Profile SpacemakerXL Microwave Oven Owner’s Manual Model: 1000 Watts JVM1660 JVM1661 2 39 Helpful Information Microwave Terms 39 Care and Cleaning 40 45 If Something Goes Wrong Before You Call For Service 45 GE Service Numbers 50 Warranty Back Cover GE Answer Center ® 800.626.2000 GE Appliances 11 Important Safety Information Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy 2 Special Notes About Microwaving 6 Operating Instructions Features of Your Microwave 11 The Controls on Your Microwave 12 Time Cooking 15 Temperature Cooking 22 Automatic Cooking 26 Other Features 30 Oven Shelf 37 Part No. 164D3370P107 Pub. No. 49-40110 02-00 (JR) www.geappliances.com

GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

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SpacemakerXL Microwave OvenOwner’s Manual

Model: 1000 Watts



39Helpful InformationMicrowave Terms 39Care and Cleaning 40

45If Something Goes WrongBefore You Call For Service 45GE Service Numbers 50Warranty Back Cover

GE Answer Center®800.626.2000

GE Appliances


Important Safety InformationPrecautions to Avoid Possible Exposure

to Excessive Microwave Energy 2Special Notes About Microwaving 6

Operating InstructionsFeatures of Your Microwave 11The Controls on Your Microwave 12Time Cooking 15Temperature Cooking 22Automatic Cooking 26Other Features 30Oven Shelf 37

Part No. 164D3370P107Pub. No. 49-4011002-00 (JR)


Page 2: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual






For your safety the information in this manualmust be followed to minimize the risk of fire orexplosion or to prevent property damage,personal injury or loss of life.

Do Not Attempt tooperate this oven withthe door open sinceopen-door operationcan result in harmfulexposure to microwaveenergy. It is importantnot to defeat or tamperwith the safetyinterlocks.

Do Not Place any objectbetween the oven frontface and the door orallow soil or cleanerresidue to accumulateon sealing surfaces.

Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It isparticularly importantthat the oven doorclose properly and thatthere is no damage tothe:

1 door (bent),2 hinges and latches

(broken or loosened),3 door seals and sealing


The Oven Should Not be adjusted or repairedby anyone exceptproperly qualifiedservice personnel.

Page 3: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


Welcome to the GE family.We’re proud of our qualityproducts and we believe in dependable service.

You’ll see it in this easy-to-use manual and you’ll hearit in the friendly voices ofour consumer servicedepartment.

Best of all, you’llexperience these valueseach time you use yourmicrowave. That’simportant, because yournew microwave will be partof your family for a longtime.


Write down the model andserial numbers here. Theyare on a label inside theoven.

Model number

Serial number

Date of purchase

Staple your receipt to theinside back cover of thismanual. You will need it toobtain service underwarranty.

Help ushelp you


Before you call for service, there are a few things youcan do to help us serve youbetter.

Read this manual. It contains instructions tohelp you use and maintainyour microwave properly.

If you received a damagedoven...immediately contactthe dealer (or builder) thatsold you the oven.

Save time and money. Check the section titled “If Something GoesWrong” before calling.This section helps yousolve common problemsthat might occur.

If you do need service, you can relax knowing helpis only a phone call away. A list of toll-free customerservice numbers isincluded in the back of this manual. Or call the GE Answer Center® at800.626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Need Help?

Start Here!…Before using your Microwave

Page 4: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual



To reduce the risk of fire, burns, electric shock, injury to persons, or exposure to excessivemicrowave energy when using your appliance, follow basic precautions, including thefollowing sections.


• Read and follow thespecific “Precautions toAvoid Possible Exposureto Excessive MicrowaveEnergy” on page 2.

• This appliance must begrounded. Connect onlyto properly groundedoutlet. See GroundingInstructions section onpage 10.

• Do not mount thisappliance over a sink.

• Install or locate thisappliance only inaccordance with theprovided InstallationInstructions.

• This over-the-range ovenwas designed for use overranges no wider than 42inches. It may be installedover both gas and electriccooking equipment.

• Do not operate thisappliance if it has adamaged power cord orplug, if it is not workingproperly, or if it has beendamaged or dropped.

• Do not cover or block any openings on theappliance.

• Use this appliance onlyfor its intended use asdescribed in this manual.Do not use corrosivechemicals or vapors inthis appliance. Thismicrowave oven isspecifically designed toheat, dry or cook food,and is not intended for laboratory orindustrial use.

This microwave oven isUL listed for installationover electric and gasranges.

This microwave oven isnot approved or testedfor marine use.



Page 5: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

• Do not store thisappliance outdoors. Donot use this product nearwater—for example, in awet basement, near aswimming pool or near a sink.

• Keep power cord awayfrom heated surfaces.

• Do not immerse powercord or plug in water.

• To reduce the risk of firein the oven cavity:

— Do not overcook food.Carefully attendappliance if paper,plastic or other com-bustible materials areplaced inside the ovenwhile cooking.

— Remove wire twist-tiesand metal handles frompaper or plastic con-tainers before placingthem in the oven.

— Do not use the oven for storage purposes. Do not leave paperproducts, cookingutensils or food in theoven when not in use.

— If materials inside ovenshould ignite, keep theoven door closed, turnthe oven off anddisconnect the powercord, or shut off powerat the fuse or circuitbreaker panel. If thedoor is opened, the firemay spread.

• See door surface cleaninginstructions in the Careand Cleaning section(s)of this manual.

• This appliance should be serviced only byqualified servicepersonnel. Contactnearest authorizedservice facility forexamination, repair or adjustment.

• As with any appliance,close supervision isnecessary when used by children.



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Arcing is the microwaveterm for sparks in the oven.Arcing is caused by:

• The temperature probein the microwave but notinserted in the food.

• The metal shelf notinstalled correctly so ittouches the microwavewall.

• Metal or foil touching theside of the oven.

• Foil not molded to food(upturned edges act likeantennas).

• Metal, such as twist-ties,poultry pins, or gold-rimmed dishes, in themicrowave.

• Recycled paper towelscontaining small metalpieces being used in themicrowave.

If you see arcing, pressthe CLEAR/OFF pad andcorrect the problem.


• Do not pop popcorn inyour microwave ovenunless in a specialmicrowave popcornaccessory or unless youuse popcorn labeled foruse in microwave ovens.

• Some products such aswhole eggs and sealedcontainers—for example,closed jars—will explodeand should not be heatedin this microwave oven.Such use of the microwaveoven could result in injury.

• Do not boil eggs in amicrowave oven. Pressurewill build up inside eggyolk and will cause it toburst, possibly resultingin injury.

• Operating the microwavewith no food inside formore than a minute ortwo may cause damage tothe oven and could start afire. It increases the heataround the magnetronand can shorten the lifeof the oven.

• Foods with unbrokenouter “skin” such aspotatoes, hot dogs,sausages, tomatoes,apples, chicken livers and other giblets, andegg yolks should bepierced to allow steam to escape during cooking.



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• Avoid heating baby foodin glass jars, even with thelid off. Make sure allinfant food is thoroughlycooked. Stir food todistribute the heatevenly. Be careful toprevent scalding whenwarming formula orbreast milk. The containermay feel cooler than themilk really is. Always testthe milk before feedingthe baby.

• Spontaneous boiling—Under certain specialcircumstances, liquidsmay start to boil duringor shortly after removalfrom the microwave oven.To prevent burns fromsplashing liquid, werecommend the following:before removing thecontainer from the oven,allow the container tostand in the oven for 30to 40 seconds after theoven has shut off. Do notboil liquids in narrow-necked containers suchas soft drink bottles, wineflasks and especiallynarrow-necked coffeecups. Even if thecontainer is opened,excessive steam can buildup and cause it to burstor overflow.

• Don’t defrost frozenbeverages in narrow-necked bottles (especiallycarbonated beverages).Even if the container isopened, pressure canbuild up. This can causethe container to burst,possibly resulting ininjury.

• Hot foods and steam can cause burns. Becareful when opening any containers of hotfood, including popcornbags, cooking pouchesand boxes. To preventpossible injury, directsteam away from handsand face.

• Do not overcookpotatoes. They coulddehydrate and catch fire, causing damage toyour oven.

• Cook meat and poultrythoroughly—meat to at least an INTERNALtemperature of 160°F. and poultry to at least anINTERNAL temperature of 180°F. Cooking tothese temperaturesusually protects againstfoodborne illness.


Microwaved water and other liquids do notalways bubble whenthey reach the boilingpoint. They can actuallyget superheated and notbubble at all.

Superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup when it is moved orwhen something like aspoon or tea bag is putinto it.

To prevent this fromhappening and causinginjury, do not heat anyliquid for more than 2minutes per cup. Afterheating, let the cup stand in the microwavefor 30 seconds beforemoving it or puttinganything into it.

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Make sure all cookwareused in your microwaveoven is suitable formicrowaving. Most glasscasseroles, cooking dishes,measuring cups, custardcups, pottery or chinadinnerware which does nothave metallic trim or glazewith a metallic sheen canbe used. Some cookware islabeled “suitable formicrowaving.”

• If you are not sure if adish is microwave-safe,use this test: Place in theoven both the dish youare testing and a glassmeasuring cup filled with1 cup of water—set themeasuring cup either inor next to the dish.Microwave 1 minute athigh. If the dish heats, itshould not be used formicrowaving.

If the dish remains cooland only the water in thecup heats, then the dishis microwave-safe.

• If you use a meat ther-mometer while cooking,make sure it is safe foruse in microwave ovens.

• Do not use recycledpaper products. Recycledpaper towels, napkinsand waxed paper cancontain metal fleckswhich may cause arcingor ignite. Paper productscontaining nylon ornylon filaments shouldbe avoided, as they mayalso ignite.

• Some styrofoam trays(like those that meat ispackaged on) have a thinstrip of metal embeddedin the bottom. Whenmicrowaved, the metalcan burn the floor of theoven or ignite a papertowel.

• Do not use the microwaveto dry newspapers.

• Not all plastic wrap issuitable for use in micro-wave ovens. Check thepackage for proper use.

• Paper towels, waxedpaper and plastic wrapcan be used to coverdishes in order to retainmoisture and preventspattering. Be sure tovent plastic wrap so steamcan escape.

• Cookware may becomehot because of heattransferred from theheated food. Pot holdersmay be needed to handlethe cookware.

• “Boilable” cookingpouches and tightlyclosed plastic bags shouldbe slit, pierced or ventedas directed by package. Ifthey are not, plastic couldburst during or immed-iately after cooking,possibly resulting in injury.Also, plastic storagecontainers should be atleast partially uncoveredbecause they form a tightseal. When cooking withcontainers tightly coveredwith plastic wrap, removecovering carefully anddirect steam away fromhands and face.


How to test for a microwave-safe dish.


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• Use foil only as directedin this manual. TVdinners may bemicrowaved in foil traysless than 3/4″ high;remove the top foil coverand return the tray to thebox. When using foil inthe microwave oven, keep the foil at least 1 inch away from thesides of the oven.

• Plastic cookware—Plasticcookware designed formicrowave cooking is veryuseful, but should be usedcarefully. Even microwave-safe plastic may not be astolerant of overcookingconditions as are glass orceramic materials andmay soften or char ifsubjected to short periodsof overcooking. In longerexposures to over-cooking, the food andcookware could ignite.

Follow these guidelines:

1 Use microwave-safeplastics only and use them in strict compliance with the cookwaremanufacturer’srecommendations.

2 Do not microwave emptycontainers.

3 Do not permit children to use plastic cookwarewithout completesupervision.

The fan will operateautomatically undercertain conditions (seeAutomatic Fan feature).Take care to prevent thestarting and spreading ofaccidental cooking fireswhile the vent fan is in use.

• Clean the underside ofthe microwave often. Donot allow grease to buildup on the microwave orthe fan filters.

• In the event of a greasefire on the surface unitsbelow the microwaveoven, smother a flamingpan on the surface unitby covering the pancompletely with a lid, acookie sheet or a flat tray.

• Use care when cleaningthe vent fan filters.Corrosive cleaningagents, such as lye-basedoven cleaners, maydamage the filters.

• When preparing flaming foods under the microwave, turn thevent fan on.

• Never leave surface unitsbeneath your microwaveoven unattended at highheat settings. Boiloverscause smoking and greasyspillovers that may igniteand spread if themicrowave vent fan isoperating. To minimizeautomatic fan operation,use adequate sizedcookware and use highheat on surface units onlywhen necessary.


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WARNINGImproper use of thegrounding plug can result ina risk of electric shock.

This appliance must begrounded. In the event ofan electrical short circuit,grounding reduces the riskof electric shock byproviding an escape wirefor the electric current.

This appliance is equippedwith a power cord having agrounding wire with agrounding plug. The plugmust be plugged into anoutlet that is properlyinstalled and grounded.

Consult a qualified electri-cian or service technician ifthe grounding instructions are not completely under-stood, or if doubt exists asto whether the appliance isproperly grounded.

If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it isyour personal responsibilityand obligation to have itreplaced with a properlygrounded 3-prong walloutlet.

Do not under any circum-stances cut or remove thethird (ground) prong fromthe power cord.

Do not use an adapter plugwith this appliance.

Do not use an extensioncord with this appliance. Ifthe power cord is too short,have a qualified electricianor service technician installan outlet near theappliance.

For best operation, plugthis appliance into its ownelectrical outlet to preventflickering of lights, blowingof fuse or tripping ofcircuit breaker.


Filler Panel KitsJX48WH—WhiteJX48BL—BlackJX48AL—AlmondWhen replacing a 36″ or42″ range hood, filler panelkits fill in the additionalwidth to provide a custombuilt-in appearance.

For installation betweencabinets only; not for end-of-cabinet installation. Eachkit contains two 3″-widefiller panels. Two kits areneeded for a 42″ opening.

Filter KitsJX81A—RecirculatingCharcoal Filter KitFilter kits are used whenthe microwave oven cannotbe vented to the outside.

Decorative Panel KitJX22SS—Stainless Steel

When replacing a Hi/Lowrange, the decorative panelkit fills in the area betweenthe microwave and therange left by the Hi/Lowmodel.

Available at extra cost fromyour GE supplier.

Optional Kits

Ensure proper groundexists before use.


Page 11: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Features of Your Microwave(Throughout this manual, features and appearancemay vary from your model.)

1 Temperature Probe. Use with Temp Cookand Roast functionsonly.

2 Shelf. Lets youmicrowave severalfoods at once. Foodmicrowaves best whenplaced directly on theturntable.

3 Door Handle. Pull toopen the door. Thedoor must be securelylatched for themicrowave to operate.

4 Door Latches.

5 Window with MetalShield. Screen allowscooking to be viewedwhile keepingmicrowaves confined in the oven.

6 Outlet for TemperatureProbe. Probe must be securelyinserted into the ovenwall outlet before theoven will Temp Cook or Roast.

7 Touch Control Panel. You must set the clockand calendar beforeusing the microwave.

8 Cooktop Lights.

9 Grease Filters.

10 Removable Turntable.Turntable and supportmust be in place whenusing the oven. Theturntable may beremoved for cleaning.

11 Convenience Guide.

NOTE: Rating plate, ovenvent(s) and oven light arelocated on the inside wallsof the microwave oven.
















5 643

8 8911 10



91000 Watts

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Time and Auto FeaturesTime Cooking

Press EnterTIME COOK I & II Press once or twice Amount of cooking time.DEFROST AUTO/TIME Press twice Amount of defrosting time.CUSTOM 1 Follow displayed directions.CUSTOM 2 Follow displayed directions.EXPRESS COOK Starts immediately!POWER LEVEL Power level 1–10.ADD 30 SEC Starts immediately!


Quick Start

The Controls on Your Microwave Oven(Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.)


You canmicrowave by time, temperature,or with the sensorfeatures.

Press EnterDEFROST AUTO/TIME Press once Food weight.

Defrosting by Weight

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Temperature FeaturesProbe Cooking

Sensor Features

Press EnterTEMP COOK/ROAST Press once Desired food temperature.TEMP COOK/ROAST Press twice Medium automatically selected.TEMP COOK/ROAST Press three times Well automatically selected.TEMP COOK/ROAST Press four times Simmer automatically selected.

Press Enter OptionPOPCORN Starts immediately! more/less time BEVERAGE Starts immediately! REHEAT Starts immediately! more/less time POTATO Starts immediately! more/less time VEGETABLE Starts immediately! more/less time Press once (fresh vegetables) more/less timePress twice (frozen vegetables) more/less timePress three times (canned vegetables) more/less time (on some models)GROUND MEATS Starts immediately! more/less time FISH Starts immediately! more/less time CHICKEN PIECES Starts immediately! more/less time








HELPPress this pad and anyfeature pad for usageinstructions and tips.

GUIDE ON MICROWAVEBefore you begin, checkthe guide located on theinside front of the ovenwhen you open the door.

GUIDES IN BOOK• Cooking• Time Defrost• Roasting • Simmer• Sensor Cooking

Page 14: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Variable power levels addflexibility to microwavecooking. The power levelson the microwave oven canbe compared to the surfaceunits on a range. High(power level 10) or fullpower is the fastest way tocook and gives you 100%power. Each power levelgives you microwaveenergy a certain percent ofthe time. Power level 7 ismicrowave energy 70% ofthe time. Power level 3 isenergy 30% of the time.

A high setting (10) willcook faster but food mayneed more frequentstirring, rotating or turningover. Most cooking will bedone on High (power level10). A lower setting willcook more evenly andneed less stirring orrotating of the food.

Some foods may havebetter flavor, texture orappearance if one of thelower settings is used. Usea lower power level whencooking foods that have atendency to boil over, suchas scalloped potatoes.

Rest periods (when themicrowave energy cyclesoff) give time for the food

to “equalize” or transferheat to the inside of thefood. An example of this isshown with power level 3—the defrost cycle. If micro-wave energy did not cycleoff, the outside of the foodwould cook before theinside was defrosted.

Here are some examples of uses for various powerlevels:

Power Level Best Uses

High 10 Fish, bacon, vegetables, boiling liquids.

Med-High 7 Gentle cooking of meat and poultry; baking casserolesand reheating.

Medium 5 Slow cooking and tenderiz-ing such as stews and less tender cuts of meat.

Low 2 or 3 Defrosting without cooking; simmering; delicate sauces.

Warm 1 Keeping food warm without overcooking; softening butter.

How to Change the Power Level The power level may beentered or changedimmediately afterentering the featuretime for TIME COOK,TIME DEFROST orEXPRESS COOK. Thepower level may also bechanged during timecountdown.

1 Press TIME COOK orselect Time Defrost.

2 Enter cooking ordefrosting time.

3 Press POWER LEVEL.4 Select desired power

level 1–10.5 Press START.

Changing PowerLevels


Page 15: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


Time Features

Time Cook IAllows you to microwavefor any time up to 99minutes and 99 seconds.

Power level 10 (High) isautomatically set, but youmay change it for moreflexibility.

You may open the doorduring Time Cook tocheck the food. Close thedoor and press START toresume cooking.

Time Cook IILets you change powerlevels automatically duringcooking. Here’s how to do it:

1 Press TIME COOK.

2 Enter the first cook time.

3 Change the power level if you don’t want fullpower. (Press POWERLEVEL. Select a desiredpower level 1–10.)

4 Press TIME COOK.

5 Enter the second cooktime.

6 Change the power level if you don’t want fullpower. (Press POWERLEVEL. Select a powerlevel 1–10.)

7 Press START.

At the end of Time Cook I,Time Cook II counts down.

1 Press TIME COOK.

2 Enter cooking time.

3 Change power level if you don’t want fullpower. (Press POWERLEVEL. Select adesired power level1–10.)

4 Press START.

Time Cook

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Operating Instructions

Cooking Guide for Time Cook I & II

NOTE: Use power level High (10) unless otherwise noted.

Vegetable Amount Time Comments

Asparagus(fresh spears) 1 lb. 6 to 9 min., In 11⁄2-qt. oblong glass baking dish,

Med-High (7) place 1/4 cup water. (frozen spears) 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole.

Beans(fresh green) 1 lb. cut in half 9 to 11 min. In 11⁄2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.(frozen green) 10-oz. package 6 to 8 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons

water.(frozen lima) 10-oz. package 6 to 8 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.

Beets(fresh, whole) 1 bunch 17 to 21 min. In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.

Broccoli(fresh cut) 1 bunch 7 to 10 min. In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.

(11⁄4 to 11⁄2 lbs.)(fresh spears) 1 bunch 9 to 13 min. In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place

(11⁄4 to 11⁄2 lbs.) 1/4 cup water.(frozen, 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole.chopped)(frozen spears) 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 3 tablespoons


Cabbage(fresh) 1 medium head 8 to 11 min. In 11⁄2- or 2-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup

(about 2 lbs.) water.(wedges) 7 to 10 min. In 2- or 3-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup


Carrots(fresh, sliced) 1 lb. 7 to 9 min. In 11⁄2-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.(frozen) 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons


Cauliflower(flowerets) 1 medium head 9 to 14 min. In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.(fresh, whole) 1 medium head 10 to 17 min. In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.(frozen) 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons


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Vegetable Amount Time Comments

Corn(frozen kernel) 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons


Corn on the cob(fresh) 1 to 5 ears 3 to 4 min. In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place

per ear corn. If corn is in husk, use no water; if corn has been husked, add 1/4 cup water. Rearrange after half of time.

(frozen) 1 ear 5 to 6 min. Place in 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish. 2 to 6 ears 3 to 4 min. Cover with vented plastic wrap.

per ear Rearrange after half of time.

Mixed vegetables(frozen) 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 3 tablespoons


Peas(fresh, shelled) 2 lbs. unshelled 9 to 12 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.(frozen) 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons


Potatoes(fresh, cubed, 4 potatoes 9 to 12 min. Peel and cut into 1 inch cubes. Place in white) (6 to 8 oz. each) 2-qt. casserole with 1/2 cup water. Stir

after half of time.(fresh, whole, 1 (6 to 8 oz.) 3 to 4 min. Pierce with cooking fork. Place in sweet or white) center of the oven. Let stand 5 minutes.

Spinach(fresh) 10 to 16 oz. 5 to 7 min. In 2-qt. casserole, place washed spinach.(frozen, 10-oz. package 5 to 7 min. In 1-qt. casserole, place 3 tablespoons chopped water.and leaf)

Squash(fresh, summer 1 lb. sliced 5 to 7 min. In 11⁄2-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water.and yellow)(winter, acorn 1 to 2 squash 8 to 11 min. Cut in half and remove fibrous butternut) (about 1 lb. each) membranes. In 2-qt. oblong glass

baking dish, place squash cut-side-down. Turn cut-side-up after 4 minutes.

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Operating Instructions

Time Features

Allows you to defrost forthe length of time youselect. See the DefrostingGuide for suggested times.

Power level 3 is automati-cally set, but you maychange this for more flexi-bility. You may defrostsmall items more quicklyby raising the power levelafter entering the time.However, they will needmore frequent attentionthan usual.

Power level 7 cuts the totaldefrosting time in abouthalf; power level 10 cutsthe total time to approxi-mately 1/3. Rotate or stirfood frequently.

At one half of selecteddefrosting time, the ovensignals TURN. At this time,turn food over and breakapart or rearrange piecesfor more even defrosting.Shield any warm areas withsmall pieces of foil.

A dull thumping noise maybe heard during defrosting.This sound is normal whenthe oven is not operating atHigh power.

Defrosting Tips• Foods frozen in paper or

plastic can be defrostedin the package. Tightlyclosed packages shouldbe slit, pierced or ventedAFTER food has partiallydefrosted. Plastic storagecontainers should be atleast partially uncovered.

• Family-size, prepackagedfrozen dinners can bedefrosted and micro-waved. If the food is in afoil container, transfer itto a microwave-safe dish.

• Foods that spoil easily,such as milk, eggs, fish,stuffings, poultry andpork, should not beallowed to sit out formore than one hour after defrosting. Roomtemperature promotesthe growth of harmfulbacteria.

• For more even defrostingof larger foods, such asbeef, lamb and vealroasts, use Auto Defrost.

• Be sure large meats are completely defrostedbefore cooking.

• When defrosted, foodshould be cool butsoftened in all areas. If stillslightly icy, return to themicrowave very briefly, orlet it stand a few minutes.


2 Enter defrosting time.

3 Press START.

4 Turn food over when the oven signals.

5 Press START.

(Auto Defrost explained in the section onConvenience Features.)

Time Defrost


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Defrosting Guide

Food Time Comments

Breads, CakesBread, buns or rolls (1 piece) 1 min.Sweet rolls (approx. 12 oz.) 3 to 5 min.

Fish and SeafoodFillets, frozen (1 lb.) 6 to 8 min.Shellfish, small pieces (1 lb.) 5 to 7 min. Place block in casserole. Turn over and

break up after half the time.

FruitPlastic pouch—1 to 2 3 to 6 min.(10-oz. package)

Meat Bacon (1 lb.) 2 to 5 min. Place unopened package in oven. Let

stand 5 minutes after defrosting. Franks (1 lb.) 2 to 5 min. Place unopened package in oven.

Microwave just until franks can be separated. Let stand 5 minutes, if necessary, to complete defrosting.

Ground meat (1 lb.) 5 to 7 min. Turn meat over after half the time.Roast: beef, lamb, veal, pork 12 to 16 min. Use power level 1.

per lb.Steaks, chops and cutlets 5 to 7 min. Place unwrapped meat in cooking dish.

per lb. Turn over after half the time and shield warm areas with foil. When finished, separate pieces and let stand to complete defrosting.

PoultryChicken, broiler-fryer 15 to 19 min. Place wrapped chicken in dish. Unwrap cut up (21⁄2 to 3 lbs.) and turn over after half the time. When

finished, separate pieces and microwave 2 to 4 minutes more, if necessary. Let standto finish defrosting.

Chicken, whole 17 to 21 min. Place wrapped chicken in dish. After half (21⁄2 to 3 lbs.) the time, unwrap and turn chicken over.

Shield warm areas with foil. Finish defrosting. If necessary, run cold water in the cavity until giblets can be removed.

Cornish hen 7 to 13 min. Place unwrapped hen in the oven breast-per lb. side-up. Turn over after half the time.

Run cool water in the cavity until giblets can be removed.

Turkey breast (4 to 6 lbs.) 5 to 9 min. Place unwrapped breast in dish breast-per lb. side-down. After half the time, turn over

and shield warm areas with foil. Finish defrosting. Let stand 1 to 2 hours in refrigerator to complete defrosting.


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Operating Instructions

Time Features

You can use this feature two ways:

• It will add 30 seconds tothe time counting downeach time the pad ispressed.

• It can be used as a quickway to set 30 seconds ofcooking time.

Add 30 Seconds

This is a quick way to setcooking time for 1–6 minutes.

Press one of the ExpressCook pads (from 1 to 6)for 1 to 6 minutes ofcooking at power level 10.For example, press the 2pad for 2 minutes ofcooking time.

The power level can bechanged as time iscounting down. PressPOWER LEVEL and enter 1–10.

Express Cook


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Auto Feature


Auto Defrost

The Defrost Auto/Timefeature gives you two waysto defrost frozen foods.Press DEFROSTAUTO/TIME once forAuto Defrost or twice forTime Defrost.

Use Auto Defrost for meat,poultry and fish. Use TimeDefrost for most otherfrozen foods.

Auto Defrost automaticallysets the defrosting timesand power levels to giveeven defrosting results formeats, poultry and fishweighing up to six pounds.

There is a handy guidelocated on the inside frontof the oven.

• Remove meat frompackage and place onmicrowave-safe dish.

• Twice during defrost, theoven signals TURN. Ateach TURN signal, turnthe food over. Removedefrosted meat or shieldwarm areas with smallpieces of foil.

• After defrosting, mostmeats need to stand 5minutes to completedefrosting. Large roastsshould stand for about 30 minutes.

Conversion GuideIf the weight of food isstated in pounds andounces, the ounces mustbe converted to tenths(.1) of a pound.

Weight of Enter Food Food in Weight Ounces (tenths of

a pound)

1–2 .1

3 .2

4–5 .3

6–7 .4

8 .5

9–10 .6

11 .7

12–13 .8

14–15 .9














2 Using the ConversionGuide at right, enterfood weight. Forexample, press pads 1and 2 for 1.2 pounds (1 pound, 3 ounces).

3 Press START.

(Time Defrost isexplained in the TimeFeatures section.) Guide

Page 22: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Temperature Features


The Temperature Probe

NOTE: The turntable willnot turn when the probe isin use.

The temperature probe is a food thermometer thatmonitors the temperatureof the food. The probemust be used when usingTemp Cook or Roast.

The probe is notrecommended for batters,doughs, frozen foods andfoods which are difficult to cook precisely bytemperature. Use the Time Cook setting forthese foods.

• Make sure the cable endis inserted all the way intothe oven wall outlet.

• Insert the probe into thecenter of the food. Makesure the handle does nottouch the food or the topor sides of the oven.

• Do not leave the probe in the oven if it’s notinserted in food. If ittouches the oven wall, itmay damage the oven.

Cooking Tips

• Do not twist, drop orbend the probe.

• Be sure frozen food hasbeen completelydefrosted beforeinserting the probe. Theprobe may break off ifused in frozen foods.

• Cover foods loosely formoisture control andquick, even heating.

• Use a lower power levelwith the probe; foods willtake longer to cook butthey will heat moreevenly.

What happens when youuse the probe…

Cooking with theprobe allows you toheat food to a certaintemperature. This isthe best way to cookmany foods.

Temperature Probe



Appearance may vary


Page 23: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


Three Ways to Use the Temp Cook/Roast Feature

1 You set the temperatureyou want.

Press TEMP COOK/ROAST once. This isgood for foods such assoups, casseroles andbeverages.

2 Temperature isautomatically selected for cooking roastsmedium or well.

Roast Medium—PressTEMP COOK/ROASTtwice. Roast Well—PressTEMP COOK/ROASTthree times.

See the Roasting Guidefor suggestions.

3 Temperature isautomatically selected for slow cooking offoods (simmer).

Simmer—Press TEMPCOOK/ROAST 4 times.

See the Simmer Guidefor specific directions.

How to Use the Probe andSet the Temperature Yourself

1 Insert the temperatureprobe in the center of acasserole and attach itsecurely in the oven wall outlet.

2 Press TEMP COOK/ROAST once.

3 Enter the desired food temperature.

4 Change power level ifyou don’t want fullpower. (Press POWERLEVEL. Select a powerlevel 1–10.)

5 Press START.

6 When the temperature isreached, the microwavewill signal. Food will beheld at this temperaturefor 60 minutes. The ovenbeeps when the holdtime is complete.

What happens when youTemp Cook/Roast usingthe probe…

This pad offers 3options:

1) You select thetemperature you want.

2) The temperature isautomatically selectedfor medium or welldone roasts.

3) A simmer tempera-ture is automaticallyselected.

Temp Cook/Roast

Page 24: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Temperature Features


How to Use the Probe withthe Roast Settings

1 Insert the probe in theroast and attach itsecurely in the oven wall outlet.

2 Roast Medium—PressTEMP COOK/ROASTtwice. Roast Well—PressTEMP COOK/ROASTthree times.

3 Press START.

4 The microwave signalswhen it’s time to turn theroast over. After you turnthe roast, close the doorand press START.

NOTE: The oven continuesto cook after the signalwhether or not roast isturned over.

Preparing Meats forRoasting

• Place a tender beef roastin a cooking bag on atrivet in a microwave-safedish. (Refer to packageinstructions for properuse of the cooking bag.)

• Insert the probe through the cooking bag horizontally into the center meaty area not touching bone or fat.Make sure the handledoes not touch the foodor top or sides of theoven.

• When using the probe inchicken, turkey or otherpoultry, insert the probehorizontally into themeatiest area.

What happens when you use the probe for roasting…

For the two Roastsettings, the probetemperature ispreprogrammed.

Food will be held at thistemperature for 60minutes. The ovenbeeps when hold time is complete.

Just as in regularroasting, only tenderroasts should be roastedby using the probe. Lesstender roasts should bemicrowaved by time.

Beef (5 lb. max.)Tender Roast Medium 15–23

Well 23–30

Pork (5 lb. max.)Loin Roast Well 23–30

Poultry (6 lb. max.)Turkey Breast Well 16–19

Doneness Approx. Time Food Type Selection (minutes per pound)

Roasting Guide


Page 25: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


How to Use the Probe toSimmer

The Simmer feature heatsfood to 180°F. and holds itat that temperature up to12 hours or until youremove it and pressCLEAR/OFF.

1 Insert the temperatureprobe into the food,resting it on the side ofthe dish. Attach it securely in the oven walloutlet.

2 Press TEMP COOK/ROAST 4 times to selectSimmer.

3 Press START. If you needto stir the food, restart theoven by pressing STARTagain.

When the simmertemperature is reached,the oven holds the food at that temperature untilCLEAR/OFF is pressed.

BeefPot Roast 5–7 Add enough liquid to just cover meat. If

adding vegetables, make sure they are completely covered by liquid.

Chili 5–8 Precook meat. Stir after 3 hours, if possible.

ChickenStewing 4–6 Add 4 cups liquid. Insert probe into

meatiest area of thigh from below end and parallel to leg. Turn over after 1/2 of time.

Broiler/Fryer 3–4 Same as above.

Ham/PorkRoast 4–6 Add 4 cups liquid.

SoupStock/Vegetable 7–10 Make sure that vegetables and meat are

covered by liquid. Stir every 3 hours.Split Pea 5–7 Add enough liquid to cover peas at least

2 inches. Stir after 3 hours.

Food Type Hours* Comments

Simmer Guide

*Total time includes time to bring food to 180°F. and hold at that temperature until done.

Press TEMP COOK/ROAST 4times to select Simmer.

Page 26: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Sensor Features


• The proper containersand covers are essentialfor best sensor cooking.

• Always use microwave-safe containers and coverthem with lids or ventedplastic wrap. Never usetight sealing plasticcontainers—they canprevent steam fromescaping and cause foodto overcook.

• Be sure the outside of the cooking containersand the inside of themicrowave oven are drybefore placing food inthe oven. Beads ofmoisture turning intosteam can mislead thesensor.

What happens when using the SensorFeatures…

The Sensor Featuresdetect the increasinghumidity releasedduring cooking. Theoven automaticallyadjusts the cookingtime to various typesand amounts of food.

Humidity Sensor

Dry off dishes so they don’tmislead the sensor.



Page 27: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


How to Use the PopcornFeature

1 Follow packageinstructions, using TimeCook if the package isless than 1.75 ounces orlarger than 3.5 ounces.Place the package ofpopcorn in the center ofthe microwave.

2 Press POPCORN. Theoven starts immediately.

If you open the door while“POPCORN” is displayed,“SENSOR ERROR” willappear. Close the door,press CLEAR/OFF andbegin again.

How to Adjust the PopcornProgram to Provide a Shorteror Longer Cook Time

If you find that the brand ofpopcorn you use underpopsor overcooks consistently,you can add or subtract20–30 seconds to theautomatic popping time.

To add time:

After pressing POPCORN,press 9 immediately afterthe oven starts for an extra20 seconds.

Press 9 again to add another10 seconds (total 30seconds additional time).

To subtract time:

After pressing POPCORN,press 1 immediately afterthe oven starts for 20seconds less cooking time.

Press 1 again to reducecooking time another 10seconds (total 30 secondsless time).

NOTE: Do not use themetal shelf when cookingpopcorn.

(less time) (more time)

Use only with prepackagedmicrowave popcorn weighing

1.75 to 3.5 ounces.


Press BEVERAGE to heat acup of coffee or otherbeverage.

Drinks heated with theBeverage feature may bevery hot. Remove thecontainer with care.


Page 28: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Sensor Features


How to Change the AutomaticSettings

To reduce time by 10%:Press 1 after the feature pad.

To add 10% to cooking time:Press 9 after the feature pad.

How to Use the ReheatFeature1 Place covered food in

the oven. PressREHEAT. The ovenstarts immediately.

2 The oven signals whensteam is sensed and thetime remaining beginscounting down.

Do not open the oven dooruntil time is countingdown. If the door isopened, close it and pressSTART immediately.

After removing food from theoven, stir, if possible, to evenout the temperature. If foodis not hot enough, use TimeCook to reheat for more time.Reheated foods may havewide variations intemperature. Some areasmay be extremely hot.

Some Foods NotRecommended For Use WithReheat

It is best to use Time Cookfor these foods:

• Bread products.

• Foods that must bereheated uncovered.

• Foods that need to bestirred or rotated.

• Foods calling for a drylook or crisp surface afterreheating.

NOTE: Do not use themetal shelf when usingthe Reheat feature.


For reheating single servingsof previously cooked foods ora plate of leftovers.

(less time) (more time)

Page 29: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Vegetable, Potato, Fish,Chicken Pieces, Ground Meats

1 Place covered food in the oven. Press the foodpad. (For vegetables,press the VEGETABLEpad once for freshvegetables, twice forfrozen vegetables, orthree times for cannedvegetables.) The ovenstarts immediately.

2 The oven signals whensteam is sensed and timeremaining is countingdown. Turn or stir thefood if necessary.

Do not open the oven dooruntil time is countingdown. If the door isopened, close it and pressSTART immediately.

NOTE: If the food is notdone enough, use TimeCook to cook for more time.

How to Change theAutomatic Settings(automatic settings forcanned vegetables cannotbe adjusted on some models)

You can adjust the cookingtime for all foods to suityour personal taste.

Reduce time by 10%: Press 1 after the food pad.

Add 10% to cooking time:Press 9 after the food pad.

NOTE: Do not use themetal shelf with SensorCooking.

Sensor Cooking gives you easy,automatic results with a variety of foods (see the Cooking Guidebelow).

Sensor Cooking

Canned Vegetables 4–16 oz. Cover with lid or vented plastic wrap.

Frozen Vegetables 4–16 oz. Follow package instructions for adding water. Cover with lid or vented plastic wrap.

Fresh Vegetables 4–16 oz. Add 1/4 cup water per serving.Cover with lid or vented plastic wrap.

Potatoes 1/2–2 lbs. Pierce skin with fork. Place potatoeson the turntable.

Fish 4–16 oz. Cover with vented plastic wrap.

Chicken Pieces 1–8 Cover with vented plastic wrap.pieces

Ground Meats 1/2–3 lbs. Use round casserole dish. Crumble meat(Beef, Pork, Turkey) into dish. Cover with lid or vented plastic

wrap. Drain and stir at signal.

Food Type Amount Comments

Cooking Guide

(less time) (more time)


Page 30: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Other Features

The MESSAGE pad allowsyou to record a shortspoken message.

1 Press MESSAGE.

2 Speak toward the controlpanel in a clear, normalvoice.

3 Press MESSAGE again tosave the messageimmediately or allow thetime to count down tosave it automatically.

To cancel a messageduring record, press 0.

To erase a recordedmessage, press 0 duringplayback.

Message Pad

Custom 1 & Custom 2

The CUSTOM 1 and 2pads allow you to save twoof your most frequentlyused settings. (Temperatureand sensor cookingsettings cannot be saved.)

To set and save a setting:

1 Press and hold theCUSTOM 1 or CUSTOM2 pad for two seconds.

2 Set the amount ofcooking time.

3 Set the power level ifdesired. (Full power willautomatically be set ifyou do not change it.)

4 Press START.

Your custom setting will beremembered for futureone touch use.



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The HELP pad displaysfeature information andhelpful hints. Press HELP,then select a feature pad.


Cooking CompleteReminder

Press CLOCK to set thetime of day and date.

1 Press CLOCK.

2 Enter the time of day.

3 Select AM or PM.

4 Press START or CLOCK.

5 Enter the month, dayand year. Example:031699 (March 16, 1999)

6 Press START or CLOCK.

To check the time of daywhile microwaving, pressCLOCK.

To check the date whilemicrowaving, press andhold CLOCK for aboutthree seconds.


To remind you that you have food in the oven, the ovenwill display “FOOD IS READY” and beep once a minuteuntil you either open the oven door or pressCLEAR/OFF.


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Operating Instructions

Other Features

The scroll speed of thedisplay can be changed.Press and hold the AM/PMpad about 3 seconds tobring up the display. Select1–5 for slow to fast scrollspeed.

Scroll Speed

To turn the clock displayoff, press and hold 0 forabout three seconds.

To redisplay the clock,repeat.

Display On/Off

Delay Start allows you to setthe microwave to delaycooking up to 24 hours.


2 Enter the time you wantthe oven to start. (Be surethe microwave clockshows the correct time of day.)

3 Select AM or PM.

4 Select any combinationof Defrost Auto/Time orTime Cook I & II.

5 Press START.

The Delay Start time will bedisplayed plus “DS.” Theoven will automaticallystart at the delayed time.

The time of day may bedisplayed by pressingCLOCK.

Delay Start


Page 33: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


In addition to startingmany functions,START/PAUSE allows youto stop cooking withoutopening the door orclearing the display.


The Reminder feature canbe used like an alarm clockand can be used at anytime, even when the ovenis operating. TheReminder time can be setup to 24 hours later.


2 Enter the time you wantthe oven to remind you.(Be sure the microwaveclock shows the correcttime of day.)

3 Select AM or PM.

4 Press REMINDER. WhenReminder signal occurs,press REMINDER to turnit off. The Remindertime may be displayed bypressing REMINDER.

NOTE: The REM indicatorwill remain lit to show thatthe Reminder is set. Toclear the Reminder beforeit occurs, press REMINDER,then 0. The REM indicatorwill no longer be lit.


Timer On/Off operates asa minute timer and can beused at any time, evenwhen the oven is operating.


2 Enter time you want tocount down.

3 Press TIMER ON/OFFto start.

When time is up, the ovenwill signal. To turn off thetimer signal, press TIMERON/OFF.

NOTE: The timer indicatorwill be lit while the timer is operating.

Timer On/Off

Page 34: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Operating Instructions

Other Features

The vent fan removessteam and other vaporsfrom surface cooking.

Press VENT FAN once forhigh fan speed, twice forlow fan speed or a thirdtime to turn the fan off.

Vent Fan

You may lock the controlpanel to prevent themicrowave from beingaccidentally started or usedby children.

To lock or unlock thecontrols, press and holdCLEAR/OFF for aboutthree seconds. When thecontrol panel is locked, an“L” will be displayed to theextreme right.

Child Lock-Out

An automatic fan featureprotects the microwavefrom too much heat risingfrom the cooktop below it.It automatically turns on atlow speed if it senses toomuch heat.

If you have turned the fanon you may find that youcannot turn it off. The fanwill automatically turn offwhen the internal parts arecool. It may stay on for 30minutes or more after thecooktop and microwavecontrols are turned off.

Automatic Fan

For best cooking results,leave the turntable on. It can be turned off forlarge dishes. PressTURNTABLE to turn the turntable on or off.

Sometimes the turntablecan become too hot totouch. Be careful touchingthe turntable during andafter cooking.



Page 35: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


Press SURFACE LIGHTonce for bright light, twicefor the night light or threetimes to turn the light off.

Surface Light

The beeper sound levelcan be adjusted. PressBEEPER VOLUME.Choose 0–3 for muteto loud.

Beeper Volume

You can set the night light to turn on and offautomatically at any timeyou want.


2 Enter the time you wantthe light to turn on.Select AM or PM.

3 Press AUTO NITELIGHT again and enterthe time you want thelight to turn off. SelectAM or PM.


NITE will stay lit to remindyou that the feature is set.You can review the AutoNite Light settings bypressing AUTO NITELIGHT.

To erase your settings and turn off the automaticfeature, press AUTO NITELIGHT, then 0.

Auto Nite Light

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Operating Instructions

Other Features


You can use the microwaveto remind you of upcomingappointments. At midnight, the daybefore your scheduledappointment, an asteriskwill appear in the display.Two hours before anappointment, the oven will signal and theappointment will scroll inthe display. It will continueto signal and scroll untilyou press APPOINTMENT/SCHEDULER to cancel it.

To set an appointment:1 Press APPOINTMENT/


2 Enter the month and dayof your appointment.

3 Enter the time of yourappointment.

4 Select AM or PM.


6 Enter the appointmenttype:


7 Press APPOINTMENT/SCHEDULER - or press"0" to set it as a recurringappointment.

Once = DailyTwice = WeeklyThree times = Monthly


NOTE: Recurringappointments must be reset atthe beginning of a new year.

To Review appointments:1 Press and hold

APPOINTMENT/SCHEDULER aboutthree seconds.

2 Press 1-12 for the monthyou want to review.

3 Press appointment again.

To Quit the Review Process:Press CLEAR/OFF.

To cancel a scheduledappointment:1 Recall the appointment

you want to cancel, usingthe review process above.

2 Press and hold "0" forabout 3 seconds.

NOTE: The appointmentscheduler can record about25 appointments.



Page 37: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


How to Use the ShelfWhen Microwaving

Food microwaves bestwhen placed on theturntable or on the shelf in the lower position.

For best cooking results,remove the shelf unless youare reheating on more thanone level.

The shelf gives you theoption to reheat more than one dish of food atthe same time.

• Make sure the shelf is positioned properly inside the microwave to prevent damage to the oven from arcing.

• Do not use a microwave brown-ing dish on the shelf. The shelf could overheat.

• Do not use the oven with the shelf on the microwave floor. This could damage the microwave.

• Use pot holders when handling the shelf—it may be hot.

• Do not use the shelf when cooking popcorn.

• Do not use the shelf with Sensor Cooking or Reheat.

For best results

Uneven results

2-level reheating


Page 38: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


• To reheat on 2 levels


• To reheat 2 dishes on thelower level:

1 Multiply reheat time by 11/2.

2 Switch places after 1/2the time.

• To reheat on 3 levels

1 Double the reheatingtime.

2 Switch places twice andgive the dishes a 1/2 turnduring reheating. (Placedense foods, or thosethat require a longercook time, on the uppershelf first.)

Switch places after 1/2 time.

Switch places after 1/2 time.

Operating Instructions

Other Features Your Model May Have

Shelf and Reheating

Switch places twice

Page 39: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


Arcing Arcing is the microwave term for sparks in the oven. Arcing is caused by:

• the temperature probe staying in the oven but not inserted in the food.

• the metal shelf being installed incorrectly and touching the microwave walls.

• metal or foil touching the side of the oven.

• foil that is not molded to food (upturned edges act like antennas).

• metal such as twist ties, poultry pins, gold-rimmed dishes.

• recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces.

Covering Covers hold in moisture, allow for more even heating and reduce cooking time. Venting plastic wrap or covering with wax paper allows excess steam to escape.

Shielding In a regular oven, you shield chicken breasts or baked foods to prevent over-browning. When microwaving, you use small strips of foil to shield thin parts, such as the tips of wings and legs on poultry,which would cook before larger parts.

Standing Time When you cook with regular ovens, foods such as roasts or cakes are allowed to stand to finish cooking or to set. Standing time is especially important in microwave cooking. Note that a microwaved cake is not placed on a cooling rack.

Venting After covering a dish with plastic wrap, you vent the plastic wrap by turning back one corner so excess steam can escape.

Term Definition

Helpful Information

Microwave Terms

Page 40: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Helpful Information

Care and Cleaning

Open the oven door a fewminutes after cooking toair out the inside. Anoccasional thoroughwiping with a solution ofbaking soda and waterkeeps the inside fresh.

NOTE: Be certain the poweris off before cleaning anypart of this oven.

Helpful Hints

Walls, Floor, Inside Window,Metal and Plastic Parts onthe Door

Some spatters can beremoved with a papertowel, others may require a damp cloth. Removegreasy spatters with a sudsycloth, then rinse with adamp cloth. Do not useabrasive cleaners or sharputensils on oven walls.Never use a commercialoven cleaner on any part of your microwave.

Removable Turntable andTurntable Support

To prevent breakage, donot place the turntable intowater just after cooking.Wash it carefully in warm,sudsy water or in thedishwasher. The turntableand support can be brokenif dropped. Remember, donot operate the ovenwithout the turntable andsupport in place.

Temperature Probe

Clean immediately afterusing. To clean, wipe withsudsy cloth, then rublightly with plastic scouringball if necessary. Rinse anddry. The probe can also bewashed in the dishwasher.


Clean with mild soap andwater or in the dishwasher.Do not clean in a self-cleaning oven.













How to Clean the Inside


Page 41: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual



Clean the outside of themicrowave with a sudsycloth. Rinse and then dry.Wipe the window cleanwith a damp cloth.

Control Panel and Door

Wipe with a damp cloth.Dry thoroughly. Do not usecleaning sprays, largeamounts of soap andwater, abrasives or sharpobjects on the panel—theycan damage it. Some papertowels can also scratch thecontrol panel.

Door Surface

It’s important to keep thearea clean where the doorseals against the micro-wave. Use only mild, non-abrasive detergentsapplied with a clean spongeor soft cloth. Rinse well.

Stainless Steel

To clean the surface usehot soapy water, then rinseand dry. Do not use steelwool pads or other abrasivecleaners. They will scratchthe surface.


Clean off the grease anddust on the bottom often.Use a solution of warmwater and detergent.

Do not use cleanerscontaining ammonia oralcohol on themicrowave oven.Ammonia or alcohol candamage the appearance of the microwave.

How to Clean the Outside

Page 42: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Helpful Information

Light Bulb Replacement


1 To replace the bulb(s),first disconnect the powerat the main fuse or circuitbreaker panel or pull theplug.

2 Remove the screw at thefront of the light coverand lower the cover.

3 Be sure the bulb(s) to bereplaced are cool beforeremoving. After breakingthe adhesive seal, removethe bulb by gently turning.

4 Replace the screw.Connect electrical powerto the oven.

Replace the burned-outbulb with a 40-wattincandescent bulb(WB36X10003), availablefrom your GE supplier.

Cooktop Light/Night Light

1 To replace the oven light,first disconnect the powerat the main fuse or circuitbreaker panel or pull theplug.

2 Remove the top grille bytaking out the 2 screwsthat hold it in place.

3 Next, remove the screwlocated above the doornear the center of theoven that secures thelight housing.

4 Replace the screw.Connect electrical powerto the oven.

Replace the burned-outbulb with a 40-wattincandescent bulb(WB36X10003), availablefrom your GE supplier.

Oven Light


Page 43: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


The vent fan has 2 metalreusable grease filters.

Models that recirculate airback into the room also usea charcoal filter.

The Vent Fan

Charcoal Filter(on some models)

Reusable Grease Filters(on all models)

The metal filters trapgrease released by foods onthe cooktop. They alsoprevent flames from foodson the cooktop fromdamaging the inside of themicrowave.

For this reason, the filtersmust ALWAYS be in placewhen the hood is used.The grease filters shouldbe cleaned once a month,or as needed.

Reusable GreaseFilters

To remove, slide it to therear using the tab. Pull itdown and out.

To clean the grease filter,soak it and then swish itaround in hot water anddetergent. Don’t useammonia or ammoniaproducts because they willdarken the metal.

Light brushing can be usedto remove embedded dirt.

Rinse, shake and let it drybefore replacing.

To replace, slide the filterin the frame slot on theback of the opening. Pullup and to the front to lockinto place.

Removing andCleaning the Filter

Page 44: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual

Helpful Information

The Exhaust Feature


If the model is not ventedto the outside, the air willbe recirculated through adisposable charcoal filterthat helps remove smokeand odors.

The charcoal filter shouldbe replaced when it isnoticeably dirty or dis-colored (usually after 6 to12 months, depending onhood usage).

The charcoal filtercannot be cleaned. Itmust be replaced. OrderPart No. WB02X9883from your GE supplier.

Charcoal Filter (on some models)

To remove the charcoalfilter, disconnect power atthe main fuse or circuitbreaker panel or pull theplug.

Remove the top grille byremoving the 2 screws thathold it in place. Slide thefilter towards the front ofthe oven and remove it.

To Remove Charcoal Filter

Remove 2 grille screws toremove the grille.

To install a new filter,remove plastic and otherouter wrapping from thenew filter.

Insert the filter into the top opening of the oven asshown. It will rest at anangle on 2 side supporttabs and in front of theright rear tab. Replace the grille and 2 screws.

To Install Charcoal Filter

Page 45: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


If Something Goes Wrong

Before You Call For Service

Oven will notstart

“PLEASE INSERTPROBE“ appears on display

“SENSOR ERROR”appears on display

Floor of the oven iswarm, even whenthe oven has notbeen used

“BAD PROBE”appears on display

“LOCKED” appearson display

Food amount toolarge for SensorReheat

When using a Sensor • Do not open door until steam isfeature, the door was sensed and time is shown countingopened before steam down on display.could be detected.

Steam was not detected • Use Time Cook to heat for more time.in maximum amount of time.

Problem Possible Cause What to Do

A fuse in your home • Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker.may be blown or the circuit breaker tripped.

Power surge. • Unplug the microwave oven, then plug it back in.

Plug not fully inserted • Make sure the 3-prong plug on theinto wall outlet. oven is fully inserted into wall outlet.

Probe has been • Insert the probe properly into the forgotten or not oven wall outlet.inserted properly.

The cooktop light is • This is normal.located below the ovenfloor. When the lightis on, the heat it produces may make the oven floor get warm.

The probe has not been • Insert the probe properly into thecompletely inserted into oven wall outlet.the oven wall outlet.

The probe is defective. • Replace the probe.

The control has been • Press and hold CLEAR/OFF forlocked. about 3 seconds to unlock the control.

Sensor Reheat is for • Use Time Cook for large amountssingle servings of of food.recommended foods.

Page 46: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


If Something Goes Wrong

Before You Call For Service

You hear anunusual, low-tonebeep

You have tried to start • Start over and enter a valid time the Reminder without of day.a valid time of day.

You have tried to start • Start over and enter a valid time the Auto Nite Light of day.without a valid time ofday entered for the on-time and off-time.

You have tried to turn • The turntable will not operate when the turntable on when the probe is in use.the probe is in use.

You have tried to change • Many of the oven’s features are preset the power level when it is and cannot be changed.not allowed.

Problem Possible Cause What to Do

Page 47: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


• Steam or vapor escapingfrom around the door.

• Light reflection arounddoor or outer case.

• Dimming oven light andchange in the blowersound at power levelsother than high.

• Dull thumping soundwhile oven is operating.

• TV-radio interferencemight be noticed whileusing the microwave.Similar to the interferencecaused by other smallappliances, it does notindicate a problem withthe microwave. Plug themicrowave into a differentelectrical circuit, move theradio or TV as far awayfrom the microwave aspossible, or check theposition and signal of theTV/radio antenna.

Things ThatAre Normal

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Page 51: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


Individuals qualified to service their ownappliances can have parts or accessories sentdirectly to their home.(VISA, MasterCard andDiscover cards areaccepted.)

Instructions contained in this manual coverprocedures to beperformed by any user.Other servicing generallyshould be referred toqualified servicepersonnel. Caution must be exercised, sinceimproper servicing maycause unsafe operation.

Parts andAccessories

If for some reason you arenot happy with the serviceyou receive, here are stepsto follow for further help.

First, contact the peoplewho serviced yourappliance. Explain why you are not pleased.

Next, if you are still notpleased, write all thedetails—including your phone number—to:

Customer RelationsGE AppliancesLouisville, KY 40225

Further Service


Page 52: GE Microwave Spacemaker XL manual


For one year from date of originalpurchase, we will provide, free of charge,parts and service labor in your home to repair or replace any part of the microwaveoven that fails because of a manufacturingdefect.


For the second through the tenth yearfrom the date of original purchase, we will provide, free of charge, a replacementmagnetron tube if the magnetron tube failsbecause of a manufacturing defect. Youpay for the service trip to your home andservice labor charges.


This warranty is extended to the originalpurchaser and any succeeding owner forproducts purchased for ordinary home usein the 48 mainland states, Hawaii andWashington, D.C. In Alaska the warranty isthe same except that it is LIMITED becauseyou must pay to ship the product to theservice shop or for the service technician’stravel costs to your home.

All warranty service will be provided by ourFactory Service Centers or by ourauthorized Customer Care® servicersduring normal working hours.

Should your appliance need service, during warranty period or beyond, call 800-GE-CARES (800-432-2737).


What Is Covered

What Is Not Covered

Staple sales slip or cancelled check here. Proof of originalpurchase date is needed to obtain service under warranty.

• Service trips to your home to teach youhow to use the product.

Read your Owner’s Manual. If you thenhave any questions about operating theproduct, please contact your dealer or our Customer Relations office at theaddress below, or call, toll free:

GE Answer Center®800.626.2000consumer information service

• Improper installation.

If you have an installation problem, contactyour dealer or installer. You are responsiblefor providing adequate electrical,exhausting and other connecting facilities.

• Replacement of house fuses or resettingof circuit breakers.

• Failure of the product if it is misused, orused for other than the intended purposeor used commercially.

• Damage to product caused by accident,fire, floods or acts of God.

Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages,so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legalrights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what yourlegal rights are in your state, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state’sAttorney General.

Warrantor: General Electric Company If further help is needed concerning this warranty, write:Manager—Customer Relations, GE Appliances, Louisville, KY 40225

Warrantor is not responsible for consequential damages.

Printed in Korea