTrraannssmmiissssiioonnMMooddee 33883399

    MMuullttiipplleexxiinngg 33994400

    TTrraannssmmiissssiioonnMMeeddiiaa 44004411

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 44224444

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 44444455

    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 4466

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 44664477

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Contents Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d Page ii


    Medium Access Sublayer (LAN Technologies: Ethernet, Token


    48 64

    IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn 4488

    MMuullttiipplleeAAcccceessssPPrroottooccoollss 44885522

    EEtthheerrnneettCCaabblliinngg 5533

    TThhee880022..33MMAACCssuubbllaayyeerrpprroottooccooll 5544

    IIEEEEEEssttaannddaarrdd880022..44--TTookkeennBBuuss 55445555

    IIEEEEEEssttaannddaarrdd880022..55--TTookkeennRRiinngg 55555588

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 55996600

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 66006611

    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 6622

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 66226644

    4 The Data Link Layer (Flow and error control techniques) 65 - 99

    DDaattaalliinnkkLLaayyeerrDDeessiiggnnIIssssuueess 66556688

    EErrrroorrDDeetteeccttiioonnaannddEErrrroorrCCoorrrreeccttiioonn 66997788

    FFlloowwCCoonnttrroollaannddEErrrroorrCCoonnttrrooll 7788


    HHiigghh--lleevveellDDaattaaLLiinnkkCCoonnttrrooll((HHDDLLCC))PPrroottooccooll 99119933

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 99449955

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 99559966

    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 9977

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 99779999


    Routing & Congestion Control 100 114

    Routing 110000110011

    Routing Algorithms: 110011110077

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 110088111100

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 111100111111

    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 111122

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 111122111144

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Contents Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d Page iii


    TCP/IP, UDP And Sockets, IP(V4) 115 145

    OOvveerrVViieewwooffTTCCPP//IIPP 111155


    NNeettwwoorrkkLLaayyeerr 111177112211

    AAddddrreessssiinnggoonnIInntteerrnneett 112222112266

    SSuubbnneettttiinngg 112277113311

    OOtthheerrPPrroottooccoolliinntthheeNNeettwwoorrkkLLaayyeerr 113311113333

    TTrraannssppoorrttLLaayyeerr 113333113377

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 113388113399

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 114400

    114411 AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 114422

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 114422114455


    Application Layer 146 157

    TThheeDDoommiiaannNNaammeeSSeerrvviiccee((DDNNSS)) 114466114477

    FFiilleeTTrraannssffeerrPPrroottooccooll((FFTTPP)) 114488114499

    TTrriivviiaallFFiilleeTTrraannssffeerrPPrroottooccooll((TTFFTTPP)) 114499

    SSiimmpplleeMMaaiillTTrraannssffeerrPPrroottooccooll((SSMMTTPP)) 114499115500

    UUnniiffoorrmmRReessoouurrcceeLLooccaattoorr((UURRLL)) 115500

    MMuullttiippoosseeIInntteerrnneettMMaaiillEExxtteennssiioonnss((MMIIMMEE)) 115500

    PPoossttOOffffiicceePPrroottooccooll((PPOOPP)) 115511

    HHyyppeerrtteexxttTTrraannssffeerrPPrroottooccooll((HHTTTTPP)) 115511

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 115522115533

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 115544

    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 115555

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 115555115577

    8 Network Security 158 175

    SSyymmmmeettrriicckkeeyyoorrPPrriivvaatteekkeeyyaallggoorriitthhmmss 115588116600

    AAssyymmmmeettrriicckkeeyyAAllggoorriitthhmm((oorr))PPuubblliicckkeeyyAAllggoorriitthhmm 116600116611

    DDiiggiittaallSSiiggnnaattuurreess 116611116622

    FFiirreewwaallllss 116622


  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Contents Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d Page iv

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt11 116699117700

    AAssssiiggnnmmeenntt22 117711


    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 117733

    EExxppllaannaattiioonnss 117733117755


    Module Test 176 - 191

    TTeessttQQuueessttiioonnss 117766118844

    AAnnsswweerrKKeeyyss 118855
















    Reference Books 192

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Chapter 1 Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 1



    Computer Network

    A computer network is created when several computers


    device are connected

    together by data communication system.

    A network is basically a communication system for computers.

    Just as the telephone system allows two people to talk, networks allow computers tocommunicate. Figure 1.1 illustrate a simple computer network where computer A and B can

    communicate and share resources through computer C.

    Fig. 1.1 Computer A and B can access files on C and

    can use the printer connected to C.

    Goals / Advantages of Networking


    Program and file sharing

    Software resources can also be used more effectively over a network. With stand-alone

    computers (i.e. not connected to network), the software used on the computer must bepresent on each computers hard disk. It is also difficult and time consuming to install and

    A B


  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Chapter 1 Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 2

    configure the software individually on every computer. With a network one can centrally

    install and configure the software, which can be accessed at the entire connected



    Network Resource sharing

    Network resources include printers, plotters, Fax modems, scanners, floppy disks, CD-ROMS and storage devices (i.e. Hard disks) which can be shared by terminals connected to

    network. For example the sharing of a resource such as a storage device.

    (3) Database sharing

    A database program is an ideal application for a network. A network feature called recordlocking lets multiple users simultaneously access a file without corrupting the data.

    Record locking insures that no two users edit the same record at the same time.


    Economical Expansion of the PC Base

    Networks provide an economical way to expand the number of computers in an


    (5) Ability to use network softwareA class of software called Groupware is designed specifically for networks. It lets users

    interact and coordinate their activities.

    Note: Not all software will use a network even if one is installed. You should check thesoftware documentation to see what features, if any, the software provides in a network


    (6) Ability to use electronic mail

    Electronic mail lets users easily communicate with one another Messages are dropped inmailboxes for the recipients to read at a convenient time.

    (7) Creation of workgroupsGroups are important in networks. They can consist of users who work in a department or

    who are assigned to special project. With Netware, one can assign users to groups and

    then give each group access to special directories and resources not accessible by otherusers. This saves the trouble of assigning access to each individual user.

    (8) Centralized ManagementBecause Netware users dedicated servers can be grouped in one location, along with the

    shared resource attached to them, for easier management.

    Hardware upgrades, software backups, system maintenance and system protection aremuch easier to handle when these devices are in one location.

    (9) Security

    A network provides more secure environment for a companys important information.

    Security starts with the login procedure to ensure that a user accesses the network usinghis or her own account. This account is tailored (i.e. made according to the user

    requirements) to give the user access only to authorized areas of the server and the

    network. Login restrictions can force a user a log in at one specific station and only during

    specific time frame or period.

    (10) Access to more than one operating system

    Netware provides connections for many different operating systems, including DOS, OS/2,UNIX, and Apple Talk. Users of these systems can access files on the Netware server.

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Chapter 1 Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 3

    (11) Enhancement of the corporate structure

    Networks can change the structure of an organization and the way it is managed. Users

    who work in a specific department and for a specific manager no longer need to be in thesame physical area. Their offices can be located in areas where their expertise is most

    needed. The network ties them to their department managers and systems. Thisarrangement is useful for special project in which individuals from different departments,

    such as research, production and marketing, need to work closely with each other.

    Components of Network

    Computer networks have the following fundamental components:1. Server

    2. Workstations


    Network Interface Cards4. Cabling system

    5. Shared Resources and Peripherals.

    Criteria of a Network

    A network must able to meet a certain number of criteria. The most important of these are


    (i) Performance:performance can be measured in many ways, including transmit time andresponse time. The performance of a network depends upon these following factors:


    Number of users

    (ii) Types of transmission medium(iii)

    Capacity of connected hardware


    Efficiency of the software

    (ii) Reliability: In addition to accuracy of delivery. Network reliability is measured by thefrequency of failure, the time it takes for a link to recover from a failure.

    (iii)Security: Network security issues include protecting data from the unauthorized access.

    Classification of network

    It contains two or more computer along with a transmission path to share information and

    resource of communication system. By the networking we can make interconnection of two ormore network device

    Depending upon the graphical area, we can divide the computer network in 3 parts.

    (i) LAN (Local Area Network)

    (ii) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)(iii)

    WAN (Wide Area Network)


    LAN:It spans over a diameter of 2 km, typically data transfer rate for LAN is 10-100 Mbps,

    it is used by a signal organization. It propagates high transmission over unexpensivemedia. Example co-axial cable, twisted pair cable.

    (ii) MAN:

    It spans over 10 100km diameter. Data rate for MAN is 10 Mbps. Some special

    equipments are required for transmission.

    (iii) WAN:It spans across the country or nation. Data transfer rate for WAN is 1.5 mbps. It isused by multiple organizations

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book


    Chapter 1 Computer Networks

    THE GATE ACADEMY PVT.LTD. H.O.: #74, Keshava Krupa (third Floor), 30th

    Cross, 10th

    Main, Jayanagar 4th

    Block, Bangalore-11

    080 65700750 i f @th t C i ht d W b th t d P 4

    Types of Network Connection

    In a network two or more device are connected together through link. Link is a path forcommunication that transfer data from one device to another.

    There are two possible type of connection.(i)

    Point to point




    Point to point: In this case one device is connected to another device.

    Fig 1.2 Point to Point connection

    (ii) Multi-point: Here two or more device are connected to each other. In a multipoint

    connection the capacity of the channel is shared either spatially or temporarily.

    Fig 1.3 Multi-point connection

    Network Topology

    There are two types of topology1.

    Physical topology

    2. Logical topology

    1. Physical topology:

    Physical topology represent the physical structure of computer

    network. It tells how different computers are connected across its communication

    path. There are six basic topology possible.(i) Mess (ii) Star (iii)Ring (iv)Hybrid

    (v) Bus (vi) Cellular

    (i) Mess Topology:In mesh topology every device has a dedicated point to point link to

    every other device. A fully connected mesh network has n(n 1)/2 physical channelto link n device. To accommodate that many links, every device on the network must

    have (n-1) input/output ports.


    (i) Eliminate traffic problems(ii)

    A mesh topology is robust


    It is more secure and private(iv) Fault identification and fault isolation is easy

    Work station

    Work station



    Work station

    Work station Work stationLink

  • 8/10/2019 GATE Computer Networks Book
