1 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015 National Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Finance & Treasury 5,710 motor cycles were regis- 5,710 motor cycles were regis- tered during the year 2014 tered during the year 2014 National Inflation rate for the year 2014 was 2.1 percent National Inflation rate for the year 2014 was 2.1 percent 87,083 students enrolled 87,083 students enrolled during the year 2014 during the year 2014 GDP (at current prices, 2014) GDP (at current prices, 2014) 47,122.2 47,122.2 (in million MVR) (in million MVR)

GDP (at current prices, 2014) 47,122.2 (in million MVR ...statisticsmaldives.gov.mv/nbs/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/... · Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015 ... GDP (at current

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Page 1: GDP (at current prices, 2014) 47,122.2 (in million MVR ...statisticsmaldives.gov.mv/nbs/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/... · Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015 ... GDP (at current


Statistical Pocketbook

of Maldives 2015

National Bureau of Statistics

Ministry of Finance & Treasury

5,710 motor cycles were regis-5,710 motor cycles were regis-

tered during the year 2014tered during the year 2014

National Inflation rate for the year 2014 was 2.1 percentNational Inflation rate for the year 2014 was 2.1 percent

87,083 students enrolled 87,083 students enrolled

during the year 2014during the year 2014

GDP (at current prices, 2014)GDP (at current prices, 2014)


(in million MVR)(in million MVR)

Page 2: GDP (at current prices, 2014) 47,122.2 (in million MVR ...statisticsmaldives.gov.mv/nbs/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/... · Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015 ... GDP (at current

© National Bureau of Statistics, 2015

Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

All rights of this work are reserved. No part may be printed or published without prior written permission from the publisher. Short excerpts from the publication may be reproduced for the

purpose of research or review provided due acknowledgment is made.

Published by: National Bureau of Statistics,

Ministry of Finance and Treasury,

Male’ 20379,

Republic of Maldives,

Tel: 334 9 200 / 33 9 473 / 334 9 474,

Fax: 332 7 351,

e-mail: [email protected]


Cover Artwork by: Ahmed Nadheem

Printed by: Novelty Printers and Publishers

Male’, Republic of Maldives

Page 3: GDP (at current prices, 2014) 47,122.2 (in million MVR ...statisticsmaldives.gov.mv/nbs/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/... · Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015 ... GDP (at current

Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives


Page 4: GDP (at current prices, 2014) 47,122.2 (in million MVR ...statisticsmaldives.gov.mv/nbs/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/... · Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015 ... GDP (at current

Geography 5

Environment 6

Population 7

Education 8

Employment 9

Health 10

Housing & Infrastructure 11

Law & Order 12

Fisheries & Agriculture 13

Tourism 14


Transport & Communication 15

Electricity & Water 16

Public Finance 17

Money & Banking 18

Foreign Trade 19

National Accounts 20

Prices 21

Pension & Social Protection 22

Political Parties & Elections 23

Poverty 24

Page 5: GDP (at current prices, 2014) 47,122.2 (in million MVR ...statisticsmaldives.gov.mv/nbs/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/... · Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015 ... GDP (at current

5 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

There are an estimated 1,192 islands separated into

a series of 26 natural atolls.

Out of which; 20 are administrative atolls and 188

are inhabited islands.


545.4 (in mm) during Octo-

ber 2014 in Kaadehdhoo


1.9 (in mm) during February

2014 in Male’

Monthly Rainfall

The most densely populated island is the capital city, The most densely populated island is the capital city,

Male’. Based on the Census 2014, 125,969 people were Male’. Based on the Census 2014, 125,969 people were

residing in the four wards in Male’. Population density residing in the four wards in Male’. Population density

is 652 persons per hectare in Male’ island.is 652 persons per hectare in Male’ island.

The temperature of Maldives ranged between 24°C and 33°C

throughout the year. The average daily temperature has

reached the maximum during April 2014 with 33.0°C in

L.Kahdhoo. And the minimum temperature was the lowest

during September 2014 with 24.1 in Gdh Kaadehdhoo.

Male’ the capital city have a Male’ the capital city have a

land area of 193.2 hectaresland area of 193.2 hectares


Monthly Sunshine


292.7 (in hrs)

during January

2014 in Hdh.


Wind Speed


12 (miles/hour) during

June 2014 in Male’

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6 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

The volume of waste has been increasing with increasing

number of population, where during 2014 it showed around

21 percent increase in the waste transported to

Thilafushi from Male’, compared to 2013.


30 percent of the Waste transported 30 percent of the Waste transported

to Thilafushi is from resortsto Thilafushi is from resorts

The volume of industrial wastes has decreased

60% and where the domestic waste has increased

over 100% compared to 2013

“Census 2006 showed that 50 percent of the

households have toilets connected septic





Industrial Domestic

Male’ the capital

city having 30

percent of the

population, dis-

pose their waste

to the garbage


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“Census 2006 showed that 50 percent of the

households have toilets connected septic


Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

Based on Census 2014, the resident Maldivian population is

338,434. The resident foreign population is 63,637.


Based on the Census 2014, the annual rate of Based on the Census 2014, the annual rate of

population growth is at 1.65 percent.population growth is at 1.65 percent.

During 2014, 59 infant

deaths occurred where,

the Infant Mortality

Rate was 8 per 1000 live


Sex Ratio is 103

Males per 100 females

Census 2014

Nuptiality 2014

5,587 (Marriages)

3,414 (Divorces)

During 2014, there were 7,245 live births

where 4,740 were in the Capital city Male’,

2,160 in Atolls and 345 at abroad. There were

1,143 deaths recording a natural increase of

6,102. 0






Both Sexes Male Female Both Sexes Male Female

Resident Maldivian Resident Foreigners





Resident Population

Resident Population in Non-Administrative Islands, 2014

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8 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

During 2014, total number of students enrolled is 87,083,

where 33 percent of the students were enrolled in schools

located in Male’.

In 2014 out of the total number of In 2014 out of the total number of

students enrolled, 47 percent were students enrolled, 47 percent were

primary education level students primary education level students

and 26 percent were in preand 26 percent were in pre--primary primary

level. level.

In 2014, the total

number of teachers

serving at different

schools were 8,388.

In 2014 a total of 284

students were enrolled at

special classes, of which

176 are Male and 108 were


Number of Schools, 2014

212 (Government)

119 (Private,)

124 (Community)

During 2014, out of the total number of

students enrolled 22,823 students in Pre-

primary, 40,499 in Primary, 18,925 in lower

secondary, 4,552 in higher secondary and 284

students in special classes.




Male Female

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9 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

Majority of the Civil servants were employed in

the Education and Health sector, where 32 percent

are employed in schools and 32 percent in hospi-

tals during 2014.


Out of the total Civil servants, 30 percent Out of the total Civil servants, 30 percent

are employed in administrative area. are employed in administrative area.

“Based on Household Income and Expenditure Sur-

vey 2009/2010, the Unemployment rate


During 2014, Employment in political post

have increased by 11 percent from 473 at

the end of 2013 to 526 at the end of 2014.



Male Female

During 2014, out of

the 24,883 civil serv-

ants, 15 percent were

employed at Atoll and

Island Councils.

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10 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

In-patients at the Indira Gandi Memorial hospital,

(IGMH) the Government hospital in Male’ declined by

4 percent during 2014 when compared to 2013 .

Total number of doctors during 2014 was 704, out of which

441 were general duty doctors & 263 were specialists.


In-patient Aver-

age Duration of

Stay at IGMH,


6.1 days

Average Occupancy Ratio at

IGMH, 2014


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Under 16

16 - 24

25 - 39

40 +


“During 2014,

the number of

narcotics drug

abuse cases

reported in-

creased by 26


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11 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

During 2014,

a total of 318 dwellings were authorized to con-

struct with a total area of 220,621 sqm.


Out of the Total area authorized for Out of the Total area authorized for

construction, 75 percent were for construction, 75 percent were for

residential purpose.residential purpose.

During 2014, Housing Development Finance Corpora-

tion provided 132 housing loans, valued MVR


Census 2014 showed a total of 68,249 households

in Maldives, out of which 26,739 households were

in Male’ and 40,887 households in the 187 admin-

istrative islands in the Atolls.






“During 2014, the

number housing Fi-

nance/Loans provided

increased by 4

percent ”

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12 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

During the period 2011-2014, the most Number of cases sent

to Prosecutor General's Office by the Anti-corruption Com-

mission for prosecution, was on Nepotism or providing undue

advantage for a third party.


During 2014, 783 cases were investigated by During 2014, 783 cases were investigated by

the Anti Corruption Commission, which the Anti Corruption Commission, which

showed an increase of 26 percent when com-showed an increase of 26 percent when com-

pared to 2013.pared to 2013.

During 2014, cases

logged on

deaths declined by

5 percent.

Drugs Cases Logged

3,140 (2014)

Drugs ceased by Police

26,925 grams (2014)

During 2014, 6,983 were detained/arrested by the Mal-

dives Police, of which majority 64 percent were ar-

rested/detained for the 1st time.

Logged cases at the Maldives Police Service

decreased by 16.9 percent during 2014, compared

with 2013. Out of the total logged cases, 28

percent cases were on theft, the highest, fol-

lowed by drug cases, amounting to 17 percent.

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13 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

During 2014 total fish catch totaled to

128,683 metric ton.

This showed a decline of 0.9 percent in the

fish catch compared to 2013.


During 2014, the number of Fisherman reg-During 2014, the number of Fisherman reg-

istered declined by 7 percent, when com-istered declined by 7 percent, when com-

pared to 2013.pared to 2013.

During 2014, there were 81 islands leased for agricultural

purpose which totaled an area of 2,166 hectares.

Out of the total fish catch 53 percent was

skipjack tuna and 38 percent was yellowfin

tuna. During 2014, there were 8,596 fisherman

registered in the atolls.

“During 2014, the Annual

Lease/rent value from the

islands leased for

agriculture purpose

amounted to

(MVR) 14,767, 050”

“During 2014, (MVR)

302,002,608 have been spent

on imports of Agricultural

crops mainly produced in

the Maldives”

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14 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

In 2014 a total of 1,204,857 foreign tourists

visited Maldives. During 2013 to 2014, tourist

arrivals grew by 7.1 percent.

During 2014, the registered bed capacity During 2014, the registered bed capacity

in tourist accommodation establishments in tourist accommodation establishments

increased by 6 percent from 29,715 to increased by 6 percent from 29,715 to

31,433 beds when compared to 2013.31,433 beds when compared to 2013.

As of 2014, there were 507 tourism establishments, out of which

111 were Resorts (including Marinas), with 76 percent of the bed


Number of guest houses increased substantially with 80 newly

registered in 2014, with 10 percent of the bed capacity.


Average Duration

of stay (days)

6.1 (2014)

Tourism Contribution to GDP (%)

25 percent (2014)

Tourist bed nights increased by 3 Tourist bed nights increased by 3

percent during 2014. percent during 2014.

Resorts (including Marinas)



Guest Houses42%

Safari Vessels32%

Percentage share of Establishments by type, 2014

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15 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

As of 2014, there were a total of 68,208 vehicles registered.

There were 6,777 newly registered vehicles during the year 2014,

of which 5,710 were motor cycles, which account for 83 percent

of the total vehicles in 2014.


During 2014, the registration of battery During 2014, the registration of battery

operated scooters have increased by 13 operated scooters have increased by 13

percent when compared to 2013.percent when compared to 2013.

During 2014, at Ibrahim Nasir International Air-

port, 2 million passengers flew in, 37 million Kg

of cargo and 220 thousand Kg of mails was handled

through 99,047 flights.

In 2014, there were 665,818 mobile phone

subscriptions in the Maldives, amounting to

194.6 Mobile subscriptions per 100 people.

“During 2014, the


subscription have

increased by 74

percent compared

to 2013”

Post paid12%


Percentage share of mobile subscriptions by type, 2014

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16 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

A total of 239 million KWh of electricity was utilized in

Male’, during 2014. The majority was consumed by domestic

users which accounted for 52 percent in 2014.


Electricity consumption in Male’

amounted MVR 344,817,848 for the

domestic use.

During 2014, a to-

tal of 4,845,906

litres of Mineral

water was


During 2014, total electricity

subsidy to households in Male'

accounted to 23.7 million MVR,

with 19.8 million as fuel sur-

charge and 3.9 million as us-

age based subsidy.

During 2014, 61 islands were supplied with wa-

ter by the Disaster Management Centre on

emergency, which was a total of 2,909 tons.

On average, MVR 1,349 were spent per ton as

expenses on the supply of water during emergen-





Tap Bays0%

Percentage of water consumption in Male', 2014

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17 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

Government revenue and grants increased by 15.8 percent

during 2012-2013 reaching MVR 11.8 billion in 2013. Tax

revenue increased by 29 percent during the period.


During 2014, 15 percent of the

expenditure were on Subsidies

and transfers

Government Expenditure increased by 3.5 percent

during 2012-2013, reaching MVR 13.7 billion in


During 2013, Overall deficit stood at MVR

1.7 billion including grants, and MVR 1.9

billion excluding grants.

“During 2014, out of the

Total Expenditure, 83 per-

cent accounts for current

expenditure, where 20 per-

cent goes to Salaries and


“During 2014, out of the

Total Revenue, 72 percent

accounts for tax revenue,

where 28 percent comes from

GST on Tourism followed by

17 percent from Import Duty”

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18 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

At the end of 2014, the total money supply measured

by M2 was recorded at million MVR 27,164.2.

During 2014, a total of 14,928.3 During 2014, a total of 14,928.3

million MVR were issued as private million MVR were issued as private

sector loans and advances by the sector loans and advances by the

commercial banks.commercial banks.

At the end of 2014, the Net Foreign Assets of the bank-

ing system increased by 42 percent compared to 2013

which reached MVR 12, 552.1 million.


Narrow money (Dec


MVR 11,201.5

(in million)

Quasi money (Dec 2014)

15,962.6(in million MVR)

Private Sector Loans & Advances, 2014

(in Million MVR)

6,476 (Tourism)

400 (Fisheries)

1,734 (Construction)

2,516 (Commerce)

644 (Transport &


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19 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

The value of exports is decreased by 13 percent in 2014

compared to 2013, reaching MVR 2,227.7 million (fob).

Thailand was the major destination for exports (32 per-

cent), followed by France (14 percent), in 2014.


The overall balance stood at US$76 The overall balance stood at US$76


During 2014, 98 percent of the total export value

accounted for marine products, of which majority 43

percent was fresh or chilled tuna.

The value of Imports in 2014 showed an increase

of 15.1 percent when compared to 2013. The total

of imports 30,649.2 million MVR (cif).

Exports, 2014

Europe, 40 percent

Asia, 49 percent

America, 9 percent

Middle East, 1 percent

Imports, 2014

Europe, 9 percent

Asia, 54 percent

America, 4 percent

Middle East, 29 percent

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20 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

GDP per head for 2014 is estimated at USD 4,521 at constant

2003 prices and USD 5,036 at current prices.


In 2014, Percentage share of In 2014, Percentage share of

Agriculture and mining sector to Agriculture and mining sector to

GDP is 1.4 percent.GDP is 1.4 percent.

GDP (at current

prices, 2014)


(in million MVR)

Based on the supply and Use table for the Maldives

(2003) the Gross Output stood at 29,835.4

(in million MVR).

Percentage share of GDP (at

2003 constant prices, 2014)

Primary 3 percent

Secondary 13 percent

Tertiary 73 percent

GDP at constant prices stood at 26,043.7 (In Mil-

lion MVR) which estimated to have grown by 6.5

percent in 2014, where tourism being the main in-

dustry which contributed 25.3 percent .

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21 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

The Inflation rate for the whole nation in the year

2014 was at 2.1 percent, where it was 2.4 percent in

Male’ and 1.8 percent in Atolls in the year 2014.


During 2014, the main contributor During 2014, the main contributor

to inflation was food.to inflation was food.

In 2014 MVR appreciated against Japanese yen by

12.6 percent and Euro by 11 percent.

Inflation Rate, 2014

2.1 percent, All group

2.2 percent, excluding fish

Fuel prices, end 2014

Petrol, 15.12 MVR/ltr

Diesel, 14.83 MVR/ltr

In April 2011, the exchange rate regime was

changed from a fixed rate regime to a band of 20

percent around a central parity of MVR 12.8 per

US dollar

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22 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

During 2013, the government expenditure on the uni-

versal Health Insurance scheme (Aasandha) was MVR

78 million, disability allowance MVR 113 million

and emergency medical welfare amounted to MVR 40


During 2014, MVR 471 million was provided as During 2014, MVR 471 million was provided as Senior Citizens Allowance. This was introduced Senior Citizens Allowance. This was introduced in Feb 2014 to bring all pensioners up to the in Feb 2014 to bring all pensioners up to the basic pension level of MVR 5,000. basic pension level of MVR 5,000.

During 2014, a total of MVR 1,199 million was paid out

under different pension schemes to 39,895 beneficiaries.

During 2014, it showed a 73 percent increase in the

amount of pensions paid out compared to 2013.


Pension Paid 2014

(in ‘million MVR)

Basic Pension


Retirement Pension


Other Pension


Number of Beneficiaries,


Basic Pension 15,767

Retirement Pension 646

Other Pension 7,284

During 2013, single parent

allowance scheme spent MVR

66 million on 9,230 persons.

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23 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

During 2014 government expenditure on the parliament

election amounted to MVR 25.9 million, on local councils

elections amounted to MVR 29.7 million.


In 2014, only 61 women were amongst the 1,095 In 2014, only 61 women were amongst the 1,095

elected local council members.elected local council members.

In 2014, there were 16 political parties regis-

tered, out of which 6 parties were given a total of

MVR 14.1 million from the government budget.

Out of the 85 parliament members, only 5

are women, in 2014. Salaries and allowance

of parliament members amounted to MVR 85

million in 2014.

The Monthly average expenditure per par-

liament member is MVR 83,558.

During 2014, there were 1,095 local councils members,

out of which 134 at Atoll councils, 946 at island coun-

cils and 15 at city councils.

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Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015


Gini coefficient shows an improvement from 0.41 in 2003 to

0.37 in 2010, showing income inequality has declined over

the period.

Income inequality in Male'

increased over the period 2003

to 2010, while it decreased in

the Atolls.

Poverty gap ratio


MVR 44, (median of

Atoll expenditure per

person per day)

Republic, 19%

Male’, 15%

Atolls, 20%

International Poverty

line of

US $ 2

Republic, 7%

Male’, 5%

Atolls, 7%

Poverty Gap Ratio (2009/2010)

International Poverty line of US $ 1.25 -

Republic, 2%

Male’, 1%

Atolls, 2%


The MDG line of US$ 1 shows a reduction in pov-

erty from 9 percent in 2003 to 8 percent in

2010. As for the US$ 2 poverty line, a reduc-

tion in poverty from 31 percent in 2003 to 24

percent in 2010 is observed.

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Poverty & inequality measures (using Consumption Aggregate) 1/ Republic Male' Atolls Republic Male' Atolls

Median of Expenditure per person per day (Rf) 27 39 23 46 52 44

Headcount ratios (population below the defined poverty line) 2/

Median of atoll expenditure per person per day in 2009-2010 (Rf 44) 66% 40% 75% 51% 44% 55%

Half the Median of Atoll expenditure per person per day in 2009-2010 (Rf 22) 21% 4% 27% 15% 12% 16%

International poverty line of USD 1.25 ($-a-day poverty line used in MDGs) 9% 2% 12% 8% 7% 8%

International poverty line of USD 2 31% 9% 39% 24% 19% 27%

Gini Coefficient 0.41 0.35 0.40 0.37 0.38 0.36

Source: Household Income and Expenditure Surveys

2/ Poverty lines for previous years have been adjusted to account for inflation.


1/ Consumption aggregate is derived by aggregating households’ expenditures on goods and services so as to approximate the value of consumption achieved during

the refernce period. It excludes lumpy expenditures such as on weddings, housing constructions,Consumer Durables,actual rent paid, travel abroad for Hajj.

Consumption aggregate is used to define the measure of welfare which is used for poverty analysis.


Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

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Location Area

Latitude 7° 6' 35" N to 0° 42" 24" S Area (including sea) 115,300 sq. km

Longitude 72° 33' 19" E to 73° 46' 13" E E.E.Z 859,000 sq. km

Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) 859,000 sq. kms

2006 2013

Number of Islands: 1192 1192

Inhabited 194 188

Uninhabited 998 1004

No. of Tourist Resorts (Including Marinas) 88 110

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Climate : (Male')

Annual Rainfall (millimeters) 1659.2 2711.2 1792.0 2001.8 2202.0 2017.9 1333.3 1664.1 2081.8 1996.0

Total duration of sunshine (hours) 2963.1 2629.0 2874.5 2821.7 2896.6 2764.6 2934.6 2796.8 2796.3 2812.0

Annual average of daily

- maximum temperature (degree Celsius) 31.2 30.9 31.1 30.9 31.1 30.9 30.9 31.2 31.2 31.3

- minimum temperature (degree Celsius) 26.1 26.0 26.2 26.1 26.3 26.5 26.4 26.4 26.3 25.8

Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015

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27 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015


(Census) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total Maldivian Population 298,968 344,023

Male 151,459 174,666

Female 147,509 169,357

Resident Foreign Population na 63,637

Male na 55,787

Female na 7,850

Inter-censal annual growth rate (%) 1.69 1.65

Male' population (%) 34.68 38

Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 103 103

Dependency ratio (dependants per 100 working age pop) 1_/ 57 48

Economically active population 128,836 na

Mid-year population (estimated) 300466 304869 309575 314542 319738 325135 330652 336224

Expatriate population (Immigration) 53901 70075 80839 70259 73840 79777 na na na

(Vital statistics) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Infant Mortality Rate (under 1) / '000 Live Births 16 10 11 11 11 9 9 6 8

Mortality Rate (under 5) / '000 Live Births 18 12 14 12 13 11 11.3 9 10

Crude Birth Rate / '000 Population 2_/ 19 22 22 24 22 22 22.4 21 21

Crude Death Rate / '000 Population 2_/ 4 4 3 4 3 3 3.4 3 3

Maternal Mortality Rate / 000 Live Births 1 1 0.57 0.81 1.12 0.55 0.13 0 0.41

Still Birth Rate / '000 Live Births 10 9 8 7 7 7 7 9 5

Total Fertility Rate (Censuses) 2.1

Male Life Expectancy Rate 72 72.3 72.5 72.5 72.6 72.8 72.96 72.97 NA

Female Life Expectancy Rate 73.23 73.7 74.1 74.2 74.4 74.8 74.78 74.66 NA

Marriages 5556 5821 na 6569 6136 6015 5699 5620 5587

Divorces 2177 2345 na 2680 2795 3016 3011 3331 3414

1_/ Working age (15-64 years ); Dependants (0-14 and 65+) 3_/ 9% of Infant mortal i ty i s due to tsunami2_/ 1995 to 2000 figures , adjusted on the bas is of mid-year population estimates 4_/ 21% of Chi ld mortal i ty i s due to tsunami

5_/ Foreign population enumerated in Census 2014 is less than the officia l figures recorded in Immigration documents

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Government Employees

Both Sexes 33997 32797 241381_/ 24085 21845 19125 17657 24207 24883

Male 20909 19417 11507 11456 10464 9728 8603 11219 11547

Female 13088 13380 12631 12629 11381 9397 9054 12988 13336

Percent change over previous year -0.1 -3.5 -26.4 -0.2 -9.3 -12.5 -7.7 37.1 2.8

Expatriate Employment 53901 70075 80839 70259 73840 79777 na na na

Employment (locals in administrative islands)Census 2006 HIES, 2009 / 2010

15+ Population 193771 213872

Employed Population 98941 98393

Unemployed Population (ILO defintion)5220 13033

Unemployed Population (including discouraged workers)18493 38493

Unemployment Rate (ILO definition) 0.05 0.117

Unemployment Rate (including discouraged workers)0.157 0.281

1_/ With the formation of civil service, government employees figures includes civil servants only

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29 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Number of Doctors in Male' 211 259 260 204 219 na na na 286

Number of Doctors in Atolls 207 293 355 322 306 na na na 418


Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) 13455 12488 14041 13752 13568 13996 13935 13058 12590

Average Duration of Stay 5.4 5.6 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.5 6.1

Average Occupancy Ratio 83.5 74.8 84.5 84.4 80.7 82.6 76.8 71.4 78.4

No. of Thalasemia Cases registered 604 632 669 694 716 747 769 787 na

No. of New Thalasemia Cases 25 28 37 25 22 31 22 18 na

No. of Tuberculosis Cases Under Treatment 175 188 201 154 131 126 120 165 na

Note: Inpatients at the public hospitals in Male' do not show the full picture, as data on the major private hospital is not availabe

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Student Enrolment in Maldives 100,241 97,131 93,433 89,841 87,600 86,946 2_/ 86,510 2_/ 86,096 87,083

Government Schools 82,177 79,439 75,377 71,729 68,004 64,377 62,151 59,560 59,914

Private Schools 8,373 7,340 7,528 8,106 8,687 10,509 11,957 13,302 14,149

Community Schools 9,691 10,352 10,528 10,006 10,909 11,826 12,402 13,234 13,020

Student Enrolment by Level

Pre - Primary Enrolment (NURS, LKG, UKG) 14,325 14,851 15,536 16,126 17,623 17,885 22,049 22,473 22,823

Primary Enrolment (Grades 1 - 7) 54,692 50,270 46,994 44,530 41,955 40,435 38,638 39,408 40,499

Lower Secondary Enrolment (Grades 8 - 10) 28,966 29,417 28,164 26,120 24,588 22,788 21,444 19,876 18,925

Higher Secondary Enrolment (Grades 11 - 12) 2,156 2,486 2,651 2,920 3,243 5,604 4,237 4,138 4,552

Special Classes ** 102 107 88 145 191 234 142 201 284

Enrolment by Sex

Both sexes 100,241 97,131 93,433 89,841 87,600 86,946 86,510 86,096 87,083

Male 51,183 49,435 47,738 45,891 44,882 44,358 44,420 43,884 44,511

Female 49,058 47,696 45,695 43,950 42,718 42,588 42,090 42,212 42,572

Educational Institutions 349 342 362 375 375 381 408 456 455

Male' 22 22 23 24 24 25 27 36 37

Atolls 327 320 339 351 351 356 381 420 418

** Phys ica l ly handicapped students

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2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

No. of cases logged with Police 8,230 8,560 11,452 17,674 19,259 16,994 17,803 20,512 21,885 18,193

No. of Cases dealt by Judicial Courts 12,107 14,084 13,820 12,921 15,997 15,036 14,710 14,232 16,189 18,902

Cases handled by the High Court

Cases logged 195 269 263 340 415 280 342 371 401 na

Cases dealt 187 176 227 227 401 180 328 560 389 na

Cases awaiting trial 94 187 223 337 351 452 466 277 289 na

Persons sentenced

Both Sexes 983 1,489 1,371 1,002 2,039 954 na na na na

Male 768 1,256 1,168 883 1,809 831 na na na na

Female 215 233 203 119 228 123 na na na na

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2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total Catch ('000 metric tons) 186 184 144 133 117 122 121 120 130 129

Growth in Fish Catch (%) 17.3 (1.0) (21.7) (8.0) (11.9) 4.7 (1.1) (0.7) 8.2 (0.9)

Composition of Fish Catch: (in metric tons)

Total 185,980 184,158 144,169 132,574 116,736 122,175 120,836 120,001 129,843 128,683

Skipjack 132,060 138,458 97,342 87,072 66,189 73,721 57,672 53,392 74,422 68,522

Yellow fin 24,571 22,954 24,415 23,769 20,733 21,835 35,575 44,977 47,146 49,101

Other Tuna Related Species 8,302 5,718 7,100 6,699 8,876 7,124 4,947 2,538 1,664 3,924

Other Marine Fish 21,047 17,029 15,312 15,034 20,938 19,495 22,642 19,094 6,611 7,136

Total Annual Lease of Uninhabited Islands(in'000 MVR) 1,408 1,615 5,328 23,514 na na na na na na

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33 Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

No. of Tourist Resorts (Including Marinas) 88 91 94 97 97 101 105 109 111

Tourist Arrivals 601,923 675,889 683,012 655,852 791,917 931,333 958,025 1,125,202 1,204,857

Growth in Tourist Arrivals (%) 52.3 12.3 1.1 -4.0 20.7 17.6 2.9 17.5 7.1

Beds in operation (annual average) 16,244 17,533 19,081 20,137 21,701 24,493 25,062 26,101 26,910

Total Bed Capacity (registered) 20,505 22,187 23,464 24,978 25,591 26,896 28,120 29,715 31,433

Resorts (including marinas) 17,712 18,938 19,860 20,942 21,232 22,120 22,889 23,469 23,831

Hotels 713 836 1,110 1,368 1,449 1,603 1,627 1,708 1,704

Guest Houses 481 490 400 462 476 659 1,101 1,918 3,159

Safari Vessels 1,599 1,923 2,094 2,206 2,434 2,514 2,503 2,716 2,739

Increase in Bed Capacity of Resorts (over previous yr) 2.39 6.92 4.87 5.45 1.38 4.18 3.48 2.53 1.54

Bed Capacity Utilization Rate (%) (Resorts & Hotels) 1_/

81.4 82.8 78.3 70.2 75.6 73.1 70.4 74.0 74.4

Tourist Bed-nights('000) 4,826 5,293 5,451 5,147 5,986 6,529 6,451 7,041 7,290

Increase in Tourist Bed-nights 46.2 9.7 3.0 -5.6 16.3 9.1 -1.2 9.1 3.5

Average Duration of Stay (days) 8.0 8.5 8.8 8.6 7.6 7.0 6.7 6.3 6.1

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Aircraft Movement at Male' International Airport

Total Number of International Flights 10,470 12,645 13,297 13,782 16,866 19,435 19,282 22,106 23,821

Scheduled Fl ights 8,114 9,414 9,993 10,855 13,624 16,279 15,468 19,960 21,436

Chartered Fl ights 1,073 1,325 1,163 1,091 1,396 970 1,836 360 244

Non Scheduled Fl ights 1,283 1,906 2,141 1,836 1,846 2,186 1,978 1,786 2,141

Passenger Movement of International Flights

Arriva ls 734,733 833,436 838,733 831,924 1,008,743 1,128,238 1,165,695 1,363,930 1,495,338

Departures 723,758 824,592 819,599 845,399 1,009,847 1,146,175 1,181,635 1,375,979 1,464,079

Passenger Movement of Domestic Flights

Arriva ls 355,015 398,430 418,002 408,603 502,075 565,097 398,159 676,264 664,527

Departures 361,191 411,112 427,355 414,514 539,129 579,571 398,174 690,569 679,122

Registered Vehicles / Vessels

Land Transport

Number of Motor Cars 2,372 2,727 3,002 3,219 3,348 3,505 3,708 3,991 4,493

Number of Motor Cycles/Auto Cycles 22,113 26,777 31,414 35,794 38,860 42,571 46,409 50,777 56,503

Phone Calls ( '000 minutes)

International telephone calls 12,037 26,991 120,906 140,386 135,384 108,744 211,865 249,201 265,736

National telephone calls 123,281 122,725 95,124 86,305 77,503 75,974 69,830 66,557 41,974

Mobile calls 216,318 219,839 969,281 1,165,371 1,241,516 1,094,741 1,468,840 1,571,320 1,687,209

Phone lines

Fixed telephone lines 32,181 33,063 46,925 49,025 48,019 24,084 23,140 22,557 21,478

Pay phones 751 732 714 612 572 207 128 129 128

Mobile phone subscription 271,053 313,539 435,627 457,770 494,351 527,844* 560,547 625,161 665,818

Post-paid 29,038 29,479 55,282 68,360 71,803 72,751* 71,463 73,751 78,656

Pre-paid 242,015 284,060 380,345 389,410 422,548 455,093* 489,084 551,410 587,162

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2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 4_/ 2013 2014

(In million rufiyaa)

Revenue and Grants 6,154.1 7,571.2 7,456.5 5,734.8 6,546.9 9,904.5 10,138.1 11,900.7 14,907.2

5,286.7 6,527.2 6,939.5 5,313.3 6,392.4 9,172.1 9,771.4 11,783.1 14,492.6

Tax Revenue 2,370.3 2,905.1 3,366.8 2,732.0 2,931.0 4,893.0 6,880.1 8,872.8 10,436.3

Non-tax Revenue 1_/ 2,916.3 3,622.1 3,530.4 2,567.4 3,412.0 3,744.7 2,843.3 2,642.1 3,930.4

867.4 1,044.0 517.0 421.5 154.5 732.4 366.7 117.7 414.6

Expenditure and Net Lending 6,948.1 8,200.9 10,176.0 10,979.6 10,874.0 12,264.7 13,110.0 13,530.8 16,385.7

Total Expenditure 7,066.2 8,325.4 10,342.4 11,130.4 11,055.3 12,663.7 13,200.2 13,666.3 16,488.2

Current Expenditure 5,607.8 6,560.1 7,463.2 8,764.9 8,428.1 9,075.7 10,316.5 11,573.2 13,549.7

Capital Expenditure 1,458.4 1,765.3 2,879.2 2,365.5 2,627.2 3,588.0 2,883.7 2,093.0 2,938.5

(118.1) (124.5) (166.4) (150.8) (181.3) (399.0) (90.2) (135.5) (102.5)

Overall Balance (including grants) (794.0) (629.7) (2,719.5) (5,218.6) (4,268.1) (2,360.2) (2,971.9) (1,765.5) (1,581.0)

Financing 794.0 629.7 (1,224.0) (3,206.3) (4,268.1) (2,360.1) 2,971.9 (1,765.5) (1,581.0)

Foreign financing 529.2 615.1 747.7 1,006.1 1,228.3 968.0 772.2 472.6 574.0

Domestic financing 3_/ 264.8 14.6 (1,971.7) (4,212.4) 3,039.8 1,392.1 2,199.7 1,293.0 1,007.1

Overall Balance (excluding grants) (1,661.4) (1,673.7) (3,236.5) (5,640.1) (4,481.6) (3,092.6) (3,338.6) (1,883.2) (1,995.6)

Revenue as percent of GDP 28.0 29.2 25.6 19.2 21.4 25.5 25.1 28.3 30.8

Tax Revenue as percent of GDP 12.6 13.0 12.4 9.9 9.8 13.6 17.7 21.3 22.1

* Non-tax Revenue as pecent of GDP 15.4 16.2 13.0 9.3 11.4 10.4 7.3 6.4 8.3

Total Expenditure as pecent of GDP 37.4 37.3 38.2 40.1 37.0 35.2 33.9 32.9 35.0

Current Expenditure as pecent of GDP 29.7 29.4 27.5 31.6 28.2 25.3 26.5 27.8 28.8

Capital Expenditure as pecent of GDP 7.7 7.9 10.6 8.5 8.8 10.0 7.4 5.0 6.2

GDP (current prices in millions MVR ) 18,876.1 22,348.8 27,107.5 27,729.0 29,855.6 35,931.2 38,942.8 41,569.2 47,122.2 1_/ Includes capital revenue 3_/ Primary reflects net borrowing from Maldives Monitory Authority2_/ Excludes grants for direct expenditure by donors 4_/ Actual


Grants 2_/

Net Lending

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(In million Rufiyaa, end of period) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1_/ 2012 1_/ 2013 2014

Net foreign assets 952.1 -510.5 -1,732.2 -1,338.7 685.6 2,873.0 5,258.3 8,813.4 12,552.2

Centra l bank 2,814.0 3,857.0 3,022.0 3,071.7 4,067.6 4,725.5 4,241.0 5,308.0 9,110.0

Other depos itory corporations -1,861.9 -4,367.5 -4,754.2 -4,410.4 -3,382.0 -1,852.5 1,017.3 3,505.4 3,442.2

Domestic claims 9,503.5 13,748.4 18,590.1 21,187.4 22,181.2 24,688.4 23,893.6 24,959.2 26,001.9

Net cla ims on centra l government 552.9 216.4 896.3 4,062.7 5,380.7 6,830.9 7,649.6 8,637.7 9,272.6

Cla ims on other sectors 8,950.6 13,532.0 17,693.8 17,124.7 16,800.5 17,857.5 16,244.0 16,321.5 16,729.2

of which Cla ims on private sector 8,371.7 12,509.1 16,218.5 15,553.8 15,191.0 16,090.5 14,505.4 14,637.9 15,114.4

Broad money 8,008.7 9,938.8 12,110.1 13,615.5 15,884.0 19,062.2 20,001.6 23,676.7 27,164.2

Narrow money 3,707.6 4,448.8 6,097.5 7,440.0 7,538.7 8,192.4 8,428.3 10,415.8 27,164.2

Quas i money 4,301.1 5,490.0 6,012.6 6,175.5 8,345.2 10,869.9 11,573.3 13,260.9 15,962.6

Private sector loans and Advances 8,184.8 12,486.4 16,121.8 15,403.6 15,045.2 15,970.3 14,520.0 14,533.5 14,928.3

Agriculture 17.2 38.0 38.8 31.3 28.7 25.0 15.9 10.3 7.9

Fishing 641.3 1,182.9 1,088.8 960.5 896.0 772.3 551.9 546.6 399.8

Manufacturing 140.0 490.8 581.0 532.0 493.1 492.0 324.1 316.5 199.2

Construction 525.9 1,053.7 1,368.9 1,264.0 1,119.7 1,187.4 1,205.8 1,320.7 1,734.2

Tourism 4,297.9 6,536.1 9,317.0 9,148.9 8,698.3 9,170.3 8,326.8 7,430.1 6,476.0

Commerce 1,655.4 1,299.3 1,837.3 1,587.9 1,774.3 2,131.1 2,144.3 2,551.7 2,515.6

Transport and Communication 367.3 550.6 786.7 814.5 677.7 614.0 480.0 520.0 643.6

1_/ Revised

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(In million US$) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011(rev) 2012(rev) 2013(rev) 2014(proj)

Balance on goods -590.1 -1,077.8 -1,317.6 -912.7 -1,044.3 -1,370.4 -1,261.4 -1,372.0 -1,663.0

Current Account Balance -302.0 -228.0 -612.0 -221.0 -196.0 -422.8 -269.6 -176.1 -290.0

Balance on services 320.7 1,246.0 1,210.4 1,144.8 1,358.6 1,497.9 1,530.4 1,851.6 2,117.4

Services (credit) 551.9 1,576.9 1,638.4 1,543.2 1,809.9 2,087.3 2,105.8 2,504.1 2,867.3

Services (debit) -231.2 -330.9 -427.9 -398.3 -451.4 -589.4 -575.4 -652.5 -749.9

Financial Account 294.2 220.3 181.2 173.2 153.4 449.8 197.6 132.7 477.4

Current Account as a percentage of GDP -20.5 -13.1 -29.0 -10.3 -8.4 -17.1 -10.7 -6.5 -5.5

Financial Account as a percentage of GDP 19.9 12.6 8.6 8.1 6.6 18.3 7.9 4.8 15.6

GDP ( in millions of USD at current prices) 1,475 1,746 2,110 2,149 2,323 2,455 2,509 2,785 3,056

Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Total exports (f.o.b value '000 in MVR ) 1,735,722 1,384,589 1,617,452 981,318 949,798 1,770,330 2,483,060 2,558,635 2,227,693

Total exports (f.o.b value in '000 US$) 135,603 108,171 126,363 76,665 74,203 114,882 161,552 166,037 144,655

Marine Products 1,709,989 1,357,222 1,591,939 958,408 913,242 1,717,121 2,438,537 2,517,185 2,177,115

Other Products 25,733 27,366 25,512 22,910 36,555 53,209 44,523 41,450 50,436

Total (in %)

Marine products 99 98 98 98 96 97 98 98 98

Other products 1 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2

% Change in exports 30 -20 17 -39 -3 86 40 3 -13


Total Imports (c.i.f value in '000 MVR) 11,859,521 14,032,513 17,760,114 12,368,528 14,017,488 20,486,217 23,884,654 26,634,885 30,649,233

Total Imports (c.i.f value in '000 US$) 926,525 1,096,290 1,387,509 966,291 1,095,116 1,329,411 1,553,979 1,728,416 1,990,210

% Change in imports 24 18 27 -30 13 46 17 12 15


Average Exchange Rate (MVR per US$) 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80 12.80 15.41 15.37 15.41 15.40

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Consumer Price Index (CPI), June 2012 = 100 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Total National CPI 60.7 64.8 72.6 75.9 80.6 89.7 99.4 103.2 105.4

% change in CPI ( Inflation Rate) - National 2.7 6.8 12.0 4.5 6.2 11.3 10.9 3.8 2.1

Food and non- alchoholic beverages- National 46.5 54.1 64.4 64.7 69.6 83.4 98.1 105.2 105.9

% change in food and non-alchoholic beverages - National 4.0 16.2 19.1 0.5 7.5 19.9 17.6 7.2 0.7

Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015


(Gross Domestic Product - G.D.P at market prices)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

G.D.P at 2003 Constant Basic Prices ( million MVR) 13,885 16,647 18,340 20,664 19,564 20,966 22,792 23,361 24,459 26,044

G.D.P at 2003 Constant Basic Prices (million US$) 1,085 1,301 1,433 1,614 1,528 1,638 1,781 1,825 1,911 2,035

G.D.P Growth Rates -8.1 19.9 10.2 12.7 -5.3 7.2 8.7 2.5 4.7 6.5

GDP per Capita at 2003 Constant Basic prices (MVR) 41,009 46,976 48,914 52,929 50,842 53,270 56,088 55,623 56,291 57,880

GDP per Capita at 2003 Constant Basic Prices (US$) 3,204 3,670 3,821 4,135 3,972 4,162 4,382 4,346 4,398 4,522

GDP at Current Prices (million US$) 1,120 1,475 1,746 2,110 2,149 2,323 2,455 2,509 2,785 3,056

GDP at Current Prices (million MVR) 14,334 18,876 22,349 27,008 27,511 29,740 35,768 38,693 42,952 47,122

GDP per Capita at Current Prices (MVR) 42,333 53,267 59,606 69,177 71,493 75,563 88,021 92,127 98,853 104,726

GDP per Capita at Current Prices (US$) 3,215 3,706 3,879 4,194 4,012 4,201 4,586 4,571 4,802 5,036

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POLITICAL PARTIES2011 2012 2013 2014

Number of People Registered under

Political Parties122,671 130,928 135,587 137,800

Money given by the Government to the

Political Parties (MVR)13,049,317 13,236,363 12,825,451 14,078,994

Statistical Pocketbook of Maldives 2015



Election, 2009

Local Council

Election, 2011


election, 2014

Expenditure (MVR) 22,069,177 44,840,130 76,487,272 25,929,972

First Round Second Round First Round Second Round

Eligible voters 207,961 209,294 212,559 239,105 239,165 240,652

Number voted 177,802 181,204 167,911 208,504 218,619 189,640

Voter turnout 86% 87% 79% 87% 91% 79%

Presidential Election, 2008


Presidential Election, 2013

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National Bureau of Statistics

Ministry of Finance & Treasury