ge!fixed Octette 4 Sextette 3, 4 .Leon . lJ'ebber Fo:>tblll 1, 2 Cla Pla} 3. 4 e1tzor • la i tory Wh n school op ned in G ry on Septemo r 6, 1947, fift n proud but hy lrl and boJ

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  • • e ge of the

    GH c OOL Independ nt-Oonsolidnted Scbool D trlct To. 1

    G R ' 0



  • Gctry Pz1bli ·

    Thi butldmg ' the ymbol of educatzon in Gary from thz chool we go

    forward mto r he (\chool of Lde.

    Board of Edzlcation~

    Perry W. He ton; Robert N. Rourk; Thom s H La\\. clerk; . P. el on. pr !dent; Elroy Glib rtson; LaVem Hult ; E L Lohr, uensurer.

  • KE H l \VEl I Sup r nt ndent, Al br 1)ping

    I OBI Rl G HRI 1 lA 0 ' :::: t; ol y, Phv lola ) ,

    mule n Government, G r. r 1 ci nee

    MORRI l. MARC0111 Geometr~, Bookkcepln , Shop G n 1 Bu ln , Ath: 1

    J DYl HI M C Cl 'I Engli h I, II, III, IV, Homemakmg Mu 1c

  • ...... ~-· -~-----·-.-··· • • • 0 e %"" -... .....


    The • en1or



    CLASS FLOWER: Wh1te Carnation .

    CLASS COLORS: Pastel Ore nand White.

    CLASS MOTTO: "After Commencement Cmmenc ."

    Johtt 1• Bc1rtwartl Chorus 1, 2, 4

    Bnsk tball 1, 2, 3 Cla Play 3. 4

    Student Body Rep. 4

    Trock 3 Football 1, 2. 3. Capt. 4

    Op ret 1. 2 Band 1, 2. 3, 4

    Elaitt E. Bertt r Volleyball 2 Chorus 1. 2, 3 Operetta 1, 2 Honor Roll Class Play 3, 4 Editor Annual 4

    D A .R. Rep. 4 Girls' State Clns Officer 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Body Rep 2 Cheerle der 3 Student Bo:!y Vice-Pres. 3


    ...... . ..........

  • ... ······

    ~ .- .. ~ g c .. ~~----· .....

    lv r t ge ianlg r 3, 4

    • OUl e

    nxed Chorus 1 Girls 01 Club 1


    00 ....... ··-~'% ... 4¥

    Fricka D "lam 3

    . . Fricka

    Play 3

    Operetta 1-2 Volle}'b 11 2

    Jo1t H. J It 01 King 4 Football 4

    Cla Plav 3, 4 Cl Offlc r 1, 2, 3, 4

    Student Bcdy Vice-Pres. 4 Honor Roll

    ............ ~....-

  • Til l1na J, J'ol11t 011 Declnm 3, 4

    Cia Play 3, 4 Kittenb 11 1

    Gl e Club 1. 2. 3, 4

    Opcrett 2 Volle~ b 11 2

    1:ix d Chorus 1, 2 Cia Officer 1

    1 iclzard D. Lo aa B nd 1. 2. 3, 4

    F otblll 1. 3, 4 Cln Pl • 3, 4 Bo~ ' Stqt 3

    Student B ds Rep

    Chorus 1, 2, 4 B • tb 11 1. 2, 3, C pt. Cl Pr id nt 1. 2. 4

    Stucent Eoay Pres. 3 Stud nt BOd~ V1c -Pre 2 Co-Val dictori n A 't Ed1tor Annu 1, 4

    J U1l R. Band 1

    Decl m 1, 2 Operetta 1. 2

    VollC) ball 2 Student Body Rep. 3

    Alfred Bar.d 1, 2, 3, 4

    fill r ext tt 3, 4 Choru 1. 2, 3, 4

    Ch rlead r 4 Cln Pla~ 3, 4

    nx d Octette 4

    elsort Tr ck 3, 4

    Cia s Play 3.

  • E UltOJ'" Chorus 1. 2, 3, 4

    Oper ttn 1, 2 Cia PI y 3

    llill B nd 1, 2, 3. 4

    D cl m 2. 3, 4 Volle~b 11 2

    C Play 3, 4

    • ort It B nd 2, 4

    Volle} ball 2 J urnali m 1

    _. P dert Op~retta 1, 2

    Ch rle der 1. 3 Cia Of!ic r 3

    Mixed Octette 4 Journal m l, 2, 3, 4 Stud nt BOd) Rep.

    Honor R 11 Queen 4 Chorus nnd S xtette 1, 2. 3, 4

    tty 1. Choru 1. 2. 3. 4

    von yb u 2 Cla PJ y 3, 4

    u erkruepp Declam 2

    Operetta 1, 2 !fixed Octette 4

    Sextette 3, 4

    .Leon . lJ'ebber Fo:>tblll 1, 2 Cla Pla} 3. 4

  • • e1tzor la i tory Wh n school op ned in G ry on Septemo r 6, 1947, fift n proud but hy lrl and

    boJ trooped up to th big chool hous on the hill. After entering nd chmb ng the thr flights of tair v;e trutt d into the a mblJ nd took eats ijl th b ck of th room. We, t:he fre hmen, v; re Alfred Nelson, Leon Webber, Betty Sue~erkru pp, El in B nner, Eleanor orton, Jo n Miller, her Fric ·a, John Banv; rth, Jon Jen on, Lout Fricka, Rich rd Lovaas, Ruth Peden, Ethel Mount, Alvcna H nson, and H rold Bre~ ik Th t chers v;ere upt. 1 d ~rs. Wm Hunting nd Mr. nd Mr . M JI. rd Cochr ne

    During our Sophomore ~ r we gained Thelm John on into our h ppy roup, v; hJch then tot lled sixteen. M rtin J. Rem eke \\a our n v; uperir.t ndent nd our otll r te cher "'ere r1r • Reinecke and ~r. and Mrs. Cochrane.

    In our Junior )e r v;e lo t tv;o cia m t , leaving only fourte n in our group Ethel 1ount mm;ed to A~on, S D., v;here sh continued her chool.ng. Alv n H t.oon be-

    came Mr . P:hilo Laabs. On Dee mber 16 and 18, 1 9, v;e gave a class play titled "One r1. d Tight." Th director v; Mr. Chri tlanson. Our other thr t all r v;er Mr. and ir . Reine

  • Senior Cl£ Will We, th mo t honorabl Senior Cl of GalJ High School, in th County of Deuel,

    St l of South D kota. b lng of ound mind nd unforgettable intelligenc , about to pn&'l

    out of this chool to gr at r ta k , do m nd d clnre thi to b our Last Will nd

    r t m nt:

    To Gu V n St nb r . John Ban\\ rth v.ill th end hook on th co track.

    To Shirley Limberg, Elaine B nner v.ill her 5'-1'' height and hop s she can u it.

    To B tty Moell r, Th lm John n bequeath h r boOkk pin7 book nd paper , with 1h hope she v. ill not d troy th m.

    To J nn Se\ rson, Loui Frickn v.ill her qui t ~ ning at home, knawing he would njOl th m.

    To Gu V n Ste nberg, A1fr d 1 on v; 111 all th gum left und r his de k of the flavor ne prefers.

    ToP tricln Prle t. Jo n Miller lea\CS h r lev ford ncing, hoping that it v. ill bf' of help m future l ars.

    To Marc lla Kenn dy, B tty Su v rkru pp rellnqui hes her pl ce in the Octett nnd t-op h v. ill fill it up rbly.

    To G V n Ste nbrg, Leon Webber bequ th hi de k m the rear of t.b rov. by t.he door

    To Shirley Limb rg, Ruth P d n \\illS h r de k by the door 430 that he on't have to colhd ith th teacher hen tiJ ing to b first In line for dlnner.

    To Bettl Mo 11 r, El nor orton v..ll h r de k ne r the door and hop that he will not figbt with Shirl y.

    To Jeanne Se\ er on, Richard 'LO'< bequ aths hi billty to give prompt ansv; er to oUll que tion.

    To M reelln Kenn dy, Jon Jenson will h knov.led e of \Cr thing.

    To Patricia Pri , h·er Frick ill hi abllitj to tnugh.

    To th Jumors, th Seniors bequ tb th souti'. ... e t part of the A s mbly room, hoping th ~ ill not mar anl of our artful v;ork on the d k .

    To "Ted," our j nitor, v.e lea\ nll pap r and note that r not claimed by :tnlone.

    To th Teachers. v;e leave 11 our cod-natured i ling and gabbing and hope they

    " ill not h v a dull cla at any time.

    T the Fre hmen, v. e bequ ath all the xtr acth'lties and hop they v. ill make them 'l ucc

    To the Sophomo e 1 ' th mirror • nd d ir that th :'i be not gh n such h rd u e in future days.

    To Mrs. Limberg, the cook, w the Senior ill her m'.lch quit r noon-hours.

    w m ke, constitute. nd appoint our sp:msor, Robert G. Chr1 tlan on, to be Executor .,f thi our Last Will and T stnment.

    CSean. -cLASS OF 1951.

    Girl ' tate llnd Boys' tate The Am ricnn Le lon and the Legion Au ·ill ry of Gary sponsored Pntrlria Prie t

    nnc1 nu Vnn Steenberg as delegates to the annual ummer citizen hip camps at Aberdeen and Ml ch 11 in June of 1951.

  • Juttior la

    Left to right: Supt. •ev; 11, advisor; 1 rcella Kenn d), P trici Pri t. Shirl y Llmbe . B tty Mo ller, Joonn S verson, au Van St n rg.

    CLASS OFFICERS: Bett) 1oeller, pre ident; P tricia Prie t, \ice-presid nt; 1 r-c lla Kennedy, eeretary-tre sur r.

    Junior la Play The Junior Class Play, "Let 'ErGo, Gall her," a com dy in three acts, was presented

    January 17th nd 20th. The tting for the play s n Ozark community. The ca t in-cluded ach member of the Junior class 1 d al o Jim Summer . Bill T ylor, nd D \ld P den The director as Mr. v;cll. Th play proved to b

    J uttior- enior Bclttquet The Junior-Senior Banqu t was held on 'I\lesday, Apnl 24, 1951 in th Catholic church

    b m nt. It w a formal affair "ith th theme a D tch rd n.

    The program for the C\cning v;a carried out v.1th "tulip " motif as follo.vs: T-Tiptoeing Thru th 'I\llip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shirley Limberg U-Unto Our Hosts "D nk It" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard LOvaas L-Lifcsaving D3k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1r. Robt. G. Chrl tian on I -In the Land of Windmills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gus Van St nber:t P-Prattle of n Toscy Dutchman ...... Ruth Peden, Jon J n on. S-Sny Goldan D g . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. supt L. K. ewell

    Th to tmistr ss for th b nqu t program v; B tty M 11 r, Junior class prr'lcl nt

  • Ba ketball

    Left to right: Co ch M rootte, Fred Sueverkruepp, Gu Van Steenberg, Maurie Hu by, Curti WI , Rich rd Lolf , J ck Lytle, Jim Summers, D vld Ped n, Bill Tnylor, Tom Law, Dick Gordon, K ith Wiese.

    Tv. lv m n oompo d th 1950-'51 G ry high school b k tb 11 team. 0 t of thirte n sch dulcd g m , th · G ry team \\On tv."' nd lo t el \ n.

    They enter d th Deu 1 county tournament at Astona, playing Good~1n and Toronto,

    both gam b ing dropp d b~ cores of 30-60 nd 25-53.

    In the Dl trlct ine tournament at Waterww:n, Gary v. edg d out by wa~erly in n c citin~ m hich end d 31-32. Th ~ccor.d g m " lo t to Wallace by core ot 30-51. R1chard Lovaas as the captain for the son.

    Among th b k tball boy that ill be returnir.og are: Fred Sue\erkru pp, Gu V n Steenberg, Curti Wi e. Jack L}tle, Jim Summ rs, David P den, Bill Taylor, Tom Law, D1ck Gordon. K ith Wie e.

    Grad Ba ketbc1ll The boys of th F1fth, SLxth, Sev nth and Ei hth Grade v.ere ghen the opportunity

    t.o pl y b tbnll this year Practice v. re held on Thursda} nigh . fr. ~e ell nd 1'r. Asher rv d coach . 1uch improvem nt v.as m de In the bo}S. Games re played 1th Br ndt nd fari tta. Th team also pnrtlcip ted in the Deuel county rad chool

    tournnm nt.

  • heerleader ..

    veron Se\ cr on Jeonne S ver on Jo n r1:1ller

    Virginia Van Steenb rg

    Girl 'Bask tball arzd oftball The girls orgnniz d a b ketball tc m in ov mber and played one nl ht a \\cek

    1hroughout the e son. They organized a softball team In March and practiced In the gym until \\ ather permitted out-of-door practice. G me \\er chedul d v;lth everal out of to\\ n t ams, including Astoria. Goodwin and TOronto. The port v; r

    enjoyed by the hi yh school and the ~eventh and eighth grad girls who l>,r icip. ted in them.

    • en tor la Play The Senior Cia Play of 1951 v.a tltl d "There Go The Grooms" nd v.as presented

    one night only, Friday, March 9, 1951. The cast of chnrncters v.as as follows: Joshus McKnight, a retired farmer. was pl s d by Alfr d N 1 on: Minnie tcKnight,

    1!s spin! ter daughter, Ruth P den; Suellen McKnight, hi orphan granddaughter, Joan Miller: Pte Harney, an old CO\\ boy, Jon Jenson; Margie Brackett, his niece, in lo\e \\ith Dare. Thelma Johnson: Bob Br ckett. his n phev.. In lov ith Suellen, John Banwarth; Dare McKnight, a colle enlor. Leon Webber. This compri d the local Inhabitants.

    The visitors !rom the South included Hon vbelle Jack on, a southern charmer. por-trnY'ed by Elaine B nner: Mrs. J. Gormley Groom. or Aunt B a. as she v.a called by her niece, Hon ybell . as play d by B tty Su verkruepp. Richard r.ovaas complet d the cast ..-..ith his portrayal of Eustice TU hingham Groom. •who v;ns from England and was also a T'ephew of Mrs. J. Gormle:ot• Groom.

    The plny a directed bv ~ nl'1r rl ss ndvic;or, Rob rt n. Chr! Inn on. Jver Frlc erved ns stage manager. Eleanor orton and Louise Fricb were in charge of mnke-\lp,

  • eel ant

    £t ndinl. left to righ~: Mrs: C cini, coach; Patricia Priest, Virginia Van St enb rg, Gu Van St enb rg. S at d, l ft to right: Ruth P d n and Thelma Jchn on.

    There \\ere fl\ Etudents that an \\ered the c'hall r. of declam this year. Out of the four divls.ons Gary entered thr e. The students taking part In the respective divl-ion \\er : Dr m tic-Ruth Peden ar.d Virgin! Van Ste n rg; Humorous-Gus V n

    St nb r ; Po try-P t.rlcl Pri st and Th lma Johnson.

    At the loc 1 chmination conte t, Ruth Peden, Gus v n Steenberg and Patricia Priest \\ere cho en as winr._r from the1r respective divi ion . 1r . William Cascini co ched the tuden

    ud rtt OU1l il

    Standing, lef. to right: Irene Lohr, Bernie Tallor, David Pecen, Gus Van Steenberg, J ck l.}tle, B!ll Tullor, J hn B n\\arth, Richard Lo\ a .

    S ted, left to right: Jeanne Se\ r on, Patricia Prie t, ecretnry-treasurer; Betty fo ller, Mr. \\ell, ad\ lsor; Ruth Peden; Jon Jer.son, vice president; Shirley Limber-,s,

    pr !dent

  • J ourttalisn tuff

    Standmg, left to right: Leil Volk, Keith We1se, Tom L \\. r1ar) Ann H uger, D v d Peden, Gu Van Ste nberg, Bernice T l or, Bett) Rieken , L 1 Rieken , B tt~ Bek rt

    Se ted, left to rtght: Jtm ... ummer , B tt) 10 Her, Iren Lohr, Curti Wi , Patrl iJ. Pri t, a istant edttor: Ruth Pcd n, ed1tor: Bett) Oorcon, 1 rcella Ker.nedL typi t

    Atlll,U(tl tel if

    Standing, left to right: Leon Webber, Bettl Suev rkru pp, Alfred •'el on, her Fricka, Eleanor Ncrton, Patriri Priest, Jon J n on: 1r. Chrl t!nnson, dvi or; Thelma John n, John B n\\arth, Jo n Mtll r.

    Seat d, l ft to r ht: Shirley L mb rg, Lou! c Frickl, Ruth Peden, E. inc B nn r. ditor; R "h rd L \a

  • OfJI o1nor la s

    Standing, 1 ft to right: Btll T ~lor, J me D nekamp, M uric Husb~. J ck L}tl , D vld Peden, Dick Gordon, Mr. M rcotte, advisor.

    Seated, left to right: B tty Gordon, Loi Ri kens, B tty B knert, Vfr~inia van Steenb rg. B tt~ Rieken , Judy "chulte.

    CLASS CF.F'ICERS: D vld P den, pr ident; Dick Gordon, \ ice-pr ident; Eliz beth

    B kaert, cretnr~ -tr a surer.

    Freslznta1t la s

    St nding, 1 ft to r ht: Franci Dunn, Henry Fr1c , P ul Eng, TOm Law, J1m Summer , Fred Su \erkTuepp, Curti Wle , D m 1(. Schutjer, Duane Severson, Keith WI e. Elliott S 115011, 1r c scini, cl d\ i 01.

    s ted, left to right: d.ar} Ann Hauger. Franci Schulte, Leila Volk, Irene Lohr, B rnic 1\ }lor, Veron Sev ron.

    CLASS OFFICERS: Irene Lohr, pre ldent: Tom Law, president; Fred Sue\er-·ruepp cretar}; Franci D mn, tr a urer.

    On Septemb r 21st. evente n gre n Fro h slipp d lr: to the school hou all dr d and prep red to be init ated After being pu h d round mo t of the day, they v;ere !fore d to gh short ct on the tav:e Th latt r part of the fternoon v.as pent t the football game and that evening th \\hole high school went to canby for a roller-

    knting p rty.

  • 011,e a11d Two

    Standing, left to ri ht: D le Lorer.zen, 1 rgnret Miller. Ch rle Prle t, Donna Helm-bolt, D rlene Hclmbolt, Frederick W1 , George B 11 y, D:mald Bartel , D y;n H mp 1, Jo~ Sk llcrud. Henry Hauger; 1rs. Karl 0 v;ald, teacher; Du n Thoma , B rnard Ma on, Fri da Gunn, Cynthi 1111er.

    S ted, left to right: Darlene T ch ch r, Jo T ch ch r, Raymond Hults, Eug n Heimberger, Cary Gy land.

    Grades Th,ree c11td Foz1r

    Bac rov.: Mr . Wcr.dell Bnfley, teacher; Ronald LOrenzen, Carol ute on, Spenc r Ho\\ard, Merlin Helmbolt, Phylll Hauger, Mnrol~n J n n, Rich rd Simonton, Dorl Nygaard, Lynv;ood Mtller. D vld Thcmus, Joan Ulven, J nice Limberg, Curti 1ei ter.

    Front rov;: Jud_on Kenyon, Katen Limberg, Jo Anr. Frank, Irene Simonton, Sharon B iley, Billy Banwnrth, Janet Amundson, Jerry Wiese, David nenekamp, Gary Miller, 1-:ar.cy Lau. Kathleen St:mgeland. Karen Meister.

    , ,.

  • rad • i v Ultd

    B ck ro\\ Don ld Limb rg, D v.d Dunn, Da'> d Wim O\\, 1af'61 H u er, J nice ei t r, W yn Kjenstnd, H 1 n Sch einfurt, Ton) Schlehub r, D~nn~ B tley, Karen

    Gilbertson, Judith Ho\\ard, 'Mr . 1 Tle Uhen, telch r; L)nn Uhen, D nni Bcm.-er. Front ro : D nn Hund rtmark, Le t r Lor nzcn, Denr: Col , D anna Batley, John

    Den k mp, R g 1 W1 e, D nni Oro

    rcLd s ev 11 a1 d iglzt

    Front ro\\ : Jerr) Lytle, C rol Jen en. 1arlon uteson, Jean Denekamp. S cond r ": Gene L tl , John Gunn, Eilly Limb~rg, J cki Ehl r . Jerry Stoltenburg Tnira row: Jean F Ish 1m, Jennett D r.ekamp, Sharon La", Shelbl 1e er, Junior

    Hent.on Four ro": Mr. Ln\\rence A her. teacher; S ndrn Hov.ard, Elizabeth Winrow, Betty

    Helm olt, Ruth Lov , Le Ounn. J an Cole, M rlyn Wi • J mes Eng, 1 ynnrd ~ gaard, Dunn SchutJer

  • orottatiott

    The Co ron tion w s h ld on Thursday ev ning or Octob~r 12, 1950 t o'clock. The \\ ather being ideal, t.h coror. tlon v. as held out of doors by hayrack wa improvised to repre nt a throne. A loud- peaker ystem wa u the occ ion complete.

    bout 7:15 bonflre. ~ d to m ·e

    To open th evening's program, Shirley Limberg. tudent council pre id nt, ave r, welcome pe h. "Pomp nd Circumstance" -was played on pl no- ccordlon by t1r . Casclnf as the King and Queen and ttendants ascended to the throne. Shirley Limberg era\\ ned Ruth P den a Hom comin Queen of 1950 nd Jon Jen on th Homecomm Kin() of 1959.

    The attendant to the queen \\as Joan Mill r and the atter.:l:mt to the King .. Richard Lovaas.

    The Boys' Quartette sang "Queen of G ry H1gh,'' to the tun or S\\e theart of Sigm t.-hl. A poe:"l \\a read by Pntrlcln Prl t titled "LOyalty to Your School." A trump t olo 'American Patrol," was played by D vld P den. The b nd played the School Sontt th King and Que n nd ttend nt d cended from th throne.

    ttctke Dattce After the Coronation and progr m, a "snake dan " pep-f t \\a org nlzed. one

    below t.he Seventh gr de too· part. This year a different system u d In th" forma-tion of th sn re dance. It was organized ccordin to grade : s nlors, Jm~lot , sopho-more , Freshmen and then the Seo,;enth and Eighth Grade pupil .

    The dance was started at the school by John Ban\\arth. It proc ed d w ~\\ard to Brevik's station '\\llere the students formed a circle nd the cheerleader 1 d a ~eri of yells. Then the procession continu d down to the main street inters ctlon \\~here more yells were ~h·en. From there '\\ e went through v r 1 cafes and then b k to the school v.h r a lunch '\\"n served by the Home Economics girls.

  • Tiger Day Parade Friday, October 13lh, 1950, v; as Gary's tenth nnual Tig r Day. It v; a a perfect

    d y for th p rad v; hich too plac at 1 :30 p.m. Le ding th parade was D vld Peden, J c Lytle nd 1 urlcc Hu by, 11 riding hor . Th parad t ted t th high school and nt dov. n th main t1 et to the School for Blind, back b~ the v; y of Banv; rt.h's

    rag nin . The Gary six p1a~ed hard through the entire g me. Neither team had a big lead at any tim • the scor was alv; y cl e. Some of the touchdown'> v. re v ry spectacular. Once th G ry boy took th b 11 aft r a Revillo fumble llnd made a touch1own. Lat r in th" game the Wildcats did ne rly th me thing.

    large crowd ttended the gam and h lped ch r the Tigers on to victory. Wlth the • inning of the foot~lll m th G ry School Homecoming v.as compl te ucc

    chool ctrrtival Th Gary Hig'h School carniv 1 was a huge succe . It w held on October 27th,

    1950. Oro receipts v;ere 440 v;ith net profit of 310. The Gary High School stud nts "Ish to th nk th G ry b iness:men and patrons o! th school for the1r donations to the em nlval. The carniv 1 money 1 u ed to flnnnc the extra-curricular nctivities of the ~chool. Through your genero ity these ctlvities, v;'hich tend to mnke school life more nJoy bl and me ningful, can be maintained.

    U1 orld ffctir Te t Given A test on th !fairs of the world as of today was given to the American Government

    cla s by Mr. Christianson on Friday, April 20th. The qu tions were ibased on our previous t.tudy or the "American Ob ener." the daily ne't\spapers. and other papers containln cur-rent n \\'S affairs.

  • lz ru

    Baok ro\\, left to ri ht: Franc! Dunn. Tom La", J ck Lytle, M urice Husby, Gu V n Steet.b rg, Fred Sue\ rkruepp, J hn B nv.; rth, Dick LO\aa . David P den, Du n Severson.

    Middle ro\\: ~r . Cascmi, d 1ector: Eleanor 'orton, TheJm Johnson, B tty Gordon. B tt.) Su v rkruepp, P tr!cla Prle t, Virgmi Van Steenber . Lelh Volk, Fr nc1 Schult .

    Front ro\\: Jeanne Se\ er on, Irer.e Lohr, Ruth P d ... n, Jonn otl11er, Judy Schulte, V ronn S verson.

    T\'. enty-four \o!ce formed the Gary Hl h Scho 1 Mixed Choru , nr.d ere dir cted b) Mr . On clni. Thi group . aug at the aUon 1 Education week program and t th Mu i~ Con•e t in Brookings en April 13.

    Th Girl Glee Club group entered th Conte t at Brooking al o.

    The formal Sprn g Corcert \HlS pre eNe:f to the pub'ic n the South D k l Sch 1 for Blind aud1•crium on ~ y 8. The 'lix d Chart• , Gh! · Choru , Sm I En-emtle . and Soloists PP"' red in the program.

    Small groups ard oloi'its per ormed at the .Junior 2 nicr Frnqu . s~rn:g Cot c "t, Eaccalau:eat . and Commenc mer.t.

    The Grade cochool Pand rlav£>d o fe\\ le,.tlrn nt th" E·o~•h nrac!e Gr!l=!ua '>n L ·ercic:c . ~e\ rnl in trum£'nt 1 sol"i t nd c:ma'l groups a: o p rformed .

    • U lC o1zt st

    Th Regional Mu lc Cont t \\ac: held in Mllbar.k 011 February 14 v.;ith s1x oloists nd three enc:embles from G ry H1gh School p rticipatlng. They proudly returned \\ ith fl\ e Su;>erlor . thre Exc llrnts, and one Good. Thec:e gr ups \\ere under th duection of Mrs. Oa clnf.

    The conte tant and their ratings v.;erc: Jear.ne Sever on, sopr 110, Excellent; Judy Schul•e mczzo-sopr no. Good: Ruth P den, n1to. Suneri r; David Peden, tenor, EXcell nt;

    1aurice Hu by, baritone, Excellent: Gu Van St nb rg, b " , Superior.

    The groups comp c:fn~ a ~1xed Octette, a Eoys• Octette. and a Girl ' O~tett . en"h orcught home a Superior rating.

  • Vocal Ert emble

    Back rov., I ft to right: Franci Dum. Tom Lnv., Dick Lova s, Fr d Su verkru pp, Virglni V n Stc nb rg, Irene Lohr, Le1la Volk, Judy Schult .

    Front ro · D vid Pcd n, J ck Lytl , M urlce Husby, Gu V n S nberg, B tt~ Su ' rkru pp, Ruth Peden, Joan Mlllcr, Francis Schulte.

    Under th dir ctlon of 1r • Cascir.i the oct tte and soloists did very v.ell t.hrough-out t.h ~ r. Th mix d octctte consisted of M urice HU~} nd Da\1d Ped n, tenors; Jack Lyt. and Gu V n Steenber.g, bass ; B tt} Sue\erkru pp nd Fr nc1s Schulte, opr no ; Ruth P d n nne. Jo n 'Iil~er, altos Thl group contributed tv.o numbers t the

    Chrlstma p rt}. The} also nteroo th Mus1c COntest.

    The Boys• Octcttc v.a m d up of: Fr nci Dunn and Gu van Ste n rg, bariton ; D vld P d n, first tenor; M unc Hu by and TOm Law, cond tenor; J ck Lytl , Die· J..ov nd Fred Sueverkru I=P. ba . The bo~s al o entered th Iu lc OOntest.

    The Girl Octcttc con lsted or· Joan Mlller, Judy Schulte and Virgini Van Ste nocrg, econd soprano; E tty SUC\ rkruepp, Leila Volk and Francis Schulte. first oprar.o; Iren

    Lohr nd Ruth P d n. lto. Thl roup rformed bc•v. n t.h cts of the nior Class Pl y; t the One-Act Play F tival; and the Mu ic Oont t.

    'Ial Qu rtett v. formed lth David P den, flr t nor; 'I:auric Hu by, cond tenor; Gus Van Ste nberg. fir~t b ; and Jack Lytle, or.d b ss. These boy sang

    t the Father-Son Banauet nd th ~ tional Education W k program in Gary.

    Otz.e-A t PlllY A One-Act Pla}. "T 11 It To Tommy,'' v.as pr nt d t.hl year by a group of fhe boys:

    Tom v.. D vld P den, Gu Van Ste nb rg, Francis Dunn, nd Dick Gordon. It as comedy and a directed by 'Irs. Ca cini.

    Thi pl y as nt red in On -Act Fe tival held at the Br ndt uditorium on April 4th, and school p rticip tmg were Gar}, Brandt. Goodv. ln. Clear Lake, and Toronto. Tha pl l were pre ented to g in experi nc in tage ~rk. Preparations hav be n completed to make thl an annu 1 v nt In th county.

    Gary's play w al ehen at the annual Farm r ' 1 1ght progr m of the Gary busl-

    n cmen at th Prom th tre

  • ootball

    B ck rov.. 1 ft to right: Co ch 1arcotte, Dick Gordon, Jim Summer , D v1d P den, Bill T ylor, Tom Lnw, 1arlin W1e .

    Front rov., left to rl ht: Fr d ue\ rkru p, Jon Jen n, John Banv. arth, J m D nekamp, Gu V n Steer.ber . Rich rd LO\aa .

    The G IJ ix-man footb 11 tc m as coach d b) 1r M rcotte thi y r opened its sch dul '' ith a "cr.} clo g m nth .....trandbur . 1 he cor v. next game a dropp d to Elkton 62-22.

    The squad 25-25 Th

    Tiger D y v. fou ht it out ith R 'illo t G ry nd \\" do ned th m 32-29.

    We then pla.} d 1arietta under Re\ illo's lights nd lo t 3~-12 The sea on ended v. ith a victory of 24-16 O\ r South Shor t R U\ ille, under lights.

    John B r.~Y. tth v.as the capt m of the Gary Tiger for th se on.

    Dick Gordon, J,m Summers. Da\cid Peden, Bill TaJlor, Tom Lnv., M rlln Wle e, Fred Suev rkru pp, Jam Denek mp, and Gu Van St enberg are lh pl l rs that ill be returning.

    • przrzg oftbl1ll Softball is going to be an interesting activity this spring, judging by the enthusiasm

    shown at the time of printing this boo· It is planned to b ve enough bo.}s out to h v tv.o teams There probably v.lll be a g me or tv.o play d if opp n nts can be secured. Practice as started as oon as grade chool basket.ball cason ended.

  • Sci nc Departmettt

    Left to right: Dunn Sever on, "EM riA," H nrl Frick , 'i.r. Chr1stianson, teacher; J mes D n kamp.

    "Emma" i uppo edll th skeleton of an Indi n maiden. She v. borrov. ed from the School for th Blind and v. a u d in the Ph} iolo y and Gener 1 Scier.c cl to help in th study of bon and mu cle of th human body.

    • ertzor kip Dcly Th nior , v. ith rir. Chrl ti nson in char e. drove to Broo ·ings for t..'le colle e•

    Jackrabbit Roundup on Thursday, riay 3. E rly Ul n xt day Ule group motored to Sioux F 11 on our Skip D y nd vi t d the Morrell p c ·ing plant, the P tti r v. fuscum, the

    otanche ter bi cult factory, the airport, nd the st te penlter.tl cy. To close our tour of th city v.e wer treated to a te k dinner and then head d for home.

    Ultd ont11 lC nt 11t Baccalaureat s rvice for the Cla of '51 were held Sunday, M y 13, v.ith Rev. \\'m.

    C scini of Ule Gary 1ethodi t Church d 11' ering th ermon.

    The Commencement exerci es v.ere cor.ducted on Wcdne cay, 1ay 16. with D !ghtl 1ill r, up rintendent of chool of Watertov. n. d 11\ ering the addr

    The cl ss colors v. re pastel green and v.hitc; the nov.er" s the hite c rnation v.lth a gr en fern, and the cln motto w s "After Oommer.cement Commence."

  • Top tO\\ : No G in - Winnlr.g High School Float - Th Offer '""econd ro\\: A Sco\\1-John-Apology-Lusciou La\\- 'lt"-Enroute-"P "-"Dumm r" Third row: Defen ive Line-up -At H lf-T1me- Curti - Pla}ful -Jack. Fourth ro-w: "Chris'' - Seniors' Pr.dc and Jcy - G lla~h r Letting Go - "Pink" Fift.l) rov;: Green Frosh - Bernie -Winning Grade Float - ··Mn." Bottom row: Th Cook-Th Driver-The custodian-Burro-w In a Sn \\bank-rver's Best FrlCnd


    oonsult us for r p irs and uppli !or hom nd farm


    CLAYTO Gary - - -

    our rvlcc is th t.


    CLAIRE BREVIK, Proprietor G ry - - - South Dakota






    . W . III V R , P rop.


    STORE "B rtels"


    PORT ' I "Sunday D nners our Speci lty"

    II RVF.Y \'. II L E, Licensed Tax1

  • BE NER' fEATS A 1D


    A. C. BEN ER, Prop.




    o 1. r•JUJ. T, 0 n r


    H EAT


    PERRY HEAro T Pr p G ry, South D k t

    Pool, Lunch , nd the b t OOffee in To\\ n!

    JOH. • Gt • •, ·, Propri to1

    RED O~VL


    Ol\1 n ~ LLERU D, 0\\n r


    KWAT Radio St tion

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    W t rto~ n. South D k t



    B ken 1lle • Dahl Bichler Motor Co.

    Bro d\\ n~ 1otor Colonel Motor

    Har. on Auto Electr r Hant n Motor Co. Hub~ara i t r

    Hud on S 1 • Service L ke City Motor Co.

    ~otor 1 rt Fte 11c~· f)er~lce

    Rozum Bros. riotor Co. S nders Ch rol t co.

    950 ON YOUR DIAL


    WATERTOW o SOUTH D AKOTA c na~ Jobb rs.

    Old Dutch Products J ~TERTOW IACHI T£ JVORK

    M chin w ork El"ctnc nd Ac tyl ne Welding AR OLD K. BREVIK

    W A TE::t'.rOWN, SOUTH DAK OTA Waterto\\n, S uth D ·eta


    Men's and Boy's Clothing

    WATE~T0v7N, S. DAK OTA

    Deniers in Accordians. Guit.Jrs, and Sh et Music


  • Tl-I.E EAGLE CAFE n old e tnblish d pl c of bu in - it has given you 54 y rs

    of rvice, day nd night. Our employe ar trained to serve you ith a mil . W s rve nothing but th best in food .

    J W REEDY \' TI:Jt'fO \ ' ', 0 T H D KO

    DR. J. C. LEPLER Optom trl t

    Grocerles-Fruit.s- 1 ts W t rtov; n. South D kota wat rto ;&. n, South D kota


    Th Fin t in Photogr ph) For 0\er 50 Year 1'he



    LOUCK & OVIATT Lav;y r

    D. K . LOuc R. H. Oviatt Wat rt.ov; n, South D ·ota



    DICK'S R T She h n

    Athletic Equfpm nt LEA ER TRACTOR PARTS

    Phone 2040 6 E t Kemp 12 West Kemp Tractor and C r P rts

    Water tov;n, South Da ·ota WATE::tTOWN, S. DAKOTA Junction 212 nd 81, W atertown

    BOO 1' R HALVOR::ON BOOKSTORE. W tertov;n, S D


    REANEY' cERVICE STATIOl', Wat rto,.n. S.D. FIRST NATIONAL BA 'K, Watertov;n, S. D.

    DR TRZY 'KA. Wat rtO\\ n, S D. RED OWL HEAD OFFICE, Mmne p:>h , mm.

    1ERCANTILE CCMP ANY, nib nk, S D. PA -0-GOLD BAKERJES, Pipe tone, 111111.




    MAJESTIC THEATRE, Clear L ke, S.D. :DE LUXE OLEA. ERS. Clear Lake, S. D.

    OA ffiY THEATRE, C nb), limn. OTTER TAIL POWER CO. Can b), 1mn.

    S UTH VARIETY STORE. C r b), Mlllll. DE LUXE CAFE, 0 nb~, ~inn.


    QUI 1LAN MOTC'R CO .. Cl r Lak , S. D.


    PA ATORIUM HERBERGER' Cleaners DEP ltTl\'11. 'T STOJU ..

    W terto . n. SOuth Dakotn WATERTO\-"'J • S DAKOTA W tcrto\\ n, South D ot

    RED OJ L




    TORE Attorney-at-Lav. WATERTOW • S.DAK.

    Waterto\\ n. South Oakotn WATERTOWN, S DAKOTA

    THE PROf tovl nd D n



    H TEL Ll C L Ab olutely F1reproor

    1erle Summ rs, M r. WALT DJETZ, Prop. A. F. R u • Co , 0 n r .

    GARY, SOUTH DAKOTA canby 1inne ota A. 0. Rau, 1anng r


    Calerzdc1r of ctiviti s R gistr tion !or 1950-51 Tenn . . . . . . . . . . Sept. '1 Christmas Vac tion ....... D c. 21 to J n. 2, '51

    County Teach rs' Institut . . . . . . . . . Sept. 18-19

    Freshmen Inltl tion ................... Sept. 21

    Footb 11 Game t Strandbur .......... Sept. 22

    Footb 11 Game at Elkton ............... Oct. 7

    Tiger D y, Revillo here ................ Oct. 13

    tb 11 Gam at South Shore ......... Oct. 20

    School C rniv 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . Oct. 27

    Rob rt Edgar, A mbly program . . . . . . . Tov. 1

    Hay Ride to Soutal Slough .............. Nov. 2

    lock El ctlon by Government Class .... Nov. 7

    DeclamatiorJ Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tov. 19

    Basketball Game. Astoria here ......... Nov. 21

    Than ivin Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . O\'. 23 to 27

    Basketball Game nt Brandt ............ NJv. 28

    Basketball Game at Revillo ............. D c. 8

    County neclam Conte t t Clear Lnke ... D . 4

    Basketball Game at Goodwin ........... Dec. 19

    B ketb 11, Gary vs. H zel t Lak orden Jan. 5

    Junior Cia Play ...................... J n. 17

    Popularity Poll .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. Jan. 21

    County Basketball Tourney t A tori .. F b. 1-2

    College D l at Watertovm .............. Feb. 6

    D1 trlct Tourn y t W tertown . . . . . Fct> 21-23

    1emory Wizard, A embly program ..... Feb. 28

    S nior C1 PI y . . • . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . • 1 rch

    E ter Vac tion, (SilO\\ d in) ...... March 19-26

    Trampoline Act, Assembly program .. March 30

    On -Act Play Festiv 1 ................ April 13

    Junior-Senior Banquet ................ AprU 24

    J c rabb.t Roun:iup, BrooklrP . . . . . . . . . 1ay 3

    Seniors' Skip Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M y 4

    Baccalaureat Service ................. M • 13

    Commenc ment E"< rei s .. .. .. . .. .. . .. It y 16

    La t D.1y of School, Picnic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 y 18