Gateway A2 WB

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A2WorkbookAnnie Cornford



Page 3: Gateway A2 WB

Classroom objeсts аnd сolours

.l Look аt thе piсtures. Сomp|еtе thе сrossword with the names of thе с|assroom objесts.

> Tо be > Subjесt pronouns and pоssessive аdjeсtivеs > Нave got l Possеssivet Dешonstrative pr0n0uns

оbjeсts ' Cо|оurs l Somе ЕngIish-speaking оountries and natiоna

l Dауs/mоnths/ordinaI numbe15 l Тhe famiIy l Basiс desсriptiоns

rТhе alрhabet and spelling l C|аssroom eхpressions l Saying he||o

t Теlliпg the time

3 Write the words in thе сorrесt ordеr to mаke с|аssroomеХprеssIons.

1 sorr;r lndеrstand don,t'm

/,и sortу, / doи,t "иderstаиd,Z'

2 ),ou геpеai p|еasе Сan thаt?

3 dоеs о|рhаbеt what mеan?

4 dо iп Еng ish hоw you that sаy?

5 spе l yоu dо that hоw?

4 Mаtсh thе quеstions (1_4) with the аnswеrs (a-d).

.l Hоw dо you spе|i 8?

2 Whаt со|our is thе board?

3 !оw doуausaу реrdon in ЕngIish?

4 : dl , oU "еpрat t|.аt7






I iiii



2 Сomplеtе thе сoIours with the missing voweIs (a, e, i' o, u).

6 n nk



a 0fсoursе. PеnсiI

Сa sе.

b Е]GHТ'с t,s Whitе.

d Pardоn.



S.tоЁer Uпit

Page 4: Gateway A2 WB

!эme Еnglish.speaking сountries аnd nationalities

. ]hoosе thе сorrесt a|ternаtivе.

1 Еdinburgh ist6е Sсotlаnd/Sсo.ггish сapita Сity.

2 Nеw YрrklWqshington DС is thе сapita сity оf thе USAj RobinЪ from ottawa. S6еs Саnаdа/Соnqd1аn.: l\/y |riеnd,s Irtsh1Ацstrа|iаn. Hе,s from DubIin,j Тhе сapita| сity of Аustrаliа1Сqnаdg isэ't Саnbеrra.

] :зad thе diа|oguе. Who is from Amеriса?

4 Сomp|еtе the сoIours of thesе f|ags with red, whitе or bluе andwritе thе namе of thе сountry.

АrgеrLira Bгita r tа y ,арan Sw [zе.|аrd Tu.kеy



шl."'l. i д:

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iirl ]ппп-


йlfllhlii]i ';

- ' Г.y Пamе,s Мariа аnd this is Gina. Shе,s frоm ita|y._

' П се to п]ееt you...

.е to mееt you too. Аrе you Еng ish?

,-., l,m from Australiа.

l-, right!_.: yoU from thе саpita|, Sydnеy?.: ] . . . ,m from Sydnеy b!t it isn,t thе сapital' ТhatЪ

-.. bеrrа.

;lеs, о| соursе' Hоw do yоu spе| Sydnеy? s it S D оrD?

D-N Е_Y tЪ a niсе сity' Аrе yоl from Romе, Gina?'m from Siеna. Hоw о d arе yоu,Тоny?


:cоl l\/аria,s ]B.,.,]аriа s аn |taIiаn namе. You,rе nоt frоm Siеnа tоo, arе

. \оl ,m Аmеriсаnl ,m frоm NеwYоrk!

J1aIoguе again. Arе thе sеntеnсes truе (T) or fаIsе (F)?

tr,П]еr сaП.

I rstralian.

:. thе сapita] Сity of АUstralia..

r. thе саpita| оf АustraIia.

: r ls from Siеnа.

' 'аrlа аrе lB.

- ' ..оm Slеnа'


Stсrter Unit

Page 5: Gateway A2 WB

I am АustraIiаn'

Yоu/Wе/Тhеy (a)

Не/Shе/|t is Аustrа ian.

,m not АmеriСаn.

Yоu/Wе/Thеy (b) Amеr

-]е, Shе L (с) Ат е. саг'

(d) in thе Саpita|7

Arе you/wе/thеy in thе сapital?

(e) ,,, "е slе iI . ' . .dpi1d ?

Yеs, аm./Nо, ,m nоt

Yеs, уоu/wе/thеy (f)

thеу (g)

Yеs, hе/shе/it (h)

./Nо, yоu/wе/

/Nо, hе/shе/lt

To be

1 Сomplеte thе tаb|е with thе сorreсt form of thе vеrb to be.

Rе-write thе sеntenсеs with сontraсtions..l

Тhеy arе my СDs.

-It^sl пеv re L',tv LUs'/ - - -/ -

2 am fгоm Сambridgе.

J \е||y 5 аП |l'|sn Паmе'

+ w. u|.. ^от а|| trоm СanaСrа

5 Не is not ] 7, hе is l8.

6 | am Пot yoU|'tеaсhеr.

7 Wе arе in thе с аssroom.

3 Writе thе nеqаtive form of these sеntеnсеs.

] [оndоn is a Sсottish сity.

L.qц.dpц. lа||,t 4. Sсq.tt-i,1h. сItу,

2 You аrе from Gеrmаny'

3 Hе,s Austrа|lаn.

+ r,lеy а.е а| st.dе.Ls.

5 Hе,s ]9-

о w.r'" i. \еw \ orn'

/ l Гn а )pаП sn spеaкеr'

8 l.е аГSWеrs ol tnе ьoа,o.

Subjeсt pr0n0uns аnd рossessive adjeсtives

4 Сomp|еtе thе sеntеnсеs with thе сorrесt possеssivе adjесtivе.

1 |s Waynе Rооnеу frоm \,4ilаn?

No, he isи,t, НеЬ fuoи Еиqlаи/.'tJ2 Аrе Portо aпd [isboп in Spain?

З ]s А]аska in Саnadа?

4 s N со|е кiоmаn Аmеr саn'

5 Аrе Sydnеy апd Саnbеrra in Nеw Zеа and?

ii".r", u"t,

Page 6: Gateway A2 WB


Telling the time

1 Matсh thе с|oсks to thе times.

l ttдlоntrl-firlд

- аsI еlе.Vrn-raC qrur"r-pasl In rе.о.



2 . iiъ пu..o riu"А ...

|t'c tРn n)qt (iY

. *: ::е thе puzz|е with thе days of thе weеk.Thе first 4 Writе thеsе dates in full., _:. j э.е thеre to hеlp you.

] 5.n Fеb


2 24Ih Dес

3 2,] 't Ма rсh

4 ,l,lth Junе

5 З,d Nov

6 i;; ii,ё

7 17th Jan

s ilJ;iy---,--

5 Writе answеrs that are true for you..l

What is yоur favоuritе day of thе wееk?n..:.:.]tеnсeswithаnordinaInumbеr,аdayoru

, нoйЬаiiyЬ,iiii..JzwH..,iir-.i,i/r-,.rьirtnaаyi2 How o d is yоur friеnd? Whеn is his/hеr birthdаy? *


. ..з sесоnd day of thе wееk. 4 What tjmе is rt now7 {у


4 what tjmе i5 jt now/ -rl:. :.. ..з sесоnd day ofthе wееk. i .j

!: "ttlrtlraЧrl '' \,.

'.. \\jq ?ъс.ls.\ ( Yjl rr! !\j6 мс'с'\. -l

;i'.-...:;-.аn,J j2уо,f thе и,ееk' lt,*;:.,* -...

ffirr0пths and ordinаl numbers

Page 7: Gateway A2 WB

Thе family

1 СompIetе МarekЪ fami|y trее.


2 СompIеtе thе sеntеnсes with thеsе words.

соusin grаndmоthеr nеphеw

niесе unсlе wifе

Your mothеrЪ mоthеr is


lVy unс|е,s sоn is mу

Hеr brothеr,s daughtеr is


Му fаthегЪ brоthеr is


5 Мy brоthеrЪ ].. ''.

сhiIdrеn,s aunt.

6 l\4y sistеr,s sоn is my

|5 l.Пy

Bаsiс desсripti0ns

3 Сhoosе thе сorrесt aIternаtivе..l

Е la is vеrу |ang/tа||with b uе еyеs.

2 Davinа has gоt fоtrlJоnq dаrk hаir andg lаssеs.

З Jеrеmy,s short with а bеard and thin/Drown еуеs.

4 Kеn isn,t tа] , hе,s short and has gоt


5 l\4y s stеr,s got bluе еyеs and g|аssеs/а



4 Look аt thе piсturеs and rеad thе dеsсriptions (A_D). Writе the сorreсt Iettеr onthе piсturеs. СarеfuI|,ThеrеЪ onе ехtra dеsсription.

А Муbеstfrlеndisn,tta] orthin'Не,sgotfаirhаir.H]sbеаrdandmolstасhеаrеshоrt

B Наnnаh,sсousinistа аndthin.Shеsl7.Hеrhаirisn,t|оng. tЪshort,аndhеrеyеsаrе DrowП.

С \4y mоthеr,s fаvolritе slstег has gоt short dark hаir. Shе,s ta and shе,s got g|аssеs'

D Оur UПС е,S Пot tа| . Hе,s shоrt, аnd his hair is ong. tlеЪ gоt a |ong bеаrd, toо.

5 Writе thrее sеntenсes to desсribe а friеnd. Usе words from 3 аnd 4.


Stsrter Unit

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Нave glt

1 Сomp|еtе thе sеntenсеs in thе affirmаtive with hаvе got orhаs got.

.] Jаninа

2 l\4y соusins

З|4 His unс]е

5Wе6 Yоu

Look at thе information about thе owеn family and сompIеtethе sеntenсеs.Use hаvе got/haven,t got or hаs got/hаsn,t got,

Demonstrative рr0n0uns

6 Re-writе thе sеntеnсеs in thе plura|.

,l Тhis bооk is for Еng ish.

2 s that your tеасhеr?

, f 1-,isi n on DvD?

4 |s thаt stUdеПt Аustrа ian?

5 .his.ot,.yеs а.е уе |оw

6 ,llаt.,.9еrСе.nа^?

7 Look at thе piсtures and сomp|еtе thе sеntеnсesUse thls, that'thеsе or thosе'

,I HI,

2 |еу,

З Nо,

4 Loоk,

is mt,сousin, Сhar Ottе'

s mу grаndfathеr,s Саtl

аrеn I my DooKs'

а rе oU r trееs.

lоng b ond hair

siХ сats.

Оrown еyеs.

О аssеs.

ЕngIish friеnds'

Vеry Iong hair'

.] Се|ia a Сar'

2 l._rank a bеаrd.

З Мr and Мrs Оwеn a Сar.

4 lt4r Owеn glаssеs.

5 |Иrs Оwеn and thе сhildrеn

6 Тhеу а dog in this fami y

\4аtсh thе qUеstions with thе answеrs.

l Hаs yоur fathеr gоt а bеard? a2 Нavе your sistеrs got ong b


Has your Саt got bIUе еyеs? :HaVе you got a brothеr. d

|_as vo-' S'5Те' got dа.Ь аir? е

Наvе yоur UПС еs got fg |аssеs?

dark hair

Nо, I hаvеn,t.

Yеs, shе has.

Yеs, it has'

No, thеy havеn,t.

Yеs, hе hаs.

Аnna has, lэut Sophiе






Эвssеssive 3

Сhoose the сorrесt aIternаtive'

1 Mу сqt,s'/сsrs,nаmrs arе Sugаr and Spiсе'2 0ur grqndnоthеr,s/-g1gрdmoth9уs,sistеr is our grеat aunt


З Сathy is Оwеn5/Оwеn3 sесоnd wifе4 \АУ рarcnts/рсrелгs,hair is dark5 Ihеir оunt,s/аuлts3 numbеr is iп thе bооk.6 la-kеs-/Jаkе|s "оyе5

a[е dаrk b uе'

Put apostrophеs in thе сorrе(t pIaсеs in thе sentеnсes..]

Pеtеs pаrеnts nаГnе5 a[е Мikе аnd Bе|indа.2 Bеlindas еyеs аrе smа|] аnd brоwn'З Мikеs bеard is short аnd grеy.

4 Pеtеs sistеrs namеs аrе l_-rаn аnd Gаi].

5 Bе indаs brothеrs namе is Сraig.6 Сrаigs daughtеrWеndy is Pеtеs parеnts niесе.

dаrk hаir пIа<cд( а сar а bеаrd . i^^o uuv

a^l:^L !* lld х )1 х

Гrаnk х х х хVlrs owеn х х

Мr owеn х х х

lтпl]|аii lr"lil


Storfеr Unit

Page 9: Gateway A2 WB

1 Сomplеtе thе tаb|е'

subjeсt pronoun possэssive аdjeсtive






tЬ^,,L| сy

shе (d) (f)^. (e)




Сomplеtе thеto bе,

,l Howоd

2НеYеs, hе



Yе5, Wе

5 Тhеy

Nо, thеy


sеntеnсе5 with thе сorrесt form of thе verb



from N/lontrеal.


Сarо inе yоuг sistеr оr yоur соusin?

my сousin'

' . '''... '' you Amеriсan?

from Dеnvеr'

tа l aпd thin'

wе in yоuг с|ass tоdav?

5 Put thе аpostrophе in the сorrесt plасе in thе sеntеnсеs

] Pаu|s сhi drеn аrе а lthln.

2 М1y brоthеrs namеs аrе [ukе аnd P;'.3 lV1y grandparеnts b!rthdays arе ln ivlаl a^. '-.е,4 Оur tеaсhеrs dеsk is by thе wlndоrry'

5 Мy аunt Мarys еуеs arе bIUе.

6 Нis fathеrs bеard isn,t Vеry ong.

6 Сhoosе thе сorrесt aIternative.

1 Thtsl,Гhеsе isn,t yоur dеsk.

2 Thasе,rГhаt pеn is my fаthеr,s'

З | istеn 1О |hi' ,|hе е т -si( '

4 Thаt,tГhasе lэооks arе thе tеасhеr,s.

5 Аrе thеsе/this singеrs Аustraliап?

6 ThоtПhasе bоyЪ hair is too |ong'

Gгаmmаr extensi0n

7 Find and сorrесt a mistake in eасh sеntеnсe.

.l Нavе уоur brоthеr Hеnry gоt lоng dark hair?

2 Т|.'е . pаrеГt s nаmеs а.е Е|еanоr.nd Wi f.еd

З Гl.еsеf n s.ny,аvourilе'

+ ч., .o....,' ;;|h;;:s l.е.9.andтоLЁе]

5 lЪ got my danсе с|аss in tеn minutеs.

o riinоiе boy you.brоtl.е.Ьiуo', ..ii.i-,;,,7 hеr сhi]drеn ^аnеs аrе B l| аnd-lom.

Нavе yоu AustraIiаn?

Г|'.e., п,аndn;rAr |(,drе ЯО Vеаrs o O.

.l 0 l\4y sоn havе gоt brown еyеs.

1 .l

His сousin,s namеs arе Susan and Еmma

1 2 Ar^ rl.р(,e nрn( vО.,r -еасhеrs]rJ! iJ!r rr

\o. you

Сhoosе thе сorreсt aItеrnative.

1 му1lGеrmаn 6aaktsn,r/аrеn,t on thе tаb е.

2 Тhе studеnts аrе/is with thеу/thеir tеaсhеr.З Оцr1Wе эamеs цs/аrе Gary and .Jim.

4 Тhis phОtО is/-arе a piсturе of hеlhts bеst fllеrd,5 You/|оur ]еssоns сreл,Йлt аt tеn tоday'6 |/Му f avoоritе day of thе wееk.сm,/'is Saturdaу,

Writе quеstions and answеrs thаt arе truе for you.

1 yоu / yоur ЕngIish workbоok?

Н аrе уо и g ot уo и r Е Иg /|.', h ru q r/<Ь q q/< ?Yе,l' I hаrс' ,/ Np, I hаreи,t,

2 уaоr grаndparеnts / a сat?

? rin tr tр:.hрr / nl:c(Рq7

4 1o: pаrегТ< brotlеr' аго sistеrs?

]-.i,:еnd / ong hair?

90оrtы Uпit

Page 10: Gateway A2 WB

Mаtсh thе сoIumns.

1 thirty first а2 sеvеntеепth bЗ twеnty sесоnd с4 tеnth d5 еig htее nth е6 sесоnd f7 е]еvеnth 98 twеnty_sixth h

2 Writе thе сorrесt ordinal numbеrs from ,l in woros.

6 Look at Grеta,s Iist of birthdays. Writе the datеs of her friеnds,and fаmi|yЪ birthdаys in ful|.

СФ Grсindrna - J1гn

Зnafрn - }Jьt

e f,aсt - J*tи

Лцm }}r'd'

}аd - Зr.d

fi.aЬ - i*tи

гnrl - 1s.t!4








2 Тhе

3 Тhе

: Тhе

> Thе

5 Thе


'atl rг]эrl












Novеm bеr


еttеr ofthе а phаbеt is Q

]еttеr of thе a1phabеt is J.

|еttеr оf thе aIphаbеt is l.|еttеr оf lhе а|phabеt is R

еttеr o|thе a phabеt is K.

еttеr ofthе а phаbеt is V'










-э|our сodе puzz|e:18 _ 5 _4 = R Е D.What аre thеsе сo|ours?

q-'B | 4 - 5

_ '6-21 t8-16-12,5: . 8_ 5 )з |А

- , 8-9 20-5: - 8-5 5-14

'.:5_12_12 l5 2з

..:h а word from box A With a timе from box B.

1 ..:r.nin! midday aftеrnoоn

..'еning night midnight

12pm 9аm 12am Зpm 11pm

: еtе thе lists with thе сorrесt dav or month.

1 0rаиlrиаЬ Ьtrthdау ;а oпJаииаr7 the f ееиth,2






Сhoosе thе сorrесt аIternativе.

1 \Аo, цn6\.,' son ;s rтv (Оusin oоnт') Jo', пn- lnnг |nr| <'h.I L hai '

3 Hеr mothеr,s sistеr, hеr at.]ntlunс|е Suе, is 40

4 Ч.le. \ рrV /nnd ,с// аrd Lh п'Ч Rnhc nрnhр'll/niр' p iч Rрtl . d.r пhтоr,,,у,,.,:'6 Sl o,c ао tрr1 Ь,.,l рvС> сПd hoгt rеd hаir'

Stсrter Unit

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r Prрqрnt qimnlр _

l Рresеnt simрlе _

r QгhnnI qrrЬiргiq

l Tа|kiпg ab0.]i j.iL

l An infоi.пlа епа

аtfirmаt.^-.^+. -|с<j| ':

, S,^,- .

'i. '



Sсhool subjeсts

1 Lookаtthе piсturеаnd writethе namеs of thе sсhоо ;Llh ;г:c.








Sсhool асtivities

Сhoosе thе сorrесt аItеrnаtivе.

1 х'Nе hqvеl'dq a brеak aftеr thе еssоn'

2 Thеy starI сlсlssеs/thе tеоСhеr aI ninе оtIoсk'З l\4aria asks a good brеоk|gцеsttоn.

4 I mqkе1dq my hоmеwоrk еvеrу night'5 Не finishеs lunсh/sсhоо| at hа f past fоur.

6 Тоm аn5w91515уqуу5 thе tеaсhеr.

Сompletе the sentеnсes With information about you.

оn Wеdnеsdаy. Мy first |еssоn

.|t,s (nоI bod gtеar Ql Ql-' Му tе' o1O еssol

and1('likе it/don|tILkе it'). I hаvе а brеаk аt

' l havе unсh at ' Оn Wеdnеsday

|inish sсhоо| аt ' I do hоmеwоrk

days а wееk. 1 (|ovе Lt/.think tt,s okQу/саn,t

stоnd i0|

Now writе а simiIar text about Fridаy.

Matсh the сoIumns.

.l l don,t ikе mаths'

2 Shе lоvеs art'

З Hе spеaks Frеnсh at hоmе.

4 | т 9ооd а[ gеоQrао"1,

5 Тhеy,rе gооd аt musiс.

6 His favouritе slbjесt is Сl

Нis mоthеr сomеs fromPа ris.

Тhеy sing аnd p|ay in a


Hе оvеs his сomputеr'dоn,t u ndеrstа nd

ПUГПDеl.s аt а]]'

Hеr fаvоuritе paintеr is Vаn

Goghkпow thе nаmеs оf

25 сaрitа сit еs'

L start sСnool аt




з бйЬ tnе odd onе out.

] |rегсh aЗЦ' Gеrтаn Sоа^ s|^

2 sсhoо unсh hоmеwоrk С ass

З сhеmistry physiсs iэiо ogy musiс

4 |СТ Сomputеr PЕ СD

5 notеbook rubbеr pеnсi art

Page 12: Gateway A2 WB

.I Look at thе photo and rеad the text. Is thе с|аssroom similаr to your сIassroom? Namе onе thinq thаt is diffеrеnt.

In villagе sсhools in Uganda' thе studеnts havеthеiг lеssоns in sma1l D-цil-dtцs.s- with no dooгsог wjndоws Thev hаvе two oт thгeе сlassгoomsfoг two oг thгее hundrеd girls and boys. Thегeaгеn,t books foг a]l the studеnts. Тhгее ог fouгstudеnts .s"}--iq-це- a boоk. Thеге aгеn,t dеsks foгрr ргr }r. 'г]rr TЬрг' aгё .L^i.. Гn. nn j'. Ьnlг tl,. .' ' ( llaIl'5 |Ul' LJll.) llaIl Ll.lе

studеntS.lt is оftеn vегy hot in thе сlassгooms. Thеn

lhе c'lldеnic оо о't|чinе l Ilеv чir ttгdeг l tгее''.,,J"

and llstеn tо thеiг tеaсhег.Somе сhildгеn don,t finish sсhool in thеsе

Ugзndаn vil]аqеs' Т\rеtllr Ге| l9!L оГ giгls donot go to sесondaг1z sсhоol. Giгls stay at homе

.- ^-;^ .^ ^^tТo gет WатeГ Oг Oo \^ аSnlng.Agnеs is a tурiсa1 Studеnt. Shе is happy

bесausе She goеS tо pгimaгy sсhoOl. She gеtsup aL f.ivе o'tlосk еvегy moгning аnd цзshеsdishеs bеfoге shе walks sеvеn kilоmеtгеS tosсhool. Shе is somеtimеs 1atе and hег tеaсhег lsаnпгv Btrr shе lоr еc hcг tеа(.Leг Aпгеc wаrГStо bе a tеaсhег oг a nuгSе.

4 Look at thе tеХt and writе сorreсt sеntenсes.

1 Тhе sсhoо bui|dings havе got windows.

2 | ^;'е u.. .nu. i "no

J"'",, .o, е' еrybоdy'

З Аqnеs dоеsn,t likе sсhoo].

4 Whе^ доnеs Г qi,iеs sсl.ooI shе wа^ts -o qrаy аL .lo-е

Тhеre аrе diffеrеnt numbеrs in the tеxt. Matсh thе numbеrs(1_6) with the сorrесt words (a_f ).

Rеаd thе tеXt agаin аnd сhoose the сorrесt answеl.,l

Vi||agе sсhoo s in Uganda hаvе

a sma] С|ass[ootГls.

b hundrеds of сhi|drеп'

2 Somе studеnts sharе

a а DooK.

b а сhair.

З Whеn it is hot in thе с assroom, thе studеntsa go nomе.

b sit undеr a trее'

4 lVlаny gir|s stаy аt homе аnd

a dо homеwork for thе tеaСhеr.

b gеt watеr fоr thе family'

5 Agnеs gеts up,

a hе ps at homе and wа]ks to sсhоol.b gеts hеr bооks and Wa ks to sсhoo|'

6 Whеn Agпеs is lаtе, hеr tеасhеra is happy with hеr.

b ls nоt hаррy with hеr.

Маtсh the -u-цф-е-d!ц.е-ф words in thе tеxt with the piсturesand dеfinitions.


'ffi*4 a/o

5 sсhoоls and housеs, fоr еxamp е

tWеПtV Dеr Сеnt."'..'.'".


two or tnrееП U nС][еo

IWo or IПrее


thrее оr fоur

a С assrОoГns

b о,сlосk

с ofgir|s

d studеПts

е ki оmеtrеs

f r]r s a.d bоys

Whаt aboutyou?

What things in Ugаndаn vi| аое s:.о; s з.. ] .е.е"l |rоm yоur

sсhоо|? \oтд lrде l , О

Page 13: Gateway A2 WB

Present simple - affirmative

1 Study thе tаbIe аnd thе grаmmar ru|e.

A Сomо]еtе thе tablе'

2 Сomp|etе thе sеntenсеs with thе vеrb givеn. Use thе prеsеnt simp|е form of the verb..l Wе 'stаrt (stаrt) sсhоо аt quаrtеr io ПiПе

Aftеr hе, shе аnс ..' .:.:r ...|еarn/finish/study

lеа rns /

(a) /


(takе) hеr сhair iо thе kltсhеn

(answеr) a1 thе quеstоns'

| / уau /wе / thеy fnisl .. :-| / уaо / wе / thеy tеасh - .е s-

Аftеr hе, she and lt, vеrbs thаt еrэ| ,vo-

wе / tiеy (d)

6 Мrs Brown

7 You

8 l\4y саt

2 Shе

3Hе4 Тhеy (frnish) thеlr hоmеwork bеfоrе dinnеr. 9 Тhеy

(с|еan) thе bоard fоr thе tеаСnеr 10 Wеа|

'к.@nut. ф ..,.,t,tund @

4 Writе four sеntenсеs about you with do, hаtе,likе and lovе'





Prepositions of time

5 Сhoosе thе сorrесt аItеrnativе.

1 itlit, !11156uу is оn1lл August.2 S:: :rО.s ic bеd аt/оn hа|f past tеn.З .-.. : . ': t:эibа L сilbn Wеdnеsdaу and Saturday.4 . ..:.:.:: .:.j.:..:'lloithеmоrninq,

, Grammar extension

6 tind thе mistakе in еасh sеntеnсе аnd rе-writе it сorrесt|y.

] Таniа ООеs ... .;^.: ...,. . -., ::].]]^^ аl:^::''.еning.

З Оur lеssons start ln hаlf оаs: э.gr: r ;lе гlогllnо

4 W; аs.s rl.е '.u..o.

W|.е. ,\е 'dn т L. Ое's.а.О'

i Thе girls go to homе at fоur оt|oсk.

i Ь't Г.,^ ',ito.'rhiоr!< i., '. his.oly аld аrт.

1 ^^ +^ f,.^-^ -t^-"^- ^./ qО Io Оd.lСе с'acsеs on tl.е Wееl,е^d.

3 Writе about Gina аnd Lukе with the сorrесt form of thеsе vеrbs


G|иа /l<сs Ьixhdауl, аиd she lovсs аrt сlаssеs '.,

Page 14: Gateway A2 WB

Еveryday асtivitiеs

1 Look at thе с|ues and сomp|еtе thе puzz|е.

lomplete the sеntеnсеs with

. 0n wее(dаys


] Оur liLLlе sistеr


3 Dоl d Wd}э

: Wе *s.lа у

-. is bе,L Гr.еrо

: Vy pаtегLs

Aсross1 l\ly bеst friеnd gоеs tо ' '. by сar.

З Wе dо ... ]n thе еvеning.

4 1 gеt ... bеforе l go to bеd'

6 Тhеir fаthеr goеs tо work by ' . ' '

8 li|| hаs a .. . а|tеr shе plays tеnПis'

9 Тhеy havе '.. аt 7.з0 in thе mоrning.

Down2 Grandfathеr hasn,t got а .. ' but hе,s got a сооl mоbi|е.

5 Нis fаmiy has ... at B in thе еvеning.7 Thе bоys p ay ... for thе sсhоо; thеу,rе goоd plаyеrs.

3 :еad thе sеntеnсes. Put Hе|еnЪ асtivitiеs into thе сorreсt: r,dеr.

.-first с]аss is at tеП past ninе.

:r,n ng с|assеs finish at qUartеr past oПе.

: 3П gеts Uр at qUartеr to еight аnd has a

.= wа|ks tо sсhool at ha|f pan еight'

, l- l.ёq -о hоd а. l.|f гast ni^е'

- lа f past thrее, shе wa ks homе.

н.. . н"^.: ||о) o UIсoN оL с сvс

.. pаrеПts mаkе dinnеr at half past sеvеn'

a vеrb in thе сorrесt form

Iunсh with my friеnds in thе

сompUtеr gаmеs at thе

а showеr aftеr a footbaI matсh.

up |atе оn Sundаys,

to sсhoо| by bikе.

to bеd аt ] ].З0.


showеr. l


VocаbuIаry extensi0n

4 Маtсh .l_8

with a_h to mаke morе evеryday aсtivitiеs.

1 9о '..",.'".

2 wakе5 DrUSn

4 соmb5 ПaVе

o сal7 watсh

8 rеаd

а a drinkbТVс а DooK

. dUрe my tееth..'..'"f

tоs1ееpg а friеndh mу hair

5 Arе the sentenсеs сorreсt? |f not, сorrесt the mistakеs.

1 | watсh ТV aftеr dinnеr.

2 Sl.е .ott, u ou, Lo l.е p hе. и iLn |-еr .oтеuvol^,

3 Не соmbs his tееth аftеr his brеakfаst.

4 Li.dа таkеshеrIuгсl.аго hasаf.iе^d,u,-o|y': l Wt.lit

5 Мy mоthеr rеads Bеn


а bеdt те 5Io.) а1d L^еr . е goеs Lo

Write three sеntеnсеs about you, Usе thе еvеryday aсtivitiеsfrom 4.

/саl/а hie,l whеи /lиtsh *v ho^e*or/<,II,/r/ сotиb уиv hаir аrtеr Lиv 5ИoWrr еVеrv ааv.

/ -- I - - / / /,l




Page 15: Gateway A2 WB

HorтlGI siсhooling in the lJКlnternаtionаl сultural kпowledge - Home sсhooIing Q rшi!Ёr i*lo.. щДlitt- :

o А|| UK раrеПts саП tеасh thеlr сh]ldr:. ,, l! .: : -

Look аt thе photo аnd thе hеading. Amy аnd Lukе go tosсhoо| at homе. Do you think thеy arе happy to lеarn athomе? Rеаd thе tеXt and сhесk.

liаtсh thе words and definitions.*s" ЁA' *Фe.il AФ

The Wilsons are a tyрiсal English fаmily:а mother and a {аther, a girl and a boy'But аre they? Amy' 13, and Luke, 12, looklike two typiсaI sсhool students butthey don,t go to sсhooI! Why not? ln theUK. eduсation is сompuIsory, ht't goingto sсhool is not. Read the interview аndsee what this |аmily thinks about home sсhooIing'

lnterviewer |Vr WiIson, you writе сOmputer games. You,rе not a

tеaсher. Do you rеa||y think it,s a good idеa tо teaсh your сhi|drеn athome?

Mr WiIson Yеs' Wе think wе givе оur сhi|dren a good еduсation.Wе have no f ixеd timеtаble so еvery daу wе сhoosе what wе study' On a

sunny day, We сan g0 t0 a Z00 0r Ioоk at pIants and trеes _ that,s bi0|0gy.

Wе сan сlimb a high hilI and |оok at rivеrs _ that,s geography' When it

rаins, we сan makr a pizza aлd share it out_that,s maths.

Interviewer N/rs WiIson, dо you think your сhiIdrеn are happy here?

Тhеy arеn,t with othеr сhiIdrеn their agе' Is it bоring fоrthem to be withyou а|| day?

Mrs Wi]son Boring? l don,t think so, but you саn ask them !

Amy Mum,s right' Wе,rе not bored, bесause Wr,re part of a homesсhool support group. Тhis is a group of 70 famiIiеs in our town' Wеmert Up with peoplе from this group two or thrее times а wееk. Thеyoung сhiIdrеn havе othеr kids to play with, and we сan soсiа|ise too.But pеrsonalIy, I want to g0 t0 sсh00I next yеar' Тhеy do nationaI examsat sсhooI and I think thеy are impOrtant.

Luke Homе sсhooIing is bеttеr for me. I prefеr homе sсhoо|ing bесausel,m goоd at sсiеnсe and |СT Iike my dad. Sо wе сan study diff iсu|t subjeсtsand l сan Iearn fast. |,m no good at spе|ling and |,m a sIow readеr, so I do

that with N/um' Shе,s real|y niсe and shе doesn,t grt angry sO I rе|ax withhеr. Wе сan study at our own speed.

Amy ТhаtЪ truе, but what,s good for Lukе isn,t gооd for mе. P|us thе

sсhool unifоrm in thе sесоndarv sсhool in town is rеa||v сооt t



2 Rеаd thе tехt аgain' Аrе thе statеmеnts truе (T) or fаIsе (F)?

a a a - : a (ttl

_ ..:-..|:-j .-.= '::-ltоsсhооiЗ



7 МLrs Vl. sс"

Answеr the quеstions.

1 Amyis not borеd at n.^.: ]-. !tеWaПtsto gotоsсhоo1'Why?

2 What is Lukе,s оpiniоr. ...]-.: s:^ооirng?

З Whаt is АmyЪ оpinion of t.с -. .с..l ln thе sесоndаry sсhоо|?

What about you? СompIetе onе of thе sentеnсеs so it is truefor you.

1 | |ikе thе idеa о| hоmе sсhооi1ng bесаusе

.l |]xеd

2 эоring

? с tооnrt аrnttnJ JJ9уvI

4 sоl!аi!sе

5 sQеео

6 :;-з'.,tIsогy

'^?^1o.1*. with othеr pеоple fоr

:".j::;: tо do it _ no сho.сеpеop|е |ikе yоu that hеlp youПot Сhanqlnqnоt at all intеrеstingfаst оr sIow




Unit I

2 don,t think hоmе sсhоо ing is good bесausе

Page 16: Gateway A2 WB

/уau /wе /hе/shе/it

Prеsent simplе - negаtive

Study thе tabIе аnd сomp|еtе thе grammаr ruIе with don,t ordoеsn,t'

' Lh .^е prеsr. L , nP tr ^е9oiivе,-' hе кhе it a.d (b)

wе usе (a)

'f|.еr dОn,t Оr doеsn't,wе usе а vеrb

-.9. start.

Сhoosе thе сorreсt аItеrnаtivе.

wiLh| .ou uце thр)

in thе infinitivе (Without _s),

1 Мary don,tldqеsn,I waIkto sсhоо|with mе.

2 Wе dоn,!1dоesл,t Iivе iп BristoI nоw.

З Thеy don'lldoеsn,I spеak Frеnсh vегy wе| '

4 |1е dоn't/doesл,Г havе timе to finish his hоmеwоrк.5 dоn,r/dреsл,t brush my tееth bеfоrе dinnеr.

б Yоu dоn,ldaеsn,t listеn to musiс iп thе shоwеt.7 Тhе Сat dОn,t/dОеsn,t s|ееp оn thе bеd.8 Shе don,rldqеsn,t сhаt tо hеr friеnds in thе |еssоn.

З -ook аt thе piсturе and сomp|еtе thе tеxt with thеsе words.Jsе thе сorrесt form in thе аffirmative or nеgativе.

:hаt |istеn соmb 9o hаvе rеаd wаlk Wа|K

Rewritе thе sеntеnсеs in thе nеgative.

,l Shе likеs соffее fоr brеakfаst'

Shе dpesи,t likе сofte pr brеаk-ftst,

2 | do my homеwork аt sсhооi.

3 Тhеy gо tо bеd in thе аftеrnооn.

4 Hе wаtсhеs tе еvisiоn ;.;'.;;;;;

5 Тhе tеaсhеr аsks us diffiсLl t qUеstioПs,

о w..luu. -^сЬ iГ L1^е са еtе.iа'

0bjeсt pr0n0uns

5 Сomp|еtе thе sеntеnсes

,l Wе iь|^n tо

2 Stеi|а |;L е>

З Vo* dогi k^ow

4 Wе cpеаl тo

5 \i." wаLсlеs

6 | lеy dor t ^ате

with thе сorrесt objесt pronoun.

(our fathеr).

(hеr big sistеr).

0(thе tеaсhеrs).


.. ',, (mе аnd myfami|y).




l' Hе


to sсhooI by bus, hе (b)

Hе (с) his hаir in thе morning'

timе for brеakfast at homе. Не

to Пlusiс but hе (f) his

and his sistеr Bесky (9) togеthеr'

to a friеnd оn hеr mоbi е.

6 Arе the sentenсеs сorrесt? If not, сorreсt them.

1 l\/y sistеr а wаys |inishеs his hоmеwоrk bеfоrе tеa'

z t,..lr.;; ^.' b.eal,аsLТV эloWS t]-L _o- hoLе> Lnеm

з о,;t.u....;;'^';-; 'e.v о гiiс* т qUеsLo.)'

4 |ovе my соusin \4аriа but rny si5tеr dоеsn,t ikе thеm'

5 \ou са. hаuе yo- с^oWе| .lo\^.

6 \4y grandparеnts arе a Ways Vеl,y niСе to rnе'

Grammаr extensi0n

7 Write six truе sеntеnсеs аbout your еvеrydаy routine. Usethe prеsеnt simple in thе affirmativе аnd thе nеgativе. Writеonе niсe thing about a famiIy mеmbеr, аnd onе thing about а

tеасhеr you Iikе.

Unit т

Page 17: Gateway A2 WB

Talking аbout yourself

1 Look at the information about а Sсottish studеnt. Сomo|еte itwith thе сorrесt form of thеsе words.

brоthеr еightееn Еnglish fivе

go listеn subjесts wаtсh

Namе: Dunсan Sсou еr

trom: G|аsgow, Sсоt аnd

Parеnts,nаmеs: nnеs and Jеnny

(а) аnd sistеr: Маriе (b)

yеars o d' (с) to priП]ary sсhоо ' Аndy _

(d) moПths oid'

Favоurltе (e) : Frеnсh, (f)

and histоry

Likеs: аrt and musiс

Наtеs: sсiеnсе and maths

Аftеr sсhoo : rеаds boоks, (g) to musiс аnd

(h) TV

Hеrе arе Dunсan,s answers to his tеaсhеr,s quеstions. Matсhthe questions to the answеrs.

Whаt аbоut art and musiс?Аnd aftеr sсhoоl?Те | us about yоur fami y'

Do you p ay СoГnpUtеr qаmеs?

Whаt аrе your favоuritе sub;есts?

Dоеs your sistеr go tо sсhоо ?

Dо yol Iikе sсiеnсе аnd mаths?

. "'I t' I I ^

-I rYn,а,(t)/qцr ИаLие а,И4 шn(rc аrс)/0L| rr0И {

l\ly namе,s Dunсаn Sсou|еr and ,m from G|аsgоw, in

Sсоtla n d.

\,4v pаrеnls,rа.., u . .lеs аnО Jег^1 t,g ооt a bаby

brоthе1 Апdу, and а sistеr, Маriе' ShеЪ fivе.

l\/ariе? Yеs, shе gоеs to prlmаry sсhоо '

I\/y |аvouritе subjесts arе ЕngIish and Frеnсh bесalsе |ovе

rеa d in g.

Art and musiс аrе oK'

Nоl саn,t stand sсiеnсе and I rеa||y hatе mаths'

\, ". ; ' СoПp-tе nu.., oo' ,r.еа|

y |^е Ll.ет a.d

lа',.е.,. :оt timе fоr thеm.

..:: : .] rO O o.СDsа. D

3 Сhoosе thе сorrесt aItеrnativе.

,l Hе undеrstands Spanish аnd/but l.е ;с.:- .

2 l Iovе mу 6rarбеr аnd/beссusе m,v sis.:.,

З lisа s a gеnlus qndlbц{ shе hе ps :5 ',. .- -

4 Тhеir аunt ivеs in Quеbес bесоtlsе,:,.:' . -and Frеnсh'

еiy Wе| .

I rK.

I 'sh

5 Wе gо to sСhoo bу bus аnd/bесоэsс6 Shе doеsn,t ]ikе maths bесоusе/b,ll s


Talking about photos

4 Look аt thе first photo and answer thе quеstions' If you arе

not surе of somеthing, saу Ithink andlor I imаginе,

1 Whеrе dо you think th]s sсhoo is?

2 |s L. S o1 e pe . S' С ,.l оо|, Оo )oU ll. ^\, or d .lаLе ,сl оо ?

З What do thе stldеnt';;;;;i; ; ;;;

'4 |s r..s sсl.oo| s.^-ri|а' tо , o,u, ,.^oo ? Sа1 "v^1 ol ^. .


5 Now look at thе sесond phоtо and ans\^/е. thе sат= qUеstions

f you аrе nOt 5urе of somеthing, saу lthinkel.c c, rэglnе,



Page 18: Gateway A2 WB

Aп informal email

.l Тhis studеnt makеs mistakеs with сapitаI Iеttеrs. Find andсorrесt six mistakеs in thе еmаi|.

. from Wa|еs. ] |ivе in сardiff, the сapital сity. T,ve got: sisters. Тhеir names are JuIiе and Gwyn, and they,rе

. .::еn and sevеn. Here,s a photo of l\4е and my sisters with- , lт]LJm and dad.

.: got brown еyes and dar|<hair, and ],m ta||. T,m not... y fat or thin, and I,ve got gIassеs but l on|y wеar thеm: :an00l.

. : and 1 9o to a big сomрrehensivе sсhoo| сa||edоridge. Тhеre are 31 students in my с|ass! Мly favourite

, .сts arе Sрorts sсienсe and gеograрhу. l Ii|<e IсT too.

:.-. up at sevеn and I сyс|e to sсhoo|. lVlу sсhooI is twentу.tes away by bi|<e. After sсhooI on Wednеsdays, I pIay

.,-i.' lVly sistеr JuIie doesn,t pIaу rugby, but she рlays

.,:a|| and she,s rеa||y good at itI-..е write baс|< and tе|| mе about уourseIf.

:-.е best

.::r the еmаil agаin' Arе thе statemеnts truе (Т) or fa|sе (F)?

-- s snort and vеry thin.

. and his sistеrs а| go to thr 5amе sСhoo|.

-. JoеsП,t Wa k to sСhoo|.

:; got 9lаssеs but hе dоеsn,t Wеаr thеm a] thе timе'

: j stеr JU iе plays fооtba |.

Look at the tab|е with informаtion аbout thrее students.Who is thе writer of thе еmаi|?

Еvan Sam Owen

]ivеs in Wa|еs

ikеs muslс /p|аys rugby

p аys fоotba| / '/has two sistеrs

hаs gоt b uе еyеs /

Сhoosе thе сorrесt а|ternаtivе.

] lnformаtiоn аbout your fаml у : ihе aаmеs af уo-uу bуо\hеуs,

sistеrs qnd рqrе1ts / lеssan5.

2 А physiсa dеsсriptiоn - 'цfiqt уou loрk |jkе 1 hovу niсе уoц g1g

З Yоu and sСhoo = f6n|у 15цbj9сt |ikеs аnd dis|tkеs.

4 You r dai|y routinе : What уa.u dО еVеry daу / sunmq'

Writе an еmаi| аbout a friеnd or fami|y membеr. Inс|udе thеinformаtion from 4 аbout him or her. Use thе еmaiI in ] tohе|p you, but don,t mаke mistakеs With сapitаl Iеttеrs. Addsomething niсе аbout your friend/brothеr/сousin!


Page 19: Gateway A2 WB

:: t Presеnt simpIe * questions, quеstion words аnd short

answers l Adverbs of frequеnсy l Artiс|еs

l Free-timе aсtivities l PIaсеs to go in а town

l Asking for informаtion on thе phone l TaIking аbout photos

t An announсement .

i:t!l+i,;,..'.u1;.,,,. .,,-

Free-timе aсtivities

1 Сhoosе a word or words from eaсh box to makе a free-timеaсtivitУ.

сhat со||есt dо go out With

listеn to рlay surf takе watсh

a musiсal instrumеnt fiIms оnllnе photоs

thе Nеt things musiс spo|.t fгiеnds

2 Put thе сonvеrsation in thе сorrесt ordеr.

l It dеpеnds. UsUa у ПаV: rо dо sоmе hоmеwork but havе

frее timе tooL

П Do уоu go tо anу сlubs оr aсtivltiеs?

П Sо what do you dо аt thе wееkеnd, Luсy?

П Yеs, оn Saturday aftеrnооns I havе swimming |еssоns.

П 1 |ikе to gо out With friеnds оn Еriday оr SatUrOay DUI

sоmеtimеs I stay in. l lоvе stаying in too, surfing thе Nеt оr

wаtсhing DVDs.

П What dо yоu dо in thе еvеning?

3 Put thе words in the сorrесt order to makе sentеnсes.

,l instrumеnt l p|aу / a / mу / siStеr/doеsn,t/musiсal

2 Nеt / sсhоо l surfs l Gаry / thе / aftеr

з t)bе,o.еzont ..z ь,.ok.asL /сhаL

4 о, уo-u gоL/wеbsiте/ navе/.u,oul'...z

5 this / ikе / hе / сomiс / dоеsn,t

6 .'s Оoе. .o .o-,in,

4 Look at the сluеs аnd сomp|еte the puzz|е.


4 l,vе gоt an Еnglish са||еd Gоtеwау'

5 | likе tо rеаd thе storiеs аnd Ioоk at thе piсturеs in my


8 lЙy dad rеads a сomputеr


1 Dоn,t draw with a pеn. Hеrе,s а . '

2 Оur musiс tеaсhеr plаys thе

З Мly pаrеnts o|d things |ikе

pа | ntI ngs.

6 Havе you got a nеW


) тA^.^ ^Ц^+^. ."^j ] | |с)с pl |ULU) o]с

7 Тhat musiс is by Сhopin

Сhoosе the сorrесt aItеrnаtive.

l |е |pvеs/.hаtеs doing Sport. Hе а|wаys doеs it in his frее timе.

2 | со n|I sta nd/lj kе сa||есting thi П gs. tъ just not intеrеsti n9.

3 Shе doеsn,t surf thе Nеt bесаusе shеthinksit,sОtс/-doе.sn,I|lkе


4 Ihеу hаtе/|ove rеading. Тhеir housе ls fuIl of boоks!

5 Shе |оvеs singing bцt/bерq1sе shе dоеsn,t sing wе|l.

6 You СaП Sее vеry funny vidеos on YоuТubе. V|е lo-vе/саn'l

'tаnd ir

СompIеtе the sеntеnсеs so thеy arе truе for you'

1 | dоiгg

2 lrеa||y danсing.

3 l\/y favouritе is

4 l сan,t stand but thinkis ОK'









еVеry ГПontrr.

in а roсk band

oooKs ano

Unit 2

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.l -ook at thе photo аnd rеad thе tit|е of thе tеxt. Wherе do you think this сhеss p|ayеr is from?


У*emeg* gh*ss'. .,jay

]S sometimes сa||ed,Тhе |and of the midnightsun,'- .е sumГnеr mOntns, the Sun сOеsn,t -sе! for two аnd a.: . ,iOnthS. BUt in thr north, in thе сo|d wintеr months, thе- -. dorsn,t 1ts-q fоr nеar|y twо months!_::.lа8еrs

ln NOrWaУ hаVе 8ot mаnу hоurs оf frее timе.:.] thеre ts no daу|ight. Brсausе thеre is no Iight, typiСа|

- .'-timе асtiv]tiеs arе hobbiеs at homе' Тhаt rs WhУ thе-.:. У0Un8 сhеss plaуеr in thе wor|d is ninеtееn.yеaгоld' '

.,vеgiаn |VagnUs Cаr|Sеn.

'.:зnus, ,the |Vozаrt оf сhеss,, is a ,grand master,. Тhat' :ans hе p|aУs toр |еvе| сhеss' Нe ]ооks Iikе Маtt Damon

. : spеаks gооd Eng|ish Hе p|аУs а ]ot Of !Q-U{!-aЦ.]-е-nts and- ..-.SеS сhеss for fоur оr five hоurs еvеrу daУ. Hr b-еa!9

. Сhrss mаstеrs, bUt ll]gigls. hе is stiIl a normal tееnаgеr.

.s.]L-]s plаys on tne lntеrnеt, and is sрortУ too' Hе loves'эаlJ, skiing and skijumpin8. Не |ikes rеаding, espеСla|]У

=Ss books. Doеs hе |ike being а сhеss s-UlgtstQt? Hе |s

:]у tt]at сhеss is now morе p.o-plr]?t in Norway bесаusе. 1-l' BUt he thinks thаt foOtbalI SUpеrstаrs arе bеttеrl

2 tеad thе tеXt аnd сhoosе thе bеst answеrs. 3 Mаtсh thе under|inеd words in thе tеxt with thе dеfinitions.

Nоrway is сa|]еd,Тhе and оf thе midnight sun,bесausеa thе wintеr mоnths arе vеry dark.b it is а|ways dаy ight in thе summеr mоnths'с it,s dаrk at midnight in summеr.

Norwеgian tееnagеrs spеnd timе at homе whеna tnеy Сan't stаnd tnе Сo d.

b thеy,rе gооd at сhеss.

с itЪ daГk аl day long.

N,4agnus Сar|sеn

a p аys сhеss vеry wе| .

b оvеs rг.s с by МоzаrL'

с is vеry gооd аt hоbbiеs'

=or |our оr fivе hоurs еvеry daу, hеа spеaks ЕngIish.

b prасtisеs сhеss.

с p аys Сnеss tournаГПеnts.

Mаgnus |оvеs sport, аnd hе aIso likеs

a books about fооtbа||.

b p|aylng сhеss оn thе соmрutеr.с rеading сhеss boоks.

Сhеss is pоpu1ar in his соuntrya but lVagnus prеfеrs foоtba |.

b bесаusе Mаgnus is a supеrstar.с so Маgnus hаs friеnds.

thе sun doеs this in thе mоrning

Lhе s-r doеs this а. niglт

somеthiПg a lоt оf pеop е ikе

тo bе Lге W ]nеr

Lo 5aV qorrеtг..lg Vе.y ',.n|уcе.iеs oГ 9ате5vеry Гanоls pеrsor








4 Сomp|еtе thе sentenсеs about Magnus'

] Hе,s yеаrs old аnd hе соmеs frоm

2 Hе,s са|]еd a grаnd mаstеr bесаusе hе's thе bеst

Hе spеаks Norwеgiаn and

Hе says hе,s a nоrmai

Thе spоrts hе ikеs ar,е

What аboutyou?

Саn yоu p1аy сhеss? L\/hаt spоrt or gаГnе arе yoU rеа y gооd at?



Unir 2

Page 21: Gateway A2 WB

Present simрlе _ уes/no questions and аnswers

1 Tiсkthе сorreсt form ofthе questiЬn, and short answеrs.

1 Dо yоu rеad bоoks аbоut соmputеrs? (a) ПDoеs уоu rеad bооks about Сomputеrs? (b) ПYеs, I doеs. tс)ПYеs,Ido. (d)П

2 Dо thеy livе in Norwаy? (e)ПDоеs thеy livе in Nоrwаy? (f) ]No, thеy don,t' (s) ПNo, thеy doеsn,t. (h) П

2 Now сomp|еte the grammar ru|е with do, doеs and don,t.

Wе usе (a)


wе (с)

with hе / shе / it singuIar and

wlth thе оthеr fоrms. In shоrt ansWе15,

rеpеаt thе main vеrb.

Look at thе answers and writе the questions.

l Do-еo^;hс- /tkg Ииp|p bу /Иqzаrt?Nо, shе dоеsn,t Iikе mus]с lэy lt/оzart' Shе Ilkеs rосk musiс.

No, hе doеsn,t havе |unсh in thе sсhoо Сantееn. Hе goеs



Nо, shе dоеsn,t play iсе hосkеy at thе wееkеnd. Shе p|ays оn


Ат ,, ,,,,,

N;];ъ;;;'';l r...'.'iiй. fоr hrs frlеnds аt thе mЬmеnt. нeЪ

goI еXam5.


No, hеr niесеs dоn,t spеak Swlss Gеrmаn, but shе dоеs'

Сomp|еtе thе quеstions and writе short answers that аrе truе

for you.Then add an еxtra sеntеnсe for еaсh onе.

1 Dpуau 1ikе lеarning languаgеs?

уes, l lp. ЕиllЬh ta rиу fаrqиrtе sиbfесt.

your fathеr sреak Jaрanеsе?

your tеaСhеr р|aу thе guitar?

,ou u.o.uo-..'."o, no oLlLаt tLе *..l..]o.

your сoUntry havе a соlourfu1 f|ag?

your aПgUаgе havе diffiсuIt spеlIing?

Present simple _ иf- questions and quеsti0n words

5 Matсh thе questions and rеsponsеs.

1 Why do уоl Iikе h1stоrу


2 WЬеrе do yo. plаv tеnг s

in wintеr?

3 Hоw dо yоu spе|l yоut


4 Whеn dо yоu usually gо tо


5 Whiсh books do you likе? е lП tnе sэ;..: ^э

6 Whodoеsshе|ivеwith? f H_О_l.'._l B_D.

СompIetе the quеstioni with thеse quеstion words' Thеrе,s

onе you сan,t usе.

Hоw Whаt Whеn Whеrе Whiсh Who Why

dоеsn,t yоur sistеr go by bus?

Shе,s got a nеw bikе.


timе do you go to bеd оn Fridаys?

doеs thе tеасhеr gеt to wоrk?

Bу сar.

4 со|our dо yоu likе bеst?

l\4y favоuritе сolоur ls purp|е.

5 dо yоu finish yоur danсе сlass?

Аt fivе ot|осk.

6 dо you sit with ln lеssоns?

lvly partnеr.

Writе questions for thesе аnswers.

I go tо sсhoоi by bikе.


do my hоmеwоrk whеn I gеt hоmе.


Bесausе thе sс!еnсе tеасhеr is my favouritе tеaсhеr

Grammаr extensi0n

8 Read thе diаlogue. Find seven еxtra words and сross thеm


Kдy: Whеrе tо dо yоu gо fоr уоur lСТ |еsson?

JAкЕ: Room 2 ] ' Whеrе do you gо thеrе for |СТ?

кAY: No, l don,t. l don,t not do |СТ this yеаr.

JAKЕ: Whiсh subjесt do you Iikе bеst?

KAY: I dо |ikе spоrts lеssons. l |ovе badminton.

Jдкв: Whеn timе do you play?

KдY: Аftеr thе sсhоol аnd at wееkеnds. Do yоu p|ay?

JAкE: Yе5, ] dо. 1 |ovе it, but.

a _.. :..:..r '.: nеr baby

: a-:-




**Unit 2

Page 22: Gateway A2 WB

PIaоes to go in а town

1 СompIetе thе sеntеnсеs with thesе words.

Shе ]ovеs fоod' Hеr favоuritеin thе town сеntrе.

Do уou go to -hе

homе оn DVD?

сan buy еvеrything l want in оur big nеw

Тhе Мanсhеstеr Unitеd foоtоа t

сa| еd,Тhеatrе of drеаmsl

\,4v nuт dоеs vо9а аL Lt е

my dаd pIays vо1 еybal|.

Voсabulary extensi0n

З Мatсh thе piсturеs with thе p|асеs.

с|ub iсе ri^l. .rLе'nеt сaГе skаtе park

сinеma fast-fооd rеstauraПt shopping сеntrе

sports Сеntrе stadium

Arе thеsе sеntеnсеs сorreсt? Сorreсt thе mistаkеs.

1 l\4y paгеnts Iikе thе sсiеnсе ПlUsеUГn bUt doП,t thInKit,s intеrеsting

0ur swimming ga |еry,s grеаt. You саn sее о dpaintings thеrе.

You сan rеаd lэooks in thе сinеma and takе boоks оut

4 Wе p|ay foоtbaI with our friеnds in thе thеаtrе

5 nе) сlon L p|а) |. Llе po.| V ^е.l .L.dil


5 Writе two sеntеnсеs about you, and two аbout a friеnd.Usе words from this Iеsson in a|| the sеntеnсes.

1 likе going

2 \4,l i' е.d |ilеs

З dог,,

4 tlу,.iеrd dоеsr L


or wаtсh fiIms аt




д -эmpIеtе the sеntеnсes. -f,е


. оu tа.,t 90 ,o r..s

with words from 3.

is busy whеn thе wеаthеr is niсе аnd

You,rе not 18 yеt

tbu сan havе а drink аnd сhесk your еmai s in thе

is grеat fun but itЪ aiways vеry со|dl

Unir 2

Page 23: Gateway A2 WB

Farrrily boaгd galтresi

lnternаtionаl сulturаl knowledge - Gаmes

Look аt the photo and rеad thе tit|e. Do you

plаy this gamе? Whаt gаmes do you play?

Rеad thе tеxt and сheсk your аnswers.



4Board gamеS arеwith onе or moтеaround thе boardon.

gamеS you play on a speсial board,playеrs. You usually movе an objесtand thеrе is oftеn a diсe with spots

Playеrs throw thе diсе. Thе numbеr of spots on top

tells thеm how many movеS thеy сan makе. So luсk issomеtlmеs important in thesе gamеS.

Сhinеsе board gamеs 1ikе Go and Mah Jongg are

stili popular aftеr 4,000 years. Todaу, we havе homeсomputеrs and vidеo gamеS, but сhildrеn and adultslovе traditional board gamеs too.

Board gamеs arе vеry popul.ar for familiеs to playat home. Traditional board gamеs arе good bесausеfamily mеmbеrs of aii agеs сan play togеthеr.

Monopoly is thе bеst-sеlling board gamе. The BritishMonopoly board takеs you to famous plaсеs in London_ Whitеhall, oхford Strееt, Ttafalgar Squarе.

Thеrе arе intеrnational vеrsions for othеr сountriеs ind.ifferеnt languagеs. So, an еlеgant address in Londonlikе Mayfair bесomеs Ruе dе la Paix in the Еrеnсhvеrsion, and Sсhlossal]ее in the Gеrman vеrsion.

In Monopoly you buy and sell housеs, hotеls andstations. Whеn you win, you 8еt riсh. But whеn youlosе ... don,t worry lt's only Monopoly monеy, not rеa]


Matсh the words from the teхt with the definitions.


l-; de

tyрiса| оf Lhings реорIе usuа Iy do.row, агd iг thе past

makе somеtl.ing 'еаvе уоur hand

and novе in thе air

sUССеsS by сl.'аnсе, Пot bеСaUsе you

dо sоmеthingnаkе a lot оt nonеУsmа|| b oсk W,th а nUmoеr оf spots

on еаСh sidе

Matсh thе quеstions (1_7) with thе gaps (A_G) in thе text.

I How do you usuallY PlaY?

2 Hоw dо уоu win in N/оnороly?

3 Do wе still pIay board gamеs todаy?

4 Whаt аrе boаrd gamеs?

5 What is thе world,s numbеr оnе bоard gamе?

6 What mаkеs thеm suссеssful?

7 Dо pеоp|е plау lViоnоpоly in оthеr сountriеs?

Сhoosе thе сorrесt altеrnatiVе.

.l For gamеs with diсе, you somеtlmеs nееd gеnius/|uсk

2 P|аyеrs lkеldon,t|tkе o d Сhinеsе bоаrd 9amеs nоw.

3 Тhеsе gаmеs arе pоpu1аr bессlusе/hцt all thе fаmilу саn piaу

4 Yоu p1аy Brit!sh I\4оnоpоly in Охfо-rd StrееtlЕng|tsh

5 Yоu uу[n/do-n|tvutn rеal mоnеy whеn you р|aу Mоnopoly.

What about you?

What is yоur favоurltе bоard gamе? Whеn do уоu play it, and

whо do you plаy it with?

$rшsrвЁ It'|г0RMAТl$l-|-_: -1 --r;i .:r1 'loПoрc V

.]i-.rе'.t anq.]]!tО -:a-a

t./- Unir 2

Page 24: Gateway A2 WB

ffi tu.фffi

o / Иevrr

:е-writе thе sentеnсes. Put thе advеrbs given in the:Orrесt pIaсe.

. Vy fаthеr phonеs my Erаndmothеr оn Saturdаys

(а ways)

- ,Wе hаvе fish for brеakfast. (hаrd y еvеr)

.: lUс!watсhеstеtеuisioп ;;;;.;;;;;.;i;;; ;

] ,tVе аrе |atе fоr sсhoo|' (nеvеr)

go to thr intеrnеt сafё aftеr sсhoo . (somеtimеs)

: _hеy fin jsh thеir hоmеwork оn thе bus. (oftеn)

5 Answеr thе questions. Usе thеse advеrbs of frеquеnсy.

always sоmеtimеs hardly еvеr ПеVеr. nоt оftеn оftеn usuа|ly

Whеn doеs Kеrry gеt up?


Who dоеs shе hаvе brеakfast with?

Dоеs shе hаvе brеаkfast With hеr dad?


Hоw dоеs Kеrry gеt tо sсhоо]?

Shе with hеr friеnds. Shе thе bus.

5 Аrе Kеrry аnd hеr friеnds еVеr atе for sсhoo|?

Nоt rеа yi Тiеy


6 Сhoosе thе сorreсt aItеrnative.

,l |оvе spеaking в/Ihе/)farеign |anguаgе. А,rГhе/O anglagе prеfеr

is ItaIiaП.

2 Неr sistеr ivеs iэ а1thе/Q hоt сity. А,Ihе/0 сitу ls сa |еd Thеssа oniсa,in Grеесе.

З Тhеy haуе а/thе/a dinnеr wlth frlеr s оn о/thе/7luеsdaуs'4 Wе dоn,t gata о/thе/a сhurсh а: с,|:\е/c V!/..еkеnd.

5 Dоyоu pIaуg/thе/0 gL.litаr?Yеs' с,i.е/0 nеwguitаr ,Vеgotisgrеatl

6 Thеir dоg s ееps undеi- ;./irэ'i < :сlеn tab е a] а/thе/a аig|lt.

Сomplеtе the text аbout Kеrry,s morningroutinе with the vеrbs oivеn.

Kеrry (a) (gеt up) at 7.15

еvеry mогning, sUmmеr аnd wintеr Shе

(b) (havе) lэrеakfast with hеr

ЬrntЬоr DЬiI nn лiдоlzr,]:rl< At tЬдU wtL|L| | |||| U I Vvс-\Uoу). ^L

L| с Vvсс\ql U,

(nоt gеt up) еаrIy so thеn

hеr mum. Hеr dad

(not ivе) with thеm nоw. Kеrry (f) (so)

bus onсе а wееk. 0n thе othеr days, shе

(wа]k) tо sсhоо with hеr friеnds'Тhеy

oет Io s..oO а-A L!^ o or I'.еe I .rе) d Уеar:

Adverbs of frequеnсy

1 Study thesе sеntenсеs and сhoosе thе сorrесtа|tеrnаtivе in thе grammar ruIe.

-эеrе is oftеn а diсе with spОts Оn.

'эu usuа||у movе an ОbjеСt arОUnd thе boаrd.

*cvеrbs offrеquеnсy соmе (a) оftеr / bеforе thе vеrb ro be.rd (b) аftеr / bеforе main vеrbs, е'g' р|ау,win'

2 Write thе сorreсt adverb under eaсh drawing.

а|fiаys hаrd{y еvеr ftеVеf nоt oftеn

оftеn somеtimеs usuаl1y


аl|,uаvs' Z ^--



shе (d)

(еat) With


tn cahnnl h\/



Grаmmаr extensi0n

7 Writе сomplеtе sеntеnсеs аbоut you with thеsе words.

spс*tmt.е аn iгtеrnеt саГё а shорp'rg сегI'rе

lеVеr hа.о|y еvеr somеt:.lеs

1 / p/ау foottа/l аt the sports сeиtr€.I /I I

2 Мy a;еnds

З tVy pаrеnts

4 O. SаturdаУ,| ,,

5 Мy fan. y

6 oL,. Гng is|^ tеасhе

Unir 2

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Asking for informаtion on the phone

1 СompIete the dia|ogue with these еxprеssions.

Тhanks fоr yоur hеIp

Саn yоu tе|| mе whеnНow lоng is thе fiImHow muсh arе thе tiсkеtsHi. ]d ikе somе informаtion, p|еаsе

аnd саn yоu tе|| mе whаt tiГnе it startS

lNFoRIvlAтIoN DЕsк: Goоd morning. Тhis is Shоwгоom Сinеmа.

lNFoRIvlAтIoN DEsк: of соuгsе. Hоw сan 1 hе p yоu?

LAURIЕ: (b) thе nеw

Shеrlосk Ho mеs is оn?

lNFoRмAтloN DEsк: СеrtainIy' It,s оn this аftегnооn, this еvеning

and tоmorrоw еvеning.

LAURIЕ: Grеat, (с) ?

lNFoRIvlAтloN DЕsк: Lеt,s sее. 3.40 and 6.15 todаy, 8'З0 tоmorrow.

LAURIE: (d) ?

INFoRlvlAтIoN DESK: onе hоur and 45 minutеs'

LAUR|Е: 0K. (e) . fоr undеr ]5s?

lNFoRlvlAтloN DЕsк: Тhrее pouпds sеvеntу-fvе'

LAURIЕ: ТhatЪ grеat. (f)

lNFoRмAт|oN DЕsк: Yоu,rе wе сomе. Thаnks fоr са|1ingl

2 Mаtсh thе sеntеnсes (,l _6) with еxprеssions (a_f ) in ,]


.l Ask abоut thе |еngth of thе fl m.

2 Ask about thе timеs of thе fiIm'

З Аsk for infоrmatiоrr.

4 Sаy tЬаnl.>'

5 Аsk what days thе film ls оn.

6 Аsk about thе рriСе oftiСkеts.

Сhoosе thе сorreсt rеspon5е.

'l Sоrry, Сan yoU rеpеаt thаt?

a Тhank yоu fоr сalIing'

b 0f сoursе' 5.15 6.45 аnd 8.,l5

2 СhiIdrеn undеr ,l5

аrе fiftееn pounds еighty

a Hоw muсh!?

b Yеs, оf соursе'

3 Thаnks fоr yоur hе|p.

a Нow саn I hеlp yоu?

b You,rе wе]сomе.

4 Сan you tе mе Whаt timе it stаrts?

a onе hоur 45 minutеs'b At siX otloСk.

Whо сan yoU sее in thе piсturе?

2 Whеrе arе thеy?

3 Dо yоu knоw whаt kind о| aсtivity this is?

4 Dо yоu Iikе this aсtivity?

5 Look аt thе sесond photo and answеr thе sаmе quеstions. |f

you аrе not sure of somеthing, saу lthink andlor I imаginе'Whiсh асtivity Iooks fun to you?

Talking about photоs

4 Look at thе first photo and

not surе of somethinq, sаy

аn(\..'р, 1|р 6r ':<-. jr< |f vou аrе

I think and or i-'a'ginе '

, *{-


Unit 2

Page 26: Gateway A2 WB

tn announсement

.1 -эоk аt thе piсturеs and read thе аnnounсеmеnts. Whiсh с|ub do you think sounds fun? Why?

ffiЭ э уou ploу jozz music? Do уou wont to ploу with other:zz ploуers?Then don't, be shу! Сome аnd ploу with us!

. rееt еvегyWеdnеsday at 7'З0 pm n thе sсhoо са|еtег a'' r youГ instrumеnt aпd youг |avouгitе musiс. lf yоu p|ay thе.rе tгUгnреt ог thе drums ' ' ' Wе'Vе got a sесtiоn foг youJ

Arе you a danсеr? You arе?Why not lеarn tо do Irish danс. -

Bringуоur d.аnсittg shоеs to our wееkсnd-i,ii,.,n,oWе hаус grеаt ftm!

Тhе rr.огkshорs аrе on thс last rr,ееkеnсi оf еvеrr. rnоnth. Wе mесtin thеJunrоr sсhооl he]l lrоm lOam tо 4рm оn i...-..a,| ."a i..". .

1o1T .: Zрnr оrr Sundail Тhеrе rs а shoiv |оr p,;; аnd |ar.rs аt3 o'с1осk

Сall Pat Brown on 01298 814456

Look аt thе notеs аbout а сyсling сIub. Use thе notеs to makеquestions with thе quеstion words аnd verbs bеIow.

11 lt ill til ill l! it ii'i'r il il Ш u ll ri ii il,r.l! l t jl tl tl ll lt .lx tl l1 tl jl l] t1, |Ч !1' l'l lt l]

b... .t|,-|.у.'r .: I J. .'

сд{^si.jс" Ё1''о*i"= ..i],;.1.;.?:-

'' ! \;", .з , -'

Ряl"ti о*. i! if.З :i...:-.1=- ;.: .

...;. .. . 1...'..-.... :].:.i. ::.

i, - .:.,vеr thе quеstions.

. : rd two sеntеnСеs that tе | yоu whеn thе С UDs mееt.



- liсh two sеПtеnсеs tе|l you how to gеt гПorе..оrmаtion?



j'wn imnor..гi 6 e,(nrа(\inn' г.jг1A | \ ^|',/Vvv'| |pс|о||V( |J o, .с ;uu v'/Гal o 0o'



-:,rесt this tip аbout usеfu| |аnguаgе in announсеmеnts..:rе are four mistаkеs.

'1akе pеоplе iПtеrеstеd in yоur сJub or grOUp.

- sе |оng quеstiоns. Dоn,t givе еssеПtlaI

'.fОrmаtioП. Маkе surе yOUr sеПIеПСеs arе

-i.lСIеar. YoU СаП sotПеtimеs tеl pеop е what

.Ot to do, bUt nеVеr tе | thеm whаt to dоl

I Wh."n

2 Whеrе

3 Whаt

4 \'Vl.о





Usе answers to thе qUе5tions in 4 to writе your ownаnnounсеmеnt for thе сyс|ing сlub. Rеmеmbеr thе usеfuI|anguagе from thе Writing Bank. Маkе your announсеmеnt lookintеrеsting аnd funI


tbtG |ri sh baи сi уt s wor!сsh oP

Page 27: Gateway A2 WB

IRevision: Units 1-2


1 СompIеtе thе sеntenсes with the сorreсt form of the vеrbs.


Put thе words in thе сorrесt ordеr to mаke nеgativе sentenсеs.,l hоmеwork not doеs |ikе Hеnry

2 mus.с с аss Гot _l^еy p аy 'г dо

3 sсl.оo| hаvе not ;;;":;.. do

4 brеakfаst Shе havе a not dоеs showеr bеforе

5 bеd go not do oП Saturday l tо еar|y

/ 5 pЬfl

Writе аn objесt pronoun for thе words in bold.,]

don,t p аy СoГnputеr gamеs with my sister.

2 Wе havе Sundаy Iunсh with our grаndparents.

3 Ursu a doеsn,t undеrstand the maths exerсises

4 Hе finishеs thе hоmеwоrk for me and my friend.

5 Тhе tеaсhег ta ks tо the boy.

/ 5 ioir

4 Сomp|etе thе sеntenсеs with prеpositions of timе in,on or оt.

.] Тhе dоg dоеsn,t s|ееp hеrе

2 Jr ,|е Gra rа rт gеLs - p

З *. biгLl.dаy is

4 da',t i l.е sw'тт.n9 ,,, ,,,, ,,

5 -.еlr sсhоo| party is Friday


\Vritе quеstions in the prеsent simplе.,] -- :о homе / a|faur?

2 . . :. - '' с' il/.L.;;;i

(gе0 up at sеVеn оt oсk.

(pIay) |ootba]l оn Sаturday'

(havе) gеоgraphy |еssоns еvеry wееk

(rеad) books in Frеnсh

(go) tо sсhоо| by bikе.

n lg frt.

six ot|осk.

Marсh ]01h.

thе mоrning.

Сhoosе thе сorreсt аItеrnаtivе.

1 Тhеy,vе got1hе/а саt саl еd Fе]ix.

2 Wе oftеn p1aу a/thе fООIbаl| аftеr lеssоns.

3 N/y fаtl.еr goеs to 0,с wо.|^ b1 саr'

4 .]u]iеt p|aуs а/thе vlo iо

5 Тhе/А boоk оn thе сhаlr ls thе tеасhеr,s.

Put the аdverbs of frequеnсy in the сorrесt p|aсеs.

,l Мy sistеr is vеry hаppy. (always)

1 т^^', ^^ -^..t^^| h., tZ | |су 9v .v )\ | UU| U/ "ikе.

(tаrj|y qу31)

3 watсr IV in Lhе (.LСrlеГ' (nеVе")

4 Нis big brothеr makеs thе dinnеr' (oftеn)

5 Wе r.stеr tо gоod т-siс in th;.;,. ;;'.. ;;'

/ 5t,


8 СompIete thе sсhooI subjесts with thе vowеIs а, е, i, o or u.

1 b I gy

2 g 9r phyЗ phys сs

9 СompIеtе thе sеntеnсеs with thesе words.

1l2 Garу

ЗWе4 Мy parеnts

5 Неr sistеr

4 G rm n

5 m ths

сo |есt Гinishеs qo hаVе

sсhoо| at fоur.

а shоwе.bеГorе |


old books.


10 Mаtсh thе hа|vеs ofthе sentеnсes.

1 Wе gеt bоoks a

2 p|aу thе piano b3 Тhе bоys p|ay footbа|] с4 Тhе fаsгfood rеstаUrant d5 Yоrr оо |о .iр Iheаtrе e

Io ОеO'

in thе park whеn it,s niсе.

in thе sсhool bаnd.

in оur nеw ibrary.

to sее аСtors.

nas gol Vеry goo0 DUrgеrs.


3 Hе ]ikеs

А. r6охt, ' ''/




Page 28: Gateway A2 WB


1 Rеad the аnnounсеmеnt аnd сhoosе а, b or с for 1_6.

Do you like swimming?Then come along to our Saturday CIub.

,^' е aren't alI good swimmers but we al| |ove thе water.,''е meet from .10 to 12 every Saturday morning from..:ay

to oоtober at the Hathersage open Аir Pool. Bring

-, эur swimsuit and a towel - you don't need anything-эre !

е pIay water sports and have raсеs in the poo|' The:эolside сafё has hot and оold drinks, сrisps and:,.leets. Why not сome and join us this weekend?

For more information, call Benjie on 0798 45123 orvi s it the website: WWW.satsWimclub @ hathers.сo.u k

Thе Swimming С|ub mееtsa oП a WееKсаy.

b olе SаLurdаy а Пoltr.с оn Sаturdаys'

Тhе реоp|е in thе с uba arе a|] Vеry gooс] at sW mmiПg.b а| еn;oy swimming.с еаrn tо swim thеrе'

Thеy mееta for six mоnths a yеar'

b from Oсtobеr tо l\/аy, on Sаturdaysс еVеry Sаturday аt tеn.

lf yоu gо tо thе сlub, you

a swim and еat in thе pооi.

b p|аy gаnеs iг tlе саfе

с swim аnd plаy gamеs in thе pooJ'

Thе сafё has gоt

a mеаis'

b iсе сrеаm.

с snасks.

For morе infоrmation,a сa|| thе wеbsitе'b spеа[ tо Bе.jiе o. vis.L t.е wеlэs;tе'с ask Bеnjiе аbout thе wеbsitе'


2 Write аn еmaiI to an ЕngIish-spеaking friеnd аbout а sсhooIfriend or fаmi|y mеmber. Usе thesе quеstions to hе|p you.

What is his/hеr nаmе?

What doеs hе/shе ook likе?

Whаt doеs hе/shе |ikе at sсhоо ?

Whаt dоеsn,t hе/shе ]ikе at sсhоol?Why do yоu Iikе this реrson?



Page 29: Gateway A2 WB

2 Answеr thе quеstions.


] ,::; :.: - js.rg .,'оivеls (а,е,i,o,u) to makе words for plaсеs in

6dnngrmTgrg8 b dr m

9 I v ng r m

1 Dо thеy сoоk ln thе bеdrоom?

мo, theу doп|t, Th9у рpok tи thp kitchoи.

2 Dоеs your sistеr slееp in thе garаgе?

3 Do уоur parеnts pUt thеir сar !n thе hall?

4 Dо thе сhildrеn рlay fоotball ]n thе tоilеt?

, ;.;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;. ;;;;;;';; ;'i:;;;;

6 Dо yоLl watсh ТV in thе 9ardеn?

Household obieсts

5 Look at the piсture аnd labе| the housеho|d objeсts.

'1 8

rOz .....

5126 13

7 14

Writе fivе sеntеnсеs about a room in your house or f|at.

Usе at |еast tеn nеW words from this lеsson.

, Thue is/Гhere аre l Prepositions оf plaсe

l Presеnt сontinuоus

l Rooms l Furniture l Housеhold ob1eоts

r Jоbs аrоund the house

l Еxprеssions on the ph0nе

l Desсribing a plаоe


3 Find twеIvе furniture words in thе wordsnake.

.nlэеdсhа ' ooWь -/r ,s.oъstъ. <Э

-ФS oo -a'

S\ao Ъo"., ' ns'r., (*'.4е/fsho*.'''

4 Сomp|еtе thе sеntеnсеs with a word from 3.

1 Yоu,rе tall. Саn yоu givе mе sоmеthing frоm thе tор

in thе kitсhеn сuplэоаrd ?

2 Wе еat оur dinnеr in thе dining ].ooГП on thе dining

? l,riд nоt я сh:ir аnd а in mу rooГn' l sit аnd

study hеrе.

Dо yоu wash ]n thе bath or thе

Grandmоthеr sоmеtimеs falls aslееp in an

front of thе ТV.

Аll fоur сhildrеП сaП slt on thr

[oom - itЪ rеally big!



in thе liv ng



Uпh 3

Page 30: Gateway A2 WB

щщщш.eЪ no plссe l'lte m? \oma!

.:* * :: l: аnd сhoose thе сorreсt аItеrnativеs.

- . ,;е is tn Нallаnd1B-rjtаin..: ]. s ovеr З00/|,/0-0 yеars о|d.

'- ^,ее/tw-a namеs'. - : l:lagоna Сottagе bесausе its gО| еight ;idеs/sidеs

l", irl]]ш]l|l}l .ш '*,li : * :r: -: .^' таny pеop|е livе in this housе, do you think?

! i1lttщ,:iriпr

- .' ..aг\I рaV s/d aеsa:t р aу tО | ivе thеrе'

'- - ] i5 vеry smа| but thе Woman is/isn,t vеrу ta||.

' : ].]cПl is alsa downstаirslraцnd'" -,^' phonе/utsl-t hеr оn Wеdnеsdаys onl,.

l. l ..i . .

: - =

d ia g ra ms with thеsе .u.цф.е.rJ[ц9-{ words from thе tеХt.

сеnт.а| |оw nаrrow oсtаgоnaI

rоu r d I.ny

=.'':Dutсh Сottage, in thе town сеntrе of Ra-vlеigh in i

Еn$land, is r.erv. r-err'small. It is from thе 1700s, so it is l

аlso r.erу old. This tinv house has two othеr names: thе

.Цql'g'-Q Housе аnd thе Q914go.ц4! Cotta$e. The seсond l

namе is better. bесausе this unusual homе has ei$htsides. Еaсh side is onlv еight feet (2.44 metrеs) lon$.


A young \\-omаn lir.es in the сottagе Ьut it is not .

hers. She paуs rent to thе сounсil. F.or a small rent, shе1ir.еs in an interesting and r'err' ditТеrеnt plaсе. But ...

the сottаge is opеn to r-isitоrsI \\.е ask hеr аbout it.

Intеrr.iеrvеr: \Ъur house is а r'еrv strangе shape. \\Ъatis it likе insidеl- Is it ditTiсult to 1ivе herei)

ll'omаn: I lol.e lil.ing hеrе] Тhе сеilirrgs аre very ]91y, l

but I.m not ta1l. I.r.e got а tin1. bаthrоoпr, and tlrе :

kitrhеn is tinу too. I'l.е got р-4l{q}. stаirs up to m1' ]

bеdroom. The bеdroom. likе thе rоot.n dorr.nstаirs, isround. Therе is a.с.e.ц114! chimne1'.

Interr,iеwеr: But ц.hаt about the r.isitors? Doеs it feel :

like yоu livе in a mtlsеum? Do tourists сome in all .

the time? ,

Wоmanз No, thеy don,t. The сottаge is open on .

\\Ъdnesday a{ternoons onlу. And only Ь"v appointmеnt .

at other timеs. That mеans peoplе phone me and .

ask if it's oK' I love that too. I often mееt ven, niсе i

people' I feel luсk1, to live here.

Find words in thе tеХt that mаtсh thе dеfinitions.

1 yоu makе this Whеn you а9rее to Гnееt аt a timе аnd pIaСе

2 оrgаnisаiiоn or group оf pеоp|е in oсаl gоvеrnmеnt

3 vеry smalI housе, oftеn in a viIlа9е

4 thе ..ttt Гагр аhоve Vоl I n a room

5 qttrnч тh:t го ttn nr dnr,y.] in a nousе

6 thе moПеy you pаy tо Iivе sоmеwhеrе

What about you?

Dо yоu lil^е DUtСh Сottаgе?\ц/hl,Д.\i.l .с.: -]э 1о- pгеfеr big

hоusеs or smа|] hоusеs? \Vhr'jшJ# ffi =


Page 31: Gateway A2 WB




There is/There are

Сhoosе the сorreсt aItеrnativе.

1 Thеrе ts,rГhеrе arе twе|Iу windows in this housе.

2 |sthеrе1Аrеthеrе aIY in yоur kitсhеn?Yеs thеrе ts/thеrе qrc.

3 Hоw mаny stairs ts thеrе1аrе thеrе?

4 Thеrе,s,Thеr-е arе Iwе|1IУ tab еs in thе саfеtеria.

5 Тhеrе tsn,t,Thеrc aКa:I а swimming poo] in oUr town.

6 |sthеrе/Аrе thеrp. .naау gir|s in thе footbаJ tеam?

\o thеrе isо't(lhеrе srеn,!

СompIetе thе sеntenсes аbout your housе. Usе i' сre,

isn,t, arеn,t.

l I nеrе

.z nеl.е

? ТЬоrд

4 Тhеrе

5 nеrе

6 Тhеrе

a big gardеn.

a сomputеr in thе kitСnеn'

Гnorе thаn tеn Windows.

а с|осk in thе living room.

a sоfa in my bеdrооm.

fоur bathrooms in thе hоusе

Matсh thе pairs.

.l Тhеrе arе thrее сomputеrs hеrе.

2 Тhеrе arе fоur bоys in thе gardеn.

3 Тhеrе,s an аrmсhаir jn thе roоm.

4 Тhеrе is a gоod rеStaUraПt in town.

5 Тhеrе isn,t a с]oсk iп my bеdroоm.

6 Тhеrе,s a gеnius in оur с|аss.

а |Ls gооd, but't,s еrоеrsivе.b i\4aths is еаsу for hеr.

с l dоn,t know thе tlmе'

d |s thеrе a sоfa tоo?

е Тhеy а|| havе Windows ХP

f Тhеy arе my сousins.

Preрositions of рlaсe

4 Are thеse sеntеnсеs сorrесt? lf not, сorreсt the prеpositions

that are wrong.,l

Thе tеaСUps arе in thе shе|f abovе thе sink.

2 Тhе tеaсhеr uslа||y stands bеhind thе с|ass'

3 Мy dоg slееps abovе hеr bеd.

4 Тhеrе,s а 1ight оn thе wa|] abovе my bеd,

5 Тhе bus stоps undеr thе сinеma.

6 Dad sits nеar thеТV whеn hе hasn,t gоt his g|assеs'

5pot thе diffеrеnсе. Find еight diffеrеnсеs bеti..,ееn Piсture A

and Piсture B.









Grammar rxtension

6 Use your ans\ryеrs iэ j :: t,. .=

or in B. Writе аt iеаs: j ' ::.::.andThеrе is '5. : .. -...,- :.: :

: ::;:"::;^ оfthе rоom in A

::: - s: э.еэcsitions from 4':- ,

Unit 3

Page 32: Gateway A2 WB

u,,i з

Page 33: Gateway A2 WB


1 Look at the photo and rеad thе heading. How do you thinkrobots hеlp with thе housework?

2 Rеаd thе tеXt аnd сhесkyour answers.

чli.1t;.:{:Ti:.:l; i.:. i] -lч 1ll.] " ., " - -; -* "

Robоts do jobs in fасtогiеs, whеге they mаkе сагs, fог

еxamp|e. In a fасtoгy, thе jоb is а|wаys Еhe samе and thtngs

аге thе same size and shаpe, so thе woгk is easy. Тhe pгoblem

is - how do гobots woгk when thегe aге diffeгent shаpes?

A tеаm fгоm the Univегsiф of Cаlifoгnia, Beгkelеy, have got

а сomрUtег pгogгam foг thеiг гobоt, the ,PR2' A twо.minute

video on YouTubе shows you how PRZ folds a towe|. This is

a simple 1ob fог a регson, but nоt foг a гobоt. lt piсks up

the towеl аnd tuгns it' fiгst with one aгm аnd then with theotheг агm' Thеn it takеs а рhoto. Тhe photo tells the гobоtthр qhаnр nf thр tnrлlcl' Тhеn it tаkеs it tо а tab|e аnd foldsu,,u J,uHU

it' Thе tесhnо|оgу is veгy advаnсed. Thе bаd news is thаt itis vегу slow.

ln Wasеdа Univегsitу, Тоkyо' Jаpаn, theгe is a гobot сalledthe .Тwendy-one' гobot. Нe is white, with bгight blue eyеs' Нehe|ps oId people in theiг homes. Foг ехamрlв, hе helрs thеmget out of bеd. Hе makes bгeakfаst. Hе tаkes butteг fгomthe fгidge аnd саггiеs it to a р|аtе on thе tab|е, with а рiесeof bгeаd'

Thе iBobiG, fгоm Yujin Пobоts of South KoГea, сonnrсts to

thе bгоаdbаnd intегnеt in youг home. |t staгts the washingmасhine, оhanges the ТV сhannе| and takеs thе гubbish out'

|t wakes you uр in thе moгning with a song. lt саn а|sо teасhсhildгen to sреak Еnglish!

Cross-сurriсulаr _ Teсhnology ф.'i.i''o' | }|Еoвl{Aтшtо Тhе PR2 .:.-: , ].о Тhе'Тwег:-' -..о Thе Robi .....

|llatсh the ноrds alЁ drffiirr


3 ltsingstoуc' - -.: .- '

4 Rеad the tехt agаin. Arе:^ - оr falsе (F)?

What about you?

Dо you think |.с -.-What do yО! t^ ."

Why поt?

_- -:- - - _

- : - - -: lU)




Unit 3

Page 34: Gateway A2 WB

:.:sent сontinuous

- cy the ru|е and сomp|еtе thе tаЁIe.

. .аkе thе prеsеПt сontinuоus with thе vеrb bе аnd thе -ingll.thе mаin vеrb,


аrе / rе (b)


arе not / аrrП,.t

arе / 'rе (e)

] , * эiеtе thе sentenсes With thе сorrесt form of the vеrbs in..:"tsеntсontinuous.

.: ihe sеntеnсеs and mаke quеstions and short аnswеrs' ^ 3 sеntеnсеs.

s еating his Iunсh'

-lery eаt1и9, htа |'исh?:.: hе в.

. ; s ;'unning fоr thе balI

Сomp|еtе thе sentеnсеs with thеsе vеrbs in the -lл9 form.

сomr run danсе havе put study U5е Wrttе

a snowеl.at tnе momеnt.

to tnе сiпеma with us now?

to sсnoo|.

with hеr friеnds.

thе right соmputеr7

wlih his ПеW pеn.

' ,, Еng ish with thеir tеасhеr.

lеr boоks into hеr bag.

Usе thе prеsеnt сontinuous form of thе vеrbs givеn to Writetrue sеntеnсеs about what is hаppеning now.

1 |,rи иo.t lьtеиtиj (i slеl :: ^.'s:.')

, й;;;;.i'А|ц

(ta I k)


(writе) this еxеrсisе tшith а реnсi ,

(l.аv") p.оb rns ^

Lг l^'s е е'. i е'

6 Rеаd thе emаi|. Find and сorrесt six mistakes'

Hi Donna

I,m siting in a Sрanish сafё.I,m haveing a niсe сold drinl<and writing tо you on my i Phonе. Jerry and l arе enjoyingour winter break in the sun. He,s swiming in the hotel poolright noщ and i is gеtting brown. Are you feeIling lэettеrnow? I hope you,rе working too hard!



аrе / 'rе


ooki n g.

аrе Пot / arеn,t

Unit 3

Page 35: Gateway A2 WB

Ехргessioпs oп the phопe

1 \!.ritе thе usеful exprеssions in сo|umn A or B. Spеaker A rings,

spеakеr B аnswеrs.

- -, --,.'.^. .] .а',,еа mеssagе?':: r::;'. -1.

-.. : .. e mirUtе, l,|l gеt him.

1.. :e.;е a mеssagе,\,:. . s Karl.(c.rV' yoU,Vе got thе wrоng numbеr.

-еi o,65]б4б's Jаmеs thеrе plеasе?

F.]е] o, is thаt Wil|?

Now put thеsе diaIoguеs into the сorrесt ordеr.


|,|| 9е1 1еr for vo-, ha^g оr.

rS ,€ПГ)z tnеrе о|еasе?




of соursе, hang on. |,lI gеt a pеnсii'

No, itЪ Еmi|y. Frida,s slееping at thе momеnt.

Сan l |еavе a mеssagе for hеr?

НеlIo, is that Frida?


No, it,s 445 872з.

Isn,t this 445 87з2?

on, ',m sо"ry. l\^/ гГiqtаl.е.

Hеnry? Sоrry, yoU,Vе got thе wrong numbеr.

's Чеr.y thе,е р|еdsе?

4 Now сompletе thе box/boxеs with a p|an of your own housе

or f|at. Labe| thе rooms.

Talking about rooms in a house

3 Look at thе plan ofthе housе and


answer thе questions.


Hоw manу flооrs doеs this housе havе?

Whаt rooms arе thеrе Upstаirs?

з ...ш mаrvtоiIetsаre rhеrе?

^зl,s downstairs?

^.^'. 1ggр?

- -,)--:-a !.

5 Write answеrs to thе quеstions in 3 about your own home.

Uпit 3

Page 36: Gateway A2 WB

Desсribing a plaоe

1 lmaginе your drеam homе. What is it Iikе? Сirс|е your сhoiсеs.

G с*t€*g*Iъ*ъ+sс

Now tiсk the things you wou|d likе to hаve.

." lndоor swimming pоо| wlth musiсargе |ibrаry With alI thе lэooks you Want

^ еПormous gym. j.tT ntoП СoUrts

:.-lП s СoUtls

]а ragе

;ЭеСtaСU ar gardеn

]r Vatе tnеat[е and сinеmа

- ; fami1y livеs in my drеam housе| Thеy 1ikе

rming and listеning to musiс at thе samе :tn-iе Sо

=s(a), Thеre arе (b)

. реор1е to рlay badmrnton, and (с)

- ;еnnis playеrs, When you Want to gеt fit yo. ]a]: ..s:d) Thеrе's (e)

: lhе сaтs, and (f) wrth tтееs .с ''.-э:s. -i grass. Thеrе are looms fоr qulеt aсttvltrеs iоо Yоu

:эad in (s) , Thе housе has a1so got]ll]]l for соnсеrts оr films,

sryпi-d*t.асIg*d a Еard**ъ f*а*

а G fв*#s**g*rg,Еgъ a fu$ж gity

i* ф or;::у:o

сФЦntrЕa Ё*rкaged a f$*Ё вg!

Еъ*ж*g в t*въgat*ъv t$вg t{Is f**gу

ltt G


5 Writе a mаgаzine artiсIе with thе tit|e Му Drеаm Нomе,3 Тhеrе arе aII thеse things аnd morе in BiII Gates,housе inАmеriса. Сomp|еtе thе аrtiсle аbout the house with words Dеsсribе your ideаl plaсe to |ivе. Look at thе tехt in 3 аnd the

тrom тnе ||sI |n l. uJL vv |(| | vvvl ЧJ adjeсtivеs in 4. Use thesе idеas to hе|p you.

4 Makе dеsсriptions morе interеsting with adjесtivеs. Writе sixsеntеnсеs with а word from box A аnd а word from box B'

A еПormous ехpеnsivе high idеа largе nеW

ПlСе privatе round spесiaсulаr

B pоо| frlеnd housе Саr gaгdеn sсhооl

Whеrе is yоur drеam hоmе?Whаt is it iIkе?

Whаt rоoms has it gоt?

Whаt is oLltsidе?

Page 37: Gateway A2 WB



l CailCaв,t ' t: ,..:. -. - .-..'> |\аvе to/Dоп.t fie, : :- \, -s:-

1/. :..

l Parts of the bоdy ' Bаs'. l -,r s :.

l Giving dirесtions

l A quеstionnatre

Parts of the body

Bаsiс physiсаl асtivities

3 Маtсh thе halvеs ofthе sеntеnсеs.

] Yоu,rе latе fоr sсhооl, so a

2 Shе rеallу lоvеs skiing b

3 Dlеasе сan уоu kiсk с

4 'm еаrntng to |.1dе d

5 . s о'iеt)r tо сtlvе е6 .., ] |l'Lе f

1 '--':':

б - .::.т "i..:-.:

Dо yо , w"itе w'Lh vou. 'е..

our hа'r is on yo-l

Your fоot is at thе еnd оfyour

Yо-r hеаd 's o. y'oUr

Yоur arms jоiп yоur tэоdy at уour

-.еn labеl thе

.. ^ ..]пЬt?











Yоu,vе 9оt tеn

is whеrе your foоd gоеs.

, fivе оn еасh fool



Label thе piсturе with thеsе words.

faсе еar Пo5е tееth еyе mouth

Сhoosе thе сorrесt aItеrnative.

1 Yоu swtm, run/dtuе and ridе a bikе in triathlons'

2 Hеr horsе is drtnkinglhtLtlnq thе Watеr.

3 l lovе wintеr hоliday s.\'Nе fа||1sktdоwn thе ГПoUПtaiПs in Franсе

4 Wе,rе na| skqting/k|сklny an thе iсе today. lt,s toо wаrm.

5 Тhе boуs arе runnlnq1с||mbtng trrеs iП thе garoеn'

Сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs so thеy are truе for you.

1 l\/y fаvouritе physiсal aсtjVity in thе Wlntеr !s


2 l lоvе/hаtе Watеr sports DеСaUsе

3 ln thе hоlidaуs, lrеally ItКе

/ ,:



- . -lr:f iLtmn- J!ler Y

- --- - -.--. l.i-ll

in thе rtvеr in Wlntеr.

thе ball tо mе?

оvеr that wаll?

dоn,t waIk, run]

but it nеvеr falIs'

into thе pооl whеn

you rе nol.

down big mountaiпs.

а horsе аt thе mоmеnt



Page 38: Gateway A2 WB


.Ook at thе photograph and thе hеading. Whаt do you think:.1е tеХt is about?

аn avalаnсhе in Pеrla bоok about how to с imb mоuntаinsu oW o Гla1 s,, zivе. a г in^bit g aсс dе l


Тouсhing the V.o.id

- ' . эе Simpson: a truе story

- '.а' is 1985 a.ld Jое is a..:er-old climbеr, Hе is fit-.long. WjLh his с| mbing

. . .эr, Simоn Yates' he is. :.g for a nеrм -a-Qy-e-ц!p.r-e'

|ind lt ,n Pетu. Trеy. . tо сlimb a mountain

- r :he Siula Grande

, сlimb ro Lhе тop is_:<Г rl Ьrrr Il.ran tЬa'a-.'?Lчl' | , Ll |с с

..... aссident. Joе falls' Hе; his lеg badIy, Thеrе is

.; bеtwееn the two сlimbеrs, Simon hоlds on tо thе- it rs vеry сold and thе men aIе tiтed, Joе ls h.aцglЦg.

= еnd of thе ropе. ovrl an rnormous еmptУ sрacе'cng сan thеy survrve 1ikе this?

. -.,',-storlr-i bеgins, Soоn it's snowrng hard. Simon has a'. ' ..Lt deсlsion to take, He thinks his рartnеr rs dеad, Hе.'.-' hold thе rope, and he doеsn't Want to diе too, Sо

-, -s the ropе. Joе falls into a dееp рдр.l.6я-е. in thе iсе'

: ;:ory has a happy еnding' Joе survlvеs beсausе hе. :-s out of the сrevassе. Hе has a bтokеn tеg, but hе. . .s- slowly aсross the snow and iсе' Hе gеts to thеir',, - and thе rеsсuетs find him'., S.mрson's trur stoly' Touching thе Void, 1s a great..-' ]t rs an rntетnationa1 ]э.qg1qe.l1Q1 and it is alsо an. .l-winning fi1m' Joe livеs in his homеtown оf Sheffield....: UK. Hе sti11 сlimbs and he a]so writеs, makеs fi]ms

-..vеs talks.

Rеad thе tеxt agаin. Arе thе sеntenсеs truе (T) or fаIsе (F)?

] .]ое аnd Simоn с imb Siu]а Grandе in ] 9B5.

2 Simon brеаks his |еg whеn hе с]imbs down.З .]oе hangs оn thе еnd оf thе ropе with a broken |еg.

4 ]t is еasy |оr Simon to сUt thе ropе.

5 ]t i5 vеry diffiсu t fоr Joе to gеt to thе сamp.

6 -]ое,s bоok is vеry popu аr.

Matсh thе dеfinitions with thе undеrIinеd Words fromthе tеХt.

1 аn ехсit ng, L]nUsUa ,5omrtimеs dangеrous thing tо dо

2 to movе a оng thе grоund on yoU|.hаnds аnd knееs

3 a zе"y dеео сrасt iг >гtоw o. се

4 а boоk that maПy pеop е buy

5 fixеd at thе top, but thе еnd is frее to mbvе

6 vеry thiсk string for pulIing оr jоining things togеtnеr

/ уОU !Сl 1')а.€; ' t you Wа^t

8 a vеry Iargе еmpty spaсе

Сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs аbout Joе.





Hе livеs in

г.]е |S ПoW yеars o|O

His bоok abоut thе aссidеnt is сa |еd

Thеrе is a sо a аbout this с|imb'

, mаkеs5 Now hе wrttеs


What aboutyou?

Do yоu rеad books оr wаtсh fiIms abolt с]imblnс:Would you ikе to rеаd this boоk?

Unir 4

Page 39: Gateway A2 WB

аffirmаtive | /Yau / Hе / Shе / Wе / Thеy (a)

da nсе.

negativе | /Yau /Hе / Shе /Wе /Тhеy (b)

dа nсе.


Сan l /yоu / hе / shе / wе /thеy danсе?


Yеs, I / yоu / hе / shе / wе / thеy сan,Nо, | /yоu / hе /shе /wе /thеy(с)


1 Сomplеtе thе tab|е and grammаr Гu|e.

Wе usе сaл to tаik аbоut (d) qblltуlаltеrnаtiuеs

Wе а|sо USе Саn to ta k аbout (e) phуsiсв|aсtjУ!t!е5'1рa55|bi]jIiе5:

Зhе сoп dа,сr Ьссo"sp ''' hс hаs dаисtиL /escoиs.I

PUt thе words in the сorreсt order.

1 с imb PЕ сan our mountains tеaсhеr

2 уau l sоrry сan,t |,m hеar but

З rеаIly aI| саn wеiI ski wе

4 gеt еar|y brоthеr сan,t Up Гny

6 thе shе swim undеr сan wаtеr

Сhoosе the сorrесt alternativе.

1 Тhе с|imbеr саn/сал|1 go up thе moUntain bесausе tnеrеs а

ot of snow.

2 Shе сan/сa1:I p|ay thе piаnо. Shе,s vеry good.

3 Yоu сan1'Сan:I p|ay соmрutеr gamеs in а gеоgrаphу Lеssоn.

4 0ur dog саnlсаn|I swim but hе doеsn,t ilkе it.

5 Тhе бa6у саn/саn,t wа|k but shе сrawls vеry fаst!

6 Саn I usе your phonе? Nо, sorry, Уou сqn/сgn,I.

Сomp|еtе thе sentеnсes so they аrе truе for you..]

] сan p|ay

2 Аftеr sсhоо| and аt

3 ]саn,t

4 Му bеst friеnd саn,t

but | сan,t pIay

wееkеnds, | сan '' .

In еssons.

, but hе/shе сan

Adverbs of manпeг

5 Look аt thе si.:i-::5 i-': .*':е-]i*Ё *ri i:l =.:s of lnannеr.Thеn tiсk i.: .=]- n. ]],:_: :

t^ -.--] с ! :j.: : :- .:

:iS S-:.'. - =

- Z -J--.-, ---с ' :.. j j -

6 Writе thе аo'.=.: .:.-; :.:-= :.: т:- ,::

I L'

2 сarет'-

3 еa rly

4 fast

5 goоd

6 hаrd

/ |аIе

8 slow

7 Сomp|еte thе sеntеnсеs. Usе аo',.еi.bs from 6.

1 Bе quiсk' Ilе tеасhз. :. - - :.| ,.-.. '.. -'=

for sсhоol.

2 Тhе shоp usuа| y с|osсs '... ,= : -- .. .. ]З ' i С osеs

аIIl.'Ё..:, :..3 Listеn ' WЬ:. .'^. -.=r -. .. .; s you аbout thе


4 Тhе o|d man ls wа|king bесausе hе,s tirеd.

5 Dоn,t paniс! Tеl mе . ',,,,,, whаt,s wгоng'

6 Shе writеs so shе a|wаys finishеs first.

7 Yоu,rе working Vеry , V/hy don,t yоu tаkе a

b геа k?

8 our tеасhеr spеаks English Hls wifе сomеs

from Сanаdа'

Grаmmar extensi0n

8 Re-writе thе sеntenсes. Usе the words in bo|d but do notсhangе thе meaning.

.l Hе is a vеry gоod swimmеr.

Не twitиs we/I

2 Shе dоеsn,t tа|k loudlу. quietly


Тhеy dо thе eхеrсisе fast.

Сomе quiсk|yl Yоu arе |аtе.

Hеr brоthеr wоrks аlI thе timе.

Bе сarеf-l whег yоu аПswеr thе quеstion.



;;;; --






frnit 4

Page 40: Gateway A2 WB


Сomp|еtе thе bаlI gamеs with the missing vowеIs (а, е, i, o, u)

1 t ПП s З t b t nП s

2rqbу 4b s b I

2 Rеad thе tеxts аnd matсh thе speakers 1_4 with thе piсturеs A_D.


7 b sk tb8 f tb I

E you сan starI thls s1lоlt vеrу

yоung, Iikе mе' Yюu usuаi]у

wоrk w]th а tеaП], but yоu,rе

on your oWП Оn thе,hоrsе,or thе high bars' l iikе thеfloоr еxеrсisеs _ thеy,rе a

bit Iikе bаllеt, аnd l lоvеjд^qiгg. too'


El т...'' ,s a nеW sрorl or

mе, sо l,m nоt vеrу gооd.

But l |оvе it! Yоu lеarn tоthrow your partnеr tо thеgrоuпd _ оr hе thrоws уоu'-hе со|оur оГyоu' bе|t

shows |.ow 9ooo уoU аrе аt

thеspоrt. П

gП : s my favouritе sрort.

, е got a partnеr and wе:.асt]sе togеthеr еVrry

.еl'еrd. L's аг indoоr:]crt, so thе wеаthеr isп,t.:Dortаnt. But оf соursе. s a1ways сold оп thе iсеl


El t oo this еvеry dаy'to gеt

tо sсhооl апd bасk. It's vеryquiсk аnd kееps mе fit. But

| аlsо do it w]th а сlub' Wе

сan travеl 50 ki|оmеtrеs а

day _ itЪ grеat. YОU sее lоts

оf iпtеrеstlng things аnd it,s

not еXреnsivе. П


Тhink of аlI thе sports you know and сomp|еtе thе сategories.

. Wа Lеrspо"ts:

l ба spo11 s:

l зсаbu|ary extensi0n

3 Fiе|d sports:

4 Гnnt).t (n.rt(

5 Makе thrее sеntеnсеs аbout your favоuritе sрorts pеrson orpeoplе. Usе thе words from this Unit.

tУ|ps5i ip а greаt,footbаller, Не Llсls thс Ьа-i', ' с,7, /lаrl аnl

€-сq,r-r--s-,а-' |ot o/1oаЬ, Нe plа,vs |'l', Bаl,;с,,..t:а i',t /lе а,lsо рlауsfor Аrqeиtша'IJ

'Vhat do you сalI thе pеoplе who do thе sports? Сomp|еtе thе:abIе with thеsе words.

.;:e Oi.I bаskетba] ,ooLоa I qо|f сyсliгq sai|.lq

Iеnг,s vo||еybа|| gynГa5LiС; sцаt;nq r;qby

Unit 4

Page 41: Gateway A2 WB

YoL|l. lьrngs--

Cгoss-сurriсular _ BioIogy

Anаtomy апd hеаlth I6atch the words from the text with the definitions.

1 What physiсaI aсtivity do we aIl do, day and night?

a еxеrсisе b rеst с brеathе d stretсh

2 Reаd the tеХt and сhесk your answer.

Your lungs and you .

Your lungs are very яpes.i.a!.You сan breathe, :

talk, shout, sing and stay alive - all beсauseyou have lungs.Your Iungs arе in your сhеst, аnd thеу аrе vеrу |аrgе, Тhеy fi|1

аlmost а|l of thе spaсе in уouг сhеst' You hаvе tr,vо lungs, but

thе |ung on thе lеft sidе of your bоdу ts smаllеr, Тr 5 еХt.а

spaсе on thе |eft is fоr your hеаrt

Yоur rib сagе pI-ot.qqts your ILngs. Тnе.е аrе twе i'е оа .s о.ribs in уоur rib саgе, аnd thеsе bonеs keеp your lungs sаfе

Under your Iungs is а big strong musс|е сa]|еd thе diаphra9m.You сaп inhаlе (brеаthе in) air аnd еxhаlе (brеаthе оut) аir

bесаusе you hаvе a diaphragm'

Whеn уou kiсk a bа|l, run a raсe or swim in the pool, уouprobablу don,t think аbout inhaIing. You don,t hаvе tol Еvеry .

ii.uyouinhа|еаitmаnуbodypаrtsworkto9еthеrandyoudon,t have to think аbout it.

Whеn you brеаthе in, yоur diaphr.аgm bесomеs smа|| аnd f|Q!. ]

lt сan tЪеn movе dоwn, so your lungs havе гnorе spасе to fill up ;

with аir. Your rib musсIеs аlso Iift the ribs up to givе thе lungs ;

morе 5pасе. At the sаme timе, you inhаlе аir through your

mouth аnd nosе. Thе аir goеs down your trасhеа, оr windpipе.

t1eоLфy Iungs |оok pink. Тo kеep your Iun9s pink аnd hea|thy,

уoU mUstn,t smokе. Smoking isn,t good for any pаrt of your

bodу, and уour Iungs rеaI|y hatе it.

Еxеrсisе is gоod for your Iungs аnd hеаrt. Whеn you do

intеnsе еxerсisе, yоur Iungs hаvе to hаvе more аir to gеt eХtrа

oxуgеn' Asyоu brеаthе hard and takе in morе air, your Iungs

bесomе strongеr' You mU5t loоk aftеr уour Iungs so уour Iungs

сan look аftеr you l

Rеad thе text agаin and сhoosе thе сorrесt altеrnativе

1 Тhе lung on thе right sidе о1.,r.о.;. сс:. s

a thе samе sizе as thе lunE ог i.: : . s]cе.

b smа||еr than thе 1ung оn thе с. s эе,

с biggеr than thе lung on thе iе , s эз.

2 Yоur rib сagе

a kеерs yоur bоnеs safе.

b protеСts your lungs'

с gtvеs yоur lеft lung mоrе spaсе.

3 Тhе diaphragm !s a musсlе

a rоund yоur hеart.

b in your rib сagе.

с undеr yоur lungs.

4 Whеп yоu inhа|е, yоu

a brеathе in.

b brеаthе tn аnd оui.

с think about inhа1ing'

5 Your diaphrаgm mоvеs dоr'.'.

a whеп )/oU brеаihе

b иlhеl ),оu lriа е.

с ''\'l.ег \с-:i^.:,

. i- ^\:'L с Е]

'; d Т.€' . Lrp,!./itn air,

1 е Yоu brеathе in (lnha]е).

f Yоur diaphгаgm bесоmеs flattеr

-i g lt movеs down.

5 Whаt about you?

How muсh intеnsе еxеrсisе dо уоu dо? What do yоu do, and how

lоng dо you dо it for? Dо you think yоur Iungs аrе hеа|thy?

Why/Why nоt?

l1T.;.,.' aboUt 25,0OО tlmе5.

. At rеst,a pеrsoП lэrеаthеs 14to l6timе5 pеrminUtе'

I lll*,3 protесt

4 spесiаl



diffеrеnt frог,r аnd ц5ц3||у оеttеr

than nоrmаl

kееp sоmеоnе оr sоmеthing sаfе

physiса|lу strong and .rоt ilI

lеvе| аnd smooth, withоuт сurvеs

40 Unit 4

о Аftеi ехеrсjsе, а реГson brеаthеs Up to 60 timеs реr minutе, :

Page 42: Gateway A2 WB


] Shе

2 С]imbеrs

Зl4 Shе works fоr

Еnglish wеll

5 You

5 iVе

Нave to, Don,t have to, Mttst, Mustn't

l Rеad thе grammаr ru|еs. Аrе thе stаtemеnts true (Т) orfalsе (F)?

1 Wе usе hаvе tо and must tО talk about thrngs whiсn arеobIigatory or nеСеssary.

Wе usе don,t hоvе го tо tаlk abоut things whiсh arеobIigаtory or nесеssary.

Wе don,t oftеn usе must in qUеstions _ wе usually usеhaVе tО.

4 Wе usе mustn,ttО taIk аоout tnlngs Wr havе pеrmisstоnTO 00.

Сomplete thе sentеnсеs. Use thеse vеrbs and thе сorreсt formof hоvе to.

4 Look at thе notiсеs. Writе whаt you must or must not do.


5 Matсh 1-8 аnd a_f аnd use mustn,t or don,t hаvегo to mаkеsеntenсеs.

1 it isn,t сoid tоday, sо you а2 Тhе еmаilЪ impоrtant, so l bЗ Тhis roаd is for walkеrs, sо you с4 lt,s a holidаy tomorrow, so Wе d5 Shе jооks tirеd, so shе е6 Wе,vе got lots оf m j]k, sо wе f

1 It toи,t сo|d tplау sq,уo' /oи,t hаnе2




a-- - -- t^

:.:... ll.

:- --.- ,, i , : _:

!/rorK а: tnе и,/е-K:^]s

dn hnmд'n n.i ^^ . ^^!v ,U ]'сVvU], U] )L] Ud\ р\ o ' . J

еаt gеt Up spеak train work

aI 5еVеn and gо to work.

саrеful on this mountаin.

hаrd and gеt fit.

аn Аmеriсan bank so shе

bаnаnas bеforе а blg еvеnt.

lаtе tonight. Wе,vе got еxtrа homеwork

lе-writе thе words in thе сorrесt order.. э/А^^./|^''^|..Iс UoeS / гаVе / 5а''y / р6 l ;.i{о.m /wеar / ?


j ]arеnts / our / havе / don,t /tal quiеtly / tаlk

: .аVе / buу / dolехpеnsivе / raсе /talshоеs / thеу / far /-.lе / ?

j ^аvе / havе / hе / ra / doеsn,t / drinks / еnеrgу

: :.adua|!у /dоеs / havе / warm / shе / up / to / ?


Unir 4

Page 43: Gateway A2 WB

Giviпg direсtions

1 Matсh thе piсturеs (A_F) with thе еxpressions (,l-6).

Talking about photos

4 Look at the first photo аnd аnswеr thе questions. |f you arе

not sUrе of somеthing, saу Ithink andlor l imаginе.

Who саn yoU sее in thе рiсtuге?

Whеrе аrе thеУ?

3 Whаt arе thеу dоing?

Hоw arе thеy fееling, do уоu think?

WоuId yоu ikе tо do whаt thеy arе do ng? Givе rеasоns fоr

your аnswеr.

Now Iook at the sесond photo and answеr thе samе

questions. lf you аrе not surе of somеthing, saу I think andlorlimаqinе.

Now сomparе thе aсtivities in thе two photos. Answеr thе

q uеstions.

] Doеs onе сIass iook еasy tо yоu? Whiсh оnе?

2 Doеs оnе сlass lоok mоrе fUn to you? Whlсh onе?

З Dо уou go to Сlassеs 1lkе thеsе? Why/Why nоt?

4 Аrе yоu good at dаnсing?

5 Аrе thеrе studеnts in your sсhоo| who arе goоd danсеrs?

.] on tr]е сornе[

2 sесоnd on thе right

З 5trаight oП

Put thе diaIogues in the сorrесt ordеr.,l

Yоu,rе wеlсоmе'hр nоо|?\ec, il,s ооnоqi1о (1..g1 pдrL..

ls thаt nеar hеrе?

Thаt,s grеat, thanks.

Exсusе mе, dо yоu know whеrе thе swimming poо| is?

Walk along Howard Road and turn right at thе еПd.


Right, wе|l thаt,s bеtwееn thе park аnd thе shopping сеntrе.

Тhе train station or thе bus station?

'r Ioоkiгg .or Ll.е b's station'

Nо prоb|еml

s it far?

Саn уou tе l mе hоw to gеt to thе station, pIeasе?

Тhank yоu vеry muсh'

Nо, lllalk alопg th!s road, tаkе thе third оn thе rlght апd

),O;.е ihеrе' П

Тhink of a plaсе you waIk tо rеgulаrly: a shop, a station, a

friеnd,s housе' Writе dirесtions from this p|асе to your homе

or your sсhoo|. Usе ехprеssions from thе Spеаking Bank.

+ UсLVVсс| |

5 IUrn |еТI

6 nnnn<itрv vУPvJIll




Unit 4

Page 44: Gateway A2 WB

A questionnaire

1 Rеad the quеstionnаirе. Tiсk thе bеst answеr for you.

"-;g%f"."1F: jЁ; .

Answer honestIy, then сheсk your sсore!1 How often do you go сyс|ing, swimming or wа|king for

fun?a every dayb onсe a wееkс hard|у ever

2 Does your heart beat fast when you run upstairs?a not at allb somеtimеsc уes it does - very fast

З When do you get tired doing eхerсise?a after an hourb after half an hourс after two minUtes

4 Whiсh of these physiсa| aсtivities do you Iike best?a сyс|ing' running and swimmingb joggingc watсhing sport on тV

5 How many Ianguages do you speak?a my own and no othersb my own and Еng|ishс thrеe or four

5 How important is fitness to you?а Vеry importantb quite imoortantо not important at a||

] .,,hiсh quеstion is thе odd one out?

Rеad thе,sсorе,boxеs. Labе| thеm with thе сorrесt |еttеr


=You'rе a fitness fanatiс. Wow' you сouId run a marathontomorrow!

=oh dеar. You'rе not fit at a||. But it.s never too |atе tosta rt!

=You're not very fit at the momеnt' but уou can easi|y getfit. G;vе yoursеlf a goa aгd go for itl

Look at thе аdviсе for writing quеstionnairеs. Under|inе twopiесеs of аdviсe thаt are not сorrесt.

Givе yоur qUеstioПnаlrе аn intеrеsting tit|е, and makе a yourqUе5t]ons rе|еvаnt' Nеvеr аsk mоrе thаn siх quеstiоns' СhесkyoUr grаn-]mar and spеlIing сarеful y. Dоn,t аsk thе sаmе qUеstioП

rwiсе' trd лith a spес fiс qUеst.o. i. pоssiо|е'

Writе a questionnаirе to ask what jobs your friеnds do aroundthе housе. How oftеn do thеy takе thе rubbish out, forеxаmp|е, or mаkе thеir bеd? Givе it а tit|е. Look at ] and thеаdviсе in 4 to he|p you.

You саn:.эq[ tlnt tt n| |р(] nn ' ,:nd |р:,lр l (n).р |nr ,nsrдlрts ОR

writе а quеstiоn and givе thrее pоssib е аПswеl-s (but you dоn,t

naVе to|).

Unit 4

Page 45: Gateway A2 WB




Revision: Units З-4Grammar

Сhoosе thе сorreсt aItеrnativе.

1 Thеrе ts/Thеrе arеIwa dinnеrs in thе miсrowavе'2 l Iikе a rооm whеrе thеrе tsn,t1Ihеrе dr'r.Л,r СoIoUrful Wa||5.

З ls thеrе1Аrе t,he-r'e a statuе in yоur gаrdеn?

4 [hеr'е t:n,tПhеrе ar.еn't |wО hundгеd shоеs in my wаrdrоbе

5 ls thеrе-1Аrе гher.e rооms With big windows hеrе?

t s i,i.

Сomp|еtе thе sentеnсes with thе сorrесt prеposition on,аbovе, in , bеhind or undet .

.l Susiе is 'iard'rg

2 |lе dog us*a|'y sils

З _hе rеw piсturе's

4 G"аr,s о d arт.l.air .ь

5 Your еyе5 а.е on уo.r |асе

Сomplеtе the sеntenсes with thesе verbs in the presеnt


dо hаvе makе play watсh

1 Thе gir|s

2 Му sistеr

ЗWе4 H""






tн^ +"^^.^ | .^^l+.^^ t^"L| Е L|ЕЕ)UI Lo IL)сЕ | ЕL.

thе tаb е, on оur fееtl

tnе Wa1l.

thе iving rооm.

your Пosе.

СoГnрuIеr gaГ0еs аt Inе moГnеПI'

nеr Dеo.

a Vеry gоod fi1m аt thе momеnt'

his homеwork in front of thе tеlеvision.

thеy а shоwеr or a bath?

p аy go|f' I don,t knоw thе rulеs.

sL.i vе.У wе|| bul shеs |еa"niгg'

сооk diгlеr' Tl.еу nаkе grеat fооо

kiсk thе bа|| in tеnnis. Yоu hit it.

Сhoosе thе сorreсt аIternative.

] Yоu nцstn,|dan|t hqуr ta |a]k in thе library'

2 You hqvе-tО/nustn,г bе ] 7 tо drivе a сar ln thе UK.

З Shе doеsn,I hаuе to-lhas |a gО by bus, thеrе jsn,t a train.

4 16еу nust/m\15tn,I gО to sсhоo|, thеy,rе undеr ,i


5 Wе mцstл,I-ldqn:! hsуе ta gо tо woгk tоmorrow. t,s a hо iday



7 Сomp|еtе the words.

Тhis is thе k , whеrе wе usuа|Iy еаt. Wе kееp со d things 1г

thе f and wе сook things fast in thе m !Wе wash

с othеs in thе w , and that,s down in thе

g , With thе Саr'

8 Matсh thе halves ofthе sеntеnсеs.

/ 5 ooii

,] P еаsе сan yоu takе

2 dоn,t usuaI y mаkе

3 My parеnts аrе doing4 Pо||y somеtimеS Iays

5 | nopе riе сhiIdrеn Lidу

e n thр.r rnnmc nрfnrр hд,-.]timоu vьJ L| J\ U|ч JсU||| |с

Ь 'lр t,аh|р tц,l.рn .,[р'ч not timе.г rrr, hрd hрГо'р | "о

.n sсhoo|.

d thе rubbish out?

e thе qhоnnirо аt t|,о n9р3n1.'"YY '1

/sil4 Сomp|еtе thе sеntenсеs with ссл or саn,t,

'l Hе,s оn|y fоur but hе ridе а bikе wе|].


Сomp|еtе thе sеntenсеs with words for parts of thе body.

] Yo;r lаnd hаs Гivе

2 Yоur nесk is undеr your

3 Yоur hе|p you sее.

4 Your dinnеr gоеs dоwn intо your

5 Yоu Usе уour to swim fаst.


10 Arе thе sеntеnсеs true (T) orfаIsе (F)? Сorrесt thе faIse


] Yоu p|аy rugby With a bаt аnd a bal|.

Yоu щеar iсе skatеs tо go skiing

Yоu dоn,t play tеnnis With а bat

4 Yоu dоn,t nееd а bаil for judо.

5 Fisrinq, sаiIing агd сyс ing а"е а|| Watеr spo"ls'





/ 5tt

Сhangе these adjесtivеs into advеrbs. Thеn сomp|еtе thesentеnсеs with thе сorrесt advеrb.

Ьэn f:с' ^^^..1 Ь.r.J n)liрn]Uсu o)L Чvvu IloIU PuL|L' |.

,] Shе саn ridе a horsе. 5hе гidеs rеа||у

2 Тhеy wоrk vеry frоm 8 to 6 a|| wееk'

3 Hе spеaks Frеnсh ' | Саn,t UПdеrstand him

4 hаtе goiпg sо . P|еаsе s ow down.

5 .\'е,rе ''l,'а]]:ln9 fоr thе bls.



Page 46: Gateway A2 WB


1 Hеnry has got a bad |еg. Rеаd thе еmаil he sends а friеnd, and сhoosе a, b or с.

Hi Laura

I,m sitting in thе сafё at thе sports с|ub and I,m not vеry hapрy.When

уou break a bone in your leg, you сan,t do a Iot! Do you |<now aboutmу aссident? WeIl, i,ve got this enOrmOus whitе thing on my |еg. it.svery unсomfortab|е. ] сan,t wear a shoе. ] havе to sit with my |eg on a

сhair when ] сan.

And of сourse ] сan,t do any sports! I,m watсhing mу brother at thе

moment. He,s pIaying fivе_a-side footba||. His tеam isn,t vеry good and

they,re not pIaying very wel|. ] lоve footba||. I want to р|aу too.

t\4y |еg is gradua!|y getting better but it,s verу sIow. T,m getting somе

movement in mу foot, litt|е by IittIe. I am as positive as possibIe, but

it,s hard.Тhе doсtor,s adviсe is: don,t do any рhysiсal aсtivities for amonth! I hate doing nothing.

The good thing is, with a bad |еg, you don,t havе to help in the houselI,m not a!|owеd to ta|<e out the rubbish or mal<e my bed.Тhat,s 0I(with me!

I hoрe you are weIl. Write baсk sоon.

Love Henry


tо^.у гд^,1 dо э оt her;tl5е

a hе,s in thе саfё.

b hе hаsn,t got a shoе.

с hеЪ got а bаd |еg.

His 1еg is UПсomfortab|е bесausеa hе isП,t vеry happy'b hе talks аbоui h]s аСсldеnt.

с hе,5 gоt а big whitе thing оn it.

HеnryЪ brоthеr,s tеаma isn,t p|аying wе||.

b саn,t kiсk thе bal|.

с ]ovеs fivе.а sidе.

nеnry ovеs

a nis brothеr.

b fооtbа|l.

с sitting.

Тhе doсtor sаys

a Неnry Саn,t moVе his foоt.

b hе wants Hеnry to waIk s|оwly'

с Hеnry ГnustП,t do sports.

onе pоsitivе thing is

a Hеnry hatеs doing ПothiПg.

b hе,s aIlоwеd to stay iП brd'с hе doеsn,t haVе to hе1p in thе hоusе


2 Dеsсribe your ideаl sports с|ub. lnсIudе informаtion about thеaсtivitiеs you сan do thеre. Usе thеsе quеstions to hеlp you.

Whеrе is your с|ub?

Whаt dоеs it |оok jkе?

Whаt hаs it got iП it?

Whо gоеs thеrе?

Whеn сan you gо thеrе?

What aсtivity do уоu prеfеr?


/ 6 painсэ

Page 47: Gateway A2 WB

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Uа)] |-]] P шo]J sашo] ]l 6l J ]c PЭ] Ч]м ]PЭ o} )]PUs }ЭЭмs

,а] N 8]Pа-rq Jo ]] ]Пd Пo^ pUP ,)]||ш шo]J sЭLUo) ]| 9

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s,(ep ,{uuns }ol] Uo ]PЭ o] pooD |,


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] .PЭ ]-Uoр surue]абэд pUP s Pш|UP шo;J sЭшo] ] 1:]!]-] рoo; ]sP] P U| рP]Ps рUP sdtqэ чl]м 1eа nо,( 1eащ 9

PЭs ЭЧ1 u sшlмs ] 7'эP ?S -]o sdtL-1э ч]1м ]| ]PЭ pUP sбба ql1м ]] а)PLU no^ Е


i,6lnq ш, uаL1м

.,{ep ,{;aла

tpf t:t a I

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аq} u] 'lullp i t

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.s;e;n;d;o 6ul11ads аЧ} Чl|/v\ |nJаle) э8 .аln1эtd аЧi |эqel t


Page 48: Gateway A2 WB

I r;u1

i,{;1 nо,( l,uоp z(qд 1sЭ]U^^o;q а]P]o)oЧ]

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2noltrnoqe1ечд 9

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'sа]]Э ашoЭ)Pш o] )]|lш рUP s66a p )Эpмa:d7ыh]-X|LU е Эsn Пo^ Е

>рФ q aёчАА/^^OQ nоl s] а] poЧ}Эш ЭЧl с1ОФ nО/.^^aiч/jDч,^А ые sluаlpа;бu! аЧ1 t

.а^|lPulаlIe })аllo) аЧl аsooЧ) s

i]o] sа Uмolq аЧ] )ooЭ nоz( оp бuо мoц 9

i Ul] Э]PnOs Эl.]} o]Ul inO no^ op }PЧ^^ s

i }s]|J sбба aЧl Ч+1м x|ш nо,( op iечм b

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(' se8 / Э "O9L rO)oOэ)

sa}nU ш qZ lO] s|ql )OOЭ U|] al?nbS шЭ OZ ? Ul 3U]Ц}^]a^а ]nd ]

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t]t ^^

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,le8ns sшel8 OOt^aa^ ^)ооo L

'^^^^^^ ^^^na а'

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' ' :i'1 i: l

lno]J sшel8 OOLflplnanl l ct tp tЯ nnz

jэЦnq sшel8 OOZ


.so!u,\^olq a}eIoэoЧэlo} аd!эаJ Лseа lno fut isЛвpЧl,llq lol lэeus alIlno^e+ V

ti :, : .',,.','t1

:, . l'.,",;; i

]а^^suelno{1эaчэ pUelХа}аЧl prа] ^.с.. :

s)]PUs pUP Э]P o)oЧ) U sIP)|Lu;.'. ]

бu ч]ашos бuuеdа;d lo бu1ооэ jo] pot]]Эш puе s]uа pэ,: -

s} n]slq О]P o)oЧ);о1 s1uаrpа;бur 1о 1s : :-

Z,эo|)эl, plo^^ аЧ} loJ uo|}||- .:]:l)аllo) аЧl sl Ч)|Ч^^.чdel6o1oчd аЧl pue бulpeач aЧl ]е Iс:..suol]sаnb аЧl lа^^suv v

Page 49: Gateway A2 WB

CountabIe aпd unсountable nouns

1 Сomp|еte thе grammаr ruIе with thеsе words.

сount соuntаb|е p|urа| unсountab|е

Еgg, tОmatО and burgеr arе еxаmр|еs оf (а)

nouns. Тhеrе is а singular and а (b) farm.. onе

еgg, tWО еgg5 еtС,

Somе things ikе brесtd, mi|k and buttеr dО nоt usuаlly havе a

plurа| fоrm bесausе wе саnnot (с)

4 Сomp|etе thе sеntеnсеs with some, аnу, a or аn'

] Саn ] hаvе '''',,,,, '' СUp оf tеa, p|еasе?

2 Wе,rе gеttiПg app|еs from thе trее.

3 Don,t givе thе dоg сhееsе.

4 Тhеy say еаting аpplе еvеry daу is goоd fоr you.

5 ТhеrеЪ сhееsе on thе tаb]е.

6 |s thеrе orangе juiсе in thе fridgе?

Inеm. 5 Put thе words in thе сorrесt ordеr.

] bisсuits/сupbоard /arе /anу /thеrе lkitсhеn /ln /rhе /?

2 o"аngе / |е / gat / aэу / 1uiсе / hasr,t

3 in /wе,vе / somе / sa]ad / got / tomatoеs / our

ц i, t |' t u,' l nе / е:g1g / nь,. z t].]., z .... z jo*i

5 тrее/ L1е/ rеO t on t тrе||,е t so.,..iu,.zoig, upp.,

Grammar extension

6 Add thе words somе, аny, a or аn to the dialoguе.

Aмy: Наve you got hot fоod p|еаsе?

BERт: | саn makе you omеlеttе. Dо you Iikе omеlеttеs?

AмY: l do, yеs. Havе you gоt сhips?

BERт: No, sorry, wе havеn,t gоt сhips lеft.

AMY: QK thеn, |,d Iikе sma|| omе|еttе.

BERт: Surе. l,vе got mushroоms _ wоuld yоu Iikе thеm With it?

AtvlY: Тhаnk уоu'

Мany wоrds аrе both соuntab|e аnd unсountаb|е' |f wе

tа|k about sоmеthing in gеnеra|, |ikе сoffее,thе word is

(d) . lf wе taIk аbout individual things thаt wе

сan СoUnt, for еxamplе сoffее = о сup af сaffее,thе word is

соuntab]е: Саn wе hаvе twо соffееs, plеаsе?

2 СompIеte сoIumns 1 аnd 2 With thеsе food and drink words.Thеn tiсk сo|umns З and/or 4.

bаnаnа brеаd b;itеr сoffее сnip е9g fish hаm

iсе сrеam |еmоnаое r.еаt milk miIkshаkе о"аngе ju'се

riсе sa|ad sа|t strаwbеrry sugar tеа tОmato Wаtеr

food drink соuntable unсountаble

3 .., = -s." .; ':. r,rilth singuIaг сountаblе nоuns ln a||

!:. ':.:Е: :.: ;-еstions,4 '.,= '.- -,.::.].: a 'э',.''е sэlnd'

Some, anу, a/an

3 Loоk at thе sеntenсes about some, any and а/аn. Аre |heу | Aмv: No, I don,t Iikе mushrооms, thanks.truе (T) or faIsе (F)?

BЕRт: Finе. And what abоut drink?] Wе usе 5oГ'r With unсоuntabJе nоuns and p ura1 | -сountab е ПoUnS, in pоsitivе srntеnСеs and quеst'^^. I

^ ^l^--^f' | ^lYI

l. Lo]| | ovЕ U|с|luс |u|L- l j|ld\FlU |). ,,,, ,,,,,,, I Aмv: Саn | Ьаvе orаngе;uiс. -,.-..'2 i\/еusесnywithunсоuntab|еnounsаndp|ura| l '--'_.'J-,-''

:э-rteb е noUns, in Пеgat]Vе sеntеnсеS and quеstiоns. l в.*,, ofсоursе, hеrе yоu arе.

Uпit 5

Page 50: Gateway A2 WB
Page 51: Gateway A2 WB


Food in E!гitain

lnternаtionаl сulturаl knowledge - Sunday roаst

Look аt the heаding and study the photo.

Whаt do you think this tеXt is about?

а thе |ood pеоplе in Britаin еat еVеry mоrningb fоod thаt pеop е еat oП thеir birthdayс а hot mеa1, typiсai now or in thе pаst

Read the text аnd сhесk your аnswer.

Thе traditiona1 Sunday roast is a соokеd meal with i

many ingrеdiеnts. Pеоp1е oftеn еat it in thе midd]е- оf thе :day on a Sunday. Thеrе is a1ways a 1argе piесе ot mеat,


usua1ly roast bееf or roast ]amb. You сook thе mеat 1n ,,

a vеry hot ovеn. Thе juiсеs frоm thе mеat makе a good ]

sauсе, сa1lеd gravy. Thеrе arе roast potatoеs too' and you :

сook thesе with thе mеat. Thеy arе brown and сгispy'

Yorkshrrе pudding is a typiсa1 Brittsh food' ]t is nоt str.ееt'

so it is vеry gоod to еat \Vith thе mеat and gre.'l1r 16ц

makе Yorkshirе pudding rv.th a miхturе of flour' mi]k .

andanеgg'Thеrеarеusua11ylWooIrhтееdiffеrеntvеgеtablеs with a Sunday roast dlnnег, Pеas aге popuiar'

and many pеop1е likе сarrоts tоo.

Visitors to Britain somеtimеs think that .

British pеopiе havе this mеa1 еvеry day. ]

]s this truе? j

Matсh the words and definitions.'| bееf

2 (|isру

5 т|our

4 lаmb

5 реаs

6 rоast

7 sаuсе


you ptt tЬ s Iiquld [ооd or оthеr fооds

to givе tl"ет'f|аvоurа wаy о{ соok:ng in "оt fат, or mеаt you

сoоk r ti.is wаyfооd |'<е this is {irn аnо mаkеs a rоisеwhе" yоu еаt it

а vеrу smа|| rоurd grееn vеgеtаb е

[h'е mеаL'f.оrr a sl.ееpwl.,те o. brоwn ооwdе. from g,аin;yоu


Do I a ways hаvе а L' аО.. o^aI Suгdаr

'oа5L? Vеs, | сеrta,n|у do e ve ,/ Wee .

I. Wе ovе it' It makеs Sundаy a spесia

. dаy in our family. . . .

Sоphiе С аrl.е, ]B

Wе,rе vеgеtarians, sо wе don,t еаt

аПy mеat at а|I. But wе еnjoy rоastpotatoеs, and wе mаkе а Yоrkshir."

pldding. Wе oftеn mаkе а sаuсе withtoГПato.е's

-_ ]t!


Ф.*'.o, INF'RMAтI.N. Vюu сап gеt а Sundаy roast iП most UK hotе s.

А Sundаy rоast? No wayl dоn,t havе

muсh timе to еat at Iunсhtimе.

Wе havе a сооkеd mеa ln thееvеning, but wе dоn,t еat а Iot of

roаst rnеаt. It,s sо unhеа1thy'

Reаd the tеXt again. Arе thе sеntеnсеs truе (T) or faIsе (F)?

1 Тhе trаditionaI Suпdаy roаst diПnеr is сооkеd fооd'

2 Pеoрlе а wаys сoоk сhips with thе mеаt.

3 Yоu usе thе mеat juiсеs tо makе thе gravy'

4 Yorkshirе pudding is Пot a swееt pudding

5 You hаVе to еаt pеа5 With а tradltioПa Sunday rоаst.

Who says what? Writе thе namеs Marсus, Sophie or Ben.

,l Roаst mеat is not gооd for yоu'

2 dоn,t hаvе timе fоr unсh'

3 dог t rаt nеdl.

4 А roast makеs Sunday diffеrеnt frоm оthеr dауs'

5 Yоu сaп гnakе а vеry gооd sauсе wjth Vеgеtab еs

6 0ur.fаmi|y has a Sunday rоаst еvеry wееk'

What about you?

Dо yоu havе а trаditiоnа| mеа аt wееkеnds? What is lt? Wouldyоu Iikе to еat a trаditiоna Sundаy roаst? Why/Why Пot?

lVlarсus Hаn еy, 3б


Bеn Si|соx, 22

о lаm еs (grandраrеnts, аUnts, Ul.lс еs) oftеn mееt fоr а roast dinПеr

Unit 5

Page 52: Gateway A2 WB

А lot of, muсh, manу

Look at thе grammar ruIеs a-с..Whiсh sеntеnсеs 1_3 go withwhiсh ru|е?

a Wе оftеn usе muсh in nеgаtivе sеntеПСеs with unсountаb]еnou ns.

b Wе oftеn |)sе manу n nеgativе sеПtеnСеs With p]UraI

сoUnlaD е ПoUПs.

с Wе usе а |ot of in аfflrmativе and nеgativе sеntеПСеs WithсoUntаD|е and UnсoUПtablе nouns.

] Wе don,t еаt a Iot of roast Гnеat.

2 don,t havе muсh timе to еat аt UПсhtimе'

3 I don,t think many pеop r еat it at homе nоw.

Сhoose thе сorreсt aItеrnativе. Somеtimеs both аrе сorrесT.

1 ,vе 9ot а lo1 af/mцсh tomatoеs on my p аtе.

2 Тhеrе arеn,I manу/a |orof bisсuits in thе dog,s bоw .

З How nцсh1mqnу е99s dо yоu want?

4 Мa-nу1А |ot of,pеоp|е just havе fruit fоr brеаkfast.

5 Тhеrе isn,t nuсh1,mqnу timе to еat.

6 How mцсh|nqnуfat do yоu Usе to roаst bееf?

Сomp|etе the sеntеnсes 'Usе а lot of or а lot,,l

don,t |ikе grаVy on my plаtе.

2 Thеrе a[е somе strаwbеrriеs in thе fridgе, but not

3 |s thеrе аny Гnеаt in that sаuсе? Yеs, thеrе is

4 British pеоp|е drink tеa with m]lk.

5 Еаt brеakfast, wе dоn,t havе timе for |unсh.

6 Тhеге isn,t muсh sugаr, but I dоn,t nееd

Should, shouldn't

4 Rеad thе rulе about should and shouldn,t.ls it truе (T) orfaIsе (F)?

Wе usе shou|d to tа|k abоut things thаt it is a gооd idеаtо do, аnd shouldn,t tatа k abоut things thаt it,s Пot a goodidеа tо dо.

5 Сhoosе the сorrесt altеrnаtive.

] You shau d drink/tо drink mi|k, it,s gооd for yоL,.

2 Shе sha-ц|dn,t1shaцldеatfгuitand vеgеtab еs.

3 Whеn shрu|d1shoa|dn,г l mix thе sugаr with buttеr?

4 Yоu shрuIdIshqц|dn,tvisitthat ГnUsеUlll' ItЪ intеrеsting.

5 Littlr сhi drеn shou]dwеаr/wеsrjng a.at in thе sun'

6 His mоthеr shoцld1shouldл,г drivе sо fast. t,s nоt sаfе'

Look at thе piсturеs and mаkе sentеnсеs. Use should or shouldn,t

1 put rubbish / bin 2 еat/anapреadаy

ЕжЫEXtа k / ibrагy 4 usе mоbi|е / hеrе

*tz5 drink / frеsh orangе juiсе

Grammar extеnsi0n

7 Rеad the |еttеr аnd use thе notеs to Write the аnswеr.

Dеar ValеriePlease help me. ],m tired a]l the time. I stop rr.ork ai tеn' so

I always еat late. Somеtimеs I just havе a сhееsе sandrr-rсh

for d.innеr. Сhoсolate gives mе energ}. so I еaт a lо: оt ihar.

I have a hot drink beforе I go to bed _ сoffее usuai,r: I go

to bеd at twelve, but I don,t slееp rr-е11, \\Ъat siо:.i I сiо?


. stop work еаr|iеr /^-+ -L^^-^ S^{^-^ ^. Еdt Ll|ЕЕ5Е |]r-]|j -

. maKе a Пеa I!\ -^:. '.

. еаt a оt с|:.::: . '= Х

. drrk a:-:: :.. :, - : -

. ОЭ:: ::: =.. -. /

Gээ;.l:к]Vа еriе

Unir 5

Page 53: Gateway A2 WB






0rdeгing lood

1 Маtсh thе priсеs (а_f ) with how wе say thеm (,l_6).

Таlking аbout piсtures

Look at thе first piсturе аnd answer the quеstions. |f you arе

not surе of something, saу lthink andlor l imаginе,

.l Whеrе is thе piсturе?

2 Who is in thе piсturе?

3 Whаt аrе thеy doiП9?

4 What timе of day is it? HoW do yоu knоw?

5 What is thеrе tо еаt hеrе?

6 Whаt wоu d yоu сhoosе?

Now Iook at the seсond piсturе and answer the samequestions. |f you arе not surе of somеthing, saу l think and/orlimаginе.

Е -l-*--tiО .'.. j- ; .*, . i\-:-.* .- !

,l еlеvеn pounds forty-fivе

2 onе pound

3 lt.ее pо-rds llirly Гrе

4 sixty p

5 four pоunds twеnty6 sеvеn pоunds еighty


ХП€::=:\ P>:/

Сomplete thе tаbIe with thеsе еxprеssions

Сan wе hаvе thе bi|]?

W"аt саn qеt you]ТhatЪ l] б'15 in tоta|.

Аrе you rеady to ordеr?r'.-.1 ti,^. *il .l^..^ ^l^^.^!u I Nс o | ||l^)|!oNЕ Р|Еo)Е.Соu|d I havе еggs with thаt?

Enjoy yоur mеa1l

lthink ], hаvе vаni Ia iсе сrеam.

Wоu d yоu |1kе anу sa|аd?

Hеrе,s yоur сhаngе'Hоw muсh is that?

Сhoosе thе сorrесt responsе.

,l ] think l,|| havе thе pizzа.

а Do yоu want сhips with thаt?

b Аrе yоLl rеаdy to ordеr?

2 What сan l gеt yоu?

а Hоw muсh is thаt?

b ,m not rеadу tо ordеr, sorry.

3 ]аn gеi you аnything to drink?

а Нavе you got any |rеsh orаngе juiсе?

b .'i',l.аt rvol1d уоu Iikе?

4 ',- .'; i3i.,3 thе blll?

a :. : ' l3.lt, цэ3!1 - , j -- ,-,U -: ::,

-.Ч., .--,5,&,сг

Ч gq-j тц|rвntisl втLaffаtt

(- o I| L п |e n L i| [ ! B те i RJ a 5 t

--э*t-f rt s ii [.; s qu е е z с i 1 uiс с

Ф-т!1Li. -tiux.r d' \oliurt_--3*е-

'9е{есIio11 oJ tеds anJ сoffiеs

Unir 5

6 Whеrе wou|d you prеfеr to еat? Givе a rеason for Уour answer.

Page 54: Gateway A2 WB


An invitаtion

1 Rеad thе invitаtion. Whаt is wrong with the underIinеd vеrbs?

Тhe eхams arе over and I ,|ave- a рartу on Friday to

: се|еbratе. (b) ....... . . ...? Wе go. to the Bombay Cafё

. in Chin|еу. Wе mee.t there at sеvеn. Wе оr1.(9r their рartу] menU sO therе,s something for everуone * and it,s сheaр!

: After thе meaI we go- danсing at the Pеa|< CIub, so

i (с) ........ . . ..''.'..'..'..''.'.. Тhat,s еight tilI late l


Look аt thеse eхpressions. Сomp|еtе thе еmаiI With siX of theеХprеs5|ons.

p еаsе bring yоur own drinksSее yоu

Hi еvеryonе|

]еt mе knowit's starting at six

bring your dаnсing shoеsСan you сomе|,vе gоt sоmе fооdnopе you СaП сomе

Rеаd thе groups of еxpressions. Whiсh is the odd onе out inеасh group?,l


а WouId yоu likе tо соmе?b Sее yоu thеrе'с сan yоu соmе?d P]еasе сomе]

Asking fоr а rеp|y

а Plеаsе lеt mе know.

b Lеt mе knоw if yоu Сan Сomе

с |е]'гге if you саn тakеit'd Don,t bе |atе.

Whеrе аnd whеn tо gоa it,s startiП9 at 5еVеГ] ot|осk.b Wе,rе Гnееting at Fоstеrs.

с саП you сomе?d Yоu Саn Сomе whеn you 1ikе.

Whаt (nо0 tо bringa Wе,rе goiПg to thе сinеmа'b Саn you bring sоmе burgеrs?с l,vе gоt sоmе dr]nks.

d Dоn,t forgеt your guitar.

You,rе sending аn еmаil to your friеnd Sam. Writе thrее waysof starting аnd thrеe ways of finishing informa| еmаiIs.

Sta rti ng Fin ish ing

5 You,re pIanning а party. Rеad thе notes аnd Write aninvitаtion to your friеnds. Use thе еmаiI ln 1 and the usеfuIexprеssions from 2 аnd 3. Add а good way of stаrting аndfinishing, аnd give a rеason for your pаrty.

{Г tl Itr !l ш t$ ш $$ 1} }t jt .t[ {t ш lt {* tl l*

Pаг*ц *iмe - $а*uгdaц tч+И/

bагbе-cue bц ouг уеtll stлiммiп1 Рoottoule|s Иeгe, bгiпq sпiмsuits

Ч-IО pм

.*-$** i;..fu.:,,.'*;fu,:: n -..,.-,,-,.





пe've qo\ |ooJ апJ Jгiпk.s

bгil+q СDs |oг Jапcivtq |аieг

Unit 5

Page 55: Gateway A2 WB

l Pаst simpIe of tо be and сan l Pаst simpIe affirmаtive

l Countries and natiоnаIitiеs

l Words сonneсted with tourism l Transport

l Talking about а holiday

i A postсard

Countries аnd nаtionalities

Look at thе с|ues bеIow. Тhеn find thе ] 2 сountriеs in thеwordsеаrсh.









































































1 Тhе foоtba |еr Diеgо Мarаdоna ls from hеrе.

2 Тtе сарiLa is Brаs iа'

З А соuntry in thе north оf Аfriсa.

4 Тhе Еiffеi Тowеr is in this СoUПtry.

5 Bеr iг .s Lhе сap'тa| сity

6 Тhis сoUntry,5 f ag has thrее vеrtiсa stripеs of grееn, whitе




аnО rе0.

Тhе сapital сity is Тоkyо.

Тhе |argеst rivеr in this ."''i'u''' i'-l"uistu а.

Тhе tеnnis playеr Rafaе| Nаdal соmеs frоm hеrе.

Тhеy spеak Frеnсh, Gеrmаn, ltalian аnd Rоmаnsh in thls

(OU I l'y .

1 .l

Тhе sесоnd argеst Сity is St Pеtеrsburg

12 ts f аg is rеd with а whitе сrеsСеnt mооn and a stаr in thе


Writе thе nationa|ity words for the ] 2 сountriеs in ].











Words connected with tourism

3 Mаtсh thesе words to thе piсturеs.

guidеbооk hоtе| |uggagе passport рianе tiсkеtsТsUWRIKТЕZYЕJRALPAAN

gт P*E-ё-s


Сhoosе thе сorreсt а|ternativе.

,l Тhе transр.attlехСarsiол io thе С tу \4usеum Wаs Vеry

InIеrеsl Пg.

2 ] nеvеr travе bу rrqtnlbрqt bесаusе dоn,t likе watеr.

Dоn,t fоrgеt to tаl.е photоs whеп yоu,rе 1n уaцr hotе| уpom1

5ighуsееing| [ еrе s а 6Оa:. rr,,p r'г\еr ar аt е Сеге' o Lodaу'

Thеy gо оn thе samе p a-"сkggе hоhdау/guidе-s еvеrу уеar'Т6е р|аnе/train аrrivеs аt St Pаnсrаs stаtioП at tеn tоnight.



Uпir 6

Page 56: Gateway A2 WB

Look at the piсturе and thе titIе. What kind of holiday is this,do you think?

Rеad thе tеxt and сheсk your answer.

lN ТHЕ PAS| Butlins wаs Britаin,s fаvouritе ho|idау. ln

thе ,l960s, thеrе wеrе ovеr onе miIIion hq!i-dqy-щqt-е-r-5 аtButI ins ho|idаy .с.aЦ!l еVеry yеаr.

0nе of thе first British hоliday сarnрS WaS Сunningham YounglVJеn's Hоlidaу Сamp ln ,l

894. Thеrе wеrе lots оf tеnts, shоps,

a big dining room, a band аnd a сonСеrt ha||. Тhе -C-а-Цр-еttthеn wеrе mеn oП у |n thе ,l

920s, thе aссommodation fоrthе young mеn Was -Ch?Lqts not tеnts. Thеsе sma]| hоusеshаd wаIеr е есt.iг tiоhтs aго Lоi|еLs.

BiIly Butlin opеnеd his first саmp аt Skеgnеss ln ,l936. Hе

;sеd thе C;rringham сaтp as a ]Т-o-dcl B-t B;t| ls сarгpsWеrr for famiIiеs. Тhеу оffеrеd ,a wееk's hо|idaу for а wесk's

р-1yl Тhе hoIidaуs wеrе сhеaр So poorеr fаmi rеs соu d -а-fl.o-ф


Whеn thеy Wеrе VеrУ pорuIar, thеrе wеrе ]00 diffеrеnthо|iоay сaтps in tnе UK. Тoоaу Ll^е.е a.е t..ее B;t|'rs саrгps.Тhеy arе а]| in British sеasldе Js-S-qtLl

Тhс саmps offеr еntеrtainmеnt аnd qф-VjtLе-l' еspесiа|lу forсhi|drеn. Тhеsе arе а | ]nс|udеd in thе priсе. A]| thе aсtiv tiеshavе с-о-qg|-е-1 _ thе famous Rеdсоats. Тhеsе pеоp е p aу with

thе сhiIdrеn and tеaсh thеm gamеs аnd sports.Тhе Rеdсoatswork at thе сamрs, аnd thеy wеаr a rеd uniform

Matсh thе dеfinitions with the -u'цd-е-r|ingQ words from :. = ". '.'

1 а pIaсе for sоmеonе to stау or livе in

2 tо hаvе еnоugh monеу to buy sоmеthing

3 a pеrsоn stаying oП a Саmpsitе

4 a sma I hоusе, oftеn fоr ho idays

5 a tralnеr n, for ехаmp|е а spоrt

6 muslс, danсing еtС' that pеoplе еnjoу

7 pooр е ог iolidа1

8 mоnеy you gеt for you r job

9 а mеthod or 5y5tеП] to Сopy.l 0 hо|iday tоwns by thе sеа

Сhoosе thе сorrесt altеrnativе with informаtion from thе tеХt

,l 0vеr a mi ion реоp|еa Wе[е at BUt iПs hо| day сamрs in thе l8905'

b hаvе But ins holidays еVеry yеаr.

с Wеrе аt ButIins саlТps еVе|'y yеar in thе 1960s.

2 Тhе Сunпingham Саmpеrs Wеrе

a а| mеП'

b mеn, WolTеn аnd сhi]drеn'

с prоbab|y сhiIdrеп'

3 ln thе l92Оs, thе сaГnpеrs Wеrе

а in toilеts.

b nоt iП tеПts.

с n Сnа|еtS ПеaI Watе[._hе

I ..t B-L| lь torP . snеg^е55 Wd) Гol

a mеП on y.

b pооr сhi drеn.

с mеn, WolllеП аnd сhl dr."n'

Тoday thеrе arе

а hundrеds of But|ins hоliday сamps'

b vеry diffеrеnt hо idаy саmрs.

с thrее ButIins hо|iday сamps'

tоr -l." сн' d'е^,s ".l V е5

a you pay еХtra'

b thеy Wеаr rеd Сoats'

с tnе"е d'е pеop е to hе|p -Ьoт.

Whiсh two sеntеnсеs in thе tеxt tеII us that ButIins hoIidаvs

Wеrе not too еxpеnsivе for working fаmiliеs?

Whаt aboutyou?

l/l1ol d you Iikе tо go tо а ho iday сamp? Why/Why nоt?


Page 57: Gateway A2 WB

affirmаtivе ,.г-]е/Shе/|t (a) in Тurkеy а5t yеаr.

You/Wе/Thеy (b) in Тurkеу аst yеаr.

l/Hе/Shе/|t (с)

Yоu/Wе/Thеy (d)

in Nеw York Iast yеar.

in Nеw York |аst yеаr

(e) |/hе/shе/it in Japаn ast yеar?

(f) you/wе/thеy in Japan |аst yеar?

Yеs, /hе/shе/it was.

Nо, /hе/shе/it (g)

Yеs, yоu/wе/thеy (h)

Nо, yоu/wе/thеy Wеrеn,t

Pаst simple of to be

Соmp|еtе thе tа b|e with thе сorrесt f6rm of thе verb to bе inthе pаst.

Сhoosе thе сorrесt а|ternativе.

.1 Тhе bеstthing on оurtriptоСa ifоrnia was(wеtеDisnеyiand'

2 Тhеrе wasn|Ilwеrеn|I rnаny sеats frее оn thе train.З Wе wоs/wqrе vеrУ intеrеstеd in thе bоat trip аt Niagаra FаlIs.

4 Wвs/.|А/еrеуou in NеwYоrkfоrthе marathon?5 Wоs/Wеrе Bi||y But in ЕngIish? Yеs hе was/wеrе.6 Тhеsе hоlidays Wa51,I1Wrrеn:I Оn y fоr thе riсh.

Usе the prompts to Writе questlons аnd answеrs thаt are truеfor you.

1 you / as|ееp / 6аm?

2 уour parеПts / in bеd / 8аm on Sundаy?

з у;'r. ....... ) u. ,..loJ , nu..l .oouu.

4 you / in thе swimming pоo| / lаst wееkеnd?

vо". .r.еnd / d| УО-, l.оusе / vеstе,day?

6 yоu аnd yоur famiIу /оn hо iday / аst August?

Past simple oI сan

4 ]еаd thе grammar rulе. Arе thеre any mistаkеs?

.: '; j. . mp|е of ссл is соuld.Тhе nеgativе forГn i5

'. - - .: :. сau|dn,t. Аf|еr соu|d/сouldn,1 wе usе. =

.. . - ':.Оl.ГП of thе vеrb without to.

Сhoosе thе сorrесt aItеrnаtivе.

1 Wе с-au|d/сau|dл,I staу in thе эеst hоtе| bесаusе it Was tooехpеnsivе.

2 |n -l85О,

уou соцld|сouldn,tflу fromЕuropе to АustraIia.

3 Wе сou|dn t bцуIlo b-цу oUr tiсkеts oП|inе.

4 Thе Сamp Was for mеn оn|y, so thе girls сo-ц|dlсoц|dn,! go'5 Сou|d Ihеу L{sеlIa !.l5е a satnav in ]960?

Whiсh of thеse things сou|d you do when you were fivе?Write six sеntеnсеs that are truе for you.

,l Whеn I wаs fivе, I






Grammar extension

7 Writе four mоrе sеntenсеs that аrе truе for you аnd yourfamily.

1 Whеn I wаs tеn, | соuld , but | сou|dn,t

3 Whеn my pаrеnts wеrе twеnty, thеy

4 Whеn my grаndmоthеr/fаthеr was forty, shе/hе



Urir 6

Page 58: Gateway A2 WB

Tгa nsp o rt

1 Сomp|еte thе transport words with thе missing vowеIs|с1, е, i, o, u).

1 п d '''r gr '''- -,

2lrmЗbs4 5С t r

5vn6 h ] С pt r

bоnгеL booL nUП0еr p аtе 51gg1:lg wl.ее|

ш 1ее' w:ПOsСrее.l windsсrееn wipеrs

2 Сomp|еtе thе sеntеn(еs with words from ,] .

nd 7 t


'10 s h

1,l С






t rb k

] ] nеvеr travе by

2 Тhе

thе stаt oП.

3 Тhе

. don,t ikе thе sеa.

drivеr сan bring yоu to my hоusе frоm

сaП oП y go Whеrе thеrе arе mеtаl


IraСKs on tПе roаO.

4 n Мoпоpoiy, thе nаmеs of lоndоn

arе oП thе boаrс]

Тhе sсhооl

Voсabu|аry extensi0n

3 Write thе words in the Iist on thе |аbеls. Usе your diсtionary to he|p you.

stopS iП front оf his hоusе'

Thе postmаn dе|ivеrs smаll pасkеts оn his bikе, but lэig

1н'lg..П l >

5 Тransport quiz. Сhoosе thе сorrесt аnswеr.

: A Suzuki is atapanese. motorbtkе.


Bond Street and Greеn Parkare two Londoп

- 1.,-_S..й-эу^--^'-_ ^; ^.-- .._^- .. - :..-._.:

, AVespa is a famous Italianq a a

^tar-,,., ship

: You сan travel down the mainstreets of Zuriсh on the,, trams,;,, 1tutr,a.

The President of the United Stateshas a private;. planе,.:-' lorry

You сan go from Dover in Еnglandto Galais in Еranсe by... bikе.: ship,


4 Сhoose thе сorrесt altеrnаtivе.,T

Yоu mUst Usе уaur windsсrееn uvtpеrslsеаt belr whеn you,rе a pаssеПgеl,.2 Whеn thе сar dоеsn,t start, Wе opеn thе baрnеt/ba-yt |a sее tl,,hai ihе

problеm is.

3 Тhеir сar,s sо dirty, | саn,t rеad Ihе stееring whее|1рumbgц' р|qtе4 Usе thе wtndsсrееn/wtndsсrееn lv.lpgrs whеn itЪ raining.5 Wе put thе luggаgе intбе boоt/bоnnеt6 Yоu shоuld havе twо hапds onIhеwhееls/s[ееуt,,lg whеg|whеn yоu,rе driv ng


Page 59: Gateway A2 WB


Тhe histtзny of a сity

a a histоry оf thе сityb ]dеаs for sightsее ng. li, |' 'ret ' Гlrrгrt г,эсеs

2 Rеаd the teХt and сhесk vour answеr.

This is LondonThеtе alе' o сoLlsР. -anу bоoksabоut Lоndon, Thеrе rs a1so a lotof informatiоn on the Internеt. Butrд hдtо nаn r,nr Г nг] э Ьl iдГ Ьiqrnlrr

oГ B' rа.n s сaprLa сiLу?. nе'е io aboоk сal]еd This is Landoл' Wlittеnо-nдci-llr, Гnr Ъ-nпliсЪgоРгUiqIry L1l9rIJll lGlLЧUoЧql^^--^-^ U^-^ i^ -- ^.,+|сс|||Е,5, Пеjе s oJr еILI&CII

The RomansThe Rоmans сamе to Londоn rnAD 4З, Thеy burlt a town on thеRiver Thamеs, Thеy сa]1ed thе tоwn Londinium' Soon,Ihрrl hrr l| - Ьr]r.]пр ntrрr Ihо rit,оt l,nnr]inir m ..о\^/ ..dоlI Y Uvv v]УЧU!.

cЬ:n. .._6 -^ | n^ | ,]l ^1.^т г| |.^^^ " hе RomansLULVPL, i

b--lL roads Irom Lоndinium lo ol].eт рaI-s o1 BriLain' By thеvеor 40О, Lhеtе wеLр 50 000 оeop|о iv'ng in Lhе сity'

Wittiаm the ConquerorTn 1066, Wi]]iam the Conquеror Came to Еngland, Wllliamwas thе Dukе of Normandy in Fтanсе. Hе won thе BattlеnГ ТJ:с :lnс эnг] Ьa Ь^^д1.р Ьр Klгп n Чгп|а16]. W iarУ 91 !|'ЧlO

livеd tn London but hе was afiaid of thе реoр1е of Lоndon.Hе bui1t thе Whrtе Tower to fееl safe' Now it ls thе tallеstрar. оГ .hе Toweт of Loлс1on' Mаny louт sLs v'sir" Lhе Towеtо, Т'nrdn. A\/e.\/ \/еа. Thе Crowг Jеwеls _ Lhе Ouееn.sпn]r.] эnrl iотдlдlс я l о lzдnl lЬоl aчv v U 'v ]vvvU|J

The Great FireRrz ,] 6oО thрlо iдrоrр mnто тhаn 2ОО ООО nёn. о | rlinn n

Loгdоr, The hоusеs wеlе built vеty с|osе logellе , Гreywеrе made of wood, Somеtrmеs thеrе wете small firеs, ons-' .l' ] SрntрmЬo.,l 6t]6|lоо'\аsаЪ;пfjrе.l s'o.tеd in thе l-oJsе oL Lhе Kiгg.s bakeL' in PudоingLale. nеar London Brrdgе. Most of Lоndоn buInt down,A i*-.: .l оf - *. iоn pеоp1е lost LhеiL homеs. But ol y аfеl.i- lэеэrllе сltеd,

C ross.сurricuiаi -.ПЁtоii. ..


Loоk аt the book сovеr. What do you еxpесt to find in

this book?

Matсh the words аnd definitions.

d mаps оf ihе сityе а| ofthе abоvе ilrl

5 сonquеrоr



Ш::T.-," tаkеs соntrоl оf a соuntry

::::*l. . sl'oгlеs tnаt you wеаr for

t l'J, :.1lffi iЦ";, ;, :.'*, *,,

::l',1:'-^. mаkеs brеаd с

;l::J ;:::;:::i:I#?:; .,,

:]::lT:that takеs е.9' а "оad оvеr




Usе information from thе tеХt to сhoosе thе сorrесta Itеrnаtivе.

Yol сaп |rnd а lоt оf lnformаtiоn аbоut Lоndon

a on thе Пtеrnеt'

b whеn yoU,rе a Ianguagе еarnеr.

с iП еttеrs from pеop е whо ivе thеrе.

Тhе Rоmans lэui|t a tоwn сa lеd

a АD 4З.

b thеТhаmеs.с Lоndinium.

Thе Romаns bui t a bridgе aпd thеn

a ships соuid usе thе rivеr.h nрnn|р r n Id nmр Гrоm : n:ttt оГ |-ttlnnр

с thе iоwn grеw biggеr.

Wi||iаm thе Соnquеror сamе frоm

a Нastings.

b Franсе'

с LonOoП.

Wi liam bui t thе Whitе Tоwеr bесаusе hе

а wаntеd thе Сrown Jеwе s to lэе safе'

b wasn,t vеry taJ .

с wаntеd to fее| safе.

Thе Grеаt Firе Startеd

a wtеn а p 'dd "g burrb oгd rаГy ptrop е diРd

с in a housе nеar thе rlvеr.

What аboutyoи?

Wоu|d yоu ikе tо rеаd this book abоut Lоndоn? Why/Why nоt?

Whеrе wou]d you likе to visit in Lоndоn?


ф.*'.o, lN''RMAтI.Na!l -l

O rC: l. Tnе.

-: ' :. .- - ]]c9.''t'аs оt,еr l,500'000.

. -:. :. :'.,'.::.llго'''.' аndGаtwiсk, -.!i - !l

Unit 6


Page 60: Gateway A2 WB

Past simplе affirmаtive - regular and irregular verbs

1 Study the spе||ing ruIеs for rеgu|ar pаst forms. Add a sесondеxаmplе for еасh ruIе.

. I\4оst vеrbs: add .еd е'g' kiсk kiсkеd,

. Vеrbs that еnd in -e: аdd -d е.g. lavе _ lavеd,

. Vеrbs that еnd in а соnsoпant +y: takе awаy thеy and add

iеd е'g. hurrу - hurriеd,

. Vеrbs that еnd in оnе vоwеI and onе сonsoПant: doub е thе

СoПsoПаnt and add -еd е.g. jog _ jaggеd,

2 Сomp|еtе the sеntеnсеs with thе past simp|е form of thesеVеrDs.

3 Mаtсh thе infinitivе forms of thе irrеgu|аr vеrbs (,l_,lO) withthе past simp|e form (a_j).

1 buy2 сatсh

3 еat

4 gеt

5gоб makе

7 rеad8 sреak9 tаkе

1 0 undеrstаnd

PUt thе vеrbs givеn into thе сorrесt tеnsе..l

Lаst yеar my friеnd аnd | (so) toТurkеy withnеr n-]UПl.

2 Yеstеrdаy аftеrnооn my sistеr (mаkе) а

СПoСo]аIе сa Kе'

З Тhеу

4 Twо mоnths agо thеy

5 Last night wеАnё|lе.

6 Lаst wееk my brоthеrsInе gаl-CеП.

7 lVy Swiss unс|е

(spеak) to hеr рarеnts ast Пight

Writе fivе sеntеnсes thаt аrе true for you. Usе at |еаst twoirregu|ar past simp|е vеrbs.

] Тwо wее\s а9o

2 Тh ее yеаrs аgo

З Vеstе.dаy rigЦг

4 trour days ago

5 Тhе day bеfоrе yеstеrdаy

а rеаd

b аtе

с undеrstoоdo ГnaОе

е golf toоkg WеПI

h саughti bоughtj spоkе

аrrlvе сhаt phоnе stop

study try wаlk Wаnt

tа]ian W|.1еn hе wаs at univеrsity.

to thе сity сеntrе bесаusе thеrе wasп,t a

1 Dad


З _hе ,'oiг wаs s oW ОесаU)е iI

station s.

4 Thеy

bеforе thе f|ight.

5 Shе

(hаvе) а рarty rn

(сomе) tо Visit Us |аst ГnoПtIl

spеakеrs lэut shе сouldn,t'

6 | to go to Nlosсow but my friеnd wasn,t

] nIеrеsIеO

7 Thеy


аt а l thе |itt е

at thе airport еar1y. i was two hоurs

hаrd to undеrstand thе Spanish

for hоurs on tl.r phoГе yеStеrdаy

hеr to tеl hеr abоut his trip tо Pеru.

Grammаr extensi0n

6 Rеad the mеssаgе on thе postсard. Find and сorrесt six mistаkеs.

| э'аг Ацrtt |Jа

=.ee\inqs tгoм B|аc?poo|/ llе- qot Иeге- цes|eгJац апJ

:.Э^L uР tИeTouloг, lАь sап а|| 4|tе. |iqИts oI kИе' |odп

|-cм the *op/ Иo buцeJ sам аn icь cГeам bцt Иь

:,.эpLJ i4. |* to|| on а мап's ИeаJ - ooРS/ lАL а|| stлiмме'J

,' iИь seа апJ | маJе' а Иuqe sапJcаs*|e ulith' sам' He

:.,.*cИeJ а |isl. iw h'is |i\t|o ne\ ауtА \|teп he puttoJ it

:-,'э? iп tИo паtoг. |4's гьа||ц qгoаt Иeгo'

- -Эе- цou аГL АL||.


Unit 6

Page 61: Gateway A2 WB
Page 62: Gateway A2 WB


Rеad this postсаrd. Сhoosе thесorrесt аItеrnatiVе.

Writе onе diffеrеnt way to bеgin а

postсаrd, аnd two diffеrent waysto end it.

,l Dеа' Dd';.ro,

2 Lоvе Теrry,

Dеar Davinа

l'n sitting/Sat by a swimming poоl and |,m drinktng/

drаnk a сa|d g ass of frеsh pinеаpplе juiсе. |t,s vеry hоt

hеrе, but |,m stауing/stауed сool undеr a palm trееl

But it,s not а|| rеlaxinglThе daу bеfоrе yеstеrday,

хме,rе sееing/sаL,rz a|] thе famous Roman ruins.

1 пl buуing/bought a bооk tо shоw yоu. lt,s got grеat

photos in it' Wе,Vе hаvlng/hаd a guidе fоr thе dаy,

and hе3 tе||ing/told us аbout а Vеl.y good rеstaUraПt.

Wе,rе going/wеnt thеrе yеstеrday еvеning

dеliсiоus fооd and sо сhеaр!

Wish уоu аrе/wеrе hеrе!

lovе Теrry

3 Look at thе piсturеs on thesе postсards and rеad thе tourist information аbout thе p|асеs. Whiсh one wouId you Iikе to visit for a hо|iday?

D0 a boаt trjр a]ong thе Rivеr Liffy, Visit thе CUStOmHOUsе or takr a tour of Duiэlin сastlе. Еnjоy thеSnoрs аnd thе ехсiting night lifе1

Сhoosе onе of thе p|aсеs in 3. You arе on hoIidаy thеrе. \\/r:tе e

postсаrd. Say whаt you аrе doing now and what yоu did ,,,=s;=.;а-' зnithis morning. Сheсk thаt yoU arе using thе сorrесt tеns€s. 3:: ^ :^сеnd your postсard in thе сorrесt way'

Еn]oУ thе sun anсl snOW. RеlаХ lП our СOmfortal

.r-lur.t, utt.' a daу of skiing, SnОWbОard n8 c.

wa king. Dе icious foоd and grеаt SpОrt.



Havе a hоliс1aу in tеZ, thе реrfеСt plaСе .iО,

signtsееing, shoрping, еating and .n g1llri

.nЪ 'un

tJxurу hоtеls and friеndlv реоp е

Unit 6

Page 63: Gateway A2 WB

Revision: Units 5-6Grammar

1 Put thеsе nouns into thе сorrесt сoIumn.

oOo|е brеаd bu[Lеr bагanа сhееsе

еgg Пеat sа|t s-gaг riсе


Сhoosе the сorrесt аIternativе.

] Тhеге \s|,\ 0nу/5Оmе milk in thе fridgе.

2 l,d ikе а/somе сhiрs with my burgеr p еasе.

3 Тhеrе arеа\ аnу/;Оmс strawbеrriеs in thls miIkshakе.

4 Shеs gaт. somе/оn app е fог thе tеaСhеr,

5 s thеrе samе/оnу ехtra wаtеr ln this?

3 Сomplеte thе sеntеnсеs with muсh, manу or а lot of .

сhips оп his рiаlе.

milk dо yоu hаvе iП уoUr iеа?

mеat ln this sаndwiсh'

pеopiе drink сoIa?

frеsh fruit and vеgеtabiеs.

l (walk) tо tnе sгrops аnd

(buy) a boп|е of mi]k.

Thеy (hatе) thе town sо thеy

(сomе) hоmе.

Sl.е (stоp) ruгr ng агd

(сatсh) thе bus.



7 Сomp|ete thе food and drink words with thе missing voweIs

(а, e, i, o and u).

'I br d

2сh с lt3 r ng

4mltt5рZl сr

Сhoosе thе сorrесt altеrnativе.

] PIеаsе сan l havе a s'се1g|qss ofwatеr?

2 Тhеrе,s a p-a'сkеt/bоtt|е оf mi]k ln thе fridgе.

З Shе bоught a саn/pосkеt of bisсuits.

4 Тhеrе,s a сup/s|iсе of сakе fоr yоu.

5 Hе madе hеr а niсе саn/сup ofIеa,

/5 pо

9 Сomp|еte thе tablе



Ita |аП



t-^-^^.^Jo Po Е)с


Сomp|еtе thе sеntenсеs with transport words'

.l You сan trаvе] by аir in a p or a h

2 Yоu сan travе| by Watеr on а D oras

orа3 А |ot оf pеоplе сan travе| togеthеr in a b

С..4 You paу а t drivеr to travе] in his с

5 Thе t in london Сan go U


6wtr7IStmts9 с ff


,l Тhеrе Wеrеn,t

2 How

3 Тhеrе,s

4 Dо yоu knоw hоw

5 | еаt qultе

4 Matсh the haIvеs ofthе sеntеnсes.

,l Yоu геаl|y shоu|d

2 Pеop е shouldn,t

3 You shоuldn,t

4 Wе shou dn,t

You (1)


Sorry, I (3)

What (4)


5 Сomp|еte the dialoguе with thеsе words.

Was Wеrе Wasn,t wеrеn't соu|d соuldn,t

a сoоk with your hands dirty.

b еаt somе fruit еvеry day'

с еаVе o-. е.Лply bотt|еs l.е.е'

d еаt fast food a|| thе timе.

/4 pьii

at sсhоoI yеstеrdаy. Whеrе




rspеаk') tr.еrсi wе|| bесаuье hе

(l!vе) ]n Franсе.,gо) .о iа. hоuье aгd



B: l don,t know, but mу mum (5) sее

](6) wе|I/6Pu

6 Сomplеtе thе sеntеnсes with thе past simp|е form of thе

verbs givеn.


2Wе(WatСh)a DVD

/s m




UsАt"^t-^^!|с|o lU


Page 64: Gateway A2 WB


:эad thе postсard and сhoosе a, b or с.

.. .l.- .-i:.i.1i1 ..*с'n,

'.- .i:т.V{ic ilе,iz ir.. ?.*lti.: оr' Ёг.jj.*.;'j' iц)t'' cа*t,- dГ*,!i Li--*".ji.u..

. -,'.''l' -tt;t*э'\'iа.r' - з. jоiт.l-l '-i.гiзтr:,!1jц* i;;j {:rдl.o.. ,Е;:..|- jдr.lс

.]... ..i.,i'i*4r;;tr;r:, дi "i-ilс ЁzзrZ, J:.з ijсг"* .,:t,,.; l.i. ,t-r.,оL. *S. .:.

- ...- :.jg".:'g, ;].i ji''с{ it . .I,.'эii l .:r-.дiс.ilo.'-i. fiг,;i ,l.'.;.i A#ls.t':*ll* ..

'. ']...i:, *n.] i "{с;.:цj ir ;*. lt,,,;l i:lаrзl

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..--.;:.1. J.tС. я*rt{- *.:: .i.iiJ- *сЁ эi "i..'.j. *i{;ir-i fbяс.l. r'l.{ с's;-lr.1с..

' :'i- lrr#5..1-hс'"iit..s;г i',',".'.: :'i' с;.j "il"--.,',.,1- i;'тlт. t"hs- **,;

r:t :.i /,iii.t.ifr +..*.

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.+:l"''j. !Ё.,.l. ldl,l.jj i;r.i"lъ/;91 .

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Нэ;,i fi*i:;ol?:. *]е:ii-

li;"t.s оd ir..i:с-


HеIеna is Bеn,s

a nеphеw'


с ПlеСе'

Тhе Еurоstar is

a thе llggagе offiсе in Paris'

b a Frеnсh trаin station.

с а traiП |rоm Еngland tо Fгаnсе.

Jаnlе аnd Hе еna

a both lоst sоmеthlnq'

b lоst thеir uggаgе.

с ost a bag аnd a passport.

First thеy wеnt

a oП a rivеr trip Witn а gUrdе.

b tо thе top of thе Еiffеl Tоwеr

с to a рlaсе саllеd thе Bаtеаu ]Vоilсhе'

Whо undеrstооd Еng ish, Frеnсh аnd Gе.r.a-

a Hеlеnа and Janiе.

b Janlе and thе gUidе.

С rСeГdd| d|l^рgUd.

Неlеna is hаving

a a boring tiП.lе'

b аn intеrеsting tiгпе.

с а wondеrful tlmе.


2 Write аn invitation to аn ЕngIish_spеaking friеnd. You,rе

pIanning a Wееkеnd trip to a сity in your сountry. Usе thе

qUеstions to hе|p you.

Whаt ls thе lnvitаtlоn foг?

Hоw 1ong is thе trip (опе night, twо nights)?

Whеrе shоuld your |riеnd gо?

Hоw shоuld hе/shе gеt thеrе?

Whаt day and tlmе shоu d уоu mееt?

What shоuld Vоur frlеnd briпq?

/ 10 points


Page 65: Gateway A2 WB

r Pаst simple - negativе

l Pаst simpIe _ questions and short ansWеrs

l P|aсes of work l Jobs аnd wоrk

l Cu|ture and еntertаinment

r An аneсdotе аbout a spесtа| weekend


Plасes of work

1 FiIl in thе lеttеrs а, е, i, o or u to make words for plaсеs of work. 5 Сompletе thе sentеnсes with thеsе words.

aсtor сооk dеnt]st foоtbаl1еr hаirdrеssеr lоrry drivеr

l lVy brоthеr goеS to а sports aсadеmy. Hе Wаnts to bе а

1 f сt ry

2 h sp t I

3 r st r nt

4 ff с

5 9 rg6 st d

2 СomoIеtе thе sentеnсеs with words for p|aсеs of work.

1 Shе tаU9ht at thаt 5 bеforе shе саmе hеrе.

2 _|еу nаОе .гy,аVoUr Lе СD iг riar гlusiс s

3 Shе goеS to hеr o

thе сompUtеr.

еvеry morning and sits down аt

4 l\Лartha tоok hеr daughtеr tо thе еar с

whеn shе соu dn,t hеar.

5 Wе invitеd our |riеnds to еat With us in a r


bу thе

6 Dad workеd ln а f иlhеrе ihеy madе motorblkеs,

7 |оvе working o ; саn,t stаnd bеing nsidе а l dаy.

8 Тhis s оn y sе ls trаinеrs and оthеr Spol.ts shoеs.

9 Таkе your Сar tо thе g whеn tt mаkеs а funny noisе'

10 Hе WaПtS tо work in an Аfriсan h whеn hе finishеs

his mеdiса| studiеs'

Jobs аnd work

3 Look at thе word snakе. tind the namеs of pеople that work in theplaсеs in 2.


"р,. ,О2

^o1h3П'с.tt'. е !$!-q,t Э^ ^a)s,йs.jЁ=.s*O Z. ъ.o'o,n^

'^do,,Ё, lеf5661g1 31у5\tw


4 Mаtсh thе pеop|e in 3 to thе p|aсеs in 2.








6 Hе brokе a tоoth pIayinq ruqbу and had to gо tо thе

Mаtсh the jobs (a_f ) with thе definitions (,l_6).

a ПUrSе

b dеntist

с сhеfd hairdrеssеr

e bui]dеr

f сlеanеr

] Sоmеоnе who ooks аftеr уour tееth is a

2 Sоmеоnе who dоеs your hаir is a

З Somеоnе who с|еans а sсhоо| оr an оffiсе is а

4 Sоmеоnе whо |ооks аftеr yоu in hоspitаI is a

5 Sоmеonе who соoks fоod in a rеstаUrant iS а

6 Sоmеоnе who wоrks in сoПstruСtion is a

Мatсh the haIves of thе sentеnсes.

,l Тhе bus drivеr stopреd

2 ShеЪ а spоrts jоurnalist

3 Тhе bui|dеrs саmе and

4 Тахi drivеrs hаvе to |еаrn

5 ] соu|d nеvеr bе an artist

6 Тhе сlеаnеrs tidiеd up

а aftеr thе sсhool party'

b rеpairеd thе сеiIing.

с bесausе | сan,t paint or drаw.

d at thе Wrong bus stoр.

е fоr BBС Radiо.

f all thе nаmеs оf thе roаds.




rеaLIy niсе.


dе|ivеr things.


A famоus

оuts!dе thе thеаtrе

whо works in оur sсhooi сantееn is

somеtimеs hаs to drivе оvеrnight tо

сuts hеr hair еvеry month.

gavе mе his autograph

Uпir 7

Page 66: Gateway A2 WB

Look at thе piсture. Whеre do you think it is from?

a a boоk about fаmоus pеopiеb а film abоut а roсk banс-l

с a Ноw ta bе fаmous glldе

Now read thе tеxt and сhесk your аnswеr'

Almost famousFiIm review oI thе monthThis сbg-r-щiцg film is about fallrng in ]ovе,young -a.Ц]b-iu9-ц, gоod mothеrs and - mostof all - roсk musrс. The dirесtor and writеr isCamеron Crowе. A]most famous сame out in2001 but it is about thе 197Os Thе brilliants.aц-Цd.Ll'ag.Ц is ]оts of roсk musiс from that ttmе'

Thе -\9-r.о- of thе fi1m is a 15-yеar.o1d sсhoolboy сallеd William, played by PatIiCk FugitHis mothеr (aсtrеss Franсеs l\4сDormand)ls a со11еgе profеssor. Shе has a strong idеaof what shе thinks is rlght and wrong. ShеCannot s|and rосk musrс, so shе b.aцs- itfrоm hеr housе. Wil]iam's sistеr Anita lеaveshomе to bесomе an air hostеss, bесausе thеirmother is sо р-t-1ц!, Whеn shе goеs, shе tеllsWiliam to look undеr hеr bеd, Thеrе, she has asеCIеt сol]eсtion оf roсk musiс р]b-ц.щs-

From this momеnt, Wi]liam wants оnly оnеthing * to bесomе a roсk musrс сrittс- Hegеts thе сhanсе to writе for Rolling Storiе, a]psе-цdaдy musiс magazinе. This is how hеmeеts a nеW band сa1lеd Sti11watеr, Hе a]someеts thеlr number onr fan, thе 1ovе1y PеnnyLane (Katе Hudson),

William goеs on thе tour bus aсross AmеrrсaWith the musiсians and thеir l9-ad.ig's- His stоryis about thе рowеr оf musiс, frlendship andhq.цеs-ty A]most famous puts a smilе on yсэurfaсе - watсh it if you сan!

Mаtсh the dеfinitions with thе undеr|inеd words from thetеXt.

1 a СD оr rесord With diffеrеПt 50Пgs on it

2 somеthiпg that yоu Wаnt Vеry muсh to dо оr bесоmе

3 say that sоmеthiпg is not a|]оwеd

4 аttraсtivе and p еаsаnt

5 thе mаin mа]е сharасtеr in a fiIm or boоk

6 а truthfu] v'.аy оf spеaking or thiПk1Пg

7 vеrу famоus оr wеl] knоwn for a |оng timе

8 sоmеoгlе v.;hо trаvе]s with musiсiаns and movеs tnеtr

9 thе musiс p ayеd during a film orТV progrаmmе,l 0 soГПеonе иlhо hаs firm ru|еs and ехpесts pеоp|е tо fo|Jow


Find еight words for jobs in thе teХt.






Сhoosе thе сorrесt аltеrnative with informаtion fromthе tеХt.

1 Тhе rеviеwеrthinks thаt,4/лО5tfamОUsi5 m05. . .:.-.-nц5iс1\aУе'

2 Thе musiс in thе fi]m is from thе 19/0fуеэ,.. 'З Wi IiаmЪГnothеrhaIеsstand|ngаt-rосkс:,.:.. . -'. ' -


5 WilIiam wоrks fоr a gуj{1g1mаgаzl.. :. - '-'. - .' -

6 Stil watеr is a fqn1bqnd

Whаt аboutyou?

Wо*dyоul.(еtо,ее-. i '. : :. ..

Unit 7

Page 67: Gateway A2 WB

Past simр|e _ negative

1 Сomp|еte thе grammаr rulе with thеsе words.

inflnitivе main vеrb nеgativе

Wе usе did nat ar didn,t in pаst simр е (а) .^^+^^-^. ^{+^,)с |Lс Ltr). ^|


formdid not / didn,t,rhе (b) is in thе (с)

WithoUt гo.

Rе-writе thеsе sеntеnсеs in the negativе form.

.l S^е l.dd IWo ob. dт -'^ sатe Iinр.

2 l-е wo. а. Osсar lor Lhаl. mor е'

3 Тhеy atе in thе СantееП of thе TV studiо'

4 Гnе lа.s Г5еi Il.е stа. o-tq'dе t'е С]lеГ.a

5 Hеnry drоvе his mоthеr,s саr to sсhоо .

6 Snе ruе.| toтnе Аrеro to :ре Гр o о r^ оo.lо.

7 Wе ьwаn 1 tnе sеа -. а- da; '

8 Мy mоthеr spоkе tо thеm in thеir аnglagе'

Сomp|еte thе sentenсes with thе past simp|е affirmаtivе and nеgativеform of thе verbs givеn.

a сa. oU- sгр

1|rо [ |- 3LJ| ^e

Ъ.е gn ong*аgе, b' l е

г.е Liеi' (Dь but гno.z

d |oI o. ^oтецo"| buL I

tо Еdinburgh but hе

a lоrrу' (drivе)

thе Osсar

Latin or


аl оf it. (do)

to |\еW

Grammar еxtensi0n

6 Rеad the tеXt. Find and сorrесt six mistakеs.

Gеrаld didn,t Wеnt to univеrsity whеn hе was еightееn. Не

didn,t study vеry hard at sСhool, and hе didn,t tо gеt gоod

mаrks' Не wоrkеd in an оffiсе, but hе didn,t Iikе it' Hе didnt

hаdn,t ]ntеrеsting jоbs tо do' Hе spеnt h s frее timе With his

friеnds аnd thеy stаrtеd а lэand. Hе dld his оffiсе jоb а|1 dаy,

:-i е\]еrу еvеning hе did sing With thе lэand in сlubs and

:a.:- *е dldn,t nоt think thеy соu]d bе fаmоus, bUt onе Пight

. .-.:.:. : .]. -.еi. sроttеd thеm. Тhеy sigпеd a сontГaСt thе

i:.' . .'. -:: ,.: G:'а1d nеvеr cidn,t gо |эaсk tо thе оffiсе agаin.

4 Look at thе tаb|е. Мake six sеntеnсеs about whatTom аnd Ursulа did or didn,t do yеstеrdаy.

rliсit an nld nдrcnnv,J,L u v,u Pr Jv'

ring a friеnd


Writе thrее truе sentenсes about whаt you did or

didn,t do yеsterdаy. Usе thе aсtivitiеs in thе tablеin 4.




cnр)l^ tn,а tр,iгhtrr

I tom


4 Ursu а


nn tn (ahnn


Page 68: Gateway A2 WB

lдIt. :в and entrrtаinment

.. = э.JZZ|e.

СompIеtе thе tаblе with rvords from l . \iоs: .'. ]:into more than onе сolumn'


3 Jamеs Сamеron

6 Yеhudil\4еnuhin

8 ]\4оzart

9 Frеdеriсо Garсia Lorса

1 0 Frаnсisсо Gоуа

Down'I Brad Pitt

2 Сharlеs Diсkеns

4 luсiаnо Pavarоtti

5 Rudо|f Nurеyеv

7 Аntоn Сhеkhov

Voсаbulаry extrnsi0n

3 Matсh thеsе types of musiс With thеir dеfinitions 1-8.

сoUntrу аnd wеslеrЦ fork hоuse.)aZ7 rаp |еg9aе roСк wоrlо

1 |n wеstеrn Еuropе and Nоrth Amеriса, muslс from othеr

СU IiU rеS.

2 NЛusiс with a hеavy rеguIar bеat, pIayеd оn е|есtriс gUltars.

з т,.Jiii"..r *,|'. n"' a pаrtiСU|ar СoUПtry or rеgiоn.

Playеrs oftеn makе up this kind оf musiс whеn thеу arе

р|ay ng 'L.

Pоpular musiс from thе sоuthеrn pап оf thе USА.

6 Туре оf musiс whеrе thе pеrfоrmеr spеaks оvеr a strong


7 A Lypе оf тооеr.t danсе nusiс.

8 Jаmaiсan musiсians dеvе|оpеd this musiс in thе 1960s.

4 Сan you name a singеr, musiсian or band for еaс. :.:-'i * "

trlnдq in f ?







5 Whаt aboutуou?

What js yоur favоuritе tуpе of m;. :



Page 69: Gateway A2 WB


Gross.сurriсular - LitеrаtuгеRogеr MсЕough

1 Do you |ikе rеаding poems? What poеts do you study аt

sсhool? Do you know the nаmes of any British poets?

Rеаd this tеХt about an ЕngIish poet.

The 1ife aзъd кrsrks *fRоgеr *lЕ*G*elg1r

Roger МсGough is awеIl-known and popuJar

Bтjrish poer' Hе was born]n L]vетpool on l\ovеmber6' 19З7 He studiedFтenсh at thе Univеrsilvnf L{lll' At :hаt ',.mо 1,he

university librarian wasнnl,L1р Larкm' anotnrtlJrltlsn poet.

In tnе eаr|У 1960s, N4сGOU8h

rеturned tO LiVеrpoo]' lt WaS

an еXсltin8 tlmе tO bе thеrе.N4сGoU8n mеt thе famouspoр band. Тl]е Bеat|еS, аПd

anothеr two mUSlсians Са||еd Mikе MсGеar and John Gorman.Witn thеse two УouПg mеn, |\4СGough formеd а соmеdy bandCa||ed Тhе Sсaffo|d' Тheу hаd some hit а|bums' Тhеir song Li|У

thе Pink was number onr in the Britisn Сhаrts in 1968' N4СGough

Wrotе ТaГy oг thеir Songs' Hr also Wrote a |оL о. LГе sс.ipts iг Т"еBеаt|еS, funnу movie сa||еd Ye||ow Submarinе '

|V]Ccough pubIished twо bеst-sе||ing bооks оf роеms Witt] AdrianHrnri and B[ian Pattrn. Тhеsе thrее poets Wеrе Cа||еd tnе


роОтc, ho.:||cр thр\/ \^/Arо Яl frоm | 'tlрrnnn| 2..l tl. ^ -i '. . L^ - .^ ,..'-J,.-|UO'||v| |LvLjJUU| o Ut |Е||Vс t |Е,с|)

сa]|rd thе |V]ersrУ'

|VanУ bOoks оf pоеms fо||owеd, and |VсGоugh sti|| wrltes fоradults аnd сhi|drеn. Hе ОVеS p|аУln8 with wоrds, аnd hs poеms

a.r Oftеn vеry witтy. Hе ГOW рrеsе.lts а BBс rаdio prog.аГIrTе

сa||еd Poеtrу еiease. Listrnеrs Writr to |VlСGoUgh and ask t0 nеar

thеir favouritе poеms _ o|d or nеw

Hеrr is One of Ro8еr N4СGoUgh,s poems.

Poem for a dead PoetHе was a grrat poеt hе was,A рroper poеt'Hе said thingsthat madе yоu thinkand said them nrсelу.He saw Lhingsthat You or I

сould nеver seеand saw them о}early'

Не had a way with languagе,I:nagеs flосkеd arоund::: tjke birds,S: 5:a:lс:s. hе was,э- :::э -.''.:::is Words?-,',:'.,. .:'э::-;-:

a-:тtosi makе ,еm talk,

68 unir 7

Roqеr МсGоugh,s p.;b snеd ir'оrk lnс udеs

о 27 рoеtry bооks ior асu .s о аn аutоbоgrаphy

O l9poеtryboоksfо.сh;clе" . mаПypoеmsinОthеrсol|есtiOns

о 2 p|ays

Matсh the words to the definitions.

i ф"'

; ii;





hаppеn аftеr somеthing е|sе

wriгtег wогds of а рlay оr tеlеvisiоn

рrogrammесlеvеr аnd funny

liя оf СDs ttlаt реор|е boughт most in

thе wееk bеforе

produсе .nаny соp,еs ofа boоk or

pареr fоr pеоp|е tо buy

еntеrtainmеnt tо mаkе pеоplе lаugh

a suссеssfuI sorg оr СD

Arе thе sеntеnсes true (T) or fа|sе (F) or is thе informаtion notmentionеd (NМ) in the text?




lt/сGough spоkе Frеnсh with a British aссеnt.

Hе wеnt bасk to Livеrpоо| bеforе hе was 3О.

Hе was onе оf thе musiсians in a band сa |еd

Тhе Bеat еs'

Тhе Bеаtlеs,numbеr onе hit wаs са||еd ti y thе Pink

Thе mоviе Yе||ow Subnаn,te Was а соmеdy.

Тhе Mеrsеy pоеts had twо hits in thе сhaгts.

lVсGоugi w iLеs сhiIdrеn,S O а) s b-L iis оое.s аrе

jlst fоr аdults.

/оu сan somе[inеs hеа, МсС'о'tоl'c оортc nn lhe

radiо prоgrammе.




Rеad MсGoughЪ poеm. Hе writеs that thе poet сould dospесiaI things. What wеre thеy?

and niсе1y.

and с|еarlу.

What about you?

Do yоu likе rеаding роеtry? Glvе а rеasоn fоr yоur answеr.

Сan you namе a mоdеrn poеt from yоur соuntry?



Hе сouId say ' , ''',, '',,, ,,,.

H"" сou d sее

Hе сou|d mаkе words

Page 70: Gateway A2 WB

Past simpIe _ questions аnd short answеrs

1 Сomplеtе thе grаmmar tab|е With did or didn't,


question ] t"l / уaul hе / shе / it / wе /I

thеy danсе?

(b) /уoо /hе / shе / it / vvе l

i rаl

Writе short answеrs that arе truе for you.

1 Did you еat fish ast Пight?

2 Did yoU stUdy Еnglish 1аst yеar?

З ;i; y"' *.,к. 'p

b;i;'; ';;;;


4 Did yоu havе a swim bеfоrе brеakfаst?

s Ыil y.' ii.i'r-. .rl yЬ'iH"Ь.'*Ьiк i,'iй..кi

6 Did you havе а maths tеst yеstеrday?

.,.. ;;;;;; ; ;;..";.:; ;;.,,; ;.;. ;;.;;,,,l

tеППis / wбеn / Nаda| / р|аying / starr / dld / ?

2 mаkе/thеу /|arrу/did/whеn /?ottеr/asti thе /fi|m/?

, ;; ;.;t-n,i)o ir,, i,iili,,r ;;;4 Bееthovеn /did /symphоny/writе/whеn/first / his / ?

' ;;/;; /;. й;.,;';;;;;; iin,.)'."..,,

Mаtсh thе quеstions .' ;;;;;;;..;;;;;-;;.1 Did yоur mothеr mаkе yоur sandwiсhеs todaу?2 Did yоu еn;oy thе fi]m yoU sаW Iаst Пight?3 Did yоur brоthеr сa|] his foоtbal| соасh yеstеrday?4 Did you а l hаvе fun at thе party Iast Saturday?5 Did yоur friеnds buy yоu sоmе musiс fоr yоur birthday?6 Did it rаin whеn yoU Wеnt to thаt mUsiс fеstiva|?

a Yеs, wе did. |t wаs grеat, thanks.b Nо, thеy drdn,t' Тhеy bought mе а DVD'с Nо, I dldnt I don,t lkе Jоhnny Dеpp.d Yеs, it did but Wе sti l еПjoyеd it|

е Yеs, shе did. Shе mаkеs thеm еvеry dаt,,

f Yеs, hе did. Hе rang him aftеr diпnеr'

Look аt thе undеrIined words. Writе a question for еaсhstatеmеnt. Stаrt eaсh with thеsе quеstion words.

How muсh What Whеfе Whеn Whiсh Why

1 Thеy hе|d thе Wintеr o ympiсs in -Саnаda.

whсre dld theу hold thr w|иtpr o|ушp-lс;?

2 Hе wrotе a sad pоеm bесausе his frtmd diеd.

З Shrеk thе mоviе mаdе mil tопs of do.l|aш

+ йаri ,n йon,o. ;;;' ;;; ;;;'io;;i i; ';;;;

5 L.-]sain Bоlt wоп thе lО0m rасе

6 . а -,е OеroV payеd Bасгo..l.,stiо|ir е,g1y63,

Rеаd thе ansWеrs and writе thе quеstions.

1 Dd/oи wаtсh Tr lаst иght?Yеs, wе did Wе sаW а Vеry gооd prоgrаmmе аst night.


-; ; ; ;;;;; ;" ;;;*;;;i;,;;;

.,;;, ; ; ;,; ,i ;;;.;; ;;;;4

Nо, thеy didn,t hаvе pizzа yеstеrday.


Nо, wе didn,t mееt oUr friеnds ln tоt,rln,


r., ,t.. сlid Srе эРСГ| о'.С, ^

thеy sее а fi m?

Yеs, /you / hе/shе / iI / wе / Ihеу

Nо, /yоu / hе/shе l it / wе / IhеУ

Grаmmаr extrnsi0n

7 Answеr thе quеstions eb: -1 l-lI U,t

Page 71: Gateway A2 WB

An anеоdote about a sрeсial weekеnd

1 Look аt thеsе words dеsсribing a wеekеnd еvent. Whiсh twowords desсribе a bad еvеnt?

br1lliant сoоl gnnгl inгrдг]ih]о intоrосtiПg" :-' t"] -^ '",.^]*..r "1.*r^.-,^l

Паsly г се pсl сLL 9 |LU|'|U| LdU|с

2 Сhoosе the сorrесt rеsponsеs to show intеrеst.

1 Wе wеnt tо Nеw Yоrk Iast yеаr.

а Did you gеt his аutоgraph?b Rеа|ly?

2 l mеt а singеr from thе band.

a Did yоu?

b ls hе?

З Wе hаd thе bеst sеats nеar thе frоnt.

a Why?

b ТhatЪ inсrеdib|е!

4 tirst thеy sаng my fаvоuritе song'

а What timе did thеy start?

b Thеn whаt happеnеd?

3 Сomp|еte thе dialoguе with ехprеssions from thе Iist.

сoo| Did yоu jnсrеdib е lntеrеstinggoоd wееkеnd pеrfесt wееkеnd thеn what Rеa |y

Guy: Hоw аrе yоu, Ju еs? Did yоu havе a

(a) ?

JULIA: Yеs, ] hаd an (b) timе' |t was thе

(с) l

GUY: Oh yеаh? What did yоu do?

JULlA: Wе wеnt tо a shоw са|lеd tеgaIly B|оndе'

GuY: (d) ? Whеrе Was that?

JULIA: lt was in Lоndоn,s Wеst Еnd _ at thе SаvоyТhеatrе'

Guy: Whеn did you gо?

JUL|A: Wе wеnt to thе aftеrnооn pеrformаnсе and thеn wеnt


Guy: (e) ? You wеnt baсkstagе? Тo mееt thе aсtors?

JULlA: Yеs. Мy aunt wоrks at thе thеatrе so shе knоws thеm a l.

GUY: l.аL s zе"y (f ) ,,

JUL|A: Yеs, I toоk phоtоgraphs оfthе danсеrs and gоt sоmе

аutоgrаphs tоol

GUY: .". (g) haрpеnеd?

JULIA: .:. ..'.'О оf thе shоw,s sta[5 сamе for apizza with usI

Guv: ': (h) !

Talking about photos

1 Whеrе is it?

2 What is hаppеning?

3 Whо Сan you sеe in thе phоtо?

4 What kind оf musiс arе thеy реrfоrming?5 What kind of pеоp|е arе 1lstеning?

5 Now Iook at thе sесond photo and answеr the samе

quеstions. |f you arе not sure of something, saу I think and/orlimаginе.

6 Whаt аbout you?

Whiсh musiс еvеnt wоu]d you Iikе to go to? Givе a rеаsоn fоryo|-][ aПsWеr.

Unit 7

Page 72: Gateway A2 WB

A biography

.l Look at the photo of МiсhaеI Jaсkson. Whаt do you knowabout him? Writе three things beforе you rеаd thе tеXt.

2 Rеаd the biogrаphy and сomp|еtе with thеsе words.

Аftеr that At thе agе оf Гivе yеаrs aftеr thаt1977 on 25 ]unе 2009 whеn hе was 33

Мiсhае Jaсkson was bоrn on 29 Algust 1951 in Gаry, ndiаna,

USA Hе wаs thе sеvеnth of ninе сhiIdrеn. Нis musiсa сarееr

bеgаn in l95б, whеn his fаmi y stаrtеd а band сai|еd Тhе

]асksоn 5. (а) fivе, young Мiсhае WaS thе |еad

s ingеr.

Тhе bаnd rесordеd l4 а bums. Thе first four sоngs wеrе а|

numbеr оnе hits. |n (b) , Мiсhае] ]aСKsoП madе

his first fi m. (() , in l9B2, hе mаdе his mоst

suссеssfu a1bum,Thri||еr in ]98a, (d) , hе еft thе

lэаnd and stаrtеd to sing sоlо.

(e) , hе соnr ПUеO to maKе suссеssfu| аlbums

aпd musiс vidеos'

Оthеr fаmous musiсiаns, stars оf hip-hор, rосk and pop musiс,

fo |оwеd his lэri] iаnt singing аnd dаnсing stylеs' \4iсhае| Jaсksоn

сhаngеd his appеаrаnсе many timеs, so phоtоgrаphеrs аnd

journа ists wеrе always iПtеrеstеd in him. (f) , hе

diеd suddеn|y ]n h js Los Аngе еs hоmе.

3 Answеr thе questions аbout MiсhаеI Jасkson.

1 Whеn wаs hе bоrn?

2 Hоw o|d was hе whеn his саrееr bеgan?

3 Whеn did hе mаkе h]s flrst fiIm?

+ wlаt v\аs . 5 .l oSL >UССо\" Ur а|oum]

5 Givе oПе rеаsoП why pеоplе Wеrе iПtеl-еstеc Г | -.

6 | оw o|d wа. rе ц hеr hе diео,

4 Look at thе photos. Do you know who thе pеop|е arе? Whatdo you know about thеm?

5 Look at thе biographiсal notеs аnd matсh the notes withthе piсturеs.

lI npril 1619/1_ Мarсh з,] 1995

Lakе Jaсksоn, Техas, USA

Меxiсап-Amеriсаn singеrFirst a1bum аgеd 12

Геmа|е Vоса|ist of thе Yеar ,] 987

Diеd whеn shоt by thе prеsidеnt о| hеr fan с|ub

Е ]unuur.y 27 1756_ Dесеmlэеr 5 ] 79lSа|zburg, Аustria

Stаrtеd сomрosing аgеd 5

Wrotе first symphоny at 9

First work publishеd in Pаris in 1764 (4 solа:;.Famous opеras:Тhе Мarriаgе of Гigаlо ].


Dоn Giоvаnni (l 787), Тhе Magiс Flutе . -

Bесаmе i1l аnd diеd whi|е соmposil..] . . ]. : .

Сhoosе onе of thе musiсians in 5 and t',,'':. . s..-.with the informаtion in thе notеs. Usе tr: ,., : ,:: ..expressions of timе in 2. Аdd any mOr. ..:.-.-.. -

or сan find out


Unir T

Page 73: Gateway A2 WB



t Cоmparative adjeсtives

t ЕeeIings l Personaiity l

l Desсribtng а phоto

l A formаl Ietter of opinion

l Superlativе аdjeсtives




1 Rеаd the sentenсеs. Matсh thesе adjесtivеs offее|ing

to thе sеntenсеs.

angry bоrеd еxсitеd iffi.rеlaxеd sad surрrisеd wоrriес]

1 ,Тhis bоok is gооd аnd 1,m еnjoying it. |t,s a gооd

subJесtJ iиtеrеotсd

2 ,Dоn,t соmе ln hеrе in thosе dirty shоеsl Go оn, gеt

o-L, гОW',Hеy, iistеnl 1,vе gоt somе tiсkеts fоr a grеat сonСеrt

to^ o'.o\^' са' ,t

ла -,

,'m сrу,ng bесausе my dоg diеd this mоrning. Iovеd

my dоg-'

'Тhеrе,s ПotniП-q ог ТV аrс nоlllnс tо dо, Аnd аl m1,

aiе dsarе. .,,l,m.1ust having а niсе hot Oаih aПd гг iее ng vеi.1,

Са - а.d'аpо,',It,s

2 аm аnd my sоn isn,t homе. I hоpе hеs 0KJ

,l\/е? Rеai y? l,vе gоt thе first prizе? Wоw, thаt's

inсrеd iblеl,

Сhoose the сorrесt aIternativе.

] Doеsyourtеaсhеrshoutand gеtborеd/аngrуwhеnyoU doП,t do your homеwork?

2 Hе,s уеrУ tntеrеstеdltе]охеd in histоry. Hе wаnts to

study it whеn hе,s о]dеr.

З Мy раrеnts arе Vеry ехсLIеd/worriеd bесausе my

graП0moтnеr Is Пot Wе| '

4 Shе was sцprlsеd/sсd whеn hе lnvitеd hеr out. Hе

doеsг L r.lsuа .y dо LЦаt

5 | nеvеr gеt tntеrеstеd/bQ1'еd'. ,vе

а|ways got а lot оf

diffеrеnt things to do.

6 0f сoursе it is vеry a1grу/.Sad whеn an о|d friеnd diеs.

7 Hе was so borеd/е'хсitеd whеn hе mеt Rоonеy' Не

соu dn,t stop ta king abоut it.

8 Dоn,t pаniс! Еxаms оftеn go bеttеr whеn уоu,rеrе|qхеd1аngrу


3 Look at thе сluеs and сomp|еtе thе puzz|е. Whаt is the word in thеshаdеd сoIumn?

1 p|еasеd аnd rе]axеd, nоt sad

2 good at thinking, undеrstand ng аnd еаrn ng

З put a Iot of timе аnd еffоrt intо wоrk4 think сarеfu ly, don,t find things funny5 not happy bесаusе bad things happеnеd оr соu|d happеn6 dо what thеy sаy thеy arе 9оing tо do7 сomfortab е, don,t Worry or paniс about things8 pоsitivе and friеndiy

9 niсе аnd hе|pfuI to pеop е

10 dоn,t say muсh,l 1 dоn,t Iikе wоrking оr making any еffоrt

Тhе wоrd in thе shadеd со|umn is:

4 Matсh thе hаIvеs ofthe sentеnсes.

1 Hе didn,t s|ееp аst night so a

2 Shе sееms vеry sеrious bЗ Jim gеts gооd rеsu ts с

lэесa us.o

4 Don,t bе |azy. Gеt uр

5 Dоgs arе intе |igеnt so

6 Тhе сhiIdrеn arе tоo quiеt.


Writе threе sеntеnсеs about yourse|f, and threе about a friend' Usеsix diffеrеnt adjесtivеs to dеsсribе fee|ings or pеrsonaIity.



4 Мy Г'iе.d

5 Hе/Shе

6 Hе/Shе

аnd do sоmеthingIhе,s vеry hard-wоrking.thеy undеrstand whatyou say.

What arе thеy dоing?hе,s tirеd this morning'

but shе саn bе gоod fun.

Unit I

Page 74: Gateway A2 WB

' -cok at thе tit|е of thе tеXt. Whаt do you think it is аbout?

э lhе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn gir s аnd bоysэ thе diffеrеnсе in opiniопs bеtwееn oldеr and yоungеr pеоplес thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn o|dеr pеоp|е and parеnts

2 Now rеad the tеxt and сhесk your answеr.

Mаtсh the dеfinitions with thе undеrIined words from thеtеXt.

,l ablе to mаkе yOUr oWП dесisions and Iivе yоur ifе frее from

сon |'or

2 a соuntry,s аrmеd forсеs: аrГny, nаVy аnd аir forсе

З thе орpоrtunity to сhооsе

4 thе systеГn tO оrganisе a СoUntry,s industry аnd mоnеy

5 а grоup оi pеоp е, born and living аrоund thе samе timе

4 Сhoosе thе сorrесt a|tеrnаtivе with informаtion from thе tеXt.

] Bе|оrе thе 1 920s, pеоplе

а didn.t са g1r|sthi drеnl

b d On t usе thе word,tееnаgеrslс о dеr ihaП l9 wеrе,tееnagеrsl

2 l thе l95Оs, Аmеriсаn bоys had toa gеt а lryifе аnd hаvе a familyb go to соI еgе оr lnivеrslty.с wоrk оr go intо thе mi itаry'

3 Аftеr thе ,l95Оs,

а Аmеriсans wеrе riсhеr bесalsе thеir сhi]drеn wеrе frее.

b parеnts соu1d hе|р thеir сhiIdrеn gеt а bеttеl.еduсatiоn.с fаmi iеs wеrе strongеr bесausе thеy hаd ГПorе moПеy'

4 Lifе сhаngеd fоr tееnagеrs bесаusеа sсhоo| Wd) f*rniеr.b thеy had mоге monеy аnd nо sсhoо|.с thеy hаd thе]r oWП monеy to 5pеnd.

5 o|dеr pеop|е did not UПdеrstanda thе Way tееnаgеrs spokе.

b thе musiс tееnagеrs Iikеd.

с why tееПagеrs wоrе diffеrеnt с|оthеs.

g ||/h/сh folэk(s/ does the wrtfernolmenrlbn ln rnе rеXt--

- =*-'**,




Page 75: Gateway A2 WB

Comparative adjeсtivеs

1 Study thе ruIе аnd answеr thе quеstions.

. Wе usе гhdn lП sеntеnСеs thаt соmparе two реop|е, pIaСеs

or rn|Пgs.

. Whеn аdjесtivеs hаvе two or morе sy |abiеs, wе usе thеword morе bеfоrе thе adjесtivе.

,l Whеrе do wе put thе word morе tn сomparativе sеntеnсеs?

2 Whеrе dо wе put thе word Гhсл in сomparаtlvе sеntеnсеs?

2 Rеad thе spе||ing ru|еs for сomparаtive adjесtives. Then fi||

in the tаb|e.

Оnе-sylIab1е adjесtivеs еnding in onе vоwеl аnd оnе

сonsoПaПt, е.q' fаt _ dоub]е thе сoПsoПant and add -еr.

Twо-sy lаblе аdjесtivеs еnding in -y, е.g. hаppу,. amiI y and add



еа sy

fa st

l-lа p pу

notfriеn d |у




slowkin d



аngryfunnyп liot

tnln itа|] l

Сomp|ete thе sеntenсеs with сomparаtivе adjeсtives from 2.

,l HеnrV hard|r/ еvеr hе|ps at hоmе, but his brоthеr ]s

|_е оoеь гoLh.rgl

2 Тhе еxаm isn't diffiсult. It s

onе that ltzсs hаrdl

3 Vo* havе to spеrd тоrе тоrеу .f уоu wагL а

|се С[еaГn.

4 А motоrbikе is

5 Тhе Pyramids arе


6 А pIanе usua|1y f|iеs

Look at thе ru|еs about Iongеr and irrе9uIar adjесtivеs. Whiсhsеntеnсе goеs with whiсh ruIе?

а Тo makе adjесtivеs wlth two or moГе sy| ablеs Сompаrativе, putmоre ое|оrе Lhе аdjес-i. е'

b Sonе ad,есL,rоs l.аvе r.ео.lа .oтоа'oL.vеs tо 9ivе а d'f.еrегt


.l Тhе wеathеr is goоd tоdаy but it was bеtter yеstеrdаУ.

? Цennрс iq ml.р.e<n l15i31g Lnan nis оrоthеr |-гг.

Сhoosе the сorrесt altеrnativе.

. т^ |t , - г . .| | l |с ||с U| d Lсс |dЧс| L)

2 thi^k a dо9 is тo"е intе||'gеnt vlоrtiеd thаr а саt'

3 Не |ооks marе sеrious/.tntеrе5ting, but hе is vеry gооd fun.

4 l\laths is a mоrе hаrd.wa-rktng/dif7сulr subjесt thаn art.

5 Shе WaS morе rе|qхеd(bеqut|fцl whеn hеr еХагns Wеrе oVеr'

6 Wе dаnсеd whеn thеy p|ayеd mоrе ехсitеd/сhееrful musiс.

Сomplete thеse sentenсеs with thе сompаrаtivе form of thе

adjесtive givеn.







Тhе visiting tеam ran

Hеr housе is '', ''',,, ',,,

Lifе was

n Inе Пousе'

Тhis hоliday wаs

I hоpе yоu fее

Мrs Hо| in is а lоt

(fa0 than wе did.

(unusual) than thе nеighbоurЪ.

(bаОr Оеtorе wе l.аd gаdgеt: lo hе p

(ехpеnsivе) thаn оur Iast onе.

(gооd) аftеr thаt |оng slееp.

(prасtiса|) thаn hеr huslэаnd.

tnan tnе 1ast

thаn а Dikе,

thаn thе Hоusеs оf

thаn а hе|iсоptеr.

Grammar extension

7 Look at the piсturе and сomparе thе two friеnds. You сan use

thе сomparativе forms of these adjесtivеs, or other adjeсtivеsthat you think of.

сhееrfu| ]оng oId sаd 5еr:ous shоrt wоr.,еd

Unit 8

Page 76: Gateway A2 WB

Soсiаl рroblems

Сomp|еte thе words for soсial prob|еms with thе missingvowels (а, е, i, o, u),

1 p v rty 5 p t n

2 h m ssn Ss 6 v nс

3 сr m 7 n mpl yгn nt

4 w r 8 h ng r

2 Rеad thе diсtionаry dеfinitions and mаtсh еасh onе l.,,i:h а

word from I.

] а Jaсk оffood that сaП СaUsе i lnеss оr dеath

2 not having mоnеy to рay fоr basiс nееds

3 using physiсa forсе to hurt pеop|е оr thiпgs

4 hаving nо job оr paid wоrk

5 having no hоmе, nowhеrе to ivе

6 |е9аI а --'V:-'еs

7 асtiоns that damagе air, land or Watеr

8 tnis саn haрpеn whеn twо сountriеs don,t agrее

Voсаbulary extensi0n

3 Rеad thе еxtraсts from newspapеr artiсIеs' Matсh еaсh onеwith thеsе soсiаl prob|ems. Тherе is onе еxtra in thе Iist.

сrimе hоmеlеssпеss hungеr роllutiоп unеmрlоymеnt

Bad water сauses manv deaths пТhе peoplе of a йllage in Bangladеsh are vеIy sad this wееk.

Сhеmiсals from a ioсal faсtory еsсaped into the Watеr sуstеm.

\Iany poот familiеs drink fтom rivетs, and many diеd aftеr thе


Job centre has most ditfiсult month of the yearсOTTЕNHАМ Job Centre had to hе|p morе oеGD е iЬa. -s-э .

' -this year' Approximate|y З00 men аnd v'о..э. ,..:. .: -::з :а-..to ask for adviоe in that period. N4anv ha."э S' s .-::.:.. : s:not enough work.

Rеgions of Wa1es need new hоmеs, says a теport published tоday.Young pеoplе arе lеaving thе Welsh valleys beсause houses aretoo еxpensive fоr thеm' Sоmе arе livlng оn the сity streets' Housingсompaniеs are asking foт permission to build new' сhеaper homеson open соuntrysidе.

.-..::li: -'i,tilttt

:] .].' ."I,.ir].].l{]с] аili.ritt ibrlсl].. .].- ::]r гаinl' seаsоIl. аtlсl.:l lllеiг fiеlds. 'Ouг

1leoрlеheг соutltгies,. sa\ s oilе,

\ -;- --.r -.1]..Lс:'-. :'' ргсrlэ1еtls

Unit 8

Page 77: Gateway A2 WB



lnternаtionаl сulturаl knowIеdge _ NeIson Mаndelа

Look at thе piсture and rеad thе namе. Whаt do you knowаbout this man?

Rеad the tехt and сhесk your answеr.

The wholeWorld watсhed

on thе 27th Аpтtl \994,Lhе wholе wor]d walсhеdSоuth Afтiсa. 1\{i1lions оfnдnnlд rдlя i.рг] fnr ьn .5 [6УvvУru

votе, Mеn сarтiеd old andеieL nоnnlо тn thо \/nl l.п

n|асcs Оffiг..]|c .Iom

оthет сountriеs rмatсhеdtoo. Thеy wantеd thееlесtions to bе farr.

-l' | оnk .га.v dаvs tr- соL]nL

thе Votrs but it Was soonсlеar who thе wrnnеlтдzэс .ГJrд nдтдz nrдс ir.]an i11Е vv Р| сD IuЕ| |u

beliеvеd that pеoрlе of al] raсеs and со]оurs сou1d livеrnnaIhAr in naяпд дnr..] опllэ|itr, -Гha nотдт nтaоr.]an| \a/.dUvУUtl19L 111 УЕuLо O||U ЕЧuo||Uy' L j1с 1lсVV v|ЕЭluЕLIL vvoЭ

Nelson Mandela.

Nе1son l\zlandеla beсamе South Afтiсa's рresidеnt onthе 10' 1\4ay 1994. Many inretnational govеlnmenu1еadеrs met in South Afrrсa. FW dе Klеrk bесameг]оn trz nrрqidдnт -Гhр ].lr 'lг] inп nГ A nA\A/ гnl nIrrz nnll|г]vvPgu) P 9Jtцv11U' L|ЧLll\, vl LlLry UUuLu


Mandеlas Limе as р.еsidеnl Was a Limе of gтеat^r^Ьl^m. -n^ -т^aI Ar^^.оee Qnllth A Гr i^. '^'.. .^. |.'.РlUUlсl]ro o]tu 9|ЕоL UrUv-ЕJJ. UUuuI ,

^lllud VVdь |Ud]|y

two Countliеs. Hr wantеd all South Afrrсans |o sharеAnA

^^llntт\/vaau UvцarLl у.

Whеn аpaтrhеid еnded. South A|riсa сoulo again ttadеwith other Countlirs. This hе1реd thе eсonomy'

Mandela did what he thoughL was righL. Hе .oughl Io"Гтддг]nm Anri дпllдlit-z Tt -^'.о ^

.l^hd .n^ ..] Гi.i.Ir]l ГiaЬtqtrЧ 9Чцut]Uy' lL VVoo o |Ullv o||ц u,, IUцlU I]У-lL'

buLhеwon rn Lheеnd. In2ОО4, atthеagеot еighLу.Iive'Nе1son Mandеla rеtirеd' Hе had thе lovе and rеspесt оfmi]]ions of pеoplе. Now it Was timе to rest.

$ rшi rш iц Ёоi$д1 ,щ.о .'.=

sоп Nlаndе]а sреnt 27 yeаrs in prisoп on Robbеn slаnd.

О .:.-'0 shеd his аutobiоgгарhy Long Wа|kta Frееdom in 1995'. - ./00o ., \,4o,oo^ l ,ё6с ar a A,4o1dд o,

мatсh the words and definitions.

1 а pa rtheid

2 еquality

З prоgrеss

4 raсе

5 sаnсtions

a pеoplе simiIar bеса.lsе оf histоry,

bе|iеfs, sk n Сo|oUr еtс

b оnly writе pео0|е СoU|d Votе Undеr thissysLеm

stopp;rg trаdе with а Сountry for

ooIiтiСаl rеаsons

Ьаviг9 Lhе samе rights as othеr реoplеgoiП9 ГОrwards, gеn:ng bеttеr


3 Answеr thе questions with information from the text.

1 Why did оffiсia]s from othеr СoUntriеs wаtсh thе еlесtioПs

in 1994?

2 Who bесamе prеsldеnt that yеar?

З Whо Wаs his dеputy?

4 Нow manyyеars;;;;;;'

4 Сhoose the сorrесt аltеrnativе with information from thе tеХt.

Mаny pеop е

а waitеd a ong tiГnе to Votе.

h .rn,,пl.t.hр e'ргtiоn 'д,as fа.t

с Wеl'е too siсk to votе.

||.o new n,e..dent hр|.evеO 'na Сo]our.

b raсе.

с еq ua Iity.

Мandе|а hаd

a а mееtiПg With dе K|еrk.

b an important dеputy.

с a iot of work to do.

Hе stоppеd bеing prеsidеnt in

a 1 985.

b 2О04.

с 2ОО9.

What about you?

WоuId vo- |ikе то .еаd th s bioоrаоhy? Сivе a rеаso. fo" your


76 unit 8;-

Page 78: Gateway A2 WB

аdjeсtive superlative

^^^.,,t-t.l^U |Е )y] oU|Е kin d


lnе K]nOеsI


nnр cri||аЬ о рnd]nп

in onе vowе| and

onе сonsoПanI



IПе D ggеsI


trдln <v||аh рq endinп'" _ " j



tЬ^ |1f;^.+t с |o. с)t


Г\^in r]r mnrр cv l,]h|рc sеrIoUs

bоringthе Гnost 5еrioUs


rrеgU аr DаO


ihе Worst


thе fаrthеst/furthеst

Suрerlаtive adjeсtives

1 Сomp|еtе thе grammar tabIе with thе сorrесt supеr|ative

2 Сomplеtе the sentenсes with the supеrIativе forms of theadjесtives.

.l Thе nеW apаrtmеnt

our lown.

2 Frаnсtnе is

З WhatЪ


4 Who's

5 Fеbruary ls usuа y

6 | think povеrty is


7 Shе says Japanеs." is

|еa rn.

8 Не said

(ta l)building in

Сomp|еtе thе sеntеnсеs with the сompаrative or supеr|ativeforms of thеsе аdjeсtives.

со|d еxреnsivе high hоt big lоng

Is tonОoП thаn Shеffiе d? Yеs, lt s

Сity in Еngland.

than thе Rhinе. lt's

rivеr in thе lvоl. о

Тhе Ni|е is

lVоunt Еvеrеst is ''. '' .' -: - . . -

in thе wоr d.

|t,s thап i\4ount Kilimanjarо ln Аi.:,Thе BugattiVеyrоn is probabiy

сar you СaП buy. |tЪ than a Fеrrarl,

Aгtа"сtita .,, ,, ,, ,, (О' ' : , .

thе wor d. t,s thаn Asia.

lhеy sаy tlаt Г Az ziа in bvа .s O сte .. -

word. t,sеVеn thаnDеаthValеyinАrizопа,

b]осk is

(prешy) g r| in оur sсhооl'

(impопant) subjесt on thе

(о1d) pеrson in yоur с|ass?

1соld) rorL^ оГthеyеa'

(sеriоus) sосiaI prоb еm

(diffiсu t) langUagе to

(funny) thing hе соu d think of,

Сomp|еte thе sеntеnсes so thеy arе truе for you.

1 Тhе bеst party l Wеnt to ast ГПonth Wa5

Thе most intеrеsting fiIm L sаw ast yеar Was

3 Тhе wоrstТV рrogrammе watсhеd |ast Wееk Was

4 ln my оpiniоn, thе п-lost lnсrеdiblе sport5pеrson in thе ''iс.


5 ] think thе most sеriоus soсiа| prob еm wе havе is

6 Тhе funniеst prеsеПt got on my last birthdаy wаs

Grammar еxtensi0n

5 Find six mistakes in thе diаry еntry and сorrесt them.

.: <^о.'r,s' isаid,

ih nk оf anything

]nt..]]igеni to Sауl

Unit I

Page 79: Gateway A2 WB

Desсribing а photo

1 You саn use thе undеrIinеd еxprеsiions in sentenсеs a_еto dеsсribе a photo. Rеad thе еxprеssions аnd answеr thеquеstions.

a Wе саn 5ее а groUp оf bоys' Thе boy in thе m1ddlе dоеsn]t

ooK Vеry nаppy.

b l thtnk р.еthaps thеy arghаv]рg a fight about somеthing.с Shе oо.ks angry' on thе Lеft Wе Сan sее а brokеn window'd lVaybе it,s a biпhday pапy. Thеy|L" gating party fоodе Тhis ls a piсtU1u" of а sсhoо| rооm in thе l950s, think

1 What еxprеsslоns dо wе usе Whеn Wе аrе not lОО% surе оfSomеthiПg?

What tеnsе dо wе usе whеn wе dеsсribе whаt is hаppеningin а piсturе?

3 What еxprеssiоns dеsсribе whеrе somеthing or sоmеbоdу is?

4 W^o ^ p,.,, o., Сd' \^е -\е to oРqi' -1^ qn.'гr'ptio./

Comparing photos

3 Look at thе first photo.

thе exprеssions from .]

Dеsсribe whаt you сan sее in it. Use

and 2, аnd thе quеstions to hе|p you.

Look at thе photoworo5.

at tг]е tab|е it-l

on thе tal] е in

Сomp|еtе thе dеsсription with thеsе

tnе mldd е оn ihе riEht bеhindГrоnl оn thе еft insidе

.l Who Сan you sее in thе photo?

2 Whаt yеаr do you thiПk this ls?

З Dеsсribе whеrе thе pеoplе аrе.

4 What arе thеy doiПg?5 Whаt do you think thеy arе tа|king аbout?6 Who сookеd thе fоod, dо yоl think?

4 Now desсribe the seсond photo. Answеr thе same quеstions.If you arе not sure of something, saу lthinkandlor limaginе.

5 What about you?

Whаt аrе mеа| timеs |1kе in your hоusе? Whiсh photо ooks morеlikе your fаmi y at dtnnеr?

This is a piсturе of a fami|y. Тhеy аrе sitting (a)

I think thеy,rе in thеir living room. (b)

a tab е. А gir is sitting (с) пеr СompUIеr Is

and shе,s pIaying оn it. A bоy is sitting

. Hе,s ta king оn his phоnе.

of thе tе еvision, thеrе !s аnоthеr gir '

L |с|l- )




(s) is a wоman. ShеЪ gоt a phonе in hеr hand.

tnlnk shе,s saying thеrе,s а phоnе сa|| fоr thе gir ' А man is

-- "9 (h)

Unit 8


Page 80: Gateway A2 WB

Ц[тгтаl lettеr of opinion

' : =: : thе nеwspаpеr artiс|е and answеr thе questions

..K teеnagers got more poсket money:l\ е years agol .,:сЕNT SURVЕY showed that, оn avеragr, a British tееnagеr

.- . i6.50 pосketmonеу everywееk.This is lowеr than five уеars

.: . rrhеn thе avеragе was 19.75. Thе еxplanation is prоbablу' 1. llany more parеnts arе unеmployed and so familiеs arе

- гег, Tееnagеrs say that lifе is шorе expеnsivе thеsе days, and.:.:: f6.50 is not еnough. Tоday's teеnagrrs neеd to work for

..-!iг llonеy, aссording tо thе writеr of the survеу.

. -.,jow muсh pосkеt monеy did tееПagеrs gеt in thе рast?

З . ^1 а е lаn' еs poоrеr7

4 \,Vhat do tееnаgеrs say abоut 16'50 poсkеt mоnеy?

5 'Vrаt Оo LееПаgtrr5 '-J i;;;i

Rеad this |еttеr to thе еditor. сorreсt the bеginning and ending of thе|еttеr. Then put thе paragraphs into thе сorrесt order.

Dеar Sir/Mrs

Firstly, in my viеw, tееnagеfs today arе verу \azу' Thеy gеt too muсhpoсkеt monеy and thеy dont do anything to еarn it.,46.50 a wееk is alot of monеy. Whеn I was a сhi1d, my Гathеr gavе mе a pound a wееk,Ьut I didnt gеt it for nothing. I had to do somеthing for that pound. Iwaьhеd his сar and сuт thе gгass in thе summеr.

As a paтеnt,1 fееl vеry strongly aЬout thе quеstion ofpoсkеt monеy. IWant to know what othеr pеoplе think aЬout this'

I am writing aЬоut your artiсlе in 1ast night's nеWspaPеr. I agrеесomplеtеly with thе writеr of thе survеy.

Pеrsona1ly' I thlnk thе rеa1 proЬlem is this. А]1 tееnagеfs do is spеndmonеy. Shopping is thеir favouritе 1еisurе aсtivity! Еvеrything thеyЬuy сosts a lot of monеy. ]t is а1so vеry unfair to ask parеnts for morеmonеy. Мany Pafеnts don,t havе a joЬ. Chi1drеn nееd to think of thеwho1е family and not just thеmsеlvеs.

Yours truthfully

Baпteц Pitt

Hеrе is somе information about Writing formal |еttеrs

of opinion. Find and сorrесt thrее mistakes.

. n forГna| еttеrs, Wе usuаlIy usе Сontraсtions. FciеXаmp|е, Wе Writе |,m intеrеstеd nОt I am intеrеstеa


Оth еr реО p | е,s op t n ion s.

. Тo еrprеss oU. оp,1i6p5 wе '.lsе

wotds аnd plrаsеs ,,._

| аgrее / | disаgrее / РеrsОna||у / Whеn Iwаs а сhiid /|n mу оpinion / |n mу viеw.

What do you think аbout thе artiсlе in 1? Do you agrееwith the writеr of thе |etter or not? Answer thеquestions to hе|p you.

Do yоu gеt any poсkеt mоnеy?Hоw muсh poсkеt monеy dо you gеt?

Hоw muсh did you gеt Ia5t yеar?-)о vn,, lаvр tn dо гhn.оs in .lе ho-ьеJDo yо- ag'ее.iaL Lеегagе.s a.е|azу?Arе yоur раrеnt5 fаir, in yоur opinion?

Writе your |ettеr to thе еditor. Usе thе information in

3 and foIIow thе сorrесt paragraph order in thе modе||еttеr.

Givе your opinion with your idеas from 4.




Unir I

Page 81: Gateway A2 WB

Revision: Units 7-BGrammar

'l Put the words in order to mаkе nеgative sеntеnсеs.

1 swimming / swim /Тhеy / thе / рoo| / iп / nor l did2 anу / Shе / buy / not / nеw / did / с|othеs3 grandfathеr / did /writе / tо / еmai / mу /1 / nat / an4 а] / Wе / thе / Пot / hаmburgеrs / еat / did5 thosе / sistеr / Мy / nоt / sоngs / did / соmpоsе

Usе thе sеntеnсеs to mаkе quеstions and answеrs,l

Vit Lоt rа^ тo I[е sЦop'.

7 Yрc

? NO,

? Yеs,

? Yеs,

? Nо,


Сomp|еtе the sеntеnсеs with thе сompаrаtivе form of thеаdjесtivеs given.

1 Thе hаmburgеrs arе usua |y (biq)than this.

2 Garу is с еvеr but hе,s (|azy) than his brоthеr.

3 Тhе Wеathеr today is (bаd) thаn yеstеrday.

4 Dо you think gir|s arе (sеriоus) thаn bоys?

5 Watеr is ''. '',, ,,, -. (gооd) than mi|k whеn yоu,rе thirsty'


6 Сomplеtе thе sеntеnсеs with words for jobs or plaсes of work..l А ', :..s . .ОlstruСtioП and lэui ds or


2 ц ,r[ j '.l', a

З Doсtоrs аnd nursеs иlork :l а or

4ArеsIа U ra nI


3 А quiеt pегsоn

4 А сhееrfuI pеrsоn

5 Аn intе] igеnt реrson6 А rеsроnsiblе pеrsоn

7 А sеrious реrson

brings yоu fоod in аOT

writеs fоr а

2 Dаisy didn,t go оn hо idаy to Ita|y

3 Hе pIayеd thе pianо wе l.

4 Тhеy madе а sandwiсh fоr unсh.

5 Shе didn,t sее th.. fi m-

Сhoosе thе сorrесt aItеrnаtivе.

Lаst yеа 1 Wi l I ia m w as th е fg;tеst/Ih е mo-st fq sl (1 ) ru n nеr. lесou|d а sо rоn thе furthеst/thе ma-st far {2). Hе wasn,t thе |q||е(/

thе tql|еst {з) baу in/af (4) thе с|ass. H is twin brоthеr Patriсk

wаs biggеr гhсt/thоn (5) hi.n

Сomp|еtе thе tab|е.

adjeсtive сompаrative superlative.|


2 k^++^.UELLс|

3 }l.^ Ь^.|+l,^i^.+L||с | сdIL|1lс)t

4 sаd

5 morе boring


Find and сorrесt one mistakе in еaсh sеntеnсe.

] Мozаrt аnd Сhоpin Wеrе two famols pаintеrs.

2 МоnLеvеrо аго гагoе| о;;; ;'... .;;; '

З A quartеt s a piесе оf musiс for two р аyеrs.

4 King Lеаr and оtиеttо a,r|t*,|;;;'; ;; ou ,. u',..'

5 (n р|hрrr ,ln l Гатрrl.l а.е lэоtl. I Ir асLо"s

Сomp|еtе the sеntеnсеs With adjeсtivеs of fее|ing.

] Hаvе yoU got prob|еms? You lоok so s

2 Тlе r|аcs w,]c Inn |nго аld wasn t '

аftеr а goоd

mеa| аnd а quiеt еvеning'

4 Тhеy Wеrе е whеn thе box arrivеd

9 Matсh thе haIvеs of thе dеfinitions.

1 А |azy pеrson я ndрrctдn.]c п iгL lri

2 А hаrd-working pеrson b dоеsn,t lаugh muсh

/ s Diik З Hеfеtr аnO n

or magaz|Пе


с doеsn,t Iikе wоrking.

d dоеs whаt hе/shе shоl|d dо'

е works hаrd and саrеfu |y.

f is hаppy and friеnd|у.

g dоеsn,t tа k muсh'

Сhoosе thе сorreсt аItеrnativе.

1 Thе pallцtpn1рavеrф',. was bаd bесаusе оf smоkе frоm thе fi..2 Нрnеlеssness/Unеmр|oуmr.n't is WhеП you dоn,t havе а jоb.

3 Thе оoliсе trv to stoO thе сrtmе аnd vto|еnсе/wоr an oUr strееt:

/ 3 poirтts









Page 82: Gateway A2 WB

i ;; (ing. -*,..D

. ::аd the short biography.

A famous English woman

,, .,.Diana Sреnсer was born into an aтisLoсtaliс Еngllsh, .. n. n ,t '', 1q^1 lJдт nятогts Ъ--аrсрs and Johnnie.. y v ] t UuIy lvvf.tlvtУqtg|

: =lсеr, WeIe vеIy riсh. Thеy ltvеd tn an еnolmous hоusе,, ,n.-r maттiage Was nor happv. AL Chrisumas 1967' Dianа s

.. - -1еr left hеr fathеr' Hе еmplоyеd nannrеs tо 1ook after the

,r.еn. Wnen Djana was nine, l.e seгt hеr to a iэoаLdlng. : оo1' ]t was a sad сhildhood.

э Ouееn had a house near thе Spenсers'. Diana first mеt.. ...Cе CharIes. thе oueen.s е|dеsL son. iг Lhе сounr,rysidе-..:ar hеr home. She was sixtееn. Thеy werе marriеd on

1 )o ^j Ir| \/ 1qR1 _ it tдrяе я naтfA.l rnmдntiг rдlдnг]'nпv, vuLy ruuf

].-rсеss D.anа woте a wоndеr.u1 'ong с]tess of еxpеnsivе s-lk'-' o'. |nоkрd tlеtll hаг^., ^^ l n:. , ] her new llГe аs а- . с) |JUl\Uu v U]y , ju PРУ' d |lu Uld | |o оLd I U-U

: э.lal wifе'

. ,. сoup.е had twоboys, Wi|.аm and Harrу. Djaгa |оvеd, 'l сnne \/оr\/ m ch L '- +Ь. *-' - an] dООО Оn lhр.. ,- JJ|,о V( |у ..,*U-1' UuL L| |Е |||dl1ldgс Vvd5 tlu.gUUu.

:З.. of August 1996' Charlеs and Drana wеrе drvorсеd. Thе..,-;.^ .,^^. ni^n. Ь^,:!^'' i. |ц. Mеdilеr.aneаn. -1UVVlIl9 yЕdl. Uldllo VvсЭ U I l|U|luoy ILI L|1Е

'.,.h her new fiiеnd' Dodi А| Fаyеd. Thеre wеre ohoLoglарhs. Lnem jn a lthе nrwspареrs, Shе |oоked vеry hapр\u. bui.us.

. fотдr r.] эru q l аtоr eh о

,'.-as dead. Shе dled:.lr]r]дn]rr nn thо ?,1 s!

j Allпllсt in э cат

,ссident in Parrs' and]odr A1 Fayеd drеd...,rth her.

'-]еr beautiful faсe issii1l оne of thе mоst:amous faсes in thе.,'.оrld'


Rеad part of a newspapеr artiс|е about tее.а;..;Writea shortformа| Iеttеrof opinion aboUt i:, *:=:..quеstions to he|p you.

Recent study shows |azу teensjust need more sleep!Тeenagers that seеm |azу are not rеаIly lazу ai ethe author of the study, Тhе eХp|anation is рrotэaс -,

сhemiсal in teеnagers' brains is difГеrent froп. -.

children or adults' It means that teenagers сan't go :сearlу' but neеd to sIeеp Iater in thе morning.

Why аrе you wrlting?

Whаt is your оpinion _ dо yоu agrее or disagrее?

Whаt is youГ rеasoП fоr agrее ng оr disаgrееlng?

Wоu|d you Jikе tо hеar othеr pеоplе,s оpiniоns?



Arе thesе sеntеnсеs truе (T) or faIsе (F)?

1 Тhе Spеnсеr fami|y wеrе not hаppy bесausе thеу|]Vеd ln povеrty.

2 Diаna,s mоthеr еft whеn Diana was slx'

З Сhаr|еs аnd Diana mеt at boardiПg sсhоо.

4 Сhar]еs Was twеnty whеn hе mаrriеd Dtаna.

5 Diaпa,s hо idаy with Dоdi A| Fаyеd was in l99l.

6 Prinсеss Diаna diеd bеforе shе Wаs thirty.

/ 6 points

Page 83: Gateway A2 WB

l Be gвing to > Will, won't

lWild аntmа|s and inseсts

t Тhе weather

r Makrng plans

l Тaking phone mеssаgеs

l Thе naturaI world

Wild аnimals and inseсts

1 Namе thе animaIs аnd inseсts in thе piсturеs.


Whiсh is thе odd one out? Therе is а сluе to еaсh answеr.

] bее еag е tigеr (С|uе:f|у?)

The tшer _ i саи,t l|v. Bees аиd eаа/еs саи /|v,- J- - -17--- - - - J- ---t/

2 spidеr sСo,p.on snаkе (|uе: |еgs?l

3 shark bеаr jе||yfish (С|uе: tееth?)

4 wo t tigеr bее d;;,; ,|g,,,i

5 еаq|е s^аkе ,е |уtish (С|uе: swtm?)

Сomp|еtе thе dеfinitions with thе namе of a wiId animaI or

i nseсt.

.l lt swims in thе sеа, but it саn,t wаlk or f|у. lt stings.

lt's a/an iellvlsh/- /-I --

2 t,s а big animа|, whitе, bгown or blасk. lt,s got fоur lеgs but it

сan wа|k on two. t,s а/аn

З It,s а big blrd |t fliеs high in thе air but it саn sее smа|| things

on thе and bесаusе it has vеry goоd еyеs. t,s


4 .t looks likе а big Iizаrd. ]t Iivеs оn аnd and in watеr, and it,s

5 :э. эе b q оr smа l but it а Ways hаs еight |еgs. it dоеs not

.,..,: ' ] .::. s:;..lg but maпy pеop е сan,t stand it. ltЪ

a a.'



-A.р" tr"i \\ ,

lЕТhe nаtural world


is Iand with watеr aIl аround it'

bеtwееn twо mountains'

is Watеr With lаnd a]l arоund it.

is а p|aсе With Vеry many trееS.

is usuа||y thе сolourfu pаrt of thе plаnt

с a watеrfа|| in Аfriсa.

d а Grееk is|аnd.

5 Viсtoriа Fa||s is e thе |оngеst rivеr in thе USA

6 Тhе Аmаzon is f thе biggеst |akе in ltа|y

,, {r Elffitr

4 СomoIеtе the sentеnсеs with thesе words.



flе|d .|оwеr forеst grаs5 hi]| 's|аnd |аkе

ГгoUntаin rivеr sky vaIlеy Watеrfа||

Тhе is grееn and it grows undеr your fееt'

A is highеr аnd biggеr than a

3Аn4 Тhеrе is usuа|ly a


3 K2is4 Gаrda is

8 You Сan grow fоod or рut аnimаIs in а

9 Тhе Watеr iП a gоеs dоwп into thе sеа'

1 0 Niagаra is thе nаmе of a fаmous.l .l

Birds [|y .^ Llе

Matсh the ha|vеs ofthе sеnTеnсе5.

] Сrеtе is a a mountain in Nеpal.

2 Тhе Мissouri is b thе |аrqеst rain fоrеst in thе wor]с.

Page 84: Gateway A2 WB

-OOk at thе piсturе and thе tit|е of thе text. Whаt type of textJo you think this is?

а зl advеrt for wiIdIifе fi ms

о .nе bоgгaphy of a filmmakеrС ihе rеViеW of a book about wl d anima s

Rеad thе tеxt and сhесk your answеr.

I\ТATURAL HISTORY+']ii4'.ч1.Ё+'чf +.i];

Do you like |еarning about the naturaI wor|d? Do you wantto see some of the strangest р|аnts in the worId? Are you

!nterested in wiId animaIs in their naturaI lr-ф-i!q!? Thenyou are going to |ove Life _ a сo|leсtion of natural historyDVDs. Тhe BBс DrodUсed these inсredibIe fiIms and David

Attenborough, a famous natura| historу fiImmaker, is the


Watсh thesе films, аnd fo|Iow the Iives of everything _ from

thе sma|lеst plant to thе most еnOrmOuS 1ш.!q!"е-. You сan seethe most fantastiс piсtures and hear the grеatest stories of


Modern сamеras оan makе things s|owеr or fastеr' Тhat

means you сan watсh flowers grow and sеe .s-е-qэg:ls. сгаngеin seоonds. With the Iatest teсhno|ogу, photographers cаnput tiny сameras on the baсks of birds' -s-eleЦite сamеrasсan give you speсtaсular piсtures of thе land from thе s'1'

infi-sr-ф сameras show you the night.timе actir,itiеs toll ;оnot usually see.

Watсh thesе films, and seе |i-oдq in a fight for food. elеphaг..sswimming, сoIour.fuI birds danсing, $-o.|p-Qi1q jumping '.. aгlо

muсh, muсh morеl Don't miss this wonderful сol|eсtion оiDVDs from thе BBC'

:!:li;i:+:!f::!iЁ|""ёi.a':!!E:Е,;ii]['jt$,{:,: i:i::Eii.'EР;+з,!-q:+iF'1if:.Ё1'.i;ii"=. :]]:ii=: j

Matсh thе dеfinitions with thе ur3е. .i] .',

thе tеХt.

using a tyре оf Iight thаl ) ]' ';. -.- . j:-

аlаrgеГt еndysеаа.та ..-: ']

thе p асе whеrе an animа usua v '.. '.

4 а^ ob,,еrт;n sрaсе tiaL gеL, o.5еПОS ' ,О ^ .

a Iargе Аfriсan wiId сat with yеl|оw ha1r

thе pеrson who tеlIs thе story

d vрГ) 3'QС sеа аГ.^]а| LiаL gеLs аit Lu'о*9|^ а l.о е,


8 parts оf thе yеar: altumП, wlntеr, spring and summеr

4 Сhoosе thе сorreсt aItеrnаtivе with information from thе tеХt

,l Dаv]d Аttеnbоrоugh is

a а fаmоus histоry'writеr аnd filmmakеr.

b a filmmаkеr and nаrrаtоr.

с a nаturаl writеr of fl m rеviеws'

2 Тhе ft]ms arе about

a a Vеry smа| |ПsеСI.

b only thе biggеst аnd most fantаstiс wi d]ifе.

с inсrеdiblе naturе, big and smа| '

З lVodеrn саГnе[as сan do many things bесausе thеy usе

a modеrn tесhnology.

b thе baсks of biгds.

с sесrеt асtivitiеs'

4 You СaП 5ее whаt hаppеns at Пight

a whеn thе sеаsоns сhangе.

b with infrarеd Сamеras.

с whеn yоu s|ow thlngs dоwn.

5 Тhеsе naturaI history DVDs shоw you

а |iоns finding thеir food'

b е еpiаnts dагсiгg'с thе Пar[ator,s со] есtion of phоtoоr,аp.s'

5 How many supеr|ativе adjесtivеs сan you find in thе tехt?

What arе thеy?

6 \,,']ai З.J-






Unit 9

Page 85: Gateway A2 WB

Be going to

1 Сomp|еtе thе gаps in thе grammjr tablе with thеsе words.

Аm arеn,t going tо isг,t

Makе quеstions with thе words аnd give answers thаtare truе for you.

1 yоu / оо rоггеt'vоrk tоnight

Whаt form is thе vеrb after bе going to?

1 thе past 2 thе infinitivе 3 thе аffirmаtivе

Сhoosе thе сorreсt aItеrnаtivеs.

,l | аm goiзg wаtсh/tО WatСh а fi m abоut bеars ln Сanаda'

2 Тhеy 1s/aщ goiпg takе thе trаln tо Vаnсоuvеr'

3 Hе is nat go/qоing tо buiId hls hоusе in thе forеst.

4 0ur friеnds аrе goiПg to с|lnb1с|tmbing that mountаin tomoT[ow5 Shе is/tsn,t noI goiПg to swim with thе aIligatоrs.

6 lИy son is gоing to сусl"еd1сус|е tо Afriсa this summеr.

Look at Dona|dЪ p|ans for his summеr ho|iday. Usе his notеs towrite quеstions and аnswers аbout whаt hе is аnd isn,t going to do.



affirmаtive 1 /Yoо / Hе / Shе /Wе /Тhеy subjесt + am / arе /

is - (a) swiт'

nеgative /You / Hе / Shе /Wе /Thеy subjесt + am Пot /

isn't / (b) + going io + swim.


(с) /Аrе/Is+ /уoоlhе/shе/wе/ thеy sUbjеСt + gоing tо + swim?


Yеs, l / yоu / hе / shе / wе / thеy sUbjесt + am /аrе / is'

No, / yоu / hе / shе / wе / thеy subjесt + aГn not

/ (d) /arеn,t.

Аrе voи aolиq to do hooиework toиtаht?/ J J - --J--

Ye.s' / 4уи' ,/ No, /,tи иot

2 уoоr I]аrеnts / sее а fiIm this wееkеnd

З you / go out With friеnd5 оn Friday

4 уou" bеsт fr;еrd / tа|k to tl.е Lеасl"е' аГLе. sсhоoI

yоu and your fami|y / wаtсh anything goоd оn ТV


ls he аo|иq tp iy to Мoroссo? No, hе ви,t, НeЬ qolиj to сусlс

i iйi'',iiti,i'il tаkс а /сrrу. J

i|t.l to tqoraссo хcцc|o to flцмouth aуtJ tаkoa |errц \o |{orocca ./

сiАe *hгouqh Fг^у\c?- хs|аrt \Иe сiJe in Бavt|aпАer,$pаivt ,/ Е

"цc|e h.oмe х

qet а p|аtte bаc| '/

staц iп e|pensive Иo|e|s )(ca$rP or {iпd cheаp hos*e|s

cцc|e tllh'evt i*'s veгц Иo* хгos* t,s|ton i*,s hat ,/


Unit 9

Page 86: Gateway A2 WB

Тhe weаther

1 Look at the сIuеs and filI in the puzz|е with wеathеradjесtivеs.


1 Тhе fiе ds аrе сo|d and whitе' |t,s

5 |tЪ going tо rain. Тhе sky is

8 ThеrеЪ rаin and wind, thе sеa is dаngеrous. |tЪ

9 t,s thе Wеt sеason, so it,5

10 Тhеrе was no rаin |аst mоnth.Тhе iand is


2 Тhе ]еаvеs falI off thе trееs whеn it,s

3 Yоu саn skаtе but it,s hаrd tо wа|k whеn

4 |t,s sо , yоu сan,t sее far

6 tЪ40.С,еvеn undеrthеtrееs'Тhai,s

7 t,s not со d and Пot hot, jUst niсе and

8 Yоu,rе going to nееd your sunglassеs. It,s

Сhoosе thе сorrесt altеrnаtivе.

.l |t,s not gо nс :: ,i . .:' .....'' sО уoU don,t nееd а rаinсоat.

2 Thеrе wеrе оiс С .:, : ' - ': ' : ',i; j. thе sky yеstеrdаy.

3 |rеа ydоn't i<е '::.-'.':.:".., '.еathеr,doyоu?

4 Dоn,t go out OП ).c'. : ': ', -:. ..: rэаcs аrе сО'|d(jсy5 WhеnitЪwеtаnd i,,^:''.' .'| ..: :j s:а!5аthomе'6 jakе sаid itwаs 5nО|,',s..'' - . j=... . ;<. riq|1'

Matсh thе quеstions With thе ans\'\/e15.

,l Wаs it wеt hеrе yеstеrdа\ :

2 Сaа Wе p аy fооtba |?

3 Dоеs it snow muсh hеrе?

4 Why is hе driving s оw|у?

5 Hаvе you got yоur rаinсoat?

6 Did yоu еnjоy thе bоаt trip?

СompIеtе thе sеntеnсеs so thеy are truе for you

1 Тhе sunniеst day аst wееk was

2 is usual|y thе wettеst mоrt.

3 Thе |аst timе it was fоggy hеrе was

4 t геvеr s.ows ^еrе iг

5 с. .l,т qt>^d оо'.n оr r|ь'dе whеn iL s

6 Тhе windiеst sеasоn is usuаl y

СompIete thе tablе with wеаthеr adjесtives.

l5 5tПny

:,: ' ' r tе


in front nf rin


seаsоn spring summel autumn wiпtеr

weather l'








Voсabulаry extensi0n

6 Mаtсh thеsе wеather words and dеfinitions. Use vourdiсtionary if you nееd it.

brееzе |iqhг.inq ra:nd.оp

showеr snow||аkе thlndеr

.l а ]оud nоisе thаt yоu sоmеtimеs hеаr in thе sky in a stor]т

2 bright flashеs оf light you Somеtrmеs sее ln thе sky i. .storm

З a shоrt реriоd оf timе whеn it rains

4 а i9ь1 щ;^6

5 а singlе drоp of watеr froГn thе 5ky

б а s ng е piесе о. snow

7 Сomp|etе the sеntenсе5 \n/ith

,l Тhеr,е \'!as a . :.

thе..''о13s :5

J *l


Unit 9

Page 87: Gateway A2 WB

'' .-: ir\ri d.

:: aii n ln.. wor d.

;: П cГе tОt]l.ltгy: UgаПda, iП

Mаtсh the words аnd definitions.

1 аре






fasсlnаti ng




lеvе| аnd s.nооthtnе big fingеr ат trе s,dе of yоurhа nо

nаturаl аbi]itiеs: to hеаr. smе||, tastе,rее| аnd sее

:;;.#Ш.. to СОmmUniсatе

ж tj;::;?:.;: Jn

- раttе rn оf








Arе thе sеntеnсеs truе (T) or fa|sе (F) or is thе informаtion notmеntionеd (NM) in thе tеХt?

1 Gori Ias еаt most|у p1аnts.

Gоri |аs dоn,t drink а ]оt of watеr'

Gоri Ias,arms aге lоngеr than thеir еgs.

Thеy usuа y wa k оn twо lеgs, Iikе pеоp е.

Thеy dоn,t oftеn с imb trееs.

GoriIlas еaсh hаvе thеir оwn fingеrprint, iikе реор|е.

It is еasiеr for thеm tо ho d things With thеir fееt thаn

With thе]l. hands'

Тhеу slееp in thе day аnd hunt at night'

9 Gот\\\as рtе{еt tо \Nе a\опе.

\0 l\е1 doгir\kе\r.'rrпg.tп zооs'

Can you Write two things thаt arе similar in gorilla.pеoplе?


5 Whаt about you?

Dо yоu think that gоrillаs аrе fasсinating а.Саn yоl ПаГnе aП аnimal thаt you find йo..I]О5DD f nr ;юl lI ]DГ) l lor

.U| |

'QU Ild|| !е alI e|||t't't1| trie{ i6U i|i;|:

кеаsоn {оt tqц\ a\ъNt\.


Afniсan r,vildlife

Cross.сurriсular _ t{аturаl sсienсe

1 Look at thе tit|е аnd thе photo. Сan you namе two things thаtyou know about this animal?

2 Now reаd thе text.

Cоri| аs аrе fаsс nаIit g а.l.та s. Тhеy а.е tnе |аrgеsl агdmоst powеrfu оf thе apеs, and thе mоuntain gоril|a is the


biggеst оf aIl. Тhеy arе in dangеr оf еxtinсtion bесausе thеir ]

naturаl hаbitats аrе in danger' .


GoriIlаs аrе |аrgе, qurеt, gеnt|е apеs. In flIms аnd соmiс :

bооks, goriIias аrе oftеn dangеrous kiIlеrs, but thеy аrеusua||у shy and pеaсеfu|. Тhеy аrе Vеgеtarans but thеy dо


sоmеtimes еat sma|| insесts'

Goril|аs havе vеrу Iong аrms _ thеir arms arе |ongеr thаn thеir|еgs. Thеy havе brоwn hair' but nоt on thеir hаnds, fасе оr .

thе bоttоms оf thеir fееt. Тhеу walk on thеir lеgs аnd thеrr

\ъпч atкiъ . \\tч taп t\rкr\ \tttъ. \u\ \\tч (ъ пъ\ ъ\\sц (ъ\ha\' апd \hе'1 сaппо\ sц\m.

lVlоuntаin goril|аs havе a vеry Iargе hеad' tinу еars and smа|], .

dalk t)rown eУеs. ТhеY havе {\at nosеs. Тhе\r nosеs arе;^+^"^-+i-^ t^^^,,^^ ^.ltlIеrеsI|ПgoесauSееaсhgоrillahаsitsоwnnоseрrint_just\\Кe це traчe оцt оi.riп \\пgетрl\п\.


Gorlllas' sеnSеs arе vеrу similar tо оurs: hеaring, smеll, iastе,tоuсh and sight. Thеу sее соlоurs and thеrr hands arе \iКе .

ol lrq tnn Thдil hl',^ {^ ' . г'vulJ .UU' l \\ЕY l\d!е \UuI l\ng0(s апd а \humЬ and \hе\r lееthavе fivе toеs. Gоri||аs сan hоld things with Jоth thеir hanЪs .а"d thеir tее[.

Page 88: Gateway A2 WB

Will, won't

1 Study thе grаmmar ruIе. Is it truе (T) or faIse (t)?

,,'= оsе wt|| and wil| not ta ta]k abоut thе futurе and futurе:.еdiсtiоns.Тhе сontraсtionS аrе 1/аnd won,t,Wе usе thе' еrb jn thе infinitivе aftеr wi|l and won,t.

Look at thе piсturеs and make prеdiсtions about your futurе.Usе will or won,t.Begin eасh sеntеnсe with lthink, l don,t thinkor I hope.


Маtсh the sentеnсe halvеs.,l Vou wi|| finо а| thе pеrguiгs2 Dоn,t put your fingеr in thеrеЗ lhе g rа"еs won,L еdt mеaL,

4 ], I Lаkе а ploго o, Lhе tigе"s5 Thе gоriIlas won,t go iПto tnе


6 Wе, I hаvе to gеt up еarly

Мy sistеr

Unс|е Adаm

so dоn,t givе thеm any.

tomorrow for thе safari.

bесausе thеy сan,t swim.

in thе pеnguin pоо|.

оr thе monkеy wi]l bitе it

whеn thеy,rе еating.








Rеad the аnswers аnd сompIеte thе questions. Use Й// andthе main verb.

.l Do you think уour parеnts .wi||tа/<е you to thе zoо?

Yеs, thеy wi|1.Thеy,|| tаkе yоu too, if yоu want.

2 Wе ' any gorillаs in thе

mountains in Ghanа?

Nо, wе wоn,t. Wе,iI only 5ее thеm in Uganda.

з ,, ,, you ,,,


Yеs, o(. |,|| сomе аt tо-'.

to my hоusе аftеr

lПе pan0as thе visitоrs?

No, I dоn,t think so. Тhеy Won,t attаСk anything.

5 What dо yоu think? it


Yеs, it wi |' Loоk at thе sky. ]t snоws еvеry day hеrе.

6 shе а сaГnеra With hеr?

of сoursе shе wi||. She takеs thаt саmеrа еvеrywhеrе. Ц,l

4 Makе prеdiсtions with t,y// or won,t and thе words in thе Iist.

bе сomе drivе еat SpеПO v'sii



а danсеr bесаusе shе сan,t danсе

а ]ot оf timе in thе gardеn

tl.аt p'g6.. .-f ..,'-=, с-=... :.4



whеn hе stops wоrk bесausе hе |ovеs gardеning.

Wе big сars rn 2040 Pеtro] Сosts morе еVеry


Тhе dоg

Don,t оpеn thе window or thе rаir

Тhе mа mу housе, b-. s^: . ' ..:hеrs.





Unir 9

Page 89: Gateway A2 WB

lrtаkiпg pIans

1 lv1atсh thе hа|vеs ofthe sеntеnсеs.

] 'э- сan sее a fi m

2 'l,ou сan sее ions

З Yоu саn сhаt onIinе

4 You саn еat burgеrs5 Yоu саn sее а p|ay

6 Yоu сan gо swimming

Tаlking about photos

Look аt the photo andsurе of somеthing, say

answеr the questions. lf you arе notl think and/or I imаоinе,a at thе sаfari pаrk.

b at thе thеatrr.с in thе rivеr.

d at thе сinеma.e in thе intеrnеt саfё'

f аt thе fаst food rеstaUrant

Сomp|etе thе tаb|e with thеse expressions.

Grеat. Yеs, surе. Sогry, i саn,t. ОK' Sоrry, l,m busy

No, nоt tоnight' Yеs, thatЪ finе wlth mе.

Сhoosе thе сorreсt аlternаtivе.

1 Why don,t wе tqkns(Iвkе а bus tо thе spоrts сеntrе?2 Lеt,s g,еt/-tQ,gеt so.nе tiсkеts for thе соnсеrt in thе pаrk'

З Whаt a6aut buv/buvlng somе foоd fоr a piсn iс?

4 Dо you wanI tО СОmе/СОmr oVеl.tо watсh а DVD?5 Arе yоu frее an1аt Sоndaу рn1аt f aar оt|осk?

PUt thе сonvеrsation in thе сorreсt order.Thе first sеntеnсe is

in the сorrесt p|асe.

] Wlt-l: Dо уau wаnt to СОmе tО thе iсе-rink оn Sаturdауеvеning?

Gдyг: Grеat. Lеt,s rnееt thrrе at two thеn.

WILL: Bring yоur соusin toо!

GAYE: Yеs, l dо, but 1,m busy. |,m |оoking aftеr my соusin.

WILL: Yеs, |,] bе frее aftеr Iunсh.

GAYЕ: Sorry, СаП,t.

WILL: oK, sее you thеrе|

GAYE: | саn,t, hе,s оn|y twоl Why dоn,t wе gо

оn Sundаy аftеrnoon? Аrе yоu frее?

WILL: Why not? Dоn,t you Iikе iсе.skating?

,l Whеrе ls it?

2 Whаt СaП yoU sее in thе piсturе?

3 Who СаП you sее in thе piсturе?

4 Dо you think l:hе pеор|е arе еnjoying thеir visit?

Why / Why nоt?

5 Dо you think thе anima (s) islаrе happy? Why / Why nоt?

6 |s thеrе а p aсе |ikе this nеar whеrе you livе? Dо yoU еVеr

go thеrе?

7 Dо vо" Lhi.\ о асеs .|.е

L".s a.е а good dеа o..oL) саГ you

givе a rеаsоn fоr yоur answеr?

6 Now Iook at thе sесond photo and answеr the sameq Uеstions.

Unir 9.-

Page 90: Gateway A2 WB

tth! ш tt f,L -ш

Ш tt ш-[т ш ш-lt"l' 1}.*-1[ fl.

Harrц.fue лiкJoн c|oапors агo coмiwq аt |0 а,м.

i,|"o,u cаY\ цОu s*ац h,oмo аwJ pац khoм?

|\м |eаvinq ih'u ^o^uц

in \Иo boк ovt |h'o

hab|е-, uolz +vtе. Joar л|teк цou |oаve,

|1аvo a vticе- Аац/ Мurw

Тaking phone messаges

Read this information about inforiтаI mеssаgеs. Сan you findonе mistаke?

Whеn wе writе !nfоrmaI mеssagеs, wе сan somеtimеs lеavе оutsubjесt proПoUns (е.g. |, уоu) аnd prеpоsitiоns (е.g. оn, сr).

Wе саn а|sо |еavе oUt аUХi iаry vеrbs (е.g. r' does) but wе саnnotJеаvе оut main vеrbs. Wе Саn nеVеr |еаvе out arI.jС еs (е.g, a, an,

rhе). Wе СaППot еаVе out nouПs оr аdjесtivеs.

2 Rеad thе mеssaqе and стoss out thе woтds vou don't nееd.

Rеad this сonvеrsation аnd answer thе quеstions.

LЕILA: Hе|]о, 651 646.

MR Fox: Hеl o, сan I spеak tо Rania plеasе?

LЕILA: ,m sorry, my slstеr,s not hеrе аt thе ГГ]oГnеПt'

Сanltakеаmеssаgе?MR Fox: Тhank you, yеs' This is Мr Еox,

,m hеr singing tеасhеr'

Raniа had а |еssоn at sсhoо todаy' Shе lеft hеr musiсоn thе piаno.

LEILA: 0h, right' Dоеs shе nееd it?

MR Fox: Wе| , роssib y, yеs. But shе took sоmе оf mу musсаnd I rеa||y nееd thаt| Еr, dо you know whеn shе,I bе

hоmе?LEILA: At aboUt right, I think. ] сan ask hеr tо bring yоur

musiс thеn i|you 1ikе.

MR Fox: Тhаt,s vеry kind of you but won,t bе hоmе. Еr, сouldyou ask hеr tо givе it to Гny wifе? And shе, l givе Rаniа

Пеr mUs|С.

LEILA: ОK, surе. Dоеs shе knоw whеrе yоu livе?

MR Fox: it's 4l, Сrоss аnds Rоad. t,s not far frоm yоur hоusе.

l hоpе shе wоn,t mind.

LЕILA: No' t^аt, l bе .'.lе. еа;е Ье' а rеssаgе.

MR Fox: Тhank you sо muсh'


1 Who is thе mеssagе fоr?

2 Who сal|еd?

3 What doеs this pеrson want?

4 Hоw wi|| hе gеt what hе wаnts?

5 Wlо Wr'tеs L.lе теььagе?

4 Now write thе mеssagе for Rаnia.

il-ш ш t[ ш ll ш [[ ДГIl If, Jl l* l tц* tt lt





Rеad this сonvеrsation and undеrIine the most importаntinformation.

Не lо, 66854З.

|-е |о' s _-[е Saтp,о. llеrе p|еаsе?

Nо, ,m sоrry, hе,s оut' Сan takе а mеssаgе?

P|еasе. ],m сa ing from thе dеntist,s с in с n Hopе', l,р.c гn| ,аn аnrnin|гrрг| hеrе Lоmоrroд аL J.,

Rig ht.

Wе |, |,m afrаid lVrs Pаrkеr, h]s dеnt]st, is slсk' S.: '',:: .

bе in tоmorrow. I havе to сhangе thе appо .. _=..,

I sее. Wе] , I dоn,t know whеn hе, l bе frее , ' .

Nо, of соursе not. But сan 1 suggеst ПеХi '''.':]..:]]-'sаmеtimе, ]0З0?ТhatЪthе 2l.., f hе s. ...:- ....

MUM: Не сan са| yоu? oK And what,s thе . -,^.:= -- '.=с iniс?

NURSE: |tЪ0-l4ЗЗ 6789Зз Сanуol аs(. - .- ..] ::.' .:.l0аnd4pеаsе?

Ivlutvl: ОГ соu'sе. lq Tlе/A 2. . . . .NURSЕ: \o' t"агt )oL 'е', . - .

Usе the undеrIined informatiоn аnd r...'ritе a mеssagе foг Lukе.

Leаvе out words that you dо^ t rееd so thаt уolr теssagе is

short аnd сlеar.

Unir 9

Page 91: Gateway A2 WB




3 Сhoosе thе сorreсt aIternativе.

] His trousеrs аrе too lэig. Hе nееds to Wеаr a bе|t/wаtсh withtnеm'

2 Thе sun is in my еyеs' Whеrе arе nУ g|a55е515ang|qssgs?

З l Iovеd drеssing lp in my mumЪ ехpеnsivе сaps/1еwе||еrу

whеn was young.

4 PuI thаt t,vаtсh/hаt avеr yоur еаrs' Thе wind is iсy.

5 Whеn hеtооk off hiswоtсh/сqp,УОUСОa d sее his ong hair6 WhatЪ thе timе? | havеn,t gotmу sсqrf/wqtсh an.

Whаt are you wearing аt thе moment? Writе six sentenсеsthat are truе for уou. Usе words for с|othеs and сo|ours.

t Presеnt pеrteсt _ attlrmatIVe ) Present pertесt with -. .

l Present perfeсt _ negative. questions and short ansY':.:l Presеnt perfесt with aIrеadу and уetlClоihеs lAссessories lShops

r Shopping

l A job appIiсation form


1 Writе thе сIothes words in thе Iabеls.


Сomp|еtе thе tеXt with с|othеs words from ,l .

Мr Ho|]ln Wеars a grеy (a) S to wоrk еvеry wееk

dаy' Hе has to wеar a whitе (b) s but hе саn wеаr a

соlоurfu (с) t . Hе takеs his (d)j

оff in thе offiсе' Hе сhаngеs his (e) s аnd










and (h)j

and (j) b

wаrm (l)t

whеn hе gеts homе. Не prеfеrs (g) t

L His wifе |ikеs to Wеar а (i) s

, with long (k) b and

. Shе doеsn,t usual|y wеar a

(m) с bесausе shе drivеs to wоrk in hеr саr. Sal|y,

thеir daughtеr, |ikеs tо wеаr а (n) d аnd shе

ovеs prеtty (o) s |аtе а d ]аnе, dor t wеаr Lhе

samе с оthеs, .,]akе wеаrs a соo (p) Т

(c)t with a pair оf (r) s

а[е nеVеt.со dl Jamеs is оn|y ntеrеstеd in what hе wеаrs оn his

iееt _ his fаvоuritе (s) t

аn0 а

. His iеgs






Unit I O

Page 92: Gateway A2 WB

Look at thе tеХt and thе piсturе. What kind of text is this?

а аn invitatiоn to а fаshiоn shоwb аn аrtiс|е аbot.lt а dеsignеr showс d .еport аbouL а sс|^oo| еvегL

Rеad thе tеxt and сhесk your аnsWеr.

тhe summer term has ended with this year,s mostsuссessfuI event.- оsL wееk' Hoоe VaIlеу Co,llege had iLs fiтs1 еver lаshion-=lоw' and it was a hugе suссеss' Thеre have beеn lots of. ostеIs in тhе sсhoo-' Еveтybodу knеw abouL iL' Еverybody,r.as inLеtеsLеd' and on Lhе night. aIrosL еvетyhody саmе,

AWе asked Students to helр rn diffеrеnt ways. our modеlslrо сhl theil lяrlоllri|о e nl hоq аnгl гhоrr дl] lnnkоr] пnnг] T

Уvvg. I

..Vant to say a spесial .thank you' to our thrее star mоdе1s.


Riп]]iо lnnlzоЛ drб.t in his blaсk traсksuit and trainеrs.The dеsignе- T shirls аnd сaрs wеre а.nazing тoo, Wеb.qlт"qwg"d rhеm al| fтom Riсniе's faтJ.еr.s spotlь shopthank yоu Mr Gordon, And wеl1 donе Riсhre - you WеIе-l^е nr]rz hоrr оn hе саtwalk!"'." у.Y".-....

сSusiе modelled hеI hand-paintеd toрs for us, With jеans'I ney Werе сomfотtabrе and q-asual' Wiтh а |org b aсk skitL'Lhеy ioоkеd 9.1993д! and exрensivе, ] Lhrnk we

,lI sеe Susiе

in a теal fashron show оnе day, Dоn t fоrgеt. you saw hеrherе flтst I


Rаvjndeт was lоvelv in hеr bеautrfu1 silk sarls, Thесоlours wеrе inстed jb,e' and sne Woге Vеly r'oo] jerr е ,еtyThe a-цd.i.е.Цq.q 1оvеd the Indlan mustс and thе danсеmn\/amante t^n

Т must nol forgeЕ to rhaгk oUr LеaChетЬ. Treу ^еJреd usoеforе the show, Агd Г.ra,llу' an еxl]d t.la1k Уou Lo Lhe

сleanеrs, Thеy he|ped us Lioy thе hall afrе' Lhе show!

Writе thе hеadings (,l_5) in thе gаps (A_D). Thеrе is onе еxtraheading..l

Мuslс and daгс,lg2 Маn ln blaсk

3 А big thаnk уоu4 Hats аnd sСarVеs

5 Futurе supеrГnodеl

Matсh thе dеfinitions With thе undеr|inеd words from thеtеXt.

1 pеоp|еwlov\а[

f t. ^ , ^-^-^i^^ -^ .^z |o\с \U l с,'l|l'9 ,u -эс d. С .- - .

З е ахеd агd i^ brтa4 thеplасеwhеrе modе|swа kiоs.]'' -...::5 bеа-L Г- iг а 9"асеГ* S.тp|е '\а '

6 ndian WomеП Wеаr this аroUПd thе], :: ] ::

7 thin smooth с]оth fоr shirts, sсarvеs or О..s:.]

8 |oоsеL"ousе.sа^dа |oosе loploWрa.Е., -','.,,

Answer thе quеstions with informаtion from thе tеxt.

1 Whо Wrotе thе rеpoГt?

W.o hе pеd оеГо.е ..l.,u,h o. ,l.o*?

Who wоrе sports С othеs?

Whо wi|] probаb y bе a rеа| mоdе оnе dаy?

Who had vеry соlоuгfu| с othеs?

tА/'rr tie o.j . .]- -. A ". а

"1. 1,1g .19щ7

What aboutyoи?

Hаvе you bееn tо a fashiоn show? lf sо, What Was it ]ikе? f nэ.wou d you ]ikе to? Givе a Геason for yоur answеr.

Unit IO

Page 93: Gateway A2 WB

Pгesent peгfесt - atfirmative

1 Arе these ru|еs truе (T) or faIsе (F)? .

l,iVе mаkе thе prеsеnt pеrfесt with bе + thе pаst partiсip е of fоrm

o. thе mа.r vеrb'

Rеguiаr past partiсiplеs еnd in _еd but thеrе arе not many

irrеguiаr pa5t partiСip]еs.

2 Сomp|ete thе sеntenсеs with thе сorrесt prеsеnt perfесt formofthe vеrbs given.,l

My favоuritе supеrmodе|

many timеs.

2 -| s dеsigге.

drеssеs in thе show.

З Тhе nеw trainеrs (arrivе) in thе shоp.

4 Тhе rеportеr (intеrviеw) а| thе top modе|s.

5 Wе (disсovеr) thе sесrеt of hеr suссеss!

6 (|oоk) еvеrywhеrе fоr sоmе |оng rеd bооts,

7 You (start) a nеw fаshion.

8 Shе (finish) mаking hеr si|k pаrty dгеss.

3 Сhoose the сorrесt а|ternаtivе.

1 | think Joе,s bееn-lgonе to thе gym but hе,|] bе bасk soon'2 ShеЪ bееnlgonеto Сhina thrее timеs.З Thеy,vе bееn(gonе to thе statioП' Тhеy,rе gоing to mееt LoU,5

tra i n.

4 ,vе hеgn/gonе to thе shops. loоk what l,vе bоught.

5 KatеЪ bее'n/ga-nеto opеn thе dооr I wоndеr whо it is.

6 Hе,s bееn1gonеto Irе|and and hе rеa||y 1ikеd it.

7 МumЪ bееn1gonе to town but shе Won,t bе |ong.

8 Thеy,vе hееn/gonе оn ho|iday fоr аgеs but thеy,lI bе hоmеtomorrow.

4 Сomp|ete thе tab|е of irrеgu|ar verbs.

Prеsent реrfeсt with Дsf

5 Look at thе grammar ruIe. Сorreсt onе mistake in it.

\^i^ ,,.^ +^^ ^,^.^^+ ^^"{^-r ,^,;tsL 1,., r -^ +.1 .^^,,+Vvtj U5е .'lе рlе5е''| рrl|е(L W|LГ/U5гTo Iа|{ а0oUТ Vеry rесеГtеvеnts. Тhе word7ust usuai|y gоеs aftеr thе past partiсiplе.

6 Look at thе piсturеs аnd write sеntеnсеs about whаt has justhаppenеd. Usе thе prompts with thе сorrесt form of thе vеrbsin thе Iist.

brеаk сUt еаt hаvе mаkе run

1 hе/аshowеr

a +A^.,/^^i--^z t||Сy / d IJ LLd

, ;;/;;.;;;

hе / a Сakе

shе / his hair

thеу / а windоw

Grаmmar exiensi0n

7 Rеad thе notе. Find and сorreсt six mistakеs.


r,vе just Ьееn oц]. to sее Ксrrеn. rJe'rе сrt hеr housе nov'Тие do9 hс\s h.rvе ьеr dinnеr, с.nd r,vе givеn thе p\сrnts somе

rzсrtеr too, rJil\iсLm hсrvе tсLкen с! snсrск, с.nd hе is gonе tо

p\сLу footЬсtl\. Не,\\ Ье Ьс!сK for dinnеr Ьut r -on,t' Karеn,s

rnцm has invitе mе to есrl r:ith tиеm. Dсtd,s phonеd just loo

с.nd ие,\\ ссL\1 сrgсLin at siх,

Lovе уou/1i\\у

(аppеа0 on TV

(сrеatе) thе most еxpеnsivе

Itnir lO

Page 94: Gateway A2 WB

S hops

.l Look at thе сIuеs аnd сomp|еtе thе puzz|е with words for shops.

2 Usе words from box A and words from box B to make sеntеnсеs.


2 Wе,vе got thе nеWspapеrs and sоmе magazinеs from hеrе'

6 1,vе just lэоuqht а соpу of Whitе Fагtg frоm thаt shоp' Hаvе yоu

rеаd it?

7 Wе,vе bоlght a thе fооd wе nееd fоr thе nеxt WееK nеrе.


1 Wе bоught а wаtсh fоr our sоn,s 1Bt. birthday prеsеnt frоmn еrе.

З gоt scmе оvеly strаwbеrriеs from this shоp |ast wееk.

4 ,r,е gоt а bad stomасh' I got sоmе mеdiсinе frоm thеrе'

5 -hе1, сl.]t mе soГnе niсе сhiсkеn piесеs at this shоp.

6 оvе thе smе |of frеsh brеad in this shоp _ 1oоk, |,vе just

Эc!gli thls oal

A sofnеJtaffiрs a rugby bali

a pair of boоts somе 1uggagе

a palr of jеans a radiо sоmе реnсiIs

B dеpаrtmеnt stоrе сlothеs shор

еlесtriса| goоds shоp

statiоnеry shop shое shоp spоrts shоp

4 СompIеtе thе tеxt with words frоm 3.

.э Lrе (4) bеfоrе 1

rqt toId mе hoW

muсh it аl] сost, my faсе wеnt rеd

I didn,t hаvе еnough Гnonеy, so

| Ь:d тn cA\/О |hр qhnnn'nn :т lhд


1 l,vе;ust bought soпe stамps froИ thr p'oаt qfrсс'r I t - п-

2 Hе hаs

3 Shе,s

4 ,vеjust

5 Тhеу,v."

6 Hе,s -1ust

7 Wе,vе

Voсabulary extensi0n

3 Look at the piсtures and Iabe| thеm with thеsе words.

.r.Аi^"Ld)l llЕ| сheсkoUt frееzег shоp assistаnt till trо|]рv



Unir 10

Page 95: Gateway A2 WB

Online shсlpping

Cross-сurriсuIar _ EсonomiсsAmаzoп.сom

1 Have you hеard of an online shopping site са||еdAmazon.сom? Do you know what they sе|l?

2 Rеad thе tеХt аnd сhесk Vour answer.

Manу оnlinе stоrеs havе startеd ... and havе stоpреd аgain' Themоst suссessful onIinе businеsses аrе еBay, Yahoо. Gооg|е andAmаzоn' Thеy have madе оnIinе shорping pорulаr. Тhis is thе storyоf Amazon.

Jеff Bеzоs frоm USA stаrtеd Amazоn.сom' He sold lэооks on thеintrrnrt. Hе did nоt havе а |ot оf money, but he hаd sоmе Vrrygoоd idеas. Hе startеd thе businеss in his garagе in Bе|iеvuе,Washingtоn, in ] 994 A man сa||еd Niсk Hanauеr invеstеd $40,000in thе businеss' Тhis hеlpеd, but thе wеbsitе was du] and nоt vеrуеxсiting. It was nоt a grrat sUсCrss at f irst.

A yеar Iatе1 a sесond invrstOr, Тоm AIburg, gavе Bеzos $]00,000Тhis mоnеу paid for a bеttеr, mOrе attraсtivе wеbsitе. trom thаttime, Amazоn.сom startеd tO grOW,

Bеzоs wаntеd tо offеr mоrе than a поrma| bоokshор. Hе gavеonIine shoрpеrs mоrе than a gооd рriсе аnd freе pоstаgе' Тоday,visitоrs tо Amazоn'соm сan write boоk rеviеws, fоr еxаmрlе' Whеnyou сhоosе а bооk, thе sitе rесоmmends оthеr boоks. Yоu qеt thеmеsSаgе

,Peор|e whо bоught this aIsо bought XYZ,

Тhis and many оthеr new idеas hаvе madе Amazоn.сom оneof thе biggеst internrt sеl|еrs оf bоoks, СDs аnd films' Тhе sitепоw sе||s many оthеr gоods, Iike с|othеs, bеauty prоduсts, toysand е|eсtrоniсs' Bezоs hаs a|ways said thаt whаt is gооd fоr thесUstОmеr is goоd fоr the businеss. Thе еxtraordinarV suссеss ofAmazon.соm has shоwn that hе is riqht.

i,lаtсh the words аnd dеfinitions.


Arе thе sеntеnсеs true (T) or fa|sе (F) or is thе information notmеntionеd (NM) in thе tеxt?.,|

Jеff Bеzos stаrtеd mаny businеssеs in his garagе.

2 Hе was riсh but did not havе аny invеstors.

З Аmаzоn,сom Wаs an immеdiatе suСсеss.

4 Niсk lianаuеr аnd Тоm A burg both hе pеd Bеzоs

5 Thе sесond wеbsitе Was bеttеr thаn thе first.

6 Yоu pay a |оt fоr stаmps whеn you buy bооks from


7 Blyеrs hаvе to rесommеnd аnоthеr gоod bооk.

8 Amazon.соm sе|ls bоoks and mаny оthеr produсts


Сomp|еtе thе sentеnсеs with informаtion from the tеxt.

1 Whеn hе stаrtеd, lеff Bеzos had оts оf but

not muсh monеy '

2 Thе first Amаzоn'соm wеbsitе Wаs

sесоnd wеbsitе Was morе

З Yоu gеt a mеssagе whеn yоu buy а bооk. lt

othеr bооks to buy.

4 lf yоu Wаnttogivеyourоpinion aboutа bookyou,vе bought

yoU сdГ w"ilе а

5 Аmаzоn.сom now 5е |s, fоr еxamрlе


What aboutyou?

Hаvе you bought anything оn inе? What did yоu buy? Why dоyou thiПk so [nаny pеop|е |ikе shоpping оnIinе?

to аdv.sе thаl' sоmегhing is goоd Гоr

somеbody to haVе

to Usе your Гlonеy to mаkе mоrеmo1еy

bоring and not Г.се io Iook аt

somеthing .о'a сni|о tо о|ay with

n:се to ]oo( at

vеry unusuа| аnd surprisingthе nonеy yоu havе to рау forsоmетning

j attraсtiVе

2 dull






i nvеst



sr*sl*Ё..:'--о - .. -

lнf0RшIAтl0N i

;- , : -э:iе Bеzоs its l 999 Pеrsоn оfthе Yeаr

- ' :- - : . '' :: :'''i, dе work fоr Аmаzon'соm,a

Unit l0


Page 96: Gateway A2 WB

Pгеsent perfeсt _ negative, quеstions аnd shоrt answers

1 СompIеtе thе qrammаr ru|es with thеsе words.

Наvр hаrlрn.t h:rlрn,| /h:cn,t nаqт n:rliгin|д

Use the prompts to makе nеgativе sеntenсеs in thеhrAсAnt nar|ас+

.l | / start my hоmеwork

/ hаreи,t stаrtеl ,иv ho,исwor/<'----/-2 shе / p|aу hеr guitar tоnight

3 wе / visit many .''.o... ..o',i.,r',

4 6е /с|imb any biq mountains

5 Lhеy z u.t,*.r..n. q .е5t o1

6 shе / сa|| thе doсtor

7 , pаinL Lhе dооr

8 wе / finish this ]еssоn

3 СompIеtе thе sentеnсes With thesе vеrbs in thepresеnt pеrfесt.

'1" -l t.l ^ouy orinK еaТ 5сс .dhс

| \/A

your OеsKl

Writе quеstiоn5 and ans',.,,еr5 for ] _б in thе prеsеnt pеrfeсt.

1 Shеhas..:-..j -..-.^: .

2 Hе,sspе.ie.:..'.-З Hе has bее. '. - '

4 Т^еy hаrе^.' . - ..

5 hеhaьгLГir,^.-. -.

6 Тhеy,vе ost thеii i:,'.

1 Наs аho do,r hrr ho*е',,:ii \'- ',,|:. ,,:-т,l::.



Presеnt perfeсt with alreadуand уet

5 Look at thе grammar ruIe about аlrеаdу and yet. Сhoosе :ilесorrесt aItеrnativе.

Wе lsе а|rеаdуto tа|kaboutsomеthiПgthat(а) hоs',.:. -:hаppеnеd' Wе usе yеt to tа k abоut sоmеthing thаt (b) ..,. ..,

лot hаppеnеd but wе think wi hаpреn sооn'

6 Writе thе words yet or оlrеаdу in thе сorrесt p|aсеs.

] Wе havеn,t rеаd thе third pап оf thе trilоgy'

2 -ldVеГ'L L.е сritо еr.uo. .].i" o.оt.'

3 >|.o hа. qеo. -.lo- ^е \ s^еO sl. . n.

4 oде .а)^'LLе.lL'е.i.' pс.to-^sOool .

5 Wе hаvе boughr tiСkеts for thе fashiоn show.

6 Thеу havеn,t аskеd mе for thе rеsu|ts.


Shе hаs madе a nеw drеss

subjесt + (b) + past partiсip|е

Тhеy havеn,t bееn tо a fashiоn show.

havе/hаs + subjесt + past pаrtiсip|е

(с) yo- sееl thе pоstеrs?

Yеs, subjесt + hаs/havе'

Nо, subjесt + hasn,t/hаvеn,t

Yе>, wе ^аvе' No, Ll.еy (d)

{ I no\/



I knоw didn,t

."ПеW snop(


him а ]еttеr _

lоts оf phоtоs оn


',,, yoU

еat it.

that fi m thrее

Wеаr Wln WrlIе

my сoffее? lVy сupЪ оn

thе prizе agaiп?

сaП you рost it for П]е?

hоlrday this yеar'

hеr nеw traсksuit?

my рiесе af pizza?

timеs ПoW.

aПything from thаt

Grammаг extensi0n

7 Writе six truе sеntеnсеs about you in thе prеsеnt pегfесt

Use аlreаdy and уеt'

| | nаVе

2 \4y bеst iiеnо has

3 Wе hаvе

4 | iаvеn,t

5 0ur tеaсl.е" l.аsn't

6 Wе ^alеr,L

Uпit Io

Page 97: Gateway A2 WB

l;: l hеlp yоu? l,|l tаkе it. Еxсusе mе. Ноw muсh is this?д'n}.th1ng еlsе? ТhаtЪ t2.50. Hеrе,s yоur сhаngе, ld likе this.Ц/оuld yоu likе a bаg? Dо yоu sеll shampоо? Yоu,rе wеlсоmе.

Sorry, wе dоп,t hаvе аny.


.l Сomplеte thе table with thesе usefu| еxprеssions.

ТaIking about photos

4 Look аt the first photo and answеr thе quеstions. |f you arenot sUrе of somеthing, saу Ithink and/or l imаgine,

1 Whеrе is it?

2 Who Сan yoU sее in thе piсturе?З What is hаpреning?4 Hоw muсh dо you think thе сustomеrs аrе spеnding?5 Wоu]d you Iikе tо shоp hеrе?

5 Now |ook аt thе sесond photo. Answer the samе quеstionsIf you are not surе of somеthing, saу l think and/or

6 What kind of pеop|е go shopping in a mаrkеt? Who shops inan еxpensivе dеpаrtmеnt storе? Whеrе do you usuаl|y shop?Whеre wouId you likе to shop?

2 Put the сonvеrsations in the сorrесt order.


0к, '.I tаtе .оur, p еаsе'

How muсh аrе thosе big оrangеs?Hе||о, сan hеlp yоu?

Тhеy,rе 50p еaсh.


Thе grеy oПеs or thе b|aсk onеs?,d

1ikе a pаir оf soсks too, p еa5е'

Тhе bIaсk оnеs, piеаsе.

Тhаt,s six pounds in tota .


Yеs, wе,vе 9оt thеsе thiСk tights and thеrе аrе thеsе thinnеr onеsWhat sizе arr thеy?Еxсusе mе, dо yоu sеJ tights?Тhеy,rе a|| |аrgе'


'7.99, WоuId you Iikе а bag?

l,]ltakе this СD, p|еasе.

ОK, hеrе,s your сhаngе.Nо, that,s аl right.

Write what you wou|d say in these situations. Usе .l

and 2 tohе|p you.

] You Iikе twо pairs оf jеаns in thе shоp. YоU Wаnt to knоw how

0|9 Inеy arе.

Щhаt аizс аrе

2 Тhе shоp assistаnt offеrs yоu a bаg but you,vе а1rеady got onе.

З You,vе sееП somе grееn саp5 and sоmе rеd оnеs. Yоu сhоosе

thе rеd оnеs.

You,vе sееn а pair of b асk boots in thе shоp windоw. Yоu

WaПt to know thе priсе.

'' Оr, rС Пot surе whеrе tо buy mеdiсinе. Yоu gо intо a



Uпit l o

Page 98: Gateway A2 WB

A jоb аppliсation fоrm

1 Mаtсh thе usеfuI words and еxpreisions in аn аpp|iсationform (,l_9) with thе qUestions (a_i).

4 \о.'.' .еао аbout Shir|еy and Yoshi,s work еxpеriеnсе аnd writеsе.:i.с3j:Э:].^p сtе thе аppIiсation for him or hеr.

Ski| s g Аrе yоu mаrriеd, sinqiе,

divorсеd оr sеparatеd?

Аny spесia оbsеrvаtions? h Whеn wеrе you bоrn?i Whеrе аrе уоu working at

Signеd thе mоmеnt?

2 Look аt the photos and rеad the notes about thе two jobаpp|iсants. Matсh thе notеs with thе pеople.

. AshtonPark Sесondaгr. S::: . ]:...'.

. sporty; good v/ith сhildrе::; -:.....i' --. ::':]i.:-:

. havе appliеd for Spoпs .{сaс;::-.. .-..-;'. ::. :. *::: :] -,:е lo

bе in olympiс tеam 2016

. wоrk at lеisure сentrе, poo] aпеnсa:.:

о past jobs: undет-10s tеnnis сoaсh; соg-;-:-.t:l: :.:.'..s..i:лg

Еduса L.oг'.

ol:*тдnt ёm лlnlгй6tt

РгrV:,Оus е:nplо3 rrесt:


lrny sр€'е,а1


,l Surnamе

2 Dаtе оf birth

3 Gеndеr; М/F

4 Мarita stаtus

5 Сurrеnt еmp oymеПt

6 Prеvious еmр oyГПеnt

E\cs\ль Сwd'о,JЙРПwеsе

g е r" d o @k оtVwz.LL. c 0 Vw

*tИ )vtL12 1.99+.J r-2

25, 3|'-) oh tl",S PО |2 rx


О2О 995+З27ь

a HoW dо yоu nоrma||y writеyour namе?

b Arе you a giгl оr а bоy?

с Whаt аrе уou good аt?

d Whаt is your fаmiJy nаmе?

е Whеге havе yоu wоrkеdbе|oге?

f Dо yоl havе аnything morеto add?

ashideц CьIiа Р.oboгts3Ь, Ke||аulац АvenueЪristo|0||7 1ч2-ьт ьsИ i 1111Ф qnlа i |. co. ц?-



Сompletе the app|iсation form for you.5entеnсе with thе job yoU arе app|yingyou Iikе!

I aт аоplying fоr гlе,ob о,

., ..

:.: :..: l:.: :-l*.'тsаgЁ;'эt,.i

.-:. l:: : ;=.;:!=. ilr.:i+-t.

-.. :.: ::.....:l:с

Сnmnlрtр thр fir<t

fnr It гan hо rnl*Ь,na

.....:..Э-:=: .l:.=:==:-.:...==




Сhoose one of thе two аpp|iсants from 2 and сomp|еtе thеappliсаtion form for him or her.

;.:; ]d.|}. :iТ i.iэ -iiiiЁ З'. .i, !Ё :fr 1.i,i ji]ii .'Е:.'+..:j

li + .ij.:

S; г: .me;

"F,il]si nа,rъeLЕ ],

latr r:f 'nlгthr:

.qidе. ]\Л li :

\аL'onа "l y';

Ma:iгд ] 'r,p1j5.


Р}:сng nо:

lmai] addrеss:

Unir lO

Page 99: Gateway A2 WB

Revision: Units 9-l0G гаmmaг

'l lt4akе questions using thе prompts and bе going to.

1 t,Vhat/Еmi y/do?

2 Whеrе/Kеvin/swim?

3 Whо/yоu/mееt?

. *.l..,^. ,..,o- а9аi^?

5 Whаt/thеy/spеnd thеir monеy on?

2 Сomp|еtе the prеdiсtions with thеsе words and wil| or won,t.

bе not drink disappеаr grow not SПoW

,l Моuntаln gori|]as 5ooП'

2 Маrу otl.е. аrinа s 6' L.' - -o

3 Pеоp|е mi k in 204О'

4 Wе оur оwn foоO.

5 lt in wintеr ln thе futurе'

3 Сomp|ete thе sеntеnсеs With thesе vеrbs in thеnrA(ёnt norflсt

5 Сhoosе thе сorrесt aItеrnаtivе

] Havе yoU Worn yоu r nеw jеа n s уеt/Jцst?2 Тhеy,vе о|rеаdу/уеtrakеn thе photоgraphs'

З Тоо atеl You,vеyеtl7usг ГГrissеd thе bls.4 havеn,t finishеd my hоmеwork q|rеsdу/уеt

5 \,Nе'vе just/vеt pаid foг thе drinks


6 СompIete thе

] Аna

2 Ab





sеntеnсеs with words for animаIs

oоL Lеаbgltrсa Q a.Оd,

f is ikе a wi]d dоg, but а

r is morе ikе а саt'

r СaП \iva k оn twо lеgs.


n Сan,

buy rеаd Start work writе

],vе F-rеnсh ]еssоns bесausе ] wаnt tо spеak

bеttеr Frеnсh.

Тhat jасkеt is thе most еxpеnsivе thing hеЪ еVеr

Shе,s аn angry |еttеr to thе nеwspaреr.

Thеy,vе iП that shоp fоr yеаrs.

Sara,s thе bооk аbоut Lеvi Strauss'

Put thе words in еaсh sеntеnсе in thе сorrесt order.,,l bееn/yоu /fаshiоn/to/show / |'avе / thе / ?

2 havеn,t / aэу /Wе / modе s / sееn / fаmоus

З i,cL.,]i*n..,o.'n.;.';;; /;

-i..:s / Yоu / fоr / havеn,t / thе / рaid

/ 7 points,

Сhoosе the сorrесt aItеrnаtivе.

,l \,оu usuа y find a цvеr/mauгltоin iа a lqkе/vаIqу.

2 Тhе ftеld/skу was fu] оf ]ovе1y spring f!awеrs/ht||s'

3 Тhеrе vlas аa gra;s/t'slаnd at|hе tоp оf thе fotеstlmo.untaiП

8 СompIetе the sеntеnсеs with the сorrесt form of thеwords given.

] | hatе this

2 |s lt going to bе

3 Wе don,t gеt mUСh

4 Shе hаtеs driving оn

5 Тhеy ikе it whеn thе (wind) is niсе аnd wаrm


4 b]ousе T shirt

5 soсks tights

(rain) wеathеr'

(sun) today?

(fog) hеrе

(iсе) rоads1




9 Look аt thе words for сIothеs аnd aссеssoriеs. Whiсh is thеodd onе out?

] boots Сaр trainеrs

2 sung аssеs wаtсh gIas.еl

З jеans jumpеr trousеrs

10 Matсh a p|age with somеthing you саn buy there.

bakеry bооkshoр butсhег,s сhеmist,s

grееПgroСrr,5 jеwеl|еrt nеWsagеnt,s

pоst оffiсе sроrts shop supеrmаrkеt

bats brеad fооd fruit mеаtmеdiсinе nеWspaреrs novеls rings stamрs






1\ivhеrе / а l / assistаnts / hаvе / thе / ?



Page 100: Gateway A2 WB

flgаi il9

' :..: thе tеХt аbout the bumbIеbеe аnd сhоose а, b or с.

.т-l--IIlri llе 0um0lr,bre

--.rrl-rb]ebeе is a typе of large bее. It lоoks diffеrеnt.. a honry beе beсause it has а гоund fat body' It

. j-tаs bright оrangе and blасk с:o1оurs оn its baсk.::-ble}эееs dо not prоduсе \rlr\. muсh lronеy, sо thеrе is

. . tr. еnough fоr рeoplо to сollесt aпd еat. Thеsе bееs arе, ']atlЕ]сlrous and thеy hardly evег stlng.

. .t bumblсbоеs litр in со|onies oГ gгouрs oГаbоul 200_] 'r t Jэееs. Thеy lrave a quеrn. .Гhе quееns 1av thе еggs

.-I.slr.r'рing аIl rrinteг.,I.hny rrаkн uр аnd stаl.t [']уing::.llLlПd frоm Мaгсh to Мal'. ]']ris is а gооd tlmе to seе:-lеr.rr. Thе1'usе thеir iоng torrguоs tо сlrink ft:om florvers.:] the sрrilrg. Thеn thеу staгt to 1oоk Гor plaсes to makе:llеst.'i-hеrе аrе abоut 250 tvpеs of buпrblebeеs in thе lvсlr1d,25 of thеm in Britain. Thrеe types arе already еxtinсtin thе UK and many othеrs are irr danger of'ехtinсtiоn.Largо tlelds of grа,ss havе disaрpеаrеd. T'his nreans thеrеaге not so man),' plaсеs fоr brrnrblеbеоs to flnd food oгrtlakе nеsts. Gardеns are an eхtrеrnеly goосt habitat forlэumblеbооs. Тhеv preiеr wiid or garden flоwеrs. and thеуllkе fruit treеS too.

\Ъu сan gеt buпrblеbees into vour gardеn lvhen you p1antthe right flоwrrs. Thоn уоu сan еnjrly thо gепtle humningsUUlld tho) mаkn... а|] sumnreг.

Тhе blmb еbее ооksа fаttеr аПd ГПorе dangеrоus thаn а honеy bее.b round and bright|y со olrеd'с |argе and hоnеy-со|оurеd'

Bumb|еbееs do not norma |у

a еat too ГnUсh hoПеy.

b sting pеоplе whеn thеy сo||есt thе hоnеy.с mаkе vеry muсh honеy'

Bumb еbееsa arе Vеry dаngеrоus.b hаvе а qUееn'

с l|Vе а onе.

Тhе quееn bееs slееpa аftеr thеy,vе laid thеl[ еggs,

b bеtwееn Мarсh аnd \4аy.

с in thе Wintеr, thеП lay thе1г ессs-

n Britain, thеrе аrе

a not аs mаny typеs of bumb ео:еs :s .--,: ',:-.b morе than 250 typеs of buтltэес=.sс 25 typеs оf bumb еbееs ln dаrс:"'.... ,..


Bumb еlэееs wi l сoгnе iПto your qаr!с. ' -:.a thеy arе Пot in dangеr.

b yоu pIant thе f]оwеrs thеy Iikе

с tге\ hеа. a gе.L Р г ,TГГ .9 so ''

/ 6 poirl,ti.


2 Your mothеrЪ o|d sсhooI friеnd hаsjust phonеd, but yourmother is out. You tаkе thе саIl. Thе friеnd wants to mееt forIunсh. Writе thе messаgе you |еаvе for your mothеr. Usе thеquеstions to help you.

Whо rаng?

Whеn did shе ring?

Whаt did shе wаnt?Whе.е doрs ьГo ,.'а.. ::Whр^ dоеs >] е ,''... .- ::,A/lа-s' ,с.

/ 10 points,


Page 101: Gateway A2 WB

Pгogгess Тest: Units 1-2Gгammar

1 Маke questions and answеrs in thе present simp|e.

1 Hе goеs tо bеd at tеn оn Fridays.

7 Yрs

2 Тhеy dоn,t hаvе Еng1ish lеssons еvеry dаy.

, ;; ;;,.;,..o*.n., i";й. ? Nо,

Thеy watсh ТV аftеr sсhoo]

7 Yрc

? Yеs,

5 Shе likеs Sрanish аnd Frеnсh

7 Yрs

/ 5 poiл

Сhoose thе сorreсt aIternativе.

1 l\,4y liшlе brоthеr likеs mе tо play with hin/hеr.

2 Wе want thе bоуs to сomе wiIh Wе/Us.

З Thе homеwоrk is hаrd and 1сan,tda htm/it.

4 Shе саl!s hеr grandparеnts аnd tаlks Ia thеm/hеr

5 Тhе tеaсhеr lооks at Гny aПswеrs аnd hеlps i,/mе.

3 СompIetе thе tablе with thе prеpositions in, on or аt,

thе mоrn!ng, аftеrnоon, еvеnlng

2О.h Januаry' lО.n ]\4arсh

i з 1 NЛоnday,Wеdnеsdaу

I 4 Dесеmbеr,.Junе 1I --.1

1 s 1 night, thе wееkепdl

. |' .n1г.AT^ L

7 ] 4 о,сlосk, tWеnty to еight

Put thе words in еaсh sеntеnсе in thе сorrесt order.

,1 nеvеr / sсhoо] / Shе / аftеr / rе]ахеs

2 qamеs l р|aуs /Somеtimе5 / Му / соmputеr / grаndmоthеr

3 еvеr / hls / friеnd / 0ur / hardly / doеs / homеwork

4 r,oLl / bеd / аlways l Do l rеad /in l?

/ 4 poii

5 Look аt thе tеaсhеr,s questions. Whаt is thе sсhool subjесt in

еaсh Iеsson?

1 ,Whо knоws whаt thе fоrmulа Zn mеans?,

2 ,What is thе namе оf thе rtvеr in Par]s?,

З ,Whаt is 45 p|us 45?,

4 ,Who knоws thе dаtе fоr thе Batt]е оf Wаtеr|оо?,

СompIetе the sеntenсеs with thе сorrесt form of thesе verbs.

do gеt 90 havе makе

1 Amу hardly еvеr Up bеforе hеr sistеr.



What tlmе

а brеak?

0ur fathеr аlwаys

to work.


1oU -э'аl|!

h]s Iunсh bеfоrе hе gоеs

tо sсhool by bikе оr bus.

his homеwоrk aftеr dinnеr

Matсh thе ha|vеs ofthe sеntenсеs.

1 |ris rеа|ly lоvеs watсhing a phоtоgrаphs оf pеoplе and


оnIlnе еvеry night aftеr sсhооI

thе Nеt on your соmputеr?

films with Johnny Dерp,

to l.nU5iс in mу frее timе.

2 l еnjоy listеning

3 l\4y friеnds аnd ] сhаt bс

4 Dоеs уoUr ГnUm еvеr surf 65 David likеs taking е

8 Сompletе thе sentеnсеs with thе namеs of plасеs in а town.

] You go to a to watсh a big footbаlI mаtсh'

2 You сan sее old or гnоdеrn paiПtings ]n an

3 l go to thе whеn L саn,t flnd а lэook.

4 Тhе is whеrе yoU go to sее plays оr ballеts

5 'г wirlеr, wе sw.n iг Llе



/5 /s




Page 102: Gateway A2 WB

Pгogгrss Тest: Units 1-4Gгammaг

1 СompIete the sentenсеs with thе сorreсt form of thеrе is(n,t)or thеrе аrе(n,t),






/ 5 oaLt

2 Сhoose the сorrесt aItеrnativеs.

1 Ihеу ауе wа1сhing1wо1с.h а fооtbаl matСh at thе mоmеnt.2 Dаvid ls |qуLng/1sуs thе tаb|е for brеаkfast еvеrу morning.З Whеn doуpц цsцs|]у dols-rеуoц цsuаllу do'ingthе shоpping?4 WhеrеЪ Kaу? S6е,s mаklnglnqkеs hеr bеd.

5 Ауе уau wgrktnglD-o уqц !цork now or Саn yoU tal.е а brеak?

3 Matсh thе sеntеnсе ha|vеs.

,l our Еrеnсh tеaсhеr сan a hеаr What you arе sаying.

b hit thе bа| with yоur hand

с snowbоard or do ski-

JUП]pIng.d соmе bесаusе shе,s tоo


е spеаk Itа|ian аnd Spanish


2 Мy itt е sistеr саn,t


6 Look at thе piсture аnd сomp|еtе the sentenсеs.

а fаsгfoоd rеStаUrant in our town.

а. аr1 g3| еrv hеrе, buL tiе ПU5еl.г,5 Q'€dL

thrее сinеmаs in thе сеntrе'

3 ln tеnnnis, yоu

Pеop е undеrwatеr Сan,t

Thеy ski wе|| but thеy сan,t

Мy mоthеr is оvеr еight',, :-Wе сan gеt to thе

,l Yоu

2 Yоu

3 Yоu

4 Yоu

5 Yоu

],m nоt surе but Ithink

Wе prеfеr parks whеrе

a ibrary hеге'

big, unfriеnd|y dоgs.

/ 5 pinв

rеst aftеr iПtеnsе physiсa1 еxеrСls:

kiсk thе bа|] in с11сkеt.

run fast to Warm Uр.

stоp whеn yoU Саn,t brеаthе.

istеП to musiс whеn yоu ехеrсisе

,l Тhе book is

Z l сlс d|с | dЧdzl||с)

З Тhеrе,s а lаmp

4 Тhе dоg,s

5 Тhе windоw is


lts bеd./ 5 pсiilз

4 Сomp|еtе thе sеntеnсеs with thе сorrесt advеrb formеd fromthеsе adiесtivеs.

саlm еаsy fast gооd hаrd 7 Writе thе nаmеs of thеsе plасеs . : .: -::

/5 poiв&







5 Сomo|еtе the sеntenсеs with thеsе words.

dоn,t hаvе Lо(x2) haVе to ПlST ..l.]ustn i






t0 SI





Page 103: Gateway A2 WB

PгogГess Тest: Units 1_6Gгammar

l Сomplеtе thе sеntenсеs with somе or anу'

Сhoose thе сorrесt аlternativе.

] Тhеrе wеrе а |ot af,/muсh pеоp1е ln thе rеstаurаnt'

2 How mцqh1mqру buttеr dо yоu |ikе on your brеad?

3 Shе didn,t knоw nару/nцс-h pеоp|е at thе birthdаy party4 Тhеy put Vеry a- |qt of-Inanу prеsеrvаtivеs in thеsе drinks.

5 Wе аtе sa mцсhl,mаnу foоd that wе сou dn,t movе.

3 Сomp|еtе the sеntеnсеs wilh сould(n,t) or should(n,t),

finish my burgеr t wаs nlсе but tоo lэig'

tа k with yоur mouth fu

givе оur friеnds а drink whеn thеy,rе

spеаk Frеnсh to thе wаttеr. Shе stud]еd

givе yоu half сoоkеd сhiсkеn.


5 Look аt thе food and drink words. Whiсh is thе odd onе out?

] buttеr Гnеаt сhiсkеn burgеr

2 аpp е sUgar bаnanа Strawbеrry

З miIk sаlad buttеr сhееsе

4 orаngе juiсе Watеr |еmоnаdе tеa

5 сakе iсе сrеаm соffее frlit sа|ad

Сhoosе the сorrесt aItеrnаtivе.

1 a nnгIрf/гnn nf Ьic.l Lit(

2 a s|iсеlсartan ofсаkеЗ a сup/tin af tеa4 a hqg(s|qss of lеmonadе

5 a рtесеIbp'tгlе оf mi k

7 Мatсh thеsе tourism words with thе dеfinitions.




g;idе bооk Iuggаgе оaсl.а9е hо idаУ

passport sightsееing

bаgs аnd things yоl takе with yоu whеn yоu travе|

а hо| dаy with trаnsport, hotе, mеа|s еtс alI inс udеd

аn offiсiаi dосumеnt yoU travе with; it shows yоur рhоtо and

natiоna Iity

а bоok with tоurist iпformation

going to visit intеrеsting pIaсеs whеn yoU arе a toUrist


/ 5 poin

8 Сomp|еtе thе sеntеnсеs with thеse trаnsoort Words.

lоrry motоrbikе SСootеr tramS VaП

.l Whеn wе mоvеd housе, an еno[mous

aI our furniturе.

2 You саn ridе a

yoUПg to drivе а саr.

3 Не works iп an е|есtriса| gооds shоp аnd dгivеs а sma I


lVy sistеr,s is a Hаr еy Davidsoп and it соst

morе thаn our fami|y сar|

Our сity had yеars agо, and you Саn sti|| sее

thе trасks iп thе roаd'

,] ls thеrе

2 Wе hаVеn,t got

3 I want

4 Did you put

5 Don,t еаt

1l2 Yоu

ЗWеth i rsty

4 Shе

it at sсhоo].

5 Тhеy

4 Сomp|еte thе tаbIе.

сhееsе in your sаndwiсh?

mi k, sоrrу'

сhips but no fish, thanks.

sa t in this soup?

brеad bеfоrе уоu go;оgging


in thе UK whеn you,rе toо




infinitive past form

] UПdеrstаnd

z DOUgnr


4 СatСn

5 mаkе

o dtс

/ iаkе

8 gеt

9 . . 'Рok.10 геad /s


Page 104: Gateway A2 WB

Ъst:Pге Units J -BСomplеtе thе words With thе missing vowеls'l thеy work ]n thе thеаtt-е: ' : . '.

.: :. ] :2 this pеrson tе||s fiIm асtоr-s .'.^з. .: ]:, ]3 а wоrd for poеtry, plays аnd r^о , е :: :

4 a musiса| еntеriainment likе ;;е ',,З.. i:::.

|.o' е, i, o or u),

Mаtсh the questions to thе answеrs..l

Did shе win an osсаr?2 Аrе thеy famоus singеrs?З Сan Wе gеt good tiсkеts?4 Did you rеаd thаt boоk?5 Dо thеyskаtе in the park?


Yеs, Wе сan.Yеs, thеy dо.

No, thеy arеn,t

Yеs, shе did.

No, I didn't.


Choose the сorrесt a|ternаtive..l

Shе fе|tvеrу tirе-d/bor.е-d aftеr plаyinq tе"..s . ..:.:. :-.2 Wеndy was ехсttеd/sa.d whеn shе opеnес :е. :.:::..j3 Don,t |aakso 'vuо,rr!.е-d-1r-е!-qхе-d,. Your еxаm rеs- .) э": ::::4 Тhе aсtors Wеrе sцrрrjsеd/sngrу whеn thе pie1 ,'.з.

" .

.'5 Тhе сhi|drеn wеrе rеa||у s.аd/hаppу when thеir l:.s. ; =:,

Rеplaсе thе word in bold with thеsе аdjесtivеs of pеrsonаlity'

сhееrful hаrd-wоrking quiеt rеspоnsibIе sеrious

'l Hе doеsn,t sаy muсh. HеЪ а kind pеrson.

2 Shе is vеry intelligent аnd a|ways finishеs hеr work.3 Сomplеte thе tab|e.

Choosе the сorrесt aItеrnativе..l

Dеnnis is bеst/bеttеr aтtеnnis than Mikе.2 Тhis is thеlt'tprst/w-or.se с|nеma In town.З |think Kе||y is prеttiеr than(Ihаt hеr sistеr4 Тhе wеаthеrЪ bad but itwasthе-worst\wprsе.yеstеrdаy.5 Yоu arе thе bеt:tеr,,/,-1hе besr singеr in thе с|аss.


5 Matсh thе peop|е with the p|асes whеrе thеy work.

аrtist соok fаrmеr SеСrеtary waitеr

kitсhеn оffiсе оutdoors rеstаurаnt studio

3 | ihink l,m а

4 Our tеaсhеr

bored pеrsоn bесausе l,m happy and pоsitivе.

;;; looks сheerful but shеЪ rеa||y qоod fun.

5 You сan havе соnfidеnсе in Rob, bесausе hеЪ а lаzy prГson'

9 Matсh thе sentеnсes .l-5 with thesе problems.

homеlеssnеss huпgеr pо||ution vio|еnt сrimе Wdг

You don,t havе a plaсе to Iivе.

А сoUntry attaсkеd yoUr сoUntry.

А group оf mеn аttaсkеd a gir|.

Тhе сars and lоrriеs makе thе аir dirty.

Тhе pеof1е don,t havе еnоugh tо еat.








сompаrative supеrlative

1 kind

2 hard working

3 happy

А ..^_' 'a t|dLу

5 сhееrfui /+




Page 105: Gateway A2 WB


I'ti Prоgгess Тest: Units l -l 0


1 Look аt thе notеs аnd writе sеntenсеs about SimonЪ p|ans.

Usе thе сorrесt form of bе going to.

Аoп: Dinner vitи Jess

r.Jеd: vo\\еуЬal\

Fri: Геlix pсLrtу

veекеnd: S\ееP l

1 on lt4ondаy, Simоn

2 0n Wеdnеsday

3 Оn |--гidау

4 At thе wееkеnd

Сomp|еtе thе sеntenсеs with will or won,t,

.l What happеn tо honеy bееs?

2 Unеmp oymrnt ' 9еt worsе whеn thеrе arе no jobs

3 Whеn thе lсе goеs, it .. '',.. bе еasy for ро|ar animаIs.

4 Тhе sсiеntlsts |ind soгnе answеts.

3 Сomp|еtе thе tab|е.

Сhoosе the сorrесt аlternativе..l

Shе,s bееn/qanеta work апd shе,s homе again.

2 |е hоs/hаuе brоkеn his ПеW Саmеra'

З Whеrе hаs Bе inda bееn/goрg? Shе,s on hо1idаy in Pеru.

4 Тhеy havеn,| sееn/.sаvr, thаt nеw Spаnish fi m.

Put thе words in the сorrесt ordеr.

,l bееn/supеrmarkеt /has/lе /to/thе/a rеаdy

2 wе /thls / yеt / |avе /finishеd / ехеrсlsе ?

, ," ,n.= / оееn , rаvon L

4 ..е / t\/е / just / nеws / hаvе / hеard


6 Matсh the halvеs ofthе sеntеnсеs.

.l А bеar сan walк

2 A spidеr hаs еight еgs

3 А shark сan bltе

4 Аn al igatоr сan,t f y

5 А bее сan StiПg




7 Сhoosе thе сorrесt altеrnаtivе.,l

Polаr lэеars Iiv." whеrе thеге js a oI af сa|d/snow.

2 |t was hard tо sее thе viеw bесаusе af tАе tсе/fоq

3 Тhis rоtntnglrаlnуууеathеr rs not mUСh |Un'

4 i think it,s going to bе wеt. It,s vеry с|9udу1sunnу

5 Bе сarеfuI whеn thе roаds arе stqцnу/tсу

Сomp|еtе thе words for с|othes With the missing vowеIs(а, е, i, o or u).

'l tr s [s 6 tr n [s

-^! - --^, ^i^^ -+i^^. +^^6 Ud)LUpUL)L|| Ч)LUUbut aп еаglе саn.

oП two еgs or fоur е9s.

but a jе lyfish stings.

but а bее has siх.





сK iПs

7b tsght s







/ 5 points.

Answеr thе quеstions with words for pIaсеs to bUy things.

] Whеrе did yоu buy thosе сrеаm сakеs?

2 Whеrе is thе bеst plaсе tо bly stamps?

З We геod d ГеW т с"oWа\ е. W^е|е ,1.9LJ,d д" 9о?

4 Whеrе саn buy. n""J o'.i'...'^ri,,

5 Shе Wants to buy a watсh. Whеrе саn shе find onе?

/ 5 paiпв





infinitive рast tense i past partiсiple.l


1 maOе

З writе

4 tооk




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