GENERAL ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR ... - Becas Leonbajio.delasalle.edu.mx/oferta/documents/... · The objective of the undergraduate and TSU programs is to provide students with the

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Page 1: GENERAL ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR ... - Becas Leonbajio.delasalle.edu.mx/oferta/documents/... · The objective of the undergraduate and TSU programs is to provide students with the






León, Guanajuato, Mexico, February 14, 2004.

Page 2: GENERAL ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR ... - Becas Leonbajio.delasalle.edu.mx/oferta/documents/... · The objective of the undergraduate and TSU programs is to provide students with the




(1) UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE BAJÍO. Recognition of Official Academic Validity granted by Presidential Decree, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, February 18

1986, Dept. of Education (S.E.P.) registration 1123, Volume I.


ONE. General Provisions Chapter I. General Considerations Chapter II. Organization Chapter III. Faculty Chapter IV. Students TWO. Academic Aspects Chapter I. General Aspects Chapter II. Curricular Structure Chapter III. Courses and Accreditation Section I. Enrollment in Courses Section II. Academic Changes and Modifications Section III. Accreditation

Section IV. Opportunities to Take a Subject

Subsection I. Examination for Credit Section V. Assessment

Chapter IV. Second Language Learning Chapter V. Complementary Integral Formation Credits Chapter VI. Professional Social Service Chapter VII. Enrollment

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Chapter VIII. Recognition of Studies and Obtaining an Academic Degree Academic:

Chapter IX. The Student Affairs Tribunal Chapter X. Sanctions and Their Application Section I. The Students Section II. Faculty Chapter XI. Honors and Distinctions THREE. Research Chapter I. General Aspects FOUR. University Extension and Outreach Chapter I. University Extension and Outreach FIVE. Interpretation of Regulations Chapter I. Interpretation of Regulations SIX. Reforms to Regulations Chapter I. Reforms to Regulations


(*) These General Academic Regulations for Undergraduate and Associate Degree Studies of Universidad De La Salle Bajío,

were issued in accordance with the Organic Statute of Universidad De La Salle Bajío.

Approved by the University Board of Governors. In force from the 14th day of the month of February, two thousand and four.

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(1) UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE BAJÍO. Recognition of Official Academic Validity granted by Presidential Decree, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, February 18

1986, Dept. of Education (S.E.P.) registration 1123, Volume I.

ONE General Provisions

Chapter I General Considerations

Art. 01 This regulatory instrument governs the general academic functions as provided for in the Organic Statute of Universidad De La Salle Bajío. It refers to the necessary fundamental academic norms for the instrumentation of the studies of Degree and University Superior Technician (T.S.U.), in accordance with the Mission, organization, operation, Government and Administration of Universidad De La Salle Bajío. Art. 2. The Universidad De La Salle Bajío, by instituting Degree and Associate Degree studies in its Professional Schools, will seek to contribute to the formation of future professionals and faculty in an integral manner, concreting its serious commitment to the progress of the Mexican nation. Art. 3. The University will promote, coordinate and articulate the institutional actions necessary to enable the development of the following: I. Foster in its Academic Staff and Students the capacity for invention, social

awareness, leadership, professional formation for work and supportive, charitable participation, developing a knowledge and practice of values that enable them to take part in universal culture and identify themselves with the national culture;‘’

II. Promote realization of the University Mission, developing academic subjects of

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the highest standards, both in terms of teaching-learning methods and the structure of the curriculum to be taught, and

III. Foster research in its diverse forms as an educational strategy that makes it

possible to link knowledge with different aspects of our world. Art. 4. In the context of the structural diversity of the University each of the bodies responsible for educational functions will develop these in accordance with the Mission of the University within parameters of service, quality, equality and pertinence in a climate of plurality and congruity in the University Community where they interact and to which they belong. Art. 5. Academic freedom is understood to mean the right of the academic staff, students and bodies responsible to develop the substantive functions of the University in full accordance with the Mission and legislation of the University and without any further restrictions beyond respect, tolerance and compliance with quality requirements in academic plans and programs.

Chapter II Organization

Art. 6. In order to fulfill the educational Mission at undergraduate and associate degree levels, the Universidad De La Salle Bajío is structured around those academic and administrative activities that enable it to accomplish that Mission in the most efficient manner. In a spirit of Community and within the framework of its institutional objectives, the University will promote and support the participation of academic staff, students and institutional structures in activities aimed at improving teaching-learning processes and integral formation. Art. 7. The University organizes the educational options for undergraduate and associate degree level through an Academic Model for Semi-Departmentalized Schools. The design of syllabuses is supported by Practice Centers within each School or Faculty or by general support structures. Art. 8. The Schools or Faculties are under a Director and one or more Academic Coordinators who have final and primary responsibility, respectively, for the functioning of the academic program; they have a Chief of Practice who provides support within his/her sphere for the operation of the academic program. Art. 9. The Schools and Faculties, defined in regulatory terms as fundamental academic units where the educational task is carried out and they develop the processes of teaching-learning and formation in accordance with the goals and the mission of the University, their structure and functioning are regulated by the Organic Statute and the regulations deriving therefrom.

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Chapter III Faculty

Art. 10. The Schools and Faculties put the educational options for undergraduate and associate degree studies into practice through its academic staff, who guide the teaching-learning process and by availing itself of all appropriate means provided for in the university regulations. Art. 11. Undergraduate and associate degree studies at the Schools and Faculties are classified in the following way: I. Subject Professors; II. Project Professors; III. Academic Administrative Staff; IV. Formation Professors, and V. Guest Professors. Art. 12. The description of each of the categories of Academic Staff for the undergraduate and associate degree educational options, as well as the procedures for their selection, appointment, continuance, promotion and dismissal shall be determined by the applicable university Regulations.

Chapter IV Students

Art. 13. The individual student constitutes the central point around which the teaching-learning process revolves at undergraduate and associate degree level. Art. 14. Undergraduate and associate degree studies at the Schools and Faculties are classified in the following way: I. Ordinary, and II. Special. Art. 15. Ordinary students are those enrolling in Undergraduate or Associate Degree courses in order to take a course of study that will enable them to obtain an academic qualification or recognition from the School or Faculty in question. Ordinary students may be regular, irregular and conditional. I. Regular students are those enrolled in subsequent courses with no subjects

outstanding from the previous period pending a passing grade. II. Irregular are those enrolling in subsequent courses at undergraduate or

associate degree level in order to complete subjects outstanding from previous

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periods, and III. Conditional students are those enrolling in courses pending re-validation or equivalency of credits obtained in other programs or educational institutions whose file is being processed and have been granted an exceptional extension for compliance with enrollment or re-enrollment requirements by the University's Student Services Department. Art. 16. Special students are those in undergraduate or associate degree courses who: I. With the approval of the Vice Rector, engage in academic or practical studies at

a given Higher Educational Institution other than the Universidad De La Salle Bajío in virtue of an academic exchange agreement and whose academic attainments are recognized by this University;

II. Engage in academic or practical studies at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío

while enrolled at another educational institution in virtue of an academic exchange agreement entered into by this University, and

III. Enroll in curricular or extracurricular courses in order to attend classes, appear

as enrolled in those classes and undertake the examinations scheduled for said courses but without the right to obtain a university qualification, the classification of Special Student at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío carrying with it no implied re-validation of prior studies or recognition of any subsequent studies as equivalent to Ordinary academic achievements.

Art. 17. The status of student and the loss of this status, as well as the rights and obligations of students shall be as provided for in the regulations issued by the University Council

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TWO Academic Aspects

Chapter I

General Aspects Art. 18. For the purposes and effect of these regulations, the Universidad De La Salle Bajío, in accordance with the national educational authorities, interprets the terms below as follows: I. Undergraduate Degree (Licenciatura): The educational option subsequent to

High School (Bacherillato) which leads to the corresponding higher academic qualification, and

II. Associate Degree (Técnico Superior Universitario - TSU): The educational

option subsequent to High School but prior to undergraduate level, focusing fundamentally on practice and leading to the corresponding academic qualification. Courses at this level may count as credits towards and Undergraduate degree.

Art. 19. Universidad De La Salle Bajío will seek, through the educational options of Undergraduate Degree and TSU as implemented by its Professional Schools, to assume the practice of teaching as an interactive and formative process in accordance with its Mission, with a focus on learning that involves the construction of knowledge and the development of skills, behaviors, attitudes, values and competencies that will allow students to participate in a critical and purposeful way in contemporary culture and to contribute to social, scientific and technological development through an educational approach embodying humanist, responsible, critical and reflective attitudes. Art. 20. The University employs a system of qualified teaching in its undergraduate and TSU courses, developed through a program of classwork, advisory structures and academic support within a given time period and in accordance with the methods stipulated by the official authorities of the University itself. Art. 21. The objective of the undergraduate and TSU programs is to provide students with the scientific, technological, humanistic or artistic resources in a given area of knowledge together with an ethical and cultural education that will enable them to offer professional services in benefit of our society.

Chapter II Curricular Structure

Art. 22.The curricular structure for undergraduate degrees and TSUs, will establish the

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principles, criteria or policies, plans, syllabuses, contents, procedures and other academic requirements students must satisfy in order to obtain either a qualification or recognition from the University Departments, as the case may be. Art. 23. Course plans and syllabuses are designed at the University Departments on commission by the Department of Curricular Design. The process is guided and overseen by the Universidad De La Salle Bajío Department of Curricular Design, in accordance with the norms governing each academic level. Plans and syllabuses are subject to review every five (5) years. Art. 24. The curricular map constitutes a graphic representation of an academic program, containing and defining the following aspects: I. The Axes of the program. These are the fundamental bases of the program,

divided into three areas:

A) Disciplinary. This axis contains those subjects that lay the foundations for an undergraduate degree or TSU. It includes the technical aspects involved in a given subject that enable a student to take part in the practical exercises of the abilities required by graduates' exit profile. B) Formative. This axis contains those courses whose aim is the integral growth of student based on the Mission of the University. C) Methodological. This brings together those subjects aimed at educating students in the methodologies of science through involvement in research as part of their Undergraduate and Associate Degrees.

II. Areas. These are the sectors of knowledge that make up and guide the syllabus.

III. Subjects. These are the concrete segments of the syllabus that develop an

object, a series of topics, learning activities and assessment criteria. IV. Teacher Contact Hours. This is the time that students spend in the company of

their professors, whether in the classroom, clinic or academic activities that require it.

V. Independent Hours. This is the time that students work on a subject without the

presence of a professor VI. Credits. This is the curricular value of a subject. VII. Total courses per semester. VIII. Total credits per semester.

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IX. Program Number is the official term of reference for the syllabus and

expresses the area of knowledge to which it belongs. X. Description of the developmental sequence between subjects. XI. Other aspects established by the Department of Curricular Design in agreement

with the University Vice-Rectorate and in accordance with the regulations of the Department of Public Education (SEP).

Art. 25. Undergraduate and associate degree programs are organized in semesters of a minimum of sixteen (16) class weeks plus two (2) weeks for final examinations. These programs will include sufficient knowledge to support and facilitate the professional development of students. The duration of academic programs as regards the number of semesters will be established in accordance with the curricular policies agreed by the Vice-Rectorate and the Department of Curricular Design. Art. 26. The maximum amount of time in which to attain an undergraduate or associate degree will be twice the normal duration of each program, unless otherwise specified as provided for in concrete cases by the Vice-Rectorate. Art. 27. It is necessary to obtain the minimum number of credits established by the SEP in accordance with this body's regulations. The University may establish the maximum number of credits according to the objectives of each academic program. Art. 28. There are three (3) types of course in all the academic programs: I. Courses basic to each degree course or disciplinary area forming part of a

specific line of professional formation make up the greater part of the academic teaching-learning model for the program and are reviewed in order to examine the need for change or modifications, depending on the evolution of the knowledge area in question.

II. Common courses, designed to cater for subjects that are shared between

different degree courses, either as part of a core curriculum or by agreement between various schools and faculties.

III. Institutional courses, which are included in programs of study and teach the

same specific content to all undergraduate and TSU students with the aim of helping to achieve the general goals of institutional formation.

Art. Day 29. The courses taken by students are taught through both teacher-guided classes and independent study, as described below: I. "Teacher contact hours" refers to the time the students spend working in the

classroom, workshop, clinic or laboratory with their professor, which may be two

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(2), three (3), four (4) or five (5) times a week. Further hours may be assigned if a course is more complex or requires more in-depth study.

II. "Independent hours" refers to the time the students work away from the

presence of their professor in order to do research, exercise or employ the knowledge they have gained during class.

Art. 30. As a rule, one (1) hour of independent work is assigned for every 2 hours of teacher contact time in each course. In the case of those subjects involving an odd number of hours in class, independent hours are rounded up to the nearest whole number. In those cases where the nature of the material requires it, the ratio of independent hours to teacher contact hours can be 1:1 or 2:1. Further, there may be courses, for the most part workshops and practical subjects that contain no independent hours. Art. 31. Courses may include periods involving practical work or placements with organizations or companies that offer the service or profession for which students are preparing in order to foster links between the students and the world of work. These may take the following form: I. Professional Practice: This refers to a period of variable duration during which

students take part in activities related to the profession for which they are preparing at an organization or company. The duration of professional practice and its place in the curriculum are specified in the Syllabus of the academic program in question.

II. Estancias (Short-Term Placements): This refers to realization of activities related

to a curricular course of a practical nature in which students carry out the greater part of academic activity at an organization or company. This lasts less than one semester or, alternatively, can take place between semesters according to a schedule that covers the same number of hours stipulated in the ordinary course. Their aim is to develop the skills identified in the course objectives.

III. Estadías (Internships): This refers to a period during which students are integrated

into an organization or company on at least a part-time basis and for a minimum of one semester or its equivalent. This can only take place after students have obtained all the credits required by their academic programs and involves the presentation of a project that will meet a particular need of an organization or company on the basis of the academic program in question.

Art. 32. Classes will be of fifty (50) minutes' duration minimum except in those cases where, with the authorization of the Dean and due notice to the Vice-Rectorate of the University, a special schedule has been provided for. Art. 33. Fulfillment of the syllabus in its entirety is mandatory. Oversight of compliance

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with this precept will be the responsibility of the Dean of the School or Faculty, who will inform the Vice-Rectorate of the University of results in this regard. Art. 34. For any clarification, explanation or interpretation of the details of this chapter, reference will be made to the Curriculum Design Manual and the curriculum policies of the Vice-Rectorate approved by the University and adhering at all times to the official regulations issued by the SEP.

Chapter III Courses and Accreditation

Art. 35. Courses offered at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío at undergraduate degree and TSU level consist in operational instruction in a subject based on the concepts described in Chapter II of these Regulations. Art. 36. In order to effect operational instrumentation of a subject by means of the courses offered at Undergraduate and TSU levels, University implements a consistent teaching-learning process aimed at helping students to achieve significant learning of knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, values and competencies. Art. 37. Courses will be offered according to the university calendar for Undergraduate and TSUs, which will be approved by the University Council following proposal by the Vice-Rectorate. Art. 38. Ordinarily, curricular courses will be offered in four (4) periods; two (2) ordinary and two (2) intensive, alternately. Ordinary periods will last one semester, with a minimum duration of sixteen (16) weeks plus two (2) of final examinations. Intensive periods will last for four (4) weeks. The courses given must offer the same total number of teacher contact hours as those given during the ordinary periods.

Section I Enrollment in Courses

Art. 39. The conditions necessary for matriculation to Undergraduate Degrees or TSUs, enrolling on a course in a given semester are as follows: I. To have satisfied satisfactorily the prerequisites stipulated by the University; II. To have pending a passing grade in no more than six (6) courses from previous

semesters, whether due to failure or not having taken the courses; III. To have pending no passing grades for more than the four previous semesters,

whether due to failure or not having taken the courses; IV. To have no payments outstanding, and V. To have taken the course in question on no more than one (1) prior occasion.

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The Academic Committee of the School or Faculty may grant authorization to a student via a written request and notification of the Department of Student Services, to take up to two (2) courses from the following semester if it judges that this would enhance the development of the academic program for the student in question, notwithstanding sections II and III of this Article. Students entering the University through the equivalency process, or whose academic program is being phased out can request that the School Academic Committee to accept the validity of other courses irrespective of the semester they are in, provided the curricular sequence is adhered to and it is advantageous to do so from the point of view of the student's academic progress. This request must be authorized by the Vice-Rectorate Article 40 Undergraduate students and Associate degree students may unsubscribe from these educational options at any time. If the withdrawal is made before the start of second term exams will not be considered as an opportunity. After the start of the second partial exams, the opportunity will be considered as studied. The withdrawal will have to be requested in writing to the School or Faculty Administration. In this context, other requirements asked by the Department of Student Services at the University will be covered. When a student stops attending all classes for two (2) consecutive weeks without prior notice to his or her corresponding School or Faculty Administration, this Administration may dismiss him. Art. 41. The regulations with regard to the admission procedure shall be those provided for in Chapter IV of this document.

Section II Academic Changes and Modifications

Art. 42. Undergraduate degree and TSU students who opt to change their academic programs must observe the following rules: I. They may do this only once in a given semester; II. They must complete the procedure either before the semester starts or within

the first ten (10) business days of the semester in question; III. Prior to changing their Undergraduate Degree or TSU course, they must attend

an interview with the Deans of both the Schools or Faculties involved. IV. If the Deans of the Schools or Faculties involved authorized the process,

students may proceed to enroll following the established procedures and, if required, undertake any necessary equivalence procedures with the SEP.

Art. 43. In cases where syllabuses have been modified, students who may for some reason have fallen behind in their progress and would have to move over to the

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subsequent syllabus will need to make an application for equivalency to the Department of Public Education (SEP).The University will have no obligation to open courses in a particular academic program after the final generation has completed its cycle and will only offer equivalency for courses that form part of the new curriculum.

Section III Accreditation

Art. 44. Courses are accredited by means of an ordinary assessment, which involves evaluation of ordinary partial and final examinations as well as class attendance, or an extraordinary assessment, which involves evaluation of extraordinary final examinations. The latter are available to students who have not achieved accreditation of a course in the ordinary manner, as described in this chapter. Art. 45. In order to accredit a course, students must attend class. The criteria for entitlement to ordinary accreditation are: I. Students' absences for the semester may not exceed twice the number of

class sessions per week. Table of Absence Limits for Accreditation of a Course*: Number of Hours Number of Hours Class per Week Absences Permitted

five (5)-------------------------------------------ten (10) four (4) -------------------------------------------eight (8) three (3) -------------------------------------------six (6) two (2) -------------------------------------------four (4)

*In the case of courses with different class hours, the number of absences permitted will be calculated proportionately. II. If a student accumulates the equivalent of four (4) weeks' worth of absences, the

course will be invalidated, meaning the student will lose the right to an extraordinary evaluation and will have to take the course again.

Table of Absence Limits for Right to Take Extraordinary Exam Number of Hours Number of Hours Class per Week Absences Permitted

five (5)-------------------------------------------twenty (20) four (4) -------------------------------------------sixteen 16) three (3) -------------------------------------------twelve (12) two (2) -------------------------------------------eight (8)

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**In the case of courses with different class hours, the number of absences permitted will be calculated proportionately. III. In the case of intensive courses, the policy with regard to both final

examinations and extraordinary examinations in terms of the number of absences permitted will be the same as that for ordinary courses containing the same number of hours as the intensive course in question.

Art. 46. Students at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío taking courses in one or more subjects at a different educational institution will have these classified as having been done at the University itself by means of an academic exchange agreement signed by the Rector. Likewise, any courses taken at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío by students from other educational institutions will have their studies validated by their universities. In this case, the validity of the courses will depend on the university of origin.

Section IV Opportunities to Take a Course

Art. 47. Students may take the same course a total of two (2) times. On each of these occasions, they will have the right to an ordinary evaluation and an extraordinary examination. In the event that students decide not to avail themselves of the extraordinary examination, choosing instead to re-enroll for a second ordinary evaluation, the right to the first extraordinary examination is lost. Further, the curriculum for each degree or TSU course states which courses do not offer the opportunity to take the first extraordinary examination without having first repeating the course. The Dean of each School or Faculty will clearly inform students at the beginning of each semester which courses adopt this policy. Art. 48. Students who have used both opportunities to take a course may apply - once only - to the Academic Council for a third opportunity. Students in their final year may request a further opportunity in another subject or in the same one. Awarding of both of these opportunities is subject to authorization from the Vice-Rectorate of the University. Art. 49. The Deans of the Schools and Faculties have an obligation to oversee the academic performance of their students. When an undergraduate degree or TSU student fails more than three (3) subjects in the ordinary final evaluation of a given semester, they are asked to the Dean's Office to receive an official warning, irrespective of whether the courses may have been accredited through extraordinary examinations. The student will be invited to take suitable corrective measures to, such as reducing course load, assigning a peer tutor, suggesting inter-semester or other, similar courses.

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Subsection I Examination for Credit

Art. 50. The examination for credit is a means of achieving accreditation aimed at determining whether the student possesses adequate knowledge of a given subject. No more than twenty per cent (20%) of course credits on a given undergraduate degree or TSU program may be accredited in this fashion. Art. 51. In order to take the examination for credit, students must make a written application to the Academic Dean of for the degree or TSU course in question which meets the following requirements: I. Demonstrate that the student possesses sufficient knowledge of the subject by

means of the most suitable method as decided by the Office of the Dean of the School or Faculty in question.

II. Not be enrolled in the course that they are applying to accredit in this way. III. Never have taken the course, i.e., never have failed. IV. Correctly complete the procedure that the Department of Student Services and

the Office of the Dean of the School or Faculty in question has established. Art. 52. The Examination for Credit is carried out with two (2) examiners and comprises oral and written assessments in which the applicant must demonstrate possession of the knowledge, skills, values and competencies that form the objective of the course syllabus. This examination may also include other practical exercises to demonstrate the possession of procedural knowledge in the subject area. Art. 53. Students may only take the examination for credit once for each subject; if a passing grade is not achieved, this will be treated as the first opportunity of the two (2) ordinary and extraordinary examinations. Art. 54. The procedure for the application, administration and other considerations relating to this type of accreditation is determined in the regulations of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío to this effect.

Section V Assessment

Ordinary Assessment Common Regulations

Art. 55. Undergraduate and Associated degree programs shall verify at least two (2)

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partial evaluations value of twenty percent (20%) each, and a final, value sixty percent

(60%). The result of partial evaluation and final, are called ordinary evaluation.

For any of these workshops and laboratory subjects, assessments appropriate to their

nature, as indicated in the curriculum will be applied.

To integrate the grades for the midterm and final evaluations, participation, homework

assignments and exams may be considered, according to what is indicated in the


According to the provisions of this rule, faculty members are free to make continuous

assessment, which will outcome in numerical results and must be presented at the

corresponding deadlines.

Evaluations can be done through exams or other evaluation methods.

Art. 56. Partial and final assessment grades will be expressed to one decimal place, without rounding up or down, even in cases where the grade is lower than a failing grade of five (5). A grade of zero (0) may be given. Art. 57. No exemptions from assessment may be granted. Art. 58. Assessment by examination will be verified in writing and administered by the professor of the course in question; however, when the nature of the subject requires it and if the professor judges it to be appropriate, and having obtained the approval of the Dean, oral examinations can be carried out, provided they are done so before a panel comprising: I. The Course Professor. II. One (1) or two (2) professors on the degree or TSU course who have been

appointed by the Dean. The result obtained will not be subject to appeal and will immediately be provided in writing to the student. Art. 59. The Vice-Rectorate decides the calendar for partial and final evaluations. Only the Office of the Dean of each School or Faculty, with the agreement of the Vice-Rectorate, may modify the evaluation calendar, provided it abides by the terms of these Regulations. Art. 60. Evaluations may not be verified off the premises of the University Campus, except for those subjects whose very nature requires this and subject to the

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authorization of the Dean and notification to the Vice-Rectory. Art. 61. When a student fails to attend a partial or final assessment at the proper time due to illness or any other serious cause, on application to the Dean they may be granted a period of no more than three (3) business days beginning on their return to the University in which to take the examination.

Partial Assessment Art. 62. Partial assessments a restricted in length to the duration of the class in which they take place, except when the Office of the Dean of the School or Faculty judges that the nature of the course justifies an extension. Art. 63. The reasons for which students may have their right to partial assessments withdrawn are: I. Outstanding payments, up to the month immediately preceding the date on

which the assessment is to take place. Students who have fallen behind in their payments for some reason and who rectify this during the week of the evaluations themselves will have the right to participate in all of those still to take place from the third day following payment. Payment does not confer the right to the evaluation taking place on the same day.

II. Students subject to temporary suspension for disciplinary reasons, in

accordance with the provisions of the section on sanctions in the Student Regulations.

Art. 64. The results of partial evaluations and accumulated absences are made known to students by the Office of the Dean of the School or Faculty within five (5) business days following the termination of the assessment period. Professors will have the obligation to communicate the grade for the partial evaluation to the students before submitting it to the Office of the Dean in such a way as to allow for any clarification that may be required.

Ordinary and Final Assessment Art. 65. The official scale for the final and ordinary course grades will be numeric from zero (0) to ten (10) and must be expressed in whole numbers in accordance with the table below and registered in the official record of the School or Faculty:



10 Excellent 9.5 – 10 Ten 10

9 Very good 8.5 – 9.4 Nine 9

8 Good 7.5 – 8.4 Eight 8

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7 Fair 6.5 – 7.4 Seven 7

6 Sufficient 6.0 – 6.4 Six 6

5 Insufficient 5.0 – 5.9 Five 5

4 Deficient 4.0 – 4.9 Four 4

3 Deficient 3.0 – 3.9 Three 3

2 Deficient 2.0 – 2.9 Two 2

1 Deficient 1.0 – 1.9 One 1

0 Deficient 0.0 – 0.9 Zero 0

Art. 66. A student lose his or her right to take the ordinary final evaluation, assigning

failing grade in the semester course in the following cases:

I. For not being current on their payments till the day of the evaluation. Are

applicable to this case the terms of Section I of Article 63 of this Regulation, as

not contrary to this provision; and,

II. For exceeding the allowed absences during a semester, that is, when absences

exceed twice the class sessions per week.

Art. 67. On submission of final grades to the School or Faculty administration, Undergraduate Degree and TSU faculty will include the written evidence serving as the basis for the grade awarded to each student. These will be stored only until expiry of the period specified for possible requests for review of the written evaluation. Art. 68. Schools and Faculties will set a date for review of final evaluations on which the course professors will attend to any requests for clarification from students. Beyond this date, no challenges to the grading will be accepted except in cases of clerical error. Art. 69. The Schools and Faculties will publish final grades five (5) business days after the conclusion of the final assessment period.

Extraordinary Assessment Applicable to this case are the provisions of Chapter III, Section IV, Opportunities

to Take a Course. Art. 70. There will be four (4) remediation periods for final extraordinary evaluation: January, May, July and November. The University Council will approve the specific dates in the academic calendar. These evaluations may not be carried out on dates other than those specified. Art. 71. At the request of students, the Office of the Dean of the School or Faculty may

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open an extraordinary undergraduate or TSU course in order to facilitate preparation for the extraordinary examination. Remediation courses will be subject to the regulations approved for these cases. Students obtaining a failing grade in an extraordinary evaluation will have the right to make a written request for review of the examination with the Head of the Degree Program within a non-negotiable period of forty-eight (48) hours following publication of the grades, except in the case of oral examinations, which shall not be subject to review.

Chapter IV Second Language Instruction

Art. 72. Students will have the obligation to accredit a second language and, in those academic programs for which it may be justified, more than one. To this end, level of attainment will be stipulated by the University Council as part of the Exit Profile for each academic program. Art. 73. Fulfillment of the Exit Profile will be a requirement for enrollment of students in the seventh semester of an Undergraduate Degree course and fifth semester of a TSU program. In this case, the regulations applicable are those set forth in Art. 39 herein, insofar as they do not contravene the terms of the present article. Art. 74. The exit profile and certain other criteria, together with other considerations relating to this topic, are specified in the Regulations for Students of Undergraduate and TSU Programs.

Chapter V Complementary Integral Formation Credits

Art. 75. The system of complementary credits offered by the Universidad De La Salle Bajío is aimed at developing students' values, attitudes and habits focusing on integral personal formation and an enhanced quality of life, fostering experience in different areas of personal development. Art. 76. In order to foster and contribute to integral formation, all undergraduate and TSU students must obtain all complementary credits before entering the seventh (7th) semester of a degree course or the fifth (5th) semester of a TSU. Fulfillment of this obligation will be a requirement for enrollment in the corresponding semesters for each level, with the regulations applicable in this respect being those set forth in Article 39 of these Regulations. Art. 77. For the purposes of these regulations, the term "credit" shall refer to a unit of measurement which serves as recognition of students' participation in a formative activity. The credit has no convertible monetary value or equivalence. Art. 78. Complementary Credits are obtained through temporary participation, activity

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or work engaged in by students in each of the three (3) designated areas: sports, culture and university solidarity. Art. 79. Complementary Credits are of three (3) types, according to the areas in which they are obtained: I. Sporting, which are aimed at promoting students' harmonious physical

development, and involve organized physical and systematic activities where some sporting activity is practiced.

II. Cultural, which seek to encourage students' cultural development and involve

activities in which they can cultivate their artistic and esthetic appreciation or participation.

III. Solidarity, which aim to develop students' commitment as human beings

towards those who suffer from social, physical or intellectual disadvantages and involves activities focused on the areas of social assistance and human development. University Solidarity Credits can be obtained through Volunteer Activities when students work directly to deal with some social need or problem, or through Solidarity Donations, where students' help comes in the form of donations in kind or in cash in order to help deal with a social need or problem.

Art. 80. The number of Complementary Credits each student must obtain is as follows: I. Sporting Credits: Thirty (30) for undergraduates and twenty (20) for TSU

students. II. Cultural Credits: Thirty (30) for undergraduates and twenty (20) for TSU

students. III. University Solidarity Credits: Thirty (30) for undergraduates and twenty (20) for

TSU students. Art. 81. To assign credits for a given activity, the Department for Integral Formation, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, takes into account: I. The Activity: A) Its formative quality; B) Its duration or the time invested; C) The benefits expected to be gained by the people at whom it is aimed; D) The degree of promotion sought for this activity, and E) Compliance with the regulations of the Department in question. II. The student: ONE. When required, the circumstances and particular characteristics of the student

will be taken into account, on condition that the student explains these to the Department involved.

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Art. 82. The procedure for recording credits is carried out in accordance with the guidelines for procedures issued by the Department of Integral Formation of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío.

Chapter VI Professional Social Service

Art. 83. The term Professional Social Service refers to the activities that the law requires all students to perform in benefit of Mexican society. The type of activity that students carry out must have some direct relationship with their academic and humanist education acquired during their academic careers at Undergraduate or TSU level. Art. 84. Professional Social Service may be embarked upon once students have obtained seventy percent (70%) of their curricular credits for the academic program at either Undergraduate or TSU level. Excepted from the provisions of the previous paragraph are those students studying for degrees in Health-related subjects or in areas in which the Law requires different percentages. Art. 85. Professional Social Service may be carried out at both private and public institutions. It is the responsibility of the Department of Student Services to coordinate the various Schools and Faculties, provide the information and forms necessary to initiate the procedures and confirm accreditation of Professional Social Service. The site where the service takes place will be authorized, without exception, by the Office of the Dean of the School or Faculty in question. The Dental School must complete the necessary procedures on conclusion of the degree or TSU course directly with the Public Health Institutions in the State of Guanajuato with which it has the necessary agreements. Art. 86. Having completed the procedures established by the national education authorities and the University and satisfactorily completing their Professional Social Service, students are awarded with a Certificate of Release. Art. 87. At undergraduate level, Professional Social Service may be completed within a period of six (6) to twenty-four (24) calendar months. The duration is four hundred and eighty (480) hours unpaid. In the Service is paid, its duration is one (1) calendar year comprising nine hundred and sixty (960) hours. For Dental School, the Health Sector requires one (1) year of Professional Social Service. In the case of TSUs, the SEP will determine the appropriate terms for Professional Social Service. Art. 88. Professional Social Service is mandatory and an essential requirement in order to obtain an Undergraduate Degree or TSU.

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Chapter VII Enrollment

Art. 89. Considered potential candidates for undergraduate degree and TSU level courses at the University are those persons requesting admission in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Admissions of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío. Art. 90. Candidates to study on an academic program at undergraduate or TSU level are: I. First Entry, when applying for admission to the University for the first time.

First entry candidates may: A) Enter from the start of the first semester of the academic program, having applied for admission from the beginning of this period and

B) Through equivalency, when students have taken courses at the appropriate level in another academic program or at another educational institution.

II. Re-enrollment in the first or subsequent semesters, having taken part of a

course at the University which was subsequently interrupted due to personal or academic reasons.

Art. 91. The requirements candidates must meet in order to be admitted to a degree or TSU level course at this University are as follows: I. To have completely concluded and passed the previous academic level no later

than the first day of class; II. Complete the admission process as described in the Regulations on

Admissions; III. Meet the requirements for the entry profile described in the university

documents outlining the curriculum of the program in question; IV. Submit the required documentation in good time and V. In the case of overseas students, possess the documentation required by the

National Institute of Immigration.

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Art. 92. The admission criteria for candidates through equivalency are: I. To have been enrolled at the University for a least two (2) semesters, and II. To meet the same admission requirements established for first entry students. Art. 93. The admission criteria for candidates for re-enrollment are: I. Candidates for re-enrollment are subject to the same admission criteria as first

entry candidates; and II. In the event that a candidate for re-enrollment wants to apply for another

academic program at the university, the process shall be that described in the Regulations on Admissions for first entry or equivalency candidates, as the case may be.

Art. 94. In general terms, candidates may be denied admission for the following reasons: I. Failure to meet the requirements for the entry profile described in the documents

outlining the curriculum of the program in question; II. A poor academic history, casting doubt on the candidate's possibilities of

success on the program in question; III. Poor results on the admission examination or other candidates with higher

probabilities of success; IV. A history of disciplinary and behavioral issues that cast doubt on the candidate's

ability to participate successfully at this University. V. Failure to submit the documentation required for the application process. Art. 95. The fundamental criterion for admission is that candidates fulfill all the conditions necessary for success in the program for which they are applying. Art. 96. The admission process for first entry candidates to the first semester, first entry through equivalency and re-enrollment at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío shall be those set forth in the Regulations on Admissions of the University.

Chapter VIII Recognition of Studies and

Obtaining an Academic Degree Art. 97. The criteria for awarding an Undergraduate Degree or TSU qualification are based on evaluation of students' knowledge and skills gained during their academic careers and judgment as to their possession of sufficient ability to apply said knowledge and skills. Art. 98. Graduation may be achieved in one of the following ways:

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I. Thesis; II. General Examination of Knowledge; III. Report on Professional Social Service; IV. Report on Professional Experience; V. Postgraduate Studies; VI. Academic Excellence, and VII. Report on Research Activities. Art. 99. The amount of time available to students to meet all graduation requirements is four (4) years, with a possible extension of one (1) year subject to authorization from the Office of the Dean of the School or Faculty in question. For TSU students, the period is two (2) years with a possible extension of one (1) year subject to authorization. Once this window has closed, students must present a Letter of Professional Experience in the last two (2) years and opt for one of the alternative methods of graduation as established in Article 98, excepting sections III and IV. Art. 100. The option of graduation through Academic Excellence requires students to initiate the process once the total required number of credits for either the Undergraduate Degree or TSU has been obtained and the Certificate of Completion of Courses has been awarded. Art. 101. The Certification Committee for each Degree or TSU course comprises the Dean of the School or Faculty, the Program Coordinator and the project professor or professors involved. The Dean will chair the Committee, with the others serving as active members. Art. 102. The Certification Committee will be responsible for: I. Receiving and sanctioning the application for certification via the project in question in the context of the specific form chosen, providing written notification to the applicant within a period of twenty (20) business days as to the acceptance or otherwise of the alternative proposal; II. Assigning the project advisor in order to oversee the project for certification; III. Granting, through the certification advisor, the document authorizing that the

project for certification be printed when definitively approved, and IV. Assigning examiners for the oral defense examination. Art. 103. Submission for approval of the certification project, assignment of the advisor and development of the project can be undertaken once the student has covered seventy percent (70%) of credits at either Undergraduate or TSU level and the arrangements for professional social service are in process. Art. 104. On commencing the graduation process, the student or graduates awaiting certification will submit their projects to the Certification Committee. This will indicate the name of the option chosen and must comprise the elements appropriate to a

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project of this nature, as outlined in the Regulations on Certification. Art. 105. The details of the certification alternatives available, procedures for assignation of the Certification Project Advisor and Examiners for the Oral Examination, application for the Oral Examination and its scheduling will be determined in the Regulations on Certification. Art. 106. When students have obtained one hundred percent (100%) of their course credits for Undergraduate or TSU level and wish to obtain certification, they will apply to the Department of Student Services for a Certificate of Completion of Courses. Art. 107. The Department of Student Services will provide students with a copy of the procedures to be followed in order to obtain the Certificate of Completion. Art. 108. Once students have satisfactorily fulfilled the requirements of the Regulations on Certification with regard to alternatives for certification as set forth in Article 98 of the present Regulations, the Department of Student Services will instruct them as to the procedures to be followed in order to obtain their Legalized Degree Certificate and for Registration before the Directorate General of Professions of the SEP. Art. 109. Once certified, students must apply for their Professional License from the Directorate General of Professionals of the SEP.

Chapter IX The Student Affairs Tribunal

Art. 110. The Student Affairs Tribunal is the collegiate body in the Universidad De La Salle Bajío responsible for monitoring and in the last instance resolving any appeals or official complaints regarding disciplinary decisions made through normal channels. Art. 111. The Student Affairs Tribunal will comprise: I. The Director of Integral Formation and University Well-Being, as chair; II. One person with expertise on the University regulations, named by the Rector and acting as secretary; III. Two (2) members of the University Council as participant members, and IV. The Chair of the General Council of Students, as a participant member. Art. 112. This Tribunal may request any information it considers pertinent from any of the University authorities or members of the University Community in order to facilitate its decisions. Likewise, it may institute any legal procedures it considers suitable in order to arrive at a definitive resolution of the issues brought before it within the due limits of justice, equality and right. Knowledge of such legal procedures must be made

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available to those who request it. The Tribunal's decisions shall be mandatory and unappealable.

Chapter X Sanctions and Their Application

Section I Students

Art. 113. Infringements of University regulations by students may be sanctioned by the Dean, the Academic Coordinator of the School or Faculty in question or by the Prefect, each within the framework of their respective remits. Art. 114. Sanctions for non-observance of the applicable University regulations may be: I. Private or public warnings. The Dean of the School or Faculty in question will

keep a record of these; II. Suspension of up to three (3) business days; III. Suspension of up to ten (10) business days; IV. Suspension from a course or semester with right to re-enroll; V. Loss of entitlement to take a partial examination; VI. Loss of entitlement to take a final examination; VII. Annulment of a course or semester; VIII. Rectification of the damage caused; IX. Provision of some service or performance of some task, and X. Definitive expulsion from the University. However, the Authority so empowered may impose some other sanction aimed at helping students who have infringed regulations to understand the nature of the error committed and to take corrective action either with regard to their own behaviors or to repair damage caused to others. Respect for the dignity of the student responsible will be observed at all times. Art. 115. Students who cause any type of damage to University property or facilities are obligated to repair such damage, said repairs not exempting them from any applicable sanction. Repair of any damage caused shall not exempt perpetrators from any legal responsibility that may attach thereto. Art. 116. In the event of collective absence of students, the Dean of the School or Faculty will record two (2) general absences but will not impose a sanction of

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suspension of classes or any other entitlement. Art. 117. There will be a Committee for Disciplinary Affairs which will be responsible for issuing the sanctions provided for in sections IV, VII and X of Article 114 of these Regulations. Others will be dealt with by the relevant authorities as set forth in Article 113. Art. 118. Members of the University academic staff at Undergraduate and TSU levels may sanction students within the framework of their remit as professors in accordance with the applicable Student Regulations. Art. 119. Students disagreeing with the sanction imposed on them may appeal to the Authority immediately superior to that which imposed said sanction. The Student Affairs Tribunal is the final body of appeal, in accordance with the provisions of Article 110 of these regulations.

Section II Faculty

Art. 120. Members of academic staff at Undergraduate or TSU level who neglect their duties will be subject to the following disciplinary sanctions, according to the gravity of the situation, without prejudice to any civil or criminal responsibility for which their actions may be liable: I. Private warning; II. Suspension from duties for the period and for the causes provided for in

Mexican labor legislation, the applicable University regulations and the employee's contract, and

III. Dismissal for actions classified as serious in the Regulations for Academic Staff of Professional Schools and the employee's contract.

Art. 121. The private warning will be issued by the Dean of the School or Faculty or the Academic Coordinator after consultation with the Academic Council. Suspensions will be declared on the basis of a joint, justified decision by the School or Faculty and the Vice-Rectorate. Dismissal will be decided under the terms set forth in the Regulations cited in the previous Article.

Chapter XI Honors and Distinctions

Art. 122. The Universidad De La Salle Bajío may award Honors, Distinctions and Recognitions to those persons who meet the criteria described below and in

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accordance with the respective complementary and regulatory provisions. For Students:

I. Brother Miguel Febres Cordero Medal. This will be awarded to students who have obtained the highest grade point average in their generations on conclusions of their Undergraduate or TSU studies.

II. Honorable Mention. This will be awarded in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Graduation of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío;

III. Distinction Magna Cum Laude. This will be awarded in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on Graduation of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío, and

IV. Recognition of Students with Best Grades. This will be awarded to those students who, at the conclusion of the semester, obtain a superior grade point average or that designated as such by the University Council for the each academic program. For Faculty:

I. The La Salle Teaching Excellence award. This is public expression of recognition awarded to those professors and researchers who, either at local or regional level, have made significant contributions to science, art, technology, higher education or the educational institution itself. It will be awarded in accordance with the terms set forth in the Regulations on Honorific Distinctions.

II. Outstanding Evaluation for Academic Performance. This is recognition available to those professors and researchers who, in the evaluations of teaching staff taking place at the end of the periods August-December and February-June, have achieved outstanding grades for their performance. Also, any others that the relevant authorities at the University may decide within the terms of the provisions of the Regulations on Honorific Distinctions. Art. 123. The University Rector and the Board of Governors will ensure the conservation of the traditions and ceremonies of the Universidad De La Salle Bajío. The Vice-Rector will have responsibility for compliance with the protocol governing University ceremonial practice.

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THREE Research

Chapter I

General Aspects Art. 124. Research at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío provides the foundation for teaching and is a means of achieving progress for the community. In order to carry out its functions adequately, the University assumes as one of its principal objectives the formation of researchers and the development of scientific, technical and artistic investigation in accordance with the lines of research described in its Mission. Art. 125. The University will oversee the development of research at Undergraduate and TSU levels through the Offices of the Deans of the Schools and Faculties and the Department of Research. In addition it will support research initiatives that contribute to the integral development of the University community and of society in general. Art. 126. The Universidad De La Salle Bajío will foster research activities, ensuring the functioning of research support services and establishing relationships, agreements and contracts with other bodies in order to increase funding for such activities. Research at Undergraduate and TSU level will be limited only by the necessity to comply with the general and ethical aims of the University and the need for rational use of available resources.

FOUR University Extension and Outreach

Chapter I

University Extension and Outreach Art. 127. The Universidad De La Salle Bajío sees University Extension as an important part of its functions in the context of Integral Formation, offering members of the University Community, students and academic staff, and also the general public, educational services aimed at strengthening, broadening or updating knowledge, skills,

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attitudes, values or competencies in the professional, specialist, general, cultural, ecological, artistic or sporting spheres, or indeed in any area of human knowledge. This is achieved through programs of activities, events, conferences, courses, seminars, workshops or diplomas. University extension and outreach helps to achieve the goals of contributing to the democratization of knowledge and offering people opportunities for growth and development in all dimensions of their humanity. Art. 128. University Extension and Outreach enjoys special support and promotion by the Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations on Continuing Education. Art. 129. The organization, support and promotion of University Extension activities are distributed among a variety of bodies, schools, support departments and academic departments. In addition, University Extension activities are organized and promoted by the Department of Integral Formation and Well-Being and the departments of Sport, Cultural Promotion and Solidarity, Psycho-Pedagogy, Curricular Design and the University Library, among others. Art. 130. University Extension activities manifest and reflect the richness and diversity of University life.


Interpretation of Regulations

Chapter I Interpretation of Regulations

Art. 131. Failing resolution by any of the lower-level bodies at the University, interpretation of these Regulations and all university regulatory provisions deriving from this document shall be the preserve of the University Council. Art. 132. The University Authorities may issue any regulations it deems necessary within its remit in order to fulfill its functions and meet the demands of the Mission and Guiding Principles of the University.

SIX Reforms to Regulations

Chapter I

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Reforms to Regulations Art. 133. It is the responsibility of the University Council to effect any reforms to the General Academic Regulations for Undergraduate and TSU programs at the Universidad De La Salle Bajío. Art. 134. In order to reform the present Regulations, it will be necessary to obtain a vote in favor from three quarters of the members of the University Council.


ARTICLE ONE. These General Academic Regulations for Undergraduate and Associate Degree (Técnico Superior Universitario -TSU) Programs supersede all regulations previously enacted by the University that may contradict the contents of this document. ARTICLE TWO. The General Academic Regulations for Undergraduate and TSU Programs will come in to force on the third calendar day following its approval by the University Council.




ARTICLE ONE. The session of the University Council of February 11, 2004, Article 31 was modified with a number of additions and the insertion into section Four of Articles 124 and 127, the result being as follows:

Art. 31. Courses may include periods involving practical work or placements with organizations or companies that offer the service or profession for which students are preparing in order to foster links between the students and the world of work. These may take the following form:

I. Professional Practice: This refers to a period of variable duration during which students take part in activities related to the profession for which they are preparing at an organization or company. The duration of professional practice and its place in the curriculum are specified in the Syllabus of the academic program in question.

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II. Estancias (Short-Term Placements): This refers to realization of activities related to a curricular course of a practical nature in which students carry out the greater part of academic activity at an organization or company. This lasts less than one semester or, alternatively, can take place between semesters according to a schedule that covers the same number of hours stipulated in the ordinary course. Their aim is to develop the skills identified in the course objectives.

III. Estadías (Internships): This refers to a period during which students are integrated into an organization or company on at least a part-time basis and for a minimum of one semester or its equivalent. This can only take place after students have obtained all the credits required by their academic programs and involves the presentation of a project that will meet a particular need of an organization or company on the basis of the academic program in question.

FOUR University Extension and Outreach

Chapter I

University Extension and Outreach

Art. 124. The Universidad De La Salle Bajío sees University Extension as an important part of its functions in the context of Integral Formation, offering members of the University Community, students and academic staff, and also the general public, educational services aimed at strengthening, broadening or updating knowledge, skills, attitudes, values or competencies in the professional, specialist, general, cultural, ecological, artistic or sporting spheres, or indeed in any area of human knowledge. This is achieved through programs of activities, events, conferences, courses, seminars, workshops or diplomas. University extension and outreach helps to achieve the goals of contributing to the democratization of knowledge and offering people opportunities for growth and development in all dimensions of their humanity.

Art. 125. University Extension and Outreach enjoys special support and promotion by the Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations on Continuing Education.

Art. 126. The organization, support and promotion of University Extension activities are distributed among a variety of bodies, schools, support departments and academic departments. In addition, University Extension activities are organized and promoted by the Department of Integral Formation and Well-Being and the departments of Sport, Cultural Promotion and Solidarity,

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Psycho-Pedagogy, Curricular Design and the University Library, among others.

Art. 127. University Extension activities manifest and reflect the richness and diversity of University life.

ARTICLE TWO. Due to the addition of Articles 124 and 127, the consecutive numbering was altered as follows:

Article 124 has become 128,125 is now 129, 126 is 130 and Article 127 has become Article 131. Following the addition of 31, the number of articles was 132.

TRANSITORY PROVISIONS OF AUGUST 24, 2005 ARTICLE ONE. In the session of the University Council of August 24, 2005, the following modifications were made to Articles 39, 43 and 48:

Art. 39. (first paragraph is unchanged) …

(Sections I to V are unchanged)

I. … (…) V. … (the paragraph following Section V is unchanged) … (this paragraph added) Students entering the University through the equivalency process, or whose academic program is being phased out can request that the School Academic Committee to accept the validity of other courses irrespective of the semester they are in, provided the curricular sequence is adhered to and it is advantageous to do so from the point of view of the student's academic progress. This request must be authorized by the Vice-Rectorate

Art. 43. (first paragraph is unchanged)

(the following added was second paragraph)The University will have no obligation to open courses in a particular academic program after the final generation has completed its cycle and will only offer equivalency for courses that form part of the new curriculum.

Art. 48 (the text was clarified) Students who have used both opportunities to take a course may apply - once

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only - to the Academic Council for a third opportunity. Students in their final year may request a further opportunity in another subject or in the same one. Awarding of both of these opportunities is subject to authorization from the Vice-Rectorate of the University.

TRANSITORY PROVISIONS OF MARCH 8, 2006 ARTICLE ONE. In an extraordinary session of the University Council of March 8, 2006, Chapter IV was added. Second Language Instruction. This includes Articles 72 to 74. (The numbering of the Articles following these was adjusted accordingly).

Chapter IV Second Language Instruction

Art. 72. Students will have the obligation to accredit a second language and, in those academic programs for which it may be justified, more than one. To this end, level of attainment will be stipulated by the University Council as part of the Exit Profile for each academic program. Art. 73. Fulfillment of the Exit Profile will be a requirement for enrollment of students in the seventh semester of an Undergraduate Degree course and fifth semester of a TSU program. In this case, the regulations applicable are those set forth in Art. 39 herein, insofar as they do not contravene the terms of the present article. Art. 74. The exit profile and certain other criteria, together with other considerations relating to this topic, are specified in the Regulations for Students of Undergraduate and TSU Programs.

ARTICLE TWO. Due to the addition of Articles 72 to and 74, the numbering was altered as follows:

Article 72 became 75, 73 is now 76,74 is 77, 75 is 78, 76 is 79, 77 is 80, 78 is 81, 79 is 82, 80 is 83, 81 is 84, 82 is 85, 83 is 86, 84 is 87, 85 is 88, 86 is 89, 87 is 90, 88 is 91, 89 is 92, 90 is 93, 91 is 94, 92 is 95, 93 is 6, 94 is 97, 95 is 98, 96 is 99, 97 is 100, 98 is 101, 99 is 102, 100 is 103, 101 is 104, 102 is 105, 103 is 106, 104 is 107, 105 is 108, 106 is 109, 107 is 110, 108 is 111, 109 is 112, 110 is 113, 111 is 114, 112 is 115, 113 is 116, 114 is 117, 115 is 118, 116 is 119, 117 is 120, 118 is 121, 119 is 122, 120 is 123, 121 is 124, 122 is 125, 123 is 126, 124 is 127, 125 is 128, 126 is 129, 127 is 130, 128 is 131, 129 is 132, 130 is 133 and Article 131 is now Article 134.

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TRANSITORY PROVISIONS OF JUNE 28, 2006 ARTICLE ONE. Section VII was added to Article 98, with modifications to the punctuation at the end of Section V and the addition of a comma and the word "and" at the end of Section VI, with the result as follows:

Art. 98. … I. … II. … III. … IV. … V. … ; VI. … , and VII. Report on Research Activities.

TRANSITORY PROVISIONS OF FEBRUARY 28, 2007 ARTICLE ONE. In an ordinary session of the University Council on February 28, 2007, Article 122 was modified as follows:

Art. 122. …:

For Students:

I. Brother Miguel Febres Cordero Medal.


II. Honorable Mention. …;

III. Distinction Magna Cum Laude .… , and

IV. Recognition of Students with Best Grades. This will be awarded to those students who, at the conclusion of the semester, obtain a superior grade point average or that designated as such by the University Council for the each academic program. For Faculty: The La Salle Teaching Excellence award.

Page 37: GENERAL ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR ... - Becas Leonbajio.delasalle.edu.mx/oferta/documents/... · The objective of the undergraduate and TSU programs is to provide students with the

…, Outstanding Evaluation for Academic Performance. …, …,


FIRST ARTICLE. At a meeting of the University Council dated September 19, 2012. The

articles 40 and 55 were amended in their first paragraph, and article 66 to read as


Article 40 Undergraduate students and Associate degree students may unsubscribe

from these educational options at any time. If the withdrawal is made before the start of

second term exams will not be considered as an opportunity. After the start of the

second partial exams, the opportunity will be considered as studied. The withdrawal will

have to be requested in writing to the School or Faculty Administration. In this context,

other requirements asked by the Department of Student Services at the University will

be covered.

When a student stops attending all classes for two (2) consecutive weeks without prior

notice to his or her corresponding School or Faculty Administration, this Administration

may dismiss him.

Article 55 Undergraduate and Associated degree programs shall verify at least two (2)

partial evaluations value of twenty percent (30%) each, and a final, value forty percent

(40%). The result of partial evaluation and final, are called ordinary evaluation.

For any of these workshops and laboratory subjects, assessments appropriate to their

nature, as indicated in the curriculum will be applied.

To integrate the grades for the midterm and final evaluations, participation, homework

assignments and exams may be considered, according to what is indicated in the


According to the provisions of this rule, faculty members are free to make continuous

assessment, which will outcome in numerical results and must be presented at the

corresponding deadlines.

Evaluations can be done through exams or other evaluation methods.

Page 38: GENERAL ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR ... - Becas Leonbajio.delasalle.edu.mx/oferta/documents/... · The objective of the undergraduate and TSU programs is to provide students with the

Article 66 A student lose his or her right to take the ordinary final evaluation, assigning

failing grade in the semester course in the following cases:

I. For not being current on their payments till the day of the evaluation. Are

applicable to this case the terms of Section I of Article 63 of this Regulation, as

not contrary to this provision; and,

II. For exceeding the allowed absences during a semester, that is, when absences

exceed twice the class sessions per week.

SECOND ARTICLE. The motivation for this amendment is contained in the Minutes of

the Meeting of the University Council of the De La Salle Bajío University, dated

September 19, 2012, for purposes of interpretation and application of the first

paragraphs of Articles 40 and 55 reformed; as well as the new Article 66, which

repealed Section II of the previous article.

THIRD ARTICLE. This amendment will take effect from the school year that begins in

August 2013, having the Directorates of Schools and Faculties and other relevant

university authorities provide the necessary for accurate and efficient implementation, in

compliance with the motivation of these reforms contained in the Minutes of meeting of

the University Council dated 19 September 2012. It is the Vice-Rectory obligation to

ensure the accomplishment of these reforms.


FIRST ARTICLE. At a meeting of the University Council dated June 11, 2014. The

article 55 is amended as follows:

Article 55 Undergraduate and Associated degree programs shall verify at least two (2)

partial evaluations value of twenty percent (20%) each, and a final, value sixty percent

(60%). The result of partial evaluation and final, are called ordinary evaluation.

For any of these workshops and laboratory subjects, assessments appropriate to their

nature, as indicated in the curriculum will be applied.

To integrate the grades for the midterm and final evaluations, participation, homework

assignments and exams may be considered, according to what is indicated in the


Page 39: GENERAL ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR ... - Becas Leonbajio.delasalle.edu.mx/oferta/documents/... · The objective of the undergraduate and TSU programs is to provide students with the

According to the provisions of this rule, faculty members are free to make continuous

assessment, which will outcome in numerical results and must be presented at the

corresponding deadlines.

Evaluations can be done through exams or other evaluation methods.

SECOND ARTICLE. The motivation for this amendment is contained in the Minutes of

the Meeting of the University Council of the De La Salle Bajío University, dated June 11,

2014, for purposes of interpretation and application of the article 55 amended.

THIRD ARTICLE. This amendment will take effect from the school year that begins in

August 2014, having the Directorates of Schools and Faculties and other relevant

university authorities provide the necessary for accurate and efficient implementation, in

compliance with the motivation of these reforms contained in the Minutes of meeting of

the University Council dated 11 June 2014. It is the Vice-Rectory obligation to ensure

the accomplishment of these reforms.




Therefore, I command to make known to the University Community and to give proper

Compliance. - Rector. Maestro Andrés Govela Gutiérrez.

Comply. - Vice Chancellor. Architect José Amonario Asiáin Díaz de León