J I l I M - Vi u c m THE INDEPENDENT Vol I THE INDEPENDENT - I68UED- EVERY AFTERNOON Except Sunday At Brito Hall Konia Street 8OBS0KIPTION BATES Per Month anywhere In tho Ha ¬ waiian Islands 60 Per Year 0 00 Ier Year postpaid to Foreign Goun tries 8 00 Payable Invariably in Ativan co Advertisements unarcompanled by spo ciflo Instructions inserted till ordered oat Advertisements discontinued before x piration of specified period will be charged as II continued for tul term Address all commiinicitlons to tho Edi ¬ torial Department to Edmnnd Norrlo Business letters should be addressed to G O Kenyon EDMUND NOBRIE - - Editor G O KENYON - - Manager Moulding in Hono ula THE LEGISLATURE SENATE ThoSoDato met as usual Thursday morning aud got through a deal of business Two communications wero recoivod from the Houso of Representative The appropriation Bill recoired from tho Houeo appro- priating ¬ oxpouBOs of the Spocial Sosbou 12000 was referred back to the House owing to an error in engrossing Minister Damons Four Appropriation Bills enme up one by one and were read first and second timofl and referred to the Finance Committee Discussion chiefly by Senators Brown aud Baldwin showed desire on the part of tho Senate to investigate tho necessity and preoiso objoctef the Appropria- tions ¬ asked for especially tho addi- tional ¬ 10000 askod for Attorney Generals Department and the 15 000 for the Military Tho bill for 32000 additioual expenditure on Public Works was referred to tho Committee of Public Lauds and Improvements President Wilder amid a general chorus of kokua suggested to the committee that aviiome industry in tho shape of a stono bridgo be preferred to Howells suggestion of a steel bridgo at Haa liliamanu Tho Hilo Elcotrio Light Franchise bill thou came up aud Senator McCandless said that tho Bill was now before the lower Houso and it was hotter to defer considera- tion ¬ as ho understood that was the suggostionofthoiutroducor Senator Baldwin said he was tho introduer and ho thought action ought to bo taken now The bill was read a second timo and referred on motion to a special committee as tho Com ¬ mittee on Publio Lauds were in ¬ terested parties The President an- nounced ¬ he would name tho com ¬ mittee next meeting Tho Laud Bill was then laid ovor President Wilder then wished the Education Committee to report a bill autho- rizing ¬ tho census taken this year Senator Brown said the suggestion of taking a census this year had come frpm the Labor Commission to tho Senate and he thought tint that body had taken too muh on itself Tho Executive ought to bring in the bill until then tho Senate should not notice it It was a little importiuenco on the part of the Labor Commission Senator WatorhouBo thought the suggestion re taking tho census was good but agreod with Brown that Govern- ment ¬ ought to bring in tho bill Tho Game Law thou passod its second reading and was reforrod on motion of Senator Brown to Judi- ciary ¬ committee Tho Senate thou adjourned HOUSE Or BElUESENTATIVES Tho Houso convened at 10 a in Prayers aud miuutos wero road OOFYRIOMT APPLIED FOIR HONOLULU H I FRIDAY JUNE 28 1895 After considerable dismission a petition relating to lands near Hilo war reforrod to the Cabinet Iinbortson stated that under the constitution everything seemed to bo in tho hands of the Cabinet McBryde on behalf of the finance committee couldnt see any use of tho committee working or reporting if all the financial mnttore were in tho hands of the Cabinet Kamauoha thought that thoCabi uot might gleau some points by tho reports of the committee Richards thought that he was thqre to represent the people If tho Legislature had no power tho members had better resign He proposod to have every petition sent to the Legislature fully considered and attended to The members re ¬ present the people and not the Cabinet McBryde then road a report from tho Finance Committeo relating to a petition asking for the connection of Beretanik and Vineyard streets The report was referred to the Exe- cutive ¬ Spocial order of the day Act No 1 was called Tho act refers to the regulation of ourrenoy The en ¬ grossed bill was road and passed tho ayes and noeB being called The House then procoeded to tho consideration of Act 7 relating to the regulation of sales of goods by travelling ageute On motion of McBryde the bill was referred to the Committee of Agriculture Bobortson moved consideration of bill No G whioh dials with tho in corporation of the Honolulu Eloc trio Railway Company Kamauoha moved that the read- ing ¬ of the bill be dispensed with Carried Bobortson moved that the bill be roferrod to a select committee Car- ried ¬ The speaker appointed Robertson Kamauoha and Richards A communication Jrom the late secretary of the Advisory Council Dr Rodgers was road in which he expreseod his willingness to have sent to the Legislature twenty copies of the laws passod by the lato body but it had been found im- practicable ¬ to do so Tho communication was laid on tho table Robortson moved that the House tako a recess to 180 Kamauoha wanted to know if the Councillors of Stale elected woro not legally olocted Ho wanted the Attorney General to shod light on the subjeot Tho Attorney General shed light aud said that as the matter had boon roforred to a committeo it was per- haps ¬ proper to leave tho matter in their hands The House then took a recess to 130 oclock Sans ouci The most lovely spot on Oahu is Sans Souoi This favorite seasido resort which has been immortalized by tho pen of Robert L Stevenson who resided there for months is only four miles from Honolulu aud within easy reach of tho tramcars Tho surroundings and bathing at this famouB resort are superior to anything found in tho Hawaiian Islands Cottages and board can bo obtained on oaBy terms Tho tablo sot by tho manager is bottor than any offerod horo at other ho- tels ¬ For picnics bathing parties and outings tho best accommodation can bo socurod by giving notice to tho manager LOBX LADIES GOLD WATCH AND A Chain with Locket attuehed A su tablo reward will b paid by returning the same to F J TKBTA 3 tf 327 KIiik Biroet Subscribe fur the Independent 60 cents per month Golden Rule Bazaar - I W F REJBOLDS Proprietor ESTABLISHED ON Absolutely Cash Basis - Stationer Newsdealer MUSICAL INfcTltUMENTfl Music by Every Steamer Outdoor Games Toys Notions Etc Etc PANOY GOODS Etc Teliiiiohe C07 HONOLULU 7 I O Box 321 Carriage - Manufactory 128 130 Fort Street Carriage Builder AND KKPAIRER f J from the ohr in Building Trimming Painting ilto Etc promptly uttuudtd to W W WRIGHT Proprietor Buci ostor to G West REMOVAL JOHN PHILLIPS Has removed his Plumbing Bnlnss from Mreot to the premises on Hotel Street Formerly occupied hy Woven - Wire Uuiloy li Orders Island King Ed Hoffschlacger it Co Kng Street opposite Cttle Coolie Bonseliold Sewing Machine - r PIANOS OKGANSand GUITAK8 Wines Liquors Beers Or THE UlOUEbT ORATE w CARPETS AND RUGS Baby Carriages a Specialty W Inspect the Selected Stock of Ed HOFFSOHlAEOEU CO Kli Breet oppot Jntlo fc fooke Su iuesB Cards ANTONd ROSA Attorney at Law Knahumnnn Street Honolulu PAUL NEUMANN Counsellor and Attorney at Law Morchant Street Honolulu JOHN NOTT Plumbing Tin Coiter and Sheet Iron Work A King Street Honolulu GONSALVES OO WlIODESALE G ROGERS AND WlNE Merchants 225 Queen Streot Honolulu E B THOMAS Contractor and Builder Building Matoials fnr sale Estlmatoa Furnished H F BERTELMANN Contractor and Builder All kinds of Itepnlring and General Carpen- try ¬ Kstlmutua mi Buildings Furnished AIJiEN Ss ROBINSON Dealers in Lumber and Coal and Building Materials or All Kinds Q leen 8troit Honolulu Jin No T B MURRAY 321 323 King Street The Leading Carriage and Wagon Manufacturer ALL MATERIALS Oil HAND Yfll furniah everything ontsidostcatu- - boats and boilers No Ball Betting Axles Around This Shop TELEPHONE 673 - THOS LINDSAY MANOrACIUBlSO Jeweler Watchmaker KUKUI JEWELRY A SPECIALTY Particular attention pild to all knds of Repairs Campbell Block Merchant Street REGAN YAFOR and PACIFIC GAS Engines and Launches- - THE BEST IN THE MABKEX They cannot bo surpassed for Motlvo Power SEND FOR CATALOGUE JOS TI3STKIEK Solo Agent Nnuunu Street Metropolitan Meat Go 81 KING STREET Waller Masaoeo ti 5 Wholesale and Hetall W G J - BUTCHERS Navy Contractors IB A Feudally Hotol X KUOU8E - -- Prop Tor Day J 200 Per Weok 1200 SPECIAL MONTHLY RATEB The nest of Attendance the Best Sltuatloia and the Finest Meals in this City

Gebrauchshinweise User Instructions Conseils d utilisation · Sehr geehrter RÖSLE Kunde, vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für eine hochwertige, emaillier-te Grillpfanne aus dem Hause

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Sehr geehrter RÖSLE Kunde,

vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für eine hochwertige, emaillier-te Grillpfanne aus dem Hause RÖSLE entschieden haben. Eine gute Wahl. Und eine Entscheidung für ein langlebiges Qualitätsprodukt. Damit Sie über viele Jahre Freude ha-ben, lesen Sie bitte die folgenden Produktinformationen, Hinweise zur optimalen Handhabung und Pflege sowie Si-cherheitsempfehlungen und bewahren Sie diese sorgfältig auf.


3 Geeignet für folgende Herdarten:

Elektro Keramik Gas Induktion Backofen

3 Vor dem ersten Gebrauch sorgfältig mit warmem Wasser und Spülmittel reinigen und abtrocknen.3 Vor dem Kochen immer die gesamte Innenseite einfetten. 3 Metallgriffe und –stiele können sich bei längerer Koch- zeit auf dem Herd oder im Backofen erhitzen. Zum Schutz vor Verbrennungen Topfhandschuhe verwenden.3 Um die Emaille-Schicht nicht zu beschädigen nur Küchenlöffel aus Holz, Kunststoff oder Silikon verwen- den. Nicht mit spitzen oder scharfkantigen Gegenstän- den in der Pfanne rühren.3 Das Kochgeschirr kann im Backofen bei max. 400 °C auf dem Rost, jedoch nicht auf den Ofenboden verwen- det werden.3 Die Herdplatte und der Durchmesser des Kochgeschirrs sollten möglichst identisch sein, um die Energie opti- mal auszunutzen und eine ungleichmäßige Erhitzung des Bodens zu verhindern.3 Beim Einsatz auf einem Grill die Pfanne nur auf den Grillrost stellen. Auf keinen Fall darf die Pfanne direkt auf die Kohlen gestellt werden.

Chère Cliente, Cher Client RÖSLE,

Nous vous remercions d’avoir choisi la poêle à grill émail-lée. Le choix d’un article de qualité. Afin qu’il vous apporte entière satisfaction pendant de nombreuses années, nous avons réuni ici les informations importantes sur l’article ainsi que les conseils d’utilisation, d’entretien et de sé-curité. Veillez à conserver cette notice précieusement.

Conseils d’utilisation

3 Va sur les feux suivants:

électriques vitro-céramique

gaz induction four

3 Avant la première utilisation nettoyez la poêle avec de l’eau chaude et du produit vaisselle, puis essuyez-la.3 Avant la cuisson graissez toujours complètement l’intérieur de la poêle. 3 Les poignées en métal peuvent devenir chaudes lors d’une cuisson prolongée ou dans le four. Pour vous protéger des risques de brûlure, utilisez des gants ou maniques. 3 Afin de ne pas abîmer le revêtement en émail, utilisez des cuillères de cuisine en bois, en plastique ou en silicone. Ne remuez pas dans la poêle avec des ustensiles tranchants ou pointus. 3 La poêle peut être utilisée au four par max

400 °C. uniquement sur la grille du four. 3 Adaptez la taille de la plaque de cuisson au diamètre de la poêle pour une utilisation optimale de l’énergie et éviter une répartition irrégulière de la chaleur.3 Lors de l’utilisation sur un barbecue posez la poêle sur la grille. La poêle ne doit en aucun cas être posée directement sur les charbons.

Dear RÖSLE customer,

Thank you for choosing our top quality RÖSLE enamelled Grillpan. Congratulations, you have selected a long-life quality product. To enjoy your product for many years to come please carefully read the following product informa-tion, handling and maintenance instructions, as well as safety recommendations. Please keep them for future re-ference.

User Instructions

3 Suitable for the following type of cookers:

Electric Ceramic Gas Induction Oven

3 Before using for the first time, carefully wash item with hot water and detergent, and towel dry. 3 Always grease the complete inner surface before coo- king.3 Excessive cooking or baking times may result in metal handles heating up. To prevent burns, use oven gloves or any other suitable pot holder.3 To avoid damage to the enamel layer, only use spoons made from wood, plastic, or silicone. Do not use poin- ted or sharp objects for stirring.3 Cookware can be used in oven for temperatures of up to 400 °C/752 °F when using a grate. It is not suitable for use directly on the oven base.3 To save energy and to guarantee even heat distribution of frying pan base, select appropriate pan diameter to match size of hot plate.3 For using the pan on a barbecue, please put it only on the grilling grid. Don´t place the pan direct into the charcoal.

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3 Niemals leeres Kochgeschirr erhitzen oder auf heißen eingeschalteten Herdplatten stehen lassen. Insbeson- dere darauf achten, dass die Flüssigkeiten aus den Speisen nie vollständig verdampfen. So wird ein An- brennen der Lebensmittel und eine Beschädigung des Kochgeschirrs oder der Heizquelle verhindert. 3 Kochgeschirr nach dem Gebrauch auf einer hitzebe- ständigen Unterlage abstellen.


3 Kochgeschirr vor dem Spülen immer abkühlen lassen. Niemals das heiße Geschirr in kaltes Wasser tauchen, da ein thermischer Schock das Emaille beschädigen könnte.3 Angebrannte Speisereste in heißem Wasser einweichen und mit Spülmittel, Schwamm oder Bürste schonend reinigen. Keine Stahlwolle oder Scheuermittel verwen- den.3 Möglichst bald nach dem Kochvorgang das Geschirr reinigen.3 Kochgeschirr niemals feucht aufbewahren.3 Dieses Kochgeschirr ist nicht spülmaschinengeeignet.

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß und Freude mit Ihrem neuen Küchenwerkzeug.

Ihr RÖSLE Team aus Marktoberdorf


3 Ne faites jamais chauffer la poêle à vide et ne la laissez pas sur une source de chaleur encore chaude ou allu- mée. Veillez à ce que les liquides ne s’évaporent pas totalement. Ainsi les aliments ne risquent pas de brûler et la poêle ou la plaque de cuisson d’être abîmée. 3 Après utilisation posez l’ustensile de cuisson sur une surface résistante à la chaleur.

Conseils d’entretien

3 Laissez toujours refroidir l’ustensile avant de le net- toyer. Ne plongez jamais l’ustensile chaud dans de l’eau froide, car un choc thermique pourrait endommager l’émail.3 Faites tremper les restes d’aliments brûlés dans de l’eau avec un peu de liquide vaisselle, et nettoyez à l’aide d’une éponge ou d’une brosse. N’utilisez pas d’éponge métallique ni des produits récurrents.3 Nettoyez la poêle le plus rapidement possible après utilisation. 3 Conservez la poêle dans un endroit sec et à l’abri de l’humidité.3 Cet ustensile ne passe pas au lave-vaisselle.

Nous vous souhaitons entière satisfaction et plaisir avec votre nouvel ustensile.

Votre équipe RÖSLE de Marktoberdorf


3 Avoid heating-up empty cookware or placing cookware onto activated hot plates with high temperature. Make sure that fluids from meals never become completely vaporized. This will prevent burnt-on food and damage to your cookware or heat source.3 After use, position frying pan on a heat-resistant sur- face.

Care Instructions

3 Always let cookware cool off before cleaning. Never dip hot cookware in cold water, this might result in a ther- mal shock causing damage to the enamel.3 Soak burnt food residue in water and use sponge or brush for careful removal. Do not use metal scouring pads or abrasive detergents.3 After using on a hotplate, clean cookware after use as soon as possible.3 Never store cookware when moist.3 Cookware is not dishwasher-proof.

Enjoy your new RÖSLE kitchen tool.Your RÖSLE team

from Marktoberdorf, Southern Germany



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