THE FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE DAILY IN FREE KUWAIT Established in 1977 / www.arabtimesonline.com WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2021 / JUMADA AL THANI 21, 1442 AH emergency number 112 NO. 17604 16 PAGES 150 FILS ice hockey basketball Page 14 Pages 14 & 15 Space ‘for all’ June launch set for first Kuwait sat KUWAIT CITY, Feb 2: Orbital Space con- firmed the success of the ongoing functional testing of the first sat- ellite of Kuwait - 1U CubeSat QMR-KWT, according to a report published on satel- liteprome.com recent- ly. Orbital Space, which is located in Dubai, is known as the first company in the Arab region to offer access to space by using CubeSat tech- nology. It is keen on support- ing efforts toward the trans- formation of countries in the region into space-faring nations through the promo- tion of research and technol- ogy development in the form of educational programs for Arab youths. According to the compa- ny’s Educational Programs Director - Nada Alshammari, the ongoing testing aims “to verify the satellite’s ability to perform all tasks as expected, including power management, attitude determination, amp control, communications and error recovery. During func- tional testing, a hardware-in- the-loop simulation was car- ried out to emulate in-orbit conditions both virtually and physically.” Alshammari explained that “QMR-KWT space mission will help empower students to contribute to the advance- ment of satellite communi- cation technology, and to prepare them as future pro- fessionals to operate the next generation of communication satellites. Orbital Space is undertaking this pioneer- ing mission in order to cre- ate educational opportunities for students from around the world to learn more about satellite communications. Opportunity We are already seeing en- gagement from students with our QMR-KWT educational program ‘Code in Space’ - an opportunity for students to develop and test new soft- ware solutions by writing software code to be uploaded and executed on the satellite’s onboard computer. We are currently accepting student proposals for this out of the world opportunity.” Meanwhile, founder and general manager of Orbital Space BassamAlfeeli dis- closed “our goal is to make space accessible to all. We are excited and honored to be working with our partner – Endurosat - to achieve this goal. QMR-KWT’s func- tional testing is being done at EnduroSat facilities and in the coming months it will be integrated with Momen- tusVigoride spacecraft as part of the plan to put it in orbit.” Founder and CEO of En- duroSatRaychoRaychev said: “EnduroSat is a lead- ing company in CubeSat technology and we are thrilled to see our technol- ogy enabling more people to access space. We value our partnership with Or- bital Space and we hope, to- gether, to democratize space around the world.” Mission Manager at En- duroSat Victor Danchev affirmed “QMR-KWT com- pleted its space qualifica- tion tests in September 2020 at CIRA - Italian Aerospace Research Centre. We will continue to do functional testing until it is time to hand over QMR-KWT to Momentus.” CEO of Momentus Mikhail Kokorich added that “Momentus is the first to provide commercially af- fordable in-space last-mile shuttle services. We are ex- cited to have our technology deliver Kuwait’s first satel- lite to its final orbit. QMR- KWT will launch from the United States in June 2021 on the second Vigoride demo mission onboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.” Newswatch KUWAIT CITY: In order to facilitate the Bedoun employ- ees of the Ministry of Defense (military and civilians) whose cards have expired, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Hamad Jaber Al-Ali sent a letter to the Gov- ernor of the Central Bank, re- questing to continue depositing their salaries for a year, reports Al-Seyassah daily. In the letter, Sheikh Hamad Al-Ali affirmed that this step comes in view of the effec- tive role played by the Bedoun employees of the Ministry of Defense, and in pursuit of the public interest in preparation for reaching a comprehensive and integrated solution for them. ANKARA: In an unexpected comment Monday, Turkish Pres- ident Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke of the need to draft a new and “civilian” constitution for Turkey. During a televised speech fol- lowing a Cabinet meeting, Er- dogan recalled that the country’s last two constitutions - enacted in 1961 and 1982 — were drafted following military coups, and contained “indelible” traces of the “military tutelage.” Erdogan said the new constitu- tion should be a “civilian” one, but didn’t elaborate. “Perhaps the time has come for Turkey to debate a new constitu- tion,” Erdogan said. (AP) TEHRAN: Iran’s parliament, dominated by hard-liners, reject- ed on Tuesday a budget bill pro- posed by the country’s relatively moderate President Hassan Rou- hani, state TV reported. The move is part of a politi- cal struggle between moderates and conservative hard-liners in Iran’s parliament ahead of June elections, which hard-liners hope to win. The state TV report said that of the 261 lawmakers present in the 290-seat parliament, 148 voted against the bill while 99 lawmakers backed it. The rest abstained. The hard-liners and other Rou- hani opponents said the proposed budget was unrealistic, lacked transparency and would cause high inflation in the country’s economy, which is struggling under strict US sanctions that Washington imposed on Tehran under former President Donald Trump. (AP) TEHRAN: The sailors from a South Korean tanker seized in the Persian Gulf by Iranian troops last month are free to leave the country on humanitar- ian grounds, Iran’s state TV said Tuesday. Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said a le- gal investigation into the tanker and its captain would continue. Iran maintains the tanker and its 20-member crew were stopped because of the vessel’s “environ- mental pollution,” a claim reject- ed by the vessel’s owner. It appeared the South Korean- flagged tanker’s seizure in the crucial Strait of Hormuz was an attempt by the Islamic Republic to increase its leverage over Seoul ahead of negotiations over billions of dollars in Iranian assets frozen in South Korean banks amid a US pressure campaign targeting Iran. The vessel’s seizure came ahead of South Korea’s pre-scheduled regional trip, which included a stop in Qatar. (AP) YANGON: Hundreds of mem- bers of Myanmar’s Parliament remained confined inside their government housing in the coun- try’s capital on Tuesday, a day after the military staged a coup and detained senior politicians including Nobel laureate and de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party, meanwhile, released a statement calling for the military to honor the results of last November’s election and release of all of those detained. One of the detained lawmakers said he and 400-some parliament members were able to speak with one another inside the compound and communicate with their con- stituencies by phone, but were not allowed to leave the housing complex in Naypyitaw. He said police were inside the complex and soldiers were outside it. (AP) MUSKOGEE: Six people were shot to death early Tuesday at a home in Oklahoma, including five young children, and a person who is suspected in the killings was taken into custody, police said. Officers responded about 1:30 a.m. to a call of multiple people shot at a home in Muskogee, a city of just under 40,000 people about 45 miles (70 kilometers) southeast of Tulsa, police said in a new release. (AP) Photo courtesy of UAE Space Agency Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, Vice-President and Ruler of Dubai, accompanied by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed, Crown Prince of Dubai, visited the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre as the last external part of the Hope probe was installed. — See Page 16 In this Sunday, April 14, 2019 file photo, Cardinal Louis Raphael I Sako addresses the faithful during the Palm Sunday service at Mar Yous- sif Church in Baghdad, Iraq. Iraq’s top Catholic official said Thursday, Jan 28, 2021, that a deadly suicide bombing in Baghdad hasn’t thwarted Pope Francis’ plans to visit, and he confirmed the pontiff would meet with the country’s top Shiite cleric, Ali al- Sistani, in a significant highlight of the first-ever papal trip to Iraq. (AP) Kuwait lists 811 new COVID-19 cases Dry February in Dubai as bars closed DUBAI, Feb 2, (AP): Dubai announced Monday it would close all bars and pubs for the entire month of February and limit other activities af- ter a spike in coronavirus cases followed New Year’s Eve celebrations that drew visitors from around the world. The sheikhdom also ordered restaurants and cafes to close by 1 a.m., as well as instituted crowd limits on cinemas, hotels, malls and other destinations. The decision comes after Dubai insisted as recently as last week that “we can confidently say the current situation is under control.” That was as coronavirus testing facilities and hospitals came under pres- sure from 17 straight days of record reported daily coronavirus figures across the wider United Arab Emirates. The announcement from the government’s Dubai Media Office blamed “a marked increase in the number of violations of precaution- ary measures” for the decision made by the city-state’s hereditary rulers. “The measures seek to further enhance efforts to combat COVID-19, and protect the health and safety of all citizens, residents and visitors,” the statement said. Dubai, known for its long-haul carrier Emirates, the world’s tall- est building and its beaches and bars, in July became one of the first travel destinations to describe itself as open for business. The move staunched the bleeding of its crucial tourism and real estate sectors after lockdowns and curfews cratered its economy. As tourism restarted, daily reported coronavirus case numbers slow- ly grew but mostly remained stable through the fall. But then came New Year’s Eve - a major draw for travelers from countries otherwise shut down over the virus who partied without face masks in bars and on yachts. In recent days, countries have blamed Dubai for imported coronavirus cases, including variants feared to be faster spreading. As daily reported coronavirus cases neared 4,000, Dubai fired the head of its government health agency without explanation. It stopped live en- tertainment at bars, halted nonessential surgeries, limited wedding sizes and ordered gyms to increase space between those working out. It also now requires coronavirus testing for all those flying into its airport. Kuwait Ministry of Health (MoH) on Tuesday listed 811 new corona- virus (COVID-19) cases bringing caseload of contaminations with the contagion to 166,654 since eruption of the pandemic locally months ago. MoH official spokesperson Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad said in a statement to KUNA a single fatality due to infection with the contagious virus was registered during the same period, thus mortalities’ toll rose to 960. Also: MOSCOW: Russian scientists say the country’s Sputnik V vaccine ap- pears safe and effective against COVID-19, according to early results of an advanced study published in a British medical journal. The news is a boost for the shot that is increasingly being purchased by nations around the world who are desperate to stop the devastation caused by the pandemic. Researchers say, based on their trial that involved about 20,000 peo- ple in Russia last fall, the vaccine is about 91% effective and appears to prevent people from becoming severely ill with COVID-19. The study was published online Tuesday in the journal The Lancet. Virus only hurdle ‘Pastor’ Pope vows Iraq trip ROME, Feb 2, (AP): Pope Francis said Monday he is still planning to visit Iraq in March, even if most Iraqis have to watch him on television to avoid the coronavi- rus. The important thing, he said, is “they will see that the pope is there in their country.” After St. John Paul II canceled a planned 2000 visit to Iraq, Francis said he has every intention of keeping his word to visit because he doesn’t want to disappoint the Iraqi people a second time. Only a serious new surge in in- fections would put the trip in question, he said. “I am the pastor of people who are suffering,” Francis told Catholic News Service during an audience to mark the 100th anniversary of the news agency of the U.S. bishops conference. Francis is scheduled to visit Iraq March 5-8 in what would be the first-ever papal trip to the country. The Vatican has con- firmed he intends to go, but hasn’t re- leased the itinerary yet and has said the trip ultimately depends on the health situ- ation on the ground. Virus cases in Iraq have been steadily dropping since peaking in late summer and are averaging around 800 new cases a day. At least 13,000 people have died among more than 618,000 confirmed cases across Iraq since February. The Vatican delegation will be vaccinated in time for the trip, but the main concern for organizers is to keep ordinary Iraqis safe, given crowds always form when the pope is out in public. The trip is aimed primarily at encour- aging the country’s beleaguered Chris- tians, who faced decades of discrimina- tion by Iraq’s Muslim majority before being targeted relentlessly by Islamic State group militants starting in 2014. Francis is due to visit Christian commu- nities in the north that were leveled by fighting. Biden moves to undo border ... line Trump SAN DIEGO, Feb 2, (AP): The Biden administration on Tuesday announced steps to address harm to thousands of families that were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border, expanding efforts to quickly undo relentless changes to immigration policy over the last four years. President Joe Biden planned to sign orders on family separation, border security and legal immigration, bring- ing to nine the number of executive actions on immigra- tion during his first two weeks in office. Details were thin, but the moves aim to reverse many of former President Donald Trump’s policies to deter immigration, both legal and illegal. Alejandro Mayorkas, whose nomination as Homeland Security secretary awaits Senate confirmation, will lead a task force on family separation, focused largely on reunit- ing parents and children who remain apart. It is unclear how many, but about 5,500 children have been identi- fied in court documents as having been separated during Trump’s presidency, including about 600 whose parents have yet to be found by a court-appointed committee. “The task force will report regularly to the President and recommend steps to prevent such tragedies from occurring again,” the Biden administration said in a statement. The review of border security includes a policy to make asylum-seekers wait in Mexican border cities for hearings in U.S. immigration court. It is a step toward fulfilling a campaign pledge to end the Remain in Mexico policy, known officially as Migrant Protection Protocols, which enrolled nearly 70,000 asylum-seekers since it began in January 2019. The White House said it will “create a humane asylum system” by rescinding or reconsidering Trump policies that caused “chaos, cruelty and confusion.” It warned that it will take time, which may cause grumbling among some pro-immigration advocates. “The situation at the border will not transform over- night, due in large part to the damage done over the last four years.” the White House said in a statement. “But the President is committed to an approach that keeps our country safe, strong, and prosperous and that also aligns with our values.” Issues Roberta Jacobson, a top Biden aide on border issues, asked Spanish-language media on Friday to discourage audiences from coming to the U.S. border. “It is not the moment,” she said in Spanish, adding that the journey was “very dangerous, and we are in the middle of creating a new system.” The White House will also do a “top-to-bottom review of recent regulations, policies, and guidance that have set up barriers to our legal immigration system.” It will in- clude a review of Trump’s “public charge rule,” which makes it more difficult for people who use government benefits to obtain green cards. The moves demonstrate that, just as Trump remade im- migration policies from the White House, Biden can undo them with the stroke of a pen - some more easily than others. On his first day in office, Biden halted work on a border wall with Mexico, lifted a travel ban on several predominantly Muslim countries and reversed plans to ex- clude people in the country illegally from the 2020 census. He also ordered efforts to preserve the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA, which has shielded hundreds of thousands of people who came to the U.S. as children from deportation. More lasting changes must pass Congress, a daunting job that Trump and his predecessors Barack Obama and George W. Bush failed to achieve. Also on his first day in office, Biden proposed legislation to give legal status and a path to citizenship to everyone in the country who doesn’t have it - an estimated 11 million people. Biden promised far-reaching changes on immigration during his campaign, but it was unclear how quickly he would tackle the lightning-rod issue. His first-day actions delighted and surprised many pro-immigration advocates who are now being asked for patience. It is unclear when Biden will lift bans on many temporary work visas and green cards that took effect after the coro- navirus pandemic struck or when he will stop allowing au- thorities to immediately expel people at the border on public health grounds without an opportunity to seek asylum. Municipality clears Al-Rajaan property seizures for auction By Abdul Nasser Al-Aslami Al-Seyassah Staff KUWAIT CITY, Feb 2: The Mu- nicipal Council has approved the Public Prosecution’s request to exempt the seized real estate of former Director-General of Pub- lic Institution of Social Security Fahad Al-Raja’an from the Infor- mation Certificate fees following an enforceable court ruling. The approval aims to complete the procedures for the judicial verdicts related to the seizure of public funds, and to proceed with the execution procedures of the ruling to sell them at auction. Sources said eight voted in favor out of the 11 persons pres- ent, while Dr. Hassan Kamal and Ahmed Hadian Al-Enezi ab- stained from voting. In this context, the director of the Legal Department at Kuwait Municipality, Raja’an Al-Ghar- ib, stated that the court’s ruling is final, and therefore the Prosecu- tion addressed the Municipality to resolve the issue of previously confiscated properties. Case hikes may lead to curfew or isolation — Details Page 4 —

GED Camporee Packet 2017 - Golden Eagle District · 2018. 4. 22. · t r s y æ æ t 68**(67,216 $1' +,176 8qlw ohdghuv wr vxssruw \rxu sdwuro ohdghuv dqg vfrxw dw &dps 2 5hh x +dyh

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Page 1: GED Camporee Packet 2017 - Golden Eagle District · 2018. 4. 22. · t r s y æ æ t 68**(67,216 $1' +,176 8qlw ohdghuv wr vxssruw \rxu sdwuro ohdghuv dqg vfrxw dw &dps 2 5hh x +dyh

2017 Camp-O-Ree




April 21-23, 2017

Schabarum Regional Park 17250 East Colima Road

Rowland Heights, CA 91748



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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 0

Table of Contents EVENT INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 1

DRIVING DIRECTIONS .............................................................................................................. 1

SUGGESTIONS AND HINTS: ................................................................................................... 2

Unit leaders to support your patrol leaders and scout at Camp-O-Ree ....................................... 2

Patrol leaders to support your patrol at Camp-O-Ree ................................................................. 2

REQUIRED ITEMS FOR CAMP-O-REE: ................................................................................. 3

REGISTRATION INFORMATION ............................................................................................. 4

Registration Fee .......................................................................................................................... 4

Fast Track Registration ............................................................................................................... 4

Late-Registration......................................................................................................................... 4

GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 5

Patrol Campsites ......................................................................................................................... 5

Patches ........................................................................................................................................ 5

District Roundtable Trading Post (hours subject to change) ...................................................... 5

Arrival ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Check-in ...................................................................................................................................... 6

Check-Out ................................................................................................................................... 6

COMPETITION GUIDELINES for PATROL LEADERS ......................................................... 7

EVENTS......................................................................................................................................... 7

Patrol Inspection Event ............................................................................................................... 8

Campsite Inspection Event ......................................................................................................... 8

CODE OF CONDUCT ................................................................................................................. 9

LEADERSHIP ............................................................................................................................. 11

MEALS ......................................................................................................................................... 11

FREE TIME ................................................................................................................................. 11

CAMPFIRE AND ORDER OF THE ARROW CALLOUT ..................................................... 11

PATROL LEADERS CHECK IN/OUT FORM ........................................................................ 13

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 1


Overview WHO: Approximately 300 boy scouts, venturers, and scouters (adults) from the

Golden Eagle District in San Gabriel Valley Council. WHAT: A district-wide Camp-O-Ree emphasizing Scout skills and fun.

Our 2017 Camp-O-Ree will have nine competitive (9) events.

WHEN: Friday, April, 21 2017 thru Sunday, April 23, 2017 Check-in begins at 5 p.m. Check-out ends at 11 a.m. WHERE: Schabarum Regional Park 17250 East Colima Road Rowland Heights, CA 91748 WHY: To develop scouting skills, foster brotherhood, and to increase the level of

scouting activities in the San Gabriel Valley. HOW: This leaders guide contains many details about our Camp-O-Ree. If you

need additional information, please contact: Rick Kunzler at [email protected]

DRIVING DIRECTIONS Exit the 60 Freeway at Azusa Head South toward Colima road Head East toward Rowland Heights The Park is an immediate right Check in is at the top of the park



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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 2


Unit leaders to support your patrol leaders and scout at Camp-O-Ree

Have patrols design and prepare patrol flags. The flags are required for several purposes during the day: Judging of patrol spirit, patrol flag competition and during campfire.

Secure all required equipment for the troop and patrol. Properly label or identify all troop and patrol articles. Procure all badges of office, troop numerals, etc. and ensure that they

are all properly attached to the scout and scouter uniforms. Ensure that all tents, dining fly etc. meet the required fire retardant

standards. Have all patrol information displayed in campsites. Have a gateway or camp gadget.

Patrol leaders to support your patrol at Camp-O-Ree

Design and prepare a patrol flag. The flag is required for several purposes during the day: Judging of patrol spirit, patrol flag competition and during campfire.

Ensure your patrol equipment is ready for the event. Properly label or identify all patrol articles. Procure all badges of office, troop numerals, insignia, etc. and ensure

that they are all properly attached to the Scout uniforms. Ensure that all tents, dining fly, etc. meet the required fire retardant

standards. Have a gateway OR camp gadget – you are not required to have both. Insure every member of the patrol has a medical form in their pocket

throughout the entire event. Insure your patrol members have studied their scout handbooks.

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 3


Two Copies of Annual Health and Medical Form for each Patrol member.

1st copy: To be carried by the Scout during the entire event. 2nd copy: To be handed in by the Patrol Leader at check-in.

This will be returned at check-out. NEW HEALTH FORM DOWNLOAD


Completed Check-in/Check-out form (patrol roster) found in this packet.

A copy of your registration form and your registration receipt to verify registration in case of any problems.

A Tour Plan is not required.

Required forms are contained in this packet and may also be downloaded online at www.goldeneagledistrict.org

Medical Records Form If any Scout does not have a medical records form, the unit leader will be asked to obtain one immediately. If one cannot be obtained immediately, then the scout must return home until the medical records form is obtained.

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 4


Registration Fee The cost is $16.00 per Scout and Adult leader through April 13, 2017. All units should be registered by this date and no later. You may register online using Tentaroo by following the links at www.goldeneagledistrict.org Day registration for all adult visitors regardless of unit affiliations (i.e. Troop, Crew or Ship) will be $5 a person to be paid at Roundtable or upon arrival. Please send a head count and roster of all day visitors to Rick Kunzler, Camp-o-ree Registrar at [email protected] no later than Thursday, April 13, 2017. All day–time attendees must be “pre-registered” Walk-in visitors will not be allowed prior to 6:30 p.m. and then only for the camp-fire. All visitors must check in and out with the registrar and receive event identification.

Fast Track Registration You may pre-register at the roundtable on April 13th and be given a pass which will allow you to not have to wait in line for registration. All required materials and payment must be received by that date. All scouts for the patrol must be ready to be admitted using the fast pass. There can be no exceptions.

Late-Registration The registration deadline is Friday, April 14, 2017 - seven (7) days before Camp-O-Ree AT MIDNIGHT !!! All registrations after April 14, 2017 are on a space available basis and must be made online. Late fee of $5.00 per person will be applied to these reservations. Online Registration cut-off date is 4/19/17 For additional information regarding registration, please contact Rick Kunzler at [email protected]

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 5


Patrol Campsites To the extent practicable, patrols from the same troop will be assigned non-adjacent campsites to separate them from one another. Separation ensures that each patrol is judged on its own merit. Charcoal fires may not be used in the patrol campsite. Food containers should be kept safely above ground. Prepare for camp sites no larger than 20’ x 30’. Patrol campsites contain tables. Each patrol will be assigned a campsite and that campsite will be assigned a specific table. Extra Tables are recommended.

Patches Participation patches will be issued to the patrol leader after the patrol checkout sheet is signed by a member of the Camp-O-Ree check-out staff. The unit leader should make arrangements with their patrol leadership to get the patches to participants at a time designated by your unit.

District Roundtable Trading Post (hours subject to change) Saturday, April 22, 2017 from 12:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.; 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Come and support our District Round Table by purchasing your snacks and other items at the Camp-O-Ree Trading Post. This year we will be offering the traditional snacks, sodas, and other items.

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 6


Arrival All units transporting patrol and troop gear by trailer will be asked to park in designated parking spaces. Those transporting youth participants should drop them off at check in and direct the youth to hike in following designated signs.

Check-in Friday, April 21, 2017 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For this Camp-O-Ree, the check-in procedure is similar to Summer Camp. That is, Medical Records Forms and Activity Consent Form are to be handed in at the time the patrol checks in to Camp-O-Ree. At the time of check-in, the Patrol Leader is to hand in the following: A signed copy of Medical Records Forms for each Patrol member.

A completed Check-in/Check-out form (patrol roster – page 12 in this guide).

Unit Leaders are asked to provide the following: A copy of your registration form (page 13 in this guide)

Your Doubleknot or Smiser Scout Center registration receipt to verify payment if


Check-Out Early checkout for units needing to leave on Saturday will take place after the campfire. Contact Headquarters for further instructions. All Units should leave before 11:00 a.m., Sunday, April 23, 2017. Please make sure that you have transportation available before that time. As usual, we expect your unit to leave your campsite clean or cleaner than you found it. A Unit representative must be present to pick up patches at the time of checkout.

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 7

COMPETITION GUIDELINES for PATROL LEADERS Welcome to your 2017 Golden Eagle District Camp-O-Ree. Patrol leaders, we want to wish you and your patrol the best of luck. You and your patrol members will be competing with patrols from other troops, as well as the other patrols from your own troop to see who will be the “TOP PATROL” at Camp-O-Ree. As a patrol leader, you will want to make sure that all of your patrol members know their basic scouting skills. Does everyone know how to tie a bowline? Does everyone know the different kinds of fire lays that we can use and how to build them? Now is the time to find out. Help you patrol members in the areas with which they will have trouble. Schedule a pre-Camp-O-Ree to teach, test and prepare your patrol. Any member of your patrol that is an Eagle Scout will NOT be allowed to compete. It is recommended that senior patrols, predominantly made up of Eagle Scouts, contact the Camp-O-Ree chairman to express interest in participation on staff. The structure of the events will be the same as the past 2016 Camporee. Each event will contain a skill component as well as an element of sportsmanship. Each troop within Golden Eagle District is asked to participate in organizing an event. If you would like to be assigned responsibility for a particular event, please have your unit leader contact Rick Kunzler at [email protected]. Scoring will be conducted similar to the Olympics. Each patrol will receive points for the ribbons they secure in each event. The Top Camp-O-Ree patrols will be recognized.

EVENTS 1. Patrol Inspection 2. Fire Safety 3. First Aid 4. Knots & Lashings 5. Blindfolded Tent Building 6. Citizenship 7. Knife & Ax Safety 8. Campsite Inspection 9. Orienteering 10. Scout Golf 11. Physical Fitness Obstacle Course

This is a competition, you are being judged on your knowledge and performance

in common scouting knowledge and tasks. Upon the completion of Camp-O-Ree,

patrols are encouraged to review with a Scoutmaster or other adult leader the

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 8

patrol’s strengths and opportunities and seek positive growth of knowledge in all

areas of Scoutcraft.

Patrol Inspection Event Inspection includes two major ideals of scouting: Uniform Wear and Being Prepared (a.k.a. having your essentials).

You are REQUIRED to wear the “FULL OFFICIAL UNIFORM” (Field Uniform) designated for “SPECIAL OUTDOOR OCCASIONS” as stated in the Boy Scout handbook during the following activities:

Transportation to and from Camp-O-Ree Check in and out Inspection Dinners

Flag ceremony Campfire Scout’s Own

At all other times Scouts are encouraged to wear the uniform designated in the handbook for “OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES” (Activity Uniform). Each member of the patrol must carry his essentials at all times.

Campsite Inspection Event

After breakfast and before lunch, each patrol campsite will be inspected for safety and neatness. Patrols are not to be in their campsites after breakfast and before lunch. That’s when your campsite inspection will be done. Campsite Inspection criteria will include but is not limited to:

A. Patrol Duty Roster, Menu, Neat Map of Patrol campsite and area, Fireguard Chart, Safety Postings (tripping hazards, etc.) and placement

B. Cleanliness and Organization. Use of campsite space and removal of trash.

C. Gateway OR Camp Gadget of your own design.

D. Proper storage for food and Patrol cooking/eating items.

E. Visual inspection of each tent interior. Prior to leaving the campsite, open & tie the outer door of tent so that inside is visually accessible from exterior of tent. Patrols not following this instruction will be downgraded on tent inspection.

All members of the patrol must leave their personal mess (eating) kit and personal cleaning kit in their patrol’s central storage. This will prevent any animals from entering tents. Make note on the patrol storage where these items are being stored and can be found so that the inspectors can grade appropriately.

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2017 Golden Eagle District / Camp-O-Ree Page 9

CODE OF CONDUCT I recognize that my personal conduct and that of all participants attending the Camp-O-Ree will do much to enhance the image of scouting. I therefore accept the following Code of Conduct.

1. The Scout Oath will be my guide throughout the Camp-O-Ree.

2. I will set a good example by keeping myself neatly dressed and presentable. The official field uniform will be worn when required. During designated events on Saturday, an “Activity uniform” may be worn.

3. I expect to attend all scheduled troop activities and take part in as many optional

activities as I am able.

4. In consideration of the other participants at the Camp-O-Ree 2017, I agree to be in my tent and remain quiet from lights out to reveille.

5. I will be responsible for keeping my tent clean and neat, and will adhere to all

Camp-O-Ree 2017 policies and regulations.

6. I pledge to do my share to prevent littering and defacing of the Camp-O-Ree site.

7. I agree that no g ambling of any kind will be permitted.

8. I understand that the illegal possession or use of drugs, alcohol, harmful substances, fireworks and firearms is strictly prohibited.

9. I understand that I will be personally responsible for any loss, breakage or theft of

property which I cause.

10. Campsite etiquette will be strictly enforced. Permission must be granted before entering another Patrol’s campsite and no one is permitted in someone else’s campsites when the campsite is unattended. Unit leaders will be informed of violations.

Remember, the theme for this year’s Camp-O-Ree is

“New Beginnings

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1) Remind all your patrol members to have their Medical Release Form on them and in a safe place. Make sure members of your patrol have their scout outdoor essentials.

2) Be sure that you and your patrol members read and understand the Code of

Conduct and all the safety procedures for your own safety.

3) Make sure you and your patrol members understand the agenda for the Camp-O-Ree and the times for each event.

4) Respect other patrols’ campsites and make sure all your patrol items are

marked with your patrol name and your name as well.

5) All questions that are going to be asked of you and your patrol members will come out of the Boy Scout Handbook in the pages listed.

6) Be sure to bring your patrol flag. Take it with you to all events.

7) Be sure that your patrol duty roster, menu, fireguard chart, map and other

information are fully completed and posted in an area that will be easily located and that is legible.

8) Make sure that all the proper patches are attached to the proper uniform and

on the right location on the Scout shirt. Make sure all patrol members are wearing either pants or shorts - deductions will be taken at uniform inspection for patrol members not wearing the same uniform.

9) Once you and your patrol members have read the whole packet, you “Be

Prepared” for the 2017 GOLDEN EAGLE District Camp-O-Ree.

10) Remember size of campsites may be as small as 20’ x 30’.

11) Bring (3) Three copies of your patrol’s Completed Check In/Out Form (page 12).

12) It is suggested that patrol members wear a “troop or camp t-shirt” under

their “Full Uniform” to the morning Flag Ceremony, so that the button down shirt may be removed during the Events Competition and Lunch.

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LEADERSHIP Adults, non-patrol member youth leadership, parents and siblings will not be permitted to camp and eat with competing patrols. These groups will be provided an area for their own campsite. This will allow the competing patrols to show the inspectors what they are capable of accomplishing. During competition period of Camp-O-Ree, only inspectors will be allowed in patrol sites. The competing patrols should have no contact with outside leadership, other than to coordinate gear drops, from check-in to the completion of the competition events on Saturday.

MEALS Patrol leadership and members will not be permitted to camp and/or eat with other competing patrols. Leaders, parents and siblings will not be permitted to eat with your units patrol. Those groups will be provided an area for their own campsite. All attending adults are encouraged to participate as Camp-O-Ree staff when not conducting the event assigned to your unit. Adults are encouraged to participate in the scouter food plan and should register for the meals included option on Doubleknot. Please contact Rick Kunzler at [email protected] for additional information on the food plan.

FREE TIME Following the completion events, there will be free time. Activities will be varied. We will also be having a Leadership Roundtable on information such as Youth Protection and other risk management topics. The Camp-O-Ree Trading Post will also be open.

CAMPFIRE AND ORDER OF THE ARROW CALLOUT The Campfire ceremony is open to parents, guardians and patrol member’s parents and guardians. Campfire formation will begin at 7:00 p.m. Saturday evening. Don’t forget to tell your patrol members to ask their parents and family members to come to the campfire on Saturday night. Each patrol will be asked to participate. It is at this time awards will be given for the events during the day. During the campfire the Order of the Arrow call out will commence. If a unit would like to perform something special at the campfire, please contact Rick Kunzler at [email protected].

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Camp-O-REE 2017 AGENDA

FRIDAY April 21 2017

Start End Activity

5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Check-In/Inspection Event (Full Uniform)

6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Dinner and Clean Up (Full Uniform during Dinner)

8:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Patrol Leader Meeting

9:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Cracker Barrel for Staff

10:00 p.m. Lights Out

SATURDAY April 22, 2017

Start End Activity

6:30 a.m. Reveille

6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Breakfast & Clean-up

8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Flag Ceremony and Welcome Ceremony (Full Uniform)

9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Morning Events

1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. Trail lunch / campsite inspection

1:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Fun Events

4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Open time

5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Dinner & Clean-up (Full Uniform during Dinner)

7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Open time

7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Campfire formation (Full Uniform)

7:45 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Campfire ceremony (Full Uniform)

9:15 p.m. 9:45 p.m. Order of the Arrow Callout Ceremony (Full Uniform)

10:00 p.m. Lights Out

SUNDAY April 23, 2017

Start End Activity

6:30 a.m. Reveille

6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Breakfast & Clean-up

8:15 a.m. Contact Headquarters to prepare for Checkout

8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Scout’s Own (Full Uniform)

9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Return Forms - Check Out & Evaluation (Full Uniform)

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TIME: __________

Troop #________ Patrol Name_____________________ # of Scouts____________

Members registered for 2017 Golden Eagle District Camp-O-Ree

1. Patrol Leader: ____________________________________

2. Asst. Patrol Leader: _______________________________

3. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

4. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

5. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

6. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

7. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

8. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

9. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

10. Patrol Member: ___________________________________

All members of my Patrol have read and accepted the Code of Conduct they will be held to while on site: Signature of Patrol Leader: ___________________________________

THE FOLLOWING IS TO BE COMPLETED BY A Camp-O-REE STAFF MEMBER ************************************************************************************************************************ ASSIGNED CAMPSITE #________ ________________________________ MEDICAL FORMS RECEIVED #_______ Signature of Check-In Staff



Date: ____________ Time: ________

Campsite Clean/Clear________ Evaluation Form Completed_________ ________________________________

Signature of Check-Out Staff Person

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TYPE OF UNIT (CIRCLE ONE): BOY SCOUT / VENTURE UNIT # __________ Name and address of person filing this Name & address of person who will be registration form. Unit Leader during this Camp-O-Ree.

NAME: _____________________________ ________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________ ________________________________ __________________________ ________________________________ CITY _________________, CA __________ ___________________, CA _________ PHONE :( ) ( )


PATROL NAME/ PATROL LEADER______________________________________________ PATROL NAME/ PATROL LEADER______________________________________________ PATROL NAME/ PATROL LEADER______________________________________________ PATROL NAME/ PATROL LEADER______________________________________________ PATROL NAME/ PATROL LEADER______________________________________________ PATROL NAME/ PATROL LEADER______________________________________________

Please make payments online through Doubleknot.

Registration Link Available at www.goldeneagledistrict.org

We are registering on or before April 13, 2015 ___________ Scouts @ $16.00 = $______________ ___________ Adults @ $16.00 = $______________

All registrations after April 14 must be

made directly through Melissa Bueno

[email protected]

A $5.00 per person late fee will apply.

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